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Author Topic: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XXVIII || 101218]  (Read 52449 times)

Offline wakasama__

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter X.5 || 081216]
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2016, 06:40:45 AM »
hello author-san :wave: finally new chapt

I do not know what should I write. this is very sadly. her life really complicated :mon cry:

hm.. did you skip a lovely part about nanamai? I meant when they were become a couple for the first time or maybe I forgot that you had been mention it  :nervous :D but don't mind I'm just asking :lol:

I want to know more what has happened..

update soon author-san :)

Offline weirdasspotatoe

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter X.5 || 081216]
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2016, 11:42:16 AM »
I swear this gets super duper interesting haha.
It's really sad to hear Maiyan's story and it is sadder to see her condition now. If only her father would as much as appreciate what she wants to pursue. Thank you for the update author-san! In the meantime I would be patiently waiting for the next update and it would be nice to see a bit of a MaiNana flashback before this accident somewhere in the future chapters haha. Keep up the awesome work!  :twothumbs

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter X.5 || 081216]
« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2016, 10:50:29 PM »
Softball Maiyan never gets old  :yep:
I can understand her jealousy, Iku-chan really is something else.
IkuMai sisters supporting each other is  :luvluv2:

I had a feeling Maiyan’s past gonna be like this. Poor Maiyan, she’s just trying to find herself and where she belongs.
Why do I get the feeling her father was the one who sabotaged the whole thing so Maiyan can’t get the role?
I suppose what made everything worsen was she was doing everything by herself even though she has Naachan by her side. But I doubt with her personality/stubbornness she would ask anyone for help let alone her own girlfriend.

I’m blaming all this mess on Maiyan’s father!! (Not really) But in a way, I can see some Maiyan in him. Like how both of them decided what’s best for the other without actually talking to others involved who will directly/indirectly be impacted by their decision. Her father wanted her to follow his lead for a better life, while Maiyan kept everything to herself for not wanting to drag anyone down with her. All good intentions with bad results, sigh…
I do hope she learned from the past because right now she has so many people who care for her.
And now Maiyan also got what she wished for, no feelings  :depressed:

Anyway, important question: where can I get a gf like Naachan?  XD

Of course everyone wants Maiyan. How could they not want such a goddess?
I’m up for all kinds of WakaNanaRei as long as it’s not angsty (we have them in real life already) lol
I wish there’s real petitions  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2016, 11:40:35 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline finiarel

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Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XI || 291216]
« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2016, 12:53:02 PM »

“It was my own decision to accept the procedure. As a matter of fact, I was actually the one who asked for it in the first place.”

“Shiraishi-san, in my opinion, this doesn’t make any sense,” the woman in front of her sighed, her fingers lightly tapped the document under her right hand, “why would you want to be in pain? Are you aware that with this kind of procedure you’re only an inch away from death?”

“Yes, I am aware of that. The project leader herself have told me the whole thing beforehand. But at the moment, this is considerably the most effective thing to lure my feelings to come back. Hence, I am taking the risk.”

“You know Shiraishi-san, this is not the only way. The government is willing to help, we want to find another way for you, yet we can’t because the company doesn’t want to let us join the project.”

For a moment their eyes locked into each other, Shiraishi is trying to read the person in front of her which has an expression that shows sympathy and widening eyes that make her looks trustworthy. Shiraishi averted her gaze to the fancy looking board of the meeting room that she’s currently in.

“That’s Nogizaka decision, I have no control over it.”

Thinking that the subject in front of her is finally contemplating about her condition Akimoto Manatsu put on her best smile before saying, “But you’re still a person, Shiraishi-san. You have a control over yourself. Which is why I offer you a chance to have us- the government to independently work on you.”

Shiraishi is trying her best not to sigh upon the offer because before she even entered the room, Hashimoto has already explained several things to her. Including how the government would be offering to take her case independently and what they are actually going to do if she accepts the offer, “I am sorry but I am saying no.”

“We also have resources and have prepared a special team to handle your case, they have also come up with several methods that might work to improve your condition. You see, we think that maybe what could help you the most is to let you go back to normal human life, while we are still going to put you under observation you could do things that you actually want to do which in my opinion is much better than stuck in a building like how you are right now,” she tried to persuade her.

“It does sound good, it is, but I’m still going to say no. Sorry.”

“May I know why?” the woman smile for a slight second turn into a frown.

“Because Nogizaka is my family company and I trust them. Sorry to say this but I trust them more than I trust any other place- including the government.”

“Shiraishi-san, isn’t your reason a bit biased? Let’s think rationally here, you know that our method is better but you’re still sticking to Nogizaka because it belongs to your family.”

Shiraishi inspected the woman in front of her, she’s still young probably younger than her but the way she tried to persuade her is really something else. The way she talks is similar to something that she used to see in her father business talks. Back then that kind of talking method could easily get on her nerves.

“Akimoto-san, was it?” she waited for the other person to nod in confirmation before continuing, “there’s something that I would like to know. What’s in it for you guys?”

“I’m sorry? I don’t understand what you mean.”

Shiraishi raised her eyebrows, if only her emotion is functioning properly she probably would have laughed by now, “I technically grown up around the world of business so I understand how people works. When it comes to a project like this, there have to be something that you guys wants in return. From the first time we start this talk you haven’t mentioned it even once. I could say that I think you’re trying to hide that from me. I’m sorry but I can’t trust that kind of method.”

The woman in front of her seems to be taken aback upon the explanation, she probably had not expected her to think that far.

“We also want the same thing with this company, we think if we could help your problem we could start saving the others who’s still laying on the bed in a vegetable state. It wasn’t my intention to keep it away from you, I’m sorry if you feel that.”

“If that’s so I’m still not going to accept your offer. Let’s think about this logically, if something as simple as that could be left out from our conversation I doubt your people will inform me everything that I deserves to know in the future,” Shiraishi tried to give the other person a little smile, “I have to say, Akimoto-san, talking with you is pretty exhausting. If I have emotions I would probably have gone mad and started to yell at you but well- if I could feel like a normal person we wouldn’t have this conversation in the first place. Ironic, isn’t it?”

Shiraishi stands up and started to walk around the room before stopping near the glass at the end of the room, she silently observes the huge street below the building that leads to the company front gate, “is there anything else, Akimoto-san? Because I would rather go back to my room than to do nothing here.”

“That’s all. Thank you very much for your time. I’m sorry about what happened, however, please do think about the offer. Have a good day,” she said before bowing for several seconds which Shiraishi replied with a slight nod.

The woman who was dressed in a gray business suit and probably the shortest formal skirt that Shiraishi has ever seen almost stumbled because when she open the door suddenly Takayama rush into the room and basically shoving her aside. The android modeler lips are curling into a big grin.

“That was so amazing, Shiraishi-san.” She said excitedly after the door finally closed.

“I was just saying the truth,” Shiraishi’s logic couldn’t understand which part of her conversation that the younger woman considers as amazing.

“You handled her really good. Seriously,” she gave Shiraishi a pat on her back, “come on, let’s go back. Maybe we should celebrate that with something tonight, I mean, aren’t you bored with your usual meal?”

Shiraishi only nodded and let the other person excitedly lead her out from the room. Takayama started talking again but she wasn’t really paying attention since she was preoccupied with observing her surroundings. They’re in a round open space that has several see-through doors on the wall, each door leads to a meeting room. From outside see could see what’s happening inside each of these rooms through their glass door.

The room on her right is occupied with the one who leads her project, Akimoto Manatsu, and several other people that she can’t recognize but she guess that they belong to the same place with the latter. She halted and observes the activity of the room.

However, the one who grabbed her attention is none of the above, instead, she’s staring at another person- a girl that despite her mature and formal gesture is clearly much younger than any other person inside the room. Her long hair that used to reach over her back is has been cut short until it’s barely reaching her shoulder, her left hand is rubbing her temple while her eyes are focused on the document in front of her.

“Shiraishi-san, let’s go, is there anything else that you-” Takayama's voice trailed away when her eyes found the cause of Shiraishi’s sudden freeze.

As if she could somehow sense the two people that are looking at her she averted her gaze from the papers and look straight ahead, her eyes met Shiraishi as her expression turned into a surprised one.

She would probably stare back without doing anything all day if it isn’t for Hashimoto who realized what’s going on with the young director and the subject that’s standing outside the door. The project leader stands up and walked out from the room, blocking the young woman presence from Takayama and Shiraishi vision.

“You should go back to your room, Shiraishi-san. Takayama-san is the one that’s supposed to bring you back to your room so there’s no need to wait. I’ll be there after I am finished with the meeting,” she looked more towards Takayama than the subject.

“Right, I’m really sorry if I interrupt your meeting, Hashimoto-san. We’re going back now,” Takayama apologized and tugged Shiraishi’s hand to give her a sign that they should be walking back.

But instead of responding to Takayama silent order she asked, “Is that Ikuta Erika?”

“Yes. It is her,” it took Hashimoto several seconds before finally decided that there’s no point in hiding it from the subject anyway, “go back to your room, Shiraishi-san. Your drugs should start taking effect in less than an hour, it’s not safe for you to be wandering outside this time.”

As much as she wanted to argue and say something else to be able to meet her step sister she realized that the young woman is still in the middle of meeting and she shouldn’t be disturbing her, so she tried to tell herself that she should be grateful enough to see her doing well and do what they told her to.

“Okay. I’m sorry for disturbing you, Hashimoto-san.” She said as she let Takayama lead her by the hand towards the elevator.

Since they’re practically still in the same part of building with where the research division is, they only need to take the elevator to go up to be able to reach the place but still there are 3 men who were tasked to escort them back. Shiraishi wondered whether something happened or whether they think she would try to run away from the building because back before she got into the accident usually she only got one person to escort her around the building.

Nevertheless, she keep her silence throughout their short walks and tried to give the men a polite smile following Takayama simple thanks for their assistance before opening the door towards the observation room.

“Is everything okay?” A voice suddenly heard before Shiraishi could even step inside the room, her eyes met with a pair of worried ones.

“I guess it is. Right, Takayama-san?” she asked the other person who’s closing the door behind her.

“It’s more than okay, it went really smooth,” Takayama replied with a big grin, Shiraishi could tell that the android modeler excitement starting to build up once more.

“See? There’s nothing to be worried about,” Shiraishi tried to ease the girl anxiety as she put both of her hands in each of her shoulders and gave her an assuring smile, “Nanase, should you be at work this time?”

She remembered that the night before the once again her girlfriend had mentioned that she needs to go the animation studio today and would visit her later on the evening but right now it’s an hour passed midday and she’s already present.

“Turns out the meeting ended up to be quicker than it usually is. Come on, let’s get you back to your room,” she said as she shrugged the other girl’s hand from her shoulder, taking her hand with her, and lead her to the door in the corner of the room.

“You guys go on first, I’ll be waiting for Fukagawa-san first,” Takayama said when she realized that her childhood friend is waiting for her to come along.

Nishino only nodded and put her visitor card into the scanner machine in order to open the door, she lets Shiraishi enter the room first before she follows suit. She went straight to the sofa, her eyes never leaving the subject until she disappeared into the bathroom.

It doesn’t take long until Nishino heard some movement coming towards her and she turns her head to look at the girl who has changed from her white metallic dress to a simple plain white tee with matching knee-length pants.

“Your hands is getting cold,” Nishino marked as she holds the girl's hand and gently pulled her to sit right next to her.

“I had my meds earlier this morning, the effect should start kicking in around this time,” Shiraishi explained.

5 days hasn’t even passed since the time Shiraishi asked to start over, but being physically closer to the girl has made Nishino noticed several things that she didn’t before. Like, how the other girl is actually less talkative than how she used to be but seems to be paying more attention to her surroundings, or when the meds is out of her system Shiraishi got easily interested in something even though she’d get over it as quickly as she get into it in the first place because of her lack of capability to truly enjoy something.

Nishino also noticed that Shiraishi’s body temperature would decrease whenever the meds started to kick in, there was a time where this will be followed by a really bad tremor but over the last two days, the scientists have been able to get this particular side effect under control.

She touched Shiraishi cheek with the back of her hand, waited a little bit before moving her hand to the girl's forehead, concern started to grow inside her, “I think you should be laying on the bed.”

However, the other girl shook her head in refusal before she leans her head towards Nishino’s shoulder, her forehead is touching the girl’s right shoulder blade. Shiraishi clearly heard her girlfriend sighing upon her stubbornness. Nishino doesn’t want to admit it out loud but she thinks that Shiraishi will get another breakdown soon, which in worst case would lead the girl to scream in pain, more likely to the extent where the scientists would decide to doze her off.

Nishino feel relieved when she heard the soft sounds of the door slide opened followed by the sound of footsteps approaching them. It was Fukagawa and Takayama, the former silently sit next to Shiraishi and touched the girl’s back of the neck, “Shiraishi-san, do you feel any pain?”

“Just a bit dizzy, I’ll be fine,” the subject replied between her inconsistent breathing.

“Shall we get her back to the bed?” Takayama asked.

“Can I just- stay like this? On the bed… it’s uncomfortable.”

Takayama and Nishino look at Fukagawa, knowing that the older woman is the one who is more suitable to make the decision, “fine. I’ll get you some aspirins.”

Despite how Shiraishi has been able to feel something with the help of the drugs, her state is still far from okay because the most prominent emotions that she has shown are sadness, anger, and fear. Sakurai theorized that this is most likely the reason for Shiraishi to unconsciously blocked out her emotions once the drugs wear off, her mind is merely doing self-defense from those painful feeling.

A might be possible solution for this problem is to have her experience a great impact of positive emotion so her unconsciousness could realize that it’s okay to feel but it’s even much harder than how it sounds because no matter what they did to make Shiraishi happy the despair will still be there and waited for the moment it could finally take its turn to bring Shiraishi down.

Nishino could only watch as her girlfriend obediently gulped down the painkiller. Several seconds after that the girl lay back to the sofa and lean her head to the side where Nishino’s shoulder is. Takayama passed Nishino a blanket, which without needing any explanation she knows that it meant for the one besides her.

“I don’t get it,” Shiraishi gripped the blanket tightly as if she felt cold.

“Maiyan, what’s wrong?” Nishino carefully asked.

“Why would Erika bother with me after what happened?” It doesn’t take long until she could finally hear a faint sob coming from Shiraishi, “I mean she doesn’t even want to talk with me, but she also bothers herself with this project.”

Nishino directed her gaze to Takayama, her gut feelings were right, something has happened. Takayama silently mouthed an apology for not telling her about the matter.

“Well, I’m sure that Ikuta-san actually wants to talk with you but still thinking of a proper way to do that. From my time working for her, I can say that she’s much more mature than her age. Since she’s well aware of your conditions. That’s why perhaps she’s worried that talking with Shiraishi-san will only add an unneeded pressure, considering what had happened between the two of you,” Fukagawa tried to speak her mind while hoping that the subject will understand.

“I miss her,” Shiraishi took a deep breath, “I still haven’t talked to her after that.”

“I- I’ll try to speak with Erika-chan about this. In the meantime, do not think about that and focus on getting better, okay?” Nishino tried to calm the other girl down, her hands reached for hers and hold it gently.

She had asked Sakurai so many questions about Shiraishi has learned that the girl is blaming herself for things that have happened. What makes it a problem is that despite having such thoughts in her mind Shiraishi couldn’t express it properly, which is why once her emotion started to work her brain would overwork itself to let everything out all at once.

Nishino understands well about Ikuta’s reason for not wanting to talk to her sister. A lot has happened from the moment Shiraishi got into the accident, some of them would only make Shiraishi blame herself even more, which is something that Ikuta doesn’t want to ever happen. Nishino unconsciously tugged her long sleeved stripe shirt until it covers half of her palm. From the way, Shiraishi slowly calms down and how she’s struggling to keep her eyes open Nishino realized that Fukagawa had given the girl a pretty strong sleeping pills instead of the normal painkillers.

“Nanase, talk to me,” Shiraishi demanded as she again managed to vent herself from falling asleep.

“About what?” the girl asked looking to her side and meet the subject watery eyes, “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the bed? Isn’t sitting like this more uncomfortable?”

“I spent more than half of my time on the bed. I’m sick of it. Do I make you uncomfortable?”

Nishino raised her eyebrows doesn’t really understand why would the other girl make her uncomfortable.

“I mean with me leaning on your shoulder. Is it uncomfortable for you?” Shiraishi explained.

“No.” Nishino simply replied with the truth. She wouldn’t admit it but she did miss Shiraishi a lot so a part of her is really happy that the girl prefers the position where they are closer to each other.
“I’m glad you’re not,” Shiraishi said, “I really do feel it. I mean I can really feel gratefulness. I’m not just saying that out of logic.”

“Good then,” Nishino looked to her side and their eyes met, “I’m also glad that you’re getting better.”

Shiraishi made a slight humming sound as she averted her eyes away and bit one side of her bottom lip. Despite not looking at her, the other girl is keeping her posture facing Nishino, which makes Nishino wonder about what the girl is currently thinking of. Shiraishi took a deep breath and directed her vision is back to the girl beside her, her gaze lingers on the girl’s lips much longer than it should be.

Before Nishino could comprehend the other girl intention the gap between the two of them has become nonexistent as she feels soft yet cold lips touching hers.

It was too sudden to the point that Nishino’s hands which somehow had found Shiraishi's shoulders moved forward in order to push the girl away.

Nishino looked at the other two persons that are also present in the room. Both Takayama and Fukagawa eyes are glued into each of their tablets, they are so immersed in their work and show no sign of being aware of what just happened.

“I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Shiraishi quickly regretted her action, “You see, I... had a talk with Sakurai-san and she told me to try doing that.”

Nishino is still trying to sort her thoughts after the kiss could only nod, a part of her feel a bit sad to hear the reason behind the other girl action yet she can’t blame the girl or Sakurai because it’s something that might help the girl condition and having Shiraishi back to normal is her top priority.

“I’m going to the bed, I can’t think clearly,” the girl sighed, thinking that it's the most appropriate thing to do because Nishino is not going to say something else about the matter and the situation is getting more awkward which is making her uncomfortable.

Once she started to walk the dizziness that she thought had left her came back once more, almost causing her loose her balance if it’s not for Nishino who is following her from behind noticed her struggle with balance and became her support.

“Is the headache back?” Nishino asked as she leads her back to the bed.

“It’s not bad, I can still handle it,” she said the truth and tried to add something in order to make the Nishino stop worrying too much, “I’ll be fine after laying down, I guess.”

She took off her warm slippers before getting on the pretty rigid mattress, closing her eyes as soon as her head touched the soft fabric of the white sheet.

“Thanks,” she said when Nishino helped her to pull the blanket up. The girl gave her a little smile in return and proceed to pull a chair to the bedside.

“Tell me if you need anything, okay?”

Shiraishi smiled and nodded in return, “the way you said that it’s pretty similar with people who’s working on me.”

“Maybe I should send an application to work here,” Nishino chuckled. Her hand reached for Shiraishi’s that’s hidden beneath the blanket, the older girl intertwined their fingers as she smiled along.

“Umm…. Maiyan, about before.”

“I know I sh-“ she didn't continue her words because she's kind of lost her voice when she noticed that Nishino is leaning closer to her.

It was just a simple peck on her cheek that probably last a little bit longer than their last kiss that she had regretted deeply.

When Nishino finally leaned back Shiraishi noticed that the girl is smiling, the kind of smile where her lips are closed to form a balanced curved line. She locked her eyes with the girl in front of her who seems to be in a flabbergasted state because of her little action.

“Maiyan, about what you did before, you actually don’t need to be sorry about that.”

~To Be Continued~

Another longer than usual update and yes I'm talking about both the word count and working time. Over the last 3 chap I kept having a problem with where to end the chapter, I hope it's good enough  :nervous
I also haven't really checked the chapter thoroughly, I'm probably going to do it later   :bow:
Erika and Maiyan reunion will take place on either the next chap or the chap after that, please look forward to it :D However, I can't promise a quick update because of school projects  :sweatdrop:

This will be the last chapter of the year, see you in 2017  :cow: let's hope the next year will be better than this year because imo it's quite hellish  :nervous



So nanamai already be together 3 years now huh...
somehow i want to know how maiyan get into accident.. i want to know ikuchan's reaction and how Naachan take it as maiyan was away from japan..

Damn her father!!!!! I hate him for making maiyan into this...
By those pictures and the man and with maiyan say she even dared to pulled strings from behind does thats mean she is doing something not appropriate??? No mai!!!!!!!

Sorry i'm too emotional right now.. let me crying for several days... because this is too much. Please update soon finiarel-san..

Thank you very much for reading the story, I am happy that you love it  :D
About how Maiyan get into accident it will be explained eventually, I'm planning a chapter about people reaction on her accident, so look forward to it  ;)
It was my intention to write what Maiyan did ambiguously, but yeah she did it.  :err:
Thanks for the reply  :)

seems maiyan's life is complicated.. her father is never look at mai's condition. mai can't be like erika who's smart and can manage her hobby and study, she only can focused on 1 thing and sacrifice the other. why didn't he just let mai do what she wants? :(
mai is lucky, has nanase that always by her side and keep supporting her^^
please make a naachan's story too :D

I think most parents want the best for their children and sometimes what they consider as the best is different than what the child wants...
Yeah Mai is really lucky to have Nanase, sometimes I wonder will I ever find someone like her to support myself irl www
It's definitely will happen, just be patient because there's a time and place for everything  :lol:
Thanks for the reply  :deco:

hm.. did you skip a lovely part about nanamai? I meant when they were become a couple for the first time or maybe I forgot that you had been mention it  :nervous :D but don't mind I'm just asking :lol:

I want to know more what has happened..
The part about nanamai as a couple flashback will be included in Naachan chapter, it'll talk mostly about NanaMai and Naachan more about Naachan own problem  :glasses:
I assure you that there are still several flashback that will come  XD
Thanks for the reply  :cow:

I swear this gets super duper interesting haha.
It's really sad to hear Maiyan's story and it is sadder to see her condition now. If only her father would as much as appreciate what she wants to pursue. Thank you for the update author-san! In the meantime I would be patiently waiting for the next update and it would be nice to see a bit of a MaiNana flashback before this accident somewhere in the future chapters haha. Keep up the awesome work!  :twothumbs
I'm glad that you feel so  XD
And about NanaMai flashback I assure you that there will be, but be patient okay  :lol:
Thanks for the reply  :hip smile:

Softball Maiyan never gets old  :yep:
I can understand her jealousy, Iku-chan really is something else.
IkuMai sisters supporting each other is  :luvluv2:
Softball + Maiyan is essential  XD IkuMai sisters are  :deco: Ikuchan is really amazing, I am also jealous  XD

I had a feeling Maiyan’s past gonna be like this. Poor Maiyan, she’s just trying to find herself and where she belongs.
Why do I get the feeling her father was the one who sabotaged the whole thing so Maiyan can’t get the role?
I suppose what made everything worsen was she was doing everything by herself even though she has Naachan by her side. But I doubt with her personality/stubbornness she would ask anyone for help let alone her own girlfriend.
I feel like a total sadist to write that kind of story for my oshi  :twisted:
I was trying to imply that her father is the saboteur, so your feeling wasn't wrong  :thumbsup
Maiyan is not someone who will ask for others help because she doesn't want to burden them so you're right about her  :nervous

I’m blaming all this mess on Maiyan’s father!! (Not really) But in a way, I can see some Maiyan in him. Like how both of them decided what’s best for the other without actually talking to others involved who will directly/indirectly be impacted by their decision. Her father wanted her to follow his lead for a better life, while Maiyan kept everything to herself for not wanting to drag anyone down with her. All good intentions with bad results, sigh…
Blame Maiyan father for passing his personality genes on her  XD But it's true that his intention is actually good, it's just that he doesn't actually understand his own daughter enough to make her understand  :(

I do hope she learned from the past because right now she has so many people who care for her.
And now Maiyan also got what she wished for, no feelings  :depressed:
But it's getting better now, in a way....

Anyway, important question: where can I get a gf like Naachan?  XD
I wonder about that too... she is totally my type  :lol:

Thanks for replying  XD

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XI || 291216]
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2017, 04:41:13 PM »
Maybe they should ask Manatsu for help, after all by only meeting her for a while Kuroishi already wanted to come out. And here they were thinking of ways how to make Maiyan feel emotions again when what they need might just be Manattan  :lol:
Anyway, Waka wasn't in the meeting with the government? I will be thinking that Nogibingo ep if WakaRei ever meets with Manatsu  XD

Somehow I’m glad Kazumin is warming up to Maiyan.
This whole no-feeling Maiyan is in a way like she was in a depressed state with all those bad emotions. And yet, the stubbornness still remains.
Nooooo IkuMai </3 I wonder what else happened….

Darn it, Maiyan. What did you do in the past live for you to be this lucky to be surrounded by people who love you that won’t just give up, huh?
I want to see more of NanaMai’s relationship in the past to compare, to see if this “android” Maiyan is actually better for their relationship now because she cannot easily do something stupid by impulse (yet) that might kept them apart like in the past.

It’s hard not be jealous of Ikuchan, she has so many talents, she’s like a genius (is she?)
Many authors tend to “torture” their fav chara in their fic. It's an author thing?
Speaking of Maiyan’s father, where is he currently?
Ikr? Naachan is practically the perfect girlfriend. And there’s also MaiMai the perfect wife material. The other NanaMai (NanaminxMaiyan) is so lucky. How to be one of them?  :mon scratch:

Happy new year!  :onioncheer:

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XI || 291216]
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2017, 07:38:49 AM »
an update!! thank you, it make my day!

somehow, ikuchan and maiyan relationship hurting me.
i know ikuchan loves maiyan as much as her, but why she is too cold?
pity maiyan.

NanaMai kiss! that sweet, WakaRei should be there too, be the teacher in romance (well that might be disaster)

keep it up author san, will look forward next chapter  :deco:

Offline wakasama__

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XI || 291216]
« Reply #66 on: January 09, 2017, 02:43:48 AM »
nee ikuchan.. Don't be too long. maiyan awaits you. she missed you so much and you too, right? :(

about nanamai kiss. yeah you're right Nanase! you don't need to say sorry maiyan. she's your girl! :wigglypanda:

keep update author-san :)

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XI || 291216]
« Reply #67 on: January 09, 2017, 03:21:33 PM »
heh.... I cant believe I have not leave a comment for chapter X.5 -___-

ah.... so that's what happened to Maiyan and Ikuchan's relationship. it's really complicated, huh?? Maiyan didnt want other people to know about her problems, even her girlfriend. heh.....

well, I cant wait for Ikumai to finally meet up >...<

And finalllyyyyyyy NanaMai kisssssss  :shy2: :shy2: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: so cute >.<
but it kind of sad tho because Maiyan did that just because of Reika's suggestion. but it's still a kiss btw  :shy1: :shy1:

and by the way, I see Maiyan was crying when she talk about missing Ikuchan with Nanase there, does that mean that her feelings has started to come back??? isn't that considered as a success??

I hope you will talk more about NanaMai's moments and their past too. I'm really looking forward for it ^_^

ganbatte author-san  :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

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Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XII || 270117]
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2017, 04:16:50 AM »

The sound of her flat oxford shoes stepping quickly from room to room seems to gain attention in the building, yet she didn’t spend even a second to look anywhere else but what’s in front of her. When she finally reached the lobby of the research division her eyes met with one of the ladies on the front table.

“Where is she?” the young girl asked trying to ignore the discomfort she’s feeling from her body that has started to sweat.

“Room 046,” the lady pulled one of the drawers on the desk and took out one silver card and place it on the desk between them, “you may use this card for now. Also if you’d like to, you can leave yours here so I can contact the building security team to grant yours the permanent access.”

She took the card and replace it with hers just like how the older woman told her to, “please do.”

“I will,” the lady give the card a quick inspection, “Ikuta-san, my condolences for your loss. I may not have known your father personally, but I know that he was a great man. May he rest in peace.”

Ikuta nodded in acknowledgment, trying not to think about how many times she has heard that words today and how many times she have chosen to answer with silence. She knows the chances are high for her to sound bitter if she tries to give the woman a reply.

Without needing the help from the woman, she knows which direction she has to go to reach the room, so without saying anything else she moved her legs towards where the room is.

The sound of the door clicked open managed to make her hold her breath in anticipation. The room light was deemed but as soon as the floor detected her presence the bulb intensity increased automatically.

A part of her actually wished that she’d find the room empty- without all the machines, screens, or the half cylindrical object that she thought will never get to be operated anymore. Her hand unconsciously move forward and touched the cold glass of the object while her eyes are trying to get away from the sight of the human inside.

She took a deep breath to clear her clouded mind before finally looking straight to the face beneath the glass.

“Why are you here?” She asked even though she knows that there will be no answer.

No matter how much she tried to focus on the person's face her eyes are drawn to many stitches across her figure. Back when the person was still in the hospital she has never tried to look beneath the cover, she had no courage to, seeing scars on the person used-to-be-flawless face was already hard enough for her. But now that the other girl is inside a full glass aquarium, there wasn’t anything to hide those frightening sutures from her eyes.

“There’s nothing left for you here, Nee-chan,” she felt a bit weird after to say the last word, realizing that it has been years since the last time the word came out from her mouth.

Ikuta wonders why the man that she has considered her own father kept this away from her. Was it because she’d probably ask him to stop or was it because he didn’t trust her enough to handle his one and only biological child?

Nevertheless, the man still bequeaths his share of nogizaka company to her.

The young girl leaned her head forward till her forehead meets the cold glass, so many things have happened in less than 24 hours, she also didn’t have any sleep last night.

Everything is tiresome.

She tried not to think about the first and last argument she has ever had with her step-father, it happened when the older girl was declared dead and her father asked them to crucify her as soon as possible, he didn’t seem to be bothered to pay the deceased girl some respect by having the Matsugo-no-Mitsu or any other proper burial ritual, so of course she was against his way. Now she realized that it was all because the man is trying to cover the fact that his daughter hasn’t actually died.

She moved her vision into the tablet next to the glass, not long after that- her body followed, taking a few step to close her distance with the thin object. Her hands have started to move on its own- grazing the surface to navigate the screen.

Itsekäs, that was the name that she came up with. It is a Finnish term for selfish. She realized that the machine purpose is to force someone to live despite supposing to draw their last breath, making it a machine to fulfill the selfish desire of other human being around to keep the person alive, hence the name.

It will be easy for her to stop all the life support that’s keeping the girl inside the chemical water alive, after all, she was the one who invented the machine. The procedure will be quick and after that, the girl wouldn’t need to suffer anymore, her sister could finally go to where she should have been gone.

However, her fingers freeze an inch away from confirming procedure. No matter how much she retells herself that she have every right to stop the machine from operating or that would be the best decision since even though the girl miraculously managed to wake up from the slumber everything wouldn’t be the same.

The soft sliding sound distracts her from debating herself. She watches as a short haired young woman approaches, she’s probably around her sister age, her simple black dress and coat notify that she most likely came after attending the funeral as well.

“You shouldn’t be here. This is beyond your authority.” Ikuta eyed the other girl bronze tag that clearly means that she’s only an intern. Even so, the name isn’t unfamiliar to her. She has read many theses based on the girl research, she even thinks that her latest theory about the possibility of moving active human brain to a new host is really great and interesting. But still being renowned doesn’t give her the right to enter the research room.

“Your father- the heart attack happened around 8 PM, am I right?” She asked.

The young girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “that’s also not something that you supposed to know.”

“Before I dwell further, I would like to say my apology. Ikuta-san, I believe my conversation with your father is what caused his health to deteriorate.”

Then everything clicks in her head, the reason for her father sudden cardiac arrest and why the person next to her have an access to the room in the first place, “what did you do?”

The other girl sighed before gazing at the form behind the glass, “your father asked me to prove my theory by reviving her. I turn down his demand.”

“Why so?” It was no surprise for her that the man was asking for the other girl’s help, however, the rejection is a bit surprising.

“I just couldn’t bear the thought that it is his own child that I’ll be working on. I think I wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure.”

The man wasn’t actually one that handles rejection well, or rather he’s not used to rejection. The scientist didn’t lie, she was basically the cause of her boss death.

“Do you regret it? Turning down the offer?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” the intern admitted truthfully.

Ikuta look up to see her sister face whom she cares dearly. That was the moment when she realized that even though her mind is saying that she should let her go she will never be able to do it herself.

“Hashimoto-san, I have no idea whether this has spread to public or not but I’m letting you know either way. I am inheriting my step-father’s share of this company and I am also appointed as his successor- the next CEO.”

Hashimoto looked at her in confusion, her mind couldn’t fathom the reason for the young girl to suddenly share the situation with her, after several seconds of contemplating, she decided to say something, “I think you can do it just fine, Ikuta-san.”

“As someone who owns this company and also the CEO, I am giving you two options for your next task.” Ikuta took a deep breath before elaborating, “The first one is to use your theory to lead a project where you will try to revive her, I promise this division will support your every need. Or you could choose to reject the offer which would lead you to the next option which is where you will be in charge of stopping all this machine from operating as well as cleaning out the room because it is going to be used for another project.”

The intern is looking at her in disbelieves while Ikuta has averted her gaze back to the small tablet screen after finishing her own words. To tell the truth the young girl understands that she’s putting her responsibility into someone else and this isn’t the first time she does it. She understands well that her actions are cowardice and unfair. However, she is not brave enough from refraining herself to stop doing so.

Her intelligence might exceed superior human being, placing her on par with geniuses human in the world, but she's not perfect. She can’t be perfect.

“I will do it.”

The short haired wondered about her reason to choose the first option back then. Was it because she was afraid of having another guilt of technically killing someone? Was it because she didn’t want to lose her job? Or was it because she pitied the young girl for having to make a critical decision for the only person that she has left?

“Is she going to be okay?” came a concerned whisper from beside her, breaking Hashimoto from reminiscing her past.

Hashimoto followed the person vision, finding the division director looking blankly at the white door that will lead her to her step sister. She was lost in her thought before so she doesn’t know how long the girl has been standing still like that, but from Fukagawa question she believed that it has been quite a while.

Hashimoto wanted to urge the girl to enter the room but she knows that it is not a simple step for her. The young girl has basically entrusted her sister’s life into someone else, trying to keep her heart closed upon its problem. To tell the truth, Hashimoto think that director is still too young to bear such a huge responsibility and she knows that the young girl realized that as well, hence the reason for her to hand over the CEO position to her father most trusted man, but even so Ikuta still feel like she should be responsible enough for her sister well-being so she took her place as the division leader.

Today the young director has ditched her usual formal business outfit and opted to wear a red and black checkered dress. Nobody told her to do so, she just thought that it will be better if she looks like just a normal girl visiting her sister instead of a huge company director. After all that what she is going to do today.

Visit her step-sister.

Her left hand squeezed a bag of cronuts that she had bought on the way to the building while the right one has been hovering over the finger scan surface for a while. She stole a glance to the person standing a few meters on her left. She feels the need to make sure that the older woman has already told her everything that she needs to know, but the psychologist was lost in her own train of thoughts to notice her.

Ikuta closed her eyes for a few moments to clear her mind before finally her fingers touched the scanned and the door opened.

Shiraishi Mai was staring at the television screen without any interest when Ikuta walks in, even with the drugs on her system trying to feel something from the what the flat screen is showing is still quite hard for her, well unless it’s horror film, she had started to get back to being afraid of it, even for just a little bit.

She was totally surprised when she turned to look at the person who had just entered the room and see the young girl instead of the people that usually pay her a visit.


“Before you say anything, allow me to start first.” She said as she put down the patisserie paper bag on the table, then she turned her side to be able to face the older girl who is sitting on the sofa, “what happened back then wasn’t actually your fault. That was mine. I was inconsiderate. You are right that I need to grow up.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the competition at all. Even though I know how hard you had been working for that. I’m sorry,” the one on the sofa said before standing up so she could see the younger girl on the same wavelength.

She has been trying to bury the whole problem for so long that she kind of have forgotten that the competition is the main reason for her to ignore the older girl back then. How childish of her, it’s not like she will ever be a true pianist anyway.

“No, it wasn’t your fault. You were in a tough position, I should’ve tried to listen, I am sorry. I also said that you were never my sister in the first place, I’m sorry,” the young girl said as she used her index finger to wipe away a drop of tear that managed to slip out from her eye, “I was so dumb, I didn’t even realize that you’re the only one that I have until you were on the brink of death.”

“Erika, that’s not true. You’re not dumb. It’s because of you I’m now standing here right now, am I wrong?”

However, the young girl shook her head from left to right in response, her eyes have stopped making a contact with the other girl and opt to see the floor instead, “it wasn’t me… It was- Hashimoto-san.”

When was the last time she cried? Somehow her brain couldn’t remember, it seems like it’s been too long. She didn’t shed a tear when her stepfather passed away, she also didn’t when she attended her step sister’s turns-out-to-be-fake funeral, she had always run back to her projects whenever she felt like the tears are going to come out. She always thinks that crying wouldn’t benefit her circumstances. It’s just a waste of time and it’s only going to tire her out.

However, she felt a hand on the back of her head, pulling her forward to the person in front of her, another hand patted her back several times as if telling her that it’s okay to let it out. So she did.

“Then, I will say my gratitude to Hashimoto-san when I see her,” the older girl voice is so soft that it could actually be called a whisper, “Hashimoto-san told me about what you did. Erika is the one who urged her to take this project, right? I can’t say it before because of the circumstances but now that I’m getting better I can say that I’m thankful that you did. I really do.”

Shiraishi broke their hug so she could see the other girl face properly, “Erika is my little sister. Well, I am stubborn being so no matter what Erika or other people said it will never change. Erika will always be my little sister. The one and only.”

Her voice broke at the end of her sentences as her eyes started to water as well. It hurts, crying always hurts her, whenever she’s started to be able to feel more human the invisible hammer in her head would start to activate itself again. But Shiraishi took a deep breath before exhaling harshly her way of averting herself from the pain.

“To Erika, I have said a lot of things that I actually regret… I even thought that it will be better if you don’t think of me as your sister anymore, which is something that I also regret… Apart from you, I don’t really have someone to that I could call my family. So I am thankful that you are giving me a second chance to properly said my apology and to try to be a better sister than before.”

The other girl wiped her tears once more before hugging the older girl again, “Nee-chan doesn’t have to try. You could be the worst person on the earth and you are still going to be my sister.”

“Good but please tell me if I am going out of line, okay? It will be really ungrateful if a person who’s supposed to be dead became the worst person on earth,” Shiraishi chuckled a little, her step-sister followed her after a moment, and somehow hearing the soft chuckles of the younger girl makes her feel better. As if Ikuta and Nishino are actually the best therapy for her. She managed to smile a little realizing how lucky she is to have them in her life.

Ikuta has also realized that even though her words turned out to be some kind of joke it wasn’t actually false. She didn’t realize it before but no matter what happens Shiraishi Mai will always be Ikuta Erika’s older sister. Even If Shiraishi had actually died from the accident, even if there was no way to wake her up from the comatose state, or even if she’s merely an android who is incapable of feeling something on her own.

And realizing that she’s actually in front of her, breathing, and living makes Ikuta feels like she’s not alone.

Not anymore.

~To Be Continued~

AN: Finally managed to release this chapter. This is really Iku-chan centric and I originally planned to release it on her birthday, but my real life situation has a different plan. I hope you don't mind the really late update  :peace:

That aside, I got really really busy with uni stuff nowadays, I actually started to doubt myself to be able to finish Sayonara No Imi story on Nanamin graduation day. I will still write it, but if there's someone who is also thinking of writing it please do it. Don't hesitate because of me  :) They say two is better than one, right?

Also, I noticed that the viewer count has reached 4k. Thank you very much  :bow:

Moving on to the replies


Anyway, Waka wasn't in the meeting with the government? I will be thinking that Nogibingo ep if WakaRei ever meets with Manatsu  XD
Actually ,Waka is supposed to be in the meeting with the government, I didn't mention it because I thought having so many characters at once will be more confusing because the focus supposed to be to Maiyan and Ikuchan on that part. Noo... don't.... Waka here will realize how scheming Manatsu here so she wouldn't even bother  XD

This whole no-feeling Maiyan is in a way like she was in a depressed state with all those bad emotions. And yet, the stubbornness still remains.
Nooooo IkuMai </3 I wonder what else happened….
Yep yep she is. It's actually more of a psychological problem than physical, that's why they need Reika too... And you got to find out what happened between IkuMai here. For now, IkuMai problem is already solved.

It’s hard not be jealous of Ikuchan, she has so many talents, she’s like a genius (is she?)
Many authors tend to “torture” their fav chara in their fic. It's an author thing?
Speaking of Maiyan’s father, where is he currently?
Ikuchan is definitely a genius  :D. Lol, now that you mentioned it, I think it's true, I tend to torture my fav chara the most  :shocked You also got to find out about Maiyan father here
Thanks for the comment, come again  :lol:

somehow, ikuchan and maiyan relationship hurting me.
i know ikuchan loves maiyan as much as her, but why she is too cold?
pity maiyan.

NanaMai kiss! that sweet, WakaRei should be there too, be the teacher in romance (well that might be disaster)

Ikuchan has done and hide several things so she's trying to be careful. But their relationship will be better from now on  :deco:
lmao if wakarei is there I believe Reika will teased them while Waka will look at Maiyan with judging look, she's not actually keen on Maiyan in the first place  :lol:
Thank you for the comment  XD

nee ikuchan.. Don't be too long. maiyan awaits you. she missed you so much and you too, right? :(

about nanamai kiss. yeah you're right Nanase! you don't need to say sorry maiyan. she's your girl!
I hope I didn't make Ikuchan taking too long  :nervous
Let's hope Maiyan wouldn't hesitate to do it again  :roll:
Thanks for the comment, come again  :)

ah.... so that's what happened to Maiyan and Ikuchan's relationship. it's really complicated, huh?? Maiyan didnt want other people to know about her problems, even her girlfriend. heh.....
Maiyan is the kind that think that telling people about her problem will only bring others down, not to mention her problem was also quite threatening to her relationship with Naachan.

And finalllyyyyyyy NanaMai kisssssss  :shy2: :shy2: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: so cute >.<
I'm glad you think so :mon beam:

and by the way, I see Maiyan was crying when she talk about missing Ikuchan with Nanase there, does that mean that her feelings has started to come back??? isn't that considered as a success??

I hope you will talk more about NanaMai's moments and their past too. I'm really looking forward for it ^_^
Her feeling are back, even though they basically need to put her under a drug to be able to do so. But she's actually making a huge progress  :cow:
Please do look forward to it okay  :)
Thank you for the comment  XD

Offline wakasama__

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XII || 270117]
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2017, 04:28:29 PM »
Finally! the most I wait. maiyan and ikuchan finally united again :farofflook: although they are not siblings but I really liked their relationship. as if they were completely fused. ahh This part really provoke emotional :imdead:
thanks for update author-san :)

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XII || 270117]
« Reply #70 on: February 26, 2017, 05:03:48 AM »
Hey there! sorry for forgetting to comment like again?

haha awesome chapter like alway, this is so touching, i'm crying...
i like IkuMai relationship, happy that they're okay now.. what was left is only Mai to retrieve her human feeling without drug..

and Nanamin is gone now.

keep it up author-san.. update soon  :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIII || 160317]
« Reply #71 on: March 16, 2017, 09:35:52 AM »
Chapter XIII

It’s strange when it’s your birthday and you realized that you’re not any different than yourself two years ago. It’s even more strange when you basically skip the last two years because you were unconscious.


She heard a sound of the ball hitting the target precisely, she moved back to her first stance and prepare herself for the next ball, her fingers gripped the surface of her old bat.

She eyed the ball thrown by the machine in front of her, inhaling some air before swinging her for the countless time today. Even though it’s already dark, the weather in august is moderately warm so it doesn’t bother her much, furthermore, at night, the people in the building wouldn’t pay attention to what’s happening in the company garden.


It took around an hour for her to re-familiarize herself with the sport but now she started to feel like her old self as she swung the bat and hit the ball one by one flawlessly. Actually, it really feels good, like she could actually avert her mind from thinking things that will only hurt her. However, the moment seems wouldn’t last any longer because Hashimoto Nanami came and turn off the machine.

“When I said that it is okay for you to do some batting I didn’t mean that you should do it for more than 2hours non-stop,” she said, despite her tone of annoyance Shiraishi could somehow hear a bit of worry.

“Sorry I lost my track of time,” the birthday girl apologized and went to the nearest bench where she had put a bottle of cold water, gulping down half of the refreshing liquid to rehydrate herself. The project leader sighed and hands her a towel to wipe her sweats.

“Do tell one of us if you’re feeling sore or something. You see, your body is artificial, so it’s important to keep in mind that it is also meant that it is even more fragile.”

Shiraishi nodded in acknowledgment telling herself that she should have been more aware of that, “so I think should go back to my room now, it’s already late, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I’ll come along. Have you eaten your dinner?” Hashimoto asked as she walks within a reachable distance beside her.

“Not yet, I’m actually still a bit full because Erika-chan visited with a pretty huge cake earlier.”

She smiled remembering how excited the young girl was when eating a huge slice of red velvet cake, too bad that sister of her will be having an overseas meeting tomorrow morning, making it impossible for her to stick much longer because she has to leave the city tonight.

“Oh, right. Happy birthday,” the person beside her said, despite the lighter tone her expression is still as serious as before, “Anyway, have Fukagawa-san told you about how your body will work towards aging?”

“She told me a few days ago. I’m not going to look older, right? It’s not that bad, at least it will save me from buying any anti-aging products,” she joked.

Hashimoto smiled a little, before stop walking and pressed the button of the elevator, “true.”

That’s not actually all good, despite her form that wouldn’t change her organs will still grow old. Furthermore, since her brain is basically the only non-artificial thing in her system it must help the other organs to work so there’s a huge chance of it to age at a faster rate than normal humans, which is going to make her live a shorter life than how normal humans supposed to. Not to mention that the drugs that she has been taking are also not that good for her insides.

Well, if it’s not for this project she would have been dead so she’s not going to complain.

It doesn’t take long for one of the elevator doors to open for them to use. Once the door has closed Shiraishi was lost in thought of her condition and another thing that has been bugging her mind since this morning. She looked at Hashimoto, realizing that she has always admired how the person has always looked so composed and have everything under control.

“Hashimoto-san, would you mind if I ask for your opinion?”

Hashimoto raised her eyebrows, “sure. But if it is something that’s supposed to be private I think we should talk once we got back in your room.”

Shiraishi looked behind her where two men with a dark uniform are standing, as usual, they wouldn’t let her walk around without at least two of that kind of people tailing her. She wonders if they will ever let her be truly alone outside of the room, “we’ll talk about it later then.”

Well after they reach the room she decided to push the conversation later since she obviously smells after sweating so much from over-exercising her body, also Nishino will come later tonight and of course, she wouldn’t want to gross her girlfriend out, so that’s why she went straight to the shower as soon as possible.

“You know, I was just wondering. What if this is my limit?” She asked as soon as she got out from the shower.

The short haired looks a little bit confused about her statement, “your limit on what?”

“On my progress. Like, I wouldn’t be able to go any further anymore, to be able to detach myself from the drugs.”

It’s understandable for the girl to think so, while it’s true that they have managed to press the dosage of the drugs a little bit and decrease the side effect headache to the point that it’s bearable, but that was around 2 weeks ago and since then they have not step any further than that.

“I don’t know if you are already on your limit or not. All I can say is I’ll try to help you as long as you will let me. It’s actually up to you whether you still want to continue or not.”

“It’s not that I want to stop, but I was thinking that maybe I should start to figure out what am I going to do next. Because I can’t be a test subject forever, even if I can- I don’t want to. I want to go out and try to live like a normal person again. But then, I don’t know if I will ever be able to be free from this facility.”

Hashimoto think for a moment, knowing that she has to be extra careful in choosing her words so she wouldn’t be giving the girl a false hope, “I think even if we allow you to live outside we will still have to monitor you constantly, also I don’t think it’s possible for you to be living alone. If you really want to we can talk to Ikuta-san and the others about this matter. If they agree we might be able to arrange something.”

“But… Do you think it’ll be fine?”

“From my professional opinion, no, but from my own personal view I think you should.”

Shiraishi got lost in her thought, starting to have a second thought about asking to leave the place she’s in. Her eyes catch a thin white phone in front of the table, her hands move to reach the object, carefully navigating to see the notification mentioning that someone just sent her a Line message.

She had received the phone earlier today, it’s sort of a birthday gift from her step-sister who thinks that she will need it to be able to contact people.

The truth is most people that she knew thinks she’s dead and even if they somewhat realize that she’s the girl who has been revived from death she still doesn’t have any urge to talk to them, even if it’s just from a simple online chat. So. in the end what she has in her contact list are the 3 scientists who work on her, as well as Ikuta, Sakurai, and of course- Nishino.

She frowned as she read the chat which came from Nishino. Around 15 minutes ago the girl sent her a message, saying that she’s already at Nogizaka and will be here soon. Shiraishi turns to look at the huge mirror in the room, wondering whether the girl is already there or not.

“Is something wrong?” the short-haired asked, realizing that the subject has been stealing glances to the reflecting object every now and then.

“No- it’s ju-” she didn’t finish her sentence because her focus quickly changed to the sound of the door sliding open, revealing the one that she was looking for carrying a takeout bag with the name of a restaurant that she is familiar with written on it.

“I bought some pasta, you haven’t eaten your dinner, have you?” the girl asked, followed by a simple shook and little smile from the one she questioned.

Nishino went to put the bag on the top of the small 2-person dining table that the room has, carefully pulling out some plates that she has to borrow earlier from the building.

“Anyway, it’s already pretty late so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Also, Nishino-san, are you going to stay over here tonight?” Hashimoto asked as she stood up to approach the visitor.

“If Maiyan wants me to. What do you think, Maiyan?”

Shiraishi stared at the two with a total confusion, her mind clearly wasn’t expecting this since Hashimoto is usually pretty strict on not letting a visitor stay over, probably afraid that she won’t get any rest. Not to mention the other factor concerning one from two persons that her girlfriend is staying with.

“Is it okay?”

“Just for tonight. Consider it a birthday present from me since I don’t prepare anything,” the project leader replied.

“This is already more than enough. Thanks a lot, Hashimoto-san.”

The short haired just shrugged before stepping away, “well if that’s so, good night.”

“Don’t you want to join us? I bought enough for 4 people,” Nishino asked before the person could leave the room.

“I already have my dinner earlier, so I’m not going to join you two. But thanks for the offer, enjoy your dinner,” she politely turned down the offer before opening the door and step out.

Shiraishi watches until the door finally closed, leaving just her and Nishino in the room, she stood up to get two cups of water for them, placing it on each side of the dining table before sitting in one chair, patiently wait until Nishino finish moving the food from takeout box to plates and place the trash away to be taken out later.

They both did the usual gesture of gratitude before starting to eat. They did talk a little bit about the food on the table, but the conversation is short lived, which is fine with Shiraishi since she herself is also reminiscing the food from her one of her favorite restaurants.

It’s not long before they finish their plate and Nishino had to left the room for a moment to put the dishes and trash away, which left Shiraishi with nothing else to do, she ended up taking initiative to prepare the sofa of the room into some sort of bed. Good thing Hashimoto often spend the night so she already knew where to find the extra pillow and blanket.

“You really don’t have to, I can do it myself,” Nishino said as she came into the room.

“It’s fine since you’re basically my guest so I should be the one doing this.”

“Okay then.” She nodded while keeping both of her hand hidden on the back. The younger girl stops just 3 steps away from the one who had just placed a blanket on top of the sofa and carefully show a small silver box that she has been hiding, “happy birthday, Maiyan.”

Shiraishi took the box from the girl’s hand, hoping that she would look a bit surprised because she doesn’t. It was like their old routine to have a dinner followed by giving present on each other birthday so it was really obvious, but still, she thinks it is cute how Nishino always tried to hide it.

Her fingers work their way to unbind the pink colored little ribbon that kept the box closed before finally took off the upper part to show what’s inside. The girl smile widened as her eyes met with a silver necklace that has two things attached to it. One of it is a simple rose gold letter M pendant and the other one is a silver ring that she has seen and wore before. Slowly she held up the ring to check the thin inscription on the inner part which is a combination of 4 numbers followed by the name of the person in front of her, “you managed to save it.”

“Erika-chan gave it to me back then,” Nishino explained trying not to remember how bloody it the ring was when the young girl had put it on her palm. Her eyes moved to her right ring finger where a similar ring is worn, “It’s actually not much but I think the necklace would suit you”

“This is perfect,” Shiraishi said with a huge smile, her eyes has gotten a bit watery as she reached for the back of her neck to wear the necklace, Nishino realized the girl struggle and help her to complete the task, “thank you so much.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Nishino said as she moved to be able to see how Shiraishi had somehow managed to make the necklace looks a lot more than it’s worth, “you look beautiful”

That last word managed to turn her stomach a bit fuzzy and warm, she stepped closer, locking her eyes with hers, “may I kiss you?”

Nishino nodded bashfully and that’s all she need before finally touching the girl’s lips with hers, inhaling her warm breath and faint fresh floral scent, enjoying how her lips taste mildly sweet yet she kind of feel intoxicated with it. After a moment, she broke their contacts, regaining her breath with a soft exhale, “Nanase, I love you.”

The other girl couldn’t give any reply because her lips had gone back to seal hers straight after finishing her words. Only after they parted once more she could finally be able to reply with a voice as soft as a mere whisper, “I love you too. Always”

~To be continued~

AN: Not much happening but I guess I kinda need to write this kind of chapter. You know, like the calm before the storm... lol
As usual, I want to thank you all my precious reader for bare with me up until this point  :luvluv2:


@ wakasama__
Finally! the most I wait. maiyan and ikuchan finally united again :farofflook: although they are not siblings but I really liked their relationship. as if they were completely fused. ahh This part really provoke emotional :imdead:
thanks for update author-san :)
Cheers for ShiraIku sisters  :luvuluvu: I'm glad that you're also enjoying their relationship because I also do. I hope you will like this chapter too  :)

Hey there! sorry for forgetting to comment like again?

haha awesome chapter like alway, this is so touching, i'm crying...
i like IkuMai relationship, happy that they're okay now.. what was left is only Mai to retrieve her human feeling without drug..

and Nanamin is gone now.

It's fine, I think I'm worse than you when it comes to commenting  :banghead:
IkuMai storm has passed away, but still not finished...
Nanamin might be gone but I'm going to keep her in my memory with fanfictions. I hope she's having the best of her life right now  :on speedy:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 11:54:57 AM by finiarel »

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIII || 160317]
« Reply #72 on: April 16, 2017, 07:23:10 PM »
So the father is dead? I dunno if I should be thankful that he kept Maiyan in that state or not....
I do feel bad for Ikuchan though, everything suddenly rests on her shoulders.
Even though I expected IkuMai reunion gonna be emotional and all, still….   :mon cry:
But I’m so glad that their relationship is getting better, because I’m looking forward for more IkuMai  :heart:

I’m liking how Maiyan starting to joke more and how she’s more positive about things. She seems to better at showing her emotions too.
“Nanase, I love you.”
Yes, yes. You’re doing a job, Maiyan. Keep it up.

Now I'm dreading the storm that will come because this has been such a nice development...  :nervous

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline Janix123

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIII || 160317]
« Reply #73 on: April 18, 2017, 02:55:05 PM »
YEY!! A Birthday!!! I am overall very happy on how the story is going. i really got envious of the sisters' condition. Both of them are so caring.

I was surprised to know that Maiyan only have a few people on her contacts. Just like how my contacts were like before (which was around 4-10 people)

Hehehehehehehe birthday presents😀😀

Offline finiarel

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Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV || 140717]
« Reply #74 on: July 14, 2017, 12:05:20 PM »

Over the last few weeks, they have been quite lenient on her activities. They let her train her batting and pitching for an hour every 3 days, walk around the company with only one security personnel following her around, even have her meals in the company cafes which are considerably decent. Of course, this is still quite far from her actual demands, but even she realizes that letting her out in open air might not be as simple as it sounds.

One by one the people that work on her case got another matter on their hands, it started from Takayama who already have some other projects in just a few months after she woke up, followed by Fukagawa who got another big project and ever since had started to come less frequent, Sakurai is just an outsource help so she has always had something else to do from the beginning, and Ikuta always seems to be busy even though she tried to drop her a visit randomly. So the only one who left is just Hashimoto Nanami, who by now has grown her hair to the point that the tip reaching her shoulders.

Once, she had asked her why doesn’t she have another matter but her, but instead a simple answer the older woman replied, “If you really would like to know, I’ll show you my other patient.”

She followed her to the room just right next to her, which layout is quite similar, an observation room with a glass looking to another room. But instead of a living quarter like what she has, this one contains only machines, circling a meter length semi-cylindrical pod in the middle. Hashimoto typed a few commands on one of the keyboards and one of the screen shows a zoom in view of the pod.

“Shiraishi-san, meet Yamashita-chan.”

Shiraishi observes the live footage that is shown on the screen, finally recognize the shape as a human fetus, unbelievably young one that she had only seen on textbooks before. Suddenly the realization hits her hard, “where is her mother?”

“She passed away a few weeks ago, on the way back from her first doctor visit to confirm her pregnancy. Sadly, she couldn’t make it through, but little Yamashita-chan did.”

She averted her gaze from the screen onto the real thing over the glass, trying not to get concerned over the fate of the young fetus, hoping that this thing that they are doing is truly what the best for her. Probably not 5 minute has even passed when Hashimoto typed a few things on the keyboard and turn the monitor off once more, “now that you know there is someone else I’m working on, I think it’s best for us to go back to your room before anyone noticed that I bring unauthorized person here.”

Shiraishi nodded as her foot took a few steps back towards the door, her eyes are still not leaving the pods. When Hashimoto gently pat her back with a gentle push towards the exit, she tried to meet Shiraishi gaze and said softly, “this has never happened, okay?”

Slowly Shiraishi nodded and taken the view inside the room once more before hesitantly took a step outside.

That was the first time she has done something quite illegal during her never-ending stay in the company. She does keep her words, never mention anything about it, not even to Hashimoto, even though there are times when she’s kind of curious about how is it progressing. She knows that there were so much at stake for just the sake of fulfilling her curiosity.

She was trying to get interested in the show that the television is showing when the subtle sound of the door sliding open caught her attention, a bit hoping to see Nishino be the one standing there. However, the person is not her, this person is not even one of the people who usually visit her.

“Wakatsuki?” She hesitantly called out her name, unsure of what to say since it is sudden. She knows that Wakatsuki is the one helping the company for government accusation, she also had seen her a few times, but never actually talked to her. They’re not exactly friends from the first place.

“Shiraishi-san, I’m sorry to come without a notice, but I really need to talk to you regarding several things.” She threw her gaze around the room, looking a bit cautious with the surrounding, “I prefer to do it over a cup of coffee in more laid back place, what do you think?”

Shiraishi raised her eyebrows still a bit puzzled with everything, the fact that her meds had worn out doesn’t help either.

“Don’t worry, Hashimoto-san already knows about this. You can even call her if you still doubt my intention,” Wakatsuki patiently assure her, even though her tone is hinting a slight urgency.

She knows that her room is monitored, meaning that most likely every single word spoken here could be heard by someone else. Upon realizing that, she nodded and started to walk towards the door where the young woman stands stiffly, “let’s go.”

They walked side by side since Shiraishi think she roughly has an idea where Wakatsuki is heading, but to her surprise suddenly the other girl grabs her wrist and abruptly pull her for a quick turn to a little hallway that she has never been before. Wakatsuki led her further inside before finally halting in front of a door with ladies sign on it, opening the door to let her enter first.

“Is everything okay?” Shiraishi asked as she watches Wakatsuki pull out a bag from the counter beneath the sink. Her brain is trying to come up with an answer of what’s happening.

Wakatsuki opened the bag and swiftly pulled out a set of clothing from inside, “the thing is, what are we going to discuss can’t be done in this building. So, you’re going out, only for a few hours. So please change into this clothes because wearing your lab outfit outside will only attract some unnecessary attention.”

She handed Shiraishi the clothes, “trust me, this is important. If you don’t want them to win the case and drag you away from here, this will be important.”

“Okay,” she answered as she closed the stall door and started to change. The clothes that Wakatsuki has given her are a simple blue shirt with black wide leg pants, from the size and style she could tell that they most likely belong to Nishino. Thankfully, it fits her all right albeit Nishino is a bit smaller than her.

Once she’s done, Wakatsuki gave her a visitor tag to wear. Shiraishi eyed her in suspicion when she realized that it belongs to Sakurai, but decided to say nothing and pin the tag on her shirt breast pocket. Wakatsuki folded her lab outfits neatly and store it inside the bag, hiding it inside the sink counter once more, “Okay, now we’re ready to go.”

Both say nothing as they walk to the parking lot, Shiraishi chose to walk a step behind the lawyer, trying to maintain evasive looks whenever they passed someone. She realized she should be glad that she hadn’t taken the drugs earlier today because if she had, she might be having a severe panic attack by now.

Wakatsuki guide her into a silver corolla, she observes the interior a bit in her first few seconds, it is really plain but pristine clean, with some documents stacked up neatly on the back seat. Wakatsuki who were pulling her seatbelt seems to notice this and mumbled irritably, “well, sorry, I’m not that rich enough to drive a European car.” 

“It’s not that, I was just…” Shiraishi found her voice fading at the end, she fiddled with the seatbelt before finally buckling up safely, “I was just wondering.”

Wakatsuki says nothing more and started to hit the gas and the car smoothly glides into the big street. Once they’re finally out of Nogizaka fence she could hear Wakatsuki exhales loudly, probably relieving the tension that she had from smuggling her out.

Shiraishi observes the other girl, realizing this is the longest time they probably manage spend without arguing or trying to hit each other. From her logical thinking, most of the time she was the one who’s at fault for hurting Nishino but Wakatsuki was the one who started the fight.

“This important thing that you want to talk about,” Shiraishi started as she averted her gaze to the road forward, “is not about Nanase, isn’t it?”

“No.” Wakatsuki frowns, stealing a quick look at her before saying, “is there something that I should be concerned about Nanase?”

“None that I know of, I am just speculating. Because I still couldn’t find out the reason why would you need to trouble yourself bringing me out just to talk? There must be some specific matter that couldn’t even be said inside the building.”

“Your company has cameras everywhere. It’s not safe to talk over there.” Shiraishi could hear a hint of amazement in her tone.

“That’s not my company you know,” she corrected the young lawyer. Finding it a bit odd that the other girl got mistaken about that.

Wakatsuki smiled sadly, “whatever.”

A part of Shiraishi is trying to figure out what the other person means with that, however, she decided to let it go and asked something that has been bugging her mind lately, “Lately I've been wondering about Nanase, is there anything that I should know?”

“What do you mean?” Wakatsuki furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“I just think that there are things that she’s not telling me. Like what happened when I was-“ she hesitates and decided to find a better word, “you know. Presumably dead.”

“I can say that a lot happened back then. However, having me to recount what had happened is not exactly wise. I’m certain she will tell you everything once she’s ready,” Wakatsuki bit her lower lip. “She has told me everything that you’ve done back then. To be honest, if you’re not having this problem right now I would have punched you in the face.”

No wonder back then Takayama was angry with her even though she had never met her before. She could imagine what kind of dreadful opinion Nishino friends have about her once they have known what she- Shiraishi Mai has done. However, she thinks it is good for Nishino to tell other about that because that way she could also share her feelings with others, something that she always had a serious problem with.

She was lost in thought that she went into silence. After a while, Wakatsuki decided to add more to her so-called story, “you might have noticed this but in case you are really that oblivious I just want to let you know that you really have done it, you know? Hurt her beyond my expectation.”

“I’m sorry,” she quickly apologized, “and thank you. For taking care of her all this time.”

“Apologize to her not me,” Wakatsuki replied bitterly. “But I guess you must have done that so much till both of you lost count. Also, you don’t need to thank me, it was for her not for you.”

“Fair enough,” Shiraishi pursed her lips, thinking that she might need to stir the conversation so it wouldn’t feel awkward for the other person, “so, is it safe to tell me where are we heading?”

“Of course,” she chuckled a little bit, “The name is Cinq Étoiles, it’s a nice coffee shop just at the end of this street. It has a really nice calm atmosphere and an even private booth that would keep prying ears away. I’ve been there a couple of times since Nishino and Sakurai started to went to Nogizaka often. I was also there with Ikuta-san once.”

“With Erika? I see.”

“It was totally a professional matter, it’s nothing like what you think,” Wakatsuki quickly added, afraid that it’d cause a bad misunderstanding between them. She slowly turns the wheel towards the left, entering the parking lot of an old but elegant looking building with a five stars’ symbol engraved on one of its mirrors.

Once the car properly parked, Shiraishi curved her lips into a smile, hoping that it will look genuine enough, “you’re not so bad after all, Wakatsuki.”

“Let’s see if you’re still going to think so after what will happen next,” she stiffened and release her seat belt. “Shiraishi-san, you do know that by staying with Nogizaka you will have more chance to be with Nanase, right?”

Shiraishi felt a bit uncomfortable by the sudden seriousness, nonetheless, she nodded in acknowledgment, “is there something that I need to know?”

“I am pretty sure the others have filled you in about this, but let me remind you once more. The government is trying to get ahold of you. It is not easy to shook them off. But in the end, it will lie heavily on you, that’s why you need to minimize even the tiniest reason for them to drag you to their side,” Wakatsuki warned. “The reason I’m bringing you out today is technically not because I need to talk to you. But rather, someone needs to talk to you. Right now, I believe that person already in there waiting. Considering her position, that person could easily change your mind, however, I do think you need to talk to her from now because you could be easier to sway if you suddenly meet her in the trial.”

“Her?” she looks at Wakatsuki sharply, when Wakatsuki mention that she is meeting another person she had expected it to be her father, turns out it’s not.

“We don’t actually have much time, so it’s better that you decide about who she is once you meet her,” Wakatsuki urged her before opening the door and stepped out.

The café was not too crowded but wasn’t empty either, however, just like what Wakatsuki had described it has a really sweet and calm atmosphere. Perhaps, that comes from the vintage interior that it has, the soft sound of the music and what probably is a nice smell of freshly baked croissant.

Wakatsuki went straight to one of the waitress, talked to her for a little bit before the person nodded in acknowledgment and guide them to the second level of the place. Which consists of dozens booth with sliding glass door and curtains for even more privacy.

The waitress stops in front one of the booth on the corner, knocking the door two times before a familiar voice replied, “come in.”

The waitress opens the door for them to enter, just like the other booth it has a nice and cozy sofa circling a square table in a ‘U’ like shape, and on one side of the sofa sat someone that Shiraishi thought she would never see again.

Even though she’s middle-aged, it’s not hard to say that the woman still looks good, which she thinks works perfectly in the favor of her profession. The person has also grown her brunette hair, making their features more similar. She wonders if she would start to feel disgusted on this later, which would be ironic because back when she was younger she has always loved it whenever someone would remark how she looks just like her.

The person gave her an enchanting warm smile, just like how she always has. She put down a cup of coffee that was in her hand and stand up to approach her. Before she is aware of what is happening the person has already engulfed her in a hug, “Mai, I miss you so much.”

If only she could feel more she would have shoved the woman in the first second she touched her. But not being able to feel make her needs to think of everything beforehand, logically connect every action with what she should have felt.

“Let go of me,” Shiraishi said, trying not to be the one who pushed her away. She averted her gaze around the room, passing trough the waitress who looks like uncomfortable for intruding such a moment, before it landed on Wakatsuki who’s looks like she’s going to snap soon. Shiraishi exhaled before pushed the woman away with both of her hands, “I can tell that you haven’t changed at all, you really are the worst, mother.”

Yeay guess who finally manage to finish the chapter and update it after 4 months has passed?  XD Seriously I think even Maiyan updates her blog more often than me updating this fic  :nervous

As always I want to thank all my precious reader for having to read this far  :deco: ANYWAY, What do you think about Waka?? *I'm honestly hyping up when I write Waka parts. Also in case you didn't realize the name of the other subject comes from the new gen yeayyyy. Tbh, I have plotted this far before new gen comes out and back then I was thinking of having 2nd gen instead. But now I just realize it will be better if it comes from the new kids instead.
Anyway my beloved Maiyan birthday is coming up so we shall see if I would be able to come up with something to celebrate that. It could be a one-shot, could be a bonus chapter of Sakanatachi, I'll see where my creative-brain will lead me to. :thumbsup

Okay goes to replies :

@C [pretend_2besome1] 

So the father is dead? I dunno if I should be thankful that he kept Maiyan in that state or not....
I do feel bad for Ikuchan though, everything suddenly rests on her shoulders.
Maiyan father wasn't exactly the best parent, I know. Well, you'll hear more about her parents on the upcoming chapters. There will most likely be another flashback. And yeah, poor Ikuchan. But that way I got the chance to show how Ikuchan is not perfect. In fact that's one of the thing that I want to point out in this fanfic (also in my other fanfic), no one is actually perfect. Okay I should move on before I'm getting too deep into things  :mon sweat:

Even though I expected IkuMai reunion gonna be emotional and all, still….   
But I’m so glad that their relationship is getting better, because I’m looking forward for more IkuMai

I’m liking how Maiyan starting to joke more and how she’s more positive about things. She seems to better at showing her emotions too.
Yes, yes. You’re doing a job, Maiyan. Keep it up.

I'm trying so hard to make it emotional, because that's something that I actually like to write hahahaha glad that I'm not actually bad at that  :nervous
Yes there will be more IkuMai of course. Yes maiyan is getting better, to be honest, I'm also glad that she's now better because writing from emotionless person perspective is so freaking hard.  :bleed eyes:

Now I'm dreading the storm that will come because this has been such a nice development...
It is, but sorry I can't really hold that calm, fluffy situation for long  XD

YEY!! A Birthday!!! I am overall very happy on how the story is going. i really got envious of the sisters' condition. Both of them are so caring.

I was surprised to know that Maiyan only have a few people on her contacts. Just like how my contacts were like before (which was around 4-10 people)

Hehehehehehehe birthday presents

Yes, I really like strong relationship between siblings  :)
Hahahahaha, she still couldn't much anyway, so why bother with more contacts right?  XD But in a sense she's not even allowed to go out and definitely they are still limiting her activities so it'll be illogical if she has more  :nervous
I'm really glad you're liking the birthday presents  :)

Offline Janix123

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV || 140717]
« Reply #75 on: July 16, 2017, 05:40:39 AM »
After reading this chapter... I get more interested....LIKE VERY!!

I'm kinda looking forward for more flashbacks where Maiyan was yet to become an android... like their relationship with Naachan.
Or how she was with Wakarei and Kazumin...

I never expected Maiyan to meet her mother... It surprised me a lot. Hahahaha Waka's patience made me laugh...JK...made me scared too.

Thanks for update author-san
 :D :D :D

Offline finiarel

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Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV.5 || 200817]
« Reply #76 on: August 20, 2017, 05:39:58 AM »
- The Beginning -

You know there are moments in your life when you’re just so sleepy that nothing could help to prevent your eyes from glued shut. Nishino Nanase is currently struggling with it, most of the times whenever this kind of situation is happening she would just give up and let the land of dream take over her, however, today is different. To be precise, tonight is different.

Her school is known for their festival, unlike most of another school who will hold it once a year, hers does it twice a year. As if once is not already troublesome enough. However, this is her first senior high school festival so Nishino is more excited than usual, especially because almost every single student in her class decided to have a sleepover in the school instead of going home.

However there she was still awake past midnight, trying to finish painting on a big board that would later get exhibited in her class. A part of her regretted her decision to accept her classmates request, she should have disagreed with them when they suddenly came up with the idea of changing their class into a hipster café with graffiti across the walls.

Nishino sighed and took a step back from the huge board, her arms started to hug herself in instinct to keep herself warm from the chilly night wind. She frowned when she realizes that it doesn’t look as good as she had in mind. Well, to be honest almost everything that she makes always feels like nowhere near what she has in mind.

She sits on the ground, her eyes drifted to several papers beside her. Leaning her body back to where the wall is she holds up one of the paper and intently observe her initial design, trying to come up with an idea to improve the supposed to be finished work with something that still within her skill range.

However slowly her pace decreased leaving her surrendering to her heavy eyelids.

She felt like a minute barely even passed once she opens her eyes once more. Scrubbing her eyes with the back of her hands she halted when she notices the velvet coat on her lap. It’s definitely not hers since she only brought her hoodie which has never left her body ever since she left her house yesterday morning. She pulls the coat up with her hands so she could inspect it better, the material is really soft and warm, it also sparks a sweet fragrance. From the brand alone she could tell that this coat doesn’t belong to either of her best friends and most likely not her classmate either because surely a coat as captivating as this wouldn’t escape her eyes.

Tearing off her focus from the garment she could hear a soft sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the place. She couldn’t see the person because the huge boards that she’s using to paint basically circling her, making a small room for her to be able to work without prying eyes. Nishino stands up, stretching her body a bit before started to approach the sound.

Standing across of her with the moonlight shone over her school uniform is Shiraishi Mai. Before today she already knew how beautiful the older girl is, but not before this time Nishino stand frozen upon seeing the girl. She would never forget the way the moon seems to work in her favor, shooting its mesmerizing light exactly in the right way as the girl spun under it, her eyes glued to the paper on her hands, while her mouth moved yet inaudible most likely reciting the lines written.

The wind blow harshly, causing the girl chestnut hair to wave wildly and distract her view, the girl let out a soft laugh as she wiped the silly strands away, tucking it behind her ears. She folded the paper in her hands and look straight to where Nishino is.

“Look who’s awake,” her voice broke Nishino off her trance.

Awkwardly the younger girl approaches her, unconsciously holding the coat closer to her body in an attempt to protect herself from the cold wind, “umm… Is this yours, senpai?”

“If I hadn’t come back then, you’d be freezing by now, kouhai,” she replied without an actual answer of the question and smirked, “you’re so careless to fell asleep on the roof, the snow time may have passed but it’s still winter. I’m pretty sure they have said something about using the roof in the night is forbidden, that was for your own good, you know?”

Nishino clenched her teeth, a part of her should have realized that it was a bit foolish for her to show up. The last thing she needs is getting reprimanded for breaking the school rules. However, she looked at the upperclassman with a slight frown, “but you’re also not supposed to be here.”

“Well I believe in the saying, ‘rules are meant to be broken’. Nevertheless, unlike me, you look like someone who would try to avoid getting in a trouble,” she actually was not expecting the younger girl to call her out. “You know what? Let’s make a deal where I will act like this has never happened and in exchange, you will help me rehearsing a script.”

She was tempted to point out the fact that the older girl is also breaking the rule so it should be even if both of them should just keep this a secret, however by the girl sentence she has a feeling that she wouldn’t be bothered if the school finds out that she’s disobeying them.

“Okay, but I am warning you that I’m bad with acting,” Nishino said as she held out the coat for the girl to take it back, however, the older girl shook her head.

“You should wear it, for now, you need it more than me,” she rejected as she hands her one of the script on her hand. Nishino looks at the other girl attire for a moment, even though Shiraishi is wearing a cardigan is still thin and the scarf around her neck isn’t exactly going to help her to keep her body warm.

“It’s fine, senpai. This is yours,” Nishino said. “My hoodie is enough to keep me warm.”

Shiraishi raised her eyebrows and finally took the coat from the underclassman's hands, wearing it swiftly and started to loosen her scarf afterward. Nishino was too fascinated by how the coat seems to look even more perfect on Shiraishi as if that was specially designed for the girl.

She was too immersed in observing the other girl movement that she was one step behind from realizing the girl intention, she can feel her heat increasing as the older girl lay her dark blue scarf around Nishino, “fine, but at least take this. It’s going to be bad if you caught a cold.”

Nishino was too dazed to say anything and ended up nodding stiffly as Shiraishi smiled widely upon noticing her embarrassment, “now, can you please help me to recite the line on the 3rd page. You just have to read the Kazuma part, don’t need to worry about intonation or anything. I will be reading the Viina part.”

“O-okay,” Nishino replied as she nervously turns the page into the correct one. The older girl patiently waited until she finally settled before starting to read her line.

Albeit Nishino stammered so many times, Shiraishi has never shown her disapproval or disappointment she would patiently wait until the junior finished the sentence before swiftly moving into action as if Nishino did everything perfectly. Nishino thinks that it must have looked weird, how she just stiffly read the line while sitting down on the bench while Shiraishi will respond will all her might.

She doesn’t know what gotten into her but she suddenly stood up, facing Shiraishi and try to say the line just as the script point out. Seeing this Shiraishi broke the character for a moment to smiled a little as an approval.

So there they were, reciting line by line, taking step by step to circle each other. Even though Nishino’s nervousness still apparent it doesn’t bother the girl anymore. Well, to be exact, she doesn’t have time to be nervous anymore since the more she read the lines the more she got lured into the storyline.

The story isn’t exactly one that she has heard before, it’s about a young spirit who serves as a Goddess familiar, which sometime later he began to fall for her as the Goddess is not only beautiful but kind and free-spirited. However, her kindness prone to be her downfall and he tried to save her from it to the point of betraying her.

At the last scene, he who had been banished for his treason got reunited with the Goddess again. And as he said his apology to her the Goddess embrace him and them-


Nishino halted as she realizes the scene that they’re doing right now, mentally scolding herself for getting too immersed in the story and not preparing herself beforehand. However, there she was, kneeling in front of Shiraishi. She didn’t realize it before but Shiraishi surely fit the role a lot as she has a certain elegance and composure that could be a bit terrifying for a normal person.

Nishino held out her right hand towards her, gulping down her nervousness before speaking the line, “if I may, I would like to serve you again as I have no greater wish than to be by your side once more.”
Shiraishi took her hand with hers, her skin feels so soft albeit cold. She was gentle as if Nishino hands would break upon a touch. Shiraishi bows down until their view are on the same level, her free hand making its way up to embrace Nishino’s cheek.

“There’s no greater joy for me than having you beside me as the time we have spent are ones that I cherished the most. Thank you.”

The senior is looking at her with high intensity that Nishino feeling even warmer than before, she averted her eyes to the script, hoping it would conceal the feelings that have started to grow. Luckily it doesn’t take Shiraishi long to snap out from her daze and take a step back from the younger girl.

“Thank you so much for your help um-” she seems to be thinking for a moment before sheepishly asked, “we haven’t exactly introduced ourselves, didn’t we?”

Nishino took a deep breath to calm down her racing heart before saying, “no. I- I am Nishino Nanase from 10-B.”

“I’m Shiraishi Mai from 11-C. It’s nice to meet you, Nishino-chan,” she let out a wide smile upon finishing her sentence then moved to grab a silver thermos from the bench, she pour the drink it’s cup and gave it to Nishino who was still fumbling with her words and could only let out incoherent thanks as a reply.

Nishino coughed in surprised when the warm liquid taste reaches her tongue. It was bitter, more bitter than the normal coffee that she tried once from Wakatsuki. Shiraishi raised her eyebrows, “Are you okay?”

She nodded in response before bracing herself to gulp the dark liquid down. Trying not to show her amazement when seeing Shiraishi gulped down the coffee straight from the thermos lid without looking disgusted.

“You should have said no if you can’t stand coffee, Nishino-chan.”

“but you didn’t even tell me that it was coffee,” she frowned a little. For a moment Shiraishi stopped her movement before she burst out in laughter.

“Fair enough,” Shiraishi shrugged before giving Nishino a signal to sit beside her on the bench. She straightened her legs before finally ask, “so what do you think about the play?”

Nishino catches her eyes and took a moment to sort out her words before saying, “story-wise it is really good. It’s not something that I have heard before and the theme is unique. The writer did a really amazing job, it’s a bit unbelievable that high school students came out with the story because it looks professionally written.”

“I didn’t say anything about it being written by a high school student, did I?”

“IT’S NOT???” Nishino eyes widened.

“Yeah, it’s not exactly for school festival play,” Shiraishi chuckled, “it’s an outside of school theatre club project that I’m a part of.”

She had never thought that Shiraishi will be the kind of person that is active in that kind of group outside of school. If anything, she originally thought that the people from Shiraishi class are the one who voted for the girl to do the part because of her popularity and good looks.

Nishino Nanase realizes there’s more of Shiraisi Mai in addition of her captivating beauty.

“That’s really amazing, senpai,” she couldn’t hide her astonishment.

“You should put the brochure on the news wall, I’m pretty sure a lot of students in the school will be keen to come to see it.”

“No,” Shiraishi shook her head before looking up to the sky, “I don’t want people to solely come to see me. I want people to genuinely come to see the play. It doesn’t make any no sense to you, isn’t it?”

Nishino hummed trying to make a sense of it for a moment, “I think I can understand.”

“Well, I actually have been thinking of inviting someone to come and see me, but I’m still unsure whether it is a good idea or not.”

“Senpai, I’m sure the person would enjoy the performance,” the younger encouraged her. “Well, unless this person is really not into a stage play.”

“No, that’s not really the problem,” Shiraishi laughs, however, it sounds a bit different than the playful chuckle that she did before, this one sounds more deep and short, resembling a scoff more than a laugh, “I wish it’s something that simple, though.”

They went silent for a moment, with Nishino trying hard to come up with something to reply.

“Senpai, you… If you need to talk about that, I’m willing to listen.”
Shiraishi raised her eyebrows, “Thanks, Nishino-chan, but I don’t really know you that much so I don’t think I should talk to you about it. Well, to be honest, I don’t think I should talk to anyone about this because this is- hm… personal matters.”

Nishino eyes widened, “I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m so sorry for being insensitive.”

“It’s fine, you’re not being insensitive. If anything, during this short period that I have known you I think you’re far from insensitive,” Shiraishi averted her eyes towards the other girl. “I wonder, Nishino-chan, do you have a boyfriend?”

“N- no.”

“Girlfriend then?”

“Wha- No, I don’t.” Nishino realizes how it’s not that strange for a girl to be in a relationship with another girl, especially when it comes to their school, but still, she was taken aback from the upperclassman sudden interrogation.

“Hm… what about a crush? Do you have any?”

It took Nishino a moment before gulping down her nervousness and reply softly, “I don’t think so.”

Shiraishi lifted her eyebrows, feeling suspicious of the other girl answer, “well, let me tell you something. Hm… Have you ever heard about me before? Like I mean before we met tonight, maybe from your classmate or something.”

“Yeah,” Nishino admitted. It would be impossible not to hear about the other girl before, Shiraishi Mai is amazingly popular, everyone in the school now her beauty, albeit their opinion on her varies greatly, even Takayama- Nishino friends that go to another school knows about the older girl.

The fact that Shiraishi is the first heir of one of the biggest biomedical technology and robotics add to her popularity advantages. One could say that she has everything you want from a partner.

“Do you know that most people are either like me or hates me?” Shiraishi smiled bitterly.

Nishino feels bad because it seems like the other girl is hurting to admit that, “they have their reasons.”

“Well, of course. But do you know that I also have a reason to be like that?” Shiraishi averted her gaze back to the sky, seemingly lost in her train of thought for a moment before started to speak. “From the early years of my life, people that should have been there and care about me abandoned me in different ways. That’s why I never was able to reject someone affection towards me, even if I don’t know the person that well to like them back, even if I actually in a relationship with someone else, I couldn’t help but be greedy. It’s more like because I have lost so much, I will take every tiny piece of love that people could offer.”

The sun has started to appear, replacing the moon that has gone from their view, the yellowish rays seem to give the sky much more bright colors. Nishino eyes carefully observed the older girl, her eyes seem a bit sad albeit the smile that still doesn’t leave her lips.

“Furthermore, after everything that I have done because I just want people’s love, I am still afraid. What if they decided that I’m not good enough? Will they leave me just like the others did? So I always tried to be the one that breaks it,” Shiraishi continued, finally lifted her gaze from the peeking sun to face Nishino once more. “I am not like you, Nishino-chan. I am not afraid of people getting hurt because of me, I would rather have myself to be the one not-hurting.”

“Unlike me?” Nishino is confused, her brain failed to process the similarity of their situation.

“I think you know the answer more than I do, after all, I just met you a few hours ago,” her answer came as she stood up and turn her back towards the sun. “It was nice to talk to you, Nishino-chan. I believe you should leave this place before someone come and caught you here. It’s only a matter of time before your classmate started to look for you, too.”

For a moment, they were looking at each other without saying or doing anything. Nishino broke their moment by nodding and standing up to properly face Shiraishi, “I believe you’d be amazing on stage, senpai. I wish you the best of luck.”

“I don’t want to hear that now. Decide whether it’s good or not after you personally watch it. There will be a performance on Friday two weeks from now at the city town hall theater. I will reserve a seat for you, just come and give the information staff your name and say that you’re my guest,” Shiraishi explained briefly. “Your art is amazing, Nishino-chan. Take care of yourself, it’d be a waste if we lost someone with that skill.”

“T-thank you,” Nishino feel her face reddened so she bowed a little to hide it. “I will definitely come to watch the play.”

“Great, see you later, then,” she gave her a smile before turning her body towards the opposite side.

Nishino muttered a simple parting reply, before finally managing to drag her foot towards the door, a part of her still doesn’t want to leave yet she realizes that she really needs to go if she doesn’t want both of them to get caught breaking the school rules.

However, before closing the door, she stole a look towards the girl once more and find her looking up to the sky. She couldn’t really see her face because she was facing the opposite side. Then she realizes that the girl looks lonely.

She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened.

Snapping out from her useless wondering, Nishino closed the door and head downstairs. Once she got back from her class, several of her classmates ask about where she was, which she answered with one word “toilet” that thankfully manages to lift her out of their suspicion.

However, once she’s not the main attention of the whole classmate, Wakatsuki Yumi approaches her, with an unreadable look and say, “I wonder where did you get that scarf.”

Nishino eyes widened as she realizes that she forgot to give it back to Shiraishi, she stammered aimlessly to answer her best-friend before the latter shrugged.

“It’s totally fine, you don’t need to explain. It looks good on you."

For several minutes, they both stood looking at each other in silence. Nishino was one second away from walking away when Wakatsuki started to speak.

“Over the past month, things went downhill for the three of us, I really hope that someday we can go back to be friends just like before,” Wakatsuki said. “I know that I’m not in the position to demand so much, but at least I can hope for that.”

Nishino looks down for a moment. Somehow, she remembered what Shiraishi has said to her about taking every piece of love that she could find. Nishino sighed and finally said, “I’m… I’m glad that you did that. We are best friend, right? It was foolish of me to think that we should change that. I really hope we could stay best friends forever.”

“So am I.”


Okay you might notice but this wasn't actually intended to be Maiyan birthday special fanfic. You see the thing is I once thought to scrap this chapter from the plot as it seems so long just to answer few questions and even add some more. To tell the truth, most of the important points in this chapter will be explained later in future chapters, but probably it's going to take us a few more chapter before we got to that. This chapter originally going to be told still a bit later, however, I put it forward because it was already half done and I am currently too busy to come up with something else for maiyan birthday (yet I really want to put something)  :)

In case you were too swayed by the Nanamai goodness to notice, here's 2 things that you ought to know after reading this chapter:
=> This chapter is the first time Maiyan and Nanase truly meet, which means this happens before that one backstory where Wakatsuki hit Maiyan.
=> This chapter also explains the reason why Maiyan did get a wrong impression upon Wakatsuki and Nanase living together. Well, this doesn't actually tell you that she knows about Waka but however you can see from the last Waka and Naachan convo that something did happen between the three bestfriend.

I realize that I've been writing this story for more than a year. During this period a lot of things has happened to Shiraishi Mai (irl) some might be something that I used to find it hard to accept however I'm still glad to be able to follow Maiyan journey till this far.   :deco:

I also need to thank you all for reading this story, I'm glad I'm able to share my wild imagination about Maiyan here and to see that people likes it  :heart:

So here's for more to come, both the story, Shiraishi Mai, and all of us  :k-wink:

After reading this chapter... I get more interested....LIKE VERY!!

I'm kinda looking forward for more flashbacks where Maiyan was yet to become an android... like their relationship with Naachan.
Or how she was with Wakarei and Kazumin...

I never expected Maiyan to meet her mother... It surprised me a lot. Hahahaha Waka's patience made me laugh...JK...made me scared too.

Thanks for update author-san
Here's more flashback, I hope it's good enough  :cathappy: Well I might forgot to mention this but Kazumin, Reika and Maiyan is more of a stranger to begin with. Like they knows each other exist but doesn't really interact. However Wakatsuki is another story, she played a bigger part in Maiyan past  ;).
Hahahaha her mother is a missing link that is really fun to write. And Waka could be scary since she is clearly not fond of Maiyan  :nervous
Thank you for reading and commenting  :)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2017, 09:04:27 AM by finiarel »

Offline Janix123

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV.5 || 200817]
« Reply #77 on: August 20, 2017, 10:43:27 AM »
Yahooooo!!! An update...I'm slowly trying to engrave it on my mind. The more I read...I imagine things too...hehehehehe.

Maiyan being so nice giving the coat and the scarf....wahhhh Naachan being mesmerized by her...I also love it when Maiyan gets mesmerized by imagination gets wild.

Btw thanks for the update author-san :D

Offline clin-nolan

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV.5 || 200817]
« Reply #78 on: August 21, 2017, 05:51:49 AM »
Thanks for the update  :twothumbs :twothumbs
The way they met was cute ... it would be great if we could read more moments of them :heart:  :heart:
I hope to read more of WakaRei and that you can update soon  :D

Offline wakaten

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Re: Sakanatachi No Love Song [Nogizaka46] [Chapter XIV.5 || 200817]
« Reply #79 on: August 26, 2017, 08:04:04 AM »
damn, miss this fanfic so much. like always, you're great..thanks for update

i think i missed two parts? so idk where to begin my comments.. lol

is there anything happen between waka and nanase? what waka means with 'three of us'

this story getting more interesting as it grew.. btw, when will you update sayo imi? i think i missed nanamin badly right now... seriously

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