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Author Topic: What Needed to be Done  (Read 48967 times)

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« on: March 21, 2007, 11:08:44 PM »
This story comes right after Love x 2 = ∞.  To understand the references in this story posted here, you should read that one first.  My stories are connected/continuations.
This one is by far my most ambitious.  Once I get past the introductory chapters, I hope I can do it all properly!


"Do you believe in miracles?"

Miki stops walking and I follow suit as she brushes my hair back from my forehead and smiles softly, looking at me genuinely.


Birds chirp cheerfully as the sun sets quickly, and we carry on walking through the quiet park.

"You don't think our meeting was a miracle?" I ask.

She shoots me a sideways glance.


"Do you think it was fate?  Destiny?"

My question stops her again.  I stop, too, and wait for her answer.

"Definitely not."

"Why not?"

"Because it makes it more special if it wasn't predetermined," she answers quickly with a lopsided smile.  "I can scare myself by thinking of what it would be like if we hadn't met."

I already know all her answers, but I like to hear her say them anyway.  I often ask her things I already know the answers to.

But in light of my ordeal that just ended this morning when I woke up in my own bed in my proper reality, I'm seriously reconsidering my previous stance on miracles.  Maybe they can happen...

"We're cooler than destiny," she laughs.

Of course she's Miki and she has to insert her silly humour into the conversation.  I look at her and let myself laugh like I want to.  I've missed her far too much to give her a tough time.  I'll let at least one evening go by where I don't nag or tease her unfairly in the way that I love to.  I'll spoil her with attention and share with her nothing but the purity and benevolence of the feelings in my heart.

But just this one night!

Tomorrow I'll have to go back to being myself and scolding her for being a child, for being silly, and for bothering me.

But I'd never do it if she didn't like it or let me.  The scolding, that is.

And I'd never do it if I wasn't confident she knew I cared so much.

She's my dorky little Miki and I'll have her no other way but the way she is.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 01:59:09 PM by OTN1 »

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 11:14:03 PM »
Chapter 1

The morning after I quit my job, I get up and smash my head against the wall.  On purpose.

"Whaddaryoudoing?" Miki mumbles sleepily from my bed.

I've woken her up partially.  She's sleeping over at my place because I wouldn't let her go home last night.  I haven't seen her in months.  There's no way she's going to be anywhere else but beside me.

"Punishing myself," I mutter, letting my forehead crash into the wall again.

"Oh, no.  Don't.  Let me do that for you," she says in a calm, reasonable manner.

She is obviously still half-asleep or she either wouldn't have said that or she would have said it in a dirty way.

I choose not to reply to her.  I finished up with the wall and slip back into bed.  Miki has woken up fully by the time I settle in under the covers.

"What were you just doing?" she asked, confused, a vague, incomplete memory probably tugging at her mind.

"Hitting my head against the wall as punishment," I reply crisply.


The perplexed look on her face is so cute that I want to make a mould of it and bring it out every time I need to smile.

"'Cause I basically quit my job 'cause of you," I reply bluntly.

There is silence until Miki moves.  She hugs me.

"Thank you Aya," she says in a sweet, spoiled, childish voice. 

She sounds like a naughty little girl whose mother had just slapped her on the wrist and told her to thank Aunt Yuka for the delicious cookies.  It's obnoxious and it makes me want to... melt.

"You understand this means I have nothing to do all day, right?" I inquire sharply.

"You'll find something," she says optimistically, her voice muffled because she has her face pressed into my side.

"It'll take too long."

"Hm.  At least this means I can expect you to surprise me at my place more often and clean up and cook me delicious meals when I come home from work."

I can hear the sneaky grin in her voice.

Without a single word, I peel her hands and face off of me, get up, and stroll out of the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" she calls out after me.

I don't reply.

"Come back!" she laughs.

I walk calmly into the bathroom, lock the door, and begin to run the water.  I hear the door handle shake a bit as Miki tries to open the door.

"Come on, let me in," she whines.

I smile victoriously as I undress quickly and step under the spray of water.

"Come on, Aya.  I'm sorry I said that.  I was just joking."

I smirk and lather up my hair.  I hear her sigh in exaggerated frustration.

"I didn't mean it.  In fact, I'll do all your cleaning and cook for you."

My shower is short and sweet, but it feels like it stretches for hours because she stands right outside serenading me with compliments and apologies.

When I'm finished and dried off, I wrap the towel around me and open up the door.  Miki is sitting beside it patiently, and she shoots up to her feet when she sees me.

"I'm sorry, Aya," she says cutely.

I press the tip of her nose with my finger.

"Breakfast for fifteen days in a row," I demand.

She knows exactly what I mean.  If she wants forgiveness, she has to earn it.  Since I'm the world's worst morning person, breakfast is the meal I most often skip and thus the meal I appreciate most.  Having her cook it will be a good penalty.

"Does that mean I have to stay over here with you for two weeks?" she asks with a grin.

I can't help but smile back.

"If you want."

She lets out a cheer and then uncharacteristically runs off to the kitchen, leaving me to get dressed.

What a strange girl.

I put on my clothing for the day and then make my bed, rolling my eyes at how Miki's side is always so much more wrinkled and messy because of her restlessness.  At least she doesn't drool all over my sheets.  No, she usually does that all over me because she ends up sleeping half on top of me anyway.  But at least it's easier to clean myself and my pyjamas.  I'm kind of glad we don't live together.

Once my bed looks presentable, I sit on it and take a breather, thinking about this "miracle" that has just happened to me.

I can't concentrate, though, because I can hear noise coming from the kitchen.  Miki is fumbling around doing who knows what with all my appliances.  I can hear her muttering from time to time, singing out the names of things she's looking for - salt, sugar, a spoon.  It's cute, and it reminds me of cooking with her and Baachan in Takikawa just a few days ago but a few realities over.  The only difference is that the other Miki is put together, organised, and smart in the kitchen.  This one here is silly, clumsy, and likes to burn things.

I laugh at how I can like such a person so much.  But I accept the truth.  I'd prefer to eat burnt toast made by this Miki everyday for a year rather than fluffy rice and tender salmon made by a professional chef.  It doesn't matter what the food is.  As long as whoever makes it puts all his or her care and love into making it.

My face turns red in embarrassment at thinking such mushy things, and I lie back and roll onto my stomach, covering my face with my hands and groaning in pain.

"The hell are you doing?"

I flip over in fright and see Miki standing at the doorway to my room.  She's leaning against the frame, her arms crossed and her face screwed up in amusement.  I take my hands away from my face and sit up.


I was thinking silly things about you and I embarrassed myself, I think.  I don't want to tell her that.  Then she'll just make fun of me and I'll get all flustered.

"Were you thinking about me again?" she teases me.

I roll my eyes.  I also don't tell her because it’s redundant.  I know she knows.  It's so obvious.

"No.  I was... tired," I reply defensively. 

She comes over and sits beside me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"You know, you were really different yesterday.  Really nice to me and not at all like my mother, who you normally try to be," she said.

"I didn't notice," I say indifferently, looking down at my hands.

"But you know what?  I honestly missed this you that treats me poorly and doesn't let me have any fun."

"I don't treat you poorly!" I gasp in offence.  "I tolerate things nobody else in the world would put up with!"

"Pshht, maybe if everyone else in the world had the same views as you and was just a little less nice," Miki snorted.  "I bet I could find fifty people in this neighbourhood who don't find my behaviour quirky."

She knows exactly what to say to send waves of jealousy through me.  Harmless, playful jealousy, that is.

I clamp my arms around her possessively.

"No.  Nobody else.  Me," I pout like a child.

She giggles her insanely dorky giggle and pats me on the head.

"Okay, okay."

I revel in this soft moment.

"Hey," she says, breaking the silence.


"We should move in together."

I sigh.

We've had this conversation before and it never ends well.  Not because we don't agree.  Just because there are so many factors we have to consider that we become irked and confused and don't end up coming to any conclusion. 

First of all, we have way too much stuff.  We'd have to find a big enough place where we could both fit the mounds of shoes and clothes we both own, and unfortunately, while we make good money, we're not billionaires.  Housing is expensive in this dense city, and finding a big enough place is difficult because of the lack of supply.  Second of all, it's rather convenient to have apartments in different neighbourhoods.  It's like having two headquarters rather than one from which to base our operations.  Third of all, we're getting too old to be moving in together like that without people starting to question us.  It's not something we talk about often because it makes us uncomfortable, but it's true that when your age starts to plunge into that "should be married soon" range, you don't start moving in with your friends and having slumber parties every night.  According to the people around us, that is.

But then again, it would make life easier.  If we could find a place with enough space for our shoes, that is.  We'd have all our belongings in one place.  We wouldn't have to waste time and money going back and forth to our different places to pick things up.  We would be able to see each other a little more often.  Every night, in fact.  And it might save us some money on utilities (if the rent doesn't eat us out of a home).

Many things to consider.

I don't even have to open my mouth to remind Miki.  She knows all of it.

"But I guess we have to think about it more, huh?" she says resignedly.

She tries not to sound dismayed, but I know she is.  I am, too.

"It would be nice," I say in a quiet voice with a soft, honest smile, dropping my holier-than-thou act.

I absently pick at a thread that's poking out of the hemline of her pyjamas.

"Who knows," Miki starts in a mysterious voice.  "Maybe it's safer to live apart.  My life might be in danger if I piss you off too badly."


I continue to pull at the loose thread.  It suddenly starts to unravel and I slap my hand down on it in fear and surprise.

Unfortunately, the hemline of Mki's pyjamas lies on her hipbone.


"Ehh... Sorry," I cough, patting her hipbone lightly and secretly tucking the thread, now longer than the length of my hand, under her pyjama shirt.

"Anyway," I say quickly, "we can think about it more.  We still have lots of years ahead of us."

And thus I say something she likes to hear.  My words remind her that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.  She's got power over me for what I think is going to be forever.  She grins and bounces giddily on the bed, sending me bumping against her and the wall in a painful but kind of fun way.

And that's when I smell something burning.

"What are you cooking?" I ask in a low, dangerous tone.


She's out of the room before she finishes her word.  I hear her run to the kitchen and crash pots and pans around.

"ARG!!" she yells as if engaged in combat with the enemy.

I put my head in my hands and wonder if she's killed something.  I'm afraid to find out.

I get up and poke my head out gingerly from my room.  I walk out and round the corner.

Miki is fanning the contents of a frying pan with a towel while jumping up and down.  I look on the ground and see that there's steam rising off the soaked floor.  In the corner is a pot that has spilled its contents - half-boiled eggs and water.  Her feet are burning.

"Miki, put that down and get over here!"

She doesn't think twice about it.  She throws the pan in the sink and skips to safety as the hot metal hisses, leftover water in the sink sizzling instantly from the heat.

"I'm sorry," she whimpers.

I bend down and pick up one of her feet, making her yell out a series of curses as she wobbles around.  I look at the sole.  It looks fine.  A little red, but not burned.  I do the same with the other, and she claws at my back as she tries to stay upright.

"The good news is that your feet aren't burned," I inform her as I straighten up.

"Thanks, doctor," she grumbles, fixing her hair.

"The bad news is that you've burned whatever you were frying and you've destroyed two eggs and gotten my kitchen floor wet."

There's a long silence.

"But you still love me, right?"

I burst out laughing and move off to clean the mess.  We work together, and in ten minutes, the floor is dry and everything is put back in its place.

"Let's skip breakfast for today," Miki says shyly.

"Right," I agree.  "Go take a bath."

I point her in the direction of the bathroom and slap her on the butt to get her started.  She shoots me an inviting look that I try my best to ignore and I go to my room.

While she's off in bathland, I look through the things in my room.  I inspect all my photo albums.  They are all back to normal.  The pictures of Miki all exist, and I enjoy looking at them again.  I look through my drawers and find some of her clothes there.  The books she bought a few days ago are still on my shelf. 

I shake my head and laugh.  I've missed this life so much.  I admit that Hokkaido was refreshing, but it really served as a reminder of how great my life is here and how much I need Miki around to keep me sane and make me feel whole and normal.

"And whoooooo would I beeeeeee if I couldn't beeeeee beside yoouuuuuu!?"

I hear horrendous singing coming from the bathroom.  I cringe.  Miki's singing a song that she's been trying to write for weeks now.  She's been obsessed with trying to compose her own deep lyrics, but it still needs work.

Secretly, though, I like her cheesy lyrics.  She shows them to me sometimes and I make fun of her, but they do touch my heart deep down inside.  She writes them just for me.

"Whyyyy would I eeeeeeeeever leaaaaaaaaave if youuuuu are heeeeeeere!?"

I grab Mr. Monkey from the shelf and lie on my bed, hugging him tightly and looking up at the ceiling while listening to Miki screech out her song.

I'm definitely glad to be back.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 02:13:35 PM by OTN1 »

Offline len.chan

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 11:18:02 PM »
uoho! another one, yeah!
I knew it, I knew you're going to continue this. You're fic is like a never-ending story that keep us hooked like a drug XD
can't wait to see where this is going to

Offline Estrea

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2007, 02:12:34 AM »
Yay you're back!

Miki and Aya are just soooooooo adorable together. <3

And Miki singing in the shower. XD

Can't wait to see what you have planned! ^____^


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2007, 03:12:24 AM »
I'm still recovering from MOPF, and I'm really glad that this started off so happily. Lol at horrible shower singing.

Offline orangesocks

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2007, 04:04:59 AM »
Awww, this is just too adorable! XD

Goofy, clumsy, Miki is love!:ONshy2:

Offline iacus

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2007, 05:03:20 AM »
It's nice to read something so happy and warm after the isolation and pain that was the ending of My Own Private Funeral. However with a title like "What Needed To Be Done" I'm betting that things are going to get messy pretty soon.

Offline Amarghetta

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 05:13:31 AM »
Back so soon! You never cease to amaze me... This seems to be funnier than your previous fics, and I'm looking forward for this 'lighter' version of you. :P

I won't point out what I like the most, since the whole thing is entertaining and highly pleasing, yet I must say that the last line got me thinking... probably too much.

Anyways, I'll stay put until the next update. :D

Offline JFC

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2007, 05:49:38 AM »
"We're cooler than destiny," she laughs.
You're damn right about that. :yep:

The morning after I quit my job, I get up and smash my head against the wall. On purpose.
Of course, NOW the reality of what she did hits her (figuratively speaking).

"You'll find something," she says optimistically, her voice muffled because she has her face pressed into my side.
You sure it's pressed into her "side"? :twisted:

"I'm sorry, Aya," she says cutely.

I press the tip of her nose with my finger.

"Breakfast for fifteen days in a row," I demand.

She knows exactly what I mean. If she wants forgiveness, she has to earn it. Since I'm the world's worst morning person, breakfast is the meal I most often skip and thus the meal I appreciate most. Having her cook it will be a good penalty.

"Does that mean I have to stay over here with you for two weeks?" she asks with a grin.

I can't help but smile back.

"If you want."

She lets out a cheer and then uncharacteristically runs off to the kitchen, leaving me to get dressed.

What a strange girl.
Damn that's just so sweet. Why can't all "punishments" be like this?

"We should move in together."

I sigh.

We've had this conversation before and it never ends well. Not because we don't agree. Just because there are so many factors we have to consider that we become irked and confused and don't end up coming to any conclusion.
I can see how this can be an exciting idea, yet at the same time be somewhat disconcerting at the same time.

"The bad news is that you've burned whatever you were frying and you've destroyed two eggs and gotten my kitchen floor wet."

There's a long silence.

"But you still love me, right?"
But of course. To not do unthinkable. :D

Nice one dude, this one's another winner. :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2007, 01:02:38 PM »
I'm also relieved at the lighter tone of this story.  I like to have some fun once in a while.  Although I might cross some sort of cheesiness/mushiness/corniness line from time to time without noticing, so many apologies.  Hahaha!

Quote from: iacus;335325
However with a title like "What Needed To Be Done" I'm betting that things are going to get messy pretty soon.
Hush!  Don't get all Coachie on us.
Quote from: JFC;335352
You sure it's pressed into her "side"? :twisted:
When I said in the other thread that I liked to stimulate people's imaginations, I didn't quite mean... oh never mind.  I did kind of mean like this. :lol:  Man, you make me laugh.

Offline black velvet

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2007, 03:45:06 PM »
I read Love x 2 at JPM and was absolutely in love. Unfortunately, I haven't been able and won't be able to read the other stuff. *still underage -_-*

Anywho, I really love this! Their characters seem so real! I imagine that this is what they are both like when they are together at each other's houses. Clumsy Miki is too cute. It's definitely true that she's the more childish one of the two. xD

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to read more! ^_^

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2007, 05:30:56 PM »
OTN will hook you up with the drugs.  Don't you worry.

Chapter 2

On Day Four, breakfast is divine.

We both wake up early, but I stay in bed lazily.  By the time I get up at seven o'clock, my simple but fresh meal is waiting for me on the living room table.  I sit on the floor and eat, positive that Miki could not possibly have prepared this on her own.  It's mostly cut up fruit, but it looks so nice sitting there.  How can a girl who can barely use a pencil properly handle a knife so skilfully?

Thinking of Miki, I wonder where she's gone off to.  She's not in the apartment.

I start to panic and imagine that she's disappeared again - or rather I've been flung into another alternate universe.

But she comes bustling in fifteen minutes later carrying a bag and still wearing her pyjamas with a jacket thrown on over.  She has, of course, also already done her make up.  Heaven forbid we leave the house without our faces on!

"Sorry.  Convenience store," she says quickly, her voice a little strained.

I suppose she's tired.  We stayed up until two in the morning.  She looks a little worried.  It's as if she feels bad for potentially having frightened me.

"Thanks for the meal," I say, pointing to the empty bowls

Her expression softens and she smiles.

"You're so spoiled."

I giggle and lick the last traces of yoghurt from my spoon.

"And you're trying to be sexy again.  Stop that," she laughs, turning around and going into my bedroom.

How insulting!  I didn't mean to try and be sexy.  I was just licking the spoon.  And what's with this "trying" thing?  I don't try.  I am.

I put my dishes in the sink and follow Miki into my room.

She's opening a drawer and looking through it carefully, trying to decide what to wear.  I forget about giving her a hard time because my love for fashion and dressing people supersedes all the other loves I have.  Except, of course, the one I have for her.

I sidle up to her to see her holding a grey skirt that belongs to her.  My mind runs through all the clothing in my drawers and closet, racing to decide what matches and what doesn't.

"What about this?" I suggest, opening up another drawer and taking out one of my favourite tops.

She holds it up to the skirt, holds it up to herself, thinking a bit, and then puts it down.

"Something with a little more colour, maybe?" she says uncertainly.

We repeat the process several times patiently, pulling out various pieces of clothes, holding them up to her face, discussing them in short sentences of only a few words, and conferring with each other through looks.  Miki finally settles for a smart, conservative top, but one with a hint of playfulness in its colours.

"I have a meeting today," she explains.

Miki and her meetings.  Lately she's been having more.  She's quiet about them, but I wonder if something big is going to happen.  She's only been working at this new place about a year, but it seems that lots of good luck has been going her way.  Many opportunities have presented themselves, and she's been able to reach out and grab them.  I am, to say the very least, very proud of her.

"That'll look good," I assure her.

I move off to my bed and lie down on my back, my head and shoulders propped up against the wall.  I watch Miki start to take her pyjamas off when she stops and throws me a dirty look.

"All the lazy butt can do is sit and watch me strip?" she asks bitingly.

I turn my nose up.

"It's my room.  I can be here if I want," I reply in a snotty voice.

She scoffs, and in one fluid motion, she pulls her pyjama shirt off.  The movement doesn't stop there.  She keeps going with the momentum and lets go of the top.  It goes sailing through the air and lands right on my face.  I wince in surprise.  Before I can take it off, her pants come flying over to join.

By the time I've untangled the clothing from my head, she's already doing the clasp up on her skirt.

She's unbelievably fast.  One of her special talents is speed dressing.  If it was an Olympic sport, she would hold the world record.  This talent is born from oversleeping and waking up ten minutes before she has to leave the house.  She's a demon when she's on a mission.

I prefer it when she's not rushed, however, because that way she's calm and smooth.  She takes her time, takes it slowly, savours every minute and everything... and I stop that train of thought before it can get dangerous.

I notice that Miki is struggling with the clasp of her skit.  I watch with interest as she fails and fails again to get it right.  Finally, she looks up at me sheepishly and saunters over.

Smiling kindly and without a word, I roll up and help her.

"Thank you."

I don't stop there.  Having thrown her clothes on in such haste, it looks chaotic on her, dishevelled and untidy, so I tug here and there at her clothes to straighten them out.  She looks at me suspiciously at first, but I keep a neutral, if not helpful, expression on my face and she lets me do what needs doing.

"There!" I announce, pushing her back one step and looking at her like she's art.  "You are ready to face the world."

Miki grins and twirls around once to present herself.

"Oh!" I gasp in horror.  "But not those earrings.  No no no.  No circles.  Not with that top."

I grab her hand and pull her over to my jewellery box where I present her with much more suitable earrings to wear.  She thanks me again and puts them on.

"Now," I say with finality, "you are ready to show your face in public."

I turn on my computer to let Miki check her e-mail.  She takes a long time, typing up a storm while I read an article in a newspaper from three days ago.  When she's finished, she looks weary from all the effort, but she has no time to rest.  She has to leave.  I look up from the article I'm engrossed in to say goodbye.  She picks up her things and leaves with a jaunty goodbye.  I return to my reading.

Four minutes later, someone barges in through the unlocked door.  I jump up in surprise and my heart races until I see that it's just Miki.

"I forgot," she mumbles in an embarrassed way.  

I'm about to ask what, but she comes up to me.  She hugs me for a few brief seconds before pulling away and picking up her things.

"Okay, all better."

She looks happier as she leaves again, and I sit down feeling tingly inside.

I finish reading the article and get up feeling giddy.  Time to find a job.

News of my quitting has travelled far and wide, and I have received some offers from various labels that are begging me to join them.  None strike me as any good.  They're too plain.  Uncreative, unoriginal labels.

I pick up my phone and check my messages, something I didn't have time to do yesterday.  I've got three new ones.

I almost drop my phone when I hear the third message.  It's a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a long time.

"We're thinking of a reunion.  I heard you're free these days.  Call me back and let's talk.  Later."

Always cool, always hip, always to the point.  That's Tsunku-san for you.

A reunion? I wonder.  This could be interesting.  It's been a while since Hello! Project went under.  I wonder what sort of things Tsunku has under his sleeve.  A reunion under his own personal label?  Some other label?

Needless to say, I'm curious to the point of feeling instantly antsy.  I decide to wait until nine o'clock to call him back, all the while wondering if he's left a similar message for Miki.

I call him a few minutes before nine, and he's happy to hear my voice, he tells me.  We catch up for a few minutes.

Even though we've grown apart since we worked together, he still feels like an uncle to me.  He was, after all, the guy that discovered me.  The man who started me down this path.  I can even say he's the reason why I met Miki, because if she had never come to Tokyo... Well, I don't have to imagine.  I know what would have happened.

After the pleasantries, Tsunku gets down to business and starts to talk about his plan with vague and mysterious airs that he seems incapable of ever outgrowing.

"Mostly big names," he says.  "You, Goto, Abe, Takahashi, and so on."

"What about Mikitty?" I ask in an off-handed manner, using a nickname that I rarely call her by anymore these days.

"Of course her, too.  You still keep in touch?"

"Yeah, still the same old thing," I reply.

I've always had the feeling that Tsunku knew just how close we were when we were in the Project, and that he never said anything to us about it because he trusted us to be responsible.  I can never be sure, though.  He seems to me like another Shiba-chan - omniscient and very sensitive to the things going on in the people around him.

"Good to hear."

He sounds genuinely pleased.

We discuss a few more points, he asks if I've received a phone call from a man named Matsushima ("he wanted to get in touch with you a few months ago, so I directed him to your company," is Tsunku's explanation, but I have to tell him I'm afraid the man never called), and then we hang up with promises to keep in touch.

I figure I can take a break from looking for a new job for a few days.  If the reunion is a go, that'll make my plate quite full.  I still receive some royalties from various other projects I've done, so for now I'm okay for money.  I shouldn't rush to find a job and then find myself in a situation that's less than desirable.

Maybe I do need a break.  The thought of spending some lazy time at home for the next while agrees with me.  As for Miki, I'm sure she also likes this break of mine.  She's a conniving little weasel, so while she pretends to be excited about cooking me breakfast, I'll bet she's engineering a plan right now to turn the tables and have me cooking and cleaning for her by the end of the week.  I promise myself not to let that happen.

I giggle.  Sometimes I view us as having not just one kind of relationship, but several.  One of them is like a never-ending war between two strong, opposing wills.  Another is like a telepathic link where we don't need words to communicate.  Yet another is like a counselling office where we go to unload our problems and worries in exchange for comfort and kindness.  Then, of course, there's the whole physical side of it, which kind of embodies all the aspects of the aforementioned... and then some.

Oh my.

Time to find something else to think about.

I grab that three-day-old newspaper and read.  There's a terribly sad article about a plane crash, but I skip it.  That last thing I need to do is depress myself.  There's no pleasant news, so I throw the paper down and go out for a lazy walk, wondering what time Miki has a break.  I want to call her and talk about Tsunku's plan, but I guess it'll have to wait until later.

She's a busy girl, and right now I’m the complete opposite.  Not that I mind.  I like all this extra time I have now.  I’ve been through a lot and need some time to settle back into my life.  Thankfully, I’ve got Miki here to do what she does best - make me whole.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 05:55:58 PM by OTN1 »

Offline Estrea

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2007, 05:47:43 PM »
Awww daily domestic life with our two favorite girls. :)

Tsunku is calling them for a reunion? Oooo. *somehow has a niggling bad feeling* Something's going to happen, I'm sure. Hmmm.

Can't wait to have our next dose of the drug you make, OTN!! XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2007, 05:49:22 PM »
There's a terribly sad article about a plane crash,

^Oooo. And the reunion sounds interesting too.

Offline Amarghetta

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2007, 06:24:19 PM »
I knew there was something fishy about this new fic! XD
Now we just have to wait and see what comes from it...

Offline coachie

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2007, 08:11:24 PM »
Hooray for Miki's cooking skills, they could rival my own and I'm an expert at speeddressing as well... where do you come up with all these ideas? XD

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2007, 11:39:55 PM »
Where do I come up with these things?

My whitty answer would be "I pull 'em outta JFC's ass."

My slightly more serious answer is... I'm not sure!  But maybe some of these things are based on me, or exaggerated/toned down things I would do.

For example, in a few minutes, after I finish writing this post, I'll have to go and speed dress so that I'm not late for work.  Hahaha.

Offline orangesocks

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2007, 02:06:18 AM »
Oooh, a reunion...? Hm! Sounds like a reason for high drama. :ONsmoke:

I like this sweet Mikitty, hugging her Ayaya before leaving her home. aww!:ONshy2:

It's been rather happy so far, but will some of the members reject Aya? hummm...Interesting fic, OTN1!

Offline magicnumber

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2007, 02:28:31 AM »
Tsunku's gonna pull some crazy shit that throws everything out of whack, I just know it :ONgrr:
...but hey I guess that's what he's here for xD

I do love the new fic so far~ your Love x 2 continuations are wonderful:heart:

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2007, 04:12:48 AM »
When I said in the other thread that I liked to stimulate people's imaginations, I didn't quite mean... oh never mind. I did kind of mean like this.  :lol: Man, you make me laugh.
What can I say? You provide awesome material to work with. :)

OTN will hook you up with the drugs. Don't you worry.
To quote Barney Gumbel when he wins teh lifetime supply of Duff beer: JUST STICK IT INTO MY VEINS!!!  :panda_argh:

But she comes bustling in fifteen minutes later carrying a bag and still wearing her pyjamas with a jacket thrown on over.
Miki in PJs = HOT!

"And you're trying to be sexy again. Stop that," she laughs, turning around and going into my bedroom.

How insulting! I didn't mean to try and be sexy. I was just licking the spoon. And what's with this "trying" thing? I don't try. I am.
You're DAMN RIGHT! Aya and Miki don't need to "try" to be sexy, they just ARE. They're like Yoda in that way ("Sexy, or Sexy not. There is no 'try' "). :P

I move off to my bed and lie down on my back, my head and shoulders propped up against the wall. I watch Miki start to take her pyjamas off when she stops and throws me a dirty look.

"All the lazy butt can do is sit and watch me strip?" she asks bitingly.

I turn my nose up.

"It's my room. I can be here if I want," I reply in a snotty voice.
That she can, that she can. Besides, we all know Miki's loving every minute of it. :yep:

She scoffs, and in one fluid motion, she pulls her pyjama shirt off. The movement doesn't stop there. She keeps going with the momentum and lets go of the top. It goes sailing through the air and lands right on my face. I wince in surprise. Before I can take it off, her pants come flying over to join.

By the time I've untangled the clothing from my head, she's already doing the clasp up on her skirt.
Damn that's impressive...and hot. :twisted:

She's a demon when she's on a mission.

I prefer it when she's not rushed, however, because that way she's calm and smooth. She takes her time, takes it slowly, savours every minute and everything... and I stop that train of thought before it can get dangerous.
Should I even start on how this can be interpreted the "wrong" way? XD

someone barges in through the unlocked door. I jump up in surprise and my heart races until I see that it's just Miki.

"I forgot," she mumbles in an embarrassed way.

I'm about to ask what, but she comes up to me. She hugs me for a few brief seconds before pulling away and picking up her things.

"Okay, all better."

She looks happier as she leaves again, and I sit down feeling tingly inside.

"We're thinking of a reunion. I heard you're free these days. Call me back and let's talk. Later."

Always cool, always hip, always to the point. That's Tsunku-san for you.


Needless to say, I'm curious to the point of feeling instantly antsy. I decide to wait until nine o'clock to call him back, all the while wondering if he's left a similar message for Miki.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooo...interesting. Right now I'm wondering, if Aya's willing to participate in it, what about Miki? We don't know, after all, the situation (if any) between her and da Soonk.

"Mostly big names," he says. "You, Goto, Abe, Takahashi, and so on."

"What about Mikitty?" I ask in an off-handed manner, using a nickname that I rarely call her by anymore these days.

"Of course her, too. You still keep in touch?"
Hmmmmm...not too sure I like his tone there. It almost sounded like having Miki there was some sort of an afterthought to him. Sort of something like, "If it'll get Aya to join, then I'll invite Miki too". :scratch

She's a conniving little weasel, so while she pretends to be excited about cooking me breakfast, I'll bet she's engineering a plan right now to turn the tables and have me cooking and cleaning for her by the end of the week.
And that's just one of the many reasons why we love Miki-sama. :heart:

I grab that three-day-old newspaper and read. There's a terribly sad article about a plane crash, but I skip it
OTN1, you sneaky devil you. Just have to keep up that whole "continuity" thing going, don't you? :D

Where do I come up with these things?

My whitty answer would be "I pull 'em outta JFC's ass."
WOOT! :shakeit:


My slightly more serious answer is... I'm not sure! But maybe some of these things are based on me, or exaggerated/toned down things I would do.

For example, in a few minutes, after I finish writing this post, I'll have to go and speed dress so that I'm not late for work. Hahaha.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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