A/N: I'm here, waving the update flag. Sorry it took long, busy with some projects because graduation is coming soon and I have exams next next week, so I'm actually trying to complete all my requirements. Also, thank you for still hanging on and reading my fanfic! Thank you for your kind comments and thank yous and to those people who voted in the poll, I truly appreciate them. ^ ^
Replies:@ShibuyaDokiDoki - Thank you for your kind comment, Shi-san.
@SharkAttack - They are, and I'm already planning on how to make their each appearance something worth waiting for.
@sakura_drop_ - You are too kind, you're complementing me too much, its rather flattering. Thank you for the tons of emoticons too.

@Megumi - Thank you as well!
@XxRoByNxX78 - I'll try to think of a way to make Yuko come out of the hospital, something believable, but under which circumstances it will be, just wait for me.

And maybe she might ask for Torigoya, maybe~
@anzai48 - I'm so loving your comments.
@oddball - Your speculation is quite interesting, you might be right, Black may have the same feelings for Gekikara, but Black's pretty vague especially when it concerns feelings of love~
@Minami-chan - I hope I can keep you interest in the peak, and please continue to look forward to Nezumi's appearances.
@kahem - They are cute.
@LeNosferatu - First, Shi-san, now its Eru-san who dropped by! I'm truly blessed to have you comment. I love your MaYuki body swap fic, its truly amazing. Thank you very much for commenting, and you flatter me too much. I don't really have that much of a perfect grammar.

Now that I've replied to everyone's kind comments,
I would like to propose a little game here, just for the fun of it~ And its just a little guessing game, I of course have a prize for whoever guess it correctly, its just up to you guys if you want to participate or not.
The game is just simple, just give me the English translation of this chapter's Latin title. If anyone can give me the right English translation, I'll write a one-shot for you. You heard me right, I will write a one-shot of whatever favorite pair you like. I'll only give this prize to the first two people who can guess it right, if no one gives me the correct answer, then nothing will happen.
I'll pm you of course to tell you that you've gotten the answer right, and of course I'll ask you what you want me to write, how the plot will go, what pair and a lot more. You'll receive your prize either after a week or half has passed. I will also announce the winners in my next update, that is if anyone can give me the right title. 
I'll just wait and see if anyone can give the proper title to me, now with that said, I hope you enjoy this update!
Chapter 3: Informis Ignavus
It was dark, cold and silent.
The silence was almost deafening to the point that you could even hear a needle falling down with how much silence accumulated inside the room. The room itself was dark, too dark for any human to be able to see through without using any night vision goggles. Darkness was reigning; it surrounded the premises and engulfed the room, erasing every light that tried to fight back the impurity of the darkest of all colors.
The two silhouettes inside the room were barely even visible to the human eye, for whatever the case was, they were apart from each other, the other figure sitting near the door and the other standing at the farthest end of the room.
Both of them clearly held no expression whatsoever as they kept their stand in silence, staring at each other that held no emotion at all, both of them having no real intention to be there together at that moment, yet finding each other’s company fanciful.
Silence however was deeply disturbed by a sultry husky voice of a female from the far end of the room with a few shuffling of footsteps and rustling of clothes and empty bottles.
“How are things doing on your side? Anything conventional happen?”
“Things are going by so far so good. There was a small fight between a Majijo student and some Yabakunes, but other than that, none.”
“I’ve heard of that…from what I remember and collected, it was a fight against a dozen of Yabakune students, was it not?”
“Yes, you’re absolutely right.”
“I see, so…who’s the perpetrator?”
“The perpetrator is one of Majijo’s four heavenly queens; the monster of Rappapa.”
“Hoh, so they used their powerhouse out of nowhere? Interesting…”
The female snickered before it turned into cackling. She brought her clenched fist up into the air and pounded the wall several times. Her companion however did not move, not even a single twitch as it just sat there, watching as its companion finished her laughter.
“What are you going to do about it now? Are you just going to laugh around about this?” Came the cold voice of her companion, cutting through the amusement of the other girl by only a few percentage.
“Of course not, but I’d rather take things a little more
slowly, if possible.”
The sultry looking student smirked as she pushed herself off from leaning on the wall and instead took small little baby steps, to and from each of her side before going back to her original position. She then raised her hands and pushed the curtains, letting the moon’s rays pass through what little gap was available before pushing it back into place.
“If we want to be victorious, we should pounce onto them, when they least expect it.”
“I do get your point, but would it not be better for us to just take them on while their weak?” Her companion whispered and gazed coldly at the other girl but the other teen remained resolute and undaunted by her companion’s icy glare.
“That would not be fun anymore. Have patience, for now we’ll just see how things will go for Majijo. We’ll face them in the center of the arena soon, for now, we will just have to act like pitiful creatures and cower in darkness.”
“Such title is going to be taxing on our morals. Can you really take in something that disgusting?”
“I can’t, but if we want to put Majijo up into a storm, we will just have to play the part, don’t we?”
“If that’s what you say, then I have no choice then after all, I did ask for your help.” The other figure mumbled and shrugged while it continued to slump onto the leather couch.
“So then I take it that we’ve decided what course we’ll do?”
“Of course, but if this fails badly, I’ll have you sued for this.”
“As if that could ever happen dear, I
always get my way.”
“Most of the time…?”
“…Yes. Most of the time.”
The senior student giggled and quirked an eyebrow while she pulled a bottle from her secret stash, opening the bottle before she took out two glass cups and filled the glasses with the brimming contents from the bottle up to the rim. She then took the two glasses and strolled towards her companion, carefully skipping over a few items on the floor as she went through in the dark.
“Here…” She said; passing the glass that was filled up to the rim to her companion who merely gazed at the contents before taking it. The older teen then took a seat near her partner and watched her take a few cautious sniffs, which caused the senior to giggle.
“It’s just wine, nothing more and nothing less. Haven’t you ever drunk liquor before?”
“I have, just that it’s only occasional, but I hate how bitter the taste can get.”
“You’ll just have to get used to it then, young one. We’ll be doing this for quite a long time to come to celebrate our victory.” The older girl hummed as she swirled the contents in her glass, savoring the aroma of the aged red glistening liquid in her glass before taking a slow long sip, enjoying the flavor of the warm bittersweet taste of her favored drink.
“If you can serve me victory, then I have no choice but to partake in your little celebration then.”
The person beside her merely scrunched up its face, wondering how someone could ever enjoy this distinct and dry tasting drink, but never commented on it, instead, she forced herself to drink the wine by bringing up the rim of the glass to its lips and drank in short slow sips.
“I’ll take that into account then my dear young one.”
The female senior snickered before she took another sip. The youngest of the two could only shook her head before she then placed down the half brimming glass of wine, standing up before turning to look at her older companion. Their eyes both met each other’s gaze, one of which was cocky and overly confident while the other one was cold and void of emotions.
They only looked at each other for a few minutes before their eye contact broke off and the younger student left without even saying anything, even a small farewell. The female senior however found it appealing anyway because she found something hidden in the eyes of her partner.
Words were never needed anymore.
The only thing that was needed to be done are actions.
It was about eleven o’clock or so nearing midnight and it was dark that no one can almost see the clouds or the stars due to the clouds blending in with the color of the dark skies. The streets were slowly being emptied with the sounds of human activities like footsteps, sounds of bikes and cars passing by, but there was still someone out.
It was still too late though. Way too much late for a certain scheming mouse to be up.
It was rather unusual for some like her to be walking about in the heart of the district where most Yankees group up. Much less to walk around alone while wearing a simple loose white T-shirt, a baggy beige short shorts with a baby blue jacket draping over her body and a pair of black high-cut boots and her usual black fingerless gloves. Although simple as her outfit maybe, the little mouse’s appearance was still overall charming and it attracted attentions from the few passersby that were currently present in the streets.
The young teen however did not feel awkward nor disturbed with a few glances and awed stares that were directed to her, she did not came all the way here after all to just be an eye candy, she was here to take a stroll. This was her way to clear off the thoughts that disturbed her mind due to her father.
Nezumi never did liked her father, much less be able to introduce wholeheartedly to someone her father.
She despised her father far too much to even care for what happens to him.
She was despicable. Nezumi did not care however.
Nezumi already knew that for quite a long time already, it was not her fault though that she had learned to hate him. Moreover, he was almost never present, from the very moment she had learned to walk to when she was able to go to school, and today out all days, he just had to be there, in that cold empty spacious cage she was forced to call as
The little mouse did not even want to see him, much less be near his very presence, it disgusted her to be placed in the same house as he is, to be called under his surname and to be called as his daughter.
He was the most despicable and nastiest person she could ever have in her life. He is a thieving cheating and lying bastard of a father that left her and her mother on their own devices to defend for themselves against issues and gossips that were thrown in their faces.
Nezumi could never forget how much she hated him for not caring for his own family at all. To him, they were just decorations in the house that he could just simply talk to and use at his on convenience and push money in their faces as a reward for being of use to him.
That was all she and her mother were.
That was the very reason why she was out in a place like this and at a time like this.
She just did not want him around.
While it is true that it was dangerous for a girl like her to be out at a time like this, Nezumi did not care, she does not have any place she could visit and stay in for the night, she did not have any friends. Friendship does not have any real value to her. It was worthless to take up an effort to maintain that kind of relationship with someone, they would just leave you in the end.
“Emotions are just but a sickness in the brain that’s been accumulated through various strains and stress from the environment.”
“Worthless…emotions are just a piece of worthless crap.” Nezumi mumbled darkly, her lips pursued into a tight line, glaring at the concrete pavement as she walked idly without any destination.
The little mouse would often if not, begrudgingly stomp her feet on the pavement while aimlessly walking down the hill. Shivering a bit when the cold night breeze blew passed through her, making the irritated mouse bury her hands into her jacket’s pocket.
The night was turning thicker and colder, if not, dangerous even because it was almost nearing midnight and almost all the group rumbles and crimes happen at certain hours with less people awake. Nezumi did not fear this however. Instead, she went on and continued her stroll as if she was walking in the middle of the day.
“If only things would just disappear as sooner as they appear…”
“…Maybe this world would have been better.”
Nezumi took out a piece of gum from her pocket and placed one into her mouth before she chewed it in a haughty manner, her sharp black eyes glancing around and scanning the area before she took out her cellphone and checked the time.
The irritated young girl immediately rolled her tired eyes when she saw an unread text message on her phone, knowing that it was her father that had texted her because only he knew her number. Her irritation only peaked in when she read her father’s message that was ordering her to come home, nothing more and nothing less.
There was certainly no caring appeal to the message, it was simply monotonous and a command. Nezumi however did not follow this, but instead, she took this as an initiative to turn her phone off before she jammed it into her pocket.
“Damn bastard…as if I’d just pettily do what you say.”
“Human relationship and interactions are just sick lies and illusions…”
“You don’t even really care…such falseness of actions is what you always claim. I’m not an idiot not to know you bastard.” Nezumi grumbled, her legs continuing to walk in a swift manner. The young mouse did not even notice that she had already exited the heart of the Yankee district.
The little mouse continued to walk for several minutes before she noticed an open mart and decided to take a break. Cautiously, the young teen went inside and looked around, only finding the employee on the registrar and a few midnight shoppers inside the small mart.
Nezumi casually looked around her surrounding, looking at the cheap packaging of chips and candies and other necessities before she scoffed and went straight ahead towards the fridge, taking out a large blue Gatorade and bought it to the cashier.
“It’s quite late little miss, shouldn’t you be at home?” The female employee working on the cashier said while she took the price of the bottle before she propped it back on the counter.
“Yes, technically, I
should be, but it’s none of your business. Don’t stick your nose into something you are needless for.” Nezumi dryly responded, glaring menacingly at the female mart worker. The employee only gave her a quick disapproving look, but Nezumi continued on glaring at the female employee.
Nezumi quickly took out her wallet and shoved the right amount of money in front of the employee before she grabbed her drink, walking out of the mart without even waiting for the woman to give her a receipt or even protest at her improper actions.
“Such nosy people…they don’t know anything at all.” The little mouse mumbled under her breath as she scowled, her brows furrowed and an ugly frown on the young teen’s face.
“Technically, yes, they don’t know what issues you have but I agree with that woman’s sentiment. It’s not safe to be out at a time like this.”
A soft husky voice came unexpectedly from behind Nezumi, making the young teen gasp and squeak, taking a few steps back before doing a defensive position.
The young Majijo student was about to bare her teeth towards her opponent when she saw a very annoying Cheshire cat smile and an annoying face to combine it. The figure in front of her was wearing a black T-shirt underneath a blue tracksuit jacket and baggy jeans, she was also holding onto a plastic bag.
Nezumi immediately dropped her position and gazed questioningly at the familiar tall girl before her, finding her sudden appearance to be quite a mystery.
“What are you doing here?”
“What about you? Shouldn’t I be asking the same for you? It’s not safe for you to be out here." The other girl, called Center, said while she raised an eyebrow, a glint of intrigue shone in her eyes, unhidden to the little mouse’s sharp cold gaze.
“I can same the same for you.”
“I live near here, and I can just fight my way out of them. I worry for you however, you seem too fragile.”
“What are you, my parent?” Nezumi let out a hollow chuckle before she spat each word out with displeasure. The taller girl merely continued on looking at the little figure before her, her small smile never fading, much to Nezumi’s own chagrin.
“I’m not. I just care for you.”
“Well you shouldn’t be. I’ll be fine on my own without your sentiments.” The petite growled, rolling her eyes for what nth time before she walked off and was about to pass by Center when she felt a gentle pressure on around her wrist.
Nezumi quickly turned around and angrily stared at the other girl, the little mouse tried to free her wrist from the other girl’s grip, but she only failed when she felt Center firmly hold onto her. In apparent annoyance, Nezumi bared her teeth at the taller girl who kept her in place.
“What are you doing? Let me go…”
“No. I won’t let you walk around at this time of the night.”Center firmly responded; the smile on her face was nowhere to be found, instead, the taller girl held a serious and dangerous expression, squeezing Nezumi’s wrist while the other girl kept struggling under her firm grip.
Center felt like she was hurting the little figure in front of her, but she had no choice if she wanted to keep the other girl in place. She was hurting Nezumi, but she did not let go. Center felt that if she let go and let the short girl roam around, something bad might happen to her once she leaves her sight.
“What do you want me to do?
This girl was irritating. Why and how she met Center was coincidental.
It really was a great coincidence, how two different people met and yet how much they were similar in many but different ways. Moreover, she met Center when the taller girl passed by the staircase where she was casually sitting, playing with her paper plane.
It was ironic in a way, how much her detest for her father bought her towards this girl. Nezumi thought that the knowledge of her father’s doings would cause the taller teen to push her away was for not when she found out that Center also held that same intense hatred for her own father.
It happened a few days ago; it was vague to the little mouse whether she would even be able to see Center again.
Talk about chances, here she was talking to her again, under this circumstances. It was almost laughable.
“Stay at my place for now. It gets dangerous out here once it’s past midnight…”
“Huh? Why do you care? We just met a few ago.”
The little mouse frowned when she saw Center’s lips quirked up for a few seconds before it disappeared. The taller girl looked away from Nezumi’s gaze and looked at her hand that was holding onto the little mouse’s wrist, giving it a small squeeze before she raised her head back.
“You’re right, we might not know each other very well, but I think I’ve come to like you with just that few minutes that we’ve spent together. I felt that we click in perfectly well.”
“Your reasons sure are quite flawed…Center.”
“I don’t really think my reasons are bad.” Center said while she softly loosened the firm grip she had on Nezumi’s wrist, before her menacing expression instantly melted back into her Cheshire cat smile, it was the same kind of expression Nezumi saw the day she met the taller girl, near the stairs, just a week ago.
“They are bad, just that…you just somehow get away with it using your fists, no wonder you’re titled the strongest in your year.” Nezumi coolly uttered, her temper cooling down, still, the little mouse still held up her guard and took the chance to swat Center’s hands off her wrist.
“And to get back on your suggestion, I appreciate your utmost kindness, but is it really alright for someone such as myself to stay at your place?”
“Of course it’s alright, and so you say I’m a stranger, yet you know some convenient things… Am I really a stranger to you?”
“Words spread faster than wildfire.”
The little mouse smirked haughtily, earning a small chuckle from Center.
“You really are interesting, aren’t you?”
“I’m glad you find me of interest.” Nezumi gave a mock bow of respect for the taller girl, but to the other girl, she did not see how the pretense of the little mouse’s movements, in fact, she took it as a real sign of sincerity.
“But maybe, I can give you something much more interesting. Would you wish to know?”
“Tell me. The way you say it almost makes me curious.”
“Well then…if you don’t mind…please allow me to at least take half of your sleeping hours.”
The scheming devilish mouse grinned; her eyes sparkled under the valiant ray of the moon that cascaded on them on that darkest hour. The moonlight only served to deeply illuminate what features the petite had to offer, but what shined the most were her dangerous sharp eyes.
A/N: Thank you for reading, see you next update! I will come back and edit if I ever see any errors. Hope you enjoyed this update.