As some of you may have read in the
FanFics General Discussion Thread , we're putting this up.
This is absolutely optional. And this program guarantees nothing.
But through this we hope to open avenues for feedback and improvement.
If you wish to join in, simply accomplish
the form that applies to you here, send it to me via PM or post it on this thread.
If you don't want to beta but you think you can help out writers by proof-reading, you are also welcome to do so. PM me for details.
Beta-reader = involved in the story development, looks for plot-holes, checks for grammar,spelling and typographical errors. So far, we only allow two writers per beta-reader.
Proof-reader = checks only the the form of the fics: grammar,spelling and typographical errors only. Proof-readers and writers need not be exclusive. You can pass a chapter to any of the Proof-readers whenever. Just give allowance for time.
Readers have lives too.
THE BETA ROSTER The procedure is simple: Choose a beta, send him/her a PM (you can click on his/her name here), wait for a response. If the Reader you want is unavailable, you can choose another one OR wait. Even if it is not adviseable, betas may read more than two (the standard maximum number at this stage) authors. Business is best conducted through PM.
Name of Beta:
YuuyamiLiterary Focus: Imageries/Epic Metaphors
Character Mastery: Maki Goto / Miki Fujimoto / Ai Takahashi / Rika Ishikawa / Erika Umeda
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: Abuses text smilies even under a serious atmosphere, and is lazy
Available slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
EstreaLiterary Focus: Flow of prose, characterization, character interaction, grammar and style...
Character Mastery: Takahashi Ai / Tanaka Reina / Kamei Eri / Michishige Sayumi / Niigaki Risa
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: A grammar nazi. Also, extremely picky about the flow of writing, strict about character development and interactions.
Available slots: 2 (must have y!m or msn or aim)
**Proof-reads as well
Name of Beta:
Chika-chanLiterary Focus: Grammar, flow, diction, plot elements, holes
Character Mastery: I would like to think that while I don't have a master on particular members, but I can do various fairly well.
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: Grammar can seriously get on my nerves if poorly done. I also procrastinate with various things sometimes. Nitpicky and a perfectionist.
Available slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
Name of Beta:
Loser87Literary Focus: emotion, flow, a little bit of char./story development...other than that none in particular..
Character Mastery: Berryz Koubou and C-ute.
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: Lazy, I will ignore you if I don't like you.
Available slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
Name of Beta:
sweeetyLiterary Focus: Grammar and Spelling
Character Mastery: No one in particular
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: I tend to speak the truth, which sometimes may come off mean. I'm also pretty random and can just go on and on about things.
Available slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
Name of Beta:
Cassie a.k.a whytphyreLiterary Focus: Humor, plot devices, red herrings, story flow
Character Mastery: Yoshizawa Hitomi, Umeda Erika, Michishige Sayumi, Mitsui Aika, Ishikawa Rika, Fujimoto Miki, Junjun, Nakazawa Yuko, Goto Maki, Tanaka Reina, Ogawa Makoto, Abe Natsumi, Yaguchi Mari, Hagiwara Mai
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: I seek the humor in everything, no matter how dark or weird. Also, be prepared for apathy when it's prime exams week. Don't worry, I'll get it done. It'll just take longer than a day or so ^^
Available Slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
Name of Beta:
adventwriterLiterary Focus: character development, significant detail, grammar, etc (I edit writers for a living)
Character Mastery: Kamei Eri, Linlin, Junjun, Mikitty
Quirks and tendencies that writers might not like about you: I'm blunt, and a bit knit-picky when it comes to proper grammar usage.
Available Slots: 2
**Proof-reads as well
THE WHITE LISTOnly one requirement from all commenters: Respect. Please.
1. to have a venue where writers are exposed to healthy, holistic and tactful but strict appraisal of a fic whether in part or as a whole in order to improve thier writing
2. to give readers a venue to voice out any apparently-negative-yet-totally-valid-complaints about any element of the fics: grammar, rhetoric, character and plot development, etc.
Name of the writer:
katatsumuriFics in the Whitelist:
Complete Work Portfolio. (Yossi & Rika)
Elements you want your reviewers to pay most attention to: "I can take anything as long as it's not biased views (like hating my fic just because you hate me)"
**public criticism is welcome
EstreaFics in the Whitelist:
The Last Night (GAM)
Gegenschein (ReinAiGaki triangle, Ai/?) ,
Nocturne (Ai/the rest of the Gorokkies),
Sandbox stories (generally Ai-centric)
Elements to pay attention to: Characterization mostly. Please bear in mind that characters may seem OOC in relation to their RL counterparts depending on their roles and background in the story. Also, any awkward looking parts or plot holes.
Name of the writer:
wings4dreamsFics in the Whitelist
Stabbed in the Heart (Yossy/Rika and a few more on the side)
Yokozano (Yossy/Konno)
Whipcream and Handcuffs (Rika/Miki)
Elements you want your reviewers to pay most attention to: Grammar/sentence structure, plot holes, discriptions, the potryal of the characters' emotions, and anything else that the reader can spot.
MaverickPandaFics in the Whitelist:
Bearing my Burden (Yossi/Yaguchi)
Charmy in Wonderland (Yossi/Rika) ,
Mystery of the Moonlight (Ai/Gaki),
Rainy day man (Yossi/Rika)
Where Did it all Begin (Yossi/momusu)
Elements to pay attention to: Grammar, ackward looking parts,plot holes, scene setups and wordiness. All comments welcomed.

If there are any questions, comments, suggestions about this program, feel free to PM me or post it on this thread.