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Author Topic: -Deal- (Hiatus)  (Read 20595 times)

Offline prof.j

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2014, 08:30:43 PM »
I think Kai is also lying  :smhid

Offline Haruko

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2014, 11:42:31 PM »
Yeah Kai is liying... He sleeps with a few of woman.. and of course he doesnt know about how a virgin girl is, that why he says that he loves experience woman

Offline Justqle

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2014, 09:08:55 AM »
Yohohohohooo, How kai will know that atsuko still a virgin?  :hehehe:

hmm, whether kai love it? or ..  :kekeke:

Waiting to update  :D

Offline takeshi77

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2014, 09:30:35 PM »
eventhough they make deal like that but i think they look like fallen to each other  XD
and atsuko friend maybe will be her greatest enemy on trying to stealing kai
hopefully rather than just deal , they really became love each other in the end  :twisted:
looking forward on wht will happen next  :lol:

Offline ryu201

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2014, 10:27:25 AM »
ah~ this is rare fanfic  :glasses:
usually,we will see atsuko who like to teasing kai but this new that kai like to teasing atsuko  :kekeke: interesting ^^
wait ur next chapter author-san  :kneelbow:

Offline AtsuminaForever

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 9~
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2014, 06:15:04 AM »
Author-san, please update!7 Hahahaha.. no pressure here.

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10~
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2014, 08:42:28 AM »

Gomen for the late update :bow: ..
Lately I've been busy studying for Entrance Exam(Idk why i need to take that exam since I'm transferee :nervous)

Chapter 10

'He didn't recognize me??' Atsuko thought 'Ahh i know why, because i'm only wearing tshirt and jeans far different my last night appearance.'

She took a glance again to Kai, and Kai still busy on his phone.
'Is there signal inside the elevator?'

When she checked her phone if there's a signal inside suddenly her phone ring.. 'Unknown number?'

"Hello?"She heard no answer "Hello, Who is this?" still no answered the she end the call.. She looked at Kai, it is also with his phone then she immediately look on the other way.

Her phone ring again and still the unknown number.
"Listen, I don't have time to make stupid call with strangers, okay! so Who you are and what you need?"

"Stranger huh" Kai suddenly speak.

'Ohh crap! why am i feeling nervous?'Atsuko thought.

Atsuko cough before she talk again. "What are you doing here?"

"Ray lives here." No emotional response.

'Oh, so you were not here for me.. Wait..' and the she remember their last night conversation.[Yes. We did. A couple of times actually, in her Apartment.]...

"You had sex with her, didn't you?"Atsuko asked.

"So, We aren't married yet." Still No emotional response


When the elevator it's already in basement/parking lot and she immediately exit but someone bumped to her..
"Hey! Watch where you're going!"She shouted.

She took the arm of the guy who bumped to her.."Woaah, Easy I'm sorry...Wait, Atsuko??

When she looked to the guy face.."Koji?" Atsuko looked back she saw Kai looking at them with dark look.

'Wait! This is the perfect opportunity to get back at him!' and then she smiled to Koji "So what brings you here?"

Koji smiled back. "I live here."

"Really ?? I also live here, **th floor,You?" Atsuko asked.
(A/N: I don't know what floor I should use :) )

"Penthouse suite"

"Penthouse suite??Isn't the only owner live at that floor??Don't tell me you own this building?"

'So that's why Akiko love you because you're really rich.' Atsuko thought.

"Yeah."Koji shyly answered "And you should go there sometimes,the view is breathtaking, specially at night"

"Surely! i would love to."Atsuko said excitedly.
Part of her really wanted to see the magnificent view of the city,another part of her really wanted to get back to Kai.

"How about tonight?Are you free?We can have a dinner..I also wanted to ask you about Aki-"

Atsuko cut his word because she saw Kai walking towards them.

"Okay,I'll be there at 8pm, I really have to go Koji see you tonight." Atsuko said and rush to her car but before she entered Kai hold her arm.

"What the hell is that? Did you just agree to have a date with that guy?" Kai asked.

"So.we aren't married yet." But Kai tightened the grip on her..

"Fine." Kai said.

She thought Kai already loosed the grip but she's wrong.. Kai kiss her on the lips his left hand travel to her waist until to her back pulling her closer. Atsuko can feel the anger in his kiss. it was rough and hot at the same time..When she responded to kiss, Kai suddenly stop and break the kiss, leaving her wanting more.
[A/N: :sweat:]

"Now you have something to think about while you're on a date with him." Kai whispered to her while nibbling her earlobe.

He uttered it, But still not far from her, his thumb brushed her lips that traveled to his neck until it falls to the button of her blouse. "K-Kai?"

"If we're alone in this place, i will take you here now." He whispered while his hand was doing miracles at her back, massaging her. Every cell of her body responded to his touch, every part of her body wanted him too.

'Oh my God Atsuko, It's dangerous you need something to do.'
"You're just ended with Ray and now me.?" Atsuko said suddenly the atmosphere between them change Kai get away with his clenched jaw.

"You better watch that tongue of yours." Kai said with dark looked..

'He's really scary when he is angry' Atsuko thought.
They also starring each other but suddenly car passed before them and distracting them.

"There's something you want to say."Atsuko asked.

"Yes, Maeda!, We're going to get married two weeks from now."

"what do you mean two weeks from now? Isn't it too fast, Kai? Are you really that excited to take me on your bed.?"

"It wasn't my decision, in fact i really don't care if we didn't get married. this was my father decision. He changed the schedule that what we plan.That's why i called you earlier." Kai said with cold tone

Atsuko smiled.

"Is there's something funny.?" Kai asked

Atsuko just shrugged and went inside her car and slamming the door.
When she's already at the exit someone email her.
               From: Unknown Number
               To: Atsuko
                                 Yes. I'm quite excited actually.

Before she replied she save the number first.

               From: Atsuko
               To: Kai
                                 What are you talking about?you know I'm driving.

               From: Kai
               To: Atsuko
                                 I'm excited to take you in bed.

'Focus Atsuko,Focus!!Do you want to play a game huh' Atsuko thought.

               From: Atsuko
               To: Kai
                                 Me too. Oh i can already imagine the sensual thing we
                  can do with each others body. I'm quite excited myself.

She had never felt naughty in all her life! Adrenaline rushed through her veins she waited for his reply..Her phone sounds again..

               From: Chenesis Building (A/N:Just random name haha)
               To: Atsuko
                                 Acchan, I already here at Chenesis Building

'Tsk,I thought it's Kai' and then she replied.

               From: Atsuko
               To: Chenesis Building
                                 I'm on the way now, I already have the money
                   I can pay the full amount.

Her phone sounds again..

               From: Kai
               To: Atsuko
                                 I know you can do miracles with that body. I know you
                   don't disappoint me.

'But if you know what's the true i know you'll be disappoint.' Atsuko didn't reply the email.

               From: Chenesis Building
               To: Atsuko
                                 What do you mean? You already bought it.

Atsuko immediately park her car in front of Chenesis Building..

"What do you mean i already bought it.?" Atsuko asked.

"what did you do to him and buy this building under your name?"

'huh?Kai bought it already?Why he didn't tell me earlier?' Atsuko thought.

"We made a deal." Atsuko answered.

"Really?Well you're a lucky girl.All you have to do is sign this contract and this building will be yours."

'Lucky girl huh'
After she signed the contract..She feels happy but at the same time also nervous..

'He already did his side of the deal, now it's time to do yours.' Atsuko said in her mind.



Offline liabont

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2014, 10:49:52 AM »
thanks for update author-san, please update soon atsukai or atsumina i love them  :inlove:

Offline cisda83

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2014, 11:19:24 AM »
Ah... Kai is so possesive over Atsuko though he still in relationship with Ray

Would Kai learn to love Atsuko?

Would Atsuko learn to love Kai?

What's going to happen on thier wedding night?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ryu201

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2014, 11:42:05 AM »
GREAT UPDATE AUTHOR-SAN!!!!!  :farofflook: :on woohoo: :on GJ:
i cant stop laughing in this chapter  :hiakhiakhiak:
i think kai go to ray's apartment not for sex but to tell about his marrige (that what i hope actually)  :dunno:

kai already do his part on their deal that means acchan and him will....... :shy1: :wriggly: :on bleed:
update fast author-san!!! im waiting for u  :on woohoo:

Offline Kakeru15

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2014, 05:48:13 PM »
Poor kai, seems like he so jealous to acchan,,, :huhuh

please update asap author-san!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!! :thumbsup:grin:


Offline Justqle

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2014, 08:09:35 PM »
yohohoho, finally an update  :cow:
kai you're so selfish  :on thumbb:

better if they get married as sooner  :twothumbs so kai can cut the tie between him and ray  :wahaha:
what will happen if they married?  :kekeke:

waiting to the next chapter  :hee:

Offline mgxx

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 10-[4/27/14]
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2014, 06:09:07 AM »
OMG.. Thankyou for update author-san...

Jealosy kai so cute , cant wait for the next chapter >,<

Offline KaoriChan

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-Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2014, 01:17:19 PM »
Chapter 11

"Acchan, Are you ok? you look pale."

"I'm fine, i only forgot to eat breakfast. I'm excited to buy this building but it turns it's already bought under my name" Atsuko said and smiled.

"Well, you should never forget to eat breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day."

" sound like my mom." She replied laughing.

"Acchan, I would really like to celebrate with you but i need to go now to meet other client."

"It's ok, and thank you so so much!"

"Congratulations, Acchan~!!."

After saying goodbye to each other, Atsuko look around the building, It is three-story building.

'Wait..He said he wouldn't give this building to me if he didn't like my performance? What is he planning?'

She's going down from the third floor suddenly her phone rang.

Kai calling...

Atsuko don't know what to say to Kai now. She ignored the call and decided to switch her phone into silent mode.
'I'll say later that i forgot my phone in the car.'

And she looked around again in Second floor.. after she visualized what she like do to each floor she moved down again.
Taking her phone in her pocket she has fifteen missed calls from Kai. She choose to ignored him again but suddenly someone spoke behind her.

"Why the hell you didn't answer my calls?"Kai Said

"AHHHH!! Kai!! Don't scared me like that, are you going to kill me?"

"Well, If you only answered my calls"

"I didn't know you we're calling. My phone is in silent mode. Sorry"
Atsuko reason and she saw Kai smiled.

"He said you already signed the contract. Congratulation Love." Kai said.

'Why he's calling me love..Ahh nevermind'

"Yes, But i will pay you now Kai i have money and-"

"Atsuko, I don't need your money besides i have tons of it. I bought this place for you already now I'm expecting a thank you."

'Atsuko just say thank you' She said in her mind.
"Thank you, Kai i appreciate it." Atsuko said in a low voice. She couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"What?That's all.. No kiss?" Kai said smiling.

'Ohh, He's starting again.' She moves closer but stopped few meters away. 'I'm not good at this.'

"Closer." Kai said.

She can already see the fire in his eyes. She can even feel the electric pull between them. She moves closer again.

"Good. Now where's my kiss?"

'Just do it Atsuko! One kiss won't harm!'

She close her eyes. Their lips met halfway. 'He is such a good kisser!.'

Now the kiss was different from the one they shared at the parking lot. This one was slow and passionate. His lips teasing and tenderly. His tongue tasting the contour of her lips that made her moan. She parted her lips and welcomed his mouth. Then he was kissing her possessively that caused her knees into jelly.
Atsuko never thought that a kiss can affect her so much that she wanted Kai kiss her forever. Her hands found its way to his nape and grabbed his hair that made him moan inside her mouth.

They were having the time of their lives suddenly her stomach sounds.
'It's embarrassing.' Kai stopped kissing her but never left her mouth.
"Do you have any idea the effect you can have on me?" Kai whispered to her while his lips softly caressing the corners of her mouth.

She had no idea what to say. She was still dazed by the kiss they just shared. Kai moved away while looking at her eyes with longing and lust. "Are you hungry?"

The only thing she can do was stare him. 'Say something!You look like a retarded!' "Uh-mm. Yes."

He smiled seductively. "Me too. But not for food." Kai whispered giving her that same sensation whenever they kissed. "You have very sexy lips."

"Not bad yourself." She smiled shyly.

"Have you eaten lunch?"

"Not yet, but-"

"Come on. We should celebrate. There's a restaurant not far from here. They serve the most delicious dishes!"

They had a lovely lunch. They talked about random things.
Just like what their favorite dish, who their favorite singer, what their biggest dream not yet fulfilled, their hates characteristics in a female and male, their favorite time of the day, the most stupid thing ever they've done and many more.

'How i wish he will always be nice and good humored.' Atsuko thought.

When they are close to finish their lunch. Atsuko asked Kai what he is doing Ray apartment.. She knows this is too personal but she had to feed her curiosity.

"I broke up with her."

Atsuko choked, she totally did not expect to hear that from him.
'I thought they do that.'

"I know what you're thinking. That I went there to have sex with her. Let me tell you again, Atsuko, that you over think things. No I did not have sex with her."

'Really? I over think things?'
Why did you answer earlier "So? We're not married yet?"

"I was irritated by your question. I'm going to marry you, Atsuko, not her. As you know, I'm already engaged to you so you don't have to worry about that. You really have the tendency to over think sometimes."

"You're talking as if you really know me."

"I know you enough."

'Know me enough huh..' Atsuko said in her mind.
"So officially break, don't you? what was her reaction?" Atsuko asked.

"Well, she thought I was joking at first but when she know that I'm serious She cried. I explained a couple of times about our deal, that we will file divorce after six months. And then she calm."

she already knew it. After six months it still returns with Ray.
'Well, why are you jealous?' Her subconscious. 'Jealous of him?Don't tell me you like him already?'
"Of course! after six months you are free to marry her. I'm sure by that time she's already done with her movie." She said without a trace of her emotional statement.

Kai didn't answer. He only look at Atsuko face.
'Why is he always staring at me? Is there dirt at my face?' "If the two of us will staring each other in a whole day i think you need to pay my day, I still have to do you know."

"You look totally different from yesterday."Kai said.

"I know I look ugly without wearing elegant dress, make-up and dazzling jewelries on."

"Either way you're still beautiful. Whatever you will wear you're still beautiful."

'Wow?did he just say that to me?'

"Fine, fine, I get it! I'm the one who will paid the bill."
After Atsuko said that Kai Laughed.

"Don't worry, Atsuko. It's already in my tab."

"What do you mean?"Atsuko asked.

"I own this place."


 :byebye: :cow:

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2014, 05:45:38 PM »
Kaiiiii you're too cuteee >,<
Thankyou for ur update author-san ^^
And goodluck for ur exam ^~^

Offline cisda83

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2014, 07:18:20 PM »
Ah Atsuko would need to do her part of the deal

And Kai would divorce Atsuko after half year as plan

But would he after he marries Atsuko ?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

    :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Justqle

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2014, 11:25:25 PM »
at first i was glad kai broke up with ray  :err:, but WHY it's just be six months  :pleeease:

hope in six months they can growth more feelings towards each other  :on hypto:
what actually kai feels about acchan??  :grr:

i'm waiting for the update author-san  :twothumbs thank you  :cow:

Offline liabont

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2014, 02:45:19 AM »
kyaaa kai and atsuko  :inlove:
 I hope they get married soon, i love atsumina or atsukai  :wub:
thank you for updte author-san  :twothumbs
i hope youre update soon  :love:

Offline ryu201

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2014, 01:48:20 PM »
kya!!! nice update!!!
this fanfic really make me fall in love  :inlove:
please keep update author-san!

Offline Kakeru15

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Re: -Deal- [KaixAtsuko]Chapter 11-[4/30/14]
« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2014, 01:58:53 PM »
Finally update :D

Please update again I'm waiting. Haha  :grin:

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