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Author Topic: BuraGeki no Ichinichi (Black & Gekikara Daily Life Season I & II: Complete)  (Read 93043 times)

Offline LeNosferatu

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It's too early to say Happy Easter, I know  :nervous but this probably the time I can say it since I can't guarantee another non-monthly update  :lol: so yeah, Happy (early) Easter everyone!

I'm sorry, really sorry. This thread is supposed to be daily or weekly update one, but because of my uni, work, and projects and shits, I could only update once per several months (oh damn).

Also, I notice that this thread is already 1 year old! Yay omedetou~  :yossi: (first post was on March 9th wow) so I'd say deep thanks for everyone, to readers, for always reading and following Burageki no Ichinichi  :sweatdrop:

3rd season? Yes, I'm planning to make 3rd season of this lovely pairing, the format is the same, drabbles and humorous. But without the kid. The story will be back to their Rappappa era, but still mainly on Black and Geki with other yankee characters as supporting. I just want to try something "fresh" aside of marriage and bed jokes  XD (dont worry there will be bed jokes too, still,  :lol:) So what do you think guys? Yay or nay? Or you still want to see the kid and let this season II last long like the previous one?  XD Please tell me your opinion  :bow:

Leaving JPHIP for such long time made me realize that this fanfic thread has changed so much  :lol: OMG I hope I can do well with the 3rd season and doing the regular weekly updates  :cow: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu  :bow:

(secretly, LeNosferatu is having a dilemma in making "understandable jokes")


@kahem, @Wmatsui22, @DC2805, @Haruko thank you for always reading this thread  :bow:

@Rukaeru, @mo-chan Hello guys~ I miss you all too, and dont worry I will always comeback ahaha, I still have manyy unfinished stories left here  XD how's (fanfic) life?

@miyumi Miyumi-san!!!  :lol: oh yes i miss updating stories, i miss burageki, i miss everyone in jphip  XD seeing more updates from me? i hope i can do my best for the next season. ganbarimasuuu  :D

@anonymousdowner thank you for saying that anonymous-san (; A ; ) i dunno what to reply but, your comment makes me...hmm what is it. Inspired to write more. Thank you  :bow:

@theblueknight OMG even your Mom knows about this drabble I'm embarrassed  :oops: 2 days straight from the start till the last post???  :shocked i dunno whether i should be happy or worry about your damaged brain after marathon reading this  :lol: just kidding, thank you so much for reading my works too in LJ! (not sure gonna continue Ra Ra Riot or not)


Table Manner

*dinner time*

Gekikara: *eats brutally*
Black     : Eat slowly!

*another dinner time*

Gekikara: *spilling sauce everywhere*
Black     : Eat normally!

*another dinner time*

Gekikara: *making sculpture from rice*
Black     : Don’t play with the food!
Gekikara: Muu, Black is no fun! *pout*
Black     : You need to learn how to eat properly! It’s not good he starts copying you.
Gekikara: I will, if you learn how to cook properly first.

*That night, once again, Black cried under the shower*




Black     : I’m really tired. Work has gotten rough lately…
Gekikara: What is it?
Black     : You see recently I’ve been going home really late. They extend my shift for couple hours.
Gekikara: How about taking a holiday?
Black     : Sounds nice, if only I won’t lose my job.
Gekikara: No, no you won’t. This one is reasonable and you can get to stay at home for months!
Black     : *excited* Eh, really? How?
Gekikara: *thinking* But I don’t have that…
Black     : Don’t have what?
Gekikara: *thinking* And because I don’t have any, I can’t get you to have one…
Black     : You have what? Getting me having what?
Gekikara: *whisper* *whisper*
Black     : NO I WON’T TAKE MATERNITY LEAVING YOU DUMBASS!! (=////////////=)




Gekikara: I sometimes wonder how his dad looks like…
Black     : Please, I don’t want to talk about that.
Gekikara: You afraid I’ll mad?
Black     : No, he’s just a butthurt to reminisce.
Gekikara: By the way, our son was born on November right?
Black     : Yes, why?
Gekikara: *strokes chin* I see you and your ex enjoyed Valentine’s Day so much…
Black     : (=///////=)


Banana Mayo

Gekikara: *opens fridge* Boring!! Blaaaack~
Black     : Hm?
Gekikara: Why do we only have bananas in the fridge?
Black     : I’m going to make banana mayo.
Gekikara: What on earth is that?
Black     : *explains*
Gekikara: Sounds disgusting. I won’t eat even a famous idol or weather forecaster making it. I won’t eat it!
Black     : Somehow…I feel really irritated hearing that…

(Author note: This is referring to Yukirin’s famous Banana Mayo menu)



*night, bedroom*

Black     : *holds rosario, closes eyes*
Gekikara: You always pray before sleeping huh…
Black     : I’m being grateful for every day I live.
Gekikara: Ah, I see.
Black     : *undressing* *changing into sleeping attire*
Gekikara: Can I borrow your cross?
Black     : Uh yes? What for?
Gekikara: Let me stare at you while being grateful for every beautiful curve before my very eyes.
Black     : (=/////=)



*breakfast time*

Gekikara: *pours cereal*
Boy       : Touchan, isn’t that too much…
Gekikara: I need lots of energy today!
Boy       : I don’t think we have enough milk for that…
Gekikara: We have, we have! *opens fridge*


Gekikara: Crap, I need more milk…
Black     : Okay, but why staring at my chest?



*summer, late night, bedroom*

Gekikara: Hnnn so hot…
Black     : Zzz…hmm? What’s wrong, Gekikara? *yawns*
Gekikara: Is the AC broken again?
Black     : Yeah, the electrician will come tomorrow so, bear it for tonight, okay?
Gekikara: Can I sleep naked then?
Black     : Eh?? Ah…umm…yes…
Gekikara: *undress* *back to bed* Oyasumi…
Black     : Umm Geki…
Gekikara: Zzz…hnn?
Black     : Please don’t face me tonight.
Gekikara: Why?
Black     : Eeto, I don’t feel comfortable with you naked like this.
Gekikara: Nnwhatever…Zzz *flip*

*secretly, Black drools over Gekikara’s back*



Black     : *changing*
Gekikara: *takes pic*
Black     : What are you doing?!
Gekikara: It’s my hobby.
Black     : Pervert.

*other time*

Black     : *undressing*
Gekikara: *takes pic*
Black     : Gekikara!!
Gekikara: Private collections.
Black     : Pervert!

*other time*

Gekikara: *plays with her phone*
Black     : So your hobby is looking at those before sleeping?! You really are a pervert.
Gekikara: I’m just choosing the best pic for your gravure idol debut.
Black     : Are you planning to sell me?!


Something Soft

*night, bedroom*

Black     : Ahh…hn! Geki…
Gekikara: How can these so soft…I always admire them *touch*
Black     : Hnn!


Black     : Why are you applying the fabric softener on your chest?
Gekikara: Hm?



*living room*

Gekikara: Don’t you have a picture of his dad or what? I’m really curious.
Black     : *whisper* Don’t talk about that in front of our son!!
Boy       : Why do you need a photo of yourself, Touchan?
Black     : Shit…he heard it.
Gekikara: It’s about your actual fathe-hmmm!! *gagged by Black’s hand*
Boy       : Really Kaachan? I have another Touchan?
Black     : No, sweetheart *smiles* Your Touchan is just joking as usual.
Boy       : *stares at floor* *sad*I was hoping it was true…having a daddy sounds nice...
Gekikara: I'm your Dad!




Black     : I’m not feeling well today…*curl up*
Gekikara: You got fever? *touching Black’s forehead with her own*
Black     : Nn, please, take the thermometer…
Gekikara: *search* *search* It’s nowhere!
Black     : Damn…he must be playing with it again…
Gekikara: I’ll try measuring it…hmm…hmm…


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Offline bunny_rabbit

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first  blood....

yeah my favorite family is back...and they are still crazy as ever...

about 3rd season...I would love to see it...

Happy (Early) Easter too....

Offline Megumi

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Damn! Someone was faster with the 1st post *chuckle*
Long time since I saw this crazy and funny family. *happy tears*
Season III? I can't wait  XD

Your sense of humour and creativity of BuraGeki never fails me to laugh.
Thank you for your update LeNosferatu-san

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Kiri-el

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I still read almost every day these BuraGeki drabbles. I could read this in my whole life. 3rd season? Absolutely YES! I'm in love with this fic.^^

Offline sorairo

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This drabbles makes my stomach and my jaws hurts, good job!! >,<b

Offline theblueknight

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ha ha ha come on!!! my mom was actually asking me why I was laughing while reading your drabble so I told her she thought they were hilarious you should take it as a compliment  :rock: ...and well one thing led to another and well some of them where soo hilarious that I couldn't keep it to myself so I read it to her  :twothumbs and as for the two days straight reading it well it was really addicting like when I pick my shin megami games I cant seem to put down the games heh specially p3 and p4 so yeah that's how bad and addicting your drabble is  :D nah brain damage I totally doubt that heh I read longer fics from and they were over 100 chapts so Im actually used to reading long fics  :fap and I just read your new post to this drabble and I gotta say they are hilarious more please!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Spanish original name es mary es mi amor por leo dan:
Mari(mariko)es mi amor, solo con ella
vivo la felicidad yo se que nunca a nadie
mas podria amar, por que la quiero de
verdad por eso mary por favor dame tu
mano continuemos siempre asi
despues de todo que mas te puedo
pedir si soy feliz...muy feliz.
Si un dia me faltas tu que
Dios me ayude a morir ya que
no volvera a hacer en esta vida feliz
sin ti mari...sin ti estoy
viviendo por ti... 
English ver dow originally name mary is my love by leo dan :
My love is Mari, just with her
I live in happiness
I know I will never again
fall in love with nobody, because I
feel a true love Because of that,
Mari, give me your hand we'll
forever continue this way After all,
what can I ask you more if I am happy...
very happy If one day I will miss you,
God help me to die ,
without you Mari...
If i live my life for you...  -----------<@

Offline miyumi

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Wah sugoi!!!!! Gosh I missed these so much!!! I'm sorry if I'm sounding demanding but please make more when you have time!!! They're so good and I love them!!!  :lol: XD

Offline Amakuchi

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Awesome update! Thanks for the update! Me want more!

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Offline Haruko

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aww black geki are cute :B

Offline kahem

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Black says Gekikara is pervert but it seems she is also one hehe
I'm always smiling when I read your awesome drabbles ^^
And yes you should make a season 3 hehe

Offline Kamen Knight

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a third season would be great :) Thanks for updating, it's funny and great as usual :D

Offline DC2805

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The answer is obvious...YES! a 3rd season! Can't get enough of the super corny 3-members family!
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The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Gekikara: I sometimes wonder how his dad looks like…
Black     : Please, I don’t want to talk about that.
Gekikara: You afraid I’ll mad?
Black     : No, he’s just a butthurt to reminisce.
Gekikara: By the way, our son was born on November right?
Black     : Yes, why?
Gekikara: *strokes chin* I see you and your ex enjoyed Valentine’s Day so much…
Black     : (=///////=)

but what if the kid is premature ?  :dunno:
Even if you give me 8793217407857 Dawas, I Still Love Yuuka

Offline Crimson

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Hi Eru-san  :cathappy:
This one of ur loyal silent reader, who's showing her butt up at last~

I enjoy ur fanfic, they r sooo funny  XD
I'll be waiting always to ur update :grin:

Offline LeNosferatu

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Hello, this is Eru  :)

Burageki no Ichinichi will be put on Discontinued since I don't plan to make the continuation anymore. Because now I'm concentrating to my WMatsui Light Novel Project. I'm sorry to all readers who have been waiting for this but yes when I miss this whole crazy family, I probably decide to make them again. But for now that most likely not possible so bear with me  XD

Please do check my newest work "Between Two Roses"  :thumbsup (still hesitating whether to put in here or not because it contains adult theme though non-explicit)

Love you all!  :cow:

Oh and mod-san, pls do move this thread to the Library  :deco:

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Offline Kairi65

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urk...this is...WAY TOO FUNNY!! :hiakhiakhiak:

i laughed my head off while reading this that my friends look at me like i'm insane :on gay:

gotta admit, your writing rocks :twothumbs :thumbup

will waiting for your next fic :thumbsup

Offline akbdaisuki48

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I'm reading this again because I'm thinking of making something with similar format

but then when i look closely

this fic


updated .... DAILY???????


Offline Soysaucee

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I love it even though it is over. I keep rereading this  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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