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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358164 times)

Offline DKA48

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  • Kami Oshi: Matsui Jurina
Re: Heartbeat [wmatsui] Chapter 20 part2 (12/30/14)
« Reply #220 on: January 01, 2015, 09:31:21 AM »
Sugoiiiii..... Thanks for this fic. Please... Make a second season this story is really cute... Ur great writer!!!.

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Kami Oshi: Matsui Jurina
Oshis: Takahashi minami, Kojima Haruna, Minami minegishi, Yamamoto Sayaka, Yokoyama Yui, Miyazawa Sae, Watanabe Miyuki, Watanabe Mayu, Iriyama Anna, Iwata Karen, Takayanagi Akane, Matsui Rena, Furukawa Airi, Takayo Aki, Kashiwaki Yuki
OTP: "Wmatsui", Atsumina, Kojiyuu, jurimayu, juriannin, mariharu, saeyaka, saeyuki.
GroupOshi: Kami Oshi: AKB48 Oshis: SKE48, NMB48, JKT48

Offline snowkat

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Re: Heartbeat [wmatsui] Chapter 20 part2 (12/30/14)
« Reply #221 on: January 04, 2015, 04:36:47 PM »
Hi there, I've just finished reading the whole chapters. Glad because it ended with a happy ending  :D
I like your fic, I'll be waiting for another release coming from you  :thumbsup

Offline eboo

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Re: Heartbeat [wmatsui] Chapter 20 part2 (12/30/14)
« Reply #222 on: January 06, 2015, 07:27:58 PM »
I want moreee .. can you write a wmatsui sweet moment after they dating author-san ? ahh .. it would be good if you did that. Heartbeat season 2 :roll:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Partners [wmatsui] Chapter 1 (12/01/15)
« Reply #223 on: January 12, 2015, 02:23:46 AM »
Author’s note: Hello dear readers! I promised I would not keep you in the dark too long about a potential sequel to Heartbeat, so here I am. I’ve finally sorted out my ideas, and decided to continue this story. It will be a multi-chaptered fanfic again, but I have no idea how long it will be. I don’t know how frequently I’ll be able to update either, so please be patient! Anyway, here’s the first chapter of Partners, the sequel to Heartbeat.

If you enjoy my stories, don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment. I love to hear people's thoughts, their favorite moments & scenes, their intuitions, guesses etc. I love writing, but it's something I do on my free time and it takes me quite a while to write a chapter and publish regular updates. That's why positive feedback/comments are welcomed and truly give me motivation to keep on!

by Sophcaro


A jolt of electricity travels Jurina's body as the sharp noise wakes her up, extracting her effectively from her slumber. Her hand clumsily goes to push the button on the alarm clock, preventing it from releasing any more unpleasant sound. The bedroom immediately plunges into a peaceful silence again and Jurina exhales deeply in frustration. Despite knowing full well what time it is she stubbornly refuses to open her eyes, appreciating the comfort of her bed a few more minutes. When she knows she can't drag the inevitable any longer she gets out of bed and sits on the side, staring annoyingly at the rounded object that disturbed her sleep.

She knows she shouldn't get mad at it. It's not its fault if she's in an unusual bad mood. The alarm clock only did its job and woke her up at 6.30 AM, as usual during a working day. It always takes her a little time to wake up, but her large yawn clearly indicates it's going to be a bit more tough today. She wishes she could go back to sleep for a bit, but knows it's unfortunately not an option. Finally standing up her feet move forward on the blue carpet, first leading her to the bathroom, before directing her to her dresser. Her fingers rummage through the drawer in search of her favorite dark blue tracksuit, pulling it off when they finally find it. A few seconds later Jurina is fully clad in it and she moves to the door, grabbing her Ipod on her way.

The hallway is still dark and quiet when she steps outside and moves to the entrance, putting her matching dark blue sneakers on, before opening the front door. As she closes it behind her a cold wind welcomes her, and she shivers as the unpleasant sensation hits her with full force. Taking a curious look around she observes a few bystanders walking down the streets, heading to work judging by their black suits. When she finally adjusts to the fresh air she descends the steps, opening the gate a few seconds later and stepping on the street. Her left hand moves to her pocket and she retreats her Ipod, switching the device on and placing her earpieces in her ears. The music of River immediately resonates and she puts the music player back in place, her feet immediately moving forward as she starts her morning jog.

It has become a routine for two years now, one that she would miss for nothing in the world. At first, she only did it a few days a week, mostly to stay fit. Then, when she realized it also helped her clear her head, it became a daily habit. Unfortunately today, the activity doesn't seem to have the peaceful effect it should have. As Jurina makes her way around the corner of her street her heart is already beating fast, but not because of the physical exercise.

She had set her music player on that particular song in hope that the lyrics would help her get rid of her current apprehension, but it was failing to do the work. Despite how much she tried to focus on the song, she couldn't get her mind off a certain girl. To be honest, she hasn't been sleeping very well last night, and couldn't stop tossing and turning in her bed at the thought of her reunion with Rena. The last time she saw her it was a week ago, after the Tokyo Dome concert. Despite how busy Jurina was these last few days with SKE's activities, time still seemed excruciatingly long.

The first days, she couldn't wait to be reunited with Rena again, and had cursed more than once her rushed departure. However, as the days went by and the date of their reunion was approaching, she started to dread it more than anything, fear taking hold of her. What if Rena realized during their time apart that she had made a mistake and decided to take back everything she said?

Mae he! Mae he! the lyrics scream at her, but her steps have never been so unsteady. She wants to keep faith, but Rena's words at the hospital have left a deep mark on her heart. As she suddenly recalls Rena's confession she pushes her negativity aside, her eyes lightening up in hope. She wants to believe in those words the older girl uttered. Rena would never say such a thing if she didn't mean it, right?

Twenty minutes later, she's back at the front door of her house again, and she makes her way to her bathroom to get rid of all the sweat. As she turns the water of her shower on she jumps at the cold sensation on her skin, before progressively getting accustomed to it. Maybe that's what she needed right now anyway. A cold shower to get rid of her worries.

When she steps in the kitchen her mother welcomes her with a smile, which she reciprocates, before taking a seat at the table. She thanks her when her breakfast is being placed in front of her, before absently taking grains of rice with her chopsticks. The food somehow tastes a bit differently this morning, and she knows it has something to do with the knot in her stomach and the girl that's still on her mind.

Realizing all the usual tricks didn't work this morning she stops trying to fight this annoying apprehension, knowing it will only go away once she's talked to the older girl. Now, all she has to do is to be patient. As her mother leaves the kitchen to let her eat in peace the room is quiet again, except for the sound of the ticking clock. Jurina takes a curious peek at it, noticing she still has one more hour to wait. It shouldn't be so hard, but unfortunately, patience has never been her strongest point.


A few girls of the SKE group are currently getting changed in the dressing room, getting ready for the recording of the television show. Churi, while getting dressed, watches out of the corner of her eye Jurina who has been very quiet since her arrival ten minutes ago. Her silence contrasts with all the chatting she can hear around her, and she really wonders what's happening to her friend.

Actually, it's not the first time she's been behaving this way. She has been unusually distant with everyone these last days, even staying away from her favorite target, Ryoha. While the sixteen year old girl was probably enjoying the respite, Churi was getting more and more worried. She had questioned Jurina a few times, but she had each time assured she was fine.

Her awkward behavior has today taken a new level, and Churi raises a surprised eyebrow at the view of the girl who's now sitting down in a chair, and checking the time on her phone every two minutes, a small sigh occasionally leaving her lips. Now that she's fully clad in her uniform, Churi turns to fully look at her and she takes a step forward, having had enough of her friend's strange attitude.

"What's happening with you?"

Jurina, lost in her thoughts, jumps at the sharp voice behind her back, before seeing a confused Churi staring at her.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't stopped looking at your phone for ten minutes."

Just at the mention of her Smartphone Jurina takes a quick peek at it - checking the time again - before pushing it aside. She knows her behavior doesn't make any sense, and she mentally curses her friend for her keen eyes, not knowing what to answer to her question. She half hopes Churi will drop the subject, but as she looks up and notices her intense stare, she knows this is not about to happen. If there's one thing she discovered recently about the older girl, it's that she can be pretty stubborn when she wants to.

"Rena is coming back today. She's doing the performance with us."

Churi's concern immediately fades at the explanation. For a minute, she was really expecting the worse. Her mouth tugs into a smile and she leans her back against the wall behind her, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, right. The girl of your dreams."

Jurina's eyes widen at her emphasis on the last word, before muttering under her breath when she notices her friend's amusement. When they departed the hotel in Tokyo a week ago, Churi had peppered her with questions in the taxi, and she may have mentioned the 'dream' incident to her. Obviously, she should have left that part out.

"I should never have told you that. I have the feeling I'm never going to hear the end of it."

Churi chuckles, noticing how her friend is now averting her eyes in discomfort.

"You have to admit the pattern is really comical."

A small groan leaves Jurina's lips and she buries her head in her hands, Churi's laughing intensifying at her action. Now, she's sure of it. She should never have relented to Churi's prying that day in Tokyo.

The laughing suddenly fades and Jurina takes a curious peek at her friend between her fingers. Churi's attention is not on her anymore and Jurina tilts her head to her right, wondering what suddenly distracted the girl. Her breathing hitches as she watches Rena who just arrived and who's taking her coat off.

The older Matsui hasn't noticed her presence yet and Jurina takes this opportunity to carefully look at her, her heart instantly fluttering as Rena's mouth suddenly tugs into a smile as she responds to what Airi is telling her. Jurina is too far away to hear anything they're saying but right now, it doesn't really matter. That shy expression is something Jurina never gets tired of seeing.

In her eyes, Rena truly is a beautiful girl: from her long black shiny hair to her small piercing brown eyes, she almost looks like a character from one of those fairytales. One thing is for sure: she really deserves her 'Nagoya princess' title. However, despite all her attractive features, it's that special smile of hers that never fails to hypnotize Jurina every time she witnesses it on her lips. Her admiration for Rena had started the first day she joined the group and, according to the sound of her beating heart, it was not about to stop anytime soon.

A light tap on her shoulder distracts the younger girl's attention and she tilts her gaze to Churi who's motioning the older Matsui with her head.

"Why don't you go and talk to her?"

Jurina looks back at Rena, noticing how she's engrossed in a conversation with Airi, before shaking her head.

"Maybe later. She's busy."

Churi raises a surprised eyebrow, not expecting that kind of answer from her. She remembers vividly the times when a young Jurina would cling to Rena at every given opportunity, disregarding each time the girl's protests. She understood why Jurina had stopped her behavior these last few months as she was trying to distance herself from the girl she had strong feelings for, but this reason was not valid anymore. Rena had confessed her feelings for her, so why was she acting like that?

Churi watches Jurina's curious behavior a few more seconds, before lifting her gaze to Rena and locking eyes with her. A small smile grazes the older Matsui's lips and Churi responds to it, not missing how Rena's eyes then fall expectantly on Jurina, whose attention is now on her suddenly very interesting phone. Churi tries to decipher her young friend's behavior - failing to understand it for a while - until it finally hits her.

"You're afraid."

Jurina's fingers stop on the screen at the girl's declaration, before taking a tentative look at her. The way her features start to contort in embarrassment is the only confirmation Churi needed to know she hit the bull's eye.

"You really can't do anything without me, can you?"

Jurina frowns at Churi's words and curiously follows her movements, until she freezes when she understands she's going to speak to Airi and Rena. Right now, she would give anything to know what she's so cheerfully talking about with them, as her eavesdropping unfortunately doesn't work at such a distance.

Jurina notices that Airi and Churi suddenly leave the room together, Rena's attention immediately back on her as she approaches her.

"Good morning, Jurina."


Both girls share a smile before Rena turns to the coat-hanger and grabs her outfit, her eyes wandering around the room and noticing that all the other girls are already clad in their uniforms. She knows she's awfully late. She didn't hear her alarm-clock ringing the first time - trapped in an unusual deep slumber - and had awoke in a hurry at the sound of the second warning.

Getting her attention back on the task at hand she swiftly undresses - putting her outfit once she's in her underwear - before tilting her head in curiosity to Jurina who hasn't said a word since her arrival. In fact, she's starting to wonder if she's not avoiding her. Indeed, her eyes are set on anything but her, and she can't help but notice the way she's playing nervously with her phone.

A staff member suddenly enters the room and warns them the show will start in ten minutes and the room progressively empties, leaving a silent Jurina alone with Rena. The older Matsui who's busy doing last adjustments to her blue outfit tilts her attention to the younger girl when she's done, wondering where her unusual quietness is coming from.


Rena approaches her fingers to Jurina's cheek in an attempted caress, only to see her flinching at the gesture. She immediately retreats her hand, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Is everything alright?"

Jurina raises her eyes as she hears the worry in the older girl's voice, mentally cursing her own behavior. She hasn't stopped apprehending their reunion all morning, and it was starting to show.

"What is it?"

Jurina follows Rena's movements who's now sitting in the chair in front of her, not missing the hand that tentatively makes its way to rest on hers.

"Do you regret what happened?"

Jurina looks up in surprise, seeing her own apprehension reflected in the older girl's eyes. When she arrived this morning at the television studio she hoped talking to Rena would help ease her mind, but she had only succeeded in worrying her. Well done, Jurina.

"Of course not."

Jurina lightly squeezes Rena's hand, hoping to convey as much as comfort as possible, and mentally sighs in relief when Rena's features start to relax.

"Then why are you acting this way?"

"You have to understand. For months I believed you would never return my feelings. There was nothing I was more sure of. Your confession took me by complete surprise. I still have a hard time accepting it really happened."

Rena nods, relief washing over her as she finally gets an answer to Jurina's awkward behavior.

"You wouldn't be feeling this way if you had told me sooner how you felt."

"Would you have returned my feelings if I had confessed at the hospital?"

Jurina's question takes Rena by surprise and she momentarily averts her eyes, truly thinking about it. Would she have been able to answer positively to her confession at the time? Probably not. It would have been too soon.

Looking back at the young girl she notices the expectancy in her eyes, and she knows she's facing a dilemma. On one hand, she knows she can't lie. There have been too many secrets between them lately, and if there's one thing she hates above all, it's lying. On the other hand, she knows she can't be completely honest. The truth would do nothing good but hurt Jurina, especially when she's currently in such a fragile state of mind.

"I don't know."

Rena watches as a faint smile grazes Jurina's lips. Did she see through her half lie? Maybe, but if that's the case, she decides not to say anything.

"See... That's precisely why I didn't tell you."

Rena immediately hates the melancholy she witnesses in Jurina's eyes. She knows she's thinking about that day again, and she would give anything to erase that painful memory from her mind.

"It's all behind us now. Let's not think about it anymore."

Jurina nods in agreement and Rena raises her hand, her thumb lightly caressing Jurina's cheek in a comforting gesture. This time Jurina doesn't try to move away and Rena smiles, glad to see the light back in her eyes. Retracting her hand she gets up from her chair, and a quick look at the clock on the wall tells her they barely have five minutes until the beginning of the show. Noticing Rena's attention on the time Jurina gets up as well, adjusting her outfit a last time to get ready for the musical performance.

"Do you trust me?"

Jurina frowns at the odd question, wondering why Rena is asking her such a thing. Of course she does. She would put her life in her hands without a second of hesitation. Realizing the older girl is still waiting expectantly for a reply she quickly nods, a genuine smile moving to her lips.


"Then don't be afraid. My feelings for you are real."

Jurina's heart starts hammering in her chest, watching as Rena moves forward to wrap her arms around her neck, her head going to rest on her shoulder. Despite the fact it's not the first time Rena makes such a declaration Jurina's breathing hitches, somehow still not accustomed to hearing those words.

A soft knock distracts their attention and Jurina tilts her gaze to the door, listening to Churi's voice who's warning them the show is about to start. Disentangling herself from Rena she starts to take a step back when the grip around her neck suddenly tightens, preventing her from moving any further.

"Wait. I want to hug you a little longer."

Jurina's eyes widen, not expecting such words from the girl. If there's one thing Rena and Mayu have in common, it's their punctuality. They are never late, and would hate being the reason of any delay. Jurina's heart flutters, knowing full well Rena is trying to definitely put her apprehension aside. Jurina silently nods at her request, wrapping her arms around the older girl's waist anew. As Rena's fingers move to caress the back of her head Jurina shuts her eyes, tightening the embrace and relishing the tender and comforting gesture.


Jurina watches the shop from outside, noticing the five people who are queuing at the checkout. Apparently, this bakery is really as popular as her best friend promised.

"This is the one?" Jurina asks, frowning at the French name on the front window, before turning around to Mayu who's moving forward to open the door.

"Yes. Allegresse is the best bakery in Tokyo."

Jurina nods, following skeptically the girl who's entering the place. It's her last day in Tokyo - having work to do with AKB for a few days - and she wants to use her last hours in the city to go and buy chocolates. She could have bought them in Nagoya, but as soon as she informed her friend of her plans to buy chocolates for Valentine's Day, Mayu had immediately mentioned that great place she knew in Shibuya.

Jurina frowns when she steps in the bakery and takes a look at all the choices. Judging by all the different types of chocolates, Valentine's Day sure is an important event. Too bad she has no idea what to buy.

"What are you going to buy?" Jurina asks, tilting her head curiously to her friend who's eying different types of chocolates.

"These," Mayu answers, pointing at rectangular brown chocolates, "the strawberry flavored ones."

"That's right," Jurina nods, suddenly remembering Yuki's cheerful reaction when the members were offered a while ago chocolates after the shooting of an advert, "Yuki loves them."

"What are you going to buy Rena?" Mayu asks, her attention fully on Jurina now that her choice has been made.

"I have no idea," Jurina shrugs, staring despondent at all the choices.

"Then don't buy her anything," Mayu says casually, taking a step forward towards the checkout when the customer at the front leaves the shop.

"Are you saying I should not buy chocolates on Valentine's Day?" Jurina gasps in disbelief. Why would Mayu suggest such a thing when she's herself buying chocolates for Yuki?

"Sure, go ahead and don't buy her anything," Mayu chuckles, shaking her head in amusement, "It would be the shortest romantic relationship ever."

"Mayu," Jurina growls, understanding she's been played. She really should stop believing every word her best friend says. Diverting her attention from the annoyingly amused girl to the chocolates again her eyes suddenly spot black rounded ones, and her face lightens up as she reads the inscription below.

"Those," she motions to them, her mouth tugging into a broad smile as she finally has found what she was looking for.

Mayu squints her eyes as she deciphers the description, her features contorting in surprise as she finishes reading it, "Wasabi chocolates? Really?"

"Yes," Jurina nods, amused when her friend makes a sudden sound of disgust, "she loves them."

"Well," Mayu says, frowning at this new piece of information, "Rena always had strange tastes."

Jurina chuckles at Mayu's affirmation, admitting that she's not completely wrong. Rena is pretty famous for loving spicy food, after all.


It took Jurina completely by surprise when Rena had, after the shooting of a television show, asked her if she wanted to come to her place on Friday evening. She knows that the older Matsui doesn't invite a lot of people at her apartment - in fact, she's pretty sure Airi is the only one who ever had such an opportunity - and it took her a few seconds to register what she had just suggested, before replying positively to the proposition.

Now, five days later, she can't help but feel a bit privileged standing right in the middle of Rena's living room. Her eyes scan the place with a barely contained excitation, while waiting for the older girl to finish cleaning the kitchen table. As soon as they arrived at Rena's apartment they immediately ate dinner, and Jurina barely had time to have a look around. As expected, the place is really neat and tidy. She would really have to look closely to find any trace of dust. Her feet lead her to the shelf filled with books standing at the right of the television. She raises a curious eyebrow as she spots an unusual section at the far left end of the shelf, contrasting with the vast quantity of cooking books. As she approaches her mouth immediately tugs into an amused smile, witnessing the display of Rena's passion: mangas, DVDs... everything of course carefully lined up.

As she suddenly hears footsteps approaching she turns around to gaze at Rena, who immediately smiles when she discovers what she's looking at.

"I see you've found my secret place."

Jurina returns the smile, before taking a few steps towards her bag that's resting on a chair, and taking out a small rectangular box a second later. Rena raises a curious eyebrow as the young girl approaches her and stretches her hand to give it to her.

"Here, it's for you."

Rena looks back at her in surprise, before taking the offered item and sitting on the sofa. Her fingers carefully unwrap the box, her eyes widening at the view of the chocolates.

"You bought me chocolates? That's really nice of you. What's the occasion?"

Jurina who just took a seat near the girl immediately frowns. She averts her eyes from the box to stare at Rena, wondering if she's really asking such a thing.

"You really don't know?" Jurina asks, only seeing the older girl shaking her head in confusion, "it's Valentine's Day."

Jurina can almost see the gears turning in Rena's head as her features progressively contort in realization.

"I thought that's why you invited me at your apartment," Jurina continues.

"No, I completely forgot about that," Rena answers, "To be honest, I've never really cared about Valentine's Day."

"Oh," Jurina murmurs.

"Is it important to you?" Rena asks gently, not missing the way Jurina is now averting her eyes.

"Not really," Jurina answers truthfully, "but I was afraid you would get mad at me if I didn't do anything."

"Mad at you?" Rena giggles, shaking her head in amusement, "I've never paid attention to it because I don't believe people need a special date to remind them of how they feel. When you have feelings for someone, you should show it on a daily basis, don't you think?"

Jurina nods, still feeling a bit embarrassed, before seeing Rena leaning over to kiss her.

"Thank you, Jurina. It's a nice gesture."

Jurina's mouth tugs into a shy expression as Rena leans back from the kiss - her hand squeezing Jurina's reassuringly in the process - before diverting her attention to the box and taking one chocolate out, a smile moving to her lips as it touches her tongue.

"It's sweet."


Jurina looks back at Rena in surprise. Since when are wasabi chocolates 'sweet'?

"Yes, have one."

Jurina eyes suspiciously the box Rena is lightly pushing towards her. She does not trust her palate one bit. The last time she ate pasta that was not spicy according to Rena's words, she had to drink a whole glass of water afterwards to get rid of the unpleasant taste on her tongue. Now, her experience has taught her to always stay cautious when it comes to food with Rena.

Diverting her attention from the box to look at the older girl she notices her innocent look mixed with surprise. Jurina doesn't really want to take another risk, but a sudden rush of courage flows her body as she stares again at the golden box full of chocolates. They really look delicious on the outside, but she knows this is just an illusion. It's the stuffing she fears the most. Her left hand hesitantly moves on the table to take one chocolate from the box. She swallows a lump as she observes the brown chocolate between her fingers before diverting her attention to her glass of water, ready to ease her burning throat the second she would fill the spicy sensation.

In half determination she approaches the chocolate to her lips, already fearing what's about to happen. Her features contort in apprehension as it makes contact with her tongue, until her eyes widen in surprise. It's strawberry flavored. Her fingers make their way again to the box as she takes another chocolate, her mouth dropping as she still can't feel the unpleasant wasabi taste. Rena is right. These chocolates are not spicy at all. What's going on? Is she going crazy? Didn't she buy the wasabi chocolates at the shop?


Jurina looks back at Rena, immediately noticing her questioning eyes. She knows her surprise must be written all over her face, but she has to find an explanation for that unexpected turn of events. She kind of wants to take another chocolate from the box to make sure she's not dreaming, but knows it would not change a thing. She doesn't know how it happened but somehow, she ended up with the wrong box. Wait. If she has the strawberry flavored ones, then it means...

"Oh no."

Her features start to decompose as she realizes what happened and she abruptly gets up: Mayu got the chocolates that were supposed to be for Rena. She swiftly makes her way to her bag that's resting on the sofa - her fingers frenetically rummaging through it - before quickly pressing Mayu's phone number that's on speed dial. As she suddenly hears the girl responding on the other side, her voice immediately pitches up.

"Hi Mayu! I don't know what happened, but don't give the box to..."

Jurina grimaces as the shouting starts on the other side of the phone. Too late. She helplessly listens to her best friend's wrath - not even trying to justify herself as she knows it would be useless - before pulling away the phone when the screaming intensifies and she's being called all sorts of names. Mayu may be the sweetest person on earth, she's also very short-tempered. Her current anger is a clear reminder of that aspect of her personality, an aspect Jurina would have preferred to avoid witnessing tonight. She doesn't know how long it lasted, but she suddenly hears Yuki's distant voice, and the shouting finally stops. Whatever she said obviously worked as Mayu is now very quiet, and Jurina mentally thanks the older girl who somehow always knows how to instantly calm the AKB's star.

"It's okay, Jurina. Don't worry about it."

The younger Matsui exhales deeply in relief at Yuki's comforting words, not missing the faint muttering sound behind Yuki's voice. She knows Mayu must be grumbling behind her girlfriend's back, but she doesn't hear another word from her when Yuki hangs up.

"What happened?" Rena inquires when Jurina goes to sit back next to her on the sofa.

"Well," Jurina starts, averting the girl's eyes in embarrassment, "I went to a bakery with Mayu to buy chocolates and after that, we stayed a little while at a café. I guess our bags somehow got mixed up, and Mayu left with the wasabi flavored chocolates."


Jurina exhales deeply before staring at the golden box and grimacing as she starts to picture Yuki emptying a whole glass of water to get rid of the taste. Jurina hears a soft giggle next to her and she looks up, noticing the way Rena is trying to stifle her laughter.

"Poor Yuki."

Jurina's features contort in surprise at the girl's reaction, before soon joining her as Rena's laughing intensifies. Her thoughts then go to Mayu, imagining how embarrassed she must be feeling right now. She may not have many secrets when it comes to her best friend, that's definitely not a moment she's going to share with her. Definitely not.


Jurina places the pillow Rena just gave her on the sofa, before taking a seat, patiently waiting for the girl to return with a blanket.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready to go to bed," Jurina answers when an empty-handed Rena faces her anew.

"You want to sleep on the couch?" Rena asks in confusion.

"I didn't want to assume anything," Jurina replies, averting the older girl's intense look. She may be used to sleeping with Churi quite a lot, she knows Rena never shares a bed with anyone.

"I don't understand. We shared a bed after the Tokyo Dome concert, and a few times before that," Rena affirms.

"Yes, but that was different. You joined me when I had a nightmare, then when I was cold during New Year's Eve. And after the Tokyo Dome concert, you were weeping in my arms. I was just trying to comfort you," Jurina explains.

"You're right," Rena nods, now understanding the girl's hesitation. There has indeed always been a very good reason for them to share a bed before, either for warmth or for comfort. Her feet lead her to her room again as she goes to fetch an extra blanket, before moving to the living room again when she finds one.

"Thank you," Jurina says when Rena starts to give it to her, before noticing that the older girl's fingers are tightly gripping it.

"That's ridiculous," Rena murmurs, lifting her gaze from the white blanket to look at Jurina, "we don't need an excuse to sleep together. Not anymore."

Jurina's jaw drops at Rena's sudden affirmation, following her movements as she takes the blanket back and retreats to her bedroom. Despite hearing the girl loud and clear she doesn't move an inch, too stunned to do anything. A few seconds later light footsteps distract her from her musing and she looks up, witnessing a smiling Rena at the doorstep.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 05:00:43 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Archer1992

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  • I love Atsumina, Mayuki, Kojiyuu, Saeyaka, Wmatsui
Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #224 on: January 12, 2015, 03:12:54 AM »
God this is amazing...
Thanks for continue.

Offline Haruko

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #225 on: January 12, 2015, 03:31:48 AM »
Thanx for a continuation I don´t expect this because Heartbeat was amazing BUT I love it I just hope furuyanagi in some ways...

About the story yeah!! everybody wants to know what happen after that night because yeah jurina is so cute because she doesnt believe about this dream come true.

In this line:

"Well," Mayu says, frowning at this new piece of information, "Rena always had strange tastes."

I though that jurina gonna get mad because mayu could implying that "rena had stange tastes" for liking a person like her (jurina) jaja in my mind sounds funny

I really want a smexy time wmatsui but I dont want to rush things... I dont know :D i leave it in your hands what happen next

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #226 on: January 12, 2015, 04:40:03 AM »


Offline Ava

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #227 on: January 12, 2015, 05:59:08 AM »
thanks for writing a secuel !!

I laughed so hard in the part when jurina realizes the change of chocolates

and rena when she told jurina that they didn't need excuses to sleep together

it was just to cool
loved it

thnks for the update
Fanfic: Towards my dream (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,Mayuki etc)


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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #228 on: January 12, 2015, 06:46:28 AM »
Next chapter please! :cathappy:

Offline SNSD.ProudPinoy.WMatui

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #229 on: January 12, 2015, 05:38:23 PM »
WOW. O.O  :bow: I think my heart stopped like three times while reading this..  I am very happy that there is a sequel ^^ It was amazing. I loved Rena's boldness. It gave me butterflies on every part. My heart started to hurt a bit when reading about Jurina's skepticism though :banghead: ... it was like now she is the one being dragged by a determined and lovely Rena. :D  :inlove: The words, the hugs, the kiss, the invitation.. and that one phrase that just brought it all home :cry: .. "We don't need an excuse to sleep together. Not anymore." .. xDD Beautiful!  :twothumbs I think I'm going to explode from reading such scenes xD Girl of her "dreams" ^^ xD Each moment was amazing and it makes me wonder what big challenge they will have next. Will Jurina finally let her skepticism go and be the dominant one at some point? What are you waiting for Jurina?!?!?!?! I'd like to see Jurina gather the courage to make Rena become the one that gets surprised and have Jurina initiate an intimate moment. She was so bold in the finally for the first series but that was really only because she thought it was a dream. Definitely I feel like that time will come eventually.  :cathappy: Everyone loves a dominant Jurina at some points. ^^ Awe man, you can feel the intense skinship making its way around. Excited :3 ^^  I'm really loving the sequel ^^ Can't wait to read chapter 2 ^^

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #230 on: January 12, 2015, 07:54:03 PM »
WHY YOU STOP THERE ..  :banghead:

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #231 on: January 12, 2015, 11:57:20 PM »
That is GREAT!!
Thanks for writing the Sequel!!!

Offline peaceandlove27

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #232 on: January 13, 2015, 04:25:38 AM »
amazing tht was great cant wait to see what next  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #233 on: January 13, 2015, 07:38:41 AM »
"Yes. Allegresse is the best bakery in Tokyo."
I looked this place up after reading and their pastries really look good. o_o

Mayu squints her eyes as she deciphers the description, her features contorting in surprise as she finishes reading it, "Wasabi chocolates? Really?"
I have to agree with Mayu here. Who would make wasabi chocolates?! XD

Thank you for the sequel, I can't wait to read about WMatsui's sleepover!

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #234 on: January 14, 2015, 02:08:32 PM »
BUT I love it I just hope furuyanagi in some ways...
You've been mentionning quite a few times on my tumblr your desire to see more furuyanagi during Heartbeat, and you do it again here for Partners  :lol:. I never said I would develop their relationship. There will be some WMatsui, MaYuki, RenAiri, JuriChuri, JuriMayu and RenaYuki moments, but no Furuyanagi for now.

I have to agree with Mayu here. Who would make wasabi chocolates?! XD
I agree! Unfortunately, wasabi chocolates really exist  :lol:

Everyone loves a dominant Jurina at some points. ^^
Don't we? Please enjoy a bold Rena until then  ;)

« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 06:59:36 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #235 on: January 16, 2015, 04:56:33 PM »
YEAH! Thank you author-san for making a sequel~ :D
I'm sure Partners is gonna be yet another AWESOME fanfic hehe!!!

Yay for the whole lot of wmatsui moments~! I really like the idea of shy J & bold/dominant R :inlove:

That moment when Jurina realized the chocos got switched HAHAHA it was so funny I could picture that whole scene in my mind hehe~ can't wait for more! Thank you once again!!!!

Offline Tian_Yuan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 1 [WMatsui] (12/01/15)
« Reply #236 on: January 17, 2015, 06:03:53 PM »
Thank u for continuing the story!  :bow:
Rena is totally taking charge! I love it  :oops:
Yuki is so forgiving~  XD

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 2 [WMatsui] (24/01/15)
« Reply #237 on: January 24, 2015, 06:13:20 PM »

Rena was a light sleeper. It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment she became aware of it, but much as she wished for it, she rarely spent a night without waking up a few times. When other members could fall asleep the minute they laid in noisy dressing rooms, the slight disturbance always managed to wake her up instantly. Despite this annoying fact - preventing her from deep peaceful slumbers - she had the faculty to go back to sleep the minute she closed her eyes again. It took her months to get used to waking up in different hotel rooms in different cities. The first months that followed her arrival in the AKB group were definitely the hardest. She was not naive: she knew being an idol meant her life was going to change drastically, but she didn't believe it would be that challenging. If someone had really warned her about it, she probably would have brushed it off.

Now, after six years, she could say she was pretty much used to this new rhythm and to sleeping in unfamiliar rooms. However, it still felt good when she opened her eyes, and found herself in the familiar environment of her apartment. As disoriented she sometimes felt when she slept in different hotel rooms in a short amount of time, she didn't have to open her eyes to know when she was in her own bedroom. The smell of lavender was enough information.

This morning however as she slowly woke up, an unusual new scent was surpassing the familiar one of her red sheets. A faint citrus one was reaching her nostrils, prompting her to curiously open her eyes and tilt her head to discover its origin. She was so used to sleeping alone, that she couldn't help but flinch at the view of the body laying next to her. Not only she almost never shared a bed, she rarely invited people over. Apart from her parents and her brother, the only friend who ever visited was Airi, and she never stayed overnight. That's why it took her a few seconds to ease up, and a few more seconds to get used to the other presence in her bed.

As her body finally relaxes, she slowly turns on her right to lay on her side to observe the girl who's laying on her back. It's funny how the young ace who's so energetic during the day can look so calm right now. Not daring to make a move to not wake her up, Rena blinks a few times and releases a small yawn, before gazing at Jurina's peaceful features, and listening to the faint sound that's leaving her slightly opened lips.

Of course, it's not the first time she shares a bed with the younger Matsui. Even if she never sleeps with anyone, being associated with such a young girl had its perks. When she was still very young, Jurina hated sleeping alone and nightmares were not unusual. As a result, the young girl would often invite herself in Rena's bed. Much as Rena liked her privacy, she was never one to deny comfort to someone in distress. These occurrences happened quite often the first years then decreased little by little, when her help wasn't needed anymore.

When, a few months ago, Rena had joined Jurina in her bed in order to comfort her after her nightmare, it had been years since the last occurrence. Nevertheless, she immediately remembered the right gestures, and was glad when the trembling body relaxed against her. Albeit the fact they didn't sleep together anymore, it reassured her she still knew how the other girl's body worked. Of course, Jurina had physically and mentally changed over the years, but certain things were still very familiar to her, and she couldn't help but feel relieved when the usual tricks still worked.

It's funny how after spending so much time at the girl's side, she was now paying attention to small details she would have considered futile before. Her eyes leave her peaceful features to travel down, watching as the girl's chest is heaving up and down under the blanket, in rhythm with her constant breathing. Her gaze then goes back to the sleeping figure, her attention suddenly caught by the black hair that are spread over the red blanket. Unconsciously, Rena's hand makes its way upwards, her fingers slowly approaching their destination, until she can feel her hair ends under them.

Rena halts her movement for a second - relishing the sensation under her digits - before moving them again, and slowly letting slide a lock of hair between her thumb and her index. She plays a while with Jurina's hair, feeling contented just by the soft feeling between her fingers, before letting go and looking up again. She has to muster all her willpower to not let her hand move upwards to caress the girl's sleeping features, not willing to take the risk of waking her up in the process. A small sigh leaves her lips as her scrutinizing doesn't seem to reach an end, her mind finally voicing what she hasn't stopped thinking since she woke up and her gaze fell on Jurina. Beautiful.

Diverting her attention from her she takes a look at the alarm-clock, briefly pondering on going back to sleep as it's still early, before hearing the girl beside her stirring. Rena watches as Jurina slowly wakes up and turns her head towards her, sleepy eyes falling instantly on her. Rena doesn't miss the slight doubt in them as Jurina stares at her, and she can see the body beside her slightly stiffening. Rena frowns at her odd behavior, trying to understand what prompted her to react this way, until a certain conversation invades her mind. Silence progressively fills the room as both girls quietly look at each other, until Rena lifts her hand and reaches the one that's laying on Jurina's stomach.

"Good morning," Rena murmurs, intertwining their fingers together and lightly squeezing the hand inside hers.

"Hi," Jurina answers, her voice still a bit hoarse from sleepiness, her body progressively relaxing at the feeling of Rena's caress on her knuckles.

Despite the smile now plastered on Jurina's face, Rena can't help but be worried by her attitude. She really wishes she could know the formula to wipe off this apprehension she has been seeing in her eyes for a while now. Despite all her comforting words and gestures, it stubbornly refuses to leave her. Much as she finds a shy Jurina very cute, she would do anything to have the confident girl back. She can handle a self-assured Jurina, but a timid one is unsettling.

Leaning over, her gaze focuses on Jurina's as she inches closer, leaving her enough time to back away if she wishes, before reducing the distance when Jurina's eyes shut in expectation. Despite the fact it's not their first kiss it still sends a jolt of electricity through Rena's body, before her heart starts to race as lips move against hers a few seconds later. It's still hesitant and slow, and Rena knows it's partly due to Jurina's fear. The girl is still scared to wake up one day and realize all this is not real. A part of her wants to let Jurina get accustomed to this new situation at her own pace, but another part of her misses the girl that boldly kissed her after the Tokyo Dome concert. Pulling away, she gazes at the girl under her, an amusing smile moving to her lips a she notices Jurina's slight blush.

"It's almost as in my dream," Jurina murmurs absently.

Rena frowns as she retreats and sits up on the bed - trying to decipher the girl's words - before nodding in recognition as she understands what she's referring to.

"Tell me about it."

The request takes Jurina by surprise. Even if she mentioned her dreams to a few people, she always kept the details to herself. As she watches Rena prompting her to talk with a small encouraging squeeze on her hand she shuts her eyes, her dream immediately invading her mind. She can almost feel the wind against her skin and hear the sound of the waves as she narrates what she's looking at. It's a sunny day, and she's wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and a pair of brown shorts. She's observing the sea from the top of a cliff, her gaze then moving to the few people who are laying on the sand. Albeit the fact it's summer the beach is not well known and as a result not as crowded as you would expect it to be, making it a place of choice for people who are looking for a peaceful afternoon by the sea. Her eyes start to shut as she relishes the pleasant feeling of the soft wind against her skin, cooling down a bit the hot weather.

Just as she's about to get lost in the pleasant sensation soft footsteps catch her attention and she turns around when she feels a hand on her shoulder. It's at this exact moment her dream diverges and Jurina pauses, briefly pondering on which version she's going to tell. Somehow, her decision is quickly made as she refuses to remember the times when tears would spill on her cheeks due to Rena's rejection. These first dreams were too painful, and she wishes she could erase them from her memory.

Her mouth opens anew as she continues her story, a smile unconsciously moving to her lips as the latest version of her dream fills her mind. Sorry for keeping you waiting, Rena utters, slightly breathless as if she's been running. Jurina catches her hand, before feeling the older girl soon squeezing it in return. Her own nervousness is definitely showing, and she appreciates the comforting gesture. That's when Rena leans over to kiss her a first time, before saying those words that never fail to make her heart beat. You shouldn't be afraid of kissing me.

Jurina stops her narration, her eyes still shut as she can feel the girl's lips on hers as the Rena of her dream leans over to kiss her again. She always had a vivid recollection of her nightmares, but always tended to forget about her dreams as soon as she opened her eyes. However, this particular one was so engrained in her mind it still haunted her much more than she wished.

Lost in her musing, it takes her a few seconds to register the slight shift on the bed. Just as she's about to open her eyes to discover its origin, she feels a pair of lips on hers. The summer heat is progressively replaced by a warm hand on her cheek, and the light wind against her skin leaves place to Rena's soft breathing. She immediately looses herself in the pleasant sensation, soon responding to the kiss as she understands the real Rena is pulling her out of her dream. It lasts a little while and she tentatively places a hand behind Rena's head, immediately feeling the lips moving a bit faster against hers. Her body tenses a bit at the change of rhythm, not missing Rena's sudden eagerness. Her fingers unintentionally freeze as she tries to get used to it, before feeling Rena's lips slowing down and her mouth leaving hers.

As she squints her eyes her mind is still a bit foggy, trapped in between the memory of the dream and the reality facing her. The summer atmosphere completely fades away as Rena's bedroom comes into view, and she looks up to the girl who's still hovering over her. She can't help but notice the way Rena is averting her eyes and trying to compose herself. She tries to decipher her unusual attitude, in vain, until Rena retreats and sits up, glancing at her again, all trace of uneasiness disappeared.


Just as she's about to answer her stomach decides to make a plaintive sound, Rena's mouth instantly tugging into an amused smile.

"I guess that's a yes."

Jurina closes her eyes in embarrassment as her stomach continues to do as it pleases, voicing its discomfort again and again. Somehow, this seems to amuse a lot Rena as she starts to laugh, the sound reverberating in the bedroom. A few groans escape Jurina's lips as she helplessly listens to her stomach that's refusing to keep quiet, despite her muttering. Rena's laughing finally fades a while later and Jurina lets out a small sigh of relief when her stomach grants her a short respite, until she feels a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to make breakfast. Join me when you're ready."

Jurina's eyes shot open and she responds to the girl's smile with a nod, before following her movements as she gets out of bed. When Rena leaves the room clad in her red dressing gown Jurina lets her mind wander, her thoughts unconsciously back on her dream as she recalls every detail of it.

"Why am I still thinking about it?" Jurina whispers, wondering when she's finally going to get rid of it. Frustration progressively leaves place to hope as she knows her dreams - as well as her apprehension - have been decreasing little by little these last weeks. It's still not ideal and she's aware she has to be patient until it fully disappears, but she can't deny the fact Rena's constant attention and caring attitude are playing a major role in her recovery.


A duet with Mayu. Jurina barely could contain her joy when she heard about AKB's new song. For years she dreamed of it, in vain. When she was still very active in AKB, Atsuko was the star and when she left, Mayu became AKB's center. She wished for a while the producer would see the potential of reuniting the two girls on stage, but she lost all hope when her activities in AKB decreased little by little. That's why she couldn't believe it when her manager announced the news. She thought her dream had finally been fulfilled, until she discovered the lyrics. She should have known by the title of the song that it would be a poisoned chalice. Rivalry.

A groan leaves her lips as lyrics desperately refuse to stay engraved in her head. Mayu and her are not rivals. They never will be.

"What is it?" a gentle voice distracts her from her musing and she tears her eyes aways from the window of the train that's bringing her to Tokyo, to look at her traveling companion.

"I can't manage to memorize those lyrics," Jurina answers, her hand unconsciously squeezing the paper in frustration.

"Why?" Rena asks, briefly leaning over to take a peek at it, before watching the girl in confusion, "what's the matter?"

"How am I supposed to say such things to my best friend?" Jurina chuckles bitterly, reading again the lyrics that are bothering her so much.

Rena nods silently, failing to find the right words to reassure the young girl. It's not like she can't understand where her struggle is coming from. She is very familiar with the situation herself. When she joined the SKE group, she also had trouble memorizing lyrics that depicted situations she didn't comprehend. Falling in love with an older guy? Never happened. Crying over a heartbreak? Even less. In fact, romance itself was a foreign notion to her and unfortunately, it was the main topic of most of their songs.

Despite those facts, she still somehow managed to get used to it over time, and even start to enjoy herself on stage singing those words, even though they still didn't make much sense. Now, six years later, she probably could sing pretty much everything, even the most absurd situations. A part of her still sometimes wished their songs' lyrics could match her personality a bit more.

"I know it's hard," Rena comments, admitting those lyrics don't fit one iota the nature of Jurina's relationship with the AKB star, "but like any other song, you have to pretend."

"I can do that when it's about a fictional situation," Jurina answers, a faint sigh leaving her lips, "but this is about Mayu, not a total stranger."

"One day, I'll write a song for SKE," Rena affirms.

At those words, Jurina leaves the sheet aside and gives her full attention to Rena who's now looking out the window pensively. It's not the first time the older girl has mentioned such a desire, and Jurina nods as she witnesses Rena's decided look.

"I can't wait," Jurina murmurs, her fingers moving to rest on Rena's hand that's laying on her lap, her thumb caressing her knuckles gently, "I'm sure it will be beautiful."

Rena's eyes widen slightly and she gazes at the girl beside her anew, before intertwining their fingers together and squeezing the hand inside hers lightly. Jurina's mouth tugs into a smile at the gesture and Rena responds to it, not missing the way her chest starts to warm up at the view of Jurina's beautiful smile. As her eyes fall on the young girl's enticing lips she feels the sudden need to reduce the distance before remembering where they are, and that it's not the time for such a display of affection.

A faint sigh leaves her lips as she leans to rest her head on Jurina's shoulder, her eyes shutting slowly as she relishes the closeness. For years, she believed she would never understand this feeling so many people talked about. She definitely would have laughed if someone had told her Jurina would be the one to teach her.


Yuki noticed Jurina entering the dressing room the moment she heard the door creaking. Both girls share a smile before Yuki turns her attention to Mayu who's still focused on the sheet in her hand, her lips silently moving as she repeats the lyrics written on it. Just as she's about to warn her of Jurina's arrival she witnesses a finger on Jurina's lips, prompting her to stay quiet. It seems the cheeky girl has other plans. Yuki has to stifle her laughter as she watches the young Matsui slowly approaching Mayu's chair from behind, before throwing her arms around her neck promptly.

A piercing shriek leaves Mayu's lips as she jumps in surprise - the sheet sliding between her fingers and falling on the floor - before looking through the mirror to discover the origin of her fright.

"Jurina!" Mayu exclaims, her heart hammering inside her chest, "You scared me, idiot!"

She has a few other bad words in store for her but she restrains herself at the last minute, noticing that they have an audience. Indeed, Yuki is now annoyingly laughing at her expense, and Rena who's standing by her side has her hand over her mouth, trying hard not to join her. She doesn't know which one is the worst.

Mayu diverts her attention from them to the young girl who's still embracing her tightly, frowning at her huge grin. She has to muster all her willpower to not let her anger show anymore it already is. You're going to pay for that, Mayu muses, grinding her teeth at the girl's smug expression.

When Jurina finally retreats Mayu feels her heart progressively getting back to its normal rhythm, her eyes following Jurina's movements as she bends down to pick up the fallen sheet.

"This rivalry thing is ridiculous," Jurina affirms, after taking a peek at it and giving it back to her.

"What?" Mayu asks in incomprehension, before following Jurina's gaze on the sheet, and nodding in recognition. Right, the lyrics.

"I know, right? You're not my rival," Mayu answers, getting a swift nod in reply, "we both know who's the best."

Mayu's attention goes back to the sheet as she pretends to read the lyrics again, knowing full well by Jurina's sudden silence that she's processing her words. She has to restrain herself from showing her delight, expecting Jurina's retort at any second.

"What?" Jurina growls, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

Here it comes. Mayu doesn't need to look up to know her young friend is probably now fuming. She always knows which buttons to push to provoke a reaction. It's just so easy.

Yuki listens to the two friends' conversation in bewilderment, before rolling her eyes when she understands they've fallen into their usual pattern. She should be used to it after all these years but somehow, it still manages to surprise her from time to time. Turning around, her feet lead her to an empty chair to rest while waiting for the dancing coach to arrive, before spotting Rena who hasn't moved an inch and who's watching worriedly the two girls as the conversation starts to heat up.

"Don't worry about it," Yuki exclaims, waving a reassuring her hand at her, "they are just bantering."

"Bantering?" Rena murmurs in disbelief, her attention now fully on her.

"Yes," Yuki sighs, briefly glancing at the two best friends who are still bickering, before smiling at Rena, "to be honest I don't always get it, but that's how they are. It's their way of communicating."

"I see," Rena chuckles, shaking her head in disbelief, before taking a seat opposite Yuki, and checking the time on her watch.

While Jurina will rehearse her duet with Mayu in a few minutes, she has her own choreography to work on with a few other members - Yuki included - thanks to her presence in the Team Surprise. Under other circumstances, she would be a bit bothered by the extra work. She already has enough on her plate with SKE48 and Nogizaka46, without mentioning her extra activities. Her schedule was definitely not getting any lighter as days went by, preventing her from seeing Jurina as much as she wished. That's why when she received the news about the Team Surprise new single, she accepted the idea with a smile. As both rehearsals unusually took place in Tokyo at the same moment, she knew it only meant one thing: more quality time with the sweet adorable young girl.


It's already 7 PM when the four friends halt in front of the building. Yuki blinks as she glances at the big red illuminated sign: Karaokekan. Diverting her attention from the terrifying view she tilts her head to Mayu, noticing that she's still engrossed in her conversation with Jurina, a quiet Rena listening by her side. Since they left the AKB's building, Mayu and Jurina haven't stopped chatting, the subjects varying from their daily work to trivial matters. Yuki's mouth curves into a smile as she listens to their passionate discussion, knowing how much they truly appreciate it each time they have the opportunity to spend some time together.

Yuki often complained when she got separated from Mayu when the young girl joined another team. Saying that she missed her deeply was an understatement. However, as hard as their separation was at the time, she now believed it was nothing compared with what the two friends were going through. Their reunion almost always followed the same ritual: first there was the bickering, soon followed by endless conversations. Despite the distance and their busy schedules, they still managed to keep their friendship intact. That's something Yuki really admired about them.

"I can't believe you managed to drag me here," Yuki sighs, finally interrupting the girls' conversation. It was no news she never was fond of karaoke, to the great displeasure of her girlfriend. It was already painful enough listening to her screaming in the living room every time she decided to put an anime concert on - the latest Animelo Summer Live is still very much engraved in her memory - at least, she didn't have to participate. Obviously, she couldn't really stay passive tonight.

"Me?" Mayu's voice pitches up in surprise, her attention now fully on Yuki, "I didn't do anything. It's Jurina who suggested going to a karaoke after rehearsal."

Yuki turns her head to Mayu, rolling her eyes at her innocent look, "Mayu, I know you by heart. You obviously suggested the idea to the poor girl who had no other choice but to accept."

Words stay stuck in Mayu's mouth as she fails to find a clever retort - glancing briefly at Jurina for support - before understanding by her amused expression that she's not going to get any. She did her best to stay discreet but apparently, she was still unable to hide a thing from Yuki.

"Let's go," Mayu stammers, taking a peek at her watch to check the time before looking up in front of her, avoiding cleverly Yuki's gaze, "we're already a bit late."


Jurina tries her best not to choke on her coke every time Mayu's voice pitches up in enthusiasm. The AKB's star has been monopolizing the mic for almost half an hour now, the anisongs coming one after another. Albeit the fact that she wasn't a fan of karaoke like Mayu, she didn't dislike it as much as Yuki. She found the activity quite enjoyable, especially when her best friend was having so much fun on her favorite song. The song comes to an end and Mayu quickly goes through the catalogue again, Jurina not missing the small sigh beside her coming from Yuki. Someone is eager to go home.

Mayu suddenly jumps and Jurina knows she has spotted another one of her favorite songs, before meeting Mayu's eyes as she looks up to them - her eyes falling on each of them - until pausing on a quiet Rena.

"Rena, come and sing with me!"

Yuki and Jurina tilt their heads to look at the older Matsui whose features start to decompose at the suggestion.

"It's okay, you're doing great," Rena stammers, not really willing to join the over enthusiastic girl.

Mayu lets out a small growl as she lowers her gaze to the catalogue again, and Rena's body relaxes as she thinks she managed to get out of it, until Mayu's eyes are back on her. Somehow, she knows by her smug expression that she's not finished with her.

"I have the perfect song," Mayu announces, her index pressing a number on the remote control.

Jurina chuckles mentally when Macross Frontier's opening, Lion, comes up on the screen. She knows Mayu has already won when Rena starts fidgeting in her seat. It's one of Rena's favorite anisongs. She's never going to be able to resist.


They only have half an hour left when Yuki suddenly decides to grab the mic, to everyone's astonishment. Maybe she got bored of listening to Mayu's singing? No one dares to ask, too surprised to see Yuki getting up from the sofa and flipping through the pages of the catalogue. Jurina can hear Mayu sipping her drink and she tilts her head to her, noticing her immense joy as she silently watches her girlfriend. She doesn't know what's going through her mind, but she can almost imagine big fireworks exploding in her head.

A few sighs leave Yuki's lips as she goes through the songs, apparently failing to find a suitable one as her frown keeps increasing second after second. Finally, after what seems an eternity her finger stops on one song, her eyes immediately widening.

"This one!" Yuki exclaims cheerfully, all trace of boredom suddenly disappeared. Her hand grasps the remote control with barely contained excitation, until her favorite Japanese singer, Ayumi Hamasaki, comes up on the screen.

Mayu puts her orange juice aside as the first notes of Rainbow start, emotion progressively taking hold of her as Yuki sings the ballad. She knows she hasn't chosen that particular song by chance. It has a deep meaning for the both of them. A smile grazes Mayu's lips as she listens to Yuki's sweet voice, so entranced by it she doesn't notice the tear that's silently sliding down her cheek.

Jurina however doesn't miss it, a faint smile moving to her lips as she witnesses the emotion in her best friend's eyes. She's so happy the girl has found such a loving partner. She couldn't have made a better choice in the person of Yuki. Her hand unconsciously looks for Rena's on the sofa, intertwining their fingers together when she finds it. As she feels a sudden soft kiss on her temple she diverts her attention to Rena, mesmerized by those loving eyes that are looking back at her. If she could experience only half the love Yuki and Mayu are sharing, she would be the happiest person in the world.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 03:20:52 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 2 [WMatsui] (24/01/15)
« Reply #238 on: January 25, 2015, 09:44:34 PM »
WMatsui kisses!  :wub:
I like that this chapter had some fluffy takes on both WMatsui and Mayuki, but Jurina really has to do something about her insecurities.

As she feels a sudden soft kiss on her temple she diverts her attention to Rena, mesmerized by those loving eyes that are looking back at her. If she could experience only half the love Yuki and Mayu are sharing, she would be the happiest person in the world.
She already is experiencing that love with Rena, but she doesn't realize it. I guess in this sense she really is rivaling her love to Mayu's love. Hopefully Rena can help her overcome this.
Thank you for the update, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!  :)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 2 [WMatsui] (24/01/15)
« Reply #239 on: January 31, 2015, 02:06:00 PM »
@TeenyTae: Thanks for commenting. I'm glad at least one person liked this chapter enough to feel the need to comment ^^

Jurina's apprehension is part of her character development, but it's not going to last, don't worry.

Mayu and Yuki have been together for a while now, so you can't really compare their relationship with wmatsui's budding one. What I was trying to say at the end, is that Jurina wishes her relationship could someday reach their level, because she really admires it.
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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