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Author Topic: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 15 (25/03/2020)  (Read 66322 times)

Offline sophcaro

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Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 15 (25/03/2020)
« on: September 06, 2016, 02:01:05 AM »

WMatsui fanfic (with FuruYanagi as a side pairing)
Characters: Jurina Matsui, Rena Matsui, Akane Takayanagi, Airi Furukawa
Genre: science-fiction, romance, drama, angst
Length: ≃ 20/25 chapters

Big thanks to BT for the poster!

Story: 2050. Rena Matsui, a 26-year-old charismatic young woman, is at the head of one of the most successful companies in Japan. One of her wildest dreams is to build a time machine to go back in time, a technical exploit never achieved by anyone before. To fulfill her wish she gathers a team composed of the best scientists in the country, including her best friend Akane Takayanagi. When the project reaches an impasse, she recruits a 24-year-old girl praised for her talents, the charming and magnetic Jurina...

The video contains heavy spoilers for chapter 13 & onwards, so beware if you haven't reached that stage in the story yet!



If you enjoy my stories, don't hesitate to drop a comment. Writing fics is something I do on my free time, and it requires a lot of work & investment to write a chapter and publish regular updates. That's why positive feedback/comments are welcomed and give me motivation to keep on!

by Sophcaro


It was precisely 9:35 a.m. when drops of water started falling heavily in the streets of Tokyo. The darkened sky had taken everyone by surprise, except for a certain woman with long, black hair who paused in her steps and glanced up to the sky. While everyone around her was speeding up and trying to take shelter from the rain, she calmly took out her small umbrella from her handbag and opened it, placing it over her head.

It is true to say the weather forecast had not announced rain, but Rena Matsui was a sagacious person. It didn't matter all the progress science had accomplished in 2050: meteorology was an unpredictable parameter. After all these years, Nature was an element mankind was unable to fully comprehend, even less bend to its will. That was why Rena had learned never to trust the weather forecast; she always went to work with a mini collapsible umbrella inside her handbag.

Rena resumed her walk, ignoring the sound of the drops of water hitting loudly against her umbrella to fall deep into her thoughts. She had been working on an important project for more than four months, without managing to make much progress. Her young age was not in cause. Despite the fact she was only 26, she was one of the most brilliant minds of her generation. Moreover, she was surrounded by renown scientists and experts in their field of work.

Rena was aware that she was attempting to accomplish the unthinkable. If she succeeded, it would be an extraordinary breakthrough. However, she wasn't solely doing it for the sake of science. She also wanted to fulfill one of her wildest dreams: to go back in time. It was a dream that formed inside her young mind when she was an innocent child, and never left her as she became a grown-up woman.

Society was more than ever turned towards the future. The country was getting robotized at an increasing speed. When it came to robotics, Japan had always been at the cutting edge of technology, and Rena could see how much society was changing. Nevermind how much she believed society was losing its humanity in favor of excessive technology, she had one certitude: old civilizations had not reveled all their secrets.

The knowledge she would acquire if she managed to build her time machine would be immeasurable and priceless.

The rain was slightly decreasing when Rena stopped a few minutes later in front of a 25-floor building. It was one of the five buildings that belonged to her company, and that she had acquired at the sudden death of her millionaire father, Akihide Matsui. Her eyes fell onto the golden plate, Matsui Corporation, and she turned towards the male guard posted in front of the majestic door.

“Welcome, Matsui-san.” He bowed, opening the door to let her in. "The weather is really unfortunate today.”

Rena gave him a thankful nod and, when she found herself in the safety of the hallway, closed her umbrella. “Thank you, Nakamura-san. Weather has always been unpredictable, and I don't believe it will ever change.”

It was very brief, yet Rena didn't miss the surprise flashing into his eyes when she said his name. He had been hired only a week ago, and was manifestly not expecting his employer to remember his name. “Have a nice day, Matsui-san.” A pleased smile moved to his lips, closing the door behind her.

Rena took a few steps inside the hallway and left her soaked umbrella at the reception, before moving towards one of the four elevators. A few seconds later, the doors opened and she entered, pressing the number 22, only to see a girl rushing into the elevator as the doors were about to close. Her eyes widened in surprise at the irruption, and she scanned the stranger from head to toe. If one thing was certain, she had not seen the rain coming: she was completely soaked.

“T-Thank you.” The girl with black, shoulder-length hair said with a grateful smile, slowly catching her breath.

Rena, disturbed by the view, mustered her best polite smile. The other girl was fixing her disheveled hair as best as she could, and Rena couldn't help thinking how useless it was. Rena had no idea who this person was, which was strange considering she remembered all her employees' faces, and she had to refrain herself from saying it wasn't just her hair that needed fixing right now.

Her whole appearance was a total mess.

As if the stranger could feel her eyes on her, she tilted her head in her direction. “I look awful, don't I?” She gave her a small embarrassed look. “I'm going to a job interview. Something is telling me I'm not going to make a good first impression on my new employer.”

Rena shook her head at her, trying to sound reassuring. “The rain took you by surprise. I'm sure he'll be lenient.”

“You think?” The stranger arched an eyebrow. Rena could tell by her amused expression that she didn’t manage to make herself as convincing as she intended.

Rena had always been good at keeping her emotions in check, but maybe the view was too shocking for her to remain imperturbable. Apparently, her perfect mask of composure had slipped, and her true feelings managed to come across. The girl was applying for a job? Surely, she had to be pretty confident in her skills to have the nerves to present herself in front of the recruiter in such a state.

Rena looked away, troubled that this stranger had seen right through her. She took a peek at the number flashing on the wall: soon, she would arrive at her floor. In a few seconds, she would have all forgotten about her short encounter with the talkative, yet pretty girl. Even if Rena believed her job interview had little chance of succeeding – which reasonable employer would hire someone who looked like a mess? – she couldn't help thinking that she looked attractive with her charming smile and cute dimples.

Little by little, silence enveloped them, and Rena came to the realization that the other girl had not pressed any button. Could she have possibly forgotten about it in her haste? Rena turned towards her, startled. “Forgive me, but what floor are you going to?”

The other girl, who was adjusting her clothes, looked up at once, and gave her a small confused look. “Floor 22.”

Rena froze. Wait. What? She was going to the same floor? That was impossible. The staff working on her time machine project was located on floor 22. She had to be mistaken and have the wrong floor number. Rena didn't have time to question her. The elevator doors opened on floor 22, the stranger not waiting to make her way outside.

Rena stepped out of the elevator, her eyes glued on the stranger’s back as she was walking towards the white door at the end of the corridor. She was at the wrong floor, and she needed to warn her.

“Excuse me...” Rena started, but didn’t have time to finish her sentence.

The white automatic door opened on the other side, revealing her most trusted colleague and best friend Akane. When their gazes met, the latter gave her a warm smile, before diverting her attention to the drenched girl who had rang at the door. If Akane was disturbed by her appearance, she was careful not to let it show. Instead, she gave her a welcoming look. “You must be Jurina Matsui?”

“Yes.” The girl, whom Rena discovered in surprise shared the same surname as her, replied with assurance. So, it wasn't a mistake after all? She was at the right floor?

“Please come in,” Akane said, stepping aside. “It's the room at the end of the corridor, on your left.”

Rena watched the other girl walking away, dumbfounded. As soon as she was out of sight, she approached her best friend. “Who is she, Akane?”

“Who?” Akane frowned, and glanced back at her in confusion. “Don't you remember you were supposed to meet candidates for the new position? She's likely going to be your new assistant. Airi told me she has the best résumé amongst all the candidates.”

“W–What?” Rena stammered. The drenched girl she met in the elevator was supposed to be the genius she had been looking for all this time? The person who was going to help her build her time machine? There had to be a misunderstanding; Rena was positively sure about that. So why on earth was Akane looking at her with such a serious expression?

Version edited on August 12, 2019
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 03:39:10 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2016, 02:22:31 AM »
So why on earth was her friend Akane looking at her with such a serious expression?

Maybe your close friends are right? Rena, trust in them more.

Don't mind waiting. Update Destiny soon~

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 02:23:50 AM »
This is great!  :twothumbs

I'll be looking forward to the subsequent chapter!

Rena! Why must you judge based on looks! If someone applied to a company like that, they must be pretty GOOD!  :lol:

Well happy writing to you!

With regards,


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2016, 02:38:10 AM »
Ooooh~ very interesting plot! ^_^

So... are Jurina and Rena gonna go back in time?! >w<

I can't wait to see~

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 06:48:43 AM »
Oh noo.... I love the setting....  :drool: :wub:Continue  XD :twothumbs

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2016, 07:58:55 AM »
Another story to add in my reading list....

Offline Raizel

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2016, 09:28:41 PM »
haha.. rena.. jurina is the genius.. :P Got you 8)

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2016, 03:08:31 AM »
The vibe is clearly different from Destiny xD
Looking forward to the next chapter~
 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2016, 02:51:25 AM »
I was actually surprised to see you finally posted Back in Time; I thought you would wait until you've finished Destiny (and Warriors). But then I read this new fic and now I know why you couldn't hold it any longer. THE IDEA IS GOOD! I'm so looking forward to the development of the plot and characters. Just looking at the title, I know there are many possibilities about this AU fic. And talking about time machine; really? Will they go back in time? I'm so excited to read the first chapter!


Ps. I know Destiny will still be your priority, but please don't forget to update Warriors. I miss the kenjutsu instructor and her protegee.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Prologue
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2016, 08:49:19 PM »

Maybe your close friends are right? Rena, trust in them more.

Rena! Why must you judge based on looks! If someone applied to a company like that, they must be pretty GOOD!  :lol:

Well, when you face a soaked Jurina, it's hard to guess there's a 'genius' hidden underneath such a horrible state  :nervous

So... are Jurina and Rena gonna go back in time?! >w<
I can't wait to see~

The time machine is going to be put to good use, that's for sure!

Oh noo.... I love the setting....  :drool: :wub:Continue  XD :twothumbs

I'm glad you like it! I'll try to update soon  ;)

Another story to add in my reading list....

Glad to know you enjoyed this short prologue  :)

haha.. rena.. jurina is the genius.. :P Got you 8)

Jurina is going to be a great addition to Rena's team, that's for sure!

The vibe is clearly different from Destiny xD

I'll be honest: this prologue sets some basis, but it doesn't really reflect the atmosphere of the story. The plot will only be revealed after a few chapters   :thumbup

I was actually surprised to see you finally posted Back in Time; I thought you would wait until you've finished Destiny (and Warriors).

At first, I wanted to finish Destiny before starting this story, but I changed my plans a little.

Ps. I know Destiny will still be your priority, but please don't forget to update Warriors. I miss the kenjutsu instructor and her protegee.

Trust me, I never forget about Warriors! Those characters are always on my mind. Once Destiny will be over, you'll be reunited with your beloved kenjutsu instructor  :cathappy:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:35:17 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2016, 03:59:41 PM »


Rena discovered Akane was right about the new candidate. In fact, Rena couldn’t believe how impressive her résumé was for someone of her age. At the age of 24, and after graduating from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, the girl who shared the same surname as her had already worked in big corporations in Japan. When she checked her résumé for the first time, Rena was having a hard time matching the drenched girl who was patiently waiting for her turn in the hallway with the person who had accomplished all those things on the paper.

Could looks be so deceiving?

She hired her. It was the most logical decision, albeit the fact she couldn’t say the new candidate had made a first good impression on her. In the end, this brief, awkward moment in the elevator was all-forgotten. What mattered the most to Rena, was what Jurina Matsui could bring to the team. Rena had been looking for someone with the necessary skills to build the time machine, and it seemed the younger girl was in capacity to help them.

Jurina Matsui didn’t disappoint her. In only one month, Rena was amazed by the amount of progress they had accomplished with the latest addition to the team. Of course, she didn’t fool herself into believing it would be an easy task. They were progressing much faster thanks to her new assistant, but there were too many unknown parameters to know if they would ever manage to reach their objective.

Rena was more than grateful for her help, but she couldn’t say that she had truly bonded with her new assistant. When it came to work, the other girl was always polite and on time, and anything but dedicated and professional. However, there was one personality trait she had difficulty adjusting to. Indeed, it didn’t take her long to discover that Jurina Matsui was a total flirt.

She was almost sure that she had flirted with everyone on floor 22, men excluded. It didn’t escape Rena’s keen sense of observation that Jurina’s conversations with her male co-workers always remained strictly professional. Why that? The head of Matsui corporation found this difference in treatment between both sexes more than curious, but she kept her thoughts carefully to herself.

There was one realization that disturbed her even more than Jurina’s flirty nature and obvious disinterest in men. Being her assistant, they interacted a lot during the day. There was one pattern her assistant followed with every other woman of the floor, except with her. She never tried to flirt with her. Not even once.

Jurina would smile to her here and then. Her kindness showed on many occasions, such as when she would bring her everyday her coffee inside her office at the 4 p.m. break. It wasn’t something Rena had ever requested her to do, but that her assistant had taken the liberty to do on her own initiative. However, it never went any further than that. Rena could tell her assistant chose her words carefully each time they spoke. In fact, there was a form of shyness in her eyes that only seemed to appear when they interacted.

Was it because Rena was her superior, and as such her assistant feared she would be overstepping boundaries if she acted too carefree with her? Rena had not a clue, but was more than once taken aback by this difference of treatment towards her. She should be glad that her assistant was respectful and hardworking, so why was Jurina’s attitude towards her troubling her so much?

Today again, Rena was witnessing her assistant’s flirty behavior right in front of her nose. Because of the time machine project, the 24-year-old girl worked in close collaboration with Akane, and it seemed she had taken a particular liking in her. She flirted with her best friend way more often than with the other women of the floor. And, unfortunately for Rena, Akane’s office was located right in her field of vision, making it impossible for her to ignore Jurina’s actions.

This morning, Rena had plenty of work to do, but had a hard time focusing. A few minutes ago, her assistant had arrived at Akane’s office, and was leaning over her shoulder to show her something on the touch screen monitor. They were too far for Rena to distinguish what they were saying, but she couldn’t detach her eyes from the scene. Jurina had casually placed her hand on Akane’s shoulder, an amused smile plastering her best friend’s lips as Jurina was evidently saying something funny to her.

“Why does she keep doing that?” Rena muttered, displeased by her assistant’s impossible flirty attitude.

A knock distracted her, the automatic door sliding open as a long dark, curly-haired woman entered her office. “It’s 12:45 p.m. Want to go out for lunch?” Airi, her 27-year-old Human Resources manager, offered.

Already? Rena was shocked by the revelation. She barely had accomplished half of what she was supposed to do this morning. “Yes,” Rena replied, knowing she needed a break. She lost focus as soon as her assistant arrived and began to flirt with Akane. “Just give me a few minutes. I want to finish this.”

“Alright.” Airi nodded, taking a look at the tablet computer Rena was pointing at. “Come and see me at my office when you’re ready.”

As Airi was about to turn on her heels, Rena felt the need to ask her one particular question. Something had been nagging her for a while, and witnessing her assistant’s behavior with Akane prompted her to voice her concern. “Doesn’t it… bother you? Seeing Jurina-san flirting with everyone, especially with your wife?”

“Absolutely not,” Airi replied, much to her surprise. “It’s mostly light teasing, and Akane doesn’t mind. Besides, you can tell the women enjoy the attention they are getting. I can’t count the number of times I heard them gushing over your assistant.”

“She never flirts with me,” Rena mumbled. When she realized the words she had blurted out without thinking, she looked away in discomfort. For a minute, she hoped her friend had not heard her, but soon discovered it was only wishful thinking on her behalf.

“No, she doesn’t,” Airi conceded. “Why do you think that?”

“I have no idea,” Rena admitted her ignorance. On one hand, she wasn’t feeling particularly at ease broaching such a subject but on the other, she felt relieved getting it off her chest. And who better could she talk about it than with a trusted friend? A friend who had also apparently well noticed this difference of treatment she was being subjected to?

“And I think I’m being paranoid lately.” Rena frowned, remembering vividly a few strange occurrences. “I’m under the impression she purposely flirts more with Akane because she knows I can see her from here. It’s stupid, isn’t it?”

Rena looked up in expectation, hoping Airi would state that it was indeed only a figment of her wide imagination. Why would her assistant be doing that? It made no sense. However, Rena couldn’t ignore that her assistant glanced often in her direction when she visited Akane’s desk.

“Of course, she’s doing it on purpose,” Airi chuckled softly, shaking her head in disbelief. “I adore you Rena but sometimes, you can be so clueless.”

“What?” Rena searched her friend’s eyes for an explanation, but she never elaborated. Rena didn’t miss the amused look plastered on her face as she left her office.

Rena stared at her retreating form, processing their odd conversation. She couldn’t shake off the sensation that Airi was trying to convey a message, but her mind was failing to decrypt it. Rena looked down to the tablet computer and tried to resume her work, but had a hard time getting back on the task at hand. Airi’s last cryptic words rolled in her head over and over. What was she missing?


“Oh no, it’s raining...”

Rena turned her head in surprise when a familiar, feminine voice sounded next to her. It was 8 p.m. and as she was about to leave the building to go home, she had noticed the rain falling in abundance through the front door. Once again, Rena knew she had taken the right decision by not trusting the weather forecast and placing her mini-collapsible umbrella inside her handbag. However, it appeared her young assistant – who was standing next to her and watching the rain falling outside in concern – had not taken such precaution.

Rena pondered over her words, and knew by the light, dark blue vest her assistant was wearing that she would get drenched if she dared stepping outside. If she wished to stay dry, she had no other choice but to wait for the rain to stop. And, considering how heavily the rain was falling, Rena guessed she would have to wait for a while.

“You can walk with me if you want,” Rena suggested. “Where are you going? Is your car parked in the parking lot?”

By her assistant’s startled look, Rena could tell her she was not expecting such an offer. Her surprise slowly turned into a pleased expression tainted with slight embarrassment. “No, I don’t have a car. I take the subway. But I don’t want to bother you.”

“You’re not bothering me at all. I’ll walk you to the station.” Rena opened her umbrella and made her way outside, the younger girl quickly stepping underneath to take shelter. Rena moved towards the direction of the nearest subway station, taking in how her assistant was being silent beside her. With her other female co-workers, she was very talkative, but had a tendency to be much shyer when it came to her. Along with the fact that she never flirted with her, it was an aspect of her assistant’s behavior Rena didn’t fully grasp.

As they walked down the streets of Tokyo, Rena realized that it was the first time they found themselves alone outside the workplace. Rena rarely went out with her employees, except for the monthly dinner organized by Airi for all the employees working on floor 22. Rena never felt at ease during social events, but was conscious of her obligations. There were certain traditions that she couldn’t afford to break.

As for her close circle, there were only two people she got along well enough to consider as good friends. Akane was a long-time friend, whom she had met when she was studying at University. As of Airi, she was one of the first people she hired when she decided a year ago to create this special division on floor 22. Between her best friend Akane and the new Human resources manager, it was love at first sight. Six months after meeting each other, they were tying the knot.

Until now, Rena had kept silent when she witnessed her assistant flirting with Akane, surprised neither Akane or Airi minded the girl’s actions, even passing it off as something innocent. But what if it wasn’t? What if her assistant had genuine feelings for Akane and no one warned her it was a wasted effort? For so long, Rena promised herself she wouldn’t broach this particular subject with her assistant, refusing to meddle in her personal life. However, this evening, she couldn’t keep quiet.

“There’s something you need to know about Akane-san,” Rena started hesitantly, almost not believing she was going to have that conversation. She had to keep repeating herself that it was the right thing to do, in order to continue. But how could she announce her the news without hurting her, if she happened to have feelings for her best friend? In the end, she figured it was best not to beat about the bush but simply be honest. “She’s… she’s married to Airi-san.”

Silence enveloped them, Rena hoping she hadn’t made a big mistake by bringing up such a sensitive topic. Her assistant didn’t say a word, and Rena was too ill-at-ease to look back at her. “I…”

“I know.” Her assistant interrupted her before she had time to formulate a semblance of an apology. “I like Akane a lot, but I’m interested in someone else.” 

Rena tilted her head towards her in surprise and stopped. Her assistant’s confession came out of nowhere and Rena felt destabilized, not knowing what to make of it. And what about this shy, but serious look she was giving her? Rena waited, sensing her assistant wanted to say more. Indeed, the younger girl opened her mouth a few times as if she meant to add something else, but no other words managed to leave her lips.

When it became clear that she wouldn’t elaborate, Rena glanced back to the street and resumed her walk, trying to figure out what her assistant was trying to say. The younger girl had always acted timid around her, but this evening, she was being more agitated than usual. Evidently, something was troubling her, and she found herself curious to know what it was.

They had arrived at the subway station, but the younger girl didn’t seem in a hurry to leave her side. In fact, she glanced back and forth between her and the entrance of the subway station, as if torn about her next course of action, until she fixed her eyes on her. “Are you doing something tonight, Rena-san? I want to buy you dinner.”

Rena didn’t often find herself speechless, being naturally a very composed and eloquent person, but her assistant’s unexpected offer managed to catch her off guard. Despite her assistant’s eyes set on her firmly, she could easily read the apprehension mixed with expectation in them. Rena could tell it had taken quite an amount of courage from her to utter such bold words.

They were standing in the middle of the street, under a driving rain, receiving curious looks from bystanders. Rena ignored the attention, looking into the depth of her young assistant’s brown eyes. They shone with such determination, that Rena knew the younger girl wouldn’t move an inch until she received a reply from her. Her previous confession made suddenly sense. This dinner wasn’t a friendly invitation. And, as Rena made the link between her offer and her assistant’s behavior this past month, she understood what Airi had tried to explain earlier in her office.

As the head of Matsui Corporation, Rena had been courted by many men. The majority approached her for her wealth, while a few were more genuine with their feelings. However, never once did she respond positively to any one of them. For a while, she believed her lack of interest originated from her entire focus on her work. Since her father passed away and left her sole heiress of Matsui Corporation, she barely had any free time.

Rena realized what had been going under her nose recently, and what her assistant was expecting from her. Her assistant had a magnetic effect on others, and Rena never denied the fact that she found her attractive. She believed so from the very first moment she laid eyes on her in that elevator. And what about all those times she had been disturbed by her assistant’s flirty behavior with others? Much as she tried to conceal it, she was conscious of her petty feelings of jealousy. By the sound of her beating heart, Rena already knew the answer she would be giving her.

Rena didn’t know how this date would turn out, but she wanted to give it a chance. “I’m free. Where do you want us to go, Jurina-san?”

“You are?” Jurina’s eyes lit up in joy, and Rena couldn’t help smiling at her genuine reaction. She could literally see the relief spreading across her face. “Follow me, I know the perfect place.”

Rena nodded, noting the way her assistant became more relaxed and talkative as she led the way. The tension between them had dissipated by miracle, almost as if it had never existed in the first place. Rena laughed softly when her assistant made a funny joke, finding it hard not to be affected by the charming smile she was sending her. After tonight, Rena had a good feeling their relationship would never be the same anymore.

Version edited on August 12, 2019
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 05:34:25 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2016, 05:48:55 PM »
Date time!!! ^w^

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2016, 06:28:34 PM »
That was fast! It’s only the first chapter but Rena and Jurina just had a dinner date (can we say that?) together. It’s totally different with your other fics – Heartbeat and Warriors – which needed more than 20 chapters for WMatsui to finally admit their feeling to each other.  :on study: :farofflook:

So Jurina is a real flirt, as expected from her! Haha! She’s a newbie so she has to put quite a distance to her gorgeous boss. But apparently she could gain some courage to ask Rena for a dinner, so...

Nice try, Jurina! It’s worth it!  :glasses:

To be honest I still wonder about the core plot of this fic. I’m waiting for more chapters to come. Thank you for writing a new WMatsui fic!

Ps. I know you’d update Back in Time this week, but I’m surprised that it’s this soon. Not that I’m complaining.  :on gay:

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2016, 02:57:01 AM »
Ohoho dinner date!!! :ding:

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2016, 06:13:41 PM »
Jurina, you know how to lure your boss so well :cow:
I wonder, what makes Rena trust her easily???  :mon huh2:
Is it possible that Rena has interest in Jurina in the first place? Hehehe
We'll see in the next chap~
Thank you author-san!
 :mon fyeah:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2016, 02:53:34 AM »

Date time!!! ^w^

Ohoho dinner date!!! :ding:

Yes, first date! The first one of a long list to come?  :P

That was fast! It’s only the first chapter but Rena and Jurina just had a dinner date (can we say that?) together. It’s totally different with your other fics – Heartbeat and Warriors – which needed more than 20 chapters for WMatsui to finally admit their feeling to each other.  :on study: :farofflook:

You're right! It's different because in that case, this fanfic won't be as long as my trilogy or Warriors, and the plot doesn't revolve around the progressive, slow building of their relationship at all. The main plot will be revealed in a few chapters  ;)

So Jurina is a real flirt, as expected from her! Haha! She’s a newbie so she has to put quite a distance to her gorgeous boss. But apparently she could gain some courage to ask Rena for a dinner, so...
Rena can have that impressive aura, right? Jurina needs to use tricks to gain her attention   :k-wink:

I wonder, what makes Rena trust her easily???  :mon huh2:
Is it possible that Rena has interest in Jurina in the first place? Hehehe

I did state Rena found Jurina attractive in the prologue, even when she was soaked from head to toe  :lol: And Rena was definitely being annoyed by Jurina's flirty attitude with the other women  XD
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:35:39 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2016, 04:37:06 AM »
I did state Rena found Jurina attractive in the prologue, even when she was soaked from head to toe  :lol: And Rena was definitely being annoyed by Jurina's flirty attitude with the other women  XD

Annoyed or jealous?????   :hiakhiakhiak:

Offline key17

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 1 (20/09/2016)
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2016, 05:56:53 PM »

Annoyed or jealous?????   :hiakhiakhiak:
Definitely JEALOUS  :wahaha:
Waaa it's dinner date :on gay:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2016, 05:20:48 PM »


Jurina jolted awake at the lively music playing in her bedroom. Despite her sleepy state, it took her only a few seconds to recognize the familiar tune: Oki Doki. Released in 2011, it was one of the biggest hits of a Japanese idol group very popular at the time. Jurina enjoyed listening to old songs, Nostalgia being one of her favorite radio stations. However, this morning, she was having a hard time matching her mood with the joyful lyrics of the song. Not only was she still feeling tired, she couldn’t understand why her humanoid robot had set up her alarm clock on a Sunday.

“Alfred,” Jurina mumbled, refusing to open her eyes. This was a terrible mistake. She needed to warn her robot so she could fall back asleep. “Can you stop the music? It’s the week-end. I don’t have to go to work.”

A small white head emerged from the right side of the bed, and two big blue eyes stared at her. “It’s Friday, Mistress. You have to be at work in 55 minutes.”

Jurina fluttered her eyes open. “W–What? No, it’s Sunday.”

“No, Mistress. It’s Friday morning. It’s now 7:06 a.m. You are six minutes late on your schedule.”

Jurina blinked, until realization progressively hit her. Even if her mind was still inclined on believing it was Sunday, her robot had to be right for one simple reason. Alfred, her 48 inches’ humanoid robot who had been serving her faithfully for 3 years, never made any mistake. Stupefied, Jurina threw the covers off and fumbled around in the direction of her nightstand, her heart beating faster inside her chest as she checked the date on her digital clock. Alfred was right. It was Friday.

How could this have happened?!

She had to be at the office in less than an hour, and she better had to hurry if she didn’t want to be late. Since she started working at Matsui Corporation a month ago, she had never been late a single time. Punctuality was a virtue she considered essential, and she was adamant on keeping things that way.

“Thank you, Alfred.” Jurina took a seat on the side of the bed, and patted the top of the robot’s head. “I don’t know why I believed it was Sunday.”

“You came back late yesterday. It probably explains why you were sleeping so soundly, Mistress.”

A smile unconsciously fell upon Jurina’s lips at the memory of her wonderful dinner with her boss. A part of her was a bit embarrassed by the impulsive way she had asked her out. It was not how she had imagined things in her head. For some frustrating reason, she never managed to take the next step at work, losing all her confidence in her boss’s presence. That’s why, after a month of keeping her feelings to herself, she hadn’t been able to hold it any longer, and seized the opportunity without thinking twice.

Her intentions had been well conveyed and understood. Admittedly, it had surprised her to receive a positive response. However, after this first successful date, she could tell that their feelings were shared. The first date of a long list? She definitely hoped so.

“May I bring a certain subject to your attention before you get prepared? It will only take fifteen seconds of your time.”

Jurina noted the hesitation in her robot’s metallic voice. She gazed back at him in concern. “Yes, of course. What is it?”

“Last night, you repeated something in your sleep. It was so unusual, that I took the liberty to record it. Do you want to listen to it?”

Jurina widened her eyes at the revelation. That was new. In twenty-four years, she didn’t have any recollection of sleep talking. Curiosity got the best of her. “I did? Alright, play the recording.”

The robot complied and Jurina listened, recognizing herself sleeping on the recording. A few seconds went by and, as Jurina didn’t hear anything suspect, she wondered what her robot was referring to. Just as she was about to question him, a name fell from her lips in the recording.

Rena-san… Rena-san...

Jurina flushed. Her robot was… right! She talked in her sleep! And, from what she could hear, she had been mumbling the name of her boss a few times last night.

“S-Stop the recording,” she stuttered, looking away in discomfort. The recording stopped at once, but it was too late. The memory of what she had uttered during her sleep was ingrained in her mind.

“It continues during four more seconds. Don’t you wish to hear the rest?”

“No, that’s fine,” Jurina said, too embarrassed to face him. “I was… I was probably having a dream. Erase the recording.”

Jurina stood up from the bed and entered the bathroom, hoping a warm shower would help her forget about the incident. It was no news to her that she had feelings for her beautiful employer, feelings even more reinforced after their date. But the thought that she had said her name during her sleep was a bit disturbing.

Jurina caught the sound of the robot’s small feet following her on the floating floor. As she was about to press the button to close the bathroom door behind her, her gaze fell down on him. He was looking at her from the doorstep, his head slightly inclined to the right. A pattern Jurina observed happened when he didn’t understand.

“You dream about your employer, Mistress?”

Jurina froze. She believed the matter to be over when she asked her robot to erase the recording, but it was without taking into account his insatiable curiosity about the things surrounding him. She enjoyed this aspect of his program, and was always keen on sharing every bit of her knowledge with him. However, as she was faced with such an embarrassing question, she considered making a few adjustments to his program.

“I work a lot with her,” Jurina said, trying to sound as calm and nonchalant as possible. Her robot was an advanced model, and was very good at deciphering the fluctuations in people’s voices. She wanted to make sure he didn’t notice that she was hiding part of the truth. “It’s not unusual to dream about the people you spend time with.”

The robot didn’t say anything, and she guessed his program was analyzing what she had said. Not wishing to give him the possibility to question her further on the subject, she bent over and patted his head once more. “Why don’t you go and prepare breakfast? I really need to take a shower or I’m going to be late.”

Jurina smiled gently and took a step back, her robot’s large blue eyes fixated on her the whole time as the bathroom door closed on him. Jurina stayed still, listening attentively in case her robot would manifest himself. When she heard his feet drawing away and leaving the bedroom, she released a small sigh of relief.


After a quick shower and a light breakfast, Jurina got ready to leave her apartment. A brief look at the digital clock told her she wouldn’t be late. She knew she made the right decision by cutting her time under the shower by half. While she was putting her shoes on in the entrance, she stole a peek at the robot standing in front of her. Since he brought up to her attention her embarrassing dream, he hadn’t said a single word.

Jurina frowned; her robot was anything but quiet in the morning. Was something wrong with him? Should she check his program for any glitch? Since she bought him three years ago, she never encountered any major problem with him. Alfred was an intelligent and fast-learning humanoid robot that functioned well. Aside from some minor adjustments to his program now and then, never once did he need repairing.

“Alright Alfred, I’m leaving for work. Take care of the apartment while I’m gone.”

The robot produced a small noise of agreement and inclined his head a few times, but didn’t speak for all that. Jurina’s concern grew a notch. Something was definitely not right with him. Maybe she should quickly his program before leaving? She had a few minutes’ left. As she was about to take action, her robot spoke up.

“While you were in the shower, I analyzed the recording three times. You said your employer’s name in a dreamy voice, which means you were having a pleasant dream. I came to the conclusion that it means you like her. Am I correct?”

Jurina stared at him in shock, not believing he was bringing this up again. Was he only being genuinely curious? Because it awfully like stubbornness, a trait of character her robot should never had developed. Added to that, his words made her realize that he had not erased the recording as she had instructed. Her trusted robot had never disobeyed her before. Not once. What was going on with him?

Jurina considered ignoring his question, but felt slightly bad about it when he gave her such an expectant look. Taking a deep breath, she kneeled in front of him. “Yes, I like her. She’s the person I went out with yesterday evening.”

Jurina was caught off guard when he emitted a high-pitched joyful sound, and clapped his hands a few times. “Well done, Mistress! Does it mean she’ll be coming here soon? Do I need to prepare the apartment for her arrival tonight? Do I need to have flowers delivered? Do I need to order a special meal?”

“W–What?!” Jurina was overwhelmed by the multitude of questions. Why was her robot looking so excited? She had acknowledged her feelings for Rena in the hope that it would satisfy her robot’s curiosity enough for him to move on, not so he could jump the gun. “Alfred, calm down. It was only our first date. Rena-san is not coming here tonight, so please don’t prepare anything.”

“But there will be other dates. I’ll tidy the apartment just in case.”

“Alfred!” Jurina tried to catch his arm, much in vain as he had already turned around and moved in the direction of the living room. Jurina quickly stood up, incredulity surging within her, and pondering going after him. Her digital watch rang, reminding her of the imminence of her departure. No, she didn’t have time to deal with this situation right now, or she would be late for work.

“Alright, you can clean the place,” Jurina relented. “But don’t order anything.”

Jurina waited for his reaction, hoping he would be satisfied by her small concession. For some funny reason, her robot seemed utterly convinced Rena would be visiting her tonight. Much as technology had progressed, the functioning of human relationships was still a concept hard to grasp for robots, even for those as advanced as her little Alfred. That’s why she needed to limit the damage at all costs before leaving her apartment. She didn’t wish to see flowers everywhere or the table dressed up for two when she came back from work.

Her robot stopped and faced her back. “It will be done, Mistress. The apartment will be tidied up when you come back.”

Jurina let out a small sigh of relief, and she shot him a smile of gratitude. “Thank you, Alfred. Now, I really have to go.”

“Have a nice day at work, Mistress. Please alert me if you change your mind and I need to prepare anything for tonight.”

When he arrived in front of her, Jurina kneeled to his level and patted her robot’s head, amused by his thoughtful attention. And, to a certain length, his incredible tenacity. Getting up, her fingers were about to press the button to open the front door, when her robot’s voice sounded behind her back. “Wait, Mistress…”

Jurina glanced back at him, but was distracted by her watch’s second beeping. “Sorry, Alfred, but I’m going to be late. See you tonight.”

The door closed on the robot who didn’t have time to finish his sentence. Alfred listened to the sound of footsteps drawing away in the distance, then inclined his head to the forgotten umbrella in the basket. The weather forecast had announced rain this morning. His poor mistress was going to get wet. Again.

Version edited on August 13, 2019
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 05:34:48 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2016, 05:37:00 PM »
Now I'm imagining Alfred is a boy who is very curious of everything yet very obidient to Jurina. Oh and a Kawaii one too

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