@NamiRay!!!, in comparison with my other fics this one is going to be more fast paced so look out for those moments, as they already started in the prologue and continues on in chapter 1.
@Weird Panda, that's quite a complicated situation for the three of them. The one you like - likes the other. Hehe... let's see what comes out of it.
@faanpal, well Mayu has that little interest for all the wrong reasons (for now), but I'm getting ahead of myself... I can't comment more about it.
@kumabear, thanks for the comment, here is chapter one! I'm fast when I'm inspired...
@purnamazaki, I found them cute as well. Though pretty much everyone looks good with both Jurina and Yuki. Its not hard for me getting into shipping with them.
@Ne_Okotteru, I'm curios myself, I write what's on my mind and got in some sort of tranche (sound a bit crazy but that's what happens) and even I'm sometimes surprised by the outcome. So let's see what's going to happen together
@adeldhaniswara, instead of love triangle let's just say... young people unsure of they feelings and getting to know themselves and the object of their affection better. Hehe
Oh... and I'm going to upload chapters weekly. So one chapter for a week. I will probably upload either on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Most likely those days

But without farther ado... here is first chapter!
Chapter 1
Jurina and Yukirin left the building now walking to the opposite side of all the students rushing to their lessons. Yukirin took her hand out of Jurina’s grip earning disappointed glance from the girl which she soon covered up with a smile when Yuki asked her “So…you wanted to talk about something?”
“Well…I just thought I might save you from…”
“Right…that girl. And don’t you want to spend some time with your friend before lessons?” Jurina asked seductively raising her eyebrows.
Yuki smiled shortly but didn’t seem very happy “Depends on what you have in mind. Also you know I can’t be late. I’m on probation.”
“Well you shouldn’t have missed so many lessons!” Jurina decided to scold Yukirin angrily just wanting some alone time with the girl she loved.
“I’m sorry that I like to sleep.” Yukirin said shrugging her shoulder simply and then sighed giving up “so… what do you have in mind?”
Jurina smiled more happily. That shining smile of hers. Actually only Yuki noticed when her friend was faking smiles and when she was genuinely happy.
Jurina still didn’t give up and decided to tease Yuki while intervening their hands “come on…you can sleep during lessons, can’t you? I bet that’s what you were doing there in the first place.And… wait… what have you talked about with that girl?” she asked suddenly more interested.
“Obviously about you”. Yuki answered bluntly and just because Jurina looked too happy believing that Yuki could actually discuss something about her she soon added “You do know she has the biggest crush on you, right?”
“I don’t think it matters when I have my eyes on someone special”. Jurina answered immediately as if she has thought about these words for the last couple of minutes and just used the opportunity to voice them out.
This made Yuki feel uncomfortable again but she decided to brush it off changing the subject. It seemed like it was the common thing she did after all Jurina’s confessions.
“You still haven’t told me what you have in mind. And can we hurry up? I really REALLY can’t be late, Juri.”
Jurina stopped for a moment looking at Yuki’s admiring it and not hiding the fact “well…I wanted to show you one special place I found few days ago. It won’t take very long” she added winking and dragging Yuki with herself once again.
Yukirin decided it was pointless to protest as Jurina pretty much always get what she wanted so walked after the girl until they climbed up the stairs and after ten exhausting minutes reach the roof of their school with beautiful sight in front of them.
Yuki took her hand out of Jurina’s. Probably doing this unconciously and didn’t even notice how Matsui squinted her eyes because of it.
The trust is… Yuki was just too amazed with the view in front of her “wow…” was all she managed to say.
Jurina forget this short incident with the hand admiring Yuki’s face along with all her features while looking directly at older girl “beautiful, right?”.
Yuki nodded her head not even seeing Jurina.
Few hours later their classes had already ended and the girls agreed to meet in the parking lot. Despite their feelings they were still friends and usually come to school together just to save money for gas. This time Yuki was the first one who sat on the bench waiting Jurina impatiently.
Usually Matsui sprinted towards Yuki with a huge grin on her face and even hugged the girl whenever she got the chance.
Today was different though. Yuki waited looking around a little bit impatient and even angry. I do have things to do, you know. But then she saw Mayu approaching rushing Jurina… Yuki decided to stay still watching the scene in front of her.
Yuki couldn’t hear a word because of distance but it was not hard to understand what was happening. Mayu was confessing her feelings for Jurina. She couldn’t have chosen better place, couldn’t she? Yuki asked herself annoyed already knowing the scenario. Jurina will say something harsh, rejects girls feeling and walks away.
And that was exactly what happened in front of her eyes. Instead of looking at Jurina (already knowing her expressions) Yuki didn’t take her eyes of Mayu.
This girl was on the edge of crying but somehow she composed herself. She stood there hearing all harsh words and just looked right back at Jurina.
When Jurina stopped talking and walked away, only then Yuki noticed Mayu’s hurt expression when she turned around and ran back to the school.
Yuki had no idea why but this made her feel very uncomfortable. Sorry for the girl in question. She stood up and started walking that way but almost bumped into Jurina.
Jurina smiled as nothing have happened and nodded towards her car “Let’s go? There’s also one more place I want to show you while driving back… you’re going to like it”.
Yuki looked hesitant “Did you just turned Mayu down?”
“That girl you talked like a second ago!” Yuki answered angry surprising not even herself but Jurina as well.
Jurina squinted her eyes obviously unhappy “So what? Why are you asking? It doesn’t matter. Let’s go”. She was about to take Yuki’s hand but this time Yukirin was faster “No. Actually I have few things I need to do. So I will go home by myself”,and started walking towards school.
“You’re going after her?” Jurina asked with disbelief.
“I will see you tomorrow” Yuki stated shortly and didn’t wait any longer walking away and leaving surprised and angry Matsui Jurina alone in the parking lot.
To say that Jurina was pissed off would be an understatement. The girl was furious because of Yuki’s previous reaction and she knew Yuki too well to understand that she as usual felt for weak girl cry.
Sad girls were Yuki’s weakness. She just couldn’t walk away when she saw someone really hurt and always thought that it’s upon her to take care of the situation.
Jurina was about to storm after her friend but somehow controlled herself understanding that it would not only make her the bad guy which she already was but also make Mayu even bigger victim.
After few minutes in the parking lot looking to both sides: either to the way where Yuki went or to her car Jurina finally decided to talk about this with her friend later. Maybe she can convince Yuki to come to her house later tonight? Then they can talk all they want.
Jurina sighed giving up and walked off to her car now driving away but before that she texted Yuki:“I’m really sorry about what just happened…believe me. And please let me explain everything. Could you like…come over tonight? We can talk and I will tell you everything, please?”. Realizing that she sounded desperate but that’s the only way Jurina knew how to convince Yuki to come.
Yuki spend almost ten minutes until she finally saw the certain brunette she was looking for standing in the same class they met today first thing in the morning.
Mayu stood still and looked through the window while trying to compose herself before leaving school. Though she had no one to impress she still didn’t want to show her weakness because then people would probably find out about this whole rejection incident.
She was startled when she heard familiar voice from behind “Hey…you okay?” sounding concerned. More concerned then this girl should be.
This made Mayu angry. Is she kidding me? She come to laugh in my face? Am I okay? Do I look okey? Mayu let rage overcome her. After all, she didn’t show any of this to Jurina and she probably exploded inside turning around and facing Yuki.
“What do you think?” younger girl asked harshly now looking Yuki up and down but not in the way someone would like to be looked at “Did you come her to laugh in my face and see my tears? Unfortunately, you’re a little bit late. But I’m not giving up so easily.So… you might have win this battle but not the war.”
Yuki was surprised because of the fire in Mayu’s eyes. Honestly, she though she will find this girl completely devastated.
“That’s not why I’m here…” Yuki answered honestly and showing her surprised face.
“Really?” Mayu questioned as if trying to show that she’s not taking Yuki’s bullshit and don’t believe her a bit. “Then what brings you here, Kashiwagi? Care to explain me?”
Yuki sighed giving up “I just thought…you might need someone to talk about what just happened…but I guess I’m not the right person for that… I don’t know how you feel but…”
“Yes, you’re the one who’s breaking people! That’s how, Jurina felt when you pushed her away!” Mayu forgot reasoning and just wanted to let her anger now.
To her surprise Yuki wasn’t fighting and that made her even angrier. “I know. I still feel horrible about it. But I also know how, Jurina, can react. I bet she didn’t let you down…easy way…” Yuki decided to chose words carefully.
It was time for Yukirin to be the surprised one because Mayu ran towards her screaming with tears in her eyes which proved Yuki’s point. Younger girl would have probably knocked Yuki down or hit her in the face if Yukirin would have been slower.
But Yuki caught Mayu’s arm not sure what do to next because the girl just broke down and started crying even harder completely giving up.
In most case Yukirin wasn’t a hugger. She avoided human contact but this time was different. She just couldn’t walk away or ignore it and carefully hugged Mayu trying to give the comfort she needed.
Meanwhile Mayu was too tired of fighting and just clanged tightly resting her head near Yuki’s neck with tears still rolling down her cheeks.
See you next time!