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Author Topic: STORIES OF US --- [All I Want For Christmas] Xmas One-shot -- 27/DECEMBER  (Read 38309 times)

Offline Beecubed

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [A Little Faith] ONESHOT~ 12/14
« Reply #40 on: January 30, 2011, 01:01:45 PM »
Replying to A Little Faith comments::::


That's okay... grac can troll all she wants.  :love:  Kinda funny actually that there seems to be some unspoken competition to post comments first after updates  XD (I'm kinda guilty of that sometimes, actually...)

Putting a fic up whilst travelling- impressive.

This was simply heart-wrenching. I love every moment of the ride you've taken me on.

Actually, I already had the whole one-shot written up a long time ago, just after Eri/JJ/LL grad announcements, so for me it was just a matter of refining everything. ^____^

But thank you, I'm happy I got across to you the feelings  :heart:

I love Eri- from the moment I saw her tentatively poking out of her shell to make fun of Makoto and Nacchi, to her self-effacing humor, the way she handles Nakazawa-san- becoming that character that would do anything asked of her without question and hesitation, and do it well.

Well said. Just some of the reasons I love Eri too; there's much more about her that's to love, but I just simply find every bit of her endearing.  :wriggly:
For me, Eri was the first of the 'modern' Musumes to steal my attention. Ai has certainly wiggled her way up, but Eri will always be the cutest thing to have come from H!P. Ever.  :heart:

I made comparisons for a study fic- don't you think Eri is so much like Rika? Their sense of humor is quite similar, their personalities, the way they respond to being teased (perhaps slightly different, but the essence is the same). They both bloomed best whilst portraying alter egos- both beloved by Nakazawa-san.

There's a reason why Masa and daigong call Eri Rika Jr.  :grin:
They really are similar in ways, though I think Rika has gone on to adopt a much more confident personality, whilst Eri still has her reservations at times. But yah, they were both able to bloom thanks to their alter egos, and both cared for by Nakazawa, like you said. And they're both my top idols, so I guess you can say I have a thing for those kinds of characters...  :P



Inebriated!grac is awesome. Hey, any grac is awesome, what am I talking about?!  :sweatdrop:

Looking forward to more of your rants, and thank you muchly for your comment  :heart:


Firstly, thanks for your comment!  :love:

I think maybe you've hit at all the feelings being felt over this graduation, all the Eri fans (including Sayu) have been spoken for in this work.

Awwww, that was a really nice thing to say. :love: 
I guess I was projecting all my feelings and doubt through Sayu's voice... I mean, even after Eri told all her fans that everything would be okay, I had my doubts and my fears. I was also afraid that after this graduation, Eri would be gone forever. I had to write this one-shot, just to spill... Sayu's perspective being a great vehicle for that, as I'm sure she'd been sharing some of the same uncertainties. ^_^

I won't cry, really, I won't. But thinking about the impending event makes a place in my heart ache. This Morning Musume has been one that I've known for so long now, I really can't begin to imagine it without these three. :cry: :cry:

Yeah, it was a very hard graduation to go through... it was the first one for me, as a fan.  :cry:
It's been a while since the graduations... so how have you been holding up?  :)
Hopefully very well. You're still active around here and posting awesome things (like that piece about Ai-chan's graduation and how you'd like to accept it  :wub:). Keep up the good work!  :thumbsup


Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it  :thumbsup


I'm sure you've seen all the KameShige moments in the aftermath of the grad annoucements - you definitely tell that Eri is a source of strength for Sayu, despite her being doubtful of what's to come when Eri's gone. It's only because they care about each other so much.  :oops:

Thank you! Glad you liked it.  :heart:


You already know how much I love your comments, and not just in this thread either... everywhere else!  :heart:

I can't begin to thank you for being such a wonderful commenter  :bow:  I think it's safe to say your comments alone can fill the void of all the lurkers out there  XD YAY for ropychan delurking, once again!  :love:

Since the graduation announcement, I have been waiting for a fic like this. Just like this. I wouldn't change a single thing, or a single word. It's true everything can be improved but I'm super happy (or should I say super depressed?) by the way this turned out.  This fic pretty much sums up all my emotions about Eri's graduation. And I absolutely love is from Sayu's point of view, it has been far more emotional this way.  And you weren't going to post it, uh? Thank God you changed your mind.

Thank God I did end up posting it, then  :lol: YAY!

I'm super happy this has met all your expectations!!!  :onioncheer:
All the thoughts and emotions were right from my heart at first, but of course had to quickly substitute Sayu in, and tweak things a bit. Lol. Me writing my super creepy fangirl thoughts as they are won't do.  XD

I like how you describe the emotions. They are so damn accurate! And because of that you can always relate to it and get more into the reading.

It's probably the only thing I can do  :lol:

I'm not very good with subtlety, I find. That's why I have to be so direct with describing things. But I'm glad it works for you!  :thumbsup

Sad/Angry Sayu  in this fic makes me cry. Everytime, even at re-reading. And she is in that state the whole fic, so you can imagine what I was doing all the time lol. It's so emotional. So sad. So awesome. I LOVE THE ANGST ~ :heart:

You're a funny one, ropychan. Are you more into crack or angst?  :lol:

But awwwww... you actually cried? *glomps ropychan* You must be a crybaby then, like me.  XD

But since you seem to be such a fan of angst, you'll be happy with Secret Admirer. Hopefully.  :P THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS~ BEE IS HAPPY.  :tama-lotsaluv:

And Eri taking Reina aside to talk to her in private was another detail I like very much.  She is telling her to take care of Sayu when she is not around, right? And comforting her too <3

Well, it was actually Reina who took Eri aside first to talk about what's going on between her and Sayu (as everybody is surprised Sayu didn't know, and worried she may have felt hurt that Eri hadn't mentioned it to her before). So it was more to do with that, but I'm sure along the course of their conversation, Eri would be asking Reina to take care of Sayu. She'd be asking everybody to take care of Sayu, and make sure the bunny does not feel lonely.  :)

And Gaki XD What the heck, when someomes interrups, usually it's her, I noticed just now, and for some reason cracked up. It seems my emotional stability isn't very stable these days XD But oh well, is so like her to be that way. Gaki-saaan <3

Yay for ropychan loving that scene.  :cow:  And yes, Gaki-san sunshine interrupts everything. She's just great like that, a real force to be reckoned with everywhere she goes, imo.  :yep:

The description of how the situation was affecting the members had a lot of details I loved. For example the mention of Ai-LinLin friendship. I'm lately craving for some sisterly-love fic with those two.

OHHHHHHH???  :hee:

I feel bad about this, but I lol'ed with this sentence. I'm sorry.  Crybaby Ai-chan is love :heart:

Hehe... that's okay, I laugh at crybaby Ai-chan too.  XD

And ropychan mentioned quite frequently the awesome details that she loved...  XD Bee will try her best to keep up with awesome details!  :cow:

This is one thing I have been worried about. Distance is such a dangerous thing sometimes. I really hope this won't damage their friendship. But I know their bond is strong, so I won't worry too much.

With all the subbed stuff that we've seen of KameShige since, I feel quite reassured. They really are the best of friends; constantly gushing about each other and all that. I have a feeling we really don't need to worry. ^_____^

The only thing that's sad is we just won't be able to see it, now that Eri is gone.  :(

This is pure truth. I think Eri is unreliable when she knows she can be like that. But when is needed she can be the realiable one. She can take care of herself and take care of others.

Yeah. We all know now that Sayu finds Eri to be the one she's relied on all this time, and that past her aho exterior, Eri knows how to care for and comfort the other members. Should've known anyway, with that TanaKame story involving Reina's bangs. xD

And then, the ending. THE ENDING OMG :mon cry:

I don't have words to express how much I loved this part. I cried. And I melted. And cried again. It's so beautiful. And sweet. And moving. And lovely. And adorable.  And KameShige. And I don't know. It's definitely my favourite part of this one shot. And I hope you are happy, making me cry this much. But I couldn't have hoped for a fic better than this one. Like I said, is exactly what I was waiting for, what I was searching for, since the graduation announcement. Thanks Bee :cry: :heart:

Awwwwww...  :mon lovelaff: ropychan so cute.  :wub:
And what a cute little comment. Thank you! Reading that made me very happy... because you know, the ending was actually the part of the one-shot that I worked on first... everything else led up to that culminating moment. :P

And you're welcome. Crying is good for the soul, ya know.  :P
*squishes you*

And by the way, I like how you had centered the attention in Eri's graduation, but without ignoring the other members who are graduating as well.

I had to. JJ and LL are also a part of all this, and it would've been selfish if Sayu had only focused all her thoughts and feelings on Eri.  :twothumbs

And I quoted quite a lot, I'm sorry :lol: Just know I loved it, and you made my day today, even if I felt depressed :heart: But  I think I feel a little happier now. So... it's time for dancing cows to celebrate the update!

Hehe... I'm sorry for the downer, but I'm glad you enjoyed it overall. And no worries about the quoting; quoting a lot shows me that you've read deeply and it points out to me what I'm doing right too.  :)

Overall, that was one amazing comment and I loved every little thing about it.  :wub: Inspiring, just to read it again!



Hehe, that was quite a reaction!  :heart:

I will update Secret Admirer shortly, and I hope you continue to read it  :P

Glad you liked both, and thanks for dropping by to comment! Really appreciate it.  :thumbsup


Hey, did you just totally waste your first post on this thread???!!  :shocked

...  :lol:

Yay, thank you!  :k-inlove:  I hope it was the story that brought you out from lurking, although I haven't seen you around lately. But please come back and continue to be active with your reading and fangirling!  :wub:

I saw some of your posts in the KameShige thread, you're a lovely and dedicated fan, I'm sure we'd all love to see more of you. You should start your own thread too, as I saw you had some great poems posted there that would do some good here too.  :)

oh...but i have a question, “Yeah…” Risa says, distractedly, her hands slipping to her chest and then off. “Just… I don’t know. Weirdly stimulated like I had one hell of a wet dream or something.” She shifts in her seat again.
what'd she mean with wet dream? is she like, have to pee or something? uhm...?  :dunno:


Well ropychan did explain it to you, but that's so cute. xD

You needed to understand that before you realised what was going on in the prologue though, so I hope you still understood...  :grin:

i like kameshige a lot...this pairing is the first that i shipped...and the understanding that the turtle gives to the bunny when the bunny sad or something and trying to hide it, and the attention that the bunny always gives to the turtle...i just cant help but feel sad that they wont be have work together for now...that they may have to see each other less than before...thus, i believe that because these two need each other company a lot, that this two is having this great relationship, i believe that even if they are working separately, they will continue to bond...because kameshige is one.

Yep, I could tell right away you were a big KameShige fan. That's awesome - we so need more of them around here!!!!  :bow:

Thank you for taking your time to write about your feelings for them, I really appreciate it and agree with what you said.

KameShige are the best of friends, and as you can see from all the DVDs and behind the scenes, they are crazy about each other  XD Even if we won't be seeing much of them anymore, I have hope that they will continue to be together forever.  :tama-lotsaluv:

i am blabbering strangely, arent i? ^^;
i am sorry, i dont know how to write a more proper comment...later, i will learn how to comment properly  :yep:

No, not at all! For a first post comment, that was great!  :twothumbs

I'm sure as you continue to read and comment, your commenting skills will improve. You've done a great job so far though, and I hope to see more of you around this part of the forum!  :nya:

bee-san...i really like your fic and i have become your fans ^^~
for now, i will wait patiently until your next update
bee-san ganbare~ ^o^

Bee-san?  :lol:  kawaiii... *pats Shiroi*

Awwwww~ you're too cute. I'm glad to have found a fan in you.  :love: Thank you for your encouragement!

Sorry about the lack of updates, you've probably forgotten all about JPH!P already, but next chapter up very soon.  :luvuluvu:

Offline Beecubed

  • Charmy Follower 4 Life. <3
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Re: STORIES OF US --- [A Little Faith] ONESHOT~ 12/14
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2011, 05:57:46 PM »
Replying to Secret Admirer comments::::


I'm glad you thought highly of it... I did put quite a bit of effort into the prologue, as people like junkie-chan can ascertain  XD

So Ai has mind control powers and she, and she used then to have her way with Gaki  :shocked  :panic:

Yup, you summarised it in a nutshell, thanks for that  :lol:

Thanks for commenting and hope you like the next update  :thumbsup


Yay, I'm glad you liked it!  :twothumbs

Gaki seems rather confused on trying to pursue Ai however, Ai has mind control

Hmmm? Did you take it that Risa was wondering if she should chase after Ai? xD Where'd you get that? Well, that was not my intention anyway... ^^;

Yes, Ai has mind control. Cool, yes?   8)


Eh? What sort of memories? Is it about the letter? :mon dunno: hmmm...So Ai-chan can control the mind.. Did Gaki find out in the past or something? :on ksweat:

Ahh~ thanks for commenting, kano-chan, but you appear to have been just a little confused by the prologue  XD

That's okay, I'm not very good at bringing across ideas in simple and easy to understand ways. My fault.   :kneelbow:

The letter is there, it's meant to make you question what's going on, but we're not supposed to know when it was written, and how it connects to everything.

We can assume that Ai had used her mind control powers on Gaki-san and then wiped her mind, so that she could not remember what happened (as her thoughts near the end of the prologue suggest).

When Risa wakes up feeling oddly stimulated, we can guess that Ai played a part in that. That she had her way with Gaki-san, as oddball put very nicely ^__^ I'm sorry that you didn't understand it, it's my writing =____=

But glad that you're still interested, and hope that you follow this up anyway.  :love:


 :nya: :nya: :nya:

Grac comments are GOOD!  :love:

I love the premise of this entire story (not just the mind control secks part). I've certainly had my fair share of admiring people from a distance and harboring secret crushes. Its really fascinating to profile the psyche of someone who would go to the extent of confessing their love by writing to their beloved anonymously. Its probably just as difficult to write that anonymous letter, as it is to confess verbally, isn't it?

I'm glad you've looked past the mind control secks part to find other things to like about the fic, that's for sure  XD

Secret crushes are hard ^^; *Bee has had her fair share too*

Yeah, it can be hard to write anonymously, but at least the fear of instant rejection (in the face) is not as intense. Thus why secret admirer letters have been written here. ^__^

The fear of being found out. Absolutely fantastic description of that feeling. It is, oddly enough, the same rush one would get when you get when (a) someone confesses their attraction to you, and (b) when you get the pre-breakup 'we have to talk'.


It's what I like to call having an internal-slowly-turned-external panic attack  :lol:
Fear produces physical reactions similar to panic and excitement.  :yep:

This is really interesting. I wonder if this is the first time Risa's looked at Ai like that, or if its a residual psychic imprint?

I really like the way grac thinks  :P

I totally get that- if I found out suddenly that I had superpowers, I'm not going to wait for Professor X to assess me before I start using them.

This post-event dissonance is very realistic. What remains to be seen is if these moments would just get easier, or more agonizing.

You will understand more of that when that particular scene (that I have yet to write, of course) comes along... but you're right. Ai suddenly realises she has these powers, they give her an immense surge of euphoric confidence, Risa is there, the object of all her desires and fantasies, what's Ai gonna do?  :P

Thank you for your wisdom, grac. You pointed out some things that make a writer like me very excited. You're picking up on the things I want you to talk about, and to wonder.  :heart:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'd love to see the ethical conflict in this new Ai-chan.

Thank you for writing this, Bee. Looking forward to more.

Ethical conflicts you will get!  :cow:

My pleasure, now you go update On Call and we're all happy.  :otomerika:

I will now go fantasize about what happened before the "night time hush".

Did you enjoy yourself?  :k-wink:

Those events will be revealed down the road. ^__^

And Bee can be our sempai.  :bow:

Well, at lot has happened since you made that comment, and right now I can HARDLY call myself your sempai...  :lol:
If anything, I'd like to be under your wing <3

If you swing past Malaysia, you're very welcome to the use of my guest room.

Next time, definitely <3 But would you have been able to house 15 people in that guest room?  XD

I think you should find your own rhythm and follow that- you're the author and your craft is the reflection of your emotions and thoughts. You could write an entire chapter filled with four-dollar words, or just single syllables to match the mood of your piece. Do what you will- we await with bated breath.

Grac wisdom steals the limelight yet again. Thank you for those words, they were really encouraging!  :tama-yeeaah:

Thank you for your comment, loved it.  :wub:


Ropychan comment, suggoiiii... once again... ^^; *Bee is stunned by ropychan's amazing efforts*

Reading your comments again even after such a long time is so motivating  :wriggly:

You, like grac, really picked up on things that made me cheer  :onioncheer: if anything, it shows that you've read deeply and thought about things beyond the text itself. Thank you!  :kneelbow:

I came at light speed when you told me you updated.  I scrolled down and down and down until I saw the header, only to make sure. Then I went all "Kyaaah it's here, it's here for realz~~ omg even the letters of the header are pretty omg I wanna read, I wanna read right now" fangirled like a little kid  and finally I scrolled up up up up again and began reading  XD

What a cutie you are!  :luvuluvu:

Thanks for answering my questions. ^^; most of the other readers skipped out on that, kinda shows what they're more interested in..  :grin:

In fact, I noticed that too. But I think you shouldn't worry too much. In general, you can understand the meaning,  even for words you have never seen before, thanks to context they are in. If not, that's why dictionaries exists.


Feedback like this I need. Even though you say it's understandable, I will try to make it a bit easier to grasp in the following chapters (although chapter 1 is a bit wordy too  :sweatdrop:).

Hmmm I would like to know first... how is a short chapter and how is a long chapter for you?

Super short chapter = 500-1000 words
Short chapter = 1000-2500 words
Long chapter = 2500-5000 words
Super long chapter = 5000 words+

And then you have epically long chapters like Essy's 10,000+ word chapters  :lol:

Glad you like 'em long though. This one coming up is kinda long.

Talking about letters... I like how do you start the fic with that letter. Maybe we'll have a new letter with each chapter? Or is this the only one? But it makes me wonder... when did Ai write that letter? Before she even began to use mind control powers, or after that? In the prologue we really don't know if Gaki has read it yet, because she didn't mention it.So maybe she didn't read it yet, or maybe she read it and she will mention it later.


If this happened before Ai-chan decided to use mind control, did Gaki reply? Did not? Did her actions encourage Ai to do what she did?

And if this happened after... why then? Is a way for Ai to deal with her conflicted feelings? Conflicted feelings -> I love you but I'm almost raping you but I'm feeling way too guilty but I don't think I can stop now but please dont hate me? XD Is she trying to approach normally Gaki in top of controlling her every now and then?

Am I just thinking too much without reaching a coherent conclusion? Definitely  yes  :sweat:

:mon inluv: :mon inluv: :mon inluv:

*pats and squishes and huggles ropychan*

I wrote it like that because that's what I wanted for readers to do. Start questioning. xD You're doing EXACTLY that, and you're doing a great job, there's no need to come to a coherent conclusion yet because you don't have enough of the story to work with! But YES YES YES! Keep it up with the speculating! xD Ropychan is asking all the right questions, I'm so happy ;________; lol... besides, you asking all those questions help me to think about how I can construct the story to help you understand things, or to give you extra hints. It's definitely helping with the writing process for me, thank you.  :bow: :heart:

I guess I’ve reached the point where if I don’t somehow get my feelings across to you, I might just lose it… I might lose everything.
I blame that line for all the ranting above. It's bothering me way too much, it can means nothing, but it can means so much too... And I know, I know, I overthink about insignificant details and then miss the big hints XD My head is weird like that.

^ for that part, you're probably overthinking it xD

*pat pat* I'm happy to see you thinking very deeply about it, but please don't tire yourself out unnecessarily  XD

Wait, what?  :shocked: That means we have TanaGaki here? TanaGaki?? OMG. This is the first time I saw this pairing, I think. And I'm hoping to see Reina with an important role in this fic! Aside from being "the girlfriend", I mean.

Please, please, can we have some Reina?  :heart:

Hai, TanaGaki desu yo. ^___^

Rndm likes to ship this pairing, she had a whole story on them (which I would like to get to reading after I've finished all my TakaGaki <3).

Ropychan's wish is my command. I wasn't really thinking of giving Reina much space here, but since you've requested it (some other members have shown interest too), I've been thinking of how I can feature her more in the story. Lots of scenes have popped into my head. Thanks.  :thumbsup

This this. If Gaki start now showing interest in Ai-chan, wouldn't that be due the "forgotten memories" with her? Or maybe those memories are just "helping" her to realize her true and undying love she actually likes Ai.

More questioning from ropychan. Good, good!  :wub:

Do you actually want me to answer those questions though, or would you like to find out?  XD

And btw, Gaki seems pretty worn out. I mean, she's even testing if she can walk properly. I can't help myself but wonder for how long did Ai keep her mind control on Gaki for keep doing... you know XD I get the feeling poor Risa is going to be quite restless lately and she won't even know why :lol: :lol:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She was sleeping on the study table for a while... but I guess if you want to view it that way, be my guest  :twisted:

So funny.  XD

She seemed to feel more fear than regret at first, but she definitely knows she has crossed THE line. Now she can't go back.

Fear + Ethnical conflicts = OH THE DRAMA assured.

And even if the fear factor goes away, something I don't see happening at all with Gaki being that perceptive, she still have to deal with all those dark emotions. Can Ai really manage all that? And I don't even want to think what will happen when the secret comes out, omg.

Yeah, she's definitely crossed the line as she thought in the prologue.  :bleed eyes:

Can Ai manage with all those dark emotions? Fair question. And another question for you... WILL the secret ever come out? >___>

And why we couldn't see it XD ? I want TakaGaki hotness! :drool:

LOL. Don't you worry, ropychan, I will be writing about the events that lead up to Ai's momentous night and you will get to see  :drool: TakaGaki  :love:

I'm really curious how are you going to develop the plot from here. At least I know in the end isn't going to be a yay we all are happy ~ happy ending!. Some people are going to be scarred for life here :cry: Ah~ the angst  :heart: I love it.

We talked about this quite a while before... ^__^

I could make it a happy ending if I wanted, but you don't think it's possible?

I have to say you really impressed me with some descriptions in this chapter, Bee :heart: And with your writing in general. Loved it  :heart:


Ropychan-approval, noted!  :wahaha:

I hope this rant makes sense somehow. Keep up the good work!

That wasn't a rant. That was awesomeness. Thank you for taking your time to write up this awesomeness, it really made me excited reading it!  :cow: :cow: :cow:

*huggles ropychan once more*  :heart:


Awwwww~ so cute.  :love:

I'm not sure. When people ask me that, I always have the urge to respond by asking where Momusu has been all my life  XD Knowing that would help answer your question  :lol:

Yay, I'm so glad you're liking it that much already!  :cow:
Feel free to ask me about photoshopping, I've been using it since late 2005. The most important thing I'd have to say is using TEXTURES. Without textures, I wouldn't be able to photoshop ;____;

Quote ia halla screwed if risa finds out i belive..and i think she doesnt realise that what the mind cant remember the body probably will XDD

YES!  :D

and i wants reina in this too~ X3 i cant wait for more and i cant wait to see how ai'll change in this since it seems this is just a ticking time bomb...also

Reina you will get, and I hope you enjoy the development of characters. Actually, I hope I can actually write that well  :sweatdrop: Knowing me and my noobiness, it'll be difficult, but my aim is to show you how the characters grow and change through all these... activities...  XD

i cant wait for a perv :P

Noted...  :lol: remember this story was born out of the need to write up a perv. It will get pervy.  :oops:

Thank you for reading and commenting!!!  :heart:


OMG this is GOOD.  I'm like, shaking with joy right now and fist-pumping.  My cousin is asking if I need to go to the hospital. :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :cow:

Awwwww~ thank you! :3
Fellow TakaGaki enthusiast, I feel somehow accomplished to have produced such a reaction from you. xD  :twothumbs

So Ai-chan has mind control powers.... HM, what could she have made Gaki-san do that night??  :twisted: :twisted:

Keep thinking about it, it might inspire you with your fic writing (i.e. write a TakaGaki perv, onegai...  :cry:).

ps- I'd say shorter chapters and frequent updates, so we know you're alive :lol:  But I have no right to say that :nervous

Yeah, sorry. Me and my laziness has drawn this out until now. ^^; You DO have the right to say that, you're an awesome updater.

Anyways, thanks for dropping by, having a read and leaving a comment. Means a lot!  :love: :heart: :yep:


Oh mai gaw~!!! It's here!!! It's here!!! Oh mai gaw!!!   :cow:  That was awesome!!!!!!  :twothumbs  :panic:

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

We're talking about a TakaGaki story here... I can't imagine how you'd respond if this were an AiEri fic, but you know, that is uber cute and I really appreciate you taking an interest in the fic. Yay!  :otomerika: :yossi:

I most definitely think you will, after reading that prologue ^^. You're doing an awesome job  :thumbsup. Besides you really love writing and that shows so I'm pretty sure this story will be phenomenal  :P

Awww, you have too much faith in me.  :heart:
I hope I won't disappoint you ^^; Thanks for the warm compliments!  :k-inlove:

So do you still remember that huh?  :mon impatient: It's been a while but is ok if you don't want to  :mon hanky: i'll just be here and wait and... keep posting one-shots you won't read  :mon runcry:

ok forget my little drama xD but yeah don't worry about it .. much :P

*huggles steph*
I still have so many fics to catch up with, and I promise you I will read your stuff <3
You're the only one around here who actively ships AiEri after all (they're one of the pairings I like better xD). I have to show my support for you when I can!  :love:

Also I really like that way you write made it so easily to read throughout the whole prologue without losing the essence and also pictured everything that was going on as well as the feelings. you really got me since the first line v^^

Thanks for taking your time to write up a nice, meaningful comment for me, it means a lot!!!!  :shy1:
I was initially a little worried that it would be hard to understand, but I'm relieved to hear that from you. ^___^

Did I just read a little TanaGaki here?!!!  :w00t: *oh please please, even a little, please!*

Everybody seems more interested in the TanaGaki  :lol:
I will really have to make sure Reina plays more an important role here. <333

Listen carefully Ai, with great power comes great responsibility.
I say it before and i'll say it again. I really really love the way you write. Going through Ai's emotions ... *sigh* ... can't wait for the first chapter more drama and angst  :farofflook:

Awesome piece of advice... now whether Ai-chan can understand that  :nervous

THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING <3 That was a great comment too. Hope you enjoy the next chapter of drama and angst.  :oops:


Life couldn't be better for me, thank you very much :) That is, if I didn't have to fly so much for work (and leisure :lol:) which ironically is the best time to catch up with the fics :P

That's great to hear!  :)
You have to fly around for work???  :shocked That sounds like a lot of fun and travelling for me... what exactly do you do?  :D

On the Prologue...
OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! *being a drama queen* LOL that was exaggerating but this is _______! Haha I have no words simply because this is beyond awesome. And it's just the prologue? Okay you got me sold :inlove: *sits patiently for the first chapter*

Another strong reaction...  XD
I'm happy to hear that the prologue got you  :heart:... now if I can keep the momentum up for it to live up to your expectations.  :thumbsup

Hope you continue to follow this and that you like the.. first chapter..  :nervous

Thanks for your comment!  :love: :heart:


I really need to learn how to respond more moderately  :sweatdrop:

I kinda feel bad if I don't show that I appreciate the effort readers put in though >___________<

BUT BUT BUT! I've been sitting here thinking about what to do instead 'coz I just can't do this every time... so...

As thanks, I'd like to give away some photocards to readers after the story's done. I've offered to give away photocards before @ Chuuch & competitions at H!O & LJ, and was thinking it would be nice to do it here too. Hopefully this will be thanks enough, and it'll make me feel better about not having to respond to comments in such detail as well  :nervous

I have WAAAAY too many photocards (10,000+ now =___=), and I think a good lot of them would appreciate the attention from more modest owners  :lol:

As a heads up, if you're a Rika, Ai-chan or Eri fan, you're in luck. Most of the photocards are of them. :P

^ Some of Bee's crazy collection.  :bleed eyes:



A little more than two months on, chapter one, finally ^^;

Sorry for the major delay in updating, but I did have the awesomest overseas trip to enjoy. Then got home and got sad, and then just plain lazy. I didn’t want to write – I just wanted to read. But I am reminded once again I need to get things going (Thank you ropychan and grac for being the best motivators in the world. I love you guys.  :mon inluv:)

I’m sorry this first chapter is a little slow. And the first part involves A LOT of telling (messy telling too, gomen >__<) – I was thinking about balancing it out with some scenes, but I couldn’t think how. I just needed to get most of Ai’s history out there first thing; I’m not skilful enough to do this any other way. Plus, I don’t need this to get any longer than it already is… Hopefully I can update a bit quicker next time – but the length of this chapter should make up for it in the mean time? I really do need to quicken the pace a little. For the peeps anticipating it to get explosively pervy, sorry too. Not until a little down the track… ^^;

Anyways, without further ado, chapter one.
Hope you guys like it. :)

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [A Little Faith] ONESHOT~ 12/14
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2011, 06:00:19 PM »

Chapter One

“Compared to what we should be, we are only half alive. We are making use of only a small part of our mind power. Deep down inside of us are vast powers we know nothing of and never use.”


The human mind is truly, in every sense of the word, a phenomenon.

It’s mysterious in its workings, capable of so much more than first meets the eye. The enormity of its mental potential has never been uncovered or fully understood by humankind. And slumbering eternally within the average human brain are immeasurable, hidden complexities and talents– never to be awakened, to be realised and consciously utilised. The true power of the brain is wild, volatile, too erratic to be manageable on any level. The singular, most frustrating stumbling block: finding a way to somehow reveal its veiled depths, unlock its power, harness this at will…

And what is the human mind really capable of?

A speck sampling of the global population reveals people who have phenomenal out-of-the-world memory, those who can bend spoons with their mind and others who can train themselves to withstand debilitating degrees of heat, cold or pain by sheer spiritual willpower.

Takahashi Ai, at a mere five years old, was discovered by her teachers to possess similar exceptional cognitive abilities. At five years old, such talent was still raw, largely undeveloped and untouched. The potential that Ai had in her manifested in select ways– especially so in the way of academia. At only 5 years of age, she was already showing high mental arithmetic functioning, which many a teacher had come to bear witness to; she was instantly labelled a child prodigy whose thinking and recall skills, even at that tender an age, were paralleled by no one.

While her parents had known from an earlier age that Ai was a rather special child, they had no idea just how remarkable her abilities would prove to be. After endless visits to educational psychologists, specialists, clinical counsellors and the like, they were informed quite extensively about the sorts of things to expect from Ai as she grew older and became aware of and more adept at tapping into her mind’s reserves. Everybody was firm with hope and belief that one day, Takahashi Ai would finally be in full control of her giftedness. After all, she’d unofficially become something of a national treasure, an awe-inspiring human asset, and it just wouldn’t do to have one such as her slipping though the fingers of authority. What a shame that would be, for her to drop off the radar when there was still so much to be seen.

And so, over the years, a relentless string of educational doctors and specialists arrived at the Takahashi doorstep in a bid to convince her parents to leave Ai under their care, that they would do it as a favour, to nurture her budding talents.

Amidst all the noise and fuss, it was Ai’s grandfather who showed a brassy stubbornness about not handing her over to the authorities, for fear that they would be interfering and messing with Ai, with the gift that she’d been given. And amidst the same noise and fuss, nobody had noticed how distressed one little girl had become from all the attention. How her eyes would flick nervously from side to side, how she’d fiddle endlessly with the hem of her summer dress, the slight wrinkling of her face at the mention of doctor. Nobody noticed, that was, except her grandfather. Nonetheless, his incessant pleas fell on deaf ears until one day when he resolved to step in physically and make sure his grandchild could not be hauled off to yet another clinic.

It’s for her own good, her father would say, his grip on Ai’s arm tightening along with his determination to get to their next appointment on time. Ai would look up to her Ojii-san, her lips pressed into a thin, trembling line. Those large, fearful eyes, twinkling with the threat of tears; everything about her made her grandfather sick with agitation and all the more vehement about taking a stand for his precious little Ai, who could not voice her own helplessness. Kids her age were spoilt and the usual fare yelled and screamed and threw temper tantrums when things did not go their way. Ai was different. She was quiet, painfully so, and they’d all taken it as a sign of her innate temperament and something that simply could not be helped. Still, her grandfather knew there were things that Ai didn’t like. Seeing the specialists topped this list.

“She’s just a child,” Grandfather Takahashi boomed. “Leave all the tests and probing until when she has the emotional capacity to handle them.”

“If we wait that long, she may never be able to develop to her full potential. Some things just can’t be left unattended. I trust these well-learned people, and I know one of them will be able to take good care of her. You’re not the one who knows what’s best for her,” her father retorted, reaching over to take Ai by the arm again.

The moment Ai stiffened, pulling away from him to cower against her grandfather, it happened.

Get away from her!

Ai still clearly remembers the sound of his voice, rumbling like a brewing storm from deep inside him. She was scared. For the first time in her life, truly terrified of everything and everybody around her, even as her usually gentle grandfather ushered her behind him with a guiding arm.

That day, she still ended up sitting across the table from a large white-coated man who had a clipboard in one hand and a continually inking pen in the other.

During the weeks that followed, Grandfather Takahashi would personally come out to greet the obstinate doctors who’d return time and again to their house. It wasn’t any old greeting that he offered; her saviour would punctuate his deceptively warm welcome by turning his head aside and hacking out a wad of spit. That was the last time she saw some of the doctors. 

While her mathematical genius was undeniably impressive, there was the one standout ability that had garnered considerable attention from around the nation: Ai’s photographic memory.

In front of live audiences, she replicated through drawing something she had, only in a passing moment, captured with her mind’s eye. Her imagination was more wild and striking than could ever be expressed in mere words, as her subsequent artwork suggested. An 8 year old Ai soon found her work put on public display to the wonder and awe of many around the country. She had even made international headlines; her parents were, to say the least, very pleased with how things had turned out for her.

Behind all the glitz and glamour that had suddenly marked her life and her talents, Ai saw herself in a very different light. To her, these incredible abilities meant something else altogether– for one, that she never forgot a name, nor did she forget any feelings associated with that name. It was why her grudges could last forever, and why she could be just as ceaselessly steadfast with her admiration for someone. It was only one of the many mysterious ways her mind worked; Ai could simply not forget. But despite such an impressive stature of intellect and raw talent, Ai stuttered when talking to people. She was an agonisingly timid child and had never seemed able to shed herself of her shy disposition, even after years and years of social counselling from everybody involved in her life. A wallflower, many called her. It was no secret that she had a lot of trouble making friends and even more difficulty keeping them.

On her 10th birthday, Ai finally found the courage to verbalise the birthday wish she’d kept secret for so many years. She told her parents that she’d had enough, that she hated having to lie under those cave-like scanning machines and hated the fuss of being prodded and examined come every weekend; she didn’t want any of it, nothing, not even the much coveted fame and recognition, the endless choruses of praise that any other child would have basked in. There was something in her voice that must have struck a chord in her parents’ hearts that night. Her triumphant smile and the spring in her step for the rest of the week were worth it to them, her grandfather told her later, petting her proudly. 

Time rushed on. For much of the rest of her youth, Ai fortunately managed to stay under the radar. She made it a mission to keep her blossoming talents under wraps, not to wantonly parade them for all to see and gawk at. For she hated the attention; it made her burn behind the ears and the blood whoosh to her head.

Her unblemished report cards came with little visible effort, and this did not go unnoticed. With her academic records pegging her as ‘profoundly gifted’, she was granted the opportunity to skip grades and enter university the moment she turned 12; Ai politely declined. Doing such a thing would only draw attention to herself– instead, she deliberately penned in inaccurate answers on her maths tests, and pretended to forget the trickier facts and figures her class needed to recall for Japanese history (though, of course, everything she learnt in class went straight to her permanent memory storage, never to be misplaced or forgotten). She made mistakes so as to avoid the peculiar glances her way, the somehow unpleasant what-is-up-with-this-perfect-scoring-girl looks that she found so hard to stomach.

When Ai hit fifteen, her family moved from Fukui to Yokohama, Kanagawa. By this age, her delicate features had begun to mature and refine, the softness of her face sharpening, and while her figure remained petite, it was beginning to swell with a womanly flair in all the right places. The boys in class began paying attention, and so did, she noticed worriedly, other, older males (and the odd female too). True to her wallflower image, Ai humoured nobody. She was hard to impress, too easily discouraged, too sceptical, too timid. The measly thought of being with another person in that way made gooseflesh sprint up her arms and down her back, and never in a particularly pleasant way. If there was ever a person who found it hard to connect with others, to fall in love – it was Ai. How ironic, that she could not live up to the name her mother had given her.

It was also around this age that she first began to notice something that had so far managed to escape her eye. It had never been pointed out to her before, nor was it ever amongst the harsh whispers her parents had long ago exchanged behind closed doors. Maybe it had always been quite elusive, or perhaps it was solely a product of her coming of age.

This uncanny talent of persuasion was just that at the beginning– an eerie ability to persuade. Considering that Ai was a bit of a stuttering oaf and was about as charming as a flailing sardine on a chopping board, she was doubtful she could do anything beyond blindly gaining sympathy votes. It was her physical appearance, it just had to be. Her looks had drawn the limelight away from her barely concealed talents, had reeled people in and made them weak for her. It had to be; she just couldn’t see how she could be genuinely convincing in any other way.

Slowly, she began to notice. That when she let off negative vibes (that being almost all of the time), people stayed a long distance away. When she felt calm and content, the same lot of people were copiously drawn to her. At first, she tried to brush off any suspicion of it being related to her giftedness, believing it to be the natural case with anybody; your mood, whether good or bad, would affect the people around you.

One average school day, it finally clicked with Ai. That day, having just found out the previous night that her grandmother had fallen very ill, Ai was feeling bitterly heartbroken. As expected of her, she did not allow such feelings to show on her face or manifest in any other way. Almost instantly after roll call, a loud wail sounded from just beside Ai. All eyes turned to the classmate just beside her, who had for no apparent reason begun to sob uncontrollably. A murmur of sniffling and crying grew around her; even the boy behind her looked just about ready to burst into tears. Ai sat there, frozen, the tears swelling in her throat turning to glue. When taken aside by their home teacher and questioned, all of the students claimed they did not know why they started crying, just that an overwhelming sadness had inexplicably come over them. Ai, who’d been eavesdropping from around the corner, stared wide-eyed as realisation dawned on her. She couldn’t believe it… her feelings… had they been that strong?

It was as she had thought. Ai could markedly affect people with her feelings, her moods.

It was why when after giving off negative vibes to a certain somebody who did not respond as she’d anticipated, that Ai thought she had found somebody in life to take a second look at.


O N E  M O N T H   E A R L I E R

It’s sometime past noon, and lemony sunlight comes slanting into the room past slightly drawn curtains, dust motes dancing in its wake. The gentle caress of afternoon warmth is welcoming; after a morning’s worth of routine homework completion and Professor Nakazawa’s innovative and individually-based instructional meditation, Ai likes to spend her calm (and dreadfully uneventful) Sundays with her nose in a good book.

Reading, books, stories… these things are her escape. From the aching nakedness of reality, certainly, but mostly from the chaos of her own mind. Being mentally gifted may have brought others a sense of elevated standing, of prestige and much wanted admiration, but for Ai, it is a burden. 

Legs raised in a criss-cross behind her, Ai is lying on her stomach in the middle of a modestly spaced living room, in front of a blank television, reading a book and listening to music on her iphone, when she feels a sudden weight on the saddle of her back. Startled, she removes her earbuds with a jerk and strains around.

“Ai-chan, don’t move.”

It’s Risa, hands clasped at her stomach and looking up at the ceiling. She raises her head from where it’s rested on Ai’s back for a moment, then drops back down, shifting and snuggling, finding a comfortable fit; it’s all so light, flippant, playful. Ai’s heart skips a beat.

The older girl’s so busy celebrating this sudden show of intimacy from Risa that the implication of her being here takes a moment to sink in, and when it does (thanks in part to a heavy sigh from the bean), it hits her like a wall of bricks.

Risa’s full lips are a shade darker than normal, and dangling black earrings glint through her neatly styled hair. And the whiff of perfume is strong– too strong. It’s unnatural, almost pretentious, and worst of all, it masks the loveliness of Risa’s raw, womanly scent.

Risa had devoted a good hour this morning excitedly prepping herself for a day out with her girlfriend, who she’d been weeping about for a long time now. They’re usually complaints about how the two of them hadn’t had the chance to properly spend time with each other for weeks. She is supposed to be out having fun right now, so why is she here, with Ai, resting so chummily like this on the older girl’s back?



“Y–you… what…here, how? What?”   

After the words tumble from her lips, Ai turns her attention back to the book at hand, panicking a little inside. She wavers, quietly debating her next course of action.

Risa gives a chuckle, probably amused once more by Ai’s rather conspicuous habit of word-blundering.           

“Reina cancelled.”

Another sigh.

“Something about work demands, I don’t know. We’ve been trying so hard to find a time to meet, but things keep popping up.”

For a moment, Ai’s silent, taking this in. If she recalls correctly (and she has absolutely no problems with recollecting, that’s actually the problem), this isn’t the first time that Reina has cancelled on a get-together with Risa, although last time she’d at least had the courtesy to inform the bean a good while in advance.   

“And she couldn’t call you earlier?” Ai asks, frowning. “She waited until your meeting time to let you know she couldn’t make it?”

“Last minute thing, I guess.” Risa doesn’t sound too convinced. “As you know, her boss is a bit of a finicky nutcase and with that prospective job promotion, things aren’t exactly easing up for her…” Risa sighs again. It’s all she’s been doing lately; sighing. That, and the darned thesis she’s been assigned to work on for the last month. It’s due in a few months time, though Risa seems bent on getting it finished a lot earlier just so she can focus on other more important things. Like Reina.

“But let’s not worry about that!” She cheers. “What are you doing here, all cooped up inside on a gorgeous day like this?” Risa whacks Ai on the back, her position not deterring her at all. “And I won’t take a good book as an excuse. Get out there, Ai-chan.”

Her voice then turns soft, solemn. Almost imploring, in a way. It pulls at something inside. “We’re not going to have this conversation again, are we?”

Ai is glad they’re not face to face right now. “Nothing I say now is going to stop you, is it?”

Inwardly, she wants nothing more than to deflect the issue at hand, fearing that she will have to lie there subject to Risa’s chiding for more than she honestly cares to listen to. It isn’t that Ai doesn’t appreciate Risa’s concern, it’s that it’s the same droning few words Ai’s heard one too many times.

“It took me two years to get you to open up to me like this. You’ve got to give other people the same chance. It’s such a pity the world doesn’t know the Ai that I do.”

“No it isn’t,” Ai says quietly. “And I will. Give other people a chance, I mean.”

“And you say that every time, but I’m still waiting for results, you know!”

“I have friends, Gaki-san.” Ai acknowledges that she’s stretching the truth a bit, but if she can get Risa off her back for the time being, she’ll stretch it as she pleases. “My life just doesn’t revolve around them, that’s all.”

Risa blinks. “Is that so?” She lifts herself from Ai and crawls over to position herself shoulder to shoulder with the older girl, where she then lowers herself to the floor, their faces inches apart with just a turn of the head. Risa brushes her hair aside, and a smile blooms across her face. “I’d like to meet them someday.”

Ai returns the smile weakly.

“They better not be make-believe like your last few were.”

Ai lowers her head, sheepishly, gives a nod as rising heat pours into her cheeks at the unsolicited memory of how she’d fabricated a night-out with ‘friends’, just so she could get Risa off her case– and how Risa had later discovered her nestled contentedly in an armchair with an encyclopaedia on lap, at the university library, after an impromptu visit to drop off some books.

Risa pinches Ai’s nose lightly, noticing the way the girl flinches, probably unused to the attention. She then settles down, using her arm as a headrest, closes her eyes, succumbing to the gentle warmth of noon and the lull of sleep. Ai’s gaze remains on the bean for a moment longer. Then, with a hint of a smile, she turns away, back to her book.
About an hour later when Risa wakes up, a little disoriented and pained all over from her less than ideal sleeping position, the first thing she does is asks Ai to recite the whole first page of the novel she is reading. Ai arches a brow at this request (as she does every time Risa finds ways for the older girl to showcase her extraordinary memory talents), but does as Risa pleases. Ai entertains Risa’s childish whims with an amused tolerance she has for nobody but the bean. She hands Risa the novel, who eagerly flips back to the first page to keep check, then clears her throat dramatically. Without missing a beat, Ai spends the next minute recalling aloud the first page of the book from memory, word for word.

Sugoi, sugoi! Risa exclaims, and she’s already riffling through the novel yet again, looking for more things to put Ai’s powers to the test. She asks this and she asks that, senseless questions, hard questions, questions that make the both of them laugh. Sometimes Ai responds without hesitation, other times she needs to have a moment to think, but at all times Risa is glowing, awed.

While Ai may have believed such childish things to be rather bothersome, with Risa, it’s different; with Risa, she relishes every single moment, every word that slips from the younger girl’s lips, the way her expression alters in tirelessly interesting ways, everything that Risa is etches itself clearly and sharply in Ai’s mind, like letters carved neatly into deep frost. When Risa lifts her lashes to regard Ai after asking her a question, the older girl is struck, again and again, by the brilliant coffee of those eyes, eyes so darling, so rich and full of feeling. Through the whole leisurely session of let’s-exhaust-Ai’s-abilities, her throat tightens, and she can’t think straight.

Ai had wanted Risa from the moment she’d laid eyes on her all those years back. And now, in spite of the fact that Risa is most painfully off the markets, she feels her body surge and tremble with unfurling desire, one that starts a hammering in the side of her throat. It’s all she can do to mentally keep herself in check, to remind herself to swallow regularly and not to overheat under the bean’s undivided attention.

“Kyaaa! Ai-chan, that’s amazing!” Risa declares for the nth time, eyes large and hopelessly spellbound. “How in the heavens do you do it? Suuuuugoi.”

After the rapid-fire of questions is over, Risa casually thumbs through the book.

“Is this story good?”

“I haven’t finished it yet.”

“But so far? What do you think of it so far?”

“It’s… it’s pretty good. It’s a philosophical novel, but it’s centred on a couple’s blooming romance.”

Dark brown eyes brighten. “Oh, like a love story?”

“In a way, yes.”

“I’ve always been interested to read something that you’ve read, Ai-chan. You know, just so we can have a common book to talk about. But the books you read always seem so…”

“Boring?” Ai offers.

“…thick,” Risa corrects. “And maybe a little difficult for me to read,” she adds sheepishly.

“What kind of books do you read then?” Ai asks, realising that she hasn’t seen Risa read. At all. Most of the bean’s literary endeavours seem to come in the form of reading and responding to gluttonous text messages from Reina.

“Disn…” her voice falters as her face clenches in realisation. “Well… ehe… I guess Disney novel counterparts don’t really count as proper novels, huh?”

“Oh no, they are novels too. Just different.”

“By different, do you mean pathetically childish?” Risa asks, laughing, and Ai lowers her head with a grin. “But yeah, you can say I’m a bit of a sucker for love stories…”

Silence follows.

“What are you thinking about?”

The question seems to startle Risa from her wandering thoughts, prompting her to shift a little. “…Reina.” She casts her gaze to the floor.

Ai isn’t sure what to say to this. All she knows is that she wants to continue this conversation, she doesn’t want it to end here; and despite her own ill feelings on the topic of girlfriend!Reina, Ai wants to find out more, even if the knowledge and reality of it hurts her.

“I’ve always wondered… what makes you like her so much?” Ai asks, hesitantly.

A pause. “There really isn’t anything I’d like to single out… just that she’s somebody special to me,” Risa replies, a slow, wistful, faraway look gracing her countenance. “I knew Reina was the one before I had even met her.”

Ai wishes she’d never asked.

Later that afternoon, Risa receives an unexpected call from Reina who seems to have an extended lunch break. Risa’s practically whooping for joy as she leaps onto the couch and settles into a cross-legged position, phone pressed to her ear and barely able to refrain from spilling over with heartbreaking excitement.   

Ai watches, from behind the kitchen counter, Risa talk on the phone, taking thorough note of the endearing expressions of her face, her wildly animated hand gestures despite the lack of audience. Ai watches, mesmerised, for long, tormenting moments, the bowl of rice in her hands turning cold. Watching the younger girl, she is filled with a familiar sense of awe again, and at the same time, she feels weak with an odd sort of grief, misery that this wonder before her is so far beyond reach.

Nothing and nobody holds her attention as fiercely.

So beautiful, Ai thinks.

Beside Risa, Ai has always believed herself to be something of a broken person… paling in comparison, incomplete. Risa… she’s the one– has always been. Would…would Risa ever look at her?

And then always, as if on cue, as if by some psychic interchange she can sense Ai’s stare, Risa will lift her head, still feverishly chatting away into the receiver of her clamshell, and their eyes lock for but a passing moment. It’s usually Ai who looks away, who swiftly drops her gaze before her cheeks can flame and give her away.

After, a moment of internal struggle. Ai forces her stiff limbs into action, walks away with the intent of hiding in her bedroom, away from the sight of the younger girl’s can’t-erase-this-goofy-smile love. But Risa’s voice is too bright – that beautiful, tugging gravity– as always, drawing her, pinning her to the spot, snipping away at every thread of resistance in her. She leans back against the kitchen wall with an exhale of pent-up breath, and there, out of sight, she closes her eyes. There, she pretends; she fantasises, that she’s the one on the other end of the line. She imagines that she is the lover that Risa is talking to.

“I miss you,” Risa wails.

I miss you too, baby.

“Do you miss me?”

Of course I do. I miss you like hell.

“I miss you more~!”

No, I miss you more…  Ai’s lips curve upwards.

“When can I see you again?” That voice, so lovingly gentle, so soft and girly in its conveyance of the question that Ai almost sinks to the ground under weakened, shaky knees.

As soon as everything is settled.

“But we haven’t seen each other in so long…”

I know. Wait for me, just a little longer. I’m doing all this for you.

Her heart swells a little, lost in the moment.


That is of course, until Risa speaks that name that Ai has become so infinitely discouraged by. Her spirits wilt in an instant as reality greets her again, a jarring punch to the gut. Reminded that she’s just Takahashi Ai, a lonesome plain Jane, a disconnected heart. She can think and she can feel and she can ache all she wants, but no one would ever know– that’s how it’s always been.

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [A Little Faith] ONESHOT~ 12/14
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2011, 06:02:20 PM »
dibs? @ropy: :mon blblbl:

The human mind is truly, in every sense of the word, a phenomenon.
Beautiful narrative- somehow, it evokes Discovery Science. However, the NatGeo themesong played in my head for some reason.

The moment Ai stiffened, pulling away from him to cower against her grandfather, it happened.

“Get away from her!”

Ai still clearly remembers the sound of his voice, rumbling like a brewing storm from deep inside him. She was scared. For the first time in her life, truly terrified of everything and everybody around her, even as her usually gentle grandfather ushered her behind him with a guiding arm.

I wonder how much of this was Ai, and how much of it was the grandfather?

It wasn’t any old greeting that he offered; her saviour would punctuate his deceptively warm welcome by turning his head aside and hacking out a wad of spit.

Takahashi Jiji RULES IN LIFE. He and I would get along nicely, I think.

If there was ever a person who found it hard to connect with others, to fall in love – it was Ai. How ironic, that she could not live up to the name her mother had given her.
Awww, misnomer. Don't worry Aichan, yours is a special one-person-only kinda Ai.

was about as charming as a flailing sardine on a chopping board
:huhuh the only sardines i know come in a can. with tomato sauce. but i love this. funny.

A little break from the quotes to let you know how incredibly well-written this is. You did not bore- this background drew me into the story even more, it gave just the right amount of information to set the scene, yet intrigue. It helped to put me in Ai's shoes, and then infer on what else could've happened in her life further. Every scene and story progression after this will have me wondering: "Okay, this happened. Ai-chan will react like so. Understandable." or "Wow, I didn't expect her to react this way- I wonder what else happened." and then i go off to ponder more. (this was written after my petulant IM to finish this, so pardon the lack of clarity)

*Risa's straddling Ai.*
Worthier Takagaki fangirls(boys) than I will certainly do my share of squeeing. But it was incredibly sweet.
*Ai Angst*
Ditto above. But bittersweet.

fearing that she will have to lie there subject to Risa’s chiding
due to Risa's squishing

Sideshow!Ai is adorable. And how she patiently accedes to Risa's bidding.

The contrast between their characters, the fact that they have near nothing in common (so far), makes me wonder- what is it that Ai see's in Risa? What made her fall that hard?

It was why when after giving off negative vibes to a certain somebody who did not respond as she’d anticipated, that Ai thought she had found somebody in life to take a second look at.

Certainly not just this.

Come on, we've all been 'tested' by the crazy ex with ludicrous demands, abusive behaviour and unreasonable tantrums to see if we'd run and "leave them just like everyone else". *raises hand* Anyone? Just me? Okay.

So I don't think that the only reason Aichan fell for Risa was just because the bean was a deadzone to Ai's empath-transmitting powers. (Course, we found out earlier that it didn't apply to mind-control secks.)

What was it? Does it still count as love when you 'love' the only person that could stand close to you and not get affected by your powers? Kinda like a marriage of convenience. Would Aichan's attraction and love for Risa still stand after she finds that Risa wasn't all that immune? When Risa becomes a mindless drone of a plaything? Will that love withstand the guilt and angst,  post-defilement? You always run from people you feel guilty around.

Some mighty complex emotions and concerns you have to deal with here, Bee. And I am certain you will not disappoint. I take my self-grandiosing statement back- my modesty is only second to yours: this was a great chapter, what were you whining about? *smacks Bee's hand*


My reply to your reply on my reply:

I really like that you like the way I think.

Well, at lot has happened since you made that comment, and right now I can HARDLY call myself your sempai... 
Yes! You still are! For I fear you, in the biblical sense.   :bow:

Additional notes:

You and ropynyanko should totally get married. Cute.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 09:04:47 PM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [A Little Faith] ONESHOT~ 12/14
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2011, 06:04:10 PM »


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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2011, 06:09:12 AM »
GAH BEE IM SO HAPPY YOU"VE GOT A NEW CHAPPY~!!! *glomps u and squeals*
this is like absolutely perfect! so sont you ever doubt your writing! i understood, and felt everything that was going on>.< i felt bed for ai when she was little and i know those feelings 1st hand^^; (well the being quiet and by yourself feelings) and just when she found risa was was all squealing like the happiest person ever, only to be all sadness near the end with ai's little fantasy in her head while hearing risa talk to reina on the phone :( poor thing.

i cant wait to read more about this~ X3 i hope you can post up the next chapter soon~ >3<(and this length is lovely btw X3*is happy*)
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2011, 06:49:01 AM »



*spazzes and rolls around on the floor*

After such a long wait there is an update!!  :bow: That surprised me, but made me really happy and excited that I jumped around a little in my seat. lol

Man, this chapter is long! @.@ I'm surprised I managed to sit through it all in one day. Usually I have to read things like this in parts because it's too long and I easily get bored. XD Damn attention span is so short! I forced myself to read through it though and carefully too.

I'm not good with comments, so I don't know what to say about this chapter other than that it's very well written! Ah man, I wish I can write like that. Every sentences ties up very well and I like the wording to this chapter. It made me like the fic and chapter even more~!  :love:

I was kind of hoping that this chapter would have a steamy scene, but I'll take the angst chapter any time! lol I like my angst too much. ^^;

I feel bad for Ai. She should just steal Risa from Reina cuz I never did like TanaGaki too much and TakaGaki wins over that pairing anytime! XD

I like the friendship Ai and Risa have here. I can picture it clearly. I think what I also like about this chapter is that it seems to be in character, at least to me. And well, that's a very hard thing to do, or at least for me it's really hard. >_<

I look forward to another chapter soon! ^____^  :heart:

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2011, 07:55:25 AM »
You know, I was just wondering whether I should come and give this thread a good kickbump, imagine my pleasant surprise when I saw this update. Finally, we get some backstory on Ai, a lot more than I was expecting. Is her relationship with her grandfather going to be important later on or is it just supposed to give more depth to her childhood?

Will we get some back story on Tanagaki?(which I love, btw, too bad Ai's going to be naughty later. Wait, not 'too bad', what am I saying? I'm a Takagaki fan first and foremost.)

Will we get a PERV soon?? XD

Don't take too long to update the next chapter, now. I wanna see Ai exert her mind control on the bean! :D

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2011, 02:22:57 PM »
Well this chapter came out of no-where didn't it.....  :w00t:

Hmm, there's many dangerous undertones to what Ai may well be capable of, with her mood/mind control thing, especially with her grandfather, was it becuase of her that he reacted like he did, and also why her parents acted like they did with her 10th birthday wish.... and of course about what happened in the prolouge between Ai and Gaki  :panic:

Seems as though Ai almost has an inferiority complex of a sort because of how, well, un-inferior she is, that she is so scared of her powers affecting other people that she hides away on her own, i.e. perhaps her greatest strength is also the source of her greatest weakness?

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2011, 07:10:07 AM »
ehh? what is it? an update?  :shocked

.............................. really? :w00t: *spazz for moments like a fangirl*

ahem..okay, onto the story..

Secret Admirer Chap 1


“Compared to what we should be, we are only half alive. We are making use of only a small part of our mind power. Deep down inside of us are vast powers we know nothing of and never use.”

my teacher was saying something kind of similar to that long time ago. the moment i read that line, my teacher's face just pop up >_<
but, that's kind of true, if a teacher said so, it must be true, teacher wont lie, will they?

The human mind is truly, in every sense of the word, a phenomenon.

It’s mysterious in its workings, capable of so much more than first meets the eye

i thought that it's amazing, the power of human mind. and, the space of it that we have used for usual activity, like remembering names, phone number, or study... is only a little of the huge part of the mind itself.
and it's funny that people like to depend on computer while human mind is actually more powerful than a computer..we just havent discovered how to use it to its fullest.

Takahashi Ai, at a mere five years old, was discovered by her teachers to possess similar exceptional cognitive abilities.
she was instantly labelled a child prodigy
a relentless string of educational doctors and specialists arrived at the Takahashi doorstep in a bid to convince her parents to leave Ai under their care
It’s for her own good, her father would say
An 8 year old Ai soon found her work put on public display to the wonder and awe of many around the country. She had even made international headlines; her parents were, to say the least, very pleased with how things had turned out for her.

isnt it human nature to feel curious bout unnatural things? and it's human nature to labeled and judge something.
when something is unnatural, they will find out bout it more, at some point being proud of it and exposed it as much as they could be, and if they thought that it's too great, will try to make it normal.
the things her parents did showed it all, they want their child to be as great as she could be, probably feeling proud because their child is gifted.
but, what's the use for it? even if they said that it's for her own good, in the end, isnt it being done just for their own good?

“She’s just a child,”

grandfather-san is wise :nod:
much more wiser than the parents....i like grandfather-san  :yep:

To her, these incredible abilities meant something else altogether– for one, that she never forgot a name, nor did she forget any feelings associated with that name. It was why her grudges could last forever, and why she could be just as ceaselessly steadfast with her admiration for someone.

i dont want such ability..*shakes head continuously* i dont want to always remember bout the grudge and hate that i have toward something, that's tiring.
Ai...i think...also dont want such ability..  :(

It was no secret that she had a lot of trouble making friends and even more difficulty keeping them.

the side-effect when you're always told and that you are different from others and treated 'specially'
no kids want to spend their time being examined at lab every week like that, being watched like some kind of object...

On her 10th birthday, Ai finally found the courage to verbalise the birthday wish she’d kept secret for so many years.

woah, finally she found the courage >_<
i feel relieved at this point :lol:

Considering that Ai was a bit of a stuttering oaf and was about as charming as a flailing sardine on a chopping board, she was doubtful she could do anything beyond blindly gaining sympathy votes.

i lol'ed there :lol: what a comparison 

All eyes turned to the classmate just beside her, who had for no apparent reason begun to sob uncontrollably. A murmur of sniffling and crying grew around her; even the boy behind her looked just about ready to burst into tears.

and i laugh again. :lol:
it must be awkward when your classmates who just laugh a moment ago, suddenly cries like that..ah, ai's face must be funny at that time, considering that she's frozen on spot the moment it happened >_<

It was why when after giving off negative vibes to a certain somebody who did not respond as she’d anticipated, that Ai thought she had found somebody in life to take a second look at.

i am waiting when will she make an appearance, and then she appear and i am like, 'yay, finally' and feel relieved :lol:
i'm weird..^^;
ah...and...maybe the words,'you are created in this world because there's somebody who's already waiting to be found by you somewhere' could be applied to the certain somebody and ai's situation.
because that person is waiting, no matter what is it, you will feel like you are clicked with that person...that you found something special bout that person.

Reading, books, stories… these things are her escape. From the aching nakedness of reality, certainly, but mostly from the chaos of her own mind. Being mentally gifted may have brought others a sense of elevated standing, of prestige and much wanted admiration, but for Ai, it is a burden. 

reading books, stories, and such are fun. i like those things because they are a perfect escape when i just want to leave the reality for a moment.

“Something about work demands, I don’t know. We’ve been trying so hard to find a time to meet, but things keep popping up.”

my childish side said something like,'reina is drifting apart from you, gaki-san. she isnt the one for you, go...find someone else, the one that's being used as your pillow *wiggle eyebrows at gaki-san*'

“They better not be make-believe like your last few were.”

the moment gaki-san found the truth that ai was lying bout her friends, who happened to be some encyclopedia, if i am allowed to imagine, that moment must be funny >_<
how awkward is it to be found that you're lying when you are happily spending times, reading.  :lol:

While Ai may have believed such childish things to be rather bothersome, with Risa, it’s different;

it is different caused you are falling for her, ai.... i mean..when you are falling for someone, whatever that they did that you find it annoying when it's done by other person, if that special person is the one that did it, we wouldnt find it as a bother.

“Boring?” Ai offers.

ai is so negative :lol:

“I knew Reina was the one before I had even met her.”

nah, are you sure bout that, gaki-san...?

There, she pretends; she fantasises, that she’s the one on the other end of the line.

that was sad >,<
imagining that you are the one that's filling your loved one's heart and feel happy because of it, but the moment you realized that it isnt you...
you are only pretending...only imagining...that's really sad...and hurting at the same time...
reality is harsh..

after reading :
what's bad about this chapter? it is not bad >_<
i like the writing style, bee-san has a unique way of describing a of the example are this, 'as charming as a flailing sardine on a chopping board' and this, 'But Risa’s voice is too bright – that beautiful, tugging gravity– as always, drawing her, pinning her to the spot, snipping away at every thread of resistance in her.'
that's just felt so true..the way you portray ai's feeling.
it is good, bee-san and sankyuu for the update :)

and the reply :

Hey, did you just totally waste your first post on this thread???!!  :shocked

...  :lol:

Yay, thank you!  :k-inlove:  I hope it was the story that brought you out from lurking, although I haven't seen you around lately. But please come back and continue to be active with your reading and fangirling!  :wub:

I saw some of your posts in the KameShige thread, you're a lovely and dedicated fan, I'm sure we'd all love to see more of you. You should start your own thread too, as I saw you had some great poems posted there that would do some good here too.  :)

no, that was not a waste ^^. at least i think that it wasnt...well..except if you think that it's a waste ^^;;

yeap, it's the story that made me dropped here, thanks for your story ^_^
ah, some things are coming up so i cant visit this place till those things are cleared up ^^;
eh, really? those poems are good? gyah, sankyuu~... :shy1:



Well ropychan did explain it to you, but that's so cute. xD

You needed to understand that before you realised what was going on in the prologue though, so I hope you still understood...  :grin:

eh? what's cute bout that?  :nervous
i think i understand....well...yeah, i think i understand..


Yep, I could tell right away you were a big KameShige fan. That's awesome - we so need more of them around here!!!!  :bow:

Thank you for taking your time to write about your feelings for them, I really appreciate it and agree with what you said.

KameShige are the best of friends, and as you can see from all the DVDs and behind the scenes, they are crazy about each other  XD Even if we won't be seeing much of them anymore, I have hope that they will continue to be together forever.  :tama-lotsaluv:

yep, i hope the same, they have such a bond...i just hope that they will continue to cherish each other like they used to do even though they're rarely meet now ^^


Bee-san?  :lol:  kawaiii... *pats Shiroi*

Awwwww~ you're too cute. I'm glad to have found a fan in you.  :love: Thank you for your encouragement!

wah, i feel really embarrassed, what's kawaii in there?  :shy1:

and until the next update, i will wait patiently again.
bee-san ganbare~ ^o^/

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #50 on: February 12, 2011, 06:56:24 AM »
“I’ve always wondered… what makes you like her so much?” Ai asks, hesitantly.

This question, I guess is never easy to answer.

It always baffles me how someone like Ai would find herself plain. And yes, if only the one she likes would look her way, if only that smile was solely for her...if only...if only.... *sigh*

Another wonderful chapter as always. You are such a talented writer. I'll be impatiently waiting for more :)

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2011, 06:44:09 AM »
If there was an AiEri story written by you I would probably die of happiness xD
but yeah I was ... wait... I'm stil really exited about this pretty much because is you hehe . So you could write KameShige or worst GakiKame and I will still read it :P

Now about the 1st chapter... well, that was just amazing. Everything about it was great.
The fist lines totally got me.

Ai's past, finally we know something, she's been through so much. Been gifted isn't easy and yeah parents doesn't always knows best. I'm glad her grandfather was there for her.

It seems like Risa doesn't realize about Ai's feelings and I doubted a little her relationship with Reina but seems they will manage to save it (glad for that ^^) I wonder what Ai will do about it and also now i'm staring to have doubts about Ai's feelings, I mean, she clearly wants Risa and probably Ai is really in love but do what she's doing.... I don't know, well maybe I'm just imagine things or taking it the wrong way, let's see.

The friendship between Ai and Risa is really sweet (damn! you made me admit that >.>) I really like how you project that, well not only that, the whole story. Your writing is really good. Made it so easy to picture everything, the emotion, environment, feelings, anyway you're really good.

So now, when's the next chapter? xD (asking because I read this back when it was fresh new but until now I comment LOL)

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2011, 03:10:16 PM »

Okay, so. Another two months.  :sweatdrop:

The only thing that comforts me is the fact that I'm going at Kame speeds (because of course, I love my Eri). BLLLLAAAAHHHHHSS. It really takes me forever to write sometimes... it's not so much writer's block. Just being distracted in general.  :roll: Anyway, I'm planning to update BY THE END OF THE MONTH, NO EXCUSES. And the update after that will be a lot quicker, as I already have about half of it written. I'm now in the middle of editing chapter 2.

Am sorry for absence from JPH!P in general.  :kneelbow: I have close to a million comments now to write up, the same amount of fics to catch up with generally, but will start doing that AFTER I've finished with this particular update. >_____<


Comment replies! Will try to keep this within sane word limit.

@grac: Where's my On Call fixes gone ;___________;
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've already told you that you are awesome (on more than one occasion, I think  :nervous). I like how you attended to Takahashi Jiji here. =) I'd say her grandfather acted upon Ai's feelings. Half/half. Thank you for picking up on that. Nobody had a clue about her powers back then, as an super-empath-transmitting-anti-hero (which I now officially deem her. Thank you again.  XD). I melted reading your reassurance to Ai over her iffiness about being a misnomer.  :wub: And as you can see, I don't know anything about fish.  :lol: *Bee doesn't eat them or care* Awwwww... thank you for your kind words. :heart: You will be getting more 'information' in this coming chapter. Hope this doesn't bore you either. What is it that Ai sees in Risa? I guess you'll be finding out soon enough. =P
LOL. Poor grac, who's had her fair share of crazy exes. *hugs* Yep. I like your questions. I'll have to make sure I sufficiently answer them  :)
Mighty complex emotions are scary, because I'm a simple girl who's had a simple life and my most complex emotions run like... you're cute, I like you. I'm tired, let's take some time off. Oh, you have a girlfriend now, I'm sad. So... I've kinda had to challenge myself here.  :bleed eyes: Oh, and was I whining?  :lol: gomen... and thank you though, for putting up with it, I guess. I have a weird habit of seeing everything I put out there as half-baked, unless I spend a thousand hours editing it again and again, which I didn't quite get done at that (frantic) point. grac fears my fangirling wrath, is what I think. Lol. And am working on getting married with ropychan. :bow: thanks for the comment grac, and thank you for the support.  :bow: daisuki  :heart:

@ropychan: ROPYCHAN I LOVE YOU TOO  :wub:
And again, don't push yourself too hard.  :heart:

@waiwai: Awwww, thank you.  :wub: *Bee will try hard not to doubt writing* I'm glad this got you a little worked up, at least. ^_^ I haven't even gotten the ball rolling yet. Sorry about that, but once... chapter 4? Comes rolling by, things will become more interesting. *pat pat* glad you could relate, 'coz you know some of those lonely experiences were my own as well.  :nervous I really didn't start having friends until grade 3.
Ummm... is this soon enough?  :lol: and you thought the chapter length was lovely? Yay! Thank you for comment! :cow: Hope you enjoy the next chapter too.  :thumbsup

@junkie-chan: XD Hahahaaa... that reaction. So cute. And sorry. Makes me feel even worse for taking so long to update, lol. But I'm happy you're still interested despite this being TakaGaki. :D And it was really that long? Ow. You know, you don't have to read the whole thing in one sitting. Feel free to take a bathroom break in between, or go do some drawings or something. xD Awww, thank you.  :heart: I'm working on being less wordy though, it took me too long to get things across, I think. But I've been writing since the end of primary school, as a hobby. I've had plenty of practice.  :P Steamy scene. Hmmmm. A bit early, don't you think?  XD
LOL. You know, it would be really easy just to write Ai stealing Risa away like that. But. The story would end there, and I wouldn't have all this angst to write.  :lol:
I've definitely tried to keep some of their real life qualities the same here, but I can't keep them totally in character. You'll see. >___<
Thank you for the comment.  :love: (I still owe you some comments too, watch out for them! xD).

@rndy: Oh, you were following this??  :? ahhh well. It's rndy. YAY.  :love: I'm sorry for the long wait for both updates, but I'll really make an effort in the future. Once I have all this boring stuff out of the way, it'll be a lot easier to write. Takahashi Jiji? You'll find out more about him in this coming chapter. I guess if I were to answer your question, it's a little of both. =)
 :lol: rndy and her Tanagaki, hey. You won't get any back story about these two. Because a) this is mostly from Ai's third person perspective, and Ai doesn't know b) it's important I don't reveal too much about Tanagaki until later. You will find out why. xD AND YES. DON'T FORGET YOU'RE PRO-TAKAGAKI FIRST AND FOREMOST.  :tama-mad:
No perv until I've finished writing about how it all happened in the first place. xD Sorry? ^^;
Sorry about long wait and thank you for reading and commenting!  :love:

@oddball: Lol... yeah, it did come out of nowhere. After lots of prodding from grac and ropychan.  :sweatdrop: you read and comment so often though, I'm surprised you can keep up with it all  :thumbsup oh, you picked up on them both. The grandfather incident as well as the birthday incident. Well done. *cheers*  :P yes, dangerous Ai-chan.  :w00t:
Her inferiority complex is in part due to her being so gifted, but it stems more so from natural inhibition. She's just a really shy, introverted kind of person. You'll find out more about this as we go, but I'm happy to see thinking about all this. ^__^ "perhaps her greatest strength is also the source of her greatest weakness?" - bingo.  :grin:
Thank you for reading and commenting!  :heart: :yep:

@hanachan: *Bee smells new KameShige fic on the horizon*  :grin:
I said 24 hours out of pure excitement, but sorry it's taken a whole lot longer.  :lol: Thanks for commenting though! I've already told you that you're a great commenter and I really appreciate the effort you put in. It's so cute when you relate stuff back to your own life and experiences  :wub: yeah, I think we use somewhere between 10-15% of our mind's potential. A really low percentage like that. Sucky. ;___; awwww. Yeah. While I was writing about her parents putting Ai on public display, I was reminded of my own parents who'd always get me and my siblings out in front of their friends and announce how we'd made it into selective schools, and then how they'd relish in the praise. Although they do care about us and how well we do in life, a lot of it is to do with outer appearances. I know too many friends who've suffered because of proud parents.  :cry: I like grandfather-san too.  :D yes. Such an ability is generally seen as a gift, but nobody knows that Ai has to deal with all the negative consequences too.
'you are created in this world because there's somebody who's already waiting to be found by you somewhere' - that is too cute.  :inlove:  :lol: and so are your thoughts! I know, right? Gaki-san needs to see she has pillow-Ai-chan and that's all she needs. >___> lol, encyclopedia-friends. The thought is funny, though when I wrote about it, it wasn't supposed to be. xD haiii, truly embarrassing for her to be caught with her books. Hehe, negative Ai-chan. In real life, she does seem to doubt herself too; I'm sure you remember her talking to Gaki-san about how boring she was, how she wanted to be more interesting. So I took that and exaggerated it. ;______; yeah, reality really is harsh. Especially for somebody who has no self-confidence. Thank you for all the detailed responses - I feel like I'm getting the right emotions across.  :k-wink:
I never did say that I thought it was bad! Lol... I might have been complaining a little. But hey, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for all the kind words, I really did spend quite a bit of time thinking about how I could convey all the feelings properly, and I'm happy it got through to you.  :)
I have a feeling it was that KameShige one-shot that brought you out actually  :P but I'm pleased it did. hanachan is awesome.  :love: :heart: please continue to spread your awesomeness throughout the fanfic forum!
@lil_hamz: It's you!  :shocked: <--- yeah, extremely adequate emoticon. Your dropping by and your comment was quite unexpected. Made me happy.  :heart:
Well, we all know that Ai-chan has quite a few reservations about herself, right? Even though she's like as near perfect as any of us can get. But the plain is more in terms of personality/character than looks, if that's what you happened to be referring to.  :nervous Mmmm... you'll be getting a lot more of that angst when the rest of the story comes around. >___<
Thank you heapsly!  :heart: it's really reassuring to hear that! It's a bit too much to think of me as talented though, I'm really just competent; I realise all my limitations s a writer. But thank you.  :cry: I hope you haven't forgotten this story, or become too impatient ^^;... next update coming very soon. Thanks for reading and commenting.  :thumbsup
I have plenty to catch up with your fics too <3

@steph:: I will make sure you die from happiness one day then. I already have ideas brewing.  :grin:
Awwwwww. *huggles* And what did you mean with the KameShige thing?!  :scolding: ... *Bee calms down*
Anyhow, nice comment, really did encompass the chapter. Thank you!  :heart: yeah, Ai's had it tough. Not only because she's gifted, but because it's in her nature to be afraid of people, and afraid of connecting with them. ;____; Well... of course, putting somebody under mind control to have your way, no matter how much you love them, is immoral. Ai is now going to have to face all the guilt from her actions.
Hehe.... sweet, did you say? I'm not sure when the last time was when you called anything sweet, besides AiEri.  :wub: I feel strangely accomplished!  :love: thank you, I really do put in a lot of effort with the writing. I'm glad it's gotten across to you. ^^
Next chapter will be soon. Before April, for sure.  :twothumbs  :heart: thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!


Okay. Was that sane?  :huhuh

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2011, 04:07:21 PM »
wedge.  :P

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2011, 05:05:04 PM »

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2011, 04:32:47 PM »
wedge times 3~!!!!! :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter One~ 31/01
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2011, 07:59:37 PM »
^ lol.

Thanks for the wedges, guys! >______> *Bee thinks longingly of sour cream*

Okay. Here it is. But before that:

For everybody who has forgotten what the heck this story is about:


- Secret admirer letter.
- Risa wakes up feeling like she had a wet dream (hanachan learnt something here!  :grin:)
- Ai's internal anguish revealed over her ability to mind control, and what had happened that night. We can assume she did naughty things to Risa and then wiped the bean's memories. Tsk tsk.
- Cue Ai angst.

Chapter 1:

- A History: Takahashi Ai. Fully talented. Fully shy. Crazy memory, cannot forget. Can seemingly affect people with her mood. Poor thing. Grandfather  :heart:
- Reina cancels on Risa, Risa comes home to reading!Ai-chan, Ai-chan’s heart flutters, as it always does with her Gaki-san. Takagaki friendship, yay.
- Angsty!Ai-chan. Because Risa hearts Reina. And Ai can’t have her. Must resort to imagination, but even that is no good.
- Ai-chan angsts some more.

In case anybody gets confused, the ONE MONTH EARLIER part is meant to depict what happened a month prior to the events in the prologue (the mind control). After I finish writing up the events that lead up to that pivotal moment, the story will continue normally, without the need to reference time like that.

Hope you guys enjoy.  :heart:

Chapter Two

Things left unsaid are as telling as those articulated – Niigaki Risa had always believed in these words. They were the same words her mother had once imparted her with, when she was a fair bit younger and could not understand why her friends didn’t explicitly return the I love yous she gave them without pause. Though such wisdom had been passed on to her in a much simpler, child-friendly version, the meaning of the words had been clear, revelatory. Even now, as a full-grown adult, those words remained a crystallised message in the back of her mind, whispering to her when she doubted, soothing her inner turmoils whenever they burned. Being the people person that she was, Risa found it more than handy to keep such a motto close to heart.

It was peculiar, for two individuals so unalike to cross paths; and even more curious, that they would stop in their forward tracks to examine the other, to take a closer look.

“This is Ai-chan, my older sister. She’s two years ahead of us, she’s fifteen.”

Ai did not turn around to greet them, curiously preoccupied with something on the table in front of her. She only lowered her head a little so that her hair swept down in a curtain, covering most of whatever they could see of her face. Her lips were pursed – that was what Risa remembered most vividly about Ai in the beginning; the lowered head, the curtain of hair and the pursed lips. Always, that same painfully tentative combination.

Their new friend from Fukui, Takahashi Nanami, looked troubled at the lack of response (and manners, she later complained) from her older sister. A flicker of displeasure crossed her face, before she turned back to the three of them, jabbing a thumb in Ai’s direction. “Don’t worry about her. She’s always been… like that.”

Like that.

Risa wasn’t completely sure she knew what Nana-chan meant by like that, but she was convinced it had something to do with the sore lack of social finesse on the older girl’s part, the almost black, don’t-look-at-me vibes radiating from her cowered being. Konkon and Mako-chan showed little interest in Ai, and rightly so, for she was nothing but unfriendly and boring.

But for the life of her, Risa just couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t stop looking.

For the many days and weeks that followed, the bean’s increasingly frequent visits to Nana-chan’s house only ever afforded her a view of the back of the girl’s head, lush dark locks spilling down her back. When Risa asked about Ai, Nana-chan would bristle, as if offended by the very subject of her sister.

After a particularly stubborn barrage of questions concerning the mysterious older sister, Risa finally saw Nana-chan give in. “She’s a genius freak. Genius freaks don’t talk to other people. I think we’re too dumb for them to be bothered,” she explained gruffly.

“Genius freak?” Risa’s curiosity was instantly piqued. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. Like, she was all over the news when she was younger. She has this crazy memory where she can’t forget anything. And she’s a super maths brainiac.”

“Really?” Risa stole a glance at Ai, who was dawdling by the kitchen counter behind the much grander figure of her father. “Wow.”

Perhaps the bean had spent a little too long looking over at Ai in awestruck silence, as Nana-chan cleared her throat loudly and carried on undeterred – she then took the time just to describe in painstaking detail how Ai had no friends, how her older sister had never ever had one. That at their old schools, she’d always seen Ai wandering around by herself during breaks, and that their mother was appropriately worried. Risa noted, however, that she was hardly any more horrified by the knowledge of Ai’s friendlessness than she was by the way Nana-chan’s voice bloated with satisfaction in revealing all this about her sister.

Risa watched Ai. Over the following months, she watched her – not too carefully, afraid the others might pick up on it, but just enough to satisfy the inquisitiveness that swelled whenever she found herself within twenty feet of the older Takahashi daughter. The girl was always a breathless bundle of nerves, stiff, awkward. It may have been an indication to the other girls to stay away from her, Risa didn’t know. Not surprisingly, Nanami and their friends never paid Ai any attention. They kept their distance, in fact, as if she reeked of something unpleasant. And whatever little Risa managed to catch from her was the usual humdrum: no, yes, when’s dinner?, I’m going to do homework. It didn’t take long for the bean to become glaringly conscious of the essays and books that spilled from her own lips, while Ai, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content to use the bare minimum of words needed to communicate.

Risa wondered. And wondered. She spent too much time wondering, those few months. Behind that soundlessly beautiful mask, just how many thoughts flitted to and fro, how many emotions blossomed and rioted?

It was a simple thing to a simple girl.

Find out.

*  *  *

Since the move to Yokohama, Ai hadn’t seen her grandfather in three months. Three whole months. Prior to her family’s decision to relocate, the idea alone would’ve been ludicrous. But it had happened and the weeks inevitably crawled by. It was the first time in her life she had been apart from her Jiji, and the lack of his presence was heartbreakingly tangible – Ai spent many nights of her first grandfatherless month just lying in her sheets and listening to her heart, every once and a while pulling out a photograph to stare at it. Not that she needed to – every line and wrinkle of his gentle face had already been engraved true-to-life in her mind, just like every other damned face she’d ever come across. She looked at this photo though, just because the feel of it in her hands made it that little bit easier.

Nobody else in her family seemed to be as conflicted with the move, especially not Nanami, who looked remarkably cheerful for somebody who not too long ago had been dragged kicking and crying away from their old school. She, of course, had adjusted and made friends quickly enough. And their parents now had minus two bodies (grandfather and grandmother) to serve, so they were whisking about with a touch more verve, if their raised chins and freely swinging arms were any indication. But Ai. This move did nothing for Ai. Well, to be precise, it did do something. It took her away from the only person in her life who understood… at least, her grandfather was the only person who tried to understand her. Though the separation wasn’t as intolerable as she had imagined it to be during the few distressing nights before the move, it was hardly easy.

Oh my talented little Ai. With her grandmother, it was always the same few words. She was loud and proud when it came to Ai, and there was never a ‘bonding’ moment between the two that didn’t involve a lot of needless cooing and painful squeezing of the cheeks. Beyond that, Grandmother never seemed to see much of anything else when she looked at Ai.

The 15-year-old found something else entirely that bound her together with her grandfather – some deeper language held in common, perhaps. He was quiet. He was quiet, yes, which he’d done well to pass onto her in horrifying abundance. But he was also unwaveringly firm, and that was just one of the many traits of his she wished she had inherited instead. Jiji never asked her any unnecessary questions, nor did he prod her about things like so many others in her life were prone to doing. He never lectured her about the need to expand her social networks, and was never bent on bringing her out in front of rows of adult friends to brag about at every given opportunity. The two of them shared many of their moments just in silent companionship, and, for that, Ai couldn’t be more grateful. He was all the calm and reassurances of her life, the one person who, even if she was without talent or ability, would love her all the same.
After about a dozen or so unheeded requests to return to Fukui to visit her grandparents on her own, Ai arrived home from school one day to find that her parents had secretly sent for them. The more than welcome sight of her grandfather’s smiling face and outstretched arms by the front door had immediately sent her into a well of emotion, one that lasted for the rest of the week. They had come to Yokohama for a two-week stay. Ai was happy happy.

Now that the second week was drawing to a close, Ai clung to her grandfather every possible moment. The two of them were sitting outside in the garden, simply enjoying the afternoon warmth. It wasn’t long before a certain ‘bean’ had come bounding out, the same ‘bean’ Ai had heard Nanami mention several times before, that ‘bean’ that Ai herself had caught on more than one occasion sparing a glance her way. This bean spotted them from across the yard, her face lighting up, plump with a rosiness that could be seen a street or two away.

There was nothing awkward or rehearsed about her vivacity; she was spontaneous, every little bit of her, Ai felt it right away. As she had suspected – Niigaki Risa was devastatingly charming and sociable, like a ray of sunshine, much too bright for her to look at directly. 

Listening to the girl talk with Grandfather was fascinating, albeit painful. How could this person, still so young and inexperienced with life, and who had never met her grandfather before… be able to converse so easily? She felt herself shrinking away from the sparkle of those eyes, that voice, the expressive lows and highs of it, like a melody. Something solid sank inside her as she watched the two chatter away, a bond forming right before her eyes, and no matter how much Ai wanted to open her mouth to join in, her lips were sewn shut – this girl before her confirmed every one of her own weaknesses, everything she hated about herself. There was just no comparison to be made. Ai was simply inadequate.

Midway through the exchange and about the same time that Ai was on the verge of zoning out, she came back to her senses only to realise with a start that she was alone. With Risa. In a moment of blind panic, Ai whipped her head to a side, catching sight of her grandfather’s back as the screen door closed behind him.

A jarring throng of alarm bells and flashing lights went off in her head, screeching for her to get up and get away. This was unfamiliar terrain, and everything instinctive in her screamed for her to avoid this, avoid this at all costs. She pushed off the chair, ready to make a mad dash after the old man who had left her to battle on her own, when a voice rang out.

“Takahashi Ai-san!”

Ai froze.

“It’s okay,” she said, a hint of caution in her voice. “Your grandfather just went inside to get us some drinks. He’ll be back soon.”

Ai knew right away what she meant, recognised the unvoiced suggestion for her to stay put. To talk. If there weren’t so many ice cubes slipping down her stomach, she may have been able to mumble some excuse to leave. But she couldn’t, and she didn’t, and as her veins ran with ice water, she slowly lowered herself back down.

Risa was looking at her, on the other end of the bench. Curiously quiet, and Ai, who had never felt more cornered than she did in that moment, was seized by another impulse to tear herself from scene. She wasn’t ready for this.

This can’t be good. Can’t be good. Can’t be good.

After an appeasing lungful of air, Ai decided she needed to turn to radical means to save herself – she needed to up her defences. Ignoring her heart rattling in her ribcage, she centered all her mental energies on thoughts of the bad and the ugly. She dredged up everything negative in her before quickly blanketing her mind and her aura with its stench. Emitting these discouraging vibes should do the trick to drive the bean away; if it drove everybody else away, she had every right to feel confident it would do the same to this one little girl.

Ai then boldly met Risa’s eyes, holding the gaze as steadily as she could. Soon enough, for a fleeting moment, the younger girl looked like she’d just been hit by something. She frowned and crinkled her nose, as though she were having a whiff of something particularly nasty.

But she didn’t leave. Ai had expected her to, but she didn’t – she stood her ground resolutely. Steadied herself. Upon seeing the smile that lit up her face the next instant, the older girl, stupefied, dropped her guard.

Risa shuffled a little closer.

*  *  *

The months flew by. They had become acquaintances after that precious afternoon, then tentative friends. Not full-fledged friends in the way Ai knew friends should be – the laughing, and the gossiping, and the sharing of all things dear and secret. While Risa continued to charge head-first into the delicately growing friendship, Ai tip-toed around it. The practice of making friends was entirely foreign to her, and she still spent too much of their time together stuttering and shying away from Risa.

Nonetheless, the younger girl was a boundless spring of patience. In the beginning, she’d talk and talk, even when Ai solidly refused to look at her or respond. The constant social output was good though; the nearly blinding friendliness she extended toward Ai, it drew her out, little by little.

They never did exchange personal contact details, happy just to see each other in snatches during the sleepovers Nanami so often conducted. Sometimes, when Konkon, Mako-chan and Nanami were busy spewing oceans of girl talk amongst themselves, Risa would take the chance to sneak out her friend’s room and visit Ai down in the lounge, or the garden, where they liked to hang around. Sometimes, during their ‘meetings’ and usually when Risa had run out of steam (or run out of words, period), she would look at Ai for a long time, silent, and Ai looked back. It was an inspection of sorts, with Risa raptly taking in Ai’s countenance, registering in her mind something unique, something about the older girl that must have intrigued her so.

Ai would never know if Risa had sensed the same – that, even though they got along quite cosily, there was often a startling tension between them, thick and disquieting. And just when she felt that there was something going on that the bean would sooner or later feel obliged to act upon, Risa would shatter the illusion with noisy questions about boy crushes and trendy haircuts. Ai’s smile shrank a little.

When things got busy and Nanami began to mingle with other friends in other classes, Ai didn’t get to see much of the bean anymore. Disheartened and singed by the uncertainty of what she’d really meant to Risa, the older girl fell into a deep restlessness. She was unable to think, read, write or concentrate on anything for very long; Risa was a constant raid on her every thought and action. All self-restraint had gone awry and for the first time in her life, Ai didn’t have to make a conscious effort to lose marks at school. That thought alone was scary.

The only occasions for contact were when they bumped shoulders in the school corridors. Upon spotting Ai passing by, Risa would make a desperate pounce at her, jostling past tides of arms and elbows just to pull her aside for some intense catching up. It happened about twice a month, more if Ai was lucky. Each stumble upon happened so fast, so surreal, and the older girl was always left shaking her burning head afterwards, having been rendered dumb by Risa’s nearness, Risa’s touch, Risa’s beautiful, brown eyes on her.

This is for you.

It was honestly the last thing Ai had expected that one average afternoon – the bean springing a surprise on her as she was busily cramming a locker-full of texts into her bag, ready for home.

It was a gift; wrapped up neatly in pretty, yellow paper, crowned by a white bow. Ai could only stare back wide-eyed as she took the gift into her hands.

Eh? Nani, nani nani?

It’s your birthday today, isn’t it? I managed to catch up with Nana-chan several days ago, and she told me.

Ai cried. It was the first time she’d received something from somebody beyond her immediate family, and the realisation of that, coupled with Risa’s kindness, were all too much.

Happy birthday, Ai-chan!

That year, Ai made a lot of progress with her sister too.

The time apart was bruising. Ai had no doubt that for the bean, time had wearied the intensity of those afternoons spent together – the average person could only carry dulling memories with them, memories that eroded with the passage of time and the onset of new, more exciting phases in life; but for Ai, who was no average person, Risa’s voice still whispered unceasingly, in her ear. She kept hearing her, hearing her, and then came the last year of highschool.

They hadn’t talked in two years.

They still bumped shoulders in school corridors, but Risa’s attention was always fixed elsewhere. At first, it was her rowdy friends who had her engaged, and then Ai began to notice how an increasingly thick stack of books and papers weighed down those arms. And the bean’s stride now, urgent.

Time had rushed on in the endless noon of her adolescence, and it seemed that before Ai’d turn around twice, graduation day was staring her in the face. She’d already run from some few hundred opportunities to approach Risa, and the gloomy prospect of losing that chance forever, of never seeing her again, loomed before Ai, a dreadful, beastly thing.

Ai knew she had to act fast, but the mere thought of confessing sent her into a dithering mess. She just hadn’t a clue what to do, swamped by indecision and her torturous lack of confidence – it was all so… terrifying.

What if Risa had completely forgotten about her? What if she didn’t even like girls that way? What if all Ai was doing was setting herself up for a humiliation so deep, it would leave scars? She’d never be able to recover from a rejection, not when it came from somebody as important as Risa. She scoured her mind for a good while, thinking what to do. How she’d confess.

And that’s when it came to her. That’s when she began to write.


O N E  M O N T H   E A R L I E R

“Do you want the good news or bad news first?”

A hundred and one stray thoughts fly through her mind all at once, so quick and chaotically that she feels the beginnings of a headache come on; worst case scenarios (I’m sorry, I’ve reported you to law enforcement. We’ve had to upgrade you from super-empath to uncontrollable mutant) and whatever could possibly be deemed good news (The good news is: Gaki-san likes mutants!). Shaking out of her momentary lapse, Ai draws in a deep, calming breath, tightens the hands in her lap into fists. She’s determined to get through the next hour without having to play out all sorts of weird in her head. Iida sensei, after all, doesn’t know much. About Gaki-san, that is.

Her sensei’s lips are set in a grim line, those intense eyes fixed on Ai, on her face, probably wanting very much to assess her on an emotional level as with anything else. There has always been a quiet war waging between the two of them. Ai, on the one hand, stubbornly setting up all the security measures, Iida, on the other, mulishly plowing through every one of her patient’s meticulously constructed defences. The both of them know it – Ai has been intent on keeping as silent about herself as she possibly can during these one-on-one sessions with the renowned clinical psychologist.

But since her first meeting with her sensei almost three years ago, Ai feels as though Iida has gradually and resolutely managed to crush every fence and fortification raised before her. The only thing protecting her now is a flimsy shield held up in front of her, and it hardly helps that she’s holding it with a trembling hand. It has taken three long years, but now, finally, sensei’s face is only a few inches from hers, and this shield, this last piece of resistance, can be laughingly knocked away with a measly swipe of the hand.

Ai stares back at Iida sensei in petrified silence.


Ai snaps out of her stupor, dips her head sharply in apology. “Please tell me the news however you want.”

After a moment’s hesitation, the psychologist nods.

Marooned amid a splatter of overturned books, Iida sensei has no doubt been busy consulting texts in order to compile and refine the notes that have been made about her patient. She has a clipboard in hand but today, she is not only going to be taking notes, she will be reading off them too. Today, Ai’s three-year long case study is finally coming to an end, finally being recorded down on paper in permanent marker.

“I know that you’ve been withholding quite a lot from me in the past years, but I understand that. It’s not like we haven’t made any progress, right?”


“What should’ve been a one-year case study – two years tops – has stretched on for this long because of our consideration for your individual needs.”

Ai’s head dips again. “And I am really grateful for your patience with me, Iida sensei. You, and Yasuda sensei and Nakazawa sensei, all of you, for teaming up to help me.”

“Ahhh, it’s my pleasure. It’s not every day that I get to take on a case like this,” Iida says amiably. “You’re not quite like anybody else we’ve worked with, Ai-chan. And let’s not forget Yuuchan. I’m sure she has appreciated you coming to us most – as you probably know by now, she thinks worlds of your cuteness.”
“I noticed,” Ai says, a smile finding its way onto her lips. It’s hard not to smile at the memory of a flipping out Nakazawa. Ai doesn’t even really have to do much to earn such rambling praise from the older woman, whose unbridled fawning over her is amusing even to her normally level-headed colleagues.

“But I do hope we’ve done enough,” Iida continues. “Because it always feels like… if only you had opened up just a little more, we would have been able to do more for you.” She thins her lips and sighs over the hushed din of distant traffic.

Subconsciously, Ai clenches her fists again. “The truth is,” she begins, noticing how this breathes life into Iida sensei’s face, as it does every time Ai initiates talk about herself. “I’ve never truly been… comfortable. With anybody.” A pause. “Well, actually… my grandfather. He’s the only one.” Ai’s gaze shifts elsewhere and her lips part. She looks ready to say something further but promptly bites down on her lower lip.

Iida’s face softens, and she smiles. A long, dawdling kind of smile, slightly veiled, secretive. “There’s another name on your lips, isn’t there?”

Ai visibly falters, the gears turning in her head but her throat’s dry and she can’t cough anything up. With nowhere to turn, Ai does what she’s always done best – she withdraws. As soon as Iida senses this, the older woman reaches across the little space between them on the couch and places a hand on Ai’s arm. The gesture is firm yet infinitely gentle in intention, and stills her almost immediately.

Ai smooths back her hair, her throat suddenly tight with emotion. She draws in a breath. “And... and also, Gaki-san.”

“Gaki-san?” Iida sensei looks up from her notes, a brow raised in question. “Ahhh, the roommate you’ve mentioned a few times before? Your… friend? That friend?”

Suddenly, Ai feels like an insect pinned under a magnifying glass, but she pushes down the bubbling anxiety, pushes and pushes, and she gives a curt nod – it’s hardly the time for wavering. She needs to talk, she needs to talk now. She owes herself this much, she figures; she had forced herself to sit on Iida sensei’s sofa, quivering, for the first time years ago. An emotional mess, nothing short of it. But she’d taken that much feared (and needed) step in the right direction, finally reached out to somebody, and though she hadn’t exactly been the most open and cooperative in the following time, Ai wants to end off on a positive note. She needs it.

Ai has talked about Risa a few times before, and the bean is probably the only mentioned ‘friend’ she has ever talked about. But what she has so skilfully managed to avoid saying: that Gaki-san has wended her way into every corner of Ai’s life – she’s the words on the pages of a novel, the ticking second hand of a clock, the pills that cling doggedly to her sweater no matter how long she spends picking at them. Though she has never dared to allude to such things, whenever Ai mentions Risa there’s a sudden spark in Iida sensei’s eyes, a knowing kind of look that stings the younger girl with embarrassment.

A dainty laugh falls from the psychologist’s lips, her head dropping a little.

Ai licks her lips.

“I remember you’ve told me before. Isolation is something that you revel in, isn’t it, Ai-chan?”

“I don’t think ‘revel’ is the right word,” Ai says, tilting her head to a side in emphatic thoughtfulness. “But when I’m away from others… when I’m alone, I can breathe more easily. Inside… everything isn’t so hectic? And I’m not as tense. It’s, you know, it’s just I don’t have anything to worry about when I’m by myself.”

“Aha. Well, you’ve known for a while now that you’ve been classed a high level empath, although you do show quite a lot that deviates from the standard criteria,” Iida says, handing Ai some papers containing charts and diagrams followed by what looks like blocks of analysis. It’s everything that’s been chronicled about her. Ai frowns upon seeing this, internally berating herself for being such a complicated being. Iida flips through a few pages. “And yes, it’s true, your brilliant memory only strengthens all your abilities as an empath.”

Ai looks down to the page in front of her, looks at all the evidence, her brain scans, her graphed performances under controlled conditions, her petty answers to soul-searching questions.

E m p a t h.

So many waking hours and restless nights she’s stared at this word on paper, rolled the term around in her head and off her tongue to get a good taste, see if she could squeeze all of herself into it. It could be too tight a classification, or a little too loose… she needed to check that it was just the right fit. But it’s all they have to rationalise her situation, her condition – as if an overload of empathy were some kind of disease – and since the term isn’t formally recognised by any branch of science, it’s fortunate for Ai that Iida sensei has no qualms about dealing with the metaphysical – in fact, the professor appears utterly fascinated by it and remains on a constant agenda to track down cases like Ai’s to take on.

“Empath,” Ai says, sampling the word aloud for the first time in a long time.

“Yes. We’ve been through this several times before,” Iida sensei says patiently. “Empaths are people who have the astonishing ability to sense others on many different levels. They are extremely sensitive souls and are able to–”

“But I’m not so sure that I am one,” Ai interjects. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. An empath should be able to feel others, right? But I don’t. I mean, maybe when I was younger… but now… well, now I’m nothing like that. I can’t feel others anymore, I don’t know what they’re thinking and I can’t sense what they’re feeling either. Maybe you have it all wrong.”

“That’s why we’ve had to elevate you to ‘high level’ empath status. You are different from a normal empath.”

“How many have you come across in your studies?”

“None. You’re the first,” Iida sensei says. She hears Ai blow out a breath. “But I’ve done my research; I’ve read up on a few cases in other parts of the world. I know what I’m doing here.”

Ai fiddles a little, there’s a crease of worry between her brows. “Why am I still an empath though? I don’t fit the criteria anymore if I can’t feel anybody. And if I really am one… what makes me so different?”

“That’s a lot more questions than usual,” Iida says, eyes crinkling with laughter. “I’m glad you’re finally taking more initiative.”

Ai’s self-conscious all over again and there it is, the sudden urge to withdraw her questions, to just glue her lips together, take the handout, listen and nod.

“At first, we thought it was simply a case of you being a natural introvert and developing social anxiety as a result. But there seems to be a lot more to your situation than just that. Even after establishing that you were an empath, I still had a lot to discuss with Yuko and Kei. Now, this is something that’s not quite founded on hard evidence, but rather thanks to many of the things you have cared to divulge. We came up with an explanation for you, a while ago.”

Ai doesn’t recall ever hearing about this.

“Let’s see.”


Initially, I was going to have Kaori explain. But the chapter got too long. =____= And don’t keep your hopes up too high, the explanation isn’t even that interesting (just some BS I made up on the spot xD). But you know what’s interesting? Empaths. Go look them up! o.o

Next chapter will start off with more history (picking up from what happened to TakaGaki after highschool), then continue with the ONE MONTH EARLIER deal to allow for empath explanation and keep things moving until the mind control night.

And I was just thinking. The character that I’ve given Ai-chan in this story is the kind of character I would love to punch in the face in any other kind of story (I have a pretty low tolerance for emo kids in fiction, sorry x___x). But how could I ever manhandle such a face. And I figured if I was going to write angst, I ought to go all out. This kind of Ai has angst rolling off her in carpets. I love. <3 So please bear with her, for now. <3

And, this will get better. Promise. :heart:

Offline Tightrope

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter 2~ APRIL/01
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2011, 08:30:27 PM »

*runs to be first*

 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

Offline Bamtai

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter 2~ APRIL/01
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2011, 08:59:55 PM »
Wow  :shocked Ai-chan really is something, eh? Nice chapter, love the way how you express Ai's feelings! Though I got little lost with the time lines  :nervous
Anyway, I liked it very much  :yep:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: STORIES OF US --- [Secret Admirer] Chapter 2~ APRIL/01
« Reply #59 on: April 01, 2011, 08:26:08 AM »
I think Ai has plenty of reasons to be emo :lol:

So, we get some more Takagaki history and then Ai, who never forgets, of course she'd fall in love with Risa. Her first friend, the first to ever approach her, show an interest in her as a person. Also, it's no wonder Reina got to her first. So she becomes Risa's secret admirer.

Then a little, too little, bit of insight on the doctor's visits.

Yuko XD

I thought the last bit was too short, plot wise, though, so hurry up and give us moar! :grin:

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