#6 - A Bet (WMatsui + FuruYanagi)A/N: the incident in a shop is based on real life situation as it actually happened to my friend few months ago. We talked about it yesterday and laughed while remember it so I decided why not turning it into a short oneshot. I got my friend's permission though because if not and if she find out about it any other way she would probably kill me. So yeah... hope you will enjoy
This time we could see Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena outside, Jurina sitting on the sidewalk and smoking, Rena looking around then sitting next to her, just leaving some distance between them.
Jurina glanced at Rena few times in a row kind of annoyed “why I have to see you everywhere?“
Rena sat more like a guy in a comfortable way bending back just a little bit “circle of life?“,“irony?“,“fate?“,“tragedy of life?“,“horror movie?“,“disturbance of our times?“
Rena laughed this time without a care in the world or maybe she was acting like independent girl while talking with younger Matsui:
“It is how it is, Jurina. You can‘t change that“
“You could stop coming here“
“Yeah…the problem is Churi has a crush on your boss…so that‘s difficult…“, only now Jurina noticed that Rena was alone and looked around curious for the first time this day “wait a sec? She stayed inside with Airi alone?“
Rena raised her eyebrows expressively “yeah“. Jurina looked back at the door then at Rena repeating this few times while squinting her eyes “so what? She‘s not gonna talk with her. Probably just stand there for few minutes and then run away as usual…“
Rena raised her shoulders innocently “probably“ with Jurina still glancing back at the shop too curious to think about anything else, even her own cigarette which almost reach her fingers if not Rena who took it and put it to down getting annoyed look instead of a thank you.
“I can bet…that‘s exactly what‘s going to happen“,“let‘s BET then“. Rena seemed not to care about anything, after some time you just get used to this kind of look, though Jurina was probably the only one who didn't and sensed some swindle “mmm…what do you want?“
“What do you want?“ Rena asked back with smile.
Jurina thought for a moment and finally answered more quicker than she planned “break up with Yukirin…“
“Well breaking up is kind of harsh don‘t you think? You want to hurt your friend just because you don‘t like me?“
“FINE.“ Jurina almost shouted with rage but calmed down with a new plan “date her, do with Yukirin whatever you want, but never show any lovey dovey signs in front of me“
Rena thought for a minute (torturing minute because that was all Jurina wanted) “okay, I can agree with that.“ And turned her face looking straight forward waiting, also swaying her head just a little bit, as if listening to some music only she could hear.
Jurina waited for one more minute staring at her intensively “and me?“.
Rena took her time before looking back at younger Matsui with a smirk “You don‘t believe that Churi is going to talk with Airi. So why you worry?“ and her little smirk grew even bigger.
After those few seconds of eye contact Rena turned her face and looked in front of her again, doing the same time she did before. Jurina stared at her for few more seconds worried and then started glancing at the closed door wondering what was happening inside. Also looked down at her finished cigarette annoyed that she didn't take with her more because at a moment like this, she really needed it.
*Meanwhile in the shop*
Churi stood by the counter staring at Airi as if she was some statue, maybe even Zeus or any other God you can watch but better not touch. Even Airi who was always too involved in her manga to notice anything at all (unless Jurina who occasionally said she‘s taking a break for smoking because she was annoyed and bored in this place) asked keeping her eyes on the book “Do you need help?“
Churi looked around surprised and scared with definitely mixed emotions written all over her face. It seems like she imagined the outcome in these two ways: either dying or running away.
“You‘re the only one here so yes…I‘m asking you“, Airi commented calmly finally looking up from her manga, putting bookmark inside and standing up walking closer to this girl who stood mesmerized “I..am..need..you know…I…am…“,and looked around also touching everything with her fingers with hope to touch something useful but for her misfortune the thing she touched fell on the table and it was a condom.
Airi stood in her usual spot behind the counter and raised eyebrows slightly while looking shortly at the thing on her counter and at the girl who was as red as a tomato “That‘s all?“
Churi nodded immediately not daring to look back at Airi and somehow manage to put money on the table grabbing the condom and running away without a glance back too embarrassed for everything what just happened.
“There‘s too much…“ Airi tried to say seeing that Churi left more money than needed but didn't feel the need to run after girl also realizing she probably wouldn't be very happy about her shouting that she gave Airi more money than needed for the condoms. So Airi just smiled to herself putting money in the counter then going back to the same spot with the same book as if nothing happened.
Meanwhile Churi ran off immediately throwing candom at Rena “I talked with her! Thank you so much! Now my life is really ruined!Forever! Let’s gooooo!” she also shouted wanting to run away from there as fast as possible, not even noticing curious look that Jurina just gave her. Rena looked at the condom trying not to laugh and stood up, she didn’t manage to say anything with Churi already dragging her after herself “whyyy you’re still standing here?I’m going to die…”, she shouted almost in a hysterical cry.
Rena walked with her without fighting but still managed to turn back to Jurina and say ”I think I won right? The truth is… I’m not dating Yukirin anymore… So after this BET… I think I just won a date with you” the girl winked at Jurina with a smile leaving stunned Jurina still sitting on the sidewalk and staring at two friends who disappeared around the corner with both happiness and surprise.
After some time Rena finally commented ”I’m pretty sure it’s not as bad as you think…” but soon had to shut up because of Churi even bigger hysteria knowing that saying things like that won’t help her embarrassed friend at the moment like that. Rena decided to give her friend time to recover and smiled while remembering Jurina’s expression after her last announcement.
After all, she won that date fair and square. Maybe she should do more betting in the future.