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Author Topic: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 15 (25/03/2020)  (Read 63849 times)

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2016, 02:25:59 AM »
Waaaaaa~ Jurina got a humanoid robot, that's cool!!!!
Now I can imagine Rena had an AI like Jarvis at her home. Just how cool is that  :on lol:

The door closed on the robot who never had time to finish his sentence, and he glanced sadly at the forgotten umbrella in the basket near the front door. The weather forecast had announced rain this morning. Her poor mistress was going to get wet.


As long as I remember, rain was never a bad luck for Jurina. It was always a relieve instead. Like when she met Rena for the first time and how they ended up having a dinner date in the first chapter. Rain united them!!!  :mon inluv:
Now I'm looking forward to what will happen this time :3
I hope another good things will happen, let's see~  :mon dance:
Lastly, thanks for writing as always Soph-san!!
 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2016, 07:15:15 AM »
Jurina must be a very nostalgic person. Not only that she listens to old songs (and old radio station), she also names her robot Alfred
- a very loyal butler character from a fictional superhero universe from more than a hundred years ago.

When I read the first paragraph you shared on twitter, I thought I read Destiny's update ^^" So when it came to this passage
>> "...her humanoid robot had set her alarm clock.." I was confused hehe..

Ps. It's the first appearance of Alfred but I've already liked him  :cathappy:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2016, 01:31:55 PM »
Alfred is so cute!

OMG Jurina talking in her sleep! >w<

Don't get shy about it, J. It's adorable~! ;3

Update soon! :D

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 2 (17/10/2016)
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2016, 12:17:03 AM »
The character of Alfred, seems lovely.
I loved it.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2016, 08:40:49 AM »


Jurina was starting to wonder if the odds were not against her. The sun was shining brightly over her head when she stepped out of her apartment, and it was now pouring hard as she was making her way to the office. Had she done something terrible in another life? Because she didn’t remember doing anything wrong in this one that justified what she was going through. No, she was not going to be late – which was an undeniable relief – but she was going to be completely drenched by the time she arrived at the office. The disturbing prospect didn’t appeal to her in the least.

“Why didn’t Alfred warn me about the rain?” Jurina muttered under her breath. She was desperately trying to dodge the drops, protecting her head as best as she could underneath her black, leather jacket. That’s because he was obsessed with my ‘dream’. It messed up his program, Jurina mused in frustration, catching in the distance the familiar 25-floor building. I need to do something about it when I go home tonight.

Jurina quickened her pace, more than relieved when the golden plate indicating Matsui Corporation appeared. After exchanging a few polite words with the guard, she hastily made her way inside. Jurina removed her black jacket over her head, wincing in displeasure when she observed its terrible state. She loved that leather jacket more than anything. It would take all day long to dry.

Jurina ran her fingers through her hair, her jacket ending up doing a better job than she expected as her hair was mostly dry. That was a small but not insignificant consolation considering that – after taking a good look at herself through the hallway mirror – the rest of her appearance was a total mess. Jurina moved forward, her watch emitting another beep. A quick glance told her she had five minutes left.

The 24-year-old girl walked decisively towards the elevators, sending a smile on her way to the two women at the reception. Usually, she would go up to their desk and take a few minutes to chat with them, but it was not an option this morning. The visual contact was brief, yet their amused looks didn’t go unnoticed. Apparently, her terrible appearance was entertaining them both a lot. 

Jurina pretended not to notice, and entered the first elevator that was about to close. She didn’t have the luxury to wait for another. She wasn’t late yet, but it didn’t mean her time wasn’t limited. When she stepped inside and discovered that it was already occupied by a long, dark haired familiar woman, her eyes widened. She hadn’t stopped thinking about her for the last nine hours.

“Rena-san… Hi.” Jurina’s mouth tugged into a pleased smile.

Her boss was wearing a black trench coat, the belt carefully closed around her waist, along with a matching pair of long leather boots. It didn’t take long for Jurina to observe that her hair and clothes were perfectly dry. Manifestly, she had been much more cautious than her when it came to the weather. It didn’t come as a real surprise to her. If there’s one thing she had observed for the past month, it was that the head of Matsui Corporation valued the way she presented herself. Nevermind the context or circumstances, she always harbored a neat appearance, from her well-groomed hair, to her impeccably ironed clothes and clean shoes. 

“Hello, Jurina-san.” The head of Matsui Corporation returned the smile warmly. Jurina didn’t miss her concern as she scanned her from head to toe. “You’re wet. Did you forget to take your umbrella?”

“Alfred didn’t warn me about the rain,” Jurina lamented. She didn’t like the terrible view she was offering, especially to her employer. When she noticed the latter’s puzzlement, it occurred to her that the other girl was missing a piece of information. “Ah right. I didn’t mention him during dinner. Alfred lives with me. He’s my humanoid robot.”

“Oh… I see. I don’t have a personal robot.”

Jurina wasn’t surprised. The older girl mentioned during their dinner her certain dislike for excessive technology. It appeared the head of Matsui Corporation was not particularly fond of what society had progressively become. A society that, according to her own words, was gradually losing its humanity. Her ideology transcribed in the way she managed her own company. Matsui Corporation was renown as one of the last companies in the country that employed a large proportion of human employees.

Was it why this time machine project was so important to her? Because she was more turned towards the past and interested in what it still had to offer?

Jurina would lie if she said she didn’t share her view on a few areas. She remained a great nostalgic of the old days, especially in terms of architecture, food, and music. It had taken her a while before deciding to acquire a humanoid robot. When it came to Alfred, it was a choice she never regretted. Not only was he capable of accomplishing all domestic chores, his company was greatly appreciated when she went back to her apartment after a long tiring day of work. After three years, she couldn’t imagine her life anymore without the cute robot that shared her daily life.

At the older girl’s preoccupying look, Jurina gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I have clean clothes at the office. I’ll change when I arrive.”

It was a precaution she had taken after the incident that occurred on her decisive interview, and a few couple of times during the course of the month. Some would say she had a tendency of being a little distracted when it came to the weather forecast. She preferred to think that luck was simply not on her side.   

“Do you remember our first meeting?” Jurina asked. Oh yes, the moment had been extremely embarrassing. What were the odds that she would cross path with her future employer in the elevator? She felt ashamed about the bad image she had projected, yet that day was also a fond memory. After all, it represented her first encounter with Rena. The woman who would become so important to her.

“I do.” Rena tore her eyes away from her wet appearance. “That day, you had also forgotten your umbrella and were a bit… wet?”

“You mean I was completely soaked from head to toe,” Jurina corrected, finding it a bit comical that the older girl was trying to be polite by minimizing the facts. “You were so respectful and nice, despite the terrible view I was offering.”

“It wasn’t… terrible,” Rena said, but knew her tone was far from convincing when her interlocutor arched an eyebrow in skepticism. “Alright,” she conceded with a smile, “it was not the best way to make a good impression on the recruiter.”

“I looked awful.” Jurina leaned her back against the elevator panel. A small sigh escaped her lips, watching the numbers of the floors changing as the elevator lead them towards their destination. “I don’t understand why you hired me,” Jurina confessed. After all this time, she was still amazed by the positive outcome. “In your position, I would probably have chosen someone else.”

“You had the best résumé amongst all candidates. The decision was evident to me. I couldn’t have chosen anyone else.”

Jurina smiled back at her. It wasn’t the first time someone complimented her résumé. In the past, many employers had been impressed by it. She would lie if she said she didn’t feel pride in having her skills and experience praised. But this time, it affected her in a different way. Coming from her, the compliment touched her most especially. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

Jurina kept her eyes fixed on her while she uttered those words, hoping the other girl would understand the message she was conveying. She was more than thankful to have been given the opportunity to work on such an incredible project, but there was another hidden meaning behind her gratitude.

“Rena-san,” Jurina started hesitantly. Their dinner had gone so well, that she didn’t want this date to be a one-time thing. She wanted to ask her out again. Pursue this relationship and see where it would lead them. To her dismay, her lips stayed sealed, the question refusing to come out. Why was she so nervous?

Rena was such a unique and exceptional woman. In fact, she didn’t believe to have ever met anyone like her before. Not only was she hard-working – Matsui Corporation was one of the leading companies in the country – she had a certain aura surrounding her that made her seem almost unreachable. Yes, Rena Matsui was impressively charismatic. Why else did she wait so long to ask her out otherwise?

Jurina was more than decided to suggest a second date. Unfortunately, the attentive and expectant look the older girl was giving her was not helping in calming her nerves. Her heart was throbbing at the prospect of what she was about to ask, and she wished the older girl didn’t have such an effect on her. Never before did she prove herself so clumsy when it came to asking someone on a date.

“I had a wonderful time last night.” Rena was the one to break the silence between them. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“I…” Jurina was slightly caught off guard. She could tell the older girl had indeed enjoyed herself last evening – some emotions simply couldn’t be faked – but there was nothing so pleasant as hearing the confirmation out loud. “I’m glad...” After Rena’s encouraging statement, Jurina felt a sudden regain of courage. “Would you like to go out with me again some time?”

“Of course. I would love to.”

Jurina didn’t know if it was because she was ecstatic, but her heart was beating uncontrollably inside her chest. Maybe that explained why she didn’t think properly before continuing. “You do? What about dinner tonight then?”

Jurina froze. Tonight? What on earth was she thinking? It was obvious she was going to refuse! Just because Rena had agreed to a first date yesterday, it didn’t mean she should be going so fast! She immediately needed to right the wrong.

“N-No, I didn’t...” Jurina, witnessing Rena’s speechless expression, tried desperately to come back on her words, only to stutter like a kid. She was so ashamed of what she had blurted out, that she couldn’t even look her in the eye. “Of course, not tonight. I meant…”

“I don’t mind tonight.” Rena’s assured voice brought her attention back to her. “But I have a meeting until 8 p.m. Isn’t it going to be too late?”

Jurina stared at her, bewildered. Did she really agree to her invitation? So fast and easily? Jurina studied her attentively, trying to assess if she didn’t mishear, only to face her calm expression. 

“I don’t mind waiting,” Jurina quickly replied. A part of her was having a hard time processing that she had received a positive reply, but she was certainly not going to let this opportunity pass. “I’ll wait as long as it takes.”


It was almost 9 p.m. when Rena left the conference room on floor 11, and took the direction of the elevator. As soon as she got inside and pressed the number 22, her thoughts went towards her young assistant in concern. When Rena joined her meeting at 7 p.m., she believed it wouldn’t take more than an hour. In the end, it had taken twice that time. If there’s one thing Rena never liked, it was unanticipated delays. When realization dawned on her that the meeting would take longer than planned, she hadn’t hesitated to send Jurina a text to warn her.

If anything, Rena was looking forward to their second date, but it would be improper to make her assistant wait for her any further. It was already late, and she had no idea how long this meeting would last. A few unexpected issues with international partners had been brought up halfway through the meeting. That’s why the first thing she did was apologize in her text, before suggesting to postpone their dinner to another day.

A few seconds later, she had received a short reply from her assistant. That’s alright. Don’t worry about it. I’ll wait.

The answer startled her, but she chose not to insist. It touched her that the younger girl was willing to wait a little longer for her. When Rena saw time passing by, unease filled her chest, the meeting showing no sign of ending anytime soon. As the CEO of Matsui Corporation, Rena had the authority to put an end to it at any time. Unfortunately, she couldn’t afford to cut short this one in particular. Not only they were discussing crucial matters regarding the future of the company, some participants had flown all over the globe to attend this important business reunion.

Rena stepped out of the elevator at floor 22, a part of her hoping that her assistant had changed her mind and already left. It was awfully late. Except for the people present at the meeting, everybody had gone home.

What she saw as she walked in the office confirmed her fears. Her assistant was very much present, and as she expected the last occupant of the floor. It appeared her long day of work managed to get the best of her, as her head was resting on top of her desk. Rena couldn’t help but feel guilty at the scene she was witnessing. Of course, her assistant refused to listen and waited for her. She was looking forward to their second date as much as she was.

Rena reduced the distance with her assistant’s desk and leaned over her sleeping form. “Jurina-san…”

Despite the gentle calling of her name, the younger girl didn’t bulge, her eyes remaining tightly shut. Rena took a seat in the chair next to her, her attention drawn to the large touchscreen facing her. Her assistant was working on the blueprint of the time machine. Rena never doubted Jurina’s commitment when it came to her work. How many times did she hear her assistant wishing to stay a bit longer at the office to work on the time machine? Rena could tell she enjoyed working on this project. Jurina thrived on challenges. Many believed Rena was trying to accomplish the impossible.

Building a time machine? A foolish dream!

Not Jurina. Rena had never seen anyone display so much passion and enthusiasm during a job interview. Not once did Jurina believe this project was going to fail, despite all its unknown parameters. She wasn’t in capacity to affirm when the time machine would be completed and operational, but she didn’t seem to doubt in her capacity to succeed. Jurina’s unfailing motivation when it came to this ambitious project was a driving force for the whole staff team working on floor 22.

Motivation and dedication were two traits of personality Rena sought in her employees. When her young assistant was concerned, it went a little further than that. Jurina wasn’t just daring and extremely devoted to her work, she was also headstrong. And, after this evening, it occurred to her that Jurina’s stubbornness didn’t only apply to her job, but also to her personal life.

Rena swept over her assistant’s sleeping form in appreciation. Jurina could behave like a real tomboy when she flirted with the other women of the floor, which was actually amusing considering how feminine she looked. Her jet-black hair that fell just underneath her shoulders. Her long eyelashes. Her delicate features and flawless skin. The dimples that appeared at the corner of her mouth, when she flashed one of her most beautiful smiles. Was it truly a surprise that many people, men and women included, felt attracted to her from the very first moment they laid eyes on her?

“Do you realize the effect you’re having on me?” Rena whispered, unable to deny the fact that she had fallen under her charm. This new feeling was strange and unusual to her; she had never bothered to meddle with matters of the heart before. She had always been a shy and introvert girl, preferring the company of books and focusing on her studies rather than engaging in casual flings.

After her father’s death, she put her heart and soul in the company. Sometimes, she got asked on a date, but always politely declined. Not only wasn’t she interested in the prospect, she didn’t believe to have sufficient time for anything serious. When her best friend Akane began a relationship with her Human Resources Manager, she observed them interacting with a certain curiosity.

She and Akane were similar on so many aspects, whether on their way of thinking or analyzing the world surrounding them. Never once did Akane mention her desire to get involved with someone. In fact, she never dated anyone during their years together at university. That’s why Rena couldn’t believe her eyes when she witnessed the unexpected development of her relationship with Airi.

They immediately clicked, and didn’t even try to make their romance a secret. Even if they had tried, their affection for each other would have been obvious. A simple look at them was enough to understand that they were madly in love with each other. Rena didn’t always know how to react when her best friend spoke about those strong feelings she had for Airi. At first, Rena even believed it was just a crush, and her infatuation would eventually fade away. When Akane had announced their engagement, Rena realized she couldn’t have been more far away from the truth.

Rena was starting to catch a glimpse of what her best friend had described during all these months. She and Jurina had only been on one date, but there was no denying that they had forged a connection. It had been so pleasant, that she didn’t see time passing by in her presence. Her assistant was very charming, but the attraction was not just physical. There were so many aspects of her personality that she found appealing. Intelligence, wit and kindness, to only name a few.

Rena extended her arm to touch Jurina’s hand, a fond smile grazing her lips at the pleasant memory of their first dinner. She didn’t have the heart to wake her up, especially when she looked so calm and peaceful, but she couldn’t let her sleep at the office. Encircling her fingers, she gave them a light squeeze. Jurina slowly stirred, her sleepy eyes falling upon her. Rena was slightly amused when she received a confused look, before her assistant’s eyes widened when she saw who was sitting next to her.

“R-Rena-san?” Jurina stammered, straightening up in her seat. “What happened? Did I fall asleep? What time is it?”

“It’s very late…” Rena retracted her hand, a mixture of concern and guilt sweeping through her. “I told you to go home. Why didn’t you?”

“I said I would wait. I always stick to my words.”

“I can see that,” Rena smiled warmly.

“We still have time to go out. I’m afraid my reservation has been cancelled, but we can find another restaurant that is still opened.”

She had made a dinner reservation? Rena was surprised by the revelation. Now, she couldn’t help feeling guiltier about her tardiness, but was also moved by her assistant’s thoughtful attention. “Alright,” Rena agreed, smiling when Jurina’s eyes lit up with joy. “But this time, I’m inviting you.”

A frown fell upon her assistant’s face, and Rena guessed she was about to protest. She didn’t give her time to open her mouth, quickly pressing her index against her lips. “I won’t change my mind, so don’t even try.”

By her assistant’s complete surprise, it wasn’t hard to tell that her decisive tone had taken her aback. Was she going to insist? It certainly did look that way, considering she seemed to have difficulty accepting her offer. After what felt like an eternity, she gave her a positive nod. Relieved and satisfied, Rena withdrew her finger, only to have her assistant gently catch her hand and pull her closer.

Never before had they been so close from each other, yet the unexpected proximity didn’t put her ill-at-ease. Rena didn’t know how long they looked into each other’s eyes. Jurina had a magnetic effect on her, and she could feel herself getting lost in her alluring brown eyes. When her assistant leaned forward, the thought of resisting never once crossed Rena’s mind. She relished the pleasant sensation of her assistant’s light breath caressing her skin, reading her affection for her in those eyes that were not leaving hers. When her assistant’s gaze fell upon her lips, her intention was easy to guess.

Her assistant had been bold enough to ask her out not once, but twice, yet was hesitant to proceed with her next action. Rena wanted nothing more but to reassure her. She had nothing to fear: they both wanted the same thing. Rena held her breath, not believing what she was about to say out loud. Never in her life had she dared being so straightforward, but there was no use denying what her heart truly yearned for.

The words left her lips naturally. “Kiss me.”

A flash of surprise entered her assistant’s eyes, followed by a smile of pleasure. Fingers cupped her cheek tentatively and Rena’s eyes fluttered closed, her heart skipping a beat when a pair of lips captured hers in a tender kiss.

Version edited on August 14, 2019
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 02:57:40 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2016, 01:23:50 PM »

The words left her lips naturally. “Kiss me, Jurina.”

Rena fluttered her eyes close when she felt fingers cupping her cheek tentatively, and her heart skipped a beat when a pair of lips captured hers in a tender kiss.

I know it's just a kiss. But....  :mon angel:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2016, 01:28:48 PM »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2016, 12:39:43 PM »
I totally agree with Genkikid. The emoticon also suits how I feel about the kiss.  :k-hello:

I know it's just a kiss. But....  :mon angel:

To be honest I thought Jurina would initiate the kiss. But then apparently she was too hesitant to make
the first move so that Rena - being very sensitive and sweet - asked Jurina to kiss her instead.  :shy1:

You didn't show us about their first dinner. Would you tell us about this second dinner date?
Now that Rena is the one who invites Jurina and it's already late, does it mean Rena would bring Jurina to her house for a dinner? Haha!

Anyway, I can feel that it's gonna be soon for Rena to meet Alfred. What would Alfred say about her?
I believe he will ask tons of questions hehe..  :hee:

Thank you for the update, author-san..

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2016, 04:44:01 PM »
Haroooo Author-chan!


Kataomoi, finally....


Awwwww.... looks like some things escalated quickly here~
At first I thought it was Jurina who would initiate the kiss but it turned out it's Rena. I'm a bit surprised :D
Rena had showed us who's the boss! Rena is da real boss!! hahahaha
And who is Jurina to refuse her boss's order?  :hiakhiakhiak: :on lol: :kekeke:
Though I'm sure that without her boss's bold request, she will still kiss her :v

 What a nice chap! See you in the next chap Author-chan  :twothumbs

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2016, 04:37:59 AM »
Maybe this is the first time my proper comment about this latest series.
I'm not that late, am i?  :lol:

1.still wondering what is Rena purpose to create such a time machine? Does she want to change something in the past? Or she wants to meet someone? Who?

2. I kinda get the vibe from both series that J is main character meanwhile she has crush on Rena. Well i kinda expecting that you'll reverse their role in here. Like mainly plot is about Rena and she is the one who head over heels to J?

3. I like that robot character hahahaha. So genuine, so curious about human's feeling. I want to have alfred too 😂😂

4. For dinner date this time, i want to see whole scene! Like how they both talk, what did they order, etc

5. Seriously i love that rena encouraged J to kiss her. Me was like "GO ON KIDDO!"   :lol:

Before this comment getting long, I need yo stop myself from writing too much hahahaha
See you  on next chapter!

Ps. Sometimes i just forgot or busy to comment. Well don't expect too much from a mere reader like me 😂😂
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GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
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Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 3 (01/11/2016)
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2016, 01:04:53 PM »

I know it's just a kiss. But....  :mon angel:


Well, I'm glad you liked the kiss  :P

To be honest I thought Jurina would initiate the kiss. But then apparently she was too hesitant to make
the first move so that Rena - being very sensitive and sweet - asked Jurina to kiss her instead.  :shy1:

Well, let's not forget it's only their second date. Jurina has no assurance a kiss would be well received at this stage, so better be safe. This Jurina is not the kind to steal kisses like Nobunaga in Warriors  :nervous

You didn't show us about their first dinner. Would you tell us about this second dinner date?
Now that Rena is the one who invites Jurina and it's already late, does it mean Rena would bring Jurina to her house for a dinner? Haha!

We'll see ^^

Anyway, I can feel that it's gonna be soon for Rena to meet Alfred. What would Alfred say about her?
I believe he will ask tons of questions hehe..  :hee:

I think the first encounter between Rena and Alfred will be... interesting  :grin:

At first I thought it was Jurina who would initiate the kiss but it turned out it's Rena. I'm a bit surprised :D

Well, in a sense, it's Jurina who initiates the idea of the kiss. Rena just encourages her to continue  :P

Still wondering what is Rena purpose to create such a time machine? Does she want to change something in the past? Or she wants to meet someone? Who?

I answered that question in the prologue ^^

However, no matter how much she believed society was progressively losing its humanity in favor of excessive technology, she had an absolute certitude: old civilizations still had not reveled all their secrets.

The knowledge she would acquire if she managed to build her time machine would be immeasurable and priceless.

So that's Rena's initial reason for wanting to build a time machine. Knowledge/curiosity, and also let's not forget she is somehow more turned towards the past.

I kinda get the vibe from both series that J is main character meanwhile she has crush on Rena. Well i kinda expecting that you'll reverse their role in here. Like mainly plot is about Rena and she is the one who head over heels to J?

Actually, Rena is the main character here. It will become even more obvious when a certain aspect of the plot is revealed later.
And Rena falling "head over heels for J"? I don't think this expression fits the way I see Rena in general, so I don't believe I will ever portray her this way in my stories.

I like that robot character hahahaha. So genuine, so curious about human's feeling. I want to have alfred too 😂😂

And it's not the last time we hear about him. There will be more Alfred scenes :)

For dinner date this time, i want to see whole scene! Like how they both talk, what did they order, etc

I will write a dinner date. This one or another? We'll see ^^

Before this comment getting long, I need yo stop myself from writing too much hahahaha

Don't worry, I enjoyed reading and replying to your long comment  ;)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:36:01 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2016, 06:02:52 PM »


Rena brought them to an Italian restaurant. From the outside, it wasn’t extravagant and didn’t attract attention. The black wooden façade was simple, growing ivy plants falling from each side of the door. The name, Il Giramondo, was carved in white letters, with underneath an inscription in Latin: Tempore superiore reversus. Why did Rena decide to bring them here? Was it because the restaurant was located in the old, preserved district of the city, a small oasis of nostalgia in the futuristic Tokyo?

Jurina was not prepared for what she was about to discover. Jurina followed the other girl inside, her eyes widening in surprise when she took in the rich interior decoration. In an instant, she had been transported back in time to Ancient Rome. She had to blink to make sure her sight was not deceiving her.

The first thing that caught her attention were the colored, detailed frescos decorating the large walls of the restaurant. On one of them, Jurina recognized Diana, goddess of the hunt, with her familiar bow and quiver. Represented in the middle of a forest, a deer was holding his head high, and standing proudly beside her.

On the following fresco, was depicted her ephebe twin brother and the god of music, truth and prophecy; Phoebus. Sun shining brightly behind his head, he was wearing a long blue cape on his shoulders, his blond, curly hair floating in the air as he was riding a golden chariot pulled by four majestic white horses.

The Roman frescos were not the only thing that provoked Jurina’s awe. Perfectly sculpted marble statues of Roman gods also ornamented alcoves in the decorated walls. And what about the impressive Roman pillars raising in the air, up to the ceiling representing the all mighty Jupiter laying in a bed of clouds?

The decoration was so magnificent, that Jurina was at a loss for words. How come had she never heard of such an extraordinary place? She felt privileged standing in such a majestic place. The change of scenery was complete, and the contrast sharp with the modernity of Japan’s capital.

“Welcome Matsui-san. It’s always a pleasure.” A man, elegantly dressed in a black tuxedo, addressed the head of Matsui Corporation. “The usual table?”

“Good evening, Enrico. Please.” Rena nodded, diverting her attention to the girl by her side who had stayed quiet since they entered the restaurant. Rena smiled knowingly when Jurina gazed around in admiration. That was a look she was familiar with. The first time she had entered Il Giramondo, she had also instantly fallen in love with it.

“Let me check if it’s available.” The Italian receptionist looked down to his screen, then glanced back at her with a smile. “It is. Please follow me.”


“You should have warned me it was a fancy restaurant,” Jurina said, after they took a seat at a table located in a quiet area of the restaurant. “I feel a bit… undressed.”

Rena laughed softly at her embarrassment. “Don’t worry about it. You’re perfect just as you are. I’m not dressed up for the occasion either.”

A waiter was waiting a little further away, and Jurina recalled the older girl had also called him by his name upon her arrival. It was now obvious to her that she was familiar with this place. “You come here often.” 

“I’ve eaten here more than a few times over the years. The food is excellent, and I find the atmosphere enchanting.”

“I can understand that.” Jurina let her eyes travel around the place. She was having a hard time tearing her eyes away from the sight offered to her. Even after taking a good look at her arrival, she still managed to notice some new details. The reconstitution work of the Roman period was impressive. “This is…”

“Fascinating? I understand how you feel. Nevermind how many times I’ve been here, this place still has a profound, emotional impact on me. You see, my great-grandfather was an archeologist.” Rena swept around the main room, her voice softening as fond memories invaded her mind. “When I was a child, he would bring me with him on excavation sites. I admired his patience and devotion to his work. He was a shy, introvert man, but I would never forget the glint in his eyes each time he made a new discovery. His silent happiness spoke louder than a thousand words.”

“He passed on to you his passion for History,” Jurina said, as realization dawned on her. “He’s the reason why this time machine project is so important.”

“Spending so many hours between those ancient stones had provoked my curiosity and triggered my imagination. A few times, I would mention to him my dream to go back in time. Marvel at Ancient Roman and Greek temples, wander in the cobblestone streets of a 19th century Paris, or live amongst the most famous Sengoku period’s warlords and samurais. There was no limit to my imagination. Each time, he would just smile and look at me tenderly. My great-grandfather was a kind and gentle man. He didn’t have the heart to hurt the innocent child that I was, by telling me it was a foolish, impossible dream.”

“It may have been back then,” Jurina conceded. Twenty years ago, technology was not as advanced as it currently was in 2050. Her great-grandfather’s reserve was understandable. “But not anymore. Your dream is anything but foolish and impossible, and I’m planning on fulfilling it.”

Rena’s eyes fell back on her, detecting the determination in her voice. Jurina’s unfailing motivation never ceased to amaze her. Rena had a wonderful team composed of skilled scientists and experts, but nothing compared with Jurina’s dedication to this project. “I know you are doing everything in your capacity to build the time machine,” Rena murmured, reaching across the table to take her hand.

Her assistant’s good intentions were acknowledged from the very first day they met. However, Rena couldn’t ignore a little voice at the back of her head. A voice that was constantly reminding her not to get her hopes up. More than anyone else, she wanted to believe in the success of this ambitious project, but she had to be realistic. There was a strong possibility that, despite her team and Jurina’s best efforts, it might not work out.

“Jurina…” Rena spoke hesitantly, gently squeezing her fingers. “No one believes in this project more than I do. But if it doesn’t work, I will accept it and won’t hold it against anyone. Especially not you.”

“Listen to me. Failure is not an option for me. Nevermind how long it takes, months, years, I will finish the plans of the time machine. You will go back in time. I promise. Do you trust me?”

By her decided look, Rena understood nothing she would add would ever be enough to convince her of otherwise. “Of course, I do.”

A satisfied expression plastered Jurina’s features.

The male waiter approached their table. “May I take your order?”

Jurina buried her nose in the menu. By her lasting silence, it wasn’t hard for Rena to figure out that her assistant had absolutely no idea what to eat. They had been too engrossed in their conversation, marveling at the restaurant decoration surrounding them, to pay attention to the menu in front of them.

“We need a little more time,” Rena said, when Jurina didn’t reply. “Can you please come back in a few minutes, Angelo?”

The waiter nodded and turned on his heels. “That’s fine, I’ll choose.” Jurina lowered the menu, and gazed back at her. “What do you recommend?”

“The Jumbo shrimp and zucchini risotto is delicious,” Rena replied, without an ounce of hesitation. She could have suggested the whole menu, but she had a soft spot for the restaurant’s specialty. “That’s what I’m going to take tonight.”

“Then I’ll follow your lead. Two risotto, please.”

The waiter left with their order, and they both engaged in a casual conversation, soon distracted when a glass vase of red roses was placed in the middle of the table. Slightly puzzled, Rena shot the waiter a questioning look, only to receive a warm smile in return.  “Compliments of the house. Please enjoy your dinner.”

“I understand why you like this restaurant,” Jurina said once he left, admiring the beautiful, fresh red roses between them. “They know how to treat their loyal customers.”

Rena didn’t reply, but couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling that this gift hadn’t been placed for the sole purpose of thanking her. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if the attentive staff hadn’t read the atmosphere between she and Jurina, and guessed this was a romantic dinner. It would explain why they choose this kind of flowers, as well as its meaningful color.


It was almost midnight when they left Il Giramondo. Small droplets of water hit Rena’s shoulders, and she looked up to the dark sky. It didn’t look like it was going to rain heavily tonight. Nevertheless, Rena retrieved her umbrella from her handbag and placed it above their heads as they began walking away.

“Thank you for inviting me. I really enjoyed it.”

“I’m glad.” Rena’s mouth tugged into a smile of pleasure when she distinguished the enthusiasm in her assistant’s voice. “This place never leaves anyone indifferent. I had a good feeling you would like it.”

“Well, of course, it’s a beautiful restaurant and the food is delicious. But I was mostly talking about the company.”

Rena stopped when fingers gently encircled hers around the handle of the umbrella. The following moment, Jurina was leaning forward, and Rena’s eyes closed on their own volition when soft lips kissed her. The kiss was gentle and chaste, similar to the one they had exchanged at the office. However, Rena was glad there was not an ounce of hesitation between them.

Jurina broke the kiss but didn’t leave her personal space, staring deeply into her eyes. “I like you Rena. I really like you.”

Rena’s heart pounded, and she trembled when fingertips stroke her cheek. No, it was not the first time someone confessed their feelings for her. She had had more than a few suitors in the past. Never such words managed to put her in a flutter before. Since their first encounter, Rena could feel herself changing day by day. Her new assistant had provoked unexpected strong emotions within her.

Could she go back now that she had caught a glimpse of what Akane had described? Did she even want to?

Rena pressed her lips against Jurina’s, the kiss deepening when Jurina snaked an arm around her waist. Yes, those new feelings were sometimes overwhelming, but she couldn’t ignore how she felt. Rena Matsui was never one to hesitate once she knew what she wanted. And, right now, she had one absolute certainty: even if she tried, she wouldn’t be able to separate herself from the girl who shared the same surname.

Because Jurina had already found a place in her heart.

Version edited on August 14, 2019
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 07:10:13 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2016, 05:53:05 AM »
Finally you wrote about this second dinner. And let me tell you, it's worth to wait because it's amazing!
The dinner was fancy yet sweet (with two roses) and I super like the whole atmosphere. Rena just chose the perfect restaurant!  :k-great:

The first thing that caught her attention were the colored, incredibly detailed frescos decorating the large walls of the restaurant. On one of them, Jurina recognized easily Diana goddess of the hunt, with her familiar bow and quiver. Represented in the middle of a forest, a deer was holding his head high, and standing proudly beside her.

On the following fresco was depicted her ephebe twin brother and the god of music, truth and prophecy; Phoebus. Sun shining brightly behind his head, he was wearing a long blue cape on his shoulders, his blond, curly hair floating in the air as he was riding a golden chariot pulled by four majestic white horses.

The Roman frescos were not the only thing that provoked Jurina’s awe. Perfectly sculpted marble statues of Roman gods also ornamented alcoves in the decorated walls. And what about the impressive Roman pillars raising in the air, up to the ceiling representing the all mighty Jupiter laying in a bed of clouds?

I can vividly imagine the restaurant design, and I swear for a moment I hope it does exist.
I kinda expected they would order some pasta (because it's Italian) and they would eat it with chopsticks :v (no, I'm joking)

The name of the restaurant, Il Giramondo, was carved in white letters on the right side of the door, just above an inscription in Latin: Tempore superiore reversus.

And I believe you chose the restaurant name not out of the blue. Also with that Latin inscription. I am sure you carefully thought about it.  :cool1:

“But not now. Your dream is anything but foolish and I’m going to fulfill it.”

Jurina is always supportive. She believes in Rena's dream. So sweet of her!
Rena is lucky to have such dedicated assistant (and now also lover).

Aaand...another kiss(es)! I guess they're official now?  :luvluv2:

Thanks for the update. I enjoyed reading this chapter.  :luvuluvu:

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2016, 12:23:16 PM »
Somehow I forget everthing else other than the kisses

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2016, 06:20:23 PM »
Great fanfic Author san.
Never fail to amuse me with your new chapters.

I really enjoy to read all of your fanfic  :twothumbs

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2016, 12:16:52 AM »
Dinner at an Italian restaurant and flowers.
The truth is that it has been very romantic.
Although flowers really have not been Rena's thing, a gift from the restaurant.

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 4 (12/11/2016)
« Reply #36 on: November 15, 2016, 01:50:24 AM »
I lost my words in this chapter :')
I love this chapter and I love the atmosphere of the restaurant as well!
Good job Author-san!! :mon thumb:
Everything is going just fine and smoothly that sometimes I'm afraid of what will happen next  :mon sweat:
But this is also the first time in my wmatsui shipper career, I stated that "This is too good to be true they need a little more plot twist!" HAHAHAHAHA

« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 02:00:51 AM by Guacamoolee »

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2016, 07:21:00 PM »


The CEO of Matsui Corporation was having a usual busy day at work, occupied in analyzing a couple of budget reports. Under normal circumstances, the task wouldn’t have required more than two hours of attention. After being locked up in her office for almost three hours, she hadn’t finished, the unexpected delay accumulating her pile of work. Rena found it hard focusing on the content of her tablet, her mind drifting far too often towards the image of her 24-year-old assistant.

She and Jurina had been on two dates, the latter even confessing her feelings for her last evening. This morning, when they found themselves alone in the elevator leading them towards floor 22, they hadn’t been shy to express their mutual attachment with caring words and affectionate kisses. It had been two hours since their last physical contact, the memory of Jurina’s lips softly pressed against hers still lingering on her lips.

Rena, realizing she was once more getting carried away, decided to make a short pause. Lifting her gaze from the tablet, she swept over the working area where her employees were hard at work, lightening up at the new presence. Jurina was standing behind Akane, both women engrossed in a conversation while they were making modifications to the blueprint displayed on the touchscreen.

Rena took advantage of her assistant’s arrival to observe her carefully, warmth spreading through her chest at the view of the girl who had been way too much in her thoughts all morning.

Given Jurina’s serious expression, Rena guessed they were discussing important issues related to the advancement of the time machine. Much as Jurina was capable of having light and trivial conversations during coffee breaks, she had the faculty to focus back on her work without difficulty as soon as she joined back her desk. After a full month of watching her, Rena was still amazed by Jurina’s ability to change mood with such ease.

Rena lost track of time. Without her noticing, seconds transformed into minutes, and ten minutes had already passed. It wasn’t until Jurina took a step back from Akane’s desk, in the intent of leaving, that she understood that she had been staring at her the whole time. Rena shook her head in disapprobation at her own behavior. She couldn’t afford to get so distracted when she had so much work to do. She was already behind schedule.

Rena took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to get back to work, when their gazes met across the room. At the visual contact, a warm smile moved to Jurina’s lips, which Rena immediately reciprocated. How much she wished she didn’t have that late business meeting tonight. Jurina had offered her to go to the cinemas and, as tempting as the invitation was, she had been forced to decline.

Rena wasn’t even sure when they would be able to go on a date in the near future. These last few months, Matsui Corporation had won a few major international contracts, resulting in long days of work and little free time. As a business woman, Rena couldn’t complain: her company had never been so healthy and successful. But the success of her company also had direct consequences on her personal life.

Rena never minded how time-consuming her job was. These last few years, the company had been everything to her. The situation had changed when Jurina entered the picture. Rena didn’t regret engaging herself in this new relationship. Jurina had provoked something within her that she refused to ignore. Emotions no one had ever been able to make her feel. Despite her tight and complex schedule, she wanted to find time for Jurina. Because she believed her to be completely worth it.

Eventually, the visual contact was broken when Jurina left the office, not without sending her one last affectionate smile in her direction. It took Rena a few more seconds to brush away Jurina’s image, and refocus on her work. Seizing the tablet, she was well-determined to not get distracted anymore, and to finish the task at hand by midday. Unfortunately, her goodwill was put to the test when her office door slid open, Akane moving inside and appearing in front of her.

Despite the interruption, a sincere smile grazed Rena’s lips at the view of her best friend. These last few days, she had been so busy with work that they hadn’t been able to spend much quality time together, and she valued the slightest moment of interaction. However, she frowned a little when she took in Akane’s odd behavior. Her best friend had stepped closer, looking around her as if to make sure no one would enter the office and overhear their conversation, before quickly taking a seat in front of her desk, a wide grin spread all over her face.

“So… you and Jurina are a couple?”

The question caught her completely off guard, and it took Rena several seconds to recover from her shock. How could Akane be aware of that? Her second date with Jurina had just happened yesterday. She didn’t have time to share with her best friend the positive development in their relationship. Could Jurina have spilled the beans? “H–How… How do you know?”

“I wasn’t sure, but now I am,” Akane smirked, proud of herself for making the CEO fall into her trap and confess the truth so easily. “Jurina has been acting weird all morning, not flirting with me or any other woman. At first, I thought maybe she was sick or something, then I realized there could be another plausible reason for her unusual behavior. I assume your second date went well, then?”

“Yes, it did…” Rena admitted a little shyly. After two successful dates, kisses exchanged and a bold confession, Rena couldn’t deny how she felt about her young assistant. They had romantic feelings for each other.

Akane was moved to see her best friend glowing with such happiness. Without thinking twice, she reached across the table to take her hand. “I’m so happy for you. Jurina is a nice person. I wish you both the very best.”

“Thank you,” Rena smiled, squeezing her fingers in return. “We’ve only been on two dates, but I really, really like her. She’s smart, funny and kind. I want this to work, but I don’t want to overreact. It’s just the beginning of our relationship.”

“It will work. And before you know it, you’ll be blissfully married and have little children running around the house.”

Rena let out a laugh and shook her head in amusement. “I know you and Airi tied the knot very fast, but I want to take my time. Besides, I don’t know if Jurina wishes any of those things. I don’t even know if I want them myself. I never… I never considered any of that before.”

At the CEO’s pensive expression, Akane understood why she was being cautious. After all, it was her first relationship. What she was experimenting with Jurina was new to her, and Akane didn’t need to question her to know that she was feeling a bit overwhelmed. She could almost envision the multitude of thoughts and emotions going through Rena’s head since she had fallen under the charm of her assistant.

“I see the way Jurina has been looking at you for the past month,” Akane spoke up, recalling with amusement the way her co-worker had been acting over the moon all morning. “Her feelings for you are sincere, and I can tell she makes you happy.”

“She does. Trust me, she does.”

They shared a fond smile.

Following that, they engaged in a casual conversation. Time flew by as they used the opportunity to catch up with lost time, sharing a few entertaining anecdotes and taking simple pleasure in enjoying each other’s presence. When the digital clock announced that half an hour had passed, Akane stood up from her chair, not wishing to monopolize the CEO’s precious time anymore than necessary. Rena glanced down to her work, ready to concentrate, before looking up in curiosity when the other girl didn’t leave the office.

“I forgot to tell you,” Akane chuckled. She had been so distracted by her best friend’s fascinating new love life, that she had left out an important piece of information about herself. “I’m going to need a leave of absence.”

“Is everything alright?” Rena asked, concerned. Akane had not mentioned her desire to go on vacations, and she feared the worst. “Are you sick?”

“No, nothing like that. This is good news. Very good news.”

Akane’s enigmatic words provoked her perplexity, until realization hit her when Akane placed her palm over her stomach. “It worked? You are expecting?”

Rena got up on her feet and made her way around the desk, pulling her best friend into a hug. “Congratulations! You and Airi are going to be wonderful parents!”

Akane returned the embrace, laughing at her friend’s overflowing enthusiasm. It wasn’t every day that you could provoke such a spontaneous reaction from the so calm and collected CEO of Matsui Corporation. “Thank you. It means a lot coming from you. We received the confirmation this morning.”

“Have you picked up a name, yet?” Rena’s eyes flickered between her and the still very flat stomach of her best friend.

“We are thinking of calling her Shizuru,” Akane replied, entertained by the amusing sight offered to her. Rena was obsessed by her stomach, even though it was not showing in the slightest. “And I’m sure our child will soon want a nice friend to play with...”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything.” A smile moved to Rena’s lips at her friend’s small teasing tone.

Rena shook her head lightly and let out a small sigh of content, staring back at Akane’s flat stomach. For months, her best friend had mentioned her strong desire to have a child with Airi. That day had finally happened. Rena found herself a bit emotional as she reflected upon her long-lasting friendship with Akane and everything they had been through. From friends in college, Akane had not hesitated to follow her when Rena had taken the reins of the company. And now here they were, working together, her best friend married with the woman she loved and about to have a family.

Version edited on August 17, 2019.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 04:06:21 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2016, 07:35:43 AM »
Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! Repeat!! Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! :cow:

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2016, 10:15:22 PM »
 :onioncheer: :onioncheer:   A baby a baby !!    :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

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