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Author Topic: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)  (Read 98994 times)

Offline junchan48

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #80 on: May 20, 2016, 06:01:26 AM »
Should I wait for the 'smuty' part??? Lol

Gonna wait your next works and sorry for being a sider all this time^,^v
Thanks for the OS, buciq-san^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #81 on: May 20, 2016, 02:21:06 PM »
I really like it author-san. Waiting for the smut part.  :drool:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #82 on: May 20, 2016, 02:29:42 PM »

Yooo ruka~ I told ya that I want to write this since forever  :lol: :lol:

I love it, thanx!
yoo~ Ah about Masana (the things that we talked in tumblr)...
Obviously she left the studio... but no one knows for sure except me  :P :P

about smut? Hmm... I never write that, should I? :p

The only expression that U have right now is  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
Hahahahaha me too grinning all the time when wrote that  :love: :love:

Should I wait for the 'smuty' part??? Lol

Gonna wait your next works and sorry for being a sider all this time^,^v
Thanks for the OS, buciq-san^o^/

Do you want the next thing happen at Jurina get home? :3

Please wait for my other work! :D
Since I love writing OS now, one of the stress reliever~
and thanks for reading mine, though it crappy lol
dont be shy, just talk to me. it made my day :on gay:
just call me Tama, because buciq is my username  :bingo:

I really like it author-san. Waiting for the smut part.  :drool:
Hello again  :hee:

Well.. about that smut part, I am in torn to write that or not *tbh  :on chew:

Minna~ Tama here :onionwhip: :onionwhip:
That wmatsui story really i wrote in fast mode, since I have that plot in my mind for so long :kekeke:
Seems everyone looking forward to see me writing a smut story (if i did, it'll become my debut) *LOL XD
TBH I dont have confidence in writing smut, since I felt that the way i describe thing isn't as good as other author who ever wrote that...  :on freeze: :on freeze: :on freeze:
So..... I don't know!  :fainted:

Anyway !
My mood now love writing OS only, but its not that i abandon my other series. Please rest assure!  :hee: :hee:
I have wrote half of another Wmatsui thing, perhaps more and SaeYuki OS too.

See you soon!  :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Puppy's Problem (OS) | WMatsui | 20/5/16
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2016, 07:47:38 PM »

It was saturday night, when couple usually took this chance to going a date with their loved one. But not for this person. Somewhere in suburb of Tokyo, there was this person who dragged her feet lazily to her apartment. She had wear white t-shirt, blue jeans, and mask. She looked quite tired from the way she walked, you could tell she yawned a couple of times. It’s been a long day for Miyazawa Sae, ex-member of SKE48. She just finished her schedule for today, her upcoming stage play’s interview. After a long walk she arrived at her front door, her hand automatically searching a metallic object inside her bag. When her hand found it, immediately she put it inside the keyhole and turn the knob.

“Tadaima~.” She said to herself and closed the door behind.

Sae is living alone though her parents always told her to live with them over and over. But she felt bad if she had to make her parents waiting for her to come home every night. Like you know, entertainer’s schedule like her can’t be predicted. She found herself inside the bedroom already, her king-sized bed looked so alluring as if saying “Come here, Sae-chan~”.

Without further ado Sae jumped into those fluffy thing, “Otsukaretaa.” her mouth turned into O shaped, yawning. But she need to take a shower first before completely doze off. No matter how tired she is, she can’t sleep before her body in clean state.

After 10 minutes fast shower, she got out from her tiny bathroom. She was wearing a black tanktop with short pants as her hand was busy drying her short-black hair with towel which is hanging on her neck. She sat on the edge of her bed, grabbed the remote’s tv, trying to killing time while waiting her hair done. But before she did, voice from the front door stopped her.

*Ding Dong*

“Who’s come at this hour?” She frowned, her eyes looking at the clock on the wall.

Seriously after those hectic schedule for today, all she need is sleep and now because of doorbell. She planned to ignore whoever at her front door now.


But when she tried to, the belt kept ringing continuously, whoever that is clearly that unknown person won’t give up until Sae showed up.

“Hai Hai Coming~” Sae gave up, and made her way to the source of voices.

Much to her surprise, Sae found a certain girl who standing in front of her eyes. That person now leaned her back against the railing across her door, crossing her arms while her eyes were throwing death stare to Ikemen idol.

“Y-Yuki??” Her sleepiness was instantly gone, as Sae rubbed her eyes still can’t believe what happened.

“..........” The latter just stood there, she didn’t say any single word.

Sae who known as sensitive person starting began to worry about this girl. She reduced their gaps, trying to see the kouhai’s face much closer.

“Hey… Doushitano?” Sae cupped her right cheek, as her thumb caressed that milky’s skin.

Yuki’s eyes still on Sae’s, her lips didn’t say anything. Suddenly she swiftly pulled away from the touch walked through Sae heading inside the Ikemen’s apartment.

“Omg.. She’s angry..” Sae sighed.

After locking the door properly, her feet followed her guest inside. Her apartment was tiny, so of course after a few steps she already found her target. She’s there in living room, sat on sofa still crossing her arms. Maybe you couldn’t see it, if it’s was a anime Sae would describe Yuki’s current mood now is black. Because if you were here, you could see her emitting that black aura around her. Sae made herself comfortable sat beside Yuki, wrapped her right arm on 48G reaction queen’s shoulder.

“What is with this sudden visit?” The older was the first one to speak up.

“Why? Now I don’t have any right to visit my girlfriend?” She set her eyes on her lover orbs, not in romantic way, obviously.

It didn’t take a genius to notice clear annoyance tone in runner-up sousenkyou of 2015. About girlfriend thing? Yes, they officially dating for long time ago after the kagekidan stage play. But back in August of 2012 when she transferred in SNH48,they were being on-off couple. It’s because the younger couldn’t afford being apart with her loved one, whilst Sae tired convince her girlfriend that the two of them will be okay. Therefore they broke up once, reconciled, broke up again, and the cycle keep going on.

There was a time that both of them really didn’t talk, not at all. But eventually fate reunite them like when group reshuffle was announced. The older was transferred to team S as new captain replaced Nakanishi Yuka. The raven-girl can’t hide her excitement, although Sae wasn’t transferred back to AKB like she wanted. At least, they’ll meet much often filling the gap when they was in different country. As the time grew, without saying anything they decided to back again into love.

“You knew that you’re welcome every time you want, dear..” Sae spoke in husky tone, looked into those doe-eyes in loving way.

In December of 2015 when the older announced her graduation from 48G, Yuki was the first one she told about it. Yuki shocked, Sae did see it coming, after all she knew Yuki very well, sometimes more than Yuki herself. A month straight, Sae called her girlfiend each night just trying to convey her love, or just saying how Sae missed her. Basically all she did to make sure Yuki believe in her, in their love, their relationship.

Yuki’s apple turned into reddish color, “Don’t looking at me with those eyes! Y-You know I couldn’t angry with you if you did that” as she tried to shove Ikemen’s face, trying to hide her embarrassment

“Angry? Did I do something wrong?” Sae’s eyes grew wide, “Geez… did I forget about something again?” Sae talked inside her head.

Actually, this isn’t the first time Sae saw this behavior of Yuki. Perhaps when someone on outside 48G or even among the member themselves would see Yuki as an adult type member. It’s because the way she took care of her same-gen member like Mayu or even kouhai member, more “mama” like. But that wasn’t applied when the younger is right beside Sae. To Sae, her girlfriend was like a child who like to be spoiled, though next July she’ll turn 25 but still she loves to act like tsundere to Ikemen girl. Sae couldn’t deny that indeed she has a cute girlfriend, almost perfect.

“You really don’t know, do you?”

Sae was trying to remember what did she do wrong. She began to think that it clearly Yuki wasn’t mad because of their anniversary, nor her birthday too. When she was thinking about something else, her mind stopped for doing so, in short Ikemen’s brain was not working, not after that hectic schedule. One thing, Sae believed the last time they met was in April just before 2nd gen-anniversary kouen stage. Little did Sae knew, Yuki who since earlier paid attention to her beloved one was giggling over how frustrated Sae was. Like she missed those cute expression, it’s been a long time since they met afterall. Yet at the same time she hated that Sae didn’t remember what did she do wrong.

“You’re not jealous, aren’t you?” Sae tried to guess, leaned a back a bit because she’s afraid.

Wrong move. Now, Yuki’s eyes seemed beaming a laser ray from it.

“I saw it! You’re clinging over younger member in SKE, especially...what’s her name?” The younger frowned, trying to recalled the particular member’s name.


That’s it! Ryoha!” Yuki clapped her hand, “I saw that you two were doing duet for ookami to pride, why would you held her hand?”

Like Sae knew Yuki very well, it’s also applies to the younger one. Kagoshima idol knew about how careless, forgetful, and popular Sae is. Yuki really hate the last flaw of her girlfriend, yes Yuki called it as flaw. Due to Sae’s popularity among the member, she often get jealous, like a thousand times. When Yuki confronted her girlfriend about that, Sae just said that she is a DD, daredemo daisuki (a type that loves everyone). Yuki doesn’t want her girlfriend as DD, she wants Sae loves her, only her.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Ryoha is just like little sister to me, and about that performance…” Sae reached the latter’s hands, wrapped inside hers. Sae gave a little strength to it, just a proper amount to gain her lover attention  “It was just a script, nothing more.” The Ikemen gazing at her loved one, straight into her eyes.


Though it wasn’t the first time Sae held her hand and looking into her eyes with loving way, It still made her heart went crazily. Like simple touch from the older could sent shudder on her spine. It’s strange right? Like how is it possible it’s not that they’ve just met yesterday. But thanks to Sae this flame never dies out, just right to make her feel warm inside.

Sae smiled, and leaned to give a short kiss but passionate to her girlfriend “Thank you, for always trust me.”

Yuki nodded, and now smiling back “but that’s not the reason I’m angry, you know.” She pinched the taller’s tummy.

“Aww! It’s not? Then what?” as her hand was trying to reduce the pain.

“I’ll give you a hint, Itsudoko’s event in Toyosu PIT?”

“Itsudoko’s event?”

It was her fanclub event on May 5, right now her brain was working, trying to recalled all of the memories from it. Again, she can’t remember.

“You didn’t come right? I remembered you had photoshoot on that day.” Sae said confidently

“I didn’t but I heard from our fans in Handshake event today.”

“Heard of what?” Sae really didn’t know where this conversation heading to.

“Mou~ it’s sousenkyou’s prediction!” Yuki pinched both of Sae’s cheeks, pulling them apart.

“Ouch! Stop pinching me, Yuki! What’s wrong with that?”

“My fans said you told them that you want Jurina as #1 this year.” Yuki puffed her cheeks

“Did I? Hehe...” Sae smiled sheepishly, because right now she remembered about that, at last.

“Tell me, Why didn’t you tell them that you want me to become #1?”

Sae laughed, now she understood all of it. Her girlfriend was sulking because of what she said during fanclub event. The younger never stopped to surprise her with this cutie side of her.

Yuki slapped sae’s right arm “Don’t laugh. I’m being serious here.”

Sae stopped her laugh, because if she didn’t bad thing will happen. You never want to find out about that.

“You know I’m ex-captain of Team S. Isn’t that weird if I didn’t root for Jurina?”

“Are you implying that rooting for me is WEIRD?”

Oh Oh.. Another wrong move. This is what you called you need to think twice, or even thousand times before say anything to your angry girlfriend. Because when you chose the wrong of word choice could ended your life, okay maybe it was exaggerating.

“Listen Yuki.. I was able make a comeback because of SKE. I just return the favor, Jurina really find it hard after Rena and Me graduated.”

Yuki know understood, it was no secret that SKE now in pinch. After Rena left in August last year, Yuki remembered how hard it’s for Jurina to accept. Then she made sudden announcement she cancelled her kennin position just to be SKE’s member only. Yuki lost in her deep thought, whilst Sae’s eyes fixed on her, waiting for her reaction.

“So who will you support for?”

“Are you really want to ask that?” Sae giggled with this silly question.

“Just answer me.”

“So…..” Sae moved toward the girl, “Do you really want to know?” Sae kept eating the available gap between them.

“U-Umm Y-Yeah?” It made Yuki leaned back, slowly. but, she stuck because she reached the end of sofa.

Sae kissed her in surprised, which is rewarded by big reaction from the latter, eyes grew wide.

“Did you get it?”

“N-No.” Yuki threw her face to the side, not looking her girlfriend.

“I’ll make you sure you get it.”

Sae gave a wink before pressed her lips against that alluring warm flesh, she took it slowly as her hand cupped younger’s face. It took for a while until Sae felt Yuki reciprocated the kisses, the Ikemen smiled still enjoying the kiss though. As much as Sae wanted to take this kisses slower, Yuki had a different opinion afterall. She tilted her head as her arms wrapped behind the older’s back, because of this sudden movement made the flame inside Sae burned.  The Ikemen took over the lead, her fingers started to slip under the latter’s shirt. The cold contact from tip of fingers made Yuki yelped, the older took this time to exploring wet cave.


At first Yuki’s tongue just stay as passive one, but as time keep going she can’t help but having duel with Sae’s. They exchanging position of their head, kept tilting to make sure they didn’t break the kisses. All you can hear inside Ikemen’s apartment now is lewd moaning from both, also creak sound of sofa which is from their wild movement making out session.

“Yuki-chan~ You looks so sexy.” Sae said between kisses.

“J-Just kiss me,” Yuki pulled Sae closer, wanted to get much from the older.

“As you wish,”


To Yuki disappointment, Sae abruptly stopped and just stare at her.

“Sae-chan? Is there something wrong?”

Sae got up from the sofa, without her girlfriend consent she carried her to the bedroom in bridal style.

“W-Whooa! What’re you doing?” Unconsciously Yuki found her hand wrapping on the tallest girl’s neck.

“Frankly speaking, I was tired. But It looks like you have awaken the inside me… so…...”

Yuki blushed but still shy, “So??”

“I don’t want to spend our special time on sofa, cause i don’t want make my girlfriend back hurt.” Sae stick out her tongue, teasing her lover.

“M-Meanie!” She hide her face on Ikemen’s chest.

Sae made her way to their love nest, which is the sacred place when they usually pour their feeling out. She carefully placed her girlfriend on top of fluffy thing.  Sae placed her forehead against the latter

“Yuki.. It’s okay that if you’re not rank 1. But you always now you are no.1 in my heart.” Sae said, smiling weakly, her eyes closed.
“I know…” Yuki’s finger ran through the older’s hair, put the loose strand behind her ear. “I know it, from the moment you kissed me before.”

“I knew it..” Sae smirked

“Then…..” Yuki’s eyes turned into seductive mode, she spoke in whispered on ikemen’s ear ”What are you waiting for?” as her hand ran from her neck down Sae’s abs.

Sae gulped “It looks like I won’t be able sleep tonight.”


Hello, Tama here : :onionwhip:
I got this story from tutumon (Sae's Oshi) fans report lol.  :cool2:

Ah good news for you, after a long deliberation. I made a decision that I WILL making that lemon story of wmatsui  :kekeke: :kekeke:
but still i'm still refine how my writing style, still i don't want to let you down with rush writing  :prayers: :on cloudeye:

In the meanwhile perhaps i'm gonna write the continuation of my other fic too. See you again~  :byebye:
My Projects :
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #84 on: May 24, 2016, 02:01:49 AM »
yes wmatsui smut and you give me SAEYUKI!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEE IT THANK YOU A LOOOOT

Offline junchan48

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #85 on: May 25, 2016, 08:48:17 AM »
Finally~ You gonna make it!
Now, you have to give this OS a 'smut' version too!
Blame the ending! Lol
I just 'smut' lovers~

But I love this fic anyway.
Thanks for this 'fluffy-almost smuty(?)' fic, Tama-san^o^/
Gonna wait your next works!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2016, 10:58:50 AM »
yes wmatsui smut and you give me SAEYUKI!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEE IT THANK YOU A LOOOOT
You're welcome~  :lol: :lol:

Finally~ You gonna make it!
Now, you have to give this OS a 'smut' version too!
Blame the ending! Lol
I just 'smut' lovers~

But I love this fic anyway.
Thanks for this 'fluffy-almost smuty(?)' fic, Tama-san^o^/
Gonna wait your next works!
Eh? This SaeYuki too?  :dunno:
Surely I'll write smut for my otp ;) ;)

Thanks for dropping by ^^
Sure, Please looking forward my next project too  :whistle:

Hello Minna-san, as I promised before I finished the WMatsui smut you can check it on perv section or my tmblr which is in signature box  :on gay:
For FYI, right now I'm currently writing about Brave Enough.
Perhaps doing release another Wmatsui OS too later.
Ah! I don't forget about Encounter and Dream of You too. Just be patient  :bingo:
See you on next project~  :byebye:

ps. It would be nice if you guys gave me your feedback about that lemon. should I create another one? or stay away from lemon? :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 02:53:01 PM by buciq »
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Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #87 on: May 29, 2016, 01:24:50 PM »
Hello, do you updated smut ver on your tumblr? Because i dont understand and i cant access on prev section
Thank you :)

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #88 on: May 29, 2016, 02:51:11 PM »
Hello, do you updated smut ver on your tumblr? Because i dont understand and i cant access on prev section
Thank you :)

Hello !
Ah I forgot to announce that as well. The answer for your question is YES
I've post the smut ver on my tumblr as well (in the future as well) along with my other project.
Thank you, and enjoy the story :on gay:
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 05:40:26 PM by buciq »
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Haruko

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #89 on: May 29, 2016, 08:06:56 PM »
what is your tumblr?

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #90 on: May 30, 2016, 07:55:42 PM »
More sareyuki story like this please and by the way update dream of you....

Thanks buciq

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #91 on: June 02, 2016, 09:24:32 PM »
what is your tumblr?
You have found my tumblr already!  :P :P
More sareyuki story like this please and by the way update dream of you....

Thanks buciq
I will write more saeyuki, perhaps OS later after this. 
Since the sousenkyou really interesting this year   :lol: :lol:

Hello, Tama is here~  :onionwhip:
Again, I managed to finish this Wmatsui OS just a day (not quiet long) :sweat: :sweat:
I think I'm gonna post another SaeYuki based on the recent topic nowadays too.
til we meet again~  :byebye: :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #92 on: June 02, 2016, 09:27:32 PM »
Hey Tama, can you write me a Furuyanagi shot based on Churi's Love Factory trailer...? Or the whole episode when it comes out?

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #93 on: June 02, 2016, 09:30:44 PM »
Poster and Prelim


Someone’s voice roared inside her apartment. Jurina’s body stirred, as her hand raised above her head to stretch some muscles. Then she heard someone was opening her bedroom’s door, her eyes turned source of voice. The ace slowly getting up rubbed one of her eyes, kept blinking for a couple of times.

“R-Rena-chan? Is that you?”

“What is this?” Rena didn’t even bother to say hello to her girlfriend, instead showed her a piece of quite large paper.

Jurina still in daze state, of course it’s early in the morning after all. She took the paper from the older matsui, “Isn’t Sousenkyou’s poster?” The puppy squinted her eyes.

Jurina didn’t understand that Rena just took her time to visit her just because sousenkyou’s poster? Moreover yesterday was the preliminary result of sousenkyou, in other words she need rest.

Rena let out a sigh “It’s not about poster but THIS” as She was pointing at a recognizable object which is in Jurina’s hands.


“Sou! Isn’t that my ribbon?”

It’s true, Jurina wore Tsuyokimonoyo outfit from their debut single back then in 2009. She smiled, she was thinking about how great is SKE back then when there were a lot of her friend from the same-gen. Just name it, Kuumin, Mizuki, Kanako, Nishishi, Mieko, and Rena, herself; Sadly now, it’s just her and Masana. That’s why she wanted to rebuild the SKE with the remaining members but still using the passion from their debut. They weren’t afraid of anything since they have nothing to lose, therefore they can gave their best.

“Uh-Huh, What’s wrong?” Jurina tilted her head.

“So, that’s true?!” The older’s voice raised a bit.

Jurina nodded, “Plus! It wasn’t the just ribbon. But I also wore your outfit, except the ribbon.” a cheshire-cat smile plastered on her face.

“HAAAH?? It’s embarrassing...” Rena’s leg feel like jelly, her hands covered the pink blush which is gradually appeared.

“It shows how much I love you Rena-chan~.” The puppy pulled the older into warm embrace.

“S-Stop it, Jurina.” Rena struggled from the younger’s embrace.

Instead of let go her girlfriend, Jurina cramped their body together “I miss you…” Jurina whispered, as her hand play with Rena’s raven-hair. “I’m scared, Rena-chan…”

Rena forgot about upcoming AKB48 senbatsu sousenkyou thing really made both Wmatsui suffered a lot back then. Therefore in 2015 she decided to sitting off from the sousenkyou, she really thought that there was nothing gain from it. She didn’t want to against the members, though she has proven herself able to enter the kami 7. The longer she was in 48G, Rena really think about other member than herself more than everything, it included the younger matsui also.

Immediately Rena stopped breaking free from her girlfriend, as her hand slowly wrapped behind her back.

“You’re doing great, Jurina..” Rena shushed the trembling body in her arms, gave a soft pat in soothing ways.

“Am I?” The ace mumbled, still her chin resting on the older’s shoulder.

“Yes… always. You’re the ace of SKE48 after all..” Rena brushed the silky hair of the ace.

“Thank you, Rena-chan.” Jurina retracted herself, finally their eyes met into gaze.

“By the way….” Rena put her hands on Jurina’s shoulder, smiled “Congratulation for 3rd place in preliminary result..” planted a kiss on Jurina’s cheek.

“Can I ask something?” Jurina grinned

“W-What?” Rena scared, because she knew how sly of Jurina is.

“Let’s sleep together.” Jurina dragged the actress by her wrist, toward the bed.


Jurina was the first one laying on the bed, she patted the space beside her; She motioned Rena to lay beside her. Which is complied immediately by the older.

“Now what?” Rena turned her body facing the ace.

“Sleep?” Jurina said with both of eyes were closing already.

“Don’t you have schedule today?”

“Yes, I do in afternoon later.” Suddenly opening her eyes, turned to Rena’s. Her hand pulled Rena’s closer “But let me sleep for a little while, last night I was having dinner with Sae-chan.”

“Ah… Now you’re hanging out with Sae-chan more.” Rena pinched the puppy’s cheek.

“Aww! That can’t be help. You are busy, and do I need to remind you promised me that we are going to onsen together?” Jurina now pinched Rena’s nose in cheeky manner.

“Look who’s talking now? Do you forget that if we are going to the onsen we need to stayover. You know we both can’t leave our schedule, right?”

“Here you go again. Busy.Busy.Busy. Hmph!” Jurina turned her back against Rena



“Jurina~….” Rena poke the puppy’s back with her index finger.

“.......” Nothing came from puppy’s lips.

“Ahh… Actually I want to pamper my girlfriend, but she doesn’t even look at me in the eyes. I just want to sleep.” Rena turned her back also.

“EH?!” Jurina abruptly facing her girlfriend who now turned her back against her. “Rena-chan?”

“Rena is sleeping now.” The actress grumbled

“Rena-chan~” Jurina shook her girlfriend’s body “Wake up~ Neee Wake up~”

Rena turned around, “What is it?JURI- MMMMM” Rena couldn’t finish because Jurina cut her off with her sudden kiss.
“I want to be pampered by my Rena~” Jurina stole another kiss from the older.

Rena chuckled, “Come here puppy.” Rena open her arm.

“You’re mine tonight, Rena.” The puppy’s eyes changed into wolf mode now , her voice was changing as well to the husky one.

Rena cupped the cheeks of the cute wolf in front of her and stole a quick peck on her lips “Please do, wolf-chan” Rena winked at her girlfriend.

My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Haruko

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Poster and Prelim (OS) | WMatsui | 3/6/16
« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2016, 01:02:41 AM »
what a cute episode!!!! :D J need a lot os support this days

Offline junchan

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Poster and Prelim (OS) | WMatsui | 3/6/16
« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2016, 09:13:28 PM »
What is your smut fic title, Tama-san? And what is your tumblr name? I can't find it T.T
This fic was fluffy>///<
I love it!

Thanks for the update, Tama-san!^o^/
Gonna wait your next works!
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline key17

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Poster and Prelim (OS) | WMatsui | 3/6/16
« Reply #96 on: June 08, 2016, 09:43:10 AM »
I miss wmatsui T_T
Nice fic btw  :twothumbs

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction (OS) | SaeYuki | 24/5/16
« Reply #97 on: June 13, 2016, 05:58:37 PM »
Hey Tama, can you write me a Furuyanagi shot based on Churi's Love Factory trailer...? Or the whole episode when it comes out?
I haven't watch it, sadly! T^T I'm so busy. I'll see what can I do about Furuyanagi's shot, still I can't promise anything bro/

what a cute episode!!!! :D J need a lot os support this days
Both my Yuki and the puppy really need support and votes :D

What is your smut fic title, Tama-san? And what is your tumblr name? I can't find it T.T
This fic was fluffy>///<
I love it!

Thanks for the update, Tama-san!^o^/
Gonna wait your next works!
Eh? It's on my signature ._. Did you see it?
I have SaeYuki OS in my drive but...... T^T
I'll write soon later.... I think : :on crazygran: :on crazygran:

I miss wmatsui T_T
Nice fic btw  :twothumbs
I miss Rena T__T
Btw Long time no see!!  :hehehe: :hehehe:

Hello there~ :onionwhip:
I'm going to the other city tomorrow work related (Probably I'll get busier after this) , Actually I was planning to finish my SaeYuki OS before going.  :on crazygran: :on crazygran:
Sadly I can't make it since I'm busy  :fainted: :fainted:
Hopefully I can finish it later, or perhaps when we will meet again. I'll update 2 OS at once  :whistle: :whistle:

Again thanks for you who kind enough to left comment and gave thanks. I'm really appreciate it  :hee: :hee:
Until we meet again  :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction
« Reply #98 on: June 24, 2016, 07:50:47 PM »
I'm very enjoyed saeyuki smut lol. maybe you can make it more longer. haha

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Prediction
« Reply #99 on: June 27, 2016, 08:06:14 PM »
I'm very enjoyed saeyuki smut lol. maybe you can make it more longer. haha

SaeYuki SMUT? Where?  :dunno:
I haven't write SMUT about SaeYuki, but perhaps SOON! Since you guys knew who my oshimen is :3

Hello, Tama here~  :onionwhip:
It's been awhile, Finally I finished my SaeYuki OS that I mentioned before.
It's longer than I thought, but again I love writing OS lately..  :stuffed: :stuffed:

I need to remind myself that I have sooo many unfinished story  :prayers: :prayers:
I'll finish what i've started, but from now on I'll be busier but i'll try to write  :stunned: :stunned:

Until we meet again :byebye: :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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