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Author Topic: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story - Chapter 1 (New Update)  (Read 6466 times)

Offline @gee

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Hi guys... I've been thinking to write more Nogizaka46 fic.
Since I'm on holiday I decide to write some Nogizaka46 fic, please tell me your thought by giving comments..
All mistakes are mine.. well then here we go...

Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story


   Kashiwagi Yuki didn’t mind waiting for something. Actually she is somewhat a patient girl. She can wait for 2 hours just so she can eat pancakes with her friends, she is the only one that didn’t said any complain when her usual school bus didn’t come up after she wait for about 45 minutes in a hot summer days. But for the meeting with her principal today she can’t wait any longer. It was about 3 days after the final test in her school. In no time after the holiday end she’s gonna be a second year student in her high school. She’s been waiting in front off her principal’s office for 15 minutes to meet her principal in his office. After wait for 15 minutes, that feels like hours for her, she was ask to enter the room. After she take a seat in front off her principal, she wondering if she should start the talk first, however her principal decide to start the talk first.
   “Good morning Kashiwagi-san how is your final test?” Asked Kaneko sensei.
   “I think it ends well sensei, I study hard for this final test.” I said wondering where this talk gonna be.
   “As expected from you, Kashiwagi-san. It must be hard to be an exchange student in the half semester. Also you must be missing your friend in Tokyo, but you end it well. So today I’m gonna tell you that your student exchange program in here Namba Girls High School is officially come to an end. And you can go back to study in Tokyo.” Said Kaneko sensei while give me a letter.
   “ Arigatou sensei, I’ve been waiting for this day to finally come. I missed my friends in Tokyo, and I’m so glad that I can go back to Akihabara Girls High School.” I said while holding the letter.
   “Ahh... I almost forget about something, Kashiwagi-san your student exchange program in Namba might be ending now, and you can go back to Tokyo  to start your second year, but - ” Said Kaneko sensei before I cut his talk.
   “But, what sensei? Is there something else?” I asked hopping that there is nothing to worry about my student exchange program.
   “But... you see Akimoto sensei have another plan for you. And so he decide to start over your student exchange program in Nogizaka Girls High School. He hopes that you can learn and have many new experience in there, especially to try their various club program. You can read all the details of your new student exchange program in that letter. Said Kaneko sensei while nodding to my letter that I hold.
   “This can’t be true!!! I already finish my student exchange program in here, and you already said that I can go back to Tokyo and continue my second year, but now you tell me that I can’t continue it in  Akihabara Girls High School. Is this a joke? Because I don’t find this funny.”  I said while standing up from my chair in frustration.
   “Please calm down Kashiwagi-san I know that this news must be surprise you a lot, which is I can tell from your face reaction that you showing now. But Akimoto sensei has make the decision, he finds that you are smart and talented so he decide to give you another change to try another student exchange program in Nogizaka Girls High School. In which I need to tell you is one of the best high school in Japan - ” Said Kaneko sensei trying to calm me down.
   “But, I just wanna go back to my old school. I should have the rights to decline this offer.” I said cutting Kaneko sensei while sitting again.
   “Actually you do have the rights to decline the offer, but Akimoto sensei want you to think about your future plan after high school. He knows that you want to enter Tokyo University, so he gives you another student exchange program in Nogizaka Girls High School. Although Nogizaka High is forming rather new than Akihabara, Sakae or even Namba and Hakata High, but recently their school have make many deal with various top university in Japan especially with Tokyo University. They even make a deal that some Nogizaka High student with the highest final test can enter Tokyo University without selection test. That deal absolutely give their students more chance to enter Tokyo University and any other top university in Japan. So with your new student exchange program, Akimoto sensei wants you to make your dreams come true.” Said Kaneko sensei trying to convince me.
   “If this not because their new deal with Tokyo University, I won’t accept this offer.” I said while let out a sigh. “Okay then sensei, I will take the offer and being a new exchange student in Nogizaka Girls High School in Tokyo.” I said while nodding my head in agreement.
   “I am glad that you finally accept the offer Kashiwagi-san. Well please read the letter and you’ll find about the detail of your new student exchange program, as always as a part of student exchange program you don’t have to paid for the school fee. You also will live in a place that have been prepare for you. And here is your ticket to Tokyo, the flight is for tomorrow night. Have a nice flight and good luck for your new school.” Said Kaneko sensei giving me the ticket to Tokyo while standing up.
   “Arigatou sensei, sorry to taking your time.” I said while bowing to him and taking the ticket after standing up from my chair. However as I want to exit the room, Kaneko sensei calls me.
   “Kashiwagi-san, I almost forget to tell you that you are not the only one exchange student in Nogizaka Girls High School. I forget her name, but I hope you can get along and learn things from her, after all she is in the same boat with you for having a new student exchange program after she ended it half a year ago in Akihabara Girls High School.” Said Kaneko sensei while signing some papers on his table.
   “Well, I hope to get along with her too, sensei. Well then excuse me.” I said while bowing my head again before closing the door.
Good Bye... Namba High, Akihabara High
Nogizaka High here I come...

How was it?
Who is the other exchange student?
should I continue this?
Give me your thoughts...
PS: I'll try to continue this story alongside with Senpai Please Notice Me story... :cow:
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 02:06:43 PM by @gee »
*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (Guess the Pairing)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2015, 09:13:37 PM »
please do continue it~......xD
Hurm....mayu..??...someone else..??..

Thanks for the prologue author san~  :thumbsup
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline noel nguyen

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Re: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (Guess the Pairing)
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 02:36:28 AM »
Ah, I love it, I love it  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I think the exchange student is Rena, haha may be.

It's a long time I see Nogizaka's fic in this here.

Please continue, authour san  :D :D :D

By the way can you choose RenaYuki are the new exchange student, I see many fic write Mayuki or WMatsu it's normal. I need to more innovation   :bingo:

Update soon  :hee: :hee: :hee:

Offline blackcold

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Re: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (Guess the Pairing)
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 05:21:07 PM »
It's goooddddddz
You have to continue this

I think Maybe Rena?
But i hope its Mayu instead XD

Offline @gee

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Haii... Guys I'm back here..
Thanks for the comments, I'm glad that you guys like this story.
So here I give you guys prologue part two
Please wait for my updates and don't foget to comments here...
All mistakes are mine, so here we go.. :twothumbs

Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story

Prologue Part 2...

   3 Weeks later in Nogizaka Girls High School, Tokyo...
   “Knock... Knock... Knock... Excuse me Morita sensei...” I said while opening the principal office door.
   “Ah... Sakurai-san, please come in, and take a seat please.” Said Morita sensei putting down his pen after signing some papers.
   “Good morning Sakurai-san, how was your final test?” Asked Morita Sensei, starting the talk first.
   “Well... I think I’ve done it well sensei. I study hard for this test, so I’m sure for the nice results.” I said wondering is it really the main topic for this meeting.
   “As expected from Nogizaka Girls High School Student Council President. I hope you can maintain your top 3 ranks.” Said Morita sensei leaning back to his chair.
   “ Arigatou sensei, but I wondering is this the only thing that you want to say?” I asked can’t holding back the build up curious feeling.
   “Well, of course I have another thing that I want to tell you Sakurai-san. You see Sakurai-san, the new semester will soon start and there will be another exchange student in here, she come from Namba Girls High School. She will be a new second year student along with you. I decide to make her as a new council member, so please help her to adapt here and help her to get along with other students here, especially with our kendo shachou. As another exchange student I belive, she can help our new exchange student to adapt here. Unfortunately her identity information hasn’t yet to come, so I can’t tell you what is her name. I’ll make sure to introduce you as soon as she come here.” Explained Morita sensei while looking at me, waiting for my answer.
   “Haik... sensei, I’ll make sure to help her and introduce her to another council members, especially to kendo shachou. I will also tell the other council members about this at today council meeting.” I said while nodding my head in agreement.
   “Thank you for your help Sakurai-san, please tell other council members about this.”
   “You’re welcome sensei, it’s my job after all as the student council president. Is there anything that you want to tell me sensei?” I asked wondering if there anything else that sensei want to tell.
   “Ahh... I almost forget, please watch over the school club new members recruitment this week. Starting tomorrow, please watch over to every club and that goes to choir club that you join too. I don’t want to hear that there is a club who force other students to join their club, dont’t foget to tell this to every club shachou. Said Morita sensei seriously.
   “I’ll make sure to watch over  every school club sensei, and I’ll tell it to every club shachou in today meeting.” I said convincingly.
   “Well... good luck in this new semester then. Please watch over the students this year too.” Said Morita sensei ending the talk and standing up from his seat.
   “ Haik... I’ll do my best in this year too, well then... excuse me sensei.” I said standing up from my seat, bowing my head and walking out from the office.
   After walking out from Morita sensei office, I’m heading off to student council room in school club building, it is located just behind the main school building. After walk for some minutes, I arrive at the student council office and being welcomed with the usual bickering between Akimoto Manatsu and Shiraishi Mai. As usual other members keep themself busy and ignoring their bickering, well time to stop them then I thought.
   “Minna-san... Let’s start our meeting today. Manatsu and Maiyan, please stop your bickering.” I said while knocking the table where other council members sit around it.
   “Finally... you come Reika, go tell this zukkyun girl to stop spreading lies in our school newspaper.” Said Maiyan furiously while pointing to Manatsu.
   “I never spreading lies, as editor in chief of our school newspaper club, I never and will never tell lies in our school newspaper.” Yelled Manatsu in frustration.
   “Yeah, really... like I will believe it. Now I ask you then, who is the one that write an article about me and Nanamin being a couple?” Asked Maiyan throwing a new copy of Nogi High Kawaraban to Manatsu.
   “Well... If you can read it right, I never write you and Nanamin as a couple in the first place. See... it’s written here, ‘ NHK Hot Interview: Shiraishi Mai x Hashimoto Nanami,  a Special Relationship Between Two Beautiful Archer.’ This is just an ordinary headline.” Said Manatsu pointing the headline.
   “Seriously Manatsu, why you can’t write another headline that less controversial. It’s obviously luring any other students mind to think that we are a couple here.” Said Maiyan now joining Manatsu pointing the headline.
   “Well... It was out of our responsibility to stop other students thought that you two were together. I just write the news and take the responsibility of it, but how other students point of view or thought about the news is out of my responsibility.” Said Manatsu folding her hands.
   “It is your responsibility!!! You write the news, you make this crap title on your newspaper to luring the students to start shipping us. I’m tired explaining to every students that start to ship us that we are not a couple.” Said Maiyan throwing the Nogi High Kawaraban to Manatsu.
   “No, it’s not.”
   “Yes, it is.”
   “No, it’s not.”
   “Yes, it is.”
   “No –“
   “ENOUGH!!! Stop it you two. We are here to do a council meeting not to watching the two of you bickering non-stop.” I yelled to stoping the bickering.  “Manatsu, next time please make less controversial headline so other students didn’t think something else more from the headline. And Maiyan, please control your temper, I know the news annoy you but as Manatsu said we can’t control other students thought. That’s why I think Manatsu should write a new headline about Maiyan and Nanamin that tell the true relationship between the two of them. The two of you must do this thing together until the two of you were on the same boat.” I said looking to the two of them who still grumbling after hearing my order.
   “Reika is right, the two of you should stop bickering now, or we will not start the meeting in any time soon.” Said Wakatsuki Yumi, Nogi High student council treasurer also a member of Nogi High art club.
   “Yeah, we should start the meeting about 15 minutes ago you know.” Said Fukugawa Mai, Nogi High art club shachou.
   “Hearing the two of you bickering, make my ears hurt you know. I would prefer hearing to a heavy metal song in which actually I hate, than to hear your bickering sound.” Said Ikuta Erika, Nogi High choir club shachou.
   “Although the two of you make an Amazing bickering show just now, I still prefer to watching a boring gag show than watching the two of you.” Said Kazumin, Nogi High broadcast club shachou, also the leader of Nogi High duo jokester.
   “Okay, then let’s start our council meeting today. Ehh.. Where is Kendo club shachou? Is she comes late?” I asked noticing the kendo shachou absence.
   “She can’t come to today meeting, she must buy some new kendo equipments.” Said Manatsu who now sitting at her chair and prepare to do her job as Nogi High student council secretary.
   “Ahhh, is that so, well then today meeting will be about the preparation of Nogi High new club members recruitment that will start from tomorrow until the end of this month. Morita sensei remind us to not forcing any students to join their club. Also we need to start preparing for the school festival. As we know all that last year council’s play have a good response. Other students like the play, so I plan to make another play this year. Is there anyone here, that have an idea for this year play?” I asked looking to my friends.
   “I think we should try out a traditional play, like a Japanese theme play.” Said Manatsu.
   “That’s sounds good, we already played Romeo & Juliet last year.” I said nodding my head.
   “Yeah right, we should think about the main cast then, last year The Romeo & Juliet was nicely played by Naachan as Juliet, and Ikoma-chan as Romeo, also Nanamin as Paris. The chemistry between the three of them is so AMAZING!!!” Said Kazumin with her usual trademark ‘Amazing’ word.
   “Well we can make an audition among us to find the main cast, I’m sure the teachers can be the judge then.” Said Ikuchan.
   “What about the story then? We should start thinking the story for the play first.” Asked Maimai.
   “Why don’t we try to write the story by ourself, we can start to prepare the story line from now.” Said Maiyan.
   “Actually, I already prepare some raw stories for our play, I think a story between a miko girl and a young wanderer who fall in love into each other when they meet at a temple would be nice. There will be more plot twist as the story goes, what do you guys think about it?” Asked Manatsu, waiting the others’ opinion.
   “Hmm... A story about a miko and a wanderer in love? That’s sounds new and kind a fresh.” I said breaking the silence.
   “That’s sounds AMAZING! Manatsu, I already think about some proper jokes for the play, me and Nojou can play as the monks or anything else. These days we were think about some old Japanese jokes. I’m eager to tell Nojou about this news, she must be happy about this.” Said Kazumin enthusiastically clapping her hands.
   “It sounds good.” Said Maimai.
   “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” Said Yumi.
   “Hmmm... even I find it hard to admit it, but I think that your story kind a good Manatsu.” Said Maiyan finally.
   “Well, I think that if everyone here is agree with the story, then it only left Kendo shachou then. I’ll ask about this to her tomorrow, is there any question or is there anyone that still want to say something?” I asked waiting for the others, “Okay then today meeting is already finish, you girls can go back to your club.” I finally said.
   As the others start to pack their bag and standing up from their seat, I suddenly remember something important.    
   “Wait a moment please, minna-san I just remember something important. Today before I came to this meeting, I met with Morita sensei. He told me that we will have a new exchange student this year, she will be in the second year with us, and will be a new student council member along with us. Since sensei still didn’t know her name yet, I think we will met her at the first day in the new semester. I hope we all here can get along with her.”
   “A new exchange student? I hope she will join choir club.”
   “AMAZING, we have another exchange student, I hope she has a good humor then.”
   “I’ll be gladly to see her skill in painting then.”
   “ I’m gonna find Sayurin to take a photo of her then. She gonna be in Nogi High Kawaraban  news headline.”
   “She might be our new archery club member, I should tell Nanamin about this.”
   The others start to murmuring their thought while they exit the room and left me in the room with Yumi. As the door finally closed, Yumi and I start to clean up the room.
   “A new exchange student, huh... it would be good if she want to join art club.” Said Yumi while putting back the chair.
   “Yeahh... that would be nice if she can sing too.”
   “That’s right... well nice job for today Reika, thanks to you to stop Manatsu and Maiyan bickering, we’re already tired to hearing to those two.” Said Yumi patting my head.
   “Mou... You guys should stop those two before I come here, why bother to wait for me?”
   “Actually before you came Maimai want to stop them, but I tell her not to. So I can hear you yelling at them and see your funny face when you are mad, hahaha...”
   “Mouu... Yumi, you baka...” I said while chasing Yumi that already run away.

#Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story#
   Meanwhile near the basketball court in Nogi High there were two girls in Nogi High uniform who bring two plastic bags full of some new Kendo uniforms  and shinai. The two of them walking together, the girl with the short hair ones keep talking to the silence ones.
   “I already prepare everything for tomorrow shachou, I hope we can get new many members this year. I’m so eager to beat them all and train them with you shachou.” Said Ikoma passionately.
   “Arigatou for your help Ikoma, but can you stop calling me shachou all the time? Just call my name, won’t you?” Said the long hair girl whose hair in ponytail.
   “But you are my Kendo club shachou, so I should call you that. Ohh... Shachou you look really good in that ponytail hair, but still I love my Naachan more, hehehe...”
   “Ck... You crazy Naachan fans.”
   As the two keep on walking and talking with each other, well more like Ikoma keep talking all the way. The ponytailed girl see that there was a basketball that flying over a girl who walks alone near the court. The girl didn’t even aware off the ball, not before other students start to warned her about it. As the girl start to aware of the ball, she stop in her track to shock to move her body. The ponnytailed girl then run fast to her, and in a split of second using the new shinai with both of her hands to hit back the ball to the court.
   “Daijoubu desu ka? Are you hurt or something?” Asked her, still holding a shinai in her right hand, and touching the girl’s shoulder with her left hand.
   “Uhm... iee, arigatou...” Said the girl still shock from the accident.
   “Is that so? Next time please be more carefull okay?” Said the ponnytailed girl while patting the girl’s head with her left hand.
   “Uh... Uhmm...” Said the girl looking in awe at the ponnytailed girl, she then start to feels her heart beat start to beating fast from their closeness.
   “Shachou...  are you alright? You were so cool just now shachou, sasuga our Nogi High Kendo club shachou.” Said Ikoma who already with them after running all the way to there.
   “I’m fine Ikoma, and please stop calling me shachou all the time.” Said Kendo shachou then looking to the girl. “See you next time then, don’t forget to be more carefull okay? Let’s go then Ikoma.” Said her, starting to walk away from there.
   “Shachou, wait for me...” Said Ikoma running to follow her.
   As the girl looking at the back of Kendo club shachou, she hears her phone sound.
   “Honey... where are you now, when will you gonna go home?” Asked her mom.
   “Mom... I’m gonna join Kendo club.” Said the girl still looking at Kendo shachou back.
   “Ehhh... Since when do you like kendo, Miona?” Asked her mom confusedly.
   “Since now mom... I’m gonna join Kendo club tomorrow.” Said Miona feeling her heart beating still going faster.

Sooo... How was it...
Can you guys already know, who is the kendo shachou?
Tell me your guess :cow:
*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


Offline @gee

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Re: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story - Chapter 1 (New Update)
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2015, 02:03:11 PM »
Hi everyone... I finally finish this chapter 1
Sorry for the long update, but don't worry I give you guys this long chapter 1
I hope you guys like this lame story
Please tell me your thought about the story, I'll be waiting for all your comments ^_^
Also tell me if your guess for the pairing is right or wrong after read this chapter
Lastly all mistakes are mine, here we goo...
Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story

Chapter 1...
   Saturday morning in Nogizaka Girls High School...
   “Ohayou gozaimasu, I’m Kashiwagi Yuki the new exchange student from Namba Girls High School, It’s nice to meet you sensei.” Said Yukirin bowing her head and introducing herself at her new school principal.
   “Ohayou  gozaimasu, I’m Morita-sensei. It’s nice to meet you too Kashiwagi-san.” Said Morita-sensei standing up from his seat. He then ask Yukirin to take a seat.
   As the two take a seat, Morita-sensei gives Yukirin a big bag that full of her new school equipment. There were her new uniform, shoes, socks, bag, and books.
   “This is your new school equipment, as the school will start on the next Monday, I hope you can prepare yourself with this stuff. Also I need to tell you that you’re gonna be a new student council member here, along with our late exchange student. I’m gonna put you two in the same class, so you two can get along.”
   “Arigatou gozaimasu, Morita-sensei. I’ll try to prepare myself, and get along with other students here, especially the other exchange student.” Said Yukirin, nodding her head in gratitude.
   “Well... I hope you can enjoy your new school here, you can ask me anything about this school or ask other student council member. This is your new student ID card, and your school handbook, you can see the school’s rules there.” Said Morita-sensei, handing the student ID card and handbook.
   “Arigatou gozaimasu sensei, I should take a leave then.” Said Yukirin standing up from her seat.
   “Good luck Kashiwagi-san, Please get along with the others.” Said Morita-sensei to Yukirin, before the girl exit his office.
   As Yukirin left his office, he suddenly remember that he forget to tell the girl about the school club new members recruitment that start today. He then let it slide as he hopes Yukirin can get to know the club by herself and get along with them. Later on we’ll find out that he’s gonna get more than what he wish.
#Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story#[/b]
   I always dream to study in a big school. Not just a big one, but the one who looks like an old castle in europe but with a touch of a high technology all around the school. I always envy the school in one of my favorite lite novel that have their own green houses, a long path way with sakura trees at the sides, a big flowery park, a chapel in a school area, a big sport hall, and absolutely a separated school clubs building. But sometimes you’ll feel that what you wish is better to not become true, just like my situation now.
   After exit the principal office, I go to the toilet to try out my new uniform, in case the size is not match with me. I look myself in the mirror and find out that the uniform looks good in me and is in perfectly size. The uniform is a brown checkered one piece skirt with a long sleeve white shirt beneath it. The skirt lenght is over knee long, added with that there is this white socks with ‘Nogizaka Girls High School’ writen on it and this black shoes. I look over again at the mirror and feels something is off. That was when I notice the red bow tie, after tying the bow and put on the black belt on my waist, I was now fully dress in my new uniform. I decide to wearing it while I’ll go back to my new apartement near the school, It’s partly for me to adapt with the uniform, and partly because I was too lazy to change my clothes and fold up my new uniform. Later on I find out that my laziness will bring me on some troubles that day.
   I walk out from the toilet and walking to find the school gate, only to find myself lost in this new school. ‘Great, what a nice troubles I’ve got here. Just now I was happy to study in this dreamy school only to curse it a moment later.’ I thought. I keep walking along the long path with sakura trees at the sides, walking through the chapel, I then pass a green house that full of flowers that not yet bloomed. ‘Where is the other students? Why it’s so quiet here?’ I thought while walking in the empty school. Then I stop walking when I look at the only building that seems new and modern like. I decide to enter the building after hearing some noises from it. Walking pass the automatic door, I choose to walk to the right hallway rather pick the left one. I keep walking until find a room with three big windows beside the door. I decide to peek through the little window on the door, that was when the door suddenly open and push me down on the floor.
   “Ittai!!! My butt.” I said still laying on the floor.
   “Gomen gomen, nee.. daijoubu desu ka? Are you hurt or anything?” Asked someone, probably the one who open the door.
   I was just about to reach a hand that offers to me, when I look at that person face and noticing how ikemen this short haired girl. This ikemen girl wearing the same uniform with me, but with a brown apron over it. Some dry paints looks smeared on the brown apron and some dry paint smeared on both of her hands. A worried smile plastered on her face only adding her ikemen looks. I take her hand and standing up only to notice that she’s also a bit taller than me, probably like 5 or 7 Cm taller.
   “Nee... Daijoubu? Gomen, I wasn’t looking when open the door.” Asked the ikemen girl again.
   “It’s okay... It just my butt, anoo... can you show me the entrance – “ I said while blushing a little before being cut by a voice from inside the room.
   “What was the loud sounds just now Wakatsuki, did someone just fall?” Asked a pretty and worried look girl with the same brown apron over her uniform that looks clean and neat compare to the ikemen girl. Somehow the girl looks more mature than us and gives an oneechan’s aura. 
   “It was my fault, I didn’t look out when open the door which cause this girl to fall, once again I’m sorry. I’m Wakatsuki Yumi. What’s yours?” Asked Wakatsuki.
   “Kashiwagi Yuki desu. I’ve told you, It’s alright.” I said while introducing myself.
   “I’m glad that you two are alright. I’m Fukugawa Mai, you can call me Maimai. Anoo, by any chance are you a new student here?” Asked Maimai while asking me to enter the room.
   “Ah... You’re right, I’m new here. How did you know?” I asked her while taking a seat with the two. I start to look around the room, and noticing many painting tools in the room. I see three chairs were on the middle of the room with three big canvas standing in front of each chairs.  At the back of the room I can see some paintings were hanging on the wall. There were many types of painting on the wall, But there was these three paintings that take my interest. First there was a painting about a path of sakura trees that looks exactly the same as the one I just pass, somehow I can feel myself walking at that path, it gives me a warm feeling yet sadness and loneliness when I look at it. Second, there was an abstract painting that looks somehow interesting and make me curious to take a closer look at it. It gives me some courage feeling and some freedom vibes when I look at it. Lastly, there was this painting about some round thing that have very skinny legs or more like two long sticks attach on it. It didn’t has any arms at all, make it only have that two stick legs. The round thing face is also weird, it has two big eyes that looks sleepy because it eyelids looks too thick making the thing barely can open it eyes. That round thing was painting in black and white, with some words written on it side ‘Doiya-san’, is that the name of the round thing?” I thought confusedly. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize that there were another person in the room beside the three of us, until I was startle a bit when hearing another voice from behind me.   
   “That’s kind a easy to guess, your uniform looks neat and new, and with that fully big bag you got there, must be the reason Maimai can easily  guess that you are new here.” Said a timid voice from behind me.
   I turn my head and see a beautiful long haired lady yet looks timid and shy standing behind me with the same brown apron over her uniform. The shy look girl then walks toward the two and whispering something to the two, before now the three of them looking at me from top to the bottom with their approving look. Just when I want to ask them what’s going on, the shy look girl start introducing herself.
   “Ano... I’m Nishino Nanase, it’s nice to meet you.” Said her while bowing her head a little.
   “Nanase just tell us, that you’re might be our today painting models. As Sakurai told her this morning, that today there will be a new student that gonna be our models, she has long black hair, a tall girl with pretty face, and wearing her new uniform after she get it today from the school which is rare or must I say that will gonna be only you who did it.” Said Wakatsuki now standing from her seat and walking around me while nodding her head in judgment.
   “You should tell us from the start, you know. Just then Wakatsuki were trying to find you out, we think you’re might be lost or something.” Said Maimai now also standing up and pulling me up to other side of the room, only to give some bag with some black clothes inside it.
   “Hmm, yeah I was lost, but it’s not like what you guys think. I think you all got a wrong person here, I’m just transf – “ I said trying to clear out this mistake only to cut by Maimai.
   “There..there..there.. We found you now. There’s no way we got the wrong person here, you look exactly  the same with the description we got. Now you change your clothes with this and come back here later, while we prepare the tools to painting you.” Said Maimai ushering me to the door and closed it after I got out.
   “But, I’m not your models. AHH!!! I should probably just go from here.” I yelled in frustration leaving the door with a board name that have ‘ Nogi High Art Club’ written on it.
   I continue to walk on the empty hallway that seems didn’t have any end, when suddenly I hear some voice. A beautiful voices come from a room at the end of the hallway. I take a peek again only to watch two girls were singing together. One of them with the long haired were standing up, and the other one with the shoulder length haired were sitting on the chair and playing the white grand piano while singing along. The two of them keep singing until they reach the end of the song, and left me unconsciously clapping my hands in awe. The two of them then turn their heads to the door and start to walking towards me when noticing my presence, while I too start to cursing myself.
   “Hello there, you must be a new student here. I’m Sakurai Reika but you can call me Sakurai, I’m a choir member  too just like my friend here.” Said the long haired girl pointing to her friend.
   “Ikuta Erika desu, just call me Ikuchan. I’m Nogi High choir club shachou. Please come in uhmm –“ Said the shoulder length girl waiting to know my name.
   “Kashiwagi Yuki desu, it’s nice to meet you two.” I said while walking in the room with the two.
   “So... Kashiwagi-san I know you’re new here, but let’s just start it out now. Please start to sing now, while Sakurai and I will listen to you.” Said Ikuchan who now already sit in front of me along with Sakurai, waiting for me to start singing?
   “Sing? You guys want me to sing now, but why?”
   “Silly, of course you have to sing now. It’s what brings you here after all, to sing in this new choir club member audition, right? Now please just sing your song, we’re eager to hear your voice.” Said Sakurai motioning me with her hands to start singing.
   “But... I didn’t want to join this club, I just pass by this room when I hear you two sing. I’m sorry, I think I should just go now.” I said, totally need to get out from this room as fast as possible.
   “Uh...uh... Kashiwagi-san, it’s not that easy. We’re not gonna letting you just go now, not before you sing for us. Said Ikuchan who now already standing in front of the door with Sakurai, clearly to prevent me going out from the room.
   “But... but... but... I just wanna go home, please just let me go home.” I begged to them.
   “Okay, you can go home. But sing first then go home later. Come on don’t be so shy, we won’t spread the fact if ever your voice so bad.” Said Sakurai patting my shoulder to encouraging me.    
   “Yeah... just finish this fast, and you’re way to go home.” Said Ikuchan who now sitting with some papers and pencil in hand.
   “Okay then, just one song and I’m gonna go home after that.” I sigh in defeat.
   I then start to sing one of my favourite song from AKB48, ‘Sakura no ki Narou.’ I love this song so much, that I always sing it with all my heart. Somehow I can feel the sadness from the song when I thought about my new student exchange program. I miss my old school in Akihabara High, I miss my sensei, my friends, and of course the school itself with it one and only sakura tree at the school yard.
   Dare mo mina mune ni oshibana no you na
   Kesshin wo dokoka ni wasurete iru
   Sakura ga saku kisetsu ni
   Boku no koto wo...
   Ippon no ki wo...

   Eien no sakura no ki ni narou
   Sou boku wa koko kara ugokanai yo
   Moshi kimi ga kokoro no michi ni mayotte mo
   Ai no basho ga wakaru you ni tatte iru
   “Ai no basho ga wakaru you ni tatte iru
– “ I finished the song and finally open my eyes that was closed when I sang the song. As my view getting back to normal, I was engulf in group hug with the two.
   “Sugoi... What a good performance you got there, nah not just good it’s amazing Kashiwagi-san.” Said Sakurai beaming with smile.
   “Sakurai is right, you totally amazing just now. I would gladly to accept you now, but sadly we still need to anounce it later with the rest new member.” Said Ikuchan can’t contain her big smile.
   “Uhmm... arigatou you guys, but you two still sing better then me. So can I go home now?” I asked after the two let me go from their hug.
   “Absolutely yes, you’re free to go now. Don’t forget to check the new member anouncement on the school board or NHK okay.” Said Sakurai ushering me to the door.
   “Yeah... I’ll try to remember that, bye guys.” I said waving to the two before continue to walk away from it. ‘What a troublesome day I got today. I wish I can just go home now.’ I thought while walking back toward the entrance door. I was just gonna exit the room when my eyes caught a board name on the door with ‘Nogi High Broadcast Club’ written on it. ‘Nogi High Broadcast Club, there must be the people that can tell me where the school gate is. After all the broadcast club must be full of a serious person that can be trust to airing the news all over the school. I should just go there from the start, yosh let’s enter the room and asked them.’ I thought trusting my insting to enter the room. Not knowing that later on I will cursing myself for not just go straight and exit the school club building.
   “Knock... Knock... Knock... Excuse me.” I said while opening the door, to see the room being fill by three girls who look at me and wearing a sailormoon costume, a hip hop style costume, and lastly an Oscar like costume from ‘The Rose of Versailles’ manga with the blonde wig to complete it on. ‘They must be just doing a cosplay, or maybe they were not the brodcast club member, I should asking them first.’ I thought positively.
   “I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, a new student here. Is this Nogi High Broadcast Club? Can I meet with the club members?” I asked after introducing myself.
   The three of them keep staring at me until they look at each other and start to talk.
   “Agent of love and positivism, the pretty sailor suited high school girl, with my AMAZING and pojipeace power Sailor Kercury is here to help people in need.” Said the girl with Sailormoon costume while crosing her hands in front of her chest.
   “Sailor.. Kercury?” I asked confusedly, ‘shouldn’t it be Sailormoon? Ah more importantly, who is this girl real name?’ I thought.
   “Yoo pretty girl, pretty new girl. Wearing your new neat uniform, while looking strangely at us here. Why are you still just standing there? Looking around bulging your big eyes, yoo.. watch out it might be fall down on the floor. Say... Joo... Joo... Say Jo Jo Jo, Jo Jo Jo. Number one rapper girl in Nogi High, looking pretty damn good that make you high. Watch out your tongue before you’ll talk, cause Noujou Ami is the one to talk.” Sing the second girl with the hip hop look in rap style, offering her hand to me.
   “Yo..Yoroshiku?” I said in rap style unconsciously. ‘Crap, this getting more weird. Let’s hope the third one is less weird and more normal.’   
   “Walking aimlessly in this empty school just to meet us. Please forgive my friends for their rude introduction ojou-sama. Your wish is my command, please let this humble Oscar to help you out ojou-sama.” Said the Oscar look girl while kissing my right hand and kneeling in front of me.
   “Oscar? Ojou-sama? EHHH?!” I yelled loudly, gaping my mouth and looking with wide eyes, can’t contain the shock from the kiss on my right hand. The Oscar girl then release my hand then start to laugh out loud with her friends.
   “HAHAHAHAHAHA.... What an AMAZING face expression. Interesting, very interesting new girl. Welcome to Nogi High Broadcast club. I’m Takayama Kazumi, just call me Kazumin like the others. I’m Nogi High Broadcast club shachou.” Said Sailor Kercury clapping her hands in gleeful, after finally can stop her laughing. Somehow I just notice that her voice is kind a weird, it’s kind a shrill but deep at the same time.
   “Yeah right, what an interesting face expression, you see her eyes just now. It was bulging out, ready to fall down to the floor –“ Said the rapper girl still laughing out loud.
   “And don’t forget her mouth that left wide open. It’s like she’s been seeing a ghost on a daylights.” Said the Oscar girl pointing to my face more specifically to my mouth.
   “Alright guys... stop it already we don’t want to die yet from her expression face. Now you two start to introducing your real name please.” Said Kazumin stopping the two to laugh again.
   “HAHAHA... I’m, HAHAHA... I’m Noujou Ami, you can call me Amiami or Noujou. I’m Nogi High Broadcast club member, yoroshiku nee.” Said Noujou still laughing.
   “Please forgive my rudeness ojou-sama, I’m Kawamura Mahiro, call me Rottii please. I’m also Nogi High Broadcast club, yoroshiku nee.” Said Rottii imitating Oscar.
   “So... Kashiwagi-san, what can we help you?” Asked Kazumin waiting for me to talk.
   “I’m looking for Nogi High Broadcast club, because I want to ask you guys something.”
   “Okay... what is it?” Asked the three of them.
   “Anoo... Can you guys tell me where is the school gate?” I asked seriously, waiting for the three of them who suddenly being silence once again. Before finally looking into each other seriously.’Oh great...what’s going on here now...’ I thought.
   “Did you just asked us –“
   “Where is –“
   “The school gate?“
   “Uhmm... Yeah I did, is there something wrong with my question?” I said looking at the three who now staring at me with their glimmering eyes. ‘Wait glimmering eyes? It can’t be they will...’ I thought waiting for their response.
   “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Where is the school gate is what she asked, can you guys believe it? AMAZING... Very AMAZING!!!” Laughed Kazumin clapping her hands non-stop. She laughed so hard until crouch down on the floor.
   “This girl is so funny guys. I feel like crying for laughing at her.” Said Noujou while wiping her tears.
   “School gate huh? That was a really nice gag I’ve ever heard. Seriously guys this girl is a natural comedienne just like us.” Said Rottii while giggling at me.
   “Yeah, she just pass the test AMAZINGLY. I would gladly accept her as a new club member. What do you think Noujou?” Asked Kazumin nodding her head happily.
   “No need to asked me Kazumin, just accept this girl so we can laugh out loud together with her.” Said Noujou patting Kazumin back, beaming with a big smile.
   “ CHO.... CHOTTO MATTE!!! What test? New club member? Accept me to the club? What you guys talking about here?!” I yelled in frustration, showing once again my famous exaggerate face reaction for the umpteenth time today. The three of them once again laughing at my face expression or more like crying out loud uncontrollably while crouching on the floor with their shaking shoulder and red faces.
   “OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD... Kashiwagi-san please stop being so funny. I can’t laugh anymore... HAHAHAHAHA... MY stomach, I can’t feel my stomach. HAHAHAHA.” Laughed Kazumin as she was the one who can only speak in the momment, while the rest of two still in their uncontrollably laughing state.
   ‘I’m gonna be crazy if stay in this room anytime longer. Kashiwagi Yuki why don’t you just going out the building just now... Damn!!!’ I thought sighing and cursing at myself.
   As I thought to myself, Kazumin finally let out a sigh and ending her laugh. She then walk towards me and patting my shoulder. With a beaming smile she said, “Welcome to the club Kashiwagi-san, as you should now, we Nogi High Broadcast club are opening a new member recruitment today. Every new students that enter this room must show us their joke to impress us here and accept them as the new member. Usually we’ll gonna do some test to them or sometimes we do some gag battle. But you and your natural sense of humor is an exception, I decide to ending your test here for the three of us are agree to accept you. Congrats Kashiwagi-san, make sure to see your name in one of new member list in the next week NHK edition. Now you’re free to go to find the school gate, really that was the best joke today. Very AMAZING of you Kashiwagi-san.”
   Kazumin then walk me to the door, left me in confusion who still trying to understand what she said. ” But I’m not JOKING!!! I’m SERIOUSLY asking you guys where the school gate is!!!” I yelled out another frustration feeling to them.
   “Yeah..Yeah..Yeah.. We know that already Kashiwagi-san, nice try there to replay your joke. That’s still funny though, now otsukaresama. We’ll see you soon then new member.” Said Kazumin giggling to me, again. She then open the door for me and push me out of the room, leaving me in the empty hallway once again in super frustration state. ‘And here I am, thinking that Nogi High is a school full of smart and polite student, yet this what comes out. Damn that Akimoto-sensei to put me here, the school is barely start but I already going nuts here.’ I cursed to myself crouching down in the floor trying hard not to cry in frustration. I keep crouching down, until suddenly there was someone that patting my shoulder.
   “Hey, are you that new girl that Akimoto-san tell us to find?” Asked a beautiful girl with a long haired that being tied in ponytail and two strand hairs that cover her right and left chubby cheeks.
   “Akimoto-san? As if Akimoto-san the shachou finds me?” I asked feeling a bit relief that putting back my hopes to go home as soon as possible.
   “Yeah... Of course that Akimoto shachou. Now why are you crouching down here? You must be lost, right? Poor new girl, there..there..there.. Now that I’ve found you come on, come with me to Akimoto shachou.” She said pulling me to stand up and patting my back.
   “Anooo... What does Akimoto shachou doing here?” I asked the chubby girl, while the two of us walking to the end of the hallway. The chubby girl wearing the same uniform with me bring a camera that hanging around her neck.
   “Of course doing the job! Ah by the way, I’m Matsumura Sayuri, but you can call me Sayurin, Sayuringo, Matsun, or ringo-chan.” Said the chubby girl cutely.
   “Kashiwagi Yuki desu, you can call me Yukirin. Arigatou for your help Sayurin. I was desperately finding a help.” I said thanking Sayurin
   “No need to thanked me Yukirin, nee I’ll call you kirin-san, okay?” Said Sayurin, tilting her head cutely.
   “EH!? Kirin-san?”
   “Ahh.. we’re here, come on let’s go in. She must be waiting for us.” Said Sayurin pushing me enter the room.
   “Yeah she must be waiting for us. Wait, SHE?! EHHH??”
   As we enter the room, I see a room that full of some table and chair that being order neatly. All the table being full with a stack of paper. Each table also have a laptop on it. I try to find Akimoto shachou all around the room, only to find another girl in the room. The girl sit on her chair wearing a reading glasses while typing fastly at her laptop. She stop her typing a moment later after Sayurin call her.
   “Shachou, I’m back with the new girl you said.” Said Sayurin dragging me along with her towards the megane girl.
   “Finally you’re back Sayurin. Now new girl what is your name?” Asked the megane girl standing up from her sit and walking towards the two of us.
      “Kashiwagi Yuki desu, anoo where is Akimoto shachou?” I asked her.
   “Silly, I am Akimoto shachou. The one and only Akimoto Manatsu, Nogi High Newspaper club editor in chief. Now Kashiwagi-san as the new member test, you must help Sayurin to take some photos of Archery club members and Kendo club members. Make sure to take a good photos, if your photo is good I’m gonna put it on the Nogi High Kawaraban, and you can be our new member. Now enough talking, Sayurin lend her a camera and take her to Kendo and Archery dojo. Remember time is news, move..move..move.” Said the megane girl fastly, she push me and Sayurin to hurry take the camera and exit the room.
   “Alright then Kirin-san let’s go take the photos, we better hurry so Manatsu won’t lose her temper.” Said Sayurin dragging me out to the dojo after handing me the camera.
   “EHHH?!! This is a mistake, I don’t want to join the Nogi High Newspaper club.” I said to Sayurin who ignore my yelled.
#Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story#
   Sayurin keeps holding my hand all the way to the dojo, she finally release it when we arrive at the dojo. Following her moves, I enter the archery dojo, and standing with Sayurin on the side. Sayurin start to take many pictures, she takes the photos while giggling that makes me wonder. I try to look where her camera were aiming. She aims her camera to a certain long haired and model like girl, that keeps shooting the arrow perfectly. The archer girl look so elegant that I feel like watching a photo session for a magazine rather than watching a high school girl playing an archery.
   “Who is that long haired girl?”
   “That is Shiraishi Mai a.k.a Maiyan, Nogi High Archery club shachou. She’s well known as the archery club ace alongside with Nanamin. She’s also known as a model for various fashion magazine. I really like her, and will always be her number one fans.” Said Sayurin happily while keep taking Maiyan photos.
   “What about the other girl with short haired?” I said pointing to the tall girl beside Maiyan.
   “That is Hashimoto Nanami a.k.a Nanamin, Nogi High Archery club ace along with Maiyan. She’s well known as a smart girl,and always ranked 2 in school. With her cool and quiet image, there’s many students adore her, even confessing to her and Maiyan. In short these two girls were very popular in Nogi High.”
   “You sure know a lot about them, Sayurin.” I said praising Sayurin.
   “That’s because I’m the number one journalist and photographer in Nogi High Newspaper club. There’s no news that I wouldn’t know or photos that I can’t capture. That’s why along with Manatsu, I become Nogi High Newspaper club ace.” Said Sayurin grinning proudly.
   “Sugoii nee, by the way can you tell me what must I do now then? Should I take a picture of Maiyan and Nanamin too?” I asked Sayurin, trying to finish the task as soon as possible.
   “I think we should split up the task, how about I take photos of Archery club member here while you go to Kendo club dojo to take their photos. Now it’s 3.00 o’clock, we’ll meet again at 4.00 o’clock at Kendo club dojo. What do you think about it?” Asked Sayurin while checking her watch.
   “Sounds like a plan, okay then I’ll go to the Kendo club dojo. Before I go, can you tell me the location?” I said nodding my head in agreement.
   “It’s located just right behind this dojo. Just enter the dojo and start taking some photos, be careful when take the photos. Don’t get to closer when take the photos, you don’t want to disturb the member or worse being accidentally hit with shinai.” Said Sayurin warning me before I go to the Kendo club dojo.
   Following the direction that Sayurin told to me, I found Kendo club dojo after walking about 10 minutes. I enter the dojo quietly, as I just take a step to the left someone bump into me, making me fall down to the floor with my two bags scatter around.
   “Ittaii!!! My butt.”
   “Gomen gomen, nee.. daijoubu desu ka? Are you hurt or anything?” Asked someone that bump into me.
   “AHHH!!! My new uniform and books.” I said after looking to the things in my bags that being scatter around.
   “Here.. Let me help you.” Said that person starting to put back my things in the bags. While I put back my uniform and books in the bags, she put back the clothes from Maimai.
   “Are you a new student here?” Asked the person handing me the bag from Maimai after I finish put back my things and standing up from the floor. The person that bump into me turn out to be a Kendo club member. Wearing the Kendo club uniform, the short haired girl that look so energetic smiling to me. Her right hand handing me the bag while her left one holding a shinai.
   “Yes, I’m a new student here. Arigatou for your help.” I said taking back the bag.
   “Iee.. It’s nothing, sorry to bump into you. Nee.. have you play Kendo before?” Asked the short haired girl.
   “Eh? Hmmm... I’ve play it before when I’m still in the junior high school. I join the club for about two years, before I quit it. Anoo... why did you ask me this?” I asked the short haired girl as the two of us walking to the back side of the dojo.
   “Nah... Just asking some basic question, I’m Ikoma Rina, you can call me Ikoma-chan.” Said Ikoma-chan patting my back.
   “Kashiwagi Yuki desu. Anoo where’s the other club member? Am I coming late, and the others already go home?” I asked Ikoma-chan wondering why the dojo look empty with just the two of us in it.
   “No..No..No.. You’re not coming late. Actually we’re just about to start the practice. Come on follow me Kashiwagi-san, you need to change your uniform for the test.” Said Ikoma-chan dragging me to a changing room.
   “TEST?! What TEST?!! Chotto matte nee.” I yelled in surprise as she pull me into the changing room. She than take one of my bag, leaving me with the bag from Maimai.
   “Of course the test to join the Kendo club, now hurry go change your clothes.” Said Ikoma-chan push me to behind a curtain then close it for me to take a change.
   “Wait a minute, first I don’t want to join the Kendo club, second I don’t even have the Kendo club uniform.” I said opening the closed curtain, cursing my luck for being in trap again.
   “Ohh... come on don’t change your mind now. Once you played Kendo, you’ll always be a Kendo player. Don’t worry the test wouldn’t be so hard, after all you’ve play it for two years. And yes you have the uniform in your bag, now take it and change your clothes now.” Said Ikoma patting my shoulder, she then pointing the bag in my hand.
   “In my bag? But this isn’t mine, I get it from Maimai. Please I come to here not to join the club but take some photos for the Newspaper club.” I said take out the Kendo club uniform from Maimai’s bag and handing it to Ikoma-chan.
   “It’s okay if you lend it from Maimai, actually I was the one that lending the uniform to the Art club. You can still take the photos later when the members doing the practice. Now hurry change your clothes, because the practice is already start.” Said Ikoma-chan handing back the clothes and once again close the curtain.
   After I finished changing the clothes, Ikoma and I going back to the dojo. She then told me to hurry take the photos while she and other member stretching their body. I quickly take some photos of Ikoma and other members. As I expected Ikoma-chan doing the stretching so energetically. I also capture some photos when Ikoma doing a match with other members. She take down her opponent easily in just 15 minutes, that leave me in awe. As the other member being busy with their practice and some little match, I notice a girl at the other side of the dojo quietly practice by herself. She just doing the basic move like swinging the shinai repeatedly. Because the distance between us, I can’t she her face clearly. I just can she her long black haired in ponytail, and her thin body. I decide to capture some photos of her, somehow with her thin and kind a weak image, I can sense some graceful and elegant aura from her every moves. I feel like watching some old yet beautiful painting that comes alive, ‘ what a beautiful moves.’ I thought. I keep capture her every moves as I was so captivate by her, not realize the practice is over and the test is already start. Ikoma-chan then call my name, and dragging me to join the others. There were only two members left, adding me, Ikoma-chan and the ponytail girl then it just the five of us.
   “Kashiwagi-san, let’s start your test. Please pick one of us here to be your opponent, while the two of you fighting the rest of us will evaluate you.” Said Ikoma-chan pointing to herself and other members.
   Looking at the two other members, I remember how good they were at practice. The two of them were taller than me, thus make me hard to choose one of them. Ikoma-chan clearly is out of the list, as her move is so fast and her hit look so deadly. Even I’ve play Kendo for two years, I don’t have much confidence now two play with these three members ‘If only there were any other member that weaker than me, I would gladly pick her to be my opponent. Wait... a member that look weaker than me? The ponytail girl! – ‘ I thought to myself not realize that the said girl is already wearing her Kendo mask and walking toward us. I just notice her, when Ikoma patting my shoulder to ask who is the one I pick.
   “Ikoma-chan, I pick that girl with Kendo mask.” I said pointing to the said girl.
   “EH?! That girl?!! Are you seriously choose her?” Asked Ikoma-chan, somehow she looks shock with what I said. The said girl just nodding her head in agreement.
   “Yeah, I’m totally serious and she is already agree with it.” I said while wearing my Kendo mask.
   “But..But.. You don’t have to choose her. Just choose the other two, or just pick me then. You really need to change your decision now, before you – “ Said Ikoma-chan trying to change my decision, however that being cut by the said girl.
   “Stop it, Ikoma-chan. Now give her a shinai and let’s just start the match.” Said the ponytail girl softly, but somehow make Ikoma-chan stop her rambling and quickly give me a shinai.
   The two of us then standing in front of each other and bowing our heads, just after we finished bowing to each other, the ponytail girl already swing her shinai to me. Fortunately I can hold back her hit with my shinai, so her shinai won’t hit my head. However I can still feel my hands shaking from the hard impact. ‘Damn! She’s stronger than I thought.’ I cursed to myself. We both take some back steps and staring into each other before she run to me and swing her shinai harder than before. She keeps moves forward and hit me repeatedly, and force me to take some back steps. I try to hold back her hit as much as I can, but I still get hit several times. Her hit become faster and harder, I feel my body hurt from the hits. My hands and knees going weak and numb, while she looks just fine. ‘How can a thin girl that look weaker than me, can move this fast and hit me with such power? I should just pick the other three, Kami-sama help me...’ I thought right before She gives me her final hit to my head that make me fall down laying  on the floor. I feel the pain at my head from the hit and my Kendo mask still shaking from the impact.
   “Ittaii... My head.” I said laying on the floor then quickly opening the Kendo mask.
   “Daijoubu desu ka?” Asked the ponytail girl offering her right hand to me.
   “It’s okay I’m fine. It just I’m kind a dizzy now.” I said shaking my head and rubbing it with my hands trying to ease the pain. After a while I then take her pale white right hand, looking up to her face, I feel my jaw drop in awe. Standing up in front of me was a beautiful pale white girl with a big rounded eyes and a mole on her left cheek. She looks beautiful even when her face slightly sweating.
   “Are you sure you’re alright?” Asked her while patting my shoulder worriedly.
   “I.. I.. I’m alright, just a little bit dizzy.” I said stuttering when she moves a step closer to me and rubbing my head. I can see her face clearly, even feeling her hot breaths slightly touch my cheeks.
   “Gomen, I shouldn’t hit that hard, but nice match you got there. Can you tell me your name?” Asked her while now patting my head.
   “Ah, it’s okay and I’m not that good, my name is – “
   “Kirin-san... Kirin-san... Where are you Kirin-san?” Shouted Sayurin from the outside dojo, just when I want to tell my name.
   “I’m so sorry, I need to go know, bye...” I said bowing my head then take my bags and running out the dojo.
   “Hey... wait a minute – “ Said that girl, however I already exit the dojo and walk towards Sayurin.
   “Eh? Kirin-san why are you wearing Kendo club uniform?” Asked Sayurin as the two of us walking.
   “Long story... Here take the camera.” I said handing the camera to her.
   “Thanks, let me see it first.” Said Sayurin while turning on the camera and see the photos. “Matsui Rena, eh? You have such a good taste then Kirin-san.” Said Sayurin nodding her head, still looking at the photos.
   “Matsui Rena?”
   “Yeah the girl in your camera here, she’s our Kendo club shacho. You don’t know about her, but the photos in your camera is mostly of her?”
   “Kendo club shachou? That’s why I lost to her in just 10 minutes.”
   “You took a match with her? There’s no one here that brave enough to take a match with her. And for the record she always finish the match in just 5 minutes, but you can hold back her hit for 10 minutes. Wow!”
   “It’s not that I can hit her with my shinai, I just keep holding back the hit and yet still get many hit. She gives her final hit on my head before I fall down and finish the match.” I said rubbing a little bump on my head.
   “But still, you can hold back her hit for 10 minutes, you break the record then. I must tell Manatsu about this, so she can make new headline from this.”
   “Well before that can you walk me to the school gate? I need to go home now.”
   “Yeah sure, come on follow me then.”
   Meanwhile at Kendo club dojo...
   After they finish the test, Ikoma and two other member are going home, leaving their shachou Matsui Rena in the dojo alone. She start practice by herself for an hour before finally ready to go home. Just when she want to leave the dojo, she notice some ID card on the floor. She put it and read the name that written on it. “Kashiwagi Yuki, eh? Interesting.” Said Rena-chan with a smile.

How was it?
Did you guys guess the pairing right?
Please wait until next week for the new update...
Until next week >_<
*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


Offline blackcold

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Re: Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story - Chapter 1 (New Update)
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2015, 03:31:51 PM »
Matsui Rena is kendo club shachou..
Then who is the other new student?
Or did i get it wrong?
I'm not really familiar with nogizaka yet :nervous
But it's really funny xD
Waiting for your next update :twothumbs

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