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Author Topic: Mad House 2 Completed  (Read 67664 times)

Offline Megumi

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 3
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2012, 01:05:28 AM »
Hata-san triple personality is awesome she surely delivered a lot of headache to the doctors and the patients and fun to  Mad House.

Thank you for your update!
Hata-san character sure is interesting!
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Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2012, 04:31:04 AM »
@sasumiofjp: Ah yes Acchan is still at it. Who knows what she'll do if anyone gets between her and Takamina.  :twisted:

@yuukimoko: Yes! Technically you're part of the story so be happy!  :lol:

@yuuzu05: Ahh sorry! I'm just so used to saying that they aren't related that I forgot that in this one they are! I'm sorry for the confusion. Jurina and Rena are sisters. I fixed it so hopefully no one else saw that. Again I'm really sorry. It's been a while.  :sweatdrop:

@aruka: I'm glad you like Sawako's character. Oh yeah I forgot about Akane. Don't worry she's up next! Then I'll go back to the cycle. Thanks for reminding me!  XD

@m00nchild: Ah so you got the link! That's good. I'm glad you like season 1. I hope you like the rest of the story as well!  :)

@Sasshii: Understand what? All well anyways well in order to have separate personalities you need to have some kind of traumatic past so it's bound to happen. Anyways thanks for liking the story!  :P

@kaehm: I'm glad you like it. Look forward to more crazy stuff with Sawako!  :lol:

@nori: Don't worry. Aruka already reminded me so I know what to do!  :)

@Calyrica: Ah well thanks for reading my stories. I'm glad you like this one the most. I have a lot in stored for all the characters so don't worry, there will be plenty of atsumina in the future.  :P

@JuRikki: Ah welcome to the forum! I hope you like it here and have a fun time reading all kinds of fics. And maybe you can write some to? I don't know but it's fun so give it a try! Again, welcome to the forum!  :welcome

@fael_c00l: I will do my best to update soon but no promises. School is really busy and I have little time to update which makes me mad. Anyways I'm glad you like Sawako. I hope you like the others as well. Oh and if you haven't read season 1 check it out as well!  :)

@Megumi: Ah I'm happy you like the story. There is going to be all kinds of crazy stuff happening so look forward to it!  XD

Well here is chapter 4! I hope everyone likes it and enjoys the madness!

Chapter 4


Mariko turned around and saw Dr. Takayanagi staring at her.

"What is it? Oh and you can call me Mariko."

"Uh Mariko I was wondering if you could help me. It seems one of my patients and one of yours is in an argument. Oh and you can call me Churi."

"Who's fighting?"

"Uh a girl with short black hair."


"Yes her."

"Alright let's so see what she's done."

Mariko rushed down to the hall where Jurina's room was and found her on top of Airin with a pen a couple inches above her face.


"I'm going to kill her!" Jurina screamed.

"What did Airin do?"

"She tried to draw Rena again! I don't like it. She makes Rena uncomfortable. She told me I had demons floating above me and I had horns sticking out of my head and fangs!"

"Well right now you look like you do." Mariko said.

"What!" Jurina hissed.

"Jurina calm down. Just calm down and put the pen down. Do you want me to sedate you again?"

"I don't care! I'm going to take out her eyes so she'll never see anything again!"


Mariko pulled out a sedative and was going to sedate Jurina but then Churi stopped her.


"Sedating her will only make things worse. She'll wake up in a bad mood and be right back at it. Let me try something."

Churi walked over to Jurina and lightly touched her shoulder.

"Matsui-san, please calm down. No one is going to hurt you. Just calm down and go back to Rena. She's worried about you see?"

Churi pointed to Rena who was staring at Jurina with frightened eyes. Jurina came back to her senses and rushed over to Rena. Meanwhile Churi helped Airin out of the room.

"That was impressive." Mariko said.

"It was nothing. It was just the way you're supposed to handle situations like that."

Mariko fell silent. Churi was right about the non-sedating part. That's all Mariko was trained to do. But now she was learning a different and maybe a better way. Maybe Churi was a better doctor. Churi left Airin in her room and then walked out.

"Well I'll be leaving now. Thank you for helping me."

"I should be the one thanking you." Mariko said.

Churi turned around and left. Mariko thought Churi was a real professional. As she stood there standing into space, she suddenly felt something tap her shoulder. She turned around and saw Kumi.


"What's this?"

Kumi held up a tube of glitter nail polish. Mariko knew instantly that it wasn't hers but Acchan's.

"Where did you get that?" Mariko asked.

"A room. I saw the sparkles and I like sparkles so I took it!"

"Kumi you shouldn't take things that are yours. Go return it before Acchan notices it's gone. You don't want to see her when she gets mad."

Mariko knew from first hand experience after what happened between her and Takamina.

"But it's sparkly and I wanted to make me sparkly so...."

Kumi opened the bottle and then dumped it on her head.


"I'm all sparkly now!"


Mariko looked over and saw an angry Acchan heading straight towards Kumi.

"That's mine!"

Acchan took the bottle away from Kumi who just stood there and stared at her with a blank expression.

"Look you wasted it! And I just got it today!! I'm going to kill you!"

Acchan reached out to grab Kumi but a small hand stopped over. Standing next to Acchan was Takamina.

"Acchan stop. She didn't know. She's got intelligence issues." Takamina said.

"No she's just plain stupid. And I'm going to beat her until I whack some sense into her!"

"Acchan relax. Look." 

Takamina reached into her pocket and pulled out another bottle of the same nail polish.

"You got more!"

"I knew something bad would happen so I got you more. Now let's go back ok?"

"You're the best Takamina."

Acchan leans in and hugs Takamina.

"I wanna hug too!"

Kumi tried to hug Takamina as well but Acchan punched her in the face.

"Don't you dare touch my Takamina."



"Nevermind let's go."

The two walked away leaving Kumi confused and with a nosebleed. It was then Kanon came out with her puppet. She saw Kumi and walked over. She pulled out a tissue and dabbed Kumi's face.

"Thanks Non-chan!" Kumi said.

Kanon just smiled and patted Kumi's head. Then she took Kumi's head and they walked away together.

"Those two are very close."

Mariko jumped and was surprised to see Churi standing behind her.

"When did you get here?"

"A while ago. I saw what happened and was going to step in but it looked like Takahashi-san had things under control."

"Yeah the midget is the only one that can keep that spolied princess calm." Mariko said.

"Um Mariko I came to tell you there's another fight."

"Great now who?"

Mariko ran down to Mayuyu's room. There, she saw Yukirin pinned to the ground with her shirt hald undone by Sawako and Mayuyu tied in a chair.

"What the heck?"

"Hey do you mind? I'm trying to get it on with this lovely lady here." Sawako said.

"Sawako? Wait no, Ken?" Mariko asked.

"That's right baby. You wanna join? There's always room for more~"

"Don't think so buddy. Where's Sawako?"

"She's taking a break. The otaku over there knocked her out with a toy wand so I took over and saw this sexy eye candy and couldn't resist." Ken said.

"What were you doing?"

"Playing Sailor Moon!" Mayuyu said.

"Yeah anyways Yukirin and I were about to get it on so if you would please shut the door.."




Sawako fell to the ground knocked out cold. Standing above her was Churi holding a giant paper fan. Mariko wondered where she got it.

"I'm sorry about all this. I'm going to put Sawako back in her room. Excuse me."

Churi walked over and grabbed Sawako by her feet and dragged her away.

"Well don't just stand there! Untie me!"

"Oh right."

Mariko ran over and untied Mayuyu. Mayuyu shoved Mariko out of the way and ran over to Yukirin.

"Yukirin are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Didi that crazy do anything bad?"

"No Mayuyu I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

The two embraced in a warm hug. But then Yukirin let out a yelp.


"What? I didn't do anything."

Mayuyu had a pervy grin on her face like the one Yuko gets. Mariko thought it was time to leave before things got too intense. She walked out into the hall where she saw Churi on the ground unconsious.


Mariko ran over to check on Churi.

"Hey are you ok? Hey!"

"She's fine."

Mariko looked over and saw Airin who was standing next to her.

"What happened to her?"

"Churi blacks out sometimes when she's worked too much. She just needs rest and she'll be fine in a couple of hours. I'll take her to my room. There I can sketch her and her beauty."

Airin picked Churi up and carried her away like a princess. Mariko stood there wondering,

"Man and I thought I was over worked."

Ok now that's everyone. So now it's back to the cycle starting with Acchan! Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next update!

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2012, 05:04:48 AM »
hehe~ so I am part of the story~ thaks Miyu~

Mayu is such a perv~ makes you remember someone? *innocent face*

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

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Offline Ruby.Zyno

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2012, 05:55:20 AM »
Your fic's amazing  :lol: I laugh so hard at Kuumin part, she's so cute ^^
I wonder why Ken always comes out and do perv things  :lol: Sawako's perv side is strong eh?
btw I'm a WMatsui shipper like u, so plz don't break my WMatsui heart, they're too cute here keke

Offline m00nchild

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2012, 06:46:39 AM »
Nice update~!
Seem that Mariko still have more to learn huh~!
Previous Mariko always use Rena to calm down Jurina~ but now becoming force~ LOL
Kumi is still as funny as previous keep imagine and she & Kanon has a special relationship huh~!
How about Sae & Sayaka,
didnt saw Sae running anyway in this update~
Looking forward for the next update~!!

Offline sasumiofjp

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2012, 08:05:26 AM »
Hata and Kumi just can't get a break lol. They love messing with Aachan and Taka! Good chappie

Offline JuRikki

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2012, 09:52:25 AM »
Aw thaks miyumi-san. uhm... Well, I'll try to write some, too.

Wuaaah, I love this chapter xD 
I want to see airin's drawing!:lol:  And Jurina and Rena :3

Are we got FuruYanagi or KumiNon here? Or, it'll be RenAirin?
Don't, Jurina will angry :lol:
Thank you for the update miyumi-san!

Offline kahem

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2012, 01:18:07 PM »
Hahaha Churi!!!
Takamina is so sweet with Acchan~

Offline aruka

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2012, 02:14:03 PM »
I'm glad you like Sawako's character.
It's a bit biased actually, since Sawako's one of my SKE favorites too. :grin: That's why I'm paying so much attention to her (along with Dr. Takayanagi) in this fic.

It's funny how Dr. Takayanagi seems like a ghost, coming-in-a-sudden, only minus the surprise. :lol:
But to have a black out after only that 'much' work? I don't know what's happening behind the scenes but maybe something's not right with her that she could only work effectively within a short time? Gratefully all her appearances in this chapter makes her look so cool as she works so efficiently. :yep:

Kumi with the 'runny' nose... incorporating her MajiGaku Dance's running gag, eh? XD

And Airin, now you get a good object for sketching! I believe Churi's beauty will never disappoint you. :love: (FuruYanagi bias speaking...)
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Offline nori

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2012, 06:06:52 PM »
Yay, update!
Now that everyone is introduced I look forward to  even more crazy events to happen XD

Offline Dreamstalker

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2012, 02:15:48 AM »
. . .uh god i enjoyed it! Crazy people are crazy..heh..and oh. .i have read season 1 before, i remember the matsui sisters dark past.. but i'm too busy and had no chance to finish reading it..i continue to read it yesterday and at last i'm done until the end of the chapter. .good work. . ! 'Til next update..
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

Offline yuuzu05

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2012, 08:00:07 AM »
it's ok, im a big wmatsui fan anyways  :twothumbs
thankyou for clearing that up :cow:

Offline BbSis

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 4
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2012, 08:53:19 PM »
Yeeey! I was finally able to catch up the story *.*  I was going crazy seeing it being update and not being able to read it :p

Liked the new characters o/ they are total nuts ;p

Well churi has lots of patients huahuahua lets see  what's going to happen \o/

Loving it! Can't next update!

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline miyumi

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2012, 05:55:07 AM »
@yuukimoko: Yes Mayu does remind me of a certain someone.  ;)

@Ruby.Zyno: Don't worry I could never break up Wmatsui! They're my favorite SKE pairing. By the way are you new to my stories?  :?

@m00nchild: Don't worry everyone has been introduced so now it's time to go into the usual cycle! Sae and Sayaka will have their moment. Count on it cause well I am a Saeyaka fan after all.  :oops:

@sasumiofjp: Thanks for liking the chapter. Something tells me Hata and Kumi are going to cause a lout of trouble in the future.  :twisted:

@JuRikki: I'll be looking forward to seeing some of your fics. Oh and I'm a Wmatsui fan so you can guess what I'm going to do.  :P

@kahem: Indeed Takamina knows how to treat her Acchan. So cute~  :lol:

@aruka: Don't worry I'll eventually reveal why Churi gets tired easily. You'll find out sooner or later. But for now let's sit back and enjoy the show. I hope you like it.  :wub:

@nori: Yep the show is about to start so grab the popcorn and get ready!  XD

@Dreamstalker: Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well. I think you will like the other Wmatsui moments I have planned for the future.  :P

@yuuzu05: No problem! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!  XD

@BbSis: It's good you were able to catch up! I hope you liked it. Now you can sit back and read the rest!  :lol:

Alright everyone it's time for the main show to begin! So then let's get started with some Atsumina!

Chapter 5


Mariko turned around and saw Takamina standing behind her.

"Oh hey Takamina. What do you need?" Mariko asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me out with something." Takamina said.


"Well you see, I think there's something wrong with Acchan."

"Where is she?"

"She's been locked in her room all day and won't come out."

"Well you're her doctor. Go talk to her."

"But she won't let me in!"



"Well I'll go try talking to her."

Mariko walked down to Acchan's room and stopped in front of the door. She knocked on it three times. There was no answer.

"Acchan! It's me Mariko. Is everything alright?"

There was no answer.

"Acchan let us in!"

"Go away Takamina!"

"Come on let me in!" Takamina said.


"See? She won't let me in!"

"Let me try something."

Mariko walked to the side and grabbed Kumi.

"Hey Kumi go in there and bring Acchan out ok?"


Mariko unlocked the door and pushed Kumi in. Then she shut the door.

"How long you wanna bet she lasts?" Mariko said.

"A minute?" Takamina said.

"I bet ten seconds."

It had only been five seconds and suddenly the door swung open and Kumi was sent flying out.

"What the heck was she doing in my room?" Acchan said.

"We wanted to get you to come out of the room." Mariko said.

"Well I'm out. So what do you want?"

"Takamina wants to know why you're acting funny."


Acchan glared at Takamina who suddenly became smaller than she already was. Takamina got scared and hid behind Mariko.

"If you must ask, this midget screwed up." Acchan said.

"What did she do?" Mariko asked.

"She knows."

"I don't think she does."

"Oh yeah? Then explain this."

Acchan pulls out a pink cell phone and shows Mariko a picture of Takamina on top of Haruna in a very akward position.


Mariko looked over at Takamina who finally came out of hiding.


"What's this?"

Takamina looked at the picture and her face got bright red.

"Explain Takamina." Acchan said.

"Well you see what happened whas I was walking and didn't see Haruna and we ran into each other. I just happened to fall on top of her." Takamina said.

"Yeah right!"

"But it's true!"

"I doubt it."

"Acchan I swear nothing is going on. It was just and accident. I still love you!"

"Prove it."


Takamina reached into her pocket and pulled out three lollipops.

"Am I forgiven now?"

"Hmmmm ok!"

Acchan was about to take the lollipops but then another hand reached out and grabbed them.


"I'll be taking these."

"Give those back Yuko!"

"No way! I want to give these to Nyannyan. Then maybe she'll let me touch her boobs!"


Yuko ran away and Acchan started to run after her.

"Ah jeez. I better go stop her before she seriously hurts Yuko." Takamina said.

"Ah leave it. They'll settle things their own way." Mariko said.

"But it's our job to make sure they don't kill each other."

"They won't. Trust me they won't."

"Ok... So then what do we do now?"

"Well we could-"

Mariko was interrupted when Airin came over.

"Mariko I need some help."

"What is it?"

"There's this weird thing in my room and I need help getting rid of it."

"What is it?"

"I don't know."

"Alright well Takamina let's go check it out."

The three of them walk to Airin's room to see what she was so scared about. When she got there, Mariko found the room to be spotless. There wasn't a speck of dirt in sight.

"I don't see anything." Takamina said.

"It's right under the bed. I saw it move there a couple mintues ago." Airin said.


Takamina looked under the bed looking for whatever Airin was talking about.

"I don't see it!"

"Mariko could you help her?"


Mariko started to walk towards Takamina when something suddenly tripped her. She fell and landed right on top of Takamina.

"Kya Mariko what are you doing!"

"Sorry let me get up."

Mariko tired to move but her body wouldn't move. She looked over and saw her hands and legs were glued to the floor.

"What is this stuff?" Mariko asked.

"Tree sap."


"No questions. Just don't move. I have to capture the moment."

Airin pulled out a sketch book and started drawing Mariko and Takamina.


"Don't move!"

Airin kept sketching and Mariko could only feel her back starting to get stiff. She had to move soon otherwise she was going to have back problems for the rest of her life.

"Airin I-"


Mariko looked over and saw Acchan standing at the doorway.

"Acchan it's not what you-"

Mariko couldn't even finish her sentence. Acchan came running over slamming into Mariko. Her hands became free and was sent flying back. Mariko was freed but now Acchan and Takamina were stuck together.


Aririn started sketching faster. Meanwhile Mariko looked over at Acchan and Takamina where Takamina had her head buried in Acchan's chest and Acchan's leg was between hers.

"Acchan what ever you do don't move your leg."

"This one?"

Acchan moved the one that was between Takamina. She let out a moan and Acchan got a devilish grin.

"This is payback for what you did to Haruna."

Acchan started moving her leg more and Takamina made more noise. Meanwhile Airin was in a drawing friendzy.

"Briliant! Absolutely brilliant!"

Mariko decided to leave seeing how things were getting to disturbing ot look at. She stepped out into the hall where Chrui was standing.

"Mariko have you seen Airin? I need to do some tests on her."

"She's in her room. I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Mariko said.

"But I have to. I'm going in."

Churi walked in and as soon as she did, Mariko heard a scream. Mariko smiled to herself and said,

"I told you not to go in."

Mariko was hungry so she decided to go to the lunch room to get something to eat. Shw walks in and sees Haruna and Yuko sitting at a table.

"Hey." Mariko said.

"Oh hi Mariko! You came to eat something as well?" Yuko asked.

"Yeah I was hungry. What did you guys get?" Mariko asked.

"A bento." Haruna said.

"Can I have a bite?"


Haruna scooped some food and held it up to Mariko.

"Say ahhh~"


Mariko was about to take the food but the Yuko got in the way.


"Nyannyan doesn't feed anyone except me!" Yuko said.

"Yuko that was for Mariko!! You have to share." Haruna said.


"Then no more kisses..."

"Ok fine! Here Mariko take mine."

Yuko gave Mariko her lunch.

"Good. Now I can feed you."

Haruna started to feed Yuko while Mariko silently watched. She kind of wished someone would do that to her. Then suddebly, Miichan showed up.

"Hey guys~" she said.

"Her Gachapin."


"Feed me."


"Just do it!"


Miichan pulled out some food and began spoon feeding Mariko. Inside Mariko was thinkgin,

"Ahh what a life."

As she was enjoying her food, she saw Acchan and Takamina running again. She was too tired to worry about it and just went back to eating.

"Ehh I'll let the midget handle it." she thought.

It was then Mariko realized how lazy she was getting.

"I think I'm getting lazy... All well!"

Well I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next update!

Offline JuRikki

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2012, 06:25:56 AM »
Oh God, Airin!! :lol: and Acchan enjoyed it. Poor Takamina..

Ah! Miyumi-san, I'm WMatsui Hard Shipper too :lol:
I love them xD

Thanks for your update Miyumi-san ^^

Offline sasumiofjp

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2012, 06:32:20 AM »
OMG Yes! This was a good one, it had epic Airin in it! I liked it especially the AtsuMina moment

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2012, 07:54:32 AM »
Haha, just another day in the life of Mariko. Wow, Airin really is something but somehow...this kind of character really fits her LOL.

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2012, 08:58:11 AM »
First time commenting on your fic (although I've read all of it). 

Just wanted to say to keep writing. It's real fun reading all the adventures they have. 

And lol, this chapter. Airin - not sure if pervert or artist?

Probably both.

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2012, 10:07:05 AM »
Haha, i laught when Yuko takes the candy from Takamina and says maybe she can touch NyanNyan's boobs by giving her a candy,, it's so WTF
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Re: Mad House update Chapter 5
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2012, 11:43:35 AM »
Hahauhauah Mariko looks like she is the head doctor xp everyone asks her help!

Yeahyeah Mariko is getting lazy, and already have her slave xD

And this Airin is really tricky, in a perverted way auhhaha

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