I'm rewriting/remaking my old story that does not gonna exist anymore in other forms. In case that makes you uncomfortable though I'm taking full ownership of the story, I can simply suggest you reading other amazing fanfics on this forum!

(this is the second story that I'm rewriting and there might be one more... well these are actually my favorites). I'm not sure about this one outcome because I stop writing the story pretty much in the middle of the events so I want to finish it this time.
If you chose to read and enjoy this old story of mine, let's stay in touch

(if you have some questions, I'm also open to answer them). So here it is! Welcome to my mind from few years ago with some improvements of the present
I know I'm writing quite a lot fics at the moment but the truth about me is... that I'm either write a lot or nothing at all. Of course I prefer to write a lot if I have two of these choices.
I'm halfway there with this story so I guess just like 'Consequences' I will upload it weekly (or maybe more often).
MainSashihara Rino
Kitahara Rie
Kashiwagi Yuki
Watanabe Mayu
Supporting CharactersKuramochi Asuka
Takajo Aki
Yokoyama Yui
Shimazaki Haruka
Takahashi Minami
RinoRie, MaYuki.Side: YukiRie, Asuka/Aki, YuiParu.
Sometimes... new love - is the best thing that could happen to a person. Sometimes - with new love people find THE ONE.
Published: 2015-12-03 Completed: 2016-03-10 Words: 31.407
Chapter 1
Everything started at the party… does it mean it has to end the same way as well? When we turn one page and open the other we still leave a piece of ourselves in the past... but at the same time its an opportunity to move on. Moving on means finding new love. Surprisingly, in most cases, new love is just around the corner...
Sashihara Rino POV
“I have an idea!” I heard Mayu shouting from another room and sighed exasperatedly. This girl couldn’t stay calm even for one evening. All I wanted to do know was to lie in my bed, listen to some music and maybe watch one or two movies. Instead I will be drag out again because it was impossible to say no to her.
“What this time?” I asked angrier just to show her how I’m not into this. She just laugh as usual, that was our routine for the last four months since I move in with Mayu because her house was closer to my college.
I knew Mayuyu practically from my birth because our parents were friends. So we spend most of our childhood and then teenage years together. Now we even lived together and attended the same college which was insane.
“Remember Akicha? She invited me to a party tonight…and there is going to be that girl…you know… the one which name I don’t know but…” Mayu asked innocently which was kind of unusual sight that made me worried a bit.
“The one you have the biggest crush for about four months? Yes…I think I have heard about that unknown girl for few hundred times…”
Mayu bit her lip unconsciously “Yeah…well…she broke up with her girlfriend recently…so…We have to go there!”
“Akicha invited only you! Do I have to?” I asked still not impressed. Though happy for Mayu at the same time. Maybe at least now she will have a chance with the girl she likes? Single is better than taken, so of course everything is going in her favor.
“I need some moral support, Rino! Come on, move your oshiri!” not again with oshiri sign… o_o
Damn…why she has to be so demanding? Though this gets me going when I stood up and went closer to my closet searching for some decent clothes “Do I have to try hard?”
“There has to be someone in that party that you like! Come on! There has to be someone in this world you like!” I think about her words. Yes, there actually is…one girl that I have been noticing and we’re kind of close, well we do chat when we accidentally meet in college and we understand each other without much of explanation… it wouldn’t hurt to dress nicer. It wouldn’t hurt to go and try to have fun… I think…
Watanabe Mayu POV
I feel quite self-conscious even though I choose better clothes for this occasion I still looked out of the place with so many gorgeous people around me. I walked looking around, admiring the sight in front of me until I bumped into someone I haven’t noticed before ready to apologize but I got literally lost of words when I saw the same girl I have been crushing on for some time. She looked even more beautiful than she usually does. Just breathtaking.
She looked at me coldly and asked with disinterest “You need something?” I was trying to form words but I was trembling and just stared back at her.
Kashiwagi Yuki POV
I have no idea who this girl right in front of me is but she is probably one of many students in our college which I gave no attention to. She stared at me like she had the biggest crush on me and that was probably true. I mean I haven’t met her before…but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t noticed me.
She looked completely hypnotized and I was about to turn her down because I had no interest in other girls except Rie. Of course Rie broke up with me few days ago… but that’s not the point.
Rie and Me go back and forth and I have already got her back half a year ago when we had the same crisis like this time. Also, there has been a lot of ‘small’ break ups in between. So it’s not going to be any different. I noticed her glancing over at us and decided to play it ‘nice’ as I usually did.
The girl in front of me still couldn’t stop staring at me so now I reached my hand and put few of her stray hairs behind her ear smiling slightly this time asking in both polite and seductive manner “Do you need something?”
She gulped trying to form words and I gave her time, leaving my hand on her face which was probably not helping and looking at Rie at the same time. This was more like eye-sex for both of us and I smirked when she looked away knowing that I have already won.
I took my hand away from the girl in front of me and asked simply “Do you want me to show you around?”.
She nodded shortly and gulped again when I took her hand again walking away and showing the girl around as promised.
Sashihara Rino POV
I lost a sight of Rie which I have chatted just a minute ago. We met accidentally and she was smiling back at me but then she looked somewhere for few seconds. Maybe she was looking at her girlfriend? Well…ex girlfriend apparently.
I know Yukirin but I have never asked Rie about her. We usually talked about our hobbies, things we liked, adventures, music or college life.
So the thing was… after she noticed something her expression changed completely. I don’t know how or when and why everything happened so suddenly but she just walked away and I couldn’t stop her.
For about an hour I tried partying and searched for Rie or at least Mayuyu who was also lost for most part of the evening. I have no idea where both of them where (just like in that weird ‘where the girls at’ song) but I knew I have to find at least one of them.
Finally I noticed Rie standing near the bar but she was completely wasted and I hated the sight in front of me rushing closer to her and asking “Rie? What’s wrong?!” I grabbed her drink and push it away now taking her face in both of my hands “Did something happened?” I asked concerned and worried.
Though she looked at me at the same time she looked right pass me. I knew she wouldn’t tell me anything and the best thing I can do is take her home but I have no idea where she actually lived so I had no other choice just take her back to our (Mayuyu and mine) place.
Kitahara Rie POV
I knew exactly what Yukirin was doing and as hard as I tried not to show it I knew she understood that she got me. I was jealous and angry. I thought she would play it off for a while, she usual got bored with whoever she spend time with. I was the only exception. But she kept on dragging that girl with her, flashing her smile, touching her hand, showing her around. I saw when they went upstairs…
I didn’t like where it was going and decided to stop it running after them. I walked around disturbing few couples make out sessions when I opened doors to peek inside.
Then I opened one more door and looked at Yukirin and that girl. Well I actually saw only the back of that girl but I could see Yukirin clearly.
She probably whipped that girl around her little finger and was now leaning closer. The girl didn’t hear the doors but Yukirin did and looked directly at me smirking slightly and didn’t stop leaning closer.
I immediately turned around and walked out of there. I have no idea if she continued to do what she was doing but I all could think about was alcohol. So I did what I do best. I got completely wasted.
Watanabe Mayu POV
I still try to understand what is happening around me. I can’t think straight. And I am straight. I mean…I knew about my crush for this Yukirin but all girls have girl crushes right? All I could feel is this tingling feeling all over my body.
Her hand in my hand. She dragged me around as if showing me off. Like I’m her girlfriend but I can’t remember any of those people’s names and next thing I know is that Yukirin is dragging me upstairs. Isn’t that’s there were couples go to make out?
But I have no time to think about it or protest, though I probably wouldn’t.
Her lips looks really inviting, when she closes the door behind us and comes closer to me. Now she faces me and leans EVEN closer whispering asking simply “What’s your name?”
Only know I realized I haven’t even introduced myself. To my surprised I managed to answer to this question without stuttering “Mayu. You can call me Mayuyu” and looked at her expectantly. After a second so so she leans in even closer and I forget anything apart from this moment in time.
Her lips almost touches mine but then I hear the door being smashed when someone probably wanted to come inside but saw us here. Yukirin pulls back looking me up and down and smiling shortly “That was interesting” stating finally as if summing up this whole evening experience while I still have no idea what is happening.
Sashihara Rino POV
I forgot all about Mayuyu. She’s a big girl.She can take care of herself, right?
Now my only worry is Rie who’s clinging into me tighter by a second. She murmurs something near my neck which makes me shiver but I try to push all these thoughts aside.
Fortunately I haven’t drunken anything so I can drive us both home. My home. Wow…I have never imagined Rie coming to my place.
She’s too drunk to do anything so I have no other option but to take care the matter in my own hands. I practically carry her inside in bridal style which is unusual for me and Rie’s hands around my neck isn’t helping because she’s trying to get closer every time she gets the chance.
I decide to do what always helps me when I’m drunk and take her to cold shower.
That’s not the best idea because the second cold water touches Rie she starts screaming and pulls me inside as well and I’m not too happy about this but I forgot about cold as being so close to Rie makes me really hot.
I think I feel myself sweating though I’m standing under cold water. Rie hugs me really tightly around my waist and leans closer whispering something I couldn’t quite make out.
I am not sure if that’s my name or if she’s trying to say something. I try leaning closer just to hear what Rie has to say but she uses the situation and kisses me.
Rie kisses me and all I instantly kiss back without thinking. I know I shouldn’t do any of this because she’s really drunk and she might not even remember anything but I guess I can’t think clearly with her lips on my lips and her hands grabbing me harder and punching me to the shower wall.
I moan because of the aggressiveness and pull her closer as well. I know I might regret it… no… I mean I for sure know I will regret this next day. But the hell with this. I can’t do anything except kissing Rie and letting her do everything with me and when I say everything. I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.