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Author Topic: [Announcement] SomethingWild graduates as AKBar48 Moderator  (Read 2294 times)

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[Announcement] SomethingWild graduates as AKBar48 Moderator
« on: January 30, 2013, 02:29:50 PM »
Dear friends,

Five years ago I made this post:

Ok, I joined AKB48 fandom. Based on some tv appearances and stuff I picked some favorites and I found out they're all from Team A  :lol:, so I guess they're my fav.

What I like about AKB48 is their 'freshness'.. When I see a h!p act making an appearance on a tv show, you can tell they're really used/trained to be in front of a camera. With AKB48 I get the feeling they still blurt out random stuff and are really themselves.. This may be not true, but it's the vibe I got from the clips..

After that my fandom increased with the passing of each day. I loved the music, the TV shows, the concert and above all, the girls.

As I was finding out more about the group my activity here started to increase too. At the time the AKBar48 was just one single AKB48 Thread. All the regulars back then left to different AKB48 specific fora, but around 2009 we decided to make our own AKB48 sub-section. I was one of the few AKB48 fans here at the time, so I was asked to help expand the site. And so I did: 700 threads, almost a 100 polls, 15.000 posts and more than 200 days in total time spent online!

 My first real life experience with the group was at the Japan Expo in Paris, 2009:

It was the event were Matsui Rena became my ultimate favorite and my interest in the group became more intense. The next couple of years AKB48 became huge! Records were shattered, massive amount of epic TV shows and big concerts. I thought AKB48 had peaked when Everyday, Kachuusha was released. Sales were higher than ever and that song was a tribute to everything they had done so far.

I was wrong. AKB48 hadn’t peaked and they continued to power on. To me, the absolute peak was the Tokyo Dome concert. It will take at least ten years before any idol group can achieve a concert with such an atmosphere and impact. At first I was upset about Acchan’s graduation, but in the months that followed everything seemed to continue on as usual. AKB48 has plenty of star power left in Mayu, Yui and the others.

However, things weren’t what they appeared to be. A lot of the girls started thinking about their future. What does AKB48 have left to offer for them? The result is graduations. A lot of graduations. Counting the current announcements, I have lost three of my top five favorites in a really short time; Acchan, Kasai and Kumi. If you take the other graduations into account (Takada Shiori) and all the surrounding drama (Kasai) then it is pretty hard to swallow.

As some of you may know, 2012 was a crazy and intense year for me. Hope was shattered in China. A couple months later I got invited to hang out with Kuramochi Asuka in Japan and insanely enough, a couple months I was invited to appear on Japanese TV again. I had a blast. I got to hang out with idols, go to concerts, see all the landmarks, meet new people and finally experience Japan. I would have never imagined I would be able to see celebrities like Haruna Ai and Takei Emi. I’m very grateful FujiTV and Nihon Terebi, words cannot express it. After such a year with massive highs, I started to understand how a rock-star must feel. Those highs feel so good, that you want to experience them again. Sadly, that just isn’t possible.

In sum, I can’t shake the feeling that my AKB48 fandom has peaked. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the girls very much, the music is still good and I still watch most of their TV shows. However, I feel I need to invest my time elsewhere if I want to continue to improve myself. Focus on my guitar stuff and try to find a better job, all that stuff. After five years of daily posting at the AKBar48 I have lost a bit of the passion. It’s hard to walk away from something you helped build, but in the end it will be the best for the site. I can’t invest the time and quality in the board anymore as much as I want to. I built the discography thread, which was complete at one point, but it turned out to be impossible to keep it up to date and alive. Rather than rebuilding the discography thread, I created the Photobook Stash which is something I always wanted after seeing the H!P equivalent we once had.

As with AKB48, it’s time for the next generation to step up and take over. That is why I am hereby graduating as AKBar48 Moderator.

Please note, this does not mean I am leaving the site! I will still be around and I will still post. Perhaps I’ll get re-assigned to a different section of the board. This year will be the JPH!P make-over for a better site and a stronger community! Let me take this opportunity to thank you all for making the AKBar48 an awesome place to hang out. I appreciate every post that contributed to making the fandom more enjoyable. News, pictures, clips, fanfics, girl trivia; everything helps. I’d thank you all personally, but that would make this post crazy long. Not sure how to end this post... Let’s add some pictures for dramatic effect!

We can be reborn all the time!

Yume wa Reincarnation!

Offline Datalanche

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Re: [Announcement] SomethingWild graduates as AKBar48 Moderator
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 07:30:49 PM »
...We can comment, right? :lol:

I could say a lot of things here but mainly I just wanna say thanks, bro. Thanks for all the work you've done and helping to build a fun place to talk shit about the idols. Without you I literally wouldn't be here. We've not always agreed on everything in idol land and otherwise but bottom line, you're a good pal and I'm glad you caught me before I got both feet out the door. I wish you the best in whatever direction and focus you choose to take your life from hereon out. :) Adulthood, so fun... :bleed eyes: :lol: I can understand your feelings of peaked fandom. It would indeed be hard to top the stuff you got to do last year. But still, plenty of fun to be had in AKBland, be it in the glorious Nippon or on the small screen. :)

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