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Author Topic: Haruhi16's OS Collection | KojiYuu, WMatsui, AtsuMina  (Read 70662 times)

Offline haruhi16

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Haruhi16's OS Collection | KojiYuu, WMatsui, AtsuMina
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:28:17 AM »
Haruhi16's OSs

List of OSs :

Tired of Everything (KOJIYUU) : BELOW
Part II :
Part III (A) :













Before i start i just want to remind you that there are 2 person using this Haruhi16 account here in JPHIP. My cousin Haru is the one who made this account and she always lurks in the shadow and drops a comment whenever she wants to. I'm the one who makes fics and OS using this account here in jphip.


« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 06:56:44 PM by sophcaro »

Offline kahem

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 10:55:53 AM »
Hahahah!!! The end is so funny!
Kuu and Riku know how to get their girls yay!

Offline immortal_K

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 11:09:03 AM »

Kira appearing from the shadows with direct orders from Haru --> "no lurking for haruhi fics"  :)
hmmm I think I can tell when it is Haru who is leaving comments  :lol: ... I hope I can haha.

Thanks for the OS what a trolling pair, somehow I feel that Kai and Acchan purposely went back just to do that to the two couples that they left behind. Why else would they yell out loudly before stepping giving them a quick warning.

Your Kuu and Mariko pairs are just  :mon lmao: at least Kuu is being nice to let Mariko finish counting and not be rude to cut her off before she gets to 10 :mon lmao: and wow they move pretty fast. It didn't seem that much time has passed and they are already on the table....

Question! why the cabinet for Riku and Yuko? It seems like they like to hide in small and dark places all the time (referring back to your other fic  :twothumbs)

Please continue to write us more lovely stories, and Haru you can leave me comments  :wub:

*runs back to hide in my shadows*

Offline msst28

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 11:27:24 AM »
 :mon lmao: So funny
Love the way Kai and Aachan tease both couple

Offline Haruko

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2012, 09:14:43 PM »
Right now i have a doubt who of both of you like kojiyuu?

Im confused who is my partner otp?

Well about the fic wow amazing i like this kind of scenes, much love, rough scenes mii like it

Offline Sydney W

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 05:33:28 AM »
Nice fics from you. Love it ^^

Offline chuppachup

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Re: PERSONA Valentine's day Special OS Feb. 17, 2012
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 06:17:21 PM »
this fic is so good....

it was cute, funny, and hot....

love it...

Offline haruhi16

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MY OSs~ -Tired of Everything- (KOJIYUU with other couples) MARCH 14, 2012
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2012, 11:18:53 AM »

Pairing : KOJIYUU (with extra couples)



Kojima Haruna deeply sighed as she sat down on a chair,  she wipes her sweats on her head and drank a half bottle of water that she's holding.

It was their rehearsals today, they were preparing for a big charity concert that is going to be held on March 23 in the big dome together with their sister groups SKE48, HKT48, NMB48 and SDN48. Everyone was so excited and happy to help those children in the orphanage. AKB48 girls had already helped a lot of people in years, they're performing for their fans not just for money but also for the people who are in needs. With this, people has been approve that all of the girls of akb48 have good hearts and this group should deserve a respect and a full support in the music industry.

Mariko tapped the girl's back before she sat down beside her tired friend. "Will you come with us later, Nyaro?"

"Hmm?Where?" She answered, didn't bother to look who that person was as she already know who that person calling her 'Nyaro'.

"Dinner party with Acchan, Takamina, Yuko, Yuki, Sae and -"

"Me!" Mariko was suddenly cut off by Minegeshi Minami who just came in to see the two. "Hello Haruna, hello lovely Mariko." She greeted the two and winked at the certain person that she was coupling with for years.

Mariko rolled her eyes, "Duh, here we go again. Can you just get out of my sight for once?"

"Why you're so cold to me, Mariko? I'm just trying to be sweet here."

"You're flirting with me, it's disgusting."

"Whatever, i'm here to talk with Kojiharu about Yuko, so don't think i came here for you." Miichan stuck her tongue out at the girl, only to receive a serious glare back from the taller girl. "…..So Kojiharu, how are you and Yuko? Any progress?"

Haruna sighed before answering her friend's questions, "Still the same, still ignoring me.."

"Oh i see, don't you think Yuko is acting the way you acted before when she was still crazy over you? That's what you get when you're being tsundere, Kojiharu. I think that's your karma." Miichan hissed as she crossed her arms.

"You're not helping, Miichan! You're making her suffer even more." The taller girl stood up from her chair and gave the gachapin look-alike a gently smack on her head. "Ow!"

Mariko shinoda grabbed the smaller girl's arm and faced her close friend who's still sitting on the chair, "Nyaro, i will just get this gachapin out of your sight so you can have a peaceful time, i will just see you later at Acchan's house, okay? Make sure you'll be there! See ya later~" Mariko waved and dragged the gachapin away from the girl with her.

She sighed, 'Am i really that tsundere? I think Miichan's right, maybe this is my karma for being all cold towards her all the time. Maybe….i should apologize? Right, that's what i'm going to do tonight, i will talk to her.'

------------- ~ O ~ --------------

"Hello everyone! Welcome to our new home!" Acchan and Takamina both greeted happily to their friends who have just stepped inside to their new lovely house.

"Wow! You both surely like a married couple having this house in your own, there was also this 'ATSUMINA' sign outside the door, who planned that thing anyway?" Sae asked as she sat down on the couch with her girlfriend Yuki.

"Oh that sign? We didn't planned that, our fans sent that to us and they wanted us to put it outside the door so yeah, i mean there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Relax Takamina, of course there's nothing wrong with it. It's sweet~" Oshima Yuko smiled widely, showing her cute dimples at them. Takamina and Acchan are one of her close friends in AKB and she's really happy for the both of them. She believed that after all the scandals about the two dating in real life, both of her friends really deserves to be happy.

"Thanks to our fans for giving all the cute stuffs, we're still receiving about 20 gifts every week here in our house from our fans, how sweet is that?" Acchan said happily as she snuggle to her girlfriend's arm.

"You can call those people as your real fans 'cause they're still supporting you guys after all the scandals recently. They can totally understand your situation."

"Yeah you're right, Yuko. But before we continue with that issue, can we go and eat first? I'm so hungry." Miichan whined as she suddenly change the serious vibes around her.

"An expected interruption of a hungry looking gachapin." Mariko shook her head in embarrassment.

"Hey! I told you i don't like to be called Gachapin! I don't look like that monster! Seriously!" She protested but only to covered her mouth by the taller girl to shut her up and stop her from raging. "I think we should eat now guys, before this gachapin talks again. This girl can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

Everyone laughed at the two, this is just a normal scene everyday in akb48 once these two reunited.

"Alright, come on guys, foods are ready!" Acchan lead them all on their table, where all the delicious foods were placed.

"Wow, all these foods looks so delicious! Did you cook all these foods, Acchan?" Kojiharu asked as she tried to taste a small piece of the food. "….hmm OISHII!"

"Oh thanks Nyan Nyan! Takamina and I cook all these foods for tonight, i hope you will all like it. Now sit down." Acchan excitedly said as she sat down next to Takamina.

Sae pulled out the chair properly for her girlfriend Yuki, like a gentleman. While Miichan was hurriedly sat down next to her coupling Mariko-sama, only to receive a 'duh' expression from the taller girl. Yuko was already sitting down with a vacant chair next to her, Haruna gulped as she already know she have no choice but sat down next to the girl who is ignoring her for weeks.

"Oh Nyan Nyan? Why are you just standing there? Sit down next to Yuko." Acchan pointed the vacant chair next to Yuko. Kojiharu nodded before she sat down calmly.

"So let's eat now!"

"HAI." They all answered as they all started eating, they were making a delicious 'hmm' sound as they taste all the foods. "OISHII~"

The Atsumina couple were both happy as their friends liked all the foods they prepared for them tonight.


"So Yuko, i heard you're ignoring Kojiharu for these past three weeks? Are you both okay?" The captain suddenly open-up a  conversation in the middle of their dinner, causing the air-headed girl almost choked herself out. The rest was taken aback of the captain's sudden question about a serious matter.

"Really? Who said that? We're both fine, I'm not ignoring her, i'm just busy with my schedules. You know, i already have a new drama coming and a movie……and a play, i don't even have time for myself now." Yuko answered calmly, smiling at the captain who just asked her a question without looking to the girl next to her.

"Then why you can't even look straight to my face?" The long haired girl asked the small girl next to her in a stern voice, causing the small girl to stopped from eating.

She turn her head to the taller girl, "I'm looking at you now, see? Why do you sound so serious? We're here for a dinner party, stop talking about nonsense thi- "

"Don't act like it's nothing! I know you're mad at me, why don't you speak to me personally? Why do you have to ignore me for weeks?! You made me like an idiot!" Haruna shouted with anger and was hurt at the same time.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop with that acting, Yuko! I'm serious! Why don't you tell me directly? Why do you have to act like this, i'm not used to it!"

"Then you have to get used to it from now on."

The taller girl was surprised, "W-What?"

"Well, i've learned my lesson. I don't want to act like a perverted squirrel like you always call me, i don't want to be clingy like i used to be before, because as what you said, it's childish and it's embarrassing. I'm trying to change myself now not only for you, but also for myself. I'm not a kid anymore so i should act like my age from now on. That's my reasons, so can we continue eating now, Haruna?"

Haruna was shaking. "You….you always call me NyanNyan, n-not that name."

"Well, enough with the old nicknames, let's get to the point. I'll call you Haruna, Harunachan, Haruchan or Kojima~san from now on. How's that?"

All of them were surprised by Yuko's sudden behavior, Yuko is not Yuko now, she doesn't sound like her. It's like a different person from Yuko's body, trying to act rude and cold-hearted person.

"Y-Yuko, enough! Stop it." Their captain immediately held Yuko's arm to stop her from saying all these things that she doesn't mean for real. "…Yuko, please stop."

Yuko turned her head to face their captain, "She started this! You heard her! We were enjoying our time eating here and enjoying talking about a lot of things and then she suddenly blow up everything! What's with that attitude!? Why does she have to turn this happy dinner party into a me-"

"I said STOP! SHUT UP YUKO!" Takamina couldn't help it anymore and shouted at her friend with anger. She was really shocked, this isn't Yuko that she've known for years.

"Fine! Okay! So it's my fault now?! GREAT! So what now? Damn this dinner party is fucked up! This is bullshit! I better leave, now you guys enjoy your dinner! Bye." She stood up from her chair, she turn her look to the girl sitting next to her who is now crying in pain, "It's better this way, it's better to act like a mature person than a stupid perverted squirrel that loves to cling on you, kissing you in public and all the stuff that is so embarrassing, right KOJIMA HARUNA?"


"Now i'm getting rid of you, Haruna. And say goodbye to the old Yuko that you used to know."

Haruna was really hurt hearing all those words from her, she doesn't want to think that she really mean all those things she said. She shook her head, "Y-You're not Yuko! Yuko won't say that kind of things to me! Yuko loves me!" She sobbed.

"The old Yuko is dead now…..So if you will excuse me, i'll leave now, i have to prepare myself for tomorrow's shooting." She started to walk away from the table but a hug stopped her from behind. "Y-Yuko, please tell me you don't mean all those things you said! P-Please…."

She sighed, "I'm sorry to tell you this but, i really mean all the things i've said tonight. The old Oshima Yuko was really tired, she's tired of getting pushed away, getting all tired of being embarrassed herself in front of so many people just to get your attention, she's tired of getting rejected and was tired of waiting……..I think it's the right time for me to move on and just concentrate to all the important things i do in my life, i'm not getting any younger so i should change myself for the better."


"Now let go off me."


"I said let go!"

"I won't…"

"Now you're acting like this all of a sudden? It's too late. I already made my decisions. Now let go!" The smaller girl manage to escape from the taller girl's hug and started to walk away from her friends, away from her love of her life, before….

Kojima Haruna broke down and cried, she can feel her heart is now breaking into pieces and felt like someone was stabbing her chest like crazy. She was crying out loud, screaming and shouting the girl's name who just left the house. "YUKOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

'Don't….Don't leave me, I…I LOVE YOU.' She thought to herself... then everything went black, she dropped herself down, causing a loud 'THUG' sound on the floor.

Her friends hurriedly went to her as she fainted, "HARUNA!!!"



A sad ending for KOJIYUU? LOL This is supposed to be a OS, but i end up writing a long one because it's my OTP!! LOL but yeah, i made my OTP suffer in this one T__T. Sorry.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 08:03:52 AM by haruhi16 »

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 :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

Yuko-sama!!! Even though I love you...look what you did!! Haruna fainted!

Then again, I understand that she's tired... Kojima really was always pushing her away...

 :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline chuppachup

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wow...i really like it that you make haruna suffer in this fic...i mean most kojiyuu fic i  read yuko will always be the one that suffer and hurt so.....

but you can't end here i need a happy ending or atleast the reason why yuko change. i just can't belive for what she said i think there is something more(even i can understand how she feel but....) and omg haruna fainted  :( she must be really hurt and heartbreaking.....

again you can't just end  here, come on it's our OTP we talking about.....

Offline msst28

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 :frustrated: :frustrated: what happen next??

Offline kahem

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No!!!!! Yuko don't leave your Nyan Nyan like that!

Offline Haruko

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Its the first that Im so speechles... you and me .. we have the same thoughts.. In many moments I thinks that this story gonna happen or made this story in my mind.. because we always saw this behaviour .. and yuko gonna be tired for that.. she needs love.. and haruna need give her,,, amazing fic

but you have to do a second part right?.. maybe that haruna fight seriously for yuko..

Offline karomuwi

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Ahahahaha  :twisted: Thank you for posting this! It's awesome!

 :sweatdrop: Sorry that I wasn't able to comment several times, but too busy  :cry: :cry: :cry:

ANYWAY~ I love this fic! YOU'VE FINALLY MADE YUKO HATE HER!!! AHAHAHA~  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Love the angst! Please make something worse happen. That's make things better!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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YUKO!!! Don't leave Haruna alone!!  :pleeease:

Haruna loves you!! :gyaaah:

 :on speedy: WAHHH!!! I hope there's a continuation on this story....I don't want my favorite OTP to end this way

or else.....I can't sleep tonight thinking what might be next in this story... :on cloudeye:

Please UPDATE  :mon cry:

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Poor Haruna  :cry:

but, i won't blame my oshimen for what hapened to Haruna..

Haruna need to fight for her love or she will lose Yuko..

visit my tumblr :

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MY OSs~ -Tired of Everything- II (KOJIYUU) MARCH 19, 2012
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2012, 05:25:21 AM »

Part 2

"Don't leave me, I…I LOVE YOU…"

Kojima Haruna slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying alone on a bed in unfamiliar room. It was quite. Only the light of the lamp on the bed side half brighten the dark room.

She was staring at the ceiling for a while, it looks like she's still at her friend's house, where they were having a dinner party with other akb48 members and then an unexpected incident happened. She remembered it all, she began to feel pain again on her chest.

She closed her eyes, 'Yuko, why? Why does it has to end this way?'

A cute but not a loud snore was heard near beside her. She opened her eyes again and turn her head to the side to see the unknown person sleeping beside her bed. There she saw the girl she was thinking about all this time, resting her head on her own arms. Sleeping peacefully with her cute little face, 'Yuuchan….'.

A small smile formed to her lips as she slowly moved her hand, reaching the girl's face and gently stroke her smooth fair skin, 'Liar, you're saying all those rude words to me and acting like you don't care anymore, but here you are…'

The taller girl poked the girl's nose, causing the sleeping girl to woke up in a sudden, "What the…." The smaller girl mumbled as her eyes were still half closed. She was rubbing both of her eyes and arches her body at the same time, it looks like she was sleeping for more than an hour now. She yawned before checking the girl lying on the bed in front of her. She was surprised to see the girl looking and smiling at her. "Y-You're awake, h-how are you feeling right now?"

"Not that good." The taller girl answered softly.

"Maybe we should bring you to the hospital right no- "

"It's not my body that is hurting right now, it's my heart. Doctors doesn't have any medicines to cure this kind of pain inside me."

"H-Haruna- "

"Nyan Nyan, please call me 'Nyan Nyan'."

"I-I can't - "

"Please, i wanna hear it from you again.."

"Don't make it hard for the both of us to move on."

"D-Don't you love me anymore?"


"If you don't love me and if you don't care about me anymore, why are you here?"

"B-Because you're my friend, i do still care about you."

"A friend… that's it?"


"Did i really hurt you that bad for you to change into someone that doesn't sound like you anymore? You've really change! I want the old Yuko back!"

The smaller girl suddenly stood up from her chair, "I think you need to rest more, you still don't seem okay. I'll be leaving now. Goodnight." She turn her back, ready to leave the girl behind, but was only stopped when the taller girl pulled her back into a kiss. The smaller girl was surprised, her eyes widen of the taller girl's sudden action. She wasn't expecting for her to act like this at all.The taller girl broke the kiss for awhile and pushed the smaller girl on the bed, making her way on the top. The very surprised Oshima Yuko looked up to her and asked, "H-Haruna w-what are you d-doing?"

"You want this, right? I'll give it to you then!" Kojima Haruna took off her top and throw it to the bed side, her pinkish bra was shown and her gifted breasts can also be seen. "You can now have me, Yuko!" The taller girl moved closer to her and pressed her lips against the smaller girl once more. This time it was passionate, the taller girl is now playing with her tongue inside the smaller girl's mouth, totally leading the action. The girl who is now positioned under the very wild Kojima Haruna wasn't doing anything at first, but she was now responding to the kiss. Her mind was telling her to stop but it was opposite to what she's doing right now, her body isn't currently responding to her brain's orders.

"Take off your clothes." The taller girl mumbled between the kisses.


"I said, take off your clothes…or do you want me to take it off for you?" The taller girl whispered near the girl's ear in a seductive voice, causing the smaller girl to sweat-dropped and gulped secretly.

"I-I think we should sto- "

The smaller girl was suddenly cut off by the taller girl's kiss, "Stop talking and make me yours tonight."

The taller girl slowly unbutton the smaller girl's top downward without breaking the kiss, she makes sure this girl won't talk again and won't stop her from doing something to her at the moment. Haruna is not doing this because she has to, she's doing this because she wants to, she really wanted to make love with her tonight.

Haruna successfully took off the girl's top and throw it somewhere around the room. She smiled inwardly as she kiss the girl on her lips all the way down to her neck, causing the smaller girl to gasp and grip the bed sheet under her. "Oh god!" the smaller girl moaned as she was now shaking in a great pleasure.

The smaller girl positioned her leg between the taller girl's legs to the front and rubbed it against her private parts, causing her to arched her back and moaned loudly, "Ohhhhh~ Yes Yuuchan, do it.. Just keep doing it." Her hands are now roaming around the taller girl's back, searching for the taller girl's bra's strap to unclasp it.

But when she was about to unclasp the straps, they heard someone talking outside and suddenly opened the door without even knocking, "Yuko how's Haru….." She didn't able to finish what she's going to ask, as she saw the two doing some action on the bed. Her jaw dropped.

"Hey Miichan what's wrong? Can you move forward now? I wanna see them bo- OH MY GOD!!" The taller short-haired girl was taken aback and quickly covers her mouth with her both hands.

Kojima Haruna and Oshima Yuko was also surprised and hurriedly covered themselves with a blanket. None of the two tried to talk as they were so embarrassed as the two surprisingly caught them in the act.

"W-Wow…." Miichan said in amazement.

"S-Sorry for intruding your m-moment, w-were leaving now. Let's go Miichan!" Mariko grabbed the gachapin girl's hand and dragged her out of the room with her. "W-Wait no! We should record this!"

"Shut up! Let's go!"

"F-Fine, hey you two! Make sure you lock this door first before having se- HMMMP!" The short haired girl quickly covered the girl's mouth, didn't let her finish the last word. "Sorry for disturbing, we'll be out now."

The two quickly closed the door and make themselves out of the two's sexy moment inside the room.

Haruna and Yuko both sighed in relief. "Shall we continue, Yuuchan?"


"Shall we continue to what we're doing awhile ago?" Haruna said in a sexy voice, trying to make themselves horny once again. She crawled again towards the smaller girl who's still lying on the bed.

"N-No! We should stop!"

"No, let's continue.." Haruna was about to kiss her again but was stopped when the smaller girl covered the taller girl's mouth with her hand, "….Please stop."

"No! We will continue!"

"Stop it!"

"I don't want to sto- "

"Shut up Haruna!! This isn't you! Look at yourself!! You're not like this!" The smaller girl shouted at her and made the taller girl froze from her place. "Stop doing this.." Yuko decided to get up and make herself out of the bed. She quickly pick her top on the floor and wear it again. She fixed herself before facing the half naked girl on the bed, looking at her in almost teary-eyes. "Go get some rest."

"Can't you see i'm doing this for you Yuko! I'm doing this because i love you! I love you and i want you back!" The taller girl shouted in pain, tears began to fall down from her face.

"Haruna, I…..I'm not ready…"

"Not r-ready for what? To accept me again? Then when? After 2 years? 5 years?! Tell me!"

"I….I don't know.."

"Y-You don't know? What do you mean by that? Tell me, Yuuchan.. Please.."

"I….I'm scared, I'm scared to be with you again, Haruna…..I don't want to get hurt anymore, my heart was really tired. I feel numb." Yuko said in a shaking voice, tears started to stream down from her eyes. "….I loved you, so much. You know i always think about you everyday, every hour, every minute, you're always on my mind and it makes me crazy! I always wanted to see you, hug you, touch you, kiss you… My day wouldn't be complete if i didn't see you or heard your voice, it makes me out of my mind! I always wanted to be with you, i want to be hugged by you, i want to be kissed by you and all those actions that will connect us both. You know you're all i've been wishing for after all these years. You know, a simple smile from you already makes my day, specially when it's because of me. It makes me feel so alive and in love, it really makes me feel good. It's really good to be in love, 'cause it makes us happy even just a little thing, it's still worth it."

"Y-Yuko…" The taller girl sobbed, "…I'm sorry.."

"Don't say sorry. It's because of you , you made me stronger for myself. You made me realize that i shouldn't give all my love for a person, that i should love myself first before anyone else in this world."


"Please! Let's stop now. I'm tired."

"D..Don't you want me back ,Yuko?"

"I don't know, i don't know what i feel now! I'm so confused! I'm so damn tired of thinking!"

"Yuko, listen to me. I know you still love me, I love you and i really want you back to my life, i need you so much!"

"Do… you love me because you need me? or you need me because you love me?"

"Why are you asking me like that? Of course i need you because i love you! So please, Yuko.. let's start over again. Comeback to me now."

The smaller girl shook her head, "I'm sorry, i can't.."


"I don't know, i don't know!"

The taller girl lifted her hand up to the girl, "Take my hand and be with me, forever."

She was standing in a silent moment, her eyes were switching from the taller girl's face to her hand, still hesitating what she would do now. Her mind is full of fucked, she can't concentrate, her mind is telling her to leave now, while her heart is telling her to stay. She was so confused. "NO! STOP!" She shouted, "I-I'm sorry." The smaller girl turn her back and hurriedly ran out of the room, leaving the painfully crying girl behind.

"No, Yuko! Please come back! I promise i won't hurt you ever again. I will love you with all my heart, just please be with me again…" She sobbed as she broke down again in tears.


It looks like there's going to be a part 3 of this story  :smhid

Yuko is still hurt :cry: , while Haruna is having a hard time getting Yuko back to her  :cry:

When do you think will these two make up and be happy again?  :(
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 11:51:53 AM by haruhi16 »

Offline karomuwi

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Re: MY OSs~ -Tired of Everything- PART 2 (KOJIYUU) MARCH 19, 2012
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2012, 08:02:05 AM »
I'm hoping that....more painful things would happen~  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I just love angst for KOJIYUU~!  :lol:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: MY OSs~ -Tired of Everything- PART 2 (KOJIYUU) MARCH 19, 2012
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2012, 10:02:29 AM »
WOW Kojiharu can be sio wild sometime

Offline smarty0821

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Re: MY OSs~ -Tired of Everything- PART 2 (KOJIYUU) MARCH 19, 2012
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2012, 12:44:40 PM »

I want my OTP to make up again

Yuko please comeback to your Nyan Nyan  :gyaaah:

Please UPDATE  :tantrum:

but you know I really like the bitterness... ^_^

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