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Author Topic: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]  (Read 33865 times)

Offline calista_castro

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Protogonists: Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena

Supporting Characters: Takahashi Minami, Maeda Atsuko, Watanabe Mayu.

Recurring Character: Kashiwagi Yuki.

Antagonists: Itano Tomomi, Kasai Tomomi.

Guests appearance:
Suda Akari (chapter 2)
Yagami Kumi (chapter 2)
Matsui Sakiko (chapter 4, chapter 8 )
Takayanagi Akane (chapter 5)


Main pairing: WMatsui

Other pairings: Atsumina, Mayuki, TomoTomo.


In this world money controls everything... who has the right to live or even be happy. Four friends decide to abduct wealthy public person - Matsui Rena in order to save their friend's life. Unfortunately, they need to be prepared for the unexpected.

                 Published: 2015-10-07                 Completed: 2016-01-28                 Words: 24,810


Chapter 1 - The Issue of Not Having Money
Chapter 2
- Lone Wolf (The History of Matsui Jurina)
Chapter 2.5 - Calmness Before the Storm
Chapter 3 - What We Got Ourselves Into

Chapter 4 - Lonely Soul (The History of Matsui Rena)
Chapter 5 - Expected the Unexpected
Chapter 6 - Reckless Sidekick (The History of Mayu Watanabe)
Chapter 7 - If We Could Turn Back Time
Chapter 7.5 - Saying Goodbye Is The Hardest Thing (MaYuki Special)
Chapter 8 - I Remember You
Chapter 9 - We Found Love in a Hopeless Place (Atsumina History)
Chapter 10 - Ending and New Beginning

Chapter 1 - The Issue of Not Having Money

The lack of money is the root of all evilMark Twain.

Four girls were standing around the table in quite huge dark room facing one other. Only one of them seemed convinced with the decision they all made. Other faces showed uncertainty and doubt. It was understandable in situation like that especially with the plan that they put down on paper and even sign their names to a different legal document in case one of them decided to snitch.
“Its best if we do this tomorrow morning. People like that leave their home early. Without a doubt there’s gonna be driver and maybe even one or two bodyguards. Have you checked on that information?” the youngest question all the others with cruel expression. She only cared about carrying out the plan and could have been called the leader of the four.
“Also, let’s leave her sleeping for at least a day. This shouldn’t take long but I don’t want to see too much drama”. For the first time all three nod in unison agreeing at least with this thought.
“Jurina…and if there’s gonna be some disturbances?”
The girl called Jurina sighed “Just a reminder. Don't call each other your real names. I wouldn’t want to kill our target for your imprudence. Use force if necessary. You can hit the girl for all I care. We only care about the ransom money not about her well-being. I mean let’s keep her alive…that’s a priority. But if you have to cut a finger to prove that we’re serious… no ones is stopping you”.
“I doubt I’m going to cut her finger… but I get what you mean… get her at all costs… Let’s hope, Mayuyu won’t make any mistakes this time”, the girl glared at her higher friend.
“Yes, all I do is keep making mistakes, right Takamina? Do everyone think the same? What’s the point of me being here then? Can you please control your girlfriend, Atsuko? At least for now… I’m having enough of scolding at home from Yukirin”.
“You’re lucky to have her so stop complaining”, Takahashi Minami retorted with a sniff “and don’t get Acchan involved in this. She has enough of responsibility already. She had to find out everything about the girl as there is not that much information on the internet”.
“Like I care… its not like she gets involved any other way. We will have to look after that rich persona and all rich people are the same. This one might be even worse… she has some association with mafia. I mean her cousin belongs to it… who knows what we’re getting into this time”.
The youngest of the bunch, the one who was certain about this decision from the very start, Jurina looked around coldly. Her eyes didn’t show emotions. It just kind of let the other guess that she had a difficult life. She cleared her throat immediately getting all the others attention “if you want to back out of it. Please do. Now.”
Watanabe Mayu looked down shamefully “I didn’t mean it…”, commenting immediately after knowing Jurina’s temper for three years they were working together. “Its just… I want everyone to understand that it is more difficult this time. We don’t know where we're getting ourselves involved in. Obviously we need money that’s the main reason for everyone but… Atsuko couldn’t find a lot of information about Matsui Rena cousin. Also, we don’t use guns very often… only when there’s no other way. I don’t want to repeat my past mistakes… no one died but… they could have. I tried shooting in a leg last time and that guy barely made it after I hit his stomach instead. It’s not that easy to sleep at night after something like it… actually I barely sleeping already from all the stress and preparations”.
Jurina’s face changed for a split second. After that she smiled bitterly “don’t talk to me about not sleeping at night, Mayu.”
The atmosphere got gloomy. During all these years Jurina was the one who lost the most and did the most. She has killed. She has lost people who were most dearest to her. These three girls were the closest she got to family. At the same time she didn’t let them get too close. She showed very little interest in their daily life but always helped out when in need. The world was hard as it is… without any money and permanent income they were hardly surviving. That got Jurina taking any job that got tossed her way. Eliminating targets was one of them. Stealing from banks or from rich people that they despised were also included in her job description. She was too young for all of this but yet… she never complained. Not even once. Others wined about their problems often. It helped them to get things out. Mayu often told them everything after her and Yukirin fights. Long time ago there were more people who would get curiuos about her situation but a lot of comrades had already fallen. Takahashi Minami and Maeda Atsuko also called Atsumina to shorten their names were the ideal couple. Even people who didn’t know them but noticed these two girls wanted to have a relationship like that. Mayu was also jealous as she thought that Yukirin is much colder with her approach. Jurina knew that these two could live a happy life but their main issue, cause of the arguments, was money. Even with all the stealing and Jurina’s help their income disappeared rather quickly. This job should have gotten all of them more money than previous ones.

Jurina looked at the girls who looked back at her. They didn’t dare to speak first. Yes, Mayu had injured people before. Yes, Acchan had all the illegal digging and hacking which would have gotten her in a prison for at least fifteen years. Yes, Minami was quite good at organization and carrying out the plans, she also took a big part in the stealing process. None of them had taken someone else life though. That was the difference between these three and Jurina.
“Let’s discuss this plan once again and let’s part our ways. You need to rest… after tomorrow we can get quite busy and you might not have time to complain about your sleeping issues”. Her voice sounded bitterly but eyes didn’t show the same coldness as before. She knew that these three are the only ones who can understand her. Without having to say the words.
The four girls stood around the table and looked over the plan again:

  • The target’s car will accidentally bump into Atsuko car. That will be the change for others to come closer with their masks.
  • Atsuko will stay in a car without moving so the girl’s driver will have to get out of the car. While he walks closer Acchan will drive away fast without looking around.
  • Other three will use this moment to get closer. Jurina will take care of the driver while both Mayu and Takamina take the girl. If there are more bodyguards they immediately shout for Jurina who will run to help after taking care of the driver.
  • The girl will be put to sleep. They will carry her to their truck. Jurina will carry the driver back to the car and presses the crash signal. Most likely in this case it will take more time for anyone to notice that something is wrong with people inside the car.
  • They will leave all Matsui Rena personal things back in the car in case there can be some trackers.
  • After that Acchan will wait for them here and help with the rest after their arrival.
After everyone read the plan two more times Jurina lighted it on fire.
“For now on use your burner phones and let’s meet her at 6 am”. No one protested anymore as they were already tired from all the planning and had only five hours left for rest.


Minami and Atsuko lived closes to the garage they were planning to use for the whole abduction business. While walking hand to hand they skipped dinner too nervous to eat anything and headed to their bedroom. Barely speaking they got prepared for sleep. Minami showered first and Atsuko followed up. While leaving the bathroom Atsuko didn’t expect her lover waiting for her and smiled because of the view.
“I was pretty sure you’re already asleep. I think I showered longer than usual”.
“I have noticed” Minami patted the space next to her and hugged her girlfriend after she lied down “Maybe I’m just too nervous to fall asleep… for some reason this job Jurina chose makes me feel uncertainty. Like something bad is bound to happen”.
Atsuko kissed her girlfriend’s forehead lovingly “don’t worry about it. Knowing Jurina… she always gets the job done. I don’t always agree with her methods and I understand where your worry is coming from…I really do… I still dislike the fact that we couldn’t find much information about Matsui Rena cousin but there were cases when we barely knew everything. Look how that turned out.”
This time Takamina nod with agreement and pulled Atsuko closer “I know…I know… you’re right… and we do need that money for your operation… that’s the most important thing now”. She smiled sadly and worriedly and for that reason Atsuko gave her long and passionate kiss. When they separated needing air younger girl smiled lovingly “how about we get some sleep? We have a big day ahead of us”.

Meanwhile in the other side of the city both Jurina and Mayu experienced quite different atmosphere. Jurina came back to her empty apartment and went to her training room without the intention of sleeping. While Mayu came back home quietly not wanting to wake up Yukirin but found the bed empty. Mayu sighed with disappointment “eh? She’s still not home… does she even plan to get back tonight?”
Mayu asked this question aloud but knew that no one is going to answer it. That’s how it was most of the nights. She either found the girl already sleeping or she wasn’t back yet. Their relationship was going down the hill and Mayu knew it but she wasn’t ready to let go. As badly as it looked she still hoped for some change.
Unfortunately she couldn’t get back earlier because of her job and Jurina’s strictness. She even had to break some promises: the time she said she will cook dinner for both of them, the time she agreed to come back earlier for them to have dinner and watch a movie, that time Yukirin’s mother was visiting and she missed the meeting. Kashiwagi didn’t talk with her for two weeks after it. There were times when Mayu wondered maybe Yukirin has someone else. Some days she was very happy and other days really gloomy. She worked a lot and that was the reason Mayu couldn’t find her home some nights but the thought of cheating somehow appeared in Mayu’s mind. She has never dared to ask in case the answer would be an actual ‘Yes’ and that would mean the end of their relationship. Too many years the two were together to end it like that.

A/N: the characters will appear as the story progresses. Volume 1 will have 10 chapters. A warning that this fic might turn 'dark' soon enough. Death, violence, revenge... let's just say a lot of bad things because as the title says 'Money Can't Buy You Happiness'... I will be glad if someone joins me on this crazy ride but if not I understand it too as it not gonna be all fluffy romance comedy...

« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:41:13 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 1 [22/09/15]
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2015, 05:53:12 AM »
Just find a new fic here ^^ glad to read it. I'm watching it :")
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 1 [22/09/15]
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2015, 10:33:51 AM »
update soon please~~~ XD
is wmatsui the main couple here?

Offline Raizel

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 1 [22/09/15]
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2015, 08:41:52 PM »
Its alright Castro-san..  I like dark stories too so I will following you.. Hope you don't run away.. haha.. :lol:
And for first chapter, ehm.. its still full of mysteries.. their jobs illegal and they need money so much..
The reason for their need of money still didn't clear yet, I think for atsumina's case they need for atsuko's operation.
Is atsuko illness really bad? for mayu and jurina their reason still unknown. So their next job is kidnapping a rich kid and it is matsui rena..ooohh :panic:
Really love jurina's character, she is cold-strict-kind and a lone wolf.. wohoo.. :twothumbs
Waiting for next chap, :thumbsup

Offline calista_castro

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 1 [22/09/15]
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 09:55:40 AM »
update soon please~~~ XD
is wmatsui the main couple here?

You guest right, they are  :roll:

Just find a new fic here ^^ glad to read it. I'm watching it :")

I'm glad to hear this!  :oops:

Its alright Castro-san..  I like dark stories too so I will following you.. Hope you don't run away.. haha.. :lol:
And for first chapter, ehm.. its still full of mysteries.. their jobs illegal and they need money so much..
The reason for their need of money still didn't clear yet, I think for atsumina's case they need for atsuko's operation.
Is atsuko illness really bad? for mayu and jurina their reason still unknown. So their next job is kidnapping a rich kid and it is matsui rena..ooohh :panic:
Really love jurina's character, she is cold-strict-kind and a lone wolf.. wohoo.. :twothumbs
Waiting for next chap, :thumbsup

Ha ha, well I'm not planning on running away any time soon  :lol:  well even if I do I would still come back  :)  I like your comments, you always try to know more even by guessing. And let's face it sometimes those guessing can be right on spot  :)  about Atsuko illness... you will find out more soon enough... all I can say is that's bad...that's why they need the money so badly  :(

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline cisda83

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Ah.... Atsumina, mayu and Jurina are criminals

Why do they need that much money...?

Doing that kind of crimes normally resulting in lots and lots of money...

Do they need to do that often?

Would their plan success?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 2 [27/09/15]
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2015, 11:36:37 PM »

Chapter 2 - Lone Wolf (The History of Matsui Jurina)

“Don’t think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money.” — Voltaire.

Once upon a time there lived a little happy girl who shared her smile with everyone who cared to give her any attention. That girl was born in a wealthy happy family. She had an older sister. Step-sister actually. Her sister’s name was Suda Akari. Even though from the very start her older sister disliked and treated her badly, the little girl didn’t give up. Happy, naive and full of life girl kept on calling her sister ‘Akarin’ and didn’t get angry for all the times she was ignored. The truth was… nothing could have hurt that girl’s happiness. Or that’s how it looked at first. First years of her life was the happiest because she didn’t know about the cruelty of the world. She didn’t know that when someone loses money no one cares about them anymore.

She didn’t question it when her parents, sister and she had to move to a very small one room apartment. She didn’t question when her dad didn’t come back home for more than two weeks. She didn’t question when her sister started hitting her to let out the frustration. She didn’t ask for food or clothes when she realized that there was none left. She even didn’t question when one morning her mother simply packed all her bags and left. She didn’t question why she never came back.

She didn’t question why her father never appeared in front of her room to tell her that from no one everything will be alright. She didn’t question when strange guys started visited her sister late at night. She didn’t question any of the unfortunate things that were thrown her way… but by the age of 5. She didn’t share her smile anymore.

“Are you really fine?”, Jurina questioned Mayu who was sitting next to hear in the car. Atsuko left long time ago and Minami was with sleeping Rena on the backseat. Occasionally Jurina also checked on them through the mirror. Mayu shook her head while holding one hand on the fresh wounds made by a gun. Fortunately it only scratched the surfaces and even though she lost some blood it wasn’t severe.

“We can take care of it when we get back. You bleed out near the car too but I doubt that they will notice in on the sidewalk. I didn’t expect her to have four bodyguards. We should have checked it”, Jurina talked while concentrating on the road and blaming herself for Mayu’s wound.

“Stop it…I’m fine. Also…I might just let Yukirin take care of my wound… in those moments I know that she still cares. Let’s get that girl inside and I will leave first for the night if that’s okay with you…”.

Jurina nod without even giving it a second thought “that’s fine. Also, she’s going to be sleeping for the night either way. Maybe even two days. I think you dozed her a little too much”. One more time Jurina looked through the mirror window at Takamina.

Takahashi Minami sighed a little bit annoyed “well…who knew that she can actually fight? You wouldn’t think so just by looking at Matsui Rena. Maybe that’s just something all Matsui have in common?”

“That might have been just adrenaline. We don’t know what we can do until we are in situations when there’s no other way…”

Sleeping girl heard a scream. She jumped out from her bed immediately. Even though it was in the middle of the night and most people in situation like that would freeze she ran out to see what’s happening without fear. Her hands moved on her down when she grabbed the knife and stabbed some old man shouting at her sister and trying to choke her with his chubby arms.

Suda Akari was the one who screamed before but after Jurina’s appearance she froze and stood up immediately. The blood was bursting out of the guys stomach and there was no way to stop it. After a minute or so he was lifeless. 10 years old Jurina couldn’t understand what was happening or why it happened. She reacted on instinct and didn’t think of the outcome.

Later that night both step sisters buried this guy’s body near the kindergarten that was not so far away from their home. That same night they moved out from their small apartment. Also, that same night they met the outcasts and stayed with them in a shed.

10 years girl didn’t smile but still was curious about the world. What makes this world thick? Why people leave? Why the world is constructed the way it is? Why she needs to beg for money from people on the streets and they treat her like shit? Even though our young Matsui didn’t get a change for education she was not only street smart, she also got a ticket in the public library where she have read as much as she wanted and took as many books as she needed. Between the errands from her sister and begging for money - she read.

Read about other cultures. Read how to make things. Read about geography and history. She probably read more than kids at school did. Most kids get a chance at education even if they didn’t want it. They have rich parents to pay for their college or universities. Jurina didn’t get a privilege for neither of it… but she learn everything herself and the things she learn she used in every day life. With proper education the girl could have been a doctor. She even help out with not severe wounds whenever needed. Back then the young girl didn’t know that she’s gonna spend her life not saving lives of others… but taking them. The only thing she knew was… everyone she cared about leaves.

Firstly her parents, then a sweet librarian that she got all those books from. The librarian — Yagami Kumi saw that Jurina was interested in learning things. She even chose proper books for her younger friend. Right until the morning she got hid by a car. Unknown driver who didn’t stop and leave her to bleed out. 10 years old Matsui learn about this next time she went to the library and met with old unpleasant librarian who told her the story not bearing the girl’s feelings and not missing out of the gruesome details. Everyone left. Even her step-sister.

The situation with Akarin of course was a different one. The people that their parents were in debt to just took the girl without a care and used her while waiting for Jurina to return her family’s debt. By that time Jurina learn how to steal…get herself involved in a group that taught her everything. How to steal a car, how to wreck something or someone, how to fight and most importantly, how to win. From that day forward the girl avoided word kindness as a disease. There was none of it in this world. She was convinced with that after her step-sister Akarin got killer. The brokers got tired of waiting and had no more use of the girl. By that time Suda Akari was a sister who never cared about Jurina, did everything for her own good, but she was the only family Jurina had. Already 12 years Jurina never felt so alone in this word as right that moment.

The three girls and Rena got back to the shed, hiding the car and dragging Rena inside. Right after that she was settled and bounded to a chair. There wasn’t much different for a girl as she was sleeping. Even Atsuko noticed it while holding her head up and then letting go “wow…you really knocked her out”.

“That was necessary”, Takamina commended with a pout that even her girlfriend is criticizing her work.

“I’m heading out then… need to take care of this”, Mayu mentioned while showing them her hand.

“You sure you don’t need me to take care of it?”, Jurina questioned one more time with a hidden concern but cold expression. “Also…you two can take care of this one while she’s still sleeping, right? I need to make the announcements about her abduction, give a burner phone number so they can reach us… hopefully we can finish the work as soon as possible… Oh, and I’m driving you back home. Like you mentioned Yukirin can take care of it”, Jurina added with a bit of sarcasm and walked out first without waiting for an answer.

Mayu waved at Takamina and Atsuko, while stealing a glance at calmly sleeping Rena and rushed off after Jurina. Knowing the girl well enough to realize that she might just drive off without her if she has to wait for longer.

By the age of 15 Jurina had met more people that she could count. One way or the other they somehow disappeared from her life. Most of them died. That’s when she accepted the fact that everyone around her dies sooner or later and stopped caring about people. She let herself being used when needed, she killed couple of people for job and the need of money. For a long time she only got a proportion of ‘earned’ money and barely made a living of it.

Right around that time she met Takahashi Minami and Maeda Atsuko who were already a couple. Jurina decided to exchange her old gang for the new one and became the leader. She remembered herself saving a person long time ago…people would probably call it a saving… and decided to do that once again after meeting Mayu. The girl was like a slave, barely walking, barely breathing, barely eating or sleeping. Jurina infiltrated  herself in a group that Mayu belonged to. Merely got both Mayu and herself out of there alive and had to keep on hiding and surviving the best way they could. It was small jobs usually. Something that didn’t cough other attention and didn’t leave much of impression so other groups wouldn’t get interested in their work.

As much as they did it was never enough. Especially not enough when 17 year old Jurina learn about Atsuko illness. She hated her weakness for the mare fact that she once again let herself care about people. Even if was just these three people… it was even the same amount as she lost in her childhood. Her father, mother and Akarin. So for half a year she disappeared and didn’t look back. She left Atsuko with her ilness, Mayu with her weird Yukirin obsessions and complains how they barely manage to survive and pay for rent, Takamina who got desperate by a day knowing about her lovers condition and without a chance of doing anything about it.

She left and come back only after a phone call. For the very first time in all these years Takamina used not a pleading intonation but imperative one. Especially by saying Jurina’s name. Two hours later Jurina was already at their place and learn that Atsuko illness progressed. That night she promised to save her. Lung cancer… Jurina remember reading about it… one of the vital cancers that people barely survived from. Still, Takamina was ready to jump from a bridge herself and her desperation rubbed on Jurina.

Small jobs didn’t help out anymore. They needed something big… something that couldn’t be missed… someone like… Matsui Rena that appeared in newspapers as one of the most influential and wealthy person almost every month. That might be their last job considering the complications that they might encounter… but they’re certainty going out with a bang.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 03:55:53 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Raizel

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 2 [27/09/15]
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2015, 01:52:40 PM »
Jurina's history its so depressing.. No wonder she became like that.. :(
But still she cares a lot about her teammates, so she decided to do this job for atsuko's sake. :w00t:
But why Jurina must leave the group for a while? Is it because she slowly start to care about her teammates or there is other reason? :?
Anyways they succeed for kidnapping Matsui Rena, although they met some trouble because of lack information. :banghead:
Wow.. can't wait what they will do next..   :thumbsup

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 2 [27/09/15]
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2015, 02:49:00 PM »
Since Rena and Churi are really close, I would like to see a fanfic where Churi plays one of Renas (cruel) relatives.

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 2 [27/09/15]
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2015, 07:04:26 PM »
Poor Jurina. Those things just too much for her T^T
I'm curious with Yukirin. What kind of girl she is. Since you said she have a weird obsession-,-
AtsuMina being AtsuMina, a super cute old married couple~
Gonna wait for WMatsui moment or is it too fast to see their progress, author-san?

Nah, I'll just wait for the next chapter then~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline calista_castro

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 2 [27/09/15]
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2015, 07:43:24 PM »
Jurina's history its so depressing.. No wonder she became like that.. :(
But still she cares a lot about her teammates, so she decided to do this job for atsuko's sake. :w00t:
But why Jurina must leave the group for a while? Is it because she slowly start to care about her teammates or there is other reason? :?
Anyways they succeed for kidnapping Matsui Rena, although they met some trouble because of lack information. :banghead:
Wow.. can't wait what they will do next..   :thumbsup

Well I can answer to one of your question because that's not a secret  :) you're quite right, Jurina left because she realized how much she actually cared again. After convincing herself that there's no point in trusting people or getting close to them as everyone leaves.

So finding out about Atsuko's illness she felt as if she has already lost one more person and couldn't stop herself from caring/feeling so she ran off.  :cry: Actually she didn't plan on coming back at all but Takamina's phone call changed that... well you know the stuff that was written in the chapter...

Since Rena and Churi are really close, I would like to see a fanfic where Churi plays one of Renas (cruel) relatives.

I will consider your suggestion along with the others. But a spoiler... I'm not sure if Churi fits the role as the cousin is not going to be very caring about the well being of her cousin. Actually that's a big spoiler... I should shut up now  :)

Poor Jurina. Those things just too much for her T^T
I'm curious with Yukirin. What kind of girl she is. Since you said she have a weird obsession-,-
AtsuMina being AtsuMina, a super cute old married couple~
Gonna wait for WMatsui moment or is it too fast to see their progress, author-san?

Nah, I'll just wait for the next chapter then~

It is a bit too fast to see their progress but... there's going to be a lot of them in the next chapter with Rena waking it up from her sleep. So I can't say that they will make some sort of progress in their 'yet none existent relationship' but there's going to be enough of moments between the them.  8)

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline cisda83

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Well... I can understand Minami and Atsuko needs for quick large money

For the operation and the medication

Mayu and Yukirin... are not so much... just that Yukirin spent too much

Jurina's past is so sad....

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Volume One: Chapter 2.5 [02/10/15]
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2015, 08:44:25 PM »

Chapter 2.5 - Calmness Before the Storm

Mayu walked slowly after Jurina dropped her off near her home. She didn’t rush not sure if Yukirin was actually at home because most of the time she wasn’t. Still Mayu had hope. The same hope she kept on holding on everyday. To Mayu’s surprise she saw the light inside and realized that her girlfriend is actually back.

Yukirin was even making dinner and didn’t hear Mayu coming in at first. Only when Mayu came into the kitchen and hugged her from the back she tensed up and relaxed at once recognizing her lover just by her scent.

Mayu kissed her girlfriend on the cheek and looked at the food “smells nice”.

Yukirin laughed at Mayu’s comment “don’t expect anything good though… you know about my cooking skills”.

Mayu nod her head and didn’t seem to care “yes… but I can eat anything you make…Do you need some help?”

“You could take the plates out”, Yukirin answered with a short smirk and watched her girlfriend doing just what she asked. At the same moment she noticed that something is wrong with her hand. “Mayu…is that blood???”

“Oh… that’s nothing serious…It doesn’t even hurt”. Mayu answered dismissively too happy to worry about something that meaningless.

Yukirin stopped whatever she was doing and walked up to Mayu hitting her on the other hand “nothing serious? There’s blood! It’s serious! Sit down I am taking care of your wound first! What you got yourself into?”

Mayu sat on the chair knowing well enough that its better not to argue with her girlfriend at moment like this. “Just some side job… but everything ended well…”

Yukirin cursed under her breath shooting daggers at Mayu “ended well but you’re hurt? That doesn’t sound like ‘well’ to me…”

Yukirin sat in front of her girlfriend and concentrated on her wound. She was too serious to care or even remember about the food that she was making. Mayu also forgot about it just admiring Yukirin and couldn’t hide the smile that appeared up on her face time after time.

“Is that something to smile about?” Yukirin snapped at Mayu angry because the girl looked at this so lightly.
“Yes…you’re taking care of me. That’s good enough reason for me”.

“You’re an idiot”, Yukirin commented angrily but smiled at Mayu’s words as well. The only difference was that she tried to hide the smile and pretend to be as pissed off as before.

Mayu noticed the gesture but didn’t comment on it letting Yukirin have her moment.

Ten minutes later both girls remembered about the food that wasn’t edible anymore. “Maybe we should order Chinese…” Mayu commented while biting her lip a little bit relieved that she didn’t have to eat Yukirin’s dish.

“She has just woken up. We haven’t said anything but she keeps on talking whenever someone walks into the room…” Takamina told Jurina at the same moment when the girl in question walked out into the room.

Jurina has just gotten into the place and nod shortly. She drove as fast as possible after Takamina’s call. “Its still morning… continue with your daily routines… the announcement about abduction should start appearing in television around 3 pm, maybe 4 pm. I don’t think they will wait until the evening news. She’s an important person in public eyes. I can take care of this girl for the day”.

“You sure? I heard that Mayu plans on coming only after lunch. She called early in the morning… I’m pretty sure she was in the bathroom while making the call, and told us that Yukirin is in good mood… so Mayu plans on staying in bed. And yes… that’s exactly what she said”. Takamina ended her sentence with reserved judgment.

“Take your time… that’s just the beginning of our mission. At least go and take a shower, eat breakfast. I can look after Matsui for few hours. Is her eyes covered?”

“Yes, we left it as it was. Also, its a good thing that the room is sound proof or she would probably hear our conversations”.

Jurina had to agree with it. She personally took care of the room so they could act freely when outside of it. Whenever they got inside they were suppose to wear masks and used voice changing devices. “I guess I don’t need to cover my face for now… what did she tell? I don’t want that girl to know how many of us there are”.

“Nothing important… at least we believe that’s something wealthy people like her say in situations like that usually say…” Atsuko commented after appearing behind her girlfriend. “The point of her speech was…that we will regret it”.

“Yes…predictable”. Jurina had to agree once again and waited until Atsumina couple left the building not rushing to meet Matsui Rena. At the same time, Jurina realized that she needs to bring that girl water. She must be really thirsty after being knocked out for all night. Jurina was truly surprised how she woke up this early. All of them guessed that her recovery will require at least two days.

Jurina looked at the clock noticing that she has more than enough time until everyone in Tokyo and probably all Japan finds out about the abduction. She took the water and stepped inside the room. Let’s see what kind of person you are, Matsui Rena.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 03:56:36 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Ne_Okotteru

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Just wait Jurina, Rena will melt your cold heart and love you forever.  :deco:

Can't wait for the next chapter. Bye bye :peace:

Offline Raizel

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Wahhh.. Calmness Before the Storm.. :w00t:
It fits perfectly with the current situation, how will Rena and Jurina react to each other? :panic:
I can't wait patiently Castro-san, I'm really curious.. :banghead:
Thanks for update.. :twothumbs

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 3 [17/10/15] WMatsui+others
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2015, 03:48:26 PM »
Chapter 3 - What We Got Ourselves Into

“As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all — the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.” - J.K.Rowling

Slowly Jurina walked in the room where they held older Matsui captive. She was certain that Rena already knew about her appearance before opening the doors. Usually, when you have your eyes covered other senses intensifies.

At this point Rena should have hear the steps but for some reason stayed quiet. Maybe she talked a lot before and got tired of using words that meant nothing to others.

Jurina didn’t bother putting on face mask as she already told to Takamina and Atsuko before but took voice changing device planning to have a little chat with a girl and knowing that she will need it not to get recognized.

“I wonder… should I feel flattered for having such a high/well known/wealthy persona in front of me? That’s something you get to say only once in a lifetime”.

Even in this unpleasant and unfortunate situation Rena still answered bitterly “I haven’t been given a choice. So you feeling flattered is out of place and unnecessary”.

“Pretending to be strong? I admire that… well… not really. But its better than crying and asking for mommy. I guess you are used to getting everything on a silver platter… must be nice”.

“When you’re ready to work hard and earn it…you get what you deserve”, Rena once again answered coldly but a shiver could have been noticed on the older girl. She was obviously just trying to keep the brave face on knowing that nothing would change even if she cried.

Jurina laughed because of the answer but didn’t comment on it. Her laughter with this device sounded truly weird so she stopped herself not wanting to hear that sound again.

“I wonder… have you been abducted before or something? Four bodyguards a little bit too much for a simple ride…don’t you think? Makes me wonder why you need so many”.

“Don’t worry…soon you will find that out”, Rena answered in a threatened manner but it didn’t sound like empty promises. Older Matsui sounded convincing and even Jurina stopped in her tracks for few seconds with a honest wonder.

“Obviously…you can’t give me any spoilers? I don’t always ask for those…I enjoy the unknown… like in a movies or books… you wait with excitement what’s about to happen next… if that’s something you predicted…or something you wouldn’t have guessed in a hundred years that could happen. That’s quite enjoyable… real life is a little bit different though… its helpful to know what someone means”.

“Can you at least give me some water?” older Matsui asked out of a sudden avoiding younger Matsui speech.

Jurina squinted her eyes with wonder while stepping back.

“We can agree to something…give me a hint…and I will give you some precious water… because you know… in my world it costs a lot… so I can’t waste it”

“If you want to get a lot of money…you’re clever for choosing me… yes, my parents could give you everything we have for my life… that’s the truth and there’s no point in hiding it. But I doubt you get enough information about my relatives…”

“Your cousin? We are wondering if that are rumors or if we might have some complications”.

“It simply depends on what you’re willing to do”, Rena whispered more quietly and for some reason didn’t comment more even when Jurina tried questioning again.

Younger Matsui walked around the room stealing short glances at blindfolded girl that seemed scared but not as much as Jurina would have predicted.

Jurina questioned that maybe people with so many money don’t fear things that could happen to them because they believe that money can solve everything. Without asking for Rena’s confirmation Jurina convinced herself that its the case.

Around 3 or 4 am everyone in Japan find out about the abduction of Matsui Rena. The police promised to search for the girl everywhere they can, meanwhile Rena’s parents spoke directly during the evening news and asked for the abductors not to hurt their child and just tell what they want.

Watanabe Mayu appeared around that time with happy smile plastered on her face and not trying to hide it.

“Enjoying yourself?”, Takamina asked in a mocking way even though she knew why this girl is so happy about when in the morning Mayu herself told them that she’s staying with Yukirin for longer. Having a calm and relaxing morning experience but everyone realized that she also had other things in mind.

Atsuko were watching the evening news sitting in front of her computer and used one more laptop to read all the online articles about the subject. There were a lot of speculations why Matsui Rena could have been abducted but for some reason no one thought that it might be just money related.

Jurina sat on her chair in the corner quietly staring at the wall. She hasn’t spoken much from the moment Atsumina couple appeared.

Mayu looked around curiosity “did that Rena woke up already?”

“In the morning… she kept telling us that we’re going to regret this. I don’t know what she told Jurina though…” Minami commented with a hint that they are still waiting to hear some information from Jurina herself.

The girl sat in the same position as before with unreadable expression. So Mayu decided to try and get answered in the best way she could, walking closer to Jurina and squatting down next to her “come on, tell us something. I didn’t come here just to sit around and do nothing. When are we going to contact her parents?”

Mayu waited patiently for about a minute and her intense stare won Jurina over. Or most likely Jurina disliked the fact that she’s being watcher for so long.

“Tomorrow morning or around lunch… let them worry… Atsuko needs to get one more burner phone… you lost one during the shooting, didn’t you?”

Mayu scratched her head and smiled sheepishly “oh…yes… I guess that happens when someone shoots you in the arm. Not my fault though…” she added soon enough so everyone would remember this fact.

Jurina stood up from her chair walking off to the other room. All the other three girls looked at each other a bit confused and Mayu whispered what everyone was thinking “still she didn’t give us any answers”.

Jurina came back to the room with mask on her face and bottle of water in the other.

“I haven’t even though of that”, Mayu once again was the first one to comment.

“She asked for it…”

“When? You have been here since we came”, Takamina commented a bit confused.

“I don’t know…three hours ago…” Jurina shrugged honestly not caring how much time has passed. When all three of her comrades looked at the girl again, Jurina added “I’m not one of her servants to run around and giving her everything that she wants. She’s lucky enough that I’m actually bringing it”.

No one argued with that remembering Jurina’s temper and letting the girl to go and visit their hostage. Only when Jurina left Mayu clapped her hands announcing “well…if you’re going to work with your computer and Jurina is occupied with Rena I’m going to get us some food… oh by the way, don’t call me…I think I left my phone back at home”.

“Fine…just come back soon”, Takamina smiled in a friendly manner and put both of her hands on Atsuko’s shoulders giving her lovers a massage “How about your research?Did you find something new?”

While Takamina questioned her girlfriend Mayu smiled to herself from the scene as they did look like an old married couple, and turn around walking out quite happy with how this day was going.

Rena had a lot of time to think and consider her options. She has been up from the very morning not sure about how much time has passed as she had no way how to know it.

She had two visitors during the day. She was pretty certain that the first two where a couple. A couple that actually listened to her words and got scared or at least worried even if they tried to convince each other that its just something that anyone who has been abducted would say.

Her second (or you can call it third) visitor was quite curios about Rena’s bodyguards as if she hasn’t done her homework. (Haven’t found out everything that there’s is to find out about Matsui Rena).

One thing Rena was sure of was that no matter how hard they tried and how much by this point they new… they haven’t found out enough about Itano Tomomi. Her cousin. Her third visitor mentioned that they know about the rumors but… they don’t even imagine of what kind of things Tomomi is actually capable off.

After all, that is the reason why Rena has so many bodyguards and there are always people surrounding her. Even her parents are aware of the situation, not talking about it, not discussing but quietly trying to handle it.

Alone in a dark room (or you can say that all she saw was darkness because of ligament on her eyes) Rena had enough of time to try and free herself. If only it was as easy as someone who has seen many action movies would hope.

After two hours of trying to move her hands and get some friction Rena had to give up realizing that there’s no hope with that. On the other hand, her legs weren’t as tightly bonded as her hands. Older Matsui decided to test this presumption as it appeared that two different people took care of her imprisonment.

She tried moving her legs but did this in a slow and patient way at least knowing that rushing it off won’t help at all. About the time when she had done some progress and felt proud of herself she heard footsteps.

Not seeing things helped her hearing and she guessed that its the same person from before. Rena still tried to count how many abductors there were. It would be crazy to try the abduction of someone with only three or four people.

She remember seeing some at the scene in the morning. Last morning… maybe even a day before. Rena couldn’t know the exact time how long she was in this place and how long she slept. She just tried to guess how many of them there could be.

It wouldn’t change the situation in any way but at least she would know with whom she’s dealing with.

As soon as Mayu left she come right back. The girl was panting and tried to catch her breath when Takamina and Atsuko stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her with confusion.

Mayu stood in one place for few seconds still trying to catch her breath and finally spoke “have you seen the news?”

“What? Of course we have…what do you think Atsuko kept on doing for the last couple of hours?”

Mayu rolled her eyes a bit annoyed and repeated her question “have you seen the news like now? I don’t know…like a minute ago?”

Because of Minami and Atsuko confusion Mayu added “write… Matsui Rena car explosion or something and you will probably find information about the incident… at least that’s what can you see all around the city… where is Jurina?”

“She just went to bring water for Rena. You have disappeared for like a minute Mayu…nothing major happen during that time”.

“Oh no! Something major definitely happened! Check it up!” Mayu commented and rushed to the room where they held Rena stopping right in front of it when she remembered the mask and only this kept Watanabe from entering the room sooner.

Meanwhile, inside of it Jurina stood with a glass of water in her hand and questioning look because somehow Rena recognized that its the same person from before.

“It took me some time to bring you that water you have required… what do they say in restaurant’s? Sorry for being late?” younger Matsui added bitterly guessing that Rena spends all of her lunches and dinners in places like that.

Rena licked her lips practically sensing the water “I don’t care how long it took…could you just give it to me?”

Jurina snickered but stepped closer to the girl not really rushing but once again using sarcasms “you’re welcome by the way”.

“Do you want me to thank you? For holding me here because of my money and not even giving me a drop of water for almost a day? Well…I guess for that long because I don’t have a watch to confirm it”.

Jurina’s jaw tightened “I could just turn around and leave you without it. So stop complaining”. Finally Jurina stopped in front of Rena leaning a bit and giving her some water.

Obviously the girl drank it as if her life depended on it. Which was true considering the fact that they haven’t provided her with food.

“Is there any point of me being blindfolded? I’m pretty sure you’re with a mask”.

Jurina rolled her eyes at the comment “you’re quite demanding aren’t you? Used to getting everything that you want?”

“No…I’m used to fight for what I want”, Rena commented quietly but at the same time loud enough for Jurina to hear. Also she used this moment to free her legs completely and wrapped them around Jurina’s waist.

Something that there’s no way in hell the girl would have expected.

Rena used this moment of confusion from her abductor’s part and swayed her head forward wanting to hit this person in the face and not really caring which part she might wound.

Surprisingly Rena’s hit was quite accurate and she let go off pressure from her legs just at the right time.

Jurina fell back on her back and because Rena’s forehead hit her in the eye it was possible to predict that she might have bruise on her eye.

Ironically Mayu showed up just at the time to witness this scene with question written all over her face and caught Jurina just at the right time.

“I’m going to kill you! Hey! Let go of me!” she tried free herself from Mayu’s grip.

“We have more serious problems now”, Mayu whispered quietly in her ear, pretty sure that Rena didn’t hear this part.

Older Matsui realized that there’s no point fighting anymore when second person appear. She should probably even feel grateful for that person or who knows… that one with angry voice might actually kill her.

Jurina forgot to use the voice changing device and for a change Rena heard her voice, only confirming her guess that at least one of her abductors is a girl.

Jurina calmed down a little bit and they tie up Rena’s legs once again. This time without any chance of escape.

Mayu put one hand on Jurina’s shoulder “we need to talk outside”. Sounding unusually serious.

“I will be back”, Jurina threatened Rena, glaring at the girl who couldn’t even see her but walked out with Mayu in already composed way.

No one questioned Mayu anymore when Atsuko played the news which they have missed and which have been released to the world only few minutes ago.

According to recent reports Matsui Rena’s car has just exploded in her backyard. Experts found that the bomb has been build-in the car few days ago with a hint of attempt murder.

Matsui Rena planned to take her trip this evening that should have taken her at least two or three hours. Exact time that the bomb would have exploded.

We doubt that its the work of same abductors. At this point Rena’s parents are thanking those people for saving their daughter’s life.

What a surprising turn of events and who wants to see Matsui Rena dead? These are the questions that we can’t answer to.

Four girl stood around Atsuko’s laptop watching the news and shared a confused look. “Okay wait… so are we count like heroes by this point?”

“We are not heroes, Mayu… but that’s… weird”. Jurina commented actually showing thoughtfulness on her face. Letting other three know that she’s just as surprised as all of them.

A/N: thanks for the previous comments and here is the continuation of the story! See you soon!  :)


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Ne_Okotteru

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 3 [17/10/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2015, 09:16:37 PM »
It's been so long since this story got updated and I'm glad it did. I love it so much.

I wonder if tomomi is the trying to kill Rena.

What will happen to Atsuko and how are Rena and Jurina gonna fall in love?

I hope nothing to tragic happens in the end.

I can't wait for the next chapter and keep up he good work. Bye bye  :peace:

Offline mirurunky

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 3 [17/10/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2015, 08:20:22 AM »
really interesting story, please update soon  :)

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 4 [8/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2015, 04:41:52 PM »
@mirurunky, Thanks for the comment I will try to. Working on more than one fic at the moment so when I have a chance to sit down... I write the one I feel most inspirited about  :doh: But I already know what I want to write in next chapter,so probably will update sooner than last time  :)

@Ne_Okotteru, Yeah, I'm going to write the story even if it takes longer time (well that's not something that you can plan), but either way I have no plans of dropping it. Even if sometimes it takes longer to upload  :roll:  well, you will get an answer to one of these questions in next chapter (I just can tell you which) :D  Thanks for reading!

Chapter 4 - Lonely Soul (The History of Matsui Rena)

“Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” — Oprah Winfrey.

Matsui Rena — born into a wealthy family, never having problems with money could do whatever she wanted with her life. In her childhood Rena spend most of her days playing with friends, going to Disneyland, flying around with her parents private plane, and simply put — travelling the world.

Young Matsui Rena spend all of her childhood seeing country after country, learning about different cultures, meeting new people — without a doubt enjoying every second of her youth.

It should be pointed out that she was also surrounded by people who cared about her. Two loving parents and a sister who adored her. Matsui Rena was a happy kid.

Unfortunately even if we are happy as children with our innocence in tact, there are things that people just can’t control and that’s why by the age of seventeen Rena lost the person closest to her — Matsui Sakiko, her older sister.

It happened in a blink of an eye when the tragedy struck unsuspecting family. Thinking of a fact that it was just a simple ride like every other that two sisters shared… but something was off from the very start.

Younger Rena weren’t that worried by her sister’s speech as she had heard it many times before. No matter how many times Sakiko spoke and worried nothing of the sort happened so Rena thoughts that its just one of those times.

Sakiko kept telling her sister about Itano Tomomi, their cousin that wanted all the money and power no matter what it would cost. Sakiko seemed pretty sure that this time… Tomomi is ready to take a big step and get rid of them. If both Matsui sisters would disappear…they parents would have no other choice but to give their property to Tomomi.

It was just speculations (or that’s what Rena thought). Young girl heard a lot of stories about the cruelty of her cousin… they met only a couple of times through the years as their parents avoided relations but both of those times Tomomi just snickered at the sisters and always added mysteriously “we will meet again”.

Despite all the rumors Rena tried to believe that they are still a family so maybe everyone is worrying without a reason. Her innocence was washed away pretty quickly.

Someone tampered with their breaks and Matsui Sakiko couldn’t control the car. They crashed into brick wall and Sakiko died instantly.

Barely conscious Rena saw it but had no strength in herself to get out of the car. Staring at her lifeless sister she wondered if she actually wanted to stay in this world as at any second car was going to burst into flames.

The car would have exploded with Rena inside if not a stranger who ran around the car, firstly checking on Sakiko, but after realization that the girl is dead, run around once again checking on Rena this time.

Rena saw everything as if through fog, all she could remember — that stranger’s eyes. Also, the fact that it was just a simple girl — probably even younger than her.

Rena didn’t even get a change to thank her savior after she woke up in a hospital few days later. Nurses told her that some girl found her in a car and called an ambulance but left when they arrived without telling anything at all.

At the same time, Rena got a confirmation about her sister’s death. Matsui Rena’s life changed utterly from that day.

Locked in a dark room Rena had a lot of time to reflect on her life and decisions. She mostly thought about her sister. Somehow Rena had a bad feeling about all of this abduction. Yes, of course she should be scared and worried because of these people…but maybe that’s Tomomi work after all.

But if not… who knows what her cousin might have in mind. Without a doubt Itano Tomomi won’t miss out on using this situation to her advantage and these people have no idea what they got themselves into.

Rena heard familiar steps when the same person from before came back again. Maybe to kill her now? The girl threatened her before and at this point Rena didn’t know what to expect.

“Someone is trying to get rid of you?”


“I’m asking if someone is trying to get rid of you…” the girl snickered making fun of the whole situation, actually even enjoying it “your parents just thanked my friends and me for saving your life…your car exploded and you planned to going on a trip today… so obviously someone is trying to get rid of you… who might that be?”

Rena kept quiet trying to keep up with her own thoughts: A bomb in my car? But everyone checks the car so thoroughly… maybe they didn’t this time…because of my sudden disappearance?

“Did anyone got hurt?”


“Did anyone got hurt?” Rena repeated worriedly.

“How could I know?” the girl got annoyed but at the same time a bit surprised of a question“They haven’t told about it on the news…so probably not. You haven’t told me who’s trying to hurt you though…I mean… besides me”

“My cousin”


“My cousin that you barely have any information on. If you’re worried that she might storm in here to save my life…don’t worry… she definitely has other plans on her mind. I don’t even want to imagine what she will think of now after you decided to announce to the whole world that I have been abducted… I’m mean… you did, right? Otherwise my parents would’t have thanked for saving my life”.

“You catch on things…” Rena heard a sigh guessing that she definitely left some questions in this girl’s mind.

Without commenting the girl turn around and left the room, leaving Rena alone with her thoughts again. So Tomomi is going that far… even getting public… is she tired of waiting and playing nice? Things are about to change…

With time Matsui Rena distanced herself from people. Most of them only cared about her money so its not like she lost anyone important.

In her 24 years of life Matsui Rena has never fallen in love. Its not like she avoided feelings but for some reason she never got interested in someone to the point where she would be ready to risk it all. First of all, her love would be in danger, secondly, what if they only cared about the money.

Rena learnt that money can be both a blessing and a curse that’s why she decided to work her ass off dedicating all her time to her parents company. The same one that Tomomi wanted so much.

She could have just taken everything as it is, her parents wouldn’t have minded, but instead Rena spend more time on learning stuff and training. After taking the company in her hand, she knew everything about it that there is to know and no one questions her decisions.

One thing that Rena could have been described as is determined. No matter the situation she always found a way and if there was no way out — she searched for it, no matter how long it took to solve the issue.

Some saw Matsui Rena as lonely soul but all her co-workers had to agree that this girl gets things done.

Rena visited her sister’s grave every week. If she had time… twice a week. It would have hurt too much if she went there more often. Also, that was the only place where she let herself to cry.

Police proved that someone tampered with the breaks but no one could prove who did that. Rena’s parents instantly realized the guilty one but couldn’t do anything about it.

That was the reason why Rena always had three or four bodyguards around herself. She even took some self defense courses that’s why she fought hard with her abductors and they almost managed to take her down.

The truth about Matsui Rena is… she’s a fighter and she proves that in more than one way, especially if she gets a chance to do that.

After the previous failure when Rena couldn’t manage to escape and only wound her captor — anyone would have given up and face the reality that there is no hope of escaping the place.

Still, as mentioned before, Rena wasn’t one of those people who gives up so easily. All she needed was a plan, a good one.

That one girl, the one who visits her most frequently… is also the one who could lose her temper, maybe that’s when Rena could use the situation to her own advantage.

Rena planned to do just that as Jurina once again appeared in this room.

“Well.. the situation is certainly getting more interesting… with your claim that your cousin wants to kill you…”

“That’s the truth…I don’t think I could win anything even if I lied… by the way, I have noticed by your steps that you keeping some distance from me… is that out of fear?” Rena asked in a wondering manner and a bit sarcastically.

Jurina looked Rena up and down, and sniffed “sure… because you could easily harm me, right?”

“Well…I think I managed to harm you before”

Unconsciously Jurina put a hand on her eye, remembering a slight bruise that she investigated in front of a mirror and the reason why Mayu couldn’t control her laughter. “Don’t worry…I barely felt it”

“You threaten to kill me… I doubt that means barely” Rena still played with fire hearing that Jurina step closer and enjoying the success of her plan.

“I might kill you one way or the other if this whole abduction is going to be a bust… so you’re playing a dangerous game trying to provoke me. What do you expect I would do… hit you? Unbind you so I could fight with you? You plan on escaping in that manner?”

Jurina laughed looking shortly at voice changing device and turn it off. “Either way…you have already heard my voice…I guess no point in pretending… maybe you would like to see my face as well? Then… I would certainty have to end your life”

Rena stiffened for few seconds and when she heard Jurina stepping back she released a breath she has been holding in for so long.

“I know there are three or four of you…I guess you’re the one in charge… I know your voice now…I wonder if all of you are girls… the one who tied me up on first day… I think she was pretty short… so I guess there is at least one more girl… I know you’re trying to scare me… but is there any difference if I would have been dead by now?”

Jurina sighed annoyed that Rena keeps on talking and turn around walking closer to the girl again. “Well…you would have died peacefully… just an explosion…and that would have been the end of you… but I could torture you to the point where you would beg for death”.

“I don’t care”

“You do…you’re trembling with fear” Jurina whispered while leaning closer to the girl’s face and smirking.

“I don’t care because I’m determined…and all this time I could hear a knife in your back pocket”.

Jurina squinted her eyes at unexpected comment when Rena reach out with one hand in front of it snacking it out and pointing at Matsui, at the same time unbinding her other hand and taking the cover from her eyes. “You should double check your ropes…actually you should have double checked my pockets”.

Older Matsui opened her eyes seeing her abductor for the first time. Surprised that the girl didn’t wear any mask.

Jurina stared back at Rena surprised by her actions (she has been surprised for a second time in a row). “You wouldn’t get far…”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try”, Rena squinted her eyes and stared at Jurina for longer than she should have in this situation. “You’re young…”

She continued staring more attentively “and don’t I know you from somewhere?”

“You’re…truly…an idiot”, Jurina commented ignoring the knife that Rena held in front her and knocking the girl out of consciousness with her elbow. “That’s going to hurt when you woke up” Jurina added rolling her eyes and taking the knife back.

Jurina knew that the fact that older Matsui saw her face might be an issue in the future but she decided to avoid it at the moment, tied her again covering Rena’s eyes one more time.

Jurina turn around walking out of a room but smirked shortly surprising even herself “well…she is a fighter”.


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 4 [8/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2015, 06:25:06 PM »
<3. Welcome back, this story is so good.
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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