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Author Topic: Mad House 2 Completed  (Read 67673 times)

Offline JuRikki

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #80 on: October 02, 2012, 09:27:00 AM »
Miyumi-san, I love this chapter!! Great chapter!! XD

And Kumi.......
She's really love kanon yea? XD haha
It's great Kumi!

Sorry I can't say anything, this is great! XD awesome..

Thanks miyumi-san XD

Offline m00nchild

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #81 on: October 02, 2012, 04:31:42 PM »
Great Chapter,
previous is love warrior having a war,
after that is berserk player having a war,
what happen to Kumi's past??
Seem that Mariko have to do some research huh?
I miss SAE with her crazy run,
so she didnt get any sugar huh~!!

Looking forward for the next chapter~~!

Offline nori

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #82 on: October 02, 2012, 04:42:29 PM »
There it is Rena vs Non  :w00t: It was so awesome, I love your fighting scenes  :twothumbs
Kumi a genius surgeon, who would've thought it  :shocked
Great chapter, really looking forward to the next one  :)

Offline Strawberri

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #83 on: October 02, 2012, 07:43:57 PM »
Great chapter again! Love the fighting scenes :thumbup thanks for the update!

Offline Ruby.Zyno

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #84 on: October 02, 2012, 08:48:05 PM »
:shocked Rena vs Kanon, haha I didn't expect Kanon's that good and I was totally wrong :w00t: the fighting scenes're awesome :inlove:
and bakaKumi's brilliant surgeon  :shocked What happened to her?! :(
Thanks miyumi-san, plz update soon!!
btw, I used to be a silent reader, but I really want to comment in your fic so I registered :lol:

Offline BbSis

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #85 on: October 02, 2012, 10:10:15 PM »
Haahuahau it's ok xp

Nice fight scenes *.*

Hhuehueheuh new characters full of secrets!

Liked this chapter o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline ichikawa

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 7
« Reply #86 on: October 03, 2012, 04:54:46 PM »
It's been a while to leave comment here^^

Really like "The Mad House Season 2" :twothumbs
More characters show up and Kumi is really cute here  :wub:
Lol at Sawako who is the problem maker all over. Her 'Ken' character can compare with Yuko's perveness  :lol:
But it seems the old member has little show up... I miss Sae sugar rush  XD

In this chapter is Wow, Rena is going all out in the fight. Is that mean Kanon is the 2nd strongest among them?  :shocked
What surprised here, Kumi is used to be brilliant surgeon?  :huhuh wonder what incident happened to her...

Waiting for the next update^^

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #87 on: October 04, 2012, 12:48:14 PM »
@yuuzu05: Yep Kumi used to be a genius! Wanna know what happened? Well find out next time! Oh and well Gekikara is the craziest badass I know and with every story, I make her crazier everytime.  :twisted:

@feal_c00l: Gekikara and Kanon's fight was interesting to write and I enjoyed it. Don't worry you'll find out what happened to Kumi in time. I don't want to get too far ahead in the story.  :P

@JuRikki: I'm glad you liked the chapter. I've had this one in for a long time and I've been dying to let it out.  :lol:

@m00nchild: Don't worry Sae's moment will be coming soon. I still need to think about what I'm going to have her do so just give me some time please! I'm doing my best!  XD

@nori: I'm glad you liked the chapter. Look forward to more awesome fight scenes!  :)

@Strawberri: Glad you like the fight scenes. There will be many more to come in the future.  :twisted:

@Ruby.Zyno: Hontou? Well welcome to the forum! Your reason is exactly like mine only I thought after I read some I thought I would give it a try and now I have and people like it! I hope to see writing from you as well.  :P

@BbSis: I'm good a secrets. I hope you like the rest of the story as it progresses.  :)

@ichikawa: Glad you like Mad House 2. Sae's moment will come in time. Just give me a while and I'll figure it out I swear!  XD

Chapter 8 everyone! Time for some Mayuki and then after that, Saeyaka!

Chapter 8

It around noon when Mariko heard a sudden strange bang. She looked out into the hall and saw nothing. At first she thought it was nothing but then she heard it again. She looked all over for the source and still couldn't find it. She thought she was just hearing things again but this time she heard it and she found the source. It was coming from Mayuyu's room. Mariko opened the door and looked inside. There sitting on the ground was a little cyborg abosorbed into a war game. Mariko's eyes almost exploded from all the bright flashes coming from the girl's computer screen. But what surprised Mariko even more was how fast Mayuyu's hands were moving.

"Good lord."

It looked like Mayuyu didn't have fingers. They were moving so fast that Mariko could only see a blurr. Mariko wasn't sure if she should stop Mayuyu or just let her do what she wants. But she knew that if Mayuyu continued then she would eventually lose touch with reality and never come back. She had to stop Mayuyu.

"Hey Mayuyu I think you need to stop."

Mayuyu didn't answer. She just sat there typing away on her computer focused on the game. It was as if Mariko never exsisted and Mayuyu was off in her own world.

"Mayuyu if you don't answer me I'm going to break on of your figurines." Mariko threatened.

Mayuyu still ignored Mariko. She wasn't really going to break them because Mariko knew that if she did Mayuyu would kill her. Instead Mariko needed a different plan. Just then Yukirin came by and Mariko knew just what to do.

"Hey Yukirin!"


"Come here for a second."

"What is it?"

Suddenly Mariko pinned Yukirin against the wall with both arms back and back pressed against the wall.


"Relax I know what I'm doing."

Mariko looked over at Mayuyu who was still in her video game world.

"Mayuyu look what I got? It's your precious Yukirin."

Mayuyu didn't even flinch. She just kept on typing.


Yukrin got out of Mariko's hold and walked over to Mayuyu.

"Mayuyu listen to me. Hey are you there?"

Yukirin reached out to touch Mayuyu but when she did, Yukirin got shocked. Both Mayuyu and Yukirin were being electrocuted and Mariko couldn't do anything. Eventually the shocking stopped and the two fell unconsious. Then a couple seconds later, Mayuyu was the first to wake up.

"Uh what happened?"

"You got shocked. I'm surprised you're still alive Mayuyu."

"Mayuyu? Mariko I'm not Mayuyu I'm Yukirin."

"No you're Mayuyu. Look at the screen."

Mayuyu looked at the screen and almost flipped out.

"What the? This can't be right! What am I doing in Mayu's body?" Yukirin said.

"I don't know you tell me."

Soon after Mayuyu woke up in Yukirin's body.

"Hey what are these things?"

Mayuyu started poking at Yukirin's chest.

"Hey don't do that! That's my body you're touching!" Yukirin said.

"So this is what is feels like to have big boobs.. this is awesome!"


"Alright the both of you listen. It's obvious that the shock somehow managed to switch your bodies and until we can figure out how to unscramble you two you're going to be stuck like that for a while." Mariko said.



"So you two stay here and I'm going to get someone to help. Now then where's my phone?"


Yukirin handed Mariko her phone back.

"I had the strangest feeling to take it when you weren't looking." Yukirin said.

"You're a kelptomaniac. It's what you do." Mayuyu said.

"God why do my eyes burn!"

"It's cause they've been focusing on a comptuer screen for too long. Give it a while and the pain will go away."

"Is this how you feel after everytime I pull you away from a video game?"


"No more video games for you if it's doing this to you. No wonder you wear glasses."

"Well you two get along and I'll be right back."

Mariko ran out the hall and started going around asking for help. To Mariko's surprise, the one that actually knew what to do was Airin.

"You know how to fix them?" Mariko asked.

"Yeah. It's happened to me before. I know what to do."

"Ok then fix them if you can before things get too serious."

Airin walked into the room with Mariko and found the two fighting. Mayuyu was on top of Yukirin trying to take advantage of Yukirin since she had a stronger body now.

"Mayuyu stop it! Don't use my body to do such indecent things!" Yukirin said.

"But when will I get another chance like this. Yukirin looks so cute when she's vunrable."


Mariko looked over at Ainin who had a werid look on her face. At first Mariko thought she was going to go psyco mode on her and start trying to draw them. But instead she walked over and grabbed something in the middle of the air making Mayuyu stop moving. Mayuyu became dead still almost as if she was just shot.

"Airin what are you doing?" Mariko asked.

"I have it. Her life essence." Airin said.

"Her what?"

"Her life essence. It's kind of like a soul. Only people who can see it can touch it. When you touch it, the person is at major risk because all I could do is pull it out of the body and Mayuyu's soul will be lost forever."

"Don't do that!" Yukirin said.

"Ok so then how is this going to fix the two?"

"Well first the two aren't in balance."


"Earlier you two weren't in balance making it very easy to split each other. Balance yourselves again by spending some time together and I'll come back in a while."

Airin let go of the thing she was holding and Mayuyu started gasping for air.

"That was scary! I thought I was about to die!"

"You're gonna when I get my body back." Yukirin said.


Mariko and Airin walked out of the room leaving the two to fight out what they need. There were a couple questions that Mariko had for Airin since she didn't know her very well.



"What kind of things do you see? You said you have an illusion disorder. What kind of things do you see?"

"All kinds of things."


"Well the life essence is one thing but I also see shadows."


"Yes shadows. I see them move all over the place. I can tell what a person is like based on their shadow. That and their life essence."

"Then what do you see in me?"

Airin paused and took a good look at Mariko examing her up and down. Then she finally said,

''Your's is very interesting. Your shadow shows that you're very caring and likes to play games. Kind of like a mother. But your essence is gray meaning there are things you're unsure about. You wonder why you do things or why things happen. Almost confused about yourself."

Mariko was surprised at what she heard. Mainly because Airin was pretty much right but she didn't tell her. It had been quiet in the other room so Mariko decided to take a peak inside. She looked in and saw Yukirin sleeping on Mayuyu's lap. To others it would just look like Mayuyu sleeping on Yukirin but because the bodies were switched it was the other way around. Mayuyu was gently storking Yukirin's head humming a song looking like she was about to pass out herself.

"I'll go do it now. They're in perfect balance."

Airin snuck over and grabbed something over Mayuyu's back. This time Mariko could see it as well. There floating above Mayuyu was a light blue orb and the one above Yukirin was a dark blue one. Airin grabbed them and switched the two putting them back into the bodies. Mayuyu woke up and saw she was back in her body.

"Hey I'm back!"

"So am I!"

The two girls hugged in happiness and then Yukirin pinned Mayuyu against the wall and said,

"Now then let's finish what we started."

Yukirin leaned in and kissed Mayuyu's neck causing the little girl to moan. Her hands traveled up and down Mayuyu's body searching for an opening. Mariko knew it was time to go at that point and was ready to leave. But she looked over at Airin who had sketch book out and was drawing the scene.

"Airin come on!"

"No I must draw this!'


Mariko grabbed Airin and dragged her out of the room.

"Why did you make me leave!"

"Because they were doing things only they should see and not you." Mariko said.

"But it's scenes like that that are the most beautiful!" Airin said.

"No it's just you wanting to be a hentai."

"No I'm not!"

"Then let me see what you're drawing."


Airin handed Mariko the sketch book and Mariko opend it. She started to flip through the pages and was surprised to see what she saw. In there was detailed sketches of everyone in the facility. There were also pages of two random color beautifully blended and arranged to making the picture outstanding. There were also several sketches of Rena in chibi form and in full body form. All of them were beautiful.

"The two colors represent the life essences. When two people come together, the essences fuse making all kinds of beautiful colors. I want to draw them everytime I see them because it's something I don't want to miss."

Mariko looked over at Airin again and saw her staring at Maiko with big eyes. It looked like she was looking at Mariko and everything around her. Was this girl truly mad or was she just a misunderstood person?

"Please let me draw what's inside there please!"

"Alright fine but don't make too much noise. You can look through the window but don't go in."

"Thank you so much!"

Airin took her sketch book and went back to drawing the scene that was unfolding inside the room. Meanwhile Mariko left and started walking down the hall when Miichan snuck up behind her.

"Ahh what the heck Gachapin!"

"Haha you're getting old Mariko if something like that scares you." Miichan siad.

"That's only because I'm being scared by an old bag like you." Mariko said.

"Hey I'm younger than you!"

"So what? You look old to me."

"Mou go back to the senior center you old hag!"

"Go back to the kindergarden you little twerp!"

The two stared at each other without realizing how close they were. Mariko was practically breathing down Miichan's neck with their foreheads pressed together. Miichan had her hands wrapped around Mariko's waist pulling her in closer. It was then at that moment Mariko saw it. It was feint but surrounding Miichan was a lime green arua. It radiated from Miichan like a gyser. Mariko stepped back for a moment to observe the aura.


Mariko was lost in thought. She remembered how Airin said hers was gray. When two essences collide they make beautiful colors but if Mariko and Miichan did it would it be beautiful? Would gray and green turn into some beautiful? Mariko stood there thinking until Miichan came over and whacked her in the head.

"Hey what was that for!"

"Pay attention."

"I was thinking."

"About what? Where you left your brain?"

"Shut up Gachapin."

"Haha I'm just playing. I'll see you around."

Miichan skipped away with that green arua still coming from her. Mariko smirked as she thought,

"Green... just like a Gachapin."

Today's Mayuki moment was inspired by yuukimoko. Thank you so much for your contribution. I am giving her full credit. Thank you.

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #88 on: October 04, 2012, 01:25:57 PM »
Mayuyu!! Don't play with Yukirin's b**bs,, you make me jealous  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Fyuuuhh,,, Airin is not hentai  :twothumbs :twothumbs
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Offline Seigus

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #89 on: October 04, 2012, 03:07:28 PM »
MaYuki body swap! As expected of the pervy little cyborg, the first thing she did was to grope Yukirin's boobs :lol:

"I had the strangest feeling to take it when you weren't looking." Yukirin said.

"You're a kelptomaniac. It's what you do." Mayuyu said.

For some reason, picturing a clueless and innocent Yukirin stealing things due to an uncontrollable urge makes me squeal :wub:

Mayuyu really needs Yukirin to take care of her. Reckless girl plays video games till her eyes almost bleed!

Yukirin leaned in and kissed Mayuyu's neck causing the little girl to moan.

Where is the line between patients and doctors in this facility??? :rofl: I'm not complaining though :P

Looking forward to the next update (and more MaYuki moments in the future)!

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #90 on: October 04, 2012, 03:29:59 PM »
Mayuki is seriously the best lol. Somehow Airin managed to become very insightful while still being a hentai at the same time lol. Can't wait for the new chapter :)

Offline BbSis

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #91 on: October 04, 2012, 03:49:05 PM »
ahuhau liked this chapter xD

swaping bodies is so classical *.* I like it o/ I like to see the involved ones reactions^^

I liked this life essence thing too. So Airin is a sensitive....

Cute MariMii moment *¬*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline m00nchild

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #92 on: October 04, 2012, 04:14:16 PM »
Nice Update~
MariMii moment so cute,
Mayuki change their body~ COOL~!!
Airin so special huh~
I think she still can see more things,

Looking forward for the next update.

Offline Strawberri

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #93 on: October 04, 2012, 05:16:40 PM »
Love the theme of body swapping! I always thought Airin was a hentai! Thanks for the update!   :grin:

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #94 on: October 04, 2012, 06:06:19 PM »
I love it!!

Mariko can see aura!!!

Mayuki moment it is wow! Mayu is a patient but Yuki do it...
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline nori

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #95 on: October 04, 2012, 08:17:17 PM »
Nice Update :)
Mariko can see people's aura or is it just specifically Miichan's?
Does it also mean she will eventually be able to the same thing as Airin did with Mayu and Yuki's souls, it'd be awesome if she punished people by switching them  XD

Offline JuRikki

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #96 on: October 04, 2012, 09:29:03 PM »
Yea yea it's body swap!!

Aaah this chapter is so asdfghjkll I love it miyumi-san.

And, Airin. she can see that things. Interesting!!
But in the end, she want to draw that scene :lol: go go Airin!

MariMii is so cuteeee!!

Aaah, nice work miyumi-san.
Thanks for the update!! XD

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 8
« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2012, 11:40:29 PM »
Hehe Yuki is agressiv lol
Oh~ Mariko and Miichan ^^

Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 9
« Reply #98 on: October 07, 2012, 04:59:15 AM »
@fael_c00l: Only Mayuyu can touch Yukirin's boobs and you know it.  :lol:

@seigus: I'm glad you liked the Mayuki moments! I'm trying to get to everyone so please be patient!  :P

@Sasshii: Indeed Airin can be very useful at times. I think she's going to be a very interesting addition to the family.  XD

@BbSis: I'm glad you liked the chapter. I have lots of other stuff planned for everyone so look forward to it!  :P

@m00nchild: Indeed Airin can see many things. You'll get to find out what in the future.  :)

@Strawberri: Airin will always be a hentai even when it looks like she isn't!  XD

@Chanaline: When it comes to Mayu, nothing can get in her way if it's related to Yukirin.  :P

@nori: Who knows maybe Mariko can maybe she can't. Only I know.  :twisted:

@JuRikki: Thank you! I'm working hard for everyone's entertainment!  :lol:

@kahem: Yuki can be aggressive when she wants to so look out!  :shocked

Well it's time for Sae's crazy sugar run! Are you ready?

Chapter 9

"Acchan give that back! That's mine!"

"No way! It's mine now."

"Give me back my chocolate or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll smack you!"

"Bring it midget!"

Mariko saw Acchan and Takamina fighting over a chocolate bar. She didn't know how they got into the fight but they were going at it and Mariko only just sat back and watched. It wasn't as serious as Rena and Kanon's that one time. This was more just like a slap fight. Mariko watched Acchan hold the chocolate high into the air so Takamina couldn't reach it. Being short wasn't helping her situation and Takamina knew it.

"Acchan give me back my chocolate right now!"

"No it's mine now!"

"Acchan don't make me."


Suddenly Takamina started tickling Acchan causing her to throw the chocolate into the air. It flew across the hall and landed right in front of a certain genking. Sae saw the chocolate and her eyes grew wide. She picked it up and ate the whole thing in a matter of seconds.

"Oh shoot."

Sae's pupils dilated and she started to shake. A weird twitchy smile popped up on her face and she started jumping up and down.

"Quick stop her!"

Takamina tried to prevent Sae from exploding but she was too late. Sae went nuts and ran before Takamina could catch her.



Mariko ran down the hall and saw Sawako on the ground. Next to her was Sae who was stuffing her face with candy. When she looked over, Sae looked like a squirrel with it's cheeks puffed. With one big gulp Sae swallowed the candy whole and got even more hyper. She got up and ran once again avoiding Mariko and the others.

"I want candy!"

"Let's get after her!"

Mariko was about to start running when something grabbed her leg. She looked down and saw Sawako who was holding on. There was silence and Mariko was expecting to hear a creepy pervy laugh but instead heard a small cry. When Sawako looked up, Mariko didn't see the perv grin of Ken but the teary cry baby eyes of Yuuki.

"She... she took my candy!"

Yuuki grabbed Mariko's leg and held it tightly while crying. Mariko couldn't shake Yuuki off so she had no choice.

"Takamina go after Sae and try to find Sayaka. I'll deal with Yuuki."

"On it!"

Takamina ran while Mariko turned her attention to Yuuki.

"There, there don't cry."

Mariko leaned down to Yuuki's level and patter her head.

"Don't cry. It won't get you anywhere. Come on let me take you back to your room."


Mariko took Yuuki's hand and walked her to her room. Then she tucked Yuuki into bed and was about to leave. But then Yuuki said,



"I can't sleep without Paa-chan and Maa-chan." Yuuki said.


"Paa-chan and Maa-chan."

Yuuki pointed to two dolls in the corner of the room. One was a girl and another was a boy. They both looked like they had been used at some sort of punching bag. Mariko grabbed the dolls and handed them to Yuuki.

"Thank you."

"Airight now you go to bed ok?"

"Ok. Thank you Mariko."

"No probelm."

"Oh and before you go...."


"Kill that other girl for taking my candy. If you don't then I'll do it for you."

"I'm on it!"

Mariko shut the door and ran away fast. Whio knew Yuuki could be so evil? Sawako is so nice but then there's those weird personalitties. Yuuki is really scary and Mariko shouldn't mess with her in the future. But now Mariko had to focus on catching the crazy genking on the loose. While Mariko was walking in the hall, she heard the strangest sound. She looked over and saw Sae riding down the hall on a food cart.

"Pin pon! Move out of the way!"

Mariko managed to escape just in time right beofre Sae crashied into the wall. Sae fell off and landed badly. Mariko thought Sae was going to be alright but they couldm't tell. Mariko was wrong when Sae got up and started running again like ti was nothing. It was then she felt someone touch her shoulder.


Mariko looked over and saw Sayaka who she hadne't talkied to in a while.

"Hey Sayaka. We could use some help trying to catch Sae you know?" Mariko said.

"Don't worry I got this."

Sayaka reached into her pocket and pulled out a huge candy bar.

"Sae look what I got~"

Sae came out of nowhere and jumped on top of Sayaka.

"Gimme! Gimme the candy!"

Sae triedto snatch the candy but wasn't having any luck. Then Sayaka pulled out a syringe and knocked Sae out cold. Sayaka thought she had gotten Sae. But then seconds later, Sae got back up and took the candy bar.

"You can't stop me!"

Sae ran and Sayaka got mad.

"So that's how you wanna play it huh? Well then let me try this."

Sayaka pulled out a blow dart tube and aimed it at Sae. Once shot and all that took to take out Sae. She blew the tube and it hit Sae right in the back. This time Sayaka knew she had drugged her patient enough. Sae looked almost dead but still alive and Sayaka just smield and carried her away.

"Ok so what just happened?"

"Sayaka got her girl back."

Mariko looked over and saw Sawako standing next to her.

"Are you Sawako?"

"No I"m Yuuki."

"Ohh. Well Yuuki how about you go back to bed? I think you need to rest more."

"No it's ok."

Yuuki walked over and grabbed Mariko's hand.

"I want to be with you."

"I'm sorry Yuuki but I have to get back to work. I don't have time to play with you."

"Aww~ Well..."

A creepy smile stretched across Yuuki's face.

"Maybe I'll kill everyone so it's just the two of us."

Mariko was really scared by that so she bought Yuuki something and she knew would calm her down.

"Yay a lollipop!"

Yuuki took the lollipop and ate it gladly.

"Thank you Mariko~"

Yuuki started to skip again but then stopped and said,

"Next time I won't be as easy. I will kill her."

Those words sent chills down Mariko's spine. Who know she was so scary. Now Mariko knows not to mess with Yuuki. Mariko was about ready ot call it a day when Sae came running out again.

"God dangit Sae!"

Mariko decided to end the chase by punching Sae right in the face knocking her out.

"Thank Mariko!"

"Just do that when she acts that way."


Mariko looked at the genking who was still smiling like crazy even after being knocked out. She truly was a hyper active genking.

Minna! I'm sorry this chapter is kind of lame but I'm super tired and didn't know when the next time I would be able to update so I"m really sorry! Please tell me what you think and check out my poll I just posted!

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Re: Mad House 2 update Chapter 9
« Reply #99 on: October 07, 2012, 06:08:25 AM »
Genking sugar rush~!!!   :onionwhip:
Even the drug didn't knock her out this time.. her sugar rush level is increasing  :on gay:
I can imagine Sae's knocked-out-smiling-face  :on lol:

Thanks for this update Miyu-chan~

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