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Author Topic: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)  (Read 5780 times)

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An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« on: October 22, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
Uhm...  Hello Ok this actually my very first FanFic EVER made..  :ptam-cry: I'm not really good yet and I don't know how my writing will end up  :dunno:
I was just inspired for all the great stories I've read in this forum so far and  You guys always Made My Day :on ksweat:
The Story that I made was Inspired by the very first Yuri Manga I've ever read so hope you guys like it too :hee:

And Yeah I'm a KOJIYUU shipper  :luvluv1: so expect that this story is about them!! but I also add some pairings too

So Douzo!!


At  Akihabara Limited Talent Agency…

“EHHHHH…!!???..... Me??!!!”  shouted a short scouted talent girl with a surprise and annoying voice ..

“Well.. well.. well… with that being said…  would you do it??” said an older  woman with a husky voice

“No way I’m not going to baby sit a Newbie… “sitting on her chair with an irritating look on her face.

“It’s because we’re short on people so please Yuko-chan… You are one of our BEST and I know how busy you are already” (continuing pleasing the girl)….

“Yea that’s true hehe..” a small blush seen on Yuko’s face making her boast how great she is…

“Which is also why it’ll be a good learning experience for you”… added the older woman… “This girl has a lot of potential and with a little polishing;
she’ll shine like a Star…. A precious Gem Diamond”

“Tch.. ABSOLUTELY NO!” irritated she make herself out of the room....” AHHH!! YUKO- CHAN!! Wait!” gasping the older women…

When she opened the door a tall gorgeous looking long brown hair girl surprised her….

“ Ah Thank You “… the girl said who is about to enter the room.

Yuko was surprised to see this kind of specie; she never knew that this kind of beauty exist… after a few seconds of staring….

“Oh She’s here She’s here!!” The older women excitedly said.  “This is the Newbie Kojima Haruna that I was talking about”
“ Ah Hello Ohori Megumi-san.. ..What did you want to talk to me about??”... Haruna politely said… Yuko still beside her is still on gaze of such beauty.…

“Oh it’s nothing really… But I was going to put you under Yuko-chan here until your debut, You know to give you a few pointers, But it seems like----“

before she could finish her sentence Yuko kick Ohori-san with her Ultimate Finishing Blow behind and send her flying across the room… “TAKE THAT!!”

... wAAHHH..“YY—uu—kk—oo  chan… What’s with that att—itude?!?..”  (Ohori K.O!! ding ding)

Yuko then stare at Haruna feeling all Fired Up! put her hands on her shoulders


Haruna looking confused all of a sudden.. “Huh??..  Ah Please to meet you too..”  then she give her a soft smile

And that’s how the two met…

 :sweat: Uhh yeah I hope.. It's not a failure and please don't kill me :pleeease: and I'm sorry if I don't write that good... :err:

I'll post the next chapter later If I'm done  :byebye: and Thank You Very Much for Reading  :kneelbow:

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 03:53:20 PM »
Hey, hey! That's Strawberry Shake Sweet right there right? It's one of my favorite yuri mangas. Glad to see that it's up as a fic, and better yet, Kojiyuu!! yayyy

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 04:05:49 PM »
^ I was about to say the same  :rofl: Please continue.

Offline haruhi16

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2011, 04:10:17 PM »
another Kojiyuu fic  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thank you! the story is interesting! LOL Yuko, i know what's in her mind already! haha  XD

Please update soon!! KOjiyuu  :heart:

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 04:53:27 AM »
its alittle confusing but keep going :D

Offline haruhi16

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 05:14:10 AM »
LOL Mari-troll is Yuko's manager? haha

PLease continue..

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 01:27:17 PM »
nice prologue..i'm waiting for the chapter 1  :bow: for the side story, it's nice too..but to short..poor yuko..mariko should let yuko to kiss haruna  XD

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Offline callmechez

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2011, 07:20:03 PM »
Ah thank you again everyone for reading :kneelbow:... and sorry If it's kind of confusing... I never thought of starting to write anyways  :mon sweat:

And I think this Chapter... might actually confused you more :mon curtain: I'll try to write good next time ...  :banghead:

Chapter 1

Somewhere on Honshu Hot Spring….

Yuko wearing a cute and well styled Yokata is shooting for her next photo shoot… taking a little break   she then looks at the newbie feeling really pissed….she don’t hate her really she’s just can’t help but to feel  uneasy every time they were together….
On the other hand the said Newbie was just enjoying herself making her feel all tingling inside because it’s her first time to see such a beautiful place and to be in one of Japan’s famous Hot Springs!,  she was really happy that she decide to become an Idol… (she smile) and thinking how lucky she is to be trained under the Great Oshima Yuko is a bonus…. she thought
 (Yuko’s Thought)” It’s so weird… How can a tall Idiot Like that manage to look so Cute and Adorable”… still staring to Haruna…. “It’s just isn’t right?!!”
Turning her back …“Ah I can fell something in the pit of my stomach..” she tell to herself ..”And I really want to know what it is??!!”….
 “Ah Yuko-chan” said Haruna carrying a box of Bento box
“KEERROOO!!” Yuko being startled again… “Ahh it’s just you Newbie you scared me” still panting after the shock…
“KERO??” Haruna thought… “Oh a well it’s your break so I got some food that the staff gave to me”…. Haruna holding the Bento box on her hands with a sweet smile on her face…
Yuko turning red can’t help herself to really KISS the girl on front of her but she kept her pace so she can’t be seen as weird perverted senior kissing her junior in public ..…
Yuko with her hands on her waist recovering from the situation…….“ Yuko-chan??.. what’s up with the –chan!! huh Newbie”  looks up to Haruna
“Oh since we’re about the same age I thought---“ before she could finish her sentence.. .
”This has nothing to do with AGE!” Yuko cut her off showing her superiority at the moment…”The First one To Debut is the Superior One!!”
“Haa..?? a confused Haruna said
“Hey are you really making fun with me?!”?... the Superior Oshima Yuko said…” What is it with that attitude of yours looking like you’re looking down on everybody else Huh!!”

(Reality check  Oshima Yuko’s height 152cm… Kojima Haruna’s height 164cm… get it??)

Haruna a bit confused “Ah… looking down on others… I’m sorry”…. She then started to crouch herself down with her hands wrapping her legs making her to look in a sitting position  with  Yuko on front of her making HER the shorter one and YUKO as the taller one … “Then… Is this Better??”  she said…
Thus turning Yuko extremely red and making her body temperature rise up seeing how  cute Haruna is right now …
“#@?!%$&” Oshima Yuko showing her Rage!!...
“Huh?! What did I do now” Haruna said making her all confused again…
Looking at them nearby a familiar voice said… “Just Ignore her Haruna-chan”… Mariko eating her nuggets… “Yuko has gone Insane from stress, so just come over here before she bites”… with that she munches her food…

Next Day

Yuko and Mariko making their way to the Agency…. upon approaching the lobby an old perverted woman was seen flirting with her staff…  The said old woman is non other the President of the said company where Oshima Yuko the talent was in right now.
 “Ah Ohori-sama not here someone might see us” cried the younger woman struggling to get out from the older woman’s hug…. “Oh come on Mochi just one kiss I know you like it” Meetan started to force a kiss….
“Oh boy…Not these again…” Mariko’s brows started to twitch… “What great time to start the day” she then thought….
“Oy BaBa!!” shouted Yuko…  “What the hell!! You making me throw up…. Do you want me to kick you again huh?!?”  Yuko said feeling all creep out the way her Boss acts….”Shees and I really don’t get what Mari-san said that were starting to be  like the same person these days… it’s really annoying” …she thought
Realizing that she has been caught she then releases her hug to her staff ….“ Ah…Ah--ra… Yuko-chan and Mari-chan….Good Morning how’s the work so far is everything fine??”  Meetan said with a shining smile on her face…
“Well actually Boss where heading to see Tamo-san to get some advice for Yuko-chan’s style for her upcoming drama you see”… Mariko said with a pleasing look…
“Oh… I see…  I see… Well Good Luck with that I see a great future ahead of you Yuko if these keeps up you will do Great…” Meetan giving her a tap on her shoulders showing the support her talent needs…
Yuko getting her Boss’s   hands off on her shoulders…“Ah thanks Baba… but next time try not to creep me out again or you’re goanna make me vomit what I eat Ok!” she said with a smile..
“Ah Yeah yeah of Course” she said making her feel Guilty… Oh by the way I see Haruna-chan is already upstairs waiting for you guys she’s an early bird… make sure you teach her to be a great idol too Yuko-chan…” she then pats Yuko’s back giving her a Best of Luck and with that she leaves…
(Yuko’s Thought)” Hmmm the Newbie is early huh?!? I wonder what she looks like… well she’s always looking Cute and Adorable not to mention how Hot she is all the time so that’s not knew hehehe… starts to rub her fingers under her chin…. “Wait! This is bad” she then shook her head “She’s you’re junior  stop thinking stupid things with her!” she then smacks herself to the head
“Itai”… she said rubbing her head
“Idiot! why do I always get surrounded with weird ones” Mariko thought rolling her eyes …. “Come Yuko-chan we have a lot of work to do”….

On the 2nd floor

“Oh Haruna-chan Good Morning you’re early today” greeted Mariko with a sweet smile..
Haruna looking at them with an excite look “Ah Hello Good morning…..Well… When I think about us meeting today, I just can’t stand still or even calm myself” Haruna showing her bright smile making the background Sparks…
Yuko froze…
(Yuko’s Thought) “Eh?! Oh My God She’s Sparkling… and those smile it hits me…. Wha--wha…what should I do”
“I’m so excited it’s my first time meeting Tamo-san” Haruna happily said
(Yuko’s Thought)  :mon duh:“Right so it’s Tamo-san she’s wanting to see… Who said  you dressed liked an old woman!?  Idiot… Idiot..!” giving herself another smack on the head…

At Mariko’s car

After the Meeting….

“Fuwahh… It’s been so hectic today”… Oshima Yuko happily said sitting at the back of the car
“Keep it up, because it’s going to get even busier these days” Mariko said…
Seeing that her talent worked so hard these days she can’t help herself to be Proud of her… well sometimes she’s an Idiot but she really is Proud and loved her anyway….

“Waa!... Wha—Wha—What Now Newbie?!!” Yuko being in an uncomfortable situation sitting beside Haruna
Haruna looking all serious with a little blush on her face said “Just Now… Mr. Tamo Styled you and even touched you’re hair right??...He might have left some of his scent on you” she then continues to sniff her
(Yuko’s Thought) “ Uwaa… What is this it’s like the Heaven within Hell … Ureshiii” Yuko on the boarders of Heaven and Hell…
“Ah.. Hai.. Haruna-chan you shouldn’t be so close to her right now it’s dangerous!!” Mariko said starting to annoyed seeing them in her back view mirror… “Your body is in Peril” she  whispered…

At the Drama Shoot

Oshima Yuko is one of the main characters in a High School Drama…. She wears a brown sweater on top of her uniform and her straight brunette hair is clip with a cute style making her a cute innocent Highschooler …..  sitting on a chair she then waits for her part… she really is prepared by this  but she felt uneasy making her eyes wander for a thought of a certain Newbie was not around…. So she starts to look for her…
“Ah… can’t even find her here where did she wander off to”… she tell herself.. Yuko was starting to worried and her face was showing the proof… At the back of the set she saw a familiar tall girl and the two annoying co-stars of her drama… talking with each other
“Ah?!” she then hides herself on the wooden prop blocking between them…. “What are they talking about over there…!!”  she thought making her to eavesdrop on the situation. “And aren’t those girls the most annoying duet from a rival company… Why is that Idiot talking to them?!”…
“Neh neh so you were scouted by Ohori-san?” said the shorter girl with a sophisticated look…
“Mmm” Haruna answered with a nod
“Wow you’re  so tall –chiyuu”…. said  the girl with a cute voice and a sexy face “And really Cute and Beautiful too… You’re going to make it for sure---chiyuu” …
Haruna looking at the two shyly speak “Uhm..I don’t think so. I’m still in the middle of my training with Yuko-san you see….”
“Yuko?!? As in Oshima Yuko?” the sophisticated one said with a smirk on her lips … “No way, nothing good comes out of being with her!?”
“Sou sou.. I don’t like her---chiyuu” said the other girl… “You hate her too don’t you Haruna-chan?”
“Eh?”  Haruna answered…she then thought… well ever since she starts being her junior and spends with her lately….. she really didn’t get her because on how the way she acts… but she realize that maybe it’s all being part of her training and she felt bad that these girls were saying bad things to Yuko which they don’t really know much…..
“That girl also has a major attitude problem…” added the sophisticated girl
(Yuko’s Thought) “Tch… does annoying duet really are the worse…. I don’t really much of a care what they say about me … It’s no Big Deal… and I don’t care if the Newbie agrees with them”
Haruna then said…” Really…? Well Yuko-san is really hard to understand sometimes and quite scary too but I think she’s a Nice Person… and I Like her Very Much”
Yuko’s heart stops when she hears Haruna said that she thinks of her like that…. she feels great joy in her heart that she have never felt before a certain feeling that isn’t clear at the moment….

So  During Work…

Yuko express her feeling by…“He---yy Girls… I’ll treat you all to BBQ at Yuchimaen’s… muwaahhh”….. (sexy tone)
“Eeck what’s with the sudden Love and Thoughtfulness” cried the girl with the sophisticated look
“Nyaahh this must be a Revenge--- chiyuu?!?”


Next Morning….

A certain Senior is having a bad day!
“Haa….” Yuko crouch herself on the sofa
“What’s up you don’t look very happy?” questioned Mariko
“And why aren’t you relaxing at home it’s your day off ?” Mariko said having a sip of coffee on the table…
Yuko looking up to Mariko…“I don’t know when Kojima is going to show up at the office….. As that girl’s senior, I still have a lot of things to teach her”…..
”That is why I’m spending my time here waiting for her"…. Yuko feeling down again.... "Then if she does come,  we can spend our time going to the Amusement Park and eating on a Café at lunch… Then we’ll go to see a movie… and…”
(Mariko’s Thought) “A DATE! Then what are you waiting for just go on then and Seduce her Idiot!”
“Listen Yuko-chan..” Mariko approaching Yuko….”I know it’s not my business but you should give up on Haruna-chan…. Since you are both girls, Understand?”
“Eh??” Yuko being confused…”What’s wrong Mari-san?”
“Well!” Mariko starts eating her words….”How should I say this…. You like Haruna-chan don’t you??.... It’s going to be such a huge SCANDAL!”
Yuko was shock and her face becomes red..” SO THAT’S IT!” she then pressed her heart…” Come to think of it I think I’m in love” 
“WAIT?!... You didn’t know what you where feeling?!!” Mariko being all freaked out…. “OH NOOO!!  I’ve just taught her  something terrible this is bad!” she said to herself
“Ahhh.. It’s like the haze around my heart has cleared… It feels so good to finally know what it was, I was feeling…..Thanks Mari-san!” she then hugs her manager and leaves….
“I’m Dead” Mariko in a gloom….
(Yuko’s Thought) “I’m in love with Nyan-nyan(<-- her new nickname) this is soooo sweet and Now that I’ve decided… It’s time for my Attack!!”  :mon evillaff:

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2011, 02:19:15 PM »
LOL Funny..

So what if they're both girls!? Just go date already!!

please continue <33

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2011, 07:16:30 PM »
I like that manga too ^^
Yuko is so funny

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 05:37:59 AM »
maritroll.. now you`re in trouble!!

Offline callmechez

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2011, 11:11:34 AM »
Thank you everyone for reading  :kneelbow: I hope this next chapter is not much of a fail :sweat: it's a different kind of writing than the first one because I think it's easier to write this way... :nervous so hope you'll be able too understand :mon pray2: it's quite long if you look at it.... so hopefully you enjoy

Chapter 2

It’s time for my Attack!!

After a Radio recording

“Ah! It’s late I wonder If Mari-san is still in the lobby?”
“Sorry to make you wait… Oh… Huh?.... She’s not here…..” shifts her eyes and saw someone over a nearby bench slowly she approach….
(Haruna sleeping)
*Trembling* “Yet again, she’s sleeping in a place like this, looking DEFENSELESS!”
“THAT’S IT!!”….*lightning strikes her head*  “This is an opening  for me!!”…. “It’s all right for me to interpret it that way, RIGHT KAMI-SAMA!!!?”
She then places herself on the bench to making it look like she's kneeling on it facing Haruna down whereas Haruna sleeping innocently is in an upright position…
“We…we….ll… Then….  I sha….sha…ll… chastely accept it!”  slowly making her way down….
“Geez… The vending machines here are terrible.”….. Mariko holding a cup of coffee in her hands…
“Here Haruna-chan COF---“….. “AAARRRGGGHHH!!” :shocked (saw the current situation)
“No STOP!”… (starts to run towards them)…”STOP YUKO-CHAN!”….. “SCANDAL….SCAAANNDAALL!!”
(Yuko inches away making her lips touch Haruna’s lips….)
“AHHH!! But BOTH my HANDS are FULL!!” *panicking*… “I have to do it WITHOUT SPILLING the COFFEE!! WITHOUT SPILLING IT----!!!”

 :on slopkiss:


Parking Lot

“Geeeezzzz Don’t play around like that, Mari-san….” *disgusted*….”How saddening! Had to KISS a Woman A DOZEN YEARS OLDER THAN ME…”
“….Right back at you, you Little Brat….” (Mariko twitching her brows)… “I’m ONLY 2 YEARS older Than You.. Stupid!”
“Cheer Up, Cheer Up!... Let’s go do KARAOKE, Mari-san KARAOKE!” (Yuko changing the mood)
“WHAT?!”…. “Well… do you even know what time is it right now?”
“We’ll just do a Little! Just two hours!... Instead of Vocal training pweaseee!” Yuko pouting her lips
“….I guess I don’t have a choice…”
“Say Haruna-chan you coming too?” (Yuko looking at her lovely) “Let’s do a duet”
“…..Oh….All right, But… Won’t your parents or someone be worried that you’re out so late?”
“Eh?”   :tama-uhh:
“Oh--- No, it’s fine. My parents passed away when I was really young. I’m leaving alone right now…” (shows her a sweet smile…)
Haruna was shocked and felt sorry that she didn’t know that Yuko experienced the kind of loss…
“Oh.. But I have Grandparents… I bet my Grandfather will be mad that I’m going out at night… ehehehe” (shows again another smile)
Haruna then thought that she must do something or somehow to cheer her up but how??…
“Eto…!!!....!!” :panic:..”Ano….!!”
“What’s wrong Haruna-chan?” Yuko a bit confused
(Haruna runs away)
“Ehh?!! Where are you going Haruna-chan?”

2 seconds later…

*pants*…. *pants*
“….What?... Cocoa for me?”
*nod* *nod*
“Oh.. Thanks.. It’s nice and warm..” Yuko holding the drink
“..That’s right…It’s a common occurrence and an awkward atmosphere when one doesn’t know whether or not to apologize..” (Mariko looks at them and smiles ) “Oy you two hurry up and get in the car?”
“Hai!!” Both of them answered….


Next day

Outside the location shoot
Haruna is in still on thought and depressed on what happened last night…. She seats alone in the corner…
“Oh dear…She’s very quiet again today… I wonder if she’s still worried about last night?” Mariko looking at her by far
“Huh?!....You mean what she said about my parents?” Yuko overhearing what her manager said…
“… I wonder if I said it badly?….. My parents are gone, but it’s been that way for as long as I can remember…. My grandparents were like parents to me, so frankly, it doesn’t really bother me…” (feeling worried)
“But….When I think that Nyan-nyan’s heart is filled with thoughts of me because of that….”  :inlove: “Ohhhhh… I JUST CAN’T SAY IT!!..... I CAN’T SAY SOMETHING----!!!”   :tama-apeshit:



Yuko then approach Haruna and tell the whole story…

“….So…. That’s how it is?”
“Pretty much....don’t worry about it!…. I’m sorry for saying things that made you feel like you should pity me” (Yuko showing her smile)
“NO!… It’s my fault for saying something I shouldn’t have…” (Haruna starts to blush) “….You’re a level headed person Yuko… But when I think of how you must have been lonely as a child… It makes me sad too… somehow”
Yuko turning red…. “I Love that…. I” (she then dashes to Mariko….) “WAAHHH!!” (starts to shake her) “I REALLY LOVE that ASPECT of HER PERSONALITY Mari-san!!”  :tama-excite:
“UWAAAHHH!” (covering her ears) “DON’T SAY THAT!”… “STOP!”…. “I CANT’ HEAR YOU….. I CAN’T HEAR YOU”…”.LALALALALA” 

In a Beauty Parlor

“Hey… It’s you Yuko!... C’mon in!...” said the head store owner
“Ah …. Miichan… Konnichiwa”
“What would you like today?”
“Well… a trim and a coloring I guess”…. making her way to the seat
“Oh…. Okay hold on a minute, I’ll be with you soon”….. finishing the other customer
“Okay…Huh---?” (looks to the person sitting next to her) “Eh… Sashihara-chan… didn’t expect to see you here?”
“Oh Yuko-san, Konnichiwa” ….smiles at her (Sashihara Rino an Idol who works at the same company as Yuko)
“Are you getting a hair colored too Sashihara-chan?.. It doesn’t seem like you could cut it any shorter..”
“Oh…Um..” *starts to blush*


“About that---- (Miichan going over to Sashii…) Listen to this Yuko… She got her hair cut and dyed just a week ago right?.... (Miichan touching Sashii’s hair…. Sashii turning red) and it was the third time this month!”
“Huh?.... Really…? I think her hair is pretty, and she doesn’t have to be so diligent about it…”
“Right!” (Miichan lying her chin over to Sashii’s head) “I think so too”..
“See Sashihara-chan?” (Miichan smiling at her ) “Yuko thinks that too. So for now how about we stick to hair care today?”
Sashii *big blush* looking up to Miichan…“N—No!.. No!... Because then I wouldn’t get to have you TOUCH ME, Minegeshi-san… Um—Um..” *SHOUTS* “In short.. I wouldn’t mind having my haircut FIVE TIMES if Minegeshi-san DID IT!!”

*Everyone shock*

“Geeeezzzz”  (Miichan hugging Sashii) “You’re such a Cutie!  :k-inlove:
“I see… I get it… I don’t really understand but I get it… Sashihara-chan….We’re kind the same kind you know…  :k-sad:” Yuko realizing her current situation…


*snip* *snip*
 “So Miichan” *whisper*
 “You know don’t you? about Sashihara-chan’s----….” *whisper*
“Sashihara-chan’s feelings?” *snip* “Ofcourse!... She follows me around so much it hurts”
“…..Then don’t attack her so strangely!... She’s a great girl you know?”
“…Well, I like her a lot too, But” (Miichan sparkling) “Isn’t a girl with an unrequited love the cutest thing ever?  :heart:
*snip*… “So, after fully enjoying myself for a while, I’m going to EAT HER!”
“EAT?!....HER!!” (Yuko choking)



“There you are Yuko-chan”
“Oh what’s up Mari-san?”
“Well there’s been a change in the script for tomorrow’s filming…..”
“Ara….Long time no see…. OH MY MARIKO!!” Jumps and hugs her from behind
“WHA----!!” *catching her breath* “…..Stop it Minami it’s ANNOYING!!”…. Mariko turning red
“Geez!” *pouts* “You’re so cold even though You and I were TOGETHER!!”
“Tha---Tha---That’s was YEARS AGO!!....and were ROOMATES!!  Mariko still struggling from the hug…
“What a picture….” (Yuko enjoying herself)…”Come to think of it I didn’t know Mari-san and Miichan were together?!?”

Meanwhile someone isn’t pretty happy what she’s seeing right now!!

 :on shady: “Oooohhh…. Minegeshi-san…!!”

*whining* “That’s why I didn’t want to come here get off me you PIMP!!” Mariko shouts….

*popping up from nowhere*

“Ummm…. Mariko-san, shouldn’t you move your car outside?”
“Ah Nyan-Nyan!!” Yuko looking at her excitedly
“There’s a mini patrol out driving around”…. Haruna points outside the window
“Ack!.. Ok thanks…. wait here Yuko-chan I’ll be right back” Mariko dashes outside
“Geezzz!.. If you were here, you should have said something…” Yuko smile happily
Haruna approaches her…“Well don’t worry I followed you guys here” showing here sweet smile….
“They’ll be finishing me up soon and making me cute so please watch… ahehehe”
“….?...Oh no. I’m always watching you look CUTE, Yuko-san” (Haruna’s Cuteness UNLEASH)
“EHHH??!!” Yuko extremely red!!
“Tch…What? A Rival suddenly appeared?” Miichan feeling annoyed seeing the two…

Minutes later…

“Hmpf..” (Mii-chan drying Yuko’s hair)…”Hunh…So that’s how it is huh Yuko?.... I was just thinking that you won’t cheat on me---!!”
“Wha—What are you saying Miichan.. I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Yuko blush and starting to feel uncomfortable of what she had heard…
*SIGH* “And I thought …*starts being dramatic*… that ALL the CUTE GIRLS in the WORLD BELONG TO ME!.... I’ve Lost”
“…It’s hard to tell whether she’s serious or joking….” Yuko twitching her brows
“….Well,*recharge*  But that Girl is DEFINETLY CUTE not to mention HOT as well…. Maybe I’ll steal her from YOU!!”


“D---D----Don’t!!! REALLY DON’T YOU DARE MIICHAN!!” Yuko pounding Miichan’s chest….
“AHAHAHA… Alright…. Alright I get it….. That Hurts….” Miichan rubbing her chest… then start to walks to Haruna to analyze her…
“Hmmm….Well..” *puts her finger under her chin*..”It’s only natural… But she might really be a good raw material for my new experiment….Ohori-san can really spot them”
Miichan then grabs Haruna by the arm…..”Alright! Come with me Haruna-chan… I’m interested in you Now…”
“…Ah?!?... Hai?!”…. Haruna confused…
“CHOTTO MATTE!!...” *panic*…. “What are you trying to do huh Miichan?!”
Miichan looks back at Yuko and sweetly smiles….”Oh…. I’m not going to do anything…. I’m just going to TOUCH HER  for a bit  :heart:… tee hee”
“WAAAHHH!!?? *still on panic* Mari-san Do something?!!”…… “Shouldn’t you go keep an eye on them to see where Miichan is going to touch her….?!!” “Then again maybe I should go and join Miichan instead wait her I----!??!”


“  Idiot!!... Stop being such a stupid perv again…. Oy Minami don’t you do anything Haruna-chan is---?!?”
“Daijobu…Daijobu…” (Miichan pushing Haruna to the room)…”I’s just a little bit…. Talk with Yuko and Sashihara-chan for me for a bit Ok!  :heart:” *winks*
Behind Mariko there’s a black aura surrounding her making her feel chilly …. She taps her shoulder and….”So SHINODA MARIKO-----san…. Tell me what are you and Minegeshi-san is in right Now??” *showing her evil look*
 :tama-slide:”Maybe….  I should just quit my Job and and find a place where there's no weirdos around me!!??”
“Mari-san…Mari-san….Mari-san” the two Idols continuously shaking her …..

And then…..

“TA—DA!!” “The Big Presentation you’ve been waiting for” Miichan showing her full smile and confidence
“YOU TOOK TOO LONG!”… Is Nyan-nyan she? is she all right huh..huh..!?”
“Geez….. You don’t Listen do you?... Don’t be too surprised when you see this….?....”Now then Haruna-chan… Come show everyone  :heart:


“….Ah….Er… So How do I look.?” Haruna feeling all embarrassed…

(Haruna looking all IKEMEN… kyaa…. ><)

*EVERYONE  :drool: *

“…It…It’s Nice….!” (Mariko showing her smile and a blush on her face)…. “I was so surprised, I didn’t even recognize you---You’re so handsome  :heart:
“Re---really? *still embarrassed*... I didn’t get why Minegeshi-san dressed me up like this??..... She just said that maybe I may look good on this for a change….??”
“Well… I think that when you are Already Good looking it’s not much of a difference even if you have a Bad Makeup and dressed as a Man… nee Minami?!?”
“AHAHAHA…. Do you want me to KILL you now Mariko?!?”
“AAAHHHHH-----!!!”  :mon wtf:
“What is it?.... What’s wrong Yuko?” Miichan surprised of her reaction…
‘NOOOO!!!” (Yuko grabs Miichan’s collar and starts to shake her)….”THIS IS NO GOOD AT ALL!!!”
“ACK…. And I thought above all you’re the one whose goanna like it” *choke* …. Miichan struggling
Haruna looking at them and was surprised…
Yuko let go of Miichan and starts to cry…. *sob* YOU MADE HER… CHANGE HER CLOTHES!!....*sob*”YOU SAW HER DIDN’T YOU?.... DIDN’T YOU?? 
“Saw what??!!”…. Miichan *cough*
“YOU SAW HER HALF NAKED!!...  :mon cry:

“…Oh so That’s it…”

Haruna approaching them…

“Oh…. I guess it really doesn’t suits me… don’t worry I’ll change back…” Haruna looking all shyly
“NOOO!”…. “Wait it’s a misunderstanding!!”…. “I---I---??“  :pleeease:


Next Day

The Day of the Drama Filming….


Yuko holding her face….. then faces the girl
“I’ll never forgive you!”
“----Hai…. CUT!.... Ok Good work Break time…” said the director…
During break the girl who slaps Yuko together with her duet was happily talking in their dressing room and little they know a certain tall-cat like woman was just passing by…
‘He..he You’re awful—chiyuu…” “You slapped her as hard as you could on purpose didn’t you?”
“Of Course” *showing a big grin on her face*…  And because she kept messing up, I got to hit her three times… today must be my lucky day… hehehe”
“Hmmm…. Yuko-san?”.... Haruna hurriedly and find Yuko
 Meanwhile Yuko let out a big sigh after finishing out the scene she looks for a window to get some air and to clear her head because she is in still on thought of a certain event that happened yesterday….
“Ah…That hurts…geez” *holding her swollen cheek* “I can’t concentrate because of what happened yesterday…. Damn Miichan…. Making my Nyan-nyan strip on front of her…. Next time I’ll be the one whose goanna---”
“Ah Yuko-san they’re you are”
“Ack!!...  *surprised* I’m sorry!”…  then turns her back and saw Haruna
“..Um.. Is you’re cheek  alright?” Haruna worried
“Huh?...Oh it’s fine this is nothing see..see…” starts being genki…
“…..That girl she slapped you hard on purpose…. She’s terrible”
“Huh?...Why?… it’s her job, its only natural that she hit me seriously. And she had to hit me three times because I messed up..” :sweatdrop:
Haruna was shocked that Yuko doesn’t really bother of this kind situation… she’s handling it professionally and this is one aspect of her personality that Haruna really admires about…..

She then smiles at her and places her hand on the swollen cheek of Yuko….

“Wha—wha---wha--whaaaaat!!!” Yuko having a melt down
“Mari-san said she’s going to bring a cold towel…. My hand is pretty cold isn’t it?” *showing a great smile*…”Please manage with just my hand for a little while…”
“Uwaahhh…. *really blushing*…. I feel like I’m in the Alps ….” (if you remember and watch the opening of  Heidi the girl of the Alps…. LOL you would understand ><)

Filming Resumed

“Come on--- Slap me--- don’t be shy I know you want it---- Slap me--- Slap me--- Do it Do it!!”  :twisted:
“Aackk… you’re scary---chiyuu”
“What’s wrong with you??….. were done with that scene already… IT’S OVER!!”

Offline haruhi16

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2011, 12:02:14 PM »
LOL so funny! Miichan and Chiyuu are here  :heart:

please continue~  :bow:

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2011, 07:02:06 PM »
Hahahaha Yuko!!!! You can't make her tired xD

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2011, 07:03:41 AM »
our perver squirrel forever perder :D

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Re: An Idol Shake Please... (KOJIYUU w/ other pairings)
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2011, 04:18:44 AM »
Yuko really wanted to be slapped  :rofl:

nice fanfic..please update  :bow:

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