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Author Topic: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 15 (25/03/2020)  (Read 65000 times)

Offline Haruko

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2016, 05:33:58 AM »
Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! Repeat!! Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! :cow:

Yes!! Furuyanagay!!!  :D

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2016, 03:12:21 PM »
So, Akane and Airi will have a baby! Jurina and Rena are now officially a couple. Things moved fast. I'm not surprised if there would be a WMatsui wedding in the next chapter.  :hehehe:
Thank you for the update, author-san. :k-great: Your consistency to write WMatsui fics is awesome. It's been TWO YEARS and counting! I appreciate it. Ganbatte!

Ps. There's no ALFRED in this chapter. I thought you would put him here like you hinted on your twitter.  :err:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2016, 03:18:57 PM »

Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! Repeat!! Furuyanagi are having a child!!!!! :cow:

:onioncheer: :onioncheer:   A baby a baby !!    :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Yes!! Furuyanagay!!!  :D

Yes, one happy couple is going to have a child  ;)

Ps. There's no ALFRED in this chapter. I thought you would put him here like you hinted on your twitter.  :err:

There was supposed to be Alfred in this chapter but as the chapter was getting too long, I had to cut it in two. Alfred will be in the next chapter  :P
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:36:35 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 5 (10/12/2016)
« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2016, 01:29:16 AM »
Haroooo S!
Had read this chapter long time ago but I forgot to leave a comment :banghead:
So, Furuyanagi senpai finally having a baby!! YAAAAAAY!! Somehow I think this moment will encourage our wmatsui to tie the knot :whistle:
Btw, Author-chan, I know it's not easy to be a wmatsui fanfic writer nowadays moreover when the actual ship has already sunk :tama-piss: and the reader of the fic keeps decreasing (._. )
But what I like about wmatsui fandom is..... the shippers never really leave the shinking ship while they complained a lot about this ship especially the veteran shipper xD
Recently I did a little research by searching "wmatsui" on Twitter and surprisingly some people are still talking about them especially the shippers that I know they have been wmatsui shippers since few years ago, isn't that interesting?
I know some of them might have stopped reading fics but eventually I'm sure they'll come back! And I think this is something that will give you enough reason to keep going, Author-san!
Thanks for the update as always  :tama-bigheart:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2016, 12:30:24 AM »


Three weeks later.

Jurina was pacing back and forth in her living room, stopping now and then to take a nervous look around the apartment. Tonight, Rena was visiting her place for the first time, and she wanted to be sure everything was perfect. Lately, they had been both so busy with their job. Rena often had late meetings and business trips, while Jurina liked to stay late at the office to progress on the blueprint of the time machine.

They had been seeing each other after work, but never the opportunity to invite Rena at her place had presented itself until today. After a month of dating, Jurina believed it was the right time to move things forward. All she needed was to find a date that fitted their busy schedules, and they agreed on this Saturday evening.

Jurina stole a peek at her watch in apprehension: the other girl should be here at any moment. As she was about to check one last time that everything was in order for Rena’s arrival, the metallic voice of her humanoid robot sounded behind her back.

“Mistress, you’re behaving strangely this evening.” Alfred came to stand in front of her. “Are you sick? Do you need medicine?”

Jurina looked down to him in confusion. She had been so engrossed in her thoughts for the past two hours, that she had barely paid attention to her faithful servant. “No, I’m fine. Why are you asking that?”

“It’s the third time you’re checking that everything is in place. If you’re not sick, then does it mean you don’t trust Alfred?”

“Of course, I trust you,” Jurina reassured him. Alfred had been of great help these last two hours, tidying the apartment and preparing everything necessary for her dinner at home with Rena. Jurina’s perfectionist side had led her to double-check behind him, and it occurred to her the wrong impression it must had given. “You were perfect,” Jurina said, but could tell by her robot’s worried look that he wasn’t convinced. “You were, really. I just want everything to go well tonight.”

“Why wouldn’t it go well? Mistress likes Rena-san, and Rena-san likes Mistress. Nothing can go wrong.”

Jurina smiled, amused by her robot’s unique sense of logic. 

Deciding she had done enough pacing for the evening, Jurina went to take a seat on the sofa, her robot’s feet sounding on the floor as he followed her. She looked up at him and took a deep breath, knowing deep down that he had a point. For some reason, apprehension refused to leave her, but she couldn’t do anything about it. “It’s normal to feel a bit anxious when you invite for the first time to your place someone who means a lot to you. And Rena is someone special to me.”

Jurina hoped her explanation would satisfy her robot’s curiosity, but all she got in return was a questioning stare. She searched in her head a better way to explain things, a little frustrated with herself when nothing came to mind. An apologetic smile fell upon her lips and she extended her arm, gently patting the robot’s head. Alfred may be an intelligent and evolved robot, there were many things that escaped his understanding.

At the sound of the door ringing, Jurina stood up at once. Her guest had arrived. Anticipation built up at the pit of her stomach, and she went to open the door. When she locked gaze with the 26-year-old woman standing on her doorstep, her mouth curved into a large smile, happiness shining from her as she invited her in. Rena Matsui, the person she could now proudly call her girlfriend, was mesmerizingly beautiful.

As soon as the door closed behind her, their lips met, Jurina pulling her closer while Rena’s arms slipped around her neck. They hadn’t seen each other all day, and Jurina had missed the drugging sensation of Rena’s warm lips against hers. Jurina didn’t consider herself as a clingy girlfriend, but the older girl had such a magnetic effect on her that if was hard to stay away from her.

Their lips never parted as they renewed their affection with gentle kisses, neither of them showing any sign of wanting to break free. Jurina relished the contact of their lips brushing slowly against each other, and the feeling of Rena’s warm body secured in her arms. When Rena whispered her name between kisses, Jurina fluttered her eyes open, warmth spreading through her chest when the older girl ran her fingers through her black shoulder-length hair with affection.

The gesture prompted Jurina to press Rena’s body closer against hers, and she smiled into the kiss when the other girl giggled in reaction. She gave Rena one last lingering kiss before pulling away, just enough to sweep over her form in appreciation. The 26-year-old girl was wearing her familiar black trench coat, along with matching long leather boots. Ah yes, that’s right. The weather forecast had announced rain for today. However, she was a little startled to discover that her appearance was not as neat as usual.

Her long black hair was perfectly dry, but her coat showed sign of having met the rain at a few places. An amused smile moved to Jurina’s lips at the sight, and she couldn’t help but tease her. “You got a little wet.”

“I-I did,” Rena conceded, a little embarrassed. “Lately, it happened more than I would have expected.”

Jurina took a step back, giving her enough space to let her remove her coat. However, she soon noticed that something else was monopolizing Rena’s attention, as she was now looking behind her back. Startled, Jurina turned around, only to discover the one and only Alfred standing behind her. 

“This is Alfred, my humanoid robot.” Jurina shot her robot an amused look. He was looking at their new guest with great interest. “Alfred, this is Rena.”

Rena approached and kneeled in front of him, smiling as she shook his hand. “Hi Alfred. Nice to meet you.”

The robot didn’t reply to the friendly greeting, and Jurina arched an eyebrow. Alfred was a polite and well-behaved robot, and his silence confused her. Had he not heard her? Was there a problem with his audition? His sight seemed to work perfectly fine, considering how intensely he was staring at their guest.

“Mistress Rena…”

Jurina didn’t believe her ears at the dreamy tone in her robot’s metallic voice. Since she acquired him three years ago, never had she distinguished such a peculiar and strong fluctuation in his voice. She didn’t even know his program was capable of it. And, for some odd reason, it appeared that the presence of their new guest had triggered this unusual response.

“Please don’t hesitate if you need anything.” The robot’s big blue eyes were transfixed on Rena as he held her hand back tightly. “I’m at your entire service.”

Jurina met her girlfriend’s hesitant look. Rena was taken aback by her robot’s strange behavior and his sudden devotion to her. Rena’s mouth opened and closed a few times, her eyes flickering back and forth between Jurina and the robot, not knowing how to react to the small robot that refused to let go of her hand.

Jurina smiled at the amusing scene unfolding in front of her, now having a good hunch of what might be happening. As curious as it may seem, Alfred had purely and simply fallen under the charm of their guest. To be honest, she did wonder how Alfred would react to meeting her girlfriend for the first time. In the end, it appeared she had nothing to fear. Alfred was completely fond of her.

“Alfred.” Jurina intervened, when the robot showed no sign of wishing to separate himself from Rena. “Can you go and prepare the food?”

The pair of blue eyes that had been captivated by the woman in front of him paid attention to her. For an instant, Jurina wondered if he was going to obey, as he didn’t move an inch. Thankfully, Jurina didn’t have to repeat herself, as he produced a small sound of agreement and his small mechanical white fingers slowly let go of Rena’s hand.

Rena raised to her feet, her gaze following the robot moving towards the kitchen. “Your humanoid robot seems nice and very curious. Is there any specific reason why he called me Mistress?”

“Ah, that…” Jurina cleared her throat in discomfort.

Rena’s question was legitimate. It was a respectful term only used by robots to call their owners. Aside from herself, never had he called anyone in that way until today. Jurina was starting to get an idea of what might be going on inside her robot’s head. Not only Alfred already seemed particularly attached to their guest, Jurina wondered if he hadn’t convinced himself that Rena was not just a passing visitor, but she would soon become a permanent resident.

Jurina didn’t believe to have said anything to give him such an impression. Every time she chatted with her robot and answered his overflow of questions regarding the development of her relationship with Rena, he acted far too impatient and eager to see things moving forward between them. Jurina didn’t feel at ease sharing with Rena her robot’s strange and embarrassing behavior. She preferred to play it safe, even if it meant having to tell a small white lie.

“I have no idea why he said that. Alfred is a robot full of surprises.” Jurina made sure her tone sounded convincing enough to conceal the truth. Judging by Rena’s reaction, her explanation had satisfied her enough, not detecting an ounce of doubt within Rena’s small brown orbs when the latter smiled and leaned closer to give her a kiss.


Jurina was tossing and turning on the sofa, unable to sleep. A small groan left her lips in frustration and she fluttered her eyes open, casting a look at the digital clock on the wall. 00:22. Way past her usual bedtime. Why on earth couldn’t she find sleep? Ah, that’s right. She couldn’t sleep because her head was filled with thoughts of Rena. Her girlfriend whom she had invited over tonight and was currently sleeping in her bedroom.

Jurina closed her eyes shut, much in vain. Not only couldn’t she stop thinking about her, she didn’t feel sleepy at all. Pushing the bedcover aside, she took a seat on the sofa, pondering on finding an occupation. Maybe it would tire her enough to put her to sleep? While thinking of a potential activity that could do the trick, Jurina’s keen hearing perceived the sound of little feet moving on the floor.

Jurina blinked, discovering that her robot had left his loading station by the television and was approaching her position on the sofa. Despite the darkness surrounding her, his large blue eyes glowed in the night. “Can’t sleep, Mistress?” Alfred raised his left arm and opened his hand. “Please take this pill. It will help you fall asleep.”

Jurina was touched by her robot’s thoughtful attention, but shook her head negatively at the blue pill he was showing to her. With that powerful pill, great invention of the last decade, you could fall asleep in less than ten seconds. And without any side effects. Under other circumstances, she would have considered his offer. In the past, she had already used that miraculous pill more times than she could count.

Tonight, she decided to pass, hoping for sleep to claim her naturally. “Thank you, but I don’t want to use it. I just need to find another way to occupy my mind.”

Alfred closed his mechanical hand, but didn’t leave her side. “Can I ask you a question, Mistress?”

Jurina frowned a little. What could her robot want to ask her at such a time? It was past midnight. A time very unusual for a series of questions. However, she had to admit the distraction was appreciated. Maybe a little chat was all she needed to fall into Morpheus’s arms? “Yes, what is it?”

“Why are you not sleeping in your bed? I’ve been trying to understand since 10:22 p.m. what logical reason you could have for offering Rena-san your bed and choosing yourself to sleep here. I couldn’t find an answer in any of my programs. I even looked it up on the network, but my research came back with no result.”

Jurina was slightly caught off guard. Lately, it appeared Alfred enjoyed asking impossible questions. At least, it definitely felt this way, as she found it more and more difficult to answer. “Rena is my guest,” Jurina whispered, making sure to keep her voice low enough to not accidentally wake up the other girl sleeping in the bedroom. “It’s common curtesy to offer your guest the best accommodation possible. It wouldn’t be considered proper to have her sleep on the sofa.”

Jurina left out the fact that she wouldn’t be capable of keeping her hands to herself very long if she shared a bed with her girlfriend. After being at her service for more than three years, there was no doubt that Alfred was aware of every single one of her tastes and habits. However, if there’s one thing she was not ready to share with him, it was her carnal desires and sexual urges.

Alfred seemed to meditate her reply, but Jurina could guess he was not over with the subject. A prediction that got confirmed when he spoke again. “Don’t you want to sleep with Rena-san?”

“Of course, I want to sleep with her.” The answer left Jurina’s lips naturally, before widening her eyes in shock at how it sounded. Her innocent robot only meant it in the literal sense, but she thought it wiser to reformulate. “I mean, of course I want to share a bed with her,” she corrected, relieved when it seemed by Alfred’s unfazed look that he truly didn’t catch the double meaning. “But it’s something quite… intimate. Both parties need to agree and feel comfortable enough about it.”

“Mistress has never shared a bed with Rena-san before,” Alfred stated, to which Jurina confirmed with a nod. “But I’m sure Rena-san wouldn’t mind if you joined her. After all, Mistress and Rena-san engaged in a lot of intimate activities after dinner. I even fear Mistress missed most of the movie, which is a real shame as Alfred happened to find it very entertaining.”

Her robot’s tone was nothing but genuine, but Jurina felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Now, she was conscious to have been far too distracted by her girlfriend’s presence to pay attention to her robot’s whereabouts. In fact, Jurina didn’t even recall seeing Alfred around when she had suggested a movie to Rena, and they had comfortably settled on the sofa to watch it. She was convinced to have told him that she wouldn’t need his assistance for the rest of the evening, but it appeared her humanoid robot had not gone very far after all.

She and Rena hadn’t done more than kissing, yet she was embarrassed by the thought that her robot was present and witnessed everything. Jurina was still processing the news when she caught the sound of the bedroom’s door opening. She didn’t have the opportunity to react that her robot had preceded her, his eyes widening as he glanced over her shoulder in the direction of the bedroom. Without warning, he turned around, disappearing from her sight as fast as his little feet could carry him.

Jurina followed his flee in amusement as he retreated to the charging station, the light of his glowing blue eyes fading in the darkness. The green light located on the right side of his neck turned red, indicating that the robot had disactivated himself. When bare foot sounded on the floor behind her, Jurina forgot all about her loyal servant, and glanced up when Rena appeared beside the sofa. Jurina had not a clue what prompted her to leave the bedroom at such a late time of the night, but a part of her was pleased by the unexpected visit.

“I can’t sleep,” Rena confessed.

Jurina gave her a concerned look. “Is something wrong? Are you cold? There’s a switch by the side of the bed to adjust the temperature. It will heat the bed in a few seconds.”

“Yes, I know. But no, that’s not it…” Rena smiled faintly.

Rena’s fingers were tapping lightly against the side of the sofa, her eyes firmly set on her the whole time. Rena’s behavior unsettled her a little. Why did she say that she couldn’t sleep? Was something troubling her? And what about the long and lingering gaze her girlfriend was sending her, giving her the strong impression that she was expecting something from her?

Rena’s feet moved forward and she walked around the sofa. Jurina detected her intention to sit and she scooted further away, Rena taking a seat beside her and slipping her hand inside hers the following moment. They shared a smile, and Jurina gave her hand a light squeeze, lacing their fingers together. Jurina couldn’t help it; she took advantage of the proximity to capture Rena’s lips.

The older girl returned the kiss, but Jurina couldn’t shake the odd feeling that something was not right. Rena was unusually tense, and Jurina slowly broke the kiss to look at her. Rena was a confident woman who knew what she wanted, and never hesitated before making a decision. In fact, it was part of this aspect of her personality that got Jurina attracted to her in the first place. But, right now, Rena’s body language spoke louder than words. Something was clearly bothering her.

“This doesn’t feel right. You shouldn’t be sleeping here.”

Jurina’s eyes flared wide with surprise, getting a better grasp of the situation. Earlier on, Rena had not protested when she had offered her to sleep in the bedroom, even if her small hesitant look hadn’t gone unnoticed. Jurina had not thought too much of it, convinced to be doing the right thing, and simply made sure her girlfriend was well settled in for the night when she turned the lights off.

Jurina was about to explain why she had opted for this arrangement, when a pair of lips fell upon hers. Closing her eyes, Jurina let out a moan, granting Rena’s silent wish when she nibbled on her lower lip. Parting her lips, the kiss deepened, their tongues touching and dancing together.

Jurina snaked an arm around Rena’s waist, massaging Rena’s back through the thin fabric of her tee-shirt. Rena’s kisses were becoming more demanding, much to Jurina’s delight. She secretly enjoyed it when the older girl took the lead, which happened more and more frequently these past few weeks. Was it her imagination, or her girlfriend was even being bolder than usual tonight?

When Rena broke their heated kiss, Jurina was grateful for the small respite, allowing her to catch some air and get a better hold of her emotions. A flicker of doubt made her anxious, asking herself if it wasn’t wiser to stop before the situation escalated. They had only been dating for a month, and Jurina feared the other girl might not be ready to bring their relationship to the next level.

Jurina never made it a secret; she had had a few lovers in the past. One girl in college mattered especially to her, up to the point that after two years of dating, Jurina imagined a possible future with her. Fate decided otherwise. One evening, Jurina caught the girl she loved the most in the world in bed with someone else, the infidelity shattering her heart into pieces. Time had passed, and her heart had eventually mended, opening up to new opportunities. She had had a few flings, but nothing serious, and it wasn’t until her encounter with Rena that she decided to take another leap of faith.

Jurina didn’t doubt the sincerity of Rena’s feelings for her, but she couldn’t forget that she was experimenting all those emotions for the first time. One evening, the CEO had admitted that this was her very first relationship. Jurina received the revelation with surprise, but she wasn’t put off by her inexperience. She had already fallen too deeply in love with Rena to care any less.

Jurina jolted out of her thoughts when the older girl extracted herself from the embrace and raised from the sofa. When Rena extended her hand, Jurina gave her a small perplexed look. “Come. I refuse to let you sleep here.”

Jurina swallowed hard, conflicted. A part of her wanted to get up and accept the tempting invitation, but another wasn’t sure that they were on the same page. Refusing to let any form of misunderstanding come between them, she decided it was best to be honest with her. “I want to follow you,” Jurina said, the pull to take that offered hand becoming harder to resist as the seconds went by. “But I’m not sure we are both ready for the same thing.”

Silence enveloped them, and Jurina felt a small pang in her chest when she saw the older girl withdrawing her hand. She took it as an evident sign that Rena had understood her intentions were anything but pure, and was declining them. Jurina forced a smile, not wishing to be alarmed by the rejection. After all, it had only been a month. She simply needed to be a little more patient, which she was more than willing to do for someone she believed to be completely worth it. Having Rena’s heart and being by her side already made her the happiest person alive.

“I’m sorry,” Rena murmured.

Jurina shook her head, refusing to let her feel guilty. “Why are you apologizing? It’s fine. There’s no rush. Why don’t you go back to bed? Try to relax and empty your head, I’m sure you’ll fall asleep again.”

“No, that’s not why I’m apologizing. I’m apologizing because I shouldn’t have let you sleep here in the first place.”

Rena took her hand, giving it a light, decided tug. The invitation was silently renewed, the explicit desire dancing in her girlfriend’s eyes destroying Jurina’s last shred of resistance. Jurina nodded and intertwined their fingers, following the older girl as she slowly led them to the bedroom. As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, their lips reconnected, wishing to express in every kiss, touch and caress their mutual affection and attraction. There was no haste in their actions while they removed their clothes, taking time to look at each other and savor the special moment.

Once no more piece of clothing covered them, they slid under the sheets and Jurina slowly moved on top of her, struck by the vulnerability displayed when Rena’s body trembled underneath her touch. It didn’t matter how confident Rena proved to be on a daily basis, especially when she assumed the role of CEO of one of the leading companies in the country. Right now, she was in unknown territory, and Jurina imagined how frightening it had to be to not be in control.

Jurina gave a nervous swallow and tenderly cupped Rena’s cheek, brushing her lips lightly with her own. Nothing she could say would ever be enough to fully erase the apprehension that had appeared in the depth of Rena’s brown eyes. The moment was too important, too anticipated to achieve such a miracle. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t going to do everything in her capacity to make sure Rena kept the most pleasant memories of her first time.

Jurina kissed her neck and shoulders while she caressed her whole body with gentle hands, not missing a single spot. She worshipped the flawless skin she was discovering and touching for the first time, so intimately yet so carefully and gently. She could feel Rena’s heart pounding beneath her palm, matching her own. She slowly caressed and kissed her breasts, Jurina’s pulse fluttering when Rena’s breathing became shallow and a few moans of pleasure escaped her quivering lips.

Jurina slid one hand between Rena’s thighs and gently parted them, tasting the waters. Rena’s chest was rising and falling with rapid intakes of breath, and she was now gazing at her a little apprehensively. Jurina gave her a soft, reassuring smile and cradled her face between her hands, feeling a deep sense of love and admiration for the woman secured in her arms. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” She whispered softly against her lips, and Rena’s eyes gleamed with sudden emotion.

Rena opened her mouth to speak, but as words seemed to fail her, her mouth instead captured hers in a soft and gentle kiss. They shared long slow melting kisses, Jurina feeling Rena reaching for her hand and progressively guiding it back on her thigh. Jurina fluttered her eyes open, understanding the silent invitation conveyed. She kissed her again with all the love she could impart from her soul and her hand descended, rubbing against the soft curls there, tentatively exploring. Very gently, she probed her entrance with her finger, parting her folds so she could settle her fingertips inside. Little by little, with no haste, after a few gentle attempts, she broke the fragile barrier and entered her wetness.

An anticipated cry was muffled against her shoulder and Jurina paused her progression, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. She wrapped her body into her protective arms, wishing to reassure her that she had nothing to fear. Taking her time, Jurina planted a kiss on her hair, then on her cheek, on her nose, and then her kisses trailed slowly to her mouth. She felt her girlfriend beginning to relax, allowing her to invade her mouth, moving with her at the pace she set, giving in once more to her control.

Jurina’s hand fondled her wetness gently, transforming her pain in moans of pleasure. Jurina stroked her more deeply, gliding her finger back and forth inside her to explore her soft, hot flesh. Rena moaned and squeezed her, and Jurina felt a flash of joy nearly as intense as the pleasure she was getting from making love to her.

At each stroke, Rena moaned a long-draw-out sigh of pleasure, and Jurina felt Rena’s body respond eagerly, knowing that she was close to her release. Jurina felt her walls clenching and tightening around her finger, and she added a second digit, guessing the beginning of her climax as she breathed her name, and she pushed her over the edge. When she tensed and rocked against her, she knew she was close. She gave her more, increasing the speed of her strokes, heightening the pleasure.

Rena cried out, and Jurina kept her fingers inside, letting her feel everything as she rode out her orgasm. As Rena clung to her, still rocked by the intensity of her climax, Jurina’s heart was beating erratically, realizing that her most perfect fantasy of all was well within reach. Shuddering in her arms was someone she loved with all her heart; Rena brought her a sense of peace and belonging she didn’t believe she would ever feel again. Jurina lifted her head and when Rena opened her eyes, smiled down at her, witnessing the emotion and pleasure bright in Rena’s eyes. Jurina moved her lips tenderly against hers, her eyes moistening with happiness as she refused to ignore her instincts. Now more than ever, she was absolutely sure of it. She had found the one in the person of Rena Matsui.

Version edited on August 20, 2019.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 06:47:16 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2016, 08:25:40 AM »
Oh wow it's only a month and they already.......  (I'll stop there  :shy2: :shy2:)

Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #46 on: December 17, 2016, 11:59:38 AM »
1. ALFRED YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!!!  :onioncheer:



Offline minami_24

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #47 on: December 17, 2016, 12:03:52 PM »
I really like Alfred in this chapter  :fap :w00t:
Alfred i'm your fans  :nervous

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2016, 05:20:26 PM »
OMG… Alfred was too cute in this chapter!  :k-inlove: I really enjoyed his appearance. He was not only being very attentive and curious, he also cared about his mistress so much.

“Mistress, you’re behaving strangely this evening,” Alfred affirmed as he came to stand in front of her and gazed at her curiously. “Are you sick? Do you need medicine?”


“Can’t sleep, mistress?” The little robot asked in concern, raising his left arm and presenting to her the content inside his hand. “You can take this sleeping pill if you wish. You’ll fall asleep instantly.”
He is sweet.  :luvluv1:

“It’s now the third time you’re checking everything is right in place,” the robot reminded her. “If you’re not sick, then does it mean you don’t trust Alfred?”
And now I know he has a sensitive side, too, which makes him even cuter haha!

I actually laughed during the part when Alfred said Rena's name in the dreamy tone and when he couldn't let go of Rena's hand. (It's Rena's effect, I don't blame him.) I also couldn't help but giggling when he asked Jurina why she didn't share the same bed with Rena.

“Why are you not sleeping in your bed?” Alfred asked. “I’ve been trying to understand since 10.22 PM what logical reason you could have for offering Rena-san your bed and choosing yourself to sleep here, but I could not find an answer in any of my programs.”

Alfred was just pure like spring water in the mountain, and I like it when he tilted his head slightly to the side when he didn't understand something.
I will make sure that 34 years from now - in 2050 - I buy one robot like Alfred.  :cool1:

Jurina and Rena's relationship is moving fast to the next step. Unlike Rena, Jurina had some ex-es before. Will one of them show up eventually? :on blackhole:

I KNOW RIGHT.  :shy1:

Thank you for the update, Sophcaro-san. I really enjoyed this chapter.  :luvuluvu:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2016, 02:23:00 PM »

Oh wow it's only a month and they already.......  (I'll stop there  :shy2: :shy2:)

They already what? I have no idea what you're talking about   :mon misch:


Good thing they don't have to wake up early on a Sunday anyway! Plenty of time to share a bed  :grin:

1. ALFRED YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!!!  :onioncheer:

I really like Alfred in this chapter  :fap :w00t:
Alfred i'm your fan  :nervous

OMG… Alfred was too cute in this chapter!  :k-inlove: I really enjoyed his appearance. He was not only being very attentive and curious, he also cared about his mistress so much.

Alfred is one cute robot, right? I love him too  :wub:

I actually laughed during the part when Alfred said Rena's name in the dreamy tone and when he couldn't let go of Rena's hand. (It's Rena's effect, I don't blame him.)

Yep. Rena has that kind of effect on humans AND robots too   8)

Alfred was just pure like spring water in the mountain

I think that sums up pretty well Alfred's personality  :lol:

Jurina and Rena's relationship is moving fast to the next step. Unlike Rena, Jurina had some ex-es before. Will one of them show up eventually?

No Jurina's ex will play a major role in this story, don't worry about that  ;)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:36:48 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 6 (17/12/2016)
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2016, 07:00:01 PM »
Okay just finished marathon reading this.

Hahahaha can someone create alfred for real  :lol:
Why it call rena as mistress too? Isn't it weird?

Lol jurina being cautious over how to progress the relationship.

And hey churi is pregnant! XD
I adore churi so thinking about her pregnancy is quite happy moment for me (though it just fic) hahaha 😁

Anyway, merry Christmas soph! Have a nice holiday and time for family 😊😊
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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2017, 01:07:43 AM »


Jurina stirred at the sound of the radio playing in the bedroom, the music slowly waking her up from her peaceful slumber. Despite knowing today was a workday, her body was reluctant to leave the comfort of her cozy bed, even less the warm embrace of her girlfriend. It only took Jurina a few seconds to recognize the old song playing, the lyrics of Sinatra’s lively song resonating within her.

I've got you under my skin

I have got you, deep in the heart of me

So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me

I've got you under my skin

Oh, yes; Rena had managed to get under her skin. She and Rena had been together for six months, their relationship taking a step further when she moved in Rena’s house a month ago. Despite being located in Denenchofu – one of Tokyo’s wealthiest residential neighborhoods – it wasn’t as modern or robotized as you could expect. In fact, Denenchofu was a quiet and green residential area, void of the excessive technology you could find in Tokyo and other surrounding wealthy suburbs.

Jurina didn’t regret leaving behind her apartment in Ginza. She didn’t consider herself as a materialistic person, and had only started occupying the place when she got hired by Matsui Corporation. Before that, she would constantly move from one place to another, depending on her next job’s location.

Jurina was a person who valued punctuality above all, but this morning, she certainly didn’t wish to get up. Blindly reaching for the alarm-clock that had disturbed her sleep, she put an end to the music, the bedroom plunging again into a pleasant silence. Jurina didn’t detect any sound or movement behind her, reassured that the music hadn’t woken up her girlfriend. Believing she could afford a few more minutes of sleep, she made herself comfortable in Rena’s arms again.

Jurina began to drift off, her keen hearing soon perceiving the sound of the mattress shifting beside her. “We should get up if we don’t want to be late…”

Despite Rena’s reminder that they couldn’t stay lazily in bed as they enjoyed doing during the week-end, a smile of content grazed her lips when a tender kiss was placed on her cheek. How could Jurina desire to get out of bed when she was feeling so relaxed? A little voice inside her head was taunting her to find a clever way to buy herself time. “I think my employer will be lenient if I arrive a few minutes late.”

Rena laughed softly. “You seem so confident. Why do you believe your employer will make an exception for you?”

Jurina distinguished the light teasing in Rena’s voice, and she smiled, turning around to face her. Her gaze fell upon the pair of small brown orbs that she adored so much, and she claimed Rena’s lips in a morning kiss. Releasing a blissful sigh, she swept over Rena’s form in unconcealed appreciation. From her flawless and feminine delicate features, to her long shiny black hair falling down her chest, Jurina found herself enchanted by her girlfriend’s natural beauty. Even at 8 a.m. in the morning, with tired eyes and messy hair, she found her as adorable as ever.

Jurina fondled a few strands of her hair, wrapping her arm around Rena’s waist underneath the bedsheet, her gaze wandering over Rena’s V-neck red night dress. It was the first time she was wearing it, having it bought last week-end during an afternoon of shopping. In 2050, physical clothing shops were few and far, and gave way to the progressive dominance of online stores. Jurina was used to ordering clothes on a virtual catalogue, but her girlfriend remained a little old-fashioned on the subject, refusing to buy anything she hadn’t touched and tried on beforehand.

It had been an afternoon of fruitful shopping to say the least, during which Jurina had accompanied her and not hesitated confessing how beautiful she looked in this night dress when Rena asked for her opinion.

A part of her wanted to go further in the compliment by saying that the close-fitting satin nightdress was highlighting her girlfriend’s slim curves, but she thought it best to keep such thoughts to herself in the presence of the female sales assistant. No, Rena didn’t just look beautiful; she looked incredibly sexy. At some point, Jurina wondered if her admirative expression didn’t betray her thoughts. Indeed, she didn’t miss Rena’s amused, knowing look when she went back inside the fitting room to change.   

Going back to the present time, Jurina cuddled her, letting her palm caress and travel down the back of Rena’s nightdress. If there was one thing she couldn’t deny, it was how much she appreciated the sensation of the soft, silky fabric underneath her fingertips. However, what caught the most Jurina’s attention, was the wicked gleam appearing in the depth of Rena’s brown orbs.

Jurina smiled inwardly at the pair of eyes staring at her lips intently, not surprised when they got captured in a lingering kiss. She paused her exploration to follow her lead, kissing her back, noting in mild amusement that her girlfriend didn’t seem in a hurry to get out of bed anymore. Jurina resumed her caress of her lover’s body, venturing lower to her waist, then to her thighs, and slipped a hand underneath Rena’s nightdress.

A first, she felt contented with caressing her body, her palm gliding over the bare skin of Rena’s leg and thigh, but soon realized it wasn’t satisfying enough. Wishing for more access, she couldn’t help but slowly pull the nightdress upwards. It was an impossible task to keep her hands to herself. Rena was so beautiful and attractive. The pull to revisit her girlfriend’s body and map her skin with kisses and caresses was strong to resist, even more when the other girl was not trying to calm her ardor in the slightest.

The caress of Rena’s lips on her mouth set her aflame, Jurina's calm shattered with the hunger of her kisses. While she still had an ounce of lucidity within her, Jurina searched her mind if the CEO of Matsui Corporation was supposed to have an early meeting this morning, but had difficulty recalling her girlfriend’s schedule for the day. In the end, she didn’t even need to ask, as the older girl whispered between kisses the answer to her unspoken question. “I think we can be a little late.”

Jurina chuckled to herself, submitting to the older girl when she got pushed against the mattress. Did Rena have the ability to read her mind? Because lately, it surely looked like she could read her like an open book. No, the CEO had no reunion to attend. Otherwise, she would have prevented the situation from escalating, and wouldn’t be proceeding with her sexual ministrations with such fervor. Rena’s lips flickered over the nape of her neck with hot desire, Jurina moaning softly when she playfully nibbled on her left earlobe.

Jurina claimed her lips, kissing her devouringly, not wasting time in tugging at the waistband of Rena’s panties. When her fingers got in contact with her girlfriend’s most private part, heat spread out from her lower abdomen, turned on by the slick wetness. It was all the invitation she needed to pull off her underwear, groaning when Rena’s hand slipped inside her pants and stroked her intimately. Whimpers of pleasure filled the air as they lost themselves completely to the throes of passion and made love to each other.


Jurina walked down the stairs, noticing Alfred gazing at her with an upset look from the bottom of the staircase. Her personal robot didn’t even greet her as he normally did every single morning, instead staring at her in disapproval. Jurina frowned a little at his strange behavior, asking herself what she could have possibly done wrong to trigger such a negative reaction from him.

Jurina caught the sound of familiar footsteps descending the stairs behind her, and the arrival of the second mistress of the house prompted the little robot to speak up. “You are late, Mistress,” Alfred said, his big blue eyes firmly set on Jurina. “I prepared breakfast fifteen minutes ago, but you didn’t come down.”

“Oh, we…” Jurina cleared her throat, unease filling her. She quickly searched her brain for a good excuse, trying to find an astute way to justify their tardiness while leaving out the true reason. “We didn’t hear the alarm-clock. I suppose we were really sound asleep.”

Alfred emitted a sound of protest. “That’s why Alfred should be waking you up. Mistress was never late before you decided to change your morning habits and replace me with that outdated machine.”

Jurina grimaced, his declaration only serving in reminding her that her faithful servant was having difficulty adjusting to certain changes in their daily life. Contrary to Jurina who quickly and easily fit in Rena’s house, not the same could be said about him. Alfred was used to Rena’s presence and Jurina could tell by the way he interacted with her that he was extremely fond of her. However, the minimal use of technology in Rena’s house disturbed the small robot tremendously.

At a very early stage of their relationship, Jurina became aware of her girlfriend’s reluctance to accept the excessive robotization of their society. She had accepted that aspect of her personality, but it was another matter altogether when it came to Alfred. Jurina would never forget his blatant disappointment when he entered the house for the first time and discovered there was no other humanoid robot like him.

Jurina was even frightened Rena wouldn’t accept the cohabitation with the little robot. After a few hesitant and cautious meetings, Jurina witnessed in front of her very own eyes the relationship evolving in a positive way between her girlfriend and her humanoid companion. The CEO interacted with him with ease, and Jurina could tell she had grown genuinely attached to him. But having a robot at home permanently was an important decision not to be taken lightly. 

Rena never minded the robot’s presence when she came to visit her at her apartment. But was she ready to accept him into her home?

Jurina’s fears proved to be unfounded. When she had asked Rena, with a flicker of apprehension, if she was fine with her bringing him to her house, Rena had not opposed the slightest resistance. It had taken a few weeks for everyone to get accustomed to the new living arrangement, and Jurina could state that it was now going very well. Well, except for a few obvious points of disagreement, the robot’s replacement with a vintage alarm-clock being one of the issues he refused to get over.

For three years, Alfred had been the one to wake her up. Each morning, he would come into her bedroom and stand by the side of the bed, announcing the time with his calm metallic voice. Soon after, the radio would start playing in the air, and Jurina had always been satisfied with this daily routine. However, things couldn’t be the same anymore now that Rena had entered her life.

Not only the older girl was greatly attached to her old but still functional alarm-clock, Alfred’s tendency to barge into the bedroom whenever he seemed fit caused a great deal of problems. Jurina would always remember that particular morning when he had entered the bedroom, catching them both naked in a very compromising situation. Jurina couldn’t be mad at him for walking in unannounced. For three years, he had been allowed to walk in her apartment freely without any restriction.

Alfred didn’t seem shocked or ill-at-ease when confronted with both their nakedness. After all, he had seen her naked more times than Jurina could count. What could she say? Jurina never felt the need to be modest around him. As of Rena, it was a different issue. That day, she had let out a loud shriek at the robot’s apparition, covering herself with the bedsheet with blinding speed. Jurina found the situation so comical, that she had to refrain herself from laughing when she gently asked her robot to leave the room.

After that incident, Jurina knew she needed to make her robot understand that he couldn’t walk into her bedroom unannounced anymore. One evening, when she came back from work, she took a seat on the sofa to have a long chat with him. Her confused robot didn’t seem to fully comprehend the reason behind this new house rule, but he accepted it nevertheless as the obedient robot that he was.

“I’m sorry that we’re late.” Rena jumped into the conversation, and slowly kneeled in front of the robot. “We got a little carried away, and didn’t pay attention to the time. Don’t worry about it. We’ll eat what you prepared for us.”

Jurina was amazed by the impact Rena’s soothing voice always had on her robot’s mood and attitude. One minute ago, he was staring at her with unconceiled disappointment. And now, his attention was entirely monopolized by the woman who had placed a gentle kiss on top of his head. That’s why Jurina wasn’t truly surprised when his expression changed drastically, and he emitted a sound of content at Rena’s affectionate gesture.

“No, Mistress Rena. I refuse to let you eat cold food. Your devoted servant will serve you a proper breakfast.”

None of them had time to argue that the robot had already turned on his heels, running in the direction of the kitchen as if the fate of the entire world relied upon his shoulders. Jurina distinguished the amusement mingled with fondness in Rena’s eyes as she watched him drawing away, confirming once more that she had fully accepted and embraced the arrival of this special member into her life.

“I’m a bit jealous,” Jurina groaned teasingly. “You’re beginning to have more influence on him than I do.”

Rena laughed, shaking her head in disapproval. “You’re his one and only mistress.” She embraced her and planted a kiss on Jurina’s cheek, while keeping an eye from afar on the robot hard at work in the kitchen. “You have created such a strong and unique bond with him. If you were not in his life anymore, I don’t know if he would be capable of functioning.”

Jurina knew what she was referring to. She had heard of a few strange stories too. It appeared that in rare situations, some domestic robots had completely stopped functioning when separated from their owner. In one case, the owner’s long journey abroad had triggered his robot stayed behind at home to stop working. In another case, the robot had turned himself off at the sudden death of his owner.

Jurina had never witnessed in person such a behavior. In fact, the logical side of her brain was telling her that it was probably only the consequence of unexpected glitches in their programs, or a simple dysfunction enhanced by the robots’ advance age. In all cases, the robots had been at their owners’ side for a very long period of time. And it had been proved that robots worked far less efficiently once they reached their tenth year of existence.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Jurina assured her, giving her an affectionate look. “You believe me, right?”

Rena’s lips curved in a slow smile of pleasure, and she pressed her mouth to hers. “Of course, I believe you.”

They both turned to follow their robot’s whereabouts, chuckling at the conscientiousness he put in every one of his actions. For Jurina, the idea that a robot could, due to some deep and emotional connection to their owner, be so affected by the separation that he would stop working, seemed a little hard to believe. However, if there was one thing Jurina couldn’t deny, it was as much she adored her devoted companion. As long as she would be on this earth, she promised herself to always look over him.

Version edited on August 20, 2019.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 02:03:55 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
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- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2017, 05:19:19 AM »
Oh Alfred why are you so cute  :nya: :nya:

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2017, 11:25:59 PM »
Alfred is soo cute!

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2017, 10:48:06 AM »
Alfred you'r so cuteee as always  :lol:

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2017, 01:32:37 PM »
Wow.. Jurina moved to Rena's house! That's really something. step closer to you-know-what.  :hee:

And yes, Alfred was innocently cute as always. I'm happy that he moved to Rena's house too. But I could
feel he was a bit sad that his morning routine with Jurina changed a little. He couldn't go to Jurina and Rena's bedroom any time.
AND he felt he was being replaced by an old alarm-clock.  :on cloudeye:

Wait, did I say Alfred had FEELINGS? :OMG:

I felt something though in the end part of the chapter. It's like...Jurina would go somewhere far.  :cool2:

Ps. Can I bring the cute little Alfred to my place?  :tantrum:
Pps. Can I have a boss like Rena? She wouldn't mind if I came to work late.

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2017, 04:26:09 AM »
I love the way Alfred called the alarm clock "an outdated machine" he sounded so upset  :hiakhiakhiak:
Now that they live together, I can imagine they will always go to work together hand in hand awwww  :tntrm:

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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 7 (10/01/2017)
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2017, 04:02:04 PM »

Oh Alfred why are you so cute  :nya: :nya:

Alfred is soo cute!

Alfred you'r so cuteee as always  :lol:

I think Alfred needs his spin-off  :lol:

Wow.. Jurina moved to Rena's house! That's really something. step closer to you-know-what.  :hee:

Yes, I think I know  :P

And yes, Alfred was innocently cute as always. I'm happy that he moved to Rena's house too. But I could
feel he was a bit sad that his morning routine with Jurina changed a little. He couldn't go to Jurina and Rena's bedroom any time.
AND he felt he was being replaced by an old alarm-clock.  :on cloudeye:
Wait, did I say Alfred had FEELINGS? :OMG:

Could it be?  ;)

I felt something though in the end part of the chapter. It's like...Jurina would go somewhere far.  :cool2:


I love the way Alfred called the alarm clock "an outdated machine" he sounded so upset  :hiakhiakhiak:

He definitely was unhappy!  :angry:

Now that they live together, I can imagine they will always go to work together hand in hand awwww  :tntrm:

I'm not quite sure about that, but what's certain is that Jurina will never forget her umbrella anymore  :grin:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:37:18 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
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Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 8 (23/01/2017)
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2017, 02:15:19 PM »


Rena didn’t know how to interpret Jurina’s strange behavior when they made their way to the office. Since the moment they woke up, Rena could tell something was off with her girlfriend. Not only she spoke very few words, it was evident she was stressed. When she witnessed those signs, Rena questioned her in concern, the latter brushing it off with a small nervous look. Nothing serious, Jurina assured her. This morning, she had a lot on her mind because of the monthly meeting regarding the advancement of the time machine.

Rena chose not to insist – remembering indeed the important meeting was supposed to happen this morning – even though she couldn’t shake the feeling that Jurina wasn’t telling her the entire truth. To add to her skepticism, she recalled vividly the short conversation that took place between Jurina and her robot before leaving the house. Rena was waiting patiently a few feet away for the other girl to finish her chat with him, and the very last words they exchanged brought a frown to her face. Even though she was too far to catch the whole conversation, she still managed to catch snatches of it, and heard Jurina asking Alfred to wish her luck.

Wish her luck? But for what?

Rena’s first thought was to assume that it was related to the time machine. Had Jurina managed to make significant advancements lately? An incredible breakthrough she wished to announce later at the office? Rena couldn’t fathom what else it could possibly be. At some point, she almost broached the subject but refrained herself at the last minute, guessing Jurina had a good reason for not telling her. Maybe she wished to make it a surprise? If that was the case, then she was going to act completely clueless, and let the other girl announce it when she deemed the time was right.

This morning, the sky was cloudy and dark, and Rena was more than grateful for her mini-collapsible umbrella when droplets of water started to fall in the streets in Tokyo. It wasn’t much and she didn’t believe things would escalate further than that, but she placed nevertheless the umbrella above their heads as soon as it started to rain. Of course, Jurina had all-forgotten about the mixed weather when they left home. Not that she expected any less.

Jurina was a very reliable person, whether in the workplace or in her personal life. However, if there was one item Rena knew she couldn’t dispose of, it was her faithful mini-collapsible umbrella. After three months of living under the same roof, one thing became more than obvious: she absolutely couldn’t trust Jurina when it came to the weather forecast. Didn’t she pay attention, or didn’t she really care? Up to that day, Rena still didn’t have a clear explanation.

When they entered one of the elevators at Matsui Corporation, Rena was starting to seriously doubt the credibility of her theory regarding her girlfriend’s peculiar behavior. They had a morning routine. Each time they found themselves alone in the elevator – which was now the case, as many people had descended at the previous floors – Jurina wouldn’t wait to engage in a conversation with her, flirt with her and kiss her. Not this time. In fact, Jurina was keeping her distance and looking anywhere but at her – visibly finding the change of floors numbers very interesting – and appeared increasingly more restless, her fingertips tapping frequently against the handrail of the elevator.

The more Rena studied her, the more she was convinced it couldn’t be related to the time machine. Not once since the younger girl joined the company, had she seen her acting so nervous because of work-related matters. In the professional field, Jurina was a confident person. Now fearing something serious may have happened to her on a personal level, Rena couldn’t help but get really worried. Somehow, she could sense it was an important matter. But why would her girlfriend hide something from her? At the very early stages of their relationship, they had promised to always be honest with each other.

Rena was at an impasse. Stealing a brief glance at the numbers, she noted that they were halfway through their final destination. Until now, she had chosen to keep her thoughts to herself, believing it was probably an innocent matter, but she couldn’t stay quiet any longer. If Jurina was in any kind of trouble, she needed to know.

Her mind made up, she let out a gasp of surprise when Jurina suddenly detached herself from the wall to quickly press the Stop button on the control panel. The elevator obeyed to the command and stopped at once. Rena’s heart pounded uncontrollably inside her chest, and she stared back at Jurina in complete shock. What on earth got into her? Jurina was definitely not herself. “What are you–”

“I have something important to tell you,” Jurina turned and faced her, interrupting her before she had time to formulate her question.

The moment after, Jurina decidedly stepped forward, a pair of lips brushing Rena’s cheek in kiss as Jurina laced their fingers together. Saying Rena was utterly confused by the whole situation would be the understatement of the year. She had absolutely no idea what was going on with her girlfriend. However, as she noticed the shy smile directed at her, she got the feeling that, whatever Jurina was planning on telling her, it couldn’t be as bad as she initially feared.

“Do you know how much I love you?” Jurina murmured against her ear, gently pulling her into her arms.

The gesture coupled with the affectionate words relaxed Rena a little and, regaining her composure, she smiled, pressing her lips to hers. “Of course, I do. I love you too.”

The answer seemed to satisfy her girlfriend as her mouth tugged into a broad smile of pleasure, but Rena guessed there was more to it than Jurina’s simple wish to renew her love for her. Indeed, her expression grew serious and she put a little distance between them, her tone solemn when she spoke. “Eight months ago, I arrived in Tokyo in search of an exciting new job opportunity. My goal was clear and simple: put all my abilities at the service of an incredible project, then continue on my way as soon as I would have succeeded. That’s what I’ve been doing all these years. The idea of being free from any constraints, and having no strings attached was all I desired.”

Jurina leaned her back against the elevator panel behind her, and Rena could tell by her hesitant look that she was searching the right words to continue. The CEO studied her girlfriend carefully, taking advantage of the pause to process what she had said. Nothing she had previously uttered really came as a surprise. Rena knew about Jurina’s past and her expectations of life. Moreover, she was aware that her current life philosophy was triggered by an event that occurred during her college life.

After a two-year relationship with a girl, Jurina got her heart broken when she the least expected it. That unforeseen event not only deeply affected her, it also changed her vision of life. From that day, her ambitions changed. Gone was the person who was madly in love with her girlfriend, up to the point of considering following her abroad. Jurina had put her past behind and forgiven her ex-lover, but it didn’t stop the fact that something had changed within her after that day.

Jurina was devoted to her work. Rena witnessed it on a daily basis, and welcomed that aspect of her personality. However, as the months went by and she valued Jurina’s presence by her side as both a hardworking co-worker and a passionate lover, the idea that the other girl could leave once the time machine project was over never crossed her mind. They were happy together; at least that’s what she believed. So why were Jurina’s last words making her question their future together?

“You make me so happy,” Rena broke the silence that had settled between them. Maybe she was reading too much into Jurina’s words and nervous look. Maybe what her girlfriend wanted to tell her had nothing to do with any of that. “But I will never stop you from doing what you desire.” Rena tried to sound confident, but was unable to keep the concern out of her voice at the fear of losing her. “If you want to leave the company and Tokyo once the time machine is built, I won’t stop you and will support your career choices. I will even help you, if it’s in my capacity.”

Jurina’s startled look fell upon her. “What? No, that’s not what I meant. It’s the opposite. That’s one of the things I wanted to tell you. Lately, I came to an important realization. Even when the time machine is finished, I don’t want to leave Tokyo. Because now, I believe I have a reason to stay. Am I wrong?”

Jurina’s fingers brushed her cheek tenderly and Rena held her breath in anticipation, finding herself once again enchanted by Jurina’s shy but charming smile. That beautiful smile that made it impossible for her to say no when the younger girl had asked her on a date for the very first time. “I know what I want, and what I want is you. Not for six more months, or the duration of the project. No, for much longer than that.”

Warmth spread through Rena’s chest, her eyes following Jurina’s actions as she took a step back and slipped her hand inside her vest’s left pocket. When Jurina pulled out a small square red velvet box, slowly and nervously popping it open, Rena’s heart began to race at the diamond ring.

Everything suddenly made sense. Why Jurina was acting so abnormally stressed all morning. Why she had exchanged those enigmatic words with Alfred in front of the house. And why she had chosen to hold this important conversation in such a symbolic place. Jurina’s current apprehension was palpable, and Rena was pretty sure her heart stopped when her girlfriend opened her mouth to speak. “No one makes me as happy as you do, and I want to spend my life with you. Rena Matsui, will you marry me?”

“Yes, I will!” Rena didn’t think twice and quickly reached forward to claim her lips. She could tell her girlfriend had been caught off guard by her spontaneous action, as it took her a few seconds to react and move her lips against hers. Rena pulled her into her arms and continued kissing her, her heart hammering loudly against her ribs. She was fully conscious that she was behaving far from the calm and composed person she was always praised to be, but she couldn’t care any less.

Rena never planned on getting married. In fact, it had never even been one of her ultimate goals in life. In the past, a few suitors had popped up the question, but she had always rejected them as politely and gently as possible. Until a few months ago, she was entirely satisfied with her bachelor existence. She was a successful business woman who loved her job and found comfort in the routine of her work. What else could she possibly need more? But life wasn’t a succession of events you could plan and control; it was unpredictable. And if there was one thing the CEO of Matsui Corporation surely didn’t expect in her perfectly ordered life, it was to fall in love.

Rena pulled herself slightly away from the embrace, and witnessed Jurina’s eyes dimming with trembling tears, yet glowing with a great happiness. Jurina cupped her face lightly in her palms, and Rena leaned forward to rest her forehead on hers, feeling the overflow of her own emotions. Of course, it was an important question not to take lightly, but she didn’t feel a shred a doubt. Spending her life with the girl who had captured her heart on a rainy day of March was all she desired.


It seemed bad weather was fated to accompany them in the most important moments of their life. It was a bright and shiny day of November when the couple and their guests arrived at the wedding venue, only for clouds to appear and the sky to turn misty and rainy in the middle of the afternoon. Thankfully, everyone had already taken shelter by the time droplets of water hit against the window, and the ceremony was carried out as planned, the happy couple exchanging their vows in front of their friends and loved ones.

They had managed to keep the date of their wedding private, but it didn’t take long for the news of their union to get out. In fact, by the time they were cutting the cake, the wedding of the most famous bachelorette and influential millionaire of Matsui Corporation was already making media headlines, a crowd of paparazzi defying the pouring rain in the hope to take a shot of the new happy couple.

It was without taking into account the couple’s most devoted and faithful servant, the one and only Alfred. From the moment Jurina and Rena woke up, he had taken upon himself to supervise the whole day. From double checking after the work of the staff in charge of their wedding, to carrying and bringing the rings for the anticipated moment of the exchange, the thoughtful robot had left nothing to chance.

In fact, he was the first to notice the gathering of paparazzi outside, immediately storming out to shoo them away one by one. All day, Alfred, dressed for the occasion in a handmade black wedding suit, had been praised by guests for his model conduct. The flattering compliments never failed to make him extremely proud, the robot repeating to anyone who would listen that he didn’t know why it had taken them so long to get married, having predicted such an outcome from the very first day.


A year and a few months later…

There was an undeniable apprehension at the pit of Rena’s stomach when she stepped out of the taxi and passed the clinic’s automatic front doors. As soon as she had received on her phone the alarming message from Alfred, she had excused herself from the meeting she was attending and left the office in a rush. All the way to the clinic, she couldn’t help re-reading the worrying text again and again, praying nothing bad had happened.

Rena approached and addressed the robot at the front desk, her racing heart refusing to slow down despite her best attempts to calm her nerves. Her optimistic side refused to assume the worst. This morning, when she left the house, everything was fine. However, Alfred’s alarming message was playing tricks on her mind, and she knew she needed to assess the situation in person.

“Welcome Matsui-san.” The robot said, making a brief pause to process Rena’s question. “Yes, your wife arrived at our clinic this morning. She’s is in room 222. Please take the elevators on your left and go down at the second floor.”

“Thank you,” Rena gave the robot a grateful look and moved towards the designated corridor, quickly pressing the elevator button. As she waited, as patiently as possible, for the elevator to arrive, she tried to reassure herself that Jurina was in good hands. This was the best clinic of Tokyo, and the doctors were nothing but extremely competent. Albeit those facts, she couldn’t get rid of her apprehension at the unforeseen turn of events.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Not today.

Not this week.

Not even this month!

It only took a few minutes’ walk for Rena to reach the room 222, a reassured smile instantly moving to her lips when she entered and was greeted with the view of a napping – but visibly in good health – Jurina lying on the clinic bed. Concern made way to a wave of relief, and she slowly progressed inside the room, observing attentively the resting girl once she found herself by the side of her bed.

Jurina’s features were tired but peaceful, and Rena realized that her previous fears proved to be unfounded. Her wife looked completely fine. Deciding not to wake her up, she took a seat in the nearby chair, reaching over to gently take Jurina’s hand inside hers. Her thoughts briefly went towards the humanoid robot that shared their daily life, making a mental note to tell him later to be more careful with his choice of words. He had scared her to death!

Rena jolted out of her thoughts when Jurina’s fingers squeezed hers lightly, and a pair of sleepy eyes landed on her. “Rena… w–what are you doing here?”

Rena’s mouth tugged into a pleased smile, and she leaned down to place a soft, gentle kiss upon Jurina’s lips. “Alfred warned me that you were not feeling well and that you needed to go to the clinic. I came as fast as possible.”

“H-He sent you a message? I didn’t know. When I told him about the pain, he became unusually restless and decided to take care of everything, starting from urging me to take a seat then calling an ambulance. He was acting so frantically, it almost looked like he was the one in pain, not me.”

An amused smile fell on Rena’s lips at Jurina’s joking tone, discovering she had definitely not lost her sense of humor despite the circumstances. Of course, a part of her wished she had been by Jurina’s side at that time, but fate had unfortunately decided otherwise. Thankfully, you could always count on Jurina’s devoted servant to take care of his precious mistress at all times.

“Wait…” Jurina grew concerned, as she came to a sudden realization. “Weren’t you supposed to meet the executive committee? Don’t tell me you left right in the middle of it because of me?!”

“Of course, I did! I didn’t know your condition. I had to see you and attest for myself that you were alright!”

Jurina made a face, embarrassed that her robot’s actions had led the busy CEO out of such an important meeting. “I’m really sorry about that. I’m fine. We are both fine. I don’t know why he did that. I–”

“He did the right thing.” Rena quickly pressed a finger to Jurina’s lips, effectively shutting her up. “You’re my wife. Nothing is more important than you and your wellbeing. Besides, today is a very special day…”

Rena captured Jurina’s lips in another tender kiss, the latter responding to the affectionate gesture with a wide, pleased smile. Alfred’s unexpected behavior fell at the back of her head, admitting how happy she felt deep inside to have her wife by her side. When she began feeling the pain at home, she didn’t draw hasty conclusions and stayed calm, persuaded nothing was going to happen considering how early it was.

In the end, it appeared the calendar wasn’t going to be respected.

A tentative knock on the door interrupted the reunion, both glancing in the direction of the young female nurse who had just arrived in the room. When Rena noticed the small baby sleeping peacefully inside the nurse’s arms, her eyes lit up, emotion starting to take hold of her when she guessed the identity of this tiny human being.

Without her consent, Rena’s heart started beating faster inside her chest, and she simply couldn’t detach her eyes from the quiet baby when the nurse approached her. “Congratulations, Matsui-san. You have a beautiful and healthy little girl.”

When the nurse manifested her intention to place the child inside her arms, Rena was slightly caught off guard, and diverted her attention to Jurina with a questioning gaze. Somehow, this didn’t feel quite right. Shouldn’t Jurina have the privilege to hold the baby first? After all, she was the one who had given birth to this most beautiful creature.

“I already held her before your arrival,” Jurina said, as if she could read her mind. “Come on, take her. You know you can’t wait for it.”

This time, Rena didn’t oppose any resistance when the nurse placed the child inside her arms, listening attentively as the woman explained the best technique to hold the baby. When the female nurse deemed her presence not necessary anymore, she left the room, leaving a certain CEO completely mesmerized by the child resting against her chest.

“It seems someone was a little impatient to arrive in this world,” Jurina said amusingly, not missing out the touching interaction between her wife and their first child. 

Rena, who was tentatively making acquaintance with the sleeping little girl, tried to reply, before realizing she couldn’t find the right words to express the extent of her current happiness. For a little while, her eyes stayed glued on the baby barely born, thinking how precious it already looked. Without realizing it, tears of joy began to form in her eyes.

This child was not only the result of the unconditional love between she and Jurina. Thanks to the progress of science these last decades, their baby had also received her genes from each of them. Would she inherit Jurina’s outgoing confident personality? Or would she be more introvert like her? There was no way to tell what kind of person their baby would grow into. However, Rena knew one thing with absolute certainty: she was going to cherish this child with all her heart.

“I have the strong feeling our Natsuki is going to be as breathtakingly beautiful as her mommy,” Jurina’s playful tone distracted her.

A smile plastered Rena’s face and she glanced back at her, reducing the distance between them. She leaned closer and carefully placed the baby inside Jurina’s arms, kissing the mother’s forehead in the process. “And I can’t wait to see her disarming smile,” Rena answered on the same light tone. “I just hope it won’t turn all the girls’ heads as her mama’s.”

“I don’t do that.” Jurina rolled her eyes, a smile nevertheless falling on her lips at the sound of Rena’s small laugh. “Come and lie next to me.”

Jurina scooted further away on the bed, and Rena nodded, carefully laying by her wife’s side. Rena rested her head against Jurina’s shoulder and contemplated the baby’s sleeping form, pressing a kiss to Jurina’s lips when her wife whispered to her a few words of love and affection. As a comfortable silence enveloped them, Rena released a long blissful sigh, and she gently reached for the baby’s hand, amazed by how small, soft and fragile it felt between her fingertips.

From the moment Rena crossed path with the one who would become her assistant, her life had never been the same anymore. She was happy; happier than she ever thought she could be. After marrying the one she loved, she was now going to have a family. Rena didn’t believe her life could possibly be more complete.

Version edited on August 24, 2019.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 04:00:38 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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  • Aspiring actress and writing for fun!
    • rukakikuchi
    • rukakikuchi
Re: Back in Time [WMatsui] - Chapter 8 (23/01/2017)
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2017, 02:52:56 PM »

They got married and had a baby?!?!?!?!


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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