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Author Topic: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [COMPLETE] + [Special] Yuki POV  (Read 49455 times)

Offline anakpanti

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[3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [COMPLETE] + [Special] Yuki POV
« on: October 11, 2013, 10:55:03 AM »

Lately, my days become more tough than usual. Why? Because my wedding will be held on next month. I took a card from my desk. Congratulation, Tomoki Kurosaki & Watanabe Mayu.

I smiled. I love Tomo-tan so much, we’re already dated for 6 years now. 6 months ago.. when he asked me to marry him, I felt like flying to the heaven. I’m so happy!

I put my wedding invitation card on my desk again. I took a note book from my bag and checking my list:

Wedding date : done
Church : done
Wedding Dress : done
Wedding Invitations Cards : done
Hall: done
Catering: done
MC : done
Music stuff : done
Flower : ………..


Ugh! How stupid I am. Why I forgot to order the flowers?! I saw my watch, 8 PM? Is there any flower shop that still open?

I went out, I ride a taxi. I’m too lazy to drive my own car right now. I saw a shop, their lights still on, I ask a driver to stop. After I paid the bill, I entered that shop.

I ask the florist. Pity me, that shop is going to closed. I didn’t read a CLOSED sign hanging at their door.

I walk around here for some minutes, looking for another flower shop.

Ahh… maybe I’m just too excited about the wedding. I will looking for it, tomorrow.

I wait a taxi for about a half hour, but there’s no taxi around. I saw a traffic light, it’s about hundreds meters from where I stand right now. I will go there, I think it will be easier to get a taxi there.

But in the midway, RAIN?! I’m looking for a place to stop. I found it, but there’s no place to sit. So, I will just standing and wait here until the rain stopped.

Great!! It’s already 11 PM and the rain isn’t stopped yet!! I forgot to bring my phone too!! How can I go home?!

Suddenly… “Akkkkkhhhh!!!!!” Lightning!!! I hate lightning! “KYAAAAAA!!!” The lightning sound keep repeating. It’s freaking me out. I close my eyes. I’m crying…. alone.

I heard the door behind me opened. I felt someone grabbed my hand. She dragged me inside, then she close the door.

After I completely went in. I open my eyes slowly. ”Th-thank you.” I only can see her silhouette.

"Why are you keep screaming out there?? I thought someone is kidnapped or something. You woke me up."

"So-sorry… I’m afraid of lightning. Ca… can I wait here until the rain stopped? I promise, I will leave soon if it stopped." I bow to her. "Please."

She laughed, “You’re afraid of lightning but you’re not afraid of a stranger who force you to entering her place?”

She’s right. Why am I even begging to her?

She turn on the lights. She turned and look at me. ”Okay then.. I will accompany you.” She smiled.

Wow…. This girl looks so………. gorgeous.

"Oh, wait a minute." She walk away. She come to me again, "Wear this." She gave me a clothes.

"No, thanks. I will just sit here and wait."

"But.. look at you, you’re drenched. If you keep wearing that, you’ll sick." She grabbed my hand, then she dragged me into another room. We stopped in front of a door. "Here, my bathroom. You can take a shower first, then.. you can wear this." She pointed a clothes that she gave to me.

Then she walk away, “You can thank me later.”

I look around. No one else in this house. She lived here alone?

I entered the bathroom. I’m really thankful that her bathroom have the hot water.

After I finished, I go out from the bathroom. Where’s that girl? I saw her watching a TV. I walk closer. “Th-thank you.”

She looked at me, “You’re welcome. Wow, my clothes seems fit enough for you.”

"I guess so." I gave her an awkward smile.

"Hey, why are you still standing there? Come and sit here. Here, drink your tea so you wouldn’t catch a cold."

I nodded. I sat beside her. “Sorry for bothering you.”

She laughed, “No, you’re not. I’m glad to have someone who accompany me here.”

"My name is Watanabe Mayu." I introduced myself.

She smiled, “I’m Kashiwagi Yuki.. just call me Yukirin. Nice to meet you, Watanabe-san.” She grinned.

Why this girl is so damn pretty?!! I look away. I can’t keep look at her, if I keep looking her eyes.. I’ll become extremely nervous. ”Are you lived here alone?”

"Yes." She smiled.

"Wow, you’re so brave. Isn’t it too dangerous for a girl to live alone?" especially for a lovely girl like her.

"I’m not too afraid. But sometimes… I just felt so lonely." She look down.

Ah, she’s really lonely. "Well.. I will come here often."

She looked at me. She looks surprised.

I just realized what I’m just saying. I look away and I slap my own face. What am I saying?! I just met her an hour ago!! Stupid. She’ll think that I’m crazy.

"I’m glad to hear that."

Eh? I turn my head and look at her. I saw her smile.. a beautiful smile.

*thump…. thump…. thump… thump.. thump.. thump. thump-thump-thump-thump-thump*

I feel my heart beat faster… more faster. Wh-what?! No. No- no, it can’t be lo-……. I stand up, “Thank you so much, but I need to go home now.”

"But it’s still raining outside." She stand up, then she open a curtain. "See? Heavy rain." She walk closer to me. "How can I let a pretty girl walk outside alone in the middle of night?? Ahh, and don’t forget about the HEAVY RAIN too. Like you said to me…. too dangerous."

Yes, she’s right. So, What should I do?! I sighed. Wait… did she just said that I’m a pretty girl???

"You looks tired, Watanabe-san." She pointed to a room. "You can sleep there tonight."

I’m shocked. “Bu-but….”

She laughed, “You’re so clumsy, aren’t you?” She sit again, “You can sleep first, I still wanna watch this movie.”

I hate this situation, the situation when I can’t say ‘No’. I nodded. I entered a room that she showed me before.

I lay on her bed. I can feel her scent. I rolled my eyes. Of course I can, this is her bed! Duh. Thinking about that make me blushed. Thankfully that she’s not here.

I closed my eyes. She’s right. I need a sleep.

========================= **** =========================

I open my eyes slowly. I look my watch. It’s already 6 AM. I woke up and looked around. Where am I? My brain didn’t work well in the morning. Oh right, I’m in a stranger house now.

I open the door. I saw Yukirin sleeping on a couch. Why is she sleep here?! I feel guilty about this. This is her house, but she sleep outside because of me.

I entered that bedroom again, I take a blanket. I covering her body with this blanket. I can see her face closer. She’s so attractive… Her white skin, her black hair, her nose, her lips…. I look at her eyes. She has beautiful eyes too. Wait….. "Waaaaaa!!!" I fell on the floor.

She wake up. ”Why are you looking me like that?”

"Si…since when you woke up?!" I’m frozen. This is so embarrassing!!

"Why are you so panicked? I just awake when you give this to me." She pointed her blanket. "Thank you for this." She smiled.

Deathly smile. I stand up. “Can I use your bathroom again? I think that I need to take a bath before I’m go home.” I tried hard to act like nothing happened.


Then…. I run away from that scene.

I entered the bathroom quickly. I closed the door. “Why am I soooo stupid for embarassing myself in front of a stranger??!!!”


She look at me, “Wow… done already?”

"Yes.." I didn’t look at her.

"Let’s have a breakfast first. I’m sure you’re hungry."

"No. No, thanks." I walk to the door.

"Why? It’s a weekend"

"I’m looking for-" I gasped, "flowers……"

She is a florist?! I look around. There’s so many beautiful flowers inside and outside her house.

I turned, “Kashiwagi-san.. I didn’t look all of this last night.”

She laughed. “Ohh… I cover it by that curtain last night.” She pointed at a big green curtain on her right.

I’m scratching my head, “So……”

She grinned, “So, you don’t need to go home in hurry. I will help you to choose some nice flowers. You can trust my ability.”

"Yeah… thank you. But I won’t pick it now, I’ll need it on next month."

"Next month? Ohh, no problem. What’s that for? I’ll choose it based on your event."



"I need a bouquet for……… my sister’s birthday." Sh*t! Why should I lied about this?!

=================== TO BE CONTINUED ===================

My first Mayuki fanfic.
Sorry for short part, I will make it longer next time.  :mon sweat:

Offline chiqinna

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2013, 11:36:56 AM »
MAYUKIIII!!!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :shy2: :shy1: :nya: :wriggly:
Putri!!! I love you!!!
thanks for making Mayuki fic even though its 3 shots only~  :inlove:
really really enjoy reading your short fics!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Terragen

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2013, 11:51:38 AM »
MAYUKIIII!!!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :shy2: :shy1: :nya: :wriggly:
Putri!!! I love you!!!

putri-san!! this your mayuki definitely great!!

mayu lied!! why!!??

to think that she gonna marry next for birthday party event it's not quite same

3 part i cant wait the next part

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2013, 01:08:57 PM »
MAYUKIIII!!!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :shy2: :shy1: :nya: :wriggly:
Putri!!! I love you!!!
thanks for making Mayuki fic even though its 3 shots only~  :inlove:
really really enjoy reading your short fics!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Thanks for your love :shy:
Yeahh.. I just make it 3 shots because It's my first time to write MaYuki fanfic.. kinda hard for me.. :P

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2013, 01:11:31 PM »
MAYUKIIII!!!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :shy2: :shy1: :nya: :wriggly:
Putri!!! I love you!!!

putri-san!! this your mayuki definitely great!!

mayu lied!! why!!??

to think that she gonna marry next for birthday party event it's not quite same

3 part i cant wait the next part

You're right about the bouquet..
I'm sure that Mayu will get a trouble because of that.. -.-"

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2013, 02:06:07 PM »
Reblogged in tumblr already, now I'll comment here too XD
Mayu fell for Yuki so fast  :lol: GJ Yuki for being sexy  :P
And Mayu, you'll get tons of trouble for lying you know  XD
Great start. Continue please!!

Offline Zita

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2013, 04:56:28 PM »
Heh I get used to 4 shost. :rofl:
But i bet this is going to be same good like others your stories. :thumbsup
Mayuyu lied? She is alredy into it.

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2013, 06:04:14 PM »
Reblogged in tumblr already, now I'll comment here too XD
Mayu fell for Yuki so fast  :lol: GJ Yuki for being sexy  :P
And Mayu, you'll get tons of trouble for lying you know  XD
Great start. Continue please!!

yeah.. I saw you too in Tumblr. I love your pics.. >.<

About Mayu... I think, she's not falling in love yet..
She just found that Yuki is so attractive.. haha.

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2013, 06:09:46 PM »
Heh I get used to 4 shost. :rofl:
But i bet this is going to be same good like others your stories. :thumbsup
Mayuyu lied? She is alredy into it.

Actually... at first, I just wanna make this as a One Shot.. :P
Thanks.. I hope I'll not disappointing you.

Offline mo-chan

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2013, 08:14:15 PM »
hahahahahahah I like this fic Mayu looks really cute and funny XD
Yuki made me laugh at somethings but she is a bite scary like she is hiding something :D
well well Mayu said at first that she.loves her fiancé yet she was seduced by Yuki's beauty XD

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Offline momondmozide

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2013, 03:23:36 AM »
another intresting fic.. please update soon

Offline BbSis

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2013, 03:55:46 AM »
Wow! Nice you decided to try mayuki o/

It was a really cute start haha I just wonder if Yuki is only a  good person or if there is something else XD
Mayu is attracted by Yuki, but I want to see how things will develop^^

Thank you o/ I'm sure it is going to be great as all your previous ones^^

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2013, 04:06:38 AM »
Oho~~ Another Mayuki fic :ding: :onioncheer:
Tough love, huh~~~ :mon misch: I love it :mon lovelaff:
It'll be interesting :mon evillaff: Mayu's wedding is coming soon :on blackhole:
Love at first sight :hehehe: And how concidencely, Yuki also the florist :kekeke:
Tomo guy~~~ Wonder will it have WTomo :mon dunno:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2013, 11:01:32 AM »

I get in to my car. Actually… I don’t wanna meet that florist girl anymore, because somehow… she’s confusing me.

I drive my car for some minutes, then I park my car.

I just sit inside my car and watching her from afar. I saw Yukirin talking to her customers. Yukirin always show her smile to everyone who come to her shop. She’s so friendly to everyone.

I sighed. I go out from my car and lock it.

Yes.. I said that I didn’t want to meet her. But…. she’s like a magnet for me. I’m curious about her life. A strong-brave-kind-pretty girl who lived alone. I don’t know why, but I wanna be her friend.. so she doesn’t feel lonely anymore.

"Ohayou, Kashiwagi-san." I touch her shoulder.

She turned back, “Oh, ohayou Watanabe-san. Wow… I’m glad you to see you again. Well.. you must be curious about your bouquet, right? I know it, so that’s why you come here everyday.” She smile at me.

Not really.. I more curious about you. But yeah….. I nodded.

"Geez, Watanabe. It’s just 3 days ago you asked me to make it. You said that you’ll pick it for next month event."

She’s right. I just met her 3 days ago and after that I came here everyday. “Maybe I’m just too excited about the bouquet. Sorry, if I bothering you.” I bow to her.

Both of her hands hold my shoulders. She look at my eyes. “No. No. Like I said… I’m glad to see you again.” She show me her beautiful smile.

Both of us staring each other, until one of her customer calling her. “Kashiwagi-san, can you please make a bouquet for me? I wanna to give it to my friend, she’s in the hospital right now.” That woman looks sad.

Yukirin hugged her. “Don’t worry. Your friend will get well soon, Shinoda-san.”

Then Yukirin walk around to find some nice flowers, I think. After she got what she need, she cut it and wrap it nicely. After some minutes, “Here, Shinoda-san. I hope this will make her feeling better.”

That woman smiled, “You’re a great florist and a nice girl too. Your parents must be proud of you.” After that woman pay for that bouquet, she went out from Yukirin’s shop.

"Kashiwagi-san, that one is really pretty!! You’re so cool." I can’t close my mouth, she’s too awesome for me.

She grinned. “Of course I am. Now, you can trust my ability right? I will make a lovely one for your sister too.”

Darn! Bouquet for birthday?! I will get trouble because of this. Should I just order it again from another shop? What a pity. All bouquet that made by her.. are so pretty!! Should I just tell her about my wedding before it’ll become too late? I’m sure she can make it on time.

"Ano….. Kashiwagi-san…."

"Yes?" She closing her shop.

"What are you doing? Is this not too early to close your shop?" I’m confused.

"Let’s go out, Watanabe-san." She grinned. "It’s been a long time since I went out with a friend. Let’s have a dinner together."

Ahh.. maybe I can talk about it later. “Okay, but I’ll go if you call me Mayuyu. You said before that we’re friends, right?” I smiled.

She grabbed my hands. “Let’s go, Mayuyu.” She smiled and then we walk outside together.

That’s a best smile that I’ve ever seen. I love her smile. “Yukirin!! You walking so fast. Are you already too hungry?” I laughed. It’s nice to have a new friend.

====================== **** ====================

I knocked the door. “Yukirin!!” I keep knocking, but still no answer. Huft.. maybe she already slept.

But when I wanna went away, the door opened. “Ohh… finally, you come. I’m waiting you for dinner. Sorry, I just finished bathing. Come in.”

I turned back. I saw her standing in front of me. She wear a short pants and a white shirt. She holding a towel, She put it on her head, then use it to dry her hair. She walk in and I follow her to get in. I saw her back and her wet hair from behind. She looks so….. sexy.

It’s been 2 weeks since I knew her. In this 2 weeks, I always come to her place… We meet everyday. Of course she confused and ask me about the reason why I always came to her place… I use a ‘bouquet flowers’ as my alibi. Silly! I chuckled.

She looked at me, “What’s so funny?”

"Nothing." I grinned. "Yukirin, sorry to make you wait. My boss keep asking me to do some work.. tomorrow we have a meeting with our client."

Yeah.. that’s right. Although I keep busy to preparing my wedding, sometimes… office stuff make me stressed out too.

"It’s okay, Mayuyu. I’m glad you still come here tonight." She smiled.

That smile…. that smile is my reason to meet her. Her smile like a magic for me. It makes me feel relax and happy.

When I hear her laugh, I feel that all my problems gone. Her sweet voice can make me forgetting my fatigue in whole day.

I didn’t know what’s in my head now.



"I love your smile…." She looks surprised.

She walk closer to me. She peck my cheek. “You only love my smile?”

I’m blushed. “No. I love your voice and your laugh too.”

Her face become more closer to mine. “That’s all?”

I can feel my heart beating faster. “Yes.” I look away.

She holding my face and make me look at her again. “Are you sure? You came here everyday just because of those things?”

"Yes, of course, What else?" Okay, I’m so nervous now. This’s the first time for me to see her face this close. I can feel her warm breath, I can feel her addictive scent, I can see her seductive lips more closer.

What am I doing?! What is this?! My wedding will be held in the end of this month!! I push her away, “Stay away from me!” I turned and walk to the door.

"Mayuyu, hey." She grabbed my hand. "I’m sorry, I’m just-"

I forced her to release my hand, “I’m sorry, I need to go home now. You better finish my bouquet on time.” Then I close the door without looking her face.

Did.. did she’s just made me hesitant about Tomo-tan?! About my wedding??!!

======================= **** ======================

"Honey.. what happened to you? Are you tired?" My fiance stroke my hair.

I hold his hand. “No. I’m just… really nervous about this.”

He smiled. “Don’t be. Everything will be okay, I promise.” He hugged me. “You don’t need to think about the preparation anymore. You already did a great job. I will do the rest.”

"Thanks. I love you." I kissed him.

"I love you too. Now, go home and take a rest." He smile at me.

I nodded and then I went away.

3 days ago, I had a quarrel with Yukirin. I never have a chance to meet her and say sorry. She’s innocent, I didn’t tell her the truth. Tomorrow, I will come to her place and tell about everything. I hope she’ll understand. About the bouquet…. I will order it from another florist.

I drove my car and went home.

===================== **** ====================

I parked my car. I walk closer to her shop.

Okay, relax Mayuyu. Everything will be fine. Yukirin will understand you. I slap myself. I’ll never do something like this again!

I stopped in front of her door. How…. how if Yukirin don’t wanna see me again? How if… we can’t be friends anymore?

I turned away. It’s better to keep this secret for a little longer. I’m too afraid to lose her now. I will come back tomorrow and I’ll just say sorry to her without any explanation.

When I about to went away, someone call me from inside the shop. “Honey?”

What is he doing here?! I act like I didn’t hear it. I just keep walking.

But he open the door and grabbed my hand. “Hey.. I told you that I’ll do the rest, honey. You don’t need to come here.” He smiled.

"Ho-how do you know about this shop?"

He dragged me went in to Yukirin’s shop. Both of us standing in front of her. I didn’t have a guts to see her face.

"Last night I came to your house to make sure that you’re okay. Then I saw this on the table in your living room." He pointed to the table in front of me.

I saw the bouquet on the table. “Th-this…..”

"I asked a courier to bring a sample bouquet for you. I need your approval first because I think this is for your important event." Yukirin look at me, the way she look at me.. It’s…… different than usual.

She smile at Tomo-tan. ”But it seems your fiance give me a quick feedback. So, I think that I can fix it on time.”

Tomo-tan smile back, “Thanks you’re a great florist. I love this bouquet.” He hold my waist, ”but I think my fiance forget to tell you that it should be white as the dominant.”

He smile at me, I just give him an awkward smile.

Yukirin bowing to us, “Sorry for my mistake, Tomoki-san and Watanabe-san. I promise that I will make it very beautiful.”

"I trust you, Kashiwagi-san." He take a card from his bag. "This is our wedding invitation. You can come, we hope you’ll come and celebrate it with us."

I glance Yukirin. She read that card. “Thank you so much. I will come.”

Even though Tomo-tan didn’t realize it, I can see something in her eyes.. sadness, hurt, disappointment, and angry. It makes me realize something……

"Honey, let’s go. We have a rehearsal this evening." We turned and went out from that shop.

She loves me.

===================== **** ====================

"Yukirin, look. I’m so sorry…" I came to her house again.

"You lied to me."

"I know.. I know.. that’s why I came back. We’re friends, right?"

"Friend?? We only know each other about 3 weeks, but you already lied about your big day. You almost make me ruin something big."

"But, nothing happened. Tomo-tan didn’t angry or anything. We still can fix it."

"Yeah… thanks to your FIANCE!" Yukirin look at me, she’s very angry.

"Yukirin……" I walk closer, but she step back. I sighed.

"So, what’s the reason?" She folded her hands.

"Reason of what?"

"The reason about.. WHY DID YOU COME HERE EVERYDAY?!!"

"Because I wanna be your friend, Yukirin."

"Friend?! And you lying to me just because you wanna be my friend? It doesn’t make sense for me."

I froze. I didn’t have another way to calm her. She has a right to angry at me. I almost screw everything… my wedding, her work, and our friendship.

"Yukirin… I know that you’re so angry to me. I can accept it. I will come here again, tomorrow. I hope we can talk without yelling to each other like this." I turned. I open the door and about to leave.

"That’s it?"

"Hm?" I looked back. I saw Yukirin crying. I feel guilty to hurt her.

"You act like this to me because of those stupid things?"

"Act like what?" I’m confused.

"Act like you love me…." She look deep into my eyes. She’s so sad.

I sighed, “Yukirin, it’s impossible. You already saw my fiance, you already know about my wedding. I knew him long before I met you.”

She walk closer to me, “You didn’t love him….”

"I love him. If I do not, I already refused him since a long time ago."

She stand right in front of me right now. She close the door behind me. She hold my cheek. I felt paralyzed… hypnotized by her beauty. ”Then, I will change my statement before…”

I can feel her breath wipe my lips. She keep staring my eyes. “You didn’t love him…. anymore.” Then she kissed me.

I try to refuse her and push her, but she hold me tightly and keep kissing me.

What is this?! I never felt like this before. No… I’ve been felt this when I’m with Tomo-tan. But… This’s more seductive, more addictive, more passionate, more comfortable, and more happier. I lost my defense, I kiss her back.

She broke the kiss. “See? You just didn’t realize it yet, didn’t realize about your feeling for me.” She smiled.

"Give me a week and I’ll help you to dig it more. I love you, Mayuyu." She kiss me again. Our kiss become more and more passionately. She turn off the lights.

I’m not sure yet. But if all things that she said are true… It will become a huge trouble. I’m in a pinch.

================= TO BE CONTINUED =================

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 1]
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2013, 11:05:45 AM »
Wow! Nice you decided to try mayuki o/

It was a really cute start haha I just wonder if Yuki is only a  good person or if there is something else XD
Mayu is attracted by Yuki, but I want to see how things will develop^^

Thank you o/ I'm sure it is going to be great as all your previous ones^^

Yuki is a good person.. :D
But, they met in a wrong time.

Thanks. I hope I'm not disappoint you.

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2013, 11:10:17 AM »
Oho~~ Another Mayuki fic :ding: :onioncheer:
Tough love, huh~~~ :mon misch: I love it :mon lovelaff:
It'll be interesting :mon evillaff: Mayu's wedding is coming soon :on blackhole:
Love at first sight :hehehe: And how concidencely, Yuki also the florist :kekeke:
Tomo guy~~~ Wonder will it have WTomo :mon dunno:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:

Thanks for reading XD
Ano... what did you mean about WTomo?

Yeah, coincidence in a wrong time.. :P

Offline chichay12

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2013, 11:36:47 AM »

"Give me a week and I’ll help you to dig it more. I love you, Mayuyu." She kiss me again. Our kiss become more and more passionately. She turn off the lights.

why did u turn off the lights!!!
 :tantrum: :tantrum: :tantrum:
i wanna see what is happening :hiakhiakhiak:
pls turn it on XD

thank u for the update
and update soon :on gay:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2013, 11:43:06 AM »

"Give me a week and I’ll help you to dig it more. I love you, Mayuyu." She kiss me again. Our kiss become more and more passionately. She turn off the lights.
================= TO BE CONTINUED =================
why did u turn off the lights!!!
 :tantrum: :tantrum: :tantrum:
i wanna see what is happening :hiakhiakhiak:
pls turn it on XD

thank u for the update
and update soon :on gay:

Well... Yuki turn off the light because she wanna did 'it' with Mayu.

I can't turn on the light.. because it'll make this fanfic moved to perv. forum  :lol:

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2013, 11:54:47 AM »
How about make a side story about Mayuki hot scene :on bleed:
About WTomo, well... 'Cause I saw Tomo in here so that idea just come up in my head :mon speechless:
Everything's now begin to more interesting and tense :mon lovelaff:
Wonder what'll Mayu do to the wedding :mon suspect:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline Zita

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Re: [3 Shots] MaYuki - Rain [PART 2]
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2013, 12:09:03 PM »
I believe that Tomo is a nice guy.
But if he is between Mayu and Yuki................I hate him. :angry:
Sorry Tomoki san. :sweatdrop:

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