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Author Topic: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 16 (Part 3) *190223*  (Read 83681 times)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Poll update 150922
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2015, 02:33:44 AM »
Short update. :P


Chapter 4 (Part 2)

“She did WHAT?!” Yuko and Kana harmonized after Sayanee told them what had happened.

“It’s true. She told her everything.”

“Is she crazy?!” Kana panicked.

“Why would she just TELL someone?!”

“But they promised they wouldn’t tell anyone. Mako-chan must really trust her.”

Yuko gained a serious look. “Even so… we can’t risk it.”

“What are you gonna do?”

“What I have to,” Yuko took out her Prism Gem. “I’m going to use my powers to erase her memory. That way, she won’t remember Mako telling her about us and she won’t be at risk of being attacked by Obsidian.”

“And Mako?”

“She’ll more than likely have consequences for her actions.”


“Wow… that sounds like a lot to handle,” Nana said as she looked at Mako’s stone.

“Naanya, I want to know I can trust you with this secret,” Mako took out her phone. “I’ll give you my contacts so we can always talk to each other when we need to.”


However, as they were doing this, an alarm suddenly sounded from Mako’s Gem.

“Why is it doing that? Is it supposed to do that?!”

“It means Obsidian’s minions are attacking.”

And just as she said that, there was a scream. A Geodite was attacking people on the streets, running wild.

“Today’s just another one of those days… Cover me!” Mako said as she hid behind Naanya where no one could see her. “Amber Gem, energize!”

She transformed and summoned her weapon.

“Stay here,” she told Naanya as she went to the scene and fought the monster.

As she was doing this, Yuko and Yui saw what was happening and saw Naanya watching from afar, praying for Mako’s safety.

“That’s her?”


Yuko walked up and tapped Naanya’s shoulder.

“Owada Nana-san, correct?”

“Uh, yes. Who are you?”

“I’m Yuko. I--”

“Oh, you’re Yuko! Mako-chan told me about you!” Naanya smiled. “Is it true you can use magic with your gemstone?”

“I’m sorry, Owada-san, but now that you know who Mako really is, I have to erase your memory.”


“Forgive me… but, it’s a rule. No one must know about us...”

“You mean… just because Mako said all the stuff about Prism Gems, Obsidian, and being a knight that fights bad guys, you have to make me forget?”

“It’s for your own safety.”

“Wait,” Naanya tried to reason. “I can keep it a secret, I promise. Please.”

“I’m sorry, we have no choice...”

“Please, Yuko-san. I just want to be friends with Mako!”

Nevertheless, Yuko can only think of the safety of those outside the team. She looked over at Mako, who had defeated the monster and held the Black Gem in her hand.

“Mako… I’m sorry.”

Yuko placed her Prism Gem on Naanya’s forehead. It started to glow as white energy was being taken from Naanya’s head…

Or, that’s what you’d be expecting.

“Hm?” Yuko looked at her crystal in confusion, “What..? Why is it not..?”

Yui saw that Yuko was struggling and stepped out.

“Owada-san,” she spoke to Naanya. “It’s nice to meet you. Um, so Mako told you everything about us?”

“Yes. But, I promised her that I would keep it secret. So, could you please tell Yuko-san I--”

“Crap! It’s still not working!” Yuko then yelled.


Yuko looked at the two and sighed.

“The truth is… in order to seal away Lord Obsidian for good, I had to use up a good majority of my magic. My Prism Gem still hasn’t fully charged from that moment. And, until it reaches full power, I can’t do anything. I can’t even transform into my warrior form.”

“Does that mean… you can’t erase Owada-san’s memory?”

“No...” Yuko looked at the girl again. “Since this is happened, I’ll give you a chance. But, you have to absolutely, ABSOLUTELY promise you won’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t! I swear I won’t! Promise!”

Yuko looked at Yui, who nodded. She then gave a smile and looked at Naanya.

“Alright… if it means that much to you and Mako… then I’ll allow it.”

Right around this time, Mako was starting to come back, so Yuko and Yui quickly hid, saying bye to Naanya.

“Hey, you okay?” Mako said as she transformed back into her normal clothes.

“Yeah, that was amazing. Did you get hurt?”

“Nah. Those things? Nothing I can’t handle.”

“You’re so awesome,” Naanya giggled. “I’m glad I met you.”

“Me too. It’s nice to finally have someone else know the truth.”

As the two walked down the street together smiling, Yuko and Yui sighed in relief.

"Well, I think we can definitely trust Naanya."

"Yeah. That girl is a true friend to Mako."

"So... have you ever let anyone outside in on this? About the Gems and all that?"

Yuko chuckled. "Before I knew you were knights, you and the others."

Yui also chuckled.

"Come on, let's head back to base. We'll let Mako have a day off."



To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Poll update 151013
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2015, 08:44:39 PM »
And now a longer one; possibly a three-parter. XD


Chapter 5 (Part 1)

One day, the girls were busy working at the Asobina restaurant again as usual. However on this day, Sayanee ended up getting into a bad mood. And it was all because of a certain someone that’s bugging her. Why? Because that certain someone was late.

“Jurina! Where is that annoying model?” she said in annoyance.

“She’s probably busy with work,” Mako said.

“Still, she’s supposed to come to these meetings. They’re important.”

Takamina came up and handed Sayanee her food.

“What’s the matter?”

“Sayanee’s just a little ticked off since Jurina’s late.”

“I don’t blame her, but, Jurina-chan’s an idol. She has a tight schedule,” Takamina smiled. “I wouldn’t worry about so much.”

As Takamina left, Sayanee grumbled, “Little does she know, the fate of the world is at stake.”

Just then, the bell rung.

“Hi guys~” Jurina walked in, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

“Oi, I thought I told you to come here 15 minutes ago,” Sayanee said, a bit ticked off. “Also, about yesterday, you acted out during battle. You weren’t following orders.”

“Eh? But what’s wrong with the way I did it? I was able to defeat the Geodite.”

It was here that Yui chose to intervene when she sensed the flames arising, seeing Sayanee’s eyebrow twitching.

“Now now Sayaka, calm down,” she encouraged the Osaka girl.

“Yeah, we got the job done, that’s all that matters now.”

Sayanee growled and then chomped down on her food in anger, grumbling lowly under her breath.

“Mou~ don’t be so mad~” Jurina said. “Let’s just move on. Now, what shall we discuss today?”

“Well, Yuko wants us to train more so we can unlock our Gems full abilities,” Yui held out her red Gem. “She said when the full power is unlocked, we’ll be more powerful than ever.”

“We need to be prepared for whatever Obsidian will throw at us.”

“No prob,” Jurina said without a care in the world. “Takamina! Bring me your finest!”

“Yes ma’am!” Takamina smiled gleefully to the idol.

Sayanee was about to say something, but Yui stopped her.

“We already know that Lapis and Topaz are formidable opponents… but who knows who else they could have up their sleeves?”

“Don’t worry, we can take care of them, no problem~”

“Are you sure, Jurina? We’re still--”

“I have no doubt about it. What do they got that we can’t handle?”

Sayanee then stood up. “That’s it. You listen here--”

But then, the alarms went off in their communicators.

“What timing,” Jurina grinned. “Let’s go kick some Geodite butt.”

“Hold it!” Sayaka followed her, still angry.

“Will they be okay, Yuihan?” Haruppi asked.

“Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s go!”


Out in the streets, something strange was going on. People were acting like animals, and grown men were acting like children. Basically, everyone was NOT acting like themselves.

“What the actual heck is going on?” Jurina said, a bit shocked.

An evil laugh was heard as they saw a man hovering in the sky.

“Well, well, I’ve been expecting you.” He pulled a strand of his long, midnight blue hair behind his ear.

“Who is that?”

“I am Beryl. I’m a servant to Lord Obsidian.”

“You’re new,” Sayanee held her Gem.

“Let’s go!”

“Gems, energize!”

The girls transformed and summoned their weapons. Beryl summoned some Geodites and they charged towards them.

“Alright, formation!” Yui commanded. The girls all took position, readying their weapons. “Let’s go!”


They all charged forward, attacking the Geodites. Yui slashed her sword and hit it, creaing a slight wound. However, she was surprised to see it healed itself, forming crystal over it that looked like armor.

“They’re a bit tougher than before. We gotta make sure they don’t regenerate!”

“Alright! Go for the Gems, that’s their weak point!”


Mako and Haruppi were back-to-back, the Geodites cornering them. They readied their weapons and tried to fight, but were both knocked away.

“Ow… that hurt.”

“Oh crap,” Sayanee’s eyes widened. “Yui, we need to--”

However that plan was compromised when Jurina acted on her own by breaking out of the formation.

“I got this!”

Sayanee saw the girl started attacking the Geodites all on her own.

“Jurina we’re supposed to stick to the plan!”

The girl ignored Sayanee’s order and continued fighting. She swung her spear and slashed the monsters.

“Jurina!” Mako and Haruppi smiled.

“So cool~”

Jurina winked at them, not seeing how pissed Sayanee was. She took out the Geodites that cornered them, and was about to continue, until she saw a flash of lightning coming down at her.

She was about to be hit, until Sayanee ran and seemed to move at lightning speed, right to where Jurina was. As a result, they both got hit by the lightning and were knocked to the ground.

Beryl smiled and retreated the Geodites. He left, leaving the group confused.

“O-kay, so that happened…”

Yui looked up at the sky. There wasn’t a thundercloud anywhere. So what could’ve possibly hit the two?


Naturally after losing the enemy, things weren’t cool when they got back to the base. Yuko and Kana could easily tell that when the Osaka girl angrily stomped in, just behind a certain, perky puppy girl.

“Oi, Matsui!” Sayanee suddenly yelled in an angered tone. She was also speaking in her Osaka-dialect, which meant she was really angry. “Why weren’t you following orders?”


“You weren’t doing anything we told you! You were going out there on your own, only doing what you want!"

“What’s the problem?” Jurina said with a cat-like smirk. “We got the job done.”

“That’s not the point! You almost got yourself killed because you acted out like that!”

“Ara? Sayanee you should actually be thankful; I saved Mako-chan and Haruppi. Plus…” Jurina glared at the Kansai-born girl over her shoulder. “You were the one who got hit by lightning.”

Sayaka snapped at that and grabbed Jurina’s collar, turning her around.

“What was that you little--?!”

She was prepared to go up and give Jurina a fist to the head but was prevented from doing so when Yui came and held her from behind.

“Sayaka calm down!” the leader urged.

“And WHO was it that almost got hit by it?! Huh?! If it wasn’t for me, you would’ve been dead by now!”

“Ah~ alright, already. I get it.”

“You don’t get a thing do you! You don’t care about anything because you’re nothing but a snobby rich girl!”

Now, Jurina also gained a rather angry expression.

“What was that..?”

“You heard me, and I’ll say it again! You’re a selfish, spoiled, smart aleck little rich girl who only cares about HERSELF!”

Suddenly, Yuko came up and pulled the two apart.

“That’s enough arguing, you two,” she said firmly.

“That’s it!” Jurina finally said. “I’m done talking about this. I’m leaving.”

“Wait!” Sayaka was about to stop her, but the girl had already walked out the door. She growled and anger and slammed her hands on a nearby table. “That goddamn rich girl is so frustrating!”

“Sayanee, I know you’re mad, but you and Jurina have to reason this out. All this fighting will get us nowhere.”

“Whatever… I’m going home,” the Osaka girl got her bag and left the base, slamming the door.

“Ooooookaaaaaay,” Kana broke the elongated silence. “So, this new guy, Beryl… what exactly was he doing?”

“We’re not sure. But everyone was acting really strange.”

“People were acting like dogs and cats, and their were grown men and women behaving like children.”

“That is strange.”

Yuko was looking over the footage. Indeed, everyone was not at all acting normal.

“What kind of spell could do this..?”

“What should we do, Yuko?”

“Well, with Beryl gone, we’ll have to wait until he comes back to figure this whole thing out. For now, you girls can go home.”


“See you tomorrow,” Mako waved goodbye as she and the others left the base.

Kana went back and saw Yuko watching part of the footage from when they were fighting. Specifically, the part where Jurina and Sayanee were hit by the lightning.

“Where did that come from? The weatherman said it was supposed to be sunny.”

Yuko happened to notice something as she zoomed in. Right after being struck by lightning, it looked as if Jurina and Sayaka’s Gems had switched. She thought maybe it was a glitch and zoomed back out.

Speaking of, as she tried to rewind the footage, it glitched on them again.

“Seriously?!” Yuko banged the monitor. “Work, you..!”

It cleared again and Yuko now saw an image of Beryl up in the air, a bolt of lightning coming out his hand.

Yuko and Kana’s eyes widened.

“Oh no…”


The next day...

Jurina opened her sleepy eyes, stretching as a loud yawn escaped her mouth.

She scratched her head, walking towards her bathroom. She turned on the sink and splashed some cold water on her face, releasing a heavy sigh. She was still a bit tense because of the fight she had with Sayanee. She knew she had to apologize to her.

"I wonder if she's still mad, though..."

Then, she saw her reflection in the mirror…

“Hm? Sayanee?” she turned around, but Sayaka wasn’t behind her. “Wha..?”

She looked again. Coming close to the glass mirror, she touched her face.


What Jurina saw in her reflection… was Sayaka herself.



To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 5 (Part 1) 151014
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2015, 11:44:19 PM »
Talk about a freaky Friday. Will it be like that episode in NMB48 geinin with Miyuki?

So this is inspired by Sailor moon ey? So where's and who is Mr. Tuxedo?

Now where's Gekikara? I want her to meet Franchesa. And bring the Rapapa with her! I think Gizzur and Wulfgar would like to have a petrified corpse be their new weights.

(Now can you review mine pls? Favor return?)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 5 (Part 1) 151014
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2015, 12:07:10 AM »
Talk about a freaky Friday. Will it be like that episode in NMB48 geinin with Miyuki?

So this is inspired by Sailor moon ey? So where's and who is Mr. Tuxedo?

Now where's Gekikara? I want her to meet Franchesa. And bring the Rapapa with her! I think Gizzur and Wulfgar would like to have a petrified corpse be their new weights.

(Now can you review mine pls? Favor return?)

Um... actually, not Sailor Moon, but Super Sentai. So no Tuxedo Mask.

And also... about Geki-

Geki: Hehehe... you don't have to ask. I'm already here. Hahahaha

I knew it, she's everywhere. (We'll discuss this matter later. lol)

(I will come review yours. ;) )

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 5 (Part 1) 151014
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2015, 04:17:06 AM »


Chapter 5 (Part 2)

“Eh? Ehh?! EEEEEEH?! Uso! This can’t be happening!!!”

Jurina couldn’t believe she was in Sayanee’s body. She touched herself all around, her hair, her arms and legs, and her… chest.

“Ooh~ Sayanee’s got some big ones...” she said, impressed. Then, she snapped back and looked at her reflection. “Mou, how did this happen?”

She looked at her necklace. The Prism Gem was hers.

“That must mean Sayanee has mine… and if Sayanee’s in my body. Oh God, she’d be furious if--”

Then, she came to a certain realization…

“Wait… If I’m here, then that means… uh-oh. Rena-chan!”


“Jurina~ wake up!” Rena said as she tried to wake her sister up, shaking her body. Jurina was always a heavier sleeper than Rena, but this was ridiculous. “C’mon, stop messing around! You gotta get up!”

“Shaddup~” Sayaka spoke in Jurina’s body, but to Rena, it sounded like Jurina with an Osaka-accent. “Lemme sleep~”

“I’m serious, you need to get up, or you’ll be late! You have lots of work to do!”

Sayaka opened her eyes slightly and when she saw Rena, she became thoroughly confused.

“Eh? Who’re you?”

“Huh?! Jurina, is this a joke?!

Sayaka furrowed her eyebrows when she heard the name.


Sayanee looked across from the room and saw her face in the mirror.

No, not her face. Jurina’s face.

“Wha… WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!”

“Jurina, language!” Rena said angrily.

“Wha..? Why..?!” She looked at herself, touching her own body. When she came up to her.. chest, she said lowly, “...Small.”

Rena raised her eyebrow. “Is Jurina that self-conscious of her chest? It’s bigger than mine, though…”

Just then, Sayanee heard a cell phone ring. It was Jurina’s. She looked and saw her own name on the caller ID and answered.


“Sayanee? That’s you, right?”

Her eyes widened a bit. “Jurina..?” she spoke in a soft voice.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Wh-why are--?”

“Just stay calm. You’re in my body right now, right?”

“Yes… are you..?”

“Yeah. I’m at your place. Let’s meet up at Headquarters.”

“Wait, what about this girl in here?”

“Oh, Rena-chan. She’s my sister. Just say you had rough time at work yesterday. Then make up a weird excuse to leave so we can meet up.”

Sayanee gulped. “Got it. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She then hung up and looked at Rena.

“Jurina, is everything okay?”

“Uh, yeah, I just.. I was just tired from work.”

“Mou, you really should rest more.”

“R-right. Anyways, I gotta go. A friend needs me to, uh… help her with something. It’s very important, and I promised to meet her today.”


“Sorry, Rena..-chan. I really gotta go now. Bye!” she then ran out of the room.

Sayanee ran down the halls, passing by the many servants of the house.

“Goddamn, this girl really IS loaded if she has her own servants!”

She got outside and made it to the front gates. She looked and saw someone standing outside a sleek, black car.

“Hey, take me to Akihabara, quick!”

“Yes, madam, but.. shouldn’t you change your attire first?”

That’s when she realized… she was still in Jurina’s nightgown.

“Oh, come on!”


When Sayaka finally made it to Headquarters, she had changed into a simple T-shirt, jean shorts, and sneakers. She was in a hurry to change, but she didn’t care what she looked like and just went with it.

She walked in and saw a reflection of herself, dressed in a loose white shirt with a black leather jacket over it, long blue jeans, and black heel boots. She was also wearing a black hat. She looked like a model; the exact opposite of Sayanee’s usual style.

“No… way,” Sayanee said as she saw herself.

Jurina turned and when she saw the reflection of herself, she covered her mouth.

“Oh God…” she said shocked, looking at Sayaka from head-to-toe. “What are you WEARING?!”

“THAT’S what you’re concerned about?” Sayanee said, a little pissed.

“Why did you have to come wearing that? You’re making me look like an idiot.”

“Hey, what about this is bad?”

“Everything, right down to the soccer socks, is a fashion-DON’T.”

Sayanee groaned. “Fine~ I’ll be more careful next time~” she said sarcastically.

The two sat down, looking at each other. The only other way they were able to distinguish who was who, was that they were wearing each other’s Prism Gems.

“Why did this happen..?” Jurina asked.

“How did this happen, is the more important question,” Sayaka then stated. “It must’ve been something Beryl did. He made all those people act strangely…”

Jurina’s eyes widened in realization.

“The lightning..!”


“Hey, we’re here~” The door opened as Yui and the others walked in.

“Yo, Yuihan!” Jurina spoke. “Say, tell me, how many takoyaki shops are in Osaka (Osaka no takoyaki yasan tte yuittsu aru)? Just sayin’!”

They all stood silent, taken aback by the sudden remark.


“Sayanee, what’s with that old man-like pun?”

“Hm? Was it not funny?”


“I know, let’s go to Nagoya-kana, Nagoya on Shinkansen!”

They all stood a bit baffled.

“This is… unlike you, Sayanee.”

“But, you look really cool,” Haruppi couldn’t help but remark.

“Don’t I?” Jurina winked.

“Stop!” Sayanee spoke. “I’m darn tired of ya messin’ around!”


“W-why is Jurina-san speaking in an Osaka-dialect?”

Looking at them with a very serious expression, Sayanee spoke, “Guys, we have a problem…”

------After some explaining------

“EH?! The two of you switched bodies?!”

Jurina nodded silently.

“No way… but this doesn’t make sense. How did you two switch overnight?!”

“Because it wasn’t overnight,” Yuko then said, as she and Kana were looking over the footage from yesterday’s fight. “The cause was most likely when you two got struck by that lightning bolt.”

“I knew it,” Jurina said as she and Sayanee looked.

“Is this Beryl’s doing?” the Osaka girl asked.

“It had to have been.”

“How do we switch back..?”

“Well… I couldn’t find any spell we could use with our Gems to reverse it, so our only option is to find Beryl and make him switch you back.”

“You wanna go by force? That’s my game,” Jurina said, cracking her knuckles. “That Beryl isn’t even gonna know what hit him.

“Saya-er, I mean, Jurina, we need to plan ahead this time.”


“If we try to go head first, things would only get worse. We need a fully-thought strategy to prevent who knows what. I understand you’re not all for that, but--”

“Ugh...” Just then, Sayanee held her stomach, letting out a groan. “Argh, I’m so hungry~...”

“You didn’t have breakfast?”

“No. I panicked when Jurina called me and said to meet up, so...” She held it again. “Oh my God… this is the hungriest I’ve ever felt!”

“Mou, quit over reacting,” Jurina said. “It’s just a little hunger.”

Looking at the real owner of the body she’s currently in, Sayaka questioned, “When’s the last time you ate…?”

It was then that something clicked in the celebrity’s mind.

“Ah!” Jurina made a shocked expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just remembered… I have a photoshoot today.”


“Jurina, can’t it wait? We need to switch you two back.”

“I understand that this is important… but my work is important to me, too.”

Seeing Jurina’s serious gaze, Yuko knew what she had to do.

“Alright.” She approached Sayaka, “Sayaka, we have no choice. You’re just going to have to go as Jurina and do her work until we can switch you both back.”

“Haa!? Are you crazy!?” Sayanee exclaimed, “It’s impossible I tell you, impossible! I can’t do stuff like that at all! It doesn’t fit me.”

“You’re just going to have to put up with it. We’ll call you when we need you, but for now, you have to do this for Jurina.”

Sayanee’s eyebrow twitched.

“Why… Why me?”

“Oh yeah, one more thing, Sayanee!” Jurina spoke. “I also have an interview, so, I would probably eat a small lunch.”

“Mou~ okay, okay!” Sayanee groaned.

“Thank you. I promise I’ll pay you back somehow.”

“Yea, keep tellin’ yourself that…” she grumbled as she got Jurina’s things and left.


Meanwhile, in Obsidian’s domain, Beryl and Lapis were watching as chaos was spreading through Tokyo. With everyone’s bodies switched, everyone was in panic.

“Tell me, Beryl, what is the purpose of this spell?”

“Simple, my Lord. All this panic and chaos caused by the humans fuels this,” Beryl held up a Black Gem. “This Gem feeds off havoc and pandemonium. The longer the humans stay like this, the strong it will become. Then, when I unleash it, those Prism knights won’t be able to stop it.”

Obsidian grinned. “Sounds very interesting. I look forward to it.”

Beryl and Lapis bowed before him before leaving.

“Oh yes, tell me, Lapis,” Beryl spoke. “How is progress going on her?”

Topaz’s ear twitched as he heard the conversation.

“Everything is in order. She’ll awaken soon.”

“That sounds excellent. Lord Obsidian will be pleased.”

“Yes. With a warrior of her strength, the knights of Ange won’t be able to stand against her for long.”

Topaz’s eyebrows furrowed. “Who are they talking about..? A new dark warrior, here? I was never told about this…”

“I will go check on her now. Keep the chaos coming,” Lapis said with an evil smile as he dismissed himself.

As Beryl left in the opposite direction, Topaz glared down the hall where Lapis was walking until his figure disappeared in the darkness.

“What is he planning..?”


“Ugh, that photoshoot was a pain in the ass… Eating something will make me feel alive again.”

Sayanee groaned as she held her stomach as she walked the streets of Tokyo. After having finished the photoshoot, she was on break and was allowed to go out and eat lunch.

She arrived at a certain family restaurant close to where her next job was, until a certain voice caught her attention.

“Jurina!” She looked and saw a familiar smiling face with long black hair flowing down.

“Ah, it’s that girl, Rena...” Sayaka said in her mind.

She smiled as she walked to Jurina’s sister.

“Rena… what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I was out and about, and thought I’d stop for lunch. You too?”

“Uh, yeah. I just came back from a photoshoot.”

“Well, since we’re both here, how bout we eat together? My treat.”

“Maji?! Alright! That’s damn awesome!” she accidentally said in her Osaka accent. “Uh… I-I mean, sure. No prob, nee-chan.”

“Mou~ you sure are weird today. Ever since this morning...”


Rena turned and held her sister’s forehead. “You aren’t sick, are you?”

“Nope. Don’t worry.”

The two entered the restaurant and sat down.

“Order whatever you’d like, Jurina.”

Sayanee looked through the menu. All the food looked so good, it made her mouth water. She ordered cola to drink, a hamburger, and large side of fries. Rena ordered spaghetti and gave the waiter their menus.

“So, how did it go?”

Sayanee, who wasn’t exactly listening, looked up suddenly. “Eh?”


“Oh, uh… I guess it went well. Just like always.”

Rena giggled. “I know you love your work. Just don’t overdo it okay? You don’t want to put too much on your plate.”

“Yes, I know.”

At that time, the waiter came back with their food and set it in front of them.

“Itadakimasu,” Rena smiled as she became twirling the spaghetti noodles on her fork and eating them up.

Sayaka looked at the delicious food, the scent wrapping around her nose. The hungry beast in her was released.

“Gomen, Jurina… I know you told me to eat a small lunch, but...”


With that said, Sayaka began eating the big hamburger. She smiled widely, squealing as she chomped down on the meat more.

“Oishii~” she cooed as she ate more.

“Jurina..!” Rena stared at her sister (or, Sayanee in Jurina’s body) as she saw the girl eating all the food wholeheartedly.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Hurry and eat,” Sayaka said, “Mm~ this is so good~ It fills up my empty stomach!”

Rena once again held Jurina’s forehead.

“No fever… did you hit your head last night?”

“Nee-chan, what’s wrong? I’m perfectly fine~”

“It’s not that… But, I’m glad.”


“This is the first time in so long… since I’ve seen you eat so much.”

“What…?” Sayaka’s eyes widened. “What does she mean by that?”

“Rena… what do you mean?” Sayaka asked as she put the fork and knife down.

“It’s just… ever since you’ve started taking your whole career seriously, you’ve been dieting and… I’m just worried, y’know?”

Sayaka blinked. “Diet? But Jurina’s really slim. She even has abs!”

“Ever since you left that idol group, you’ve started eating less and less… I know you’re worried about your weight and figure, but...” Rena held Jurina’s(Sayaka’s) hands. “I’m worried about your health, Jurina.”

Sayaka felt a tinge of pain in her heart. She never knew Jurina was going through that.

“Does Jurina… really do that?”


To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 5 (Part 2) 151017
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2015, 02:32:11 AM »
Here's Part 3~ :D


Chapter 5 (Part 3)

“Alright!” Jurina slammed her hand on the table. “We need to come up with a plan to defeat Beryl and reverse the spell on everyone! So… how do we do that?”

“How are we supposed to know?”

“Only Beryl can reverse this.”

“How’s progress coming, you guys?” Yui asked their two seniors.

“We’re tracking him right now,” Yuko said. “Wherever he is, he’s probably causing more chaos and making more people switch bodies.”

“We need to stop him.”

However, even with all the seriousness going on, Jurina felt she needed to break the tension. She found Sayanee’s guitar and picked it up with a grin.


She strapped it on and strum a chord. Jurina couldn’t help but squeal inside.

“I’m a rock star~” she said as if Sayaka were saying it.

Kana happened to look back and saw Jurina jamming out in front of the mirror.

“Jurina-chan, don’t mess with that. That’s Sayanee’s.”

Jurina however didn’t listen and strum another chord, this time belting out a rock star shout.

“Good night everybody!”

“It can’t be helped,” Yui said. “Just let her have her fun.”

Actually, as the group watched, it actually was a sight to enjoy. If you imagined that it was really Sayaka, and not Jurina in Sayaka’s body, they saw a very energetic and fun, rock star girl that was almost never seen.

Sayanee was never this carefree. All that was in mind as they watched.

“Listen to this. Even my singing sounds like hers!”

As she belted out a loud note and strum another chord, her Gem suddenly reacted and a shockwave burst out, causing a big gust of wind to blow.

“Woah!” Jurina stepped back. As the wind calmed down, she unstrapped the guitar. “That was new.”

Yuko walked up to the girl. “Jurina… I think you just unlocked a new power in your Gem. Kinda surprising since you’re in Sayanee’s body, but… the Gem is connected with your heart. What were you feeling when you did that?”

“I was pretending to be Sayanee.”

“No. That’s what you were doing. But what was it you felt while doing it?”

“All I felt was… happy. I was just having fun, being myself.” Jurina looked at her reflection. “And I guess… I wanted to be like Sayanee, but.. at the same time, I want her to be more fun and carefree… like me.”

“You wanted Sayanee to be like you?”

“Yeah… I just wanted to see her have fun once in a while… But then I knew I couldn’t change that. So all I did was be who I was, no one else. And that made me feel… complete.”

When she said that, Yuko saw a bright glow from Jurina’s Gem as it reacted to the true feelings in her heart.

Just then, an alarm went off, signaling that Beryl was on the move again, and he was attacking.

“We gotta go, now!”

“Jurina, contact Sayanee!”

“On it!” Jurina quickly got out her phone and dialed the Osaka girl’s number. However, all she heard was the dull ringing on the other side. “She’s not picking up. She must be too busy!”

“We’ll try again later. Let’s go!”



The reason Sayanee didn’t answer was because her phone was turned off. Right now, she was doing an interview for a magazine Jurina was featured in.

“So, what’s something that’s different about Tokyo compared to Nagoya?”

“Something different…” Sayanee tried to think of an answer Jurina would most likely say. “Right now, I’ve been living in Tokyo for a long time now. It’s definitely a lot busier, especially in Akihabara. I’ve gone there many times and it’s always bustling with people.”

“And is there anything you miss about your home in Nagoya?”

“Hmm… the food. Here, it’s nothing compared to the original Nagoya taste. Haha.” The interviewers chuckled with her.

Then, one happened to bring up something surprising to Sayanee.

“You mentioned in a previous interview that you have since gained a rival. An aspiring singer/songwriter named Yamamoto Sayaka. Could you tell us your thoughts about her?”

“Eh?” Sayanee paused a bit. “That rich girl mentioned ME?!”

“Ah… Sayaka. Mm~ I wouldn’t say she’s exactly my rival. She and I have gotten pretty close since I first came here. Sure, we argue a lot, but Sayaka is just being herself and…”

As she was talking, Sayaka then remembered the fight she had with Jurina yesterday. She remembered all those awful things she said and how upset Jurina had gotten.

But Sayaka couldn’t blame Jurina for all her actions. She knew she was busy with her work, and Jurina…

“She was just being herself… There was nothing that could change that… Even so, I…”

“Eh? Did you two get in a fight?”

“Un. It was partly my fault. I didn’t listen and I said things I shouldn’t have…” Sayanee sulked as she sunk back into her seat. “I have apologize to her.”

“One last question. What is your goal?”

“My goal… my wish is…”

Sayaka immediately remembered what Miyuki said to her before she left for Tokyo.

“You better make it big. I’ll be countin’ on ya.”

“I want.. a solo debut. I wanna make it big.. as a singer.”

“Thank you very much,” Sayaka snapped out of her daze when she heard those words, looking up. “It’s been a pleasure, Matsui-san.”

She shook hands with the interviewers before she got her things and left.

She then turned on her phone and saw a message from Jurina.

“Emergency! Beryl active in Shibuya! Plz come quick!”

“Oh no…”


In Shibuya, the four were fighting the Geodites Beryl summoned. While all this was happening, Lapis was charging up the chaos Black Prism with all the havoc that was going on during battle.

“Just a little more,” he smirked.

Sayaka made it just in time and saw the girls fighting. They were nearly at their wits end.

She saw Jurina trying her best to fight, breathing heavily. A Geodite was coming up behind her, about to attack.

“Jurina!” she called out, transforming and running out. She summoned her, er, Jurina’s spear and blocked it, slashing the monster and making it go back into its Gem.


The two stood back to back.

“I’m sorry… for everything I said,” Sayaka said. “About you being selfish…”

“I’m sorry, too. I should’ve been more serious.”

“I need to loosen up more. I need to listen.”

The two looked at each other.

“Can you forgive me?” Sayaka asked.

Jurina smiled. “Of course. You may be my rival, but you’re also my friend.”

But their moment was broken when the monsters suddenly roared out loudly.

“Hey, check this out.”

Jurina spun around and created a large gust of wind that spun around and knocked away the Geodites.


“You try. Maybe you can do something cool.”


“Don’t think about it. Just have fun.”

With that in mind, Sayanee took Jurina’s spear and spun it in her hands. She moved her feet a bit and saw what looked like water form and slashed the blade, creating a tsunami.

“Holy crap…” Sayaka said before laughing. “That was awesome!”


The two laughed as they battled, having fun with their new powers. All the fun they were having angered Beryl. It was also causing the energy in the Black Prism to fade, dispelling all the chaos.

“You aren’t supposed to have fun! You’re supposed to be a mess! This isn’t right! Where’s the chaos?!”

The two stood back to back again, looking at each other and smiling.

“I think this is the first time I ever saw you smile, Sayanee,” Jurina giggled teasingly.


Beryl growled, then sighed.

“Fine. This is no longer fun.”

He snapped his fingers and all the Geodites disappeared. At that same time, Sayaka and Jurina’s Prism gems swapped colors. The two knights looked at each other.

“Jurina..?” Sayaka looked and saw she was in her body, and Jurina was in hers.

“I’m Jurina..! I’m me!”

“We switched back!”

As they celebrated, Lapis went to Beryl, the two floating in midair.

“Looks like the plan has failed.”

“Oh no, Beryl,” Lapis held up the Black Prism. “We can still use this.”

The two then disappeared. Sayaka and Jurina continued to celebrate that they had switched back, hugging each other.

“Does this mean we won?” Haruppi asked.

“Well, we didn’t exactly lose… so, I guess,” Mako said.

Yui smiled. “True.”

“Wait,” Jurina stopped and looked at the Osaka girl. “How did everything go? Did the interview turn out okay?”

“Yes, Jurina. Don’t worry.”

“Ah~ yokatta~”

“Oh, yeah, also….” Sayaka gulped, holding Jurina’s hands. “Um.. I was with Rena today. She told me everything… about your ‘diet’.”



“I see… ”

“Jurina, you really shouldn’t push yourself like that,” Yuko said as she brought out some tea and snacks for the girls.

“I know. I just thought I need to get serious as part of my solo career. And, now that I’m a Prism knight, I felt I needed to be even stronger…”

“Jurina, just remember to relax once and a while,” Sayanee said. “I’m just starting to learn that myself.”


“Look, we won and everyone’s back to normal, so,” Sayanee took her guitar in her hand. “Let’s take it easy.”

She started strumming and singing a song. The girls all got up and danced as Sayanee performed. Jurina, who had a long day (well, she didn’t do the work, but her body was tired), simply relaxed on the couch beside Sayanee as she played. The two smiled and looked at each other.

Just then, Jurina’s phone rang. They all stopped as Jurina took the call.

“Hello? Yes, this is me… Eh?! Seriously?!” Jurina said, grasping the phone with both hands. “Ah, yes. Thank you!”

She hung up, lowering the phone.

“What did they say?”

“I… I’m releasing a single. I’m getting a solo debut!”

“Woah! Really?!”

“That’s amazing!”

Jurina immediately hugged Sayanee. “I don’t know what you said in the interview, but thank you!”

Sayanee actually didn’t remember herself. Maybe it slipped out unconsciously. Still, she smiled and hugged her back.

“You’re welcome.”


Meanwhile, in the lair of the enemy, Topaz was very angered that Beryl and Lapis had left the scene.

“You ran away! You made yourselves look like cowards!”

“The plan was compromised,” Beryl protested calmly. “There was no point in it anymore.”

“How can you say that?! You could’ve had those girls in the palm of your hands?!” He then looked at Lapis. “The Black Prism! Why didn’t you use it?!”

“We no longer need it for such a minor purpose. We can use it for something much bigger.”

“You…!” Topaz grabbed him. “What are you planning to do? Don’t think just because you changed sides you have my full trust!”

“This was expected coming from Lord Obsidian’s former right-hand man.”

“Why you..!!!”

Obsidian’s voice then boomed. “Lapis.”

The white haired man made Topaz let go and stepped forward.

“Yes, my Lord?”

“I think it’s time to awaken her,”

Lapis grinned at the statement.

“Yes sir.”

Topaz’s ear twitched. As Lapis started to leave, Topaz looked up at Obsidian.

“‘Her’? Who are you talking about?” he asked.

“Our strongest warrior.”

“Strongest warrior?”

“You don’t know about her. She’s been sleeping for a long time, absorbing the dark power of the purest Black Gems. She will be the one who finally puts an end to Ange’s Prism Knights.”

Lapis walked down the dark halls, leading to a door which has never been opened, only by Lapis himself.

He swung the doors open and stepped towards an altar, resting under a ginormous Black Prism that floated in midair. The ultimate Black Prism; the source of all the darkness and malevolent power in the castle.

On the altar laid a sleeping woman, dressed in black armor. Her eyes were closed as her body absorbed all the energy from the large crystal, creating a purple aura.

Lapis took the Prism which had absorbed all the chaos that was caused by Beryl, and placed it in the center of the woman’s chest in her armor.

“Time to wake up… Black Amethyst.”

The woman’s eyes opened, glowing deep violet for a moment before turning back into dark, pitch black eyes. She rose up and gave an evil smile, giggling softly.

Her laughter rose, filling the air and echoing the halls.


To Be Continued


Comments are much appreciated! :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2015, 09:44:20 PM »
Gizzur walks into room and bashes Black Amethyst's head with one of his severed heads he has on his belt.

"Go back to sleep!"

*steals chunk of Black Prism*

(I think I know who she is)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2015, 12:16:09 AM »
Gizzur walks into room and bashes Black Amethyst's head with one of his severed heads he has on his belt.

"Go back to sleep!"

*steals chunk of Black Prism*

OK, don't do that, plz. We can always battle somewhere else, but not here plz.

(I think I know who she is)

Really? o.o


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2015, 07:25:46 AM »
Either Yuki cuz 'Black'
Or Rena cuz she was the 2nd woman who shunned me.

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2015, 12:57:50 PM »
Either Yuki cuz 'Black'
Or Rena cuz she was the 2nd woman who shunned me.

No and no. You are wrong. But good guess. :P

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2015, 01:40:10 PM »
Evil Acchan.

For some very dramatic Atsumina battle

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2015, 01:50:08 PM »
Evil Acchan.

For some very dramatic Atsumina battle

No. XD

I'm not going to tell you so just give up! :P

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2015, 04:19:58 PM »
Hmmm... Reminds me of Mai Otome for some reason....

*somehow gets a feeling that Ruka and Hack-san is going to strangle me*

There is no hope that my oshi will be the black amethyst... So... I supposed someone with a history with Yuko and Kana..

Rite? *grins*

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2015, 06:44:51 PM »
Hmmm... Reminds me of Mai Otome for some reason....

*somehow gets a feeling that Ruka and Hack-san is going to strangle me*

I won't strangle you.

And actually, I got more inspiration on this through Super Sentai and Pretty Cure. I've never even seen Mai-Otome. XD

There is no hope that my oshi will be the black amethyst... So... I supposed someone with a history with Yuko and Kana..

Rite? *grins*

Well, we'll just have to wait and see, ne~ :roll: :D

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2015, 08:58:30 AM »
I agree with Hana-chan.  :on GJ:

I guess Black Amethyst was someone from Original K. Most probably... Saechan, I guess.  :glasses:

Amethyst is the birthstone for Februarians, am I right? Will that mean... someone with February as a birth month?

Considering Yokoyama K, Shinobu Mogi-san is the only Februarian.

Considering Original K, Uemura Ayako-san is the only Februarian.

Who can it be...?  :grr:

I have a great feeling that it is Miyazawa Sae-sama:on shady:

But I still hope our (Hana-chan and I) dearest oshi will appear somewhere somehow. Tho, that's a bit being selfish of me.  :peace:  :drool:

Anyways, I'll wait for the update, Ruka-senpai and Sky-san.  :inlove:

(Ruka-senpai and Hana-chan, I'll patiently wait for Samurai Princess' update.)  :twothumbs

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2015, 12:47:30 PM »
I agree with Hana-chan.  :on GJ:

I guess Black Amethyst was someone from Original K. Most probably... Saechan, I guess.  :glasses:

Amethyst is the birthstone for Februarians, am I right? Will that mean... someone with February as a birth month?

Considering Yokoyama K, Shinobu Mogi-san is the only Februarian.

Considering Original K, Uemura Ayako-san is the only Februarian.

Who can it be...?  :grr:

I have a great feeling that it is Miyazawa Sae-sama:on shady:

Hee~ that's a good prediction, and I like how you used your knowledge of member's birthstones to help.

But! You'll just have to wait and see~ :3 (I'm such a tease~ XD)

But I still hope our (Hana-chan and I) dearest oshi will appear somewhere somehow. Tho, that's a bit being selfish of me.  :peace:  :drool:

Again, we'll just have to wait and see, ne~ :roll: :P

Anyways, I'll wait for the update, Ruka-senpai and Sky-san.  :inlove:

(Ruka-senpai and Hana-chan, I'll patiently wait for Samurai Princess' update.)  :twothumbs

Ganbarimasu! :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2015, 03:45:11 PM »
I agree with Hana-chan.  :on GJ:

I guess Black Amethyst was someone from Original K. Most probably... Saechan, I guess.  :glasses:

Amethyst is the birthstone for Februarians, am I right? Will that mean... someone with February as a birth month?

Considering Yokoyama K, Shinobu Mogi-san is the only Februarian.

Considering Original K, Uemura Ayako-san is the only Februarian.

Who can it be...?  :grr:

I have a great feeling that it is Miyazawa Sae-sama:on shady:

Hee~ that's a good prediction, and I like how you used your knowledge of member's birthstones to help.

But! You'll just have to wait and see~ :3 (I'm such a tease~ XD)


Well, Amethyst focuses on February Births but it is also the Birthstone of Pisces if we're talking horoscope...

And I know potential members born under Pisces..... Fufufufu

*plays kendama out of nowhere*

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2015, 01:27:02 PM »
Who is black amethyst...?

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 5 (Part 3) 151019
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2015, 04:04:14 AM »


Chapter 6

Today, there seemed to be an intense air of darkness in Obsidian’s lair. It was a powerful, intimidating darkness, that left most speechless.

“Topaz-sama,” one of the minions asked. “There’s something happening… This darkness, it’s not normal.”

“I know. It doesn’t make sense. What could be causing this strong aura?”

“Topaz,” Lapis approached him. “Do you know about the large Black Prism that powers this castle?”

“Yes. What of it?”

“They say if you let yourself absorb the energy, bathe within all that dark power, you will become unstoppable.”

“I’ve heard that legend before. But it’s dangerous to do that. It’s how monsters are made.”

Lapis then let out a sly chuckle, “Perhaps you should consider it. You will become strong enough to please Lord Obsidian.”

That was when Topaz snapped, taking Lapis’ words as some kind of mocking.

“What did you say?!” Topaz grabbed Lapis, about to punch him.

Just then, a laugh fill the air. An unknown voice was heard in the dark.

“Well, well...this seem interesting.”


Topaz watched as a figure stepped out of the darkness. There stood a tall woman clothed in black armor and a helmet with covered her eyes and most of her hair, which had been tied up under the black helmet.

Obsidian smiled as he saw her.

“Black Amethyst, you’ve finally awakened.”

The new warrior showed respect and bowed to Obsidian. “Awakened and fully ready to serve you, Lord Obsidian,” she stated.

“So you’re the new dark warrior I’ve been hearing about,” Topaz glared at her.

Amethyst raised her head and looked at Topaz silently.

Topaz looked over at Lapis, who was smiling at the scene. Topaz knew he had planned something with her, and it must’ve involved the Black Prism as well.

“I don’t know what you have planned, Lapis, but I still don’t trust you. And I don’t trust this one either,” he firmly said.

And with that, he walked to Amethyst and raised his fist to punch the black-armored knight, however, her hand caught his fist in a tight grip.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she said coldly.

Topaz was overwhelmed by Amethyst’s strength. Not only that, her aura overall. It was that same darkness he had felt since yesterday.

“It was her… She’s what’s giving off this intimidating dark power…”

“As you can see, my Lord,” Lapis spoke to Obsidian, “with the power absorbed from the Black prism, as well as the Gem I used to absorb all the chaos energy created by Beryl, she will be an unstoppable warrior. She will be the one who takes care of Lady Ange’s army once and for all.”

“Very good work.”

Topaz sneered silently as Lapis was praised.

“Black Amethyst, come here,” Obsidian beckoned his newest dark knight.

Black Amethyst kneeled before him and kissed his hand gently, proclaiming her loyalty.

“Don’t worry, my Lord,” she whispered so only he could hear. “I won’t fail you like these insignificant fools have done.”

Obsidian grinned. “Good girl.”

Amethyst rose to her feet and left with Lapis.

“I’ll only believe it when I see it,” Topaz said lowly.


Around that same time in Akihabara, the five were at Headquarters, training for combat in future battles with Lapis or Topaz. Leading the training was Yuko of course.

“Alright now girls, let’s see how you put your skills to use on the field. Your opponent has been the enemy for now. But now let’s see how you fight against each other. If you know your own skills and strengths, you will be more skilled on the battlefield.”

She had paired four of the five into sparring pairs while one sits out for the moment. One pair consisted of Yui versus Jurina, the other was Sayanee against Haruppi, which meant Mako was left to sit at the side for now.

Now being paired with Sayanee, one of their team’s best fighters, Haruppi was a bit nervous as she knew how strong Sayanee could be in combat.

“Ano, please go easy on me Sayaka,” Haruppi eagerly requested, a bit shaky.

“Don’t worry. This is only practice, remember?”

“R-right.” Haruppi cocked her guns and gripped them.

They waited to see who would make the first move. Then, Sayanee charged forward with her blades. Haruppi quickly dodged and took a shot.

Sayanee dodged it with a swift movement, then spun the blade in her hand and thrust it towards her. Haruppi screamed and stepped back, afraid to get stabbed. She shot again, this time grazing Sayanee’s cheek, as well as a small portion of hair.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” Haruppi went to check the wound.

Sayanee nodded, then, out of nowhere, she pinned Haruppi’s arms behind her back and pushed her to the wall.

“Break,” Yuko said, concluding the battle. She then said to Haruppi, “Haruka, you’re too kind. You have to be more alert in battle, don’t get distracted.”


“It’s okay. It just shows you were worried and care about her. Go sit and rest.”

“Hai.” Haruppi bowed and put away her guns, walking over to the bench.

On the other side, Yui and Jurina had begun their own duel. Jurina spun her spear and slashed it towards the older girl, letting out a battle cry.

So far, Yui has not made any initiative to attack and only defended and countered Jurina’s attacks with a calm expression. She wasn’t even breaking a sweat. Meanwhile, Jurina was already breathing heavy and gripping her spear more tightly.

“Come on Yuihan! Don’t tell me you’ve gotten bored! Show me what you’re made of!”

Finally Yui saw her chance and made a strike when Jurina’s guard was lowered at the right time. She thrust her sword upwards, which knocked Jurina’s weapon out of her hands and disarmed her opponent. Leaving Jurina weaponless, Yui then was able to kick at the younger girl’s legs and sent her falling on her back.

“Alright, break,” Yuko stopped them and helped Jurina up.

“What was that..?”

“Turning defense into offense. You can’t let the enemy know your guard is down for even a second.”

“Gotcha…” Jurina went to Yui and bumped her fist. “Good fight.”

With Jurina out, she went to sit with Haruppi and Mako at the sidelines while the remaining two girls are left to duel in the final round

Before they start, Yui first remembered to show manners and said while facing Sayaka, “Onegaishimasu.”

“Same here,” Sayaka replied.

The two then readied their weapons and got into position. Sayanee made the first move and charged with the blades in her hands.

Throughout their battle, the sounds of metal clashing against each other was heard with each contact of their blades. The girls on the side watched the heated battle.

Yui then made a swift movement with her sword and knocked one of Sayanee’s blade out of her hands. She swung her sword to slash the girl, but was blocked by the second blade. The two stood there, Yui trying to break free as Sayanee kept her guard strong.

“Is it going to be a stalemate..?” Mako wondered.

Just then, Yui grinned and in that moment, knocked out the other blade and had the tip of her sword aimed at Sayanee’s neck.

Everything was silent and still until Yui pulled back her sword. Sayanee smiled and the two shook hands.

“What just happened?”

“She saw an opening,” Jurina said. “A small one, but she still saw it.”

Yuko added on, “She took a risk. If she failed, she might’ve been the one to obtain a disadvantage.”

“That’s amazing. Yui-han is really smart, huh…”



After training had finished, the group left and decided to head out to Akihabara. They had just gotten their payment from Takamina at work, so they decided to have an outing.

They headed out first to Shibuya, looking for some new clothes. Since Jurina had lots of experience with modeling for fashion magazines, the idol knew exactly what kind of style her friends would fit.

For the oncoming summer season, everything was bright and colorful. She herself had a white dress with a sunflower on her chest, a cute sun hat, and sandals. Haruppi and Mako had a similar girly style, Mako wearing a red and white striped shirt and a yellow skirt, and Haruppi a pink shirt with a blue bow and white shorts.

Sayanee was a bit more tomboyish with ripped jean shorts and a blue jacket over a white T-shirt. And Yui was a very fun and simple outfit, A dress with a sleeveless jean jacket and sun hat with a daisy in it.

After buying their new clothes, the next place they went to was an arcade. They played almost everything, from Ski-ball, to Dance Master, to Zombie Shooter. They also found a Puri-kura photo booth and took some photos to remember their fun time. By the end, they were able to win enough tickets to earn a pair of funky sunglasses, a watergun, and a stuffed pink teddy bear.

The group ended their day by stopping at a cafe. They ordered some cake and indulged in the sweet food as they relaxed.

“Ah~ today was fun,” Haruppi sighed.

“Yeah. No monsters, no fights,” Mako agreed. “Why can’t we always just have fun like this?”

“It’d be nice if we can always be like this,” Jurina said as she looked at their photos.

They all looked at each other and agreed.

Haruppi then asked something that came into her mind recently. “Hey… when this is all over, what will happen?”


“Will we ever see each other again?”

“Of course,” Yui smiled in reassurance, “We’ll surely be able to meet again.”

“Let’s make sure of it,” Sayanee proposed and then held out her hand with everyone joining in, “After all of this is done and we go our separate ways, let’s promise that we’ll meet each other again here, in Akihabara.”

“It’s a promise!”


Just then, there was a loud explosion outside that grabbed their attention.

“What the...?”

The group ran out and saw a figure dressed in black armor causing lots of havoc in the streets. People were running in a panic as the helmeted figure looked down at them.

“Who is that?”

Now for some reason, the girls noticed and saw their Gems were glowing intensely. They even felt hot. It would seem that the gems are reacting to this new threat.

“Is she one of Obsidian’s soldiers?” said Mako.

“If so, we need to fight her,” Sayaka stated.

They went over to a corner where they couldn’t be seen and transformed. They stepped out and summoned their weapons then came out into the open so they’d be in plain sight.

“Hey, you!” Jurina shouted.

Black Amethyst looked over her shoulder and saw the group. She turned to face them, walking towards the five.

“So, this is Ange’s new team,” Amethyst spoke in a cold tone of voice, “How pathetic.”

She got down to face them, looking at Yui from head to toe.

“You haven’t even reached full power,” she scoffed sadistically. “You’ll be easy opponents for me.”

“Who are you?” Yui questioned the dark warrior.

“My name is Black Amethyst. I’m Lord Obsidian’s strongest warrior. I’ll only warn you once, but this is your last chance to run,” the new dark warrior spoke.

Sayanee snapped. “Ha! We never run!”

“Right,” Jurina agreed. “We aren’t cowards!”

Amethyst chuckled coldly. “If so…then try to defeat me.”

She summoned a black sword and readied herself. In that instant, the five charged, all of them attacking at once.

But before any of them could hit her, Amethyst simply dodged their attacks and blocked every move they made.

Mako swung her hammer, but it was stopped by Amethyst’s one hand and pushed away. She grabbed Mako and threw her to the ground. Haruppi went to her side and shot a few bullets, but all her blocked by Amethyst’s sword.

She slashed her sword and the two were blown away by a powerful shockwave and landed a pretty good distance away.

Amethyst then heard a cry, and without turning around, she stopped Sayanee’s wrist and flipped her over. Sayanee turned herself over and tried to get up but the aches all over her body prevented her from doing so.

“..urgh.. this warrior.. she has such overwhelming dark power…” she muttered through her teeth.

Amethyst now approached Sayaka, planning to use this chance to finish the blue knight while she’s down. But before she could, she then saw Jurina preparing to charge her with her spear, but Amethyst caught it and held onto it tight. Jurina tried to release it, but Amethyst swung it and sent Jurina to the ground.

Jurina got up and tried to fight with her bare hands, but the dark warrior dodged all her punches and kicks. In a minute, Jurina was left sweating like crazy and breathing heavily.

Amethyst scoffed. “You’re weak,” she said before punching Jurina and knocking her out cold.


Yui saw how her friends have fallen and was angered. She charged forward with her sword, letting out a loud battle cry.

But before the tip of her blade came in contact with the dark warrior, Amethyst stepped out of the way and grabbed Yui’s wrist. Her arm became coated in purple flames that burned through Yui’s armor and got to her skin.

It was then that Yui screamed, her hand and arm felt like it was being burned. She fell to the ground and still writhed in pain.


The other three girls ran over to Yui with worry.

“What was that?!” Sayanee saw the awful scar that was left on Yui’s hand.

“Dark flame. Burns more deadly than any normal fire,” Amethyst explained, “If she had touched it any longer, her hand would’ve melted off completely.”

“You monster!”

Amethyst only scoffed at the statement. “You all have had a taste of the Darkness. Next will become much more worse. Soon, Lord Obsidian will succeed in conquering this world.”

Feeling angered, Sayanee gripped her blades and went to stab at her, but the dark warrior turned around and disappeared in black smoke.

Seeing as she had gone, the girls were incredibly weak and turned back into their normal forms.

“She was… too strong,” Haruppi cried, “We could’ve been killed…”

Mako hugged the girl as Sayanee helped Yui stand up.

While bearing the pain, Yui spoke, “Just a little longer…I would’ve..”

“Don’t say anything. For now, we gotta get that wound looked at,” Sayanee advised.

She then helped the youngest two pick up the unconscious Jurina and started walking back to Headquarters.

However, unknown by the five, Black Amethyst was still present in the area, watching in the darkness as she saw the group weakly carrying their comrades.

“It shall only be a matter of time,” Amethyst said, “...before they fall apart.”


Once they got back, Yuko and Kana were shocked at what had happened to them. Sayanee helped Haruppi and Mako get bandaged up as Jurina laid in one of the beds. Yui was with Yuko and Kana, who proceeded to heal the burn wound. Yui hissed as she felt a sting when the medicine touch, but then she felt the cool tingling of it slowly healing her arm.

As she worked, Yuko explained, “It might take three days for the wound to heal completely. I’m just glad there wasn’t any serious damage. This much, we can handle.”

“Thanks, Yuko.”

“We saw what happened on the monitor.”

“I’ve never seen a dark knight like that,” Kana said. “She was like a monster.”

“What did you say her name was?” Yuko asked.

“B-Black Amethyst...” Yui managed to say through the pain.

“Black Amethyst?”

Yuko and Kana looked at each other in confusion.

Kana spoke, “Never heard of her.”

“I’ve never encountered a dark knight this strong… what is this gonna mean for us?”

“It just means we need to be ready. If Obsidian has soldiers like her, who knows what else he may have up his sleeve?”

“Right… If Obsidian’s getting stronger, we need to do the same.”

Yui looked back at the Puri-kura photo of her and her friends.

“Even though it was fun… those moments aren’t going to last for long, are they?”


Meanwhile, in the enemy’s lair, Obsidian and his followers were rather impressed with what they’ve heard concerning Black Amethyst’s first fight against the Prism Knights.

“As you planned, Lord Obsidian, Black Amethyst is a success,” Lapis was pleased to announce.

“Excellent. You did very good work, Lapis.” Obsidian said with a satisfied grin.

Topaz, on the other hand, was not all that enthusiastic about Black Amethyst being their new secret weapon.

“Tch…! Is she really that good enough to beat them?”

He looked over his shoulder at where the one everyone is talking about was. The new warrior was kneeling somewhere in a corner, looking like she’s meditating and preparing herself mentally for the next fight ahead. Her meditation was then interrupted when Topaz was heard calling out to her.

“Hey you.”

Amethyst turned her head so she’d make eye contact with Topaz.

“You may be strong like everyone says. But don’t forget, newbie, I’ve been fighting those Knights longer than you have. Don’t think that you’ll beat them so easily.”

“Say whatever you wish Topaz…” she stated, “However I only have one defeat those Prism Knights as Lord Obsidian wishes. I won’t let you or anyone else who dare defies me get in my way.”

Topaz was ready for a fight, balling his fist as he walked to Black Amethyst.

“Topaz, that’s enough,” Obsidian said. “You are dismissed. Leave.”

“My Lord, I--”


Topaz stood silent for a moment before speaking. “...Yes, sir.”

Topaz gave one last glare to Black Amethyst before leaving.

“I wouldn’t worry about him, my Lord,” Lapis said. “You have no reason to worry anymore. With Black Amethyst, those Prism Knights will fall and this Earth will finally belong to the Darkness.”

Obsidian smiled evilly. “That will be splendid.”


To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] - Chapter 6 151024
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2015, 11:55:54 AM »
Amethyst is a tall woman with black outfit and a helmet that covers most of her hair?

Hm... Seems like I have a wrong guess.

Now, I guess Amethyst is more probably Akimoto Sayaka-sama.  :)

I'm really excited about Amethyst's real personality! And how will the girls be able to defeat her?

I'll patiently wait for your update.   :love:

Anyways, I heard from Hana that you'll update Samurai Princess~ I'm eager to read it!!  :wub:

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