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Author Topic: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]  (Read 103070 times)

Offline all6th

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #80 on: March 03, 2012, 01:52:17 AM »
i loved this chapter loads i am sort of hoping for Renia and Sayu couple and i am routing for takagaki i cant wait till your next update thanks for this chapter you have loads of talent and i cant wait till the next update when you can  :thumbsup

yeahhh, I'm hoping for Sayu and Reina couple too :D

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #81 on: March 07, 2012, 07:50:57 PM »
Oh, I'm really interested in this one.
I really like Sayu's evil sister character. Also feels a little like her role in 'Kare wa imouto no koibito'.
I'm fascinated.

Also Kuduuu and Maachan. My 2 favourite 10th gen babies. :wub:

Looking forward to reading more.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #82 on: March 07, 2012, 08:07:28 PM »
everytime i see an update i get so hyped lol but then again i think math work made u dissapear for a while nee? lol then again i did go all mama mode on u so it makes snese nee? ^^;
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #83 on: March 08, 2012, 06:39:01 AM »
@rndmnwierd: yup! bingo!  :lol:  mehehe i have LOTS of things planned...  XD

@KirikomoriHime: oh god i LOVE those kind of replies  :inlove: well, technically, Eri's not a designer, she just owns a clothing shop...  XD

@risa_ai: lol can never get enough of takagaki XD

@sakura_drop: lol nothing is too far-fetched, huh?  :lol:

@Kikk4r: SO PROUD i'm crying XD

@Tian_Yuan: aww~ thank you!  I'll work my hardest!  :D  and yes, i do aim to win you over with Aika!  :D

@nora_nora: OHH YEAH~ i actually really loved that play :D

@Shiawase_Honoo: lol now that you mention it... it kinda turned out like Kokoro no Uta, huh?  :lol: but trust me, this'll be different  :D

@all6th: mehehehe not yet! :P

@mochi.rini: how i wish Tresor was real~ and yeh, i hope everyone read romeo and juliet, cuz you'll need to know it for this fic :nervous

@XxRoByNxX78: aww that's so sweet of you! thanks!  :D

@nighell: hehe keep them crossed for whoever you're rooting for!  XD

@Kuji: aww i love that little cellphone drama XD

@kawaii beam: yeah it's your fault.  I'm blaming you.  cuz i've actually been working kinda hard now.  :lol:

Thank you so much for all the comments~~ I'm so happy that there's a lot of people interested  :twothumbs

So without further ado... the next chapter!


Chapter 2 - "Cinderella Had a Mean Ugly Stepsister"

   A consistent tapping of fingers on the coffee table resounded in the apartment home.  The volume of the television was turned up to the maximum level although no one was watching or listening.  It was just one of the many habits Michishige Sayumi had developed since little.  The girl hated nothing more than undisturbed silence while being alone; she didn’t feel comfortable unless there was some sort of noise, as though she had an invisible companion.  It was quite ironic, actually, considering the fact that she was always the one who told people to stay quiet because her head hurt.  It was just one of the many things that Sayumi would say that was the opposite of what she meant.

   The black-haired beauty turned towards the clock on the wall again as she rolled up into a ball, hugging her knees.  Just another five minutes and her sister would be back home.  Then, she would finally be able to have some dinner.

   Of course, she could have dinner right at the moment if she wanted.  She always complained about how she was terrible at cooking and how she was scared of using the stove, the knife, the microwave, and other various kitchen tools, but none of it was true anyway.  She wasn’t the best cook, but she could hold her own in the kitchen.  In fact, she could easily make her own dinner and feed herself if she wished.  But for some reason, she preferred to wait for her stepsister to come and cook dinner for her.  It wasn’t that she was lazy to cook…  Somehow, food just tasted better when her Onee-chan made it for her.  So she would always wait to be fed, no matter how hungry she was.  Perhaps it was another habit she picked up as a spoiled child. 

   Alas, the door clicked as the sound of key turning in the lock resonated.  Sayumi gasped as she quickly got up from the couch and dashed towards the door.  Before she could reach it, however, the older sister let herself in the house and closed the door behind her.  She looked up at the awaiting bunny with a slightly surprised expression before grinning.

   “Nanda yo, Sayu~” Ai laughed.  “You’re coming out to meet me?  You didn’t miss me that much, did you?”

   “You’re late!” Sayumi retorted back, crossing her arms.  “It’s well past dinner time; I’m hungry!”

   “I told you I was going to be a little late today,” Ai said, taking her shoes off and dropping her bag at the entrance.  “Bijou company building is huge!  I can’t believe they actually tried to show me every single room—”

   “Urusai yo!” Sayumi yelled, frowning.  “You’re so loud!  Why should I care about how big that building is or whatever?  I’m hungry; make me dinner!”

   “Okay, okay,” Ai chuckled, heading towards the kitchen while pushing her sleeves up.  “Nee, could you turn the television up a bit more?  I can’t hear it.”

   Sayumi blushed red at her stepsister’s joke.  The television was at its top volume; it was more than loud enough, if not too loud.  Ai was very well aware of the bunny’s little habit that surfaced whenever she was home alone: her little teasing was just another way of telling Sayumi that it was okay to turn off the television now since she was no longer alone.  Marching back to the remote control, Sayumi clicked the television off and tossed the device on to the sofa.  Ai silently smiled as her sister stomped into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. 

   “How does pasta sound?” Ai asked, washing her hands in the sink.  “I have the sauce made so all I have to do is cook it.  It’ll take less time, since you’re hungry.”

   “Whatever is fine,” Sayumi said flatly.  “Just make it quick.”

   “Roger that,” the older woman grinned.

   After drying her hands, Ai walked to the refrigerator and took out a bowl with a plastic wrap over it.  She poured the contents into a pot that was already sitting on the stove and turned the fire on.  Taking out another pot from the utensils rack by the sink and placing it on the stove, she poured water in it to simmer.  As she headed towards the pantry to get the pasta, she spoke up again.

   “So Sayu,” she said, “how was your day today?  What’d you do?”

   “None of your business,” the bunny spat out.  “It has nothing to do with Onee-chan.”

   After the harsh words, however, Sayumi stared at her older sister’s back and waited for a response.  It was always like this: she would say one thing, yet hope for another.  Even after refusing to tell Ai anything, Sayumi still hoped that she would ask again.  Ai knew this as well, as she was used to it.  So she smiled silently and let her voice drop into a whining tone.

   “Come on, Sayu~ I want to know~” she begged, slight laughter in her voice.  “Tell me what you did today.  Go on.”

   “… Fine, if you really must know,” Sayumi sighed, as though she had no other choice.  “I went shopping in Akihabara today.  Mama sent some allowance for me and I wanted some new stuff.”

   “That’s good,” Ai nodded as she poured the dry pasta into the simmering water.  “Did you get a lot of things?”

   “Yeah, I got a lot of shoes,” the bunny replied.  Then, she got up and quickly went to her room, and came back out with a plastic bag.  She retook her seat and spoke again.  “I got this jacket, too, but I realized it’s a bit small for me.  Onee-chan can wear it.”

   Sayumi took a dark green jacket out of the plastic bag and tossed it at her stepsister as soon as she turned around to face her.  Ai caught it clumsily and held it up before her.  It was the style of jacket that she had been eyeing recently in town.  She had been trying to save money for it, but she had been thinking about giving up since it was a bit pricey.  The design was slightly different than the one she had seen in Tresor or any other shop in the neighborhood, but this jacket was a lot cuter and, probably, more expensive.  Sayumi’s pockets were quite deep, after all, since her mother filled them up regularly. 

   Ai grinned from ear to ear.  There was no way the jacket didn’t fit Sayumi; she was much taller than Ai but also a lot thinner.  She would easily be able to fit into the jacket.  But the older sister feigned ignorance, wanting to let her younger sister play the charitable do-gooder.

   “Arigatou, Sayu!” she thanked, hugging the jacket.  “It’s actually what I’ve been trying to buy these days.  Are you sure you don’t want to return it and get a new one?  It’s a bit pricey, I’m sure…”

   “I’m too lazy to go back,” the bunny yawned.  “It wasn’t that much money anyway.  Only 9000 yen or so.”

   Ai’s mouth dropped open but she quickly shut it and swallowed hard.  9000 yen… that was enough money to buy six sweaters, and way too much money to spend on a single jacket.  But the textile was quite nice and the quality was rather high so it was probably indeed worth that much.  It seemed Sayumi’s pockets have gotten even deeper… meaning her mother’s pockets had gotten deeper as well.

   “… Arigatou, Sayu,” Ai said warmly again.  “I love it.  Really.”

   “D-don’t be so flattered,” Sayumi mumbled, looking away.  “I just thought it would be a waste to let it grow molds in my closet, so I’m giving it to you.”

   Ai smiled at her seemingly cold stepsister as she slung the jacket over her chair.  Then, she returned to the stove and started to stir the pasta and the sauce at once.  Then, Sayumi slowly faced forward again to stare at Ai’s back.

   “Onee-chan… are you short on money?”


   “I-I mean…”  The bunny faltered slightly before she spoke quickly.  “Maybe Eri isn’t paying you enough or something.  Since you got desperate enough to get a second job.  Of all the jobs you could get, why a janitor’s?  I think it’s pathetic.”

   “I appreciate your concern, Sayu,” Ai said, as her sister mumbled something about not being concerned, “but I’m really okay with whatever job I work, as long as I get good pay for it.  The rent isn’t paying itself and I need to be able to provide for myself.”

   Sayumi bit down on her lips as she continued to stare at her sister’s back.  How stupid was she, really?  Hadn’t she ever thought for once that her life was incredibly unfair?  Sayumi was being fully provided for by her real-estate agent mother so that she didn’t need to get employed.  In contrast, Ai had to run two jobs, just to support herself.  She had always had a sense of independence, yet that characteristic of hers was forced to increase tenfold after her father’s death.  After all, her stepmother did absolutely nothing to care for her. 

   “How is Okaa-san, by the way?” Ai asked, taking out bowls from the dish rack to pour the pasta in.  “You called her after getting allowance, right?  You should thank her whenever you get a chance.”

   “She called me,” the bunny answered.  “She’s doing fine.” 
Her voice sounded cold, annoyed by how her older sister had called her mother “Okaa-san”.  The woman had never done anything motherly for Ai, ever, yet she had always called her “Mother”.  It pissed Sayumi off how idiotically pure her stepsister could be at times.  Every now and then, she even wondered why Ai hadn’t broken off her relationship with her step-family yet.  But she preferred not to think about that too much, for fear of it actually becoming reality.

   “… And here is your food!”

   Sayumi looked and blinked a couple times until her eyes focused on the bowl of pasta in front of her, covered with red tomato sauce.  Ai took a seat across from her, clapped her hands together, and mumbled thanks for the food.  She grabbed her fork and started to eat but stopped mid-bite when she saw her sister sitting still.

   “Sayu?” she called.  “You’re food’s gonna get cold.  Eat.”

   Sayumi blinked a couple times again before nodding slowly.  She helped herself to her share of the pasta and chewed slowly.  The rich flavor spread inside her mouth as her empty stomach already started to feel better.

   “Dou?” Ai asked with a hopeful expression.  “How is it?”

   “… It’s not bad,” the bunny answered curtly.  “It’s edible.”

   “And she passes with a flying score!” Ai announced, snapping her fingers. 

   “Baka,” Sayumi muttered.  “It barely makes the cut-off to be considered food.”

   Laughing at her sister’s remark, Ai resumed eating her own pasta.  Although Sayumi had spoken in a less than pleasant tone, the older woman didn’t take much offense in it.  At least it meant that it was worth eating and that she would continue eating it.

   The younger girl blushed at little as she mumbled something about how immature her stepsister was as she popped more pasta noodles into her mouth.  After a couple moments of eating in silence, Ai suddenly clapped her hands together as though she remembered something.

   “Sou da!” she yelled out.  “Nee, Sayu, I’m going out with Eri tonight.  So don’t wait up for me and just go to bed, okay?”

   “What?!  With Eri?” Sayumi shrilled.  A date… It can’t be a date…

   “Yeah, apparently there’s this club a couple blocks away from Tresor; they’re having a ladies night or something, and it’s free for all females.  So Eri told me to go with her.”  Ai forked another noodle into her mouth before her eyes widened with an epiphany.  “Do you want to come too, Sayu?”

   “I… was already going to go!” Sayumi yelled back, putting her fork down.  “But Onee-chan can’t!  You can’t go!”

   “Eh?”  Ai raised an eyebrow.  “Why not?”

   “Because…”  Sayumi bit down on her lip.  “Because you left early today, and came back home late.  You didn’t any of the chores; the laundry still isn’t done, you know!  And the bills… you saw the envelopes on the counter, right?  You have to do them and… and… since I’m going, I don’t want to be seen in a club with a janitor like you!  You can’t go.”

   Silence fell at the dinner table as the black-haired girl glared at her older sister across from her.  She told herself to stop scowling at her like that, but her own body didn’t listen to her.  The short-haired woman blinked a couple times in slight shock before smiling a little with a hint of sadness in her eyes. 

   “Sou yo ne~?” she said lightheartedly, giving a soft laugh.  “I have so many chores that I procrastinated on… I don’t have to go clubbing or whatever.  I’ll stay home, so you go and have fun, Sayu.”

   The bunny opened her mouth to say something, but only cold words came out.  “I intend to.”

   Ai smiled again as she got up from her seat.  She took her empty bowl and placed it in the sink before heading towards her bedroom.  “I’m just gonna go call Eri and tell her I’m not going.  Maybe you guys will see each other there.”

   As soon as the older woman disappeared from view, Sayumi dropped her head down on the table, letting her forehead bang on the wood.  Then, she slowly lifted her head again and let out a deep sigh.  Staring down at her food, Sayumi forked another pasta noodle and took a bite.  She chewed slowly and swallowed.


**  **  ** 

   The sound of fingers tapping on the keyboard resonated in the dark office.  Although it was night, the lights were all turned off except for a small desk lamp.  The room was decorated very modestly with white walls and a couple black and white sketches of clothing designs hanging here and there, as well as the black leather sofas that were set up on one side of the room with a coffee table in case guests came in.  At the desk on the far inner wall—which technically wasn’t a wall but a large glass window that let the moonlight in—sat a small girl with orange-brown curls who looked much too young for her age, typing away on her computer.  No one would have been able to guess on the first contact that this “girl” was actually the CEO of the biggest fashion company in Japan.

   Yes, 22-year-old Tanaka Reina had often been mistaken as a normal college student by those who met her for the first time.  Not that the ones who made the mistake were to blame, since most girls her age were indeed in college at this point in their lives.  However, Tanaka-Shachou had been put into an inevitable circumstance a couple years ago in which she had no choice but to take the position of President of Bijou Fashions.  Ever since that day, the young lady had immersed herself in her work completely and rarely returned home.  In fact, it was so uncommon for her to actually go back to sleep in her own home at the end of the day that she had had her own room made at the top floor of the company building, like a suite, where she had her own bed, bathroom, and even a kitchen. 

   Despite being at a young age in the harsh world of money and business, Reina took her work incredibly seriously.  She definitely had the talent for it—being a competent fashion designer herself and a very good dresser—which was the sole reason why she was able to even last this long.  There had been many disagreements to her becoming the owner of a big company like Bijou at first; but alas, the fierce kitten was able to prove her worth and protect her title as president.  In today’s fashion world, she was untouchable, and was known as a prodigy who single-handedly managed a business that scraped in money with no effort.  None of this would have been possible without, of course, her natural talents and her workaholic character.

   Tonight was just like any other night: President Tanaka was sitting at her desk, still typing and figuring out some leftover sales data that had been handed to her by her secretary that afternoon.  Once again, it seemed like she would not be returning home before the night was over.

   In the midst of her concentration, Reina almost missed the knock at her door and the entry of a tall figure following it.  This woman had long straight black hair and she wore a blouse with a pencil skirt.  She stopped in front of her boss’s desk as Reina slowly turned her eyes towards her form the computer screen.

   “Shachou,” the woman said, “it’s time to leave now.  You were going to personally go out to research material for next month’s issue of Bijou Styles magazine, right?”

   “Oh, that’s right,” Reina sighed.  “I completely forgot about that.  Arigatou, Junjun.”

   Closing the file that was open on her desk, the president quickly logged off on her computer and stood up while stretching her arms.  She walked around her desk and went out into the hallway past her secretary who followed her closely behind. 

   “I’ve prepared some suitable clothing for your exploration in your suite,” the Chinese girl said.  “Something black and simple to blend in to the club scene.”

   “That’s perfect,” Reina approved.  “I don’t want to be noticed by anyone while I’m at Club Romeo.  I’ll take a couple notes on modern club fashion for next month’s issue, maybe some quick sketches, and I’ll be right back here.”

   “Yes, ma’am,” Junjun nodded.  “Shall I wait for you here?”

   “It’s okay; you can go home today,” the kitten said, shaking her head.  “I’ll just finish analyzing the data after the party.  We’ll take a look at my notes tomorrow.  Send out an email to the chiefs of each department: 10 o’clock meeting in the conference room.”


   The young CEO turned her head a little to smile a little at her secretary before continuing her walk down the long hallway.  Yes, the event at the club tonight was a party, just like she said.  However, to Tanaka Reina, this was still work.  She was going there to personally see what young women these days liked to wear while clubbing, and to see whether the trend was changing or not.  To Tanaka Reina, everything was business.


I'm gonna try to answer as little questions as possible and do as little clarifying as possible so... read, form opinions, predict, and wait, i guess?  :lol:

I won't clarify/answer stuff unless i feel it's absolutely necessary! :D

 :byebye: :sleep:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 05:05:59 AM by SarangAi »

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #84 on: March 08, 2012, 06:52:33 AM »
Sayu is so tsundere... Poor Ai, though, being so easily swayed by her words. She should go out! Out! Out, darnit! Lol, she needs a faerie god mother.

And Reina gets an introduction, so I'm happy my top three have made appearances. On with the story!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 08:42:50 PM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #85 on: March 08, 2012, 07:13:09 AM »
FIRST! AWESOME! What?! Ai must go! She has to meet risa and fall in love! *pouts angrily* saryu-chaaan~ *tugs sleeve.* me want takagaki! *pouts again*

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #86 on: March 08, 2012, 07:16:09 AM »

-Shige-san's little scene-
that's our Princess Sayumin... our little tsundere-chan <3 (increasingly rare nowadays, I usually see tsundeReina

   “Yeah, I got a lot of shoes,” the bunny replied.  Then, she got up and quickly went to her room, and came back out with a plastic bag.  She retook her seat and spoke again.  “I got this jacket, too, but I realized it’s a bit small for me.  Onee-chan can wear it.”

   Sayumi took a dark green jacket out of the plastic bag and tossed it at her stepsister as soon as she turned around to face her.  Ai caught it clumsily and held it up before her.  It was the style of jacket that she had been eyeing recently in town.  She had been trying to save money for it, but she had been thinking about giving up since it was a bit pricey.  The design was slightly different than the one she had seen in Tresor or any other shop in the neighborhood, but this jacket was a lot cuter and, probably, more expensive.  Sayumi’s pockets were quite deep, after all, since her mother filled them up regularly. 
Oh my Sayuuuu :shy2: so cute <3

   “What?!  With Eri?” Sayumi shrilled.  A date… It can’t be a date…
Do I detect jealousy? A crush, Shige-san? :mon misch:
Maybe on Eri? or Ai-chan? xD

   “Sou yo ne~?” she said lightheartedly, giving a soft laugh.  “I have so many chores that I procrastinated on… I don’t have to go clubbing or whatever.  I’ll stay home, so you go and have fun, Sayu.”
Noooo... ;A; what about my pictures? :mon emo:

-short review- D; sorry!

~ GakiKame, KameShige, TakaMitsii , JunSayu, YajiSuzu, MiyaSaki~

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #87 on: March 08, 2012, 07:17:13 AM »
Man~  I saw there was a new post, but the date didn't change so I wasn't expecting a chapter! :D  So glad I clicked anways~  You've made the rest of (or the beginning?) of my day a lot better since I failed my chem quiz >w<  I hope I don't fail my test tomorrow hehe

Sayu...her and Aichan have one messed up relationship o.O  Lol she's such a tsundere and Aichan just plays a long...or maybe he's that easy to persuade :P  I smell some familiar plotness coming about :)

President Tanaka Reina...I can see that :D  Good job on Ch 2!~  :twothumbs
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 1 - (2/27)]
« Reply #88 on: March 08, 2012, 12:33:10 PM »
I love tsundereSayu. It makes the character not that bad. You know, if usually stepsisters are bad by nature, here she's not bad, just a tsundere.. It makes her slightly better than those damn real stepsisters.

It was very sweet of her to buy that jacket for Ai. Considering the fact, that Ai has two jobs now, and pays all bills, while Sayu just spends HUGE money on clothing...this was a nice touch... Very heartwarming one.

So as far as I see, she is jealous for Eri. I mean, either she loves Ai more than just a stepsister, or she likes Eri a lot, but hides the fact under the dislike mask, coz of her tsundere-ism.

So poor Ai has to stay home and do the stuff she didn't do because of her work..? Cruel Sayu, cruel. But jealousy makes one do things one wouldn't normally do...or at this case, she probably just would have went with Ai, but the word Eri+Ai is not to her liking... So she kinda punishes Ai and makes her stay and do stuff...

Now onto the president. Reina-chan!!!!!!! She's so awesome, at this age being a CEO. I like how you portray her thinking about everything as work. Her workaholic and fashionable character is my favorite as for now. Though I also love JunJun here. I expected her to appear, because...because it's JunJun. She has to be somewhere in this story... Now I'm just thinking about their corresponding characters in one of the stories... Can't think of any...

Anyway, a story is really interesting, looking forward to your updates!

My question is about the corresponding characters of Reina and JunJun... but if you cAn't answer, it's ok. It will be more interesting as the story progresses to guess who they are in RoxJu/Cinde
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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #89 on: March 08, 2012, 04:18:01 PM »
woaaahhh, tsundere sayu??? I like it, really  XD I smell a sense that Sayu like her stepsister while we all now, it's Takagaki  :nervous just let her with someone else  :D (tanashige please)

so everyone (and maybe Ai will go too) will meet at the club huh? Interesting, I want to know how they'll connected one another...  :thumbsup

Another chapter pleaseeeee, I can't get enough of it..  :otomerika:
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 11:48:27 PM by all6th »

Offline Tian_Yuan

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #90 on: March 08, 2012, 05:48:33 PM »
Sayu was so cute! I just wanted to hug her!!!! I am hoping she is in love with Ai, but i guess we will just have to wait and see... Wonder who Reina will fall in love with at the club, haha ~ or who will fall in love with Reina

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #91 on: March 08, 2012, 06:36:48 PM »
OMG YES!~ Finally

i don`t really like the fact that Reina is like that to me she is always a rebel :nervous

i`ll be waiting for you :twisted:

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2012, 07:21:09 PM »
ahhh so good cant wait till you update you have such talent ahhhhh like seriously make a book hahaha i would buy like a 100 coupies hehehe thanks for the update an hurry coz i wanna know who the couples are once again routing for takagaki and Renia Sayu couple!! lol

Offline xxkaori-kittyxx

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #93 on: March 11, 2012, 11:12:05 PM »
Ahhhh Sayu I love you already,

But if Ai really sticks to what she said to Sayu, that leaves our turtle all by her self. But maybe she might find a certain kitty to keep her company  :nervous
Almost sensing/hoping for a Kokoro no Uta relationship between the bunny and the turtle based off of what was said in chapter one.
Doing great!  :twothumbs Can't wait to see what unfolds next!

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #94 on: March 12, 2012, 04:46:59 AM »
@rndmnwierd: lol maybe she will get a fairy godmother...  XD

@risa_ai: lol... you missed it by a bit there  :lol:

@KirikomoriHime: lol it's okay!  quote-by-quotes take effort and i appreciate it!  :D

@mochi.rini: LOL yeah, i forgot to change the date...

@sakura_drop: oh I can answer that!  Well, half of it: Junjun actually doesn't correspond to anyone specific, I kinda just threw her in there.. :nervous For Reina, it's going to be naturally revealed soon but you can check her trailer title for a hint :D

@all6th: lol i NEVER let things work out easily  XD

@Tian_Yuan: mehehe... you'll see :D

@Kikk4r: lol well, she's been a rebel twice so far in my fics so this time, i turned it around XD  She's a really stylish CEO though, not an uptight suit-wearing one :lol:

@XxRoByNxX78: lollll that is so sweet of you!  i'm really glad you like my writing so much! :lol:

@xxkaori-kittyxx: lol something will happen  :D

thank you so much for all the comments and thanks!!!  they power me uppppp  :twothumbs

there's a certain reference in the chapter, so when you get to a point where you have a "wth?" moment, scroll down and the explanation will be there.  and then you can continue reading again :D


Chapter 3 - "Juliet was Unhappy But... Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo"

     “This is so incredible!  Sugoi!”

   Aika laughed loudly as she beamed with joy.  She quickly marched forward into the large dark room that was lit with many flashing colored lights.  Risa followed behind her closely, a tight smile formed across her lips.  She didn’t seem as ecstatic as her younger friend to be in a club full of hundreds of people.

   But who could blame her?  After all, Aika’s parents had personally asked her to please take good care of their little girl.  Truth be told, Risa had hoped that her friend would be stopped at the entrance of the club and be asked her age, but no such thing had occurred.  In fact, she had been eyed by the other people who were lined up at the door, since she didn’t quite look like her normal 18-year-old self, but rather a very mature and attractive woman.  She had chosen to wear a semi-tight black mini-dress that accentuated her excellent figure with silver bracelets and jewelry.  An hour ago, she had taken special care to do her make-up and her hair, which was now in loose waves.  She wasn’t a Shiga country girl tonight, but a charming city girl who was ready to party at a club.  And Risa did not feel comfortable about it at all.

   It was mental inconvenience that weighed on the bean’s mind about her young friend, but there was also a very literal and physical meaning to it as well.  She wasn’t used to wearing the type of outfit that Aika had picked out for her, which consisted of a loose semi-see-through white shirt matched with a black camisole underneath and a tight black miniskirt.  She even had smoky-eye makeup on, which was also done by her eager childhood friend, and her hair was in loose curls by her shoulders.  Risa appreciated that Aika had put in such effort to turn her into such a glamorous woman for the night, yet the fact that a girl who was five years younger than her knew more about fashion and beauty made the bean feel slightly uneasy inside.

   “Gaki-san, it’s just like I imagined!” Aika yelled happily over the loud music.  “There’s the dance floor, the flashing lights, all these people… oh, and the bar!  Let’s go to the bar!”

   “Uh-uh, no way!” Risa scolded, pulling her friend back by her wrist.  “You are not going anywhere near the bar, and you are not drinking anything here!”

   “Oh… fine,” Aika pouted.  “Then… let’s go dance together!”

   “Ah… that’s okay…” the older girl mumbled slowly, taking a step back.  “I don’t dance.”

   “Come on, Gaki-san, that’s such a lie,” Aika grinned.  “You’re a great dancer; I’ve seen you dance.”

   “Fine, correction: I don’t feel like dancing.”

   “How could you not dance when you’re at a club?” Aika insisted.  “Come on, it’ll be fun.  Dance with me!”

   In an instant, Risa found herself pulled into the crowd of people on the center dance floor.  She noticed that most of the clubbers were female, and they were all just dancing with each other.  Some were doing a bit more than just dancing but Risa tried to turn her head away so as not to stare at them.  She even saw a girl being hit on by other women, who verbally and physically refused them.  The girl was quite cute though, after all, with a face of a doll, white skin, and long black curls that hung down her back.  She said something to the women hitting on her, frowning, and eventually stepped off the dance floor and sat down. 

   When Risa turned her attention back to her friend, Aika was starting to bob her head up and down to the beat of the music before she started to move her body along as well.  Sighing, the older girl modestly joined in and danced along as well.  Since Aika was here anyway, despite being underage, maybe she ought to have fun as much as she could.  After all, it was her first night of many in Tokyo, so perhaps this would serve as a form of celebration of her new life.   

   Smiling, Risa started to move her body a little more as Aika laughed and danced full out in front of her, even placing her hand on the bean’s shoulder.  The older girl couldn’t exactly say she was enjoying the party, but she would do her best to match up to Aika’s energy level for her sake. 

**  **  ** 

   “And… that should do it!”

   Letting out a sigh of satisfaction, Ai placed the last washed plate on the dish rack.  She stretched her body as she walked out of the kitchen, taking off her apron and slinging it over one of the chairs.  She stood in the middle of her living room and slowly looked around, trying to remember what she had to do next. 

   “Ah!”  Ai snapped her fingers.  “Vacuum!”

   Rubbing her hands together, the woman went to the closet and pulled out the vacuum cleaner.  She plugged it into the nearest outlet and switched on the machine, which came to life with a deafening roar.  As she rolled the vacuum machine back and forth, Ai made a quick list in her head of what was left on her list of chores: groceries, laundry, bills… and then she would be able to sleep. 

   Ah, I’ll turn on Sayu’s electric blanket before she gets home, too, Ai thought to herself.  She knew her sister always needed a warm futon, no matter what the weather.  I wonder if she’s having fun right now…

   The woman’s motions started to slow down subconsciously before Ai eventually stopped moving her arms and she switched off the vacuum cleaner.  She stood still and leaned against the machine and sighed.

   It might’ve been nice to go clubbing… she thought to herself.  Like Eri said, I hadn’t gone in a long time… Maybe I should relax…  But Sayu didn’t want me there so I guess it was impossible…

   Exhaling again, Ai shrugged off the regretful feeling and decided to go back to cleaning.  But before she could switch on the vacuum cleaner again, she heard the sound of her door bell.  Ai turned towards the front door and raised an eyebrow.  Who could it be at this time of the evening?  It was nearing 9 o’clock…

   Dusting her hands off, the woman went to the front door and turned the lock open.  Slowly, she opened the door and tried to peek out to see who her visitor was.  But before she could fully realize who it was, she felt the door being pushed open with a strong force and a group of people pushed her in and shut the door.  Ai let out a short yell in shock before she recognized the smiling people before her.

   “Ai-chan!” the woman in the middle said.  “Were you surprised?”

   “Eri!” Ai yelled.  “And… what are you guys doing in my house?”

   The turtle turned her head towards either side to beam at the other visitors.  Four girls stood slightly behind her, grinning at Ai with pure joy.  One girl had long straight hair and was holding a pile of dresses in her arms.  Another had a ponytail and was also holding more clothes.  The girl with medium length hair had plastic bags filled with shoes in her hand and the short-haired girl next to her had a large box that Ai recognized as Eri’s make-up kit. 

   “We are…” the medium length-haired girl started.

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!” 

   The four girls all posed individually into what looked like a mock imitation of cartoon heroes.  Ai rolled her eyes at her turtle friend clapped energetically for them.

   “Mou, you guys are still at that again?” Ai moaned.  “You girls are all in middle school now, and you’re still calling yourselves ‘Beautiful Girl Squad Ramenger’?  What does that even mean?”

   “Well, we all love ramen a lot, so…” the short-haired girl said.

   “And we love Takahashi-san!” the long-haired girl exclaimed.  “And we want to become a ‘bishoujo’, like you!”

   “So the four of us together are…”

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!”

   The same poses were repeated and Ai hung her head down in hopelessness.  Eri clapped again and cheered something about how cute they were.

   “Takahashi-san, oshisashiburi desu!” the ponytail girl greeted cheerfully.

   “What do you mean ‘oshisashiburi’?” Ai replied, rolling her eyes.  “We just met in the elevator yesterday, Suzuki!  And you too, Sayashi!”

   “You didn’t see me yesterday, Takahashi-san!” the short-haired girl said.  “I missed you so much!”

   “I saw you in the parking lot the day before, Ikuta,” Ai sighed.  “I haven’t seen Fukumura in a while, though.  Genki?”

   “Hai!  Genki desu!” Mizuki answered loudly.  Then, she giggled to herself as she turned towards her friends.  “Takahashi-san just asked me how I was doing!  Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!”

   The other three girls also giggled along as they watched their oldest friend’s cheeks turn pink.  Eri laughed at the innocence of the young girls as Ai raised an eyebrow.  But, eventually, she could help but also chuckle along with everybody else.  After all, she knew that the four girls who lived in the same apartment building were big fans of her for unknown reasons, and they squealed and gawked at everything and anything Ai did.  It was not unusual for the four of them to run out of their homes like ninjas after seeing Ai return from grocery shopping or work in order to carry her things for her.  They could be quite immature and troublesome at times but Ai had learned to appreciate being loved so much by these sweet girls.

   “So… what are you guys all doing here?” Ai asked.  “It’s 9 o’clock already… Do you need something?”

   “Nope, not at all,” Eri grinned.  “Rather, we think you need us.”


   Eri smirked craftily and eyed the four younger girls beside her.  “Ramengers, get her!”

   The four girls dropped the things in their arms and jumped forward to grab the older woman.  Ai was quickly dragged over to the living room couch and forced to sit down on it.  She tried to get up but the four girls grabbed onto each limb of her body, immobilizing her.  Eri stood in front of her with her chin held high, like some evil antihero.

   “Chotto, what are you guys doing?” Ai asked, her eyes showing confusion.  “Let me go!”

   “Gomenasai, Takahashi-san!” Riho apologized.

   “We have no choice but to do this!” Erina insisted.

   “Kamei-san said it would make you happy in the long run,” Kanon explained.

   “And it is our job to keep you happy,” Mizuki proclaimed, “because we are…”

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!”

   “Did I mention I absolutely adore your fan club?” Eri grinned.

   “Did I mention I absolutely abhor you sometimes?” Ai shot back with sarcastic sweetness.

   “Mou, don’t be mean, Ai-chan,” the turtle pouted.  “I’m only here to help!  No matter what, I’m taking you out to have fun tonight, and that’s that.  I was just fortunate enough to run into these four in the parking lot who were watching your house through binoculars.”

   “Yeah, you were just—wait, binoculars?!”  Ai turned her head towards either side at the four girls grabbing onto her arms and legs, who turned away in shame.  “You girls were spying on me?”

   “Not spying, Takahashi-san!” Erina said quickly.  “Just… just watching over.”

   “We couldn’t see anything anyway,” Riho mumbled.  “You live on the 5th floor, so the angle was pretty bad from outside…”

   “It’s okay, Riho-chan,” Kanon comforted.  “We’ll go to the building next to ours to try out the binoculars next time.”

   “And we won’t give up until we succeed!” Mizuki announced.  “Because we are….”

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!”

   “I need to get new blinds…” Ai muttered to herself.

   “Well, Ai-chan,” Eri said, putting her hands on her hips, “starting now, we are going to make you into a gorgeous beauty for the club party!”

   “Eri, I already told you, I can’t go,” Ai sighed.  “Sayu is there right now and if she sees me… well, it won’t be very good.”

   “Don’t worry, Ai-chan, everything will be fine,” Eri assured.  “We’re going to go enjoy ourselves at Club Romeo.  You’re going to drink, dance, and have fun.  If you fall into Sayu’s range, I’ll interject and keep Sayu from seeing you.  Everything will go fine.”

   “But my chores…”

   “That’s why these girls are here,” Eri explained.  “They’re willing to finish up your work here before Sayumi gets home.”


   “You always work so hard, Ai-chan,” the turtle said softly, smiling.  “You deserve to go out, at least one night.  For once, don’t let Sayumi’s desires get in your way.  And I’ll help you.”

   Ai chewed on her lips as she looked into her friend’s sincere eyes.  The four Ramengers were gazing at her with pleading eyes as well.  Since they had gone through the hard work of coming here with the determination of helping her… Ai knew that she very well couldn’t refuse.  “Alright then… dress me up.”

   “Roger!” Mizuki yelled, saluting the older woman as the other girls followed suit.

   The turtle and the four girls immediately went to work as they dug through the pile of dresses and clothes and put them up against Ai.  Whenever Eri shook her head no, a new outfit was brought in its place immediately.  After much disapproval by her friend, Ai was finally given a coordinated outfit that consisted of a short red dress and a slightly see-through black blouse over it.  She was to wear red shorts underneath it as well as long black boots that reached over her knees, together with much jewelry.

   Next, Eri moved onto the hair.  Ai complained that since her hair was in a boyish short cut, there was nothing to do with it.  However, the turtle did not step away easily, and straightened every lock of Ai’s hair so that whenever she flipped her head, her hair would flop over smoothly as well. 

   The final thing on the agenda was makeup.  Ai tried to take the makeup kit away from Eri so that she could do it herself but the Ramengers ended up pinning her down again, all the while begging for her forgiveness.  Eri smiled smugly as Ai finally gave up on even trying to protest and let the turtle do her makeup for her.   

   Eventually, after the long preparation, Eri stepped away from her masterpiece and breathed a sigh of satisfaction.  The Ramengers skittered towards her and turned to observe the woman they admired so much.  They all exhaled shakily and closed their hands together over their heart, mesmerized by the sight.  Ai was no longer her usual self in sweats and apron, but an incredibly glamorous woman who could probably charm any man or woman with the flip of her hair.  She blushed a little at being stared and scratched her head.

   “Do I… look weird?” she mumbled.

   “Ai-chan, you wound me!” the turtle gasped.  “How can my coordination make anyone look weird?”

   “You look beautiful, Takahashi-san!” Kanon gushed.

   “You’re like a princess from a fairy tale!” Riho chimed in.

   “I’m going to fall in love all over again with Takahashi-san!” Erina claimed.

   “We’ll always love you, Takahashi-san!” Mizuki promised.  “Because we are…”

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!”

   Ai burst out laughing as she stepped forward to pat each of her fans on their heads.  “Arigatou.”

   “T-T-T-Takahashi-san just…” Kanon stuttered.

   “Sh-sh-sh-she just…” Mizuki stammered.

   “Just… th-thanked us?” Riho said.

   “Kya~!” Erina squealed before her friends followed suit.  They started to jump up and down together, covering their bright red faces with their hands.  Ai rolled her eyes and grinned, intrigued by the Ramengers’ reactions.  Eri also smiled, glad to see that her friend’s face had brightened since that morning.

   “Well, we gotta get you back before Sayu,” she said, clapping her hands together, “which means we only have until about midnight.  So we better get going if we don’t want to miss the party!”

   “Oh, right, right,” Ai said quickly.  Her turtle friend took her wrist and started to drag her towards the front door but she looked back at the four girls left in her home.  “Um, the laundry should be in the hamper, finish vacuuming first, I guess, and then… the grocery list is on the fridge—”

   “Don’t worry, Takahashi-san!” Riho said, saluting the older woman.

   “We’ll get your chores done in time!” Kanon said, mimicking her friend’s action.

   “They’ll be fine,” Eri reassured.  “They probably know their ways around your house better than you do.  That’s how much they’re obsessed with you.”

   “It’s not obsession!” Erina insisted.  “It’s love~”

   “Um, yeah, okay,” Ai said, still not feeling quite comfortable with the idea of leaving four middle school girls in her home by themselves.  “Just… make sure to leave before Sayu gets here, I guess.”

   “Roger!” Mizuki answered clearly.

   “Okay, then, let’s go!” Eri exclaimed.  “Here’s to a night of fun, fun, and more fun!”

   Ai grinned at her friend’s proclamation and nodded.  She was definitely ready to drop everything for once and just enjoy what was to come.  And she had a strong feeling that tonight was indeed going to be a good night. 


if you didn't get the ramenger reference, check out this vid:

time to go plan more stuff out~
and i'm still not saying anything unless necessary  :D

 :byebye: :sleep:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 05:06:16 AM by SarangAi »

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline KirikomoriHime

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 2 - (3/8)]
« Reply #95 on: March 12, 2012, 05:02:51 AM »
--Aika's reaction to the club--

In fact, she had been eyed by the other people who were lined up at the door, since she didn’t quite look like her normal 18-year-old self, but rather a very mature and attractive woman.  She had chosen to wear a semi-tight black mini-dress that accentuated her excellent figure with silver bracelets and jewelry.  An hour ago, she had taken special care to do her make-up and her hair, which was now in loose waves.  She wasn’t a Shiga country girl tonight, but a charming city girl who was ready to party at a club.  And Risa did not feel comfortable about it at all.
Aikaaaa.... I want to see... :wriggly:
make it happen, H!P stylists

She even saw a girl being hit on by other women, who verbally and physically refused them.  The girl was quite cute though, after all, with a face of a doll, white skin, and long black curls that hung down her back.  She said something to the women hitting on her, frowning, and eventually stepped off the dance floor and sat down. 

“We are…” the medium length-haired girl started.

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!” 

   The four girls all posed individually into what looked like a mock imitation of cartoon heroes.  Ai rolled her eyes at her turtle friend clapped energetically for them.
OHMYGODYOUAREMYHERO -huggles SarangAi- and Kanon is in on it now, too? xDD

   “Mou, don’t be mean, Ai-chan,” the turtle pouted.  “I’m only here to help!  No matter what, I’m taking you out to have fun tonight, and that’s that.  I was just fortunate enough to run into these four in the parking lot who were watching your house through binoculars.”

   “Yeah, you were just—wait, binoculars?!”  Ai turned her head towards either side at the four girls grabbing onto her arms and legs, who turned away in shame.  “You girls were spying on me?”

   “Not spying, Takahashi-san!” Erina said quickly.  “Just… just watching over.”

   “We couldn’t see anything anyway,” Riho mumbled.  “You live on the 5th floor, so the angle was pretty bad from outside…”

   “It’s okay, Riho-chan,” Kanon comforted.  “We’ll go to the building next to ours to try out the binoculars next time.”

   “And we won’t give up until we succeed!” Mizuki announced.  “Because we are….”

   “Bishoujo Sentai Ramenger!”

   “I need to get new blinds…” Ai muttered to herself.
I rather like stalker Kyuukies+Kame

   “Don’t worry, Ai-chan, everything will be fine,” Eri assured.  “We’re going to go enjoy ourselves at Club Romeo.  You’re going to drink, dance, and have fun.  If you fall into Sayu’s range, I’ll interject and keep Sayu from seeing you.  Everything will go fine.”
Kameeeeeeeee~Shige~<3 No? xD

   “It’s not obsession!” Erina insisted.  “It’s love~”
Exactly! And love is totally legal!  :yep:

~ GakiKame, KameShige, TakaMitsii , JunSayu, YajiSuzu, MiyaSaki~

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 3 - (3/12)]
« Reply #96 on: March 12, 2012, 05:05:08 AM »
OH MY GAH RAMEN RANGERS!!!!!!!!! XD loled for a good 10 min XD  they're forever cute lol count on eri to find a way to get ai out~ and it seems gaki saw sayu at the club? ah~ well thats all my brain can think of to say ;3; cant wait for the next chappy aiai :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 3 - (3/12)]
« Reply #97 on: March 12, 2012, 05:33:37 AM »
oh god!  You made me laugh so hard with Kyuukies that I'm still crying even though I finished reading a few minutes ago  :on lol:  Man, that was great! :D  I hope their amusing, as well as stalkerish, appearance isn't just this single instant :D

partying Risa...I wanna see in real life~ <3

Can't wait for Chapter 4!~ <3  :D
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 3 - (3/12)]
« Reply #98 on: March 12, 2012, 08:32:05 AM »
Yay another chapter! This was technically my bed time story lol glad I checked this before I shut down for the night

And the full flegded club scene/ ball (for the cinderella reference) is drawing near  :cow:
Yay Ai-chan changed her mind I'm glad  :). Now hopefully our two princesses can meet before the strike of mid night  :yep: I couldn't help but LOL  :lol: at the 9gen hope the appear more after this.

You changed how I predicted the Tanakame/Kameshige out come though, now I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how the night will play out for the 6 of them, its boggleing me. So many possibilities, of course I'm probably over thinging it  :banghead:

Must. Know. Soon
As always, great chapter!  :twothumbs

Oh and one last thing: YESSSSSSS AIKA HAWTNESS IN DA HOUSE!!!! :drool: ok I'm done night night  :yawn:

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 3 - (3/12)]
« Reply #99 on: March 12, 2012, 08:34:14 AM »
I'm about to die of the cuteness from the 9kkies. XD Adorable. Peeping at Ai. SO AI'S GOING!!~~ It's gonna be Takagaki, desho?? Desho??~~~ **Pouts and whines**

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