imteedee, LoL how many spots are ya savin?!

BTW, I think the title is harder to come up rather than the story itself... Wonder why... O.O''
cisda, I support Atsuko-harem!

But I don't think that will happen in dat OS. Since Haruna's a possessive type so she wouldn't let Atsuko go to anyone. She's like Atsuko herself
Kochiki, Well dat was an awkward moment

And who knows, maybe Atsuko would come up in front of TV and admit "I lost my virginity to Yuko years ago..." and thus AtsuYuu shippers will go rejoice whilst the other shippers will cry. And of course Mariko-sama will laugh her arse off, Sae will be in dilemma, Tomochin will feel awkward and Yui will go "HONMAYAN!" I don't need to say anything bout Takamina, do I?
So, since I promised to continue this a couple of years ago(LoL) so I'll continue [The Family]. All Hail AtsuYuu SathDay! Oh, and to those who actually thought that this OS might turn to Harem, well think again! Of course I'll put in Atsuko-Harem for Acchan's special swag service

No, Kiddin. I won't do that unless I felt like it~
[The Family II] -RenAtsuYuuJuri- Jurina woke up from her deep slumber and stretched to loosen some sore muscles. Still drowsy from waking up, she looked around to see all of her other sisters were still sleeping. She looked at Rena who was sleeping so soundly next to her, hugging Jurina's knee while attempting to bite it, though luckily she didn't use her teeth, just a kiss on her legs. Jurina chuckled at the cute scene and patted the older girl's head and Rena meowed cutely with a 'Nyaa~' and continued sleeping.
The youngest then took a glance at her second oldest sister, who was sleeping on top of the smallest sister, while chomping on the girl's lobe, probably from some dream of eating. Atsuko loves eating. She then looked at Yuko who was actually awake, her eyes pleading the youngest girl to help her get her sister off of her. Yuko was showing signs of pain and pleasure both at the same time, a moan escaped her lips each time the younger girl bit her ear so erotically, though Jurina didn't know what actually the oldest girl was moaning about. She knew only a little of girl on girl relationships.
The girl shrugged her shoulders and attempted to lie down again, wanting to sleep, leaving the oldest girl in a state of devastation to yet again face the wraith of Atsuko with too bad sleeping habits which could even surprise the girl's fans at her school. Jurina closed her eyes to let herself drift into slumberland, but was stopped by the sudden movement from the girl next to her. Rena was already awake, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her slender fingers, and yawning quietly while looking at the two lovey-dovey sisters hugging each other, or as she thought.
"What are you doing to Atsu-nee, Yuu-nee?" Rena squinted her eyes, still drowsy and thinking she was high, seeing Yuko touching her older sister's butt.
Yuko was surprised at first, but then after she realized where her hand was, laid slightly on her younger sister's buttcheeks, she slowly yet reluctantly pulled away, blushing furiously as the younger girl finally awoke. Atsuko yawned and wiped her teary eyes off of her, still not fully awake. She saw the face of her obviously embarrassed sister right in front of her and what else could she do? Easy. She pressed a tender kiss on the older girl's forehead, making the girl blush more and finally got up and scanned her surroundings to see her two other sisters, mouth gaped open at the exchange of the other two.
"Morning, girls." Atsuko greeted.
But before the girls could greet back, Atsuko was already in front of them, enveloping them in a tight hug as she at first kissed Rena on the cheeks and finally her youngest sister. She then smirked and got up. She stretched after waking up from slumber and loosened up her sore muscles. She felt alive.
"What do you girls want for breakfast today?" Atsuko asked with a huge smile on her face, after having a good night's sleep with her sisters.
Jurina was the first one to snap out of admiration state as she smiled as well, raising her hands up.
"Oh! I want pie!" Jurina ordered, bringing her two other sisters who were spacing out finally back to reality.
"I'm okay with Jurina's suggestion." Rena said, smiling sweetly as she signaled the youngest sister to go take a bath.
"I'll eat anything my lover makes~" Yuko winked, with a perverted smirk as all her younger sisters looked at her in disgust.
"Whoa, that was obviously disgusting, Yuko." Atsuko scorned and left for the kitchen.
While Yuko was in a state of self-evaluation in the corner of the living room, thinking of why her younger sister didn't like the joke, Rena and Jurina headed to the bath. Jurina actually didn't mind if it's a bath in the mornings after waking up. She only hated to take a bath in the evenings since she wants to play more.
In the bath, Rena took of her pajamas slowly, revealing her pale, smooth and soft skin, with added muscles from all of her work as the Student Council President, though it was actually from having to chase and grab Jurina all the time. Jurina watched the older girl taking off her clothes and ending up with the older girl shaking her head, and as if it was in slow motion, Jurina's mouth gaped open as Rena's long silky hair swayed around, with beads of sweat from how hot the bathroom was. The younger girl was drooling while looking at the perfect proportions the older girl has, wanting to touch it in every means possible, so she did-
"Huh? What are you doing? Take off your clothes already, Jurina." Rena ordered, looking at the drooling younger sister weirdly.
-but was stopped by the glare of the older girl. She gulped her saliva and drool, thus taking off her pajamas as well, not wanting the older girl to question her more. Rena couldn't stop noticing the red cheeks of the younger girl and shook it off as the heat of the bath. After Jurina had finished undressing, Rena's glare became sharper as she clicked her tongue.
"Huh? W- What's wrong?" Jurina asked, frightened as the older girl's aura became far darker than she had ever seen.
"When did you start growing so fast?" Rena commented as the other girl was in confusion. "Nothing." she shrugged it off and finally entered the tub, followed by her reluctant younger sister.
It was Sunday so the whole family had nothing to do. Yuko asked for a day off for that day and her boss didn't mind it so she was free for the day. Yuko thought of something as she watched Atsuko who was wearing a pink apron and her hair tied in a ponytail. The girl was waiting for the pie to bake, reading the book as she sat on the chair of the dining table with Yuko's eyes on her. The younger girl realized the stare of her older sister and reluctantly opened her mouth.
"Everything okay, Yuko?" she asked.
Yuko smirked at the older girl's question and finally let out what she was thinking.
"How about we go to the amusement park today? The whole family, of course." Yuko suggested with not much ulterior motive.
Atsuko thought as she took her eyes away from the book and looked at Yuko. Jurina doesn't have any problems nor does any of her sisters have plans for the whole evening, not that she was told there was any. Normally her sisters would tell her if they have something to do the next day and last night there was none so then she thought of their budget. Atsuko's eyes turned tired and Yuko could see that.
"Don't worry, it's my treat. From the rides to food. And yes, Acchan, that means I'll treat you to food." Yuko chuckled as the younger girl's eyes sparkled brightly as she heard the word 'treat' and 'food' together in the same sentence without any negative words in it.
"Fine with me." Atsuko hid her satisfaction but Yuko could easily tell that the younger was actually excited inside.
They heard a 'ding' and Atsuko got up, taking out the apple pie as the older girl took out the plates.
"Ittadakimasu! (Thanks for the food!)"
Everyone gulped down Atsuko's apple pie, complimenting the girl in any way possible. While Atsuko was eating, she enjoyed her cooking with a few moans of pleasure not in a perverted way but it was caught by Yuko and Rena who looked at their 18 year old sister weirdly.
"Hmf? What's wrong?" Atsuko gulped down her pie and asked, then the two shrugged it off as nothing and continued their eating.
Jurina was next to Atsuko as per usual, in front of Rena and Rena was next to Yuko around the table. Atsuko remembered the conversation with Yuko a few minutes prior and stopped eating.
"You girls want to go to the amusement park later? Your older sister's treat." Atsuko asked the two and pointed at Yuko.
"Eh?! Really, Yuu-nee?!" Jurina's eyes sparkled brightly as she asked her eldest.
"Yeah, really." Yuko chuckled and answered the girl.
Jurina threw both her arms up in a double fistpump as she was rejoicing the moment when Yuko treats the others to something. Yuko would never treat them unless she was forced to. Yuko knows just how much Atsuko would drain her wallet from eating too much food, much to the older girl's agony.
"But." Yuko said, raising her index finger, in a serious tone. "Acchan has to control her eating frenzy." she pointed at her younger sister.
"EH?! Why only me?!" Atsuko was shocked but the others nodded, knowing that it was a purely obvious condition.
"Yuu-nee's right, Atsu-nee. You should accept the condition as to not trouble her." Rena agreed, looking at her seriously.
"B- But I don't know why I'm the only one that needs to control myself!" Atsuko threw a tantrum as she was teary-eyed.
"Jurina wants to go to the amusement park, Atsu-nee~" Jurina said, childishly, looking at her older sister almost pleading.
"B- But-" Atsuko looked at her younger sister and almost lost all of her intention of protesting.
"Deal or no deal, Acchan?" Yuko smirked, looking at her helpless sister.
Atsuko swallowed her resolve and finally sighed, sitting down forcefully as she looked away, lips pursued as she crossed her arms together in a sulking fit.
"Fine!" she agreed and finally everyone rejoiced.
Atsu joined in the conversation.
Atsu: Hey, girls.
Mari: Morning, Acchan.
TKMN: Acchan~ Morning~
Haru-Nyan: Surprising to see Acchan here in the mornings lol
Atsu: I'm anywhere Minami is~ lol
TKMN: If you keep that up, I'm going to seriously run to your house and drag you away.
Atsu: S- Sorry...
Saaya: Anything happened, Acchan? Rare to see you online in the mornings.
Atsu: Just some things with my sisters. Listen, Yuko asked us if we wanted to go to the amusement park, her treat, but I'm the only one that has to hold back on all the eating! Can you believe that?!
Tomo: That's obviously your own fault, Atsuko. Even I would want you to hold yourself back when we go out.
TKMN: So true.
Mari: The truth hath been spoken!
Haru-Nyan: lol Mari-chan
GenKing: Seriously, Atsuko. You eat too much. And hey, good morning.
Atsu: Tomochin~ I missed you~ You too Sae-chan~ lol
TKMN: qeqeruqwhd8wuqiahsdhasdd
Mari: Someone's jealous.
Chiyu: qireq3r4iwhrtqweihfsa
Saaya: Two, in fact.
Haru-Nyan: You're not jealous, Sayaka?
Saaya: Why would I?
Atsu: Hehe~ Sayaka's jealous~
Tomo: Woot~ She's jealous of Sae~
Mari: No comment from Sae.
TKMN: She's obviously embarrassed right now. Oh, she is. Whoa, her face is red!
Atsu: Forgot you two live together lol
Mari: You need to thank Sae for holding Takamina back when she's horny for you.
Atsu: WUT
Saaya: I don't get it but I guess it's something ecchi like you guys always discuss. And Tomochin's shutting up.
TKMN: Let us pray for her to survive TomoRage
Rena joined the conversation
Atsu: Shoot! I'm out!
Atsu has left the conversations
Jurina, Rena, Yuko and Atsuko were speechless. No, they weren't surprised or such. They simply couldn't speak after the experience and 'thrill' they had felt. It's one of those moments where you should just shut up and enjoy the peace of mind you have for the moment. Even Jurina, the most energetic person out of the four, couldn't speak after what they had gone through. Sounds of screams could be heard as they sat outside of the roller coaster line.
Finally, after a few minutes of long and uncomfortable silence, it was up to Yuko, as the oldest in the family to open up her mouth.
"I- I need to pee..." Yuko shivered and the others took a knowing glance at the older girl before bursting into laughter.
"Y- You serious?!" Rena grabbed her sides in pain as she looked at the girl who said one of the most unbelievable lines she had ever heard.
"Need- More- Air!" Jurina clutched her stomach on the ground as she laughed aloud.
"T- That was uncalled for." Atsuko commented, tears falling down her eyes from too much laughing.
After a few mishaps, and a few more rides which made their stomach turn and Jurina laughing aloud from the fun, they finally arrived to Atsuko's heaven. On the table were a few sundaes for Atsuko, a plate of fried noodles for Yuko, choco crepe for Rena and a large bowl of udon for Jurina. The three sisters looked at Atsuko who was delighted to eat something sweet for a change since she never made desserts for Jurina because of Jurina's hyper sweet tooth reasons. Rena, realizing the satisfaction in Atsuko's moan, offered her crepe to Atsuko.
"Want some?" Rena asked, as she offered it to the girl.
"Eh? Really?!" Atsuko asked, with sparkles in her eyes.
"It'd be an indirect kiss, you know~" Yuko commented as she looked at her sisters' exchange.
"Don't care~" Atsuko singsonged and took a bite from the crepe.
Rena had a look of satisfaction as the older girl finished swallowing her crepe and yelling out 'Sweet~' in a playful and childish voice. She then looked at Yuko who had a look of envy in her eyes. Rena gave a scornful grin as she took a bite from the crepe the same place Atsuko took a bite from, making the oldest girl to look at her in shock and depression.
Just that moment, Rena's phone rang, with a melodic tone.
"SKE48? Seriously?" Atsuko asked, chuckling as she heard the notification tone from the girl's phone.
"What? I love those girls. They're so full of energy. Airin's my top~" Rena commented and checked the message.
"I love AKB48 better, though. And of course Maeda Atsuko." Yuko said as she finished her noodles.
"See~? Yuko gets me. But I think I'm starting to like NMB48 better, though. I just love Saya-nee~" Atsuko commented as her face turned bright red from mentioning her idol.
"Meh. I love Mayuyu more. She's cute~" Jurina also joined in, finished sipping the soup from the udon.
They talked about how the idols were and what they liked about the idols. Yuko mentioned her love for Maeda Atsuko's randomness, Atsuko mentioned how she love Yamamoto Sayaka's breast and how cool she looks, Rena mentioned how she just loves Furukawa Airi's politeness and Jurina mentioned that she loves Watanabe Mayu's fun yet loving personality.
After entering the rides more, and Jurina being happy for unknown reasons. Not to mention Yuko finally gave up on her rule and lets Atsuko eat whatever she wants. She regretted it thereafter. Finally at the end of the day, the girls entered the passenger car in the Ferris wheel. Jurina was sleeping on Atsuko's shoulder and the others looked at her, chuckling and smiling warmly at their youngest sister.
"She used too much of her energy being merry, huh?" Yuko snickered as she watched the sleeping Jurina in front of her.
"Can't blame her. It's been a long time since all of us went to the amusement park, huh?" Rena asked the girl next to her.
"True... Sorry for just having work off today." Yuko apologized feeling sorry and the guilt craved in.
"Don't be. We know just how busy you are. It's already a miracle that you could go home early on Saturdays." Rena put her hand on the girl's shoulder, reassuring her that her sisters are okay with it.
"B- But-" "Yuko." Before Yuko could blame herself more, a stern voice from Atsuko stopped her.
She looked at the figure next to Jurina. She was smiling. A warm smile. The smile she was saved from since the very beginning. The smile of the one she took in.
At first, Yuko was an only child. At the age of 13, she was abandoned by her parents and had to live with whatever she had. She didn't do anything illegal but to make her way up into society. Then she met with a certain 10 year old girl. She was the same as her. Abandoned, unneeded, a nuisance, in fact. She at first wanted to leave her alone but then as she looked back again, she saw the girl with a sad smile. The smile tugged her heartstrings and without any word, she grabbed the girl and ran back to her apartment, which she borrowed from a friend. She decided to take care of her in just that small amount of time. Little by little, the girl managed to smile sincerely yet again. Her first sincere smile she saw was when she got back from work and in front of her was an angel-like smile the girl had. The first she has seen. A smile which soothed her heart and was able to make her cry tears of joy. She hugged the girl there and then, promising her that she would take care of her more.
Atsuko managed to learn of how to do the chores and helped the older girl in every way possible, taking care of the house, clean it, make dinner, and even do most things that the older girl had no time to. She made it her goal in mind to pay back Yuko for what she did. She saved her.
Then, when the two went out to find dinner, they saw a girl playing by herself at night in the playground. She had clothes that were torn and her hair was a mess, which reminded of Yuko of how she met Atsuko. Without any ulterior motive, she looked at Atsuko and then came a knowing look from her. Atsuko wanted to help the girl just as much as Yuko. They smiled at each other and asked the girl if they want to live together.
The girl turned out to be the same age as Atsuko and was named Rena. She at first was scared of the two. She ran away from home because of child abuse. She wasn't scarred physically, but mentally. Her former step-parents mocked her, abused her to exhaustion and even once left her all alone in some unknown place when they went out for a trip. Rena couldn't take it and of course, ran away. But after a few months with her new family, she learned to smile and accept them again. They became precious to her and she loved them dearly, all of it starting from when she went into rage one day, almost stabbing Yuko with a pencil she found lying around, but then Atsuko came and pinned Rena to the wall, glaring at her with the eyes she had never shown to anyone before except for her former parents. Frightened, Rena tried to get the girl off her but couldn't. Until Atsuko embraced her warmly in tears. Atsuko was afraid, afraid that her new younger sister would do something so cruel. She didn't want it to happen. She cried not because of herself, but because of her younger sister. Smiling, Yuko forgave the younger girl and hugged her as well, enveloping her with the warmth of her family. That night, Rena cried the most, apologizing to the two sisters and that memory became something far precious for her, as she felt the most emotion she had felt for a long time. One for discovering her real family that she loves and the other one for finally looking at Atsuko with another look, that far exceeds family love.
When Atsuko was walking around one night, finally free from all the work as she left the two sisters, Yuko and Rena to cook for themselves since she was throwing a fit, unsatisfied with how the two didn't greet her and just plopped down sleeping, she saw a girl that was sleeping on the streets. Atsuko was 12 at that time. She woke the girl up and the girl was crying, hugging the stranger in front of her that she saw for the first time. Atsuko, unsure of what to do, hugged her as well and the younger 6 year old girl cried on her chest, explaining to her what happened.
Jurina was left abandoned in the streets, just like Yuko and Atsuko's case. She then followed the girl into her home, unsure of what to find but two seemingly sorrowful sisters crying their eyes out as they hugged Atsuko and begged for her mercy. As she saw the sight, two older girls crying aloud, hugging Atsuko tightly, apologizing for their actions, Jurina chuckled. They finally noticed the unknown girl and Atsuko introduced her. She was at first shielding herself up in her room, unsure of what to feel but after a few weeks, she had turned to look up to Atsuko who managed to do everything in the house herself as Rena was too lazy and rolled around doing nothing, and Yuko was at work most of the time. She decided herself that she wanted to help Atsuko, her savior as much as possible, thus learned from Atsuko about most things, from cooking, to doing laundry, even when to hit Yuko on the head, mostly in times of the oldest sister's perverse.
The four family, who actually had no blood relation to one another, became closer than what they initially thought. They thought that they belonged to each other. A real family. That's what they are.
"Yuko, you okay?" Yuko's mind was brought back to reality by the call of the younger girl, Atsuko.
"Ah, I'm fine." she shrugged it off, as her eyes was filled with tears.
"Seems like you're not." Rena chuckled and patted the older girl's head.
"I- I just remembered of how all of us came together..." Yuko confessed as she wiped her tears.
That sentence was all it took for the other two to be quickly brought to nostalgia, their eyes wet with tears as well that started to fall down their cheeks. They looked at Atsuko with a knowing smile. But the smile wasn't that sad. It was a smile that they knew. A smile which was filled with nostalgia, which was filled with all the memories with each other, filled with all their emotions.
Atsuko could feel the wet tears on her shoulders. At that time, they realized it, Jurina was actually awake. Rena smiled warmly at the younger girl and went to Atsuko and Jurina's seat, followed by Yuko, and indulged the two, more specifically, Atsuko in a bear hug, as she hugged Jurina, who opened her eyes.
"S- Sorry." Jurina apologized for crying and was forgiven with a kiss from Rena on the girl's forehead.
"You don't need to be. We're a family." A warm smile, a warm voice, warm eyes, from Rena, soothed the younger girl's heart as Jurina hugged Atsuko, the older sister whom she respects the most.
"W- Wait, you guys are leaning the passenger car!" Atsuko shouted, worried, but the others paid no heed.
They stuck a tongue out at Atsuko childishly at their sister who was being too much of a worrywart, much to their amusement. Yuko got up, Rena sat on Atsuko's right, Jurina sat on Atsuko's left. The three looked at each other knowingly and they kissed the girl. Jurina and Rena on each of her cheeks and Yuko, as the elder, kissed the younger girl on her nose, making the girl embarrassed and red to her ears.
"Payback from this morning~" Yuko joked and was hit lightly on the head by Atsuko and Jurina.
"Atsu-nee's Jurina's property!" Jurina declared with a light bop on the head, complete with her 'player' tone.
"When the hell did that happen, you brat?" Rena asked, shocked but Jurina stuck out her tongue to the older girl and linked arms with Atsuko, satisfied.
Yuko watched the exchange of her younger sisters and then smiled. The siblings which she had grown up with. She was thankful for them. If it weren't for them- No, if it weren't for Atsuko, she would have been doing improper things for money. If it weren't for her smile, she wouldn't even have thought of living properly. Tears rolled down her cheeks again as they finally reached their stop as their time was out. Smiling, she hugged the three girls, and finally whispered to her, a Thank You, for all of their time together. A thanks for being with her all the times. Being a family.
[END?] MAN! That took too much of my time. Kinda heavy in some scenes but I guess it's pretty innocent? Phew. Now I hope satisfies everyone who reads this. Sorry for the long chapter, but I couldn't stop my burst of emotion once I started thinking of them as a family. And of course, like a ritual of some sort. I bid you all farewell, until next time, and of course, HAPPY SATHDAY!
[Probably has some grammar, misspellings and such, but bear with me. I'm too tired to re-read this. -Probably will edit this some other time, but not now. Too. Tired. Must stay calm and read other fics! LoL- Edited and satisfied~!