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Author Topic: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 36 2/25/12 FIN!  (Read 14696 times)

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 14 1/2/2012
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2012, 02:36:25 PM »
Oh my god!!! I didnt know Eri's life was that bad. I almost cried when Reina was reading about her.
I want her to give Eri a big hug lol!! I would like to do it myself but.. im not in the fan fiction lol!!!!

I feel so bad for her my heart aches.. Eri is really strong..

Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 15 1/3/2012
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2012, 11:01:33 AM »
^ Eri's past was needed because it creates more drama later on

Chapter 15

Reina felt hung over and walked over to the sink to wash her face, if the sun wasn’t so bright, she could walk out without any ill effects but she was feeling the headache from the bright light.  She stripped off her clothing and jumped into the shower.  The water was a welcoming feeling since she hasn’t been intimate with either for a long while but she felt once in a while she needed to visit their houses to one of them rather than be around them all the time.

Today, it was Eri’s turn to have the kitty over and over the year she hadn’t change her pigsty life.  Everywhere had clothes but she did try to do it when Reina was living with her which made Reina happy.  However, she never followed up after she moved out and would always meet her at the café where they first met to avoid any possibility to go back to the church.

Reina took a small bag of essentials and walked outside to visit the turtle at her house and peeked inside to see the animal chopping on lettuce.  She waited at the window and then heard a faint scream coming from upstairs.  Reina ran into the bathroom and saw Eri sitting at the edge of the seat.  She had a towel wrapped around her body only exposing her shoulders and her lower legs.

“Itai! I stepped on my brush again.”

“Kamei, I told you need to clean up after yourself.”

“I know but sometimes it is hard without another person.”

“I told you that you could do it in smaller batches than take it all at once.”

Eri rubbed her foot where the bristle pricked her and held her pout as Reina excused herself from the bathroom.  She walked back out and observed the townspeople.  It was the usual day traffic for the town where everyone packed the stores for their own goods.  After a minute of scanning, she heard another scream and walked back into the house but it wasn’t from Eri.  She walked back out of the church and saw a woman in the middle of the road.

The people ran toward the woman and they all ran toward the medical center where Yossie looked over her.  She squatted over her and covered her mouth.  The nurses carried out a board and lifted the body from the ground to the medical center.  Eri walked out in uniform but she held her stomach like she had cramps and walked back in wincing in pain.

“Eri what happened?”

“I... don’t know.  I have to see Yossie right away.”

Reina carried the turtle to the medical center and laid her on the first table available; she grabbed the unoccupied nurse and dragged her toward the room.  The nurse closed the door and Reina sat in the waiting chair for Eri’s results with a concerned demeanor. 

Yossie walked out with her head down and wiped her hands together in frustration.  She turned to see the depressed kitty sitting down with her hands clasped together between her legs.  She walked into the closed room and exited quickly without looking at the kitty.

“Yossie, tell me what’s wrong!”

“I’m not sure, but we need to keep her for a while.”

Reina slammed her hands onto the table in dissatisfaction and blasted out of the medical center without trying to talk to anyone.  She came back home and began to think about a connection between Sayu and Eri, which wasn’t helping her anxiety until she found a book filled with memories of the young women, it consisted of Ai, Risa, Eri, and Sayu pictures.  Many showed their smiling faces and their trips throughout the town as teen girls would find with their curiosity until about half way through the album where they tended to take separate pictures.  Ai and Risa were in most of the pictures with patches of Eri and Sayu taken individually.

She began to theorize that the change was because of Eri and Sayu taking a mature turn to adult life and Ai and Risa becoming closer as partners.  However, she found a picture with all four of the, Eri was in her nun uniform and Sayu dressed upper class.  They each presented a genuine smile but there was a person in the back that manages to get into the picture.  Reina assumed it was a woman because of her shape and she was wearing a black coat with dark sun glasses.

The kitty dialed Yossie’s number to ask for Rika but was interrupted when the woman walked in with sun glasses and greeted the kitty warmly.

“I found something you need to explain to me.”

Reina showed the picture and Rika grabbed the magnifying glass to look at the unidentified woman.  She took a step back and tried to match the shape with the townspeople.  After a few minutes, she could point out the person from her memory.

“The mayor’s wife, I mean the widow, she looks exactly like her.”

“You think so.”

“I am sure but why do you ask?”

“The four women, they were close right before Eri and Sayu took their own path in life, right?”

Rika nodded as she took out another album and pointed out the other pictures that they took the summer before the split.  After a few minutes of glancing over the pictures, she found one where they took with the mayor.  They each had an awkward smile on their faces.  It concerned her as they seemed to be the few who disliked the mayor by their expressions.  Rika caught the same picture and saw the mayor’s wife behind them, she was angry about something but what was it?

“The mayor’s wife was always hinting that the mayor liked the younger women.”

“The young women were not warm about him, right?”

“Yups, the only one who did like him was Aika because he would always give her candy for helping her parents.  He had his eyes on expansion so you could see why the four were angered.”

Reina began to understand why the four were cold towards him on many levels but it never dawned to her that she wanted to check if Eri was okay.  Rika left the kitty’s house and trailed her to the medical center where Yossie had been waiting outside.

“Eri is fine, she mentioned that she hadn’t eaten in a while because of the holiday she was observing and she forgot that the hunger pains caused unusual effects on her body so she ate a dumpling to ease the pain.”

Reina felt relieved that it wasn’t serious but she saw Yossie and Rika talking to each other.  She felt something eerie was going to happen and it was the news of the mayor’s wife coming down with chest tightness that made Reina concerned with the events leading up to the mayor’s death a year ago.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 15 1/3/2012
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2012, 02:21:55 AM »
Im glad Reina is researching their past, its making alot of things about them more clear. And its helping me understand the character more.

I was glad Eri wasnt really sick or something i was worried there.

Reina has a bit of a short/big temper huh? Lol, Im glad that shes using it for Eri safety though it makes it... cute. xD .

She doesnt look up books on Ai and Risa (just for the hell of it lol since there is no real legitimate reason as to why she should?)

And Eri with her messy place... is sooo like her ahhhh~ :lol:
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 16 1/3/2012
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2012, 04:53:47 AM »
^ Well Rika is the one giving her the assignments so she could probably find a reason, just when

Chapter 16

Eri walked out of the examination room with a smile on her face, she didn’t look as pale as she went in which made Reina happy.  The two women walked back to the church with Sayu walking towards them.  She had a neutral look on her face hiding her disgust of the turtle.  Eri walked in, excusing herself from the conversation leaving Sayu with the kitty.


“Can we meet tomorrow?”


Reina never heard the tone before as she was weakened by some type of force; maybe it was the fact Eri was becoming closer with her.  Sayu had distrusted her when she first saw her but when she let the kitty comfort her, she fell in love with the compassion she had received from the injuries a year ago.  The moment felt like an eternity waiting for the answer as Reina nodded slowly.


“I don’t want to tell you right now, it is a personal problem but enjoy the day with Eri.”


Sayu waived to her as she walked gracefully back towards her house, holding her head up toward the sky, like she had been crying.  Reina walked into the church and saw Kamei gave the turtle its breakfast before sitting down on the stairs.  The kitty stood next to her while she was still holding her midsection.


“Are you okay?”


“Yeah, just still a little discomfort for now.”


Eri broke into laughter watching the kitty’s facial expression.  The turtle loved how Reina would try to comfort her by not smiling but it was breaking down the shield Reina had built over the years.  The kitty was still disappointed with the house being in shambles but Eri did succeed in cleaning her bedroom.  It was lightened up with the fresh white paint and the clean curtains.


“Wow!  At least it’s a start.”


“Yeah, I guess we have a little time to ourselves, right?”


The kitty nodded as she prepared to pounce onto the unsuspecting turtle and at the last second, Reina missed her target and her nails grabbed onto the clothing causing a rip a size of quarter on the back side of her right leg.  Despite missing the target, she got a view of the turtle’s underwear.




“This is my favorite gown, you know…”


“Sorry, I’ll make it up with this.”


Reina pressed her lips on top of the turtle’s and both fell onto the bed clamped to each other.




Sayu decided to take a nap for the day with Reina staying over with the turtle for the day.  She had gotten herself into a comfortable position until the phone rang.


“Moshi Moshi.”


“Sayu, were you napping?”


“Yes, why do you ask and who are you?”


“I won’t answer the questions until you finish the job.”


“What do you mean?”


Sayu paused for a second thinking about what the person was talking about and then a buzzing sound caught Sayu by surprise.


“I know you poisoned the mayor because you wanted him killed so no one would be in your way.”


“I never did that, even if I was with him that night, he was the one who grabbed me, and his wife stopped him from violating me.”


“You changed his pills and caused his death, so you should take responsibility.”


Sayu was feeling something was watching her and she hanged up the phone.  She was the victim not the suspect in the incident a year ago.  She remembered how she kneeled for forgiveness and he unzipped his pants wanting to see how much she would forgive him but she uppercut him and ran to the bathroom.  She had been trapped inside until he broke down the door and shoved her into tub.  His hands were centimeters away from her breasts until his wife pulled him off her.


Within that moment she had ran to the bar where Ai and Reina saw her bruised and bloodied and then rushed over to the emergency room.  She didn’t know about any pills and probably did knock them over if she did so, but in the rush to escape, she wouldn’t have known.  Sayu felt the slight chill in her body and closed the windows.


She kept herself wrapped for an hour until the memory had past but the phone was the only obstacle from a quiet moment.  Sayu knew it wouldn’t end until she picked it up again but in fear she disconnected the phone and sat there with tears rolling down.  Someone had been playing tricks and whoever it was; it was frightening her to the core.




After a few minutes, Reina pulled away from the turtle’s lips and watched Eri recovering from the long embrace.  It was a special feeling that Reina could be the turtle’s mate and could always peek at the hole she made for reference.  Eri rolled out and rested her head on the bed as she mumbled an apology before climbing back onto the bed.


“Eri, why were you apologizing for?”


“I do that every time after I do something that breaks the code.”


“We are not supposed to kiss?”


Eri nodded as she watched the kitty’s eyes turned away from her and pushed her off the bed with all her might.  Reina rolled up to catch herself back onto her feet but ended halfway through her motion.  The kitty looked up at Eri and smiled as she stood back up.


“I guess that’s payback for ripping your dress.”


“Not really, it’s just the start; you just have to feed the turtle tonight.”


Reina agreed to the deal and walked downstairs to find Sayu by the door.  Reina let her in as she started to lean onto Reina feeling the tears soak through her shirt.  Eri closed the door behind her and escorted her to the back room to find an explanation.  Reina felt that eerie feeling again and followed the other two to the back room.  The three sat as Sayu regained her composure and wrapped her arms around her body like she felt the temperature dropped to freezing.


“Someone called me earlier, it was unrecognizable, but it thought I killed the mayor.”


Eri and Reina looked at each other in confusion and rubbed her back to calm her down a bit more.


“Why would it think that?  Wasn’t it the medical center’s fault?”


Sayu moaned as the scene in her head started all over again, she held her hands over her ears, and screamed out as loud as she could until she fell to the floor.  It was beginning to become a serious threat that someone was aiming for Sayu or who they thought murdered the mayor a year ago
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 16 1/3/2012
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2012, 01:16:13 PM »
The kitty nodded as she prepared to pounce onto the unsuspecting turtle and at the last second, Reina missed her target and her nails grabbed onto the clothing causing a rip a size of quarter on the back side of her right leg.  Despite missing the target, she got a view of the turtle’s underwear.




“This is my favorite gown, you know…”


“Sorry, I’ll make it up with this.”


Reina pressed her lips on top of the turtle’s and both fell onto the bed clamped to each other.

*SQUEALS* EEEEEP!!!!! :wriggly: :imdead: :mon angel:

When Reina asked where they not suppose to kiss and Eri nodded did she nod saying they were suppose to or nod saying they were not???

Plus, Are they together? Or Is Reina just "testing the waters?"

Whoever that was reallly got Sayu spooked... freakin' idiots.. :angry:
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 16 1/3/2012
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2012, 05:44:18 PM »
^ they were gonna kiss no matter what but a little foreplay XD as for them being together not yet... :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 16 1/3/2012
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2012, 07:39:32 AM »
Well, to know they were gonna kiss no matter what has got me smiling lol. Waiting on the next update this story is getting more and more interesting!!!  :twothumbs
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 17 1/4/2012
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2012, 10:37:10 AM »
^ one more update :lol:

Chapter 17

Reina watched over Sayu as Eri went out of the room for food.  The kitty was concerned for Eri because of Sayu hiding in the church, so she sneaked out looking for Eri when she was venturing the town.  Sayu felt threatened by the voice that brought back the memories but the voice was different than anything else.  She saw Reina downstairs and wrapped her arms around the kitty.

“Sayu why are you out here?”

She wrapped her arms tighter around her midsection and her body started to crush underneath the pressure.  Reina elbowed her to loosen up her grip.  Sayu started to tear up unexpectedly and ran toward her house.  Reina took a few steps before stopping herself.

Eri came back with stuffed bread looking at the kitty, which was looking toward the direction where Sayu ran off.  She dropped the bag onto the table and placed her hands on top of the kitty’s shoulders and massaged them as she tried to figure out what was in Reina’s mind.


Sayu came to the house and saw a figure by her front door.  She froze as it came walking towards her and she turned into another one with a kendo stick, hitting her in the midsection and then her back, paralyzing her for the person to take her off.


Reina picked up the bread and just looked at it as she kept thinking about Sayu and why she ran off without saying a word.  It was the same feeling from a year ago like she couldn’t forget how Sayu was basically a ball that was hard to flatten her out.  The year was spent trying to pry her away from the event and help the town she wanted to build for the people.  However, she had moments of reservation that concerned the kitty.

First moment was the third visit with Yossie after the incident, she had a talk about upbringing with her parents, and she felt that they were around less than the usual parents.  Sayu felt it never affected her internally but her lack of friends was telling a different story.  However, with the people surrounding her, she pushed through in taking the next step, and knew she could get over the memory but the meeting was cut short when Yossie excused herself.

Sayu had been alone until the nurse came in with a pitcher of water, Reina walked into the room checking on her friend and Sayu didn’t pour out a glass for herself.  She had offered a glass to Reina as she eyed the sink for about ten minutes.  Then, she broke down when the door opened up but it closed before Reina could see the face.  She looked outside and noticed no one was out there.

The second moment was when Sayu had been opening up about her past and how she regretted shunning the people in the town.  She thought her parents would have discipline her for being uptight but she just needed alcohol to open her communication zone.  Reina, Ai, and Sayu were having drinks celebrating the investment going into the brewery and the bar’s interior upgrade.  Sayu had turned to the side and saw someone that made her uncomfortable and had turned away.  She spent the night holding up a fake smile but inside she was crumbling until she finally gave in and walked home with the kitty.

The past hour was torture for both Eri and Reina as they felt helpless, they wanted to hunt down Sayu but they stared at each other blankly.  Reina broke her concentration and walked toward Sayu’s house and saw no one was present.  She called Rika but her phone was off and went into brewery to find Ai prepping for opening the bar.

“Ah, Reina, how you doing today?”

The kitty took a seat on the stool and put her head on her arms.  Ai knew she was still a little early for prep so she took a seat next to her.  Eri walked in and stood by the door watching the kitty.

“Sayu is having the memory of her attack again.”

“I see.  Well I hope she isn’t faking it.”

Reina tilted her head to the side at the comment Ai just mentioned.  It didn’t feel like an act and wanted to fight with her but her strength was low.  But she did think if it was just to get people to like her but it didn’t feel overly executed so she kept her head up to listen to Ai’s explanation.

“Well I remembered one time when we were hanging out, she loved to flirt with the guys, and when she didn’t get her way, she starts crying to get sympathy.  It has happened a lot so I am not surprised if she faked it for your attention but I could tell quickly.  Since I wasn’t in the room, I can’t help you there.”

“I am not sure how to take that information but I guess I can say thank you for telling me this.”

Ai giggled and rubbed the kitty’s head.

“Risa may be the best one when she doesn’t get her way, but she got me so I cannot complain if she does throw a fit.  However, if you do see her around the town, tell her that no one is gonna hate her.”

Reina nodded as she left the bar with the turtle and stood in the middle of the street wanting to yell out the millionaire’s name at the top of their lungs.  She really needed a friend that believed in her 100% and Reina was going to make her feel wanted, it was her goal to make sure Sayu is her best friend.  Eri saw the determination in the kitty’s eyes and they walked to the bread shop to seek the next person.

Risa cared less for Sayu but a person missing is a person missing and helped the duo to find Sayu within the town limits.  By the time she talked to everyone, she had convinced the town to believe Sayu could benefit the town.  However, by sundown everyone’s hopes started waning and they went home to get dinner ready.  Little that they know, Sayu was still in town but was tied to the chair and blindfolded.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 17 1/4/2012
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2012, 04:24:43 PM »
OH NO!! Who took Sayu and what are they gonna do to her!!!!  :mon scare:
What did she ever do to them.. Half of me think someone wants some money from her... maybe... or maybe not lol... ehh wakannai yo!

I just hope Reina, Eri and Risa find her in time so no one does have time to do something to her.

Oh and, Eri and Reina should become Sayu best friends... let her know shes ...loved.. haha.

Ah after today, I dont think im gonna be able to post until Sunday so, Please continue on. I guess im just gonna have a few Chapters to catch up on which mean your gonna get a pretty long comment from me when i get back haha :nervous :lol:
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 18 1/5/2012
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2012, 10:34:08 AM »
^ its gonna depend if I want to write or not but I am coming to the point where the arc will close soon :nervous so it might take a while to bridge another piece and the characters to piece together the next part.  Well if you are reading this next chapter, beware of the violence, it will be bloody.  Also as a note, a piece of comedy comes in handy too with a chapter like this :nervous

Chapter 18

Sayu sat in the chair quietly; it was quiet, really quiet, and enough that the pipes were dripping water in front of her.  Her wrists started to hurt because of the rope.  She would struggle for a bit before giving up and let out a loud sigh.  She had no clue to where she was but it was in a room.  The smell of dirty socks was a dead giveaway.  The humidity was also an indicator as she started to sweat profusely.  She had no clue if anyone else was out there so she yelled out to gain a person’s attention to no success.  Then, as she wanted to use the bathroom, the blindfold was taken off, and saw her kidnapper.

“Why do you betray me?”

Sayu tilted her head to the right and let out a grunt knowing who she was.  She gritted her teeth as she saw her hold a pipe in her hands.

“You set me up to be with that man, I thought it would be a trick, but she got close enough to finish the job.  While you sat back and planted everything to get your case.  However, you knew why he and the wife had to be killed, but it didn’t happen, until recently where Yossie had to deliver the blow.”

“You are smart but your uncle deserved to be dead because he fooled around with me one night.  He couldn’t just have one, he had many he could choose from, but once he got me, I was his, and he knew that you could have made him the happiest.”

Sayu struggled to get her wrists out of the rope but it was no use and her kidnapper came closer to her inches from her face.  She pressed her lips together and kissed her as she struggled to get out before she pulled back with a smirk on her face.  Sayu look straight at her as she banged the loose pipes to release more water and started to spray onto her.

“Rika… I’m sorry.”

Reina and Eri kept searching high and low for Sayu and realized that she was nowhere to be found.  They sat exhausted in front of the grocer with the sun slowly fading away.  Aika walked out with a bowl of peeled oranges and offered to the duo.

“Thanks, Aika-chan~”

“No problem."  Aika took a crate and sat across of them.

Reina and Eri bit into their first piece and the sweetness filled the mouths as they pondered where to search next.  They were frustrated that they couldn’t find her anywhere but at least people were still worried for the millionaire.

“Reina-chan, you like Sayu a lot, no?”  Reina nodded as Eri stuffed another piece into her mouth.

“She is a little rough around the outside but she cares for the people without showing compassion, which I don’t like about her.”  Eri grinned as she felt the closeness again.

Then, out of Reina’s left came Yossie with a bag.  She saw a baseball bat sticking out and trailed the path until she reached Sayu’s house.  She shuffled through her key ring and opened the door to the house.  Reina and Eri gave back the bowls and walked up to the house which looked barren inside.

“Why is Yossie carrying a bat?”

“I don’t know but I am having that feeling again.  Let’s go find Sayu.”

Reina turned the doorknob and walked into the house with small steps.  The floor boards were louder than usual, she looked in the dining room with no luck, and then to the kitchen where the noises were getting louder.  The door was ajar to the basement and the sound of a girl screaming caused Reina to lead the way down.

The kitty saw Rika and Yossie surrounded Sayu with weapons holding over their heads.  Reina charged Yossie first and the bat flew toward Rika nearly missing her head.  She brought Yossie down next to Sayu and it cleared Eri to untie her from the chair.  Rika aimed her weapon toward Eri and missed her by an inch, Sayu immediately react by kicking the chair at Rika, knocking her down to the floor.  Yossie jammed the bat toward the kitty’s throat and she started to black out.  Right over the doctor’s head, Eri held what looked like a gun right next to her face.


Eri pulled the trigger and the shot hit the floor throwing Yossie off her guard and Eri started to aim at her.  Reina rolled over to regain her breath as she watched Rika getting up from the floor.  Yossie held up her hands in submission with Eri staring down the doctor.  Rika held her midsection wincing from the chair and turned her attention to the bat that was by her.  Rika surged toward the bat and the gun went off again, Rika fell over with the bullet wound through her chest and piercing the wall.

Yossie took the opportunity to grab the pipe and knock the gun out of the nun’s hand; shocked Eri scooted back to the door and watched the doctor gain control of the gun.  Yossie crawled back to the wall and stood aiming the gun at the three women.  Then, she turned to look at her friend who was in a pool of blood.

“The bitch should have planted the blame on Sayu in the first place as we talked about.”

Yossie grinned as she had control over the gun and led the group from the basement to the kitchen.  They each took a seat around the table while Yossie played with the gun in her hands.

“Sayu, you know that faking an injury makes my job easier.”

“She didn’t fake the injury.”

Reina stood up and the gun was directed back at the kitty, she looked at the barrel, and just took a deep breath before muttering another word.

“Have you ever been rape?”  Yossie shook her head.

“You never will ever know how that feels, it makes you feel filthy, and it can never be cleaned off.  I had that experience way too many times until it excited me.  It makes me sick but at least I got off yesterday.”

Yossie shot the gun to the ceiling and looked back at the kitty with the gun straight at her.  Yossie smiled as she knew one more would be dead with a trigger pull.  Reina looked back at Sayu as her eyes closed like she was relieving herself and she knew that one split second could benefit her.  Yossie took another breath and smelt the odor and dropped her guard.  Reina dove toward the arm and the gun rolled onto the urine-filled floor, the doctor grabbed the kitty by the hair and guided her toward the piss.

“I guess you can taste her now.”  She shoved her head closer until Ai and Risa came into the kitchen with Shota.

Yossie released the hair and licked her lips as she faced the mayor with a smile on her face.  She knew that Shota would be easy because of his lack of fighting skills.  However, Shota knew karate but always hid it away to not hint the townspeople of his training.  Yossie threw the first punch and Shota blocked it with his fist and she knew she underestimated the mayor.  He released the fist and waited for the next attack but Yossie pushed them out of the way until she got outside the house.

“Freeze!  Yoshizawa Hitomi, you are under arrest for murder of two people.”  She yelled out as the force surrounded her until she fell onto her knees in disgrace.
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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 18 1/5/2012
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2012, 05:58:47 PM »
This.... Whole.... Chapter..... Had me in complete AWE. Omg. Rika? YOSSIE? RIKAA?!?! YOSSIE?!!!!

She got...... raped.... to the point of..... excitment? HAAAAAAAA?!!!!!?!

I cant ... I just... i need..... *speechless*

Ok, Theres a full sentence for ya : I NEEEED MOARRRRRRRR :nervous please?

You had me on the edge of my seat ever since i first started reading this chapter!
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 19 1/8/2012
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2012, 03:30:39 AM »
^ thnx Rika getting killed was kinda out of the blue but couple chapters ago, I had to bridge another part which leads to this chapter

Chapter 19

The police force from the main city surrounded the doctor as she held her hands up, giving into the men who were there to arrest her.  Another set of men entered into the house to escort the rest of the women out and they found blood on the floor leading down to Rika.  It was unusual for any town to face that a person who had become accustomed to their lifestyle was the one who killed the mayor and his wife.  The first question was why, every question started with a why, but no one could figure it out which led to an internal investigation.

Meanwhile, Sayu was shaken from all the events but she felt guilty with everything that had happen and explained to the police officers about the murders.  She knew that the mayor was being setup but beyond knowing why she was in the middle of the event, she needed the assistance.  However, Sayu needed to get redressed and decided to walk over to the nearest house, which was Reina’s house for a shower.  Reina followed Sayu to the bathroom while Eri got clean set of clothes for her.

Reina felt that Sayu needed to be treated and taking her away from the town would benefit her long-term.  However, it was that time away that concerned the kitty.  She heard the water pouring down inside, Reina patiently waited until Eri came back with the clothing.  She began to think about how long it took for her to rid of the nightmare, it was torture until she could rid of the blame from herself.  Reina was purely worried and didn’t notice the sounds within the bathroom.

Eri had heard a strange noise signaled Reina to go in to find Sayu behind the shower curtain and she opened to find her leaning on the wall breathing strongly.  She placed her hand onto her back and traced her backbone until she managed to turn around and glared at her.  The nun stuck her head in and it was frozen in her mind witnessing the Sayu’s eyes onto the kitty.

“Eri was worried…”  Reina turned away but Sayu extended her arm and held onto her shoulder.

“I know, she told me that she always had wondered how you felt about me.  I figured that you wouldn’t come in unless Eri said so.”  Sayu grinned as she shields her chest from the kitty.

Reina dashed out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her.  Eri giggled as the kitty looked up at her, trying to hide her smile.  Eri held her extra clothes in her hand as she headlock the kitty to keep the optimism outside.  Eri pushed her onto the wall and placed her hands on the kitty’s shoulders.  She pushed her lips onto hers and everything froze around them, it was warm between the two, and a puff of steam came out.

“I guess this how it will be when I’m gone.”  Sayu joked as she stared at them with a towel wrapped around her body.

“I don’t expect any less but Reina agreed that we can keep an open relationship between us three.”  Eri placed her finger on her cheek and unraveled a smile from the millionaire.

“So, I can see Reina’s nude body, when I come back.”  Sayu’s face exploded while Reina’s face became cherry red.

“Agreed.”  Eri handed off her spare clothes and left with Reina as they waited outside with the police.

The town was soon filled with the media trying to dig through the town for clues to all the murders, but the police had become mum on everything, only give out what was known to everyone else.  They knew it would be long before they could get the story straightened out to the timeline.  The police detective leading the investigation to murder of Ishikawa followed the kitty and the nun to the church.  Luckily, none of the media trailed them and they could pan out the details

“Hey, my name is Yasuda; I am the lead internal affairs investigator.”  They each shook her hand as they went into the church and sat down near the altar.

She took out her notepad and looked at the two women with intent of finding what had happened.  They knew of the consequences but something that they didn’t trust was the police because of Rika’s attempt to torture one of their neighbors.  Reina explained that they saw Sayu in distress and tried calming her down but she had run away from them. 

“I was concerned that she went back home, so we went there, but no one was home.  We started to hear the noises down to the basement, where we saw Rika and Yossie with Sayu tied up.”  Reina explained.

“Rika was sent here to inform us about the mayor but we had heard of the mayor’s death.  We told her to look into that too until a colleague exposed a mistake on her report.”  She explained as she looked over the notes.

“Well you are not going to tell us, so we shall look past that.  But, what does Yossie have to do with all this?”  Reina asked as Eri walked out to make some tea for the group.

“Yoshizawa… we have nothing on her unfortunately, the only clue was she was in close contact with Ishikawa all the time.  Maybe, she placed her as a pawn to set up the murders?”  Yasuda shrugged her shoulders as Reina looked away.

Yasuda looked older than her and somehow she showed off her strict demeanor with how her legs was crossed and kept her attention at her notebook.  Eri came back with a teapot and three cups for them; she laid it out and offered each of them a cup.  Yasuda looked at the nun and whispered something to her ear as they both went outside.

“You seem quite lonely in being a nun.”  Yasuda nudged the turtle.

“It was before Reina came here and Sayu started to become more active in the community.”  Eri smirked as Yasuda looked at the notebook.

“I will come back when all the evidence comes in, I will hang around town for a while, is there a place where I can stay?”  Eri showed her to the guest room to Yasuda’s discontent.

“There is no inns because we usually don’t get a lot of visitors, sorry if it becomes an inconvenience.”  Eri bowed as Yasuda walked out of the church and explained the situation.

Two hours later, they brought a portable station and set it away from the main road.  The four women walked out and ventured into the bar where Ai had served them beer complementary to the new visitors.  Reina had gone back home thinking about Eri, Sayu, and everyone else.  As she looked at the clock, she looked out to see if Sayu had left but her house was still lighted.  She walked out to a potential last visit with her, she stood at the door feeling her arm heavy, pondering over to what she should say.  When she was ready to knock, the door opened up to Sayu without her makeup on.

“I guess you wanted to say goodbye.”  Sayu closed her eyes and tried to hide her tears.

“I want to, but I can’t, I know you’ll come back, that’s why I don’t want to say it.”  Reina explained as Sayu invited her into the house.

“Well I’ll be away for a few months, maybe just something to remember me by.”  Sayu kissed her on the lips for as long as she could until Sayu had to pull away and pat the kitty for a temporary goodbye. 

Reina and Eri watched as she took a taxi out of the town, the waves goodbye were sincere, and now a few months until she would come back without a trace, hopefully.
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Re: The Kitty, the Nun, and the Millionaire Chapter 19 1/8/2012
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2012, 10:02:25 PM »
Awww the goodbye was kinda sad!!~ :(

Nothing Bad is gonna happen to Sayu while shes gone right?

And i love the Rokkie moment they had bout Sharing. Reina being all red faced xD

I guess with Sayu away Reina and Eri wont have much... problems happening around...

um, Ready for the next update whenever you are ^.^
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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 20 1/12/2012
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2012, 08:51:08 AM »
^ I can't guarantee that.... but something does happen to her :nervous however how it would affect the story, will make her front and center away from TanaKame for now.

Chapter 20

Sayu put on her sunglasses as she waved to her two friends or acquaintances, on she saw it but they were there to comfort her despite everything that happened.  She promised herself she wouldn't shed any tears and to hold up her strong front as long as she could but thirty seconds she was defeated.  Everyone in town had waived to her along the way out.  She had a thought about what would happen in a few months: Changed mind?  Changed heart?  Changed spirit?  As long as she was changed, she could step forward in life.

 The taxi took her to a mansion along the seaside. She saw a cliff was about hundred yards away with people looking out to the ocean and an empty beach.  Sayu walked in with her bags and escorted to her room with the view of the ocean.  The room was filled with sea breeze and a yellow rose in a vase carefully put in recently.  She dropped her bags next to the bed she was going to sleep on for the next few months and jumped onto the mattress as she felt confident she could get over any anxiety.

 "Hello neighbor."  A head peeked through the door and startled Sayu.

 "Hey."  She said softly as she entered without warning and took a seat next to the vase.

 Both looked at each other strangely until the woman broke the silence in the room.

 "My name is Koharu, what is your name?"  Sayu was getting anxious that one had alerted her about the encounter and she sat up before mentioning her name.

 "I am Michishige Sayumi...  Nice to meet you."  She said with a smile to warm up the room.

 "You have a nice smile."  She said as her face turned bright red.

 Sayu felt a cold chill down her spine, it was beyond her entering without permission but she was now embarrassed viewing her.  She didn't look bad herself: slender, her brownish hair tied up into a bun, and she was wearing a white dress that fit her figure.  She was almost looking at her double in fashion but she knew she would be much cuter.  Koha walked towards her bed and stared into her eyes as she fell onto Sayu, pushing them onto the bed.

 "It's so nice sleeping on beds like this."  She whispered as Sayu brought her up into standing.

 "I don't know who you are despite telling you your name but I need some alone time.  Maybe we can meet each other in therapy nee."  The younger woman nodded as she pecked Sayu's cheek before walking out of her room.

 Hmm that girl is sure weird but now my body feels weird.  Sayu began thinking as the afternoon sun was now entering into her room.  She lay back down again to get a nap but was soon interrupted by a knock on her door.

 "Michishige-san, can you let me in?"  She had a much stronger voice than the woman that just walked in unannounced and opened to a woman with a coat on.

 "Gomen, I forgot to give a schedule to you before you began to settle down."  She bowed as she saw the events that were happening and it drew out a smile.

 "Thank you..."  The woman turned and Sayu caught her attention before she went off to another patient.

 "Who came into my room a while ago?"  She tilted her head until Sayu began to describe her and she began to nod acknowledging who that person was.

 "Kusumi Koharu.  She is quite friendly but I can't explain her condition to you as we have confidentiality but you will see her with you for therapy.  Unfortunately, she is in your area so if she does become overbearing, I have to apologize beforehand."  Sayu nodded and walked back into her room dropping the paper on the desk and closing her eyes again.

 Her body became relaxed as she dozed off and a dream popped up with Eri and Reina holding hands looking at her.  Sayu looked at their fingers and noticed a ring on Reina, she wanted to shout out "Omedetou!" but her heart started to beat faster until she fell to the ground in exhaustion.  They looked over her and their eyes began to wonder over her condition but another face came into view: Koharu.  She woke up feeling the sweat rolling down her cheek and the sun was barely above the horizon.  She looked at the clock showing 5:42 and looked on her agenda when was dinner, it was 5:30.

 She raced down to the cafeteria by following the direction in her portfolio and arrived to an empty room.  She knew that she was lost until Koha came in front of her and greeted her with a smile.  The younger woman led her to the cafeteria where only a few people were eating.  They each had the same meal: fish, miso soup, and a bowl of rice.  Koha led her to the table she usually sat at and waited there as Sayu grabbed her dinner.

 Sayu never felt nervous about people, she hated being around them, unless they were warm to her first, but they looked out of place.  It was more of a hospital than a rehabilitation clinic many with bruises, burns, scars, etc.  Koha was the only one without those marks and she seemed to be good-spirited in her mind but there had to be a reason why she was here in the first place.

 She grabbed her plate and took a seat across of Koha before she went to get her dinner.  Sayu was used to eating alone, Reina was the only one who would sometimes come over for a snack, and that was after the incident.  But, Koha just anticipated Sayu's first bite and followed her in taking bites of their food.  Sayu was waiting for a conversation to happen but she needed to get the first word out.

 "How long have you been here?"  Sayu spoke between bites.

 "Six months, I think."  She looked up thinking about her stay.

 "I see... I might be here for a while."  Koha smiled at Sayu as the younger woman took another bite size of fish into her mouth.

 Sayu thought about the next question which would probably throw their relationship away and decided to keep eating while her mind was scrambling to keep up the conversation.  Then, she looked down at Koha's plate and she was almost finished, so she went into her set of questions.

 "Where are you from?"  Koha placed down her chopsticks to wipe her mouth.

 "Tokyo, How about you?"

 "Same here, but outside of the city."  She bit on her lip as the hints could not lead to what just happened.

 "Hmm, the townspeople are always interesting, like the one who was abused until she was eighteen.  I met her once when I first came here, she wanted to become a policewoman to gain revenge on her abuser.  Then, I heard her name pop up again a few days ago."  Sayu felt like she swallowed a fish bone and drank the water from the pitcher.

 "Really?  She must have gotten him."  Koha shook her head.

 "She got shot in a basement, her friend admitted in shooting her but the police found prints that were not hers.  So, they are trying to find the real perpetrator."  Sayu felt her heart beating faster as she knew who pulled the trigger was but she wanted the police to figure it out before coming to her.
 "Sorry to hear about your friend."  Sayu looked away trying to not hint about the situation.

 "It's okay... she was strong about becoming part of the police force that she did and I was glad she made her goal but why kill her?"  Koha said to herself as Sayu placed her chopsticks on the bowl.

 "Sorry, but I need my rest, maybe we can talk tomorrow?"  Koha nodded and pointed to where she had to drop off her tray.

 Sayu began to think to herself how Rika was ever friendly.  She went along with a plan that should have been foolproof but it ended with her death.  Even before her death, it was her threat that made her come to this place.  She felt confused inside and the various emotions hit her at once like arrows piercing through her and planted into her organs.  The pain was suddenly becoming worst and she managed to walk back to her room without crying, but once inside, she let out her frustration until she could do no more and slept.

 She woke up to the sound of her door opening and the dim light came through the room.  She couldn't tell if they were in the room or just peeking through but obviously someone had to been there.  A few moments later, someone wrapped their arms around her and her hand was heading down to her right hip.  Sayu froze as lips came centimeters towards her right ear.

 "I love you."  A woman's voice whispered as Sayu lost control of her body.

Now if you want to continue go here If you don't have access please PM ASAP
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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 21 1/14/2012
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2012, 09:44:40 AM »
Chapter 21

Sayu woke up the next morning feeling tense after the night she had with her partner.  Her body was covered with sweat and walked over to the showers to clean up.  She began to think about Reina and how she was doing.  It seemed simple to just sleep with someone on the first night but when she could press her buttons, it was a whole new story for her.  Reina cuddled with her a few times before she went to rehab, but never to the extent of having sex with her.  It was refreshing for her to let another person to touch her sensitive area and the water made her excited that she let out a moan as it rinsed her.

She almost had forgotten about her meeting that she rinsed off whatever she could before running back to her room.  Sayu slipped on her undergarments followed by a t-shirt and shorts.  As she stepped out, she felt a slight chill in the air and went back to grab her jacket before going to her meeting.  The building was a maze as her previous experience of finding the cafeteria was an adventure but she took a portable map from the information center and finally got to her meeting room with five minutes to spare.

The instructor/counselor was an older woman with a v neck blouse and a black skirt; her coat had her name written on top with her specialty in small letters.  She looked at Sayu as she walked in and sat right across of her in the small room.  She let out a breath as she flipped through her report that she had in front of her and looked up at the time.

“Morning.”  Sayu puffed out as she looked back up at the clock.

“Morning, Ms. Michishige.”  She replied.

“Are we waiting for people?”  Sayu asked as Koha entered the door and sat to the left of Sayu smiling at the counselor.

“Well I guess that answered your question.”  She extended her hand towards Sayu.  “I am Dr. Yuko Nakazawa, I am here to rehab you through your experience.”

Sayu shook her hand as she looked toward Koha, who gave her a wink and smiled, as Nakazawa went to the board to write down her thoughts for the day.  Sayu saw the doctor as she felt awkward to be in the room, which she was right partially.  The doctor was more researcher than counselor and it showed because she disconnected with the patients about their emotions.  She was never a victim but grew interested when the amount of people being abused rose to an all-time high.  However, she couldn’t handle people’s emotions and always managed to get her into positions relating to research but with the budget cuts, she had to at least take a few sessions a week.

“I want you to close your eyes and talk about yourself.”  She said with a monotone beat.

Sayu began to collect her thoughts and then she felt a tug from her left.  Koha had gone through this exercise a lot and she seemed to be less excited about the exercise.  As Sayu opened her eyes, the doctor was staring at her; she glared hard enough to surprise Sayu about how she felt about being in the room.  She opened her mouth and closed it quickly when Koha stood up.

“Doctor, can we do some other stuff?” She asked as the doctor rubbed her forehead.

“Ms. Kusumi, I know it is very repetitious for you, but the new patients need to introduce themselves as patients before we can treat them.”  The doctor explained as Koha sat back down.

“I am Michishige Sayumi, my father was wealthy, and I inherited his money after he passed.  Many see me as snotty or uncaring but that is because I was afraid of people using me.  I came here as I was raped a year ago but only decided to rehab myself recently.  Please take care of me.”  Sayu bowed as the two clapped for her.

“Rape is a serious matter around the world and many don’t report it as fear of retaliation but as I read it, you were forced into the situation by corrupt police personnel.”  Sayu nodded as Koha rose up.

“I heard of the story a few days ago, were you the victim?”  Sayu bit down on her lip as the doctor signaled to her to sit.

“Sorry, we cannot explain who is who here, everything is kept in secret so it could be anyone but we don’t know if Sayu was the victim or not.”  The doctor swept the question away and observed Sayu for a moment to manage the situation.

It felt weird that she couldn’t explain it out loud to anyone especially if she didn’t want to talk about it.  Luckily, the doctor stopped the conversation to go that direction and pointed at what she wrote: TRUTH.  The doctor was very methodical on the definition that Sayu began swaying back and forth in boredom.  Her body felt tingles throughout as Koha moved in closer and let out a yawn to distract the doctor.

“Any questions?”  The two shook their heads as the lecture was dry as day old bread and she left without saying good bye.

Sayu sat there with nothing else in mind but just staring at she felt that she needed to talk about to rid of the dark cloud.  But, she felt the scar from the incident and it burned when it was even brought up mentally.  She looked over at Koha as she was playing with her finger and flashed a smile to gain her attention.

“Sayu, I know you were in the middle of the incident.”  She whispered as her smile disappeared.

“How do you know?  Rika?”  Koha nodded.

“It matches where she went for her job so it clicked that they would send you here for privacy reasons.”  Sayu felt afraid to even go beyond that and left the room.

She wanted to cry, it felt weird that Rika confided in her about her job but she never knew that Rika forced her to visit the mayor that night for her own benefit.  Sayu ran into her room and gathered up her bed sheets and threw it onto the floor.  She lay on the bare mattress reenacting the night into her head and clamping her fingers into the wall with frustration.

“Sayu, I’m sorry, I never expected this to happen.”  Koha leaned onto the door and opened it seeing her frozen on the bed.

“Why did you bring it up?  The doctor told you not to go into it.”  The younger woman locked the door and pulled a chair next to the bed.

“I want to know why Rika got killed.  She was my best friend and she talked to me ever since I got admitted.  I was only fifteen when I got here.  It was a rough time for my family as my father got laid off and abused my mother until she left with another man.  I was left with him and one night he was drunk and walked into my bedroom.  He was a kind man but depression changed him into wretched person.  He slide into my bed and fondled with my breasts for a bit until he raped me in my own bed.”  Sayu turned towards her and sat up with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry to hear about that.”  Koha smiled gently as she gripped onto the chair.

“It continued for a while until he foolishly forgot to pull out and I panicked.  I flushed it out as best as I could and saw him come from behind.  He was trying to apologize and in my rage I threw my hair brush at his head.  He fell backwards onto a rusty nail, I called the ambulance to send him to the hospital, and I also told them about what he had done hours earlier.”  Sayu nodded as Koha was now fighting back her pain.

“He died hours later as the infection hit the blood stream faster than expected and I was now in a waiting with the results.  After some tests, I was pregnant.  It tore me apart that I was going to become a mother and when my mother heard about my father’s death, she went ballistic over the situation.  She blamed me for being a whore in place of her, which made me angry.  I was now alone with another life in me but a few days later, they informed me of a false positive and there was a misreading, and then when my period had arrived I was relieved.”  Koha hinted at a smile but hid it as Sayu looked up.

“Now, I was parentless and I quit school to support myself for the time being.  I was doing jobs like cashiering and light stocking until an older woman came up to me to request my services.  She was middle-aged, recently divorced, and seeking an assistant for her.  I took up her offer and moved in with her.  She was kind and took me everywhere on the first day without breaking a sweat.  That night, she asked if I could sleep with her and agreed to it.  I didn’t know that under the sheets she was nude and for the next couple years, I had become her lover.”  Sayu’s eyes opened wide as Koha was now spreading her legs revealing her underwear accidently.

“After a year, it was alright and she spoiled me with all these gifts from her ex-husband, mainly jewelry.  Then, one day he came back after he heard about me.  He went up to the room and tied her up to the bed.  He began to rip my clothes to shreds and was completely naked as he raped me in front of her, cursing at me and her for being lesbians.  She felt guilty that she had involved me that after he finished with me, she grabbed the kitchen knife and stabbed him before stabbing herself.”  Koha broke down and fell into Sayu’s arms sobbing.

Sayu couldn’t speak anymore; she was stunned about Koha’s experience in the past four years.  They sat in the room exchanging hugs until the afternoon, forgetting about their mid-morning session.  They calmed down and slowly showed each other smile.  It was a connection felt by both of them about their difficult past and the previous night was just a step towards healing.

Koha looked down and snickered at the dirty sheets on the floor.  She found a trash bag in the corner and helped Sayu clean up her room.  The younger lady threw the sheets into a laundry chute while Sayu requested for new sheets.  However, they both decided to spend their intimate time in Koha’s room while the sheets were en route to Sayu’s room.


As you can see, I am trying to find a fitting title for this damn fic so bear with me if it changed a few times more throughout the story :nervous
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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 21 1/14/2012
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2012, 02:05:34 PM »
Ok WOW these past two chapters where REALLLLLLY interesting!! When I saw that "go here" I was like he made a pervy? No freakin way i gotta check it out. and it was.. amazing :yep: Im waiting on the next one you :P XD lol.

I dont see many SayuKoha's and I love them. So even if its for the time being (Which i hope its no~t) Im REALLLLY glad to see them together.

And Koha has been dealing with Sex even since she was a young teen.  :( I kinda understand why she went to have sex with Sayu on the first night of her being there.

But what i didnt understand was the "I love you" part i was like EHHH :shocked: You just met her you cant love her yet~ (well, love at first sight i guess....)

But SayuKoha :wub: :inlove:

So its : Eri likes Reina and Reina likes Eri but Sayu also likes Reina but she likes Koha too, in which Koha likes her back??

Im waiting on the next upload. This story just keeps getting more exciting!!~

And about the title, I thought you had a different story that you were uploading at first :lol: Until i clicked on it haha..
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 21 1/14/2012
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2012, 07:42:37 PM »
Ok WOW these past two chapters where REALLLLLLY interesting!! When I saw that "go here" I was like he made a pervy? No freakin way i gotta check it out. and it was.. amazing :yep: Im waiting on the next one you :P XD lol.

I dont see many SayuKoha's and I love them. So even if its for the time being (Which i hope its no~t) Im REALLLLY glad to see them together.

And Koha has been dealing with Sex even since she was a young teen.  :( I kinda understand why she went to have sex with Sayu on the first night of her being there.

But what i didnt understand was the "I love you" part i was like EHHH :shocked: You just met her you cant love her yet~ (well, love at first sight i guess....)

But SayuKoha :wub: :inlove:

So its : Eri likes Reina and Reina likes Eri but Sayu also likes Reina but she likes Koha too, in which Koha likes her back??

Im waiting on the next upload. This story just keeps getting more exciting!!~

And about the title, I thought you had a different story that you were uploading at first :lol: Until i clicked on it haha..

Rarely anyone does write KohaSayu here's one and I wrote a one-shot in the perv section.

The relationships make the story although I don't want to make it perv heavy, implied at best

As for Koha, there will be something coming up to her unusual actions ;)
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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 21 1/14/2012
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2012, 01:39:05 AM »
Rarely anyone does write KohaSayu here's one and I wrote a one-shot in the perv section.

The relationships make the story although I don't want to make it perv heavy, implied at best

As for Koha, there will be something coming up to her unusual actions

Yeah I read that fan fiction it gave me SUCH a HEADACHE~ But it was awesome!! :twothumbs
It actually started off my SayuKoha fandom..

And, I get what your say bout not have alot of Pervys in the fan fiction.. Though I still cant help but crave a Tanakame moment lol (Im horrible arent i?  XD)

Oh and, ouuuuuu I wonder~ whats gonna happen~ Now im waiting for a upload~~~~~~ please xD

Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 22 1/17/2012
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2012, 10:27:14 AM »
Chapter 22

Dr. Nakazawa took the long path back to her office by stepping into the research room, which had been abandoned for three months.  She took three long sighs before walking away with a frown on her face.  It was unusual that the day Yoshizawa left the center she knew they would look towards her if Yoshizawa ever got into trouble.

 Two days had passed since Sayu was admitted and there were no phone calls to come around but the head nurse always seemed to pop her head in once or twice per day to check on her.  In the back of her mind, the email that was saved onto the doctor's computer was the link they needed to connect her with the murders.

 She knew the mayor from a party hosted by him and his wife.  They were a lovely couple and Yuko couldn't seem to hold back her smile.  The doctor drank too many glasses and flirted with him despite his wife being right by his side.  She just remembered the fight that gave her a cut on her cheek which healed quickly but the words were the dagger needed for revenge.

 The only problem was Rika, who she had observed, was also in feminine rage over the mayor.  Her plan pulled through in getting the mayor as for the wife, she had the head nurse take control, and instructed that she needed to die.  Another problem came up was the pills had a negative side effect which prolonged the period before her death.  The doctor had grown frustrated that the pieces were falling in the wrong places and now the straight-edged Yasuda was on the case.

 Yasuda and she were friends until a recommendation from the doctor ruined their iron-welded relationship.  Rika was mentally unstable and became a maverick on the force, her first case involved abuse victims, and she was taught to shoot beanbags at the runners but she accidently brought a police-issued pistol and shot him in the hamstring.

 He fell over crying in pain and realized the mistake she had made, he had been wounded a year earlier from his wife stabbing him, and the wound opened up causing him to bleed to death at the scene.  She was suspended and could have been kicked off for lack of judgment but Yuko saved her.  Then the incident with the mayor ended her lucky streak.

 She was depressed over Rika's death and Yossie's arrest but it made her feel lighter that they were out of her way.  The head nurse popped her head in again and was caught by the doctor.  She walked in closed the door behind her as she took a seat in front of her.  The doctor closed the blinds and they looked at each other for a moment before breaking it with a sigh.

 "Dr. Nakazawa, I'm worried about you."  The doctor grinned as she looked at the head nurse.

 "Same here, maybe a kiss will make it better, unless your husband wants to know why you have been taking two shifts every night."  The head nurse shook her head and walked over to sit on top of the doctor's lap.

“Dr. Nakazawa, I love you more than any man.”  They fell into an embrace as they fell onto the floor with each other’s hands locked.

Koha never had anyone over to her room, it was prohibited for patients to visit others, but the lack of interaction made the center dull so it was opened up to share common ground.  Luckily, Koha was concentrating on Sayu as they fell into bed and pulled up Sayu’s shirt to expose her midsection.  The younger woman drew a heart around her navel and slid her finger under Sayu’s shorts with a sly smile on her face.

She unbutton her the shorts and left it flay for a moment while she climbed up to her lips and kiss them as her free hand ventured into her forbidden zone.  After a few minutes, Koha was seriously in the mood but Sayu’s playful ability only wanted Sayu more until her face turned into a snake staring down its prey.  Sayu felt the tingles run down her spine and finally backed into a wall.

“Koha, you are a demon.”  Sayu was continuing her light play and Koha came closer until their bodies were pressed together.

“I know, but someone’s been bad, I wonder who…”  Koha walked over to her closet and took out her paddle.

Koha held her paddle out touching the bottom of Sayu’s shirt and lifted it up before exposing her bra.  She lowered the paddle and walked up to her for another embrace.  They roamed the room until all the space needed to explore had ran out and plopped to the floor like they finished a marathon.

“This is so much fun.”  Koha was breathing hard and looked at Sayu who had a grin on her face.

“Agreed.  I never felt so great.”  Sayu’s words turned her emotion to sadness as the image of Reina popped into her mind.

Sayu indeed missed them, it wasn’t going to leave her soon, but if Koha was the missing piece to bridge her with the others, she didn’t need Reina as much.  However, it was the kitty who made her welcome despite being an outsider herself.  She admired Reina’s passion since she arrived, it was a new page in her life and Eri was her missing piece despite going against her policy of intimacy more than once per month.  Sayu did wonder if they ever did “it” before and suddenly the image bulled into her mind.

“Sayu… SAYU!  Are you okay?”  Koha shook Sayu out of her dream and faked a smile to comfort her.

“Yeah, sorry about that.  I have friends where I come from who cared for me after the incident, they were nice to me even though I treated them rudely.”  The younger woman went onto her knees and crawled onto Sayu’s body, straddling her at the waist.

“That is great.  When we get released, I want to visit.  Maybe, even live there with you.”  Koha pushed her lips on to Sayu while clamping down her hands to the floor.

“Dr. Nakazawa, calling Dr. Nakazawa.”  The PA system rang as the doctor was buttoning up her blouse on the floor.

The doctor walked out hair frayed at the roots and looked down to see a lone police officer waiting by the receptionist.  She pressed down her hair as she stepped down to the bottom floor and greeted the officer with a smile.

“I’m Abe, an associate of Yasuda’s.”  Her smile froze her as the police had come to her work place.

The doctor felt her heart beating faster as the words were becoming mumbled with every second and she felt everything spinning until the officer stopped.  She looked with a quizzical face and took the officer to the empty meeting room.

“Ms. Yajima, can you please get coffee for both of us?”  The receptionist smiled and bowed to both as she went on her way.

Dr. Nakazawa analyzed through the officer’s face and she was here more for a greeting than interrogation and she got comfortable as the officer placed her hat on the table.

“How’s Yasuda?”  The doctor asked as the officer blushed red in embarrassment.

“She’s been busy with work and has everyone satisfied at the force.”  The doctor smirked at her.

“The usual I guess, since she has no life at all.”  The doctor shook her head as the coffee arrived in front of them.  Nakazawa threw a 1,000 yen note to her and she walked away pocketing the money.

“What do you mean?”  Her smile got wider as she leaned in.

“That woman loves to play with her friends; she didn’t show you her toys?”  Abe sat back as the discussion was not going as planned.

“Sorry to change the subject but I wanted to talk to you about Ishikawa Rika; you had her as a patient here right?”  Yuko nodded.

“How long?”

“A year I think, she was quite demoralized after she was abused.”  Nakazawa explained.

“I see, many on the force thought she was a maverick on the force and it cost her life because of her stupidity.”  Abe let her opinion be known despite being on the record.

“Did Yasuda ever take her out?”  Abe felt unsure about the question and looked down at her book.

Nakazawa didn’t like when her questions weren’t being answered and she stared at her until the other person blinked.  Then, she pushed her onto her back and she looked down as the officer’s legs were flailing in the air.  Abe felt something under her back and the legs couldn’t seem to be placed back down.  Nakazawa smiled as she flipped her phone and dialed her superior.

“Hello Nakazawa.”  Yasuda greeted her.

“Hey are we getting old, miss Yasuda?”  She laughed back at the doctor.

“Did Abe not answer a question about me?”  Nakazawa chuckled.

Nakazawa dropped the phone to Abe and Yasuda screamed at her for being disobedient and told her to roll over to not expose herself to the doctor.  Abe hanged up and gave back the phone as her smile turned into fear.  The doctor held her chin and looked into her eyes.

“Next time you don’t answer a direct question, Yasuda will never see you again on the force, and your time together will only be pain with me, understand?”  She nodded and took her hat with her as she rushed out of the building.

“Michishige and Kusumi shall be the next victims.”  Nakazawa said to herself as she walked out of the room.
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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 23 1/19/2012
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2012, 10:39:56 AM »
I guess its quite disturbing with all the stuff, although Yuko and Nacchi make any scene interesting :nervous

Chapter 23

A few weeks passed by and Reina and Eri were still being questioned in their involvement.  It was simple that Rika kidnapped Sayu and she was shot by accident as they reached for the gun but Yasuda Kei was not in the mood to believe the two.  A police officer was shot and to top it off the police had to pay for the woman’s rehabilitation, she felt embarrassed to be called a policewoman, and the townspeople were still in shock that the two were important figureheads below the mayor were killed or arrested.

Aika was most devastated about Yossie being arrested that she had to be pulled out to work.  Reina had once waived at her only to find an orange flung back at her.  It took her a few days to get the story straighten out by Yasuda, who was leading the effort to calm the stories of the corrupted police, and it seemed to work until a deputy came out drunk and destroyed a wooden pole with his gun.

Yasuda loved being with her female deputies, it was sure that she could drink, have fun, and then sleep in bed with them.  However, it brought them closer as a group and they could coordinate better until Ishikawa Rika was assigned to her group.  She despised her as a cop.  She lacked any experience, mentally unstable, and the worst trait a quick trigger. 

Nakazawa was confident in her abilities to do the job as a junior on their squad but she never wanted to hang with the others and decided to stay behind with files in her hands.  She admitted leaving Rika behind was mistake #1 and then meeting Yoshizawa on her unsupervised patrols was mistake #2.  She hated Yoshizawa because she was Nakazawa’s person to look after and fell in love with Rika despite rules to keep personal and professional affairs separate.

Then, by her suggestion, Rika had been removed from the group, but became rogue with Yoshizawa to go into the town.  Yasuda and her colleagues decided to celebrate at a bar and then take it back to the hotel room for private time.  It only took four hours to make the suite from luxurious to dumpster.  Her deputies at the time were all women in their late twenties and were men haters.  The orgy was filled with booze, sweat, and loud moans that even a family could tell what they were doing across the hall.  Yasuda was pleased that no man was going to ruin their party until the next morning.

Her boss, Takeura Shinjo, called her with a surprise of Rika’s whereabouts.  Her head was now spinning out of control with the deputies hanging onto her body as she ordered room service.  It took an hour to get all of them up to speed with Ishikawa becoming a rogue agent.  Yasuda knew she need surveillance but in a small town, it could not be set up quickly to even avoid anyone roaming the streets without getting asked.  So, she decided to take a police truck and parked it outside the town limits, it had handy camouflage like billboard signs and cop car decoys so no one could really question the antics.

However, a few days later, the mayor had passed on, and the crew was on high alert by Takeura’s orders but was not given jurisdiction to even search the crime scene.  Yasuda had become annoyed by Rika to the point that Nakazawa had to take personal leave to not hear the bitch’s voice every minute.  However, after a few months, their truck got removed from their care and was now back on the streets.  Then, Rika’s position had been filled by a young officer named Abe Natsumi, she was more obedient than the previous person but she was naïve to let anyone near her.  Yasuda spent the first night making her drunk enough to strip in the hotel room, which was successful up to the point of revealing her body to them.  They were satisfied with her bra and panties on before she passed out from drunkenness and embarrassment.

It was not until a month ago that they were called in to investigate into Rika by Shota.  Yasuda and Shota were buddies in high school, it was rumored that they went out one time, but it was between friends and they had a mutual relationship.  Yasuda had learned that Shota was an assistant to the mayor and was elected based by the people, which didn’t surprise her, but the call about Rika was a whole another story.

He had closed down the town as a matter of safety and the people were now looking at the millionaire’s house with concern.  The first hour was a still picture of them witnessing any movement or sounds, Shota was concerned that Rika had poisoned the town, and needed to rid of her quickly.  At the end of the second hour, a shot was heard and everyone ran back into their homes.  One of the deputies saw four women at the table with one wielding a weapon towards the other three.  Shota stepped forward and crept towards them as everyone were pawns on the chessboard.  One move triggered all the events leading to Yossie’s arrest.

Now, Yasuda had all the evidence locked in the truck as they made base in the town.  Rika’s body had been sent out and the basement was cleaned of any blood.  Since she had the forensics background, Yasuda looked over all the finger prints and knew who pulled the trigger: Eri.  However, it seemed logical that Eri had shot in self-defense, because of Rika’s mental state of capturing Sayu.  Yet, Reina, who had a criminal record, was sparkling clean of any crime, which surprised her.

It was reason that Reina had to give the nun the gun instead of her and she could have been shot by demand, but it got shot down by Eri’s account of Rika charging her like a bull and she pulled it as a precaution, hitting her square in the head.  It was predominantly the story among the group but Yasuda was not convinced of the nun’s actions and dug into Reina’s past as a security blanket.  She knew that Reina could not win a lot of battles with her record and the best thing was to avoid wrapping it up.  Abe, who was only there to get drinks for her colleagues, was sent away to interview Nakazawa and to also check on Sayu.

She knew the junior could get an interview as long as she played by her rules and could interview Sayu if she gotten lucky.  A day later, Abe had resigned her position because of Nakazawa’s conduct towards her and Yasuda backing her friend instead of her, she pulled herself out of the way and decided to play compliance over the investigation, which gave her authority to bully Yasuda if she wanted too.

In addition, Abe was now a free person to will her way through a closed investigation.  She had sent a letter recommending that it should be over and nothing more could be done with the death.  However, she called Abe incompetent and jealous of their investigation that it could be opened up to make her the hero.  Yasuda had won her argument and Abe was now a drunk.

Takahashi felt awful about Abe after the story with Nakazawa, her grin etched a nightmare about being controlled, and how she admired the police officer’s underwear made her a nervous wreck.  Luckily, Risa and Reina were buddies with her as the investigation seemed to drag on forever.  Abe was taken aback with the atmosphere of the police, she was cursed at first for being one but the people soon understand that she did try to beat the system and failed.  But, she was a lightweight with drinking and they had forced her to stop as soon as her cleavage became center of attention.  Eri was her guardian within the church and Reina was quite amused by Abe’s drunken behavior.

“Her breasts are huge.”  Eri commented when Natsumi opened up her shirt.

“Well, do you want to compare?”  Reina joked as Eri tried to cover the body.

“I think it would haunt me to see anyone else except for my own.”  Eri was now fighting for control but Reina was feeling anxious.

“One day we should sleep together as a couple.”  The kitty spitted out, catching Eri by surprise.

“Cute couple.”  Abe smiled as she closed her eye.

“One day, just not now.”  Eri silenced everyone and walked out to avoid another long conversation with either woman.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 11:21:54 AM by kurosawa87 »
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