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Author Topic: Yuri Diary II - FINAL CHAPTER + EPILOGUE [03.01.2016]  (Read 68426 times)

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary II - FINAL CHAPTER + EPILOGUE [03.01.2016]
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:04:34 AM »
hello, minna-san. :)  :wigglypanda:
this is my first time to write a longer fic... i've wrote a couple of OSs, which you can check at my OS Domain...

if you have suggestions and comments, please tell me. it will help me improve my writing. :)  :luvuluvu:

Yuri Diary
(Various Pairs)

Entry #01

”She walked towards the seat beside mine. For every step she made, my heart beats faster and faster. I don’t know why. The moment she sat on her seat, my eyes were fixed on her. I realized how beautiful she is… From then on, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off of her.”

Today is the first day of school, and really an exhausting day for me.

I’m the elected school president. We usually elect officers before we end the school year…and being a 3rd year student (senior high school) really is a pain. (=__=)

I entered the room with a smiling face, trying not to show exhaustion. Almost all of my classmates were there now. We greeted each other, and soon after a few minutes, our teacher entered the room.

“Good morning, class. I’m Shinoda Mariko and I will be your class adviser.”

“Good morning, Shinoda-sensei!” We said in a cheerful chorus.

“Uhm, by the way class, I almost forgot… we have two transfer students.”

Shinoda-sensei opened the door and two students entered.

“Please introduce yourself.”

“Hello, classmates! My name is Watanabe Miyuki, you can call me Milky. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!” She smiled and bowed.

Shinoda-sensei told her to sit in front of Umechan.

The other girl stepped forward and introduced herself.

“I’m Maeda Atsuko. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” She bowed, but didn’t smile.

There’s something about this girl that makes me feel weird. I can’t figure it out.

“Maeda-san, please sit there.” Said teacher while pointing to the seat beside mine.

She walked towards the seat beside mine. For every step she made, my heart beats faster and faster. I don’t know why. The moment she sat on her seat, my eyes were fixed on her. I realized how beautiful she is… From then on, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off of her.

I don’t know why but I faced her with a smile.

“Hello, Atsuko-chan! I’m Takahashi Minami. They call me TakaMina. Nice meeting you!” I smiled and extended my arms for a handshake but she just nodded.


What’s wrong with her? Have I said something wrong?

Shinoda-san discussed some lessons, but really, I’m not in the mood to listen.

“Oy TakaMina!” The little squirrel pokes my back.

“Why aren’t you listening?” She whispered.

“I don’t know. I’m not in the mood.”

“Woah! Is that really you, TakaMina?” She said while poking my cheeks.

“Or have you turned to BakaMina?”

“Takahashi. Oshima.” Her tone gave us a warning.

At last, peace! Yuko stopped teasing me. Thanks to Shinoda-sensei. But still, she had a bad first impression about us.”

Well, nevermind.

Time passed by really slow. I’m extremely bored…

And then, one thing caught my attention…

Saechan, who was sitting in front of Atsuko passed a piece of paper to Atsuko. Atsuko silently read the paper, and then folded it back.

She looked at Saechan, who was smiling. Saechan winked at Atsuko!

Eh? >.<

I was flustered… When suddenly…

“Takahashi-san, please answer my question.” Sensei said.

Waaah. I’m dead! O.o

I didn’t even hear her question or any part of the discussion.

This is the worst – really the worst day of my high school life! (=__=)a


Entry #02

“She’s really cute – with her height like-a-middle-school-student. I never thought she’d be that weird. But still, she’s cute.”

I went to school too early that’s why I decided to take a small tour. Few students were around already. I guess they’re freshmen.

I got tired of loitering around that’s why I ended up in the rooftop, where I can see the whole school.

Something caught my eye, a little girl running across the field. Is she a freshman? I don’t think so.

She’s cute. :3

The wind blew the papers she was carrying. She picked it up quickly. Ah, kawaii~

For a few minutes, I saw her running back and forth.

Too much watching for today. I went to the faculty room and met Shinoda-sensei and another transfer student, Miyuki. Shinoda-sensei asked me a few questions, mostly about the reason why I transferred. Milky and she talked a bit longer.

I heard the school bell ring. I stood up and followed sensei.

She told us to enter the room and introduce ourselves, which we did. She pointed where I’ll be sitting and then I saw a familiar girl, the one whom I’ve been watching a while ago.

I walked towards my seat. I quickly glanced at her face. She’s looking at me.

I silently sat down… Then, that girl introduced herself to me.

TakaMina – but I want to call her Minami. Well, I just nodded at her.

I can’t focus on listening because of the one sitting in front of me. She keeps on looking back at me. Then all of a sudden, she handed me a folded paper.

“Hi, Atsuko-chan. I’m Miyazawa Sae, a.k.a. Saechan! Nice meeting you. Kawaii yo!”

Then I looked at her, and she winked!


Minami was watching us. She was suddenly called by Shinoda-sensei. She looked shocked. Maybe she wasn’t listening.

She stood up and was quite embarrassed because of not focusing.

“It’s alright. You needed a break, especially because you really are tired today. But next time… please do focus, okay?”

Shinoda-sensei smiled which made Minami feel relieved. She said sorry and sat down on her chair.

I continued to watch her all day.

She’s really cute – with her height like-a-middle-school-student. I never thought she’d be that weird. But still, she’s cute.

To be continued...

Offline Haruko

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Re: Yuri Diary (On-going) Entry#01-#02
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2014, 12:29:37 AM »
aww atsumina is cute

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (Various Pairings) Entry#03-#04 [01.12.2014]
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 05:11:01 AM »
weeee... continuation.. enjoy these entries guys :)

enjoy! :D


Entry #03

“That smile – it was a familiar one. Oh, I remember now. Tss. I hate the fact that she looked so helpless back then at that moment.”

I don’t have energy to attend our class today, if only it isn’t the first day of school. I lazily stepped out of my room and prepared myself for school.

I arrived at school just in time. I’m too sleepy to listen to the lectures. Well, I hope I can doze off while we are having discussions… That’s why I chose to sit here at the backrow, beside Umechan… but when our teacher entered the room. I didn’t consider my plan anymore.

She’s the well-known teacher in our school, well, most respected, after Principal Noro Kayo.

Two students entered the room; the one’s smiling while the other one’s emotionless.

I think I know that girl…

That smile – it was a familiar one. Oh, I remember now. Tss. I hate the fact that she looked so helpless back then at that moment.

It was last summer when I first saw that girl.


I’m the guitarist of a not-so-popular rock band, but we still have gigs and live performances in small bars and restaurants.

One night, at a certain bar, we have just finished our performance but our lead vocalist was still speaking. Almost all the crowd cheered…

Then I noticed a group of men talking to her.

I can see that they’re asking her out, but she refuses. She was trying to ask for help but no one pays attention to her.

The guys held her hand and they were trying to push her out of the bar.

I can’t take it anymore.

I jumped down the stage and ran towards that girl.

“Hey!” I called out to her.

She and the group of goons looked at me, stupefied.

We are also being watched by a bit of crowd.

I walked closer to her and grabbed her hand. I lightly dragged her out of the bar.

We left those men there – embarrassed of what they did.

She was crying and her body trembles from fear.

I got a cab for her and instructed the driver to take her to her house.

“Thank you.” She said while sobbing.

“Tss.” I closed the door of the cab.

I’m a bit annoyed because the girl looked so weak and helpless.

I won’t let myself be like that. Never.


And she’ll be sitting somewhere near me… I don’t think that’s a great idea… Well, if she doesn’t remember me, it would be better.

I’ll try not to look at her the whole day.


Entry #04

“Is that her? The girl I won’t ever forget – the girl who saved me. Well, as if she didn’t forget about me…”

I introduced myself in front of the class. Then my gaze landed on a certain person.

She really looks like that guitarist I’ve met last summer.

What a coincidence meeting her here, if ever she’s really that girl.

And I’ll be sitting somewhere near her.

Is that her? The girl I won’t ever forget – the girl who saved me. Well, as if she didn’t forget about me…

Our class passed by slowly. I’ve met new friends. My classmates were nice.

I’ve learned that she’s named Yamamoto Sayaka… but I never had the chance to talk to her.

It was dismissal time. I’m really curious to know if my  guess is real… that’s why I planned to investigate on her.

This is not stalking!

Well, maybe – just a bit of stalking. :D

She hurriedly went out of the room. I secretly walked a few feet behind her.

We had been walking for almost half an hour and my feet started to hurt.

She walked faster, I ran after her but I didn’t see her anymore.

I turn around and was about to go back, when a hand grabbed my arm.

“You! Why are you stalking me?”

I looked down. I can’t answer her question. She caught me off-guard.


I looked at her. That’s a familiar one – the moment suddenly appeared nostalgic.

My heart beats faster now.

“Saya—nee. Are you mad at me?” I looked at her.


I looked down and bit my lower lip.

“I’m sorry…”

She didn’t speak.

“Why—why are you stalking me?”

“I thought you’re someone I’ve met before… Well, maybe that girl’s not you. I just wanted to know.”

She didn’t speak again.

“Uhm… Okay, I think I’ll be leaving now. I’m really sor—“ I was in the act of leaving when her arms pinned me to the wall.

“I hate it.”

“Huh? Hate what?”

“You’re still weak – just like that night back then. I hate the fact that you look so helpless.”

My heartbeat was now really fast. It was confirmed. She’s that cool guitarist who saved me.

“Thank you.” I gave her a peck on her cheek.

“What the heck was that for?” She said with a patch of blush on the cheeks.

“For saving me back then.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I laughed a bit. She looked at me inquiringly, which I answered with a smile.


sorry if it's bad... i'll try to update again tomorrow. :D

 :on gay:

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry5-6 [02.12.2014]
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2014, 07:56:26 AM »
UmeYuu & MariHaru! Guys... XD

:peace: sorry KojiYuu shippers.  :peace: :peace: :peace: XD

next post will be SaeYaka. XD


Entry #05

“They look so beautiful together. It feels like I’ve been ruining a perfect picture. I felt something pinching my heart.”

Where the hell did I place my phone?

I rummaged the gym closet, but found nothing there.

For the last time, I’ll check my desk. I really hope it was there.

I ran back to the classroom, located at the third floor of the building. The door’s slightly opened… I entered and saw her inside.

She looked so beautiful – watching the scenery from the window as the wind brushed her hair.

It’s so beautiful – my heart skipped a beat.

I went to my desk; she seemed unaware of my presence.

I opened my desk and there it is! But I’ve checked it a while ago and I didn’t see it there! I let out a sigh.

“Oh, Umechan! I didn’t notice you enter. Why are you still here?” She asked me.

“I’ve been looking for my phone, and seems like I forgot that I placed it here a while ago. Eh, how about you?”

“I’m waiting for Nyan Nyan. She was called by Shinoda-sensei. Our houses are on the same way, and we’ll be walking home together.”

“Oh, I see.” I felt a bit of sadness.

“You want to walk with us?”


Her squirrel-like smile cheered me up. She sat down beside me and we had a small talk before Haruna entered the room.

“Hello there!” Yuko stood up and walked towards Haruna. Haruna’s sweat was dripping; Yuko wiped it with her handkerchief.

They look so beautiful together. It feels like I’ve been ruining a perfect picture. I felt something pinching my heart.

I excused myself and went to the comfort room.

“Ouch.” Upon entering, I bumped into someone. She said sorry. I don’t know if she’s a freshman or a sophomore, but definitely not our batch mate.

I looked at my reflection from the mirror.

I’ve been trying my best to pretend – and I think I’m getting better than before.

The matters have been more difficult now.

Yuuko… I love her. Ever since we were first year, I’ve been in love with her… But I’m just a friend for her… That’s why I can’t let her know…

A faint smile appeared on my lips.


Entry #06

“They’re making a fuss about us. Yes, we’re really close – and that’s because she’s my best friend!”

I knocked at the door of Shinoda-sensei’s office.

She opened it and I entered. She instructed me to sit on a chair. I handed her the papers.

I know I’m a bit of an airhead…

That’s why I’m having a hard time on answering exercises and exams.

Shinoda-sensei removed her eyeglasses… and closed her eyes for a while.

I don’t know if I will be already leaving or she’ll be saying something.

“Kojima-san… If you’re having difficulties with our lessons, please don’t hesitate to approach me if you need help.”

I looked down. I was a bit disheartened. Am I really that dumb?

“Don’t think that you’re not intelligent… No one’s dumb; it’s just that maybe you’re not focused on studying.”

I looked at her. Shinoda-san is really nice.

“If you can’t understand our lessons, you can come here and I’ll teach you.”

“Is that for real, ma’am?”

She smiled and nodded. She’s so pretty. Without her glasses, she looked like a girl at our age.

“Thank you, Shinoda-sensei.”

Our conversation ended and I left the office and went back to the room.

I was a bit surprised to see Ayaka with Yuko. Yuko went towards me and wiped the sweat on my face. Ayaka excused herself and went outside.

“Let’s go, Yuuchan?”

“Let’s wait for Umechan. She’ll walk with us up to the bus station.”

Umechan entered the room; we got our bags and started walking out of the school.

We can see the setting of the sun. Yuuchan and I were talking. Umechan walked silently, as usual.

Yuuchan and I kept on teasing each other, Ayaka’s just watching us.

It was really funny to think that our classmates thought that we are a couple.

They’re making a fuss about us. Yes, we’re really close – and that’s because she’s my best friend!

Just my best  friend – nothing more, nothing less.


Thanks for reading guys :) if you have comments or violent reactions... feel free to reply. XD  :deco:

Offline luvsidney

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I am waiting for my dear saeyaka to appear haha =P

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Hmm I found the title is deadly interesting. XD

But I'm confused.. I can't decide between keep reading this or not..
First, I like SayaMilky :D
But, as a KojiYuu shipper I can't stand this... :(

Offline AKB48couples

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I like this, please update!

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry7-8 [04.12.2014]
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2014, 11:26:10 AM »
@luvsidney: Here's your SaeYaka! :D thank you and sorry for the long wait.

@atsukojiyuu_C: i'm a shipwrecker, eh? i'm really sorry... i like KojiYuu but... tehehe I don't know why I really loved UmeYuu  :peace: for all kojiyuu shippers i promise i'll write more kojiyuu fics and OS in the near future. :) thanks :)

@AKB48couples: really, you liiiike this? i'm sooo happy :) thanks for reading! :D

Minna-san... Here's the continuation... Entries #07-#08 SaeYaka time! XD

hope you enjoy... and sorry for the long wait...

i'm quite busy with school matters XD

Entry #07

“For me, she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met… but I can’t tell her… I’m afraid she’ll just take it as a joke.”

Kyaah! Those two transfer students really gave me additional energy to attend classes!

As soon as I arrived at school, bunch of sophomores and freshmen are gathered by the gate.

“Ohayoooo! Sae-kyuuuun!”

Oh, my fans club! XD

For the past years, I’ve been known as the ultimate ikemen of our school. It was quite weird – I mean, their attention, it’s weird… but still I’m enjoying it! :D

I smiled at them and winked! Tehehehe. I continued walking…

“Looks like your fans club had brought you tons of positive vibes for today…”

Sayaka – it’s definitely her voice.

“Yeah… and also those two transferees…” I looked at her and smiled. “Good morning, Sayaka.” She smiled at me and greeted me back.

“Who among those transferees is next on your list?”

“Oh… Both of them are cute… but since Atsuko’s seat is just behind mine… Maybe – eh, why did you suddenly asked?”

“Oh… No—nothing. Let’s run, only five minutes before the bell!” Her strong hand grabbed my wrist and we started running.

Although we’re running fast, it feels like everything slowed down.

For a while, I felt like I wanted to keep running with her…

I really like cute girls, but she’s different. She’s my best friend since middle school. She knows me more than anyone else here in our campus.

For me, she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met… but I can’t tell her… I’m afraid she’ll just take it as a joke.

Then we suddenly stopped in front of the door of the classroom.

“Here we go…” Sayaka slowly opened the door and… (O_o)a

“Saekyuuuun~ Kyaaah!”

“Sorry!” Then, she quickly closed the door. What the heck! We’re just at the second floor; our classroom’s located at the third floor.

The incident a while ago left us running and laughing breathlessly. We entered the room. Wooo~ I’m glad teacher’s still not around!

We sat on our respective seats. Actually, we’re seatmates! Tehehehe. Wooo Atsuko’s already here.

“Ohayo~ Acchan!”I said in my sweetest voice.

She looked up and said, “Acchan?”

I nodded. “Atsuko-chan is way longer than Acchan.” She just shrugged her shoulders and continued reading.

I saw Sayaka watching us, and it filled me with an uneasy feeling.


Entry #08

“Sometimes I envy those cute girls whom she flirted with. Oh, how I wished she’ll find me cute, too. I love her… far more than what she knew.”

“I’ll be going, mom.”

“Okay… Take care, dear.”

I grabbed my bag and am ready to go to school…

Uhm… Wait! I think I forgot something… What was that? Oh! Milo – my iced cold Milo – my favorite drink!

I went back to our house to get my tumbler, not noticing what time is it already…

When I checked my watch, my eyeballs almost came out of its socket. If I don’t leave at this moment, I’ll be late for my class! I can’t afford to be late! Shinoda-sensei punishes late students!

It’s quite an advantage if your home is near to your school. I rode my bike fast and arrived at school in less than ten minutes.

As I pass by the gate, I saw Saechan surrounded by younger students, her fans club to be more specific. Saechan really is popular with other students because of her enthusiastic and charming personality. I saw her wink at those little cute girls.

“Looks like your fans club had brought you tons of positive vibes for today…” I said. She looked at me and we had a small talk while walking. Then all of a sudden, our topic was about whom she’s hitting on the two transferees. She made a cheeky remark about those cute Atsuko…

Sometimes I envy those cute girls whom she flirted with. Oh, how I wished she’ll find me cute, too. I love her… far more than what she knew.

I’ve been with her for years yet she never found me attractive. I haven’t got the courage to tell her how I feel about her… And just thinking of it makes me realize that I’m a big coward.

To ease the awkward feeling I had, I grabbed her hand and we run to our room. It was almost time. I accidentally opened a wrong room and I’m really embarrassed because we are only at the sophomore’s territory… and also some of the members of her fans club were there.

We laughed while running and when we arrived at our room, she started flirting Atsuko… but Atsuko remained unmoved.

If only I was born as a cute and petite girl – then, I think I can make her notice me.

Someday, I’ll make her notice me…


thanks for reading :)
will i continue this minna? :)

Offline luvsidney

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Oh pls continue!!!  saeyaka mecha dasuki!!!! Sayaka is a shy girl!!! pls continue ^^ I'd like to see how the story will develop ^^

Offline Cometerz48

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I don't really ship them actually but...

as long as it has my beauty baba.. GO FOR IT.

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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No no no no.... Feel free to write stories about your fav pairs :twothumbs
I didn't have an intention to interfere with your idea, really hhehehehe

It's just........yeah I like KojiYuu too much LOL

Goodluck! I'll lurking around here for SayaMilky and AtsuMina, and for Yuko-sama & Haruna friendship :yep: and yeah I love the title! Nyahahahaha XD

Offline Ava

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Waaa~ i like this fanfic

Thnks for writting saeyaka there are not alot of these

I hope you update soon

I will be waiting
Fanfic: Towards my dream (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,Mayuki etc)


Offline sastio13

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aaaaa please please continue it asap!
i'm so excited with this story! because the title, the pairing, the story, the....yeah everything hihihi
yuri diary, eh?  :hip smile:
the pairings are my fovorite! mariharu, atsumina, saeyaka, umeyuu!
keep writing! ganbare ametakarano-san!
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline ametakarano

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Yuri Diary (AtsuMina+SayaMilky+UmeYuu+MariHaru+SaeYaka) Entry9-10 [09.12.2014]
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2014, 04:30:35 AM »
@luvsidney: is it a bit weird that Sayaka's shy here? i don't know why i did that. wait for more surprises and thanks for reading this :)

@Cometerz48: yeah our beautiful BABA! Umechan daisuki daisuki~~ i've thought of UmeMii but i prefer UmeYuu tehehehe.

@atsukojiyuu_C: thanks tehehe ^_^ more SayaMilky and AtsuMina coming up!

@Ava: hell yeah i love SaeYaka XD i'm sorry my update took a long time. we got stormed here in the Philippines. but thank God we're alright. thanks for reading ^_^

@sastio13: arigatooo~ i'm happy you liked my story. :) sorry for the long wait...

here's my update Minna-san! sorry for the long wait. :(

the storm... tehehe prevented me from updating ^_^ but nevermind that... here's entries #09 and #10! enjoy~  :cow:

Entry #09

“I miss how we dance and perform together…I miss those times because I look up to her… I really admire her.”

“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Rena. “Nope.”

“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Tomochin. “No, I haven’t.”

“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Yukirin. “Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t.”

“Have you seen Nyan Nyan?” I asked Chiyuu. “Not yet… Unless she’s still sleeping at your bed – naked—“

“Eh?” Chiyuu’s a bit pervert! Hahaha.

I went round the room asking my classmates if they saw Nyan Nyan… but allof them answered ‘no’.

“Have you seen—mmpphh!” Takamina covered my mouth with her hand.

“Stop it, okay. You keep on repeating same question. Nyan Nyan’s not yet here.”

“Bu—but she’s gonna be late!”

Takamina nodded as she let out a sigh.

“Bad luck for her if she doesn’t arrive before Shinoda-sensei does.”

Really bad luck for Nyan Nyan. Shinoda-sensei arrived a minute after we heard the bell.

Where could she be?

Shinoda-sensei checked our attendance. Nyan’s the only one who’s not yet around.

Then we heard a knock at the door. The door was opened, and there’s Nyan Nyan by the door.

“Shinoda-sensei, I’m sorry, I’m late.” Nyan said apologetically.

“Enter… but come to my office after class.”

Nyan sat on her seat as she let out a sigh.

“Class, there will be a club launching activity tomorrow… but here’s a list of the clubs here at school…” She gave each of us a copy. “You may join any club that you want. Everyone’s required to attend the club launch tomorrow… If you’re already member of the club last year, you must re-register to make your membership valid for this school year.”

I looked at the list.

   Math Club
   English Club
   Science Club
   Culture Club
   Otaku Club
   Music Club
   Art Club
   Sports Club
   Drama Club

I’m an active member of drama club since first year…

I love to perform… with her…

Umechan and I were both members of drama club when we are in first year. She’s a good singer and dancer. Both of us excelled in performing at the stage. We were nicknamed “stage rivals” but I don’t consider her as my rival, she is my friend.

Unfortunately, she had a leg injury while we’re performing the story about the war – the great Nobunaga Oda and her sister.

It was a big fall on her career as a stage actress. It was a serious injury; her left leg was fractured while doing the dance parts of the play.

She had her leg operated.

She didn’t attend classes for three months to rehabilitate her leg… When she got to return, the lively and active girl turned into a passive and silent one. She quitted from the drama club… and didn’t join any club last year.

I miss how we dance and perform together…I miss those times because I look up to her… I really admire her.

Will she join? I hope she does. I want to be with her more often…


Lunch time…

“Nyan Nyan~ I miss you!” I wrapped my arms around Nyan.

“What club are you going to join?” I asked her.

“Uhm… I still can’t decide on that… but maybe… I can join the music club or drama club… so that I’ll be with you. Eh, what’s your plan?”

“I’ll re-register in the drama club! Un… Nyan, excuse me…”

I approached the sitting figure of Umechan.

“Nee… Umechan.” She looked up to me.

“Please join the drama club again!” She didn’t answer. She just looked down.

“Unn… I – I’m sorry.” Feeling guilty, I started to walk back to Nyan.

“What did she say?” She asked, I just shrugged my shoulders. My chest feels so heavy.


Entry #10

“Yes, I am a yuri… but that doesn’t make me a lesser person than any normal girl is.”

Sigh. (=__=)

It’s only the first week of school year and yet… I feel so tired.

After I got this promotion as vice-principal when Takada-san left, that made my life as busy as hell. Even if it’s vacation, there are still lots of things to be done.

The classes for today were finished… I sunk myself in my office char, took my glasses off and closed my eyes.


Who could that be?

“Enter.” I opened my eyes. Takahashi Minami walked inside; she’s carrying a pile of papers.

“Shinoda-sensei, these are the copies of the club registration forms to be used for tomorrow’s activity.” She said as she handed me the papers. “Uhm… Ma’am… Only the Sports Club didn’t pass their club registration form.”

“Sports Club, eh? Do you know why?”

“Minegishi-sensei still hasn’t signed it.”

“Oh… okay… I’ll take care of it. Thank you, Takahashi. You can go home now.” She bowed and left me.

Ah… another problem… I put the papers in the table drawer…

I stood up and went to the gym – looking for Minegishi… but she’s not there…

I went to the cafeteria but didn’t find her there, too.

I’ll just call her and order her to come to my office.

The phone keeps on ringing, but nobody answers.

Where could that Gachapin girl be?

As I was walking back to my office, I passed by the school clinic and found Kojima there.

“Kojima-san, why are you here? You’re supposed to go to my office after class.”

“Uhm… Shinoda-sensei, I’m sorry. I’m here because I carried Minegishi-sensei all the way up here. During our P.E. class, Minegishi-sensei fainted!”

“Minegishi Minami?!”

Upon hearing her name, I opened the door.

“Ohori-san, where’s she?”

“Oh,  Mariko… She’s here. Quite alright than her condition when Kojima brought her here.”

Miichan was silently sleeping.

“Do you know why she fainted?”

“The most probable answer is because of too much heat…”

“But when’ll she wake up?”

“Later… Don’t worry Mariko, I’ll just call you when she does…”

“Thanks Meetan.”

I went out of the clinic.

“Shinoda-sensei how’s Minegish-sensei?” Kojima asked me.

“She’s sleeping, better than her fainted self.” I leaned my back against the wall. “Thank you, Kojima… for bringing her here.”

While waiting for Miichan to wake up, Kojima and I went to my office.

I gave her some papers – those are extra activities – for her being late for class this morning.

She was answering those extra activities now.

I sat back on my chair. I closed my eyes again… I feel so restless.

Minegishi Minami – how long are you going to make me suffer?

Ever since our relationship ended, I changed a lot. I was now more serious and emotionless.

I have already forgiven you, but the pain is still here – inside my heart.

Yes, I am a yuri… but that doesn’t make me a lesser person than any normal girl is.

I moved on already… I’m not like who I am two years ago…

“Shinoda-sensei…” My daydream stopped when Kojima spoke. “Are you alright, Ma’am?”

“Uh, yes.” I said as I wipe off a tear that fell down my right eye.

Kring… Kring…

Meetan’s calling.

“Yes. Hello, Ohori-san.”

(Mariko. She’s now awake.)

“Okay. We’ll be going there now.”


Offline luvsidney

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hei hei hei ^^ i luv shy and tsundere sayaka~~~~ she is a M!!!! and sae is a S~~ proved in the philosophy test in DiVA Live before heehee~
I never think of umeyuu, but it's comfortable to me since their height is more match haha ^^ looking forward to your story I luv it!!! ^^

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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hei hei hei ^^ i luv shy and tsundere sayaka~~~~ she is a M!!!! and sae is a S~~ proved in the philosophy test in DiVA Live before heehee~

I so agree with that statement. Even though it may look the other way around, only a true Saeyaka shipper would know Sayaka is an M and Sae is an S. :3


1. When did that happen?

2. Where can I watch?

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline luvsidney

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1. When did that happen?

2. Where can I watch?

no where to watch ^^" since it is a report, I just read the translation from twintower-love

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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    • rukakikuchi


1. When did that happen?

2. Where can I watch?

no where to watch ^^" since it is a report, I just read the translation from twintower-love

I see what she did there. >w<

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline ametakarano

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@luvsidney: thanks :) Umechan and Sayaka were both M. XD kawaii~ i'm so glad that you liked this story. tehehe.. thanks for reading.!  :heart:

Quote from: Ruka Kikuchi
I so agree with that statement. Even though it may look the other way around, only a true Saeyaka shipper would know Sayaka is an M and Sae is an S. :3
@Ruka Kikuchi: tehehehe. they're so cute, aren't they? :3

well minna-san. here's a short update. i'm sorry if its short.. maybe i'll update again on Sunday :3

sorry if its bad. :/

Entry #11

Today is the club launching activity. All of the students and teachers of the exclusive all-girls’ school, ‘Noro Gakuen’, were gathered by the auditorium.

“A pleasant morning to everyone… Today we’ll be conducting the school’s club launching activity…” Principal Noro said. She also discussed the guidelines of today’s event.

“Yuuchan, I’ll register in the music club? Is that okay to you?” Nyan Nyan asked Yuko.

“Sure, Nyan! Whatever you want to do will be okay to me.” Yuko answered with a smile. She looked at Umechan who was just staring at the list of clubs. She thought to herself, “Maybe she won’t join.”

Yuko went to the drama club and filled up her registration form. When she handed her form, she saw a pair of hands handling her own form. She looked at her and was surprised to see who that was.

She hugged her and said, “I’m really glad you’re back, Umechan!”. Umechan blushed and whispered, “Because you said so.”

“Atsuko, what club are you gonna join?” TakaMina asked her. She didn’t answer but passed her form to the Math Club.

TakaMina thought to herself, “Seriously… Math Club?”

“Acchan! I’m joining Math Club, too!” Sae said. “Okay.”

“I’m happy we’re on the same club!”

Sayaka sighed as she watched how Sae flirted Atsuko. She passed her form to the Sports Club.

TakaMina and Sae were bickering like dogs while following Atsuko.

“You joined Math Club, when you even hated Math!” – TakaMina

“I love Math now!” – Sae

“Eh? Stop flirting Atsuko, will you?!” – TakaMina

“Why? She’s my Acchan!” – Sae

“She’s not yours!” – TakaMina

“Not yet mine but… maybe someday…” Sae said as she winked at TakaMina.

Accepting her defeat, she passed her form to the Music Club.

“TakaMina, what’s wrong?” – Nyan

“Oh, nothing!” She smiled.

They looked at the other pair who passed their forms.

“Sayanee~” Milky said in a naughty tone. Sayanee raised an eyebrow.

“What’s your problem, stalker?” – Sayanee

“Eh? I’m not your stalker!” Milky said as she pouted.

“Not my stalker, eh? But why are you here?”

“I love music.”

“Of course you know I’ll be joining Music Club… That’s why, as a stalker, you joined this club, too.” Sayanee smirked.

“I’ll prove you wrong, Sayanee. I belong in this club, too.” Milky said with a smirk.


“Oh, I’m happy that the students seem to enjoy.” Principal Noro said.

Mariko nodded and smiled.

“I’ve heard of what happened to Miichan yesterday, is she okay now?”

“I guess so.”, said Mariko as she looked down.

“I believe you and her talked yesterday.”

“I’m afraid we didn’t.”


“I don’t want to talk to her about those things again… I think things are better this way, Kayo-san.”

Their talk was interrupted when Miichan arrived.

“You called for me, Noro-san?” Miichan said.

“I guess I’ll be leaving now, Noro-san…” Mariko said, trying her best to ignore Miichan.

Mariko left the two girls. She remembered what happened last night.

“What’s your address, Kojima? I’ll drive you home.”

Haruna told Mariko her address. Yuko had to go home early, that’s why she doesn’t have someone to walk home with.

Miichan and Meetan went out of the school clinic.

“Shinoda-san, please drive Minegishi-san home.” Meetan said.

“How about my car?” Miichan asked.

“I asked your brother to fetch it for you. He did fetch it a while ago while you’re still asleep.” Mariko said.

“Okay. Thank you.” Miichan said.

“We’d better go home now. It’s getting late.” Meetan said as she glanced at her watch.

Megumi entered her car and drove home.

The three girls entered Mariko’s car. Haruna’s on the back seat and Miichan’s on the passenger seat.

They were silent – consumed by an awkward atmosphere.

Miichan finally spoke, breaking the silence. “Thank you, Kojima.”

“You’re welcome, Minegishi-sensei. Anou~ Shinoda-sensei that’s my house.”, said Haruna while pointing at their house.

Haruna got off the car and thanked Mariko for driving her home.

At last, the two were alone.

But both didn’t have the courage to bring up that topic.

“How do you feel now?” Mariko asked.


“Why did you faint?”

“I didn’t eat lunch plus it’s too hot.”


Miichan didn’t answer.

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have asked you.” Mariko said coldly.

And then there were silence again. The car stopped and Miichan got off the car.

“Thank you, Marich— I mean Mariko. Bye.”

Mariko didn’t reply. She just drove her way home.

“Shinoda-sensei…” Her thoughts were put to an end when TakaMina called her up.


Sunday i'll post entry #12. thanks for reading minna-san. if you have suggestions or comments or violent reactions... please do tell me! ^_^

Offline luvsidney

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Sae choose the maths club!!!!!!! Surprised!!!!  Why she is not in the sport club!?  ^^" I believe more surprise u would give us later haha the sayamilky pic besides saeyaka is cute haha

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