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Author Topic: The secret of my heart [AtsuMina], Chapter 6 [12.12.15]  (Read 60202 times)

Offline black_maa

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« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2014, 12:30:31 PM »
This is last chapter for my first story.  I know this story isn't long, however,  I never thought, it would be that long neither. Enjoy reading.


  When I really realized what I felt towards Acchan, it was already to late. She  next week will change the school and I will never see her again. I think, even if we both will accidentally meet, I don’t think  she will try to even recognize me, just go past and will ignore me. But me, will just go straight and curse myself about what I had done and never forgive to myself.
It was monday morning, I was so lazy to even wake up, because I know, she won’t be there. I thought, maybe it would be better if I won’t go to school, because there is big chance that the other students just kill me only by look, however, it would be best way for me to die.
  I don’t know how I get out from my bed and even out from my house, but I went to school, very.. very slowly and I was late, about… 20 minutes. 
 „Eh.. who even care anymore if I am late or not?” I speak with myself.
  I heard that my phone was vibrating, for little while, but I keep ignore it, because only one who can call me is Yuko. When I went past school gates, Yuko was running to me and very fast.
 „TAKAMINA! Where the hell you have been!? I calling you so many times.” Yuko was shouting at me.
  „Yeah, I know. So, why you aren’t in class?” I ask her.
 „About that. Come.. We need to go  quickly. You have to see it.” She pushing me to school.
  „Why? I don’t want it.” I try to resist.
 „It’s about Acchan.”
  „What!? What with her!? Didn’t she transfer from here?” What is going on?
 „Just come, and then you understand.”
  When we enter in school, I heard very loud sound from one of the classes, it’s sound like there is a quarrel. When we reach our class, I saw many student there and that sound was coming from our class. Yuko try to get thru and dragging me along with her. When we get thru, I saw Acchan and Ray, they are… fighting? 
 „Yuko, what’s going on here? Why they are fighting?” I ask to Yuko, but she just said to be quite.
  Some of guys from other classes try to separate them, holding them by waist. Ray looks very angry and with bleeding lips. Acchan was not better.. angry.. with bit bleeding lip and scary.. very… very scary.
„RAY! WHY YOU DOING THIS? I THOUGH WE ARE FRIENDS!” Acchan was shouting to Ray.
  „WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PRETEND!? I treat you like a very close friend!”
 „HA, HA.! You even think I like that? Such a idiot. I HATE THAT, AND I HATE YOU EVEN MORE.” Ray was shouting at Acchan.
  „I had never done to you something bad!” Acchan was confuse
 „Your presence was enough for me. Back then, in elementary school, at first I was happy to be your friend, but then, I had enough! You spent time with me less, when you got your popularity. Everyone saw only you, you were to kind and friendly to everyone. Everyone try to got your attention and you gave them. You participate in many school clubs, even in karate club and surprisingly, you were very good in it.”
When Ray said about Acchan participate in karate club, guy who was holding Acchan, was already pale and looks like he just start to worry about his life. Who won’t? Even I start to think it’s miracle, that I am still a live.
  „What? Friends usually are happy about others friends. If you wanted my attention so much, then why you didn’t participate with me some of the school clubs?” Acchan was asking to Ray.
 „Pff.. Even if would do that.. I won’t be so good like you, In eveyone eyes you were just to perfect in everything, that they won’t even see me.” When Ray said last sentence, she look at me, smirking and said „..I bet, even in bed you are good.” Why the hell she said something like this? I am died.
  „What? What are you talking about? You have no rights about my private life.” I think I can see a blush in Acchans cheeks. „If you hate me so much, then why you let Minami do something like that. You hate me, not her.!” Acchan star to get angry again.
 „Ha, ha..! When we graduated from that school, we went different way. This was chance to me get my popularity, by my own ways and without you to disturbing me. With Takamina’s help, I made it.”
  „You use her! How could you do that!?” Acchan was pissed off and guy who was holding her, were on panic.
 „That was easy. I admit, I liked the time with her, but only little bit. But problem was that, she also was popular and I needed get away her from my way. But then you transfer to this school. From all people who I know, it had to be YOU! At first, I was really angry, but then, I saw how you two look at each other and I heard talk between her and her stupid friend. This was my chance to take away Takamina’s popularity and revenge to you. Make you feel, how it is, when someone you trust, betray you and live you, even hurt you! So, how it feels?” Ray was smirking by saying that.
  „You have no idea how it feels. Yes, it hurts and very much. I hated Minami after that, from bottom of my heart, but on the same time, deep inside, I still love her. I admit that I wanted her suffer, but I am not a monster. It’s only made me understand how cruel and painful things can be. I try to just forget it and  wanted continue to live somewhere else. But it was only before I heard talk between you and Minami..” … „At first, I am sorry, but  I couldn’t recognize you, until I start to search old pictures from school times and then I saw you. I never though, you can be so evil, because you only wanted so much that popularity. You never be popular by doing this, hurting others, its not just right.” Acchan was speaking from her heart.
„Ha! I want to puke after what I heard. Acchan, you are  such a player, by talking like this. Thats why, I hate you even more! JUST DISAPPEAR FROM HERE!” Ray start to shouting again.
 „Don’t worry. I will. After when I finish MY THINGS WITH YOU!” Acchan in some way get away from guy, who was holding her and try to punch straight to Rays face. When guy who was holding Ray saw that Acchan already get away from other guy, he immediately let her go. Ray somehow avoided Acchan’s punch. They both start to fight in close distance.
  „What the heck, Takamina, do something!” Yuko was shouting at me, but I instead, was in shock, about what I just heard from those two.
 Many guys try those separate them and somehow they did it, but now Acchan was holded by three guys and its looks very hard for them. But Ray was holded by still one guy. When teachers came in, everyone separate and dismiss to there classes. No one wanted to get into more troubles.
  Ray went to restroom to clean herself, but Acchan just went out from school. I try to follow her and I need to speak with her.. I want to apologise.
 „Acchan!” I call her. She heard me and stop by turning to me.
  „Acchan I.. I am sorry about everything what I had done to you.” I bow in front of her. „I know you still hate me, but I really want to go to past and change everything. Also I didn’t know that, you back then where friends with Ray. I am really.. really sorry and..” 
 „Sshh, Minami. You don’t need to say anything more to me. I already heard what you feel and think about me, when you and Ray were talking back then.”
  „Acchan.. I..” She cover my lips with her finger.
 „I understand everything, but… I need to go, because there is no place for me anymore, I already made a choice and things never be the same like before..” With smile she just turn around and walk away. I look at her back, when she walk away. I couldn’t do anything.
  „Acchan.. I am so sorry.” I said it in very low voice. I understand that I will never see her again, but deep inside I just hoping to see at least that smile. Even if this smile  is not for me.
  I couldn’t believe about reason why Ray hate me so much. Maybe I wasn’t good friend for her, but I tried.. I really tried. But now, there is no place for me in this school, there are so many painful memories. I need to go and try to get thru all of this. After fight with her, I went out from class, even from school, until someone call me.
 „Acchan!” It was Minami. Every time when I heard her voice and felt her presence, my heart start beating faster. I still love her.
  With smile I turn to face her, but deep inside, I already crying. She try to speak.
„Acchan I.. I am sorry about everything what I had done to you.” She bow to me. Ah, Minami, you have no idean how much I want to hug you right now, but I can’, I need to hold myself.  „I know you still hate me, but I really want to go to past and change everything. Also I didn’t know, that you back then where friends with Ray. I really.. really sorry and..”  I can’t take it anymore, I want to stop her, or I will start to cry in front of her.
 „Sshh, Minami. You don’t need to say anything more to me. I already heard what you feel and think about me, when you and Ray were talking back then.” I happy that you love me, and never meant anything from those bad words what you said, because in your heart you are good person.
  „Acchan.. I..” I covered her lips with my finger.. It’s start to hurt again.
 „I understand everything, but… I need to go, because there is no place for me anymore, I already made a choice and things never be the same like before.” I am sorry, Minami. I really want to stay with you and pretend like nothing had happened. But I need to be strong. With smile, what was hard for me, I turn around and walk away. I can feel, that she still watching me, but I need to go. I felt tears in my eyes.
  „I will miss you, Minami. I already miss you. I hope we will see each other again. I really hope.” I speak with myself in low voice and disappear from Minamis eyes.
After 2 years.
  It was already graduation day. Me and Yuko somehow ended school too. We couldn’t believe that everything already is over and have to start to think about what we will do next.
 „So, Takamina, what are your plans?” Yuko asking to me
  „Who knows. At first, need to relax  from school things and maybe start to search for job, but that would be latter...much latter.” 
 „Hi, hi.. I agree with you. By the way.. don’t forget about tomorrow, we are going to make some fun.” Yuko was smiling.
  „I know, I know, how I can forget.” After that, we went back to other students to celebrate our graduation.
  Next day.
  „Where the hell is Yuko. She is so damn late. I need to call her. Ah, where is my phone?” I calling her.
 „Moshi, Moshi, Takamina. What’s up?”
  „What do you mean by ‘what’s up?’, Where are you? Do you forget about our plans?”
 „Oh, I am so sorry Takamina. But yesterday I forgot to tell you, that I can’t go with you.”
  „WHAT!? I hope you have a very good explanation?”
„Ammm.. actually yes.. I am on a date with Nyan Nyan.”
„I can’t believed.” That squirrel, how could she do that?
 „Sorry, Takamina, but I need to go now, Nyan Nyan is waiting for me. So, bye.”
  „Yeah, yeah.. enjoy your date, traitor.” After that Yuko put down her phone.
 „I can’t believe what she just did. Ah.. What I am supposed to do now... I know.. I want to eat, maybe food will calm me down.” I went to search some cafe and I stop in front one of them.
  „I remember this place. This is where me and Acchan first time went to eat.” I went in there and try to find some free space, but everywhere someone already was sitting.
 „Ah.. this isn’t my lucky day.” I speak with myself
  „Hello Miss. We have full here, but we can offer you to sit with some other clients, who are sitting alone.” One of the waitress came to me and offered.
 „Well… I am really hungry by now, so.. I think I will accept that.” We went one of the table where was sitting someone. I think it’s a girl, however, she have a hat on her head and black sunglasses, also she was reading some kind of book.
  „Excuse me Miss. Can I sit with you? Because others places are full and..” That girl just nod with her head, showing that she agree. When I sit, I try to see her face, but book and that hat was in way. I try to speak with her.
 „Amm.. Can I know what book you are reading?” When I said that, she just let higher her book, while showing the name of it.
  „Oh! It’s good book.” She just nod. After some silence I try to speak again.
 „Amm… by the way. My name is Takahashi Minami. Can I know your name?” She put the book on the table and take off her sunglasses.. I can’t believe what I am seeing..
  „Hello! I am Maeda Atsuko. Nice to meet you too.. Minami!” By saying it, she smiling to me.
            „Acchan…” How I miss that smile.
  After eating and little bit of talk, we went to walk in the park. We didn’t speak very much, but when we did that, then we only try to speak about good things, because we just don’t want to bring back our painful memories.
 We went to sit one of the bench what was in park. We just sitting there and enjoy the view what we have around and of course each other presence. While sitting there, Acchan lay down her head to my left shoulder. She take my left hand and holding with her hands. Touching gently each part of my fingers..  that full hand. This feeling bring me back good memories what we had before. While she doing this, I just watching every move of hers.
  „Minami?” Acchan start to speak in low voice.
  „Can we… Can we be friends again?” She just asking me that. Then I understand, that we still have feeling to each other. We couldn’t forget each other all this time.
 „I would be happy about that.” I can’t say nothing more, because I know she won’t accept something more.
  „Thank you, Minami.” She got up from my shoulder. When I turn to my head to look at her, our faces was very close to each other. We gaze deeply into each other eyes. Sometimes I can see, that she is looking to my lips. When she do that, I want kiss her, right here and I don’t care if someone complain about as. We start to leaning closer to each other. Our eyes slowly start to close.. I can feel her breath to my face…
 „KISSU, KISSU!” Ah... I should know that.. that something like this will happen.
  „WHY YOU ARE HERE, YUKO?” I just screaming to her, while Acchan was laughing and the same time blushing, like me.
 „What do you mean, why  I am here? I am on a date and looks like..”.. she was smirking „I am in right time and  in right place.” She and Nyan Nyan was coming closer to us. „..And by the way, hello, Acchan.” Acchan just nod to her with smile.
  „It looks like, it was good choice to cancel our plans, Takamina.” 
 „Yeah. What you cancel not even saying to me.” That squirrel, I want to kick her, for canceling our plans and now for disturbing me and Acchan in good moment.
  „So, do you have plans now?” Yuko was asking to us.
 „No. We don’t have.” Acchan answered her.
  „That’s great. You two can join to us to amusement park.” We just nod to her. While Yuko and Nyan Nyan turn around to walk away, we start to get up from bench, when suddenly Acchan squezee my hand. I try to look at her, but my look was blocked with Acchan lips to my left cheek.
 „Acchan..” She take me by surprise. Never thought she would doing something like that. I can see a blush in her face and she just smiling to me. While we walk to amusement park, Acchan never let go my hand.
In the end.. I never thought I would see her again..and looks like, this day can’t be more perfect.

Thank you everyone, who leave comments, or just push "Thanks" button. Also thank you those, who only reading it. I thought already about new story, but that more be like OS.. and not so sad. But that OS I will post not here, but where I posted before Dialogue between Atsuko and Minami.
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline ubulubulbilu

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« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2014, 12:58:51 PM »
Heheh, it's nice story and very cute ending. I'll be waitin' for ur next story. Thx Author San XD

Offline Haruko

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« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2014, 05:41:45 PM »
I demand a real kiss!!

Offline cisda83

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« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2014, 10:54:52 PM »
Lovely ending...

Should make it a blast one... by making them kiss...

Though... it would make the situation awarkard afterward....

Yeah... they should start from friends 1st then develop into something more...

Building up their trusts towards each other...

Very logical and realistic story

Thank you for finishing up the story

Can't wait to see other story... or even a sequel...

PS: Poor Ray... I would say she was lonely because Atsuko started to ignore her... and she got angry and jealous since no one notices her..
       I think Atsuko is Ray's only friend, her 1st friend... someone that she trusted to never ignore her and should care about her forever...
       For Minami, she was falling for Atsuko while she was still going out with Ray, then I guess Ray thought it would not be long until Minami dumped her for Atsuko... 
       Again Atsuko ruined her life unintentionally... But I guess Ray and Atsuko are never going to mix, they are like oil and water
       Thus, I can understand her action toward Minami and Atsuko...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline black_maa

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« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2014, 12:38:39 PM »
Heheh, it's nice story and very cute ending. I'll be waitin' for ur next story. Thx Author San XD

Thank you for comment. I am happy to hear, that you like it. Next story I will update next week. But I not sure, what will be first - OS or story (only Epilogue)..  :)

I demand a real kiss!!

Sorry, but you need to wait next week. in next story or OS it will be that..  :wink: 

Lovely ending...

Should make it a blast one... by making them kiss...

Though... it would make the situation awarkard afterward....

Yeah... they should start from friends 1st then develop into something more...

Building up their trusts towards each other...

Very logical and realistic story

Thank you for finishing up the story

Can't wait to see other story... or even a sequel...

PS: Poor Ray... I would say she was lonely because Atsuko started to ignore her... and she got angry and jealous since no one notices her..
       I think Atsuko is Ray's only friend, her 1st friend... someone that she trusted to never ignore her and should care about her forever...
       For Minami, she was falling for Atsuko while she was still going out with Ray, then I guess Ray thought it would not be long until Minami dumped her for Atsuko... 
       Again Atsuko ruined her life unintentionally... But I guess Ray and Atsuko are never going to mix, they are like oil and water
       Thus, I can understand her action toward Minami and Atsuko...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Oh, Thank you for your long comment.  :wink:
Well... I also thought about real kiss in the end.. but yeah.. 1st they need to be friends again.  :)

About Ray and Minami, when Acchan transfer there, they both already were break up.. but you are right.. for Ray it was hard..

What can I say.. world is cruel..

                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline black_maa

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« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2014, 11:10:37 AM »
Omg the dream on chapter 3! My poor heart! are really good at making people exited and then bam!! Sorry is a dream!! You're a teaser! And in all the other chaps you played with my emotions! Good work! I loved your story!!  I read it in one go, so I'm happy that I didn't have to wait so much.
About the ending! Great one, after all that happened its a very good way to start to heal each other and star a new. Thank you!! Ah yeah you really made me want to punch Takamina on one chap. Good job!
Thank you for your comment. I happy to hear, that my readers like it.  :)
He, he.. About teasing - it won't be last time, when I am planning to do that, so be prepare.  :lol:
I think you are not only one, who wanted to punch Takamina.
Thank you again!

                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline black_maa

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« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2014, 07:16:18 PM »

In the end.. I post this OS in here.. Hehe..  :D  Sometime I don't think what I am writting.. Well.. this OS is little bit funny, at least, I try to write like that. So.. I hope you like it. Enjoy reading. Ah.. and of course, it's AtsuMina.

                                                                                              BAD PATIENT  „MELTING DIAMOND”
I am Takahashi Minami and I am 25 years old. Psychologist. I know, I know, I am too young to do something like this, but I like to listen other people stories and try to help them. Every client like my way, how I help them and recommend me to their friends.

 People stories are different. Some of them only need one times to come to me, but others, little bit more, but never more like 4 times. There are always some hard case, like this one, what this story will be about. Before I continue my story, I can tell that, she was very bad patient. Never thought, people like her exist, that Maeda girl. At first, it was hard for me to understand what she really thinking. I already giving up for her, because I thought, I will going insane with her, until when something happen, she fell in love.

The story.

First of all, I will tell you, how she got here. Well, outside was sunny day, there was already patient. I was listening very carefully, until I got a phone call from unknown number.
 „Moshi, moshi, Takahashi listening.”
 „Hello. Are you that new and good psychologist?” Someone asked me thru the phone
 „Well, yes, it would be me. How I can help you?”
 „It’s not for me, but for other person sake.” he sounded really nervous.
 „Okay, just send tomorrow this person to me.”
 „Thank you very much.” Before I ended phone call, I heard something, in other side of phone.
 „With who you talked?! I don’t need some kind of psychologist help! They suck and I don’t like how they look! They are ugly, old and nerds!” It was a girl „Please, Miss! It’s only be good for you!” And then I heard, that something was broken, something like glass. „Go to hell, I won’t do that!” After that phone call ended. 
 „Oh.. this will be interesting case.” I said to myself.
  Day one.
 I already were sitting in my office and waiting that ‘interesting’ person. I look at my watch and that person was late.
 „It’s look like that person won’t come..” at that moment doors opened and came in young girl. She has a long and black hairs. Brown eyes. Pinky lips. She wear blue jeans and white blouse. I could say she look very cute, if she won’t look like someone, who can kill everyone, only because she is here. She layed down in special chair or more like bed. This bed is in front of me and I am on left side of her.

 „Hello, Ms. My name is Takahashi Minami and nice to see you here. You would be. ?” I tried to know her name.
 „Maeda Atsuko, and I am not happy to be here.” She is cold.
 „Okay. We won’t be here formal, so I will call you now Atsuko. In that way you can be more open.”
 „For you, I am Maeda, Ms Maeda. Do you get it?” Looks like she won’t open so easily.
 „O-Okay, Ms Maeda. So, can you tell me what is bothering you?” I started to seance
 „What is bothering me, hmmm.. let me think.. O, I know – You.” Wow, she is thought.
 „Except me. There should be a reason why you are here.?”
 „You are here psychologist, not me, so figure out yourself.” She put her hand on her chest by crossing them. That’s mean, she won’t open to me and she just locked herself inside.
 „Okay, I will tell you.”
 „Go ahead.” She didn’t even looked at me
 „You are here, because every hate your attitude and you are like spoiled brat, who don’t know what it want.”
 „How you dare to say something like that to a lady.?” She look at me with big eyes.
 „I am not finished. You are person, who won’t open to others and for that should be a reason. I could say, that reason is something with your past. Someone done to you something bad. It’s more with relationship. Someone use you or ignore you..”
 „What the hell you think you are? You have no right about my past. I am leaving.” She stand up and walked to the doors.
 „See you tomorrow.” 
 „No way. I won’t come here.” After that she slammed the door.
 „Yeah, I don’t think so.” It will be hard to break her.
Day two.

 Like usually I was sitting in my place and this time I was waiting her.
 While I writing some papers, I heard that someone came in. When  I turned to look at this person, I saw her. She just came and layed down in chair. With pissed look, she just laying there.
 „Look what we have here.” I tried to little bit tease her.
 „Shut up and start that stupid procedure or how it call, I don’t care.” She need to change her attitude.
 „If you wish, then okay. I hope this time you won’t run away in middle?”
 „Pff…” she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
 „Feel free… Relax… Close your eyes… Breath” I started the session.
 „That’s stupid.” I can see, that she don’t want to do it, but something made her.
 „What you see, when your eyes are close?”
 „Nothing. Everything is black.” She need to relax more
 „Look closely.” I spoke in low voice.
 „I.. I see me.”
 „Tell more. Describe the place.”
 „I am standing in room. There are only mirror on the wall.”
 „Go to the mirror. What you see there?” I said to her.
 „I see.. a small girl, she is.. she is.. ahhh.. I can’t take it any more.” She quickly standed up.  I can see, that she want to run away, again. 
 „Please sit, Ms.”
 „This is stupid. I don’t need to be here.”
 „But you are and should be reason why. No one come here, because they have nothing to do. They come, because something is bothering them. They need to someone with who to talk. That’s why I am here, and you too. So please, let me help you. I really want to know about your personality, what is hiding inside of you, and I want to know what it feels and wants. Maybe there is something, that can make you smile again.” With serious voice I said to her.
 „Do you even understand what you just said.?”
 „Yes, of course.” I smiled to her.
 „Ye~ah. Is there way how get away from you.? Something like.. the way how you can lose your job? Then, after that, I don’t need to come here.”
 „Sorry, but no.”
 „Hmm.. we will see that.” With creepy smile she went out.
 I need to be ceraful.
  Day three.

 ”So, Ms Maeda. First of all. Why you are dressed like that?” She wears black dress, what is perfect for her body. Dress is not long, above knee, but on left side it has slit. Shoulders was little bit naked, and in front of dress was big decolte.
 „What? Can’t I wear what I like and feel comfortable?” I think she try to seduce me. Okay girl. I will play your game. I want to know, how far you will go.
 „No, it’s okay. If you feel comfortable in it, then everything is good.”
 „Good to hear it.” I could see, that she is playing with me.
 „So, how you feel today?”
 „Hmm.. pretty good.” She looked at me with seductive look.
 „Good to hear. So tell me. Do you have relationship with someone.?”
 „Hmm.. No. I am free.” At that moment her left leg wasn’t anymore straight, but bend it in knee. When she did that, her dress looks more shorter. „…and if you don’t believe me, you can check it.” She really like to tease me.
 „No thanks. I don’t do that sort of things.” I tried to avoid her gaze.
 „Why not? Isn’t what psychologist do to there clients?”
 „I am not like that.” She smiled at me, then she stand up from hers place and started come to me. Slowly.
 „Are you sure?.” At that moment she sat on my lap, with open legs. She put her arms around my neck and with seductive voice spoke into my ear. „I don’t mind if you check me.” Her right hand started to slowly touch to my neck.. collarbone.. until it slided down to my chest.
 „Ms, I think I came to conclusion about what is wrong with you.”
 „Hm..And it would be.?” She blow into my ear.
 „You are without of luck with sex, that’s mean, no one satisfy you and you should not complain about that, because no one want girl, who is spoiled brat. Also your trying to seduce me, won’t work to me, coz you are very bad with it.” She stopped touching me and looked into my eyes with shocked look. „…and it’s look like I am right.” She stand up from my lap and went back to hers sit.
 „Asshol.” She didn’t look at me and her hands was crossed in front of her chest. She looks angry.
 „Oh, thank you. Also looks like I win.”
 „Only in your dreams.” Now she was also pissed off.
 „So, can we continue to speak normal?”
 „Go to hell. I am leaving.” She stand up and went out with slamming doors behind.
 „Hi.. yeah.”
 Day four.

 „It’s look like you change you style.. back to normal again..” I try to tease her.
 „Shut up.”
 „Hihi.. So...” She disturbed me
 „How much?”
 „What?” I was confused.
 „How much money do you want, that I don’t need to come?” Why I think she try to buy me.
 „Sorry, Ms. But things won’t work like that.” What she is thinking?
 „How much did they paid to you? I will double price.”
 „Information like that, I won’t tell you. So, don’t even try.” Pff.. serious?
 „Did they paid you already?”
 „I won’t tell you. We need to start seance.” .. „So..”
 „10’000 $”
 „What?” I looked at her with confused look.
 „I will pay that.”
 „No! So, about seance..”
 „20’000 $. Everyone want money and I don’t believe, if you don’t need it.” Grr..
 „Sorry, Ms. But I am not doing this because of money. I do this, because I like to listen people stories.” Can we start it, please?
 „30’000 $.” What the heck she think she are?
 „Stop it! I won’t accept your money. We will start seance, or get out from here.”
 „Thank you! Bye-bye!”
 „What the..?!” She just stand up and went out. Damn, she did that with purpose. Ah.. that women.
 Day five.

 That spoiled brat. I will go insane with her. Doors opening.
 „Oh, hello, M-s. Are you drunk?” She even couldn’t walk straight.
 „Maybe. ..hic..” She layed down with her back on the bad.
 „Why you are drunk?”
 „Why you care.. hic..?” And at that moment she just, I don’t know from where, but in her hands was bottle with alcohol and very strong alcohol. She opened it and start to drink it like it was a water.
 „Ms, you shouldn’t do that in here.” She is crazy.
 „Sorry.. hic.. but my drinking time.. hic.. was at the same time.. hic.. when your seance, so.. hic.. don’t complain.. hic..” she put down that bottle. I can’t believe it.
 „Ms, are you will able to continue our seance?”
 „Hmm.. Then we will see…hic..” I don’t like how she smile. „..Come closer, I wan’t to tell you something in ear…hic.”
 „You can tell it loud it too.”
 „No.. come here..hic.. or I will not listening you.” You already don’t do that, and I don’t think you ever planing to do it too.
 „I hope, it’s something good.” I start to get closer to her.
 „Don’t worry, You will like it.” Again that smile. I have bad feeling about this. When I was almost to her, she grabed me by my collar and taked me closer to her.
 „What are you.. mhhmm.” She kissed me roughly. I could feel her tongue to my lips, she tried to get acces to my mouth. I couldn’t let her to do that. When I didn’t give her permission to get in to my mouth, she pushed me away and I fall on the floor.
 „O~h That was just what I needed. Thank you…hic..” What the hell. She just stollen my first kiss.
 „You just..”
 „..Stoll your first kiss?” How could she know.
 „How you..”
 „..Know? Hihi.. coz you were.. hic.. bad at this.” .. „But don’t worry.. hic.. I won’t tell that to no one. Hihi… hic..!” She is devil. I went back to my sit. 
 „Ah, what I will do with you now? .. What that sound.?” I heard strange sound, like sobs. When I look at her, she was crying.
 „W-Why are you crying?”
 „I-I don’t know…sob.. I just wanted…sob.. I hate myself…sob…” How people can change like that so fast.
 „Ms, I think you should stop drinking.. Ms..? Ms?” there wasn’t no response from her. I went closer to her and I saw, that she is..
 „She is sleeping. Hii.. I can’t believe it.” What now I will do with her. I need to call her driver, to take her home. But in one thing she is progressing – first time she is here until seance end, however, she fall a sleep.
 „I hope she won’t remember tomorrow anything, about what happen little while ago.”
 Day six.

 „Hello, Ms. How we are feeling today?”
 „Oh, just shut up.. Ah.. my head.” Hihi.. looks someone have hangover.
 „Do you remember about what happen yesterday?” I hope she wasn’t
 „What? No. What’s happen back then? Did I was even here?” Drinking water, and pretty much.
 „Yes, you was. You even cried and even fall a sleep.”
 „Oh! Did I do something else?” It will be better if I won’ tell about that kiss.
 „No, nothing.”
 „That’s good. Ah.. Why even I am here.? I should be at home and sleep in my soft and large bad.”
 „Sorry, but you can do that only after seance.” I won’t let you go so easily this time.
 „Yeah, yeah. Just start that seance, before I fall a sleep here again.” Don’t even dare to do it.
 „O~kay! Feel free… relax… Close your eyes.” I said in low voice. 
 „How you feel?”
 „Ms.?” Don’t tell me, that she really fall a sleep?
 „MS MAEDA!?” I said in louder voice
 „Ah..there is no use from her.”
 „Minami, can you please get me blanket, there is bit cold?” She spoke in her sleep.
 „She.. she just.. AAh!” (facepalm) and why she calls me by my name? I need to call her driver to take her home. I think I will get insane with her.
 Day seven.

 „I hope today she won’t fall a sleep.” I stil remember what happened last time. Doors open and she came in. She layed down on her place and.. why she is smiling like that? I don’t like it.
 „Looks someone is in good mood today.” I said to her
 „Perhaps..” Why she is still smiling? I need to be careful.
 „So, How you feel today?”
 „How you feel today?”
 „I asked you first.”
 „I asked you first.” What the heck.. does she repeating me.. that girl..
 „Ms, please stop playing around. I am serious.”
 „I am serious.” Aaahh…. Okay, I will play with you.
 „Iamspoiledbartwhodon’tknowwhatitwants.” Repeat this..
 „I……bla, bla, bla…. wants.” She just.. aah.. okay..
 „I am biggest idiot on the world.”
 „I am biggest id… What? No, I am not!” Hi hi..
 „Ha, you lost.” Takes this. I hope now she will stop playing this.
 „So, can we continue?”
 „Can we continue?” Damn, she won’t stop it so easily.
 „I love you.” Can you repeat this?
 „I love.. Heck no!” She was pouting. Cute. Did I just saw a blush in her cheeks? Damn, what I am thinking?
 „Can we continue now?”
 „No, I lost my mood. Thanks to you!” She again stand up and like usually, she went out.
 „Ah.. Unbelievable!”
Day eight.

 I need to breath. Soon. Very soon she will be here. I need to be calm. Minami, don’t forget who you are. You can do it. Breath.. and there she comes.
 „Hello, Ms, Maeda.” She came in, while speaking to the phone.
 „Ah, sorry, Takahashi. Can you wait little bit? I have very important talk.” What the heck? Okay, I will little wait, but if she still talking after 5 minutes, I will take away that phone.
 „What.? Ye~s, I know.. Ha, ha… I kno~w.. Really? Haha.! No way!?.. Haha!” And that should be very important talk.? Okay, I have enough.
 „Ms, Maeda. It’s time.”
 „Please wait little bit more.” She just said to me like this.. aah..
 „Oh, sorry, there just some girl disturb me. Can you say it again? ..What? Really? Ha, ha.. What a jerk. Haha.. I know! I know! Ha, Ha!” I think I will explode right now.
 „Ms, please give me your phone!” She turned away from me. If she don’t give easily, then I take it with force. I started to take away her phone.
 „Hey, what are you doing!?”
 „I am taking your phone!” I tried to get it
 „I have very important talk!”
 „You are kidding, right!?” I successfully got the phone
 „Give me back!” she tied to get back
 „NO!” We was fighting because of phone
 „YOU..!” Bams.. phone fell to the ground and now it was on two pieces
 „You.. YOU just broke my phone!” she looks angry
 „Sorry, but it’s not my fault. I already said to stop talking and look what’s happened.”
 „Aah.. I hate you!”
 „Hihi.. Thank you. I love you too!”
 „YOU! AAH..!” She taked her phone, what was broken and went out. If I am not wrong, then I saw again, that blush in her cheeks. It’s strange.
 „At least, I am not only one, who is pissed off.”
Day nine.

 I can’t believe. It’s already nine days. I still can’t break her thru. If she continue like this, then no one can help her. I start to pity her. Such a beauty, but with very bad and awful attitude. What? Beauty? What hell I am thinking.? Stop it, you stupid mind. Oh, she is coming. Ahh.. If she continue like this, I really going insane. Damn, I am already going insane.
 „Excuse me, but are you okay?”
 „Eh?” Did she just asked me if I am okay?
 „Oh, sorry, you just while ago look strange.” Is she smiling at me? I don’t like it. She is playing with me again.
 „No, no.. I am all right.” I smiled to her.
 „Good to hear.” Now, I really don’t like this atmosphere
 „So, shall we start?”
 „Okay.” What? Thats all? No bad words or something else? Did she drunk some medicine?
 „Close you eyes and tell me, what you see.” But still, I need to be ceraful
 „I see a girl. She is in front of mirror.”
 „Tell me more.” Well? Why I can’t hear some yelling from her?
 „She is scare.” Her voice changed. I saw a tear, what dripped from her eye.
 „Why she is scared?”
 „I.. I don’t know. … Maybe… maybe, because she is alone.” Wow.. she is crying.
 „Tell me, why she is alone?” I start to feel pity for her.
 „Because… because, she don’t want to someone come closer. She don’t need anyone. She don’t want broken heart.”
 „Why? If you never let someone come closer to you, then you also never know, how it is.. to fell in love and be happy. To feel this feeling, that someone really cares about you and ready to do anything, only to see you beautiful smile. The smile, what can melt every heart.” Hers eyes were still closed.
 „Hmm.. you sound someone who is in love.” I am not sure myself, maybe I am.
 „Don’t think about me, but think about yourself.”
 „Is there someone, who you want to see besides to you. Person, who you want, because you know, this person can make you happy and bring back that smile?”
 „I-I don’t know.. I am not sure.” She opened her eyes and looks at me.
 „Don’t worry. You just need to think about it. Maybe there is already someone who care about you and are always around you, but you just don’t see it.” Damn.. I just sound like one of them.
 „Thank you.” She smiled at me, with her beautiful smile. I think.. I already will start to miss it.
 „If you want to come tomorrow, then felel free to do it, but if you don’t want, then wish you luck to find that person.”
 „Thank you again.” She stand up and start to go to the doors. But then she turned back to face me and gave me again that beautiful smile. I smiled to her back. After that, she went out.
 „Ah.. it was hard, but looks like I did it. At least, I hope so.”
 Day ten.

 Next day she didn’t came. But I get phone call from person, who send her to me.
 „Moshi, moshi, Takahashi listening.”
 „Oh, Takahashi. Thank you very much. I don’t know what you did, but she really are changed. She don’t jell at ass and accept every advice,  what we say to her. Thank you very much again to you. I know it that, sending her to you, was the good idea. Thank you and good luck.”
 „Oh, happy to hear it. And thank you too. Bye.” Phone call ended.
 „Looks like I did it. I really did it. But somehow, I will miss that fighting with her. Hi. Yeah.”
  It was already week, when I last time saw her. I hope she is okay.
 Tuck, tuck.. someone was knocking other side of doors.
 „Eh? Who is it, come in.” I was writing some papers and didn’t really look, who came in.
 „Hello, Minami.” That voice
 „M-Ms Maeda? What are you doing here.?” My heart, why it so fast..?
 „Just call me, Atsuko.” She smiled to me. How I miss that.
 „A-Atsuko. What’s bring you here?” she came closer to me.
 „You.” Eh?
 „W-What do yo mean, ‘me’?” I was little bit confused.
 „After all those seance, I understand something.”
 „What?” my eyes was still on her.
 „Hm. That I have someone,  who I want to be besides to me.” When I looked into her eyes, they tried to tell me something, but what?
 „Oh! That’s great to hear it.” However, it’s little hurt to know it.
 „Yes, it is.” Why she is smiling at me like this? Please, don’t.
 „So, did you tell that person about that, already?” I tried to sound calm, however, I wasn’t.
 „I am planning to do it.” Please, don’t.
 „And how it goes?” Please say not good.
 „Well.. not really good.” Yeees!
 „Hmm. Because, that person is blind to see herself.” What?
 „What do you mean with that.?”
 „Well..” she came more closer to me and sat on my lap. But this time, her legs was in one side of me. She put her hands around my neck.
 „W-What are you doing?” Why my heart start to beat so fast?
 „I try to help that person to understand about what I am talking.” Did she mean… no.. It can’t be.. She is just teasing me.
 „I am not sure about what are you talking.” She smiled to me and leaned closer to my face.
 „I am talking about this.” She captured my lips with hers. We start to kiss slowly.  Then it turns into passionate. She start to move her body and now her legs are each side of my body. I can feel her tongue to my lips.. asking for permission to get into my mouth. What I gave her. She try to get our bodies more closer. I hug her too and pressing closer to me. In our mouth were battle between our tongues. I won.
 „For someone, who are kissing only second time, you are really good with it.” I think she start to teas me again.
 „W-What do you mean – only second time?” Don’t tell me, that she back then..
 „You think I won’t remember how I stoll your first kiss, when I was drunk?”
 „Eh!? But – But you side, that you don’t remember anything.”
 „Hihi.. and you believe it?”
 „Well, yeah!”
 „Hmm.. then let me compensate my fault.” She again captured my lips and gave passionate kiss. After kiss, our foreheads were still together.
 „Minami, I forgot to tell you something.”
 „Hm.. what is it?”
 „I love you.” Those words made my heart melt.
 „I am happy to hear it. And guess what… You made me fell in love with you too. So, I love you too.”… „However.. It really was hard to deal with you. I though I will go insane with you.”
 „Hihi.. don’t worry. It won’t happen like that again.”
 „That’s good to hear.”
 „But, that doesn’t mean, that I won’t do other ‘naughty’ things.”
 „Eh?” and then she again captured my lips.
-Looks like diamonds also can be melt-
The end! :mon exhaust:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 09:56:06 AM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: Painful mistake [END] + New OS [16.12.14]
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2014, 02:05:28 AM »
I smiled when I read all the end parts. It's so sweet. Maybe next time u should make a story not os, so i'll be waiting for this and my otp ATSUMINA !

Umm maybe, how about this one to be a story? it'll be so much interesting, because I love the progress of their relationship. Lol

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful mistake [END] + New OS [16.12.14]
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2014, 06:09:20 AM »
Just read the last chapter of painful mistake..glad they're back together but I really wanna know what happen to atsuko after she went away... :yep:

And the os, it was great!! Got no better explanation for it! :thumbsup

Offline black_maa

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Re: Painful mistake [END] + New OS [16.12.14]
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2014, 01:46:19 PM »
I smiled when I read all the end parts. It's so sweet. Maybe next time u should make a story not os, so i'll be waiting for this and my otp ATSUMINA !
Umm maybe, how about this one to be a story? it'll be so much interesting, because I love the progress of their relationship. Lol

Oh.. I will think about that. Thank you.  :)  However, writing this OS was little hard, and right now, I am working to other AtsuMina story, also.. my writing time won't be so much enymore.  :(

Atsumina!!! Black_maa nice work! \(^o^)/ Drunk Maeda super funny! Poor Takamina her first kiss tasted of alcohol (ーー;)
I like your atsumina stories a lot!!
I am glad to hear. Thank you very  much. HeHe... I agree, poor Takamina..  :lol:

Just read the last chapter of painful mistake..glad they're back together but I really wanna know what happen to atsuko after she went away... :yep:
And the os, it was great!! Got no better explanation for it! :thumbsup
Well.. I already thinking about that, if I should write something like "Painful Mistake: After story" and include there what happen with Acchan those two years. But I can't promise that will be soon. First I need finish my other story..
Thank you very much.!  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: Painful mistake [END] + New OS [16.12.14]
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2014, 04:15:51 AM »
Oh... Atsuko is so great in driving people crazy with her attitude

Well at least she changed herself and fall for her Psychologist.

But are they allowed to fall for their own doctor?

Thank you for the fun insane OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline black_maa

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Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2014, 01:43:43 PM »

After request and also I thought about that too, I write more like continue, to this story. There will be few parts. In those parts, I hope you understand, about what happened with Acchan in those two years. I also thought about that OS, where was request to turn it into story, but I don't know how to do it. I am not sure, if it will be interesting, because everyone already know, what happens in each day. Enjoy reading!

                                                              "PAINFUL MISTAKE: AFTER STORY"
                                                                                    PART 1 

                                                                     FROM ACCHANS VIEW

     Back then, when I again changed school, but that time with broken heart, I promise myself, that I will nevar fall again, except her. My new school was in other city. I tried to start new life and maybe forget about what happened. In this new school I had new friends, new interests, but no one of them was special for me. Each day, each night, when I close my eyes, she is there. So many things remind me about her. In those times I ask myself – „Why? Why I can’t forget her?”
 It was already two years, when I last time saw her. After graduation I went back to this city. When I planned to return to this place, deep inside in my heart I want – I want to see her!
  Day, when I returned to this city I went to cafe, where we both first time eat together. However, back then, we didn’t spoke very much, because of awkward atmosphere, what before create Yuko, but for me, it’s meant very much. I was happy. It was also first time, when I gave her first kiss, what was on cheek. At first, I wanted to give this kiss on the lips, but I don’t wanted to scare her. I was afraid, that she would run away. After while, when I gave her second kiss, but this time on the lips, I felt thousands butterflies in my stomach. Ah, those memories, those feelings. How I want them again. But do I have a chance? If I have, how I explane about things.. things what happened when I leave? Things, what happened in last two years. But the most important, how I tell her things about…
 „Excuse me Miss. Can I sit with you? Because others places are full and..” That voice. I know this voice. But I am afraid to look. I am afraid … that she don’t remember me. I am afraid.. if it’s not her, but only my imagination. My mind is playing trick with me, cuz it’s can’t be her.. just can’t…
  „Amm… by the way. My name is Takahashi Minami. Can I know your name?” It’s.. it’s her. Minami. If this is a dream, please, don’t wake me up.
   After lunch we went to the park. It was like a dream. When I ask her to be friends again and she agreed, I was happiest person on the world. At first, I even was afraid to ask her that, because past between us, are painful memories.. painful mistakes.. But I had to risk and I am glad, that I did it. When we are so close to each other.. our faces were so close.. I want to kiss her… I want again feel that feelings. If Yuko wasn’t disturb us, I think, we would do that and I didn’t care, if someone would complain about that. 
 Before we went to amusement park, I kiss her on cheek. I saw a shock her eyes, but also I saw the feelings. While we went, I take her hand into mine. I didn’t want to let her go, because I was afraid, that she would disappear and in the end, it’s only a dream. I want her beside me and only me. I don’t want to see her besides someone other, but how I will tell her about my past, about those two years, about something, what can hurt her. I am afraid, if I tell her, she will leave me. She will leave and don’t want to see me again. Even our friendship can disappear. She will never forgive me. That’s why, I won’t tell her, at least, not now, but when will be the time. I hope, this won’t be soon. I want to spend time with her as much as possible and don’t think about anything else, only about us.. about her. Minami, you still belong my heart.
„Hey, you two! Come here!” Yuko was shouting from afar.
  „Yes, yes, we are coming!” Minami answer to her and then look at me with smile.
 „Acchan, we need to hurry, before Yuko don’t do or say some weird things.” We start to walk faster… but still hand in hand.
  „So… Yuko, what is your plan?” Minami ask her.
 „Well, I want to ride this, this and this.” While Yuko told this, she pointed to different rides, what was in this amusement park.
  „Oh, they are high, scary and no.. they are not for me.” I can see, that Minami is afraid most of them. I admit, that I want ride some of them, but if Minami is scare, then I will pass and stay with her. I don’t need anything more.
 „Okay, then I and Nyan Nyan will going alone, but you two, just enjoy other things, what you can find here. But don’t disappear, because after that, we will go eat. So, see you later.” Yuko and Nyan Nyan went to ride some of carousel. I and Minami just walk around and try to find some interesting things.
  We didn’t talk to much, just enjoy each other presence.
 „Oh, Acchan, look.” Minami pointed at big bear, what was a prize one of the attractions, where need to shoot balloons „I want to get it.” She paid this person and try to shoot. But after all shoot, luck wasn’t on her side.
  „Don’t worry, Minami. I will get it for you.”
 „Are you sure? Its harder then it’s looks.”
  „Just watch.” After all shoot, what was succeeded, I got the bear. Minami looks so cute, when this man gave her it.
 „Oh, Acchan, I didn’t know that you can shoot so good.”
  „For you, Minami, I can do anything.” When I said that, I saw a blush on her cheeks. Cute.
 „Tha – Thank you, Acchan.” After that I take her hand into mine and continue to look other attractions.
  While we walked around in amusement park, we heard scream. 
 „Acchan, I don’t know why, but this scream sounds familiar.” When we search the place, from where was coming this sound, we found Yuko and Nyan Nyan. In very awkward situation.
  „Looks like Yuko is harassmet Nyan Nyan.. again. Poor girl. I hope she is alright?” Minami looks worried about her.
 „Hehe.. don’t worry, Minami. Yuko just show her, how much she love her.”
  „Hmm.. maybe you right. But still, Yuko shouldn’t forget about where are we.” Minami, is there a way, how to show you, that I still love you?
 „Minami, I think they will be okay… Can we go to buy some ice cream?”
  „Yes, sure.” Still hand in hand, we went to buy some of them. After that, we sit one of the bench, what was empty and around wasn’t much people.
 „How is you ice cream?” Minami asked me
  „Delicias. Do you want to try it?”
 „Well, okay.. but then you need to taste mine, too.”
  „Deal.” We give each other to taste it. From afar I bet it’s look like we are feeding each other.
 „Hehe..” Minami was laughing
  „What? Why you are laughing?” I was little confuse
 „Indirect kiss.”
  „Eh? What are you talking about?” While I eat my ice cream I looking at her.
 „I mean, about ice cream.”
  „Ice cream?...Oh.. yeah… sort of.” Indirect kiss.. hmm.. I wish for real.
 „Yeah.. sorry.” 
  „Why you are apologising?”
 „Well.. I think I said something I shouldn’t. I mean, about kiss.” I can see a blush on her cheeks.
 „Yeah.” Atmosphere between us getting little bit awkward. I need to say something.
  „Minami. About that.. well.. you don’t need to apologise. I understand.”
 „But still,  I am sorry, if I remind you some memories about past. Sorry.”
  „Minami?” I need to try.
  „Do we.. Do we have a chance?”
 „What do you mean.?”
  „I mean.. about us.” When I look at her, she looks confused and little bit.. sad.
 „About us? Hmm.. I don’t know.”
  „I know that, in past happened many bad and painful things.. but still, it’s all in past and we need to continue to live.”
 „I know..”
  „I want to try again. Again with you.”
 „Acchan.. I… I don’t know what to answer to you.” She is looking at the ground.
  „Minami.. I really want to stay besides of you. Just please say, that we still have a chance. A chance, where we have our happy ending.” I felt that something is dripping from my eye. It’s tear.
 „I am afraid… if things like what happened in past, won’t be again. I don’t want to hurt you. I still can’t forgive myself about what I did to you..”
  „Minami..” I put my hands on her cheeks and turn her face to me. I want to see her eyes, where I can see a tears.. „It was past. But we need to be strong.” I put my forehead to hers and we both close our eyes „Minami. You are still in my heart.”
 „Acchan.. I..”
  „Minami, I still love you. It dosn’t matter what happened back then. My feelings toward you.. each day they are stronger.”
 „Hehe..” I open my eyes and we separate our foreheads
  „Why are you laughing? I just confess you, that I still love you, but you…”
 „I am laughing, because we look like old couple. And also, because I feel the same.”
 „Hmm.. I still love you, too. I can’t forget you. There is no day, where I don’t think about you.”
  „Thats mean.. we have a chance?”
 „Yes. We have.” When she said that, I hug her very tight. I still couldn’t believe.
  „Acchan! I can’t to breath!” I let her go, but still my hands was around her neck.
 „Sorry, Minami. I am just happy.” But how long, when she know about one thing, whats happen in those two years. Will she still love me?
  „I know. Me too.” How I like this smile, what she is giving to me. „ But there is one ‘but’.”
 „What is it?”
  „This time, can we start all this slowly? I don’t want to rush things. Just start from the beginning, like usually it should be.”
 „Hmm.. let me think.” It would be perfect. „For you, Minami, I will do everything.”
  „Glad to hear.”
 „So, where you will take me to the first date?”
  „A date? Let me think…. Hmm.. sorry, but it’s a secret.”
 „Ah.. Minami.. I want to know!” I pretend to be mad
  „Hehe.. you look so cute, when you are mad.. especially, when you pouts.”
 „Mou.. Minami.” I playfully hit her on her arm.
  „Oh! Acchan! My hand! Its hurt!” But maybe I hit to hard.
 „I am so sorry, Minami! I didn’t want to hit you that hard.” I try to massage the place, where I hit her. I was in panic.
  „Hehe.. I was just joking, Acchan.”
 „Eh? Joking? You.. need to punish!” I try to tickle her. She was laughing very hard. 
„Stop! Stop! I don’t do this again! Just stop! Please!” Hehe.. take that, for joking.
„If you kiss me, then I will stop.” I said it in low voice, but enough to hear for her. We bouth blush. My hands was still on her body.
  „Amm.. well.. I think, we can do that.” However she said that also in low voice, but I hear it. We look at each other eyes and start to leaning closer. She put one of her hand on my cheek, but other was on my shoulder. My hands already wrap around of her. I want to kiss her so much. My heart was beating like crazy. Our noses are touching. Eyes were close. I felt gentle breath on my lips. Our lips little bit were touching each other. I wrap my hand more tighter around her. I want more. I want to feel her. I want her.. to be mine. We even forget where we are.. cuz it’s only me and her and no one around, but time belong to us. She put her hands around my neck. I want to feel this lips again. Just little touch of her lips, isn’t enough for me.
 „Minami, I want you.” Before we continue our kiss, I said to her on very low voice. I even can feel her heart beats. They are going crazy, like mine.
  „Acchan.. I..”
„HEY, YOU TWO! THERE ARE CHILDREN!” And of course, there is Yuko. Who again disturb us. But maybe, it’s okay, that she did this. I think, I would go to far with Minami.
 „DAMN, YUKO! Why you always interrupted us!?” Its look like Minami is mad. I don’t blame her, because, who wouldn’t.
  „Hehe.. Because, don’t forget where are you. And I am happy to see, that you two again got along.”
 „Yeah..” We both blush like crazy
  „So, can we go eat now.? Because, after watching you two, I want my skinship with Nyan Nyan, too. But she don’t let me. So.. I want to get my thoughts away from this.”
 „You saw.? How much did you saw?” Minami was asking her
  „Well.. I would say.. more then enough.. Hehe..”
 „WHAT?!” Minami looks so embarrassed.. hehe.
  „Okay, you two, stop it. We need to go.. I am hungry, too.” Nyan Nyan try to change the atmosphere, before those two start to fight.
 Nyan Nyan and Yuko went faster, but we were behinde of them.
  „Minami, thank you.” I hold her hand.
 „For what?”
  „For being here, with me.”
 „Oh.. then thank you, too.” I smile to her and leaned closer to kiss her on cheek.
  „HEY, YOU TWO! Stop your lovey dovey and come faster.
 „YEAH, YEAH! WE ARE COMING!” Minami shout back at Yuko. „I think, things like this, can be done only when no one is around, about 100%.”
„Hehe.. you right.” We catch up those two and went to find some cafe. Minami, I don’t want to let you go.

..TBC.. part 2.. someday.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 08:13:47 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline Haruko

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1 [12.27.14]
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2014, 03:48:47 PM »
that was perfect

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1 [12.27.14]
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2014, 06:32:06 PM »
What happened in two years??? I want to know, I want more chap! XD
I want that OS too ! Lol

Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1 [12.27.14]
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2014, 11:01:55 PM »
Yeah... happy ending for Minami and Atsuko huh???

They confessed and wanting to be together... OFFICIALLY girlfriends

But Yuko really really has bad timing always disturbing them....

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1 [12.27.14]
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2014, 03:29:23 PM »
whats the secret that Atsuko's keeping?! :shocked:

cant wait~!! :panic: :cathappy:

Offline KojiMa MaYuki

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 1 [12.27.14]
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2014, 03:33:35 PM »
Please update soon! And thanks for the update! :thumbsup

Offline black_maa

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 2 [12.29.14]
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2014, 09:48:23 PM »
Hmm.. at first I though, maybe I shouldn't update next part..But oh well.. If I already write it, then, why not.. hihi..  :lol:  But before part 2.. Thank you everyone who read it.
By - Haruko: Thank you.. I really tried..
By - ubulubulbilu: About that, you will know it in part 3. I am sorry about that OS.. my mind don't want to think about it more.
By - cisda 83 - I think I even forget to answer you about that OS, so, I will do it now. In real life, I think it's not allowed to get in love to your doctor, but with this couple.. rules don't exist.. hihi.. But about this story - I never said, there will be happy ending.. and Yuko is just Yuko.
By - NightSky: Hmm.. well. Yeah.. hihi..
By - Kairi65: You will know that soon, but not yet..
By - KojiMa MaYuki: This time I realy did this.. for me. its count soon.

PART 2   
 When four of us finally found a place, where we could eat, I and Yuko went to restroom. While I wash my hands, she start to speak.
 „Hm? What is it, Yuko?”
  „I am glad to see, that you are back to here. But what did you do this past two years.?”
 „Well, I studied in other city. There I got new friends. I had fun. But the most, I miss her.” Do I need tell her the true, about those two years?
„Good to hear. By the way, it’s look like you two are getting back.”
  „Sort of. At first it was hard and I was afraid, if she still loves me. But I happy, that she is.”
 „You know, Acchan, those two years for her was hard. She still can’t forgive herself about what happened between you two.”
  „I know, she told me. But I want to leave this in past and try again. How it had to be from the beginning.”
 „Hmm… you can only learn from past and those mistakes what you creat back then.”..
  „Yes, you are right.”
 „Okay, I am ready. We can go.”
  „Yes, me too.” We start to go out, when she speak again.
 „Oh, one more thing, Acchan.”
  „What is it?”
„Please, don’t hurt Takamina. If something like that happening again, she can do something horrible to herself and I don’t want this.”
 „I know.” This was only words, what I can answer to her. When she said this to me, in some way, in my heart, it’s hurt and start to feel like I had done something I shouldn’t. Why in my heart is this feeling, like something will happen and it won’t be something good? I am scare, Minami.
I and Yuko were back to our partners, what we love so much, from bottom of our hearts.
  „What take you so long?” Minami asking to us. In these eyes I can see so much feeling, so much love.
„Sorry, Takamina, it was my bad. I am just glad to see you both here.” Yuko answer to her. While I just looking at Minami and could only admire her.
 „Oh, I see. Well, I am happy, too, that she is here, with me.” She look at me with smile. I take her hand and squeeze it between mine.
  „I am glad, too, Minami.”
 „Okay, I have seen enough beautiful moments, but now, I want to eat. Can we?” 
  „Yes, of course, Nyan Nyan.” Yuko answered her with big smile.
After cafe, I and Minami separate from those two. They went to watch movie, while us went to somewhere just walk and then slowly to my apartment, because it’s getting dark.
 „How do you feel, Acchan?” Minami asked me, while our hands were still hand in hand.
  „Hmm.. I don’t know. But I feel happy. I am glad, that I came back to this city. I am glad, that I went to cafe, where we first time eat together. I am glad, that you were there too. But most of, I am happy, that you are here, with me.”
 „Well, about that cafe. I think, I need to say thanks to Yuko, that she canceled our plans in last minute. But I am happy, too, that you are here, with me.” We look at each other with smile. In this world, I don’t need anything more, only her, beside me.
  We already have near to my apartment. I don’t want to let her go. I want her to stay with me. I am afraid, when I wake up in next morning, I will find out, this was only a dream. I don’t want this.
 „Hmm.. looks we are already here.” I can hear in Minami voice a sadness.
„Yes, we are… we are.”
„Minami?” we are staying in front of each other. I want to kiss her.
  „Can – Can I kiss you?” If you even say no, I will still kiss you.
 „Oh…Well.” She is blushing.
  „Please, just one kiss. And there isn’t Yuko, who can disturb us.”
 „Yeah, about Yuko, you are right. Hehe.”
  „So, can I?” Please, Minami. I can’t hold it, how much I want to kiss you. Right here. Right now.
 „You can’t...... Because I will do it.” I almost got heart attack. She start to leaning closer to my face. Our lips are touching. I want more. It’s already minute, but we still kissing… kisses were gently, but passionate. Her hands was around my waist, but mine, around her neck. I want to get her closer to me. There is no one, who can disturb us. Even rain, what little bit start to raining. Bzzz…Bzzz… What that sound? It’s Minami mobile phone? No! Not now! Why?!
  „Khmm.. sorry, Acchan. I need to answer. Maybe it’s my mother. Sorry.” No, Minami! Don’t answer!
 „Okay.” Aaah!!! Why now?
  „I can’t believe it.. It’s Yuko.” What? You are kidding, right? Does she have some magical power to see, what we are doing?
 „Oh..” I start to hate you, Yuko.
  „Yeah.. YUKO!” Minami answer to her.
 „Hey, Takamina! Did I tell you, that I am happy about you two?”
  „Yes! YOU DID!” Minami was mad
 „Oh.. Then okay! Bye.. HeHe.”
  „Aah.. I still can’t believe it.”
 „Yeah. Me too.” Yuko, if you disturb us again.. Start to worry about your life.
  „So. I think I should go.” What? No! You can’t.
„Amm.. Minami… Do you want come in? I mean to drink some tea or coffee?” Please, Minami, say yes.
 „A-are you sure? It’s getting late. I don’t want to disturb you.”
  „Minami, there is no way, how you can to disturb me. I will be more happier, if you stay.. with me..”  and also, if you stay with me all night and not only this night, but forever.
 „Well, if you say so, then some tea will be good right now.” Thank you, Minami.
  We went into my apartment. Minami sit on the sofa, while I went to my kitchen to make some tea for us. She was sitting there. In my apartment. In my sofa. Right now, I couldn’t wish something more.
 „Acchan, you have nice apartment.” She start to speak, while I was still in kitchen.
  „Thank you, Minami.”
„Can I look around?”
„Yes, sure.” She stand up from sofa and start to walk around to my apartment. She stop to see some pictures. Then went to my bedroom. There were pictures, where I was young in elementary classes.
 „Acchan, you even look cute, when you were still kid.” She speak louder from my bedroom. I approached her there with tea in my hands.
  „Do you think so? Back then, I didn’t know anything from life.” I gave her a tea.
 „Thank you.” .. „And looks like outside rain is getting more stronger.”
  „Yes, you are right. But we still haven’t changed our clothe. They are little bit wet.”
 „Oh, yeah… Well.. I think I will going back to living room. Then you can change them.” When she start to go out, I grab her by her hand.
  „Stay. Please. You already had saw me.. without clothe.” At this moment we both were blushing.
 „I.. I..” While she searching for right words, I start to strip myself in front of her. My heart were beating more faster.
  „Minami? You won’t take off your clothe.?” I already standing there only in my underwear, bra and panties… „Or, you need a help?”
„I.. I…” I went closer to her and start unbutton her blouse. She just standing there like frozen. .. „..Acchan.. I..” When blouse was opened, I slide it off from her shoulders. I can see her bra.. it’s pink.
 „This color suits you.” I leaned my head closer to her and whispered this into her ear. My hands traveling down to her belt.
  „Atsuko..” She gave me kiss on the lips one time.. second.. third.. and then kiss turn into more longer and more passionate. I opened her belt and slide her pants down. She was standing there in her underwear, like me. She pushed me down to my bed. I am under her. There was kisses. More kisses. More passionate. More hungry after them. My hands were around to her neck. I want them more deeper. Her tongue were traveling into my mouth, mine.. in hers. Why she isn’t touching me? I want to feel her touches.
 „Minami. Please. Touch me. I want to feel you.” I said it between kisses.
  „We can’t do it.”
 „What are you saying? We already do this.” Minami, I want you.
  „Not yet.” She stop kissing me and look deep into my eyes.
 „Minami, what are you doing? Why are you stop?” Please, Minami, don’t do this. My mind already is going crazy because of you.
  „We are rushing things.. again.”
 „Minami.. Please..”
  „I am sorry,Atsuko.”
 „Then just kiss me. Kiss me more. Kiss me everywhere where you want. Minami, I want to be sure, it’s not a dream.”
  „Atsuko, I..” I didn’t let her finish her sentence, when I captured her lips. These tasty lips, who just screaming for kisses. For my kisses and only mine. I want to remember those lips, the taste of them, rest of my life. I want to remeber those lips, even if I can’t see her.. and I could recognize them only by touch.. by her gentle touch.
 After some while for passionate and hungry kisses, she start to kiss my neck. She made gentle blew there. Kiss again.. blew.. Kisses to my collarbone. She didn’t use her hands.. only lips.. and her breath. Her breath was like a wind, wich touching my skin with gentle and warm touches.
  „Ah! Minami!” My hands were still around to her neck. I made mess with her hair. She was half on top of me. Gentle kissing my body lower. Kisses to my chest.. gentle blew. These lips just little bit touching my skin, but was enough to me, to make my heart beating  more faster. She didn’t kiss me on places, where I want the most, she just traveling lower. My and hers underwear was still on us. I want them take off, but I can’t. I must to be patient. Kisses all around to my stomach. Every time, when she gently blew to my skin, my mind is going crazy. It’s asking for more.. for more touches.
 „Minami, my mind is going insane, when you are doing like this.” She start to kiss me more lower. Between kisses she speak.
  „I know.. but I also know, that you like it.” Ah! When she speak so close to my sensitive spot, I can feel her breath.. My heart, it’s beating more faster. Its feels like, it will just jump out from my chest.
She make kisses inside of each of my leg.. those kisses are so close to there, but the same time, so far. She blew to my sensitive spot. My mind.. is going crazy. My view, it’s start to getting misty.I searching for something where I can hold. It’s  getting hard to breath.
 After kisses, she came back to my lips and we kissing again. She move one of her leg between mine. While we kissing, she move her leg more deeper. It’s touching my sensitive spot. She moving it.
  „Minami! Ah!” There was hot, passionate and gentle kisses. When her leg is so close to the place, I can feel it my heart beat there, too. I can’t anymore. This sensation is too high. At this moment, everything went black.
Next thing, what I remember, she was lying beside of me. She looking into my eyes with smile. I never though, only with kisses and gentle blew, my mind can going insane. This girl, this women.. I don’t need anything more. Only her.
 „How do you feel?” She stroke off my hair of my face.
  „Hmm.. Minami.” I move closer to her and gave a gentle kiss on her lips. „I am fine. Thank you.” My left hand was around to her neck, but hers right.. to my waist. Our legs was still intertwined. I don’t want let her go.
 „Good to hear.”
  „Hmm.. and you said, you won’t do it. hihi..”
 „I didn’t. Because you said to kiss you.. everywhere. And I did this..”
  „Hi.. yes, you did. But your kisses are enough to make me understand, that I want you more and more. You really can make me going crazy.”
 „It’s only because I love you.”
  „Hmm.. I love you, too. Every day more stronger and more deeper.” I again gave her quick kiss on the lips.
 „Oh! By the way. Looks like stop raining. Maybe I should go?”
  „What?! No! Don’t even think about that.” I push her down to her back and put my arm around of her. My head was on top of her shoulder and I move it, to make blew to her neck.
 „Hey, Atsuko. It’s tickling. Stop that.”
  „If you stay with me.. in this bed, Then I will stop it. And by the way.. you also did to me this. So.. „
 „Okay, okay. I get it. I will stay.”
  „HiHi… good girl.” I hug her more tighter.I want stay like this forever.
  „Hm..?” In sleepy voice I answered her.
 „Do we really have a chance to get our happy ending?” She ask me with serious tone
  „Hmm.. I hope so. There isn’t no one, who can separate us. We love each other too much.”
 „Yes, you are right. But still..”
  „Minami, please don’t think about something bad. We are here. In each other hands. This is the most important thing. This is what we wish for it.”
 „Yeah.. you are right. Okay. Sleep dream, my love.”
„Good night you, too. My only one.” After this, we fall a sleep. Things what will happen next.. no one knows. Only time will show us. But we must to be ready for that.

..TBC.. part 3.. maybe in the end of this week..

                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 2 [12.29.14]
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2014, 11:32:08 PM »
CLIFFHANGER~??!! :bleed eyes:

want the next one already~

update soon!!! :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 2 [12.29.14]
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2014, 01:54:41 AM »
The smexy atsumina time was amazing.. but about Atsuko´s worries... Im worried too.

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