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Author Topic: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)  (Read 98994 times)

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (2 of 2) Yuki's 2-S Birthday | SaeYuki | 1/8/16
« Reply #120 on: September 05, 2016, 08:53:03 PM »
Birthday’s Effect


Confettis were scattered all over the places; my head, cake itself, while some of them were on my shirt, but mostly on the floor.

“Awww thank you guys, but…” My eyes started looking at this mess that they’ve created “It looks like... I’ll have long day to clean this mess..”

“The birthday-girl shouldn’t be grumpy, you know!”

“So true! You should be grateful because despite our crazy schedules, we still have time to celebrate your birthday!”

“Hahahaha I know I know~ Thank you as always.” I beamed my infamous smile as usual.

There they are, my Shinyuu aka bestfriends. Perhaps you guys already knew who they are. Yup, the tallest among us is Akimoto Sayaka while the other one of course our ace in 2nd gen; Oshima Yuko. Why are they here? Ummm…. Today is my 26th birthday of course! What? Well… Yeah i’m bit old now, but just a bit! I still a baby compared to Meetan.

“Be careful Sae, if today isn’t your birthday...I’ll give you headlock” Sayaka glared to me.


I made a peace-sign with my right hand while my mouth tugging smile, a sheepish one. We were still on stare-contest when Yuko finally back with a can of soda in her hand.

“Hey, where is Yukirin?”

Both of my eyes and Sayaka’s shifted to Yuko who is now look comfortable by sitting down on my couch as her hand opened up the soda- took a sip.

“Ah yeah. I was about to asked the same thing.” Sayaka added

“Well you know.. It’s weird not to have her in your birthday, after all she is the REAL VVIP in here right, Sayaka?” The squirrel-girl gave this smirk to the tallest who nodded in agreement.

“Ah… Yuki?” My eyes immediately shifted to anywhere but them. I knew they are going to ask about this yet I still haven’t found any answer. I know in a couple of seconds they’ll find out if I don’t say anything, “Umm.. Yuki is-”

“Why? Don’t tell me…..” Sayaka squinted her eyes suspiciously

“Again?? What did you do this time?” I can see Yuko’s jaw dropped, meanwhile her hand stopped in the mid-air.

Dammit, they got me.

“Ano...” Then without my knowing, my mouth already spill the beans.

Well.. It all started with the simplest mistake that I’ve made around mid of July. I guess you already know what it was. Correct. I forgot to send her birthday wishes through our twitter like our annual routines. I knew a lot of members and fans already showering her with enormous wishes through twitter since the beginning of July 15th in the mid-nite and she even replied a couple of tweets after she posted her pic together with Mayu and Sasshi. Obviously, we could literally say everyone has sent tweets to her except one person; Me. Yeah...yeah I know I’m stupid, fool, baka, dense, oblivious, insensitive, what else? Just name all of the bad nicknames, I’ll take it, really.  If I had known that simple mistake could turn my cute girlfriend to this…… ummm mad? No, she was very mad. Correction - she was furious.


That day was the Yuki’s birthday, I already bought her present as I was on my way to her apartment. If someone recognised me on that day, maybe they’ll describe me as fool due to smile on my face. When I arrived to her front door, my eyes noticed that there is no sign of anyone at home. I knocked once and wait, but nothing came out. Then twice, thrice and nth times. I gave up the idea knocking and waiting thingy, finally using my key to open the door. Yeah she gave me hers, then she also kept mine too. For your information, I rarely use this key since she always busy and have no time at home. When she had time, Yuki chose to spent night at mine.

“Pardon my intrusion..”

I know there is no one who’ll answer, it’s just a habit I guess? Yuki’s apartment isn’t that big, well almost same-size with mine. The difference is just our style. Yuki loves pink and white, mostly her furnitures either pink or white. Half of her bed was full with plush dolls, yukirin-daruma, disney’s edition or even black-marimokkori (maybe it’s the only black thing in her room). In short mostly she loves to keep her things tidy and well-arrange. Meanwhile mine is just simple. What I meant as simple is I don’t have much furnitures in my room except the primary one; bed, closet, and tv (Yuki forced me to buy this because she said it’s too troublesome to watch in living room).

Back to her room, I sat comfortably on the edge of the bed. My nose inhaled the spesific fragrance, it was lavender. It wasn’t her perfume but one of her aromatherapy candles that she always use. I remembered her amused-face when I easily guess what it was. I can’t helped but let out a soft chuckle as her overreaction face came on my mind. Soon my smile faded when I saw the clock already showed half past 1 in the morning.

“Where is she?”

I waited and waited until my eyes can’t stand fighting the drowsiness. “Maybe closing eyes for 10 minutes is fine..” A yawn escaped from my lips, broke out the silence.

Well it was a long day too for me. Since I’ve graduated it’s not easy to stand by your own feet. I don’t have the title AKB nor SKE behind my name,right now it’s just Miyazawa Sae. I barely finish my schedule at 12 then rushing to this place. I didn’t even greet my co-workers properly, since I was the first one to excuse myself. I’m not gonna lie, I miss Yuki, very much. I wish she could coming home sooner so we could finally celebrate her birthday. That’s what I thought.

Sunlight came through the gap of curtains piercing into my eyes. I’m still on the same position from the moment I could remember. Wait? Sunlight? My eyes widened suddenly, realized that morning has came. But where is she? Did she not coming back last night? I took a look at my phone which is on my hand, much to my disappointment. There was nothing. Not even a missed-call from her. My heart dropped at the bottomless pit as I realized that I’ve waited for nothing.

“What a good thing to start my day…” as my eyes still fixed on the phone screen.

I was about to get up when a piece of paper caught my eyes on the nightstand on the right.

Did you wake up already? I’m sorry I’ve early schedule for today. I was coming home late too.

I forgot, she’s indeed a busy member. My eyes continued to read the rest of letter.

Didn’t you say that you were shooting something too last night?

Yeah, I did.

Why didn’t you tell me that you are coming?

I’d like too, but It’s not surprise anymore if I told you. Baka

Anyway, I have to go now. I’ll call you later.

She’ll forget the call for sure. A faint smile appeared, then my eyes turned to the bottom part of the letter.

Ps. I got many wishes from members, but there was one person that forget. Well…. It’s okay I’m FINE.

Crap. The way she wrote this letter, I knew she didn’t look fine, not at all.

Before you guys ready to strangle me, believe me I DID send her a text on LINE. I only forgot to send the tweet on twitter, and look what she has done. She just ignored me for the whole month. WHOLE MONTH, can you believe it? It’s August already aka my Month. Isn’t she being so overboard this time?

Like I predicted, she didn’t call. Yuki barely read or reply my messages. At first, I thought she was busy. Because yeah we both casted in musical, different musicals of course. She’s with Majisuka Gakuen meanwhile me joined as Carol in Ouke No Monshou. I did left her messages, but the reply will came in the couple hours, or worst the next day.

About the twitter? I know it might sound like excuses. I did open my twitter on that day, but! I was writing something then send it without scrolling down my timeline. Then because I felt like I already sent her the birthday wishes through LINE then I didn’t have to do it again.

Finally her musical has began. I saw members one by one dropped by to see her in the twitter. She often took a pic with certain member on the backstage after the actual musical end. Huh? What about me you said? Umm….. Hehe I didn’t visit her….  W-Wait! Don’t hit me! It’s because I was busy with mine too. Seriously… this musical means a lot to me, it’s my first work after 48G era in my life you know.

Huh? How did I know the news about Yuki? I-I didn’t visit her profile. It just showed in my timeline. W-What? Hey I’m not lying! Hmmm… I might……. visit her…... by chance.. But! Just once, or…. two? Anyway it’s not important! All matters now, my girlfriend started to act like always-busy-in-any-hours mode. Like this when I called her last night.



“What are you doing now, Yuki-chan? I’m on break, Would-.” Before I could finish, she abruptly cut my line.

[I’m sorry, Sae-chan. I have schedule now.]

“Ah… I see. That can’t be helped since you are busy, right?”I tried not to sound so down by this rejection.

[If you don’t have anything to say, I’ll hang up now. Bye]

“Wait, Yuki!”

*Tut Tut*

Okay, she is really one of busiest members in 48G. So I get it, she is busy. Then I tried to LINE her and expecting she’ll reply it when she’s on break or have time to see her phone.

To : Yuki
Baby, let’s have dinner together tonight.
I miss you.


“Yossha… Send!”

There is no way she’ll turn down the “ultimate line” on the last part right?

Minutes gone and turn to hour, and hours…. But no, Nothing came. I waited and waited until I got to practice again and left my phone on locker. Luckily the practice time today has ended fast than it scheduled, since one of the cast got sick. Actually we could keep practicing, but it’s no use if we just skipped part of that person. We could easily confused then it might affected the actual performance later.

The first thing I checked after bid farewell to my co-stars was my phone. Much to my surprise, there was no messages, she didn’t even read it. I was disappointed, but blame on my positive attitude. I believe my girlfriend was just busy. While waiting for her reply, I decided to take a look on my twitter. There was this person on the top of my timeline, I saw her from her post It was just 2 minutes ago. Guess who? It’s my girlfriend. Kashiwagi Yuki.

Seriously, I’m a patient person, you can ask either Sayaka or Yuko, even Takamina too. But what I’ve found on twitter today could be the first reason ever that could make me angry. So she has time to update her twitter but not to read my messages? Put aside that messages. Today, August 13th. I still haven’t receive my wishes from her. I’m not hoping the birthday wishes through twitter, because she might planning not to send me any wishes.


“So… that’s it..” I ended my story by resting my head on Sayaka’s shoulder.

*BRUKK* suddenly my head received flying cushion.

“Aww!” I rubbed my head, then I found Yuko who has this evil smirk on her face, “W-What?”

“Hah!” I heard Yuko let out a grunt, slightly pulling out her hair in desperation, “Tell her, Sayaka. I don’t know anymore how to teach this dummy.”

“Hey! I’m not a dumb!” I was about to go to Yuko, when Sayaka grabbed my hand-stopped me.

“There there, stop it you two!” Sayaka swiftly moved in the middle


Our attention diverted to the source of voices on my front door now.

“Did you invite anyone tonight?” Sayaka asked me.

“No..?” My head shook furiously. I certainly sure that I didn’t invite anyone tonight. Well I did leave message on Yuki’s Line, still no answer. There is no way she will come right?

“Tadaima~” A familiar voice echoed from the door.

It can’t be her..” I gulped down saliva due to nervousness because I knew whose voice that is.


“Ara? We have guests?”

“You are late! It’s nice to see you busy as ever.” Yuko hugged my girlfriend just want to greet her.

“Hahaha don’t make me laugh, you and sayaka are probably more busy than me, right?” Yuki broke the hug and went to Sayaka’s side. She gave her a short hug too before finally took a seat beside me.

“I’m on my break now though, so how is AKB?” Sayaka asked

Then there 3 of them were talking about AKB thingy. The greatest part is I was obviously invincible in this room, like they probably forget the main character of today is me, Miyazawa Sae. Even that girl who just joined just now, didn’t bother to greet me or at least hug me like she did to my friends, or kiss me on the cheek like she used to. But now, she didn’t even look me in the eyes. Okay, I’m done with this.

*cough* “Hello? I’m still here… and  this is still August of 13….” I can’t help but sound so grumpy right now.

“I-I guess we are going home now, right Yuko?” Sayaka nudged Yuko’s stomach with her elbow. I bet it’s hurt, it was on Yuko’s face, clearly.

Yuko threw her death glare as if she was conveying how hurt she was by eyes only, “R-Right, See you again both of you!” I could see Yuko was waving furiously at us, but Sayaka kept dragging her until we can’t see them but just sound of door was closing.

We stayed in silent for quite long, from what it looks. We just waited for each other to speak first.

“How’s life?” I asked her. It might sound lame question, maybe some of you will notice that as diss to her, but seriously deep inside I want to know.

“Hm? Ah… It’s good.” a short answer came from her.

I’ve waited maybe she took her time to describing what she did or why didn’t she reply my messages. I’ve a lot of questions to ask, however she just back to silent mode after that answer.

“Just like that?” I raised my voice with questioning-look face

“What else do you expect?” She frowned.

A long sigh escaped from mine, “Are you still angry with me?”

“Hm? Why should I?”

“It’s because….. I forgot to send birthday?”

“Ah birthday? No…”

“So, why did you ignore me? Not reply or even read my messages? Now you didn’t even send me birthday wishes? Not to mention you even hugged Sayaka and Yuko but me?” Clearly I was venting out my anger which has been build up this month.

“Ah… now you know how I felt?”


“You know, I was devastated that you went online on twitter but you didn’t send me any tweet. Didn’t you see that everyone was congratulating me back then? It’s like EVERYONE but you, Miyazawa Sae.”

“Yuki…..” I tried to hold her hand but she refused to meet mine

“It’s okay if other members didn’t congratulate me, honestly I don’t really care. But you? You aren’t just someone, Sae. You are the one I love, my love, my girlfriend... Or I am no longer…?”

I cut her sentences, my hands were on reflex to cup my lover’s cheeks “N-No! You are still my girlfriend.”


I caressed her right cheeks with my thumb, “Okay… I was wrong… I’m sorry…” I didn’t dare to add any reason, because it might sound excuses than the truth though I’m not lying.

“Now you know how I feel?”


“How is it?” She asked me with those doe-eyes mode.

“It’s awful.” I pouted as the memories of waiting alone, to be ignore by her is coming back again. Trust me, it’s not good feeling. “Just don’t do that again, okay?
“That’s my line, baaaaakaaaaa.” She pinched my cheek, not in adorable-way but really hard like probably she had grudged for me.

“Awawaw! Itta-Ittai!!” I covered my cheeks with my own palms, “Mou, don’t you have good present than pinch me?” my hands was still rubbing the red mark on my cheeks.

“Have you eat? I bought you choco cake you know~” She leaned in and kissed my lips. Finally our first skinship from July.

She knew choco is my weakness, “Yatta!! Aishiteruyoo~” I pecked those alluring lips, “Can we lit the candle now?”

“Sure, just go ahead to the kitchen. I’m gonna change for a sec.”

Yuki was about to raise from the sofa when my hand grabbed her by the wrist, completely stopping her movement. Her eyes turned to me, slightly tilted her head. Her face was showing what-is-wrong-look without saying anything.

“Don’t take it too long… I’ve waited for… a month already..” my eyes on the floor can’t look at her properly. Due to abstinence for a month, there is weird feeling that I want to keep her closer to mine. Despite I know how much I missed her, but still it’s embarrassing to say it out loud. Finger crossed that she couldn’t hear the last part.

Soft chuckle filling out my rooms, I lift my face just to meet her amuse face, “I never know my ikemen could be this cute. You know that princess need to dress up to see her prince right?”


I was forced to keep my line to myself because the princess already decided crash her lips on mine. My eyes slowly closing to savoring this moments, our kiss went slow.. As if in slow motion video. Neither both of us tried to turn this kiss into lust or desire one, we just… kissed like we’ve never kiss before. Yuki pulled away before the kissed took so long, as her eyes still glued on me.

“If we are keep kissing like this, i doubt I’ll back sooner.” She stroke my hair before claimed what is her mine once again, “Let’s resume our kiss later, kay prince?”

I lost this battle, when a smile appeared on my face, “Okay, don’t make me wait for long princess.” I took her right hand and kissed it’s back. A crimson shade appeared on her cheeks as she hurriedly took her hand back then went to my room to finally change.

Normal POV

Yuki closed the room’s door behind her, then quickly took her phone out of the bag. Her hands frantic to search a certain number from her contact lists. Her face was lit up as she finally found what she’s been looking for.


[Hey yukirin. So, how was it?]

“Mission accomplished, Mayu. Thanks for advices. I owe you one”

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Birthday's Effect [Sae's POV] | SaeYuki | 6/9/16
« Reply #121 on: September 06, 2016, 01:02:54 AM »
Miyazawa is an idiot! hahaha poor sae but she deserve that... a lot.. I really love saeyuki soo thank you very much for this

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Birthday's Effect [Sae's POV] | SaeYuki | 6/9/16
« Reply #122 on: September 08, 2016, 03:17:41 PM »
SAE AHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That's what you get for making such a mistake to your girlfriend :P but all is well now yay~ in here also, Yuki seems like the dominant one hohoho

"Mission accomplished" lmao as if mayuki are kyouhansha XD

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Birthday's Effect [Sae's POV] | SaeYuki | 6/9/16
« Reply #123 on: September 09, 2016, 07:47:33 PM »
Well. I use my favorite pairing as my password and I have manymanymanymanymany favourite pair. Should I mention them one by one??? That gonna be longer than this fic. lol

Sae-chan, forget to sent messages in your waifu's twitter on her birthday? That was obviously stupid-.-
Thanks to Yuuko and Sayaka's part when they 'punish' their friends, I can hold my hand to slap my phone. lol
And Yukirin, you have a very smart friend there~ What a great way to make your ikemen realize her stupidness. lol

And ofcourse I love your smut fic. I love smuty fic afterall~~~
Should I wait for the smut part again? lol

Thanks for the update, Tama-chan~~~
Gonna wait your next works!\^o^/

I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Birthday's Effect [Sae's POV] | SaeYuki | 6/9/16
« Reply #124 on: October 17, 2016, 11:01:23 AM »
Miyazawa is an idiot! hahaha poor sae but she deserve that... a lot.. I really love saeyuki soo thank you very much for this
Hahahaha we all know how Sae will evade topic with "minna-daisuki"
I'll write more about them of course  :heart:
SAE AHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That's what you get for making such a mistake to your girlfriend :P but all is well now yay~ in here also, Yuki seems like the dominant one hohoho

"Mission accomplished" lmao as if mayuki are kyouhansha XD
AHOOOOOO DAAA!!!!  :angry: :angry:
Hahaha but I can't angry to her, can I? :>

Well Mayuki are really nakayoshi, so I kinda imagine what they were talking about hahaha...
Well. I use my favorite pairing as my password and I have manymanymanymanymany favourite pair. Should I mention them one by one??? That gonna be longer than this fic. lol

Sae-chan, forget to sent messages in your waifu's twitter on her birthday? That was obviously stupid-.-
Thanks to Yuuko and Sayaka's part when they 'punish' their friends, I can hold my hand to slap my phone. lol
And Yukirin, you have a very smart friend there~ What a great way to make your ikemen realize her stupidness. lol

And ofcourse I love your smut fic. I love smuty fic afterall~~~
Should I wait for the smut part again? lol

Thanks for the update, Tama-chan~~~
Gonna wait your next works!\^o^/
Lol XD
I use the same password all the time, since I'm indeed forgetful person ever :>
whoooaaa don't slap my oshi! HAHAHAHA though I'm the one who will smack her first

Smutty again?? whoaaaaa its hard. but let's see, who knows I'll write one again :P :P

Hello guys, It's me again.  :onionwhip:
It's been a long time since I write something  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:
It's not that i want to stop writing, but i'm getting busy nowadays up until I didn't sleep enough.  :imdead: :imdead:
But last week i manage to write this story. This story totally different from what i imagined.
so sorry if I let down you guys with this rushing ending (though I want to explore more from both side story)
However, I'm not confident to drag this story any longer. So yeah....    :sweat:

Let's meet on next project~   :byebye: :byebye:

ps. I might be write new series/OS (depend on my mood) story, Who do you want to see as pairing?  :kekeke: :kekeke:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Birthday's Effect [Sae's POV] | SaeYuki | 6/9/16
« Reply #125 on: October 17, 2016, 11:09:04 AM »
Encounter - Chapter 6 (END)

Rena’s POV

“Who are you?” The mysterious young woman said

I frowned my brows, because I didn’t remember the owner of this huge apartment said anything about surprise guest coming by today. On the other hand, the young woman who stand before me now kept staring at me. Hmmmm staring isn’t the right word to describe the scene. Ah! Eyeing me up and down? Yeah, perhaps that was the best expression. Meanwhile after she looked satisfy with her eyes, the next move of her was crossing arms, as if demanding the answer of her question.

“If you’re asking someone’s name, wouldn’t be nice if you say yours first, don’t you think?” I talked to her back,  one of my eyebrows was raising in amusement.

If you were here now, I’d be glad to show you her face. I could tell she wasn’t pleased with my presence as her eyes literally were speak for her. Not forget to mention the furrowed eyebrows on her face too, perhaps she wasn’t expecting the kind of that answer.  Who is she? Is she his sister? or……. what?

“Okay….” She gave out her hand before my eyes “I’m Mayu, and you are….?”

Mayu? Isn’t that his ex-girlfriend name? I tried to remember my conversation with Jun.

“I’m Rena.”

My right hand fly to meet hers, as our lips exchanging a small smile before finally let go our hands. There was an awkward silence between us after that, like we both didn’t know what to do.  Now what?

“Ummm… Want to come inside?” Finally I said it to break silence between us.

Well, it’s already weird to let stranger inside, especially when the apartment isn’t even yours. Still I have nothing to say except this nor I can stand being the target of her eyes any longer. Much to my surprise, the mysterious girl didn’t bother to say anything but followed my lead anyway to get inside. She is walking behind me now, however she looked so familiar with this apartment’s spaces. When we arrived at living room, all of sudden her feet freeze at one side of couch where she took her seat. Meanwhile me wanted to take any side of couch, as long as you can sit. However, since she already chose hers, so willingly I took the seat across from her; we were separated by mini table.

“Who are you?”

There she goes again, asking me the same question.

“I told you I’m Rena.”

“Not that, what’s your relation with Jun?”

“Ummmm Etoooo…..”

It’s not that I wasn’t expecting that question, but I just find it hard to describe my relation to him. We aren’t friends yet I stay-over at his place. Wait, doesn’t it mean we are indeed friends now? But wait, I think it doesn’t work that way. What is friend anyway? At first I just treat him as stranger, anyhow since we already know part of our lives (The heartbreak-phase part).  I guess we’re not stranger anymore, are we? But what are we? Friends? Or…….

“Why can’t you answer that? Are you…...”

Her next question brought me back to the current time. She didn’t finished what she said, you don’t have to be genius to guess what inside her mind

“He just let me stay for a night.”

“Stay!?” Her eyes widened, “So.. You’re his new girlfriend?”

“W-what? No No No!!” I waved my both hand furiously, denying the fast conclusion from her.

“Don’t lie to me! He never bring any woman home except me, not even once.”

Geez. Seriously this girl should learn how to hear someone out first. Not just jump into conclusion even I tried to explain this whole things. Somehow I feel bad for Jun, what’s his past-life’s fault to have this kind of girl as ex-girlfriend? What a luck. I was about to open my mouth, but this girl cut me off again. Manner? I think she has none.

“Hah! I knew it since he hasn’t call me. So, he got new toy already?”

A sarcasm behind her words. Great.

“Wait, calm down. Listen to me first.” I rose from my seat and sat on the available space next after her..

“No need!” She raised her hands, gave me sign to stop talking “I want you to go out from my boyfriend’s house. NOW!” Her index finger was pointing to the exit.

For your information, I’m a patient person. You can ask Kuumin, or my other friend, even you can ask Churi. She was my bestfriend for years, before I know what she did behind my back yet I kept silent to maintain our friendship. To tell you the truth, I don’t even mad with Churi, most of my anger are to Airi. Because I can find another lover to replace him, but bestfriend? You might have 1000 friends, but still has no bestfriends. I didn’t say that Churi isn’t guilty for this, She is wrong. But human makes mistake right? So do I. In my case, I trust people easily. My mom said that isn't bad thing, however if you met bad person. They’ll take that chance to use it as our weakness.

For this case, I don’t mind to get out this apartment right here and right now. Somehow when I heard her accusing someone who is kind-hearted person like Jun to have girls as his toys made my blood boiling, for no reason. Nevertheless, her ex-boyfriend is indeed look like a playboy with those attractive face too. But hey don’t you think she is went overboard? I meant they were together before right? How could she say that? Then according to Jun she just left him for someone else? Funny. That’s it, I had enough. Why don’t we introduce her with the other Rena, shall we?

“So… you are that Mayu?” I emphasized the certain word in my line.

“Yeah, I’m Mayu. His girlfriend.”

A grunt fell from my mouth, “Hah? Girlfriend? I thought you were the one who breaking up with him in the first place?”

Sure, she couldn’t hide her shock reaction how-did-you-know, then she quickly clear her throat “Well it’s true. But I want him back, since I broke up with Yuuki two hours ago.”


“My boyfriend. Oops! My ex for now.” She giggled like a it-girl in my college. “I never thought Jun had the ball to cheat behind my back too. But..” She eyeing up me again “I never know he had bad taste for my replacement.”

I was so speechless, how could human being has dirty mouth like her. It annoyed me for real, not only she just talking bad about Jun; Now did she say I am unattractive? Whooaa….. You messed up with wrong girl, bitch. Without me knowing, my feet already brought me to where she was.

“What?” She shifted her view to me. That smug face really like a trigger to my anger’s gauge.


I slapped her,  not that hard but able to make her fall to the floor. Am I too strong or she is just too weak? I was occupied by this mean-girl, up to the point didn’t hear someone was  coming from front door.


My eyes turned to the source of voices and found the least person I want to be here. He was so shocked. Did he... just saw the slap part? Crap! The owner of apartment was rushing to where his ex-girlfriend laying, hugging her as she was the fragilest thing ever. Somehow I grew to dislike what I saw, there was unusual twinges inside my heart. It was hurt.

“J-Jun?” as her voice broke my trance, I saw her immediately covered her face with her own hand. The bead of tears were forming in her dark-brown eyes.

“Yes, it’s me. Mayu...”

Tell me, is it me or this meanie girl suddenly look like so weak in front of Jun? Where was the meanie girl? Seriously,  hate this kind of girl, like totally.

“Are you out of your mind, RENA?”

I woke up from my trance because of sudden voice in high pitch from the man. Great, now I’m the bad girl? Can he ask me first? Not just jump into conclusion just because of what he saw.  A sharp pain spreading inside my chest; Anger.

“She deserve it!”

His face was darkened, my answer probably the last thing he expect from mine. I didn’t bother to answer it, because does it matter? I mean, more likely he won’t believe me. He didn’t even ask me first, why should I explain myself then? I can see his mouth opened a bit as if contemplated about what he’s going to say next. I’m not surprised if he asked me about the slap scene, that’s the normal thing to ask. Moreover, don’t you think he deserves to know what this kind of girl Mayu is? Just before Jun wanted to say something, guess what? That girl held Jun’s hand, prevent him to touch this topic any further..

“She’s right, Jun…….. Perhaps, I deserve this…” Mayu broke into tears, as she struggled to finish her sentences.

Hah? Wow….. Now she’s pretending to be weak? What a great actress.

“No, Mayu. There is no right of violence!” I saw Jun letting go Mayu’s hand from his, as he made his way to my side.  “Rena, you
need to explain this to me.”


Now…. How can I explain it? Will he trust me if his ex-girlfriend turned out to be not as kind as he thought?

“RENA!” A sudden grip on my shoulder made our eyes met. Sadly, all I can see his anger from the dark-brown eyes made me lose my
will to explain what happened between me and Mayu.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” I look at his eyes properly, serious tone were added. “Do you trust me or that ex of yours?” I believe my annoyance through by the end of my sentences.

He diverted his eyes to met Mayu’s then turned to mine again. I could tell he confused, whether to take my side or Mayu’s. Neither of us making any sounds, I swore that I could hear my own breath. The atmosphere between us became so thick, then all we can hear is Mayu’s faint sob; she was just a couple feet away from me and Jun stand. Before the silence between us grew too much to handle, the ex of his spoke after she finished crying as her hands sweep the dried tears.

“Chase her out, Jun. I don’t want to see her.”

My eyes widened so did Jun’s, with fast move he turned to the where mayu was  “Mayu..??” as if he didn’t see it coming, not from Mayu’s mouth.

“Why? Are you on her side now?”  Mayu accused him further, forcely made him to take side. Her or Me.

“No, it’s not like that. Rena and me jus-”

I had enough with this drama “Hah!You know what? You don’t have to chase me out! I’ll go out by myself.”

I just left those two alone then began to walk to the master room. I still need to change into my clothes since these aren’t mine, above of all I still have my bag and there is no way I can left it here. After finished, an exhales came out from my mouth before open the door. Because I’ll see the annoying view again; Mayu. Eww…..

“Thank you for your kindness.” I bowed my head lightly, didn’t wait for the answer before I want to get out, FAST. I didn’t spare my energy to close the door, and went BAM to relieve out my anger.

“Tsk..What a sly woman.” I clenched my fist in anger. “I should’ve slap her more, the harder the better.”

I grabbed my phone, searching the number one of my friend.

“Moshi-moshi, Kuumin? Can you pick me at Nagoya station please?”

A month later

“Nee Rena please listen to me…”

There was guy tried to kept his pace same with Rena’s. It’s easy to figure it out that the latter tried to avoid this guy with walking even faster. With his last resort he grabbed Rena’s hand, which resulted Rena finally met his view.

“What do you want, Airi?” Rena sounded so tired

“I want you back, did you hear me?” Airi barely catch his breath; Due to his un-fit body, the simple excercise like this made him lost his breath easily.

A sigh escaped from the girl’s lips, “I told you many times before, and it’s still NO. Could you let me go now? I have to go to another class.” Rena prayed inside her heart that her ex will let her go.

“Not before you said yes.” Airi insisted, he pulled Rena’s waist closer. Rena knew the next move, but Airi was too strong and her back already met her enemy; wall. She closed her eyes, braced herself for the next impact from her ex.


Rena opened her eyes and found Airi already fell on the floor with small cut in his upper lip.

“W-Who are you?” Airi beamed laser through his eyes.

“It doesn’t matter who I am.” A voice came out from Rena’s back, the mysterious figure slowly starting to walk past our heroine, “But one thing for sure, I won’t let you touch Rena, dumbass.”

“J-Jun?” Rena’s eyes enlarged to the maximum size “What are you doing here?”

“Rena? You knew this dude?” Airi asked

“Ah… Didn’t you tell about us to him?” Jun blinking a couple of times, enough to send the sign to the younger girl to play along. Thank God Rena isn’t having slow brain in the moment. She gladly took the bait, since maybe that’s the only thing will make Airi stay away from her; For the time being.

“He is the reason that I can’t be with you, Airi.” Rena grabbed Jun’s arm, link it together.

“Y-you? What? Him?”

“Why? You cheated on me, why can’t I do the same?” Rena frowned, “Ah… Basically I didn’t CHEAT on you, we already broke up.”

“You hear her…. So don’t…. touch….. my girl… got it?” Jun walked slowly as his lips said word by word, with emphasize in it.

“DAMMIT!” Airi can’t stand being humiliated this way, so He chose to walk off from the scene.

When Rena saw Airi’s shadow disappeared from her view, she finally let the grip on her hand loosened. She shifted her head to see the guy beside her, when she took closer look. Jun wasn’t wearing any formal outfit. He looked like late teenager, if you don’t know his real age you might mistook him as 22 or even younger. The latter look great with just blue jeans and navy v-neck t-shirt. Too bad she may have stare at him too long, made him realized from the constant stare from his left.

“Is there something wrong on my face?”

“N-No! I was just thinking about something.”

“About? My face?”

OF COURSE NOT!” She cleared her throat before she began to speak “A-anyway, w-what are you doing in Tokyo?”

“I live here now, I just moved to tokyo last month” He grinned

“So, You’ve been in Tokyo for a month? But you just showed up now?” Rena couldn’t hide her disappointed tone.

“Well… I’ve been looking for you anywhere. It took me for a while to get information that you are actually belong to this university, you know? There is nothing I know except you are Rena from Tokyo. I didn’t even know your family name.” Jun explained the whole thing at one breath.

Rena chuckled seeing how fast the latter explained the whole things “Jaa…… My name is Matsui Rena. I’m 21 years old, currently a senior student on Todai.” Rena reached out her hand “Nice to meet you, Mr…..”

“Jun, Matsui Jun. I never thought we have a same family name, Rena.” Jun flashed his smile as his hand gladly accept Rena’s.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, yet.” Rena flashed a mischievous smile and ended it with a cute wink.

“Great, we have a lot of times to get to know each other, right?” His eyes lit up as that was happiest thing to him.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to slap another girl you know?” a faint chuckle escape from the girl’s.

“Who? Mayu? Nah don’t mind her. She’s back with Yuuki. The reason that she left me before.”

“Wowowow… and tell me why didn’t it surprise me?” Rena clapped despite her face was totally flat. “Nee Jun, I think you do have bad eyes for woman.”

“I know right? However, this time I hope…….”  With slow motion Jun laced their hand together as one “I’ll pick the right woman..” ended it with his cheshire-smile

“Well….. As long as you didn’t attack me when I sleep… Maybe I’ll think about it..” The girls took glance to see if the guy understood what she meant.

“Attack you when you are sleeping, when did-” Jun stopped talking suddenly, as his eyes demanded for answer “AAAKK!! Don’t tell me….!!” The memories from the night that Jun kissed her eyes re-appearing before his eyes.

“Uh-huh..Now you remember? You shouldn’t kiss maiden in her sleep.” Rena pinched his cheek not in hard way.

“You were awake??” He lost words to describe what he felt to this sudden revelation.

“Of course! I was sober enough to know that you were going to kiss….” She didn’t say it but she lick her lips, as if gave me sign from it.

So she knew?OMG…

If you could see Jun, his face was blushing hard due to embarrassment. More than kiss itself, He felt so guilty as if he was taking chance from unconscious girl. He was so into his deep thought, without knowing Rena found this scene as amusing one to watch indeed. Then she had this one idea to wake the older guy from his trance. Rena’s face drew closer...and closer…. Until she finally gave kiss on Jun’s cheek.

“..........” Jun raised up his hand to cup where the warm flesh made contact, All Rena did was laughing because her plan succeed but Jun became more flustered by sudden contact.

Rena gestured him to get closer to her, which is he quickly complied “Now we are even, Matsui-san” She whispered

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #126 on: October 17, 2016, 12:45:57 PM »
Welcome back Tama-san! Thanks for the last chapter of Encounter. I really waited for it, and I'm also waiting for the next chapter of Love is Serious, When War is Involved. Don't worry, I'm not rushing you. About your next series/OS, can I request for SayaAnnin OS/Series. I really like this pairing. Thanks and more power.  :onioncheer:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #127 on: October 25, 2016, 05:51:20 PM »
Thanks for your update, but I'm confused about Jun's behavior. He didn't believe Rena at first, but when Mayu left him again, he tried to find Rena. It looks like he just use Rena as subtitute because Mayu left him.

Please update your other story too. Thank you
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #128 on: November 03, 2016, 02:26:02 AM »
That's why i believe Rena, she's always right :on lol:
Btw... i'm waiting for brave enough :on gay:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #129 on: December 05, 2016, 07:52:24 PM »
 :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:
 :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:

:on gay: :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #130 on: April 02, 2017, 11:08:18 PM »
Welcome back Tama-san! Thanks for the last chapter of Encounter. I really waited for it, and I'm also waiting for the next chapter of Love is Serious, When War is Involved. Don't worry, I'm not rushing you. About your next series/OS, can I request for SayaAnnin OS/Series. I really like this pairing. Thanks and more power.  :onioncheer:
Thanks!  XD
Oh, you already knew right? I am put on hold Love is Serious, When War is involved?
SayaAnnin ka.... Hmmmm? Let me think about it...
I am not familiar with Annin, a little knowing about Sayanee (That's why SayaMilky's side story in Brave enough got stuck, FYI)

Thanks for your update, but I'm confused about Jun's behavior. He didn't believe Rena at first, but when Mayu left him again, he tried to find Rena. It looks like he just use Rena as subtitute because Mayu left him.

Please update your other story too. Thank you
Ah! Actually I want to fill the story like what happened between Jun and Mayu.
But again, I have a habit to write more and more. That's why I need to put an end on this chapter. Gomen  :kneelbow:

That's why i believe Rena, she's always right :on lol:
Btw... i'm waiting for brave enough :on gay:
Done, update that. Have you check it?
Though I haven't write any drabble for next chapter  :fainted:
:ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:
 :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:

:on gay: :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
emoticon only  :on BDay:

Hello, this is Tama.
I wrote an OS based on Sakamichi's single "Dare no Koto wo Ichiban Aishiteru"
I am not into keyaki so much, but blame on my editor (emprezz48) suddenly talking about it.
It's my first time to write this genre, perhaps not really yandere like I wanted to be. But, maaaiiikaaaa  :on_plug: :on_plug:

Oh one more thing,
I've create poll on Brave Enough thread, so go check it and vote if you have time.
See you again~  :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter - Chapter 6 (END) | WMatsui (17/10/16)
« Reply #131 on: April 02, 2017, 11:12:44 PM »
Who do you love the most?

Tonight, 3rd April. To some of you perhaps tonight is like another night, but not for me. Today, she will come to my apartment. I’ve been waiting like crazy, because we met just yesterday, yet I am missing her so bad, every minutes… seconds; Even now when she is in my arm, flesh and bone. At first we were just cuddling on the bed, she stole one or two kisses from me, so did I to repay the favor. I didn’t know when she already straddled on my thigh, the kisses were fast escalated. We tilted our heads countless times, relishing some fluids from inside. I kissed her lips like there is no tomorrow, biting here and there just to make sure she belongs to me. This girl needs to know that she is my muse, perhaps I might never fall in love with anyone else, cause I love this pale-skin so much, and it drives me crazy. You know what, she cut her hair recently becoming short-blondie girl, leaving her long-raven hair image in the past. But I don’t mind it, because to me she is still the most beautiful girl in universe.

“Just take it slowly, J.”

Both her hands cupped my cheeks, as her eyes looked deeply into mine; time stopped as we were gazing at each other, her thumbs caressing my flesh in soothing way. She always knew how to make me crave for her more just by a mere touch. Surprisingly, she was the one who made a move to kiss my lips slowly.. Unlike previous kisses full with desire, this time she clearly wanted me to enjoy each seconds those velvet flesh. Or that was what I thought, as she pushed me to the headboard. Minutes passed and our kissed became bolder and bolder, since both of us hungrily ate each other, preventing any moans from escaping; our hands moving furiously exploring the exposed skin. A groaned came out from my mouth, when she abruptly stopped. It was her phone’s ringtone, she left me hanging as her feet walked to the dresser, didn’t bother to cover her half-nude form.

“Who was it?”

Casually I asked her, since her face brightened after looking at the screen. yet she didn’t bother to reply, as her hands furiously typing something as response to the other party. It looked like she has sent the messages when she put her phone away and started taking her clothes which were scattered on the floor due to heat moment, putting them on again one by one. Finally I got it, her time with me is already up. I left the bed, walking to where she was standing. I snaked my arms around her slim waist, as my head found its place in her neck; giving it a light kiss.

“Stop it J, I have to go.” She covered my hands with hers, as she smiled to me via a big mirror on the dresser.

“Where do you want to go?”

“My mom suddenly needs me.”


“But you just got here…” I tried not to whine so much, because I know she didn’t like it.

“I know, but she said it’s important.” She turned her back to face me properly.

“Do you really have to go? Please….. stay for the night.” Now I can’t hide my sadness, all of my body hate the idea of separating with hers.

“You know I can’t, forgive me?”

Damn. It’s not fair. Why did she always use that doe-eyes to me? I am bewitched by her beauty, eyes.... and body. Deep inside I knew the answer already, since this scene often occurs. She’ll have someone to call/text her if she was with me, the next thing she would leave no matter what happen. Once, I was so angry and ended up not letting her go. We had the biggest fight ever, where she didn’t call for two weeks. The loneliness was killing me, at some point I just want to kill myself for doing such a thing. Before I did attempt, she came back to my apartment without saying or touching that topic anymore. Just acted like nothing happen, I was mad but my longing for her was bigger than my anger. Those cycles kept repeating, she will refuse with any excuses to say. Still, I feel like wanting to hear the answer as if someday she won’t leave me like this. As long as she will come back to me, that’s fine; Because I know I am not her number 1.

She did a double-check on her clothes, making sure she look cute. Without realizing, she was already at my front door. She was about to leave when she turned her back for the last time.

“I love you J.”

Another lie.

I don’t even know how many girls shared this pathetic feeling like I do. To her,  I am just like a toy. She’ll play with me if she bored, then just dump me if she found another better toy or just replacement whenever someone is busy. I did try to understand her side so many times, but I can’t find any justification for what she did. She is just cruel and heartless human being that I’ve known, yet I still want her. However, now I want you for myself; I don’t wanna share you with her, her and her. Keep in mind, You belong to me….you are MINE, Rena.

“I love you too…..Rena.”

With sound of door closing, that’s my cue she was gone. Hurriedly I change myself to comfortable look. Black jeans along with black leather hoodie and sunglasses. What am I gonna do? Stalking her sounds like a crime, but what about following her? I am not this kind of person before, but insecurity will eat me alive if I don’t follow her. Mistrust was growing each day, so if she goes back to her house I’ll go back to my apartment again.

There she goes, 50 meters away from me, Rena hasn’t noticed me yet. As expected, she went to opposite direction from her house. Which girl is it this time? Churi, the girl whom she’s seeing often. I could tell she adore churi, starting from wearing same clothes to going on dates in the weekend. Or perhaps it’s Airi? Her ex-girlfriend in high school? The one she always talked to about manga/anime thingy. Huh? How did I know? Because I check on her every day, I could write her biography now if you like. The fact that I knew everything, even knowing she is indeed cheating on me, it’s a shame I can’t ask her directly. Why? Because I am too afraid of the possibility of her breaking up with me, or getting tired of me. No, I can’t take that. 

Rena’s feet stopped in front of cofee shop, a warm smile plastered on her face when she finally found the figure that she looking for inside.

“Ah this time Kashiwagi Yuki, huh?”

Kashiwagi Yuki is her ex-classmate, both of them are often called the double-princess in college. This time I didn’t bother to search up on Yuki, since Rena told me about her often, or always. Rena constantly said that she adores the black-haired girl as her reactions are too funny. The more she talk about her,  the more I knew it wasn't just merely admiration anymore. I don’t know since when if we were talking about something, it always ended up with Yuki’s topic again, and again. Oh, she has a thing for this Yuki.

Yuki who noticed Rena presence, stood up as welcoming the latter with the brightest smile. Rena opened her arms which replied by Yuki, kissing upon her cheek casually. I followed her step to the shop, took a seat behind their table but could still easily observe on my prey for the night. My disguise is perfect, neither of them could smell my presence, or they were just lost in their own world.  A black coffee came soon after to my table, to warm up this cold heart. They were flirting openly, it’s my first time seeing Rena so clingy toward another girl. She didn’t even do that to me, I was the one who always engage in skinship. Then my heart stopped when I saw Yuki stealing away those lips, Rena even tilted her head to give Yuki a better access. A tint of scarlet gradually appeared on her cheeks, it didn’t take a genius to figure that Rena was really enjoying this moment.

“S-Stop it, Yuki.” Rena broke the flow, as her hands were on the black-haired girl. “Remember we are in open now…” Rena cautiously looked around them, then whispered to Yuki’s ear “At least not here....”

Rena’s last word brought a smirk to the other girl, suddenly Yuki left her chair quietly. Seeing that, the blonde girl panicky clutched onto the hem of her shirt.

“Where are you going?”

“Mine or yours? Pick one.”

Yuki didn’t wait for the answer but took Rena’s hands, as they made their way to the cashier. I saw the black-hair girl handed a couple of bucks from her purse. Without realizing, a cup of black coffee was also gone in one shot; maybe seeing my girl on someone’s arm made me feel thirsty. Even though the coffee was hot and tasted like shit. I left a few dollars on the table, just enough to pay for the coffee and tip the waiter before following my target again.

The outside was so cold and quiet. So typical of late-winter, in spite of it’s already beginning of April. Many countries are already welcoming spring, but in here sakura hasn’t even bloomed yet. This weather is really unfriendly for someone like me, but maybe tonight was an exception. I didn’t feel cold at all, on the contrary I feel hot inside? Literally, my eyes could be emitting heat and turning someone to ash now. The lovebirds were walking hand in hand, couple of times Rena was smiling ear to ear. My fist slowly clenching by itself, so does my teeth. That’s okay, I forgive them because soon Rena will come to mine again.

It looked like they have arrived on the destination. Oh they are going to Yuki’s apartment, since I knew exactly where Rena’s is. Strange, the pale-skin girl didn’t come inside.

“I am gonna buy something, wait for me inside.” Rena shouted, as her hand waving to the other girl.

This is my chance.

*Knock Knock*

I could hear the sound of feet coming to the front door, “Rena, You are F---!” Her line got cut when she saw my face. Oh, She knew me huh? What did Rena tell to this bitch? Did they laugh together seeing me so desperate about Rena?


“Oh surprise, you knew me?”

I walked past her, she was still in frozen state at  the front door. I could tell her body was trembling from behind. Swiftly, I took out a dagger from my back towards her throat.

“Nee, was it good?”


“Rena’s lips, of course..” I let out a soft giggle, just enough to be heard by her. “I was watching you two since earlier~” as my hands moved the dagger’s blade dancing on the soft flesh.

“Y-You w-were w-....watching”

“Of course, the way you make her blush…” my dagger began to cut her cheek’s skin, going deeper and longer with every word.

“AAAA!!” She screamed out in pain

“The way you kiss her passionately..” this time I move to those long neck, “I HATE it.” a thin cut was made.. “Oh ho~ this blade is good~” I was humming to her ear.

“P-Please…..s-spare me……” She cried, begging me for her life. Pathetic. I feel disgusted by the scene.

“Anoo saa…..No hard feeling, but….” I turned her body to face me and with a swift move, my hands were already in front of her stomach holding the handle of a short sharp weapon; dagger. She groaned in pain, grabbing my shirt. I gave a little more push to make it deeper, rotating the dagger to the right. You need to see her face, it’s so amusing. What’s more entertaining than seeing the last breath of someone?”

“W…...Why?” She said it with hard breath, blood flowing from her mouth.

“I…just... am tired being 2nd best….” I said it with a monotone voice, not interested in engaging a conversation with someone who was going to die in any seconds. “I’ll kill anyone who get in between me and Rena..”


She collapsed in front of my eyes, her white tee-shirt slowly changed into red one. I watched her last breath, what a shame. The princess no longer exist, her face is already re-drawn by me. By this, no one will take Rena away from me anymore. Who shall be next? Churi? Or perhaps Airi? Then my trance broke by the sound of door opening, the heroine finally came to reunite with me, The Hero of the day. I smiled, rushing to fetch my girl.

“Yuki, sorry I-.....KYAAAAA” Rena screamed out and rushed to the unmoving body on the floor, totally ignoring my presence inside this tiny room. “Yuki, Wake up!!” She shook the corpse, denying the fact it’s already as cold as ice.

“She’s dead….” I gave her an answer, she turned her back and finally noticed me.

“J-Jurina! W-...What a-...are you doing here?” She asked with fear on her eyes.

“Isn’t that my line? I don’t recall your mother’s house moved here….” I walked towards her, slowly….shortening our gap. But she was moving further and further away.

“D-Did you j-just….k-kill Yuki?” She gave her best to finish her line, despite stuttering so much. Tonight wasn’t her night, as her back finally hit the wall behind.

“What….if I say yes….?”

Intentionally I raised my tone on the last word. Slowly, I showed her the dagger from earlier, the blood still dripping..droplet by droplet down to the floor. No one made a sound, as my thumb swept the blood, then putting it at the tip of my lips to get a taste of the red liquid. My mouth went to her right ear, as whispered with the creepiest tone ever.

“Nee Rena, tell me…..who else do I need to kill now?”

My Projects :
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Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #132 on: April 02, 2017, 11:57:01 PM »
Wow! This last OS is very violent.

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #133 on: April 03, 2017, 02:59:49 PM »
Yandere J!!! Holy cow!

But seriously, this is really good!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #134 on: April 21, 2017, 06:47:53 PM »
Don't worry Jurina, i love you the most..... well i love rena-chan too :mon sweat:
Maybe you can write something with wmatsui and mental illness
I will check it!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #135 on: May 16, 2017, 10:54:45 PM »
wmatsuiiiiiii~~ huhuuuuu~~~
ouuhh wooow..I don't expect that hahaha
RIP YUKI ju totally nailed it

 :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:
waiting for next xDD

:on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
 :on drink: :on drink: :on drink:
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 06:02:26 PM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #136 on: April 28, 2018, 12:38:50 PM »
I always saw Rena as the Yandare one, never expected it to be Jurina 😱

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #137 on: April 30, 2018, 12:04:17 PM »
Wow... your wmatsui fanfic is intense, especially the last one
I love encounter so much, cute wmatsui
Then for the OS, I love all three of those
Hopefully you would write more about it

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #138 on: April 30, 2018, 06:55:45 PM »
Hello, minna. Tama's here, It's been a while  :nervous
Just realized, i haven't updated any my ongoing fics or create new one.

To be honest, i have draft for nogizaka os. Then ikoma sudden graduation break my heart :(

Many thanks for you who read mine and be kind to comment about it, i really appreciate it. It makes me want to write again.
I hope I can see you soon with new update.  :cathappy:

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)
« Reply #139 on: May 02, 2018, 05:09:20 AM »
I will definitely wait patiently for your next fic, Tama-san

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