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Author Topic: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Side Story  (Read 126992 times)

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 8 added
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2012, 12:58:10 AM »
please do not let anyone interupt i wanna see what happens when there on there own ahhhh please let them be on there own

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 8 added
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2012, 01:22:58 AM »
yeah it may be too soon ^^
But wouhou!!! I like hot scenes!!!

Offline lollita90

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 8 added
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2012, 07:47:51 PM »

come on, don't leave us hanging like that  :mon wtfmm:  update soon!~~
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 8 added
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2012, 08:53:34 PM »
Well, since you guys asked for some hot stuff, here's Chapter 9 :nervous. Hope it's good enough.

Chapter 9

“Well, looks like you don’t give me any choice…” she whispered in my ear, made goosebumps all over my body. “I truly want to spend more time with you, you know.”

She kept looking at me, with only less than 3 inches between our faces. Her eyes were gleaming, predatory like. And her smile, God, her smile’s blinding, there’s something dangerous about it, but it was so captivating. My heart beats like crazy all the while. It didn’t help that she was sitting on my lap. With her scent surrounding me, intoxicating my senses, and her body heat raising my already high temperature. I do know that I was blushing furiously because of this.

“As I said before, stop messing around with me.” I hissed at her, made her pouted cutely.

“I’m not messing around with you.” She moved closer to hug me. “Hmm… I feel comfortable with you around.” ‘What am I? A couch?’ Then she nuzzled her face to my neck. I could feel her lips grazing my neck. ‘Dear, God, kill me now.’ I felt like I’m about to explode. My head’s spinning and my heart still thumping furiously.  ‘And why does she look so calm anyway? Don’t tell me she has…’

“Have you done that before?” My mouth blurted out the question from my head. She pulled back and looked at me questioningly.

“Done what?”

I furrowed my eyebrows together, “you know what I mean.”

She stared at me, long. And then she started to smile mischievously again. “Why don’t you check it by yourself?” She whispered seductively, while her hand started to caress my face.

‘What? So it is true. When? Where? Why?? And more importantly, WHO??!! Damn it!’ My blood boiled from the thought of someone touched her…, blah…, TAINTED her. I really, reaaaallly wanted to find that person and punch the hell out of that person and leave him or her in a bloody mess.

“Get off me.” I said to her in a surprisingly cool, indifferent tone. She frowned at me in response. My rage has got me. My hands slowly formed into fists. I have to go before we ended up fighting.

“I said get off me!” I shouted at her while pushed her away, but since she still has her arms around me, we ended up sprawled on the floor. My right knee hit the floor quite hard, but what’s hurt the most was my left arm, since I tried to cover her body in reflect during our fall, and now my arm trapped under her body. I tried to pull my arm so that I can go, but it was useless.

“Can you move a bit?” Not getting any response, I took a glance at her face. She looked aghast with her mouth wide open. “My arm stuck under your body.” Still no response. I grumbled and tried to move myself a bit, since my arm was still stuck, so that now I could face her fully. Grr…, I have to go and this happened?

“Tomo?” I asked her again. This time she started to respond me. She closed her mouth and looked directly into my eyes. She then lowered her eyes, let out a hushed gasp and blushing madly. ‘Huh? Strange. Why does she…’ my though trailed after I realized our position. She was laying on the floor below me. ‘If someone sees us right now…’

The thought made me blush, again. I was about to move away, but it was useless because my arm was still stuck. A hand grabbed the collar of my shirt. I moved my gaze to look at her again. She was still blushing though now her lips parted a bit and her eyes glinted with passion and need and… lust…. The mischief and playfulness were gone.

She pulled my collar, and me, towards her. “He-hey, Tomo, stop playing aro… Mhpm..” She cut my words with kissing me, hard, which left me stunned. ‘Argh… hell with it all…’ And I responded to her kiss and kissed her back. I had been wanted to do it since ages ago after all. Our kiss started rough, and slowly it turned gentler. My right hand twitched, I wanted to touch her, wanted more than just kiss. My hand slowly made its way towards her body, slipped under her shirt and started to caress her flat stomach. Seemed like my action turned her on more, our kiss now become more passionate. She now had her right hand on my back, caressing it, and her other hand in the back of my head.

The need to breathe eventually stopped our kiss. Both of us breathe heavily, and for me, I was getting light headed. I don’t know for sure if it was because the lack of oxygen or the after effect of the kiss. It's not my first kiss, but the after effect was stronger than that. I glanced at her. Her eyes seemed unfocused. My strength suddenly left me, made me collapsed on top of her.

“Oops…, sorry,” afraid I might suffocated her with my weight, I rolled myself to lay on the floor right beside her. My left arm still trapped under her body.

She turned to look at me and embraced me, put her head on my shoulder with the entire front side of her body attached to my left side. Freeing my left arm. I moved my ‘now free’ left arm to hug her. But, when my arm touched her, “ah..!” it felt like I was got attacked by a Pikachuu.
She instantly propped her body up and worriedly asked me, “Are you alright??”

I pulled her back down, thankfully my arm felt better now. I nuzzled her hair. ‘Hmm… she smells really nice.’ “I’m okay. Just that my arm went numb back then.”

She giggled cutely at my words. “Sorry.”

“Mmm... It’s okay.” Ah… being embraced by her like this is really comfortable. I understand what she meant now. It felt… calming and… soothing.

She giggled again. “I think I know now.”

“Know what?” I frowned at her.

“Don’t frown.” She tapped my forehead with her finger. “Now I know how to stop your temper from going up.” She giggled again.

Confused, I asked her again. “How?”

She was silent for a while and then she propped herself up and kissed me. Just when I was about to kiss her back, the sound of the door being knocked disrupts us. We immediately sat up on the floor. I started to fix my clothes while she opened the door.

Behind the door was a middle age women, if my memory is right, she is her mother. Though she looked older now.

“Tomomi-chan, it’s dinner time.” The woman said, and then she looked at me, “who is that?”

“Okaa-san? You already home?” She then walked to me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Do you remember her, Okaa-san? She’s Itano Tomomi.”

She looked at me, and realization showed in her face. “Eh? Itano? Your childhood friend? The other Tomomi?” She asked Tomo. And when she saw her daughter nodded, she asked me, “I thought you move away from Tokyo.”

“I came back to Tokyo more than four years ago.”

“Ah… I see. Why don’t you join us for dinner? It’s very rare for Tomomi-chan to invite her friend home.”

“Of course she will.” Tomo answered immediately, while I shot her with ‘what are you talking about’ look. “Why don’t you go to dining room first, Okaa-san. We will follow shortly.” She added.

“Okay. Don’t be too long.” Her mom said while she walked outside the room.

“What are you talking about?” I hissed to her as soon as she locked the door. “You said you don’t want your parents to know about you. They’ll become suspicious if they know which school I go to.”

  “Well…” she looked at me nervously. “Actually it’s more like they refuse to believe they have a yankee as a daughter. So I just played the part.”

I only could stare at her. ‘Are her parents’ stupid or what?’ “Sooo…., when they asked about us, what should we say?”

“Err… the truth? Just don’t tell them about you being Rappapa`s Shitennou, though they wouldn’t know what it means.”

“And I take it, ‘don’t say anything about you sent into the hospital because my friend beaten you up’ too, right?” She glared at me and nodded. Something came into my mind. “How could they keep refused to believe? Didn’t they visit you in the hospital? You were put in the same room with Kokabuki, and I know Daruma visited you more than once.”

She smiled sadly. “Well, they only visited me once since they are extremely busy with their works. And they never know about Kokabuki, so they think she’s just another patient.”

Only once, huh? Even my oh so busy mother still managed to visited me three times. And I’m not living with her anymore. Her family condition looked as bad as mine.

“So, we can tell them that I also Majijo`s student, right?” I tried to change the conversation. “And about our relation…” I trailed off, not knowing what to call it.

“Let’s just say that now we’re trying to reform our friendship back.”

“So, no talking about how you passionately kissed me just minutes ago?” I innocently asked her.

She slapped my arm playfully as a response. “Shut up. You kissed me back too.” She then pulled me towards the dining room on first floor.


*After dinner, Kokabuki`s room.

I was laying around in her bed, wearing her clothes. Her scent surrounding me. As before, it was so intoxicating. Why I’m here, you ask? Well, you see her parents insisted I should stay here tonight since it was late and it was dangerous for a girl to walk around this late. Bah… I’m the dangerous one. I bet my position as a Queen that Tomo laughed inwardly at me when her parents said that. That’s also why I was wearing her clothes, she insisted I should go to bath first and change my clothes into something more comfortable. And now, she’s in the bathroom.

Dinner went well, aside from that one time when she stomped on my foot because I almost said about ‘those low-life yankee wouldn’t even dare to cross way with one of Rappapa`s Shitennou’ when her dad said that we should be careful in a school full of yankee. Of course I had only managed to said the ‘those lo…’ part and then she stomped my foot, cut my sentence and agreed with hat her dad had said and smiled sweetly at him while I rolled my eyes at the stupidity and ignorance of her parents.

They also believed her lie about me being her senpai was actually the one who brought her to the hospital when she was beaten. Blah…, actually the one who beaten her is my friend and the one helped her to the hospital is my sworn enemy. She was smiling sweetly at her parents all the time, while at the same time kicked my leg behind the table or given me strict smile as a cue to make me cooperate. I rolled my eyes again. God, her parents… it’s not a wonder anymore about how she managed to cover her yankee side from her parents. They’re just ignorant peoples.

Perhaps that's why I felt there’s something off during dinner. That something wasn’t right. Her parents are nice, but, there’s something about them… some coldness in the way this family interacts… the way they keep praised their daughter which I know some of it wasn’t true, it was like… they like to pretend they have the most perfect life, and at the same time refuse to believe any misbehave their daughter did. Hell, they even pretended not noticing my glare towards their daughter whenever she kicked my leg or stomped on my foot. Or the sarcastic smirk I gave when she told the savior story.

I can’t remember much about them from my childhood, I never even met her dad before, and so I don’t have anything to know whether they’re always like this or it was started recently. Well, her mom always nice to me back then, even though I had only met her for a few times.

The sound of the door being opened disrupts my thought. I turned my gaze to the door and saw her walking in fresh from the bath in her pajamas.

“Why the long face?” She asked me while she closing the door. Wait, did she lock the door too?

I get up and sat on the side of her bed. “Your parents are weird.” She just smiled at that. “Did you just lock the door?”

She smiled mischievously. “I don’t want them to barge in on us.” She sat beside me and put her head on my shoulder. “Of course they are weird. If not, how could they didn’t even notice about me being a yankee?” She seemed pretty desperate.

I fling my arms around her shoulder, trying to comfort her somehow. “Are they always like this?”

She sighed. “It started when their career started to rise up.” She then nuzzled my neck. “I’m getting tired of all this. And now I have to act in school too.”

“Sorry.” I grimaced at that.

“It’s okay.” I can feel her smile, since she’s still nuzzling my neck. “It was like that too before. Pretending that I don’t know you. Pretending that I don’t remember you. Looked at you from afar. Acting that I don’t like you and your friends, like most of the students do. I’m used to put on a mask and act. I just hope it won’t crack.”

For a moment silence filled the room. We’re just sitting there, on the side of her bed, enjoying each other company. It’s amazed me to no end, how fast things changed between us, and yet how fitting we are to each other. And also how whipped I am when it comes to her. She’s able to control my temper easily. No one has ever been able to do that.

“What about your family?” She suddenly asked. “Do they know that you are the hot-blooded Queen of Rappapa, the strongest yankee gank in this area?”


She moved to look at me. “Tell me. I want to know you better.” She pouted at me. “And you had met my parents, it’s fair for me to know about yours.”

I smiled slightly. “… My mom knows about it. But she doesn’t care much. For her what’s matter is I’m still alive and I’m still managed to live on my own.” She frowned at me, and embraced me. “While my dad…, well, I think he didn’t want to have any connection with me. If he still wants me, why he never called me after their divorce?” 

“So… now you live on your own?”

I nodded. “They send me my monthly allowance though.”

“That’s must’ve been lonely.”

I smiled and put my arms around her to hug her back. “Not really. I have Rappapa, and now… I got you too, right?”

She moved back a bit to look at me. “I’ll always be there for you.” She smiled and gave me a chaste kiss on my lips. “Let’s sleep now. It’s late.” She turned the light off and turned on the table lamp to provide little light in the room. She then crawled to her bed and got herself under the blanket.

“I’ll sleep on the couch.”

She started to pout at me. “Are you crazy? You can get sick.”

“You have your heater on,” I rolled my eyes on her, “and beside you have a decent couch to sleep on. It’s okay, I’ll be fine.” I started to make myself comfortable on the couch.

“Tomo, just come here and sleep with me.” She started to whine now.

Grr… why can she just let me be. I won’t be able to sleep if we’re sleeping on the same bed. But, there’s no way in hell I can say that to her. “Your bed is too small.”

She was pouting and glaring at me in full force. She then got off the bed suddenly and made her way towards me. I tried to move away, but she already trapped me in the couch. “Shibuya. Bed. Now.” She said in her Ookabuki mode. No whining and cutesy voice anymore. Normal person would be scared, but I’m not normal person. I felt challenged instead.

“No.” I replied with the same hardness in my voice.

I know sooner or later we’ll have our fight. It was inevitable since, well…, we’re Yankees. We speak with our fist and with force. And not to mention we’re both hard-headed even though she’s not hot-blooded like me. And when our wills collide like this…

She… kissed me, passionately. What?! I wasn’t anticipated that. I thought we’ll fight each other. Even though I was surprised, I kissed her back with the same amount of passion. I felt her tongue lick the space between my lips, asking for access. And I give it to her. Let her in. Our hands started to roam each other’s body. I pulled her closer to me and then I can feel her straddled me. And like before, eventually the need to breathe stopped our kissing make out session.

“… Come to the bed with me…,” she said while she still trying to catch her breath.

‘Oh, God, this again?’ I rolled my eyes. It seemed like she’ll keep trying to persuade seduce me. “… Fine…” I don’t have a choice after all.

She beamed at me and stands up, pulling me to come to the bed with her. She pulled the blanket to cover us after we both lay on the bed. Then she embraced me and made me her personal-body pillow. ‘Oh, God, I truly won’t be able to sleep now.’ After a while, I could feel her breathing went slower and I know she was sleeping now, while I was still wide awake. Thanks to her.

I moved myself a bit carefully to look at her sleeping face. She looked really cute. I patted her head and started to caress her cheek. She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled her head on my neck again. I smiled at her action, it’s seems like nuzzling my neck has become a new hobby for her. Well, I don’t know where or when this feeling I have towards her started to change into affection. I also don’t know when or where I started to like her more than I should. But, right now, with her sleeping in my arms, I do know one thing. I’m in love with her.


Thanks for reading, guys. I don't think this chapter was good enough  :nervous but.... hope you like it.
And, Shibuya and Ookabuki got into third base in less than a week  :cool1:
I don't think people can get into third base this fast in real life :nervous

@korisunyan: there... you have it. LOL
@bunny_rabbit: hope it's hot enough  :nervous
@sakura_drop_: LOL we're all pervs? I agree with you :bow:
@XxRoByNxX78: well, sorry if i don't put some interruption this fic can turned into an adult rated :nervous
                         and I'm not good with it.
@kahem: call me old-school but IMO it's too soon, but, considering they had longed for each other for years :farofflook: 
               Don't we all like hot scenes? LOL
@lollita90: here's the update. Thankfully it's still holiday in my country so I can update fast. :hiakhiakhiak:

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2012, 09:13:07 PM »

thanks for the hot-update! i wonder when will they tell each other that they love each other.. more tomotomo please! love them so much! i can really imagine them embracing each other, with tomochin being tsundere.

update more, wong-san! (mind if i call u that?)

btw, where are u from? what holiday do u have this time of the year?
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2012, 11:05:21 PM »
hot enough for a start... :on GJ:

since they already 'that' close,I assume we will get another hot scene in the future  :on bleed:

and I wonder what kind of trouble will wait for them  in the future considering their status at school...

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2012, 11:37:11 PM »

How will they react in school?  :gyaaah:

Offline kahem

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2012, 12:43:27 AM »
WOUHOU!!! Kissing and making out!!!
Thank you! I like you!!!!

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2012, 12:52:49 AM »
wow tomotomo like it.. Im not a tomotomo fanbiased but this fic is really interesting..

And thanx for the litllte kojiyuu part T_T.. we know the final and make me a little sad..

In otherwise love how you develop the fic.. :D keep going

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2012, 06:05:55 AM »
Hmmmmmmm.... (already finished reading all the chapter in an hour)

You're mimin blek right? LOL

sent from my heart, with love~ #disgust
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2012, 07:35:57 AM »
You really have me on my seat, stv-san. My TomoTomo fangirl side is creeping in slowly, I don't know how long I can suppress it from coming out. Please take responsibility for that. :lol: Reading this just makes me crave for more TomoTomo fics, and hardly do I see some as fantastic as this. Seriously. :(

I'm sorry if I haven't dropped by and given some comments, was having a hectic time myself with school. But anyways! I'll try to fill it up with this comment, let's see how long this'll be. :cathappy:

Hmm, interesting. :roll: Seems like TomoTomo is now on...uhh, first base or was it second base? Whatever base it is I don't care...wait, scratch that, I do care if they went to third base. :rofl:

I'm glad that this didn't turn into a dramafest, yet, since I was kind of expecting that Tomochin would struggle for her feelings and avoid Chiyuu as much as possible so that Rappappa and her reputation won't sink down to the sea and piled into a messy debris under the ocean floor, but then, you gave a good turn and headed for something I never expected. Tomochin accepting her love for Tomo just took me surprised. Literally. I mean I was expecting her to act as Shibuya, not as Tomochin, but scratch it, you had me there and it was a great and pleasant surprise, I loved how you handled this, though I wonder how it would be had Tomochin decided to act as Shibuya and push Kokabuki away, hmm, maybe Kokabuki would persist if she saw signs if it was that route, but then again, it could also be a dead end since Shibuya is Shibuya, she's a tsundere and a Queen, interacting and loving someone so lowly down the power ladder in Majisuka is just so so...well, that's what I'm thinking of course.

Then again, who could resist Chiyuu's charm? I'm always charmed by her, she's a very lovely character to delve into with a very nice personality that makes up for good comfortable and sweet moments, she's so far of to Tomochin who always has this tense and intimidating atmosphere around her, not that I mind Tomochin being like that in most or some of the fics here, but seriously, seeing her always tsun tsun and still tsun is just painful, especially if she's tsun for Chiyuu. :smhid

Mah, I just hope Shibuya-Tomochin won't be super tsun to Chiyuu, though I'm still rather worried about their relationship. It doesn't seem to be rooted in a steady and firm ground, likely there will be a possibility that their relationship would fall apart in the future. I somehow can see it since you add the Rappappa situation and war, Chiyuu's parents, Shibuya's status, her anger for Maeda, Yuko's condition and what the Majijo students would say about them, yep, likely it'll fall apart, unless Chiyuu keeps holding on tight on Tomochin, then that wouldn't be possible. I'm not so sure about Tomochin though...I feel really doubtful with her, she somehow just has that factor that can ruin anything and everything in a whim with her attitude, actions and words....she's almost like Black in a much more frustrating and irritating way. XD

Hahaha, to the Black fans, don't kill me please, though I love Black and all, she's frustrating to handle, silent, deadpan and what? Cold and her reading out passages and reciting them just somehow makes me go 'eh', but, she's better than Shibuya since Shibuya is much more bad than her in a lot of multiple ways that I wish she'd refrain herself from imposing her anger on everyone, geez, she can really kill the atmosphere with her anger and make anyone feel angry and frustrated and that would be proven to be fatal if Chiyuu can't take Shibuya's temper, it'll be one of the points I'm listing in my own memo that might be a likely cause for a breaking point, hopefully, you'd prove me wrong and surprise me yet again. :lol:

Ah, I wrote quite a lot, sorry if it looks like a wall of text, its just me rambling on and on with my thoughts. I hope you aren't confused with me sometimes calling Tomochin, Shibuya like Chiyuu to Kokabuki and vice-versa since I see Tomochin as entirely different from Shibuya, as I see Chiyuu to Kokabuki. :)

Anyways, thank you for the wonderful updates, I enjoyed reading.
Thank you and hope to see update again! :cathappy:
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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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Re: Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2012, 10:36:44 AM »
You really have me on my seat, stv-san. My TomoTomo fangirl side is creeping in slowly, I don't know how long I can suppress it from coming out. Please take responsibility for that. :lol: Reading this just makes me crave for more TomoTomo fics, and hardly do I see some as fantastic as this. Seriously. :(

I'm sorry if I haven't dropped by and given some comments, was having a hectic time myself with school. But anyways! I'll try to fill it up with this comment, let's see how long this'll be. :cathappy:

Hmm, interesting. :roll: Seems like TomoTomo is now on...uhh, first base or was it second base? Whatever base it is I don't care...wait, scratch that, I do care if they went to third base. :rofl:

I'm glad that this didn't turn into a dramafest, yet, since I was kind of expecting that Tomochin would struggle for her feelings and avoid Chiyuu as much as possible so that Rappappa and her reputation won't sink down to the sea and piled into a messy debris under the ocean floor, but then, you gave a good turn and headed for something I never expected. Tomochin accepting her love for Tomo just took me surprised. Literally. I mean I was expecting her to act as Shibuya, not as Tomochin, but scratch it, you had me there and it was a great and pleasant surprise, I loved how you handled this, though I wonder how it would be had Tomochin decided to act as Shibuya and push Kokabuki away, hmm, maybe Kokabuki would persist if she saw signs if it was that route, but then again, it could also be a dead end since Shibuya is Shibuya, she's a tsundere and a Queen, interacting and loving someone so lowly down the power ladder in Majisuka is just so so...well, that's what I'm thinking of course.

Then again, who could resist Chiyuu's charm? I'm always charmed by her, she's a very lovely character to delve into with a very nice personality that makes up for good comfortable and sweet moments, she's so far of to Tomochin who always has this tense and intimidating atmosphere around her, not that I mind Tomochin being like that in most or some of the fics here, but seriously, seeing her always tsun tsun and still tsun is just painful, especially if she's tsun for Chiyuu. :smhid

Mah, I just hope Shibuya-Tomochin won't be super tsun to Chiyuu, though I'm still rather worried about their relationship. It doesn't seem to be rooted in a steady and firm ground, likely there will be a possibility that their relationship would fall apart in the future. I somehow can see it since you add the Rappappa situation and war, Chiyuu's parents, Shibuya's status, her anger for Maeda, Yuko's condition and what the Majijo students would say about them, yep, likely it'll fall apart, unless Chiyuu keeps holding on tight on Tomochin, then that wouldn't be possible. I'm not so sure about Tomochin though...I feel really doubtful with her, she somehow just has that factor that can ruin anything and everything in a whim with her attitude, actions and words....she's almost like Black in a much more frustrating and irritating way. XD

Hahaha, to the Black fans, don't kill me please, though I love Black and all, she's frustrating to handle, silent, deadpan and what? Cold and her reading out passages and reciting them just somehow makes me go 'eh', but, she's better than Shibuya since Shibuya is much more bad than her in a lot of multiple ways that I wish she'd refrain herself from imposing her anger on everyone, geez, she can really kill the atmosphere with her anger and make anyone feel angry and frustrated and that would be proven to be fatal if Chiyuu can't take Shibuya's temper, it'll be one of the points I'm listing in my own memo that might be a likely cause for a breaking point, hopefully, you'd prove me wrong and surprise me yet again. :lol:

Ah, I wrote quite a lot, sorry if it looks like a wall of text, its just me rambling on and on with my thoughts. I hope you aren't confused with me sometimes calling Tomochin, Shibuya like Chiyuu to Kokabuki and vice-versa since I see Tomochin as entirely different from Shibuya, as I see Chiyuu to Kokabuki. :)

Anyways, thank you for the wonderful updates, I enjoyed reading.
Thank you and hope to see update again! :cathappy:

Wow, even a great review and comment from the God of fanfic.. LOL

Seriously, you're steve right. LOL if you denied that, then, you didn't like Stella.. LOL

I think there will be a twist from dance... i dunno.. just my gut feeling..

I never been a big fan of TomoTomo.. but, yes, this story managed to make me squealing.. LOL

sent from my heart, with love~ #disgust (i mean my tab fufufu)
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2012, 10:52:11 AM »
Sieka-sama again wrote what's on my mind, but that's expected from the person I respect and look up to. And you see, bochang-san also thinks about you as a god of fanfics, Sieka-san... Anyway, I have nothing more to say, as Sieka-san already said everything what's needed... *blushes from saying -san to the person she respects* I think I'll stay to addresing you with -sama yappari, Sieka-sama... Thank you, stv_wong-san, for update :bow:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 11:03:03 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 9 added
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2012, 04:59:08 PM »
Hurray for holiday  :D

Chapter 10

*In the late morning, Ookabuki’s room.

The first thing that I heard today was a, “wake up, sleepy-head”, and it was followed by a blinding light. I grumbled a “hrmmm...” and covered my eyes from the light. I rubbed my eyes a few times and sat up on the bed. Then I saw her standing by window. It seemed like she was just opened the curtain. That explains the blinding light. She walked to me, kissed my cheek, and sat on the bed.

“What time is it now?”

“Almost ten o’clock.”

“Oh….” Ten, huh? Wait, ten?? “You’re not joking right?”

“Why should I?” she asked me back.

“Er… nothing.” It was rare for me to oversleep like this. It must’ve connected to how late I went to sleep last night. Sigh… her hugged me all night long was just… not good for my health. Not good for my beauty sleep, actually.

“Why don’t you stay here today?”

I frowned at that. I would like to stay here with her, but…. “I can’t. Dance’ll come to my apartment after school.”

“Does she come to your place every day?” Did I hear jealousy in her voice?

“Sure, she does. She’s my underling after all. My most faithful underling, though I won’t say that to her.”

“Faithful, huh?”

“Yep, she has been following me around for more than four years after all.”


Why was she so silent? Was she jealous? At Dance? Oh, come on. She’s my underling for God’s sake. I took a glance at her. She looked… sad? Perhaps disappointed was more fitting. Argh…, that’s why I don’t like to have relationship with people, be it friends or more than that, you have to be careful with your words and action so you won’t hurt anyone. Thank God, Rappapa`s member knows me so well.

“Err…, I have to go. I have to get back before Dance come.” It was partially true. But, mostly, I was afraid if I stay longer, I’ll hurt her more. I stood up and looking for my clothes.

“What?” She walked towards me, holding my hand. “Can you stay for a bit more?” I had to stop my sigh from coming out from my mouth. “You should have some breakfast first.”

“Alright, I’ll go after that.” I can’t just go now, can I?

She beamed at me, “alright, I’ll be waiting downstairs. Go get ready and change your clothes.” She said while walking to the door.

Sigh…, I hope I’m not making another mistake. I wonder how I can I resist to not come to her when we’re in school later, considering how whipped I am when it came to her.


*At dining room.

The sight that welcomed me when I entered the dining room took me by surprise. There, in the table, was served a full complete set of Japanese breakfast. I stared at her flabbergasted.

“Didn’t you say your mother busy with her career? How come she cooked so much in the morning?”

“Who said it was my mom`s?” She crossed her arms in front of her body.

“You made all of this?” I pointed the food. “It’s not poisoned isn’t it?”

“How could you say that?” She glared at me. “Just shut up and eat.”

I raised my eyebrow at her. Did she order me to shut up? She damn well know who I am, right? She sighed, walked to me and hugged me. “Come on… let’s just eat.” She pecked my lips. “Okay?” I tried to control my temper. I can feel myself calming slowly. Sigh….

“Okay, let’s eat.” I said after I got myself to calm down. She smiled and pushed me to sit on the chair.

“Itadakimasu.”  I took a sip of the Miso Soup hesitantly. Er… oh…it’s quite good. I took a bite of the salmon. It’s good too.

She was watching me all the time. “Is it good enough?” She asked nervously. “I never cooked for anyone else before.”

I gulped the food in my mouth. “It’s good.” I took a bite again. “I’ll be happy if I can eat the food you had cooked every day.” I added nonchalantly.

“What?” ‘Huh? What’s what?’ And then I remembered what I just said… ‘Shit, did I just say what I think I said?’ I look at her reddened face. ‘Damn, I truly said it.’

“Er… I mean it’s good enough, that I like it.” Lame… I face-palmed myself in my mind.

“Oh? Should I make a bento for you every day?” She truly has a fast recovery, huh?

“And how you give me the bento in school?” I rolled my eyes.

She scrunched her face. “You’re right.”

We spend the rest of the breakfast in silence, not the tense silence, but the comfy silence. Which is broken by the sound of the bell after a few minutes. ‘Damn it, whenever I’m in peaceful state someone has to come and ruin it.’

“I’ll get it. Finish your breakfast.” She said and then she walked out of the room.

And then I heard someone talked to her. “Are you feeling better today, Aneki?” Damn it. Kokabuki?? This was bad. I know I should leave earlier.

“Err… fine. Um, can you stay here for a bit, Kokabuki?” I heard her voice. And then she came back to the dining room.

“I thought you said she rarely came here?” I hissed at her immediately.

“She was. I don’t even know why she comes…. Oh, God, I have to tell her the truth now.”

“What?!” I barked at her. “No way, I don’t want anyone to know about our past, and about us now.”

She walked to me and held my hand. “I have to, we can’t keep this as a secret forever.” She pecked my lips. “Don’t worry, she won’t betray my trust. And besides, I won’t give her the detail. I’ll just tell her we’re known each other since childhood.”

“And if she ask what am I to you?”

She stared at me softly and kissed my lips gently. “Then I’ll tell her you’re the most important person for me.” She then walked out of the room again.

And I could hear her voice again. “Kokabuki, I want to tell you something. But, don’t you dare slip this information out to anyone. And this is an order.” There’s a short pause and then I could heard Kokabuki`s voicing a “yes”. I could hear footsteps came closer towards here. And there, in the entrance of the dining room stood Tomo and her sister.

Kokabuki glared at me and let out a grumbled, “Rappapa…” while I glared back at her with the same, if not more, hostility. She turned towards her Aneki. “Why is she here?” She looked at the food in the table. “Did the two of you eat together?”

“Is that a problem, Kokabuki?” I cracked my knuckles. “Well, thanks for the ‘breakfast’ I have lots of energy to spend now.” I now I should’ve said nothing, but I can’t stop myself to not shot back at her, and let her know that her Aneki is belong to me. Have I said that I don’t like her sister? Well, I said it now didn’t I?

“B-breakfast?” She stuttered the word. She looked at her Aneki who’s just sighed, and then she glared back at me.

“Girls, stop that.” I stood up and glaring menacingly at her sister. She sighed again and added, “Stop that ‘now’. I don’t want a fight erupted in my home.”

“Tch…, fine.” I’ve finished eating after all. I walked to her, and then I patted her head, “thanks for the food.” She smiled at me and nodded. I walked towards the entrance of the dining room which is still blocked by Kokabuki.

“Out of the way.” I barked at her. She’s still glared at me, but her Aneki signaled her to move out and let me pass. Before I was out I hissed at her menacingly. “If someone knows about me and your Aneki, I’ll hunt you down and throw your dead body to the sea.”

I heard Tomo sighed again, and then she walked towards us. “Girls… behave.” She held my hand, “I’ll walk you out. Kokabuki, wait for me here.”

*In the entrance of Ookabuki`s home.

“Sorry, I truly didn’t know she would come.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I should go soon after all. Before Dance come to my apartment.” She forced a smile at me. Huh? Don’t tell me she really is jealous towards Dance.

“Will you come here tomorrow?”

Hmm… “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’ll go to school tomorrow.” Yeah, I have to talk to Torigoya.

“I see.” She looked disappointed. “Well, contact me later okay?”

“Sure… and make sure your sister won’t tell anyone, or else.”

She smiled at me, “I know, don’t worry.”


*The next day, Majisuka Jo Gakuen, Shibuya`s and Torigoya`s class.

I walked to my class, I looked around trying to find Torigoya. Some low-level yankees, who’s happen to be my classmate came to me.

“Oy, Shibuya, I heard three Queens of the Rappapa got beaten by juniors.” She smirked at me, while I give her a death glare. “Looks like Rappapa is not as strong as it seems. Right?” She asked her fellow low-life behind her who’s snickering or, the bravest one, laugh openly.

She opened her mouth to say another insult, but before she managed to say a thing I gave her a hard jab on her face, sent her flying for a meter or so, instantly KO-ed her. One of her friend came to punch my face, but I crouched down to dodge it and sent a direct punch to her torso, followed by an upper-cut and a kick to her body. And she’s also KO-ed in an instant. The third girl trying to gave me a jab, but I dodged to the side and catches her hand, and give it a painful twist, dislocated her arm. She fell to the floor, and screamed in pain. The other girls back down slowly. Afraid.

I give my ‘classmates’ my deathliest glare, a Queen’s glare. “Anyone still want to say something? I still have a lot of energy, you know.” I cracked my knuckles to give more impact on my words. Their face looked as white as chalk. “Any of you seen Torigoya?”

They shook their head in unison. I kicked the nearest chair out of frustration, and walked out the class. Perhaps Torigoya’s in Rappapa`s Room. I walked to the top of Majijo in a bad mood, thanks to that stupid yankees. I punched and kicked whoever came in my direction without care. Grrr… this was all Maeda`s fault.

I finally arrived in Rappapa`s Room, our underling minus Dance, since my diligent underling must’ve still in her class, it’s still early after all, stood in the corner near the door, while Torigoya was looking out from the window. Sado wasn’t around.

“Get out!” I barked to our underling. They seemed surprised seeing me here, while Torigoya… was being herself. She’s still in her own world.

“Shi-shibuya-senpai. Are you well enough now?” Showa asked me.

Grrr… don’t they understand my words? “I said out, I want to talk to Torigoya alone.”

They finally left. After make sure that no one is around, I walked to Torigoya and called her. No response. I face-palmed myself and sighed. ‘God, what an… airhead.’ For some reason, even though I’m hot-blooded I rarely lose my patience when it comes to Torigoya, it has to be related to the fact that we’re in the same class since freshman year and somehow we’re getting along well with each other, and she’s surprisingly nice to talked to. Oh, and also Gekikara, me and Black came from the same Junior High, even though I never talked to Black before we’re invited to the Rappapa by Yuko-san, while Gekikara is my fighting buddies. There was one times before our Junior High graduation day when she saw me fighting against more than ten Yabakune students on my own. And since she was bored, she decided to ‘join the fun’.   And after that we came to respect each other and decided to enrolled to Majijo, since Majijo is the strongest yankee`s school and also Yabakune`s nemesis. And Geki bring Black along since they are close friend.

During our first semester in Majijo, Yuko-san saw Geki and me fighting Yabakune students, again. She didn’t intervere or even joins in, she just watched us fighting and saw something in us. She approached us afterwards and asked us to join her to the top of Majijo, to rebuild the Rappapa. At first we’re think she’s strange, and weird. But then, after a few encounter, we gradually came to respect her, her strength, her genki self, and more importantly we owe her our life. She’s not only strong, but wise also. Her so called ‘pep-talk’ has helped us more than once. She helped us to become a better person. And so, it’s not a wonder that we will do anything for her. But, for Torigoya, it’s seems like she is more than that. Which is the reason why I wanted to talk to her.

After I called her for the third time she finally snapped out of her world and saw me.

“A… Shibuya? When did you come?”

I face-palmed myself and sighed. “I was here for almost 15 minutes.”

“I didn’t see you.”

I face-palmed myself again. “It’s alright.” I opened my bag and took her notebook and give it back to her. “It’s yours, right?”

“A…, yes. Dance borrowed it from me two day ago.” She took it and put it in her pocket.

“By the way, about the ‘Yuu-chan’you wrote in there…” I trailed off, don’t know what to said.

She walked to Yuko-san`s chair and looked at it fondly. “You saw that?”

“Yeah. Don’t be so careless next time. Luckily Dance didn’t see it. You do know we shouldn’t show weakness in front of other people, right?” I speak softly to her.

“It’s love not weakness. I love Yuko-san, so what if others know about it. I don’t care about what others may say.”

I was shocked. I know how stubborn she can get, but…, “Yeah, but what if others use it against us? What will you do then?”

“Love is what makes us strong. Being able to love is what makes us human. I believe that to love is the greatest gift for a human.” I just stared at her, dumbstruck with what she had said. ‘Is she really Torigoya or Yuko-san possessed her body?’

She smiled at me, looks like she knows what I’m thinking about. “Yuko-san told me that. She also said that no matter whom the person is, where or when you fall in love. Love is never wrong. But, sometimes people tend to do the wrong thing and get blinded by love. But, love itself is never wrong.”

I smiled back at her, “that’s Yuko-san, alright.” Silence filled the room for a moment. I could hear the hushed voices of Majijo students below. “How come Yuko-san told you that?”

“She said that to me while we’re talking about us.”


“Me and her.” She smiled fondly with a faraway look in her eyes.

“I see.” Torigoya is strong, perhaps not physically, but mentally she is strong. I admire her unwavering feeling towards our leader. While me… sigh… I hope I can say I don’t care about what others may say too. But, not right now, maybe sometime later in the future. I just hope that Tomo want to wait for me a little bit longer. “What if you fall in love with someone you shouldn’t? Someone from lower position? Did she tell you about that?”

She stared at me and tilted her head to the side. “No, she didn’t. But I’m in lower position than her. So it shouldn’t matter, right?”

I rolled my eyes. ‘Airhead.’ “Yeah, but you’re a Queen for God’s sake, so it doesn’t matter much. What I mean is, what if you fall in love with someone who’s not in Rappapa?”

She stared at me again. It kinda made me feel uncomfortable. “Is it Dance?”

“Huh? Dance?”

“Do you fall in love with Dance?”

“What???! Are you crazy?? She’s my underling.” I shouted in response. How come Dance came into her mind? “Jeeezzz… why you people always put Dance and me together?”

“Well… she’s always following you around, so…” she pouted at me because I shouted at her, “it’s not hard for love to blossom from that closeness.”

“Well it’s not her.” I said, still pissed off.

She stared at me again as if I am an experimental subject. “It’s… not… her…,” she said slowly, “so you really are in love with someone right now. Why I don’t realize it sooner? That’s must be the reason you asked about that.”

‘Damn, stupid, idiot… how could you let it slip?’ I tried to put a straight face. “Well, it’s just hypothetically speaking.”


‘Stupid, idiot, ignorant, dumb, dense, slow…’ I was still scolding myself when her soft voice cut my berating.

“You know, as Yuko-san said love is never wrong. So, as long as you don’t go stealing other people`s partner I guess that’s okay. Love is love, right? And I really want to know who the person who is able to steal the heart of our hot-blooded queen.” She winked at me. “And I hope whoever that person is, that person has a kind heart and an ocean-sized bucket full of patience to deal with your temper.” She added with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “You were hanging around Sado too much.”

She giggled softly. “I’m sorry. It’s just a wonder, really. For ‘you’ to fall in love, it’s truly is one of the seven wonders.”

I glared at her. “If you dare to say it to anyone else…” ‘Even if I have to face Yuko-san`s wrath…’ “I’ll…”

She’s pouting at me. “Of course I won’t. I’m just teasing you around. You got riled up so easily, that’s why Sado like to tease you.”

I just rolled my eyes at that. “Whatever…”

“And speaking of Sado…,” she said after a while, “she said we have to woken ‘her’ up.”

I snapped my head towards her. Her long hair blocked her face from my view. “When?” I asked.

“… Tonight…”

“…I see…”

“If I failed too…”

“You won’t.” I cut her.

“Hear me out first. If I failed too…., please protect Majijo. The other Queens are still unwell, and Sado has a lot in her mind. Please protect Yuu-chan`s Majijo and Rappapa.”

“… You don’t need to ask me that. Of course, I will.” ‘With my life.’


Yay for holiday  :on woohoo:

That's chapter 10. Thanks for reading, hope you like it. Sorry for misspelling and bad grammar.

@lollita90: I'm glad you like it. It's alright, you can call me Stv or Wong, or both. But, Wong is actually my family`s name.
                I'm from Indonesia. We're celebrating our Indepence Day anniversary and holiday from one of the religion here. So, yeah, long weekend for me. :on GJ:
@bunny_rabbit: LOL... perhaps, though I can't make them smooching out in school. It'll be... disasterous for Shibuya :nervous
@korisunyan: gee... you embarassed me :shy2:
                     glad you like it.
@kahem: thanks for reading and commenting  :bow:
@haruko: yes... i can't help myself, I tempted to put some Kojiyuu since they are also my OTP. Too bad they'll have a sad ending in MJGK series. :cry:
@bochang: bzzt... wrong... XD
                 my name is steve, yes, but I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else.  :P
                 glad you like the story, and for the twist... well, we'll see (since i haven't write the next chapter yet.) :nervous
@sieka: waaah.... thanks for commenting my story :bow:
            well, i can't write adult rated fic well, so.... :nervous
            Perhaps a little bit of drama, though it won't turn into a drama-fest, since i don't like it much.
            Heh..., tell me about it. I know she has this tsundere character, but come on...
            i'm also getting tired seeing her always tsun-tsun towards Tomo~mi in some of the fics here. Where's the dere-dere? :frustrated:
            I agreed on your opinion about Shibuya. She is... frustrating, especially in MJGK 2.
            For now, Kokabuki still able to tone Shibuya's temper down. But, for how long?
            If it was me, i'll just go and leave her alone. But, if I make Kokabuki do that this fics is basically finish :nervous
            And again, thank for reading :bow:
@sakura_drop_: I also agreed with you. Sieka-san`s fics are really good.
                        thanks for reading and commenting XD

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2012, 07:24:00 PM »
hi stv! thanks for the update!  :luvluv2: it's fun imagining haruna lovingly saying that she loves yuko. i wonder how kokabuki will react towards what chiyuu's gonna say to her about she and shibuya's relationship. upset? forcing to accept the truth? i guess  :dunno:

oh you're from indonesia? so we're neighbour, i guess.. i'm from the neighboring country, but currently living in north america now. happy independence day for your country! when i was asking you before, i already know that your country is probably having holiday for eid celebration for muslims, right? so i'm sure that you're somewhere from southeast asia (i'm guessing right) hehehe nice to meet ya!  :on asmo:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2012, 05:26:37 AM »
OMG!! love it! torigoya talking about love.. and accept that she olove yuko!!! OMG!!! adn tomotomo scenes love it :D jajajja about dance and shibuya its so funny to think aobut them together..

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2012, 06:20:01 PM »
Shibuya listen Torigoya!!!!! hehe

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2012, 08:22:32 PM »
WAAA, Torigoya sz
OMG, i'm your fan, this fanfic is very perfect D;
omg, i waiting for moooore D;

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2012, 10:30:29 PM »
Mhm, I wonder how things are going to develop further on... How Kokabuki will handle the truth about WTomo's past, and what other's reactions will be when Torigoya awakens... Thank you for this update  :bow: (I especially am waiting for some KojiYuu  :inlove:)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline bochang

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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Re: my attempt at fanfics' world (MASK - Tomotomo) Chapter 10 added
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2012, 02:29:53 AM »
wow.. never thought the air head queen can be a so wise when talking about her love to Yuko. LOL

When Chiyu said this “Then I’ll tell her you’re the most important person for me."

I thought Tomochin will be blushing heavily.. but it's not..

Tsundere Tomochin.. Kawaii.. XD

It makes me fall in love with Tomochin even more.. XD
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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