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Author Topic: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)  (Read 27520 times)

Offline Tuffty

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2011, 05:44:31 PM »
There's a PC preview out now and someone found a little Easter Egg. Shows that the FF series is still going strong even in a futuristic dystopia :lol:

Also, a video of why this game looks a lot like the first Deus Ex, and shows why the new guy maybe more of a dick than JC Denton :lol: :lol:

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2011, 04:49:37 PM »

I see quite a few comments from everyday people and the press, and they seem to be American ones' who are denouncing the game already. Don't see why, I think it looks awesome. The background outside the tower looks impressive.

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2011, 08:34:51 PM »


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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2011, 08:44:56 PM »
This is a seriously cool trailer

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2011, 11:00:47 AM »
I am hugely excited for this game. Early reviews have come in and have been overwhelmingly positive.

Now granted, these are early reviews, meaning they can't always be trust worthy, but regardless I always have been looking forward to this game since I saw it and the trailers have done a great job in building up excitement. Best of all, it's out this month.

Til then, how about some ball tripping scenes from the Deus Ex Malkavian mod

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2011, 01:41:51 PM »
Human Revolution is out next week. I'm excited for it, I've a feeling it can be really good. Here's the first 10 mins of the actual game.

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2011, 10:54:10 PM »
My copy arrived today! Nicely done in time for my 4 day weekend starting Fri! Playing the first hour and it looks promising. After listening to the Giant Bombcast today I didn't explore the Sarif Industry building as much as I would have liked. Basically, after the prologue/tutorial section, you're told by your boss to get your ass over to the helipad so you can be taken to a lab where a hostage situation with terrorists was developing. Jeff had said that he messed around in there for a while exploring until he was told that things were getting way worse, so he was wondering if that had some impact on the story. Thought I would try it out myself. So far so good XD

From what I've played, it seems like a Deus Ex game, things kind of move at a pace at the beginning so I haven't really been able to take in my surroundings and read more about the world, but obviously I will be able to the further I go into it. The cover mechanics and the shooting seems functional, just don't ever use blindfire, even at point blank range it's not effective. There are absolutely those moments where you can decide which path to take. For example, at the beginning you're told you can infiltrate the plant through the front door or the roof. Whilst trying to find the path to the roof, I actually found a path you can crawl through which leads you practically at the front door and you can sneak in when the guard moves on patrol. So you can go in all guns blazing through the front, or stealthily on the roof, I actually went stealthily through the front XD You also know it's a Deus Ex game when you can pick up a cardboard box, throw it at a police officer and they then consider you hostile and kill you :lol:

The Metal Gear Solid references are very overt. Not only do the bosses look and act like members out of say FOXHOUND, there is an achievement in that game called 'The Foxiest Of Hounds'. Apparently there are other achievements like 'The Snake' and 'The Mantis' :lol: Quick tip, if you want an easy achievement, in the room you start off in, make sure to look around for objects you can interact with e.g. 'Press X', think there might be 4-5 in all. Press X on them all and you get an achievement :D Some achievements look ridiculous! Go through the whole game without setting off an alarm? Go through the game without killing anyone? :o

Offline Tuffty

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #47 on: September 11, 2011, 10:13:46 PM »
Just arrived in Heng Sha and one of the side quests I stumbled upon involves having to find a hooker somewhere in a place called Daigong District. A Red Light District named after Daigong? Sounds about right :lol:

Awesome game so far. Playing it very stealthily, don't even want to get seen at all, resorting to lethal force only if I have to (I've already killed someone in the tutorial so I'm not getting that achievement to go the whole game without killing someone). Had one of those wonderful moments where you walk into Jensen's apartment for the first time. Very reminiscent of Blade Runner. It's great how much freedom the game gives you, I can kill anyone at anytime if need be. One time I was wrapping up for the night and after making a save, I wondered what it would be like to go crazy, and I just felt like the biggest asshole afterwards. Here's a retired detective living out his days as a security guard in this apartment and then this guy comes along and stabs him from behind as he's sitting in the chair. Or this couple after going through a traumatic experience in a hostage situation, the husband close to death from a bomb and the wife even closer after being held at gunpoint by a crazed terrorist. Both reunited in their apartment and happy to be together at last, then some dick like me comes along and throws a frag grenade in their apartment :lol:

I will say this though, the boss battles are just the worst, like everyone's been saying. As someone who's not been focusing on upgrading their combat capabilities I found it pretty hard, it's easy to get killed. And the boss shows no sign of taking damage so you're left just trying to pump bullets into him until it's over. Could have been handled better for sure.

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2011, 01:40:48 AM »
LOLWUT. Asmo, let's sue em for defamation :o.....

no wait. Tufft showed me at 7:00 THESE BOOBS :fap

I approve :lol:

...looks like the programmers had a play on words "Hung Hao Hotel" where Hao means good LOL

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2011, 09:11:56 AM »
Tried not killing anyone at all, but it's just too hard D: D:

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2011, 02:01:14 PM »
Ended up doing a mix of killing and taking down. By the time I got to near the end, it was just like... I give up. *hack into turrets to kill people*

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2011, 05:45:39 AM »
I was asking my friend about this series last week and he was telling me that in the first game, you could choose to be a pacifist and just incapacitate enemies without actually killing them? In any case, it definitely sounds interesting and I might check it out one day.

Offline Tuffty

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2011, 09:00:18 AM »
Your friend's absolutely true. The first game had as equally bad boss battles as in Human Revolution as well, but the trick was that if you were good at exploring the environment or you select your dialog choices correctly, there was a way you could bypass those boss battles completely.

You can be a pacifist in the latest one too, in fact there's an achievement in the game for not killing anyone (except in the boss fights which you have to kill). This is me being nitpicky, but I wish there was a better reason to choose between using non-lethal and lethal takedowns. Because if you go lethal, you take your foes down permanently but it makes a lot of noise. With a non-lethal takedown, you take your foes down permanently, but it makes no noise. So why would you ever want to choose lethal takedowns if there are no in-game benefits or achievements tied for doing so? Seems like an obvious choice to make if non-lethal provides the same effect but one that makes the game easier for you as well as possibly winning an achievement. If it were up to me, if you perform a non-lethal takedown it should only knock the person down for a time before they get up again. You can see this working even in MGS2 so I'd like to see it done here. Although I will say it's probably a nightmare to code and test because of so many variables that happen in the game. Like how could a guard get up again if you drag their body into a vent (like I've done!)?

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #53 on: November 27, 2011, 09:44:48 PM »
Encountered this ridiculous difficulty spike in the game. And it's all my fault.


Have to fight the leader of this game's FOXHOUND equivalent now but I've been royally fucked over. Because I had decided earlier to visit a LIMB clinic when they told me to get a new biochip put in. And because of that, the bitch in charge of Tai Yong hit a kill switch in the chip that completely messes me up, making my HUD go crazy and difficult to see anything. So a boss fight that's already hard considering that you can get shot to death so quick, just got a lot harder because I can't see. So take my advice, when they ask you to visit the LIMB clinic and get a new biochip put in, DON'T DO IT! :lol:

I gave up after trying about 5 times. Will do it again later. Neat idea though, nice of a game to reward you by not blindly following objectives. That's me told! Still a cool game though, my guy feels like a complete badass.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 09:54:31 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #54 on: November 28, 2011, 06:26:58 PM »
^ Read that on the wiki while browsing what the bosses where. I had a very hard time taking down the first (Berreth) for some reason. I thought I could wait him out/evade, but no dice and for several tries (in several days) I could not find a way to take him down. Very frustrating!

Now I know you need to handle the bosses totally different  :)
Its fun again after that, played it for 6 hours yesterday with just a small break  :grin:

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2011, 06:57:39 PM »
So finished DX3 just yesterday, might try to play the alternate endings to finish it of.

In the end the bosses where easy if you have heavy firepower available, took me only two tries for the second and third boss (and one for the last)

The game has been fun for a lot of hours of game play :)

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2011, 01:23:22 PM »
Just finished it there now. I like to think I made the 'good' ending


I destroyed the Panchea project and will let humanity decide how to advance.

I really enjoyed the game, extremely reminiscent of Metal Gear Solid and it had an interesting story that made you think. Would definately recommend it.

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #58 on: January 02, 2012, 08:22:52 PM »

Offline Foxy Brown

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Re: You can't fight ideas with bullets. (The official Deus Ex thread)
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2012, 06:50:04 PM »

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