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Author Topic: [N46] THE BEST IN ME IS YOU (6/6) + UNFORGOTTEN PROMISE (CH11-15th FEB, 18)  (Read 30245 times)

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2016, 06:34:40 PM »
thanks for update author-san.

sassuga! my ikemen :shy2: I like their relationship by the way. how to wakatsuki respect her elder and how did they take care of their younger sister.

poor nanamin.. I feel sorry about her sister :cry: who killed asuka?!!! :angry:

by the way who Nakamoto Reika? don't tell me if she's wakatsuki wife partner :mon suspect:

I'm curious what will happen with them and who's next member will appear in your fic. So please keep update author-san (you have to responsibility to me. lol *justkidding*)

Offline finiarel

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« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2016, 03:25:59 AM »
Is Reika going to be Waka's new target? wow this is going to be fun  :gyaaah:
rip Asuka  :cry: and Maiyan is like Nanamin and Waka's mom  :lol:
This is a good chapter, I'll be waiting for the next chapter  :cow:

Offline wakaten

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« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2016, 08:36:18 AM »
(A/N: I'm sorry for the very late update. surely I'm taking time but here it is, so what say you? and sorry again for no replies for previous part. nowadays i'm only stop by just to post and update. forgive me my loyal reader  :bow: :bow:  and don't forget to drop comments as it will keep my day and my spirit high!)



      SHE can’t sleep. That is what she remembers since she had her first kill. And it has been 8 years since then. Whenever she closed her eyes, she will be chased by her shadows, but weird enough, she was in the dark, where it was impossible for a shadow to follow her. And she always in fear, because she can’t run, she can’t do anything, she can’t scream, she can’t kill in her dream because what she saw is her own self. Deep in her dream, she scared of herself. The last she remember is, her dagger under her pillow already stuck on the wall of her room and she is bathing with sweats. She must have attempted to kill the shadow in her sleeps. It happens every time.

      There was one time; she almost killed Maiyan with dagger she gave her as present. But thank god Maiyan is quick enough to dodge the dagger the moment she entered the rooms – because the scream was loud and made her awake from her sleep and couldn’t help but to worry. It happen when she was first moved into this house, but now it seems so natural for them to hear the screams as part of their life. Nanamin is an exception because she is dead sleep.

      Again, tonight she is losing control of herself. Screaming in middle of night and throwing her dagger she usually keeps under her pillow. It takes her second to again realize that she just woke up from her nightmare at 3 in the morning.

      Even so, she already had her usual morning bath and a glass of warm milk as early breakfast on the floor next to Nanamin sleeping figure. Her movement is slow and swift even in the dark. She steals a glance at Nanamin on the sofa. It was dead silence and she could only heard Nanamin peaceful breath in sleep which she could say it make her assured. Nanamin presence is enough to make her calm and believe. Even Nanamin has her own room; she always ended up sleeping in the living room alone.

      Wearing her usual black training suit with hoodies, she walks out from the main door while lowering her hoodies. She didn’t want to be seen by anyone even it was impossible at this hour. With hoodies covering her face, she climbs down the stairs from 20th floor and running to the nearby park. Without making effort, she finished 50 rounds of jogs at 4 in the morning. It was her usual routine to exercise early in the morning. It is dead quite at the park and she loves the quietness, she loves the cold that run down her spines. It reminds that she still alive to feel the cold. Because sometimes she feels dead and doing these, helps her to forget of her own pain. Because doing something they could tell is bad and really sinful like killing someone is not giving them some peaceful life – is at the least she thinks only her experience those kinds of things. 

      At 5.30, she runs back to her apartment and pick up her car. It was a black sport car, small and practical enough for her to move around. Three minutes later, she already speeds up on the road heading to the mansion. 15 minutes later, she already reached the mansion and parked her car. It didn’t take her one minute to start her usual practice in the practice room. It is dark, yet she has no problem in moving around. Literally, she already gets used to the darkness and it is not a problem for her to memorize the place she has live for 10 years now.
      And the room was echoed with the sound of the girl lashing her anger and madness to the old punching bag. Even after hours of practicing; she didn’t even lost the focus her breathing rates also stay the same, low and steady. Her eyes also didn’t avert for a second – glaring at the punching bag as it is her target. Her face is wetted by her own sweats which proving her hours of practice give her some natural effect. Yet she didn’t stops there. She takes few sips of mineral water before continue with her shooting practice. Her stoic and stern face still didn’t change. She has the face of emotionless cold girl who can kill you only with her cold icy gaze.

      After 30 minutes in the shooting room, Nanamin joining her, she takes her usual position on Wakatsuki’s left side. Even the younger girl still focus on her practice, she didn’t have to turn around to look at the person who just arrived. She knows it by only the clicking sound of the gun Nanamin always used. They didn’t exchange words but be comfortable with the silence.

      It has been two hours since she starts practicing and she has succeeded to shoot hundreds of mannequin. Not until her name was announced from the speaker. She growled annoyingly at Manatsu’s voice from the speaker. Nanamin also stops when she heard the announcement which she thinks it is disturbing too. Their eyes meet but nothing was spoken by the two girls. Enough with exchanging small smiles, Wakatsuki offed to the room she was notified before with annoyance plastered on her sweaty face.

      Manatsu know it well once the girl enter her room she will shoot her deadly glare so she get herself ready with her own unsatisfied face. “I know you are too focusing with your practice Wakatsuki, but should I remind you again to never forget to take your target file?”  Manatsu reasoning right after Wakatsuki enter the room, didn’t give any chance for the girl to speak first. She only can smile when she saw the other girl flinched knowing her own fault. Well, the only flaw of perfect Number 1 NogiKillers is she a forgetful person. 

      “You will remind me anyway Manatsu. This is your job.” She replied nonchalantly while taking a seat. She was right and Manatsu can only pouting. “And where is the file?” She asked right away, didn’t care by the other girl overreaction.

      “Urgh can you sometimes spare me to win?” Manatsu groans but her hand already flipping some files on her desk before handed it to Wakatsuki which she didn’t wasting any more time to read the information about her latest target.

      Knowing the girl really well, Manatsu lean back, giving her some time reading and be ready of any question she would be asked later. Second after second Wakatsuki read the file; some frown emerged from her face clearly. The expression grows prominently as she flips another page. To her, the file surprisingly contained a lot of information which she didn’t care to read until last page and shoot Manatsu with her round shocking eyes. Manatsu, like she expecting the reaction just shrugged.

      “Whatever you’re thinking. The answer to it is yes. Your target this time is a girl.” Manatsu calmly answer the silence question given to her. Yes she knew it, because she second she got the information, she also have the same reaction. They rarely get girl as a target, nope never as the most important target.

      “Are you kidding me? I need to kill a girl? Anyone you have but me to kill her? you can just asked Ikoma to finish her.” But to Wakatsuki, the target to her known so weak and frail which she thinks more unbelievable was handed to her known as capable killer. Well, at least from the photo she scanned earlier. They didn’t have to give her this easy assignment. If killing a man is not a problem for her, then a frail girl is not giving her any problem.

      Feeling amused by the argument, Manatsu smirks and straighten her back. “Her price is 50 million if you really pay attention.”

      This time, Wakatsuki is clearly taken aback and astonished by another fact. Once again, she flips the file and continues where she stopped earlier.

      “If you intent to find another reason to kill her, forget that. They didn’t give any of that. There was only general information about her. But let me emphasize this for you, they need you killed her ASAP.” By her last sentence, Wakatsuki looks up to Manatsu, making sure with her unusual serious face.

      “Why?” Only one word managed to escape from number one NogiKillers.

      Manatsu shrugged. “Well, they might be really desperate to have her dead but, as your fellow informant I urged you to kill her quickly is because she is the public target.”

      The atmosphere grows drier once the word of public target was heard. Wakatsuki gives her ‘are you serious’ face and Manatsu just nod one time.

      “And I believe you already know that he hate failure, much more when the price is this high.” Manatsu shoot up from her seats and rooming around her coffee machine, making some coffee for herself. “Well, since you are the number one here and your target… well as you might think who she is a weak girl, so I think that is not a problem for you to finish her sooner than the other side would.”  Manatsu have a sip of her warm coffee while giving serious look to other girl.

      “And that other side is??”

      “The Akiha.” And it gives a dreadful silence before Wakatsuki finally laughing. She is actually can laugh.

      They not in situation Manatsu would think Wakatsuki would laugh, but she laughs anyway; an awkward dry laugh. It makes Manatsu feels absurd and intimidated because Wakatsuki laugh only mean one thing she will always feared. Because the present number one killer is not like other normal girl who will laugh because they feel it’s funny, but to Wakatsuki she meant it another thing that even genius girl like Manatsu cannot even digest what it is. That is why she feared it the most.

      To Wakatsuki, she is not laughing for any particular reason. But she just feels it is really funny to have a girl as a public target. By public target, they mean she is the target that will be killed by any of two ‘agency’ (if anyone would call them as agency of assasins). The fastest get the paid. Much more that, they even sent her to finish this small flies where she thinks and plan she would never wasting the chance. Don’t they already know who she is?

      With those dry awkward laugh, Wakatsuki walk out from the room, didn’t even pay Manatsu any glance – she grateful for that when Wakatsuki is in that state. When the number one killer lost from her sight, she heaved a long deep sigh and sits again.


      Nakamoto Reika, the sole heir of Nakamoto Group. Known as the largest Group in Japan because they involved in everything where the business is present. Named it, import export, automobile and manufacturer; well this group holds the largest stock in Japan because of their large scale of involvement in Japan business, as much as most respected group because they help a lot in Japan economy. Which is explain her why such girl have the highest price she ever had in 8 years of killing people for money.

      But it gives her another weird unpleasant feeling. So she didn’t plan to kill her  public as fast as that evening she received her assignment. She still wanted to know why; she is being targeted by both agency producing assassins. Well, for both NogiKillers and Akiha acknowledge their presence while others not. And they both have known as competitors in this circle of killing people for money.

      Back to her public target, because the only information she gets is too general; only contained her background such family, study, relationship and her position in that group. To her, it is more impressing as her target already holds such important position in the group at the age of 20. But that information never gives her what she wanted. A reason why to kill. To her, what has keeps her climbing the stairs of ranking is reason. Reasons why she need to kill her target. Once she has them, she will never hesitate to kill them. One reason is enough for her terminate their life, not like this; where for the first time in these 8 years, she feels hesitate to kill.

      So that evening, she spent most time observing her targets at the top of a building facing Nakamoto Group building. She was only accompanied by her Beretta; her favorite gun when she is undercover, a mask covering her face and not to be forgetting her binocular which help keeping her a good close distance with her target. Her routine of observing her target keep rotation for two weeks. She never gives up searching for a reason before she decides to terminate her life which until now she haven’t.

      Her public target named Nakamoto Reika never has different routine. She will always go out to work by herself with only on old driver; never accompanied by any bodyguards. She would have her lunch at usual café nearby her work place. At 5, she already waits in front of the building to be picked up by her driver. She would greet the old man cheerfully with her wide smiles that compliments her big eyes.

      While at night, Wakatsuki will disguise herself with her usual all black training suit which hard to be seen at night, still she has her hoodies as a cover, a Beretta and a binocular. Skillfully, she climbed on the roof of a house which two blocks away from her public target house; watching her public target intensely. Again, the assassin found it is real damn normal. Not as what she expected she might be seen. Because she always thought that, behind a normal person stands a stink heart doing stinks job. That’s what she always believes how a successful man would do behind his mask. But it was different with her new public target.
      She would only spent time on her study table facing open window letting her hair being swayed by night airs. Sometimes, she would smile for unknown reasons. For someone who already hold an important position in big group, she found her target a humble one because she still studying at one prestige university only at weekend because her weekdays was full with works at her family company.

      The more Wakatsuki searching for just a reason, she finds it impossible for her kill such innocence girl. But it is not of her choice, she only needs to kill or to be killed that’s it.

      The usual Monday, she still on the roof of opposite building facing Nakamoto Group building, 5 pm. She is waiting for her target to walk out her work place. Still, the number one NogiKiller, don’t forget to keep her public target surrounding safe. To make sure there is no trace of killer from Akiha. But that day, it was different. Even if she knew it well, whoever professional killer Akiha would sent she will avoid to be seen. That is what she always doing all these days too, avoid to be seen.

      But this time, they – nope, not they there is only one killer sent by Akiha, boldly showing herself in public. At least without showing her face is good, but no. Not even covering her face, she is really dare to point her gun carving with MS initial on it to Nakamoto Reika, her public target. By the initial MS she see from her binocular, Wakatsuki already knew who it is. Miyazawa Sae, Number One killer from Akiha. As expected by both agency chasing for 50 million dollar price of a public target; sending their best killer who never failed of miss their assignment for a weak target.

      “Damn it!” She cursed under her breath once she spotted another party hunting for her public target. She shoot up from her place, damn it again when she only brought her Beretta which was really unsuited for far target. But that is the moment she heard a clear gun shot and followed by loud scream by the crowds. “SHIT.”

to be continued~~



new fic!! I like all genres (except horror). so I'll enjoy your fic. from the titles I read has made me curious :roll:

poor waka.. it must be very hard in a young age you should do it :cry: but don't worry nanamin and maiyan will take care of you and make you become a stronger person, right?

Thanks for the new fic author-san. waiting for next part :deco:

I'm glad your like this story. well, i'm not fond of horror too. so keep calm and read this fanfic. 

sassuga! my ikemen :shy2: I like their relationship by the way. how to wakatsuki respect her elder and how did they take care of their younger sister.

poor nanamin.. I feel sorry about her sister :cry: who killed asuka?!!! :angry:

by the way who Nakamoto Reika? don't tell me if she's wakatsuki wife partner :mon suspect:

I'm curious what will happen with them and who's next member will appear in your fic. So please keep update author-san (you have to responsibility to me. lol *justkidding*)

right.... So ikement of Wakasama, sometime i forget this is just character made by me because she is real ikemen anyway..  :ptam-glow:
in this part, i only reveal a little bit about who is she but well i'm sure you all can guess..  :onionwhip:

Hi! To tell the truth, I've been reading ever since the first story came out but stays a silent reader, now I'm going to change that because the new story is so good XD.

Poor Waka, she never thought that she'd ended up an assassin, but at least she has Nanamin and Maiyan with her. Also, Nanamin seems like a person who lets her emotion out by hitting something :banghead:.

Now I'm curious about what the other nogis would be (it will be awesome if some of them turns out to be assassination target). This will also have a pairing right?
I'll be waiting for the next chapter  :D

ouch, i'm touched. well, i know previous stories have lots of holes.  :lol: THANKS for commenting. You make my day!!! 
who would be target? Well you will know soon, probably you already know.

and OF COURSE this will have pairing. at least i will put (my plan) three pairing.. well, i think it is worth it for you if you keep reading.  :glasses: 

Is Reika going to be Waka's new target? wow this is going to be fun  :gyaaah:
rip Asuka  :cry: and Maiyan is like Nanamin and Waka's mom  :lol:
This is a good chapter, I'll be waiting for the next chapter  :cow:

Now you know right... sure they is, and here you are.. next chapter.. sorry for not replying any of your comment last time so i'm double reply.

(P/S: please update your story... i'm addicted to it by now...)

Hmm about HashiGawa, I’m thinking maybe see how Nanamin is adjusting with Maimai and little Nanamin, like how will Maimai explains little Nanamin about the big one sharing her name and how well will she accept big Nanamin sudden presence in their life.
But like I said it’s okay if you end it there especially now you have a new story to focus on.

Nogi fic with action is always welcome  :yep:
I feel bad for Waka’s ‘friend’, I hope she get adopted by a good family.
Also poor Waka for wanting freedom but getting caught in the assassination business instead.
I’m liking the WakaMaiyanNanamin combination.

Regarding HashiGawa pair, well you can wait it in here sooonnn. (i'm giving you spoiler!)  :on cigar:
yeah, me too! i'm still in doubt about WakaMaiyanNanamin combination when i wrote this actually but it does pay me a real good so i don't regretted any of this.  :hee:

and where have you been missing?!!! Just kidding
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 07:21:25 AM by wakaten »

Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2016, 08:41:11 PM »
The agency still use the old-school method for hiring them, nice.
Takayama Kazuo as her next target.
:O  Is that who I think it is (Kazumin)?
Why is the Nanamin in your fic always so caring towards Waka? It’s <3
Waka’s having doubts of killing Reika, that’s bad. For her.
And now things get out of hand so quickly.
They should revolt and kill Akimoto sensei if they want freedom, take over NogiKillers!

Lol I’m still around just not as often, real life is keeping me there  :bleed eyes:
I’ll wait for HashiGawa, yay!  :cow:

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2016, 03:33:59 PM »
new chapter :cow:

if true that next waka target is reika then this will be very complicated.
although I bet that waka will not kill her. but if waka couldn't kill reika, then she will die. "kill or to be killed"
argh.. you're so mean author-san :mon whine:

so there will be hashigawa pair.. how about maiyan? will there be naachan?

waiting for next chapter :)

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« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2016, 10:51:23 PM »
yo~ I think I miss 3 chapter :banghead:
even the perfect waka can be a forgetful person too XD
her next target is reika? I think waka is going to protect reika rather than kill her :D
please update soon wakaten-san :)
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakaten

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« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2016, 06:33:39 PM »

      IT was really dark that evening though it just 6 pm and nobody strays around the road at this hour. Probably because the area is really far from the town and the house itself stand as a sole building in that area. Even though it is in developed area but the house looks like it is in remote area. Trees are highly surrounded the house and giving the vibe of how the owner loves the nature itself. But it also give the creepy feelings when it was swayed by the wind in the night, produce whistle sound each time the leaves meet each other. In front of the gate, a dog is loyally waiting for his owner, but he seems alert. His fur, stand straight like he waiting to take action but his eyes in doubt. His grey eyes are piercing on an object in front of him; the reasons why he seems so unstable.   

      Facing the dog, there is a figure; stands calmly with cold murderous gaze while leaning on the wall. The dim light from the front light on the door only exposing the light brown eyes which only saying one thing; the eyes could kill. There is a smirk on the figure’s lips when he takes a step forward with a needle like thing on his hand. As he is doing so, he also exposing himself to be seen much more clearly, but again, who is watching anyway? Just a dog.

      From the toe, he only wears black, a dagger tuck into his boot and a gun on his thigh. As he moves closer to the dog, his figure appears clearer and the dog keeps alert, step back as the figure closer to him. But he is not him, he is her, and she is Nanami. Girl that could kill in the darkness. Once again she takes a step forward and lowered her body to the dog. The dog growled deeply.

      “I’m sorry to do this to you, TaaKun, but I can’t let you interrupt my mission tonight. You know?” she said softly like persuading the dog to behave. Like he understood what she said, his figure become more relaxed but he still has fear on his face, he could sense the danger from the girl in front of him. He seems still in doubt while looking to her eyes. He senses the familiarity in her but at the same time, it is not. Even if he barks now, nobody will listen. His owner is not home yet. So she lowered down her eyes, leveling their eyes. The dog flinched back and wanted to bark but before he could do so, she already sunken the needle into his skin, tranquilized him with the anesthesia she always brought – well just in case.

      So the TaaKun the dog, fall to the ground effortlessly with a little groan could escape at very last minute. “Good doggy.” She said while patting TaaKun’s head. She grins like nothing before she is back to where she stand before, waiting for her next target in the dark.

      Just in perfect time, a man drove a car into the front lawn, parking his car with a smile on his handsome face. Not knowing, someone is already waiting for him. He steps out from the car and moves to other side. Once he open the other side of door, a woman hug him; happily.

      “Tchh, have fun when you still can.” She thought inwardly with a cunning smile plastered on her lips. She retreated a step hiding from the dim light; avoid to be seen by her target.

      “You know, Ami is very happy tonight.” A woman, called herself with Ami, cling to him like a drunken woman. She probably is, judging from her stagger and sluggish steps.

      “Oh, me too.” Takayama Kazuo, smile sheepishly as he brought her closer to him and open the door to his home. He pay a little glance towards his dog, though he was thinking his dog rarely sleeps early but he not really care about it when there is beautiful woman waiting to be entertained tonight. So he just ignored his dog without thinking much about it.

      Takayama Kazuo, a man who works at a bank, he normally went for work at 6 every morning and came back at late in the evening; sometimes he would stop by any pub. He still single, so nobody cared what he always do in the pub anyway, but usually he will grab any woman as his companion each night. The act is normal for single man. But something about him, interest some people whom are now just watching them silently… nope; she has already diminished in the thin air. Nowhere to be seen. 

      Entering his own house, Kazuo didn’t mind to switch on the light at all since he only could think about the woman in his embrace right now. Using his feet, he kicks the door to his room. Again, without mind to switch on the light, he hastily drops both of their bodies onto his queen size bed.

      Observing the act of the man from another side of darkness, Nanamin smirks slyly. Stealthily, she creeps through the hallways while sticking her body to the wall, skillfully avoiding the CCTV on every corner of the house. Her black leather boots barely making sound too. Reaching the room where Kazuo were last seen minutes before, she attached her ears closely to the half closed door; checking her target behavior before she could jump into action. And what they are doing is out of her business since she didn’t care about it anyway, even the sounds from their activity is too loud for her to handle. Yet, she just stands still.   

      An hour, two hours, three hours and she just wait there like a statue. She is waiting patiently for a good cue or she actually letting her target having fun for the last time before she could take away his life. Until there are no more sounds of ‘people making love’ she pushes the door using her finger; again barely making sounds. So, like before she crept into the room just to meet another darkness she used to. This is only making her assignment easier.

      She glances to the bed, where two huge bulks of blanket could be seen. Judging from different size of bulks, she assumed that the bigger one belonged to her target, Takayama Kazuo. Unlike before, she is now steadily walks closer to the bed, once again exposing herself to the moonlight that penetrates through the clear windows covered with silk curtain. Her shadow grew bigger as she completely exposed to the light. She watched her target emotionlessly before crouched down and slipped out her gun from it case.

      “Let’s end it here, Kazuo-kun.” She whispers to herself while attaching the silencer to the gun.

      In a split of seconds, she jumps towards her target as fast as wind could even blowing, pinning him to the bed. Feeling a huge burden on him, he opens his eyes, but just to find that he is completely immobile. He looks up, and his eyes widen as it didn’t meet with his expectation. He probably expects Ami to beg for more love treatment, but he is completely wrong. Much more when his eyes caught an object like gun glinting against the moonlight. Before a shout could escape his mouth, she closed his mouth forcefully.

      “I’m sorry to end our relationship like this Kazuo-kun.” She whispers to his ears and smiles like she is totally amused with her own game. The sentence caught his attention; his body grew weaker as he is familiar with the voice. But she just grins to his reaction that satisfied her. 

      “Right, I’m Yuki-chan..” She answered like she knew what he would say well.. if his mouth is available. She sighed playfully, while trailed her gun on his face up and down to his chin, just to scare him. She sighed again; her eyes now show tiredness only god knows how hard she actually pretending as an innocence girl without parents begging for his protection. And he brought her that easily to his house, which the reasons why TaaKun the dog don’t bark at her when he saw her; because he used to know her.

      What she is doing at his home was not acknowledge by him at all because at night, she would always put a sleeping pill into his coffee, just to avoid to be forced to sleep with him, knowing that he is the type of man that only cared for sex. While in the morning, she would prepared him breakfast, well as gratitude for saving her life from whatever her mind could think. Jezz, this man didn’t know what he actually facing, he brought the danger into his home, by himself. She was doing that routine almost every day, and he gladly accept the treatment from beautiful woman appeared before him. But what he didn’t know is, as soon as he went for work, she also went to work. Well, she is working too, aside that her works is tailing him around. So she followed him around just to be familiarized with his schedule.

      Takayama Kazuo, a normal office man who works at a famous bank. He is known as dedicated man with handsome looking face. To any girl, he is just as innocence as his looks. But what he is actually doing is unforgivable. Well, at least that is what someone was thinking. So that is why, she was paid to finish his life. His biggest crime is he is a corrupt bank officer. Working 8 hours each day with a bank is not actually his true identity except he was spied in his own company for another company. Well, everything has their rival. Even if his pay is high enough but it could never satisfy his lust at all, so when he was offered the job, he had accepted the deal without much thinking, which was his happiest moment ever; because he could get triple payments just for one job. What he needs to do is, sent them his company data, the security system, what is the weakness in the firewall. It is hard to detect who is doing the job when he is in charge for the security itself. He just needs to be careful, that’s all. But nothing stays permanent. His secret no longer a secret. How it was discovered, is none of her business anyway. What she knew is, she was paid to terminate a man’s life named Takayama Kazuo. And here she is, doing her assignment.

      “But sorry, my name is.. Nanami. The one who will finish your life.” She smiles eerily, scaring Kazuo so much until his eyes almost bulging out from it socket.    Listen to the sentence makes him more speechless. His face is now turns whiter. His was taunted; never thought or dreamt that his life would end this way. He glanced to his side, silently begging for Ami to wake up any second. But that stupid woman just snoring wildly, too drunk to even realize he is in between his life and death.

      Following his line of view, Nanami also glance to her side, her brows stick upward. “Your new toys?” She asked, but not demanding any answer from him since she already know his game. Well, that is what she is doing few days back too.

      Nanami brought their face closer together with the gun on her hand. “Bye bye.”

      She aimed for his head while using a white pillow as a cover. Good way to avoid the blood splattered to her clothes, since she is someone who particular about cleanliness too. She hates mess so much.  He tries to fight back by struggling under his blanket but nothing was successful. It just then, she pulled the trigger; releasing the bullet into his brain through the white pillow that soon turns red.

      Perfect crime by Nanamin the perfectionist.

      “O wa ri.” She mouthed the words silently and jumps from the bed. She then walked to other side; towards Kazuo’s company. She watched her pitifully. Pity to what will come for her tomorrow, not to mention that she will be the uppermost suspect of her masterpiece.

      “Sleeps well my dear.”

      Like how she came, that is how she left; perfectly move through the air without sound. People never call her Black without any reason. Again, she is expecting another issue about her on tomorrow’s news; ‘Black. Once again strike.’

      Nanami a.k.a Black, will always keep her assignment as clean as any bleach would make. Leaving any traces behind and then missing in the wind after finished her assignment. Her kills will always unsolved by any pros, either they are police or detectives. This is just added into the list. She smirks proudly.


      EIGHT YEARS as capable assassin, she knew it well, knew that a public scene would be worst. And take that into account, she didn’t want to finish her target in public. Either for her next target or now, she will never choose to make a scene in public. Because she know, that is the stupidest thing an assassin would do.

      But, today was an exception. Not because she really want to, but because the other side – her rival was really stupid to think about that. Despite her rival also an expert killer. She has heard the rumors about MS aka Miyazawa Sae who known as psychopath killer and it is not a joke. Miyazawa Sae, the girl who enjoy killing people, killing living things was her uppermost hobby – is what they claimed about her because she would kill everything that annoyingly pass in front of her. And Wakatsuki Yumi acknowledged that today. Miyazawa Sae is basically crazy to appear in public without covering her own face and aim the gun towards her, nope their public target without fear at all. 

      Yet, Miyazawa Sae still can grin upon what she plans, obviously she showing an ecstatic feeling on her face while her fingers pulling the trigger without thinking about it twice. BANG! The sound of her bullet passing through the barrel of her gun echoed in the air. The bullet however, not meeting any solid target. But enough to create a scene of people running away to save themselves from wild bullets. Again she grins toothily. Proud of her ability to make people feared of her. Even so, her eye was fixed on one person who is now cowered with fear.

      At the end of the roads, their public target named as Nakamoto Reika hugged her own knees and covered her ears from deafly sound of shootings. She turned to her left, to the street light that was marked with a bullet exactly where she stood earlier. Her face turn white as she saw her killer merges to her, this girl obviously aiming for her life. But she doesn’t have the courage to run too.

      Wakatsuki Yumi quickens her pace as she could hear the loud crowds. She leapt down the stairs from third floor to second floor. Reached the ground floor, she speeds up to the outside of the building. Her eyes are searching for only one thing and she met her answer on the opposite road. She flinched as she caught the view of Miyazawa runs towards her public target with gun on her hand. She ran to her without taking seconds of thinking. This is her assignment and she couldn’t afford to fail it or to watch it being snatched before her eyes. 

      Miyazawa Sae, clearly didn’t expect any uninvited killers as she saw Wakatsuki. Even Wakatsuki has masked on her face, but she could tell she is her rival only by looking at her eyes. She aims her gun to her rival.

      Right before Miyazawa could pull the trigger; Wakatsuki is much faster to notice her step and kicked the gun just in time. The bullet bounced off to the walls of some building. She then gives another outer kick towards Miyazawa neck, makes her lost balance with her own body. Before she could regain her usual pace back, Wakatsuki quickly grabs the hands of her target; forcing her to run behind her.

      Nakamoto Reika, however didn’t have any choice. Stands there and she might be dead any seconds, so she blindly follows whoever grabs her hands just to run. She looks up, but she could only see a sharp eye piercing her face. For some reasons, she got the feeling that whoever that person is; she will save her from that crazy shooter.
      Watching her target escaped together with her rival, Miyazawa cursed under her breath. Regained her sense back, she chased them while pushing through the crowds. Not even once she worried about her face being seen. She just blatantly shot the bullet to whomever block her ways.
      While to Wakatsuki, she always enjoy running but this time, with some burden in her hand, her speed seems was slowed down and she hated that. Somehow, she annoyed at this situation when she is running away from something, precisely from her rival. It left a deep scar to her pride. But it was the least thing she could do now, as it was her policy to not have any witnesses when she is doing her crime, and public was never a good choice. That was aside from she didn’t want her rival to take her prize of killing biggest target price ever. So, she could only run from any wild bullets of Miyazawa’s gun. Not until she feels the burden on her left arm grew heavier and heavier which eventually dragged her down to the side too. She looks to her left.

      To her shock, she could see her target wounded on the shoulder with blood oozing from the hole, redden the white blouse she wears. The wild bullets from Miyazawa must meet her on the way. “Are you okay?” Though she is not in the position why she would care for her target, but she asks anyway.

      Clutched to her wound, Nakamoto Reika didn’t mind to answer at all. Didn’t she saw she was shot by that crazy girl? She wanted to curse but the pain hindered her from doing so.

      Receive mute answer from her target and with Miyazawa already close to their place, Wakatsuki cannot think other way but to stop her rival from take any stupid action. So she merged to her, without fear of being shot.

      The two girls are now marched towards each other, one girl without mask have gun on her hand, while the other is totally vice versa. But the unarmed girl, keep running forward without being feared to be shot as the gun now being pointed to her. Just in time before the bullet touching her arm, she leapt to the side and bounced to the wall of a building, she twist her body in the air before releasing a fatal kick towards Miyazawa’s head. The other girl falls to the ground effortlessly.

      All the runs and the excessive moves make her panting harshly after that. She looks at the Miyazawa who is now struggle to gain her stabilities back but before she could do so Wakatsuki quickly grabs her gun and shots her on the back of her head. The shot makes a clear hole and the blood starts pooled around her dead body. Miyazawa Sae, The Number One killer of Akihabara now just a history.       
      Watching the girl who saves her earlier killed her shooter, makes her eyes widen in shock. She almost forgets the pain on her shoulder that time. Whatever the reason is, she could never accept the act of violence, not to mention taking people’s life. Even the people’s life is almost to be hers moments ago.

      “That is the price for playing with me.” Wakatsuki snarled at immobile Miyazawa. She wipes the sweat from her forehead and shifted her eyes from Miyazawa dead body to her surroundings. Once again she sighed upon what Miyazawa has created. A mess, totally a mess. But what more important is, her target is still alive, waiting for her to finish it. Ignoring all the eyes on her, she ran towards her target. Again, she forces her to run by dragged her behind.

      The girl was obviously looks dumbfounded at what had happen just now. The sudden shooting scene in front of her eyes, the runs and not to mention she is just being shot. She can’t thinking straight right now, so following her ‘savior’ was the safest choice even she got the chills that she is also a dangerous creature after what she has saw a moment ago. When reaching the underground parking, she once again was pushed to enter a black sports car. She wanted to ask but the face of her ‘savior’ saying that, she appreciated it if she didn’t ask anything at the mean time. So she keeps silence as much as she could.

      After shoving her target into her car, Wakatsuki quickly started the engine and exited through the back exits of the building; avoid to be caught in public. They need to run from the scene as fast as her sports car could bring them. She noticed that her target wanted to ask something but she jerked her eyes. Not wanting to talk at the moment, neither she has to explain to her or not. She should kill her, remember? In her head, the plan keep emerges from every corner, thinking how she should do her mission after this. That Miyazawa has created so much mess into her perfect plan. She hits the hon several times out of anger unconsciously, forgot that she is not alone in her car.

(A/N: So? Hurm leave comments as it will keep my spirits to update! I can’t wait to enter next part actually ._.
And a note, part of this was taken from MBLAQ MV entitled War, so it’s genuinely not my idea but there is where I got the ideas.


@C: hello C! welcome back, miss your comments already, as always it make me happy!

Why is the Nanamin in your fic always so caring towards Waka? It’s <3

am i? oh i didn't realize this until you mention. Ha ha i don't know, i kinda like the combination between this two. don't you??

I’ll wait for HashiGawa, yay!  :cow:

coming soonnnn~~

@wakasama__: Heyya there, i love your video in youtube, forgive me if i'm too bold to mention it here, or if i'm mistaken that account for someone else however i'm pretty confident it yours, but yeah i love it as much as your kindness for always encourage me here.  :cow:

if true that next waka target is reika then this will be very complicated.
although I bet that waka will not kill her. but if waka couldn't kill reika, then she will die. "kill or to be killed"
argh.. you're so mean author-san :mon whine:

am i? then i'm flattered!  :onionwhip:

so there will be hashigawa pair.. how about maiyan? will there be naachan?

muehehehe (evil laugh) :glasses:

@ミサキ: Thanks for stopping by here! I appreciate your effort ミサキ-san.

yo~ I think I miss 3 chapter :banghead:
even the perfect waka can be a forgetful person too XD
her next target is reika? I think waka is going to protect reika rather than kill her :D
please update soon wakaten-san :)

its okay, will always be opened for everyone to read it here. this is just a little piece of mine anyway.

yeah, no one perfect haaa,

about that, you can guess but yeah.. knowing waka, she  PROBABLY WILL  :mon cigar:
« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 06:39:02 PM by wakaten »

Offline ミサキ

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« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2016, 12:45:14 AM »
as expected from the perfectionist nanamin :mon XD:
you make kazumin as a bad person.. that's surprising... she's a poji-peace after all ... how dare you :mon zoom:

Watching her target escaped together with her rival, Miyazawa cursed under her breath. Regained her sense back, she chased them while pushing through the crowds. Not even once she worried about her face being seen. She just blatantly shot the bullet to whomever block her ways.
she's really something.. :mon duh:

meet 2 people that going after your life in a day... reika is unlucky today :mon noprob:
please update soon my favorite author-san :mon innocent:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #48 on: December 07, 2016, 05:45:24 PM »
chapt 3 :cow:

woah... you watched it? I was deeply moved author-san :mon cute: thank you :wub:

*back to the fic*

you know at first I was happy coz kazuo-kun appeared but it turns out he was nanamin target. and then died. you know If I have nanamin contact I would have sent her to your place at night and do her job :mon impatient:

An unexpected meeting between the two of them. she killed the number one killer of Akihabara in front of reika. I thought my wakarei were in bad position :mon unsure:

btw why reika name is nakamoto reika? who's her father? I'm curious..

please update soon author-san :)

Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2016, 10:10:16 PM »
Lol thanks, I think it’s safe to say I like all combination of Nogi  :yep:
Nanamin in action!  :onionwhip:
Kazumin </3  poor Ami gonna get in trouble for something she didn't do.
Protect the ponkotsu Captain at all cost! But Waka, I’m more afraid what kind of punishment you’ll get for ‘saving’ Reika.
Waka, Nanamin, and Maiyan really should have a meeting and consider taking over the agency after all this mess.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2016, 06:34:48 PM »


      SHE didn’t know what have gotten into her head when she is now trying hard to break a glass doors of a clinic with her other free hand holding to her target supportively. Not to mention that the clinic she broke into is just a small clinic, which makes no sense for her to save her target. But she needs to do it anyway. She glances to her side occasionally, checking her condition, low breathing rate, sweating profusely and pale face with less blood being pumped to her body which only mean, bad thing.

      The clock showing 4 am in the morning and it has been 8 hours since she was shot, the amount of blood she had lost are quite massive as well until her face almost turn white and she could only depend on her as support. But to Wakatsuki, she could leave her untreated but she didn’t. So that is why she drove her car 8 hours long until they reached to some remote area just to feel safe without no one tailing them. Don’t even realized the sun almost arise a new day.

      Nakamoto Reika’s breath rates are much slower than before, but her grips on the unknown girl to her stays tight like it was the only thing keep her alive. She watched her ‘savior’ act of breaking the glass door desperately. She wanted to stop her from doing unethically thing once again but at this moment she also desperately tries to survive on her own. Though sometime she wants to beg to her, ‘just bring her to a proper hospital’. But she just couldn’t, she didn’t have any energy left. She looks up to her savior’s face, she still has mask covering her identity but that is not what she wanted to care. Deep there in her heart, she feels something touch her heart, how she didn’t care at all when her hands bleeding so much from breaking those glasses, how she actually looks tensed up by looking at her condition. And whoever this person is, she is purely care about her. She smiles weakly upon her own thinking.

       Using the little energy she has, Nakamoto Reika grab the hand of her savior, stopping her from breaking glasses. “That’s enough.” She said weakly. That was the first sentence she ever spoken since last 8 hours too.

      Flustered by the words, Wakatsuki looks down to her side unbelievably. What she actually thinking? Just when she wanted to continue breaking the glasses, she heard another words from her.

      “That’s enough. Stop hurting yourself. I’m dying anyway.” Though she was not in right position to say so, she still could smile. Because at this moments, she could feel she will die anytime, soon. Her views almost blacked out completely since five minutes ago. Hurting herself just to save her is not worth anything.

      Seeing her target almost lost her sense of living, she ignoring the words and keep breaking the glass. Because to Wakatsuki, she can’t accept the fact that her target will die from someone else bullet. So, if her target was thinking that she hurting herself just to saves her, she is totally wrong. In her mind right now, she could only think a plan of how to kill her in proper way. Her target is like her trophy, her prides couldn’t afford it when her target was once was tainted by someone else.

      That is what she was doing right now, not try to save her life even if it seems so. She wants her to heal first before she could kill her like she always did to her other targets. She wanted to have a slightest of enjoyment killing her target and get her prize proudly. Though she knows, what her target is thinking are reversely, yet she didn’t mind to correct her anyway. She didn’t have to know that, what she thought as her savior is actually person who will end her life, any sooner. Then, Wakatsuki choose to keep quite.

      “What are you doing?!”

      Another voice from behind stop her action, just at the same time when her target finally flopped to ground helplessly as her grip on her shirt also loosening. She looks at her target back and forth with the girl who interrupted her job just now. Ignoring her target, she quickly took out her Beretta from her back and aiming it towards the interrupter. The girl withdrew few steps while hold up her hand above her head, showing her mean no harm.

      Wakatsuki moves forward to the girl, still has gun pointed towards her. She stops until she has a better view of her. Just a girl with 165cm height, has two moles on the corner of her lips one below and one above. She scanned her up and down until she was sure the girl means no harm to her.

      “Who are you?” She asked with a growl.

      “I’m Fukagawa Mai.” She answers, stuttered.

      Wakatsuki tilts her head, demanding more explanation. “And?”

      “I live next door, and saw your car come into my clinic.” She explained more, eyeing her small house not too far from her own clinic which reasons why she could reach her fast. Her eyes eyed on the shattered glass door of her pet clinic which she caught suspicious girl break into her clinic moments ago. That is when she caught a figurine laying on the ground. She looks sick. She runs to the body, disregard about the gun pointed to her.

      “Stops there!” Wakatsuki warned harshly. The girl named Fukagawa Mai stops abruptly before she could reach to the body. Wakatsuki takes the chance to move forward until the mouth of her gun touching the back of the girl’s head. “What are you doing?” Her voice sounds pressured.

      “She is sick. She needs to be treated.” Her voice vibrates in terror as she could feel the cold sensation from her head. There was momentarily silence and she continues. “I’m the doctor. I can treat her, if that is what you want to do.” She closed her eyes, silently praying for herself.

      “Then, open the door first.”

      Fukagawa Mai nods two three times, furiously as she scared to death of what might come to her if she objects the order. As she moves to the door, the gun also following her, stick to her head loyally. She catch a glimpse of girl on the floor in front of shock. Her eyes widen in terror. She is dying, is what she could conclude in a sentence.

      “Quick.” Wakatsuki urged the girl to be faster. She tried to stay composed as she grabs her target body from the floor and at the same time pointing the gun toward the girl’s head until they finally fully enter the clinic, a small old clinic to be exact. Carefully, she laid her target body on a worn sofa. 

      “And what could you do?” She asked in curious tone. She stills have the gun on her hand, but no longer pointed to the girl’s head.

      “Are you questioning me right now?” Fukagawa Mai suddenly enraged by the question, left Wakatsuki with quizzical looks. “I’m the doctor here. I’m the one who will save your friend here. It is my responsibility to do my best, and it is your responsibility to stay silent.” As she said that, she is actually gambling with her life. The girl in front of her, who knows what she  is actually capable of doing but she has the upper hand now with her skills in needed in this situation even the condition says otherwise when the gun in now pointing back at her face fearlessly. Fukagawa Mai gasped in terror but in few seconds, she gained her courage again.

      They stay in that situation for few minutes, Wakatsuki silently scanning the person in front of her.    Her brows upraised, astonished by the words of bravery just now. But then, she lowered her gun, allowing her to examine her target while her eyes still follow every move she made.

      Fukagawa Mai, even she is now in dead or live situation, she stays focus in her job anyway. Thoroughly, she examined her patient. She cleans the cut with some liquid Wakatsuki believed to be some alcohol. Again, Fukagawa Mai’s eyes widen as she found that the cut is caused by a bullet. She shots other girl some surprised looks but she got nothing as answer.

      “Your friend has lost lot of blood. She needs more blood, or not she won’t make it.” She summarized after some minutes of examination. “What type of blood she is?” She asked but again received no answer. She glared to the armed girl, demanding an answer.

      “Huh? How should I know?” Wakatsuki retorted she didn’t expect that fierce expression.

      “How can you don’t know your friend blood type?” She growled and her hands already on her hip as she furiously glared to other girl. She then sighs heavily. “Nothing worth ask you this.” She mumbles under her breath before she drew out blood from her patient, doing some simple blood test. “Type A huh?” She takes a moment of thinking before facing back the other girl.

      “As you know, this is just a small clinic. I don’t have blood supply here. So, either you go to the hospital in the town, get a blood or she died here.” She gives the choice in threatening tone. Her foot tapped to the floor, waiting for an answer impatiently. Someone would say she is brave to talk to someone with gun like that, but no one knows what actually runs inside her head right now. She must be crazy enough to act like this. 

      Wakatsuki stays silent; her face is unreadable as her eyes meeting the fierce glare from someone who supposed to afraid of her. This girl is absolutely something else, she thinks. “No need. My blood type is O. She could have my blood then.” She said nonchalantly as she tucked back the gun into its case as she passed the girl to walk to her target.

      Fukagawa Mai’s mouth agape at what she actually heard. Well, she didn’t see that answer coming from girl with weapon and killer face like her. Anyway, she smiles serenely. “So you do have some heart huh.”

      ‘Yeah, if that what it takes to make her alive so I could kill her later.’ Wakatsuki answers inwardly and takes seat beside her target. She glance to her side for a second, scanning her condition silently. And she could trust the ‘something else’ doctor right? She thinks but actually, she already bet her life and future when she said she would donate her blood a while ago which given the doctor so much chances to run away later. But she didn’t want to think some other option if this is what it takes to make her target alive so she could kill her later. Call her stupid, call her dumb or what so ever, but that is how she values her pride so much.

      In the same time, Fukagawa Mai is attaching some wires on both girls arm and connecting it with some machine that seems old. For some reason, Wakatsuki doubted her abilities doing some blood transfusion using old machine that barely working. Like she could read her mind, Fukagawa Mai shot her another fierce looks that shut off her thinking right away.

      After makings sure the wires connected into the right veins and artery of two people, she switched on the old machine and produce some loud sounds before it then sucking out blood from Wakatsuki’s right hand into her target left hand. Fukagawa Mai dusted of her hand proudly; proud that the machine that she was once thinking of throwing out, finally contributing something after a long time.

      Then she moved towards the wounded girl. She cuts the wound with scalpel, flow another bottle of ethanol on the wound along the way. Fifteen minutes later, a bullet was pulled out and she throws it on a metal petri dish. A moment after that, she already starts stitching on the wound. Not even once she seems afraid of what she may face later, or she actually didn’t want to think about it at the moment. 

      While to Wakatsuki, not even a second she averts her eyes from the doctor, even there is a time she amazed by her job, for not created more injuries and cleanly finishes her job. Deep there, she actually wants to clap for her but in what earth would an assassin doing that anyway?

      “Don’t you feel stuffy with the mask on? You could take it off. It is just me. If I need to call police, I could do that sometimes ago. You could trust me, or you could kill me later.” She said nonchalantly as she cleaning the wound on her patient. As soon she finishes the sentence, she could feel some eyes like dagger stab her back. But she means all of her words even it gamble with her life.

      One two times, Wakatsuki blankly stared at the girl with long black hair. Like she tries to read her true intention saying that, but half of her mind actually believes with the words because she could kill her later too. With a long sigh, she unmasked her own face. And honestly, she felt relieved because she never ever has her masked for eight hours long.


      MAIYAN is watching tv when someone open the main door and slammed it harshly. She didn’t have to make sure it twice just to know Nanamin is finally home from her assignment after a week off. She eyed to the clock on the wall, 11 pm and then she eyeing her fellow friend stomped in with her usual black wears with some blood on her face. She must get that during her mission before.
      Nanamin walked to the dining table, her face shows no emotion, her eyes is like a black hole that could suck everything into it. She takes out her gun, checking the bullets in the magazine, she stills have a few left.

      Looking at the emotionless act of Nanamin, Maiyan quickly run to her and hug Nanamin from behind. She snatched the gun and detached the components into several parts before throwing it on the table. The instrument that once has ability to end one’s life is now helplessly spread on the table.

      “Shuushhh Nanamin, it’s okay.” Maiyan brushed off Nanamin’s back softly. “You’re just doing your job. It is alright.. Just don’t kill yourself.” Again, she whispered the words of persuasion into Nanamin’s ear. And like usual she received no answer except a soft cry that barely escaped from Nanamin’s small mouth. And she is not even once look astonished by Nanamin who usually stay calm with no emotion but now she is nobody but a sinner. Maiyan, she has used to it.

      For few minutes, they stand just like that, with Maiyan hugs Nanamin from behind and the girl just cry with no tears fall from her emotionless eyes. Maiyan would hug Nanamin until she no longer heard of her cries and the body would stop from shivering.

      Who knows, behind the perfect killer of Nanamin, stands a very fragile girl that could cry. And who know, every each of her kills, she actually feeling guilty and hatred of herself. And who know that, she has growing up with the feeling more than 10 years in her 25 years old life.

      “Come, let me bathe you, clean you from this filthy blood on your face.” Maiyan’s whisper is like a magic that Nanamin never bother by it and gives some nod. Maiyan then grabs Nanamin’s hand, pulled her into the bathroom. Like a mom would care for her small baby, that is how she cares for Nanamin that looks nothing more like a baby whom need to be caressed by her mom.

      Slowly, she took off Nanamin’s shirts that stained by some blood and throw it under flow water. She sat her down into bath tub with warm water and showered her with hot water. She lovingly cleaned every blood stain on Nanamin’s face until it completely disappeared from her eyes. 15 years knowing the perfect assassin named Nanamin, she knows it really well that Nanamin actually hates seeing blood or what would remind her that she actually doing a devil’s job.

      Nanamin might be the assassin doing her job perfectly, but she also a girl with humane feelings. That she actually hates of seeing bloods that would only remind her, she killed someone with her own hands. Bloods, supposed to be her friends, assassin’s friend, as they see it daily, but to Nanamin’s she couldn’t slept with the blood stained on her body. She felt dirty until every time of her kills, she also wants to kill herself. Cut her ties with this world. But every of her trials were stopped. 

      Ashamed to admit, they both experienced the same thing. How it actually very painful for them to keep their life like nothing had happen, like they ever takes someone’s life with her own hand. Couldn’t sleep for days after the kill, even cannot swallowed food, even can’t see blood from the meat, and so they didn’t eat meat. They don’t eat meat because what they can see is only the fear that once wore on their target’s face. Both girls know themselves well, at times where Nanamin accomplished her mission, Maiyan would wait her home patiently even it takes day. Just to care for her, just to stop her from killing herself with remaining bullets, to persuade her that it was nothing, that she could go through this over and over again, that she need to keep living for each other. Even most of it is nothing but lies, she can’t live with it, and she can’t go through it, no matter how many times she was told that killing don’t stop everything, still she felt like killing herself. Because, that is the least she could do to appreciate the other effort of keeping her alive. How Maiyan would care for Nanamin, that is how Nanamin would do to her too. Shamelessly putting another lies to another which both of them knew it well but keep on believing it.

      After hours in bathroom, making sure no more proof of bad job, she drying the helpless Nanamin with white towel, and again has to pull her out from the bathroom into her room. She dried Nanamin’s short hair before dressed her with new cozy clothes. She seat her in front of big mirror, combed her hair into perfect unbalanced cut.

      “Look at yourself Nanamin-chan, you’re clean.” She patted Nanamin’s shoulder two times, forcing her to look at her very own reflection on the mirror. Maiyan’s lips cut into perfect beautiful smiles, assuring her fellow friend that her words are right. Though her eyes are blankly staring at her own unfazed emotion, she has used to the lies till it become nothing for her to utter the same sentence over again.

      Nanamin, again has no willing of protesting Maiyan’s words and look at herself in the mirror. She has white shirts on her body, no more terrifying blood. She is no longer dirty, she is clean. The blood is just her bad dream. As her eyes meeting with Maiyan’s clear brown orbs in the mirror, she replies the smiles with some nods.

      “Please, don’t ever thinking of killing yourself ever again.” Her voice trembled as she can never think of the facts that after every Nanamin’s success kill, she always thought of killing herself. She can never able to imagine that, if she wasn’t there to stop her from killing herself and she would left alone in this cruel dirty world. And every unsuccessful attempt of killing themselves filled by the fact that, if she killed herself, no one would able to stop the other from suicidal in the next time. How irony it is that, an assassin actually afraid of dying because the other would die after her.

      “I won’t Maiyan. I won’t leave you alone.” Like she knows what exactly the older girl is thinking, she grabs Maiyans’s hands on her shoulder, brought it into her own warmth chest and tighten Maiyan’s hug in the process. “We will be together until forever right.”

      “Yeah.” And she closed her eyes, enjoying some shorts lovely moments with Nanamin before some loud ringing disturbed both of them. Their eyes met, exchanging with the same thought. Who would call them in the middle of night using their home numbers? The phone is just for decoration, it never ringing since they ever lived in this apartment.

      Still, Maiyan walked to the phone outside of her room. Nanamin followed behind her but sits on the sofa on her way and turned on the television. Carefully, Maiyan picked up the call, her instinct telling her something not nice. So she keep silence as she put the object on her ears.

      “Moshi mosh. Nanamin, Maiyan?” Manatsu.

      “Yes, what is wrong Manattan?” Her brows furrowed furiously as her ears caught Manatsu’s trembled voice, she sounds so desperately in trouble.

      “Did you watch the current news?” Manatsu’s loud voice sometimes fumbled as she wants to delivere it as fast as she can to Maiyan.

      “I guess we are.” Maiyan lowered her voice as her eyes glanced towards Nanamin’s stiff body on the sofa with her eyes glued on the current news. She barely heard the news but her eyes seeing the sight clearly. From her spots, she saw some crowds running wildly and the video which she guesses was recorded by some witness on the scene shakes furiously.

      “What actually has happen?” She asked, finally curious with the linked between the news and sudden call she get from Manatsu. That is not her job to remind them just to watch news in the midnight.
      “Wakatsuki was in the news.”

      With the answer, Maiyan’s eyes widen in shock. She glanced at Nanamin once again; no wonder why she awkwardly stiffens on the sofa. “Arigatou ne Manattan” She dumped the phone on its place and runs toward Nanamin. She snatched the remote from Nanamin’s hand and switched off the news immediately.

      “There is nothing on the news Nanamin.”

      “That’s clearly something on the news.” Nanamin stands up, facing Maiyan with her red angry eyes. “Wakatsuki on it.” She said, although she knows Maiyan probably knew about it already. “Just give me the damn remote Maiyan!” She screamed, shocking Maiyan who before desperately trying to hide the object behind her back.

      “You’re not stable yet Nanamin, I don’t want you to be disturbed by it.” For some reasons, Maiyan have tears on her eyes, waiting to fall any seconds.

      “I know, but we have to know about it. She hasn’t come home for weeks now, right?” Nanamin’s voice softens as she saw tears on Maiyan’s face. And Maiyan, reminded by the fact, get soften. “Come, let’s watch it together Maiyan.” She pledged, pulling Maiyan closer and grab the remote from her hand. She then quickly switched on the television again.

      Maiyan, despite she is actually hurt by the shouts earlier, sits beside Nanamin and silently listen to the news and what she can conclude is, Wakatsuki is in real trouble.

      From the news, of course someone cannot tell who actually the masked girl, but for them, it was too obvious. And what shocking them more, every act of her was recorded by some passerby mobile phone. The event actually was started by Miyazawa Sae the very popular number one killer of their rival, then Wakatsuki ‘saving’ some girl from being shot. The video then went blurry but then was ended by the scene of Wakatsuki shot Miyazawa with her gun and run away.

      For reason that no one would recognize Wakatsuki’s face, they are relieved but the fact that she is now wanted by National police is something needs to be worried. Not to mention she was accused with the crimes of killing and kidnaping the heir of Nakamoto’s group, though the accusation much lighter than what it supposed to be.

      Maiyan look at her left, Nanamin showing no emotions and blankly stared at the television that now changed into some another useless midnight shows with low ratings. She hardly can tell what the younger girl is thinking, she does care for Wakatsuki but Nanamin is different than her.

      “Nanamin..” She called, cautiously shakes her body, awaken her from deep thinking just to hear some unexpected sentence.

      “I’m not in the news. They should show the news about my kills instead of this nonsense.” Nanamin turn to her right, meeting Maiyan unbelievable expression. It takes Maiyan some moments to realize what she actually talking about. Nanamin’s successful kills would always end on news with some titles ‘Another Strike from The Black.’ But now it’s not. So Maiyan could only making an O shape with her mouth then smiles sheepishly.

      “Give others more chances to appear on the news please Nanamin.” She laughed at her own jokes before stand up and walks to her room.

      “Can I sleep with you tonight?” Nanamin voice stopping the other girl from missing into her room. She turns around, read some unreadable expression on Nanamin’s face before give a small nod.

      “Come.” She smiles looking at Nanamin childishly walk to her. What more can she do for her very dearest friend when she is actually still didn’t heal from her own wound today and then was added with some worrisome news about their another one-third in wanted list. She also worried about that and having Nanamin as her company tonight would be helpful.

(A/N: Sorry i take time to update. thanks for reading and don't forget to drop your comments as it will keep my spirit high!!)


@ミサキ: i'm sorry, but i had too.. but in my story, someone need to die too and will die..  :ptam-shy:

thanks for reading and always give supports.  :luvluv1:

@wakasama__: YES i watched it and i'm happy for it, my guess is right!!!  :wigglypanda:

like i said... someone has to die in my every fic and will die... hahha sorry for that..  :on cloudeye:

are you playing 'what if' with me? she is my character, don't you dare to contact nanamin to kill me. if i'm dead, she is dead tooo  :on comhere:
just kidding!
your curiousity is my favorite. well stay tuned to know more..

thanks for always comments and giving me support..  :k-inlove:

@pretend_2besome1: hahaha your idea are nice.. will think of that..

and you change your profile! i love that... and nogibingo last episode was something precious but it will be a treasure if Manatsu change place with Reika, waka should hug reika instead..  :tantrum:
thanks for always dropping comments and supports me.  :on cny1:

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« Reply #51 on: December 18, 2016, 05:15:51 AM »
thank you for the update!!  :cow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

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« Reply #52 on: December 23, 2016, 11:42:21 AM »
chapt 4 :deco:

hei you made waka become a bad person :mon headbang: but I'm a little like it :roll:

maiyan~~ I also want to be pampered by her :mon inluv:

don't be worried nanamin. no longer maimai will come to you. But why nanamin wants the public to know about her skill to killing? I thought she hates to killing :?

please keep update author-san :)

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« Reply #53 on: January 01, 2017, 02:43:53 PM »
Keep telling yourself that excuse Waka, it’s in your instinct wanting to save Reika. You cannot deny the force of gayness lol
MaiMaiiii! I miss her so much in Nogi  :mon cry:
Waka careful, you’re pointing your gun on Nanamin’s potential future girlfriend/wife. Don’t mess with the holy mother, karma’s gonna get you  XD
All those NanaminxMaiyan moments  :deco:

I don’t think the management and WakaRei themselves will allow anything WakaRei to be real on TV (maybe Reika because she just can't help herself). They’re working so hard to make people think they’re just “friends” after all.
Yup, I ship many pairs in Nogi. Plus, WakaRei, HashiGawa and NanaMai are already popular, so I’m using the TakaSemaru sig since they’re actually one of my favs too.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2017, 07:21:51 AM »


      BRIEFLY after the news of shooting event managed to make into headlines, the whole Japan turned into complete chaos. Nakamoto Group give their best to retain their soon-to be president girl back safe and sound. They got the best police in the country to work on their case, the best private investigator to investigate her abduction, but none of that produce desired result.

      They got no trace of where their soon-to-be president missing with masked person in black. The last proof they got is only when Reika was dragged forcefully with severe injury into basement of some building. They suspect them to be on the run from the back exit, but unfortunately the CCTV on that building was no longer in good maintenance. Reika was suspected to be kidnapped by unknown side who might want her to be dead based on what it was shown on the news or probably will used her to get what they want. 

      So, as the whole Japan went into obvious chaos, Nakamoto mansion was not much better. The whole mansion turns into a complete mess. Maids are pressured of serving their depressed employer upon the missing of important girl. But it not ended there; all workers also had to undergo some interrogation from the police and investigator with question that have no ending since last night. They never stop from come in for some interrogation with all the residence, search for small hint or probability that the mastermind could be one from them. But most of them just shake their head and some of them even crying. It makes the situation worse and harder for them to continue the investigation.

      The residence of Nakamoto’s mansions really can’t stay put, most of them are worried and talked many motives behind her abduction. Moreover, she will be officially declared as president of Nakamoto Group in two weeks away. That might be the biggest reason why she was targeted by some people with envy. She was kind, they said. Pity her that people’s greed and jealousy make her into some innocent victim. The wild discussion among the workers of Nakamoto residence seems unstoppable, all of them are purely worry for kind Nakamoto Reika, and they praised her from every corner. And all of the talks always ended by their holy pray that the young girl will be found sooner. They hope so.

      It was more chaos on the outside of the mansion. The journalists and reporter from every agency and television channels are desperate for some news from inside. Yet, the tall and sturdy gate never open for them, it will be too much headache if they let them in.

      In a big room that can be compared with normal house living room but clearly it was a main bedroom, there are five people was seem in deep thinking mode. Nakamoto Suzuki, the old man lying weakly on his bed keeps on blaming an old driver who supposed to fetch Reika from her workplace last evening, but for some reason, he was late. Both man probably in their same age.

      As much as he was blamed by his master, John also never stopped from apologized. Even if his master didn’t blame him for his mistakes, he already felt a strong guilt in his stomach upon what happen to his young mistress. If he came early as usual, this entire thing would not happen to her. So he keeps on bowing whilst utter words of sorry repetitively. He has served for Nakamoto family like for the rest of his life, this is might be his biggest mistakes ever and it cost another life to be forgiven.

      While a male caretaker who supposed to stop the old man from wasting his little energy also seems helpless doing so. How can he stop Nakamoto Suzuki from worrying about his own niece who supposed to be his next heir of Nakamoto Group? So, he just standing beside Nakamoto Suzuki but keep alerts from all probability he will face from the old man’s ignorance. This will be the last time, he thought.

      Away from the conversation of two men, the only girl in the room, Nakamoto Himeka seems like into her own deep thinking phase too. Like everyone else, she was worried about her older sister whereabouts. But she is not the person with ability and power to take action. She silently sips a cold tea served by their maid hours ago. But as silent as her sipping, she occasionally steals a glance towards a man stand beside the farthest window in the room. Her sympathy is solely for Ikuo, fiancé of her older sister. He is the one who talk the less since the news appeared on the television. In her eyes, Ikuo looks broken with some bandage on his fist; he smashed the walls once he heard of the news last night. He was totally enraged by it. 

      Unrealized with all the observation from girl with long hair sitting on the sofa away from him, he was only playing with silver rings on his ring finger. He was spacing out to where his fiancé might be. ‘Reika, where are you.’ He mumbled between his short heavy breaths. He needs to do something, he thinks as he paid a look at the corner of his eyes. Those people are not really taking action actually. He sighed when his ears again caught repetitive complaints by the old man. They only know how to blame each other.

      Ikuo stepped closer to them who have never-ending complaints that almost sound like they are quarreling. Aware by the tall man with black suits, Nakamoto Himeka watched him with pure curiosity. Wonder what he was going to do. His next sentence makes her lips twisted unconscious hideous smile which she not supposed to do.

      “Are you stupid?” The harsh curse by young man left a sudden agape from every man in that room. Ikuo hissed in annoyance. He didn’t care what punishment old man will give to him later. It is not his concern now. “We have to take action. Not pointing fingers toward each other.” He hides his nervousness by slipped his hand into pockets.

      The awkward silence fall in the room as the young man look into everyone’s eyes; like he was asking either his words right or wrong. And everyone just lowered down their gaze in acceptance, including the powerful Nakamoto Suzuki. Himeka can’t help herself from smirking; it is like watching a kitten scared of its owner.

      “It’s okay John, this is not your mistakes. Whoever planning on taking Reika, probably has it planned long time ago. It was our mistakes for not care for her tighter.” Ikuo rubbed his temple. His tones now were much calmer than before as Nakamoto Suzuki didn’t yell at him like he was expecting.

      “It depends on us how to handle this problem. Reika need to be here before the day she will be declared as official heir of Nakamoto group.” He was thinking to himself but it pouring louder without he realize.

      “So what are your suggestions?” Before Nakamoto Suzuki spoke the same question, Himeka is much faster. Her curiosity is higher than everyone in the room. She also now has serious expression.

      “Everything we could do.” Ikuo said, his emotionless eyes looking straight at the younger girl.

      “Yeah, everything it would take to return Reika to us again.” Nakamoto Suzuki agreed, giving absolute nod for the young man decision. “You do whatever it takes to bring her back.” Nakamoto Suzuki much more relaxed now as he can trust the young man words.

      “Yeah, we will pay 100 million dollar to anyone can bring her back to us. ALIVE.” Ikuo gaze harden as he spokes to the policeman through his cellphone. He conveyed his silent solid thought to everyone present in the room.

      They just finished the discussion of how to get her back to them, because whoever aiming for the top of Nakamoto Group are actually aiming for great prize in return. Because no matter how hard people try to deny, money has power, it could buy lives. On the side of the room, Nakamoto Himeka clasped her hand together; wishing for nothing will go wrong in their plan. She exchanged concern looks with the man in front of him.


      Akimoto sensei created a crooked smile as he saw the headline of the news this morning. ‘100 million dollar in return.’

      “So they tried to negotiate huh?” He commented and ended with cold laugh; as it was some joke made for him to laugh. But when the news suddenly changes into the last night news of shooting event, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

      “What you want me to do.” After some moments watching the man with deep scar on his chin, Nanamin asked. She can’t help but twitched her brows in curiosity. How strange it is for him to meet her personally. And she can smell it was not for good thing.

      “Ahh the No.2!” Almost forget that he was not alone, Akimoto sensei straightening his back on the chair. He scanned the tall girl with eyes glistening in amusement, his face show that he was thinking hard inside.

      “You will always be my favorite girl.” He exclaimed, his finger tapping on the glass cover of his desk. “But the friend of yours which both of us know who..” He glared back at the television, Nanamin followed his vision. “She has created so much trouble for us, me.” His sentence hung in the air.

      “I’m sorry sensei.” Nanamin looked down before met his eyes again in determination. “But I’m sure she will finish her work soon. She will be back.”

      “If she was thinking to end her mission, she will end it last night.” His tone almost turns into a terrifying whisper. He pointed to the news that still playing last night shooting scene. He was proud she killed the girl whom supposed to be her rival, but for sure he is not happy watching her run away with her target. She could end it right away.

      “I’m sure she has her own way.” Nanamin reasoning, her eyes not falter an inch, she have watched enough news last night, until she can’t closed her eyes and just cling into Maiyan like a baby, worried where their little sister went missing. And of course, she can’t show the crazy waves inside her, it will make things worse, Akimoto sensei will not like it.

      “You know, I don’t tolerate failure.” He stopped, cooling down the anger before he could burst. Nanamin stay frost. “I totally hate failure.” He ignite his cigar, put between his lips and inhale on it. He exhaled a cloud of smoke to the girl face. If he not doing so, he probably can see she flinched a little bit.

      “She will finish it by today.” She said, confidently but much likely was her own assumption. It is just last night since it happen. 

      “I want you to finish it for her.” He said, leant forward to meet in eyes with the girl. Her eyes showed some hesitation. 

      “But.” She quickly refused. That is when she felt a strong pricking pain on her cheeks and her head forcefully turning to the side. 

      He just slapped her.

      For a moment, heavy air weighed their environment. Nanamin has come straight to her sense thanks to the sudden strong slap she received. She licked the corner of her lips and could taste blood dripping from it. Yet, her eyes stay cold.

      “Don’t cut my speech.” He tensed but recollected himself from his previous outrage. Nanamin waited silently for his next move.

      “The pay has increased. 150 million dollar. They wanted her to be terminated within this week.” He said, calmer than before. “Money could buy lives but money also can buy death.” He said to no one in particular. “This is what money could do to human.” He laughed dryly.

      The tense air in the room had unnaturally grown thicker as no one speaks; it was something Nanamin would hate the most when she was with the man. She could feel there is something unresolved within him, something that made her unsettled feeling in her twisted stomach.

      “And I’ve learnt that you grow some attachment with the number 1 girl.” He said, his hoarse voice sent some tremor to Nanamin’s nerve, she almost screamed if not because she still biting her lips. 

      Nanamin silently clenched her fist, dislike where this talk will go. “She was just a small apprentice of mine.” She denied in calm manner, trying hard not to expose the waves inside.

      “You know our rules.” He paused, checking the girl emotion. Cold, he smirked. “She failed her mission, and has put us into such danger.” The sentence hung in the air. He heaves a short silent breath before turned his chair from the girl. “Kill or to be killed.”

      Nanamin feel like the heavy stone was thrown at her; too heavy until her head almost break. As much as she wanted to deny, she can’t help but to agree; public was never a good choice to make a scene. And Wakatsuki, unfortunately was involved in it, though she can tell that, it is not her original plan. She was there at the wrong timing. But like it or not, it will also give them so much trouble, the enforcer will investigate this thing till they found an answer, not to mention that they are messing with the side that have stronger power than they are, Nakamoto Group would not stay silent until they make things clear on their side, buy the law, push the enforcer just to search for the answer..

      They can’t bear the risk if she was caught, it will affecting the whole organization with all the secrets in her head.. unless,
      “I want you to discard her nicely.”

      There was a deep hollow silent in the room.

      Nanamin’s expression didn’t show like she was surprised by it anymore, she could tell this is coming. But what she doesn’t expect is she is the one who was given the task. This is where the rules take place. ‘Kill or to be killed.’ Once you failed, paid it with your own lives.

      “Any objection?” He is not asking but challenging.

      “No. I will finish the task and discard the number 1 like you’ve asked.” She gritted her jaw and eyes penetrating the news that seems can’t stop from reviewing the same video over and over again. Her gazes hardened as it fall into the familiar figure; somehow she felt a slight annoyance slipped into her dark heart. 

      “Are you sure you can finish her? You lost the rank to her.”

      Nanamin felt like acid was splashed to her face, make it burning like crazy. She gritted her jaw. “I haven’t showed her my killer face. She soon will taste my bullet.”

      “Good. You will forever be my favorite girl.” He said before lightly waved his hand, signaling of no more talk and she shall disappear from his sight.

      Nanamin bow slightly before finally left from the room.

(A/N: As I typing this, I still haven’t decided on who should be the fiancé, I was thinking putting Misa senpai but at the same time I wanted to put Ikuchan. So, I just went with second choice. GOMENASAI… :bow: :bow:
Tell me your opinion guys  it will help keeping my spirit high!  :cow:Thanks for reading. :deco:


ミサキ: Haip, thank you for reading and commenting, again.. here the update.  :cow:


hei you made waka become a bad person :mon headbang: but I'm a little like it :roll:

oh i see, you're such sadistic person   :glasses:

maiyan~~ I also want to be pampered by her :mon inluv:

me tooo  :hee: even while i'm writing that scene, my heart scream for them

don't be worried nanamin. no longer maimai will come to you. But why nanamin wants the public to know about her skill to killing? I thought she hates to killing :?

please keep update author-san :)

How do you know Nanamin would come to Maimai?  :grr:
well, i think there will be answer soon to why Nanamin want her kill to be on the news. Stay tuned dude!  :deco:
haip, thanks for always commenting my dear reader.

C: Loll, that was something..
yes, I miss Maimai too, she is indeed Holy mother in Nogi.  :fainted:

Waka careful, you’re pointing your gun on Nanamin’s potential future girlfriend/wife. Don’t mess with the holy mother, karma’s gonna get you  XD
All those NanaminxMaiyan moments  :deco:

yeah, soon karma will get at her huhhh  :mon impatient:
yayy! i wanna write Nanamin scene as many as i can get before she grad and i'm gonna miss her like crazy.  :on cloudeye:

I don’t think the management and WakaRei themselves will allow anything WakaRei to be real on TV (maybe Reika because she just can't help herself). They’re working so hard to make people think they’re just “friends” after all.
Yup, I ship many pairs in Nogi. Plus, WakaRei, HashiGawa and NanaMai are already popular, so I’m using the TakaSemaru sig since they’re actually one of my favs too.

Yeah... too sad about that management, but at least please make a duet song for WakaRei. could they?
I think Waka is too cold to her all this time, my imagination  :k-crazy:
yeah, Nogi girls has too many shippable pair even myself can't decide on that,
thanks for always commenting  :deco:


Offline pretend_2besome1

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« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2017, 04:52:28 AM »
Yay, there’s Himetan! I was wondering if she’ll show up because Reika is using the Nakamoto name.
There’s always Ikuo with Reika in your fic, huh? I almost wanted to say “That poor guy who never gets the girl.”  :P
Nanamin don’t do it. You’re already feeling awful killing someone you didn’t know, if you hurt Waka, I’m worried you will not survive it. Just choose Waka and kill the Akimoto guy instead!

I doubt they’ll make a WakaRei duet song, but we can hope and pray for one. A WakaRei photo book will be great too.
Waka is kinda cold on-screen I suppose, still wanting to get away from that lesbian image I suppose when it’s with Reika  :smhid

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2017, 03:33:51 AM »
an update :cow:

well my heart said that hashigawa will be paired. but If maimai shows up only to die.. how can you kill holy mother? :mon suspect:

the best assassin in nogikillers will fight (again). I bet that waka will protect reika.

I'm really waiting for this! please update soon author-san

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« Reply #57 on: January 19, 2017, 04:24:34 PM »


      NANAMIN sat in her car doing nothing. She leant back to the seat as the rays from the sunset hurting her eyes and heaved a short breath. She hasn’t been here for long time, to the same river that changed her live. She looks straight to the river which reflecting orange color from the sun. It is beautiful, but it couldn’t heal her wound. The past still haunting her, still fresh in her mind, eating her brain nerves inside.

      Asuka. The name echoed through her mind. Asuka, her beloved younger sister. She closed her eyes, try to hold back the memories from coming out and hurt her once again. But she just couldn’t. She opened her eyelids, still looking straight and can see the back view of two people, sitting side by side on a wooden bench.


       “Nanamin.” Asuka asked after spent long silent with her sister. She didn’t look up to her, knowing it Nanamin too wouldn’t do so. So they just look at distance.

      “Hurm..?” Nanamin answered shortly after that while her hand unknowingly squeezing Asuka’s small hand, didn’t know either for her sister comfort or for her own. And she felt Asuka squeezed back, like she knew what actually going in her head.

      Today was not the usual day they would spend on usual spot. If usually they would sit there while playing with the water, feed on the birds, try to fly together with them, today was an exception.

      “What will happen after this?” Asuka’s question caught her attention.

      Nanamin looked at her side, shocked was displayed on her face for short moment. She was surprised at how Asuka could ask her such question in calm tone, but actually she was more surprised at her thinking, how kid at 5 years old can have same thinking like her? They are just 5 years apart. 

      “What will happen to us? Mom and dad, died. We got no home, no money, and I’m hungry Nanamin..” With her last words, Asuka hugged her sister from the side, like her stomach knew what to do, it grumbled loudly.

      Again, Asuka left her flustered. She didn’t know her sister could think that far. How much time she wasted at school instead of watching Asuka grew up? She kept silent. Asuka is true; their parents had died, literally two days ago. She still remembered it clearly, as she got home from school. She heard Asuka sobbing from inside. When she entered, her parent already dead, they were suicide by hang themselves to the ceiling. The worst part is they let Asuka watch they died from below, crying hard. That poor little kid knew nothing.

      The case was closed like that; their parent’s body was brought to the hospital for further investigation – they said. Police also doing their job; search the motives behind the suicide. But no matter how many times she asked, they don’t give the answer. And nobody care for them too. It is like, their parents dead doesn’t matter to them while it was vice versa. Or perhaps, they didn’t want them to know and it most likely.

      She never gave up and knew about it from the news at one shop which they incidentally passed by. It’s true, their parents attempted suicide, due to burden of having huge debt with black market but they left their daughter behind. ‘They should kill us too.’ Her inner voice said as she hugged Asuka close to her. 

      “It’s okay Asuka. We’ll still be toget.” It was then; their moment was disrupted by some harsh voice. They looked back, shocked at the men with scary face come closer to them. Nanamin managed to grab Asuka to her side.

      “Here they are the daughters of Hashimoto.” The bald man said. He has rings on his nose and ears, and scar slashed at one side of his eyes. He is the scariest among them. Nanamin withdrew, Asuka now behind her.

      “What do you want?” She stuttered, felt intimidated by their scary looks and gun on their side. They laughed.

      “Good that you asked.” The same man said. He exchanged look with his friends. “We need you to pay your parent’s debt. Can you?” For some reasons, they all laughed. “Maybe with your body?” He grinned devilishly as his eyes trailed off Nanamin’s body up and down. 

      “So, it was you all who killed my parent!” Nanamin snapped back with some courage came from nowhere.

      “No, it is not us. They kill themselves, we just said, they could die but I never thought they take it seriously.” He created a sad face, mocking her.

      “Bastard!” Nanamin couldn’t hold her anger anymore, she launched to them without thinking much.

      They seem surprised at her sudden action. She managed to bite one of the men on his thigh. He screamed while trying to kick her away, she was thrown away to the ground. Her head hurt, but she get back to her feet. But as she doing so, Asuka already on their hand. They laugh triumphantly like they just won dozen of golds.

      Nanamin looked at Asuka scared face, she felt sorry for her and regretted at her action earlier. But there was something different on her little sister gaze and she noticed Asuka readied herself to bury her teeth on the man’s arm.

      “Asuka, no!” She screamed but it already late. Asuka already bite him, strong enough to make him jolted on his feet and released his grip on Asuka. But it was on the wrong spot, they stand too close to the river so as Asuka escaped from them, she was thrown to the river. Nanamin gasped. “Asuka!” She ran to save her, but the men caught her.

      “Let me go! Let me go.” She shouted and struggled at the same time. Her sight went blurry from tears. She saw Asuka’s body gushed away by current. ‘She didn’t know how to swim.’ She cried inside. She felt her body turn to jelly, weaken by the fact she no longer saw Asuka from the surface. The grips on her body also loosen, but she still didn’t give so in swift and quick movement she plunged herself into the river while shouting.


      She thought she might dead when she decided to jump to the river, but apparently she is not. With her little conscious, she felt someone carried her from the water, both of them was wet. Whoever he is, he must be swim to save her. But she is too broken to care. “Let me go. Asuka.” She mumbled weakly.

      “Are you crazy? Come let me brought you home.” His hoarse voice has a little kindness.

      “Let me go. Save Asuka.”She still felt the tears ran down her cheek.

      “You won’t find her. It’s already dark. I will tell my man to find her next morning.” With the remnants of her strength, she opened her eyes and saw the deep scar on his chin.

      The next day she woke up, she felt huge pain in her heart, wishing yesterday was another bad dream of her. Yet, it is not merely a dream. It is reality, and Asuka has gone.

      “We found your sister’s body.”


      “Yes, whatever her name is. We found her body, she already dead.”

      She can’t remember for how long she cried and wailed for Asuka’s death. The pain now was replaced by anger and hatred. As far as she knew, she doesn’t even cry when her parents died. But Asuka was the last family she had and now she was gone. They killed her too. She wished, she can be dead too.

      She did try to kill herself, jump from the window, cut her hand, hung herself and drank dozens of drugs she can find. Until it can’t be counted for how many times a day she tried to kill herself, but he always stopped her from doing that.

      “You can’t die. Not now. Come. Let me help you avenge her death.”

      She still remembered the looks in his eyes, like he was offering light for her. Her tears stopped right away when she realized that was the only thing she wanted right now. Revenge. And from that point, she was like different girl. He gave her hope, he trained her how to fight, how to use gun, how to throw dagger perfectly to the target deathly points. He made her into a perfect killer.

      And he also gave her companion. Few days after she was brought into his mansion, he later brought another girl home. The girl was broken and wrecked with lots of cuts and bruises on her thin body. She is too thin until the bones stand out unnaturally from its frame. She learnt something from the girl; they had the same thing, wrecked and lost.

      They shared the same ambition. As much as she wanted to avenge her family’s death, Maiyan; the girl who appeared weak the first time they met but now had grew stronger also want to kill her step-father who abuse her and kill her mother. With the similarities, they had become his killers.

      He is Akimoto sensei, he not only saved her and Maiyan but he also saved many girls out there who same like her, lost and alone. He is the one who saved them from death, gave them hope to live, and he gave them purposes of living but what most important is, he even gave them home. Even though she knew what he teaches them are bad things. But she also knew if he wasn’t there for them, they probably already moved to another unknown world.

      Be loyal to him, is a way of payment for everything he did. And it has become a way to live too.


      Nanamin opened her eyes and wiped the tears that she unconsciously shed. She can’t remember when the last time she cried pure of heart ache like this. Yes, years have passed but the pain never ceased.

      She blankly stared at the river; sun had completely disappeared from the horizon.  Another day had ended and night once again started, but she can’t forget that river. The same river where her life changed, the same river where Asuka died, where she was saved, and where she had begun her new life as a killer.

      This river too had witnessed her first kill. She killed them here, with her own bare hand. How they made her parent get into the news, that is how she made them get into the headlines, dead and hung down from the bridge, and it had become her obsession, watching her victim in the news, it much more like her trophy of winning. She more than satisfied but too far to return to zero. She can’t go back to where ten years old Hashimoto Nanami was once a girl who loved her little more than her life; because she had lost the reason why she should love anymore.

      She slipped out her mobile from side pockets, in quick movement she type short message and sent them to Maiyan.

      ‘I have another assignment to do. Won’t be home for few days, don’t wait for me.’

      And the light in her eyes had changed; it was now blank and empty. The expression she had whenever she in her killing mode.


      THE SMALL GIRL open her eyelids, meeting with dark surrounding and smell of rotten rats that almost make her vomit which also pushed her back to her sanity. The smell too strong but she got up on her elbow anyway, feeling too weak to move her whole body.

      “What happen?” She asked that to herself while massaging her numb head. She felt too dizzy to remember of how she could arrive here. The last thing she remembered is, she was hit by her target’s bodyguard and Maiyan jumped in out of nowhere. It reminded her of her assignment, did she just fail?

      She analyze her surrounding again, a huge and cold warehouse which was occupied with single bulb high up in the ceiling, smell of rotten rats and the familiar yet strange atmosphere able to make her shivered. The criteria match well with the description of fate room which the girls always talk about, the room where a failure faced their punishment.

      “You almost ‘failed’ your assignment.” A familiar voice hit her like a bullet, emphasized the fact in a really low and cold voice, remind her of what she supposed to care the most. That affirmed her of what she is thinking right now.

      “Nanamin?” The small girl really wanted to make sure she heard it right. But she received no answer which she knew her style really well. “I’m sorry, I’m not ready.” She tried to get back to her feet, but the older girl jumped onto her body quick and rough enough to make her fall back to the floor. So, it is really Nanamin.

      “You almost ‘failed’ your assignment!” The older girl with short hair growled fiercely while pushing her dagger to the small girl throat, cut of her abilities to protest.

      Their eyes met but each of them have different aura, the small girl looked so scared while the older and taller girl looked much more confident.

      It didn’t take her anymore moves to give the answer she wanted the most. She really in the fated room, waiting to be punished of her failed assignment, her second assignment where she was forced to do it after she had long time to face the after effect of first kill. She wasn’t ready and hesitated when she had had accepted the task. But she went for it, knowing refused the task would do any good for her. They don’t have any choice either. But she guessed Maiyan knew what was going on in her mind. So maybe the older girl with long hair followed her during her assignment, saved her from being killed by her target, and not to mention Maiyan might kill her target as well.

      “I’m sorry.” She begged in a low voice, unable to move and eyes closed as the fire in Nanamin’s eyes makes her so scared of her own fate. She will be dead, kill or to be killed was their only rule and she failed.

      “You know our rule, kill or to be killed. He hates failure.” Nanamin whispered to the small girl ear, make her shivering more.

      “I know.” She admitted her fault, still unable to move afraid that any wrong move will cut her throat and sent her off to death angel. She still wanted to live and grow.


      Maiyan’s call grabbed Nanamin’s attention to her who right now stood side by side with a familiar man with deep scar on his chin, Akimoto Sensei. Like always, he looked pressure and tense but Maiyan looked concern. They talked about something, too slow for the girl on the floor to catch it, but Maiyan surely the only one who talked before the man finally nodded.

      “Chance.” He said before walked out through the metal door, leaving Maiyan alone on the upstairs. Maiyan gave a small nod to Nanamin before her gaze fall to the small girl under her friend; she looked too scared to even realize their surrounding and her presence since before.

      The small girl noticed a short paused as she heard someone call for Nanamin. She knew that voice but still can’t find any courage to open her eyes. She prayed for her long life inside. She felt Nanamin’s breath calmed down and the metal of her dagger were pulled away from her skin. She opened her eyes, but shocked as Nanamin grab her shirts with one hand and thrown her to the corner. Her back hit the hard and cold steel wall. The small girl winched in pain, she still hasn’t recovered from her previous injuries and the older girl added new one to it.

      The small girl saw the older girl walk to her with her dagger still in her hand. “Please, give me more chance. Please.” She pleaded; knowing by the looks in Nanamin’s eyes meant something bad.


      “PLEASE. DON’T KILL ME.” She pleaded nonstop; her hands moved furiously like she was shielding herself from something might hurt her. “Please.” She screamed loudly and this time her body jolted from where she lied before. Her face wetted by sweat and her body shivered like she just woke up from bed made up from snow.

      It took Wakatsuki seconds of analyzing and scanning her surrounding to make sure she is not in the room she scared the most even in most of her nightmares. A short sigh escaped her mouth when she realized she still in the same clinic she broke into this morning and a beautiful doctor saved her target. She wiped off the sweats from her face and try remembered every scene happen before she slept like a log.

      “Having nightmare?” Someone spoke in a low and weak voice. She wasn’t sure to whom the questioned was directed since the room was quite dark but with the help from street light from outside of the clinic which managed to slip into through the broken glass door, she saw her target that had been treated was actually talked to her. She saw a weak smile stamped to her lips.

      But she didn’t bother to answer it at all and lay back to the sofa where she had been in uncounted hours. Believe or not, she already lost track of how long she had stay here. Probably at least two days.

      “Don’t worry. My mom said if you can’t sleep, you can sing a song.” Her target chuckled before inhaled a short breath and heaved a sigh. Still, Wakatsuki didn’t paid any attention to her but when her target started to shift her position closer to her and touched her shoulder; Wakatsuki flinched to the sudden touch.

      “It’s okay, you can sleep.”

      Her sweet whisper was like a hypnotism that drifted her into her dreamland even deeper.

Kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
Donna toki datte itsumo
Waratte irareru
Tatoeba, hanarete ite mo  nannen tatte mo
Zutto kawaranai desho
Watashi-tachi Best Friend
Suki da yo, daisuki da yo”

      And her singing was like a hole that swallow her into a world she never experience before, she felt warm, calm and safe like she was in home. Not home where she had Nanamin and Maiyan, but home where she still can be kid, little kid that had no worries.


      As usual, she still can’t sleep; it had been two weeks since she arrived in the orphanage. Two weeks since she had lost her parents in an accident. Every time she closed her eyes, the scene where their car was crushed by a truck and rolled in the highway kept haunting her, make her like a zombie in the night.

      “Can’t sleep?” A small voice interrupted her thinking; she didn’t look at the voice, knowing it is from the kid who arrived a week earlier than her. That girl always knew she can’t sleep but still asking.

      She rolled to her right, avoiding that girl.

      “You’re Yumi-chan right?”

      But that little girl kept insisting to talk to her, as she can felt a small movement on her bed, signaling that girl now had move besides her. She rolled her eyes in annoyance but still didn’t pay any look to her.

      “Well, my mom always said that.. if I can’t sleep, try sing a song.” She happily exclaimed, without knowing the other girl annoyed with her antics.

      “Do you want me to sing you a song? So you can sleep?”

      Though it is a question, but that girl didn’t wait an answer to start singing while patting her back. Somehow, it managed to make her slowly feeling sleepy and weirdly happy.

Kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
Donna toki datte itsumo
Waratte irareru
Tatoeba, hanarete ite mo  nannen tatte mo
Zutto kawaranai desho
Watashi-tachi Best Friend
Suki da yo, daisuki da yo

      “My mom always sing me this song, she said this is our song. We are daughter and mother but we also best friend.”

      She barely heard that friend mumbled about her stories, every time she finished singing one verse of the song, she will talked about random things which she barely pay attention to it or never listen to it.

Konna osoi jikan ni GOMEN ne
(I'm sorry to bother you so late at night)
Hitori ja seppatsumatte kita no
(But I was at my wit's end, thinking all by myself)
Kimi no koe sukoshi kiketara
(I just need to hear your voice for a little bit)
(And I'll have the motivation to try harder)

      “I never have friends. Will Yumi-chan be my only friend?” But she is still half-awake to say that the pats slowly changed into a hug. She is too sleepy to resist the back hug from that girl and finally drifted into a real deep sleep she never had since two weeks she has been here.

      The next day she woke up, that friend still hugging her like a teddy bear and with a little push, she managed to escape from suffocating hug. For minutes, she stood by her bed, looking to that friend sleeping while nibble to a pink blanket. Did she just think of that girl as a friend now?

      Her eyes was filled with disbelief, how can she slept in that condition last night? And how she can sleep with that girl anyway? She failed to answer the entire question in her mind.

      She shook her head in pure disbelief while walked away from her bed. She had enough with that girl, and will no more wasting her time with her. As she walked to the door, she instinctively looked to that girl’s bed which just besides hers. No matter how many times she refused to befriend with other kids, that friend surely was something else and knowing her name wouldn’t be any pain right. She read the name quietly.


to be continued

(A/N: This is quite long, thanks for reading and your supports. So this almost reach the climax i think? XD. Tell me your opinion as that will keep my spirit high!!)


@C:  Thanks for your support!!
Yay, there’s Himetan! I was wondering if she’ll show up because Reika is using the Nakamoto name.
yeah i know right.. lately himetan managed to grab my opinion through mature image, i always think of her being such a kid. and i like nogibingo episodes where himetan and reika being sisters. that is so heart warming.

There’s always Ikuo with Reika in your fic, huh? I almost wanted to say “That poor guy who never gets the girl.”  :P
yeah, i was thinking the same think.. why Ikuo always appeared in my fic and got the jerk character? Maybe her appearance in Shakiism as a jerk got my eyes o him, err her actually. well, I must admit that, i like her in Shakiism,  :wub:

Nanamin don’t do it. You’re already feeling awful killing someone you didn’t know, if you hurt Waka, I’m worried you will not survive it. Just choose Waka and kill the Akimoto guy instead!
now you know why Nanamin can't she can't finish the real bad guy  :k-mad: and Nanamin is such loyal girl you know...

I doubt they’ll make a WakaRei duet song, but we can hope and pray for one. A WakaRei photo book will be great too.
Waka is kinda cold on-screen I suppose, still wanting to get away from that lesbian image I suppose when it’s with Reika  :smhid
right.. Waka is such cold in screen, sometimes i felt pity to Reika.. Such poor girl, but they are the best with such understanding towards each other.. mutual relationships i think? PHOTOBOOK WILL BE GREATTTTTTT.. :deco:

YEAYYY thanks for supporting me!

well my heart said that hashigawa will be paired. but If maimai shows up only to die.. how can you kill holy mother? :mon suspect:
lets see....  :glasses: somehow i like both idea. Hashigawa and Maimai will be killed, which one you like? Hahaha

the best assassin in nogikillers will fight (again). I bet that waka will protect reika.
yeah they will have proper fight this time maybe? :frustrated:

Offline wakasama__

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« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2017, 05:21:57 PM »
so this part of their past. they all have different stories but it really touching. the past of nanamin are really painful. finally I know why nanamin wants the public know about her :mon waterworks:
and wakarei ... They both are indeed always manage to get me a heart attack. reika really knows how to deal with waka. Although waka behave as if to be stoic but she felt very comfortable and enjoyed it. suddenly I remembered something about waka. at the hs yesterday, I read the live report from waka fans. He said that waka likes a girl! I do not know if it's true but clearly I was so speechless. In my mind now, wakarei is real! they love each other (not as a friend but as a lover:on gay: :on gay:
sorry for my late comment and thanks for update author-san.. :mon pray2:

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Reika was watching tv while stuffing some snacks when the bells at front door ringing and turn out to be her best friend, Wakatsuki Yumi appeared with face without smiles.

"Oh yumi, what's wrong?" Reika asked in bewilderment as it has been so long she hasn’t come to her place; she closed the door behind as Yumi slided into her house and follow behind. Though she felt a little irritated by that cold attitude of her friend still she said nothing.

"I'm tired and I left the keys somewhere." said Yumi already dive on her stomach to the long couch.

"Do you want to shower?" Worried by Yumi's rare state, Reika asked, ready to get her towel.

"I need food." Yumi mumbled under her breath which sometimes sounds incoherent when she lay like that.

"Sokka. Can you wait little more? I will make you some." Reika already moving around her kitchen when she said that, leaving only her best friend in the living room with talking tv..

Reika didn't take long time to make simple food for her best friend, knowing dragging more time will make the other girl suffer even more. She didn't know what happen before Yumi came to her, but she planned on asking that later.

Putting the very simple pasta she could make with her limited cooking ability on the coffee table, Reika then touched her friend shoulder to wake her up. The soft touch is enough to make Yumi stand straight to the couch, blanking staring at her friend.

"Dinner is ready. Finish it." Reika smiled and sat back beside her friend; continue to enjoy what she delayed.

However, Yumi only looks back and forth between Reika and food on the table. "Why am I here?" She asked that to herself but it managed to catch Reika’s attention anyway.

"Maybe you just miss me." Reika replied with faint mischievous smile short after, taking the plate and presented it in front Yumi. "Finish it before it gets cold." It doesn’t take even a minute for her friends to devour herself with the white coloured paste she made.

Yumi was too occupied with the food that she doesn’t even raise her head to realize Reika watch her in amusement. Reika knew their schedule a lot tighter these days since the concert for 5th anniversary is around the corner but she couldn’t think any reason why her best friend would look so exhausted like that and even starve herself.

Its either her cooking abilities have improved or Yumi was too hungry because in just two minute, the plate already emptied. Her lips curved upwards, silently satisfied.

"I'm sleepy." Giving no chance for Reika to reach water for her, Yumi laid her head on Reika's lap, making the latter stunned by her act and frozen on spot.

Watching sleeping Yumi, Reika wondered if there any changes in her friends face since they first met last year that even until now the calm face managed to make her heart skip a beat.

"You must be too tired." Reika smiled to herself while caressed her friend's hairs, eyes still stuck at Yumi's face. Taking chance of the sleeping figure, Reika leant forward and planted a kiss on her friend's forehead, careful not to awake the girl from her dreams.
"You're so cold to me. Yet i miss you so much." Reika sighed as she remembered their last cat fight a week before.

Yumi was too furious at her for not taking care of herself and sprained her ankle when she was practiced alone. With the reason it was just a small injury, Reika didn't even tell anyone about it and mysteriously manage to put an act like she was not affected by it a little bit. But, Yumi was just being Yumi, she was fast to notice the little change in Reika when she avoid her eyes.

Of course she was scolded badly by Yumi who younger than her by a month. Sometimes Reika found it funny, because when Yumi seriously scolding her, she knew that is proving that she was someone important to her and this kind of small thing could win her attention she craved so much this past few years.

Wakatsuki Yumi she knew is really a serious girl. She takes everything seriously, like how she should react when Bananaman-san cracked a joke so she would be seen as funny yet beautiful or how she answered when they were accused being a couple. Others might not realize but Reika knew, Yumi had tried various way of reaction that she could barely listed but other way, Yumi looks beautiful to her eyes.

That was just a simple example of how serious Wakatsuki Yumi is, and Reika could handle that seriousness very well. Even to the level where their relationship was involved. Being Wakatsuki Yumi, their friendship was not something to be displayed to public and people shipped on them. Yumi once said to her in the past that,

'Our relationship is real, it is not something to be displayed and people make profit of that. So let’s keep this between us only.'

And Reika couldn't agree more. It is not like she dislikes the way staff from Bingo or Doko? make them as a 'to laugh' at materials because it also unexpectedly gave them so many shipper which crazily marked them as the perfect couple at the same time. But, yeah like Yumi said keep it only to themselves in their very private space.

Even so, Reika still can't control herself when Yumi cutely act to the camera and she so miserably failed to control herself at their verbal promise. When things went too wild, Yumi decided to distance herself from her. That was hurtful to be truth, but she guess that was the best for them because she knew, where this coming from.

With Yumi being so girly yet manly to other members like Zukkyun Manattan, or cute kouhai, Reika too determined to be the normal captain towards other members likes she purposely pair up with Ikuchan during danso episodes on Bingo past few months. Though the true reason behind it is, she actually wanted her friends to be jealous of them and retrieved their so called 'not to be displayed relationship' and just be straightforward.

But then, Yumi bluntly declared they already break up from that day. Though she knew, Yumi was taking advantage from the situation so that they will no longer targeted as a couple, still the agony are there, like they were seriously break up, though they are not really in relationship to begin.

Since then, Yumi purposely spent time more frequent with other members especially Manattan that she adored so much which also widen their distance. They barely meeting each other's eyes in the waiting room, barely talked to each other during practices and even more in their so called private space. How can they have private space and time when Yumi devoted herself wholly to make their relationship not to be displayed until she not noticed their relationship has sunken deeper than Mariana trench.

What is wrong with having friends more than friends but not yet lover? The crack in their relationship has affecting Reika focus in work which then lead her to be admitted to the hospital. News said that she has poor health till and unable to join midsummer concert last year but truth to be told, she was too heartbroken for Yumi.

As far as Reika remembered, Yumi don't even showed up to visit her when other members keep coming telling her stories so she won’t be sad to not participate the concert.

Well, not untill late at night, Yumi secretly coming to visit her. Reika sure it was not the first time since Yumi know exactly where she puts her dirty clothes and change to new one, Yumi even change the water in vase and sleep by her side till dawn then missing before she woke up. That day, Reika knew that Wakatsuki is really something different. And Reika secretly crazy in love with her again.

That was the last thing Reika remembered about Yumi warmth and care to her, so Reika no longer doubt that special friend of her and let everything just go by flow. Time will take care of everything for them.

So when Yumi finally showed at her door after long time, honestly Reika was happy even the other girl still cold as usual to her. But that was only her mask for not showing her feeling too obvious.

Reika don't remember of waking up in the middle of night and walked to her room because she might also sleep walking hence the last thing she remembered is she falls asleep with Yumi still on her lap.  Reika usually slept in the middle of queen size bed since it less lonely, but looking at how she was purposely laid at the left side of bed with the other side looks too neat for her, she guessed that Yumi moved her into her room and sleep side by side with her. Even Yumi also a girl, but she has that mysterious strength in her muscles too, which was not possible for the case to happen.

Reika couldn't stop grinning to herself as she dragged her body from dreamy blanket and make her way to the kitchen.

'Thanks for last night dinner. Don't forget to take your breakfast. -Yumi.'

Reika read the sticky notes on the table besides her breakfast prepared by Yumi. She can't stop smiling as she munched her sandwich with half cooked egg and hot chocolate. This is too great to be a reality but she silently hoping this reality always occurs to her. 

Took almost an hour to get ready for work, Reika now ready for her today's activities. Since they have birthday concert together with Nanamin's graduation concert next week, so their schedule a little bit pack which giving her no time to be lazed around her comfy bed as usual. But work is work and she enjoyed her works the most.

Reika arrived pretty early that morning well blame Yumi who make her feel so energetic than usual today and nobody in the lesson room aside from Yumi that seriously practicing. But when Reika wanted to open the door, she saw another figure that got blocked by door before so she chooses to watching them.

"You left your keys and phone last night." Manatsu handed out bunch of keys to Wakatsuki together with her mobile phone. Despite Manatsu was so normal that day, Wakatsuki however didn't look good at all with her presence, she seemed pressured.

Reika gasped at the scene. Now she knew why Yumi came to her place last night, she left her keys at Manatsu's, also the same reason why Yumi rang the bell, and not using the spare key she gave to her last few years. Reika's heart sunken even deeper but she can't even left.

"I know you're mad at me for last night. But please don't leave like that just before we had dinner." Manatsu said, pretty mad but she managed to control her voice not to make the other more pressured than she already had.

"I'm sorry." Wakatsuki answered briefly before she continued her lesson hinting Manatsu that she didn't want to talk anymore.

"Nee Waka. Let’s discuss a little bit more." But Manatsu don't gave up, she tucked her hand into Wakatsuki's arm but the latter quickly pulled back, quite harshly.

"Please don't act like this Akimoto. I don't want people to see us. They might misunderstand us for something else." Wakatsuki retorted and back off few steps, frustration obviously displayed on her face.

"I will act like it never happen and please be normal when others are here." She warned with extremely low voice, calmed herself down, know that rage would not get them anywhere. Distancing herself from Manatsu,Wakatsuki continue her lesson, no longer paying attention to the shorter girl who then choose to leave her alone.

Reika didn't expect Manatsu to leave that fast  so they met in front of the practice room. Manatsu then gave her annoying look before tightly close the door.

"I bet you heard everything." Manatsu smirked a little, feeling she can't deny what happen in lesson room when Reika pale face explain everything. She heard.

"A little bit." Reika fidgeting at her place know that she was guilty for eavesdrop their private conversation.

"So you know now, what happen between us. I hope, you can keep it as a secret.. well, you know how she is right?" Then Manatsu left, leaving Reika stunned and heartbroken at the same time.

'So thats why she was so cold to me.' Reika weakly mumbled to no one but herself, almost cannot believe at what her eyes and ears witnesses. If not because of the nearby chairs, Reika swore that she will turn to jelly right away.

'Everything makes sense now.' No matter how much she convinced her heart to just give up; still it was hard for her.

Like that, the whole day was so doomed for Reika. She was practicing like crazy, hoping that it would tear her mind away from Yumi, but no matter she go, Yumi’s eyes always found hers.

That might be her fault too, as she failed to act like nothing when Yumi asked her about her breakfast and Reika coldly answering before walked away. Of course Yumi will sense something was wrong with her and always keep an eye to her. Yet, Reika didn't want to admit that she was not okay.

Not until when everyone already gone to had their dinner, Reika still practicing, memorizing her lines as emcee for the concert later. Though she felt hungry as she also skipped her lunch today, but she didn't have enough courage to face her best friend either. So, using bento as excuse to other member, Reika now was left alone in the practice room.

Sure Reika can lie to other members, but Wakatsuki know exactly that Reika didn't bring any bento as she knew her the best.

"Do you have something in your mind, Reika?" Wakatsuki Yumi asked as she fixed her eyes to Reika's reflection on the mirror. Their eyes met merely seconds before the captain quickly broke the gaze.

"Nothing." Reika repeated her dance movement, making sure it was perfect. Even so, she noticed the eyes still on her.

"I brought your dinner. Please don't skip meal anymore, we need you to be there, Nanamin will be sad if you're absent in her graduation." Wakatsuki said before leaving the meal she brought in earlier near Reika' s backpack and left seconds after that.

Alone in the room again, Reika watched the door where Yumi has gone missing too. Though she appreciated that Yumi didn't dragged her interrogation, the small parts of her inner self wanted Yumi to spill everything to her, or at least stay with her.

'Well, she has Manatsu now.' Reika reminded herself as she hungrily devoured her meal; realize that she almost starved to death.

'And she a very caring person, so it’s not weird if she cares of me since we are friends.' However, the word friend that echoed in her head hurt so much.


"Reika, whats wrong?" Wakatsuki Yumi asked again on their way back. They have finished lesson 30 minutes ago, and Reika surprisingly missing faster than she thought as if Reika avoiding her. But Wakatsuki don't gave up and chased for her beloved friend, worry something might happen to her, though they walk in distance, she knew Reika fuming for some reasons.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." Still fasten her feet, Reika answered without looking back, know Yumi still carefully watching her. Maybe that answer was enough, because Yumi was silent after that.

"I'll stay here for now." Yumi said as she received curious glance from Reika when she is not showing any hint for leaving yet after they arrived Reika's apartment. She is not asking either, she telling her decision because deep there she was 100% sure they need proper talk.

Throw all of her belongings on the couch; Reika went to shower straight away. While Yumi pick them up and keep it in Reika’s room. She then roaming around the dimly lit room, searching nothing in particular but making sure Reika live a better life when she was not around.

But that girl still never changes the last time she remembered, the dirty clothes already mounted in the basket and scattered on the floor near washing machine. Wakatsuki tentatively collected them and put in right place. And after she satisfied, she moved to the kitchen, ready to prepare late dinner for both of them. Since they lost so much energy for daily dance routine which usually sucked all the energy out, the idea of late dinner always a bless.

Somehow, while making dinner, Wakatsuki Yumi weakly smiled. Feeling nostalgic whilst doing the same thing she haven't done for a long time. Before this, she always lodged in Reika's house she always taking charge of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as if she was the owner. She can do everything she want because Reika let her to, believe it or not, she also have her own room here even she never use it.

'My house is yours too, so you can freely come here anytime you want.' Said Reika when she first moved out from her parent’s house, at the same time giving the spare keys to her. And honestly, nothing made Wakatsuki happy like that ever.

But now, how long has it pass since last she was here? Sadly, Wakatsuki couldn't recall.

After she served their dinner which is just fried rice, Wakatsuki went to call for Reika because her friend strangely took longer time to bath. But, she found only Reika’s figure on the bed with all lights was off – well that kind weird for Reika since she always left the small lamp to enlighten the mood.

"I prepared dinner for you, want to eat?" Land at the edge of the bed, Wakatsuki asked, hoping Reika still not drifted too far in her sleep. Yet, her wish not granted, Reika not even move an inch.

"I guess I have to eat alone again tonight." Wakatsuki whispered to herself while fixing blanket on Reika's body as her friend easy to get cold. Then she went out and closed the door.

"Please stop caring for me Yumi, it will make me hard to let you go." Reika cried after Yumi left her alone again. She deeply felt sorry for not appreciating her friend efforts making dinner for her but she also can't bring her heart to receive any more kindness for her. Because Wakatsuki Yumi she knew, was the kind and caring girl. She care everyone more than herself. And Reika, was no difference, just a member Yumi care.

Finishing her dinner 5 minutes later, Wakatsuki keep Reika's portion in the fridge to be eaten later. She then took her short bath and ready to sleep.

"Maybe this is time for me to use the room." She sighed, feeling dumbfounded at what actually in Reika's head. And Wakatsuki didn't plan to let it off too far. She needs to know the source of Reika weird behavior lately


A week to go before their fifth anniversary concert, today they have first rehearsal at the stadium. So all members was very busy memorizing the songs arrangement, dance move, concert flow and even the stadium basement plan in order to accomplish their extravagant concert together with Nanamin graduation.

During this period, everyone was very focus and seriously practicing and planning the flow as they didn't want to ruin perfect momento for Nanamin.

"Do you have any question?" Reika asked to all the members after briefing about changes in the flow. She looked to everyone's eyes, making sure they all understand what she just said.

"If none, we can take a rest for now." And everyone dispersed after bowing to each other for good works. Reika is the last one missing to the backstage to grab some drinks before her steps then was stopped by loud scream.


The scream was followed by loud sound of something fall and broken, the spotlight just fall from the high ceiling which almost hit Reika if not because of Wakatsuki quickly grabbed her and they both fall to the floor not too far from the incident.

The staff then repetitively apologized for their recklessness but Reika just smile because she was at fault too.

"Look where you walk Reika! What if something happen to you?" Wakatsuki scolded Reika right away, she almost have heart attack from the incident.

"Then you should stop worry about me and take care of your Manattan instead." Reike retorted and pulled her hand from Yumi grasp, making the latter surprised. She then walk away, didn't want Yumi to see her tears.

Wakatsuki Yumi just stood at her spot, flustered by what she just heard; Reika raised her voice at her. "Am I too harsh?" She rubbed her face in regret. The more she tried to understand, the more she got confused.

After that, they barely making eye contact with Reika was obviously mad at Yumi who now deeply feeling guilty for some reasons. Well, she always scolded Reika but she never expects the usual ponkotsu Reika to ever reply like that.

With Reika constantly avoiding her by playing with other members and doing something else, Wakatsuki decided that she will talk to her once they were home.


"Reika, did something happen?" Wakatsuki asked once they stepped into Reika's apartment. She will not let this slipped off again just like last night.

"Nothing happen. I just tired." Reika dropped her thing on her way to bedroom, wanted to run from the Yumi once again. But it seems like she can't when Yumi keep following her, and she can't say no for coming to her place too.

"Then what’s wrong with you recently?" Wakatsuki already lost her mind, she grabbed Reika's hand before she could reach her towel and missing into bathroom.

"Then let me asked you, what is wrong with you? Keep coming into my house when you already have girlfriend? What if she misunderstood us? You don't want that right? You don't want everyone to misunderstand everything you do right?" Reika blurted as she tried to pull back her hand but the grips are so tight and they are now facing each other.

At the first glance, Reika could tell that Yumi was flustered and knew she messed things even more.

"Girlfriend? What girl?" She got more confused. "And are you telling me not to come anymore?" She looked into Reika's eyes, finding an answer but the latter averting again bit her lips in hesitation.

"Are you?" Wakatsuki enclosed their distance until they can feel each other’s breath. "Tell me the reason Reika." She was too desperate for answer at the same time fear for it.

"Then tell me, what are we Waka?" Reika braced herself to look into Yumi's, though it also means exposing her teary eyes.

"You know I can't explain with words, there are no right words to define us Reika." As much as she hurt seeing Reika crying, Wakatsuki hates herself for being too weak.

"Then proves it with acti.." Before Reika could finish her sentence, Wakatsuki already sealed their lips together. Reika stunned at her place, frozen with eyes almost bulged from its socket.

"Is that enough?" Wakatsuki asked after short and simple kiss, Reika still stunned at her place.

"I'm deeply sorry for what I have done all these years, I keep running away from us, keep denying that you're more than friends, and I’m really sorry for neglecting you Reika." She hugged Reika who gives no response pure to shock.

Reika blinked twice, cannot believe to what she just experiece till she can't even respond to the hug. "Then what about Manatsu?" She can't help but to ask pure to curiosity to what she witnesses before.

"What with Manatsu?" Wakatsuki grinned mischeviously and Reika knew she already know she doomed.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Are you jealous?"

"I am not."

"You are." Wakatsuki laughed, disbelief to the fact that behind Reika's weird attitude to her was jealousy.

"But seriously Reika, she is just friend who misunderstood my treatment."

"That’s because you're way tooo kind to everyone." Reika rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"That’s because they're too cute. I can't help but to be nice to them." Wakatsuki laughed again when Reika was cutely pouting, feeling jealous. Now she really enjoyed teasing Reika, who knows that clumsy yet cute girl know how to be jealous?

"Shut up Waka!"

"Hey where are you going? Let’s take bath together." Before Reika engulfed herself in bathroom, Wakatsuki already slide through the almost closed door.

(A/N: yeah I know I shouldn’t do this but please take it as bonus since I was in the middle of writing my thesis and almost have no time for update and I felt like relaxing a bit with this. But still, do tell me your opinion upon this short story.)

@wakasama__: yeah, even with simple things, WAKAREI always make me in shock

suddenly I remembered something about waka. at the hs yesterday, I read the live report from waka fans. He said that waka likes a girl! I do not know if it's true but clearly I was so speechless. In my mind now, wakarei is real! they love each other (not as a friend but as a lover)  :on gay: :on gay:

like seriously?? can i have the source of your reading too? hahah well it is not shocking anymore that waka like that, but i'm just hoping that, that  girl is truly reika and not just anyone else (because the members also a girl

well lets just pray to god that they are seriously real.  :deco: :deco:

thanks for comments
and btw, i like your video about WAKANANA (  :bow: sorry for telling you like this bcos i don't have a youtube account)

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Hamasaki Ayumi - Depend on you 10th Anniversary version