Morning Musume dream today. As he. In spring, the first starring film "Atsuhime No. 1" will release, most recent photos will be released Songs. 12 years from his debut -. Became 27 years old, she has grown into the inner surface of an adult woman, apparently, was expressed exhaustively all the charm. Such as dresses and swimsuits range now also more daring costumes. I put his own thoughts on this work in person again, "Flower Heart" was the title of. (Making with DVD)
ワニブックス 通販限定企画!ワニブックス通販特典プレミアム企画!!!!!このページから下記期間内にご注文のお客様には『ワニブックス通販限定印画紙素材ポストカード2枚セット』をプレゼント!!もちろんワニブックス通販ではおなじみの『抽選でご当選者お名前入りサイン本』の特典も健在☆今回も石川梨華さんから特別に写真集発売を記念して「ご当選者の名前入りサイン本」を提供していただくことになりました!! サイン本が当たるラッキーな方は30名となります!!特典一覧特典1 印画紙素材ポストカード(2枚)特典2 抽選で30名様に『ご当選者お名前入りサイン本』上記特典の対象期間は2012年1月18日(水)ご注文分までとさせていただきます。
I saw the pic on Tru's FB best moment of the day.
RIKA SO PURDY! So white and angelic (okay, and a smidge sexy too ) I can't wait to see wanibook special cover and more previews! @Magnus el rojo: You can pre-order it! Links in dai's first post of this thread! OR you can wait for it to appear on YAJ and grab it off there (I'll probably be doing that xD).