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Author Topic: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)  (Read 98994 times)

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 4 | WMatsui | [5/4/16]
« Reply #60 on: April 16, 2016, 06:25:52 PM »
I SMELL TROUBLE~,ganbate chicky chick  :hip smile:
Yoo chy~

Still... Jun is a stranger and i won't let rena that! Well until they're dating :kekeke:
Hmm... What is it? I can smell trouble too~
Ah I see..
Perhaps fluffy scene after they become official later,  XD

Here comes trouble  :w00t: :w00t: :cow:
Please update soon author-san.  :bow: :bow:
Can't wait for the next chapter. :twothumbs
I'll update WMatsui later after this

Is it Mayu? That will be complicated if Mayu see a girl in Jun's house the next day after they broke up. I'll wait for your update in Encounter and Dream of You
We'll find out after I write about that.
I haven't write anything the next chapter of encounter  :sweatdrop:

You don't have to wait for dream of you, this time. i update that fic :kekeke:
Update chick !!!!
later sis~ wait ok?

They sleep together~~~
You really know how to hang this story, author-san~
Let's hope Jun will come and save the day without trouble~

Gonna wait the next chapter :3
Update it ASAP, author-san :v
Let's pray for Jun and Rena XD
Actually I'm not good with hanging story, it just because I'm tired so i just leave it there  :on_hot:

Who is she? Mayu or jun siblings ?
I cant waitttt ..
Thanks fo the updates
You'll find out later, Thank you for comment  :hee:

Well I have been busy writing essay, then I barely finish for dream of you.  :on study: :on study: :fainted:
I know I've been telling you about i'll end Encounter with 5 chapter only. But I think i'll extend to 6 chapter.
Blame on my imagination XD:wahaha: :wahaha:
so for you who wait for encounter, 2 chapter to go.  :bingo:
and for dream of you, I don't have any prediction how many chapter left.  :hiakhiakhiak:
I use other POV on dream of you instead using Sae like previous one. How about it?
should I use Sae's POV only? or not?
Tell me what do you think, ok? ;)

See you on next encounter~ :on gay:
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 06:37:17 PM by buciq »
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 4 | WMatsui | [5/4/16]
« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2016, 06:35:38 PM »
Dream of you
Chapter 4. Who are you?

Don’t love someone too much, because it’ll hurt you so much - Anonymous


I never knew that I had this fear

I realized when I lost you on that August 10th.

3 days prior to one of happy days in my life.

My birthday..

Birthday that turned into the miserable days of my life.

If that day…

I kept quiet and did nothing

I wonder, where are we now?

Are we still together? Or it’s our fate to be separated like that?

I never thought that our story would become one of tragic love stories.

Even though I swore on my life that I won’t let you go, ever.

But how can I?

Nee, Rena..

You know what? For once in my life, I loved you.

Like my heart will burst.

I lay my back on grass under sakura tree in my campus field. Soon, I put one hand behind my head, whilst the other over my chest. As I raised my left leg to my right knee, closing my eyes, enjoying the spring breeze. No, this time I’m not taking nap or sleeping. I’ve done with so much dreaming of Rena lately. Surprisingly after the last therapy with dr. Katayama, I don’t dream of her. It’s not that dream is completely stopped, but I don’t dream of Rena as often as before. Slowly, I had my eyes opened, soon it locked on the blue sky today. The infinite blue canvas that Rena always loved. 

“Are you happy now, Rena?” I talked to myself

Perhaps, that is the only question that I have for her. But since you weren’t here with me anymore, I guess you can’t answer it.
The sun was shining so bright. Since it’s still spring in Tokyo, it’s not that hot at all, warm maybe the right word. Once again I closed my eyes, enjoying the sunlight and spring breeze. Until I felt something shield the light for me.

“You sure love taking nap, aren’t you?” the mysterious figure talked.

My eyes were opening slowly, still adapting with sun's ray. I squinted my eyes and found the same girl which recently has been around me. Kashiwagi Yuki, yeah that’s her name.

“I’m fully awake you know, Yuki.” I smiled

Remember that Akimoto-sensei gave us assignment? Since that day we always meet, to discuss about that. She wasn’t like Yuu said at all. Like old quotes said “Never judge book by its cover”. Of course she has that certain Aura which is made everyone afraid of her. To me, that was just part of her personality. She is quiet person, because she doesn’t know how to communicate with her peers. She is awkward, but honest with her blunt comment. Not to mention she can stand hang out with me, when I don’t speak much. Yeah I was talkative boy, but that was old story. Back in Nagoya I had this nickname Genking which means energetic, but since I moved to Tokyo last year that Genking disappear.

“What are you doing here?” She asked me again,

I watched her hair fly because of breeze as her eyes set on mine.  Somehow I was wondering how could she had this look as if could read what inside my head.

“Enjoying the blue sky today.” Simply answer came from my mouth.

I saw her immediately looking at the same canvas for around 5 seconds before turned her  eyes completely at me again.

“Can I join you?”

This time her question caught me by surprise.

“Sure.” I smiled weakly.

She smiled at me back as she dropped her stuff down. Then I saw this hesitant looks in her orbs.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

She bit her lower lip, of course there must be something inside her head. Therefore I just wait for her answer, instead of ask her again.

“Nee, Sae. Could you extend your arm?” She finally asked something, whilst her index finger pointing at my right hand which is on my chest.

At first, she insisted that she’ll call me as Sae-senpai, although I kept telling her that it’s okay to call me by name without any honorifics. After a long argument she gave up and started calling me by given name only which is Sae.

“Like this?” I tried to extended my arm, but I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong.

The next thing I know, she was using my arm as her pillow.  My body tensed up, as I stole a glance at her. I found her looking up at the blue canvas. Without realised that I was staring at her, perhaps for quite long. Until the next thing she said brought me back to the reality.

“You did it again.”

Abruptly I threw my eyes at somewhere else, pretending like nothing happened.

“What?” I maintained the coolness in my voice.

“You were staring at me, weren’t you?”

She turned her body facing me, as I could feel she was staring at me intensely from the corner of my eyes. Scary but at the same time cute.

“No.” I hope my voice won’t betrayed me.

“You’re lying! I saw you!” She pouted

“You saw me? Then…” I turned my body facing her, a mischievous smile drew on my face when I said the next line “Is it the other way round that you were staring at me?”

Blame on her fair skin, I could see a pink color gradually painted on her cheeks. She set her eyes anywhere but my eyes. I kept staring at her, eventually she lit her face up. Then our staring contest began slowly turned into soft stare. Gazing. She gazed at me for a moment and smiled.

At first I thought Yuki and Rena have similarities between them. But I was wrong, they are completely different person. They do has this same aura, ojou-sama type; But that’s all. But if I could compared them, Rena is more like cool but has warm around her, on the other hand Yuki is more straightforward about what she wanted. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why she didn’t have many friends. But the strange is, she always asked me with random questions, Like this one.

“Nee, Sae. You still owe me something, don’t you?”

“What?” I pretended that I didn’t know what she meant.

“Don’t play dumb with me! You know exactly what i’m talking about” She pinched my tummy hard.

“Aww!” I hissed in pain “Don’t you forget I’m still your senior, Yuki.”

I tried to flick her head, but she has a good reflex that made me miss my target as Yuki just stuck her tongue out to mock me even more. I never knew she’s a persistent young woman. Thanks to who Yuu missed that information. When we were studying, she always asked me about particular person’s name. I knew she was referring to Rena.  On that time I always find a way to change topic, maybe my luck has running out.

“Rena.” She said that

My head turned facing hers, as my eyes gave her sign how-did-you-know looks.

“So, i’m not mistaken then. Who is she?”

“Just someone.”

“I know, but what is she to you?”

“........” I couldn’t muttered a single word as if my tongue-tied.

“I’m waiting..” She totally facing me right now, waiting my answer.

“She just….” I’m thinking hard how to describe Rena to Yuki “She just somebody that I used to know.” A vague answer from me, I hope she won’t ask me more.

“I see….” Her voice trailed off “she used to be your girlfriend.”

“??!!!” My body tensed up as my breath hitch in my throat

“So, what happened?

“Let’s just say that me and her never meant to be, Yuki.”

Suddenly the wind came, made a couple strand of hairs flew covered her face. Without realised, my hand began to moving on it’s own. I tucked her hair behind the ear made her body flinched with sudden move from me. Then my hand cupped one of her cheeks, brushed it with my thumb. Her body started to relaxing itself, still able to released beautiful smile. With our distance reduced, I learned that she really such a beauty. I don’t know how to put into words. I can find no serenity in my life after last year, but when she’s around as if she is the elixir of riot in my heart. Unconsciously, I smiled back with my infamous smile. This time, genuine from my heart.

I saw her taken aback “Now, you aren’t faking smile anymore.” She smiled again.

My eyes widened heard that. I never thought someone will noticed about my fake smile, not else except Yuu of course. I thought I am good hiding something, but not with this girl. Yuki, how could you read me so easily? Who are you exactly?

“H-How did y-?”

My sentences were cut off by her hand moved to take my hand which was on her cheek. She grabbed as laced our hands into each other. He thumb brushed the back of my hand in soothing way, whilst her orbs still locked on mine as if assured me it’s okay. Then we just stayed there, enjoyed each other presences in silent as the blue canvas watching us.

Then I remembered what dr. Katayama said last time

“How about finding new love, Miyazawa-san?”

I tighten the grip on my hand as my eyes closed slowly.


It’s been a year already.

I think I’ve done with my misery.

I’ll let you go along with our memories, Rena.

This girl who right in front of my eyes, I think I like her.

I hope you are happy too.

This time I’ll let you go for me and your sake, both.

Yuki’s POV

“Rena, Look what you’ve done to this young man.” I talked to myself

I noticed that he always have sorrow looks in his eyes. His eyes weren’t glowing like it used to be. His smile that could light up the whole town in the past, no longer there. Everyday as if he playing a part when he always cover his face with mask.

Where is the young man that we loved, Rena?

We both know that he loved you so much, but still I know I love him too.

However, you said you loved him more than I do.

That’s why I backed down.

Because you are as precious as him to me.

Now look at him, he was hurt by you.

By your love.

He hurt like this, because he loved you too much.

Perhaps more than his own life.

Why did you do that?


This time I won’t let go of him like I did.

To Be Continue
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2016, 08:20:34 PM »
Wow...... Rena and Yuki know each other, did Yuki and Rena love Sae but Yuki backed down because of Rena? That will be very interesting.

Thank for your update, i'll wait for the next update. XD :twothumbs
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2016, 05:55:41 AM »
Ohh.. Now I know... But I still need moar to figure it all out. Thanks for updating this fanfic

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #64 on: April 18, 2016, 07:16:26 PM »
Nice update author-san this fic is short fore but I  think mystery draws my interest waiting for more updates...

Please update sooner

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2016, 05:00:30 PM »
I want to know the reason why rena leave sae? thanks author you update the story :)   :inlove: :cow:

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2016, 06:37:27 PM »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Buciq's Secret Vault OS/Drabble - Code 1. Wmatsui (15/1/16)
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2016, 08:33:21 PM »
****, why is Airin always the bad guy...  :cry: And (s)he's always cheating on Rena for Churi too...

*hugs* :cry: i can feel you bro, just like they make Rena bad in every fic who cheat with Airin really those are only badess one left

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #68 on: May 02, 2016, 09:33:33 AM »
Wow...... Rena and Yuki know each other, did Yuki and Rena love Sae but Yuki backed down because of Rena? That will be very interesting.

Thank for your update, i'll wait for the next update. XD :twothumbs
Yes, Yuki knew about Rena.  O0
How did they know each other still a mystery :3

Ohh.. Now I know... But I still need moar to figure it all out. Thanks for updating this fanfic
Yap! I gave this fic another hint~ :on gay:

You can expect more in the future, I'm not gonna left you hanging. Promise.  :onionwhip:

Nice update author-san this fic is short fore but I  think mystery draws my interest waiting for more updates...

Please update sooner
Even myself somehow got lost in this mystery  :dizzy:

I want to know the reason why rena leave sae? thanks author you update the story :)   :inlove: :cow:
You'll find out later, still this fic of SaeYuki has a slow-pace.
same like the author  :fainted: :fainted:

Really?  :dunno: Wow, Thank you for that  :hee: :hee:

****, why is Airin always the bad guy...  :cry: And (s)he's always cheating on Rena for Churi too...

*hugs* :cry: i can feel you bro, just like they make Rena bad in every fic who cheat with Airin really those are only badess one left
I said sorry before to Michael *lol
I kinda bribe him with fluffy furuyanagi that I wrote :p

Well... It's been a quite long time from the last time I update.
I kinda stuck  :on cloudeye: :on cloudeye:

but i managed to finish this chapter, safely....  :sweat:

Again, thanks for who kind enough to left comment, and to you of course my silent reader

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You | SaeRena x SaeYuki | [16/4/16]
« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2016, 09:46:18 AM »
Chapter 5

Here I am, still on my office. Actually I’m a creative director in this company. As one of the youngest staff in here, it’s not as easy as you thought. Just because of this company is belong to my family. My mom to be exact, is the president director one of well-established fashion magazines in Japan. Don’t get mistaken, I achieved this position because of my own effort. I’m not a lazy bum who depend on my mom’s wealths. I’ve graduated from prestigious university with flying color. As creative director, I responsible for  managing of copywriters, artists, graphic designers, photographers and other members of the creative team in developing advertisements. 

After done with my work, my eyes met on a particular frame beside my computer, a picture of me and mayu together. My hand reached out toward that frame to take a closer look.

“Mayu…” I whispered as stroke the part of mayu’s picture.

I remembered when the first time I saw her. Watanabe Mayu was one of the models that have worked with us. She has this mysterious aura around her, with petite figure like that; I never thought she is one of the well-known model not only in Japan but Asia. When you saw her, you must be thought she’s a quiet person, too bad you’re wrong. Surprisingly,  when she was alone, she’s a talkative person. But you know what? The thing that made me fall in love was the way she set her eyes on goals. She always wanted to be the first petite model from japan that able Which is be next supermodel from Japan. I wanted become her supporter in many ways. Another reason? Hmm.. Of course, she is stunning, don’t you ever question that. When my eyes were always looking for her, that’s when I know that I fell in love with her. We were happy. Except, being in love with someone famous is never easy.

My memories brought me at the time when Mayu had to go in France. Though we always said that communication is the important thing. But blame on that our time’s zone, as much as I wanted to stay awake. But I can’t help it if was dozed off while waiting for her finished her job. Same as like when we made promise to meet up at skype, she’s accidently fell asleep first. And we kept repeat that, over and over again. Until we stopped trying completely, and didn’t speak at all for days, maybe months. As if I’m afraid to press the send button, I ended up pressed the backspace instead. Maybe both of us were afraid to spoke up first, moreover there will be an awkward air between us. Finally I got her message yesterday.

“I’m in Nagoya, do you want to meet?”

I was smiling like a fool, I thought she wanted to fill in the gaps between us. Unfortunately, Reality was too cruel. Just cruel, at least for me..

“I begin to love someone else”

That was the only thing she said.

I released a long sigh, as my hand put the frame back to where it was. I looked at my clock, it showed 3.30 pm. It’s 30 minutes left before office hours ended. “Hoaaaamm..” I yawned as rubbed one of my eyes

“Didn’t get enough sleep?” someone’s head popped-up from door of my office.

“Un, I barely sleep for 2-3 hours last nite, Sae.”

His name is Sae, one of my co-workers. My body flopped, as my back found comfort with the leather chair of mine. When I was about to close my eyes for a minute..

“Ehh?? Don’t tell me…….you’re doing it all night long with, Mayu?” Sae smirked with annoying face,as  his feet brought him and whispered at the particular words.

I rose up and tried to hit Sae’s head by throwing a pen “Don’t talk nonsense, Baka!”

Too bad it was missed out. For someone tall, he’s a really agile. That’s what I hate about him, he’s really annoying. Sometimes, remember just sometimes. I knew He’s ready to throw another tease as his eyes were sparkling once again.

“I get it! Mayu didn’t allow you to touch her?” He shot another guessed.

“She didn’t!” I just gritted my teeth, suppressed my anger. I was annoyed that he kept guessing, mostly about Mayu. He didn’t know yet about me broke up with Mayu yesterday.

I can’t work at all, since I am sleepy a whole day. Why? Because last night…


“Huaaahh...I can’t sleep.”

My eyes wide opened. Then I took a glance to the girl who slept beside me by gap between the pillows. I stopped myself when I heard vague snore from that direction.

“She must be tired.”

I was exhausted today, because there was a lot of going on in a day. Mayu broke up with me, and now I let an unknown girl sleep in my house.  Unknown. Because I barely knew her at all, except for her name. Rena. You know what? For a second, I regretted my decision to let this girl sleepover. Because right now, I couldn’t close my eyes not a even a bit.

“Maybe water will help me to sleep.”

I rose up wanted to go to my kitchen. Because of the current situation, more likely I won’t be able to sleep, not soon. I need to sleep, cause tomorrow I gotta deliver a presentation to a client. That’s why I think water will help me to ease my mind. When i was about to turned the doorknob, Rena began mumbled something weakly.


“Huh?” I turned my heels, tried to make sure that i’m not mistaken.


My ear didn’t fail to  catch that one, as my feet brought me back heading to Rena’s side. I knelt down beside the bed, whilst my eyes set on her face.  My views were too immersed on her face, my eyes began to wander on it’s own. Started from her forehead, down to her eyelashes, straight to her nose, and finally harbored on those pink flesh. Her whimpered finally brought me back from daydreaming, soon I noticed there were a bead of tears escape from the corner of her eyes.


Sobbing was the only I can heard between unfamiliar name. Airi. She kept muttering that name, as if there was a mix feelings on it. Love and hate, yes perhaps that. My heart feel something as if I saw my own sadness in her. The more she muttered that name, The more I felt my heart was stabbed by the sharpest knife. I reached out to cupped her cheek, as my thumb ran to brush the trail of tears.

“Sshhh….” I tried to shushed her to calm her down.

“Don’t... leave…. Me…” She whimpered, once again.

She clenched on the bed sheet, her eyebrows furrowed in discomfort. Soon I felt my hand was getting wet, as the beads keep flowing down on her cheek. Suddenly I feel like want to know who is this Airi, there was this tingle in my heart. One thing I know, I hate this Airi. She kept crying in her sleep, but it seems that she won’t wake up sooner.

“I won’t leave you… Rena..” I managed to say that, as my hand caressed her long-raven hair

Unconsciously, My body began to move toward the warm flesh. Slowly. As our gap getting reduced, when it’s about less than an inches away. I stopped for a while. Resting my eyes, just want to stare at that alluring lips longer, as if kept calling to meet mine. But I threw that idea away, instead I kissed her shut-eyes in careful manner. Tried my best to sweep away that tears along with sadness. After that, her body slowly stirred into calm state. I leaned my face on the bed, still kneeling in front of her face. My orbs stayed there for a minute before the drowsiness started to invade my mind. 

The next thing I know, the sun was rising already as if telling me that morning has came.  Thank God, Rena hasn’t wake up yet. So, I took a shower in flash, changing my outfit into work mode. Somehow I didn’t dare to see her face, not after last nite. Why? I can’t, just can’t. End of the story. In the end, I wrote a lame note and put it beside the nightstand on her side, hoping she’ll buy it anyway.

End Of Flashback

“Oii.. Jun~” I saw Sae waved his hand furiously in front of my face.


“Geez.. What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” I smiled sheepishly, as my eyes saw the clock. Finally, the time has come. “I’m going first, Sae.” I grabbed my bag, leaving Sae behind.

“Eh? You said you’ll join dinner with us?” Sae raised his voice behind me.

I turned my feet and managed to say “Gomen! Next time, Promise!” I joined my palm together, let out my infamous chesire-smile before totally dashing out “Say my hello to Yuki!” I waved for the last time.

I heard Sae called me again, but ignoring him would be the best option for now. If not, He’ll drag me to the restaurant; which is perhaps Yuki had wait for him in there already. We always had meals together when Mayu got day-off. Since Mayu and Yuki are best friend. No, Yuki isn’t model like Mayu. She is designer, that’s why she got to know Mayu in the first place. Actually, tonight we were going to have dinner together again. No one knows that me and her already broke up, and I don’t want to talk about it either. Because of that, so it’ll add another reasons for me not to go right?

I made my way out of the office, heading to the parking lot where my car is. I chose the usual route, then an idea popped up into my mind. My face lit up in happiness as my car stopped by at somewhere.

“Welcome! Can I take your order?”

“Yes, is there melon pan left?”

“Yes, there are 5 left. How many do you want?”

“Hmmm..” There was paused in my line, thinking. “All of it, Please.” I smiled as on of my hands went to the back pocket to grab my wallet.Then I felt someone tugging at my pants

“Do you love melon pan that much, mister?”

My gaze avert to the particular direction. My eyes found a girl who stand in line with his mom, she looked at me with those curious eyes. I squatted  down to the child’s level so our eyes meet at the same height from the ground.

“These melon pan aren’t for me.”

“If so, who will eat it?”

“Rara!” Her mom hissed at her, tried to make her stop ask me

“That’s okay, Mam.” I smiled at her mom, once again my eyes met those girl’s orbs. “It’s for my friend.” I giggled remember Rena’s face when ate melon pan on the station yesterday. To be honest, I never found someone who drooling over melon pan. Rena was the first, it’s cute.

“Is it a girl?” She asked me again

“Rara!” The mom finally pinched her cheeks, “I’m sorry, She’s a talkative girl.” She bowed her head down.

“Oww Mom!” She rubbed her cheeks furiously with her tiny hands, trying to reduce the sting pain.

I can only giggling over her cuteness “Yes, she’s a girl. Why?” as I put my hands crossed over my chest
She told me to come closer with her hand, possibly because she didn’t want to her mom listening our conversation. She carefully look at her mom before leaned closer to my ear “You must be like her a lot, mister.”

My eyes widened at unexpected line from toddler “Do you think so?” I simply asked her

“Un! Because you buy the things that she love.” She grinned, made her eyes turned into crescent moon shaped.

“Nee, Rara-chan. Do you think she’ll love it?”

“If it’s me you’re giving to, I will LOOOOOVEEEE it.” When she said love, she actually made a  big gesture with her tiny arms in circular motion.

Her sudden act made me giggle, as my mind kept telling how cute she is.

“Sir, It’s your order.”  The sales clerk gave me the plastic bag full with melon pan.

I knelt down once again, as my hand dived into the plastic bag. When I had the melon pan in my hand, I made gesture telling her to come closer with my fingers. She looked up to meet her mom eyes, when her mom nodded. You could tell her face lit up, as her feet brought her to my side

“What is it, mister?”

“Here, present from me.” I handed the melon pan over



She jumped into my embrace, gave me a tiny hug with tiny hand of hers. “Thank you, mister” as I could feel her tighten the hug

“Your welcome, Rara-chan.” I patted her back

She broke the embrace  and said “Your girlfriend will love it!”

“Girlfriend?” I find my self flustered with Rara's talkativeness.

“Yes, girlfriend. You said the melon pan for your friend. Also you said your friend is a girl. Isn’t that made her your girlfriend?” Rara tilted her head, you have to see she somewhat lost in her own sentences.

I was amused by how smart she is. But she misunderstand the meaning between girl-friend and girlfriend, she’s too young to apprehend the whole situation. Well, I guess Rena is my friend. In Rara’s term, yes she is my girlfriend.

“Yeah, you’re right Rara-chan. She’s my girlfriend.”

“Deshou?? I’m sure she’ll like the melon pan, mister.”

“I hope so, Rara-chan.” I ruffled her hair “I’m going first, bye~”

“Byeeeee Misteeerr” She waved in full spirit.

I pressed the usual button, 22. It’s where my room located. Along the way to my apartment, actually I did think about what Rara’s said. Well, Rena isn’t too bad to become girlfriend material. In fact, she’s gorgeous plus she has a beautiful heart. Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone helping another, like in his case. Covering him whilst he was crying. But Rena has one flaw, she’s trust people waaay too much. I can’t imagined if she wasn’t meet me yesterday but another bad guy.  He’ll take advantage of her, obviously.  In flash, I remembered the last night, when I kissed her in sleeping. My mind went blank, indeed I’m one of the bad guys. Before I could keep blaming myself even more, the bell started ringing, indicating that I arrived at my room’s floor.

“I can’t wait to give her this. I bet Rena will love  this, a lot.” A Smile was plastered on my face.

When I was at the doorstep, there was something halted me. I was pondering should I knock or just go in? But it’s weird to knock at your own apartment. So I decided to use the password. I noticed that there were a pair of black stiletto inside. I went in, didn’t care about the shoes at all. Surprisingly the apartment so silent, as my feet kept walking toward the living room.

I began to call Rena with a louder voice, “Renaa~ Look what I’ve b-”


I stopped my feet when I saw the scene, as if it’s slow motion effect. I can’t believe what my eyes just saw, Rena just slapped someone. Soon, my eyes grew even wider when I saw the familiar figure body on the floor.

“Mayu!” I dropped the plastic bag, rushed to Mayu’s side.

“J-Jun?” I saw her immediately covered her face with her own hand, as tears were forming in her dark-brown eyes.

“Yes, it’s me. Mayu...”

I held her hand in mine, Mayu looks so fragile. Her hand were trembling inside, as she clenched her jaw trying hard not to cry. It made my heart ache so much. then I saw to the young girl who standing up in front of my eyes.

“Are you out of your mind, RENA?” Without realize, I started to raise my voice.

“She deserve it!” Rena retorted

My blood boiled hearing that from Rena. Is she the same person I know? Or is this her real personality? I was about to say something back to her, when I felt the grip in my hand became tighter.

“She’s right, Jun…….. Perhaps, I deserve this…” Mayu broke into tears, as she struggled to finish her sentences.

“No, Mayu. There is no right of violence!” There was no joke in my tone. Slowly I began to move, leaving Mayu’s side to the where young girl standing was.  “Rena, you need to explain this to me.”

“.........” Rena didn’t even say anything

RENA!” I held her shoulder in my hands.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” She glared at me, “Do you trust me or that ex of yours?” Rena asked me in annoyance tone.

I saw Mayu once again, then avert my eyes to Rena. I don’t know which one is telling the truth.

“Chase her out, Jun. I don’t want to see her.” Mayu said


“Why? Are you on her side now?” 

“No, it’s not. Rena and me jus-”

“Hah!” Rena snorted and continued “You know what? You didn’t have to chase me out! I’ll go out by myself.” She began walking into to my room.

I could hear she kinda grabbed a few things that belong to her. When she finished, her feet once again brought her back to where I was standing.

“Thank you for your kindness.” She bowed her head lightly, then I saw her slowly disappeared to the door. When I heard slam of from it, I knew she’s gone.

Rena’s POV

“Tsk..What a sly woman.” I clenched my fist in anger. “I should’ve slap her more, the harder the better.”

To Be Continue
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2016, 10:41:42 AM »
:temper: if rena says that mayu is sly, i think she deserve that slap.. what mayu do btw?
Thanks for updating :D i like that rara part :hee:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2016, 10:52:48 AM »
FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! :farofflook:
I've waited this for a long time.  :nya:
I wonder why does Rena slapped Mayu.  :dunno:
Thanks for the update author-san  :kneelbow:

Btw, hope you update Love is Serious, When War is Involved and Brave Enough soon.
Love your works.  :luvluv1:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #72 on: May 03, 2016, 04:25:22 AM »
Hmm I wonder whose side will Jun go?  :mon huh: :mon huh:  Rena or Mayu...hmmm
Now there's a quarrel  :ding: :ding:
But... Jun yelled at Rena  :shock: :shock:
Hehhe And Rara is soooo cute  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
Hehehehe Thx for the update!

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #73 on: May 04, 2016, 06:34:19 AM »
Rara's cute ~
I love characters rena here ..

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #74 on: May 18, 2016, 10:33:35 AM »
:temper: if rena says that mayu is sly, i think she deserve that slap.. what mayu do btw?
Thanks for updating :D i like that rara part :hee:
But you don't know about the reasons right?  :onionwhip:
About yelling, hahahaha maybe its unconscious thing to do.   :dunno:
me too love that Rara's part, again I never plan writing Rara actually in the first place.  :on lol: :on lol:
The inspiration came whoooooooossshhh *imitating Rara*  :hiakhiakhiak:

FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! :farofflook:
I've waited this for a long time.  :nya:
I wonder why does Rena slapped Mayu.  :dunno:
Thanks for the update author-san  :kneelbow:

Btw, hope you update Love is Serious, When War is Involved and Brave Enough soon.
Love your works.  :luvluv1:
Eh? You wait for me?  :sweat:
About it, you'll find out later. when the next update  :kekeke: :kekeke:

Thank you for liking my works, but I'm a slow writer  :fainted: :fainted:

Hmm I wonder whose side will Jun go?  :mon huh: :mon huh:  Rena or Mayu...hmmm
Now there's a quarrel  :ding: :ding:
But... Jun yelled at Rena  :shock: :shock:
Hehhe And Rara is soooo cute  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
Hehehehe Thx for the update!
If its you, which one do you choose? Rena or Mayu?  :frustrated:
I dunno I find Rara is very cute :3  :luvluv2:

Rara's cute ~
I love characters rena here ..

I love Rena all the time  :whistle: :whistle:

Thank you again for you who kindly left comment and you who gave thanks, and last for you my silentreader too  :hee: :hee:

I got busy last week, so I didn't have time to write at all  :imdead:
Hopefully that I could write the next chapter of Brave Enough and Encounter this week.
but again I'm a slow writer afterall~  :stuffed: :stuffed:

Btw, I'm gonna write another fic (perhaps a couple of shots). Do you suggestion which pairing should I write?

Hint : Melo-fiction, romance  genre

I managed to finished this Dream of You part 5, because I noticed Ache said it's a bit short.
Perhaps this time it's longer than I expected  :on_hot: :on_hot:
Enjoy~ :on gay:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Encounter Chapter 5 | WMatsui | 2/5/16
« Reply #75 on: May 18, 2016, 10:45:51 AM »
Dream of you
Chapter 5. Blue Umbrella

I just took one look at you, and then there was just no turning back

If someone asked me, what was your best memory of high-school?

I’ll answer “There was a time, when I was taking bus to school. It was horrible.”

Or perhaps it wasn’t so bad...


“Yabbai! I’m late!” as I took a glance at my watch on my left wrist.

Swiftly, I grabbed my sweater vest and long-sleeved shirt completely transformed into a high-schooler girl look. Today is important day. Because today is my last day as a high school student. Yes, today is my graduation day. I rushed to grab my bag from the bed, walking toward door but my feet stopped abruptly in front of big mirror.

I was standing in front of my own reflection, frowned “I guess I need to cut my fringe.” as i put strands of my bangs  behind my ear. I didn’t notice that it’s getting longer than I expected. If I let down  like the way it is, my bangs it could covered half of my face already. True I don’t have time to go to beauty salon since I used to study the whole time.

“Maybe I’ll do it after school.” Finished fixing my hair at last, looking at current looks “You are beautiful as always, Yuki!” I talked to myself, giggled. It’s really silly things that I’ve just done.

I made my way down to the first floor as the smells of toast and omelette barged into my sense. But I don’t have time to eat breakfast, and I know my mom will mad if I skip it. Not to mention my tummy since earlier growled. I sneaked out behind my mom to grab a french toast on the table. After managed to stealing one or two, guess what? Busted.

“Yuki! It’s not good to eat while standing!”

“I’m sorry mom, hehe...” Silly smile plastered on my face.

After seeing my mom turn her back to finish cooking. Hurriedly I drank the milk, and carefully made my way to the front door. I was about to grab the knob, a yell came from behind.

YUKII!! You haven’t finish your breakfast yet!”

I turned my head and smile sheepishly “I think i’m gonna skip it, mom! Ittekimasu~!

I closed the door behind, as my ear could heard my mom voice from inside; Yelling.  I need to go fast, if not my mom will tie me up until I finish my breakfast. I was rushing toward the bus stop, hoping that this hour wasn’t packed like usual. Too bad, my heart dropped when I saw the crowd from afar.

“I guess today isn’t my day.”  A soft sigh came out from my lips.

There is no use to run, so I started to walk in my pace. When I was about to standing to get in line, my ear caught loud conversation behind my back. At first, I tried to ignore it. But it getting louder and louder, this time they started to laugh, in louder manner and annoying of course.  My head turned to find out where the source of voices is. There you go, my eyes found it’s target, when my view was set on a bunch of guys. I didn’t quite catch what were they talking about, but one thing I know. They’re a noisy.

“Tsk.. Can my day get any worse?”

They were 3 of them, the shortest among them has one dimple on the right cheek. The tallest one isn’t like japanese at all, perhaps he is half-japanese. One of them really stood out is the one who talk a lot, his height is quite similar to the tallest one. He’s quite handsome out of the three. But! one thing I can’t stand is, his laughter. Weird and loud, somehow it made him look like hentai.

“I wish the bus will come sooner.”

Afterall, God is really kind. Not long after that, The long-awaited bus has arrived. I can’t believe what I saw, the bus totally PACKED. However, If I wait for another one surely I’ll be late for my graduation ceremony. With a heavy steps, I decided to get into the bus. I can’t even describe how many people inside the bus is. I need to squeeze myself and repeating “excuse me” to others while my feet heading toward the exit door in the middle of bus. I chose this spot because it’ll make me easier to come out.

“Fyuuuhhh..” I let out a relieve sighed

Actually there were guys who sat on the available seat, but when I look into their eyes, they’re just threw their view at somewhere else. As expected, there aren’t good guys anymore in this cruel world. Guys who have mannerism toward girls or women existed on textbook only. In the end I just grabbed the handle trying to accept the fact, as bus finally drove off.

The reason I hate the packed bus because when we (red. girls) were standing inside the bus, sometimes there was one or two guy who took this chance as for their own benefits. They had purposely bumped into us, some of them even use their hand to caress our butts or inner thigh. Because everyone was so busy to get their own space, they used this chance to touch us. Creepy right? Thinking about that gave chills into my spine. Perhaps that’s one of reasons why I chose all-girl-school, although the school itself rather far from my house.

I managed to stand pole beside exit door. You know what? I barely can breath, since people behind my back keep pushing me forward when the driver stepped on the brake or gas pedals. Immediately, My body turned into stone in flash, as I feel someone hand caressed my thigh. Unfortunately for me I can’t turn my head nor I have courage to scream.

“God Help me, please…” I bit my lower lips, as I kept chanting a prayer inside my head.

Then the mysterious hand went toward my inner thigh as if it heading to my sacred place. I screamed inside my head, my body was trembling because of that. Just when I felt the hand was about to touch it, nothing happened but someone groaned in pain.


I made a turn and found one of the guys (The one who has strange laughter) was clutching an older man’s wrist. Maybe, He was grabbing it too tight, since the man gave a grimace pain on his face. You could easily see the palm of that man became red as if the blood flow stopped because of the grip.

“Don’t you think you went overboard? Naa, Os-San?”  He tightened the grip as he emphasized the last word.

“W-What d-do you talking about, young man?” The man stuttered, He was afraid.

“Do you really want me to break this filthy hand?” He gave more pressure on his grip when he reached the last part.

Aw-Aw-Aww!!Let me go!” The older man hissed in pain.

The man tried to break away from the young man, much to his surprise the younger seems stronger than him. Now the man use both hand to get away, meanwhile the younger was using his left hand only, while the other busy holding his bag which is hang on that broad-shoulder. He looked so angry, he didn’t care about the man’s whine. Until, someone tapping at his shoulder, pulled him away from his trance.

“There there, Sae. Let him go, you don’t want to break someone’s hand, do you?” The tallest guy finally spoke up. The man looked happy because someone was trying defend him. It wasn’t for long, when the tallest gave him a death glare as if he was a male version of medusa. “He’s not worth, He is just scumbag, pervert. The lowest form of human being.”

“Naa, Os-San. You should get off before my friends here beat you up.” The shortest guy showed up from behind the tallest. He made his way to the man’s ear “Both of them are karate athletes, Os-San. You won’t be able to pick up chopstick anymore if they beat you up.” He smirked creepily.

The man’s face became  white, as his body trembling after shortest guy whispered something. Then I saw the shortest one gave a sign to Sae? (I think that’s his name) to let him go which is immediately obeyed by him. The three of them sure attract people’s attention, now you could hear all of the people inside the bus were talking about that man, as their eyes eyeing up him up and down. The man couldn’t hide his embarrassment, the next thing he does was pressing the bell button to gave the driver signal that someone wanted to drop-off.

Albeit the man get off from the bus, I was still standing clutching my bag in hands. I was facing the exit door, my body was shivering
like i could still feel the man’s hand still under my skirt.

Then I felt someone patted my head in soothing ways, “It’s okay now. You don’t have to be afraid.” The hushed came after that.
It was the same guy who saved me earlier. The quiver in my body gradually decreasing little by little until it’s completely gone. Still, I couldn’t muttered any single word to him. Instead answering, I  managed to nod slightly to reply his words.

We didn’t have a chance to talk for the rest of our way. I heard him talking to his friends again, soon the talk reached the funny topic again. As expected He laughed again with his strange laughter (Sorry, it’s still strange in my ear). I saw a glimpse of his figure from my bangs, because I didn’t have to turn around at all. The window’s reflection helped me this time, I knew He stole a glance at me whilst talking to his friends. He had a worrying look on his face, but my brain was full with this uneasiness feeling. I couldn’t say anything to assure him that I’m okay.

Soon the bus arrived at my destination, before completely out of from the bus I turned my heels to see him for the last time. Surprisingly, He and his friends got off the bus too. Finally our eyes meet, He beamed a genuine smile at me which is I returned it. I don’t know why when I see his smile, as if  sudden warmness crept into my chest. It was pleasant feeling.  His friends gave a tap on his shoulder, as if they were talking via eyes only.

“I’ll catch you up later, guys.” He said to his friends

“Don’t be like 2nd Yuu, Sae!” The tallest guy said

“You know what Rui, You’ll make Yuu choke in Tokyo because you’re keep talking about him!” The shortest dragged Rui away, “We’ll wait you there, Sae-boy!”

“But it’s true, Kai!” Rui retorted, letting him to be dragged by Kai.

Sae just laughed looking at how his friends act “I’m sorry, they’re just noisy kids. Are you okay?” There He goes using the same worried tone of voice.

I just nodded without looking at him. I don’t know why, I feel hot in my cheeks all of sudden. Lucky that I have my bangs, I’m grateful that I haven’t cut my bangs at all. If not, He’ll see how red I am now. I didn’t have time to answer his question. Heavy rain suddenly began to fall although it was sunny day. I was about to use my bag as shield to protect me from wet, but the strange thing was I didn’t get wet, not even a bit. I lit my face up to the front, and found the rain was still there pouring down. I know my answer when someone said something behind my back

“You’ll get wet. Use this.”

I looked up and found there was a blue umbrella above my head. My head turned to the right side and the same boy standing,

OI SAEE, hurry up! We’ll late!” Kai yelled

“Just a minute, Kai!” Sae was panicking

FASTER! You don’t want us to catch cold, do you?” Rui added another yell.

I was lost in gazing this nice guy. Until a sudden touch brought me back to the guy who was standing before my eyes. “Hey Hurry, hold this.” He said that

Before I could say anything, he passed me the umbrella and left. All I can see was his back, I saw him took off his bag and use it as shield rushed to his friend side. I never managed to say anything, not even a thanks.

All I know just his name, Sae.

It’s been months since the incidents. When I told everything to my parents, it took for a while to make my parents calm. They were so easily freaking out about something, don’t blame them because I’m the only child in Kashiwagi’s line. Now that I have to go back and forth home and extra class in order to get into prestigious college in Tokyo. Why Tokyo? My grandpa was sick at that time, so my father said it would be good if we all moved to Tokyo instead. Albeit I was aiming to become a psychologist, I find it interesting to learn about human’s minds and feelings. Like the way i feel now, I don’t know but I have this emptiness somewhere in my heart since then. His smile and laughter are always on my mind, I missed it. But as much as I tried to back to the bus stop to see him, he’s never coming back.

I sat  on my desk in my room,  just finished studying. Then my eyes found the memorable thing from that encounter. My left hand reached out to take a closer look, without my consent a smile formed in my lips. Until unknown voice snapped me back to the where I was.

“I never knew you are creepy enough, Yuki.”

WHOOOAAA!” I squealed in surprise, not knowing that someone just entered my room.

Soon enough I heard a laughter in return of my yelp. After calming down my heartbeat, my body turn into the source of voices and found the familiar figure who laying on my bed now.

“Mou! Could you at least knock first?” I grumbled, puffing my chest out.

“I did, Silly!” She retorted “But you were busy looking at blue umbrella.” She continued to laugh, she always love to tease me.

“H-Huh? W-Who?” Abruptly tossed aside the umbrella, panicking “I didn’t!” as I threw my eyes anywhere but hers.

“It’s been months already. Why don’t you find him?” She leaned her back against the headboard.

“I did and you know it doesn’t work, Rena.” I murmured

She is my next-door neighbor,  Matsui Rena.  We’ve been friends for almost entire our life. Rena is also my classmate, unlike me she has everything that every girls in the world wants. Great brain, Attractive face, and from rich family as well. Some of my friends labeled her as “It girl” of Bingo High. Nevertheless, to me she’s still a modest girl that I’ve ever known. I told her everything about incident also encounter with Sae, except his name. Because I believe there are a lot of guy who has name Sae. I didn’t even know his family name.

“Oooh.. Yuki, don’t be sad. You’ll find him, Nagoya isn’t that big city.” Rena came down to reach my hand, wrapped in hers.

“Thanks, Rena.” I smiled, “By the way, Do you want to talk?”

I know Rena’s personality, she always came if something happened. Moreover she just barged into my rooms, Rena must be have an important thing to talk.

“Un! I’m SOOOOOOO Happy today.” She rose up and giggling by herself.

It turned out her giggle infect me as well, by soft laugh came out from my mouth

“You are? Why?”

“Mouu~ You don’t even pay attention what I said to you on the phone earlier, do you?” She pouted

“Gomen, Rena.” My palms joined together attempt to apologized. “Tell me, what is it?” I put my attention fully at her

“Anoo Nee.. You should come along to the goukon earlier. There were a lot of ikemen, you know.”

Finally, I understood where this conversation heading to, “But you know, I’m not interested in that thing.” I tried to reason with her

“That’s why girls in our class asked me instead. It is because you always reject their invitation.” She climbed back to my bed, hugged one of my plush dolls.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“But, Why do I feel as a second option in here?”

“You know what Rena? They wanted to ask you, but  Rena. Believe me..” I squeezed his I tried to convince her

“Really?” Rena arched an eyebrow

“Un!” I smiled “Back again, you haven’t tell me about your happiness. What is it?” My hand moved, tidying up my books on the table

“Yes, that’s what I’m going to talk about. I met this guy at goukon, He’s sophomore at Sakae College.”

“That’s good, and then?” I said without looking at her, continued arrange my books into the right order.

“I think I’m in love with him.” Unthinkingly, Rena covered her face with my doll, embarrassed.

“Really? How come I never heard it before?” There was a slight disappointed tone in my voice.

“Because I just met him, a couple hours ago.”

I nodded, and continued “Do you know his name?”

“Sae, Miyazawa Sae. That’s his name.”

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Dream of You Chapter 5 |SaeYuki x SaeRena| 18/5/16
« Reply #76 on: May 20, 2016, 12:49:18 AM »
Puppy’s Problem

After Rena’s graduation back in August, Jurina felt as if the WMatsui is being forgotten too. Not to mention the older Matsui was busy with dramas, stages and photoshoots, or any works that Jurina didn’t even remember. The young matsui can’t help but thinking that Rena is getting far from her, every single day. Regardless, the older one always assured her that She is a phone call away, but that’s not the point. The fact is Jurina tried to call and text her partner for multiple times already in this week only. As expected, The reply came the next day or perhaps a week later.

At first, Jurina tried to be positive that her lover was actually busy and she wants to show Rena her adult side. Since she remembered clearly back in October when both Matsui’s got into big quarrel, it’s because Jurina demand more meet up with the older. Rena tried to reason her with everything that she got, start from work that she had signed until the distances. Currently Rena live in Tokyo, while Jurina as we know back to Nagoya as SKE’s member after cancelled her kennin position. Little that Rena knew, our puppy really put a restraint on herself from her usual getting clingy, whiny, and wanted to be spoil all the time. You have to trust me, Jurina has changed.

In SKE’s dance studio you could heard a loud music, it was their hit song Escape. There was one particular member who haven’t enough dancing for today. Who? None other than SKE’s center, Matsui Jurina. It was no secret that the puppy always hard not only to her kouhai but to herself, like she did now. It was the 3rd time she repeated that song, you could tell from her hair and t-shirt which is already drenched by sweat. When she was about to reach the audio to play another round, someone’s voice made her stop.


She turned her heels and found her only friend from same-gen, Oya Masana. After Rena left, Masana is the only member from same gen. Jurina couldn’t grateful more about Masana’s existences, due to her caring side Jurina able to stand up on her own feet again. Afterall, Rena’s graduation really hit her hard, perhaps more than she thought.

“What are you doing?” The latter asked

“Dancing? Isn’t that obvious?” Jurina giggled.

“Is there something bothering you?” Masana now started walking toward the ace, stopped just a few steps away.

She hated how Masana could read her mind easily, or actually she was never good hide something?

“No.” Jurina was trying to move, leaving Masana who leaning her back against the wide mirror.

“You are lying.”

Jurina abruptly stopped her movement, as her right hand still in flying in the air before reaching the audio’s button. The studio became silent due to none of them trying to break the heavy atmosphere.

“Is it about Rena again?”

BINGO! For the second time, the puppy’s heart was starting to beat faster, her breath hitched, moreover she could feel tense stare from Masana’s orb from behind. The silence surrounding them escalated, suddenly the latter made her move to Jurina. She turned the ace body until the puppy facing her completely.


Jurina let out a sigh “Okay.. You’re right. It’s about her.” Jurina now can look Masana in the eyes.

“What is it this time?” Masana pulled her down, motion the ace to sit down on the floor with her.

“You know what, she’s been busy lately. She didn’t have time to see me, or text me.”

“She didn’t?” Masana’s eyes grew wider,

“Un, if she did. She gave a short reply only. Somehow it gave vibe she doesn’t want to talk to me…..” Jurina can’t hide her sadness on last sentence.

“You know what? I’m shock. I thought you guys were doing okay.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Because I saw her twitter, she….” Masana’s voice trailed off, you could see she even played her bracelet on her wrist, in


“Ah…. I forgot you don’t have one.”

“Tell me what’s wrong with her twitter?”

“Instead asking me, Why don’t you create twitter account?”


“Un, It’s the same function as 755. Unlike 755 which is limited to japanese only, twitter is world-wide social media icon.” Masana added

Jurina sighed, put her hands both supporting her chin “But as you know I’m too lazy to update, even Don-chan need to remind me that she’ll always wait for me updating the blog.”

“Are you sure? Rena has been active in twitter you know?”

“EHH? Seriously?”

“You really don’t know anything, do you?”

Jurina shook her head furiously,

“That’s why I told you to create one.”

“Teach me.”

We should skipped how Masana taught her about this new thing called twitter. For someone who patient like Masana almost scream her lungs out in desperation due to Jurina’s stupidity. Luckily, Masana remembered that the ace was never good with social media in the first place.

“It’s done. You could change your picture and start to follow someone.” Masana handed over the phone to the ace.

Jurina jumped to hug Masana “Masanyaaa, Daisuki~” as puppy tightened the hug, attempting to kiss Masana on cheek which is accomplished by a blink of an eye.

“Mouu…. Yametee… I let go this time because of today is your birthday.” Masana hugged back

Jurina didn’t say anything but a smile was plastered on her face. When they think they had hugging for a long time, Masana was the one who broke it. She rose up, grabbed her bag at the corner and heading to the exit door.

“Jurina, Happy 19th birthday.” She said without looking, and waved.

After the latter disappeared, Jurina put her attention to her phone’s screen.

“Let’s see…” Jurina was trying to remember Rena’s username “Ah! R-e-n-a-m-p-m-e” she carefully spelling her username letter by letter as her fingers began to move by it’s own.

When the search function showed the result, her eyes were sparkling due the profile picture that Rena use.

“Kirei…” Her jaw dropped “I never thought she’ll cut her hair… but it looks good on her.”

Without further ado, she press follow button on her screen, and made her first step join the twitter’s world with following her other half.

“Yossha! My first following is Rena-chan~” She giggled

But she remembered Masana said about telling her fans about this new account. Of course she know how, because Masana almost kill her through death glare if she asked her back.

“I’m Matsui Jurina, 19 years old. Please take care of me.”

“I think that’s enough.” She put away her phone, and call it a day.

The next day

Today is Team S’s turn to perform in Theater, so the member were already doing rehearsal from this morning. But only one member who always her eyes fixed on phone screen.

“Jurina!” Masana hissed “You shouldn’t play your phone during rehearsal.”


Jurina swiftly hide her phone behind her back. But when she saw Masana was no longer to be seen, she played her phone again. She was scrolling Rena’s timeline and look what she found.

“Look! Look! Masanya! Rena is doing video. She looks SOOOO cute!” Jurina eagerly to show Masana her phone

It was when Rena posted video using snapchat, where she added panda effect on her head.

Jurina retweeted that with comment “That panda looks cute, I want to be a panda too!”

Next, she found another video of Rena (a/n OMG! Our puppy is becoming a stalker). This time Rena tied her hair at the front, near bangs. She was just moving her head to right and left, in the end she shook her head playing the tied-hair at the front.

“Masanaaa! Look!”

“Ah! I saw that too this morning. She looks cute, doesn’t she?”

“She looks cute to me everyday!” Jurina showed her infamous cheshire-cat smile, soon turned into frown.

“What’s wrong?” Masana panicking


“Nani?” Masana held her shoulder, slightly tilted her head.

“She hasn’t follow me back, yet.” Jurina puffed her cheeks

“Really? Hmmm…. Perhaps you should trying to get her attention.”

“AH!” Jurina’s eyes were beaming, clearly that she found the way. But Masana’s gut telling her, it was bad idea. Jurina began to smirk, suspicious smirk. The SKE’s ace keep reducing her gap toward Masana.

“W-What?” Masana stuttered, moving her face slightly to the back. Jurina really invaded her comfort zone.

“Nee~ Let’s doing some video too!”

“Hah? NO!” Masana threw her face to the right, tried to not to looking at Jurina’s.

“Neeee Masanaaa~ Pleeeeaseeeee.”

The younger matsui used whiney tone, and it a bit annoying, especially in Masana’s ear. Moreover Masana knew that how stubborn young matsui is, She won’t back down until her need is fulfilled


“Yeaaayyy!” Jurina placed herself on the right side of Masana. After fixing her clothes and hair, “Ikuzooo, Start!”

The video just last for 10 second, they totally imitating like Rena did. The gestures, movement, and hair style, obviously. Jurina posted it too to her twitter, hoping that Rena will at least tweet her back or even replied her mention. Again Jurina with Stalker mode, actually she had saw a lot of Rena’s picture last nite, you could tell it by dark part below her eyes. Then her movement stopped,

“Chotto… EH!” Jurina rose up from the chair “Churi has been hanging out with Rena? Only two of them?” She didn’t realized that she was raising her own voice.

“Jurina.!” Masana’s hand tugged at the hem of Jurina’s skirt

“So, she does have a time, but with Churi only… She didn’t even say happy birthday to me”

The young Matsui seemed shock, as if the reality hit her hard about this Wmatsui thing is just business only. Though she tried to convince herself over and over, but now her answer is right there. Rena was never fond of this Wmatsui thing, for sure.

“Is Jurina here?” Sudden head popped up from the door.

“Rena?” Masana rose up, starting to walk to where Rena is.

“Hisashiburi, Masana. Genki?” Rena smiled
“Un, How about you?”

“Never been better.” Rena gave Masana a short hug, and continued “Where is Jurina?”

“She’s right there.” Masana pointing at particular figure, which is too immersed looking at her phone.

Jurina didn’t know that the older Matsui is a few feet's away from her. Don’t blame her, she was still trying to accept that Rena is never care for her.

“Why did she just stay quiet like that?”

Rena didn’t fail to notice about Jurina’s odd behavior. Jurina that Rena knew always cheery, not like this gloomy. Even though she had just saw this gloomy-Jurina for a while, she didn’t like it, not even a bit.

“I’ll leave you two.” Masana gave a little tap on Rena’s shoulder.

Rena just nodded and smiled. As expected, Masana is a keen person afterall. The older Matsui didn’t know about Jurina’s problem, from the current situation she knew it’s bad.. It’s true that she had ignore her young lover. But it’s not something that she planned, she’s been offered a lot of CM, dramas, photoshoots, and etc. She didn’t have any time to sleep, that’s why she always forgot to reply all of Jurina’s messages.

“Jurina.” She called her with loving tone.

“.....” No answer

Rena took a step closer toward the young matsui “Jurina~.” She whispered

“Huh?R-Rena-chan??EEHH RENA-CHAN????” Jurina rose up her body in panicking, her eyes grew into melon-sized, blinking a couple of times.

“Happy Birthday.” Rena pulled her into a hug, inhales her favorite scent from her young lover.

“You remember?” Jurina still couldn’t grasp situation

“Of course, I do. What is with silly question?” Rena giggled, but still not bother to broke their embrace.

“..........” Jurina just stood there, not returned the hug like usual. She’s still hurt afterall.

Sudden silent from the Ace made Rena arched an eyebrow

“Jurina? Are you okay?” Rena must let go of their intimate time.

“Because…. you didn’t say anything….” Jurina bit her lips, struggling to continued “Nor you follow me back on twitter!”

Rena snorted “So, that’s why you angry?” crossing her arms over the chest.

“Plus! You said you were busy but I saw you going on date with Churi.” Puffing her both cheeks, “But you never have time for me” She mumbled the last part

“BAKA!” Rena flicked her lover’s head

“Aww! What was that for?” Jurina rubbed her forehead

“For your silliness!” Rena sticked out her tongue

“So why don’t you follow me back?” Jurina annoyance tone, clearly showed

“I did because I don’t want our relationship became public consumption.”

“What do you mean?”

“I said, all that matter is I’m yours entirely and you’re mine.” Rena eyes didn’t leave Jurina’s, as their hand laced together. Rena gave a little grip to get her young lover’s attention “Do you understand now?”

“Why did you go out with Churi?”

Rena confused whether should be happy or not with this jealousy. On one side, She’s happy that Jurina showed her jealous indicating how much she loves Rena. The other hand, she frustrated like she told Jurina a dozen times that Churi and her just a friend. Her hands busy searching something inside her bag, not long after she took out a cute silver bracelet.

“I asked Churi to accompany me to find my present for my girlfriend.” Rena clearly emphasized on the last word

“You did?” as Rena could see a shade of crimson appearing in Ace’s cheeks.

Rena didn’t answer, but reached out to take the younger matsui’s left hand. “May I?” Which is immediately granted by Jurina. The older unclasp the hook and began to put on right at the wrist. After finished, Jurina raised her own wrist to take a closer look. The bracelet has their initial, JR which is you guys already guess what it is.

“Look I’m wearing the exact design.” Rena raised her right hand

Jurina can’t help but smile, “Thank you, Rena-chan. I love it. But!”

“But? What?” Rena’s orbs widened

“I’m still angry about my messages.”


Rena reducing their gap, as her lips heading toward to the latter’s forehead. Jurina saw her lips coming closed her eyes abruptly. When she felt a warm flesh pressed against her forehead, she smiled.

“Feeling better?” Rena asked

“No.” Jurina shook her head, act as if she dislike it.

Rena smirk, “Okay…” This time Rena’s lips went to Jurina’s eyes, gave a peck at those eyelids. It didn’t fail to make Jurina’s heartbeat going crazy, as the warmness crept inside her chest. “What about now?”

“No.” Her tone wasn’t as stern as before

“Okay…” Rena raised one of her hands to cup her girlfriend’s cheek. Slowly getting closer and closer to those apples which is already turned into bright pink. Quickly she gave peck on each, then her eyes came back to look in her lover’s eyes “how?”

“S-Still N-No.” Jurina hope her voice didn't betray her.

“Then…” Without further ado, Rena pressed her lips against warm flesh of Jurina’s. The kiss went rough, as they both eager to eat each other lips. Jurina tilted her head in order to gain access to Rena’s soft flesh, so did Rena. Rena’s hands now wrapped around ace’s neck, On the other side Jurina put one hand in the latter’s waist, whilst her left on her milky’s neck. Their kisses were escalating into phase that no one will back down. Until moaning escaped from older’s lips,


Jurina always loved when Rena’s moan her name, in sexy manner. It’s been too long since the last time they had lovey-dovey moments, their body craving for it. Their hands were roaming every spot, as Rena was playing Jurina’s hair make it messy. Jurina didn’t bother about that still busy ate her lover moan.

Rena pushed Jurina away, “W-Wait” because she need a pause to catch a breath.

But, the puppy didn’t let her “No. I can’t hold myself any longer, Re-Na.” She She dived again to taste Rena’s sweetness.

Rena can’t lie, this rough style of kisses really turn her on so bad. They didn’t know how many times they tilted their head alternately, but one thing that they know, Both Matsui didn’t want to let go. Jurina keep kissing her lover, as her hand caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh

“Nnnghh--” Rena tried her best not to let her moan out by biting her lower lips.

Jurina knew it was the sensitive spot, afterall. Rena began to show her wild-side when she was the one who now pinned Jurina against the wall. Rena’s tongue nudge at Jurina’s lips asking for entrance, which is the latter granted. Regular motions stopped and their lips remain locked as their tongue wage war on each other. Too bad for Jurina, this time Rena won the wage, as now her began to suck at ace tongued. This sensation successfully turned her legs into jelly as now her hands on Rena’s shoulder to keep her stance straight.

“Nnngh---R-Rena---Nnnghh-” Jurina hated the fact that she let out a moan, but the way Rena kissing her is beyond her expectation, it was too good to stop.

Rena cupped her lover cheeks, stopped for a while. Like seriously they need a breath. Both Matsui can feel each other breaths, as they chest heaving up and down. Both Jurina and Rena never kissed that long and intense before, perhaps it indeed their abstinence of intimacy was too long.

“What about now? Feeling better?” Rena finally regained herself.

“Yes.” Jurina peck those soft lips again, although it’s uncountable how much kisses that they shared, She never get tired of it, it taste sweet afterall. “But, you have to promise not to ignore me again.”

“I promise.” Rena stole a kiss from the ace again, and whispered “I have another present for you, but..” She paused and gave a seductive wink “You’ll have to open it in your room, A-L-O-N-E” Rena licked her upper lips

« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 06:00:24 AM by buciq »
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #77 on: May 20, 2016, 02:24:58 AM »


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #78 on: May 20, 2016, 03:43:56 AM »
I love it, thanx!

Offline Janix123

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #79 on: May 20, 2016, 03:52:46 AM »
The only expression that U have right now is  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

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