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Author Topic: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread  (Read 73632 times)

Offline kei_86

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2010, 06:43:51 PM »
I can't believe this is happening since the girl never did this before in her whole life (or at least that's what she claims), Amimi cut her hair to medium long~

this is a season of change  :love:

Offline hydeo1

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2010, 04:32:45 AM »

stay really good on her ;3

really really kawaiii <3~~~

Offline Marian

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #42 on: July 10, 2010, 10:47:42 AM »


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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2010, 10:33:42 AM »
An old blog post from March.
Can't pimp Idoling!!! better than by making girls like Kitano Kie wear her shirt. GJ Amimi~ :thumbsup

Offline Marian

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2010, 06:45:21 PM »

Offline Marian

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2010, 06:08:41 PM »

Offline pern

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2010, 08:00:27 PM »

New costume for TIF, maybe a little bit sexy...

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2010, 05:42:17 PM »

Offline Marian

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2010, 01:33:53 AM »

Offline meeiu

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2010, 05:53:49 PM »
Her podcast is so good!
Shes very cute and funny in it!

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2010, 11:38:14 AM »

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2010, 07:20:40 PM »

Offline Ayabie

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #54 on: December 13, 2010, 09:37:22 AM »
Numbering!!! Week #1: Ami Kikuchi

First up is our second generation blabbermouth! Just copy the code for the survey and fill it in as you like, and skip parts you're unsure of.

First encounter with Ami:
My favorite thing(s) about Ami:
A memorable performance:
Moment(s) that made me laugh:
Moment(s) that surprised me:
Favorite solo line in a song:
Something I would say to her at a handshake event:
A picture that I like:
A video that I like:

Code: [Select]
[b]First encounter with Ami:[/b]
[b]My favorite thing(s) about Ami:[/b]
[b]A memorable performance:[/b]
[b]Moment(s) that made me laugh:[/b]
[b]Moment(s) that surprised me:[/b]
[b]Favorite solo line in a song:[/b]
[b]Something I would say to her at a handshake event:[/b]
[b]A picture that I like:[/b]
[b]A video that I like: [/b]

Offline Ayabie

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #55 on: December 13, 2010, 10:16:29 AM »
Well, I guess it's just common sense that I'll be the one to kick the Numbering!!! Week into high gear. Let's do this! :cow:

First encounter with Ami: When she first joined as the second generation. I've never really thought too much about her, except for her radio show 1ami9, until recently when she cut her hair short. :lol: She seems more charismatic now, and cuter for one thing.
My favorite thing(s) about Ami: She talks, a lot. Basically she says things the other members would never even mention, disregarding their age. :P
A memorable performance: Vanilla Bean's D&D with Yazawa Erika at Tokyo Idol Festival. (Couldn't find a Tube...)
Moment(s) that made me laugh: The one with the most impact as of lately is her solo song from their latest photobook DVD. Link provided further down. :catglare:
Moment(s) that surprised me: Episode #428. It's a pretty chaotic episode overall, but looking back at it I'm just glad she's turned into a badass idol rather than a negative one. :lol: Also 忍び寄るAV業界
Favorite solo line in a song: Now, I'm not even sure that it's really her but: Shinzou bakubaku from キャラメルラテ飲み行こー! sounds like an improved Amimi to me. lol
Something I would say to her at a handshake event: I've actually shaken her hands a couple of times, but I have no idea what I said to her. lol. I think I'd just say something in English just for a reaction.

A picture that I like:


A video that I like:

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #56 on: December 13, 2010, 11:38:43 AM »
First encounter with Ami: Mujouken Koufuku PV. Her eyes was scary at first and was my least favorite member.
My favorite thing(s) about Ami: She is just UNSTOPPABLE. She talks a lot, annoying but cute at the same time.
A memorable performance: 6th live, she loss her voice on stage.
Moment(s) that made me laugh: Her solo singing on 3rd photobook bonus DVD, Nise director episode (including Idoling!!! Award 2009), and Maji de futarikiring episode.
Moment(s) that surprised me: #428, Keitai Oogiri, and latest fall 2hr sp.
Favorite solo line in a song: I don't really realize her voice on any song. XP But the closest one I think on "I no Standard".
Something I would say to her at a handshake event: そんなうざいあみみが好き♥ <-- I wouldn't dare to say that. XD

A picture that I like:

A video that I like:
 bleh... I can't upload a video. but I like her part on Idoling!!! - 20100810 #658 fansama request shifuku de yacchaimasu sp

Offline wq12wq12

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #57 on: December 13, 2010, 02:13:39 PM »
First encounter with Ami:AKBINGO

My favorite thing(s) about Ami:Talks very funny

A memorable performance:8th Live MC with 谷澤

Moment(s) that made me laugh:Keitai Oogiri忍び寄るAV業界   #499ニセディレクター

Moment(s) that surprised me:Idoling!!!秋SP talk with テリー伊藤 上半身だけ....

Favorite solo line in a song:Iのスタンダード  佳人薄命(それもない)

Something I would say to her at a handshake event:あみみ面白い

A picture that I like:I don't know how to use. Sorry

A video that I like: #428 (ok?)

Offline hishigi

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #58 on: December 13, 2010, 09:52:39 PM »
First encounter with Ami: Idoling!!! #391; Natsu no Youkai Chara Contest ... I can't saw her face clearly at that time, though :nervous
My favorite thing(s) about Ami: Of course it's her talkative character...
A memorable performance: Her mic performance with Yazawa during 8th Live. :thumbsup
Moment(s) that made me laugh: Idoling #499; Dokkiri segment. I just can't stop laugh when Masuno yelling at her becasuse she was smiling when heard that main MC will be replaced :lol:
Moment(s) that surprised me: Idoling!!! #428 ... "Even when Koizumi-san is laughing really hard, her heart isn't laughing at all" ... That line really made me shocked :shocked
Favorite solo line in a song: ラブマジック♥フィーバー .... 「え…嘘でしょ…ラーイ!!!」
Something I would say to her at a handshake event: "Amimi wa 'negadol' janai yo."
A picture that I like: Sorry, just couldn't find yet.
A video that I like: Sorry again, bad connection internet.

Offline kei_86

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Re: #16: The Kikuchi "Amimi" Ami Thread
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2010, 02:51:37 AM »
First encounter with Amimi: AKBingo, when Idoling!!! came over for the tarinai kun game. I swear to god, I thought she was indian at 1st sight.
My favorite thing(s) about Amimi: She's smart and she has grown a lot smarter now. Although even from the very beginning she already talks a lot, now she knows exactly what to talk and when to talk to make the whole show interesting.
A memorable performance: Amimi X Yazawa singing D&D with Vanilla Beans
Moment(s) that made me laugh: Nise Director, Maji de Futari kiri-ng!!!, Iisou Shiritori with new FujiTV announcer, Idoling!!! 2hr special (too many to list)
Moment(s) that surprised me: When she cuts her hair.
Favorite solo line in a song: I no Standard
Something I would say to her at a handshake event: Amimi you're unstoppable!
A picture that I like:

A video that I like:
I'll edit later
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 06:15:31 PM by kei_86 »

JPHiP Radio (16/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Leslie Cheung - Big Heat