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Author Topic: memoir [The End - 08/15]  (Read 102532 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: memoir [Now with Part 3-ness!]
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2007, 06:43:34 PM »
^ Unfortunately, Maki knew that even if they both wanted it too, it would most likely be really hard, if not impossible to have a relationship with what was about to happen and the changes that it meant.

The thing that probably hurt Yossi the most is that Maki didn't tell her even though she knew for a month that it was going to happen.  While it's understandable that Maki didn't want to tell her for risk of hurting her, sooner would have been better than later.  Plus it would have been better if she had told Yossi herself, rather than finding out from Mako or, as Yossi herself said, "the news".

On a somewhat-related note, at this point in the "story", I wonder if Miki knows that Yossi is the girl she made out with in the closet?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline katatsumuri

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Re: memoir [Now with Part 3-ness!]
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2007, 08:35:08 AM »
Seemed to me Maki treated her relationship with Yossi quite lightly. In chapter two, they were together. In chapter three, it's all over between them. Phew~ that was fast. But I guess it's necessary. Someone leaves and another will take over.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [Now with Part 3-ness!]
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2007, 12:18:24 PM »
i love it!!! damn, it almost make me cry....

anyway, I saw the light for YoMiki... will there be any YoRika? Just wondering...

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Re: memoir [Now with Part 3-ness!]
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2007, 12:35:41 PM »
Yay comments!

stefy - Thanks for the compliment! JFC kinda hit the nail on the head with the reason for Maki not saying yes.
JFC - Yay, someone understands my reasoning! What's funny is at the point I was writing part 3 in this, I hadn't decided yet if Miki knew. Stop reading my mind!  :lol:
katatsumuri - I know I ended them superfast. I mainly just wanted to get a little bit of history in there for future storyline things. Since this is Yossi looking back at her life, it's only certain events that spring to mind. Also there were several months before and between these chapters. 5th gen joined in fall of '01 and I think Maki's grad was announced in spring/summer of '02.
arina_shinh - Aah! Don't cry!  :cry: I have no plans for YoRika in this since my brain's full enough as it is.

The next few years are gonna go by fairly quickly, but the story will slow down and have a bit of fluff after a while.

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Re: memoir [Now with Part 3-ness!]
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2007, 12:41:34 PM »

I'm not going to lie. I completely gave up after that. I ate whatever I felt like. I'm pretty sure my bagel habit alone put the local baker's son through college. My only exercise was dance and I really didn't even care about that. It's a miracle I wasn't called in to the agency office and informed I was going to "pursue my studies".

I remember being jerked from my sleep with a soft knock at my door. Which at the time, was my usual early morning routine.

"Oh. My. GOD." I groaned, rolling out of bed. I shuffled over to the door and opened it, looking up at the ceiling. "For the last freaking time, I do not want to go for a damn run. Yes, I like being the token chunky one, and no, I don't want to talk about it. Ok?"

"Good to know." That woke me up.

"Um, you're not Yaguchi."


"It's been a while. How've you been, Fujimoto?"

"Just dandy." She just stood there, looking at me strangely. I waited for her to say something, but finally that silence got too uncomfortable.

"...can I help you with something? It's like 5 am." Miki gave me a once-over.

"Damn, when did you stop caring? Last time I saw you, you were hot."

"...ok, good night," I said, starting to shut the door in the other girl's face.

"Sorry, wait," she stuck her arm out to block the door.

"What?" I managed to put all of my fatigue into that one syllable.

"Can I come in and talk to you for a minute?" I groaned and opened the door, mock bowing as I granted her entrance and shut the door.

Miki sat down on the couch and looked at me thoughtfully. Then shook her head like she was clearing her brain out.

"Well, there's something you should know."


"It was just decided yesterday that I'd be joining Morning Musume. along with whoever wins the audition."

"...well, shit," I managed to reply as I sat down next to her. Miki's head jerked up and she looked at me intensely.

"Exactly. We have some... issues to discuss." I stared at her blankly. She blinked several times. " know?"

"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about," I replied. Her jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?"

"Uh, yes?" Her reaction was perplexing. "Ok, you cannot look like that. You dragged ME out of bed at the crackass of dawn and then started being all mysterious about some 'issue'. Could I at least get a hint?"

Without warning, she grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. The shock that rippled through me was quickly replaced by a warm nostalgic feeling followed by a desire that disturbed me. I remember thinking it was too soon to feel anything again. I didn't want to feel again, but...  I hastily pulled away and scrambled off the couch. Miki looked at me expectantly.

"I, um, I don't, uh, quite know what that was about, but if this is about your, uh, same-team tendencies, um, most people know about that, and I really, um, I mean, that's not at all a problem?" I couldn't remember the last time I'd been this flustered or this ...cold? Miki was staring quite blatantly with a slowly spreading smirk. I followed her gaze to find that my tank top had decided it was about time for me to flash Fujimoto. I yanked the offending strap back into place and defensively pulled a pillow up to my chest. Miki started to laugh.

"Ok, then, well, sorry to bother you," she chuckled as she made her way to the door.

"What?" I asked.

"Nevermind," Miki replied with a smile. She paused with her hand on the doorknob. "Oh, and I'm sorry about earlier. I was wrong. You may not care anymore, but you're still hot." With that she walked out of my apartment leaving me very confused and very much so hot in the face.

I started to wander back to bed when I heard another knock. Great. She wants peep show part 2. I threw open the door.

"WHAT?" I sighed loudly. Then realized I was looking way above the person at my door.

"Good morning!!!" the minuscule peppy senior exclaimed. "Are you ready for a run today?"

"Yaguchi..." I sighed, starting to form my standard refusal. Fujimoto's lips on mine came rushing back to the forefront of my mind. I smiled without quite knowing why. "Let me get changed," I replied, heading back into my bedroom and leaving a very tiny girl's mouth hanging very wide open.


Writing this part amused me to no end. Sorry for jumping forward so many months at a time. At least it's not years at a time... yet.  :sweat:

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Re: memoir [4th (part) Ikimasshoi!]
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2007, 02:00:37 PM »
Yaguchi lol.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [4th (part) Ikimasshoi!]
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2007, 03:37:34 PM »
I have no plans for YoRika in this since my brain's full enough as it is.

Ah, don't worry. I'm Yomiki after all....  :D

I'm pretty sure my bagel habit alone put the local baker's son through college.

 :lol: this is damn funny!!!

thanks for updating so fast!! What is Miki intention actually? This is getting interesting....

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Re: memoir [4th (part) Ikimasshoi!]
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2007, 01:55:12 AM »
Yay people find me funny!  :wahaha:

I just wrote this part a few minutes ago. I decided I wanted a little more between part 4 and what is now part 6.



Losing the weight was the easy part. I was back to almost normal weight fairly quickly except for that pesky face weight and the new futsal team practices were helping me get my muscle tone back. The hard part was getting management to let me be back to normal.

It was strange. Somehow they had gotten used to me being the long-haired tomboy in the back. All of my clothes were oversized. They kept putting off my request to go back to short hair. Something about there being enough short-haired girls in the group for now, and maybe after Abe graduated or if Fujimoto grew her hair out long enough or...

Ah, Fujimoto. She never mentioned her early morning visit again. And I wasn't about to bring it up. There was something strange about it that I couldn't quite put my finger on at the time. She definitely helped me get back to my old self, though. Well, not my old self, since I'd grown and changed since then, but, my new self, I guess. She helped drag me from my funk into who I really was. Whenever I started to slide back down, she'd do or say something to wake me back up.

"Good morning!" I turned around.

"Morning," I grumbled. "You're here early."

"My brain just woke up and refused to..." Miki trailed off. "Uh, what happened to your head?" I sighed heavily.

"I cut my hair."

"Did you get your money back? It looks like crap," she replied bluntly.

"No, I mean *I* cut my hair." Miki stared at me.

"Are you retarded?" she asked. I gave her a look.

"No, I..." I looked around the empty room and walked over to her. "I was trying to make them let me go back to short hair," I said quietly.

"What did they say?"

"The same thing they've been saying. Too many short-haired girls in the group. Try again after Abe's graduation." Miki shook her head.

"Are they at least going to fix it?"

"I got the impression they're going to make me suffer with it a bit first. Probably just until a new single promotion or something."

"You poor thing. Come to Miki!" she declared dramatically before pulling me into a hug.

"You're so weird." I apparently had seen nothing yet because Miki suddenly pulled back and lifted up my oversized shirt. "Can I help you with something!?" I sputtered.

"When did you get like this?" she demanded, staring at my stomach. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it back down. She looked up at me. "No, seriously, why are you wearing these giant clothes? With your chubby face, it makes you look about three times your size."

"Yeah, I always lose weight in my face last," I replied. "It's wardrobe. Trust me, if I had my way, I'd be in normal clothing - "

"Normal from the girl who wears old man clothes to rehearsal," she interrupted.

"Hey! Those are comfy!" I protested.

"So, basically, you want short hair and skimpy costumes." Miki got a distant look.

"That's not what I said."

"No, no," she replied, a wide smile slowly spreading across her face. "I like the short hair and skimpy costumes idea. Maybe get a little necktie action going on."

"You're insane."

"I'm not the one with the self-made mullet," she replied, tugging at my hair.


Offline JFC

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Re: memoir [(part) No.5!]
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2007, 03:13:26 AM »
JFC - Yay, someone understands my reasoning! What's funny is at the point I was writing part 3 in this, I hadn't decided yet if Miki knew. Stop reading my mind!  :lol:
WOOOO!!!   :banana:

"Oh. My. GOD." I groaned, rolling out of bed.
Shouldn't it be "OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" ? :hee:

"It's been a while. How've you been, Fujimoto?"

"Just dandy." She just stood there, looking at me strangely.
This must be just around the time that Miki first joined MM. 

"...can I help you with something? It's like 5 am." Miki gave me a once-over.

"Damn, when did you stop caring? Last time I saw you, you were hot."
Whoa, maybe Miki does remember the closet incident? Or she should just be going off of TV appearances.

"It was just decided yesterday that I'd be joining Morning Musume. along with whoever wins the audition."

"...well, shit," I managed to reply as I sat down next to her. Miki's head jerked up and she looked at me intensely.

"Exactly. We have some... issues to discuss." I stared at her blankly. She blinked several times. " know?"
Ok, Miki MUST be talking about the closet incident. What else could it be?

"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about," I replied. Her jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?"
Yossi probably just doesn't remember because she's still half-asleep. :yep:

Could I at least get a hint?" Without warning, she grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. The shock that rippled through me was quickly replaced by a warm nostalgic feeling followed by a desire that disturbed me.
Well, I guess that answers the question of whether Miki remembers it or not. :P

"Oh, and I'm sorry about earlier. I was wrong. You may not care anymore, but you're still hot." With that she walked out of my apartment leaving me very confused and very much so hot in the face.
Child, Miki knows!  O0

I started to wander back to bed when I heard another knock. Great. She wants peep show part 2. I threw open the door.

"WHAT?" I sighed loudly. Then realized I was looking way above the person at my door.

"Good morning!!!" the minuscule peppy senior exclaimed. "Are you ready for a run today?"

"Yaguchi..." I sighed, starting to form my standard refusal. Fujimoto's lips on mine came rushing back to the forefront of my mind. I smiled without quite knowing why. "Let me get changed," I replied, heading back into my bedroom and leaving a very tiny girl's mouth hanging very wide open.
Man, gotta love da Gooch!  :k-great:

Ah, Fujimoto. She never mentioned her early morning visit again. And I wasn't about to bring it up. There was something strange about it that I couldn't quite put my finger on at the time. She definitely helped me get back to my old self, though. Well, not my old self, since I'd grown and changed since then, but, my new self, I guess. She helped drag me from my funk into who I really was. Whenever I started to slide back down, she'd do or say something to wake me back up.
So all that was needed was for someone to tell Yossi that she was still attractive, huh? Makes sense. People like being complimented like that. It often makes them want to try harder. :)

Miki trailed off. "Uh, what happened to your head?" I sighed heavily.

"I cut my hair."

"Did you get your money back? It looks like crap," she replied bluntly.

"No, I mean *I* cut my hair." Miki stared at me.

"Are you retarded?" she asked. I gave her a look.


"You poor thing. Come to Miki!" she declared dramatically before pulling me into a hug.

"You're so weird." I apparently had seen nothing yet because Miki suddenly pulled back and lifted up my oversized shirt. "Can I help you with something!?" I sputtered.
That's quintessential Miki-sama, right there.  :pimp:  :lol:

"So, basically, you want short hair and skimpy costumes." Miki got a distant look.

"That's not what I said."

"No, no," she replied, a wide smile slowly spreading across her face. "I like the short hair and skimpy costumes idea. Maybe get a little necktie action going on."
Oh hellz ya, Miki-sama thinkin' ahead and likin' what she sees. :twisted:

"You're insane."

"I'm not the one with the self-made mullet," she replied, tugging at my hair.
BURN!!! :on lol: :wahaha:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 03:33:11 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [(part) No.5!]
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2007, 06:39:33 AM »
Dude you are funny  :lol:  Ahhhhh, well this is looking good. Cant wait for more (You updated pretty damn fast!)
Sorry, I cant give you more enlightening or supportive/humourous comments but Im really on a creative low.

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: memoir [(part) No.5!]
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2007, 12:40:24 PM »
Yeah, I update fast. I'm updating as I finish a new part, basically. I know I always want to read the next part as soon as possible, so I'm trying to do that for you all.

Mikan - Thanks for the comment! I'm glad my insanity is amusing you!  :glasses:

JFC - Get out of my heeead!  XD Your "OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAH" comment cracked me up and I almost went back and changed it. Maybe I'll put it in a later part.

This next part was the original ending before I decided to tie the two sections together. Which means after this is some random fluff crap.



Have you ever noticed how nothing happens in your life for long periods of time and then everything happens at once? Well, that's the way my life seems to go at least.

"What?! Are you serious?" I exclaimed into my cell phone. I sighed. "Right, I understand. Tomorrow, right? .... ok." I hung up the phone and promptly began creating a killer percussion beat with my head against the nearest wall.

"Having fun?" I stopped and opened one eye to see an amused Fujimoto staring at me.

"Oh, yeah," I replied before returning to banging my head on the wall. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THUD. I opened my eyes to see Miki's hand between my forehead and the wall.

"What's up?" she asked. We had become fairly good friends in the years since she joined. She didn't seem to push my buttons anymore... well, that's not true. She just was pushing different buttons. A hardcore flirt with wandering hands. Who enjoyed teasing me unmercifully at the most inappropriate times. Such as putting her hands in the front pockets of very tight shorts when we were on camera. In other words, even though we never mentioned that 5 am discussion, I thought about it constantly. Especially late at night when I wondered why I was fighting off her advances so strongly.

"It's Yagu - Ah, good evening!" I bowed politely at a passing staff member who was known for being a bit gossipy. I looked around suspiciously, grabbed a surprised Miki's arm, and hauled her into the nearest room.

"If you wanted to get some special alone time, you just needed to ask," Miki teased, running her hand slowly down my arm and leaving a trail of goose bumps. I ignored her.

"Yaguchi is getting Friday'd tomorrow morning. I'm going to be the freaking leader," I explained.

"They got caught!?" Miki exclaimed, dropping her hand. She shook her head. "That's unbelievable. What kind of idiot doesn't notice a telephoto lens peeping out of the bushes? Did she want to get caught or something?" I shook my head and turned to open the door and check for eavesdroppers.

It was locked. I turned around to explain this to Fujimoto.

Except she, thinking we were leaving, stepped forward at the same time, trapping my shoelace, causing me to lose my balance and pitch forward, taking her down with me.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I exclaimed. Miki looked a bit dazed, but otherwise fine.

...this seemed strangely familiar.

"Do you have some sort of arousal issue with storage closets?!" Miki demanded.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I replied, feeling more and more confused by the minute. Miki sighed as I started to get up off the poor girl.

"I guess I'm lucky since I didn't get pummeled with half-empty boxes this time." My entire body froze mid motion.

"What did you just say?" I said very slowly. Miki rolled her eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me," she replied. "You still haven't figured it out? It's not like I've changed THAT much since 2000." My eyes widened to a near-anime level.

"Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no," I stammered as my poor brain finally started putting 2 and 2 together and getting 4 for once instead of 78. "You, uh, you auditioned with me, didn't you?"

"Yeeeees," Miki said slowly as though I had a mental illness. Which I apparently did.

"And, uh, your audition number was, um..."

"511," we said in unison. I could feel my entire body begin to blush.

"Then, the 'issue' you wanted to talk about that one time was, uh..."

"That we had made out about three years earlier."

"Ah," I said intelligently.

"Yep," Miki replied with a slowly spreading smirk. She had the upper hand and knew it. I hate it when other people had the upper hand.

"I take it you've figured out where to put your nose now?" I inquired innocently before Miki could say anything. Miki gave me one of her patented death glares and slammed her right arm against my back. I fell from my weird frozen in motion crouching position directly onto her.

"Trust me. I know where to put everything now," she replied smugly, slowly bringing her right leg up into a bent position until it was pressed against my - Oh my... I had just begun to color slightly when she continued. "I see you decided to be openly hot again." I laughed.

"Oh, you're not getting a free show this time." Miki closed her eyes and grinned.

"Oh, trust me, I'm getting one right now." She opened one eye. "And I bet I can get one again." I shook my head and lowered my face down to whisper in her ear.

"No, next one you have to pay for." Miki's eyes met mine. And her lips soon followed.

Like I've said before, I can be a bit fuzzy on the details. I remember her lips and hands and skin and hands and those legs and, oh Lord, did I mention her hands? The other members only think they've seen them wander.

I'd love to say it was romantic and wonderful and destiny aligned and all of that, but who am I kidding? We were on the floor of a closet, Miki (ok, I say it was Miki and Miki says it was me) kept accidentally kicking over stacks of I don't even know what onto the floor, and I later confirmed with her that neither one of us had any idea what to do exactly and were just kind of winging it. It was messy and sloppy and chaotic and absolutely fantastic.

"Wow," I exhaled as I lay panting. Miki had half collapsed into my arms and seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness. Which at first made my ego swell with pride before I began to worry. "Are you ok?" I asked. She opened her eyes and stared into mine for a moment. The raw emotions in her eyes was bewitching and painful at the same time.

"I'm spectacular," she finally said dramatically, making me laugh. "How are you?"

"Uh, can't complain," I replied. She smiled and started to drift to sleep again. I glanced around at the damage we had done to the room. There were several bolts of satiny fabric that had fallen over and at some point we had started using the red one as a pillow. I absentmindedly picked off a silver streamer that had fallen from who knows where onto Miki's head. What a weird room. "OH!" I exclaimed suddenly. "I almost forgot to tell you!"

"As long as it's not about a STD, I'm good," she replied without moving.

"You're the sub!" I announced. This got her attention.

"Excuse me? I do believe that I was on top for at least half -" I laughed.

"No, no, no. With Yaguchi leaving, I'm promoted to leader. They decided to make you sub-leader because you're old."

"That's great news," she replied, ignoring the barb and snuggling back into my arms. "My first act is the banishment of the 'No dating amongst members' rule." She paused. "On second thought, a new rule in its place 'Only dating amongst leader and subleader members'." I chuckled.

"Oh! So we're dating now?" I asked.

"Well, I just assumed you wanted to do the non-asshole thing here."

"Miki." I said in a serious voice. This startled her and she sat up.

"Uh, we can talk about it, I was mostly joking," she backpedaled.

"Since you've stolen my innocence from me -"

"Who stole whose what now?" she interjected with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll just have to do the honorable thing and ask Nakazawa for her blessing."

"I hate you so much," Miki laughed.

"Really? Well, I'll have to fix that, then. You seemed pretty damn fond of me a few minutes ago."

She started to laugh, which quickly turned into an entirely different noise.

After all, practice makes perfect.


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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2007, 01:01:54 PM »
"Good morning!" I turned around.

"Morning," I grumbled. "You're here early."

"My brain just woke up and refused to..." Miki trailed off. "Uh, what happened to your head?" I sighed heavily.

"I cut my hair."

"Did you get your money back? It looks like crap," she replied bluntly.

"No, I mean *I* cut my hair." Miki stared at me.

"Are you retarded?" she asked. I gave her a look.

"No, I..." I looked around the empty room and walked over to her. "I was trying to make them let me go back to short hair," I said quietly.

"What did they say?"

"The same thing they've been saying. Too many short-haired girls in the group. Try again after Abe's graduation." Miki shook her head.

"Are they at least going to fix it?"

Lol, it must be the 'oosaka koi no uta' hair....

It's all happy now... but i believe the sadness come later?

can't wait to

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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2007, 02:06:21 PM »
The last two chapters had me giggling for entirely different reasons. I'm more of an Ishiyoshi fan but I definitely don't mind a little Yomiki here and there.

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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2007, 02:25:14 PM »
Oho, took Yossie awhile to figure out xD

Her interaction with Miki has to be the most amusing thing to me ever xD! Portrayed their relationship well, dear <3

Though like Rndmn, I'm more of the Ishiyoshi fan, but Yomiki is awesome too <3

I wonder if you're going to cover their Hong Kong trip. There's definitely a lot of situations you can work off from there with those two <3

For the time being, I wonder how they handle Morning Musume in general >D Kaasan and Tousan and the kids xD!!!!

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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2007, 06:17:41 PM »
JFC - Get out of my heeead!    XD

Your "OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAH" comment cracked me up and I almost went back and changed it.
You did? :rofl:

Which means after this is some random fluff crap.
FLUFF FTW!!! :banana:

We had become fairly good friends in the years since she joined. She didn't seem to push my buttons anymore... well, that's not true. She just was pushing different buttons. A hardcore flirt with wandering hands. Who enjoyed teasing me unmercifully at the most inappropriate times.
This goes to show that Yossi is INDEED getting fellings for Miki. However, as was mentioned in a previous chapter, due to her bad/awkward break-up with Maki, Yossi's scared to get into that type of relationship again.  It's not the relationship itself that scares her, it's the fear of having her heart broken a second time.

"Yaguchi is getting Friday'd tomorrow morning. I'm going to be the freaking leader," I explained.

"They got caught!?" Miki exclaimed, dropping her hand.
Well, the bomb has been dropped and now they (meaning the management) are looking to Yossi to clean up the mess.  Chances are this is closer to the reaction Yossi and Miki had in real life when they found out about Mari.  On the outside they (especially Yossi) were cool as ice about it, but internally they both must have been going through quite a bit.

I shook my head and turned to open the door and check for eavesdroppers.

It was locked. I turned around to explain this to Fujimoto.

Except she, thinking we were leaving, stepped forward at the same time, trapping my shoelace, causing me to lose my balance and pitch forward, taking her down with me.
Oh man, again? :lol:

"Do you have some sort of arousal issue with storage closets?!" Miki demanded.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I replied, feeling more and more confused by the minute. Miki sighed as I started to get up off the poor girl.

"I guess I'm lucky since I didn't get pummeled with half-empty boxes this time." My entire body froze mid motion.

"What did you just say?" I said very slowly. Miki rolled her eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me," she replied. "You still haven't figured it out? It's not like I've changed THAT much since 2000." My eyes widened to a near-anime level.
And THERE you have it ladies and germs! Miki DOES remember the closet incident, AND she knows that it was Yossi. Yossi, on the other had, apparently still never figured out that Miki was the mystery girl. :hee:

"Then, the 'issue' you wanted to talk about that one time was, uh..."

"That we had made out about three years earlier."

"Ah," I said intelligently.
PIN PON! Looks like Yossi made quite the impression on Miki back then. :twisted:

I had just begun to color slightly when she continued. "I see you decided to be openly hot again." I laughed.


Miki's eyes met mine. And her lips soon followed.


I'd love to say it was romantic and wonderful and destiny aligned and all of that, but who am I kidding? We were on the floor of a closet,


It was messy and sloppy and chaotic and absolutely fantastic.
Hot dayum! :jerk:

"I almost forgot to tell you!"


"You're the sub!" I announced. This got her attention.


With Yaguchi leaving, I'm promoted to leader. They decided to make you sub-leader because you're old."

"That's great news," she replied, ignoring the barb and snuggling back into my arms. "My first act is the banishment of the 'No dating amongst members' rule." She paused. "On second thought, a new rule in its place 'Only dating amongst leader and subleader members'." I chuckled.
Nice one Miki! :rockon:

"You'll just have to do the honorable thing and ask Nakazawa for her blessing."

"I hate you so much," Miki laughed.

"Really? Well, I'll have to fix that, then. You seemed pretty damn fond of me a few minutes ago."

She started to laugh, which quickly turned into an entirely different noise.

After all, practice makes perfect.
Ask Yuko for her blessing? :pimp:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2007, 12:06:57 AM »
arina_shinh - No, this is pre-Gackt hair. Yossi seriously did cut her own hair at one point in 2003. Here's a screencap.

And here's a cleansing pic of modern Yossi hotness.

rndmnwierd - Yay! I'm glad I made you laugh! :k-thrilled:

Yuuyami - omg, I completely forgot about the Hong Kong trip. Like that wasn't weird enough with ALL of 5th gen seeming to have a cold at the same time.

JFC - Yeeeah, Yossi's retarded about the whole makeout thing. Miki probably watched the TV special, learned Yossi's name, and that was that. ...and then proceed to grope her into a continuation. XD
Nothing's coming from the Yuko comment, btw, I just thought it sounded funnier than Tsunku.

Part 7 coming up in a few minutes! :wahaha:

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Re: memoir [Fic no Dai6kkan]
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2007, 12:33:38 AM »


We decided to keep it a secret.

Well, as much as we could. We weren't stupid - people were bound to figure things out after a while, but work was work. At work, we needed to at least try to be professional about it. There was no reason for the others to know.

Then there was the new girl - Kusumi Koharu. The Miracle. What a mess. I was stressed out constantly trying to make sure she didn't make an ass of herself and all of us by extension, while trying not to be too harsh with the kid. Add that to the fact that she idolized Miki and had started following me around referring to me as her mom, which was just a bit creepy considering everyone else kept calling me the dad of the group.

I felt a tug on my ponytail extension and jumped.

"Damn! Don't scare me like that," I replied. Miki laughed.

"I figured it out," she stated solemnly. "The end of the dance looks like drunk monkeys on an elliptical machine." I choked back a laugh. "But, uh," she leaned right next to my ear. "You make a pretty hot drunk monkey, so how 'bout after this we head back to my place for some wild monkey s-"

"GOOD MORNING!!!!!" I jumped and stared at the lanky ball of hyperactivity that had appeared with a big grin.

"Good morning, Kusumi," an unfazed Miki replied. "Why don't you head over to wardrobe to get changed?" Koharu grinned madly and ran off towards wardrobe.

"That girl needs some downers," I sighed.

"Yoshizawa!" I turned around to find one of the crew rushing over. "We're ready for your shot."

"Be there in just a moment." I turned to Miki. "We'll finish this conversation later," She nodded and gave me a wink before heading off to check on the others. Playtime was over.

"Ok, in this shot, we just need you to dramatically wave this around," the director said, handing me some red satin material attached to a stick.

"That's it?"

"That's it. Just try to look sexy and irritated while you're at it," he laughed. I nodded as he went over to check on some lighting before we got started. I absentmindedly twirled the makeshift flag around.

"Oh! The, uh, flag thing - the stitching's coming apart," I called. One of the newer staff members ran over. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Let me fix that for you," she said, taking it from me. She glanced up. "Gotten stuck in any more closets?" she asked with a smile as she worked. Oh, crud.

"Ah! You're the one who let us out!" I said with a big fake smile, thanking God and Buddha and anyone else that we had put clothes back on before we had fallen completely asleep. That would have been a very rude awakening indeed. ...of course I later realized they were the wrong clothes when I found myself at home wearing Miki's bra. So, I naturally had to bring it back to her myself...

"That's right." What? Oh, right, the video shoot. The staff member laughed lightly and tugged on the new stitches. "That should do it. I bet you're surprised to be reunited!"

"E-e-excuse me?" I stammered. How did she know about me and Miki? Oh my God, was there a security camera in that thing!?

"Don't you recognize it?" She handed me back my prop. "This is the same fabric that you and Fujimoto used as a makeshift pillow when you poor things were trapped in there." She tilted her head to one side. "Didn't you know you were in the video production supply room?"

"Ah, no. I had no idea," I replied honestly, trying not to burst out laughing at what I now held in my hands.

As soon as the shoot was over, I grabbed Miki's arm.

"I need to talk to you," I hissed. I had been fighting back the hysterical laughter for hours now and couldn't hold it back much longer. Reina and Sayumi turned to stare at us. Miki gave me one of her death glares. Which really didn't help the matter, since I just found those incredibly sexy. I grinned at the two 6th gen members.

"Sorry, leader stuff. Go on home and we'll see you tomorrow," I explained and dragged Miki off.

"What the hell was that?" she asked as I closed the dressing room door behind us.

"Sorry, it's not what you think," I replied.

"I think you're trying to blow this whole not-tell-the-kids thing, 'Dad'."

"No, that's not it. It's just - " I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. "The... the red flag things... from the shoot..."

"Ok..." Miki said slowly.

"They're... the storage..." I was almost crying now.

"Are you going to go cut your own hair again?" Miki asked, looking a bit alarmed. I held my hand up while I regained my composure.

"You remember the storage room where we, uh..."

"Had happy fun naked time?" That set me off into another fit of laughter. "Sorry," she apologized, sitting down in one of the chairs while I composed myself again.

I cleared my throat. "Right, um, remember all that random fabric and boxes upon boxes of silver streamers that kept getting knocked down?" She grinned wickedly. I coughed. "Right. I found out today that those red flag things - "

"I think they were supposed to be a matador's cape."

"Whatever. They were made out of the red satin we used as a pillow during our happy fun naked time." Miki's eyes widened and she clapped a hand over her mouth.

"You're joking."

"I am not joking."

"What's next, those silver streamers are going to show up in every video for the next 6 months?" She leaned her head back and started to laugh.

Now, I've noticed that I tend to get distracted easily. I can usually refocus pretty quickly, but certain things - such as a long delectable neck presenting itself in such a manner - tend to distract me fairly successfully.

So I, of course, pounced. Everyone else had gone home and, I'm sorry, but she's freaking gorgeous.

"Aah! Yoshizawa, Goto! So sorry, I just forgot..." Miki froze. I turned around with a Fujimoto-level death glare.

"Are you having a freaking flashback, Makoto!?" I snapped. Makoto peered around me.

"Ah, Fujimoto." Makoto said, nodding sagely. Her eyes widened. "AH! Fujimoto!" She looked at me, back at Miki, and back at me again. Then promptly spun on her heel and walked out.

"That girl has the most insane timing, I swear," I shook my head. "Now," I grinned. "Where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me why Makoto thought I was Goto Maki."

"Are you sure I wasn't about to - "




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Re: memoir [Rainbow (part) 7]
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2007, 03:28:53 AM »
Nothing's coming from the Yuko comment, btw, I just thought it sounded funnier than Tsunku.
At least with Yuko there'd be a chance of getting a blessing. If it was Tsunku he'd probably have a heart attack as soon as they told him. :D

Miki laughed.

"I figured it out," she stated solemnly. "The end of the dance looks like drunk monkeys on an elliptical machine." I choked back a laugh. "But, uh," she leaned right next to my ear. "You make a pretty hot drunk monkey, so how 'bout after this we head back to my place for some wild monkey s-"

"GOOD MORNING!!!!!" I jumped and stared at the lanky ball of hyperactivity that had appeared with a big grin.

"Good morning, Kusumi," an unfazed Miki replied. "Why don't you head over to wardrobe to get changed?" Koharu grinned madly and ran off towards wardrobe.

"That girl needs some downers," I sighed.
Well, that was easy.

"Oh! The, uh, flag thing - the stitching's coming apart," I called. One of the newer staff members ran over. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Let me fix that for you," she said, taking it from me. She glanced up. "Gotten stuck in any more closets?" she asked with a smile as she worked. Oh, crud.

"Ah! You're the one who let us out!" I said with a big fake smile, thanking God and Buddha and anyone else that we had put clothes back on before we had fallen completely asleep.
Uh-oh! Did Yossi and Miki get busted? How much does this woman know, and how sick is her mind?  If it's twisted like Miki's, she'll likely have figured out what had really happened in that closet before she opened it and found the two of them snoozing.

I later realized they were the wrong clothes when I found myself at home wearing Miki's bra. So, I naturally had to bring it back to her myself...
Ooooooooooooh they must've had fun "returning each other's clothes", so to speak. :jerk:

Miki gave me one of her death glares. Which really didn't help the matter, since I just found those incredibly sexy.
They ARE damn sexy, aren't they? :pimp:

"Sorry, leader stuff. Go on home and we'll see you tomorrow," I explained and dragged Miki off.

"What the hell was that?" she asked as I closed the dressing room door behind us.

"Sorry, it's not what you think," I replied.

"I think you're trying to blow this whole not-tell-the-kids thing, 'Dad'."

"No, that's not it. It's just - " I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. "The... the red flag things... from the shoot..."

"Ok..." Miki said slowly.

"They're... the storage..." I was almost crying now.

"Are you going to go cut your own hair again?" Miki asked, looking a bit alarmed. I held my hand up while I regained my composure.
Yossi makes absolutely NO sense when she's giddly like this...but that's okay. It's still pretty damn hot. :yep:

"You remember the storage room where we, uh..."

"Had happy fun naked time?" That set me off into another fit of laughter.
:on lol:

"Right, um, remember all that random fabric and boxes upon boxes of silver streamers that kept getting knocked down?" She grinned wickedly. I coughed. "Right. I found out today that those red flag things - "


They were made out of the red satin we used as a pillow during our happy fun naked time." Miki's eyes widened and she clapped a hand over her mouth.

"You're joking."

"I am not joking."

"What's next, those silver streamers are going to show up in every video for the next 6 months?" She leaned her head back and started to laugh.
To everyone else, they'll just be random bits of fabric, but to Yossi and Miki, they'll be reminders of their happy fun naked time! XD

"Aah! Yoshizawa, Goto! So sorry, I just forgot..." Miki froze. I turned around with a Fujimoto-level death glare.

"Are you having a freaking flashback, Makoto!?" I snapped. Makoto peered around me.

"Ah, Fujimoto." Makoto said, nodding sagely. Her eyes widened. "AH! Fujimoto!" She looked at me, back at Miki, and back at me again. Then promptly spun on her heel and walked out.
Aw crap, not again. :rofl:

Wait, this time it's Miki, not Maki. Oh shit does Miki know about Maki?  :?

"That girl has the most insane timing, I swear," I shook my head. "Now," I grinned. "Where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me why Makoto thought I was Goto Maki."

"Are you sure I wasn't about to - "


Shit...I guess she doesn't.

PLEASE don't make it that Miki breaks up with Yossi over this! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! :pleeease:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline arina_shinh

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Re: memoir [Rainbow (part) 7]
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2007, 05:10:05 AM »

Ah... thanks for posting the cap of Yossie... now that I get a right picture of Yossie....  :yep:

"Aah! Yoshizawa, Goto! So sorry, I just forgot..." Miki froze. I turned around with a Fujimoto-level death glare.

"Are you having a freaking flashback, Makoto!?" I snapped. Makoto peered around me.

"Ah, Fujimoto." Makoto said, nodding sagely. Her eyes widened. "AH! Fujimoto!" She looked at me, back at Miki, and back at me again. Then promptly spun on her heel and walked out.

"That girl has the most insane timing, I swear," I shook my head. "Now," I grinned. "Where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me why Makoto thought I was Goto Maki."

 :lol: I'm not sure if it was 'makoto' or you, almond, that was really funny.... muahaha...

"That girl has the most insane timing, I swear," I shook my head. "Now," I grinned. "Where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me why Makoto thought I was Goto Maki."

"Are you sure I wasn't about to - "


Shit...I guess she doesn't.

PLEASE don't make it that Miki breaks up with Yossi over this! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! :pleeease:

Well, I think Miki will be smart enough not to break up with Yossie over the past....

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Re: memoir [Rainbow (part) 7]
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2007, 05:44:46 AM »
Ok, so I did not intend to write a Yossi-explains-about-Maki part, but damn you JFC, getting me thinking again. Since this wasn't originally planned and I started changing the thread title based on the albums anyway, here is part 7.5!



She didn't say a word during the entire taxi ride. She just stared out the window.

I had talked Miki into going back to my place for privacy during our discussion. I really did not want anyone interrupting this. I had been putting this talk off ever since we had started sleeping together a few months ago. But thanks to the wonderful timing of Ogawa Makoto, I guess the time was now.

"Can I get you something? Tea? Water?" I asked as I closed the front door.

"Vodka on the rocks," she replied, sitting down on my couch.

"Sorry, fresh out. How about a Sex on the Beach?" That got a half smile that faded all too quickly. Miki looked around my living room. She leaned over and picked up the lone photograph on the end table. "That's from when I visited my family over our winter holiday," I offered, sitting down next to her. She smiled and put the photo back.

"So... exactly how many people are you 'dating' right now?" Miki asked.

"What?" She laughed.

"I always thought that 'Pimp Yoshizawa' thing was just a joke." She stared at her hands.


"Don't get the wrong idea!" she laughed again. "I just need to know who else - "

"There's no one else!"

"So it's just me and Maki?"

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

"Don't be so excitable! I told you it's fine. Though I am kind of wondering who's better..."

"Maki and I broke up three years ago," I said quietly. She didn't say anything. I turned away from her and stared out the window. "We hooked up shortly after I joined and broke up a few months before she graduated." I felt her arms reach around my waist.

"Yossi, I -" I entwined my fingers with one of the hands around me.

"Makoto walked in on us kissing shortly after she had joined the group. I'm guessing that's why she assumed you were Maki." I sighed as she pulled me back onto the couch.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I misunderstood. You don't have to talk about this."

"No, I needed to tell you sooner or later." Miki guided me to a laying position with my head on her lap. I closed my eyes as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Poor Mako. She's the one who told me Maki was graduating. She had overheard some staff members talking about it and came over to ask me if I knew when it was exactly. When I asked Maki about it, she admitted she had found out over a month ago."

"And didn't bother telling you? Sounds like it wouldn't have worked out anyway."

"I love how you just say what you're thinking," I smiled.

"Then you'll love this. Did you have sex?" I shook my head.

"We talked about it, but weren't ready yet."

"Were you in love with her?"

"No. But... I guess I was in the process of falling in love at the time."

"...wait, if you didn't sleep with Maki then who was your first? Was it Ishikawa?"


"Hmm... Makoto?"

"Only in her daydreams," I muttered. Miki laughed.


"Are you on crack?!"

"Is it not a Morning Musume. girl? Ayaka?"

"I've already told you."

"No... I think I'd remember that. Give me a hint at least."


"What? I want a hint!" I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"You don't need one. That was the answer."

"What, seriously? I thought you were joking when you said I 'stole your innocence'. Wow. I mean, huh... I guess you just have a natural talent for that sort of thing," I burst out laughing.

"Oh really?" I smiled lecherously up at her. She leaned down to kiss me. "What about you?" I asked right before her lips touched mine.

"...hmm?" she said innocently.

"I told you my romantic history, short as it is. What about you, O Queen of the Grope?" She made a face.

"The groping doesn't count, right? Are we talking just sex or including making out?"

"Making out included." She looked thoughtful.

"You, my friend Miyuki, my friend Rei, Aya, um... Maki, some girl on my concert staff, Rika, Aya, Ayumi, Masae, Takahashi, Aya, and, uh, you. ...oh, Mai's in there somewhere and I'm sure I've missed some." I blinked several times.

"You've been busy." She grinned.

"Yeeeeah," she said smugly.

"Aya made, uh, quite a few appearances on that list."

"Yeah, I get bored easily." As if to prove a point, her hand started tracing a lazy path towards my chest.

"What about sex?" I asked.

"Sounds great," she grinned. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh fine. You in the storage closet, you on my couch, you in my bedroom, you in my shower, you on my kitchen table, you on the floor outside your bedroom, you IN your bedroom, you against that wall over there, you in that empty dressing room during Rika's last concert, you in the taxi ride back to my place, you just inside my front door, you in my bedroom again, and, hopefully, you on your couch." She smiled wickedly as her hands did what they did best.

"I think you forgot a few," I replied. She shrugged.

"Probably. Don't care." I laughed and let her erase all of the painful memories that had surfaced in my mind.


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