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Author Topic: [Atsumina's OS collection] [OS] Christmas Wish 25/12/2017  (Read 93826 times)

Offline nguyen23

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[Atsumina's OS collection] [OS] Christmas Wish 25/12/2017
« on: October 13, 2015, 02:10:15 AM »
Story Index

[OS] Forever and Ever

[Short Story] I Love You
I Love You (Part 1)
I Love You (Part 2)
I Love You (Part 3)
I Love You (Part 4)
I Love You (Part 5)
I Love You (Part 6 - Final)

[OS] Promise

[Short Story] My Lovely Ojou-sama
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 1)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 2)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 3)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 4)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 5)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 6)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 7)
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 8 )
My Lovely Ojou-sama (Part 9 - Final)

[OS] Perfect Valentine

[OS] Our Love Story

[Short Story] Power of Love
Power of Love (Part 1)
Power of Love (Part 2)
Power of Love (Part 3)
Power of Love (Part 4)
Power of Love (Part 5)
Power of Love (Part 6)
Power of Love (Part 7)
Power of Love (Part 8 )
Power of Love (Part 9)
Power of Love (Part 10)
Power of Love (Part 11)
Power of Love (Part 12)
Power of Love (Part 13)
Power of Love (Part 14)
Power of Love (Part 15 - final)

[Short Story] Escape
Escape (Part 1)
Escape (Part 2)
Escape (Part 3)
Escape (Part 4)
Escape (Part 5)
Escape (Part 6)
Escape (Part 7)
Escape (Part 8 )
Escape (Part 9)
Escape (Part 10)
Escape (Part 11)
Escape (Part 12)
Escape (Part 13)
Escape (Part 14)
Escape (Part 15)
Escape (Part 16)
Escape (Part 17)
Escape (Part 18)
Escape (Part 19)
Escape (Part 20 - Final)

[Short Story] My Feeling for You
My Feeling for You (Part 1)
My Feeling for You (Part 2)
My Feeling for You (Part 3)
My Feeling for You (Part 4)
My Feeling for You (Part 5)
My Feeling for You (Part 6)
My Feeling for You (Part 7)
My Feeling for You (Part 8 )
My Feeling for You (Part 9)
My Feeling for You (Part 10)
My Feeling for You (Part 11)
My Feeling for You (Part 12)
My Feeling for You (Part 13)
My Feeling for You (Part 14)
My Feeling for You (Part 15)
My Feeling for You (Part 16)
My Feeling for You (Part 17)
My Feeling for You (Part 18 - Final)

[OS] Miracle of Christmas

[OS] Christmas Wish

Hello everyone!  :)

This is an OS. I have some free time in fall break, so I wrote this. This is just something comes to my head. Hope you guys like this  :D

Forever and Ever

Minami’s POV

Today is a special day to me. In the next one month, I will stay together with the girl who I secretly in love. She is my childhood friend. Our parents are best friends with each other since like forever. Our house is next to each other. We are together since we were born. We go to school together since kindergarten. She is a very cute and nice girl. I love her from a long time ago. However, I still haven’t confessed my feeling to her yet. I don’t know how, and I’m scared that I can’t be with her anymore.

Right now, I’m waiting for her at the door. we will go to school together.

“Minami” She opens the door and greets me

“Hi Atsuko” I greet and smile at her

She smiles back at me with a bright smile. I can see crinkle on her nose. I love her smile a lot. I wish that she only shows that smile to me not anyone else.

“Minami, what are you thinking? Why are you spacing out like that?” She tilts her head and asks me

“Ah, nothing, nothing at all. Let go to school, Atsuko” I smile and said to her

“Ok” She smiles at me

Then she takes my hand and pulls me to run with her

“Let’s go Minami” She turns around and said to me

Looking at her adorable face, I really want to pull her into my arms and hug her tightly. That smile, that beautiful eyes, and those hands, I want them to be mine only. Those thought makes me want to hold her hand tightly, and I did. Feeling my grip, she stops and turns around. She looks at me with a confused face.

“What happened, Minami?” Atsuko asks me

“No, Nothing. I just want to hold your hand tightly” I smiles at her and said

Suddenly she looks down and quickly turns away.

“Did I say something wrong?” I thought in confuse

Feeling that she is trying to evade my eyes, I ask her in worry tone

“Atsuko, did I say something wrong? What’s wrong?”

“N…No…nothing at all, Minami. We should get going now. The school bell is about to ring” She said and continues holding my hand

We run to school on the street which is filled with a lot of beautiful falling cherry blossom. I feel that she holds my hand tighter.

After a while, we reach the school yard. After putting our stuffs in the locker, we go to our classroom together.

“Look everyone, our class ‘Perfect Couple’ is here” Yuu said and the whole class laughs

“Yuu” I half shout in embarrassment

The truth is I’m very happy when hearing he said that. However, I don’t know what Atsuko is thinking. I turn my head slightly to take a look at her. She just bends down her head and goes to her deck. I can see a slightly pink on her beautiful face

“Is she blushing” I thought 

“Nah, maybe that is my imagination” I thought and go back to my seat

Fortunately, our seat is next to each other. Therefore, I can be near her. I turn to look at her. Suddenly our eyes meet. I smile at her, but she suddenly turns away.

“Huh?” I look at her with confused look

After three class periods, it is time for lunch. I rush to the school cafeteria to buy for me some breads and coke. When I come back, I don’t see Atsuko anywhere. Usually she and I will eat lunch together in class. I come to Yuu’s deck and ask

“Hey Yuu, do you know where Atsuko is?”

“Missing your cute girlfriend already?” he said in teasing tone and laughs

“Yuu, stop joking around. She is not my girlfriend” I raise my voice

Suddenly the class is filled with silent. I look up and see Atsuko is standing in front of me. She looks at me with very sad eyes.

“Atsuko” I call her

“Hi Minami” She smiles and greets me

However, somehow in that smile, I can feel a lot of sadness. We silently look at each other.

“Acchan, Takamina is looking for you” Yuu speaks up breaking the heavy atmosphere around us

“Ah...I just go to buy something to drink. This morning, I forgot to bring mine” she answers

Then she goes back to her seat.

After that, we didn’t talk to each other even a word. I just sit on my seat and secretly look at her. Her expression doesn’t change. Those sad eyes are still there. I wonder what make her look like that.

In the evening, as always we go home together. However, today is a little bit different. Atsuko just stays silent. Usually, she will tell me a lot of different things, what she saw on TV, what movie that she likes, and a lot of different stuffs.

When we reach home, our parents are about to go on their vacation. They got a one month vacation together. However, because we have school, we can’t go with them.

“Atsu, Takamina, you two come back in time. We are about to go to the airport.” Atsuko’s father said

“Papa, Mama, you two are about to go?” Atsuko asks

“Yes, honey. Remember to be good. Don’t disturb Takamina, ok” her mom said to her

“Mama, I’m not a kid. You don’t have to say thing like that.” Atsuko said and pouts

“Plus, I won’t bother him, anyway” She mumbles

Her parent looks at her and smile

“Akiko, don’t worry. Our Minami doesn’t mind being disturbed by Acchan, right Minami?” My father said

“Moreover, I think he enjoys that” My mom adds, and they all laughs

I don’t know what to say. I just look at my feet to hide my embarrassment.

“Takamina, please take care of Atsuko for us, ok” Her mother said

“Yes, I will” I answer

“Honey, you don’t have to say that. Takamina will take good care of our Atsuko anyway, right our future son in law” Her father said and laughs

“Yes, that is so true, Atsushi” my father comments

I can feel my face getting hotter and hotter every second. I can feel that smoke will come out from my ears and head. I look at Atsuko, her eyes still have that sadness. I don’t know why she is sad, but looking at her like that, my heart feels very hurt.

“It is about time, I think we should go now.” my father said

“Uh, the taxi is already waiting for us” her father said

“Bye Atsu, Takamina. Takamina, please take care of Atsu for us” her mother said from inside the taxi

“Yes,” I answer her.

Then the taxis take them to the airport. I turn to the right to look at her. She still stays silent and looking at the taxi.

“Don’t worry Atsuko. You still have me here with you.” I smile and comfort her

“Uh, thank you, Minami” She finally smiles at me

However, that is not her usual smile. I miss that smile already

“Atsuko, can you go back to your house first and wait for me a little. I will go home to take some of my things. Also, my mother cooked something for us. I will bring them over, and we will eat together, ok?” I said to her

“Uh” She nods

I quickly rushes to my house to take my things. I take some necessary things to stay over at her house. I don’t need to take too much stuffs because our house is near each other anyway. After a while I finished preparing my things. I rush to the kitchen to take the food and quickly rush to her house.

I open the door and come in. I come in at the same time with Atsuko stepping down from the stair. She just finished her bath. Her hair is still wet. The smell of her shampoo is very nice. She wears a big white shirt and a short. Looking at her like this, she is so attractive. I stun there and keep looking at her.

“Minami?” she calls me with confused tone

I snap out of my dream.

“Ah...uhm… here, my mother made some of your favorite sushi” I said

Then we go to the kitchen and eat together

After finishing eating, we go to the living room and study together. Outside, rain is very heavy. Inside my head, there is still one thing that I can get over it. That is her sad eyes. I don’t know what made you look sad like that. However, I don’t know how to ask her about that. Suddenly, a lightning flashes making the street light up. After that is a big sound of thunder appear.

While I’m still looking at the window, a nice scent suddenly come to my nose. When I realize what happened, I see Atsuko is hugging me tightly.

"Atsuko" I call her in surprised

" Minami" Atsuko immediately sits up, parting her arms from me and said

Suddenly another big thunder appears. She shrinks herself and closes her eyes.That is right. She is scared of thunder since she was a kid. I pull her into my arms and pat her back.

"Minami" Atsuko calls in surprise.

"It is ok, Atsuko, I'm here. There is nothing to be scared of." I gently said.

She hug me tighter. After a while, I call her


“Huh?” Atsuko is still burying her face on my chest and asks

“This morning and just now, I saw that you look so sad. What happened to you? What made you sad? Just tell me I will do everything to help you” I said to her

“...” She stays silent

“It’s ok, if you don’t want to talk about that. I won’t force you. However, remember this, I will always be by your side no matter what. Next to you will always have me. I will be there to protect and support you whenever you need.” I said while stroking her back

I can feel that she tightens her hug. Then she breaks the hug and sits up. Her eyes are red. I can still see some tear in the corner of her beautiful eyes. I raise my hand and gently wipe her tear

“What made you cry, Atsuko?” I gently ask

“I’m fine Minami don’t worry.” She said and smiles to me

Then there is a silent fill between us

“Minami” Atsuko breaks the silent

“What is it, Atsuko?” I ask her

“The truth is there is a person who I’m in love” Atsuko said with shyly eyes

I can feel my heart is bleeding when hearing those words from her. I really want to cry right now.

“Am I lost my Atsuko now?” I ask myself

“I don’t know if he loves me or just sees me as a friend. That makes me very confused. I want to know his feeling. However, at the same time, I’m scared to know his true feeling” Atsuko said to me

"I'm afraid that he will reject me? That he won't care for me anymore" she continues

Her eyes are filled with tear again. Seeing that my heart feels very tight

“Anyone dares to hurt my Atsuko’s feeling, I will take him down” I thought

“Don’t be sad Atsuko. My heart is in pain when seeing you like this” I wipe her tear and said

“Thank you Minami.” She said to me

“Minami” She calls me again

I look at her

“Should I confess my feeling to him?” She asks me

Although that is a simple question, it has power to kill my heart

“Hurt, hurt, very hurt.” I thought

Her words like a thousand blade pierce into my heart. I don’t want. I don’t want that to happen. I hold her hands tight and pull her to my embrace. I hug her tightly

“Minami” Atsuko calls my name in surprise.

“No, No, I don’t want that” I said firmly

“I don’t want you confess your feeling to anyone else. I want you to be mine and only mine.” I continues

I take a deep breath and said out loud

“I love you, Atsuko.”

“I love you for a very long time. Maybe since we just were born. I’m an idiot that I didn’t confess to you sooner. I’m regret about that, now. I’m too coward. I’m afraid of losing you. However, I’m about to lose you now” I said

“But now I know one thing that I can’t lose you, Atsuko. I love you.” I tighten my hug and said

Atsuko breaks the hug and look directly at my eyes

“I decided. I will confess” She looks at me and happily said

My tear unconsciously rolls down. I really lost my Atsuko, now. I’m really about to lose her forever. I close my eyes and feel the sadness and hopelessness are slowly invading my heart, my soul, and my whole body. I feel like I lost all my life-force. Suddenly a pair of soft hands wipes my tear, and something incredible soft touches my lips. I open my eyes and see that Atsuko is kissing me.

“Atsuko” I thought

The sweetness on her lips makes me lose all my consciousness. I just want to taste her lips more. This is what I’m longing for a long time. I round my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me while hurriedly replies her kiss. I kiss her passionately and wildly. We kiss until we out of air. Then I move my kisses to her neck. I lick it and suck it

"Minami" Atsuko calls me waking me up to my senses

I move back and look at her

“I'm sorry, Atsuko. I can't control myself whenever I'm with you” I said to her while my hand touching her red lips

She smiles at me and holds my hands. I thought she accepted my confession. However,

“The person who I secretly in love, I will confess my love to him, right here.” She said and smiles

“What does she mean? That man will come here? What about that kiss? Is that a goodbye kiss?” I thought in confuse

There is a lot of thought appears in my head. I’m really at lost now. I look at her with a confused look

“You still want to confess to him?” I ask her

“Uh” she smiles and nods

“He will come here?” I ask her

“No, he is already here” She said

Her face stills show that lovely and beautiful smile. I hate it when she talks about him and smiles that smile. I don’t want anyone to see that smile except me.

“He is here? Is he outside? But outside rain is very heavy.” I thought

I look directly at her eyes

“Listen to me Atsuko. Maeda Atsuko, I love you. I won’t give you to anyone else. I will make you fall in love with me for sure. I’m definitely do that” I strongly tell her

“You don’t have to do that” She said to me still smiling like that

“Atsuko, can’t you give me a chance?” I sadly thought

“Don’t you have any feeling for me, Atsuko? Can’t you give me a chance?” I ask her

She shakes her head

“Do you want to know the person who I’m in love? I will say that right now” She said and smiles

“I, Maeda Atsuko, the person who I really love is….”

I just sit still and look at her with a hopeless eyes

“, Takahashi Minami. I love you from a long time ago, Minami.” Atsuko smiles and said to me

I stun with her words

“Did she just confess to me? Does she love me? Is the person who she secretly in love is me?” I thought

I can’t believe in my ears. I happily look at her

“The person you love is me?” I ask her in happy tone

“Uh, my baka Minami. I said like that and you still don’t understand” Atsuko said and smiles softly

“I’m really a baka” I smile at her and hug her tightly

“I’m happy Atsuko, really happy. I love you. I love you more than anything” I said to her and buries my face on her neck

“Me too, Minami. I love you. I love you very much, Minami.” She said and buries her face on my chest

“This morning, when I heard you loudly denied what Yuu said, I can feel my heart was broken into thousand pieces.” She said to me

“So that jerk who made her sad is me” I’m tighten my hug

“I’m sorry, Atsuko. I made you sad and cry” I said

“It is ok” She said

“When you hugged me and said that you will always be with me and protect me, I decided to confess to you. I want you to know my real feeling.” Atsuko said

“I think you misunderstood about “the person” who I mentioned that I’m in love. Then you against that and hug me tightly. You told me that you love me and don’t want me to be with anyone else. When I heard you said that, I’m very happy. My heart is jumping in joy. At first, I still have some doubt. However, after that I’m very confident.” Atsuko said to me

I can feel her smile on my chest.

“You made me so worry. I thought I lost you for-real.” I said and pout

“That is your fault. Because you are a baka” She said and laughs

“What did you say? Who is baka?” I ask her in playful tone

“It is you. I said like that and you still didn’t know that is you.” She laughs and said

“I even kissed you. That is my first kiss. If I don’t love you, why should I kiss you” She said

“That is also my first kiss. You stole my first kiss without my permission” I said to her

She breaks the hug and look at me

“So you don’t like that huh?’ She looks at me and pouts

“Yes, I don’t like that” I said to her with serious tone

Her face looks surprise. Then she looks down. I use my hand to lift her face up.

“I don’t like it. However, I love it.” I whisper and kiss her lips

She breaks the kiss and hits my chest lightly

“Minami, you made me worry. I thought you don’t like that” She said and pouts

I catch her hands and hug her

“How can I not like that?” I said

“I love everything about you. Your characteristics, your voice, and...” I pause

“....I love your glutton character” I said and laugh

She hits my chest lightly

“I also love your hair” I said and kiss her hair

“Your forehead” I said and kiss that

“Your big beautiful eyes” I kiss them

“Your cute nose” I kiss it

“Your pink cheeks” I kiss them

“And, I love your lovely lips” I whisper and kiss her lips

I kiss her softly. Atsuko rounds her arms around my neck and replies my kiss. I hug her skinny waist and pull her closer to my chest. Our kiss becomes more passionate and intense. I slip my tongue inside her mouth and explore every part of her mouth making her moan softly. I can feel myself getting hotter. I pushes her down on the floor, and I’m on top of her still kissing. I move my hand down to her beautiful leg

“Uhmmm…” Atsuko moans softly when I stroke and gropes her thigh

Then I use my hand to slowly unbutton her shirt showing her white smooth skin.  Then I change my kiss into her neck and mark it

“You are mine now Atsuko” I smile and said making her blushes

Then I kiss her again while taking off her shirt. Suddenly I break the kiss. She looks at me with confused look. I smile at her. Then I bend down and whisper in her ears

“Shall we continue this in your room?”

She blushes madly. Her face is all red now. So cute. I kiss her again while lifting her up in my arms. I carry her to her room and gently put her down. I move on top of her. I bend down and kiss her lips gently

“Atsuko, I love you” I said softly

“I love you too, Minami” Atsuko said while caressing my face

After that we drown in our own world of love and passion.

In the morning

I slowly open my eyes and see my angel is sleeping soundly in my arms. I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead. Feeling my movement. She snuggles closer to me while hugging me tightly. Her face is burying on my chest. The closeness makes me remember about last night making me blushed. I look at her and smile

“At last, Atsuko is now mine and only mine” I thought while stroking her smooth back

“Why did you smile like that, Minami?” She looks at me with those sleepy eyes and asks

“Because I finally confessed my feeling to you. Because our feeling is mutual, and especially, because you are mine now” I said and peck on her lips

She laughs softly and hugs me.

“Atsuko, from now on, I will always be by your side to protect and love you. I won’t let anything make you cry or sad. I promise” I seriously said to her

"Thank you, Minami” She said to me

Then she moves up and pecks my lips.

“Why don’t you sleep more, Atsuko. This is still early. Today is weekend anyway” I said to her

“Uh” She nods and buries her head on my chest

“A special morning for the beginning of our love.” I thought and smile

Then I hug her and fall in sleep

10 years later

We are standing on the cruise on the Seine river to sightsee.

“Honey, look at that.Those are so beautiful” She happily calls me while pointing around

“Uh, those views are very nice” I smile and said

“However, you are way more beautiful.” I whisper and kiss her lips

“Sweet talker” She said and laugh softly

“So, Mrs. Takahashi, do you like this place. I choose especially for our honeymoon” I hug her from behind and whisper to her ear

Yes, we finally got married yesterday. She finally becomes my wife. Maeda Atsuko is now my wife.

“I love it. Paris is very beautiful, Minami” She turns around and said

“I’m glad you like it, Atsuko” I said to her

“Thank you Minami” She said and pecks my lips

“Everything for my lovely and beautiful wife” I said to her

“I love you, Minami, very much.” She hugs me tightly and said

“I love you, too. Atsuko. More than what you can imagine” I smile and said

Then she rest her head on my chest while I hugging her shoulder.s We silently enjoy the night view while feeling each other presence

I love her very much. I, Takahashi Minami will love her for today, tomorrow, future, and forever and ever. Our love will be forever and ever...

The End

That is the OS. Hope you guys enjoy reading it.  :)

Offline black_maa

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Re: [OS] Forever and Ever (Atsumina) 13/10/2015
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 04:44:50 PM »
Thank you author-san for cute OS!  :shy1:
Like you said it - AtsuMina Forever and ever! And nothing can stop that..   :oops: ...[except harsh reality]
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: [OS] Forever and Ever (Atsumina) 13/10/2015
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 04:55:58 PM »
Atsumina definitely end up together forever.
Even in reality. (close friends would do)
Atsu did promise to stay with her in the near future.
Thank you for the OS author-san!  :cathappy:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline cisda83

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Re: [OS] Forever and Ever (Atsumina) 13/10/2015
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2015, 05:35:40 PM »
Minami is such a baka

Lovely story there...

Atsumina forever

Thank you for the OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [OS] Forever and Ever (Atsumina) 13/10/2015
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 02:29:47 PM »
This is the second time I read this OS :)
The story is so sweet, such a baka Minami and cute Atsuko.
I love the way they are together, and also the happy future
I hoped to see their lovely children, but in this OS, they have just got married haha
Thank you Author-san, AtsuMina forever!!!

Offline ryu201

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2015, 08:17:01 PM »
another atsumina story!!!!
yey!!!!  :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit:
but why im so sad seeing minami treat atsuko like that?  :on speedy: :on speedy:
i mean,atsuko didnt do anything why minami like that?
he can learn to love atsuko right?  :fainted: :fainted:
please keep updating and make minami love atsuko soon!!!  :mon pray2: :mon pray2:

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2015, 09:43:36 PM »
Poor Atsuko... Minami is so cold and rude to her

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2015, 08:56:11 AM »
What's next? So eager to read part 2.
Thank you author-san!
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline black_maa

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2015, 09:45:39 AM »
Ammm.. oh.. that was harsh from Minami..  :huhuh
mmm.. yeah.. hard choice..
Waiting next part..  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2015, 08:10:22 AM »
wow!!! another atsumina! yes. i been gone from this fanfiction forum almost a year. Now I finish my study i can read fiction moreeeeee! AM SO HAPPY TO SEE AN ATSUMINA STORY. PLS UPDATE AUTHOR SAN! :bow:

Offline Saint0angel

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2015, 03:20:34 AM »
Yes, yes i love  :love:

Offline Nezumayuyu

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2015, 05:38:32 PM »
Update soon pleasee
Really like your fict

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2015, 06:45:38 PM »
Well... Minami is starting to have feeling for Atsuko

But what will Minami say to Atsuko's question?

Will Minami tell the truth, at first no but now different?

Can't wait to see the next one

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline sasshirie

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2015, 07:13:05 PM »
oH OH OH... I think Minami lie that she loves! can't wait to find out what she will do! update as soon as you can!

Offline black_maa

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2015, 07:20:21 PM »
Yep... Minami loves her..  :yep: .. but it will make it more complicated all things..
...and there will be day, when Atsuko will know all true aaaand... yeah... or she already have some clue about it.. hmmm..  :roll: :huhuh
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 1/5 28/11/2015
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2015, 12:08:02 PM »
another atsumina story!!!!
yey!!!!  :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit: :tama-apeshit:
but why im so sad seeing minami treat atsuko like that?  :on speedy: :on speedy:
i mean,atsuko didnt do anything why minami like that?
he can learn to love atsuko right?  :fainted: :fainted:
please keep updating and make minami love atsuko soon!!!  :mon pray2: :mon pray2:

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 2/5 05/12/2015
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2015, 02:53:13 PM »
Thank you for the puppy. It reminds me of Takamina visiting Acchan's dogs.
Atsumina is doing perfectly nowadays.
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 3 12/12/2015
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2015, 09:16:47 AM »
Is it possible for Kai to become Minami's past?
Well.. I'll just wait for the author and Atsuko's response.  :rock:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 3 12/12/2015
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2015, 11:50:21 AM »
Is it possible for Kai to become Minami's past?
Well.. I'll just wait for the author and Atsuko's response.  :rock:

I had the same thought..  :huhuh
At least Atsuko knows, that Minami really loves her..  :roll:
Waiting next chapter..  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: [Atsumina's OS collection] I love you (Atsumina) Part 3 12/12/2015
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2015, 10:17:16 PM »
Eh... kai?

Is minami is kai?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs  :twothumbs  :twothumbs

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