@Safiraalsana, sorry for not commenting back to you the first time, I guess it wouldn't make sense anymore but as you have noticed Rino did help out Yuki a little bit

everything is solving itself out

@vanillux, I'm happy to hear that

@faanpal, more is here

@sasshirie, what can I say, thanks for being such a loyal reader, I guess, and for waiting more

@fath107, this chapter will actually answer your question, hohoho

as I mentioned some time ago... this is almost the end so... time to solve things up

@yummi07, marathon is a good thing sometimes, I like it when there is a lot

But have to read the comments too?

the point of this story is that Yuki and Rie is each other exes but they found new love. The drama was concentrated on that point... not exes from the farther past

Also, one of the main comments you have miss out probably is that...
TWO MORE CHAPTERS TO GO (this is directed to all the readers, I said its close to end and there is going to be 17 or 18 chapters. After all, I decided on 18 chapters... so very soon... the end?)

Thanks for reading!!!
Chapter 16
Kitahara Rie POV
The things were strange for couple of days. I wasn’t sure how to describe it actually.
I didn’t mind seeing Mayu and Yukirin around the campus. At first, I thought it might be weird and maybe even hurt me… but the thoughts that mostly clouded my mind involved Rino.
We were still in this ‘fake’ relationship and I have no idea why she’s acting even stranger lately. I tried asking once or twice if the reason is that article (let’s face it everyone who’s close to four of us knew that its rubbish… but still I needed to find a reason why instead of getting closer we’re getting further away from each other).
We still haven’t discussed the fact of our night together… which I’m aware of now… I even remember some of it (probably because I’m trying REALLY HARD to remember it). I want to ask why Rino didn’t tell me about it… there is still so many things to talk about…
I hate this distance and I’m even more surprised by the conversation we’re having right at this moment.
“You don’t look affected by Yukirin and Mayu relationship… I guess this helped you move on… and Yukirin is not trying to play games and get you back, right?” Rino questioned in a serious manner. More serious and concentrated then ever before.
I nod my head a bit confused where is she going with this conversation as she’s just pointing out the obvious things. Also, the truth that I had a normal relationship with Yukirin (as normal as it can be between ex-girlfriends).
“So… considering all of that… and the reason why we started this fake relationship… I think this is a good time to end it…”
“I remember that I said that you can ask me anything and I will be by your side but… I think your problem is solved… so it is stupid to play these games without thinking about our future. Real relationships and so on…”
I bit my lip unsure what to say back to her as all of it did make sense. It made me feel…sad… but I know where is she going with these arguments. I just didn’t expect… that it might end so soon.
“Yes…I get it…”
I considered saying that I like this arrangement but that would be selfish wouldn’t it? Looking back at the situation… all of that was selfish. As she mentioned, Rino could have found the love of her life during that time while she stayed by my side.
I have all these feelings that I can’t even comprehend… I think people around me notice and comment on it more than I do (even Yukirin keeps giving weird hints about all of it and she’s the last person that I would expect to hear it from).
Lately, I feel like Rino is intentionally avoiding me… I’m not sure if I feel sad or angry about it. I don’t like it… but I’m not going to run and beg for attention. Especially when I don’t even know what I did wrong…
Sashihara Rino POV
Today… I ended this fake relationship.
Yesterday… I found myself in an awkward and unpleasant situation. It hurt and for that reason instead of waiting any longer I just left the place. I have never run as fast as I did yesterday.
Honestly, I never cried as long. I know that it is childish and stupid… I could have acted in a mature manner but maybe I act so abruptly and stupid because I cared so much.
I shouldn’t get ahead of myself and concentrate on addressing the issue, instead of telling what happened afterwards.
I got Rie’s address from Yukirin. Actually, Yuki gave it to me even though I didn’t even ask. Quoting her words ‘just returning the favor’.
I decided to go and have a normal conversation with Rie considering my rude behavior earlier. But when I got there… well its not Rie that opened the door.
I think I have seen this girl around the campus though I haven’t talked with her before. She stood there only in a towel and wet hair, smiling politely and questioning “yes? Can I help you?”
A bit confused I opened my mouth saying silently “Is Rie…living here?”
Suddenly the girl smiled brighter “Oh! Yes!”
“Yui? Did you put on my t-shirt again?” I heard a bit annoyed shout from the other room recognizing Rie’s voice almost instantly.
The girl whose name is Yui laugh loudly and answered “sorry! My bad! Oh and by the way… someone is here looking for you!”
I could hear these words but I was already getting away, running as fast as I could.
I’m not sure if I understood the situation correctly… but how else could I interpret it? Even with Rie not remembering about our night…I hoped that at least it meant more to her.
I simply realized that I have been fooling myself with this fake relationship. What’s the point if I’m only heartbroken in the end?
NO ONE’S POV (Same day; same situation)
Rie came to the room after hearing Yui’s answer and looked around a bit confused “you sure someone is looking for me?”
Yui didn’t get a chance to look back and did that only now seeing that the girl is not here anymore. “Mmm…well someone came and questioned if that’s your house…”
Yui closed the doors while Rie thought for few seconds “I have no idea who that might have been… I just hope that’s not some stalkers who plan to write more weird stories involving my personal life”.
“Oh yeah… we have read it few times”, Yui said while looking around. “And thanks for letting me shower at your place! I wonder when we will have hot water again… I hate all those construction works…”
Rie smiled in a friendly manner “no problem. When Paruru is taking you?”
“Oh…you just can’t wait until you can get rid of me! Well… after five or ten minutes actually… she’s a bit slow with her new driver license… just don’t tell her that… I might get a salty treatment if she hears that I badmouthed her driving”.
Rie stopped whatever she was doing for few seconds, considering the possibility, and at the same time smiling playfully “I’m pretty sure you’re the only one on who she’s not using her salty treatment. You can be calm with that”.
Yui shook her head “no no…her driving is a serious issue… she doesn't even agree to kiss in the car… her ‘relationship’ with that car is getting a little bit out of hand…”
Rie laughed while throwing Yui’s clothes at the girl who caught them in the air “I won’t tell. Just get dressed so she wouldn’t need to wait for longer than necessary, I know how you two just can’t stay away from each other”.
Sashihara Rino POV
Two more days after the whole ‘breaking up’ conversation I walked back home using a different route for a change and all of a sudden that same girl who I met just the other at Rie’s home ran my way with someone else next to her.
“Hey, weren’t you looking for Riechan’s home few days ago? She doesn’t look like someone who’s just looking for rumors, Paruru!”
The girl whose name is… well I’m pretty sure that’s a nickname, shrugged her shoulders without showing much of a care “I’m not the one who said that. Rie thoughts so”.
Because of this weird conversation happening in front me I asked out loud trying to get their attention “who are you people?”
“Oh… I’m Yui… this is my girlfriend Haruka… well her nickname is Paruru so everyone calls her like that… I lived with Rie during my first year… you know roommates situation, until I moved in with Paruru. But I’m not sure if that was such a good idea as there are so many constructions around us lately and I sometimes go to take shower at Riechan’s as she’s kind enough to let me in”.
“I don’t think that you need to tell our life story for a stranger”, Paruru commented in a bit tired and uninterested voice but at the same time smiled shortly after meeting her girlfriend’s eyes.
Yui nod her head almost instantly “right… oh… I don’t even know… who are you?”
A bit speechless by the fact that I came up with totally different conclusion after witnessing the scene few days ago I barely managed to speak up “Rino…but it doesn’t matter…”
I was about to leave as we actually didn’t have anything else in common but this Yui’s reaction surprised me even more. “Rino? Really? Wow! You should have said it from the start! I heard a lot about you! You even helped out Rie with that whole fake relationship, right? It’s a shame though as it was only fake and I can see that she wanted more… but the point is that… I heard a lot of good things about you”.
“Wait? Really?” I asked surprised as it was all new information to me.
“Yup… though… well maybe you should have told her about… you know… the fact that you slept together? Riechan got angry for few days… then she decided that she doesn't want to be angry at you anymore despite your reasons for hiding such important thing…”
Yui would have probably told even more but Paruru cough impatiently “that’s not something… you should tell to a stranger”
“But…she’s not a stranger. She’s Rino.”
“Just because you heard a lot about her doesn't mean that she’s not a stranger to you. Also, she looked like she was in a rush”.
I guess I kind of was… though hearing all of this… I really wanted to know more. At the same time I couldn't just ask freely. I have a feeling that Yui would have answered anything that I would have asked… but her girlfriend seems was on more practical side. They balance each other pretty well.
“Oh…sorry…for keeping you! Maybe we will see you around sometimes?” Yui asked hopefully and smiled in a friendly manner. I instantly decided that I like this one.
“Sure…” I smiled making peace with the fact that I won’t be hearing more on the story from Rie’s point of view.
We politely said that it was nice meeting each other and went into different directions. After this, I had a lot on my mind as Yui opened my eyes a little bit.
I got back home and heard Mayu and Yukirin laughing in the room. Those two just can’t get enough of each other. I went to the kitchen taking some food with myself and decided to head to my room, to think about everything and maybe watch some movie while eating.
While walking pass Mayu’s room I accidentally overheard Yukirin saying “If you promise that you don’t doubt me anymore… no matter what… I will tell you”
“Okay…I’m just curios, can you blame me?”
“Well no… I can understand it. I would be interested too if it was the other way around… honestly, one of the reasons…main reasons even… for our break up was Rino…”
I know I shouldn’t listen to personal conversations but after hearing my own name… I stopped in my tracks unable to move anymore.