Chapter 3 - What We Got Ourselves Into
“As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all — the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.” - J.K.Rowling
Slowly Jurina walked in the room where they held older Matsui captive. She was certain that Rena already knew about her appearance before opening the doors. Usually, when you have your eyes covered other senses intensifies.
At this point Rena should have hear the steps but for some reason stayed quiet. Maybe she talked a lot before and got tired of using words that meant nothing to others.
Jurina didn’t bother putting on face mask as she already told to Takamina and Atsuko before but took voice changing device planning to have a little chat with a girl and knowing that she will need it not to get recognized.
“I wonder… should I feel flattered for having such a high/well known/wealthy persona in front of me? That’s something you get to say only once in a lifetime”.
Even in this unpleasant and unfortunate situation Rena still answered bitterly “I haven’t been given a choice. So you feeling flattered is out of place and unnecessary”.
“Pretending to be strong? I admire that… well… not really. But its better than crying and asking for mommy. I guess you are used to getting everything on a silver platter… must be nice”.
“When you’re ready to work hard and earn it…you get what you deserve”, Rena once again answered coldly but a shiver could have been noticed on the older girl. She was obviously just trying to keep the brave face on knowing that nothing would change even if she cried.
Jurina laughed because of the answer but didn’t comment on it. Her laughter with this device sounded truly weird so she stopped herself not wanting to hear that sound again.
“I wonder… have you been abducted before or something? Four bodyguards a little bit too much for a simple ride…don’t you think? Makes me wonder why you need so many”.
“Don’t worry…soon you will find that out”, Rena answered in a threatened manner but it didn’t sound like empty promises. Older Matsui sounded convincing and even Jurina stopped in her tracks for few seconds with a honest wonder.
“Obviously…you can’t give me any spoilers? I don’t always ask for those…I enjoy the unknown… like in a movies or books… you wait with excitement what’s about to happen next… if that’s something you predicted…or something you wouldn’t have guessed in a hundred years that could happen. That’s quite enjoyable… real life is a little bit different though… its helpful to know what someone means”.
“Can you at least give me some water?” older Matsui asked out of a sudden avoiding younger Matsui speech.
Jurina squinted her eyes with wonder while stepping back.
“We can agree to something…give me a hint…and I will give you some precious water… because you know… in my world it costs a lot… so I can’t waste it”
“If you want to get a lot of money…you’re clever for choosing me… yes, my parents could give you everything we have for my life… that’s the truth and there’s no point in hiding it. But I doubt you get enough information about my relatives…”
“Your cousin? We are wondering if that are rumors or if we might have some complications”.
“It simply depends on what you’re willing to do”, Rena whispered more quietly and for some reason didn’t comment more even when Jurina tried questioning again.
Younger Matsui walked around the room stealing short glances at blindfolded girl that seemed scared but not as much as Jurina would have predicted.
Jurina questioned that maybe people with so many money don’t fear things that could happen to them because they believe that money can solve everything. Without asking for Rena’s confirmation Jurina convinced herself that its the case.
Around 3 or 4 am everyone in Japan find out about the abduction of Matsui Rena. The police promised to search for the girl everywhere they can, meanwhile Rena’s parents spoke directly during the evening news and asked for the abductors not to hurt their child and just tell what they want.
Watanabe Mayu appeared around that time with happy smile plastered on her face and not trying to hide it.
“Enjoying yourself?”, Takamina asked in a mocking way even though she knew why this girl is so happy about when in the morning Mayu herself told them that she’s staying with Yukirin for longer. Having a calm and relaxing morning experience but everyone realized that she also had other things in mind.
Atsuko were watching the evening news sitting in front of her computer and used one more laptop to read all the online articles about the subject. There were a lot of speculations why Matsui Rena could have been abducted but for some reason no one thought that it might be just money related.
Jurina sat on her chair in the corner quietly staring at the wall. She hasn’t spoken much from the moment Atsumina couple appeared.
Mayu looked around curiosity “did that Rena woke up already?”
“In the morning… she kept telling us that we’re going to regret this. I don’t know what she told Jurina though…” Minami commented with a hint that they are still waiting to hear some information from Jurina herself.
The girl sat in the same position as before with unreadable expression. So Mayu decided to try and get answered in the best way she could, walking closer to Jurina and squatting down next to her “come on, tell us something. I didn’t come here just to sit around and do nothing. When are we going to contact her parents?”
Mayu waited patiently for about a minute and her intense stare won Jurina over. Or most likely Jurina disliked the fact that she’s being watcher for so long.
“Tomorrow morning or around lunch… let them worry… Atsuko needs to get one more burner phone… you lost one during the shooting, didn’t you?”
Mayu scratched her head and smiled sheepishly “oh…yes… I guess that happens when someone shoots you in the arm. Not my fault though…” she added soon enough so everyone would remember this fact.
Jurina stood up from her chair walking off to the other room. All the other three girls looked at each other a bit confused and Mayu whispered what everyone was thinking “still she didn’t give us any answers”.
Jurina came back to the room with mask on her face and bottle of water in the other.
“I haven’t even though of that”, Mayu once again was the first one to comment.
“She asked for it…”
“When? You have been here since we came”, Takamina commented a bit confused.
“I don’t know…three hours ago…” Jurina shrugged honestly not caring how much time has passed. When all three of her comrades looked at the girl again, Jurina added “I’m not one of her servants to run around and giving her everything that she wants. She’s lucky enough that I’m actually bringing it”.
No one argued with that remembering Jurina’s temper and letting the girl to go and visit their hostage. Only when Jurina left Mayu clapped her hands announcing “well…if you’re going to work with your computer and Jurina is occupied with Rena I’m going to get us some food… oh by the way, don’t call me…I think I left my phone back at home”.
“Fine…just come back soon”, Takamina smiled in a friendly manner and put both of her hands on Atsuko’s shoulders giving her lovers a massage “How about your research?Did you find something new?”
While Takamina questioned her girlfriend Mayu smiled to herself from the scene as they did look like an old married couple, and turn around walking out quite happy with how this day was going.
Rena had a lot of time to think and consider her options. She has been up from the very morning not sure about how much time has passed as she had no way how to know it.
She had two visitors during the day. She was pretty certain that the first two where a couple. A couple that actually listened to her words and got scared or at least worried even if they tried to convince each other that its just something that anyone who has been abducted would say.
Her second (or you can call it third) visitor was quite curios about Rena’s bodyguards as if she hasn’t done her homework. (Haven’t found out everything that there’s is to find out about Matsui Rena).
One thing Rena was sure of was that no matter how hard they tried and how much by this point they new… they haven’t found out enough about Itano Tomomi. Her cousin. Her third visitor mentioned that they know about the rumors but… they don’t even imagine of what kind of things Tomomi is actually capable off.
After all, that is the reason why Rena has so many bodyguards and there are always people surrounding her. Even her parents are aware of the situation, not talking about it, not discussing but quietly trying to handle it.
Alone in a dark room (or you can say that all she saw was darkness because of ligament on her eyes) Rena had enough of time to try and free herself. If only it was as easy as someone who has seen many action movies would hope.
After two hours of trying to move her hands and get some friction Rena had to give up realizing that there’s no hope with that. On the other hand, her legs weren’t as tightly bonded as her hands. Older Matsui decided to test this presumption as it appeared that two different people took care of her imprisonment.
She tried moving her legs but did this in a slow and patient way at least knowing that rushing it off won’t help at all. About the time when she had done some progress and felt proud of herself she heard footsteps.
Not seeing things helped her hearing and she guessed that its the same person from before. Rena still tried to count how many abductors there were. It would be crazy to try the abduction of someone with only three or four people.
She remember seeing some at the scene in the morning. Last morning… maybe even a day before. Rena couldn’t know the exact time how long she was in this place and how long she slept. She just tried to guess how many of them there could be.
It wouldn’t change the situation in any way but at least she would know with whom she’s dealing with.
As soon as Mayu left she come right back. The girl was panting and tried to catch her breath when Takamina and Atsuko stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her with confusion.
Mayu stood in one place for few seconds still trying to catch her breath and finally spoke “have you seen the news?”
“What? Of course we have…what do you think Atsuko kept on doing for the last couple of hours?”
Mayu rolled her eyes a bit annoyed and repeated her question “have you seen the news like now? I don’t know…like a minute ago?”
Because of Minami and Atsuko confusion Mayu added “write… Matsui Rena car explosion or something and you will probably find information about the incident… at least that’s what can you see all around the city… where is Jurina?”
“She just went to bring water for Rena. You have disappeared for like a minute Mayu…nothing major happen during that time”.
“Oh no! Something major definitely happened! Check it up!” Mayu commented and rushed to the room where they held Rena stopping right in front of it when she remembered the mask and only this kept Watanabe from entering the room sooner.
Meanwhile, inside of it Jurina stood with a glass of water in her hand and questioning look because somehow Rena recognized that its the same person from before.
“It took me some time to bring you that water you have required… what do they say in restaurant’s? Sorry for being late?” younger Matsui added bitterly guessing that Rena spends all of her lunches and dinners in places like that.
Rena licked her lips practically sensing the water “I don’t care how long it took…could you just give it to me?”
Jurina snickered but stepped closer to the girl not really rushing but once again using sarcasms “you’re welcome by the way”.
“Do you want me to thank you? For holding me here because of my money and not even giving me a drop of water for almost a day? Well…I guess for that long because I don’t have a watch to confirm it”.
Jurina’s jaw tightened “I could just turn around and leave you without it. So stop complaining”. Finally Jurina stopped in front of Rena leaning a bit and giving her some water.
Obviously the girl drank it as if her life depended on it. Which was true considering the fact that they haven’t provided her with food.
“Is there any point of me being blindfolded? I’m pretty sure you’re with a mask”.
Jurina rolled her eyes at the comment “you’re quite demanding aren’t you? Used to getting everything that you want?”
“No…I’m used to fight for what I want”, Rena commented quietly but at the same time loud enough for Jurina to hear. Also she used this moment to free her legs completely and wrapped them around Jurina’s waist.
Something that there’s no way in hell the girl would have expected.
Rena used this moment of confusion from her abductor’s part and swayed her head forward wanting to hit this person in the face and not really caring which part she might wound.
Surprisingly Rena’s hit was quite accurate and she let go off pressure from her legs just at the right time.
Jurina fell back on her back and because Rena’s forehead hit her in the eye it was possible to predict that she might have bruise on her eye.
Ironically Mayu showed up just at the time to witness this scene with question written all over her face and caught Jurina just at the right time.
“I’m going to kill you! Hey! Let go of me!” she tried free herself from Mayu’s grip.
“We have more serious problems now”, Mayu whispered quietly in her ear, pretty sure that Rena didn’t hear this part.
Older Matsui realized that there’s no point fighting anymore when second person appear. She should probably even feel grateful for that person or who knows… that one with angry voice might actually kill her.
Jurina forgot to use the voice changing device and for a change Rena heard her voice, only confirming her guess that at least one of her abductors is a girl.
Jurina calmed down a little bit and they tie up Rena’s legs once again. This time without any chance of escape.
Mayu put one hand on Jurina’s shoulder “we need to talk outside”. Sounding unusually serious.
“I will be back”, Jurina threatened Rena, glaring at the girl who couldn’t even see her but walked out with Mayu in already composed way.
No one questioned Mayu anymore when Atsuko played the news which they have missed and which have been released to the world only few minutes ago.
According to recent reports Matsui Rena’s car has just exploded in her backyard. Experts found that the bomb has been build-in the car few days ago with a hint of attempt murder.
Matsui Rena planned to take her trip this evening that should have taken her at least two or three hours. Exact time that the bomb would have exploded.
We doubt that its the work of same abductors. At this point Rena’s parents are thanking those people for saving their daughter’s life.
What a surprising turn of events and who wants to see Matsui Rena dead? These are the questions that we can’t answer to.
Four girl stood around Atsuko’s laptop watching the news and shared a confused look. “Okay wait… so are we count like heroes by this point?”
“We are not heroes, Mayu… but that’s… weird”. Jurina commented actually showing thoughtfulness on her face. Letting other three know that she’s just as surprised as all of them.
A/N: thanks for the previous comments and here is the continuation of the story! See you soon!