Perfect Dark is a Japanese P2P software i've been using for a while.
And in the spirit of sharing I decided to make my own guide (which makes it - obviously - better than the other ambiguously worded stuff out there) to it, and hopefully help some guys out who've been wanting to try Japanese P2P but have been confused by the intricate workings of Share/Winny. Perfect Dark uses similar concepts to that of Share/Winny, but with some improvements.
First, you need to
download the program. Click on the link that says Ver. 1.06, and you should then be prompted to save a .zip file. Save it anywhere you want, but to make it easier on yourself, just save it to where ever you want your unity/download folders to be. I find that it stops it from getting really confusing when everything is in one place. In the zip is a file named perfect dark.exe; it will populate the folder with various files when you start it.

Typical license agreement in English. No more locale files needed. You should then be greeted by a popup telling you to choose the appropriate connection. So just select your connection from the dropdown box, and enter your port information (about which
Port Forward has plenty of information on). You can set Language to English, if you want. Doesn't really matter, as long as you remember where it is for when you accidentally switch it.

Next tab. Bandwidth settings. This is pretty self-explanatory, really. An improvement over its predecessors, where you couldn't stop it from maximising your upstream and killing your internet.

The others tab. Exciting stuff. This is where you get to give yourself a tripcode, enable mutagen editing and limit the unity size. For Share users, unity is PD's equivalent of the cache. It would be prudent to set a limit for this, lest you start filling up your HDD with stuff you don't even want. The maximum might change depending on how much you want to download at once. I have mine set to 150gb, and haven't really had problems. The unity will keep clearing itself as it goes over the limit.

This window appears when you click 'edit sign'. This is basically to give yourself a tripcode to identify yourself amongst the countless anonymi on PD. Simply enter your username, then your password. Then it will generate your code for you. Your uploads will be tagged with it.

As soon as you close the window, out pops out another one. This is basically where you copy your nodelist into. The nodelist is a list of peers you can connect to. Only an initial copy is needed, after which the list populates itself. You can get a sizeable nodelist
here. Just copy/paste the addresses into the textbox, and you're off.
Your setup is now done. If you did the port forwarding right, the top right corner of the PD screen should now change from 'Perfect Dark is offline' to 'Perfect Dark is online'. If you see this, you're set. If you've ever set up Share, you'd realize that you didn't set an upload folder for PD. That's because you don't need to. That's right, no more scanning of a million, no more cluster words to find the DVD you always wanted. The downside however, is that you need some (read: a few GB) of unity before the program will put your selected downloads on priority. So go ahead, do a search and queue some stuff up. Just leave it running for a bit.

The cool thing is you can search inside a search, so you can refine them and get what you really want without having to scroll through a bunch of results. The program also has a built in rating system, which allows you to rate files as well as allow you to see which files are fakes/corrupted. Remember, don't rate anything bad
unless it's corrupted or fake. It's not for low quality files.