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Author Topic: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~ [Chapter 3: Otsukaharute..? || 4/6/13]  (Read 4097 times)

Offline Angel Asuka

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Hi, I'm an old reader of the forum, Reinai lover  :wub:, but never put any of my fics by the fact that I speak Spanish (my english is soo bad  :bleed eyes:) and use Google translator to say something here.
Now I encourage you to put one of those who did, forgive if you have any drafting error, the translator able to translate half bad.

Hope you like it :D

Enjoy ♥

~|| Click on the image to go the desired chapter ||~


*Trasfer the chapter 1 in the nexts post >,<, i'm think its more organized
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 06:52:19 AM by Angel Asuka »

Offline H!PShipper

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 03:02:48 AM »
Mira, yo hablo ingles y español, Traté de leer tu fic y se me izo muy difícil. Pero se ve que es buena historia asi que te propongo algo, si quieres deja que yo te traduzca tu fic a ingles para que todos podamos disfrutarla (=^・^=) lol Usando google translate no te va a ayudar mucho. Ahi me dices okay? Por cierto, Buen trabajo!

Offline Angel Asuka

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 06:05:20 AM »
waaa siii, me ayudarias con eso? >,<!! espero no ser de mucha carga D:!!! Si el traductor de google suele ser bastante malo ajajja.
Muchas gracias!! *o*

*Trasfer the chapter 1 in this post >,<, i'm think its more organized



Two girls are lying naked on a bed, the window let the light of the moon which illuminates a section of the room and you can hear the rain falling heavily outside the room.

One of them was still awake and stroking gently his beloved bangs, a look of tenderness came out of his eyes and his smile showed how happy he was.

- You're so cute ... I never thought it would end like this ...
- ... Was the best night of my life - I mutter to herself and slowly was dozing to fall into a deep sleep

The moon looked to grow a new love between these two girls who were embraced.


3 Months before ...

-MADE THE MATURE! And I DO NOT TALK SO AI!  - Risa saying this goes to her room and slams to show their anger
-This girl .. - I said clutching his forehead ...

2 years ago I'm living with my cousin Risa, I began my work as a model in Fukui five years ago as an agency called me from Tokyo came to live here, before I lived with my uncles and their children, if Risa is a brother of 9 years, she is 17, and I 23, for work reasons they moved to Fukui to my grandmother, Risa is as stubborn as he stayed in Tokyo and we are living together.

I know nothing about his life, I do not mind that happens or is going to do, she just comes out and not let me know anything, sometimes you hear sobs from his room and when I ask who's wrong or just not me screaming conesta that is not my importance, but I do care ... not even if you have friends, never brings any here .. before our relationship was good, I remember when we started treating us well ...

"Ringgggggggggggggggggggggggggg ringggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"

- Who could play so the door?  - Ask and went to meet

A little girl with pigtails was in the hallway, I had a kitten cute face but also evil, their clothing announcing his character, had a yankee style, never before seen anything like in a girl. The surprised look from head to toe analyzing it

- I'll keep looking???
- Ah! Sorry, looking for someone?
- And if! do not come to ask for anything ... - Is rude... - This Risa?
- Sisi, as I call it, happens nn - try to get my best smile but I dropped this little bad ... Risa friend had to be ..

The small entered the room and sat in one of the chairs comfortably.

- "Knock knock" Risa? a friend of yours is here
-LIAR, YOU WANT TO LEAVE THE PART! AI stop bothering me! - Felt it would explode and was about to cry until I felt the presence of someone beside me, I turned around, startled by the surprise to see that the little girl was right behind me

- STOP LAUGHING MAKE YOU BAD AND VENI to greet me!!!!!! - The door opened and my cousin quickly threw the little girl and both fell to the ground

- Tsk! Because you're always so euphoric?
- REINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! - Risa embraced increasingly strong Reina
- DO NOT WANT! ? - Risa kissed cheeks of Reina, Ai to see all this commotion'm shocked

- Do not yell IN ODIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - gravely intone hate Risa, this hit a jump through the hassle
- No you would have to have done that bad!!
- I told you whith - Reina shook his clothes as if he had fallen on the ground
- Since when you're here??? - Ask Risa
- Since this morning, I'm staying to live in Tokyo!
- HONTOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!??????? -Risa's Face was indescribable happiness of
- Yes, the GREAT REINA - above egocentric ...
-  ..............
- YEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - Risa slowly raised his index finger and said - Reina Ichiban back!!!
- And if uu, I'll never be niiban!
- Lose!, come come we will catch up on you?? - Risa grabbed her hand and dragged Reina to his room and turned to close the door but this time gently -

- Reina? .. Risa? .... Risa happy? - I was totally confused


In part Risa

- Where do you live? How are you? So when you run? Seguis engaged to Aika? And Airi like this?
- The dog ask .... well thanks
- Right! Pono right??
- Calm down Risa question to once ...
- Good good, where you live?
- A two-story here, in the 10th A
- USOOO! Above we live in the same building!! that good!  And aika?
- The leave before I came ....
- D: .. how are you??? - I notice in her friend Risa sadness to say his last words
- Y masomenos ... really wanted but had to leave .. - Reina lowered her head and started playing with his fingers, his whole yankee actictud was over at that point
- Why? "Is that I have to ask, Reina's wrong but I want to know why" Reina?
- Because I came to live here .. we could not keep distance relationship and more by the way things were ... I'd rather not talk about this topic ... - A tear will be showed on the face of Reina. Risa ran his hand over his face to get the tear and gave him an encouraging smile

- Do not worry! everything will be okay..
- And how are you with Eri? - Risa put on a serious face, which already informed Reina was not very good what came
- I asked him to formalizaramos and to tell their friends at least we're dating
- It is still hiding?
- If .. We went over a year ago and hides, do not accept .. - Risa started talking louder, it showed his annoyance regarding Eri deciciones
- You have to give more time .. is difficult ... and but for a girl like her
- Up since asked him to formalizaramos not talked and I spent two weeks!
- Do not force Risa ... - Risa lowered his head and hugged tightly to Reina -
- Do not know how much I needed friend ..
- I know, all I need uu - Reina achievement with his words get a laugh Risa

- Buenoo not talk about these issues better, I have thirst! bring me something to drink?? - Reina pointed to the door
- No! This my cousin ... not want to see - said angrily looking to the other side
- Oh how wrong they take?
- YES! It is a busybody
- Well .. if you say so .. - Reina got up from the bed laughing and walked to the door
- Where are you going?
- If you do not bring me water I have to go find me or not?

In saying this last Reina left the room in search of the fridge, to go through the dining room was found Risa's cousin lying on one of the chairs, was asleep with a magazine in his hands, with a picture of her in the cover. This caught the attention of Reina, approached and took the magazine from her hands.

- Takahashi Ai, Top Model .. with that model eh? who would say that Risa would have a premium model ..
- Ummm ~ - Ai turned this freak Reina who hit a jump to back making him fall to the ground, got up quickly embracing the magazine.

- Where will be the fridge? - Looked around - Ah! There it is!

Reina ran quickly toward the refrigerator, opening it came with all kinds of food, sweets more than anything, dietary food, beverages of all kinds and without hesitation took the energy drink you like so much and a chocolate dessert that was in the first shelf of the fridge, I had a strawberry cream on top and giving a finishing touch. Reina is headed back to the room of Risa with his loot in his hands.

- ~ Mmmm that rich is this! - Spoke with the spoon in her mouth
- Hmm? Ai? .. let me eat it ..
- Really? - Risa surprised that his cousin never failed to eat their candy
- If ..
- Strange ...
- Aja ... - Reina was still talking with the spoon in his mouth - to school going? so I join the same
- A! going to be partners! I go to Sakura Tokyo School
- Poy Mapana going to inshipirme
- Take off the spoon to speak!!!
- NOOO I WANT! - Risa grabbed the spoon from the mouth of Reina and started forcejar until the sack of force to get it out Risa did use to throw what was left of the cake in her bed

Reina rose from the bed Risa, ofenza gestured to her friend and left the room and the department.

- Oh this Reina ... I missed her - said as a smile formed on his face - Waaa on that floor said lived!?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
- STOP SHOUTING RISAAAAAAAAAAA - ai's voice was heard throughout the building
- STOP SHOUTING! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ..........

- IT'S LATE STOP SHOUTING! - A voice was heard departemento proviniente below, both girls will automatically invaded shame and got redder than a tomato
- GOMENASAII! - Said in unison bonuses

Risa looked at the clock that was on his bedside table, this marked as 2 in the morning, Risa's surprise was so great that only managed to open his mouth wide.

- USOO USOOOOOOOOOO! in that moment happened so fast the time!?! - He asked, waving his hands clock
- KAMO KAMO KAMO ~ -'s cell phone rang while she was still laughing rebuking the clock
- KAMO KAMO ... - Risa to listen Kamo turned quickly but I'm late, the phone had stopped ringing. I look at the phone display to see who had called and to his surprise ...
- Eririn ........ - I murmur, and a sad look showed his face


I have no strength to fight Ai now, please do not you fight me .. not yell at me now ... what should I do? ... I can not call it .. or if? ... what should I do? - Risa wrapped in thought strongly embrace his cell phone and his tears began to flow from his eyes, in this furiously Ai door opens the room.

- RI ... - Ai never seen so her cousin, her face completely transform evil to one of concern, its little cousin was crying sitting on the edge of the bed. Without hesitation Ai approached her and hugged her tightly, his embrace Risa responded to the surprise of Ai
- Whatever happens to you Laugh, I care, I can not see you like ..
- Do not want to talk - Risa muttered as he put his face over the neck of Ai. She just replied accepting the silence of his cousin and continuing the embrace. After twenty minutes felt Risa Ai was already asleep on his chest, Ai the accommodation in bed and cover my

- You're so sweet and tender ... ami because you treat me wrong? ... - Saying this last came and kissed him on the forehead wishing him good night and retired from the piece of Risa leaving her alone in the darkness of night.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 08:34:46 PM by Angel Asuka »

Offline H!PShipper

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 08:04:23 PM »
No es nada, mandame el original por mensaje privado y yo te lo traduzco (^_^)v

Offline xepher416

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2013, 06:06:46 AM »
Cant wait to read more.

Sig by Hoot

Offline Angel Asuka

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2013, 07:59:34 PM »
Hello! :D sorry for the delay >,< and thanks for the "thanks"  :wub:


I get up mean dizzy... insurance was this dessert I ate in the Risa's department was very rich, but I should not eat chocolate... not cake... hate this disease.

Already step 1 year since q I was diagnosed with diabetes, is not a very bad disease, but I have to take good care of the meals, reason why my mother didn't want to live alone in Tokyo, to know that I do not care, but he managed to convince her, and I don't care. Total that can affect me? TSK...

-AHHH ~-stretch my arms stretch me as she prepared me a coffee, TV was turned on in the news channel, just it was 8 o'clock in the morning and was already awake

-Fukuoka had more things to do... now I get up early to Vice...

Reina turned and I look at the park that was in front of the building, this was full of children and...

-Ai?... mmm a nice victim - quickly take my coffee and headed towards the Park, where the cute Risa cousin

-Ja ~ insurance is going to bother if do you something to your cousin...

Continuous Reina your stalking towards Ai, which was sitting on a bench watching the children play, one of those children stumbled a rock causing it to fall close to Ai. Quickly rose from the bench and helped a child who was crying, Ai caressed his head and gave her a palette.

-AWWW that tender - said Reina as I watched Ai affectionately with his hands on his face - Reina CONCENTRATE in your evil PLAN! -slap back to reality

-OTSUKAREINAAA! -I replied Reina in cheerfully

-Eh? - Ai quickly turned appearing in his sight the little kitten but this time his attire wasn't as yankee as yesterday - AH! Are you... Reina not?

-HAI! WATASHI HAS TANAKA REINA DESU! YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASUU! - the yankee as usual reverence towards

-Ah! My manners, excuse me, I am Takahashi Ai a pleasure meeting you - performed the same Act that prevails in doing reverence

Reina sat comfortably on the bench stretching her arms in the entire back, Ai returned to sit on the bench and both girls were silent.

-Etto ne! Do I saw you're model... you like it?

-Yes, it's nice to represent great designer clothes and is an honor to be chosen by them

-Amm... I see.. -Reina settle on bench by turning his head towards Ai - and you got no fans or things as well? It must be ugly to have many people chasing after you

-ja - I burst into a small laugh - you see someone chasing me?, I'm not an Idol -

The small yankee look to the other side, it seems that Reina saw someone known-

-O go! If I see a turtle walking - if you saw someone you know

-EE? -The girl we see quickly, but his gaze became Reina, who it will be?

-REINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! -Another one that jumped you over... still seems to me a rude this Reina...


-REEEEEIIIIIII - the shout of the turtle was cut by Reina

-Well it is already sufficient Eri...

-Step long Reina! As you have been? And Aika? do-winking you eye, because you would? - And Airi?

-These same as Risa--to say this Eri left over Reina looking to the other side-... Don't be so sneaky Eri - it seems that it is known to Risa...

-Year... sumimasen...  - Ai achievement attract the attention of the two minors who were observing her waiting to continue talking about - you're friend of Risa?

- E - if said Eri as his lips contracted at the end of the word - Ai takahashi knows RISA? I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! -Eri eyes shone as if Ai were a great movie star-

-Actually... - the voice of Reina short what would say Ai

-From when you know your super models? -He said Reina to her friend who spent a childhood together, had separated makes enough and did not know the change of Eri

-UFF as not knowing it! Always out in the Fashion Stream! Modeling clothes very kawaii! To have any of their poster in my room!

-Wao Eri are all a fan of Ai - he said the yankee in a tone of mockery

-Don't be bad Reina - gave it a slight nudge in the ribs - enough with that laugh want me shooting photos of Takahashi-san, I have...

-Risa is so jealous - again ON burlesque mode


AI was watching without understanding what the two girls talked about... Risa does not want to speak of my... I'm an embarrassment to her. The face of Ai increasingly was becoming more and more sad feelings through his mind.

-Look what you did Reina for you fault Takahashi-san is in this way - Eri pushed Reina of place accommodating next to Ai caressing him head - do not be evil, Reina is so bad...


-LOOKS LIKE THIS IS YOUR FAULT! -turned to look at Ai - don't listen it Takahashi-san...

-If you'll be taking advantage of AI, your turtle

-Perhaps these jealous Reina?

-I JEALOUS? TSK... - Reina turned to the other side while Ai returned to reality, realizing that Eri had one of his hands over his head... -

-Year... sumimasen, I gotta go - he said the supermodel gently removing the hand of Eri from her head -

-These well? -I ask the little girl looking penalty to Ai-

-Yes, do not worry, thanks

To say this latest Ai retired Park heading towards his apartment, both girls followed her with the view until it came to the elevator

-Kawaiii, ne?

-Tsk... ERI... gotta talk to you - said Reina looking seriously at the tortoise-

-Risa is not?

Bend over my head before saying it, I knew that I would speak of it... Reina and Risa are very good friends. They met them when entering primary school, Risa was a little cheeked girl, it still is but then was mocked for it, Reina always defended it, seemed a little more, it is at the beginning I thought that Reina was a male by his court little mushroom which had at that time, when you had very afraidI was always fighting and hitting other children to children of more advanced degrees, had no fear of anything. The first few days pass unnoticed, it was very shy at the time and it cost me much do friends, but I was alone all day, until a featureless day Reina and Risa approached me...

Flashback [see Eri]...


Listen to while he was drawing flowers in my notebook, was normal to listen Hello and than for me, many times I turned with a smile and ended up waving to someone else and I died of shame, is more looked at me weird.

-Hello? Is there anyone there?

Do they repeated back... will be for me? slightly raise the view and the little cheeked girl was resting on my Bank looking at me

-... Hello

I said timidly making a small bow with head

- My name is  Niigaki Risa and yours?

That kind...

-Kamei Eri yoroshiku onegaishimasu

-Yoroshiku! Would you like to be my friend?

E?... her friend?... her friend is... Reina...

-Today my friend did not come and I do not want to be alone

-Well... but your friend... year...

-Reina? It is very good, it is going to fall well

From that moment we were together all day brought meal rich, I remember it well, since that started living single lunches were not very rich...

A week when Reina returned, I was alone with her, my mother worked the morning so took me very early to school and Reina was also early that day.

-Hello, my name is Eri Kamei yoroshiku onegaishimasu

She look at me with curiosity, was afraid at that time, much...

-Hello... Reina Tanaka desu!

Since that day we became best friends, and Reina we always defended, I remember when it was that he began to like me laugh but Reina always us ah helped in our conflicts


-If, on Risa...

A silent hug both girls who were still in the Park

-Comment I of formalization that you asked...

- ....

-Is that it is difficult for you, but if you really want to laugh as your girlfriend have to do it... think again - Reina toco shoulder Eri giving encouragement and without saying anything else headed for your Department

-Thank you Reina... you always understand when I want my place...
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 08:36:58 PM by Angel Asuka »

Offline InvinciblePurple

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~ [Chapter 2: Memories || 31/5/13]
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2013, 06:10:21 AM »
Hm. Normally, I'm not that big of a ReinAi or GakiKame fan(I'm all about TakaGaki and TanaKame, man!), but it's canceled out by the fact that I just adore gorokkie stories.

This is a promising stsrt. I'll have to check out the next chapter.

I also noticed that Aika was a art of the main picture. A fifth wheel perhaps?

Offline Angel Asuka

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Re: Sweet Melodies ~ Reinai/Gakikame~ [Chapter 2: Memories || 31/5/13]
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2013, 06:37:55 AM »
InvinciblePurple: Thanks for read *o*!! I hope you like the fic ♥ and Reinai :D!. Yes, Aika appears after  :twisted:


CHAPTER 3-. O T S U K A H A R U T E . . .  ?

- AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - pull my hands out of bed to grab the clock -
- Whaaat??? the 1!???? noooo I fell asleep! Handball had to go!

I got out of bed rendered to lose my first day of handball, walking to the dining room table was set but no sign of my cousin, while I was changing to go to school rang my door

- WHO ESS?? - Scream for my voice trail through the department
- OTSUKAREINAA! - Quickly went to the door giving me my little friend, well we have almost the same height but for me it is always the small

- Let? - She was already dressed in his uniform and me ... with only the top and pajama bottoms ..
- Wait and let me change yourself comfortable - check one of the chairs
- Ok!
- I quick change!
- Hurry!

I stood alone in the dining room of his apartment and saw something very tempting, Risa's phone .. You must have the number of his cousin .. My evil plan must continue. Risa Grasp cell and began to dig their contacts, until .. "Ai ¬ ¬", that is obvious ... I continued to take my phone out of my purse and schedule the number

- Yatta! jojo - I muttered to my

- I'm, shall we?
- Hai! - While I was with a evil smile on my face, Risa's go unnoticed and headed way to school.

As we walked we passed several shops talking about little things, I saw a meat restaurant ... jojo and I will go there. When we started to get closer to school Risa greeted many people, it's not like before only talked to me and Eri. I feel like I'm going to bore you much ...

- Sit here! - He pointed an empty seat behind it
- Hai!

Once seated and Risa turned to watch me and my new colleagues came and settled into their chairs. But there was an empty seat next to me was curious Risa

- Kame is not? - Point
- E? .. - Look at his side - if .. is it ..
- Yesterday I saw ..
- What? Seriously?? How are you??
- Mmm nose .. speak little, is a stalker of your cousin jojojo
- Oh yeah .. is very fan of Ai. In his piece has a life-size poster ...
- Hah, I will change for your cousin jojojoo!
- SHUT UP REINA! - Saying this hit me with her handbag
- Itai! It hurts hurts, bad! That, it was not in your department?
- He works hard, he spends away from home all day .. That also you're interested Ai? - Said approaching me, I could not help myself red
- Tsk, as you think! No u.ú. ..
- Mmmmmm

- Guys! - Entered the teacher, we all foot and made a bow to the group. He looked at me and call me with your hand, go ahead of all my peers.
- Today our course joins a new partner, his name is Tanaka Reina, be nice to her
- Yoroshiku onegaishimasu - I showing my respect that I have for now, to my colleagues, they performed the same act and I sat down at my bank.

The class passed boringly, while playing with my phone and then I remembered something .. I have a new number. I wrote a new message: Hello Ai! How are you??. Time was passing and there was no answer from the number you had sent the message .... was playing a game of cars and startled because I suddenly began to vibrate the cell. A new message received .. Ai .. My fingers were quick to open the message and let see the letters on the screen: Who are you?. If it were me, would not answer to a strange number ...

I thought of different lies to tell and came to my mind one guy I spoke Gaki, a friend of the family that now was abroad, precisely in the United States, known for a long time and he is married, a good camouflage, but as it was his name? ... mmm ... haru ... haru .. HARUTE! I remembered the name immediately answered: I Harute! so long Ai-chan!

A few moments passed and he replied: Hi Haruto! if not quite for you, like this happening in the United States??

... It was haruto .. lucky that he did not notice ... Like just confused me a letter "Okay, it's a different pace of life, weird Japan .. And you Ai-chan's work? Work a lot, ne?"

As I sent the message, another came into my box: "Sorry, I have to go back to work, then we'll talk if? Bye Bye!"

Ooo ... I'm bored in class again ....


The flashes are coming out of the camera .. and I smile ..

Fake a smile for the cameras I always, before doing this I liked donot when was that I lost the taste to be a model, and everything is monotonous. I stand before the camera, sediment, smile, flash and so continuously until I say "Owarimashita! Dome".

Every day is the same, I have no life of their own, set, cameras, dressing ... Now something new, theater, rehearsing all the time, I can not say I'm bored because I live working without rest, but still something missing, an element that fills me, that makes me feel alive, I feel warm ... Who knew that my "wish" would be fulfilled in the rest ..

- Owarimashita! Domo!
- Domo!

I headed to the locker room to use the next outfit, this was cooler, the former was for a perfume campaign, wore a smart suit, a black dress and long and now would use a short with a loose shirt for apparel brand which model 1 year.

I had already changed and still did not call me for the session so I opened my bag and pulled out my phone, was 6 messages, I opened one by one.

Message 1: Changes the time trial tomorrow, not going to be at 16:00 but at 18:00. The hope. "Staff"

That's good, I'll be able to rest a little ...

2nd Post: Ai! I have not got together, I know some of you friend!. "Rima"

It is true! "Rima! When you are less busy agenda so you notice one of these days we go out for a drink!"

Work with Rima above and we became good friends, must be my only friend model .. Will what is ..

3rd Post: Takahashi-san when you finish a session where these go to my office. Manager

I answered with a simple "Ok" ..

4th Post: Ai chan! Remember to say hello to your father for his birthday tomorrow. We will do well to greet him ...

"Thanks mom for letting me know, I forgot, I'm going to schedule"

5th Message: Access to the benefits of your company ... * Deleted *

These messages of companies I have tired ....

6th Message: Hi Ai! How are you??. Unknown number.

E? who will?, look for the set and were still other models .. so I said .. "Who are you?". After a few minutes until I said that unknown number.

"I'm Harute! So long ai-chan!"

E? Harute? .. must be Haruto, it sure confused letter.

I felt a warmth running through my body when I read his name, I always liked, since childhood. He's a friend of my father, was his partner despite being about 10 years younger and from that moment on very well.

I always found attractive and is the nicest person in the world when I fell I put a bandage and gave me a lollipop to stop mourn.
It was my first love and still is but this married ...

"Hello Haruto! If not quite from you, such as these going on in America?"

- Takahashi Ai the set!! - Right now I come knocking!!
- Hai! - I said smiling while on the inside I was furious

Take the last few seconds I had to warn Haruto I can not keep talking to the .. not want to sound harsh .. but want to talk with the ... So maybe this is the best thing that I can say:

"Sorry, I have to go back to work, then we'll talk if? Bye Bye!"

Keep my phone in my bag and left with a smile from ear to ear when set, this must be the first time in a while that my smile is real ...

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