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Author Topic: The secret of my heart [AtsuMina], Chapter 6 [12.12.15]  (Read 62023 times)

Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 2 [12.29.14]
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2014, 02:11:05 AM »
Yuko really liked to disturb them

Eh... they are a bit fast there... already 3rd base after only few hours being official...

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline black_maa

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Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2015, 04:35:48 PM »
Now I admit fact about mood.. if it's down, you can't write anything.. :(  But still I somehow write it in many days. So, there will be a reason, why Acchan is worry so much. But somehow, I think, I write it little bit too harsh, about this reason.. sorry..
Also, thank you for your comments and everyone else, who read it.
Enjoy reading!


  In next morning, I wake up with strange feeling inside in me. I am not sure, if this feeling are happiness, because Minami is here with me, in bed, or… feeling, like something will happen. Something like… I don’t know.. but my heart doesn’t want stay calm. This feeling start to scare me more and more.
 „Good morning, Atsuko.” I was so busy with my thought, that I didn’t saw when Minamis open her eyes, and already watching me.
  „Oh, Minami, good morning you, too.” Hmm.. maybe this strange feeling is happiness? Yes, it’s happiness.
 „About what you thinking so much?” She hug me more tighter.
  „Hmm.. about us. I want you stay here with me. I want you to live with me.”
 „O… are you sure about this? Well.. maybe we first need to go some… a date?”
  „About that. You still didn’t told me, where you will take me.”
 „Sorry, but I won’t tell. I want to make you a surprise.” She kissed me on the forehead.
  „Mou, Minami.”
 „Hihi..” She leaned closer to me my face and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. „I love you, Atsuko.”
  „Hmm.. I love you more.” I don’t want to wake up.
 „By the way.. What we have in breakfast?” Oh, yeah. I forgot about this kind of thing.
  „Amm.. not sure.”
 „Oh, then I will go to make something. I will call you, when they are ready. Okay?”
  „Minami, don’t go. You are so warm, come back.” She got up from my bed, put her clothes on and went out from bedroom. Ah, Minami! I don’t need real food, I don’t mind to eat you.
While Minami was in kitchen, I lazy get out of my bed. I put some clothes on me and went to the kitchen. When I enter there, she was very busy with cooking things. I approach her from behind, putting my hands around of her waist.
 „Oh, Atsuko, in the end you got up.” She was till cooking something and it smell very nice.
  „Hmm.. Minami. I am so happy to be here with you, in my arms.” My head was on her right shoulder and I hug her more tighter.
 „Me, too, Atsuko.” I turned her around and gave her gentle kiss on the lips. She taste so good. „Atsuko, breakfast will be soon. Go take a shower and then everything will be done. Okay?”
  „Okay.” Before leaving I again gave her quick kiss on lips.
 After peacful shower and tasty breakfast, with perfect person beside to me, no one can take away my smile from my face. Probably I look like an idiot, who all the time is smiling with no reason, but for me, I have a reason. This reason is Minami.
  Finally, Minami take me on our first date. I was so happy, that I could scream from happiness, what she is giving to me. She still didn’t tell me where we are going, until I understand to myself. We are at the..
 „ZOO..? Minami? How did you know, that I wanted come to here?” I look at her and she just smiling at me.
  „Oh!. You- You like it? I didn’t know. I just want to take you somewhere, where we can see something interesting.”
 „Yes, I like it. It’s very long time ago, when I last time was there. I glad, that we came here. Thank you Minami.” I gave her quick kiss on left cheek.
  She paid for our tickets and we went in. Every where I look, I saw different kind of animals. There was small ones, little bit bigger and big, like that elephant.. Oh, there was also little tiger baby. He looks so cute, I want to hug him.
 Luckily for us, there wasn’t many people. I feel like little kid, who is first time in here. The sounds here was so many, I even couldn’t recognize all of them. There isn’t only different kind of animals, but also plants. I saw one high plant with strange look. I went closer.
  „Oh, Atsuko, don’t go there. This plants eat meat.” Minami said it to me.
 „EH?!” I quickly grab again Minami hand and went away from there. I don’t want to be eaten .
  „HAHA..!” Minami was laughing
 „What? Don’t tell me you were joking?” I hit her on arm. I was mad at her. But I still didn’t let go her hand and drag her with me.. somewhere.. I don’t know where.. I just going.
  „Atsuko, wait! Where we are going?” I didn’t look at her or answer hers question, just going.
  Walking hand in hand with Minami, we spent there about 3 hours. The time is going so fast, because our stomach asked for food. We went out from there. Bought some food, more like junk food and start to walk to near park, while we are eating. Weather is so good and looks like sun were shining only for us.
 „The day really is nice.” I said it after I finish my food.
  „Yeah, it is. And looks like all day it will be like this. But usually when get darker, then there are clouds with rain.”
 „I hope, it won’t be like that.”
We both sit in the park, one of the bench, what was there. Our hands were interwined. My head on her right shoulder. I want to stay like this for ever. Until that strange feeling came back to me, like something will happen. I try to ignore it. If I am with Minami, then nothing bad can happen. But why I have this feeling, like we need to go away from here and right now. No! I want to stay like this little bit longer. But I shouldn’t ignore it this strange feeling, and run.. run far away.  To the place, where no one can find us.
Stay there was big mistake for me, because someone approach us. I should listen to my strange feeling. 
 „Acchan?” It was a man. When I look at him, I know who is he.
  „Takeru? What are you doing here?” What’s going on?
 „I am looking for you.”
  „Atsuko, who is he?” Minami with confused look asked to me.
 „He – He is..” He didn’t let me finish my sentence, and said most hurtful words ever for Minami ears.
  „I am Takeru Sato, Acchans boyfriend.”
 „WHAT!? NO!” Why the heck he told something like this.
  „A – A boyfriend?” When I look at Minami, her eyes was lost, with pain in there. „Atsuko? What did he mean with this? You said you don’t have no one. You lied to me?”
 „Minami, I don’t have. I would never lied to you.” She try tp separate our hands. I didn’t let her. She stand up and I also with her.
  „Acchan, please let me go.” She looks hurtful.
 „Acchan, can I talk to you.” He interrupted us.
  „What you want?!” he take my other hand. What he think he is doing?
 „Acchan, I want to talk about us, about baby what you are carry.” What the…?
  „Baby? Acchan, you are pregnant?” Minami got our hands separate.
 „What!? No!?” My  heart, why it’s beating like crazy?
  „Then why he is….. He won’t tell something like this, if it won’t be true. Please tell me, if this is true?”
„Minami, I… I…” At that moment he grab me closer to him and kiss me in front of her. I was in shock.
 „Acchan, can we please talk somewhere alone.?” What have you done? When I look at Minami she was in frozen shock. She start to speak, with trembling voice.
  „You.. you should talk to.. him. I-I need to go. B- Bye.” She turn around and start to walk away. She looked broken… Inside and outside.
 „Minami! Wait!” I try to run after her, be he stop me, grabbing me again by my hand.
 „Why you did this?! Why are you even here.?! What have you done?!” I felt tears in my eyes. I need to chase her, but he don’t let me.
 „Acchan, please! About baby!”
  „What baby?!! There is no baby!! Yes, there was, but I lost it, because of you.!!” I rise more higher my voice.
 „What do you mean, you lost it because of me?”
  „Ha..!! You even don’t remember!! Well, It don’t suprise me, you were too drunk.!!”
 „Acchan.. then at least please give me another chance. Didn’t you love me back then.?”
  „Love you? HAHA!! I never loved you. Back then, I was drunk. I just wanted forget my pain, what was in my heart. I pretend to be happy. I never had feelings toward you. Because in my heart is only one person very long time and it’s not you. Leave me!!.. And things what happen back then, while I was drunk, never should happen, if some of my ‘friends’ wouldn’t betray me, for letting me there.. alone.. with you.” More tears from my eyes.
 „Acchan, please.. I..”
  „Stay away from me.!! You just made everything  more painful for me.”
 „Acchan.. I still love you.” He still hold my hand more tighter. He try to kiss me again.
  „Let me go!! You are hurting me.!”
 „Acchan, please, let me prove it to you!” SLAP! When he raised his voice, at that moment I slap him very hard.
  „DON’T DARE TO TOUCH ME AGAIN OR SPEAK WITH ME! I HATE YOU!” I run away from him and tried to look after Minami.
I run.. and run.. but there is no sign from her.
„Minami.. where are you? Please.. let me explain. Minami, I love you.” I talk with myself, while I was searching for her. I look all possible place, where I know. But no sign from her. I called to her phone too, but it was off.. When I think there is no tears what can come out from my eyes, then they start to fall again.
While searching for her, it’s start to getting dark and cold. I don’t know, where to look or who to ask help..
 „Yuko..” This word came in my mind. „Maybe she will know something?” I search for my phone. I called her number.
  „Moshi, moshi.”
 „Yuko! It’s me, Acchan.”
  „Oh! Hi Acchan.. Acchan, why you sound so strange, like were you crying?”
 „Yuko, do you know where is Minami?”
  „Minami? Hmm.. If she isn’t with you, then probably at her home. Why you ask? Did something happen between you two?’
 „Yuko.. I.. I am sorry” I start to cry again.
  „Acchan, what happened?”
 „I am sorry, Yuko, but I hurt her. I am so sorry.” I start to cry more louder.
  „Acchan.. You shouldn’t apologise to me, But to her. I don’t know what happen between you two, but you need to do something and fast!” She raised her voice to me.
 „I know. But I don’t know where she is. I search every where I know. Yuko, please help me to find her.”
  „I will try. I hope we will find her soon. I hope she won’t do something bad to herself.”
 „Yuko, please don’t say like this. I am scare to losing her. I don’t want that.”
  „I know. But.. do you really love her?”
 „Yes, of course. More then everything in this world. I don’t need anything, only her, beside of me. Yuko, please, help me to find her.”
  „I will call everyone, what I and her knows. But you should go home. It’s getting dark and cold. You don’t need to catch a cold right now. Go home. In the morning I will call you.”
 „How I can go home, if I don’t know where is she.?”
  „Acchan, listen to me. If you continue to searching for her in this kind of weather, you can wake up in hospital. You need to get back your strength. Go home! NOW!”
 „Yuko.. I..”
 „O-Okay, but I don’t think I could sleep.”
  „You have to try it. After while I will call you back. If you won’t be home, I will start to searching for you and then things will be more painful not only in your heart. You don’t want to know how angry and scary I can be.. especially, if someone hurt my good friend.”
 „I.. I understand. I am going. Bye.” I put down my phone and start to go to my home. My footsteps was very heavy and slow. My look was at the ground. Something was dripping from the sky. It was rain. I look at the sky and let the rain to fall on my face.
  „Minami, where are you. I need you.” I said in low voice. I hug myself. After some and long while, I was in my home.
 I still can feel Minamis presence here. Like she would be here. But she is not. And that hurts even more. I fall on my knees in the middle of my living room and start to cry again. There was tears, but no sounds.. I open my mouth and wanted to scream, but still, there was no sounds..
  „MINAMI!! Come back!! please..” I yell to no one, at least I try to do it. It hurt.. it hurt so much. Why? Why it’s happening again, like two years ago. Why? Why again its hurt so much.? But this time.. it’s my fault. I should tell her everything about those two years. Then maybe she would understand. Then maybe she would be here.. in my arms.
 „Minami…” If I hadn’t run away before two years, then nothing like this never would happened. Why there is this mistake again and again? Does it mean, that my and Minamis happy ending its not possible.? I don’t understand…

  <<°-° When you think, that no one can change your love towards person, who you love and ready to give your life, then remember, world isn’t easy. It will give you many hurtful and painful reasons to think again. Because it want to know, how much you are ready to sacrifice. °-°>>

..TBC? maybe I should just end here..
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 08:20:50 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2015, 07:00:20 PM »
...what..??!!! :angry:

No!  :cry:

Please update soon ~!!! :cry:

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2015, 11:38:11 PM »
c'mon dude, cheer up!!

Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2015, 12:52:56 AM »
Eh... so you are putting the scandal that Atsuko was Takeru as Takeru took advantage of Atsuko, had s** with her and pregnant her.

Very realistic, and so Atsuko left Minami because she was pregnant then?

What, Why and How??????

Who left her with Takeru?

Did she get drunk after she was hurt by Minami confession of playing with Atsuko?

If it was, then more or less Minami was the cause?

Minami would not have any right to fault Atsuko's state now and in the past then?

Did Atsuko have abortion or She lost them because of accident?

Wah... I could say Takeru was a jerk and selfish.... He ruined the happiest day of Atsuko and Minami.

Where did Minami go?

Would Minami accept Atsuko?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Ava

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2015, 01:08:07 AM »
Yuo must be kidding you can't leave us like this

And baby please make flashbacks

Please make atsumina come back together

Although i would like a little of drama maybe minami should be a little difficult to atsuko

Good luck
Please continue

Thnks for the update
Fanfic: Towards my dream (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,Mayuki etc)


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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2015, 05:59:11 AM »
da hell no... MY ATSUMINA T_T

Offline black_maa

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 3 [05.01.15]
« Reply #47 on: January 06, 2015, 11:12:22 AM »
Oh my.! Okay, okay.. I will write part 4, this time it will be last (well. it think so).. But still, you guys need to be ready for more heart breaking episodes.. I am not sure, if I will write flashback part, but I will let Atsuko tell herself, when she find her.. if she find..  8)  But I am not sure about really happy ending..  if after this.. it's even possible..
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline black_maa

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Painful Mistake: After story, Part 4 [09.01.15]
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2015, 01:51:00 PM »
However lately I am busy with my exams, but somehow I found the time to write. When I was already in midlde with next part, I remember reason, why I even start to write 'After story' parts. Well, more it was thanks to you guys with yours questions. That's why I put a side last part and start to write 'Flashback' part. It's not very long and I didn't discribe each moment, but at least I tried to write moments about what really happened between her and him. So, I hope you will understand what I mean with this part.
Also, thank you about your comments and enjoy reading.!


  It’s already more then year, that I am in this city, in this school. It’s so far away from her. I miss her so much. I want to hold her in my arms. But I can’t. I need to hold myself.
 I was still in my room, what I shared with my first friend in here – Miichan. Oh, yeah, students also can live in school dorms, so that’s why I have roomate. But about Miichan. Well, she is interesting person. Always says what she think. Because of her, we had been in lot of troubles. Most of them was unbelievable ideas to try something new. But she never left friend in danger. This part in her I appreciate the most. And who even could predict, that she is secretly dating school council president – Shinoda Mariko.
  About this secret we know very long ago, more like accidently, while we teased them bouth. They looked so cute, when they blushed.
 Miichan little bit known about my past, but I never mentioned Minamis name to her. She always told me to forget her and continue to live. But it was hard. How I can forget someone, who I am ready to give my life and love more then everything in this world. I just can’t.
  There was some party at one of the school popular guy house – Takeru Sato. My friends always tease me about him. That I should go to him and try create new relationships. But I always refused it. His looks more like playboy, but in my heart is still her. However I heard from others, that he always asking about me.
 I finally went to this party with some of my friends, because I wanted at least one day don’t think about her, but just try to live.

  Party time.
„Acchan, try this. Its taste is good.” Miichan offering me some weird drink.
 „I am not sure..”
  „Just take it and drink. You said, that you want some fun, so.. start to do it.” Well… yeah. She is right. But still, I am not sure.
 „Okay, I will take it. But only one.” I take glass to my lips and little bit tasted. „Taste is weird, but it’s also good.”
  „I told you.” I and Miicha went to others and feel the music. After some while of dancing, someone put arms around my waist from behind. When I turn to look, who is this person, I was confuse.
  „Hi, Acchan. And please call me Takeru.” He smiling at me with strange look. I don’t like this.
 „Oh, okay, T-Takare.”
  „Can we dance?” He asked to me and push our bodies more closer to each other.
 „Amm.. Sorry, but no. I already have my friends. Also looks like there are girls who want to dance with you.” I pointed at some girls, who are looking at us with smile.
  „I don’t want with them. I want with you.”
 „Sorry, but no.” I pushed him away. Grabbing Miichan by hand, I went away from him and look for some more drinks for us.
  „Acchan, why you did that? He is interested in you.” Miichan looked at me with big grin in her face.
 „I don’t care. I don’t like him.” I found some more drinks and start to drink like it would be a water.
  „Amm, Acchan? You said, you won’t drink.”
 „I changed my mind.” I took more drinks. „And if I will drink too much, you must to carry me away from this place. Also, don’t let me do some stupid things.”
  „Oh.. Okay.”After more drinks, we went back to others and continue to dance.
 Some while of nonstop dancing and more stronger drinks, my view start to get little bit unclear. I felt, that someone again approach me from behind, putting arms around my waist. When I turn around, again it was him, Takeru.
  „Shall we dance?” he asked to me. With high level of alcohol in my blood I agreed to him. While dancing, our bodies were very close. With sexy moves and looks, I dance. His hands traveled to my body all around. Few times he try to kiss me, but at that moment I turned around and pressed my back closer to him, while move it.. up and down. He kiss my neck. While his hand traveled higher to my chest. At that moment I push my body away from him. When I turn my view back at him, he looks disappointed and.. mad. Taking my hands in his, he pressed our bodies very close. He let my arms to be around of his neck. His hands around my waist. He again try to kiss me, but I turned my head away. When my view was to different away, I saw Miichan and others. They are smirking at us. What they are doing?
 My mind wanted to get away from him, but my body didn’t listen to me. It’s only moving in his arms.  I need to get away, before I do something stupid.
  Next thing what I remember, he tried to take me somewhere. At first I tried to resist, but in the end, I gave up. He take me by hand and lead me somewhere. Party was ended, almost everyone one was gone. While we went, I try to search my friends, but I dind’t saw them. Where are they?
 He takes me to some room, we were alone there. This room wasn’t very big, what I couldn’t say about bed. I don’t like this.
  „Amm..  I think should go. I think my friends already looking for me.”
 „Don’t worry. And you friends already are gone, about hour ago. While you enjoy music… with me.” What?! Gone?!
  „Oh..” He came closer to me. He put his arms around me and start to leaning closer to my face. I couldn’t move. My body didn’t listen to me. He kissed me. At first slowly, then roughly. I only answered him. What I am doing? Why I am answer him?
 He slowly pushed me to the bed. Now top of me, he start to kiss my neck, sucking, biting there. I close my eyes and tried imagine.. it’s not him, but Minami. He is heavy, Minami wasn’t. And his kisses ins’t gently, they are rough. His hands traveled around my body.. even under my blouse. It isn’t soft.. Minamis was more gentle.. Even Minamis kisses was more softer. I want Minami, not him. His hands was on my belt… after opening it, he slide his hand inside in my pants. His touches there isn’t gentle, they are too fast and painful. Does he even know how to be gentle? Even Minami know this.
  Next morning when I open my eyes, I didn’t understand where am I. Then I felt arm around my body. When I turned to look, who belong this arm, I was in shock. Whay I am here? In this bed? Naked? And why he is there? What I had done? I need to get away from here, before he wakes up. I get all my belongings and with no sounds I went out.
  „Minami, I am sorry. How I could let happen something like this.? I am so sorry.”
With little bit tears in my eyes, I went back to dorms. When I enter in my room, there was no one. Miichan, why you let me be there alone? Where were you, when I needed you the most?
 I laid to my bed and tried to sleep. But when I close my eyes, I see him and his touches. They felt so disgusting for myself. I got up from bed and went to shower. I want to wash away his touches, his kisses. About hour in shower, I again try to sleep. I close my eyes and tried to think about Minami. About her smile.. kisses.. touches.. her warm body. I miss her. While hugging myself under blanket I fall asleep.. with her name on my lips „..Minami…”
  While I was in my dreamland, with Minami there and doing some naughty things, someone came in and very loud. It was Miichan. I were still sleepy, when she approached me in  my bed.
 „Acchan! Wake up! How was you last night?!!” I still tried to pretend like I still sleeping. But ofcourse she is Miichan, who won’t let me and start to shake me.
 „I am wake, I am wake! Stop shaking me!”
 „So.. What?”
  „How was things with you and.. well.. you know with who?”
 „About that!” I hit her very hard to the head.
  „AUCH! Why you hit me?!”
 „Why you left me?”
  „Oh!. I just want to help you two.”
 „Yeah, right! You just made all things more complicated.” I was mad at her.
  „What do you mean? Didn’t you two spent night together and learn some things about each other?”
 „Miichan, shut up! Nothing happened. I fell asleep.” I can’t tell her what really happened. Then she will rest of my life teas me about this.
  „I don’t believe you.”
 „I don’t care. Let me sleep.”
  „How you wish. But sooner or later I will know the truth from others. Things like this, you can’t hide.” From this I am scared the most. I don’t want to someone to know about what happened.
 After two weeks, there still wasn’t no sign from others about things what happened between me and him. On lunch breaks he sometime approached me, by hugging. At this time I try to push him away, like nothing had happened. I can see, that he try get closer to me. And maybe he don’t remember himself, what really happened? I hope so. However Miichan still tried to get out from me information about that night. And I still didn’t told her anything. I really hope, that no one will never know about what really happened, because I am afraid, that somehow Minami will find out this, too.
  Lately I felt very strange inside. Very often my head was spinning. Two times I collapse, but luckily I was in my room. Miichan start to worry about me, that I should go to doctor, but I all the time said, that I am okay and maybe I ate something bad.
 After two more weeks still there was no sign about information what happened back then. With upcoming holidays, Miichan went to visit hers parents. I was only one in my room and some other student in all dorms. I didn’t want to go nowhere.
  I was reading book, while sitting in my bed, until someone knocked to my doors. I got up and open them. With suprise look in my face I saw him. He looks strange. When he came in, I smell a alcohol. He was drunk. My heart start to beating faster, because I was scared from him, from what could happen.
 „Acchan? Why you pushing me away? Why you ignoring me?” He was standing in the middle of the room. I went closer the table, what was near to window. „Acchan. Don’t you love me, like I love you?”
  „I don’t. And please go away. You are drunk.” He came closer to me.
 „That night didn’t meant you anything?”
  „That night was mistake.”
 „How much you want?”
 „How much money you want!” He yelled at me.
  „I don’t need you money.”
 „Don’t lie to me! You all bitches want money from me.!” He went more closer to me. I made few steps back.
  „Please leave! And I don’t like you! What part didn’t you understand!” I was angry, but at the same time more scared.
  He slap me very hard on the face. At that moment I fell with my right side to the table, while hard hitting my stomach part to corner of table. I fell on the ground with bleeding lip and with big pain in my stomach. I couldn’t stand up. I even didn’t know if he still standing there. Someone came in my room. It was some girl from other room. When  I look around to my room, he was gone. Girl try to help me to stand up. But when I tried move, there was more pain, like someone stab a knife there. Calling taxi and helping me got to there, she hardly got me to the hospital.
 After some medicine and check up, doctor came in.
  „So, Miss Maeda. How you feel?” I try to stand up from bed, but still I felt a pain there,
 „Now little bit better.”
  „That’s good. But I have bad news for you.” What did he mean? Is something wrong with me?
 „What is it?”
  „You lost it.”
 „Lost it what?”
  „Your baby.” What? Baby? What baby? What he is talking about?
 „I.. I was pregnant?”
  „Yes you was. In your first month.” I was in shock. That mean.. in that night… Omg.. I felt  a tears in my eyes. I was pregnant from that jerk. Now.. I hate him more. He almost destroyed my life.
 „I… I didn’t know.” That why my head was spinning lately..
  „Okay, I need to go now. I will check you later. Tomorrow you can go home.” I only nod to him. I can’t tell that to no one. Also, I hope no one will find out. While I was in my shock, in room came in girl, who found me, more like saved my life.
 „Maeda-san? How you feel? What happened in dorms?” I look at her
  „Can – Can you promise to me, that you won’t tell this to no one, about what happened or what you saw there, and also that I was in hospital.? Please?”
  „Thank you. I want to be alone right now. You can go back to dorms. Also, only tomorrow they will let me out.” Girl went out from hospital room and I laid back in bed.
 „Omg.. I was pregnant from him.” Tears fall from my eyes.
  In next day, they let me out. I went back to the dorms. Miichan still wasn’t back from parents, at least she won’t asking me, where I was or what happened.
Rest of the school time I didn’t went to parties or somewhere with my friends. I only stayed in my room and studied. I was afraid, if something like this can happen again. However my friends little bit noticed my strange behavior, but they also tried to ignore it. They understand, if I want to tell them something, then I will do this. But I couldn’t do that. It was just something what I can’t tell to no one.

..TBC.. I hope you guys aren't disappointed in this part?
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 4 [09.01.15]
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2015, 04:17:36 PM »
Omg! it's too much painful. Acchan, keep strong!
And that Jerk :mon mad: I wanna :knee: him!
Don't let it hanging there Author san. And good luck on ur exams :thumbsup

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 4 [09.01.15]
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2015, 05:19:59 PM »
Ugh, I really wanna burn that guy... :angry:

Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 4 [09.01.15]
« Reply #51 on: January 09, 2015, 09:21:03 PM »
Ah... Takeru is a jerk. He basically took advantage of Atsuko 1stly. He's thicker skin too, if Atsuko wanted his money, she would accept him but she rejected him. Thirdly, he hit Atsuko when he said he loved her, he's abusive.

Poor Atsuko, for getting pregnant, but at least he did good by destroying his own creation.

And Miichan is not a good friend, making things harder and ruining Atsuko's life.

What's going to happen to Atsumina?

Would Minami listen to Atsuko explanation?

Would this trouble going on lots longer?

Would Takeru get hurt or jail time from causing this trouble for Atsumina?

Can't wait to find out

Thank for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline black_maa

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Painful Mistake: After story, Part 5 [11.01.15]
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2015, 09:52:53 AM »
So, readers, are you ready for next part? Well, I hope so. The best way how to write heartbroking parts - listen sad music.
 Enjoy reading!

PART 5   
  Everything was so great and perfect, at least from the start. I was so happy, that we are together like a couple. However in the end we rush things with real couple.. well.. things. But it’s still reminds me our first night, however.. I was drunk, but I remember everything. All her moans, what was is like a music to my ears and what can never be enough. Her white and soft skin, her gentle touches… and her… AAH!! I can’t take it anymore! Why I even remember those things? With them also came bad and painful memories and now… now there are back. More worse.. more painful… more… unbelievable hurtful.. It felt like someone stabbed knife in my heart.. again and again.. and don’t even plan to stop it.
 Why she didn’t tell me about him and even about.. baby.. I can’t believe it, she was pregnant.. And I.. ah! I don’t know what to do. How to live with this feeling? Ah.. I am such a idiot. It’s also my fault. Why I didn’t ask her about those two years, when she was gone. Why.. I even let her go? But I had to predict that.. She is a girl and very beautiful. I should to know this, that after her will be many others.. especially men… She is just too good for me.. and I.. I am only a girl, who even can’t protect her. Only hurt her.. again. I am too worse for her.
  When I take her to the ZOO, she looked so happy, like a kid. A kid, who is there only first time. At that moment I thought, I could watch her all day and just thinking how cute she is. With only her changing mood, what I find to me interesting to watch.. From happy to sad.. from lovly to mad.. and those pouts.. they are melting my heart. But now.. it’s all gone.
 „Acchan… Atsuko.. Why all of this is happening.. again?” this question don’t want to leave my head. With her view, what appears in front of me, appears also this question.
  I just don’t know what to do. Can someone tell me this? I am confused with my thoughts, with my own feelings towards her. Do I love her so much? If I really love her so much, then this should be a price, what I have to pay… for getting those feeling, for rushing things. But why this price is so high? Did other couples paid so high price, too? Or in this world are only us, who need to pay for everyone… with pain… with tears… sacrificing something precious – our own hearts.
 When we both were sitting on the beanch in near park from Zoo, I felt so happy. But then came this man, her bo… boyfriend. This word hurt and will hurt for me. I couldn’t take it any longer there. I wanted to run. Run far and far away. I just didn’t want stay there. When I said her to stay with him and talk, it was stupid from me. I should just stay there and make him leave us.. leave her. But I was so scared from the true, that I turn around and run away. I heard her, when she called me, but I didn’t stop to look back. Instead I run.. more faster and faster. I didn’t know where, but I just run. I just run to the place, where my legs take me. While I run, I didn’t see where I run, whom to I bump.. my view was unclear from tears.. I just run.
  If I stay there, I would just break and collapse on the ground from pain in my heart. I hadn’t no choice, but disappear from there. And what I am to you, to tell you what to do or not? I am no one, just a coward.
 Next two days, I didn’t went to my apartment. I was walking somewhere on the streets. I was to deep in my thoughts, that I didn’t even care when people look at me like some weirdo.. I just went, to nowhere..

I couldn’t sleep all night. And how I even could do that, if she was somewhere there.. outside.. on the streets… with broken heart, because of me. It was already next day, but still no sign from her. Even Yuko can’t find her. She called so many peoples, even she asked Minamis neighbors, if they had seen her. But still, no signs from her. If with Minami will happen something, I will never forgive myself. I can’t live without her. I need her, right now, right here, more then ever.
 In second days morning I got a phone call from Yuko. She said, that neighbors had seen her came little while ago. I know that Minami won’t let me in, so Yuko came with me. We were in front of Minamis doors. Inside were silence.
  „Yuko, how we get in?” I felt that I trembling
 „Hmm.. let me think. Windows are too high, doors are closed. Oh, I know!” Yuko start to searching something.
  „What are you looking for?” we speak in low voices, because we didn’t want to Minami to hear us.
 „A key. Long time ago, she hide somewhere a key in corridor.” Oh, I forgot to mention, that Minami is living in more like a hotel.
  „Why she would do that?”
 „Well, if something would happen. More like in emergency case.”
  „Oh!” I start help her to look this key.
 „Yes, I found it.” Yuko found it between flowers, what was in corridor. I could say, it’s not very good place where to hide it.
  „So, are you ready, Acchan?” She asked me and I only nod to her. While she try to unlock the doors with no sounds, my heart start to beat more faster. I am scared from what I will see and what could happen. Slowly entering in Minamis apartment, we saw someone sitting in couch, little bit faced with back. It’s her, with closed eyes. I can see, that she was past two days cried. She looks so pale. My heart is breaking from what I see.
 „Takamina..” Yuko start to speak. From surprise, she stand up from couch and look at us like she had seen a ghosts.
  „W- What you are doing her?”
 „Where were you, Minami?” I try to speak.
  „Why do you care?” At that moment I wanted to cry
 „Takamina, please, listen to us. We are worried about you. You can’t go somewhere and disappear two days like that. You had to told us.”
  „Yeah, right. Now you know that I am still ALIVE, so you two can go.” She sit back in couch.
 „Takamina, stop that!” Yuko rise her voice „Grow up!” Yuko looks mad. I only standing there. I didn’t know what to do. I am scare.
  „What you want from me!? Leave me alone! I am good with out you, too!” When we went in front of her, I saw a tears in her eyes. I want to hug her and cry with her.
 „Damn, Takamina. I don’t know what really happen between you two, because she don’t want to tell me. But at least let her explain.”
  „Pff.. explain what? I heard enough and saw enough, there is nothing what to explain.” I can see, that Yuko is holding herself from not to punch her.
 „Just listen to her. And then you can do what you want. You just hurting yourself more.” Yuko look at me. „Now I will leave you two alone. Just please, try to find best conclusion, what won’t hurt so much both of you.”.. „And I don’t want to loose good friends of me.” When Yuko went out, I was still standing there. Minami didn’t even look at me.
  „Minami..” At that moment she stand up and start to walk away. „Minami! Wait!” I hug her from behind. I want to explain her everything. But how, if she don’t let me.
 „Let me go!” She rised her voice towards me.
  „Let me explain, Minami. Please.” I start to cry. She, too.
 „Please, Acchan, let me go.”
  „No.! Until you listen to me!” We both fell on our knees, until we sit at our own legs, but I didn’t let her go.
 „Acchan.. please… It’s hurt.” I can feel, that she is trembling.
  „Just listen…” I start to tell her everything what happened between me and him. [flashback part 4]. While explaining everything, I felt that, in some moments she was in shock, mad and hurt. „… Minami, it was all what happened between me and him. I know its hurt you, but it’s also hurts me too. I even hate myself about what I did.. what I did to you. But I want you to know, than I never had stop to loving you.”
 „Why? Why didn’t you tell me this from the start?”
  „I was afraid and scared. I didn’t want to remember it. It was just mistake. Stupid mistake, what I never forgive myself.” She turned to me and looked in my eyes.
 „Acchan.. It’s.. I don’t know. It’s just too much.” When she is looking at me like that, I want to kiss her. I leaned my face closer to her and gave gentle kiss on her lips.
  „Minami, I love you more then everything..” I gave her one more kiss on lips. We were still crying.
 „Acchan, we can’t.” We both stand up from the floor and I put my hands on her cheeks. I kiss her again.
  „I want you back, Minami.”
 „We can’t. There is no guarantee, that something like this won’t happen again. It’s just too much. Its hurt too much. I love you too much. But we can’t.”
  „Please, Minami, don’t do this.”
 „I am sorry. But we need continue to live.. separate.” We looked deep into each others eyes.
  „I can’t live with out you, Minami.” I put our foreheads together
 „We have to.”
  „No.. No! I love you. Don’t do it.”
„We have no choice. All this what had happen, I can’t take it. I need time to think. But you should just forget me. You need to go.”
„Please, don’t ask me this.”  Right now, I want to scream.
„Acchan… If you love me that much, then let me go. Like I let you.”
 „What…?” let you go? How I can let go someone, what I love more then everything? I couldn’t breathe.. I closed my eyes and I wanted to pretend that I didn’t hear those words.
  „Atsuko, please..” I let go her cheeks and put my hands down to my sides.
 „I.. okay. I will let you go. But I will find the way, how at least to be near to you. And then, you can’t tell me to leave you. Just wait.” I turn around and went away from her room, from her, but not from her life. I will come back and it will be soon. So.. don’t go nowhere.
  With tears in my eyes, with pain in my heart, I will still come back.. Come back after you.
 After month.
 „Oi, Takamina, how is your things with… well.. you know with who?” Yuko was in my apartment, while sitting in my couch and eating my snacks.
  „Well, no signs from her. I think it also better for both of us…. And, by the way. Why are you here and eat my snacks.?!” I look at her with angry look.
 „What? Do you wanted eat them, too?” She stare at me with question mark in her face.
  „No! Only watching at them. Of course I want to eat them! But looks like you already had done this!”
 „Hehe.. sorry. Oh! Why didn’t you told me, that you will have new neighbors?”
  „New? Why you think like that?”
 „Well.. When I came to you, I saw trucks outside and they carry all things beside to your apartment.”
  „Oh! I didn’t know. Do you know, who is it?”
 „Not really. They only said that she is a girl.”
 „Takamina, you should go to introduce with her. Maybe she is good looking and hot. Also, you need someone.”
  „Yuko, I don’t think I can do it. In my mind still is her.”
 „But still. You need to try. But okay.. I will leave you now. I need to see my Nyan Nyan. Bye.” Yuko went away. I still sitting in my couch.
 After few days, I understand that my new neighbor is very loud.. more then too loud. However music taste she have good, but still, it’s too loud. I went out from my apartment and knock to hers doors. Knock, knock.
  My look was at the ground. I heard when she unlock doors and when they are already little bit open, I start to speak. But before that I saw her legs and she wear shorts.. very short shorts.. and I admit, that her legs looks… smooth.. and.. yeah..
 „Exuse me Miss, but you are…..” Slowly making my look higher to her face „…too.. loud.” I couldn’t finish my sentence in normal way, because I was in shock about what I see..
  „Why you take so long to come, Minami?” she take me in her embrace. How I miss this feeling.
 „Atsuko..?” I couldn’t move. I slowly hug her back. I think I am dreaming. Until I felt something strange in my pocket. Bzzz…Bzzz.. it was my phone. She still didn’t let me go. Slowly I try to reach my phone and answer it.
  „Takamina! You won’t believe it, who is leaving in your neighbor’s!” It was Yuko, who shouting thru the phone.
 „Oh. Who?” I answered with not very surprised voice
  „It’s Acchan! You need to go there right now!”
 „Oh. I can’t.” I were still in my trance.
  „What do you mean you can’t? Get your ass up from couch and go to her!”
 „I can’t do it physically.”
„Because, right now.. she is hugging me.”
  „Eh? When did you…” Yuko sounded little bit surprised
 „Sorry, Yuko. But I need to end the call. Bye.” We both still standing there. No one of us wanted to separate.
  It felt so good and right, in her arms.
 „Atsuko.. ” She hugged me more tighter.
At this moment, time stop for us.. Only sound - our own heart beats.
What will happen next, no one knows. But we know one thing - There is future what is waiting for us. It will give us smiles, happiness, fun, laughs.. tears, jealousy, madness, pain and if we want to survive, then we need to be strong in our hearts and believe in what we love.  But most important – we have to learn from our mistakes.
  Almost forgot –
  About things where was Acchan in last month. Well.. she try to get out some of Minami’s neighbours, and move herself in there. In the end she change her apartment with some old man, who at first didn’t want to do it. But Acchan with her acting skill managed to do it. Poor old man and his heart. XD
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
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Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 5 [11.01.15]
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2015, 10:55:01 AM »
Ah... Yeah... They are together again... Right?

Oh please... Don't make Takeru win

Let them be together already...

Oh this sadness is bad for my heart.

Can't wait to know what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 5 [11.01.15]
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2015, 12:17:02 PM »
Yatta~!! they're finally together again! :deco:

and about your last explanations...maji de? Atsuko actually tried to make Minami's neighbours move out..?  :rofl: :rofl:

poor old man.. :lol:

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 5 [11.01.15]
« Reply #55 on: January 11, 2015, 12:18:45 PM »
Yatta~!! they're finally together again! :deco:

and about your last explanations...maji de? Atsuko actually tried to make Minami's neighbours move out..?  :rofl: :rofl:

poor old man.. :lol:

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 5 [11.01.15]
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2015, 08:52:46 PM »
jajajaj I find funny the laste sentence.. how acchan rent this apartment. I just thing a lot of crazy ideas

Offline black_maa

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Painful Mistake: After story, Part 6 [14.01.15]
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2015, 09:13:34 PM »

@cisda83 - About Takeru - forget him. He is past. About Atsumina couple - sorry, but they are not together.. atleast not now.
@Kairi65 - Well, yeah, Atsuko tried to make Minami's neighbours move out, atleast, one of them, what was closer to Minami's apartment..   and she succed it.
@Haruko - In last sentence my imagination didn't work very good, that why I didn't right my idea, but glad to hear, that you had crazy ideas..
Thank you very much everyone who leave comment and also silence readers.
Lately in last parts was too much heart breaking things.. That is why, I try write not so sad, but more.. well.. different.. So, enjoy reading!

  ---Who would ever know, that Acchan will be my new neighbor. Especially, when all apartments was already full. I don’t know why, but I some how don’t even want to know, how she did this. But okay, I have to live with it. So, about my new neighbor.. what can I say… well… yeah.. it’s really her and she is worse neighbor what I ever had.
After one month from no signs from her, she appears in front of me. However, it doesn’t mean, if she from now one will live in neighbor, that we are back together.. like a couple. Things like this won’t work.. no and NO! After that incident, we can only be friends.. however, she and like a friend, well.. she is damn annoying. More like, well.. right now just woke up other side of her. What is not so lovely any more. Also I think she is doing it with purpose. I need to be careful, because she have something in mind and I am sure about it all full 100%.---
 After of long time of hugging in front of her doors, we separated. I love her smile so much, but we can’t do it. We need to continue live without each other and try to find someone other and she know that. I at least, I think and hope so. However, we can’t be anymore lovers, but we still can be friends. That’s why, if she need something, she can come to me and ask everything what is necessary. I at least,  want to be friendly for her. She agree with it and accepted my offer… But I never though she will take this offer so seriously.
  „Minami~… Can I borrow some milk? Shop is too far and I am too lazy to going there right now. Ple~ase!? I am hungry~!” Ah, those two brown eyes and that smile, how can I say no.
 „Yeah, sure.. kitchen is there.” I was writing some papers, because I have a job, where I don’t need to be very often, but salary is enough to survive.
  „Thank you… you are the best.” She came to me and hugged. I only gave her a smile.
 After 10 minutes.
  „Minami~! Can I borrow  eggs? Ple~ase?!”
 „You know where is a kitchen.” With not even looking at her, I answered.
  „Thank you~!” This time before she went back to her apartment, she give me a kiss on the cheek. Oka~y.. that was little bit a surprise. But I need to concentrate to my work.
 After more 10 minutes.
  „Minami~! Can I…” I didn’t even let her finish her sentence, when I pointed at kitchen. „..Thank you!” It’s start getting annoying.
 „Acchan, if you need something from my kitchen, then just go there and take it. I am working right now and you disturbing me.” I hope I wasn’t to harsh at her?
  „Oka~y!” She again start to come closer to me..
 „Acchan, go!” I put my hands in   front of me, to avoiding her.
  „Ah, you are not interesting.”She start to pouts.. it’s not good for me, more for my heart.
 „Acchan, stop that. You are disturbing me.”
  „Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry, I will come here with no sounds.”
 „I hope so.” At least she went out. While I doing my paper works, she still came to my kitchen about.. hmm.. after 6th time I lost my count. Also I won’t say, that she was very quiet. I think something was even broken in my kitchen. After that I heard her words
  „So~rry!  I will pay you back..! But not with money..” I am not sure about last part of her sentence, if I heard it right. I hope I hear it wrong..
 After fiew hours.
  „Ahh.. done! Those papers were so many.. Now I am hungry..” When  I went to my kitchen and open my fridge, it was.. .”…empty? Where is my food? Yesterday I just… Aah! Acchan!” With angry look I went to hers apartment, few times knocked to the doors before I went in. „Acchan. Where is my food?” I asked her with calm voice, but my look wasn’t so calm.
 „Amm.. I think I ate it.”
  „What?! But – But there was so many. How could you eat them all.?”
 „Sorry, I was hungry.” She again gave me that look.. damn..
  „Then what I will eat now?”
 „Amm.. I don’t know. You can go to shop.” Is she kidding right now? I hope so, because I am not in mood to do it.
  „You… You.. Aahh..!” Very angry I went out from her apartment to back mine. I was too hungry, that I didn’t even have a choice, but going to buy something.
  Next day I had a visitor. She was young girl from this house/hotel, who asked my help with her studies and I agreed. I already know her about two years. She looks very cute, but her studies isn’t going very well. Also we don’t use formal things, and we call each other in our nicknames or in our real names.
 „Takamina, it’s hard and I don’t get it.” It was math. Hers worst nightmare.
  „Don’t worry Erena. I will help you. Look.. it’s easy…” While I help her, someone came in my apartment… of course… Acchan.
 „Minami~.. Can you…” Her smile disappear from her faces, when she saw this new girl, who was very close to me, while we are sitting in couch.
  „Oh, Acchan. Nice time. I want you to meet with Ono Erena, she is leaving in this house too and I help her with studies. Erena, meat Acchan”
 „Nice to meet you, Ono Erema. I am Maeda Atsuko, her neighbor and.. ” I some how don’t like the way, how she is looking at her. „.. lov.. I mean, friend… very, very close friend.”
  „Nice to meet you, too, Maeda-san. Then I can also say, that I and Minami are close friend.” At that moment I think I saw a fire in Acchan eyes. I hope it was only my imagination.
 „So, amm… Acchan, what you wanted?” I need to change the atmospherw here.
  „Oh, yeah, I just wanted something from your kitchen.” Why she is smiling so strange?
 „Yeah, sure. You can take everything what you need. I just already told you.”
  „Thank you, Minami.. love ya~.” Yeah…
 After some while, I don’t know why, but Acchan was still in my kitchen. I went there also, to take something to eat. When I came in kitchen, I saw Acchan sitting on chair near to the table and eating apple. I take something out from fridge and put to the table to prepare it for me and Erena.
  „Acchan, are you okay?” I tried to ask her.
 „Hm? Yeah.” She continue to eat her apple, until she start to speak. „Do you like her?” Oh, what a direct question.
  „Eh? Well, yeah, she is cute. Why you ask?” I can swear, that temperature in kitchen just dropped lower about few degrees.
 „Just curious.” I think she is jealous. „Did she kiss you?” Oh, my! Hmm.. I think I will tease her little bit.
  „Well.. yeah, few times.” Now temperature is not only more lower, but in her eyes I can see a fire. „..A-Acchan.. Are you okay.? I am just joking about those kisses?”
 „I know.” She said it very calm, but about one thing I can’t say it.
  „Amm.. Acchan? Can you please put down that knife.? It’s dangerous.”  Damn.. she really is jealous.
 „Oh, you mean this.? Don’t worry, when I cut some neck… oh… I mean some snack, then I will put it down.” Now I am worried about this new girls life. She is scary. Must to remember, not to tease her like this.
  „I.. think you should go back to your apartment, Acchan.”
  „Because your scary aura is too scary and you will probably with this also disturbing us.” She just look at me with.. with strange look.. I don’t even know how to describe it.
 „Hmm.. okay.” She stand up from chair and went out. Why I have strange feeling, like something will happen.
After 10 minutes of helping to Erena, we heard loud music. This music came from Acchan apartment. Of course… From the start music was slow and only music, with out someone to sing. After more 10 minutes, there came basses, loud and very hard basses. BOOM.. BOOM… Even some pictures, what was on the wall, fell to the ground. And then came the worst, someone start to sing, well.. more like screaming..  How the heck I can help to study, if my NEIGHBOR is so loud.. damn loud..
„Okay, I have enough.” I stand up from couch I went to hers apartment. There was no meaning to knock to the doors, because I don’t think she will hear it. When I enter in hers room, there was four big loudspeakers. But still I didn’t see her. When I went to her bedroom, she was sleeping. How the heck someone can sleep with that loud music? I went closer to her and start to shaking her. She open her eyes and looking at me with question mark in her face.
  „ACCHAN! MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!” I scream at her. She only looking at me and show me some gestures. I let her go and she take out from her ears earplugs. What the…?
  „MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!” I said/scream again
 „WHAT? I CAN’T HEAR YOU! MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!” Did she just.. I.. she.. AAH!! I went out from her bedroom and turn off music. My ears start to hurt. I take out from CD player disc, and some wires from loudspeakers. At least she won’t listen music so loud again. I hope so.
  „Hey! Why  you take them?” She came out from her bedroom and looking at me with question mark.
 „You are too loud neighbour and don’t forget, that we are not only one in this large house/hotel.”
  „Okay, okay. If you say so.. However, most of them are old and don’t even hear anything even if I scream into their ears.”
 „Yeah.. Acchan… But I can hear it. This is why, I will take those wires with me.” I was already near to her doors, when she said something again, but I didn’t hear it clear..
  „Haha.. you think they are only ones wires what I have?”
 „Eh? Did you said something?” I turn to her, but she only smiling at me.
  „Nope.. but good luck with helping her to study.”
 „Acchan, stop that. I don’t know what are you planning, but stop that.”
  „What.!? I didn’t said or do anything.”
 „.. Yeah..”
  „..At least not now.” Again that smile.. I think I can start to forget my peaceful life.
 I went back to my apartment. Erena was still sitting there. When I was near to her, she stand up.
  „Ah.. sorry, Takamina, but I need to go now. My mom was calling me. I hope we can continue this some other day. Thank you very much.” She bow to me and went out. I didn’t even have a chance to say something.
 „… Okay?..” At least.. peace and quiet.
  In next day, my peace and quiet were gone.. Yuko is here.
 „Yo, Takamina. How things with your neighbor?” She was sitting on my couch and try to looking something good in TV.
  „Don’t even ask. She is awful.” I sitt beside to her
 „What do you mean? Aren’t you two back together.?”
  „No. It’s not possible after all what had happen back then. Also, I never though she eat so much and be so scary, when some other girl is here. Except you.”
 „Haha.. first.. it’s only a food and she still is growing… and second…”
  „Yeah. Growing… that’s why I am not growing..” I mumble to myself.
 „HeHe.. and second.. she and scary? It’s not possible..” At that moment Acchan came in. When she saw Yuko, smile appear in her face and she even look so cute.
  „Hey, Yuko!” Acchan greeted her.
 „Hey, you too, Acchan.” Right now she were smiling like angel. „How are you, Acchan?” Yuko asked her.
  „Well, fine. Thank you, Yuko.” Again that angel smile.
 „HiHi.. you see, Takamina?” Yuko.. she try to gull you..
  „..Yeah.. ” She is doing it with purpose..
 „Amm.. Minami? Can I borrow something from your kitchen?” In her eyes I can see a angel… with horns… and tail… So~, since when angel had something like that?
  „Yeah.. sure..” When Acchan went to kitchen, Yuko start to speak.
 „Takamina, girl with smile like hers, can’t be annoying or awful.. she is too cute. Just look at her..” Acchan came out from kitchen and smile to us.
  „Thank you~ ,Minami. You are the best.”.. „Amm.. I don’t want to disturb you.. so.. I think I will better go. Bye Yuko.” She went out.
 „Bye, Accha. It was nice to see you..” .. „You see. I told you.” Yuko, you really don’t get it..
  „If you would live here, then you won’t say like that.”
 „HaHa.. don’t worry, Takamina. Everything be okay. And by the way, she is only using your kitchen.”
  „Yeah.. right now only kitchen.. After month my living room.. then bathroom and finally my bedroom or my bed.”
 „HaHa… I don’t think it will be that late.” What that so post to mean? I look at her with big eyes. „..Calm down.. I am only joking.”
  „I don’t like joke like this.” Damn.. I am mad.. because of Yuko.
 „Okay, I think I need to go. I have a date with Nyan Nyan.”
  „Eh? You two are together? I though you said, that she have a boyfriend.”
 „Oh, about that, well.. he was total jerk and I much better then him.. and when they broke up.. she called me.. So, right now we are together like a couple.”
  „Amm.. did she know, that you are couple?”
 „Well.. not yet.. but I am planning today to ask her.”
 „Wish me luck, Takamina.” She stand up from couch and went out from my apartment. Yeah.. Yuko..
  While sitting in couch and watching TV, my stomach start to ask something delicious.. Then I remember, that I have a ice-cream and some fruits and also chocolate cream. Ah.. I already can feel the taste in my mouth. I went to the kitchen after them.. First I search for chocolate cream, but when I look after it.. it was gone..
 „Hmm.. interesting. I can swear, that I had that.” Then I opened fridge to take fruites, but they also was gone..
  „They also is gone? Well, okay, then I will eat only ice-cream.” When I opened freezer, I saw that my ice-cream also was gone.
 „My..My ice cream.. it’s.. it’s gone.. But how.? In the morning it was still there..” and then I remembered .. „MAEDA ATSUKO!!! GIVE ME BACK MY ICE-CREAM!”
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 09:54:06 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline cisda83

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 6 [14.01.15]
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2015, 11:17:20 PM »
Is Atsuko trying to win Minami over or scared and irritated her?

Poor Minami, being disturbed and unable to say anything...

She could only complain to Atsuko but do nothing about it.

Somemore, how did Atsuko able to enter Minami's apartment anytime she wanted?

Well... what other problems would Atsuko cause?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: Painful Mistake: After story, Part 6 [14.01.15]
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2015, 02:02:16 AM »
Omagawd! It's so funny, I love this chap.! I mean, after all the drama, and then.. Ah, thx Author San, u made my day.  :love:
I'll be waiting for next update.

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