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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358170 times)

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #280 on: June 13, 2015, 08:08:39 AM »
Rena made the worst announcement possible

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15) - ON HOLD
« Reply #281 on: July 15, 2015, 06:56:29 PM »
It's already been a month since I announced this fanfic was on hold (and two months since the last chapter, time flies...), and I felt it was time to keep my readers up to date, especially since I made a decision about this fanfic recently. I know a lot of you are still hoping for a new chapter - considering the messages I receive in my mailbox - and a part of me is glad (though I must admit, a tiny bit surprised) that you still want to see a continuation to this fanfic, despite the circumstances.

As I'm unfortunately still unable of writing anything close to real life - and Partners was definitely a fanfic I was trying to keep as realistic as possible - I've decided to first finish my other fanfic, Warriors, before ever considering continuing and finishing Partners. I know it's probably not what you wished for, but that's the best I can offer right now. I'm not abandoning Partners yet, but I don't want you to expect an update anytime soon, because it's not going to happen. Warriors comes first, and I really hope I'll be able to continue Partners once it will be over. Only time will tell.

Thank you for your messages and support. I appreciate it!

I'm glad to announce I'm continuing not only Warriors, but also Partners! Thanks for your patience and understanding. I'm all good now :)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 02:38:43 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (6/?) [WMatsui] (14/05/15) - ON HOLD
« Reply #282 on: July 15, 2015, 11:03:56 PM »
We understand the situation.
And we wait whatever it takes if you decide to continue the story.
I personally this fanfiction is most I like of all I was following, so I do not mind waiting. I'm also reading Warriors.
Thanks for writing to us!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 01:04:08 AM by Minami-chan »

Offline niineechan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (6/?) [WMatsui] (14/05/15) - ON HOLD
« Reply #283 on: July 16, 2015, 12:45:05 AM »
Me, shouting while holding a big bunch of 'support' and 'thanks':
'' I'll wait, Sophcaro-sama...! No matter what....! '' :D

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #284 on: July 27, 2015, 02:15:07 AM »
No, you’re not dreaming. I’m updating Partners. Don’t ask. I don’t know what happened myself. Does it mean I got my inspiration back? Maybe, maybe not. Too soon to really tell. In the meantime, I’ll hope you enjoy this unexpected update.


Center leaned over the railing of the rooftop, watching absently the scenery in front of her. How many times had she been admiring the view these last few months? She lost count of it a long time ago but somehow, she never got bored of climbing up the stairs to admire the view from its top.

She had finally achieved her goal and reached the top of Majijo a month ago, and nothing could make her more happy. No one was capable of defeating her, and her dear Nezumi had stayed by her side after her victory. Speaking of her quiet friend, a frustrated sigh left Center's lips as her short companion was not admiring the view by her side as usual. An hour ago, she had left the school stating she had somewhere to go, and when she had asked her if she could come with her, she had swiftly declined stating it was a private matter.

Center didn't like it at all when Nezumi was secretive. There had been so many secrets between them, and she surely didn't want the past to repeat itself. Nezumi had assured her she had nothing to worry about - and had even given her a short reassuring smile before leaving - but Center couldn't help but fear what she might do in her absence. She had no opponent to speak of, but Nezumi always seemed aware of things she ignored. Who knew if a new girl had decided to take the top, and Nezumi was planning a scheme to stop her?

Center jolted out of her thoughts when she heard the door leading to the rooftop opening, and she noticed from her peripheral vision the singing girl approaching and leaning over the railing next to her. Center gave her a silent side glance - watching her as she was staring with great interest at a long, dark-haired girl drawing on a bench in front of the school - before tearing her eyes away from her to resume her silent observation of the city.

The moment the cheerful girl joined her on the rooftop, Center knew her peaceful afternoon had reached its end. Indeed, her ears were now starting to bleed at the girl's awful singing - as she was trying to hit some pretty high notes - and she muttered under her breath, wondering how she was going to get rid of her. Center glanced back at her in annoyance, knowing she couldn't deal with the disturbance like she usually did.

When she had reached the top with the help of Nezumi, the singing girl had presented herself in front of her not soon after, stating she wished to be her second in command. Center had frowned at the bold declaration - studying her interlocutor from head to toe in disbelief - before a mocking smile fell on her lips as she shooed her away. She really believed to have succeeded, until Nezumi warned her a few weeks later about a girl who had entered the school in the intention of dethroning her, and the new singing girl had defeated her in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, Center wasn't there to assist to the fight, but judging by Nezumi who had witnessed the whole scene, the new girl had very impressive fighting skills. That was why when she had presented herself again in front of her Center had followed Nezumi's advice, and accepted her offer. She didn't want to be bothered by futile threats, and it seemed this girl was more than willing to take care of them on her behalf.

That was why she couldn't exactly snap at her or put her hands on the girl who was currently disrupting her quiet moment. She knew she had to find a better way to get rid of her, without resorting to violent ways. Which proved to be a bit difficult, considering her brain couldn't come up with an adequate solution for her unfortunate problem.

Her attention shifted back to the scenery she wasn't paying attention to anymore - thanks to the annoying presence by her side - until her eyes fell on the girl who was sitting on the bench, focused on her sketch. Center knew her second in command had a particular interest in her, considering she had been watching her intently for the past two weeks. It seemed this stranger lived nearby, considering she always passed by the school and ended up sitting on this same bench to draw for a few hours.

That's it, Center mused, knowing she had just found a way to cleverly push the girl out of her little haven. "What's her name?"

At her question the singing suddenly stopped, and a broad smile grazed her second in command's lips as she replied, her eyes still glued on the girl. "Airi."

Center didn't even know how she managed to discover her name - considering she was pretty sure she had never spoken to her once - but it appeared her second in command was truly resourceful when she set up her mind on something, or in that case, someone. Sometimes, she even wondered if she didn't team up with Nezumi to get the information she needed. Surprisingly, it appeared these two got along well. "Go and talk to her, Bird. You won't reach your objective from this rooftop."

Center could feel her second in command's eyes on her, and she truly hoped her suggestion would not fall on deaf ears. She had reached her limits, and she didn't believe she could tolerate her very high-pitched singing any longer. And, of course, beating her up to make her point was out of the question. According to Nezumi, you weren't supposed to enter a fight with your loyal second in command.

"You think I should?" Bird asked, and this time, Center turned to nod at her. Her second in command's thoughtful expression told her she was truly thinking about it, and she silently prayed that it would work. She really feared that the next words falling from her lips would not be so diplomatic. "Alright."

Center watched her as Bird smiled brightly at her and resumed her singing, before leaving the rooftop a few seconds later. A sigh left Center's lips in relief, gazing at the scenery in front of her. Finally, she had the place all to herself again. Unfortunately, she quickly discovered that her second in command's terrible singing had affected her more than she thought, considering the small headache she was now having. Great.

Center growled in annoyance and pondered going downstairs to take a nap in the classroom she - as the new top of Majijo - was the only one in the right to occupy, before deciding against it. She had finally managed to recapture her beloved rooftop, and she was not about to leave it behind for a simple headache. Center looked over her shoulder in the direction of the sole bench occupying the rooftop, before leaning back from the railing and moving towards it.

The back of her head met the bench as she laid down on it, her eyes gazing at the blue sky distractively. The view was having an appeasing effect on her and she felt her headache progressively diminishing as the minutes went by, as well as her eyelids shutting against her consent. There was no noise anymore to be heard and Center released a small sigh in content, letting her body relax as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Center fluttered her eyes open in annoyance when she heard the voice calling her name repeatedly. She was having quite a nice dream, and a frown immediately crossed her features as she noticed Bird hovering over her. No, this wasn't happening. She had just shooed her away, why was she now disturbing her peaceful nap?

"What is it, Bird?" Center groaned in displeasure. As she took a better look at her, she could now see terror written all over her face. Well, that was an expression she had never seen before on the usually cheerful girl.

"It's about Nezumi."

At the mention of the short girl, Center sat up on the bench quickly, her sleepiness already forgotten. Her eyes widened in surprise, fear taking over her. Had the girl fallen into a trap on her way back? Had she been attacked? Was she hurt? Hundred of questions were piling up one after another in her head, and Bird's silence was not in the slightest helping in easing her mind.

"Say something!" Center grabbed her arms and shook her with energy. Why was she suddenly so quiet, when she needed her to speak more than anything?

"She's been attacked by Gekikara," Bird explained, shivering as if she just had the most frightening vision in her entire life. "I tried to stop her, but Nezumi told me to stay away."

"Idiot!" Center shouted, pushing her away and getting up on her feet. She couldn't fathom why the crazy girl had assaulted Nezumi - it had in fact been months since they last crossed path with her - but none of it mattered. Right now, her only objective was to protect Nezumi at all costs. "Lead me to them."


Center's fists were trembling with fury when she barged into the classroom and she witnessed the terrible scene. Nezumi was laying powerless on the ground with Gekikara hovering over her, her bloody fist ready to land on her face.

"Leave her alone."

At the interruption, Gekikara tilted her head in curiosity towards the door, a grin spread on her lips as she recognized the top of Majijo. Straightening up, she took a step back from the injured girl, biting her nails while she watched Center reducing the distance with Nezumi.

"Center," Nezumi exclaimed in disbelief as her left black eye fell upon her form, "What are you doing here?" The sound of footsteps distracted her and she gazed over her shoulder, noticing a frightened Bird at the doorstep.

"I told you to not warn her," Nezumi grumbled, a bit of blood escaping her mouth as she spoke with difficulty. Not only she had not seen coming Gekikara's attack, she also had been the unfortunate victim of the crazy girl's relentless fists. She even suspected to have a few broken ribs, judging by the terrible pain emanating from her back.

"Don't try to speak, Nezumi," Center spoke gently as she helped the injured girl get up on her feet, while keeping a cautious eye on the crazy girl who was watching their every move.

Nezumi obeyed to her command and let her guide her towards the nearest chair, a wince escaping her lips in pain when her sore body made contact with it. Just as she raised her eyes to look at Center she noticed her decided look on Gekikara, and she knew what was coming before it ever began.

"Don't fight her," she grabbed the sleeve of her brown cardigan, catching Center's attention again. "She's not herself. She attacked me for no reason."

Nezumi found herself a bit startled when Center stared at her intensely for a little while without speaking, before her hand approached her left non-injured cheek, and her fingers brushed her skin tenderly. "I can't let her get away with what she did."

Nezumi knew nothing she could say could convince the younger girl, and she watched her in apprehension as she turned around to face the still grinning Gekikara. Much as she wanted to stop Center from entering a fight with the mad girl, she knew she was physically and verbally incapable in doing so. She would have to observe the whole scene from her sitting position, praying Center would come out victorious from the fight.

Now that Nezumi was safe Center focused on her opponent, quickly setting aside the terrible vision of her injured friend. Gekikara was standing just a few feet away from her, but didn't seem to have the immediate intention of fighting her considering she had not moved an inch. Center found her behavior a bit odd but she brushed the thought aside, lifting her fists in determination.

"Come and fight me, Gekikara," Center hissed. "I'm all yours."

A giggle escaped Gekikara as she studied her for a little while without moving, until she tilted her head to the side and gave her a curious look. "Are you mad?"

When it became obvious Gekikara wasn't going to make the first move Center launched herself at her, a smirk on her face when her fist landed immediately on her opponent's left cheek. She was finally going to get her revenge for their last fight, and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

After a few minutes of punching at each other, Center realized that Nezumi was right. There was indeed something wrong with the crazy girl. Her movements were less accurate and quick than usual and as a result, her punches hardly ever managed to really hurt her. Had her previous fight with Nezumi wore her out, or was there another explanation? In the end, the question vanished into thin air. She didn't care about her motives for hurting Nezumi or her weird behavior. She needed her to understand - as well as all the girls who were now watching the fight in the classroom from a good distance - that no one could lay their hands on Nezumi. Otherwise, there was going to be serious retribution.

"I won't let you hurt the people I love," Center shouted, taking advantage of a moment of distraction to grab Gekikara forcibly by the collar of her dark blue jacket.

As they came face to face Center noticed Gekikara's sudden disoriented look and it made her pause for a second, wondering where her unfocused expression was suddenly coming from. Sure, she had not been answering to her blows as effectively as she had expected her to, but she had not paid too much attention to it until now, enjoying too much delivering punch after punch. There were bruises all over her face and blood was spilling from the cut on her lips when Gekikara parted them slightly.

Center widened her eyes in surprise when Gekikara simply nodded, a giggle accompanying her strange reaction. Center's fist stilled in mid air, taken aback by it. Yes, this person in front of her looked like Gekikara, but it wasn't her. Nothing in her behavior reminded her of the strong opponent she had fought and lost against last time.

Center heard Nezumi's small voice calling her from behind and she knew she had noticed her hesitation. Center didn't need to look around to know all eyes were set on her, waiting for her next move expectantly. As the top of Majijo, it was out of the question to be lenient towards a girl who had dared to hurt her most trusted friend, but she couldn't bring herself to finish her. The person standing in front of her was nothing more than a human wreck.

Still torn about what to do, Center suddenly felt the air shifting around her and before she could ever comprehend what was happening, she found herself pushed against the nearest wall, her wrists pinned against it forcibly. Her shocked eyes fell upon the girl preventing her from moving, a face she had not seen in months. "Black."

"Stop it, Center," Black warned her when she tried to break free, "I won't let you hurt Gekikara any longer."

"What?" Center exclaimed in incredulity. Her attention shifted briefly to Gekikara who had fallen to the floor, exhausted, before staring back at the calm but very serious girl in front of her. "She dared to hurt Nezumi."

"I know," Black nodded a little. "She didn't mean to."

"Why are you protecting her?" Center screamed, fighting against Black's hold on her wrists - to not avail against the older girl's strong grip - and she exhaled deeply in annoyance. "Let me go."

"I will if you promise not to attack Gekikara," Black replied, calm as ever. "I'll handle her."

"Let me go," Center repeated in a threatening voice, inching closer to Black in the hope of intimidating her. However, she quickly discovered the older girl wasn't in the slightest impressed by her glare, considering her total absence of fear. Despite that, Center simply refused to relent. Especially not in front of an audience.

Just as she was about to protest energetically again, the hold on her wrists diminished, and she watched as Black took a step back. Center stepped away from the wall and glanced at Gekikara who was still laying on the floor, before pondering over Black's offer. Stepping back in front of the others was not the idea she favored the best, but she was also well aware of the dangerousness of her new opponent. Much as she had never entered a fight with her before, she knew Black was not going to be an easy target. Reason was telling her to avoid a confrontation with her if it was not absolutely needed, and she had already beaten up Gekikara pretty badly. She was not entirely satisfied, but she had taught the crazy girl a good lesson.

"Get her out of here," Center ordered, as she finally made up her mind. "I don't want to see her anymore."

As subtle as it was Center didn't miss Black's relief as she nodded, before kneeling in front of Gekikara. Center placed herself in front of Nezumi protectively, while keeping a cautious eye on the two women.

"Gekikara, it's me," Black addressed the injured girl, helping her sit up on the floor carefully.

"Black," Gekikara murmured in a small surprised voice, finally jolting out of her disoriented state, "what are you doing here?"

"I got worried when you left the apartment in a haste," Black explained, pain filling her heart at the sight of all the bruises on her face, "I was afraid you would do something stupid."

"I couldn't stay," Gekikara stuttered, now avoiding Black's gaze in shame, "not after what I did to the little one."

"Look at me," Black pleaded as she cupped Gekikara's chin and tilted it gently, "I'm not mad at you. You did not hurt him."

Tears filled Gekikara's eyes and she leaned forward, burying her face into the crook of her neck. Black was momentarily taken aback by the girl's behavior but she soon encircled her waist, listening painfully at the soft cry leaving Gekikara's lips.

The room had fallen silent, and Center couldn't believe the strange scene she was witnessing. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but Gekikara's unusual breakdown told her she had done the right thing by letting it go. Her attention reverted back to Nezumi as she realized the danger had passed, and she pulled her into a hug when their eyes met.

She could feel Nezumi tensing at the gesture but she held tight nonetheless, knowing full well Nezumi was never fond of public demonstrations of affection. She had been so afraid when Bird had told her Nezumi had been attacked, that she couldn't help relief filling her chest at the thought that she managed to arrive just on time. Who knew what might have happened if she had arrived five minutes too late? The thought of losing the person who meant so much to her was simply unbearable.

Center loosened her embrace to look into Nezumi's orbs deeply, before leaning forward and leaving a short kiss on her forehead. As she leaned back she witnessed Nezumi's flustered expression and an amused smile grazed her lips at her reaction. She wanted to do so much more to her, but she knew Nezumi would never tolerate more than that in front of an audience. Unfortunately, she would have to wait for them to be alone to show her again and again how much she loved her.

A mischievous smile fell upon Jurina's lips as she leaned over again, surprise flashing in Mayu's eyes at her unexpected action. However, it didn't take her long to understand what she was trying to achieve, and she tilted her head to the side right in time before Jurina's lips could touch hers.


"I was almost there," Jurina protested as she stared back in frustration at the director who had dared to stop her.

The room erupted in laughter at the SKE's ace remark, obviously enjoying very much the girl's usual playfulness. However, someone didn't seem to share their enthusiasm.

"You're impossible, Jurina," Mayu groaned. "You can't help but try to steal a kiss from me at every given opportunity."

"Of course I am," Jurina exclaimed, looking back at her immediately. "There's no kiss in the script, it's just so frustrating."

"Well, maybe you should have asked the director to add one," Mayu joked, until realizing she had made a terrible mistake by Jurina's thoughtful expression.

Why did she just suggest that? It was no secret Jurina was the director's little favorite, and if Jurina really took her suggestion seriously and asked him, there was a chance he would accept. Thankfully, they had only kissed once in Majisuka Gakuen 4, and she surely didn't want it to happen again in the season 5 they were currently shooting. So why on earth had she opened her mouth without thinking?

"It's not a bad idea," Jurina replied, so lost in thoughts she missed Mayu's terrified expression, "but the script is probably already finished."

Mayu released a breath she didn't even realize she was holding when Jurina sighed in frustration and sat down in the chair next to hers. She didn't even dare to utter a single word after that, afraid it might prompt her young friend to change her mind.

Mayu scanned the classroom absently, watching the crew leaving it progressively. She had just shot her last scene for the day, and God it had been exhausting. Despite rehearsing her fighting scene with Rena a few times before the actual shoot, she knew she would have a few bruises tomorrow. She didn't move fast enough when Rena had pushed her that one time during their fight, and she had hit the table not exactly as she had practiced. She was going to remember her mistake the next few days.

"Do you have other scenes to shoot today?" Mayu asked as she gave a side glance to the slightly out of breath Jurina sitting by her side. Much as she had slightly hurt herself during her fight with Rena, she could guess Jurina would probably end up with more bruises than her. She always gave everything she had during her fights scenes, nevermind the consequences. She could tell Rena had been very careful during their fight - obviously not willing to repeat the unfortunate accident from last season - but Jurina had not hold back one second. And the contented smile currently grazing her lips was not fooling her at all.

"No, it was the last one," Jurina replied as she gazed at her and chuckled. "And frankly, I'm glad. I'm exhausted. Rena can be quite resourceful when she wants."

Mayu smiled back at her, until she noticed out of the corner of her eye a familiar feminine figure approaching them, and she got up. "I'm going back to the hotel. See you tomorrow."

"Alright," Jurina nodded, following her absently as Mayu left the room with Yuki who was waiting for her at the doorstep, until her eyes fell on the girl now standing in front of her.

"I don't know how Mayu does it. Despite all your attempts, she still manages to keep her calm each and single time," Rena teased.

"That's because she loves me very much," Jurina replied on the same tone, shutting her eyes when Rena ran her fingers through her hair affectionately, before setting them on her again when she heard the older girl drawing close.

"I guess," Rena chuckled, leaning forward until their lips were just inches apart, "but if you wanted a kiss so badly today, you could have simply asked."

Jurina's eyes widened in surprise at Rena's bold behavior, wondering if she was really going to kiss her right here and right now. Sure, a lot of crew members had now left the classroom, but there were still a few people currently occupying it. They were far from being alone. Jurina knew Rena wouldn't take the risk of people seeing them in an intimate moment.

"Wait," Jurina started, about to stop her when it seemed she was really going for it, until she saw the lips changing direction at the last moment and ending up on her cheek.

"What?" Rena exclaimed as she leaned back and straightened up, an innocent smile plastered on her face, "Were you expecting something else?"

"Rena," Jurina growled as she witnessed Rena's slight amusement, until she turned her back to her in the intention of leaving. "Don't do that."

Jurina caught the hem of her dark blue jacket just in time, and the older Matsui was starting to turn around to look at her when she felt two arms encircling her waist from behind, pulling her onto Jurina's lap. A soft gasp left her lips in surprise at the unexpected gesture, until she regained her composure and she let her fingers brush Jurina's arm softly.

When she felt Jurina's head resting against her back she intertwined their fingers together, while watching the last members of the crew leaving the room. No one was paying attention to them - and pretty much everybody was used to Jurina's affectionate behavior anyway - and Rena let herself relax into the young Ace's embrace.

Minutes passed by as they simply relished each other's presence without uttering a single word, until the last member of the crew left and Rena knew it was time for them to make their leave as well. Much as she enjoyed the warm body against hers, a long day of shooting still awaited them, and she needed the rest after their intense fight.

"Jurina," Rena murmured, trying to disentangle herself from the girl's arms gently, "Everyone's leaving. We should get going if we don't want them to lock the school and us in it."

Jurina chuckled against her back before relenting and letting her go, until a sudden idea popped up in her head at Rena's words, and she spoke up when Rena stood up and faced her expectantly. "It wouldn't be such a bad idea."

Rena widened her eyes in surprise at Jurina's playful tone, before shaking her head in disbelief. "I don't want to know what's crossing your mind, Jurina."

Jurina accepted the hand offered and she got up from the chair, amusement still dancing on her lips when she followed her quietly out of the room. As they stepped in the corridor they both noticed that - indeed - pretty much everyone had already left, and Jurina froze when she felt a peck on her lips.

Her startled eyes looked back at Rena immediately, but her features progressively relaxed at the loving smile directed at her. Gentle fingers came to squeeze her hand briefly and Jurina responded to the gesture, her heart skipping a beat as they quietly looked at each other. By now, she really believed she knew the older Matsui by heart - that nothing she would do could surprise her anymore - but somehow, she always managed to brighten up her day in the most unexpected way.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:13:40 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Haruko

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #285 on: July 27, 2015, 06:25:29 AM »
that majisuka moment was gorgeous!!! but in the end wmatsui was better!

Offline niineechan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #286 on: July 27, 2015, 07:03:33 AM »
If this is a dream, then it's a dream comes true.:wub: :wub:
Ah.. The bond of the Matsuis.. Dunno what to say.. :wub: :roll:
Awesome job, Sophcaro-san :twothumbs
Thanks alot and keep it up! :bow: :yossi:
Ganbare.. :cow:

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #287 on: July 27, 2015, 11:04:25 AM »
thanks thanks thanks a lot!
this update thats a wonderful gift for us!

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #288 on: July 27, 2015, 01:57:16 PM »
F.I.N.A.L.L.Y!!! An UPDATE!!!^o^/
The fight scene is COOL!
And the WMatsui moment just so cheesy~~~>///<
But I need more WMatsui>w<

Thanks for updating this fic, Sophcaro-san^o^
I'll patiently wait the next chapter!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #289 on: July 27, 2015, 10:08:22 PM »
I like the GekiBlack Majisuka incorporation. The last bit was a nice WMatsui moment (plus that Mayuki slipping off on their own).  XD

Thank you for this very pleasant surprise!  :)
Even if you don't continue this story further, I'm happy that you have written all this so far. Although, I still do hope that your muse comes back to you!

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #290 on: July 28, 2015, 05:49:14 AM »
Continue soon, thanks.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #291 on: July 29, 2015, 08:32:34 PM »
that majisuka moment was gorgeous!!! but in the end wmatsui was better!

Glad you liked my own little version of Majisuka Gakuen. I always wanted to write more about it after the chapter 5 of Heartbeat, so I really enjoyed delving more into it this time. I probably should do an entire spin off about it, but I don't have enough time  :nervous

If this is a dream, then it's a dream comes true.:wub: :wub:
Ah.. The bond of the Matsuis.. Dunno what to say.. :wub: :roll:
Awesome job, Sophcaro-san :twothumbs
Thanks alot and keep it up! :bow: :yossi:
Ganbare.. :cow:

I'm glad I could make your dream come true!  :P

thanks thanks thanks a lot!
this update thats a wonderful gift for us!

Thanks to you for supporting so much this fanfic. It's a gift to have such faithful readers!

F.I.N.A.L.L.Y!!! An UPDATE!!!^o^/
The fight scene is COOL!
And the WMatsui moment just so cheesy~~~>///<
But I need more WMatsui>w<

Thanks for updating this fic, Sophcaro-san^o^
I'll patiently wait the next chapter!

I liked writing the fight scene. A CenterxGekikara fight has to be epic and bloody! lol

I like the GekiBlack Majisuka incorporation. The last bit was a nice WMatsui moment (plus that Mayuki slipping off on their own).  XD

Thank you for this very pleasant surprise!  :)
Even if you don't continue this story further, I'm happy that you have written all this so far. Although, I still do hope that your muse comes back to you!

Ah, a GekiBlack fan. Glad you enjoyed this chapter :)

Continue soon, thanks.

Long time no see! Welcome back!

« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 02:37:31 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Megumi

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #292 on: July 29, 2015, 08:45:27 PM »
Looong update!  :bow:
There's a little BlackGeki and CeNezu monent here.  :heart:
Jurina "I was almost here" made me snort out loud  :lol:
I have these fluttering feeling whenever I read your fics sophcaro-san.
Thank you for your updates. Whatever it's Warriors or anything new.
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (7/?) [WMatsui] (27/07/15)
« Reply #293 on: July 30, 2015, 08:02:42 AM »
Wow the whole MajiGaku scene was done so nicely that it's so easily imaginable and... wow... *^*

Loved the WMatsui moment! It was the icing on the cake of this chapter~  :twothumbs

I kind of understand how conflicted you are feeling on updating your fics but please do take your time to digest everything slowly so that you wouldn't react rashly. I'm sure us readers will support your future decisions nonetheless, but I'm really happy that you updated Partners despite all the mixed feelings you have.

Thank you very much for letting us read such a beautiful piece of work!  :thumbsup

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #294 on: August 02, 2015, 01:44:25 AM »
I’m glad (and relieved) to announce Partners isn’t on hiatus anymore. I want to thank everyone who showed me their support after I voiced my concern about my capacity to continue this story. Believe it or not, it helped a lot. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and the previous one, comforting me in the idea that my heart wasn’t aching anymore. I’m back for good, and I’m going to keep up with my original plot for this fanfic. In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this (long) chapter.


Yuki looked through the rear-view mirror of the rental car, her mouth tugging into an amused smile at the view of the two girls sleeping in the backseat. Rena was leaning against the right window - eyelids tightly shut - while Jurina was laying on the seat next to her, curled into a ball, her head resting on the older Matsui’s lap. Yuki found the view truly adorable, and she couldn’t help but elbow the front seat passenger on her left, while keeping her attention on the road.

“Mayu,” Yuki murmured, trying not to wake up the two Matsui in the backseat, but unknowingly startling the AKB member who was starting to doze off. “Take a look.”

Mayu straightened up in her seat and tilted her head in curiosity towards her, before frowning when she started to give a few pointed looks in the direction of the rear-view mirror. Mayu didn’t trust her sleepy voice right now so she simply did as instructed, nodding after witnessing what her girlfriend was trying to show her. Yes, Jurina and Rena were having a peaceful nap, but who could blame them? Yuki’s habit to be overly cautious behind the wheel was transforming the car ride in a real nightmare.

“Can you drive a little faster, please?” Mayu asked tentatively. She had kept quiet since they departed the train station but she was now starting to feel sleepy, and she knew the summer heat wasn’t the only reason. Yuki’s very slow driving wasn’t helping in any way.

Yuki’s amusement vanished at her suggestion, and she arched an eyebrow in confusion. “Are you complaining about my driving?”

Mayu immediately realized she had said something wrong and she gulped, not daring to look at her girlfriend anymore. She could almost feel her fuming by her side, and her sleepy brain tried to come up with a clever solution for her sudden unfortunate problem, to no avail.

“First my cooking, now my driving,” Yuki continued when Mayu chose to stay quiet. “What next?”

“No, I’m not complaining,” Mayu stuttered, knowing her quivering voice was far from being convincing. “We’ve almost arrived anyway.”

It was not true, especially considering how slowly Yuki was driving, but it was the best her brain managed to offer. However, Mayu prayed it would be enough to calm the older girl. She believed to have succeeded when Yuki didn’t utter a single word after that, until she realized it was only a short respite.

“I think you should find yourself another girlfriend,” Yuki declared, now very calm. “You don’t seem very satisfied with your current one.”

Mayu immediately turned blank - utterly speechless - not believing the direction their conversation just took. Suddenly very much awake, she turned her head towards Yuki swiftly - mouth agape - before waving at her energetically. “What? No! I’m very satisfied!”

A soft giggle escaped Yuki’s lips, shaking her head in amusement at her mortified expression. “Calm down. I was only teasing you.”

Mayu stared at her in shock for a few seconds - not believing she had just been played - before blurting out the first thing that crossed her mind. “Oh.”

“But I’m still not going to drive faster,” Yuki announced, now more serious. “I don’t want to have an accident.”

Mayu nodded before looking out the window, watching the scenery unfolding very slowly in front of her eyes, and soon blinking again to fight off her sleepiness. Trust me, there’s no chance.


Rena paused on the doorstep of the house when Mayu opened the front door and invited them in, scanning the place in curiosity. A month ago, Jurina had invited her to spend a week at Mayu’s beach house during the summer and she had accepted, knowing some time off out of the city would give her the short respite she really needed. These last months had been quite hectic, between the SKE activities and her outside jobs, and Jurina’s invitation came along at just the right time.

“Jurina has already been here a few times, she will show you around,” Yuki addressed her, when she noticed her slightly disoriented state. “Once you have unpacked your bag, we can go for a walk.”

Rena gave her a quick nod in reply and took a few steps forward, taking in the kitchen on her left and the living room on her right.

“This way,” Jurina said, and Rena followed her as they penetrated a long corridor, before the young Ace turned the handle of a room and entered.

Rena paused briefly at the doorstep to take a look, and was just about to get in when Mayu’s voice sounded at the end of the corridor.

“There’s another guestroom a bit further on the left,” Mayu indicated, before realizing her mistake when Jurina popped her head out of the bedroom to stare at her - a deep frown on her face - and she backpedaled quickly. “Or you can stay with Jurina, of course.”

“Thank you,” Rena nodded, suppressing a laugh at Mayu’s embarrassed expression, before disappearing in the bedroom with Jurina.

Mayu cursed at herself when she entered her own bedroom a few doors away, her eyes falling briefly on Yuki who was already unpacking her bag, before mimicking her action and her fingers pulled the zipper of her big green bag.

“You don’t want them to sleep together?” Yuki joked.

“I don’t know why I said that,” Mayu sighed as she placed a few clothes in the drawer near her bed, “I think I’m a bit tired.” At the sound of a soft giggle behind her back Mayu stopped what she was doing, surprised, until a groan escaped her lips in frustration. “Stop it. It’s not funny.”

“You’re very cute when you’re flustered, Mayuyu,” Yuki teased, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind, until hearing a small yawn escaping the young girl’s lips.

“You’re really sleepy,” Yuki noted.

“A bit,” Mayu conceded. She surely wasn’t about to admit Yuki’s driving was in part responsible for her sleepiness - especially not after their conversation in the car - so she judged it much safer to blame it on the weather. “It’s the heat.”

“You should rest,” Yuki suggested, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. “We can go out later.”

“No, I have guests,” Mayu protested, despite her already half closed eyelids. “I can’t take a nap.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Yuki shook her head softly, pulling away from the embrace. “I’ll take care of them.”

Mayu wanted to argue but a yawn unintentionally formed on her lips again, and she nodded reluctantly, leaving her bag aside to lay down on the white bedcover. She watched sleepily as Yuki closed the curtains, before sending her way a thankful smile when Yuki shut the door behind her carefully.


It had already been two days since the four friend’s arrival at Mayu’s beach house and they had decided, on the third one, to go for a ride. Four bikes were aligned when Jurina followed Mayu into the garage, and she paused in curiosity when she discovered the white one Mayu was currently checking the tires.

“Is that a new bike?” Jurina frowned. Her attention shifted briefly to the familiar dark blue bike by its side - the one Mayu had always used until now - but she definitely didn’t remember seeing this shiny white. After a quick studying of it, she also realized it had more gears than the previous one.

“It is. I wanted a more modern one,” Mayu explained absently, before shaking her head lightly when she kneeled in front of the white bike, and discovered the front tire needed more air.

“Why?” Jurina exclaimed, startled, until her mouth tugged into an amused smile in realization. “You think it will help you win this time.”

Mayu froze - pump in hand - before quickly detaching the tire vale. “Don’t be ridiculous. The previous one didn’t work properly anyway,” she scoffed.

“It seemed to work fine last time I checked,” Jurina smirked. “It’s not the bike’s fault if you can’t pedal fast enough.”

“Shut up, Jurina,” Mayu groaned, pumping some air in the front tire.

“Is everything alright?”

Jurina looked over her shoulder towards Yuki and Rena who had just entered the garage, before shrugging at Yuki in reply. “Mayu thinks she can beat me with her new bike. I was explaining her that a few more gears won’t change a thing.”

Yuki tilted her head to take a brief look at the bike mentioned - realizing indeed that it was a new one - before noticing how Mayu was cleverly avoiding her gaze. It appeared Jurina had hit the bull’s eyes. “I see.”

It didn’t take long before Mayu and Jurina started bickering again and Yuki chose to leave them alone for now, instead turning towards the green bike she always used, and motioning the red one to Rena.

“What is going on?” Rena murmured, when Mayu and Jurina’s arguing seemed to reach no end.

Yuki, who was checking the tires, looked briefly over her - witnessing her very confused expression - and she sighed, knowing her friend was missing a big piece of the puzzle. “Each summer, there’s this competition going on between them. Mayu gets absolutely convinced she will win the race, and every time, Jurina manages to beat her. It appears Mayu believed a new bike would turn the tide.”

“That’s not why I asked for a new bike!” Mayu protested, seemingly having eavesdropped their conversation.

“Of course not, Mayuyu,” Yuki forced a smile at her girlfriend, before turning and whispering to Rena. “Before, I used to think Jurina was the competitive one. Now, I’m starting to have my doubts.”

“I see,” Rena giggled, shaking her head in disbelief when the bantering between the two friends resumed like nothing happened.

A few minutes later, both Rena and Yuki were now more than ready to go, and Yuki knew she had to put an end to this little argument if they wished to leave the garage before sundown. “Alright girls, it’s time to leave.”

Two heads turned towards her immediately and Mayu gave her a sheepish smile, before nodding and climbing on her white bike.

“Looks like I will have to use your old bike then,” Jurina faked a pout, hopping on the blue one. “I’ll never be able to win.”

A retort was already forming on Mayu’s lips - guessing by Jurina’s confident expression that she was thinking the exact opposite - when she heard Yuki clearing her throat and saw her warning look directed at her. Unfortunately, it appeared she would have to let it go for now.


Fifteen minutes later the four girls were riding along the beach coast, enjoying the small breeze of the ocean, much appreciated at that time of the day. Luckily, it wasn’t a scorching afternoon as the two previous days. The drop in temperature had enabled them to finally get out of the house and away from the comfort of its air conditioning to enjoy a peaceful ride under the cloudless sky.

However, Yuki knew Jurina had something in mind when she saw her approaching Mayu’s bike, and a little voice inside her head told her the annual competition was about to begin. Indeed, she realized she had been right when she eavesdropped their conversation five seconds later.

“You’re going as slow as a snail, do you want to spice things up a bit?” Jurina quipped as she drew closer to Mayu.

“Don’t tempt me Jurina,” Mayu huffed.

“Come on,” Jurina smirked, “you know you can’t wait to show off your new bike.”

Yuki rolled her eyes. That was it. The moment Jurina spoke about Mayu’s new toy, she knew she would fall victim to her little game. Her girlfriend was just so predictable, and Jurina always knew which buttons to push to provoke a reaction.

“Fine, but don’t come whining at me if you lose,” Mayu countered, already adjusting the gears of her new shiny white bike.

“I can give you a head start if you like,” Jurina offered, a huge grin plastered on her face.

“You’re so full of yourself,” Mayu groaned, her attention now very much focused on the road ahead of her. “I won’t go easy on you.”

“Be careful,” Yuki warned when the girls suddenly hurtled off in front of her. Unfortunately, her words fell on deaf ears as the two friends were already too far to hear, and much focused on their friendly competition to pay attention to anything else anyway. “And they’re gone.”

“They look very motivated,” Rena chuckled by her side, watching in amusement the two girls drawing away until they were no more than two barely distinguishable silhouettes on the horizon.

After that, Yuki and Rena rode quietly next to each other for a little while - appreciating the beautiful scenery offered to them and relishing the comfortable presence of each other - until Yuki gave a side glance to her riding companion. As she watched her silently, she realized they never really had the opportunity to spend some time just the two of them outside of work before, and words left naturally her lips when she spoke. “This is nice.”

“It is,” Rena confirmed. “We should do this more often.”

Yuki nodded in agreement, admitting she wouldn’t mind repeating this moment in the future. Much as she enjoyed the company of other members, a peaceful feeling always filled her chest when she happened to be around Rena.

“I never had the opportunity to tell you, but I’m glad things worked out in the end between Jurina and you,” Yuki stated, reciprocating the genuine smile soon directed at her.

When Mayu had, months ago, informed her about Rena’s confession, Yuki found herself - contrary to her girlfriend - not completely surprised by it. After reflecting upon this strange realization, and wondering why a part of her somehow knew Jurina’s feelings weren’t one sided, her conversations with the older Matsui came to the forefront of her mind. Rena’s questions about her own relationship with Mayu seemed truly out of the blue at the time, but now she realized Rena never said anything by chance.

After witnessing Rena’s intense look on Jurina during the Tokyo Dome concert, she knew she wasn’t just reading friendship in her eyes, but a question remained nonetheless: would she be brave enough to take the next step? Her own procrastination seemed to reach no end after Mayu’s confession - she had even stupidly rejected her at first, out of fear - and a part of her hoped Rena wouldn’t make the same mistake. Feelings needed to be shared, not to be kept to yourself.

Yuki snapped out of her thoughts, more than glad Rena followed her advice in the end. Studying the older Matsui anew she noticed her eyes now glued on the locomotive moving slowly down the hill on their left, and an idea popped up in her head.

“There’s a railway museum no far from here. Do you want to visit it?” Yuki suggested.

“Really?” Rena’s voice pitched up in excitement, before noticing Yuki’s amused expression, and regaining her composure quickly. “No, it’s fine. We don’t have to.”

“I don’t mind,” Yuki shook her head. “I’ll send Mayu a text. They’ll join us once their little friendly competition is over.”

“Alright,” Rena replied, her face lightening up. “Do you know what kind of trains are exhibited?”

“I have no idea,” Yuki chuckled, very much amused by the familiarity of Rena’s enthusiasm. It looked a lot like the one she would witness when Mayu started talking about her favorite anime characters.


Jurina, wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and a pair of brown shorts, could feel the wind against her skin and hear the sound of the waves as she gazed down at the ocean. After admiring the view for a little while, her attention shifted to the few people laying on the sand. Despite the time of the year the beach was luckily not well known and as a result not as crowded as you would expect it to be, making it a place of choice for people who were looking for a peaceful afternoon by the sea. Her eyes started to shut as she relished the pleasant feeling of the soft wind against her skin, cooling down a bit the hot weather.

Just as she was about to get lost in the pleasant sensation footsteps caught her attention and she turned around in curiosity when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her mouth tugged into a smile as she saw Rena looking at her in expectation, briefly catching Mayu and Yuki a few feet away indicating them the way down to the beach. Her smile vanished when the scene suddenly felt oddly familiar to her, and she ignored Rena’s quizzical look upon her for a bit - trying to understand why she was feeling this way - until everything suddenly made sense.

Her attention got drawn to the ocean again, following the small waves crashing on the beach. Many times in the past she had dreamed of this place, in not a pleasant way. Despite the fact it had haunted her nights for so long, she had never been able to connect the dots before. This place was not the fruit of her imagination: she had dreamed about it because she had been there before.

“Jurina, are you alright?”

Rena’s voice jolted her out of her reverie and she turned around to see the older girl gazing at her in concern. Jurina reached out to squeeze her hand immediately, hoping the small gesture would reassure her effectively. She could guess Rena was expecting some kind of explanation for her odd silence but she chose to keep her thoughts to herself, not willing to dwell on the past. She simply refused to let this place remind her of bad memories anymore.

Her attention shifted briefly to Yuki and Mayu who were already descending the small wooden stairs leading to the beach, before sending a genuine smile at Rena. Yes, she was going to make new memories. Good ones. “I’m perfectly fine.”


The four friends had been laying on the beach for fifteen minutes now, and Jurina was starting to feel very bored. It was simply not like her to stay idle for so long. After realizing counting the grains of sand around her towel was ending up frustrating her more than anything else, she tilted her head left to Rena who was laying quietly by her side.

The older Matsui had been very much engrossed in a book since their arrival on the beach, a French one judging by the title she couldn’t manage to decipher. After her fruitless attempt at reading it her eyes traveled downwards to the red bikini she was wearing, admitting it was highlighting successfully the slim curves of her body. She let her gaze wander over the older girl’s skin for a little while, appreciating the sight offered, until a soft giggle reached her ears and she looked up in surprise.

“You’re staring, Jurina.”

“Ah,” Jurina trailed off, an impish smile forming on her lips, “sorry.”

Rena shook her head softly and lowered her book, her amused small brown orbs falling onto her. “Getting bored?”

“A bit,” Jurina admitted. Until now, she had let the three girls enjoy their peaceful afternoon without saying a word, but she couldn’t keep quiet anymore. She had to do something. Anything.

“Why don’t we go for a swim?” Jurina suggested, getting up on her feet in determination.

“It’s cold,” Rena exclaimed in disbelief.

“No it’s not,” Jurina protested.

“I heard you squeak when you dipped your toes in the water twenty minutes ago,” Rena chuckled.

Jurina gulped, cursing her own voice for betraying her, but decided to push things through nonetheless, “I’m sure it’s fine once you get used to it.”

“Sorry Jurina, but I don’t feel like freezing to death,” Rena replied, “and I really want to progress in my book.”

“It’s in French. Who wants to read that?” Jurina mumbled.

When she understood by Rena’s decided look that she wouldn’t get anything from her, her attention shifted briefly to Yuki - who was reading a cooking magazine and who quickly shook her head at her - before focusing on Mayu.

Her feet led her to the girl who was laying on her towel, eyes shut, and seemingly relishing the warmth of the sun against her skin judging by the contented sigh escaping her lips.

“I think you want to have a little fun with me in the water,” Jurina affirmed.

“What?” Mayu frowned, taking a peek at the girl standing in front of her and blocking the sun, and much unaware of the conversation that had just occurred a few seconds before.

“You. Me. The water.” Jurina explained, crossing her arms over her chest, light amusement dancing on her lips.

“I’m not interested,” Mayu retorted, watching her cautiously as the young girl came to kneel by her side in the sand.

“It will be fun,” Jurina insisted.

“I’m fine where I am,” Mayu repeated, not liking at all Jurina’s sudden huge grin. This expression of hers always meant one thing: trouble.

Indeed, five seconds later she saw Jurina slipping her arms under her head and her knees, but she was too late to react when she ended up trapped in her arms, Jurina soon getting up on her feet and moving towards the water.

“Put me down, Jurina!” Mayu shouted in shock, trying to free herself from Jurina’s strong grip. Unfortunately for her, the young girl was holding tight, and all her attempts failed miserably one after another.

Mayu realized the urgency of the situation when Jurina stepped into the water, knowing she only had a few seconds left to react. She searched her brain for a solution, desperate, but all thoughts vanished into thin air when Jurina threw her in the water. When she got back to the surface she faced a grinning Jurina, seemingly enjoying very much her little prank.

“As you wish,” Jurina smirked, avoiding cleverly a splash directed at her.

“You’re going to pay for that,” Mayu, soaked from head to toe, threatened.

“Bring it on.” Jurina took a few steps back in the water, watching her short friend’s every move in anticipation. She was always up for a good challenge.


“Jurina is so full of energy,” Yuki noted, following the two girls who had been splashing water at each other for the past five minutes.

“Isn’t she?” Rena admitted, chuckling when Jurina suddenly launched herself at Mayu - in the apparent intention of drowning her - before shaking her head in disbelief and focusing on her book again.

Yuki watched them a little while longer, not surprised in the least when Jurina managed to have it her way and Mayu suddenly disappeared under the surface of the water, before shifting her attention in curiosity to her companion.

“Le Petit Prince?” she exclaimed, startled to discover which book had been monopolizing Rena’s attention, “don’t tell me you’re reading it in French?”

“It’s an edition in Japanese and French,” Rena explained as she looked up from her book. "The plan was to read it in French but to be honest, I’m more reading the Japanese version than anything.“

"French is hard to learn, isn’t it?” Yuki trailed off, impressed her friend would venture into a new foreign language.

“It is, but I’m sure French people think the same about our language,” Rena smiled, before turning the book around and placing it on her lap. “It’s interesting, but it’s hard to get around all the metaphors. Now, I’m not so sure it was the best book to begin with.”

“Probably not,” Yuki admitted. “ But I admire you for trying to learn a new language. I’m struggling enough with English.”

After that, Yuki’s attention shifted to the ocean, watching briefly the two friends enjoying each other in the water, before she gazed back at Rena in amusement. “You know, it’s a relief you were able to take the week off. For once, I’m not stuck between those two.”

“I’m glad I could be of any help,” Rena laughed.


“What are you reading?” Jurina asked, taking a curious peek at the magazine Yuki had been pretty much engrossed into since their return to the house thirty minutes ago. Now that she took a better look at the cover she recognized the magazine Yuki had also been reading on the beach early on, and her friend’s focused attention on it picked her interest.

“I want to do some hiyashi chuka,” Yuki explained, briefly looking up to Jurina who was taking a seat at the table opposite her, before pointing at the page on the left. “It shouldn’t be too hard.”

Just as Jurina was about to reply that it was indeed a good idea with this hot weather she noticed Mayu waving her hand at her frenetically from the kitchen, and she immediately figured her AKB friend wasn’t terribly fond of Yuki’s suggestion. It was not that she didn’t like cold noodles - quite the opposite - but she apparently didn’t trust her girlfriend not to poison them all.

Jurina had to restrain herself from laughing at her desperate expression - which luckily Yuki couldn’t see thanks to having her back turned to the kitchen - and Jurina couldn’t help playing a little prank on her shorter friend. Her facial expression was just simply too hilarious to leave it there.

“I think it’s a good idea,” Jurina confirmed casually, noticing out of the corner of her eye Mayu now waving both her hands at her, and mouthing something she couldn’t decipher. Never mind, her terrorized expression spoke louder than words, anyway.

“You think?” Yuki’s voice pitched up in excitement, a broad smile on her lips. “I’ll do it tonight, then.”

Those words finished off Mayu whose face turned as white as a sheet. She wasn’t even trying to get Jurina on her side anymore, having apparently lost all hope of escaping Yuki’s new cooking adventure. An amused smile fell on Jurina’s lips, having too much fun with the scene unfolding in front of her, until deciding Mayu’s suffering had lasted long enough.

“Rena and I can help you if you like,” Jurina offered.

“That would be nice,” Yuki nodded, giving her a thankful smile. “I can use your experience.”

When Yuki wasn’t looking Jurina sent Mayu a playful wink, and by the mix of expressions crossing her face, she was having a hard time telling if she was relieved or angry at her for driving her nuts. Probably a bit both.


Rena shut her eyes as she stepped under the shower head, letting the water removing progressively the shampoo from her hair. A knock suddenly grabbed her attention half through the process and she glanced at the door, diminishing the pressure of the water before speaking. “I’m almost done.”

Just as she was about to get back to the task at hand she noticed the door opening nonetheless and she paused in surprise, until Jurina’s face came into view.

“Can I join?”

Rena’s features immediately relaxed and she sent her a quick smile, before nodding. “Of course.”

While Rena finished removing the white substance from her hair she watched Jurina taking off her blue short-sleeved shirt and her pair of brown shorts; her blue bikini soon being tossed aside on the floor as well. Rena shook her head in mild amusement at her behavior - clearly contrasting with her own clothes neatly folded on the chair near the sink - realizing some habits were hard to change.

“I just promised we would help Yuki cooking tonight,” Jurina declared when she slid the door open and stepped in the shower. “You should have seen Mayu’s face when Yuki announced she wanted to try something new. I almost believed she was going to have a heart attack.”

“You girls are awful,” Rena chided, indicating Jurina to turn around and starting washing her back with the soap, “Yuki’s cooking is really that bad? I thought she did well at New Year’s Eve.”

“You obviously never tasted it,” Jurina countered. “And Mayu did all the cooking last year. Yuki only prepared the mushrooms.”

“Oh,” Rena trailed off, now remembering indeed Yuki mentioning it during dinner. “Well, she’s doing her best.”

Jurina nodded absently and Rena continued carefully moving the soap on her skin, both girls falling into a comfortable silence. Rena progressively got lost in her own thoughts, realizing her week off was coming to an end. How long had it been since she had truly enjoyed herself in the company of friends? Yes, she spent some time out of work with Airi but it was not the same, from their activities to their conversation topics.

These last six days had been so different from everything she had experienced, and a tinge of melancholy filled her chest at the idea it was almost over. Tomorrow, she would go back to work, her holidays by the beach already a fading memory.

“Tomorrow is the last day,” Rena murmured, her eyes falling on Jurina as she turned around to face her.

“It is,” Jurina nodded in agreement, after briefly stepping under the shower head to get rid of the soap. “Did you like it here?”

“I did,” Rena’s eyes lit up, “This place is so beautiful and peaceful.”

“We can come back next year,” Jurina offered.

“I would like that,” Rena smiled. Of course, it was impossible to foresee the future - even less to know how her schedule would be next year at that time - but she knew she didn’t want those moments to be the last.

Rena’s brows furrowed in surprise when she noticed Jurina suddenly inching closer, until understanding what she had in mind by her playful expression. Indeed, two lips soon brushed hers in a - at first - chaste kiss, until it transformed into a more heated one when Jurina pushed her against the wall gently.

Rena couldn’t help but moan in the kiss when Jurina’s fingers caressed her skin and traveled down her body, guessing by her pressing touch where she was heading to. Lately, Jurina had become more bold towards her - not hesitating to shower her with affection when they were alone - and Rena had to admit this new behavior of hers sent shivers down her spine each time she happened to witness it.

Their relationship had evolved so much these last few months, being at first timid with a Jurina sometimes hesitant to make the first step. Rena didn’t mind the shyness, as she knew her somewhat sensitive heart had not completely healed from the hurt she had unintentionally caused her that day at the hospital. That was why she never lost an opportunity to reassure the young girl the best she could - whether with words of love or with demonstrations of affection - each time she saw a flicker of insecurity in her eyes.

So much time had passed since their first mutual kiss in that hotel room, and Rena could only relish this new step their relationship had recently taken. Jurina didn’t waste time anymore, at times being gentle and caring, and some other days more pressing and passionate. It seemed today she was going to be the latter.

“Jurina,” Rena murmured between kisses, wrapping her arms around the young girl’s neck.

Her eyes met Jurina’s when they broke the kiss, warmth filling her lower abdomen at the desire mixed with devotion she could read in the younger girl’s ones. It was an expression she never got tired of seeing, one that spoke louder than any words she could ever utter.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:14:57 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline SNSD.ProudPinoy.WMatui

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #295 on: August 02, 2015, 07:13:57 AM »
Oh my gosh!!! That was AMAZING!! ^///^ Loved ever piece of it and it made my heart throb at such words xD WMatsui has quite the growth and their moments just get better and better ;D  I can definitely never get tired of reading this your stories author-san ;)  I recently let introduced this set of fanfictions to one of my guy friends.. He completely LOVES it!!! xD The dude can't stop reading and is also anticipating more! Looks like you made a WMatsui-shipper out of him xD This was great and I can't wait for more! Gambatte!!

Offline niineechan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #296 on: August 02, 2015, 07:17:28 AM »
Me, found myself grinning like crazy while reading Jurina and Mayu's competition..
Me, found myself flustered while reading WMatsui moment in the last scene.
Me, LOVE this!! :luvluv2:
Arigato gozaimasu... :bow:
:twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #297 on: August 02, 2015, 08:47:00 AM »
OMG! that smexy time....  thank you for thisc hapter

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #298 on: August 02, 2015, 11:23:52 PM »
I am very happy that you feel better and continue the story.

I love how Mayu and Jurina are joking all day, and the friendship of Rena and Yuki.

Great this last intimate moment from Rena and Jurina.

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20 END) + Partners (8/?) [WMatsui] (02/08/15)
« Reply #299 on: August 03, 2015, 03:14:07 PM »
I'm ecstatic that this will be continued! Thank you so much, Author-San :3

Such a lovely chapter that I finished reading without realizing it :O I was really into it I suppose *^*

JuriMayu really act like kids when they're together with RenaYuki being the doting "big sister" hahaha. Their interactions with one another were cute :)

Slowly but surely, Juju has really begun to change, and I'm happy for her. Rena in her own way as well. :D I still remember being frustrated at their awkwardness quite some time ago  :lol: That last intimate moment of WMatsui at the end though  :inlove:

Thanks again for this update! I'll keep supporting ya!  :twothumbs

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