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Author Topic: GenkingBlack's Vault | Who do you love the most? [WMatsui] (03/04/17)  (Read 98994 times)

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Poster and Prelim (OS) | WMatsui | 3/6/16
« Reply #100 on: June 27, 2016, 08:12:02 PM »
6th place to..

OII SAEE!!! Preliminary’s result has begun~” The squirrel-girl called her bestfriend from the living room.

“I can hear it from here, you don’t have to shout, Yuko!” The ikemen’s head popped up from the kitchen.

“Seriously guys? DO we have to still watching this? We don’t even participating anymore.” Takamina grumbled, crossing her arms.

The ex-soukantoku seriously disagreed with this agenda, she didn’t like this idea, not even a bit. She was still sleeping in her room, when Yuko suddenly called her and pleaded for her to go to Sae’s apartment. The problem is Yuko didn’t say anything, but Takamina noticed her anxious tone; blame the “what’s wrong radar” that she has. It turned out that Yuko was just calling them up for the “watching the preliminary together”. Takamina cursed herself, If she would have known what the story is, she won’t even bother to drag her short legs to get to Sae’s.

“That can’t be helped, since their girlfriends are participating.” Sayaka said without looking at takamina, her eyes were fixed on the newspaper.

“Nee, Takamina do you think Nyan-Nyan will make it to the senbatsu?” Yuko turned her eyes to the ex-soukantoku, totally ignoring how bad-mood is Takamina now.

“Dunno..” Takamina sighed, She knew even she’s angry with Yuko now won’t do any good for her. ”there are a lot of controversies about NyanNyan’s application form, did you guys know?”

“Yeah, I heard about that. But she’s still an eligible member right?” Sae walked from the kitchen, she brought a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

“But the problem is she didn’t use her real name..isn’t right?” The taller among them spoke up, put aside the newspaper on the table.

For you who don’t follow with the 8th AKB48 Senbatsu sousenkyou news. There was a weird application under “NyanNyan Kamen”, most of fans are believe it was Kojiharu’s prank. The problem started when the management decided to accept that, the next day Kojiharu denied it was her (who sent it). There were a lot of pros and cons about that, the fandom is split into two side. One side is happy because NyanNyan Kamen is bring back the hype about sousenkyou, while other said Kojiharu didn’t respect the sousenkyou just because she didn’t go with her real name. Aside from it, the sousenkyou still running and today the preliminary’s result will be announce.

“There there.. There is no use to debate over this thing. Let’s enjoy the show, shall we?” Takamina clapped her hands just to make the atmosphere lighter.

So in short, the 4 graduates member gathered in Sae’s apartment, they decided to watch preliminary because of Yuko’s suggestion, or should we say Yuko was tricking them (?). Obviously Yuko wanted to see Kojiharu, but she didn’t want to watch the prelim alone. So she deceived Takamina with her acting, she gave her a call she intentionally sounded so sad. Because she knew Takamina will notice. There you go, one victim down. After that she went to Sayaka’s studio and literally dragged her, the taller one had no choice but to follow her. That made two victims. What about Sae? She was just sleeping, enjoying her day off when she heard her doorbell kept ringing, when she got at the front door her eyes widened. There were Yuko, Sayaka and Takamina. What else can she do except let them in?

“NyanNyan hasn’t been called! Does it mean she’ll make it to the senbatsu?” Yuko hyped and screaming out loud.

“Ssshhh! Listen now it’s the important one!” Ikemen girl covered Yuko’s mouth, just trying to shut the ex-winner’s mouth of sousenkyou for a while.

“From now on I’ll announce senbatsu member..”

The guy said with his hands was holding something black. He shifted his eyes to other staff who busy writing the amount of votes for each member. After the staff said okay by the hand-signal. The guy begun to announce from 16th to 13th, All of the graduated members know some of the member. But still 2 of them were still anxious waiting for the particular member.

“Let’s move to 12th place, from HKT48 Team KIV with 12410 votes.. Miyawaki Sakura.”

“Eh? Sakuratan 12th?” Disbelief was the only thing written in Sae’s face.

“That’s too bad, she just got 12th despite all of the push from management.” Takamina said, her left hand was reaching to the bowl of popcorn held by Sae.

“Kojiharu still hasn’t been called…. Perhaps she didn’t make it..” Sayaka drank soda from the can straight.

“Don’t jinx it, Sayaka!” Yuko frowned

Soon when The guy were going to announce the next one, all of them were back to the quiet mode again.

“The 11th place…. From Team (?)  NyanNyan Kamen with 12,630 votes..”

“YATTAAAA!! Did you see Sae? My NyanNyan ranked!” The squirrel-girl shook Ikemen’s body and raised her fist in the air.

“Congratulation Yuko, Sasuga NyanNyan Hahaha..” Takamina raised her thumbs up,  “Now the only one left is your girl, Sae.” She continued munching the popcorn.

“Un..” Without the Ikemen girl realized, she clenched the bowl to tight. If the bowl wasn’t solid enough, more likely it’ll break or something.

“Relax… Sae… Probably Yukirin will get 1st.” Sayaka tried to assure her bestfriend

“Thats right! She was the runner up last sousenkyou right?” Yuko finished her celebratory thingy.

“The 10th place, From AKB48 Team 4, Takahashi Juri with 12,705 votes.”

“Wow, Juri-chan is from 12th gen right?” Yuko asked

“Yap along with Karen, Yuka and Tomu.” Takamina said whilst her mouth was munching the popcorn

“The next one is 9th place, From SKE48 Team KII, Takeuchi Saki with 12.935 votes.”

“Eh? Who’s that?” Sayaka’s eyes widened

“Do you have any idea, Takamina?” Yuko nudged ex-soukantoku’s shoulder

Takamina didn’t utter any words or she can’t say anything right now, her mouth is full with popcorn.

“I know her, she’s from team KII. She’s really a good kouhai.” Ikemen girl finally spoke up.

“Sugoii...She must be an amazing member to have a lot of votes in a day.” Sayaka clapped her hands

“Well.. We need young member to carry on the 48 name right?” Yuko smiled

“Next one, The 8th Place, from HKT48 Team H, Kodama Haruka with 13,599 votes”

“Even Haruppi didn’t receive much push from AKB’s side unlike Sakuratan, she’s doing pretty good.” Takamina said as her hand grabbed her cup.

“The 7th place, from  AKB48 Team 4, Okada Nana with 14,889 votes.”

“EEHH?? Is that Majime girl?” Yuko rose up from her seat, her right hand was pointing at the name on the screen

“Yes, I remember back then she’s really serious type, It turned me off” Sayaka shivered as her mind brought her to the particular 3 AKBingo’s episodes which she had to record some variety along with Shiichan and Saho. Indeed, Naachan was really serious type of girl, you know she’s working hard yet at the same time variety didn’t need that “serious type”. It’s not funny at all.

“Did you know she cut her hair? She looked fresh.” Sae added

“It suit her though, doesn’t it?” Takamina smiled, her orbs once again turned to the screen.

“The next one 6th place, from AKB48 Team B…”

“Eh? From B? WHO?” Yuko shocked.

“....and NGT48 Team N Kennin, Kashiwagi Yuki wiith 20,988 votes.”

“HAH?” Sound of bowl hit of the floor, Sae’s lost her grip after hearing the announcement. As the result, now the floor was full with the popcorn “Is that for REAL?” She continued, still can’t believe it what just happened.

All of the sudden the rest of them just kept quiet, no one dare to break the silence nor tried to calming down the Ikemen girl.

“Look! We are missing some ranking now…It’s the 3rd place now” Sayaka tried to divert the topic, the intense atmosphere really almost choked her down.

“The 3rd place..SKE48 Team S Matsui Jurina with 35469 votes..

“Eh? As expected Jurina has a large fanbase.” Yuko said, take a sip from the soda

“That makes it battle between those two, Mayu or Sasshi..” Takamina said

“I bet it will be Sasshi’s win” Sayaka said

“Nah… I think Mayu, because today is her seitansai right? I bet her fans want to give her best present.” Yuko tried to guess the winner.

“It’s so rare you can think like that, squirrel! Hahahaha” Sayaka mocked her

“Just keep it low, you two!” The ex-soukantoku hissed at them tried to make them calm down.

“The 2nd place 41,127 votes, HKT48 Team H, Sashihara Rino.!

“Told ya!” Yuko said with smug face, the other just stay quiet as they’re all know who is the winner in Preliminary’s result.

“Finally the 1st place 42,034 votes, AKB48 Team B, Watanabe Mayu!”

Both the team B’s members and the audiences were clapping furiously inside the AKB’s theater. Soon after that the audiences kept calling Mayu’s name like encore call, it made the orthodox idol tear up.

“So Mayu ka…” Sayaka whispered, shifted her eyes to other twin tower who sat soulless

Then Sae saw a glimpse of the video when Yuki raised her right hand to sweep the edge of her eyes “That girl...always like that.” She sighed

“Sugoii!!! It’s just a day, both Mayu and Sasshi managed to get 40k votes?”

“Their fanbase is way too strong, Mayu’s side want to take revenge from last last year, and Sasshi’s oshi aim for continuous winning streak.” Takamina leaned her back at the sofa

“Too bad your girlf..” Yuko stopped talking due to the motionless Sae, she even noticed that Sae didn’t even blinking but just stare at the screen “Oiiii Sae, did you hear what I just said?” Yuko waved her hand in front of the Ikemen’s face.

“U-Huh? W-What?”

“Are you okay?” Sayaka touched Sae’s shoulder, there was a hint of worry in her voice.

“Sorry guys gotta go..” Sae grabbed her hoodie on the sofa and rushed to the front door, leaving the the rest of graduate members in awe.

“Where are you going?” Takamina asked *BAM* Too late, Sae was already gone before answering Takamina’s question or maybe she didn’t hear as her mind was full of with one particular member. “Geez...She could have answer my question first.” Takamina grumbled

“Seriously Takamina? Are you really that dense?” Yuko rolled her eyes.

“Hah? What are you talking about?”

“What Yuko meant is of course Sae will meet Yukirin.” Sayaka said, as her hand busy taking the popcorn on the floor.

“Aahh….” Takamina nodded

*In the front of Dressing room AKB48’s Theater*

Now Sae was standing in front of dressing room. It was pretty late already, you can’t find any young member anymore. To be honest, she didn’t even know whether Yuki is still around or not due to her reckless move Sae forgot to bring her phone with her. She took a deep breath before knocking at the familiar door in front of her.

*Knock Knock*

You could heard someone’s footsteps was coming toward the door. Soon after, the dressing room’s door opened a bit, someone head popped up from behind. All you can see were a pair of orbs, half of face was revealed. Sae didn’t know who it was, until Sae saw the orbs were widening.

“Sae-chan!” The familiar member jumped into Sae’s embrace, really gave her a tight bear hug. Sae just giggled find the younger member behaviour is cute.

“H-Hello Mayu-chan!” Sae patted the ace of AKB’s head.

“It’s so rare to seeing you here. Is everything okay?” Mayu asked, broke the hug from the taller.

“Yeah, everything’s just fine Mayu-chan.” Sae smiled, without her concern a pair of her orbs were roaming all over the room as if searching for something.

Mayu who saw this just smile, right away she found her answer “Are you looking for Yukirin?”

“Y-Yeah, Is she still here?” Sae scratched her right cheek nervously.

“Too bad she just got home 5 minutes earlier, perhaps you guys just missed each other.”

“Really?” Sae heaved a sigh, she wanted to curse herself for didn’t even bring her phone right now.

“Un, She’ll go to Niigata tomorrow. She’ll participating in NGT48’s Gekijou Kouen” Mayu explained a bit further

“I guess.. I can’t see her now..”

-17 days later-

Today is the DAY, the 45th AKB Senbatsu Sousenkyou. All of the 48G members were gathering in Niigata, because they’ll have concert first before the actual Sousenkyou start. At somewhere in Studio of Abema TV, there was this person who wore beret on her head and wearing white jacket with red stripe on the side. When she was still a member of AKB48, she often get called BUSU as her fashion is suck. She really need to stop dress-up by herself and hire wardrobe specialist, except when she was wearing guy’s outfit. Everyone knew She even looks way cooler than real guy, but when she wore girly outfit… she’s indeed fashion terrorist along with Takamina. The Ikemen girl grabbed her phone and take a look at the email conversation from 2 weeks ago.

To : Kyashi~
Congratulation for National Solo-tour and 6th place in prelim, Kyashi~
Don’t try too hard on yourself.
Me and Yukirin’s world family are behind your back.


She scrolled the screen and found the reply from the same person.

To : Myaza-sama
It’s been awhile we don’t use our special nickname.
It made me happy you still remember that
Thank you, Myaza-sama ^^
I’m watching for you too you know


It’s true, Sae didn’t even had chance to meet her beloved one lately. Both of them were really busy with their individual schedule, moreover they aren’t in the same group anymore. It’s getting hard to meet, but they didn’t miss any day to exchanging mail, it’s their way to show their love still going strong. All of sudden the phone rang, the screen showed “ Oshima Yuko”, her thumb was moving on the screen accepting the call.

“Moshi-moshi, Yuko?”

“Sae!! Take a guess where am I now?”

“HAH? How can I know?” Sae frowned

“I’m at Niigata now.”

“HAH? NIIGATA?” Sae raised her voice a bit, then suddenly all of the people around her just glare at her. In instant she became the main focus in this studio. She smiled sheepishly, slightly bowed to everyone, as her hands was still holding the phone “What are you doing there?” Sae whispered

“Just wait and see~” Even if Sae couldn’t see her bestfriend face right now, but she 100% sure that Yuko was grinning. When she was about to ask Yuko a bit further, “Sae I have to go now, make sure you are going to watch sousenkyou today. Bye!” That’s it Yuko hanged up the phone already.

“What a weird girl…” The ikemen shook her head.

She wanted to call Yuko back, but the staff stopped her because it’s near the shooting time already. Today Sae is a guest Yoru Buzz at Abema TV, for the first time she isn’t having stress related to sousenkyou due to her absent from it this year. Because she made sure the 2015 was the last year she participated. Today theme was about AKB48’s sousenkyou, Sae’s role was as commentator because she herself ever participated for 7 years.

Kazuo Tokumitso began his announcement with 16th place, It was NyanNyan Kamen. Soon the music was playing, Sae can’t believe her eyes. She saw her bestfriend who just called her like 30 minutes ago, were on stage along wore policewoman costume with dog’s mask.  You could see Kojiharu coming out from backstage with white costume and mask.

“So… That’s what Yuko meant..” Sae now understood the answer from Yuko’s riddle.

Sae and the rest of the guest just watch it from live. Therefore finally NyanNyan Kamen revealed her true identity which is… of course Kojima Haruna. In the middle of her speech, she’s finally announced she’ll graduating from AKB48. It made Miichan is the only one left, when Kojiharu officially have her last gekijou kouen later.

With that continuously Tokumitsu-san announced the next rank, until he finally reached the 5th place. Sae could tell her girlfriend was so nervous, so did she. But deep inside She believed in Yukirin’s world, for the first time Yuki actually said to her fans that she wanted to be in 1st place. She wanted to get her solo center, not as Wcenter where we hardly find her in the PV.

“The 5th place, with 92,110 from AKB48 Team B and NGT48 Kennin, Kashiwagi Yuki.”

Unconsciously Sae stood up, she kept blinking couple of times. She wanted to deny the information that she heard just now. Like there is no way Yuki dropped to 5th place, under Sayanee and Jurina. She knew she wasn’t dreaming, when Yuki made her way to the center of the stage, ready to give her speech in front of the audiences. She was smiling during her speech, there wasn’t any word “frustrated” came out from her mouth, as if she disappointed with the current result. Whilst other member cried in frustration, like they thought they deserved better place, but not Yuki. She told the audiences that she actually wanted to sat out the sousenkyou this time, but after heard sousenkyou will held in Niigata that’s her cue to join, since she hold Kennin position. She ended her speech with grace,

“With today’s results, I think the junior members will have many people they can call upon. Those people have already surpassed me. When I see that, I don’t feel relieved, rather it makes me want to take the lead and continue to support this group. Therefore, along with everyone, let’s aim for what’s ahead, and I hope that you’ll continue to support, AKB, NGT the AKB48 groups, and Kashiwagi Yuki. Thank you very much for today!”

Automatically Sae clapped her hands, Yuki never failed to impressed the Ikemen about how Yuki is a perfect idol, inside and outside. Perhaps that’s why Sae fell in love in the first place. Of course Yuki is indeed a beauty one, but the inside is as beautiful as the outer shell. Yuki always the one who come first in every AKB48’s schedule, her dedication to idol-life is high. The funny thing is albeit Yuki is an idol now, when you asked her what’s her future ambition would be? She’ll answer “I want to be an idol.” Now you know, how much she loves her current job right?

The shooting went well, Sae bid farewell to the cast, MC and staff. She took her phone out from the bag, as her hand dialed the number without searching on her phonebook anymore. Since she’ve been remember that number by the heart by now.

“Where are you?” Sae asked bluntly without having any chit chat first.

[I’m still in Niigata, Why?]

“You’ll coming back to Tokyo tonight right?”

[Un, Tomorrow I’ll have gravure photoshoot, what’s wrong?]

“I’ll be waiting at your apartment.”

[Eh? But I might arrive at dawn, Sae-chan.] The owner of the voice seemed worry about Ikemen girl.

“I’ll be waiting. Period. No matter how late you are.” Sae firmly said that

Sae heard the girl let out a sigh, perhaps she shook her head now because of the stubbornness that Sae has. Sae usually always be the one who gave in to the younger, but there are times when Sae just didn’t want to hear nor give in to anyone, not even the special younger member who is now on the line.

[Okay… But use your key to get in, okay? I’ll try to get home as fast as I can.]

“Un, Thanks… Yuki. You too, be careful on your way. I’m not going anywhere.”

Yuki giggled now, after the she just heard the stubborn side, now the caring side of Sae came out again.

[See you later, love.]

“Yuki….” Sae stopped, now both of them just stay silent. Yuki kept waiting for a while, She didn’t want to cut the older speech.


“I love you..” Sae finally finished what’s on her mind

[I love you too..] A smile draw on the 5th rank of this year sousenkyou, as her thumb swept the screen to end the conversation.

-5 hours later-

Yuki immediately went to her apartment, though she said she’ll try to get home ASAP. She can’t do that, there was briefing after the sousenkyou, moreover she had to calm the unranked member too, not only from NGT48 and of course Team B’s member. Much to her dismay, she saw her apartment was in dark state.

“Am I really that late?” Yuki shifted her eyes to her left hand, the wrist watch showed it was on 3 am already. She took her key from her pocket, ready to enter her tiny castle. All of sudden she heard something popped up, she felt confetti scattered from the top of her had.


The brightness from the light made her eyes squinted, her eyes fluttering still adapting with sudden luminous. Still in blurry vision, her eyes caught someone’s figure who was standing in front of her right now. The fragrance barged into her nose, the blueberry one, she can’t help but grinning because she knew who it was.


Yuki was ready to open her eyes, but Sae jumped to wrapped Yuki’s nice figure inside her arms.

“Congratulation for getting 5th rank and National solo-tour too. Otsukaresama…” Sae’s hand dived into Yuki’s silky-black hair, gave it a soothing stroke on it.
“Thank you, Sae-chan.” Yuki hugged the taller back, inhales the sweet scent from the Ikemen. “Did I make you wait for long?”

“Mm-mm.. “ Sae shook her head disagree “I told you that I’ll wait for you, right?” Sae tightened the embrace, it’s been quite long since their last touch.

“S-Sae..I’m stink of sweat. Don’t hug me to tight.” Yuki leaned her back away from the taller, tried to break from the hug.

“Don’t wanna~” Sae played with Yuki’s hair, twirling it in playful way.

Yuki chuckled, she moved her head toward Sae’s left cheek gave a peck there. “I’m full of sweat, let me take a shower first. Okay?”

“Okay, don’t make me wait for long. I’m sleepy.” Sae yawned

“I’ll try.”

Sae watched Yuki’s figure went into the bathroom, whilst she made herself comfortable on the bed. She took her time to look into her surrounding, much to her surprise she didn’t find any huge change from the last time she was here. Yuki’s room is full with white and light pink color, there was Yukirin’s daruma on the bed too. Her left hand reached out to take the daruma.

“Now, you have to accompany me waiting for your master.” Sae patted the daruma’s head.

Sae has been waiting for 1 hour, but there’s no sign that Yuki will come out from bathroom sooner. She knew Yuki always took her time slowly when she took shower, but 1 hour is bit too long. The ikemen got up and made her way in front of the bathroom.

*Knock Knock*

“Yuki? Are you okay, dear?”

There was no reply from inside, but you could heard sound of water coming from the shower. Sae thought Yuki wasn’t hear the knock, so she decided to knock once more.

*Knock Knock*


Again no reply from inside.

“I’m coming, okay?”

Still, Nothing came out from the bathroom. Sae turned the doorknob, her eyes grew into melon-sized because right know her girlfriend was sat under the shower holding her knees. Her body moved up and down, as Sae walked toward to the beautiful figure she heard the distinct sobbing from it. Yuki was crying, it was silent tears. Probably she didn’t want to the Ikemen noticed about it, Sae cursed herself. She should’ve known the sign.

“Yuki….” Sae turned off the shower

Yuki’s head shifted to the source of voices “S-Sae-chan. S-Since when-” She stuttered as her eyes abruptly sweep the tears which kept falling.

Sae knelt down and hugged the Kagoshima’s princess “It’s okay… You’ve done well.” The taller placed her hand on the top of Yuki’s temple, gave it soft pat continuously. Sae tried her best to make her lover calm.

Yuki weakly smiled “T-Thank y-you” She sniffed, her voice was still hoarse state because of suppressed crying “It just… I dropped to the 5th and lost votes around 75k…” Yuki looked down, you could hear her sadness through her voice.

“I know…this year was so intense. Because, our fans knew there are members told them that this sousenkyou is their last. Many of them use this as gimmick to boost their votes, but you know what?” Sae lifted Yuki’s head to make their eyes meet “I’m proud of you.” Conviction was showed in Sae’s dark-orbs along with her voice full of determination.


“I said I’m proud of you.” The ikemen cupped the younger’s cheek, continued “Because you didn’t use that gimmick just want to boost your votes. Everyone loves you, it was showed by your solo-tour’s ticket has been sold out in each city.”

“But I want that solo center.. Sae..”

“You already a solo center in Yukirin’s world, aren’t you?”

Yuki nodded. Right now the images from her National solo-tour played in her mind. The mix, the fans kept calling her name, also how the venue was full. It was her happiness, to be able meet with her fans through the song. Her daydreaming was cut when Sae took her hand

“Let’s sleep, shall we?”


“But...First, you should put ummmm some clothes, perhaps towel will do..” Sae shifted her gaze to somewhere else, Yuki can see a red color appearing inside those cheeks.” Since earlier, I don’t know where to look to be honest.”

“Hentai!” The naked girl smacked Sae’s arm.

“Aww!! Hahahaha but now you’re smiling.” Sae grin “I’ll be waiting outside, okay?”

Just when The Ikemen was about to left, Yuki grabbed her hand “You’re staying here tonight, aren’t you?” Yuki used Kitten’s eyes, pleading as if she didn’t want to be apart.

Sae giggled and leaned to meet Yuki’s alluring lips “Of course, Who can turn down this offer when my girlfriend look soo sexy~” Sae gave a seductive wink, bit her lower lips in sexy manner as her eyes eyeing Yuki’s nice body up and down.

“Well.. It’s not my fault when my girlfriend is so Ikemen...and..” Yuki pulled Sae’s close wanted to taste The Taller lips “So sexy too.”

“But!!” Sae pushed her girlfriend away “let’s just sleep tonight, you’re tired.”

“Okay~, but promise me that you’ll hug me all night long.”

“As you wish, milady.” Sae kissed Yuki’s forehead.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 12:34:09 PM by buciq »
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #101 on: June 28, 2016, 03:12:23 AM »
OMG, This onesho is so sweet I love it! :D Keep writing saeyuki fics please!

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #102 on: June 28, 2016, 03:52:54 AM »
Actually Yuki lost 75k votes, and from what i read some fans speculated that lost was because the solo tour, the fans use the money to buy ticket and merchandise.

I like your story, thanks for you update, and please update Dream of You and Encounter too

I will wait for your update
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 03:58:23 AM by yocelin17 »
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #103 on: June 28, 2016, 07:06:28 AM »
OMG, This onesho is so sweet I love it! :D Keep writing saeyuki fics please!

Thanks ^^
About SaeYuki just leave it to me.
I'm glad there's still SaeYuki shipper out there.
Let's spread SaeYuki-ism :kekeke:

Actually Yuki lost 75k votes, and from what i read some fans speculated that lost was because the solo tour, the fans use the money to buy ticket and merchandise.

I like your story, thanks for you update, and please update Dream of You and Encounter too

I will wait for your update
I just realized I wrote 90k instead 75k -________-"
Yeah I know about it since we are Yukirin's oshi have discussed it in stage48, so yeah the only reason is her National solo-tour.
Still our Goddess looks so almighty even she just got 5th ;)
Thanks for pointing that amount of votes, i'll change it :D

I'm glad actually there's someone out there love my story :3 and thanks for saying it that to me :D
Ah... I'll try to update all of my on-going fics. Hope to see you soon! just stay around, kay?
and lets talk more in the future :on gay:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #104 on: June 28, 2016, 12:35:04 PM »
I just realized I wrote 90k instead 75k -________-"
Yeah I know about it since we are Yukirin's oshi have discussed it in stage48, so yeah the only reason is her National solo-tour.
Still our Goddess looks so almighty even she just got 5th ;)
Thanks for pointing that amount of votes, i'll change it :D

I'm glad actually there's someone out there love my story :3 and thanks for saying it that to me :D
Ah... I'll try to update all of my on-going fics. Hope to see you soon! just stay around, kay?
and lets talk more in the future :on gay:

Yeah, our goddess is very almighty, isn't she? Not crying at all, and didn't even say 'kuyashii' at all.

I'll wait your update please take your time to write.

Let's talk more!
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #105 on: June 28, 2016, 12:49:56 PM »
Thanks for always writing saeyuki fic

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #106 on: June 28, 2016, 07:18:18 PM »
you're the best! thank you for the fict. Sae caring to you yuki part, make me feel doki doki...
thanks again. #GBU

Offline emprezz48

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #107 on: June 28, 2016, 09:44:54 PM »
Read Prediction, Poster and Prelim, and this latest OS all at once! Phew! Intense :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just remembered how easily I can start shipping any OTP just based on fanfics alone HAHAHA and these are great oneshots that I can start shipping people XD PLUS! I got some of my wmatsui feels back~ :3

Offline junchan

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #108 on: June 29, 2016, 02:45:51 PM »
Sae-kun, what a gentle(woman) you are~~~
Yukirin T^T
I also felt frustated after knew Yukirin's rank T^T

Thanks for this fic!^o^/
Gonna wait your next work, Tama-chan!
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #109 on: July 24, 2016, 10:31:36 PM »
Yeah, our goddess is very almighty, isn't she? Not crying at all, and didn't even say 'kuyashii' at all.

I'll wait your update please take your time to write.

Let's talk more!
Yeah! That's the point! But hey, thats what make us love her right :3
Okay, Let's talk more! ^^

Thanks for always writing saeyuki fic
Your welcome~ ^^

Hey I love your story! (No need to thank me for saying that)
I was kinda sad because Yukirin dropped so drastically this year. The shock was quite the same with the result of 2011 election (except it's on the opposite way), when Yuki was rocketing from 8th place to 3th place, just as drastically.

And her speech, it's so full of grace, even in defeat.
Please continue write more SaeYuki fic!
Nah I still want to say thank you though :p
At first I'm shock that She was beaten by Jurina and Sayanee. But hey I heard her solo-tour was full-house on each city, I am more happy for her.
I don't need remind you right, she's the only member who got chance to do the solo-tour ^^
About SaeYuki, leave it to me!  O0 O0

you're the best! thank you for the fict. Sae caring to you yuki part, make me feel doki doki...
thanks again. #GBU
Your welcome ^^

Read Prediction, Poster and Prelim, and this latest OS all at once! Phew! Intense :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just remembered how easily I can start shipping any OTP just based on fanfics alone HAHAHA and these are great oneshots that I can start shipping people XD PLUS! I got some of my wmatsui feels back~ :3
Wow my editor left a comment >< LOL
Yeah but you still have a promise mai~, don't you dare forget that :p

Sae-kun, what a gentle(woman) you are~~~
Yukirin T^T
I also felt frustated after knew Yukirin's rank T^T

Thanks for this fic!^o^/
Gonna wait your next work, Tama-chan!
*pat pat* nah no need since when they performed love trip I can see her more than any member.
I guess even cameraman love her :3

Tama-chan? sounds cute hahahaha  :lol: :lol:
I've been wondering, what happened to your old-account?  :shocked :shocked

Hello Tama again  :onionwhip:

Okay first of all I know I still need to update all of my on-going fics.  but I don't know my mood kinda want to finish this 2 shots ._.
At first I want to write OS only, but turned out this story longer than I expected. So I break down into 2 part, I'll post it maybe in 3 days (or more)  :on cloudeye:

This OS I dedicated to my oshimen KASHIWAGI YUKI as belated birthday gift
 :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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Re: Buciq's Vault | 6th place to.. (OS) | SaeYuki | 28/6/16
« Reply #110 on: July 24, 2016, 10:37:31 PM »
Expectation (1 of 2)

“Nee.. Sae-chan did you hear me?”

The two big names from 48G were laying on the bed. The one who had just asked is slightly bored due to Ikemen-girl’s eyes fixed on shounen manga on her hands. The Genking used the headboard to support her back, on the other hand Kagoshima’s princess found her comfort place on the older’s chest. As we know the younger is still an official member of AKB48 Team B and NGT48 Kennin, while the older one was a member of AKB48 Team K transferred to SNH48 and later in 2014 appointed as Captain of Team S in SKE48 till her graduation in April 1st this year.

Though it’s pretty late already, none of them are sleepy due to different reason. Myaza-sama clearly wanted to finish her manga, while our princess just need one thing from her girlfriend.

“Hmmm…?” a hum came out instead answer for Yuki’s question

“Don’t just hmmm, so what do you think?”

“......” This time no answer, since the older’s mind was too occupied with her manga.


“W-Whooa!” Sae startled almost drop her manga to the floor, but thanks to her agility the manga was saved just 5 cm away from the floor.

“Stop reading and hear me out!” Yuki stole the manga from Sae’s hands, hiding it behind her back.

“Okay..Okay.. I’m sorry.. Yukirin” Sae patted her girlfriend’s head “Tell me, I’m all my ears now”

“You know what I want, right?” Yuki’s eyes lit up as if telling the latter what she meant through it.

Sae saw that and heave a sigh “Yuki…. Are we gonna through this again?” Sae closed her eyes soon because she knew what coming next.

“Because we aren’t done!” The younger shook Sae’s shoulder

“Yes we are, but it’s you who can’t accept the result.” The older talked in the low voice, tried to calming down the situation.

“Tell me, Is it so wrong for me to have THAT?” Yuki raised her voice slowly when she reached the end of the question.

“Listen..” Sae held Yuki’s hand, tried to calming down the younger through the skinship. The Ikemen was afraid that they’ll get into argument again like the other day. Since it wasn’t the first time Yuki brought up this topic, now you know how persistent Yuki is. 
”Look… It’s not wrong to us have that. But....” Sae stopped in the middle, her lips failed to find words to make Yuki understand what’s on her mind.
“But what?” Yuki demanded for a reason.

“Hmmm….. Like because we’re not ready? You know that too, don’t you?” Sae knew this reason won’t enough to please the latter. But she didn’t have a choice, her brain refused to work. Her hands find its way to Yuki’s, laced it together; The Ikemen tightened her grip, as if tried to convince the ex-captain of Team B through this simple skinship.

“So when will it be?”

“How about later? Let’s thinking about that later, but not now.”

“You always said that!” Yuki immediately let go of their hands, shoved the blanket away. She was about to leave the scene, but Sae made her stop with her question.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“The guest room, I hate you!”


The younger slammed the door hard, Ikemen girl could heard the stomping feet from inside the room. It didn’t take a genius to find out her girlfriend was mad. Even though Yuki always has this calm aura, but believe me you don’t want to mess up with her. Sometimes even Sae can’t handle her; Like no matter how long you’ve known someone, girls always like a pandora box. You never know what inside their mind, just like now.

“God please help me.” Sae buried herself on the blanket

The next day

*Knock Knock*

“Yuki? Are you up yet ho..ney?”

Sae was afraid to call her lover with such loving nickname, due to lover’s spat last night. It was their unspoken rules, that when they are into argument or on bad term. They’ll drop the lovey-dovey nicknames. There was once Sae ever forget about that and casually called Yuki as “dear”. All she got was the death glare by kagoshima’s princess, it was so scary. The Ikemen didn’t want to remember any of it.

The Genking stepped back a couple of steps from the door, prepared herself if anything came out from the guest’s room. It can be her lover or flying stuffs, you sure didn’t want to mess up with Yuki if she’s still angry. Sae waited and waited, but nothing came out. None of the flying stuffs came out nor Yuki herself. She gathered up her courage to turn the doorknob; Much to her surprise, it wasn’t locked.

Her head came first, she took a peek from behind the door. A smile drew on her lips, since she found her other half still sleeping soundly. Yuki wore the the black camisole, which is suit her fair-skin best. Carefully she took the first step, let the door slightly open. She made her way to the single-bed, sat on the edge of Yuki’s left side. Despite Sae had seen million times the face of Yuki when she was sleeping, but she can’t get enough. The kagoshima’s princess was really a sleeping beauty in her eyes. Well now they just need a prince charming, isn’t it?

Sae buried her fingers to the silky-raven hair, caressed the forehead before leaned down to kiss both of eyelids to wake the princess up, “Hey… princess…”

Like in fairytale stories, the kisses indeed had a effect, because the sleeping beauty’s figure began to stir up, “Hmm? Sae-chan?” The younger rubbed one of her eyes, clearly she’s still sleepy.

When the latter called Ikemen as Sae-chan, she knew Yuki was no longer mad or she just forgot about what was they fighting for;. Always like that.

“Don’t have any schedule for today, love?” Sae asked carefully, still gently stroke her black-hair. Sae really loves Yuki’s hair long hair, especially when she dyed it into black one. You can called her conservative, but Sae really thought black really suit Yuki well more than any colors.

“Mm-mm, I have gravure photoshoot later in the afternoon.” Yuki who just gained her conscious now, can’t help to arch an eyebrow seeing Sae’s outfit in the early morning. Obviously, not with last night pajama. “Are you going somewhere?” Yuki’s eyes fixed on the older’s style for today.

“Ah.. yes. Today I need to go to practice for my musical.” Sae beamed her smile

“Aaahh… Can’t you go later? We won’t be able meet for 3 weeks or more.” Yuki now sat, her back leaned on the headboard while her right hand was playing with tip of Sae’s shirt.

“Dakara… if you already knew that we just have little time to spend….” Slowly Genking closed their gap until their lips were about to touch. Yuki gulped a saliva, as her breath hitched when she saw Sae moving closer and closer. Since Yuki could feel Sae’s breath, like usual she expect for morning kiss. but...

“Aww!!” Yuki hissed in pain, she looked on Sae’s right hand on one of her cheeks. The older was pinched her so hard.

“You shouldn’t left me alone in our room, Yuki-chan.” Sae chuckled and pinched her cheek once again, yet this time much softer, more likely in loving manner.

“But you were just soooo annoying!” Yuki puffed out her cheeks.

“Hai hai~ I’m sorry. But seriously, It’s not that I don’t want. You know that, right?” Sae’s voice turned into serious one, as her eyes were never leaving Yuki’s.

“Okay…Let’s talk about this later. I don’t want to argue, it’s still early in the morning.” Yuki sighed, but she can’t covered up her long-face.

“Okay…Let’s talk later. For now I need to go since I don’t want to be late.” Sae rose up from the bed, as she lift her right hand to checking out the watch on the wrist. “Ganbare with photoshoot.” Sae pecked Yuki’s soft lips.

“You too...” Yuki smiled weakly and watched Sae’s back disappeared from the door.

Okay, It’s been weeks from that apartment’s moment. Our princess missing her prince already. Now she cursed herself for being such an idiot. She should’ve known that after Sae graduated their time was lesser than before since both of them are busy with their own schedules. Yuki  with AKB48 thingy and Sae with her solo-work.The problem was they didn’t communicate well. Too busy or after received text they forgot to reply back until at some point they just afraid becoming a bother. Moreover Yuki was too afraid to call since she didn’t want to Sae think that Yuki was too childish due to their last argument. Okay it was her fault for being such a immature one, but you can’t cry over the spill milk, can you?

“What is she doing now?”

Yuki started to wonder by herself inside the train. She sat on the seat near the window, though her eyes were seeing the view but her mind on somewhere else. Then she heard the familiar laughter inside the same train.


“Great… Now not only she’s been invading my mind, now I can hear her laughter too.” Yuki sighed

“Hahahahaha don’t talk something vulgar like that on the phone, Yuko!”

“Hm? Yuko?” Yuki frowned.

Her dark-brown eyes now completely shifted from the glass to the source of voices. Surprisingly, the voice came from the seat in front of her. She took a peek from the gap of the seats. A brown-short hair figure with familiar hat, not to mention the laughter itself. There is no one who has the same laughter like her. Moreover that hat, it was Yuki’s gift for her 23rd birthday on 2013. Since Yuki knew how Sae love wearing hat, she ordered a custom hat with her own design, a mini version of Yukirin’s daruma.


The figure turned her head, “Yuki?” Her mouth agape into O shape as her eyes blinked a couple of times. “Nee Yuko, I need to go. Call you later okay?” Sae put away the phone from her ear.

None of them were trying to talk, as if their eyes still fulfill the need from seeing their loved one.

“Isn’t it a bit like a romance novel now?” Sae smirked

Yuki laughed over the cheesy thing she said, “I guess so. Some people said that when you are missing someone so much, you’ll meet up eventually, like even the world will help you out.” The kagoshima’s princess tried to play along.

“So… are you saying you are missing me right now?” Sae’s lips tugged into mischievous smile

“Absolutely, dear. I’m missing you so bad..” Yuki gazed into Myaza-sama’s eyes.

Sae gave up, there’s no way she can tease Kyashi further than this if she use that doe-eyes of her “Well… if you said so. We better not waste this fateful meeting, right?” Sae motioned Yuki to take a seat beside her, which is immediately she complied.

“Nee.. Sae-chan. Let’s take picture for twitter, shall we?” The younger suggested.

“Okay, Let’s making weird lips pose !”

“Okaay, sounds good to me. Let’s begin 3..2..1.. Cheese..”

“How was it?” Sae took the phone from the younger, “Hahahahaha you still look good without any make-up, Yuki-chan!”

“It wasn’t a sarcasm right, Sae-chan?” Yuki squinted her eyes suspiciously.

It was no secret that Yuki often being a target for teasing due to time that she spent on doing her make-up. Takamina often joked that Yuki was always the one who came first in dressing room, yet she managed to finish her makeup last. The special effect makeup was the term often used by member to tease the member who held NGT48 Kennin position beside Team B.

Sae’s face turned gloomy, her hand asked Yuki to move a little closer. Without her knowing, a warm lips crash on her left cheek.

“S-Sae-chan..” Her hand raised to cover the spesific cheek now, a tint of pink gradually appear on those apples.

“The rumor around 48G about your special makeup was just variety-purpose only.” Sae explained , “You already knew that I’m not the type who tell lies.” Sae flicked her lover’s head, slightly annoyed by her false accusation.

“Gomen gomen… I’m just joking. Forgive me?”

Sae pretend still sulk over what Yuki just did and her hand pointed at her cheek near Yuki’s seat. When she saw that Yuki let out a soft chuckle, clearly she knew what’s on the older’s mind. Yuki was aware that they’re on the public now, before continued her eyes were roaming around first. When she thought nothing will interrupt their moment, she began to lean in toward Ikemen’s cheek; a chaste kiss was successfully planted.

“Happy now?”

“Absolutely.” A big grin plastered on Myaza-sama’s face.

After rewarded her girlfriend, her mind came back to the twitter again. Since She was already half-way to post their picture together when Sae interrupted with fake-sulk. After picked the right pic, she began to type the caption for the pic.

Earlier, I was on the train when I saw a familiar person in front of my eyes!!!
It was Sae-chan !!!!
I was so shocked, almost cry (lol)
We met in the same vehicle, somehow it’s miracle..
We support each other musical
Sae-chan, do your best~  ♡

Kyashi re-read her caption again, once she thought it was already well-typed her thumb finally pressed tweet button. “Done~” She smiled seeing her magnificent works. As expected from Pro-Idol, Yuki is blessed with her unlimited vocabulary and talent how to put into excellent sentences. You could see the examples from her speech on last sousenkyou.


It was Myaza’s turn to received notification from her twitter, since the younger tagged her in the special tweet using #SaeYuki hashtag. Sae began to read the content of the tweet itself, because Yuki didn’t want to show her phone. A smile formed as her eyes met the last word of the tweet.

“It’s been a while we don’t use #SaeYuki hashtag, isn’t it?” Sae pressed the reply button on twitter app, her thumbs finally do the work. Opposite of Yuki, Sae often use the simple word to describe what’s on her mind. It’s not like she can’t do it, more likely she didn’t want any of her fans were confused about what she said. Well, The Ikemen was never good at explaining something by words; Her girlfriend knew it that too.

I love you~

“Done~. You can check your twitter, Kyashi.” Sae sent a flirtatious wink.

Soon Yuki received the notification and amused by how cheesy her lover is, “Cheesy! But I love you too, silly.” She reciprocated the wink back, clearly Yuki is the master of wink more than anyone else in 48G; It was just too cute.

Too bad they need to be separated since the train arrived to the station where Sae need to get off. Sae promised that she’ll call the younger later, though Yuki said she will be okay. It wasn’t complete truth; Deep down inside, both of them knew that they are holding up their desire, both physically and mentally. They were just act strong, it was hard to survive with a slight touch of fingers after weeks weren’t able to touch each other physically.

“......” Sae pulled Yuki into her embrace, “If we aren’t in public, I’ll kiss you right here and right now.” Ikemen whispered using her husky voice, it never failed to make the younger shivered.

“If we aren’t in public….” Yuki stopped, “......I’ll make sure can’t move out from our bed the next morning, S-A-E.” Yuki returned the favor by using her sexy voice, rather than sexy voice it was just like moaning in Sae’s ear. Yuki knew Sae’s weakness, it’s her moaning.

“Ugh! That’s not FAIR!” Sae was the first one to broke off the embrace. Yuki saw how the older bit her lower lip, Yuki’s work clearly displeased her without a doubt.

Yuki just laughed over this silly argument, “Hurry, you will miss the stop.” Yukirin tried to move the topic. As much as she wanted to tease Sae a bit more, she didn’t have any heart to see Sae late on her rehearsal.

“We’re not done, yet.Let’s see who will have the last laugh!”

There it goes again Sae’s childish side. Though, Sae was the dominant and always gave in to Yuki. But there were times Sae just act like a kid, like this one. Yuki was the only one aside from Trio Shinyuu which are Yuko and Sayaka who had this privilege seeing this side of her. In front of senpai or kouhai Sae always being a genking musume, Miyazawa Sae.

“Hai hai~, can’t wait to see it!”

The Myaza-sama was about to leave their seats when the latter grabbed Sae’s hand. Yuki forgot that she need to ask about something important to Sae. Blame on our Ikemen’s bad memory; She often forget something easily, like dates. Yeah, our prince is really bad with number, in this case dates.

“Sae-chan, do you remember what day tomorrow is?”

“Tomorrow….?” There was an unsure tone behind it, you could tell that Sae was trying so hard to remember about tomorrow since her eyebrows almost join into straight line.

“You don’t remember?”

“Etooo…. I-I remember…!” She smiled sheepishly.

“You d-” Yuki statement was cut off by the sudden announcement from inside the train.

“Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. The train is about to leave the station. Please stand clear of the closing doors.”

”Nee Yuki-chan, I need to go now. I’ll call you for sure. Bye~” Sae quickened her steps to the exit door, leaving kagoshima’s princess alone on their seats.

“She didn’t remember, obviously.” Yuki sighed, leaned her head to the window.
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
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Offline junchan

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #111 on: July 25, 2016, 03:31:04 AM »
Maybe the cameramen is Sae. Lol
I forgot my old account password tho-,-
You like that? Then I'll call you Tama-chan from now~~~

I don't know why but my mind kept telling me that the one Yuki wants is an adopted child or pet. Lol
Sulking Yuki is hilarious, plus I love how Sae treat Yuki>///<

Gonna wait for the next one, Tama-chan!
Thanks for the update!^o^/
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline Haruko

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #112 on: July 25, 2016, 03:45:57 AM »
THAAANK YOU! I miss my saeyki so much, I love how you use the yukirin's twitter.. but I want to know what's the thing that Yuki want to do...

Offline Rufy SaeYuki

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #113 on: July 26, 2016, 08:22:37 AM »
thanks for the fict. I'm very happy to read saeyuki new fict.
expectations 2, many smut come out or....
just forget it. I'm to overwhelming with their 'togetherness'.
thanks again..

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #114 on: July 30, 2016, 03:11:04 PM »
u write for saeyuki are sweet but too much saeyuki so //runs away

//come back for wmatsuiii good //thumbs up //writeee moarrrrrr wmatsui

//sparkling eyes
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #115 on: August 01, 2016, 12:16:06 AM »
Maybe the cameramen is Sae. Lol
I forgot my old account password tho-,-
You like that? Then I'll call you Tama-chan from now~~~

I don't know why but my mind kept telling me that the one Yuki wants is an adopted child or pet. Lol
Sulking Yuki is hilarious, plus I love how Sae treat Yuki>///<

Gonna wait for the next one, Tama-chan!
Thanks for the update!^o^/
Though still it's bit cute for me, but I'll take it ^^ Jun-chan? Can I call you that?
How could you forget it -_-
Let's find out what she wanted, shall we? :3

THAAANK YOU! I miss my saeyki so much, I love how you use the yukirin's twitter.. but I want to know what's the thing that Yuki want to do...
I do miss them so much T^T but Sae didn't wish anything on twitter </3
anyway! You should translate your fics to english, I don't understand spanish like i told you on tumblr though ._.
thanks for the fict. I'm very happy to read saeyuki new fict.
expectations 2, many smut come out or....
just forget it. I'm to overwhelming with their 'togetherness'.
thanks again..
Yeah, your wish about SMUT finally came!  :lol: :lol:

u write for saeyuki are sweet but too much saeyuki so //runs away

//come back for wmatsuiii good //thumbs up //writeee moarrrrrr wmatsui

//sparkling eyes
Again with complicated words sis LOL
You should write more too -__-

Hello, Tama here  :onionwhip:
Well, this story is longer than i thought (again) yet sometimes when I was writing I don't count any words
So yeah.....  :prayers: :prayers:

I'm not sure what i want to write next, since I'm a random writer afterall  :stuffed: :stuffed:
See you on next project  :byebye:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (1 of 2) | SaeYuki | 25/7/16
« Reply #116 on: August 01, 2016, 12:27:25 AM »
Expectation (2 of 2) Yukirin's OS Birthday

(A/N) You can check the FULL ver of this story in perv section or my tumblr

Today was the first debut of 45th single from Sousenkyou in June back then. LOVE TRIP was the fix title, many of fans were speculating that the single will turn into another ballad like Tsubasa Wa Iranai or 365 nichi no kamihikouki. Well, It’s not like fans hated the idea of AKB48 had ballad song, but having the idea 3 ballad songs in a row were probably too much too handle. Surprisingly, LOVE TRIP is an upbeat song, the melody and lyric are easy to remember; also you can humming along when you played as second times. Even the outfit looks cute, all Kami-7 have silver belt, while the top 3 have different ties and unique patterns on the upper arm side; last but not least, as the winner Sasshi had the top hat again in center. Tell me again, why did Sasshi always wearing hat everytime she won the Sousenkyou? No one knows, except God and of course Shinobu Kayano-san who is the one being in charge of all their costumes.

Somewhere on the corner of AKB48’s dressing room in 27-hour TV, the particular member who had finished her solo-tour on this May was sitting on the couch. She kept looking at the screen of her phone every 2 minutes, or less as if she was waiting for something came up. Mayu who sat beside her can’t hold any longer when she saw Yuki for a zillion times sighing after found nothing on her cell.

“Okay, that’s enough. What are you doing?” Her gen-mate asked

Yuki turned her eyes to the ace of Team B, “Me?” She pointed a finger at herself, seeing Mayu only stared at her; She found her answer already. “....Nothing…” She sighed again.

“Mou! Can you stop sighing? Suddenly, this room feels so gloomy.” Mayu protested

“That can’t be helped, Mayu-chan. Probably Yukirin missing out her prince, Nee~?”

A sudden appearance from the Sousenkyou’s winner from the door, made best combi from original Team B startled.

“Sasshi! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Yuki threw a cushion to her which Sasshi easily catch

“Wowowo~ Look the princess is angry.” Sasshi continued the teasing

“So it’s about Sae-chan?” Mayu asked, her eyes were looking at Yuki’s straight; She need an answer.

The overreaction-girl threw her eyes at somewhere else, then her head  began to nod shyly, “She didn’t call me for whole week. This is too much!” Yuki grumbled

“Whole week? Not even today?”

Mayu immediately found the clock near them. It was an hour to go before the date changes, a special day for her bestfriend. No wonder, Yuki looked so furious about this.

“I guess Sae-chan now busy……. Like flirting with another girl?” Sasshi finally joined them on the couch, made Yuki sat in the between of Runner-up and the winner of Sousenkyou 2016.

“Ssssh! Sasshi!” Mayu hissed, glared at her kouhai.

Even Mayu who has been by Yuki’s side all these year didn’t dare to bring up about Daredemo Daisuki side of Sae. Too bad, the weathercaster’s face already darkened by it. It was her soft spot. She really hate the idea of sharing Sae’s attention to other members. However, her girlfriend isn’t going to stop even Yuki already mad for nth times. Myaza-sama always said that her heart is belong to Yuki only, also her body also. However, the anxiety sometimes made her thinking the other way.

“It’s alright Mayuyu… Maybe Sasshi is right…” Yuki leaned to Mayu’s shoulder, bit her lower lip.

Mayu who saw this knew her bestfriend at the verge of crying now. She slipped her hand behind Yuki’s back to reach Sasshi arm; pinched it just make sure Sasshi noticed. Luckily, Sasshi was easy to catch what’s on Mayu’s mind. They began talk with their eyes; obviously it wasn’t the first time they do that.

“Aww what was that for?” Sasshi glared

“Look what you’ve done!” Mayu’s eyes pointed at the taller’s girl who leaned on her shoulder now

“Oww come on Yuki-chan! I was just joking!” Sasshi slapped Yuki’s arm

“Yeah, don’t listen to her Yukirin. How about we get a midnight meal? I’m hungry.” Mayu offered to change the topic also wanted to distract her bestfriend for a while.

“Let’s go! You guys have no idea, my stomach could take a horse now.” Sasshi added

Her joke finally made our princess’s lips tugged into smile, “Okay, Let me treat since you guys are best companion ever.”

“Shouganai.. That today is the last day huh?” Mayu patted Yuki’s shoulder

“Someone already become a baba right now!”

“What? Baba?” Yuki threw her death glare, unconsciously she turned into her black in majisuka gakuen. “Sashihara….” She stretch her arm, make her fingers produce a sound. Ready to give Sasshi lesson, a hard one.

“W-WHOOOAA Mayuyu help me!!!” Sasshi ran with all her might toward the exit door.

COME HERE SASSHI!!!” Yuki chase after the kouhai

“Good luck with it, Sasshi!!!” Mayu giggled seeing her two friends played around.

At some cafe in Shibuya
“Yo Sae!!”

A sudden hug from behind made Ikemen jumped out of her skin. Once she turned her view, she released a ball of relieve to found her it was just her bestfriend, Oshima Yuko.

“Geez.. Yuko!! Can’t you stop gave me heart attack everytime we met?” Sae rubbed her chest, still calming down her own heartbeat. Despite her kakkoii looks, Sae is just scaredy-cat; That’s what made Yuko always tease her.

“Hahahahaa I know I know. But your expression is priceless!” Yuko kept laughing, Sae just let her be. Since there is no way to stop the ex-ace of Team K.

“Anyways, why did you call me?” Sae questioned, took a sip her moccachino latte.

“Did you see news?” Yuko finally regain her calm, as her hand swept the bead of tears that escaping from her eyes.

“News? What news?” Sae stopped her movement, divert her attention to the winner of Sousenkyou 2010.

“Eh? You didn’t know? It’s about your girlfriend.” Yuko explained

“Yuki? What about her?”

Yuko sighed, “I should ask Yukirin to teach me how she can handle with Baka girlfriend.”


“Just watch this.” Yuki handed over her tablet to Ikemen.

Sae took the tablet, pressed the play button. It must be something important, since Yuko herself called her at late like this if this wasn’t something important. When the video finally played.

“It was Yuki’s solo-tour footage, wasn’t it?” Sae smiled, as the video showed Yuki sat on the flying swing. It was her favorite song, Yokaze No Shiwaza.

“Just shut up and watch. And stop smiling like an idiot!”

Sae ignored the part of idiot, since she can’t stop smiling afterall. Maybe Yuko was right, Sae is indeed an idiot. Idiot for head over heels in love with the overreaction’s queen. At some point of video showed Yuki was interviewed by reporter asked about her planning to graduate.

Yuki sighed and said “Well.. I want to have a baby of my own. Surprisingly, I find the children has an effect soothing for me. At some point I search-up on net the pictures of cute babies. Because they are too cute..

“Oh my God… She really said this?” Sae’s lips were wide open, as her mind was still processing about what happened.

“Just continue.” Yuko casually sip her thai tea, enjoying the frantic view in front of her.

The ikemen wanted to retort at her bestfriend, but she saved it for later. For now she just pressed the resume button to watch the rest of interview.

My mom had me when she was 25 years old….. When I think about it…” You can see in the display the editor put a text beside her [She will turn 25 y.o this july] “Hehe…” She smiled sheepishly to end her answer.

The rest of video was just re-cap her solo-tour. But our Genking can’t focus anymore due to her girlfriend’s sudden declare in national TV, she couldn’t be more surprise about this.

“How was it?” Yuki finally asked, when she saw Sae gave the tablet back to her.

“I’m so lost at words now..” Sae massaged her temple, suddenly felt dizzy after saw the clip. “I never thought she’ll bring up that topic to TV.”

“Now you know how serious she is, don’t you?”

“Well, you know it’s not like I don’t want a kid from her.” Sae took of her fedora, put it on the table “But look at us, we both are really busy. Above of all reasons is Yuki still a member in 48G.” Sae tried to reason with everything she got.

“I know.. Are you sure it wasn’t just your excuses?”


“Like everything has a solution Sae. Like a relationship needs two people to compromise a thing, like this one?”

“Can you tell me in simpler way?” Sae furrowed her eyebrows.

Yuko wanted to strangle this baka friend, but she was too afraid of Yukirin’s wrath. “Dakara… A relationship need two people to compromise, not just one. In this case, you shouldn’t close your eyes to her suggestion.”

“Ah….. I see..”

“Did you get what i mean?”

“Yeah, sort of.” Sae grinned

“Thank God!” Yuko exclaimed, “If you still didn’t get it, I’d be glad to strangle you for sure.”

“Luckily you don’t have to, Yuko!” Sae finished her cup, she put on the fedora again; ready to leave in any moment.

“Wow wow, wait a sec tiger! Where do you want to go?” Yuko halted Sae’s movement.

“Secret! If Yuki call and ask for me, pretend like you know nothing, kay?” Sae shouted and furiously waving her hand. She didn’t give Yuko time to reply anything, but to see her back was disappearing in the crowd.

Meanwhile at somewhere else

“Yukirin, Happy birthday!” Said Mayu and Sasshi in unison, soon Yuki can heard the cracker was finally set-off as the pieces of confettis were dropped on her hands.

“Quick! Blow out the candle!” Sasshi panicked

Yuki understood and was ready to blow out, when Mayu abruptly cover her mouth.

WAIT!! Make a wish first!” Mayu interrupted the scene.

Yuki closed her eyes as her hands clenched together, “I wish I can have that thing that I really want.” Her eyes opened, soon she inhaled a breath to blow out the candles. She missed out one, which is immediately she gave a soft blow to it. Finally done.

“What are you wishing for?” Sasshi asked, she is really a curious one fella.

“Secret~ It’s not gonna be granted if i told you.” Yuki sticked out her tongue mischievously

“Stop it you two! Let’s take a picture.” Mayu decided to step in before the scene is going to be escalate to serious one like before.

“Hai… Cheese~..”

“Let me post it to my twitter.” Yuki said

“I think we should do to, nee Mayu?” Sasshi nudged at Mayu’s shoulder

“Un, Let’s post it together.” Mayu agreed

The birthday-girl stopped her fingers for a while. She wanted to make sure her thought will convey to her fans.

I became 25😁🎂✨
I’m glad that I was able to celebrate with members I love ♡
I’m still full of youth
I will continue to do my best! lol
Please continue take care of the 25 y/o me

“I think that will do.” She grinned widely, admiring her works, “Whooaa! I got a lot of mention from fans and members too.”

“That’s good. But why is your face look so down?”

“.....You know…. There is one particular person who hasn’t say anything..” Yuki’s voice looked so weak near the last part of her sentence. “Maybe…. Maybe she’s having fun with other girl now…”

“Great! You’ve just turned 25 for 5 minutes and already sad? Gimme a break Yukirin…” Sasshi slapped Yuki’s shoulder.

“Tell me, did you guys on bad term again?” Mayu carefully asked

“Hmmmm….” Yuki was lost in thought, thinking about how the last time they met. Until she finally recalled a topic that made her and Sae weren’t on the same page lately. “Well…. There is this one topic…”

“About what?” Mayu asked curiously

“I want to have a baby.”

Sasshi who had drank her glass, burst out the water after heard of what Yuki was just said, “Y-You what?”

“I know I know… It sound silly but I don’t know I really want it.”

“Okay…. Did you talk to Sae-chan about it?” Although she’s been with Yukirin for long time, Mayu still can’t comprehend about this topic, not even a bit.

“I did Mayu, but she said no. That’s why I was mad at her.”

“Yukirin, you do know that you’re still an AKB member right? OMG… Mayu I’m out of here, too much information at once.” Sasshi left the best duo from The original Team B alone.

“Are you going to leave me too here, Mayu?”

“No, I’m not.” Mayuyu beamed a smile, “About Sae-chan.. Let’s think in her perspective, shall we?”

“Hmm?” Yuki tilted her head

“First, Sasshi was right. You’re a member of AKB. Isn’t a bit weird if you suddenly pregnant?”


Mayu knew Yukirin wanted to retort but before she could, Mayu already continued her appeal “Second, did she say she doesn’t want to have a baby?”

“No… She said it’s not the right time…” Yuki’s mind began to wavering because of the Ace.

“Look… I guess you already found the answer for your problem.” Mayu patted the latter’s back, “It’s already late… I need to going home too. Can you go by yourself?”

“Ah! I didn’t noticed it’s already this late.”

“I guess we were having too much fun together.” Mayu grabbed her clutch, “See you tomorrow, Yukirin!” But before she completely exit the room, Yuki called her out


Mayu turned back her heels, “Hmm? What’s wrong?” There was a worried face on her face

“Mm-mm.. Thanks as always.” Yuki reassured her friend with her beautiful smile.

“That’s what friends are for, Yukirin. And don’t forget to send my regard to Sae-chan, we should hanging out sometimes! Bye~” Mayu finally left the scene.

Maybe Mayu is right… I should put myself in Sae-chan’s shoes.” Yuki talked inside her head.

The next night , on Yuki’s apartment

The birthday-girl who just turned 25 years old this morning hasn’t received any text from her girlfriend nor she able to contact her girlfriend. This unpleasant feeling made her birthday which is should be a happy day in a year turned into a bad one, an awful one.

“Out of all people… Where is she?” She said grumpily looking at her phone’s screen, “Don’t tell me she really forget what day is today?” She moved the phone to her right ear, tried to call the Ikemen for million times; At some point she didn’t count anymore. Yuki’s been calling her girlfriend since 7 AM, now the clock has showed 9 PM. Now you understand where the kagoshima’s princess wrath from, do you?

"the number you're calling is not active or out of coverage area,, please try again in a few minutes...."

“Tsk… Voice mail again?” She need to remind herself not to smash it down, trust

me she was really going to do it if not for her manager’s sake. “Should I ask Yuko?” Aside from her, Sae always hanging out with either Yuko or Sayaka. But since Sayaka is on USA right now, only Yuko is the possible candidate. Her hand now busy to find Yuko’s number on her contacts. She kept wishing inside her heart that Yuko knew where her other half located. Luckily, Yuko’s phone was active.


“Moshi-moshi, Yuko-chan? It’s Yuki.”

“Yukirin? What’s wrong?”

“Do you have any idea where Sae is?”

“Sae-chan? We met last night, but she immediately left. I thought she was going to pick you up?”

“No, she didn’t. Well I’ve been trying to reach her since morning but apparently her phone is off.”


“Who’s this at this timing?” Yuki mumbled, “Yuko-chan, someone at my front door. I’ll call you again, is that okay?”


“Thank you, Yuko-chan.” Then Yuki ended their conversation by pressing the red button.


“Hai Hai~ Coming. Who is-” Yuki’s voice trailed off when she the familiar figure on her front door. “Mou, Sae! Where have you been?”

“Hehehe I forgot to bring charger. The rehearsal kept me busy too and my battery died just to complete my story for today.” Sae smiled sheepishly, praying that her girlfriend won’t mad. The Ikemen really need to sleep on bed, not couch.

“Are you sure you weren’t with some girls?” Kyashi was eyeing Myaza-sama up and down; Sae didn’t fail to catch skeptical looks from her girlfriend’s.

Kyashi’s accusation made our ikemen’s orbs turned into cold one, The Genking is gone. Sae kept walking forward progressively, as her hand now close the door behind. Yuki slightly taken aback with sudden change in atmosphere. So unconsciously she was stepping back everytime Sae drew closer. Much to her unluckiness, she was bump into the wall. She has nowhere to escape from Sae.


Sae took Yuki’s right hand, place it on her left chest. The kagoshima’s princess felt her girlfriend’s heart was beating crazily under the fabric, “Listen… There’s no one who made me feel this way..” Sae took Yuki’s other hand on her cheek, feeling her warmth; her eyes never left Yuki’s, not even a single second. “....Except you, love..”

Sae was telling the truth, she was never telling a lie not with that gaze; Yuki knew it better than anyone else. Due to sudden confession, Yuki can’t help but feeling her cheeks turn into rosy color.

“C-Chessy!” Yuki tried to broke off from Sae’s gaze. Not because she didn’t like it, on the opposite; she really loves it yet she was too shy to admit.

“I know you love it~. Anyway, too bad I don’t have any present at the moment… But…I have a better present”

“You have?” Yuki repeated Sae’s last word, she looked at her girlfriend. Clearly Kyashi didn’t see any present with Myaza-sama now.

“Well….. I heard about something…” Sae leaned closer to her ear, “that my girlfriend wants a baby...” Sae huskily whispered, made Yuki’s leg like jelly.

“Y-You saw t-that?” Yuki stuttered, her cheeks couldn’t get any redder.

“I watched it~.... Well.. I can teach you how baby is made...Shall we?”

-Full Ver-

“Sae-chan~” Yuki tried to hug her left side, and found nothing “H-Huh?” Her eyes fluttered, because she’s still sleepy from intense lovemaking last night.

“Ah! You woke up already?” Sae came in from outside, there was a tray on her hands; breakfast in the bedroom, Yuki really loves that.

Yuki sniffed “Is that french-toast?”

“Un, your favorite with a lot of cheese.” Sae put the tray on the nightstand beside Yuki, sat on  the edge of the bed.

“Thank you, Sae-chan.” Yuki pecked on Sae’s left cheek, as her hand grabbed the fork to taste the french-toast made by Chef-Sae. Her eyes grew wide, as expected from reaction’s queen “Oishii~” Yuki kept munching the bread,

Sae beamed her infamous smile, but soon changed into trouble look. She didn’t even know how to start,  “Nee...Yuki about kid…I ha-”

“Sshh!!” Yuki pressed her index against her lover’s lips. “We don’t have to through this topic again, I understand if you’re not re-”

“Yuki!!” Sae cut her off, “Well…” Sae scratched her neck,her orbs refused to met Yuki’s; She’s nervous. “This.. Happy birthday..” The Ikemen handed over the pink envelope with a red ribbon on it.


Yuki was surprised to see an envelope instead her present. Since she knew Sae usually prepared a lot of romantic events and showered her with meaningful present. But an envelope? Yuki’s heart sank immediately.

“Just an envelope?” Yuki pouted

“Mm-mm” Sae nodded “I don’t have anything left. I hope you’ll love it, honey.” Sae caressed the younger’s cheek. She was ready to leave the room before turned her heels for the last time made their eyes met in instant  “Meet me downstair, after you finished with your breakfast. We’ve a tight schedule for today” Sae stole a quick kiss from Yuki’s cheek; The younger saw a mischievous smirk on Ikemen’s face. By that Sae left to downstair, as sound of her footsteps gradually disappear in distance.

“Hmmph tight schedule?I prefer to cuddle with her all day though...”She kept grumbling as her lips formed the duck’s lips, while her hand busy rip-off the seal of the envelope  “I know she’s busy…and now my present is a pa-”


“I think she finally read it,” Sae giggled while taking a sip her morning coffee “She’ll coming down in 3...2..1..”

“Sae-chan!!”Yuki screamed from the stairs.

“Let me choose the name…. and I want it a baby-girl.” Sae added


ps. if you are Yukirin's oshi, you should know the part of this fiction were true ^^
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GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
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Offline yocelin17

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When i read the part one, i was confused, i was thinking that they meant baby, but i can't believe it.
I just remember that interview after reading the part two, but it was too funny that Yukirin wants child.

Thanks for your update
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline junchan

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  • Junchan48's second account. Yoroshiku~
That's my account name afterall~
Well. I'm a bit confused which is my twitter pass, my tumblr pass, my G+ pass, and this forum pass-,-

Look! My prediction was right!
But the way Yukirin say that on the interview was funny XD
And Sashi's reaction XD
The way Sae said about how to make a baby just >///<
I already read the 'smut' part~
That was....HOT! Seriously HOT! I love that. Lol

Thanks for the update, Tama-chan!^o^/
Gonna wait your next work~
I'm a hardshipper of many pair! lol

Offline genkingblack

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    • genkingblack
Re: Buciq's Vault | Expectation (2 of 2) Yuki's 2-S Birthday | SaeYuki | 1/8/16
« Reply #119 on: September 05, 2016, 08:44:44 PM »
When i read the part one, i was confused, i was thinking that they meant baby, but i can't believe it.
I just remember that interview after reading the part two, but it was too funny that Yukirin wants child.

Thanks for your update
Hahahaha that interview really cute actually  :lol: :lol:

That's my account name afterall~
Well. I'm a bit confused which is my twitter pass, my tumblr pass, my G+ pass, and this forum pass-,-

Look! My prediction was right!
But the way Yukirin say that on the interview was funny XD
And Sashi's reaction XD
The way Sae said about how to make a baby just >///<
I already read the 'smut' part~
That was....HOT! Seriously HOT! I love that. Lol

Thanks for the update, Tama-chan!^o^/
Gonna wait your next work~

Well.... why don't use the same password then? XD

Yap 100 for you~  :lol: :lol:
About smut, really I don't have any confidence to write SMUT btw.
Yokatta you like it  :sweat:

Hello there, it's Tama again  :onionwhip:
I'm sorry I've been away for ummm quite long? Its because real life dragged me for real ._.
to be honest I have time to write, but my hand and brain are disconnecting from each others.
This story actually is Sae's bday OS.... but its already september so.... :err: :err:
this story full of Sae's POV.... because its fun to write in POV than third party  :kekeke: :kekeke:

anyways, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SAE-CHAAAANNNN  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

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