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Author Topic: Atsumina the transfer student is my girlfriend OS update Yuiparu Finale  (Read 42826 times)

Offline sadrilim

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Ok, this is my another fanfic. Sorry for the bad english
Enjoy ~ i try to change my writing style a bit.

"Hey did you hear, there will be a transfer student. And I hear she is a hot babe."


"Hoyy!! I am talking to you, takamidget!"

The boy who is being called takamidget glare at his friend. He is really sensitive about his height.

Takahashi Minami, young boy with blonde hair, a bit short and quiet handsome, good at fighting. He is looks like a bad baddas but, actually he is a good student. And rarely get into any fight.

"Hehe.. sorry, its because you didn't give any respond. I think you imagine something nice?"

"Well I am not like you, a pervent." Minami talk back.

"I am not! I just like to see the beauties. Yep! God almighty creatures. Ahh..~"

Takamina just sigh at his friend behavior. Aoshima Yuu. A friendly boy. Who also a short one. But a bit higher than Takamina, he is handsome, and due to his behavior many girls fall in love with him, he always get into fight with somebody boyfriend. Not because he is a playboy, but because of he really can make many girls fall for him.

"You know what takamidget. I actually started to believe that you are a gay. How come you don't like to talk about sexy girl at all?", yuu said.

"I just don't like to talk about random girl. They just a bunch of stupid girl, especially your fangirl. " Takamina said looking at the girls in their class.

"I wonder will you ever get a girlfriend like this.", yuu said as he close his eyes and sigh.

"I just don't want to rush a thing. Ok? How about you? Act like ikemen one. But why don't you date any body? ", kai retord.

"My heart just for my Nyan Nyan you know that." As Yuu said that, he smile bitterly.

"Just forget about that girl. You don't even know her real name. "

Before Yuu answered. Their teacher come along with the transfer student.

"Wow! She is hot!"

"What a beauty"

"I wonder if she have a boyfriend or not."

All the male student whisper and make some noise.

Until the teacher tell them to be quiet and make the transfer student introduce herself.

My name is Maeda Atsuko. Nice to meet you all. I hope we can be friend.

Sensei : "Ok Maeda san, Well, you may sit beside.."

Beside me! Oshima Yuu answered.

Sensei : "Ehm.. You may sit beside Takahashi Minami. I DONT WANT ANY HARASSMENT TO NEW STUDENT FROM YOU AOSHIMA."

"EHH? But I never harras any body sensei. It called skinship. Yep!"

All the student laugh at Yuu answer.

Takamina didn't paid any attention. So he didn't know that  Maeda sit beside him.

Sensei : "Takahashi san.. Takahashi?? Erm.. TAKAHASHI!!"

"Eh? Hai sensei?" He quickly stand up and that's when his eyes met with Maeda's eyes.

Takahashi thought (Wow! What a beautiful eyes. Those brunnete eyes. Makes me very calm somehow..)

Atsuko then flash an angelic smile to him. And somehow make Takamina blushed.

Atsuko then walked and sit beside him.

Atsuko : "Nice to meet you, Takahashi san. I hope we can be a friend."

"S.. sure. Ni.. ce to met you, erm.."

"Maeda Atsuko desu~. You can call me Acchan though". Atsuko flashed him her angelic smile again.

It make Takamina blushed. He then decided to focus on the lesson.

After lesson

Many student come to Maeda desk and ask her many question. She looked a bit uncomfortable, so Takamina try to help. He then stand up and glaring at them told them to be quite. And its work.

If Aoshima Yuu are famous of his friendly behavior, Takahashi Minami is famous of his cold behavior.  Plus his yankee style really make people scared.

When he decided to leave his desk. Atsuko held his hand gently and said to him Thank You.

Somehow it really make Takamina heart skipped.

Takahashi : "Umn.. no problem. Its looks like you are in trouble with that many question through. And I dont like many people around me."

Maeda : "Say..  would you like to accompany me to look around the school? "

Before Takamina answered. Yuu appeared behind them.

"THAT WOULD BE OUR PLEASURE!!", Yuu said with smile in his face.

"I am glad that Takamina finally talked to a girl." Yuu faked his tears.

"Shut up Yuu". Takamina then glared at Yuu with the look I gonna kill you later looks.

Atsuko then giggle and make the two boy look at her.

Beautiful.. Takamina murmured. But it didn't missed by Yuu.

"Well.. well. Look at the time, I need to go to the cafetaria. I have a date with girls. I will leave Maeda to you then Takamina". With futher ado, Yuu leave them alone.

Takamina then accompany Atsuko to look around the school. After that, they decided to back to class.  In the middle of their trip, there is wind blow and Atsuko notice there is a scar at Takamina head. It covered by his bang so people rarely notice it. Atsuko then asked something
"Anoo.. Takahashi san, what happend with your head. I can see a scar in there."

"Oo.. this scar I get when I am small, I fall down from a tree at the park near my house."

Maeda : "Hmm.. Did you by any chance have a sister? "

Takahashi : "Yeaah.. Takahashi Mai. People call her Mai mai though. Why do you ask? Did you know my sister?"

"Hm.. it is secret. " Atsuko then thank him for the tour and kiss his cheek as thanks to accompany her.

At night
Takahashi resident
Its already 9 pm, but Takamina not yet sleep. He is very happy today. And he still remembered Atsuko smile and her kiss.

So he decided to have some walk. Plus his stomatch is growled asking for food.

He then went to buy some food in minimarket near his house. When he want to go back. He heard a faint scream in the ally. It is dark and normally people will not go there.

He then decided to walk to the ally. To his suprised, he see four men sorround one girl. Even though it is dark, there still a dimp light so he can see them. And that girl is Atsuko. One of them pinned her down and one of them close her mouth. One of them started to ripped her upper cloth.

Takamina really angry. He run towards them and started to punch the four of them. The fight is quite fierce but Takamina didn't back down. He dodge the punch and the kick and counter the attack. One of the man then grab the iron stick and aim it to Takamina head. But Takamina didn't see through it. And it hit him a bit. His head started to bleed. But it didn't make Takamina back down. He glare at the man who hit him and started to punch him. The man was down one by one and lastly they run away.

Takamina is very tired and his vision is a bit blurry. But he need to check on Atsuko first.

At.. Acchan are you alright?

Atsuko is crying and trembelling. She is very afraid and barely can moved. Seeing this make Takamina heart hurt. He then decided to cover her body with his jacket and when their eyes met. Atsuko quickly hug him tightly. She hide her faced on Takamina chest and start to sobbing.

It alright Acchan, you are save now. I will protect you. I promised Acchan. He then lift Atsuko face to see her face. He gently touch her cheek and removed her tears. Atsuko is still sobbing, so Takamina then kiss her forehead. And start to gently rub her back. This action make Atsuko a bit calm. But then she see Takamina head, she become panic again. His head is still bleeding. But Takamina assurred her that he is fine. It just a scratch.

Takamina then accompany her to her house. Atsuko then lead him to sit in the sofa and she left to take the medical kit.

Takamina notice it is very quite and looks like there is no body at home. Not long after that Atsuko come back.

She then started to patch his wound with bandage. Takamina notice some bruise at Atsuko hand, so he gently take her hand and rubbed it.

Atsuko just stare at him. They went silent like that for the moment. Until Atsuko broke the silent.

"Thank you Minami, you save me again.  And I troubled you again." She then touch Takamina wound.

Takamina thought : (again? What that mean? Did she mean about this morning?)

Takamina just shook his head and said "it is not your fault Acchan. But promise me not to pass that dark ally again.  Btw, where are your parents? I didn't see them. You shouldn't go alone Acchan."

Acchan : "They rarely at home, they love to travel. Right now i am alone in this house, ..."

Hear this make Takamina sigh. "Well, next time if you are alone and want to go out, let me know ok? I will go to accompany you."

Acchan : "Ehh? No.. I don't want to be burden for you.. "

"Acchan, you are not a burden... you.. "

Atsuko look straightly to his eyes, and make Takamina stunned. He forget what to say. And his body move closer to Atsuko and then he seal it with a kiss.

Atsuko thought :
(I dont know what had happend. But when I see his eyes, those serious eyes make me relieve, calm. And when his lip touch mine, I feel butterfly in my stomatch. My heart beating so fast. His kiss is so gentle and when I kiss him back, his depend the kiss. Somehow I really like it. I want more...)

Mi..mina.mi, Atsuko said in the middle of the kiss. She then wrap her arm around Takamina neck. And somehow hearing Atsuko said his name with a moan,  make Takamina really happy. He then break the kiss and hug Atsuko tightly.

Takahashi : "I know we just met, but I want to say, I love you Acchan. I like you. And I can't hide  my feeling anymore. Seeing you get hurt, break my heart so much. And I didn't want you to think I take the advantage from you Acchan. I willing to prove it to you, mu feeling  my love for you."

Atsuko just smile at Takamina word. Her face blusshed and you can say it is red. But she doesn't care. She then come closer to Takamina ear and say :
"I also like you Minami. I love you. From the first time we met. You may be forget but I like you since we are small Minami. "

Little Atsuko is visiting her grandma. She then decided to play at park near her grandma house. She enjoy the park and playing a swing, but suddenly There are group of boy disturb her, claiming the swings. But Atsuko refuse to leave because she still want to play. That time Atsuko is little chubby and wear a glasses. They forcefully take her glasses and throw it inside the pound near the park. And leave her alone. She just can cry.

That time little Minami come to park to play. He see little Atsuko crying and ask her what happend.
"Hey.. why are you crying?" 

"Hiks..hiks my glasses.. "Atsuko then point the pond where the glasses had been thrown.

"Ouhh.. Don't cry. I will get it for you. "He then take off his shoes and go inside the pound. But due to Minami height, it actually make him a bit difficult to take the glasses. But Minami didn't give up. He bend hiz body till he get Atsuko glasses. It make his whole body wet.

He then return the glasses to Atsuko. He help Atsuko to wear her glasses.  And wipe her tears.

"Stop crying nee.. what is your name?" My name is Takahashi Minami. People around me call me Takamina though.

Atsuko then thanks him. She notice there is a scar in his head.
Um.. you have a scar. What happend?

Ah! This scar? It because when I try to climb that tree. But then I am fall down and hurt my head. So it left some scar. Hehe..

Mai mai : "TAKAMINA!!! What happend with your cloths? It all wet! Mom gonna kill me for sure. I just tell you to go first, and what I get? Trouble!!"

Takahashi : "Whoaah!! Mai Nee chan calm down. I just helping her."

Mai mai :"We need to go back now! Mom will punish me for sure."

Takamina : "But.. Nee chan."

Mai mai "No but! Let's go back now!"

With that, Takamina leave the park. Leaving Atsuko alone.

End of flashback

"Hee??.. you are that chubby girl?! " Takamina said in suprise.

Well you can't blame him. Because Atsuko now became a beautifull girl. Now she doesn't wear any glasses and not a chubby girl anymore.

"Mouu..!! So you think I am fat back then? Hidoii, Minami." Atsuko then pout and she pretend to cry.

But her reaction make Minami really panic, he never interact with any girl. And he somehow even confuse from where he find this courage to kiss this girl.

Takamina " "Noo no no.. Atsuko you are beautiful even if you are fat.. eh.. I mean you are not fat. Urm.."

Seeing Minami reaction, she can't help but laugh at him.

Minami frown at her reaction. He didn't understand her at all. Notice he being teased, he then pout. "Acchan.. stop teasing me."

Atsuko then decided to kiss that pouting lip. "Hai! My lovely boyfriend."

Takamina can't help but feeling very happy. He then decided to get the third kiss.

"I love you.."

Offline Haruko

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 05:45:08 AM »
cute fic... but what happen with yuu and nyanyan?

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2015, 01:41:55 PM »
Very cute fic. Maeda is somewhat chubby when she is still young.
Love Atsumina moments.
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline arawche079

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2015, 02:41:39 PM »
Yes what happend to nyan nyan and yuu...

Cool fic!!!!!!

Offline cisda83

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2015, 07:35:41 PM »
Ah... great OS again... but may be you can make a OS about KojiYuu here

Kai is like a knight that kept coming to Atsuko's rescue

Yeah.. AtsuKai together

Thank you for another lovely OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2015, 05:25:41 AM »
Well, I try to make KojiYuu.

You can say I continue the story from Kai acchan. But this part is kojiyuu one.

enjoy and sorry for the bad eng.

My Promise

"Kyaa.. Yuu kun, look over here."

"Yuu kun let's eat lunch together"

"Yuu kun want to hang out together?"

"Sorry guys I am busy. Later okay?"


"Sorry, I am busy..."


Ouch! The guy named Yuu looked at the person who hit him, Takahashi Minami.

Takamina : "I am not one of your fangirl okay!?"

Yuu : "But, you don't need to hit me this hard." Yuu said while rubbing his head.

Takamina : "Well, you seem in lost pal. Not like you usual, a happy go lucky guy."

Yuu just smile. They have been friend since small. And if one of them have trouble, they will try to help each other. And Yuu know he can trust his best friend.

Yuu : "Well you know what? I think I saw her yesterday."

Takamina : "You mean..that Nyan nyan girl?"

Yuu : "Yup! I saw her but... I am not sure."

Yuu pov
(I met Nyan nyan in the park. I am ten years old and I went to visit my granpa for my summer holiday. At that time, she trying to help a kitten that couldn't go down.  That time she manage to catch the cat. But in the end, she could not go down by herself. Because she climb it very high.
Well, what an airhead girl.  She began to cry because she didn' t see any body willing to help her.
That time there are no body in the park except the children playing in there. Seems that she didn't have any friend.

So, I go under the tree and ask her if see need a help.

Yuu : "Hey, lil girl.. are you okay? Need some help?"

The lil girl just nooded.

Yuu : "Okay! Let this awsome Yuu help you. "

So I began to climb the tree and held her. I ask her to held me tightly as I piggy back her. While i held her cat inside my cloth.

I carefully go down one step for another step. Until i step the ground, this lil girl still hold me tightly.  I find it cute through.

Yuu : "Hey.. lil girl. We are safe now. You can let go off me. "

"Umm.. Thank you", she then look at me with that puppy eyes. Well, big eyes, big ears, clumsy, just like a cat.

Yuu : "You are welcome Nyan nyan."

"Nya.. nyan nyan?" She titled her head as asking about the nickname I gave to her.

Yuu : "Yes! You just like a cat, so I will call you nyan nyan."

"Un.. i like it. Nyan nyan sound good." She then flash a smile to me. What is your name?

"I am the great Oshima Yuu. You can call me Yuu."

Un Yuu chan. Nice to meet you.

Because I need to go back to my hometown, we make a promise that every summer I will come and met her here in this park. So we can play and keep in touch. As a promise I give her a  squirrel key chain. Since my mom said I smile like squirrel may be it can remaind her about me. Hehe...

And since that day, every summer holiday I will go to my granpa house to play with this girl.  We became close friend until the third summer holiday.
I came as usuall. But I don't see her. I wait and wait until the sun set. But, I never see her again. I even didn't know where she live or what her real name. I am such a stupid.

It is too late to realize that I like that cat girl. I wait for her but I never see her. I come every summer but I never ser her again. So I stopped when I am 16 years old. I think I need to move on. But, I can't, not until I found her and ask her why she broke the promise.

Well, I see her wear  Majisuka gakuen uniform. I am not sure it is her or not. Since the girl I saw is such a beauty, with white skin, smooth skin, beauty lip, smooth hair, big eyes and big ears. Ahh~ not forget she have a nice oppaii!!


Ouch!! Can you stop hitting me? Gezz..

That to wake you up from your dirty mind. Majisuka gakuen...? I think Atsuko can help. She transfer from there right?

Heh! Look at you. A cold Takahashi Minami finally get himself a girlfriend. Not to mention a beauty. I though I will get married first or at least get my girlfriend first. And have my FIRST TIME. But now you surpass me pal. You surpass me the great Oshima Yuu.

Stop it Yuu. Ugghh.. Takamina feel embrassed. We not yet do that ok?! Not until we are married.

Do what? Atsuko appear from Takamina back. What are you talking about?

Aah! Acchan, Takamina is talking about se..hmpptt!!!

Before Yuu can talk the main topic, Takamina quickly close his mouth.

"No!! It is nothing Atsuko. Hehe.."
Btw, did you ever know a person with this criteria? Takamina then tell Atsuko about Nyan nyan charactetistic, but not about Yuu story.

"Yadaa! Even if I know who you talking about I don't want to tell you! Minami you can only see me. You tell me like you like this girl, you even mention about her oppai.Hiks..hiks.."
Atsuko started to cry.

What?! No.. no.. It is not for me but it is Yuu who want to met her. Believe me Atsuko I just have my eyes on you.

Note : our bakamina just told Atsuko the way Yuu talk about that girl.

Atsuko : "Really? Minami just love me?"

Takamina : "Yeah. Of course."

Minami then wipe Atsuko tears and unconsiously  want to close the gap between their lips, but ...

Yuu : "Awwh~ What a lovely couple. I wish I have one. Oh god, why my best friend is so cruel. Acting lovely dovey around me. Who is still single? "

The Atsumina couple then blushed realize they are not alone.

Atsuko : "Since it is not you who looking for her, then I shall tell you what I know. With the criteria you give, I think the girl you mention is Kojima Haruna. Our school Kami 7." Atsuko then give a picture of Kojima Haruna and kami 7.

Yuu : "Kami 7? What that?"

Atsuko : "Well in our school, there are 7 beauties. And their popularity are marvelous. Every boy always dream about them.  Plus they don't have any boy friend. So they are like every body idol."

Yuu : "Wow! Atsuko, you really know about them a lot. May be you can help us to met this Kojima Haruna."

Atsuko : "Well, I am used to be part of them. Before I move to this school."

Takamina : "Uahh!! Sugoii Atsuko. To think my Atsuko is every one idol. I am really proud of you. "

Yuu : "Hehe yours?... such daring confession nee Takamina?"

Both of Atsumina then blushed.

Atsuko : "Any way I can help. But you two need to tell me the reason. Why you need to find her?"

Yuu : "Pleaseee Acchan I really need to make sure something. I can't tell you the reason."

Atsuko : "Then it is a big NO! I don't know what will you do to Haruna. "

Yuu : "Hee? You don't believe your boyfriend bestfriend? "

Takamina : "Well, can't help because you are a hentai. But, I will help you. "

Yuu : "Yeah? How come? Even my squirel smile and puppy eyes can't make Atsuko change her mind. You know every girl will fall for my attack."

Takamina : "Atsuko.. can you help Yuu? He have his reason to met your friend. And I can guarantee it is not something devil plan. If it is really happend then I myself will take responsible. Yuu is very dear for me. Please."

Atsuko : "Minami.. un. Sure I will help. Anything for my Minami~♥"

Takamina : "Thanks Atsuko. " Takamina then give a light peck on Atsuko cheek.

What just like that? No puppy eyes attack? No flashy smile?!

Atsuko : "Well, I have Minami, so your flirt attack won't give any attack."

Yuu thought (Urghhh and why in this important event I need to bring my twin?)

"Nii chan, Yuu nii chan you want to go out? May I join? It been a long time since I saw Takamina. Pleasse, i am boring." Yuuma kun pleaded.

Oshima Yuuma, Yuu kun's twin, but have different face and hobby. Yuuma like to read books, and very intelegent. That's why he jump the class. He is one grade higher than Yuu. Not really energic type like Yuu.  But they have same interest, if you can say they both are hentai. Love oppai oshiri very much. Not many know this, because yuuma is a bit cold and not really like stranger very much. He just show his chilldish side to his family.

Yuu : "No! Yuuma, today I want to meet someone important. "

Yuuma : "Not fair. When I think we can spend some time together." Yuuma pout.

Well the truth is their parent divorce already. So Yuu stay with father while Yuuma stay with mother. It is really rare to see them together these day since they stay in different town.

Yuu : "Okay! Okay! But promise me you won't disturb me when I met this girl."

Yuuma : "Yeaah!! Btw, do you think she really that Nyan nyan girl? Just because you pick her key chain?"

Flash back
Yuu on his way to go to Akibahara. Well, his beloved twin is going to home. So he want to buy some action figure for him.
When he pass the book store he remember his twin love to read manga also. So he decided to stroll around. Looking for a new manga.

He then see a girl looking down. Her face looks like she want to cry already. Beside her, have her friend. She looks like a ojou sama with a pale skin and long hair. She also looks like looking for something.

Yuu then stroll around the manga corner. He then notice something on the ground. To his suprise, he saw the key chain. The squirell keychain that he give it to Nyan nyan.  Just when he pick it. He hear a scream.

"Ahhh!! That mine."

Yuu looks suprise as he looks at the girl from up to down. Scanning her every part. It make the girl unconfortable with him as she step back and run away. Before she left, he turn around and said sorry and thanks.

End of flashback.

Yuu : "Sigh.. I don't know Yuuma, I don't want to think about it."

After that they decided to go to the meeting place. When they are arrived, they see the Atsumina couple and then join them.

Yuuma : "Yoo!! Takamina, long time no see." Yuuma then see Atsuko who sit next to Takamina. "I see you have a beauty beside. Mind to introduce her to me?"

Takamina : "Well Atsuko met Oshima Yuuma, he is Yuu's twin. Yuuma this is Maeda Atsuko, my girlfriend."

Not long after their introduce each other. There is three girls come to their table.

"Acchan! Long time no see."

"We miss you a lot"

"Kojipa! Yukirin! Rena chan ! It been a long time nee. Thank you for coming. Let me introduce  my friend. "

They introduce theirself one by one. Until it is Yuu turn.

Yuu tought (now or never. Come on Yuu do it)

Yuu : "Ehm.. I am the great Oshima Yuu. Nice to meet you. NYAN NYAN!"

Haruna flinced when she hear that nickname. Her eyes widenen because of the shock.

Yu.. yuu chan?! It is really you yuu chan?  Haruna started to cry. She then quickly leave the cafe.


Not wanting to mess up again. Yuu decided to chase her. He quickly chase after her. Then he grab her hand prevent her to run away.

Haruna : "Sorry.. hiks.. so sorry Yuu chan.. I broke our promise. "

Yuu just stay silent as he can't think of anything. 'Why? Nyan nyan? "

Haruna then started to tell her story.
"My parent go divorce when I am 13 years old. Both of my parent didn't want to take care of me. They want to leave this town and have their own free life. They saw me as hiderance. So they decided to let me stay at my aunty house at America. And I was force to move before summer. That time I am still small, I am afraid as I didn't have any courage to stay alone. I.. hiks sorry Yuu chan.. hiks"

Not able to see Haruna like this anymore. Yuu quickly try comfort her.

Yuu : "Shussh... Nyan nyan. It is Ok. Now I know you also have a hard time. It can't be helped. "

Haruna :"Hiks.. Yuu chan... didn't hiks hate me? For breaking hikks.."

Yuu then hug her and said.
"No.. I can't do that at all. Because I like you Nyan nyan. I really love you. "

Yuu then lift Haruna face to see her face.
"Finally I can say it. My feeling for you, Nyan nyan. And this feeling become stronger each year."

Haruna : "Yuu chan.. I am glad, you have the same feeling. I also want to meet Yuu chan again. So I decided to move here again back to Japan. But then I became afraid what if Yuu chan hate me. And I have no clue where are Yuu chan.. so last summer I wait for you at that park, but I never see you. So I thought you have forget about me."

Yuu then give her a light kiss. Which Haruna replay.  They kiss become deeper until and they can feel how each of them miss each other a lot.

"Promise me Yuu chan, we will together from now on. Always.."

"Anything for you, Nyan nyan.."

The End.

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2015, 09:32:27 AM »
Great story sadrilim san..thanks
Atsumina couple just too cute.. :nya:
is it the end??...i wonder what happen
at the cafe after kojiyuu left  :dunno:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2015, 10:29:58 AM »
@kuro_black29 san, well actually I not really good at making long story and yes it is the end of kojiyuu.  So I plan to make short story again. Yuuma is mayu. So I plan to make mayuki for the next fanfic along with wmatsui.  I will split it into two OS but still have connection to Atsumina and kojiyuu OS.

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2015, 11:50:00 AM »
Thank you sadrilim san  :kneelbow:
waiting for it with patience...:on drink:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2015, 01:05:49 PM »
Love your writing style~ :3
Hehhehehe. :D thank you for ur awesome os...
Waiting for wmatsui and mayuki ones. :D

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2015, 10:26:38 PM »
Great OS there about Kojiyuu

May be you can make more about Yuuma, Yukirin and Rena OS

What's happening after Yuu chased Haruna?

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to read more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2015, 12:42:07 PM »
Well, you all can say I have no idea to write the Mayuki ver (Yuuma version), right now I am working for Wmatsui OS. I will let you all see the prolouge. Still.have connection witj the atsumina and kojiyuu OS.

enjoy~ and sory for bad eng.

"Nii chan.. No... Please.. hiks..I don't want this... hiks"

"Sussh... be quiet or I will hit you. Damn.."

The boy then kiss the girl forcefully and he manage to open her upper bloushe. He then rub her breast

"No.. nii chan.. pleasee stop .. hiks.. hiks.."

The boy then smiled evilly toward the girl.
"Be a good my girl Rena.."

"Noooo!!!!" Rena wake up from her slept. Her body sweat a lot. Her breath is not normal. She feel hurt in her heart. She quickly take her madecine and drink it. After a few moment, she feel better.

"That dream again? Why I can't erase it?! Hiks.. hiks.. I don't want to be bound to this feeling. "
Rena crying till she is asleep.

Offline arawche079

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2015, 02:49:55 PM »
Atsumina os was great!!! :banghead:

Kojiyuu os perfect!!!!!!!!  :banghead:

I wish their story was bit longer but I still like it....... :on drink:

Thank you author san...... :on gay:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2015, 04:03:45 PM »
Damn u nii chan.... :on voodoo:

 :scared: :tantrum:.....RENA SAMA....:gyaaah: :frustrated:

Thanks for the prologue~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS Update!!
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2015, 04:24:41 AM »
Finally Wmatsui OS is done! It is a bit different from the two OS. Not too romantic.
but still enjoy~

If I am with You

"Nii chan.. No... Please.. hiks..I don't want this... hiks"

"Sussh... be quiet or I will hit you. Damn..!!!"

The boy then kiss the girl forcefully and he manage to open her upper bloushe. He then rub her breast

"No.. nii chan.. pleasee stop .. hiks.. hiks.."

The boy then smiled evilly toward the girl.
"Be a good my girl Rena.."

"Noooo!!!!" Rena wake up from her slept. Her body sweat a lot. Her breath is not normal. She feel hurt in her heart. She quickly take a glass of water and drink it. After a few moment, she feel better.

"That dream again? Why I can't erase it?! Hiks.. hiks.. I don't want to be bound to this feeling. "
Rena crying till she is asleep.

Matsui Rena, a quite girl, she likes anime very much just like Yuuma. Have a icy air aroud her and very timid. She is a beauty and have a ojou sama looks. But she never realize her ojou sama aura and think she is not a beauty people think she is. Due to her past, she is afraid of man.

On the other place

Yuuma : "Sigh.. maybe I really miss Yuu nii. But, after he got a girlfriend his time with me become.. sigh... this summer holiday will be just you and me right Rin chan."

Note : Rin chan is Yuuma's dog. Actually it is Yuuma mother's pet but due to his mother always busy. So every time it is Yuuma who take care of it.

"Woff! Woff!" The dog just bark as if she understand that her owner is talking to her. 

Ringg!!! Suddenly his phone ring.

Yuuma : "Moshi moshi.. "

"YUUMA kun! Hey boy want to hang out together this weekend? We will go to the beach together. " turn out his twin is calling him.

Yuuma : "We?"

Yuu : "Yup! Me and Nyan nyan, Atsumina couple together with Atsuko friend."

Yuu : "Hm.. sound great Yuu nii. Mind if I bring my friend too?"

Yuuma : "You mean that Matsui boy? Sure! It will be so much fun!! See you this weekend Yuuma."

Matsui Jun, Yuuma best friend. He also jump grade.  Very sociable. Love sport and smart. Typical of prince. That's make him very popular in their school.

Yuuma : "Yes!! Rin chan, Yuu nii didn't forget about me at all. Well I better phone Jun."
Yuuma then phone his bestfriend.

Jun : "Moshi moshi.. "

Yuuma : "Moshi moshi, Jun. Do you want to go to the beach with me? We together with my brother gang."

Jun : "Hm.. it is rare for you to hang out with other people. Did our cybrog finally input the social ability in his system? Usually it will be just  us, two looking for the beauties."

Yuuma : "Very funny Jun. Now get to the point, join or not?"

Jun : "Ha ha ha, chill man. Sure, I would love to. "

Because Yuuma and Jun come from different town. They come to stay at Yuu place first before they go to beach. They come two day faster since Yuuma want to go to Akibahara to buy his fav action figure and the newest manga.

At the anime store
"Wow! Look at those figure!!"

"So cool!!. Wow! I haven't have those!!"

"Awwh~ This is heaven!!!"

Jun just sigh at Yuuma reaction. This is not the first time he accompany the cyborg guy to anime shop. And it end up for him to wait the cyborg boy for quite sometime with hearing his reaction towars new anime things. The usuall cold cyborg will turn to become hyper one. Just like his other twin, Yuu.

Fell bored he then stroll around. He played his keychain by throw it up, but then he miss his catch and the key chain fall under the shelf. He then notice something on the floor beside his keychain. A melon pan shape wallet.

"Cute~ I wonder who have this." He then decided to pick it while looking at the owner. Until he hear a girl sound.

"What? You lost your pouch! Mouu Rena chan.. after you work so hard to save your money to buy that action figure and now you lost it? Are you sure you have look over all this place? " the princess aura girl talking.

Rena : "I have stroll this place for fifth time, Yukirin. I wonder if people have see the amount of the money and take it. "

Yuki :"I will ask the casier. Wait here okay."

Rena : "But Yuki.."

Before Rena can finish her word. The girl named Yuki already dash to the counter.

Kashiwagi Yuki, Rena best friend. Act like mother to Rena than best friend. She is very beautiful and have a princess aura. She is good at singing and is a part of kami 7 from Majisuka gakuen.

Rena :"I already ask the casier.. sigh"

Jun :"Anoo.. sory to disturb you. I didn't mean to hear your conversation but, if it is yours? " Jun then handed the melon pan pouch.

Rena eyes gleamed. "Yes!! It is. Arigatou." Rena can't help but feeling so happy. She show him her angelic smile.

Jun (Deg! Wow what a beautiful smile. )

Jun :"Hehe no it is ok. It will be my pleasure to help. Especially this beautiful girl". Jun then flashed his trade mark smile. Cat smile attack ~

Rena then look down and close her face. She does not dare to look at Jun face because Jun will notice she is blushing. Plus She doesn't used to be near the boys. And because of some accident make her hate boys. But that doesn't mean that she is likes girls.


Jun :"Hm..? What wrong? " Jun then move closer to see Rena face. He is curious why Rena close her face.

"Ahh!! Stay back! Don't come near her! Don't worry Rena chan. I come to rescue you. "

Rena : "Yu.. yukirin?!"

The socalled yukirin girl come back to rescue and quickly take Rena hand and drag her together.

Jun :"What? I didn't do anything wrong. Hey!!"

Jun then decided to find his bestfriend. And then go back.

The day they go to the beach
They decided to go by train.  First come Atsumina couple. Next is Atsuko friends, Yuki, Rena. They wait for a moment until kojiyuu couple come together with Yuuma and Jun.

"Aaaah!! Hentai!!!" Yuki scream while point her finger to Jun.

Jun :"What?! Who? Me?"

Takamina : "No way?! To think there is another people being called hentai than Yuu?"

Everybody eyes then look at Jun.

Until Rena broke the silent. "Umn anoo.. actually..."
Rena told them what happend yesterday but she didn't tell why she close her face.

"Hoo.."  everybody said in unison.

Yuki : "Gomenasai! I think you want to harras Rena chan. So I..."

Atsuko : "Well you can't blame Yukirin, Rena doesn't really like to interact with boys. She will be freak out if there is a boy who come closer to her."

Yuu : "Hee really? Then you never date any one?"

Haruna :"My dear Yuu chan, us kami 7 never date anybody before. You are my first."

Yuu :"Yattaa!! I am so happy Nyan nyan." Yuu try to kiss Haruna but instead of kiss he get hit in head.

Haruna   "Not here Yuu chan. Many people see us! Moouu...!!"

Yuu :"But I want my kiss from you Nyan nyan. I not yet have my morning kiss." Yuu then try to kiss his girlfriend again.

Haruna : "Noo!!! Yuu chan choose kiss now and i will give you punishment no date for a month."

Yuu : "What?! How about three days? Don't be so cruel Nyan nyan ~"

Haruna : "No! You choose"

Yuu : "Fine nyan nyan. No kiss." Yuu then pout.

"One more time, I am really sorry!" Yuki then bow toward Jun

Jun : "No no its ok. Everything is cleared. And I don't think protect your friend is bad thing."  Jun then smile and look at Rena again. He know the girl is shy toward her, but he really want to see that smile again. Those smile which is very nice and very angelic.

Rena somehow realize Jun's gaze toward her and smile back to him.

And that didn't miss Yuu sharp eyes. He smile devillish and whispper something to Yuuma. They whisper something and make a smirk together.

Yuuma : "Well let me introduce first. This is my friend Matsui Jun. "

Jun : nice to meet you, just call me Jun.

Atsuko : "Well,  this is my friend Kashiwagi Yuki and Matsui Rena."

Rena : " just call me Rena. Nice to meet you."

Yuki : "nice to meet you. "

Before they go inside the train,  Yuu said something
"Wait guys, lets play fate game."

Takamina : "Huh?! What that?"

Yuu : "Let fate decided with whom we sit ~"

"Yadaaa!!" all of them said in unison except Yuuma. He just show his cyborg face.

"I don't want to be separated from Minami". Atsuko hold Takamina tightly

Takamina : "Umnn.. right Yuu, this game is stupid."

Yuu : "Huh! You just want to lovely dovey with Acchan right? Admit it. Since you have girlfriend you forget about our friendship." Yuu then faked to cry.

Yuuma : "Well I don't see any problem. It is fine with me. Looks fun. Come on Takamina". Yuuma then whisper something to Minami.

Haruna : "I agree because Yuu chan will try to distrub me when I play my PS."
Note : Nyan nyan is a game maniac. Usually if she didn't day dreaming, she will play her game.

Yuu : "Ehh?? Nyan nyan don't care about me anymore. Don't you say whatever happend we will alwaya together? "

Haruna : "Well  we still together right? In the same train."


Yuuma : "Okay, lets just vote. Who agree with it and who are not."

Agree team : Yuu, Haruna, Yuuma, Jun, Minami.

Disagree team : Yuki, Atsuko, Rena.

Atsuko : "Minami I hate you!!"

Takamina : "urghh I am so dead. Come on Atsuko. There is still a chance for us to sit together."

Atauko :"Hummpt!!"

Yuu : "Alright! alright! enough with that couple quarell. Well Yuuma care to explain?"

Yuuma : "Well you see I have these stick. If both of you pick the stick with the same colour, then that mean you are mean to be together.  Here lady first okay."

So Yuuma hand over the stick to them one by one. But in fact Yuuma have mark the stick but normal people won't notice. He have remembered who the stick. After he let the girls pick the stick, he then let the boys take the stick. Of course he let Yuu get Haruna and Minami get Atsuko, he then take his own stick and left the last one to Jun.

Yuu : "Yatta!!! NYAN NYAN we have the same colour."

Haruna : .... (busy playing the game)

Yuu : "Nyan nyan~ don't ignore mee..."

Takamina : "Atsuko.., don't angry please, we still together."

Atsuko : hummpt!!

Soon they know with who they sit. Of course that is a good news with the couple. But Yuki is not so happy. Because Rena and her don't sit together. Rena is with Jun and she is with Yuuma. But the game is a game. She can't help it. She look at Rena with the are you gonna be okay face.

When Rena want to go inside a train. Somebody bump into her. It is quite hard. So she almost fall down. Luckily Jun just beside her. He quickly pull her and hug her.

It need a few moment for Rena to realize that Jun just embrace her. Her face become red and she quickly pull away. Quickly she pull away.

Jun : "Gomen, I think you will fall down."

Yuki quickly checking Rena. She is really worried about her.
"Are you sure you okay? How if we cancel the trip. We still can go home Rena chan."

Rena shook her head. "No, it is ok Yukirin. It is my decision. And Jun just help me I don't mind. Beside.."

Yuki   "Hm..? Something wrong Rena chan?"

Rena : "No.. its ok."

Yuki : "Rena.."

Rena just smile and nooded as she is understand what Yuki want to tell her.

Yuki : "Sigh.. Rena is something happenend please tell me. If you need something just tell me. I have bring your favourite snack, some candy, and your asma medicine. Oh and.."

Rena : "Yukirin I am okay. Beside you just sit in front of me. I am sure I can handle it. "

"Okay.. sure. " Yuki then give a glare to Jun. The massage from her glare is clear. If you dare to do anything bad to rena I will kill you.

Glup.. Jun just can smile nervously. He fell like dating a girl and her mother give a death glare look as if he will take her daughter far far away.

Jun : "Don't worry Kashiwagi san. I guarantee you, Matsui san is save. And nothing will happend in this trip."

Rena then giggle at Jun reaction. She find its cute.  She know that Yukirin is really protective toward her. Since they know each other when they are small. They have  become friend longer than the other kami 7 member. And because of something under circumstance, Rena can't be near boys. She will sweat and worse trembeling and crying. But with Jun beside her, she don't feel those feeling. Instead she found new feeling in her heart. A warm and happy feeling.

In the middle of the road. Our Matsui boy feel sleepy. Well, no body can blame him because yesterday the twins are so noisy. They talking non stop about many things. From friend, Nyan nyan, oppai and oshiri..

He then fall a sleep.  Not long after he sleep. His head unconsiously tild his head to to our Matsui girl. At first Rena is suprised. She is reading the book and not aware if Jun is sleeping. But the she look at the sleeping Jun. His face is very calm, so Rena decided not to wake him up plus she is not trembeling at all. This is the new thing for her.

Uhm.. What is this comfortable feeling. Hm.. nice scent.
Jun slowly wake up and the first thing he see is Rena face. So close to him. Suprise he quickly stand up and trip falling to the back.

Jun :"Ouch!!"

Rena : "Matsui san?! Are you okay?"

The other also see him. He can see Yuuma and Yuki who sit infront of them looking at him. Yuuma smirking and Yuki raise her eyebrow.

"Ha ha ha!! Are you okay Jun?" The cycborg laugh happily. It is the second suprise. The cold cycborg laugh?!

Jun : "Yeah! No problem. I am perfectly fine. He then stand up and quickly stand up, sit back to his place."

Yuki then turn around and said.
"Rena  you okay? Nothing wrong right? Did anything happend?" She then look at Jun with suspicious look.

Rena : "Un.. nothing happend. I think Matsui san just have a nightmare."

Jun : "Ye.. yeah. A full of suprise dream." He then looks at Rena and smile. Cat smile attack time~

Uhn.. rena quickly look down. She  blushed and turn her face pretend to see the scenery.

Not long after that, they arrive at their destination.

Yuu : "Yeaahhh beach~ summer~ sound good~"
Yuu dance happily

And lastly... Yuu see his twin and then they said it together
"Bikini~ oshiri~ oppai~"

Looks like Yuu really can take Yuuma cherfull personality out.

Haruna just facepalm her face.
"Yuu chan stop it. It is embrassing. Mou..!!" Haruna then pout

Yuu : "Eh? Nyan nyan.. don't angry please~"

Haruna : "Hmpptt!!"

Takamina : "Haha.. Haruna such a tsundere huh?"

Atsuko : "Hmmpt!! I am still angry with you, Minami". Atsuko then go first.

Takamina : "Eeh?? Atsuko wait.. "Minami then go to chase his girlfriend.

Yuuma : "Well I don't know Acchan is a tsun tsun also." And every body nod.

They arrive at the hotel first before they go to the beach to put their things first and change to more comfortable cloths.

In the beach.
The boys are waiting for the boys. They just wear  simple pants. Takamina is revailing his sexy abs same with Jun, but the twins are not. Yuu wear a simple tshirt and yuuma wear a short hand hoddy jacket.

Takamina : "So Jun, how your trip? It is nice??"

Yuu : "With Rena chan beside him, I am sure he will enjoy it"

Jun : "Wha.. what ? I don't understand what are you talking about."

Not long after that The girls came.

Atsuko : "Guys..What are you talking about?"

Yuu : "Wow?! Nyan nyan!!"

Takamina : "At.. Atsuko?!"

The girl have come to the beach. They are wearing their bikinis except Rena. Atsuko wearing white cream bikini. While Nyan nyan wear a stipe red and white bikini. Yukiri  wearing red bikini. Rena wear bikini but she hide it with t shirt and short pant.

"Beautiful~ " yuuma unconsiously said it while looking at Yuki.

Yuki notice it, but she then smirk at him want to teasing him. "So you want to touch my boobs again? Yuuma Kun? Hmm..?"

Yuuma : "Urggh!! I said sorry right? It is an accident."

Yuki : "Yeah.. twice mr. Do you think I would believe you?!" Yuki retorted.

Yuu : "Hee..? What happend with you two?"

"Nothing!" Yuuma and Yuki said in unison.

They played and swimming happily. The couple are enjoying their time together. Rena is sitting enjoy the scenary and because she is not the sporty type. She can't stand being to long for outdoor activity. Yuki went to buy some drinks along with Yuuma. She want Rena to come along but she decline.

Not long after that, a bunch of boys come near her. She quickly stand up ready to leave. But one of the boys hold her hand. She become anxious, her body are trembelling and she started to cry.

Rena : "Le..lets.. hiks.. go.."

"Easy girl. We just want to be a friend. "Just one of the boys want to touch her face.

"Don't touch her!!!"

Its Jun who come with his angry looks. And when he see Rena is crying, his rage become more and more intense.

"Let go of her!!" He then push the boy who hold Rena's hand. He then stare at the boys give a dead glare. "Leave now!"

The gaze Jun give really work plus Yuu, Minami, and Yuuma come to help. The boys started to leave. "Cih! It is not over yet!!"

Jun then look at Rena. She is trembelling and still sobbing. He then hug her. At first Rena were suprise and try to resist. But when Jun rubbing her back. She feel calm and stop resisting.

Not long after that Yuki come back. Atsuko and  Haruna have told her what had happenned.

Yuki : "Ohh Rena!! Are you okay? Which part is hurt?" Pulling Rena apart from Jun.

Rena just shook her head. Assuring that she is ok. They then went back to the hotel.

The reaction Rena have when she made contact with the boys sure make Jun supprise. So he went to ask the girls.

Atsuko said that Rena doesn't really like boys. She never really like to be approach by boys. Even by sensei. Her mother have give some explanation to sensei. So sensei not really bother by her behavior. And Rena never want to talk about that.

Haruna said that she never saw Rena with boys. This is the first time she see Rena actually hang out with boy. Wait.. or the second? Or third? Hmm..?!

Note : actually it is second. If you see Kojiyuu fanfic. I write Rena in there.

Jun thought (Hmm.. no helping. Not anybody know about Rena. What actually happend to her? Maybe Yuki will help.)

Jun then ask Yuki about Rena. He then go to their room. Just when he want to press the bel. The door opened. Looks like they want to go out.

Jun : "Uhmn.. Kashiwagi san, can I talk to you? Just us two..."

Yuki : "Hm... why?"


Actually it is about the girl I like. I want to ask your advice.

Hearing this make Rena sad. But she hides it very well.  But Yuki doesn't miss that.
"Uhmn.. it is ok. Yukirin I will wait in the lobby first. "  and then Rena left.

Yuki : "Ok. So talk.. what do you want? It is about Rena?"

Jun : "?!.. How do.."

"How do I know? Well that's not important.." Yuki then smirk at Jun. Actually she accidentally hear what Yuu and Yuuma talking about back then. Before they go inside the hotel.

Yuu : "Hey Yuuma, do you think Jun will be able to date Rena? I am really sure Jun  fall in love with Rena chan."

Yuuma : "Hmm... I don't know. If only that whitch didn't distrub their moment. I think he will have a chance to date her. Well.. the problem is I think Rena have problem when we apporach her. Remember when you chase Nyan nyan out from the cafe? You left us with the girls right? We wait for you in the cafe  because We think you need some time with Nyan nyan. Takamina then explain the things so the girls didn't worried about her being with you. After that accidentally I drop a drink and it make Rena skirt become wet. I try to help but she directly reject me and she is trembeling when I touch her. Of course not to mention that old lady give me a dead glare and a full of lecture. Ugghhh...!!"

Yuu : "Hee... You sure are close to that kashiwagi girl nee.. usually you never mention any girl with this much reaction."

Yuuma : "Wha..t? No way I would like that old hag!!! Not to mention her behavior toward me. Urgghh..!! What a waste for her beauty face and nice body... "

Yuu : "Oh oo.. Yuuma you better run now." Yuu notice Yuki from behind. She is filled with dark aura.

Yuuma : "What? Why? When he turn around he see Yuki."  With reflex he quickly run away. "Lateer Yuu nii... !!!"

Yuki : "Yuuuuummmmaaa!!!!! Come back here!!!!!"

End of flashback.

Jun : "uhmnn.. Kashiwagi san, I hope you don't mind if I ask you about Rena."

Yuki : "Hm.. its depend on what will you ask. But first call me Yuki. It feel weird if you always adress me with Kashiwagi and you adress Rena with only Rena."

Jun then tell her what he want to ask.

Yuki : "Hm.. why? It is better if you ask her by yourself. From now on I just can say that I will give my support to you. But if I see Rena chan suffer.. You know what will I do .. or you better not." Yuki flash him a devilish smile.

Jun : "Gulp..But.. I afraid I will hurt her."

Yuki : "Rena chan is a strong girl. Maybe she look like always crying and need my protection, but I know she is can do it when the time is right."

Jun : "Hm..? What do you mean?"

Yuki just smile and then wave him good bye. "Why don't you go to lobby now? Rena chan is waiting~."

Jun : "Hee..?! Waiting for who?!"

Yuki : "Waiting for youuuu!! Bakaa!!"

Actually at first Yuki don't like Jun at all. She think that Jun is just like another guys. Especially he has that charming prince aura. Which make Yuki think he is a player. But when she see how Jun protect Rena and how Rena react toward him, make her think twice. She even ask Rena about Jun and how her feel about Jun. And obviously Rena decline her feeling. But it is not Yuki if she can't see that Rena is lying. She know Rena too well.

Yuki : Rena chan, you know you have change a lot.

Rena : Hm..? Change?

Yuki : Yup! You change become more beauty, more cheerful and lastly I can see your smile. You really smile a lot. I am happy~

Rena : Mou!! Yuki, you talking way just like my mother. But do you really think I am beautiful? I mean... boys will see me the same too? I don't have nice body like Kojipa, or princess aura like you  or angelic smile like acchan, and I..

Yuki : Stop!! Rena is rena. It is good the way you are. So please don't judge yourselves with such a negative think. People likes you Rena, and boys sure want you to be their girlfriend (well, if I don't interrupt), and even you have a bad past, but believe me there will be somebody who will accept you the way you are.

Rena : Uhm.. do you think I have a chance to be.. uhn.. nandemonai..

Yuki : Rena..? Say,.. how do you see Matsui Jun?

Rena : ?! Well... he is unique.

Yuki : Unique?

Rena : Yess.. the way he smile looks like a cat right?  And also he really cute when he is sleeping, he also so kind to me, and... I am not trembelling when I am with him, somehow he made me feel calm.

Rena blushed. She just realize Yuki is smiling at her. She realize she has made a mistake to tell this things to Yuki.

Yuki : Well, the way you tell me make me think you like him. Not a bad choice.

Rena : Uhm.. what are you talking about? I.. I don't understand at all, Yukirin.

End of flashback

While waiting for Yuki at the lobby, Rena decided to take a walk in the hotel park. It is very beautiful and have a great night sight. So Rena decided to walk in there while waiting for Yuki. That when she see with the boys from the beach walking in front of her. She become afraid and started to run. Her action didn't help at all. The boys manage to catch her and take her by force to the bushes.

"LEt humpt..!!!" Rena want to scream but one of the boys started to close her mouth.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Now no body will disturb us nee?"  Just when he want to touch Rena, he got hit from the back.

"Get off from her!!" Jun said angrilly. He then started to beat the boys one by one.  And warned them, if something like this happend they won't just get few breaking bone. More than they can imagine.

Note : he is a black belt karateman and have won a lot of medal.

Finish beating them, he then go to check Rena. Rena is trembelling again. Tears started to roll in her cheek. Jun then wipe her tears and kiss her forehead.
"Its ok Rena chan. Its over. Please don't cry."

Jun then started to lift her with bridal style. Rena doesn't refuse. He left the bushes and then let her sit in hotel's bench.

Rena has stopped trembelling but she can't stop crying. She is really afraid. What if Jun didn't come.

"Rena..." Jun called her name and pat Rena head. This action make Rena stop crying and see Jun.

And when their eyes met. Jun know he need to tell Rena. 

Jun : "Rena... I like you.. no! I love you! "

Rena is suprised, her heart beating so fast and she can fell her face is heating. She didn't except Jun to confess to her. To think Jun like her. She also like him, but..

Rena : "I.. "

Seeing Rena confuse face, Jun started to doubt himself. Will she reply him? But Jun wait for Rena answer.

Rena then close her face and said
"I.. think.. I also love you Jun.. but..
I don't deserve you. You deserve better.."
Rena then started to cry again.

Jun : "No!! I know it from the first time I meet you, you will be the one I will protect, you will be the one that I want to share my happiness, you are the one I want to embrace, you are the only one. Rena..."

Jun then take Rena hand and see Rena face, he lift her face, but Rena refuse to see him.

Rena : "You don't know Jun.. I am not normal.. I am afraid of men, because..."
She close her eyes, pain can be seen from her face but she decided to tell Jun about her past.

Rena was ten years old when, she got a new family. Her mother remarried and she need to stay in a new place leaving her bestfriend and hometown. She got a new brother. But her new brother always act wierd. He love to touch Rena and sometimes kiss her cheeck. At first Rena just ignore it as she think it is just a brother love to his sister. But one day, her brother come to her room and started to molest her. She almost got rape, luckly her mother has just come back from the market and found out what her new brother had done.

Rena then got send back to her hometown and live with her grandma. But because of the accident, she began to hate and afraid of men. She found them disgusting.

Hearing the story make Jun blood boils, he is really angry that somebody has hurt Rena so badly and yet he can't do anything. It is all in the past and of course  he can't help at all.

Jun : "Rena.. listen. I don't care about your past. Rena is rena. I like you for being just Rena. I love your everything. So.. Rena I love you and my love for you will not change. I can assure that. Please give me a chance Rena."

Seeing Jun deternination towards her. Rena is crying, but those tears are tears of joy. She nooded at Jun as her answer to Jun feeling.

Jun is really happy. He can feel he is the luckiest guys in the world. He then give her a light peck on her lips and hug her.

But he realize what has he done, so he quickly stay back. He feel guilty and said sorry

Rena face is very red. She never know Jun kiss will give her so much happy feeling. See Jun reaction, She giggle and say
"If I am with you, I think I can.."

Rena then hug Jun and say
"Arigatou Jun. I love you"

Jun : I love you too Rena.

The end.

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2015, 08:17:11 AM »
THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL....Wmatsui...wooooooow... :farofflook:
Thank you for the update sadrilim san  :on gay:
Waitin for mayuki ver... :nya:
thanks again~ 
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2015, 04:06:52 PM »
About Mayuki Version I seem in lost, maybe because I am not their oshi  :?. So i think I will take a break first.
will come back soon.

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2015, 04:56:24 PM »
HEHE.... ;D You're awesome~
Even though I wish for more... I'm sure you are busy writing mayuki~ Is okay then~ I'll wait for your next update

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2015, 12:43:41 PM »
Finally, I am back!! Well, enjoy the Mayuki OS. Sorry if it is lame.

Mayuki OS : my stupid cyborg

Yuuma waiting for Jun in the park. In there he see there are two kids playing. The two of the kids seems playing happily. He then remembered about his past with his twin brother, Yuu. It was a happy moment until they parents decided to divorce.

Flash back

Yuuma : "Yuu nii.. Yuu nii. I don't want to go. Pleasee oka san.. otou san.."

Oka san : "Now, yuuma be good boy. We need to go. You can visit Tou chan and Yuu chan when holiday come. I promised."

Yuuma : "Yuu nii... "

Otou san : "Yuuma be strong. Even if I am not around be good boy to Oka san. Don't make her sad okay?"

Yuu : "Yuuma we will meet again for winter holiday. Don't cry."

Yuuma : "But Yuu nii.. it will be different without Yuu nii around. Yuu nii..."

Yuuma awake from his day dreamming when Jun tapped his shoulder.

It was about his past. When their parent divorce and he need to move away. That time he just 5 years old, but he understand what have happend. Indeed he is a smart boy. Separated from his broher, best friend and his otou san. It was really hard time for little Yuuma, because everytime there will be Yuu or Takamina who protect him.

After separated from Yuu nii, the crybaby Yuuma started to get bullied.  And no body help him thats time. 

At the class room.
"Yuuma the cry baby. Need his mama around~ Yuuma the cry baby~"

"Hey! Yuuma bring this for me."

"Yuuma do my homework."

Everyday seems like a hell for Yuuma. But he try to bear it.  It make him become cold person. The bully stop after he change his grade. Plus he started to study kendo.

Note : he is smart so he jump the grade.

But that didn't stop him for having a cold personality. People often called him cyborg.  Only his family and bestfriend that know Yuuma is not a cold boy, actually he resemble Yuu a lot.

Jun : "Hey.. thanks to coming sorry I am late."

Yuuma : "No problem, so what the matter? "

Jun then tell him that He and Rena will have a date and he want Yuuma come along since Yuki also come.

Yuuma : "Sigh... why do I need to accompany you again?"

Jun : "Well, its because Rena still not used to be just us two. Beside Yuki always want to come along, so.."

Yuuma : "So you give your bestfriend live to that witch?!"

Jun : "Come on Yuuma.. beside we will go to Wonder land. In there also have some anime stuff you can buy. It is not like you will be bored."

Yuuma : "Hm... ok! You know last time when we go to beach? I still have some unresolve problem with that witch."
Yuuma then smirked.

Jun : "Well it is your fault anyway. Why you touch her butt? No wonder she is angry."

Yuuma : "Well she didn't need to slap me that hard twice. And she take my Miku away!!!"

Note :
Miku is Yuuma favourite vocaloid idol. And Miku he refer is his phone strap mini Miku, a limited edition one. Yuki confiscated it, as the result of talking bad about her. ( I refer to Wmatsui OS when Yuuma talking to Yuu).

Jun : "But Yuuma no offense, how can she slap you and always call you hentai?"

Flash back

Note : please read the Wmatsui OS first, before you read this OS.

Before they go inside the train, Yuki and Yuuma decided to buy some snack in the snack bar along with Atsumina couple.

Atsuko : "I want this... this ... that... oh... this one also.."

Takamina : "Atsuko you sure buy a lot."

Atsuko : "Well it is because Minami really pissed me off."  Atsuko then look at Minami with an angry look.

Takamina : "Glup... At.. Atsuko just buy what you want. I will pay it all."

Atsuko : "Yeah!! Minami daisuki. Well.. I also want this.. that and oh.."

Yuuma then approach Minami and said
"Sorry Takamina. I know it is not your fault."

Takamina : "Well it is ok. Beside Jun is my friend. So I willing to help. But are you sure Jun really like Rena?"

Yuuma : "Yeah. I am really sure. He never give any affection toward girls. This is the first time. "

Yuki is walking in front of them. She is looking for Rena favourite snack. And also other thing that Rena like. And she spotted one of favourite snack. But it is located in the highest shelf. So she can't reach it. She then spotted a mini chair so she used it to take the snack.

She manage to take it but unfortunately a boy has run and bumped the chair, it make Yuki fall down. Before she fall, Yuuma manage to run and catch her. .

PLAK!! hentaiii!!! Yuki face become really red.  she slap Yuuma really hard.

Appearently Yuuma has caught her but his hand accidentally touch her butt. More like grabbing it. Let's said their position to blame for.

Yuuma : "Ouch! What are you doing witch?! I just trying to help you."

Yuki : "By gropping my butt? What a hentai boy."

Yuuma : "What?! It's not. It was accident.  To think I actually touch your butt, I might be cursed. "

Yuki : "What did you say?"

They look at each other with rage in their eyes.

Atsuko : "Err... Yukirin I think we need to back. The train will be depart soon. "

"Yuuma, can you help me to take this. I think I need a help." Takamina said hopefully can distract Yuuma.

"Fine!" They said it together

End of flashback.

Jun : "Sigh.. Yuuma just don't make any troubles"

Yuuma : "Well, I won't. I just want my Miku back! Beside it is you who ask me to your date. Why don't you ask that witch to go away. She must not distrust you."

Jun : "I don't want to make Rena feeling uncomfortable.  Beside Rena said Yuki want to meet you. But don't say it, loud in front of Yuki, she told Rena not to tell me."

Yuuma know Jun really waiting for this holiday to come. Jun and Rena lived in different town so it is hard to keep in touch every day. And he is amaze to think that witch want to see him?

Yuuma :"Naa.. impossible the witch want to meet me, but ok. Beside I am free on this holiday. Yuu nii want to go somewhere else. Just with his Nyan nyan alone. "

Jun : "Yeah!! Thanks Yuuma. "

At Wonder Land entry
They promised to meet in the entry.  Yuki and Rena arrived first.  They two looks stunning. Well for Rena, she want to make Jun happy so she wear a beautiful summer dress. As for Yuki, she likes fashion, so no wonder her dress looks dazzling.  Many boys are looking at them.

"Hey, are you two free? How about going out together? Two stranger ask them."

Rena step back a little, she still didn't used to talking to a boys expect Jun and his friend ( Yuuma, Yuu, Takamina). Other that that, she will find it is difficult. Seems like mission impossible to her.

"Sorry, but we are waiting for our friend." Yuki said politely. 

"Oo.. I am sure they can wait. We are insist". One of them grab Yuki hand.

"You better leave! You hear what she said. " Yuuma said to the boys who grab Yuki hand. He stand in front of them and his hand holding Yuki waist to prevent her being touch again.

"Why you ..!!! Arrgh...!!!???" When one of the boys want to attack, Jun twisted his arm.

It was Jun and Yuuma. They finally arrived.

Cool down man, we just joking. With that, the two stranger quickly run away.

Jun quickly checking Rena.
"Rena, are you okay? Nothing hurt right?"  Jun then caress Rena's back to make her calm. And give her a gentle hug.

Rena : "Un.. I am okay Jun. Thanks."

"Uhmnn Yuuma, ar.. arigatou." Yuki face is red. She is really surprise when Yuuma held her waist. More surprise than when the boys hold her hand. And her heart beating so fast.

"Hm..? Did you say something?" Yuuma decided to tease her. He then walked closer enough to Yuki and smiled. He lean closer and whisper Nee.. for a witch, You are beautiful.

Being close enough make Yuki blush.  She is aware that this Oshima boy is teasing her, but she can't help when their distance  are this close. She then push Yuuma away.

"Nandemonai... " Yuki then walked away.

After that they decided to go to eat. And play a lot of game.

Yuki : "Nee Rena which one you want to play?"

"Hm.. this one." Rena point the rolling coaster in front of them.

Yuuma : "Yeah I also want to play. "

Yuki : "I.. think I will pass."

Jun : "No Rena.. I think I will stay accompany Yuki in here. You two have some fun."

Rena : "No.. I don't want. I want to go together Jun." Rena is not good at puppy eyes attack but her pleading eyes really make Jun heart flushed. 

Jun : "O.. ok. Let's go nee."

"Love sure can do anything huh?" Yuuma smirked at Jun.

Rena : "Yuki chan, let's go together.."

Yuki : "No"

Yuuma smiled and come closer to them. "Let's me handle this, Rena chan."

Rena : "Un.."

Yuuma : "Hey, to think the witch afraid to the high place? It something new."

Yuki : "Hummpt whatever.  I won't go. Not a chance."

Yuuma : "Hm... are you sure? How about this.." Yuuma then whisper something to Yuki.

"If you can pass this challenge without passed away. I will give you a reward. Jusy say something. If I can effort it, I will do it or buy it..."

Yuki : "Hummpt!! You think I am a kid? No!!"

Yuuma : "Hm.. Rena chan come here first, you too Jun." Yuuma then discuss something to them.


Ready? Ok now. Puppy eyes and cat smile attack~. Yuki pleaseee ~


Next, Yuki realize she is inside roller coaster.  Beside her is Yuuma. "Urrghh.. why I am here again?!"  Yuki is really tense. She doesn't mind the height but the speed really make her tense. Yuuma realize about that things and he feel sorry to tease her,  so he gently touch her hand. Intertwined his and hers.

Yuuma : "It's okay.  I am with you."

"Un..." yuki blush.


After the roller coaster trip
"Rena.. rena chan..." Jun held Rena tightly. His face a bit pale. And he looks like want to pass out. Well, who know the cool and strong Matsui Jun is afraid of height?!

Rena feel worried so she suggest Jun to take some rest in the bench.  "rest here Jun." Rena let her lap to become Jun pillow, somehow this make Jun very happy. They never have this kind of skinship.

Yuuma : "Well, we will go to buy some drinks. Wait here."

Yuuma then take Yuki. He hold her hand and this somehow make Yuki heart beat faster. But suddenly Yuuma drag her to another direction.

Yuuma : let's go to there.
He point to the ferris wheel. 

Yuki : "what?! But they are waiting. I can't leave Rena like this."

Yuuma : "I already mail Jun that we will have a date. Beside spare them ok? It is not like Jun will do anything bad. Instead I am sure he will protect her. Come on."

Yuki : "da.. date?! With who?! Me?!"

Yuuma : "yup! Let go, shall we? But before we go to there, let go there and there."

Yuuma point the souvenir shop. They then go to there. At there Yuuma look at various anime figure. He look happy and act like a little kid. Yuki just smile, see how Yuuma resemble Rena a lot. She then stroll around.  Then she stop, there is a beautiful necklace and the price is quiet expensive.  But then Yuuma appear from behind

Yuuma : "looking for something?"

Yuki : "aah!! Mouu... you scare me. No its nothing. Have you finish?"

Yuuma : "yeah! Look what have I found! It a limited edition of Miku mug and this is really awesome. And this is Miku in wonderland poster and this..."

Yuki just smiled at Yuuma reaction, even though she is not the fan of anime but sure she is listening to all Yuuma stories.

Yuuma : "ah! Sorry I am a boring person right?"

Yuki : "hm~ not at all. You seem very happy. And I am happy to listen to your story. "

Yuuma : "souka.. let rest in that cafe. They sell a delicious ice cream."

Yuki : "ice cream?! I love to~♥. Let's go. "Yuki then drag him to the cafe.

In the cafe
"Welcome! We have a special menu for the cute couples. If you take lovely picture  in there, you will get to eat choco heaven. Our specual menu that not everyday we have."

The waitress  then let them see the choco heaven picture. It make Yuki eyes beaming. She really love to eat ice cream. But she then remember the term that make her blush.  It is impossible for her to ask Yuuma.

Yuuma : "ok, we are in."

Yuki : "wh.. What?!"

Yuuma : "let's go."

They then go to the photo spot. Yuki doesn't know what to do as she just stand there. She can't think of any lovely act. As yuuma just remain calm. He then smile. He then take an action. He make Yuki facing him and then he kiss her forehead.

Yuki face was flushed.  To think the cyborg smile and then kiss her. It a new thing.

"Ok. It will be a nice picture. Here your coupon of choco heaven"

The waitress make Yuki snap from her thought. as they change the coupon and they then sit enjoying their choco heaven. But for Yuki, she still remember the kiss. It still make her heart beating so fast and she is not enjoying the ice cream at all.

Yuuma : "hm..? What's wrong? Does The ice cream not good enough?"

Yuki : "no.. it's nothing." 

Yuuma then smirked and whisper to yuki. " you know your reaction are really something when I kiss you."

Yuki then blush, she can't help but continue eating her ice cream.  Somehow she feel like being teased.

Yuuma : "ah! I forget to buy souvenir for Yuu nii. Yuki you wait here. I will be back."

With that Yuuma quickly go and leaving Yuki alone in there.

Yuki : "yuuma!! Mouu!! How can I finished the ice cream alone?!"

It take a while for Yuuma to come back, as there are three boys come to Yuki.

Boy A : "hey! Cute girl, want to hang out together? "

Boy B : "yeah, you looked bored. I am sure we will make you excited. "

Yuki : "sorry, but I am waiting for someone. "

Boy C : "come on. I am sure your friend won't mind if we borrowing you."

Yuuma : "sorry guys, but she is taken. And could you all leave us."

Yuuma has come back. He quickly stand in front of Yuki and facing the boys.

"Cih! She is taken"

"You will regret it girl, let's go guys."

With that they leave.

Yuuma : "what a de ja vu."

Yuki : "moou!! Yuuma what take you so long? I.. I think you are leaving me in here. "

Yuki then started to cry.  Yuuma wiped her tear and pat her head.

Yuuma : "I am sorry.  It really took long enough to pick the present.  Forgive me nee.."

Yuki : "un.. promised me not to leave alone like this again. I hate it when I am alone in this crowded place."

Yuuma : "let's go. It almost noon, the best time to ride the ferris wheel. "

With that they go to the ferris wheel. 

Inside ferris wheel
Yuki : "whaa... kirei nee"

Yuuma just smile, somehow seeing Yuki reaction really make his day different.  He feels that really happy.

Yuki realize she is being watched.
Yuki : "what? Why do you stare at me?"

Yuuma : "no. I just amazed to think the witch can smile like that."

Yuki : "hmmpt!! I am not witch! Stop calling me like that. I have name. "

Yuuma : "gomen..Yuki. "

Yuki a bit surprised when Yuuma called her name. There is a weird feeling when she is called by Yuuma. She know this feeling, but she won't admit it. Not her, but..

Yuki : "I... Yuuma, I like you."


Yuki dare not to look at Yuuma face, as there is a silent between them, she think Yuuma have reject her. Not long after she confessed, the ride is over. And she quickly want to go out. But a firm hand grab her and make her sit inside again.

Yuuma signaled to the waitress that they will take another turn. And she glandly give them another ride.

Yuki : "let's go of me! Why.. hmmpt?!"

Yuuma then kiss her. She try to resist at first, but then she feel Yuuma kiss her with full love. As she kiss him back. After a while they parted.

Yuuma : "I am sorry, I am too surprised you will confess to me and I am not not good at talking sweet. But, Kashiwagi Yuki I hereby declared you as my girlfriend and please do love me. Because I love you deep from my heart."

Yuki giggle at Yuuma confession.
Yuki : "you might be clever, mr cyborg but you are really bad at confession. "

Yuuma : "hey! Don't laugh! "
He then kiss her again, this time a short kiss. It make  yuki blush.

Yuuma then smirked
Yuuma : "hehe that is my revenge."

Yuki : "mouu!! Yuuma hidoii!! Stupid cyborg. "

Yuuma : "but you love it right?" Yuuma then kiss her again.

" I love you, my stupid cyborg."

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Re: Atsumina (kai acchan) the transfer student is my girlfriend OS
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2015, 12:49:35 PM »
Anybody interest for their after story? I will make it.

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