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Author Topic: [4 Shots] The Difference (WMatsui) - [COMPLETE]  (Read 35157 times)

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[4 Shots] The Difference (WMatsui) - [COMPLETE]
« on: September 20, 2013, 03:58:13 AM »

"Jurina!! How many times I must to wake you up again? Did you said last night that you have a class this morning?"

Rena rush in to her bedroom, she saw Jurina still covered her head with blanket. Rena sighed and strokes Jurina’s hair.

"Come on, Jurina.. I need to go to work. Your breakfast is ready." She said it softly and kiss Jurina’s eyes.

Jurina suddenly open her eyes and pulling Rena to the bed. Jurina get on Rena’s top, she look Rena’s eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful.

Rena avoid Jurina eyes, “Ok, we don’t have much time for this. We did it too much last night.” Rena blushes.

Jurina’s face become more closer to Rena, “If I wake up earlier everyday.. will we ALWAYS have time for this?” She said it in a seduce way and then she touch Rena’s lips.

Rena push Jurina, then she smile.. “Don’t act like that.. it’s funny.. you even still a student.” Rena laugh.

"How can you didn’t cling to me after I said that? I already spent more time to search some ‘magic’ words." Jurina laugh too.

Rena down from her bed, “You need to finish your school first.. then we’ll have much time for that.” She grinned. “Honey, I’m going first. Don’t forget to eat you breakfast. See you.”

After she kissed Jurina’s lips, she get out from that room before Jurina can grab her again. That’s child is so funny when she act like an adult. She is 6 years younger that me! Rena giggled and close her apartment door.

She forget about something and open the door again, “Oh Jurina!!. Are you come here again this evening??” She raise the volume so Jurina can hear her from the bedroom.

"Yes!! I will make some dinner for you then.." Jurina answer from her room.

"OK.. You can bring my key with you. Don’t forget to tell your parent that you’ll stay here again. Bye, honey!" Rena close the door again.

Jurina scratch her head. I thought after I became a college student, no need to wake up in the morning anymore. But, absolutely not. I hate morning.

Jurina go to the kitchen and saw some toast, strawberry jam, and a glass of hot milk. She smile. Thanks Rena. You’re a perfect girl for me.


"Matsui-san… Matsui senpai.."

Jurina feels someone run towards her. She turn her head. “Ahh… Airin. What’s wrong?”

Wow… this girl become more attractive than when first time I met her. Is this true or just my hallucination?

"Ahh… nothing wrong senpai. I want to tell you that you called by basketball’s captain."

Jurina confuse. “I think you come to wrong person. I never register to that club.”

"No. I’m not. Why don’t you just come with me? I’m their manager this year."

Jurina nodded. They go to their basketball court. She saw a girl with very short hair. “Yes?”

"Oh, you must be Matsui Jurina. Sorry for disturbing you suddenly, but I hear from your High School friends that you’re a great shooter."

"Sorry, I don’t wanna join any club. I just want to focus to my study right now, senpai."

"No.. I don’t ask you to join. I just need you for today. We need 1 more player. 1 of our team member got sick last night. We have a game with another college this evening. Please help us for this one."

"If this only once, I’m in. Well.. I need some refreshing too." Jurina grinned.


Ahhh… I can’t believe that I’m still amazing today. I never do that in 1 year, I often just playing basketball in my yard.

Jurina lay down on her bed.


Rena? Ahh.. I need to boast myself to her about that match. Jurina chuckled.

"Hello Rena."

Where are you?

"Of course in my house, It’s already 11PM. Rena.. you know? I have a game today with my friends. I play a basketball game.. and we won!! I play it again after a year. Ahh.. how good I am." Jurina laugh.

But the answer from Rena is not as she think before.
Jurina.. why are you always forget about me?

"I am not. I just don’t have a time today. After classes over, I need to practice a while before I go to that match. Don’t be selfish, Rena."

Rena laugh. “I am not selfish. You just….. make me can’t enter my own home.

Oh my God! Her key!! "I’m sorry. Just wait. I will come in 10 minutes."

“No need to hurry, honey. Be careful.”

Jurina drive her car as fast as possible. She parked her car and enter that building. She saw Rena standing outside her room. Rena still wear a same clothes since morning.

Jurina look down. Why I’m so stupid?!

Rena look Jurina’s sad face. She must be feel guilty. Rena hugging Jurina, “It’s okay.. Jurina, please don’t cry. I’m not mad at you. Just open the door, then we can take some rest.”

"I am sorry Rena-chan." Jurina open the door and let Rena enter first.

"How long you wait there?" Jurina avoid Rena’s eyes.

"Not too long. I just arrived here at 6PM, I go home in hurry because you said that you’ll make us a dinner. I don’t wanna make you wait. So… this’s my fault after all." Rena smile and about to kiss Jurina.

Jurina turned her face and avoid Rena kiss, “We need to break up.”

Rena shock. “Jurina.. relax, OK? I’m not even angry at you. I’m totally fine.” What happen to her? So childish! Argghh.. It’s the 10th times Jurina ask me to break up with her.. and all are just because of some tiny problems.

Jurina raise her head. “Really?”

"Yes. So now.. why don’t we sleep? I’m sure that you’re pretty tired today." Rena smile.

Jurina kiss her girlfriend and Rena kiss her back.


That ‘key’ problem already passed for 2 weeks.

Rena sit in front of her TV, she hold her head.

Jurina’s childish side seems really became overload lately. When I make a mistake, she asked to break up. Even when it comes to her mistake, she asked a break up too!!

Is it this hard to have a girlfriend who very younger than our age?! But we already dating for 3 years now.. everything is fine. We’re understand each other.

Yesterday, she even didn’t come to my place, she usually stay over in my apartment at weekend. 3 days ago we have a fight just because I want to eat sushi and she want to eat soba?!

A week ago we also fight in theater just because she want to watch an horror movie but the ticket already sold out. So we end up watched action movie that I recommend for her.

Now it’s became her hobby. Twice a week… she’ll say ‘break up’ word.

I can’t angry at her… I think I need more patient to face a stubborn child like that.


"Hello? What’s up Churi?"

Ahh.. Rena-chan. Finally.. My management approve my holiday!!! 2 weeks Rena! Wooohhoo..!!

"Wow… I’m glad. You must be tired of working everyday."

Yeah.. Hey, Do you wanna spend my holiday together?? It’s been so long since we meet.

"Of course I want.. really want. How can I refuse my old friend?" Rena laugh.

So, it’s your choice… I’m stay in your place or… you stay in my house. Is it bothering you?

"No, I’m fine with it. 2 weeks? Hmm… I prefer to stay in your house, I’m bored here. I need a new refreshing place." Rena laugh.

“Thanks Rena. I’m waiting for you.”

2 weeks. I think It’s time to give Jurina a more space. Maybe she always wanna ‘break up’ with me because I’m too protect her..

She’s 6 years apart from me, It’s make me want to extra protect her.. and maybe she got sick of me because I’m too motherly.

But, Something that I’m afraid the most is if she’s bored at me.

===================== Next Day =======================


"Rena, WHERE ARE YOU?! I’m looking to your place last night, but you’re not there. After I finish my classes today, I also went to your place.. But you still not there."

"Jurina… I’m okay. I just have some work in Tokyo for 2 weeks."

"Tokyo?! Why you never tell me about this?"

"Don’t you realize that we have so many fight lately? I don’t have any time! You always angry at me before I tell you about something. We end up with not talking to each other for next days.."

But Rena….

"Let’s have our separate way for 2 weeks. We need to re-alive again like a new couple, we will miss each other. Maybe sometimes, we need to go out from our circle for a while."

Rena…………. Why are you doing this to me? You know, We never know if something can happen within 2 weeks. We can’t make a little way to fate having a cause to separate us.

"See you Jurina. 2 weeks later. Just 2 weeks, nothing gonna happen.. have fun."

Rena turn off her phone. I hope it works.

"Rena-chan. I make a dinner for us!" Churi smile happily.


"Waaahhh.. Churi. Tokyo is very beautiful in the night." Rena admired it from Churi apartment’s terrace.

"Yeahh.. This place filled by lights when night comes. This town like never sleep. So different from Nagoya. Tokyo not as relax as Nagoya, I’m so busy here." She sit beside Rena.

"Of course you’ll busy, you are an actress. Do you miss Nagoya?" Rena look Churi’s eyes. She seems so lonely here.

"Yes, Rena. I miss Nagoya, I miss my family, our old friends, and I miss you. Being an actress is really hard.. I feel everybody’s eyes watch me out there, too much pressure. Only in this room I can relax myself. Feeling lonely is public figure consequence."

Rena hugging Churi, “I miss you too. Don’t be sad, OK? Let’s have fun.”

"Thank you for coming, Rena." Churi laid her head on Rena’s shoulder.

"No problem, I’m glad to be here. Time passed so fast, It’s like just yesterday we went to our high school together. You always copying my homework, but look at you now! You became more fantastic than me. I’m so jealous."

"You really help me in school stuffs back then. Don’t be jealous. You became an amazing woman too. You success in your career, smart, pretty, and mature. I adore you." Churi giggled.

"So……. who’s your boyfriend now? Is it an actor or an idol? Can I have his signature? Please…. I will not spread it to any media." Rena gave Churi her best puppy eyes.

"Uhh.. such a fangirling." Churi rolled her eyes. "No. I don’t have one."

"Really? Ahh.. pity me. That’s one of my mission for coming here." Rena look down.

Churi laugh. “Hey. I’m an actress too. You must ask my signature too. Don’t you wanna take a picture with me?” Churi grinned.

Rena rolled her eyes, “Silly.” Rena hit Churi’s arms.

"Hey! You hurt me.. my fans will bashing you."

They laugh.

Rena look to the sky.

It’s so relax to have a conversation with someone who around my age. I can’t do this in my work and I can’t relax with Jurina too, she’s so immature.

I’m the one who always forgive. If she’s angry at me, she won’t talk to me. I'm the only one who face a problem with cold head.

If we sit, she is the one who talked about herself.. I never get a chance to tell my problem to her. I always solve my problem alone. She doesn’t care about what I feel.

I’m the one who prepare our meal even if when I’m hurry to go to work or when I get tired after work. I must waking her up in the morning everytime she stay in my place.

I am the only one who try the best to keep our relationship in harmony.

I am tired.

================== TO BE CONTINUED =================

WMatsui again... my favorite pairing.  :drool:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 06:09:25 AM by anakpanti »

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Re: [3 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 04:15:59 AM »
I can see it.. i will suffer with this fanfic .. but is wmatsui after all:'D


~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 04:28:38 AM »
I can see it.. i will suffer with this fanfic .. but is wmatsui after all:'D


I will continue this if I already sure about the ending first. By that poll..  :P

Because I tend to choose Sad ending now, but I'm not sure... read a sad ending fan fiction is a little bit make me stressful. :banghead:

That's why I want reader's opinion.  :D

Offline Haruko

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Re: [3 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 04:30:56 AM »
aww rena!! come on! dont go away so easily...

Offline BbSis

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Re: [3 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 04:36:42 AM »
Yey. More wmatsui *.*

I like how you bring a different theme in each FanFiction :)

It is really hard to choose >< I love happy endings but sad ones are kinda refreshing sometimes .

I saw myself in Rena... I'm worried about what might happen in each side those two weeks...

Thanks for the new fic o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: [3 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 04:59:16 AM »
I can see it.. i will suffer with this fanfic .. but is wmatsui after all:'D


I will continue this if I already sure about the ending first. By that poll..  :P

Because I tend to choose Sad ending now, but I'm not sure... read a sad ending fan fiction is a little bit make me stressful. :banghead:

That's why I want reader's opinion.  :D

I voted for happy ending because I don't like the sad ones ...(usually I stop reading or I don't read when it comes of a sad story x'D)

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Offline anakpanti

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 05:43:28 AM »
Yey. More wmatsui *.*

I like how you bring a different theme in each FanFiction :)

It is really hard to choose >< I love happy endings but sad ones are kinda refreshing sometimes .

I saw myself in Rena... I'm worried about what might happen in each side those two weeks...

Thanks for the new fic o/

I like how you give some comments and support in each my FanFiction too.  XD

Those two weeks will be complicated. I planned to make it as their lowest situation.
They'll not sure are they still love each other or not... try to dig each other weakness and use that as a cause... try to compare each other partner with someone else..

Oppss... I think I wrote the big hint.  :doh:

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2013, 05:57:23 AM »
yeahh wmatsui ...
please continue author~san
hemm about poll , sad or happy ending it's okay but I choose to sad ending cz I want different from the previous story that you created hehe

Offline Luffel

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2013, 12:34:56 PM »
Give us a happy ending please (´∇ノ`*)ノ
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WMatsui Fanfics: Personal Nurse | Kataomoi At Last | Even If That Flower Were To Wither | Sweeter Than Pocky | 14 Days [26th Nov] | Season of Snow [10th Dec]

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2013, 01:15:08 PM »
Give us a happy ending please (´∇ノ`*)ノ

Yeah.. I think I will do that.. reader love happy ending. :D
My poll above shows that.

Ohh.. are you the writer who wrote Personal Nurse?? Wooww.. I love that..
I think I read that via Tumblr.
Jurina is so cute there.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 01:25:56 PM by anakpanti »

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2013, 01:22:28 PM »
Give us a happy ending please (´∇ノ`*)ノ

Yeah.. I think I will do that.. reader love happy ending. :D
My poll above shows that.

Ohh.. are the write who wrote Personal Nurse?? Wooww.. I love that..
I think I read that via Tumblr.
Jurina is so cute there.
I'm glad you liked it, thank you for reading it! (*/ω\*)
I will be looking forward to your updates too~
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WMatsui Fanfics: Personal Nurse | Kataomoi At Last | Even If That Flower Were To Wither | Sweeter Than Pocky | 14 Days [26th Nov] | Season of Snow [10th Dec]

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2013, 01:41:17 PM »
Aaaakkk~~~!!! Please update this story :3
I love it.

Offline BbSis

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2013, 03:34:16 PM »
Yey. More wmatsui *.*

I like how you bring a different theme in each FanFiction :)

It is really hard to choose >< I love happy endings but sad ones are kinda refreshing sometimes .

I saw myself in Rena... I'm worried about what might happen in each side those two weeks...

Thanks for the new fic o/

I like how you give some comments and support in each my FanFiction too.  XD

Those two weeks will be complicated. I planned to make it as their lowest situation.
They'll not sure are they still love each other or not... try to dig each other weakness and use that as a cause... try to compare each other partner with someone else..

Oppss... I think I wrote the big hint.  :doh:

Well, welcome I guess :blush

I see what you are going to do. Jurina really need a time to think over her actions towards Rena. An understanding rea won't exist forever.

I'm curious but I can wait ;) ganbatte ne~

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 1 (WMatsui)
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2013, 08:19:43 PM »
I voted for happy ending because in this time I read so many sad stories about them. ( I found some old just now :nervous )
I want happy ending I need it :bow: :bow:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2013, 03:19:22 PM »

What exactly happen in Rena’s mind? 2 weeks? Uggghh.. I do not understand what’s in adult mind.

Jurina worry about herself. Since they close to each other, this is the first time for Jurina to feel Rena didn’t exist in her day.

"Matsui senpai!"

"Ohayou Airin." Jurina smile.

Airin close her book then she walk beside Jurina.

"Senpai, you looks cool in the last game!!"

"Ohh.. that? Not really. Actually, I never practice for a year."

"If you join our club, we can practice everyday."

When Jurina still in High School, she joined basketball club.. She loves basketball but she didn’t join it again in her campus. Back then.. basketball always take her time, now.. she only want to spend her time with Rena.

I didn’t do something that I loved because of Rena, but today.. she left me. So why don’t just take this chance?

"Airin.. you said a good point. Can I join you club, Miss Manager?"

"Great!! Come with me senpai, we will talk about this to the captain."

Jurina see her arm. “Eeee… Airin, you don’t have to hold my hand. Trust me, I will follow you.”

"Ahh.. sorry. I’m too happy." Airin release her hand from Jurina. Airin blushed.

Aaaaaaa!!!! This girl is so cute! No-no-no. ‘Rena. Rena. Rena. Rena.’ I have Rena.

After Jurina said her protection spell,’Rena’, her mind become clear again. She walks to follow Airin.


I miss this feeling for a long time.. Feeling of tired because of practice, feeling of satisfaction because I won the game, feeling of proud because I shoot that ball very well and get many points.

Jurina tidy up her stuffs, then she carry her bag. “It’s time to go home and eat something for lunch.. I’m hungry.” Jurina touch her stomach.

"Senpai. Can we go home together?" Airin give her best smile.

This girl again?!! Ahh… so stressful. ‘Rena. Rena. Rena. Rena.’ I have Rena.

"OK. But today I don’t bring my car, I will take you home by a taxi. Where is your home? This is my gratitude because you can make me join this club altough the registration has closed."

"No problem, this is my honor to bring a great player for the team. My house is 5 blocks from your house.."

"No. I never saw you."

"I always saw you since we’re still kid. But I can not come to you because you always surrounded by many scary guards."

"Yeah.. my parents is too paranoid. I can’t play with other kids."

"And….. your house is so big, senpai!!! When I was a kid I thought that I will work hard when I grow up to have a house as big as your house, so I can play with you." Airin laugh.

"But now… I’m happy because after some years… I can play with you just because I’m a basketball manager." Airin grinned.

 ”Airin……” Jurina look at a girl who stand in front of her.

When I was a kid, I was so lonely. I only can play with kids from my family or from my parents work partner. So, this girl know me since that time? Wow.

Rena is a daughter from a rich family who become one of my parents work partner. I met Rena for the first time when her family came to my house. So that’s why I easily go to Rena’s apartment, my parent won’t bother it.

Back then… Rena is my only friend. I always play with her, we stuck with each other. Then after we grow up, we realize that we love each other not only as friend.

"Well… senpai. Let’s go home by bus."

"Bu-bus?! No. I don’t want it. I never ride it before."

"Come on, senpai!! It’s not as bad as you think.. you must prove it by yourself."

"……….." Jurina can see Airin’s eyes sparkling. "If something happen, my guards will get a huge problem from my family."

"No need to worry. I can protect you. I know some self defense tricks." Airin punch and kick the air.

Jurina laugh hardly. “Oh come on… I even can do better that that.”

This is really happen, they ride a bus.

It’s true. Not as bad as I thought. The bus seems clean and safe.


"What sound is it?" Airin see Jurina touch her stomach, then she laugh. "I see.. There’s a prince who already hungry."

Jurina keep calm and act like nothing happened. Oh man, this is too embarrasing!

Airin grab Jurina’s hand and they get out from that bus.

Jurina look around. “Where are we? I think.. we haven’t arrive yet. It’s still far from our home!! Are we lost?”

"No. No senpai. I know you’re hungry, so we gonna buy something."

They walk around for few minutes until Airin find something.

"There! There! Senpai… there’s my favorite place, their Katsudon is very tasty!"

Jurina looks uncomfortable, this is her first time entering a small restaurant like this.

Airin realize it. “Don’t worry senpai.”

Jurina still feel uncomfortable, but when the food arrive at their table… everything is gone. She open her eyes widely. Looks delicious! "Itadakimasu!!!"

Airin and other customers laugh at Jurina. Jurina keep eating.

"Are you already full senpai? This is you 4th serving. Are you that hungry?”

"Yeah.. this is amazing, I will come here again." Jurina smile. "I will pay our meals.”

"Really? Thank you so much… So, can I order 1 extra menu again?" Airin grinned.


After Airin finished her meal, they go out from that restaurant. They heading to next bus stop. But Airin stopped, she pointed a building, Jurina follow Airin’s finger.

"SEGA?" Jurina open her mouth.

"Yes.. SEGA. Wanna play some games?"

"My pleasure."

They enter that building quickly. They play many games: Taiko no Tatsujin, Metal Arm games, The Purikura section, card games, Pachinko machines, dart machines, virtual football, horse racing machines, and the other things.

They tired enough to continue play again, so they decided to go home. Airin laugh while she look some photos that she got from a photo machine there.

"Why are you laugh by yourself?" Jurina looks confuse.

"You looks cute, funny, and cool in this photos. You wanna look?" Airin show those photos to Jurina,

"No. I looks weird. You can own that, for your souvenir." Jurina shook her head.

"Senpai, I can’t believe it. You get that cute dog dolls from Metal Arm games!! Kawaaiii…" Airin pinching doll’s cheek.

Jurina look at a doll in her hands. “Here, for you. I don’t have an interest for girls stuffs.”

Airin happily take it from Jurina and play with it.

Jurina look at Airin’s face. If not because Airin accompany me, I’m sure that I will so bored and lonely today. "Airin."

Airin look at Jurina direction, “Yes sen-“

Jurina suddenly peck Airin’s cheek, it makes Airin blushed. Airin hold her cheek.

"Thank you so much, Airin. You gave me so many new-exciting experiences to me. I hope we can become a good friend from now on." Jurina smile, then she grab Airin’s hand, after that she shake Airin’s hand.

"You’re welcome, senpai."

"It’s already dark. Let’s just ride a taxi, we need to arrive as soon as possible." Jurina stop a taxi.


Jurina and Airin get more closer than before. It’s been a week they hanging around together and go home together,

Today is Airin’s birthday, what should I gave to her? I even didn’t know her favorite things. Jurina scratch her head. She didn’t pay attention to her teacher. Ahh… I think I know something.

After her class is over, she go to Airin class.

"Hey Airin!! Let’s go," Jurina call Airin from the window.

Airin’s friends looks shocked. One of her friend whisper to her, “Hey Airin. Your girlfriend is handsome. You have a great taste.”

"She’s not my girlfriend, she is my girl friend." Airin left her friends who still laugh at her.

"Airin, why are they laugh?"

"Nothing. Lets go home, senpai."

They walk to the place where Jurina parked her car.

Airin looks confuse, “We didn’t go home by a bus anymore?”

"No. Just for today, we will go there by my car."

Airin follows Jurina. Jurina start to drive.

"Airin.. Happy Birthday." Jurina didn’t look at Airin’s face, she focus to the street.

"How can you know, senpai?!" Airin smiled.

"From our basketball teammate. Ahh.. I have a gift for you."

Airin looks excited,”What it is??”

"From now on, you can call me Jurina." Jurina grinned.

"Ah, you call that as a gift??" Airin laugh.

"Yes. Don’t you like it?"

"I like it, Jurina." Airin look Jurina’s face.

"I have another gift for you."

"Your another nickname?" Airin rolled her eyeballs.

Jurina turn her car to the left.

Airin shocked and look to the front. “This is…… “

"Welcome to my house!!!" Jurina give her awesome smile. "I don’t know much about you, so it’ll be dissapointed if I gave you a gift that maybe you don’t like it.

Some days ago, you said that when we’re still a kid.. you want to play with me in a big house.


Airin shed her tears.

Jurina looks panic,”Wa-wait.. you don’t like like it? Umm… OK!! Say what you want an I will buy it for you today.” Jurina try to calm Airin.

"No. I like it. Thanks Jurina." Airin wipe her tears. "So now, Let’s play all games that you have. I will defeat you."

"Not that easy to defeat me." Jurina folded her hands.


*Jurina’s Phone Ringing*

Jurina pick up it lazily, “Hello? Who is it? It’s still in the morning, you know?”


Jurina open her eyes, after she heard a familiar voice. “Re-Rena?” Jurina wake up and sit on her bed. “How are you?”

"I’m fine, honey. You will late to go to your campus."

"No. I don’t have any class today."

"I will go home tomorrow. I already miss you so much."

"But you said that you will go for 2 weeks?!" Jurina shocked.



"I already finished my work."

"Ohh…  okay then. I’ll wait you. I miss you too. I love you, Rena."

Rena laugh. “I love you too. See you tomorrow.

Jurina wake up and take a shower. After that, she pick up her phone and call someone. It's been a long time since I said my protection spell to that girl.

“Good Morning… Airin. Can we meet today?”

================== TO BE CONTINUED =================

Sorry.. Just a tiny part for Rena. Next part, she will show up more. :D

Thanks for reading. Please kindly wait for next chapter too.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 01:11:17 PM by anakpanti »

Offline mysterious022

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2013, 04:33:31 PM »
Uwaa you make me hate Airin  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I hope you don"t make me hate Airin More LOL   :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:

Hahahah... I'm just kidding  :doh: :doh:
I love all your Wmatsui fanfict because I'm Wmatsui Shipper  :fap :fap :fap

So please updated this fanfic  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you ^^   :deco:

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2013, 04:36:15 PM »
Please i want happy ending T.T

Offline Koneki

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2013, 04:40:38 PM »
jurina x a-a-a-arin?  .___.
this is one of the weirdest thing i've ever read lol.

don't make me hate airin more (in the fanfic world lol)
don't make nothing more weird than this  :bow: or I will throw up what I ate this week x'DD

hahahha LOL

I'm waiting for the next update  :D

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2013, 04:47:06 PM »
Uwaa you make me hate Airin  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I hope you don"t make me hate Airin More LOL   :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:

Hahahah... I'm just kidding  :doh: :doh:
I love all your Wmatsui fanfict because I'm Wmatsui Shipper  :fap :fap :fap

So please updated this fanfic  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you ^^   :deco:

Please don't hate Airin.. at least, until all chapter finish.  :D

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [4 Shots] The Difference - PART 2 (WMatsui)
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2013, 04:52:00 PM »
jurina x a-a-a-arin?  .___.
this is one of the weirdest thing i've ever read lol.

don't make me hate airin more (in the fanfic world lol)
don't make nothing more weird than this  :bow: or I will throw up what I ate this week x'DD

hahahha LOL

I'm waiting for the next update  :D

Yeahh... Actually, I think that's weird too... but Churi and Airin are the only one who pop up in my head when I need supporting character.
So, I tried a new pairing.  :? Actually.... They're not pairing yet, just supporting character for this chapter.

I always love WMatsui. Please tell me some better pairings for Rena and Jurina.  :lol:
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 05:14:42 PM by anakpanti »

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