It's Christmas Eve. That means time for me to catch up on all the things I owe you!
Let's start with the review for this year-old baby
First of all, I would be over the moon if we get regular Sathday updates again but knowing how real life likes to get in the way of writing, I'll be more than happy to see another update from you anytime
I sense sexual tension the moment Mayu entered the makeup room! Yukirin, you just want to have the little cyborg close to you all day and night when you suggested that she stayed at the nightclub, don't you? And you are secretly worried about Mayuyu travelling to and fro the club alone in the Outer City
(I'm getting Burst Angel vibes with the idea of an Outer City.) And, and were you undressing the young one with your eyes?
Seriously, sexual tension is always at an all time high with these two. Next stage: Eyesex!
Takaman doing manual work is so fitting
I'm sorry but I just can't imagine her being a hostess. Just... too... manly
Meetan's nicknames for our champion midget are simply awesome. "Fun-sized" in particular strikes a chord with me as that was what one of my friends used to describe herself
As for Yuko, man, that girl is pure win as expected with her crazy nonsense! That boy-in-the-girls'-room joke was so Oshima-style humour
Poor Takaman though... always the butt of all jokes. Then we get more OMG-they-didn't nicknames courtesy of Yuko. Seriously, UST-kun is genius! Unlimited possibilities and combinations!
“The first time they ignored me… This time, I think some people were avoiding me,”
I burst a vein when I read that. HAHAHAHA! Takaman is cute when she is her usual dorky self but girly cute is just
NO or sexy lady... pfft... next please! At least they finally settled for a more suitable fierce badass look for the resident girl-man. Just yeah, no roar. Pfft... *laughs like Yuko*
On a more serious note, I like the stark contrast in personalities between the two newbies Takamina and Mayuyu. Though both joined at the same time, it's obvious that the paths they are going to take are going to be very different. Takamina is easy to read and transparent like a glass panel yet Mayuyu seems a lot more contemplative and secretive. Add Mayuyu to Yukirin and we've got a whole bag of head-scratching question marks. And look, it's already begun with the death of Kitagawa Kenji. Who is he? (I haven't been following NMB48's releases recently so I got to personally look up the English translation of the song to search for any clues to his identity.) Could he be Yukirin's old flame or customer? Is she involved in his "accidental" death? And why does Mayuyu seem concerned with the news regarding his passing? Does she know him too? Gosh, I'm so intrigued with the set-up you have provided and am dying to see more bits of info being revealed.
As usual, great writing (love the detailed descriptions that hint at the characters' thoughts and feelings) and witty dialogues from you. I can't ask for more except for the next update
And it's been a pleasure to live through doom's day with you and the lovely ladies at Yoru no Chouchou