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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 113050 times)

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #160 on: November 17, 2015, 06:00:58 AM »
thanks rena!! i hope jurina will be fine!
update soon pleaseeeeeee :kneelbow:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #161 on: November 20, 2015, 07:13:36 AM »
Hello, long time no see! A bit late, but I saw your message that you updated Partners and Warriors, so I just power-read all the chapters that I've missed.  :sweatdrop:

Airi's death was very bittersweet for me. I wonder if Rena will ever find out that Churi was involved that night.
I'm really happy to see the progress between Mayuki and WMatsui (and their mare and stallion) though!  :)

Thank you for updating your wonderful stories!

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #162 on: November 21, 2015, 11:41:35 AM »
@Minami-chan: Churi is a ressourceful girl when it comes to a dear friend...

@purnamazaki, key17: Jurina is a tough girl ;)

@kumabear: I should be able to update next week!

@TeenyTae: Yes, long time no see! I missed one of my most faithful readers!  :)

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 02:35:42 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 23 [WMatsui] (05/11/15)
« Reply #163 on: November 25, 2015, 02:20:09 AM »
Yaaay i'm waiting :)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 24 [WMatsui] (26/11/15)
« Reply #164 on: November 26, 2015, 12:32:25 AM »

Rena observed the old grey-haired man of slight build who was leaned over the feverish girl on the futon. He had been studying her protégée for quite some time since their return to the clan - checking her bruises and apparent injuries carefully - and hadn’t said a single word since the unconscious eighteen year old girl was brought to him. The kenjutsu instructor was not in the least surprised by the doctor’s reserved behavior: she had witnessed the same pattern over the years when he happened to tend to a soldier or a samurai’s injuries. However today, she found herself a bit frustrated by the lack of information falling from his lips.

A few times now she had meant to ask him how severe her protégée’s condition was but had refrained from doing so, not wishing to disturb him during his thorough observation. Maybe her legendary patience was finally running thin as Rena felt her mouth opening without her consent, ready to have a few burning and pressing questions roll off her tongue. Just as she was about to let them slip from her lips she heard the bedroom’s door sliding rapidly, and her attention got drawn to the two women standing on the doorstep.

Shock was written all over Mayu’s face and her mouth wide open, and she probably would have kept on staring petrified at her motionless sister if not for the hand placed gently on her shoulder by the kyudo instructor next to her. The gesture pulled Mayu out of her daze and she took a few hesitant steps forward, her eyes which were fighting back tears never leaving Jurina.

Mayu took a seat next to her sister, letting out a gasp when her shaking palm touched her sweating forehead. Rena could tell by the side glance she gave the quiet doctor that she - as well - wanted to desperately interrogate him, but she nonetheless did not utter a single word. The current worrying state of her sister was rendering her completely speechless.

Yuki soon joined Mayu, placing a comforting hand on her still shaking one. A silent exchange followed suit between them as Mayu tilted her head slowly towards her protector, her sorrow preventing her from reciprocating the warm smile directed at her. However, although Mayu’s lips kept firmly shut the whole time, Rena picked up on the young girl’s fingers tentatively squeezing Yuki’s in obvious search of comfort.

“Her life is not in danger,” the doctor declared all of a sudden, disrupting the heavy atmosphere. Three pairs of eyes looked back at him in expectation, waiting eagerly for his next words. “I’ll give her medicine to help the temperature drop, and the injury at the back of her head is not too severe. It will heal rapidly with a good treatment and full rest.”

You could almost hear a pin drop as none of the occupants of the room spoke after the announcement, letting the encouraging news sink into their mind. After a little while, Mayu extended her hand to squeeze Jurina’s lightly, and she was the one to break the silence in a completely unexpected way.

“Idiot!” Mayu scolded her unconscious sister vehemently, accompanying her reprimand with a loud exasperated groan. However, the smile suddenly upon her lips betrayed her relief, and her hold tightened around Jurina’s right bruised hand. Tears were even starting to form in her shimmering eyes, and threatening to fall at any minute.

Rena’s mouth curved up in an amused smile at her spontaneous reaction - the same expression flashing through Yuki’s eyes at Mayu’s interjection - until warmth spread through Rena’s chest, moved by the devotion shining through the twenty one year old girl’s eyes. It was definitely not surprising, as she had witnessed in the past the deep affection Mayu held for Jurina, but the tight bond both sisters shared still managed to impress her each and single time.

“Apart from that, she looks alright but I still want to verify that she doesn’t have any hidden injury,” the doctor affirmed, drawing their attention to him again. “Could someone please help me remove her clothes?” 

“I will,” Mayu offered without a second of hesitation, already moving forward in accordance with her own words.

Mayu started untying Jurina’s creased, dirty hakama, her fingers now more steady than before. Suddenly, Rena found herself slightly ill-at-ease witnessing such a scene, and what she knew was about to follow. Without thinking twice she got up on her feet slowly, noticing Yuki’s startled eyes following her when she made her way towards the door. Although no words were exchanged with the kyudo instructor the latter mimicked her action and stood up as well, not before leaning towards Mayu and slipping a few short words into her ear. Rena failed to catch the murmured exchange, but noticed Mayu nodding in agreement and sending Yuki a genuine smile in reply.

Once in the corridor, Rena pondered on whether she should go and inform Momijimori no kami about the doctor’s reassuring diagnostic. Indeed, the older woman had witnessed their arrival at the clan early on, and voiced her desire to know more about the young samurai’s condition as soon as the doctor would have assessed the state of her injuries. However, despite remembering clearly Shinoda-dono’s request, her body refused to move in the adequate direction.

Instead, her feet stayed desperately stuck on the wooden floor, and she let herself lean against the wall behind her. Although she had physically left the room her thoughts were still on her young protégée inside, and Rena shut her eyes to try and calm her racing heart. The wise and experienced doctor had assured everything was fine with her, so why could she feel the organ pounding fast in her chest? Why was she unable to free her mind from worried thoughts?

Lost in her musing, Rena failed to hear the bedroom’s door sliding open and she jumped when she felt a hand touching her right arm and encircling it gently. Surprised, she tilted her head towards the person responsible for this action, noticing Yuki’s curious expression on her.

“I don’t understand you, Rena-san,” Yuki admitted in a murmur.

Rena frowned in confusion at Yuki’s declaration and the image of her protégée vanished from her mind - from now on focusing entirely on the kyudo instructor - and trying to decipher the meaning behind her words.

“Today, I saw how much you truly care for your protégée,” Yuki continued when Rena was about to ask her to clarify. “So why have you been deliberately ignoring her for a whole week?”

Yuki could immediately tell her friend was not in the least happy about her question. Indeed, no words left her lips in reply and she looked away instead, though not before Yuki could discern the discomfort crossing her features. Until now, she had accepted her vague answers, but Rena’s disconcerting attitude towards her protégée was bringing out her curiosity even more. Unconsciously, it made her think back to her very first encounter with the quiet samurai.

It had already been two years since Yuki entered Momijimori no kami’s clan. It didn’t take her long to cross the path of the recently appointed kenjutsu instructor, as she was introduced to her on the very first day. The greeting she received was nothing but polite and sincere, but lacked a bit of warmth to her taste. Indeed, only a few words were exchanged between them during the first weeks, and it took Yuki a few months and quite some determination on her behalf to reduce the distance with the less than talkative woman.

Yuki was well aware that Rena did not have friends. In fact, she had not seen her interact with a lot of people, except for her students and the head of the clan. And their conversations always stayed on a professional level. Hardly ever she witnessed a smile upon her face, instead noticing on some occasions a trace of sadness mixed with loneliness deep into her eyes. A few times she had thought of bringing up the subject, but never gathered her courage to do so. It had taken her so much effort and time to finally have her open up to her just a little, that she didn’t want to risk destroy all the progress she had made with what might prove to be a too intrusive question.

Yuki got pulled out of her thoughts when she noticed Rena facing her again and opening her mouth to speak. She was hopeful she would finally get a proper answer, but couldn’t have foreseen the next words uttered on a very serious tone. “How close are you to your protégée?”

Yuki released her hold on her friend’s arm, wondering what could have triggered this curious question. It is true to say that she had herself broached in the past the subject of Rena’s relationship with the young Watanabe sister - mostly out of concern as it proved to be a quite complicated one at first - but never once Rena had returned her the question. At the time Yuki didn’t think too much of it guessing it was probably because, contrary to her, she had managed to get along with the older sister pretty fast.

Moreover, even though both instructors had gotten closer this last year, Rena was definitely not the kind of person to ask too often about personal matters. In fact, she did so on very rare occasions.

“I enjoy spending time with her,” Yuki answered sincerely. Although taken aback by Rena’s out of the blue question she saw no reason for lying, and even chose to admit the complete truth. “I have deep affection for her.”

“Do you think it’s wise to harbor such feelings?” Rena questioned further.

Yuki frowned in perplexity. She could tell by Rena’s somewhat troubled expression that she was asking merely out of curiosity and she didn’t detect a hint of criticism in her voice, but their conversation was taking a very strange turn. “Do you disapprove? Is it because I’m her superior?”

Rena shook her head lightly. “No, that’s not it. But I’ve come to realize that life sometimes hangs by a thread.”

Yuki found herself momentarily speechless when she failed to understand her friend’s enigmatic words, and saw her face darkening. What had provoked the sudden gloom in her small brown orbs? Just as Yuki was about to question her about it she felt a light squeeze on her shoulder, and witnessed a faint smile upon Rena’s lips. “Forget about what I said.”

Yuki opened her mouth to speak but Rena had already turned on her heels. Her eyes followed her retreating form until she was out of sight, releasing a small defeated sigh. After two years she now considered the kenjutsu instructor as her closest friend, but some aspects of her personality still remained a complete mystery.

“Why do you always do this to me?”

Rena paused in front of the door when she caught the complaint leaving Mayu’s lips. A full day had passed since Jurina was brought safely back to the clan and the news suddenly reached Rena that she had finally woken up. As soon as her kenjutsu lesson was over she took the direction of the bedroom both sisters shared, only to stop when she realized someone had already preceded her. And this person was definitely voicing out loud her great displeasure, to a visibly amused Jurina.

“I know you’re mad at me, but please stop hitting me,” Jurina protested with a small laugh. “I’ve had my share of that lately.”

“It’s not funny, Jurina!” Mayu shouted, another slap on the arm being heard across the door. Apparently, she didn’t appreciate her sister’s jokes one tiny bit.

Rena took a step back, seriously considering coming back another time. After all, both sisters were having a little reunion, and she didn’t wish to disturb such a moment. Her mind made up she started walking away, when she heard someone calling her from inside. 


Rena halted in surprise at the sound of the voice of her protégée, wondering how she could have detected her presence. It is true to say that those doors were very thin and as a result it wasn’t hard to discern a silhouette - or catch a conversation easily - through it, but the fact that she had recognized her was still unbelievable. After all, her attention was also supposed to be drawn to her conversation with her older sister. The kenjutsu instructor retraced her steps and slid the door open carefully, but chose to stay at the doorstep.

“I didn’t mean to intrude,” Rena apologized, setting her eyes on a very startled Mayu. “I’ll come back later.”

Mayu saw her turning around in the intent of leaving, and she spoke up quickly. “Please come in, Matsui-dono.”

Rena hesitated but finally complied and moved forward, reciprocating the genuine smile the older sister was sending her.

“It seems my sister doesn’t appreciate my sense of humor,” Jurina addressed her, catching her attention. “Any thoughts on the matter?”

“I’m afraid I have to agree with her,” Rena replied in a neutral voice, ignoring purposely Jurina’s teasing tone. Her gaze wandered over the girl’s body, taking in her clean clothes and neat appearance. If a few bruises weren’t still apparent on her face, you wouldn’t believe she had just been involved into a fight.

“I’m glad to see you look better, Watanabe-san,” Rena declared, noticing her protégée’s amusement vanishing in an instant. It wasn’t hard to guess she didn’t like the formality she just employed with her, judging by the deep frown she received in return.

The room fell silent as none of the three occupants spoke after that, and Mayu watched in bewilderment the strange scene unfolding in front of her. Indeed, Jurina was sending a very disapproving look in the direction of her stoic protector, and Mayu really wondered what could have triggered this tension between them. The atmosphere was becoming a bit too heavy to her taste, and she cleared her throat in discomfort. “I’ll come back later.”

Rena tilted her head at once towards Mayu when she saw her getting up on her feet and heading towards the door. “You don’t have to leave, Watanabe-san.”

Mayu halted and turned around - noting her confusion - before gazing at Jurina. The latter didn’t utter a word but she could well discern the frustration in her sister’s eyes, ones that were still set on her protector. Obviously, a serious discussion was soon or later going to occur between them that she certainly didn’t wish to assist to. Mayu wondered briefly if it was somehow linked to the intense confrontation she witnessed a week ago in the courtyard between the kenjutsu instructor and her sister. “That’s alright. I already said everything I needed to my reckless and very stubborn sister.”

Mayu narrowed her eyes when she saw Jurina looking back at her with a mischievous expression. She was that close to voice her annoyance anew but refrained from doing so at the last minute, not willing to have a third part witness such a moment. Moreover, she guessed another reprimand on her behalf wouldn’t have much impact on her sister, and only serve to entertain her even more. Mayu bowed in respect to the kenjutsu instructor, before sliding the door open and leaving the room.

Jurina’s features grew serious when she found herself alone with her silent protector. The latter was still turned in the direction of her sister’s last appearance, and she pondered carefully on what to say. Her immediate thought was to seize the occasion and question her about her distant attitude this past week, but she could tell she was worried about her health. After all, Mayu had informed her she was the one who brought her back safely to the clan with the kyudo instructor’s help, and the fact that she came to see her as soon as she woke up was the clear sign that she cared about her. That is why Jurina decided to leave the question burning her lips for later.

“You probably wonder what happened to me,” Jurina started, her protector finally turning to look at her. “Those men came after me. I didn’t start…”

“I only have one question,” Rena cut her off. “Why did you go to the village without your katana?”

Jurina arched an eyebrow at her harsh tone. Because of the morning light inundating the bedroom, it also wasn’t hard to discern the anger in her small brown orbs. Jurina didn’t answer, watching the older girl as she walked towards the corner of the room where her katana was laying on the rack. Her protector’s fingers brushed the blue tsuka, before she pulled out the blade of the saya and she studied it carefully.

“The blacksmith sharpened the blade as you asked,” Rena affirmed after a little while, placing it back into its saya, and onto the rack. “Therefore your katana should have been at your waist, not on this rack. Didn’t I specify during my lessons that a samurai should never leave the clan without its katana?”

Jurina nodded, knowing she had no excuses. No, she certainly didn’t like the remonstrance one bit - as it felt a bit too severe to her taste - but the older girl was perfectly right. Indeed, she had more than once warned her students about the great importance of their sword. Despite hearing the instruction loud and clear, she had never seen the necessity of bringing it with her during her weekly trips to the village. Never once she had been attacked before, and she deemed her tanto more than enough in case of a troubling situation. After her latest encounter with the group of thieves, it seemed she would have to revise her judgment.

“I made a mistake,” Jurina conceded. “Sit next to me, Rena-san.”

Jurina saw the other girl’s eyes widening slightly in surprise. Was it from her admission or her request? It was hard to tell, and Jurina let out a small sigh of frustration when her protector didn’t make a move. Was she really going to keep her distance during their conversation? Jurina wished she could get up and take her hand to make her comply, but her body was still weak and had not recovered from the attack. According to the doctor who visited her early on, she needed to stay in bed for a few days before she could go back to her daily activities.

“Do you enjoy making your sister worry about you?” Rena chided, stubbornly refusing to meet her demand. “I lost count of the number of times she has been concerned about you since you arrived at the clan.”

A small smile grazed Jurina’s lips. The reproach definitely lacked its previous harshness and no trace of anger could be seen in her interlocutor’s eyes. Instead, Jurina read frustration mixed with concern. Decisively, she lifted her palm in her direction. “Come.”

Her second attempt was successful as Rena ended up reducing the distance, and Jurina didn’t waste a second to take her hand once she was seated next to her. It wasn’t hard to tell that the latter didn’t approve of the gesture as she tried to pull away, and Jurina tightened her hold in determination. “I’m sorry for the worry I’ve caused you,” Jurina said carefully. She really hoped her protector would be swayed by the sincerity of her words. “I’ll always take my katana from now on.”

A few seconds passed by, until Jurina was glad to feel the hand inside hers relaxing progressively, and see her protector’s features softening. Now that she knew she had managed to convince her she loosened her grip on her hand - though still keeping it inside hers - and took advantage of their proximity to contemplate her protector at length. How long had it been since she had been able to look into her eyes, without having the older woman look away?

Just before she got attacked by those thieves, Jurina was more than decided to have an explanation for her distant behavior and do everything in her power to obtain one. Her wish had not faded, but it got momentarily pushed into the background when she realized how much she had truly missed her protector’s closeness. She didn’t know how long her eyes swept over her delicate features in appreciation. The urge to slide her fingers into her long dark silky hair and remember the touch of those soft lips was getting hard to resist.

“Jurina-san,” Rena murmured, “Tell me what happened.”

Jurina nodded softly at the request. The pull to reduce the small distance between them was still strong, but she knew she had to satisfy her protector’s curiosity for now. She owed it to her.

Rena had listened attentively to Jurina’s narration, without interrupting her once. A few times during her monologue she had seen her blink to fight off her sleepiness, but her eyelids ended up fluttering close without her consent. Now, her protégée was fast asleep, and Rena watched her sleeping, thinking back to every bit of information she had shared. It still amazed her that the young girl could be in such good shape, considering the dangerous fight she had been involved into. Yes, she had a few bruises here and there, but her body got preserved from any serious injury. In the end, it appeared the injury at the back of her head was not as severe as she had feared, and the doctor affirmed Jurina would be back on her feet in a couple of days.

Rena removed her hand from Jurina’s hold, being careful to not wake her up in the process. A small smile grazed her lips when she witnessed her peaceful expression, contrasting with the alarming fever that had been plaguing her not so long ago. Her eyes fell next on the pendant around her neck, and the sole sight was enough to make her joy vanish. Now, she remembered a question she had meant to ask the young girl early on, but her tiredness had prevented her from uttering a single word.

The curiosity the object provoked was irritating her, and she wished she didn’t find herself so interested by the nature of her relationship with the woman called Churi. Until now, she had always refrained from asking anything concerning the prostitute - simply listening quietly when Jurina chose to talk about her - but she couldn’t ignore anymore the strong bond the two girls shared. It was more than obvious her protégée had a deep affection for her - considering the gentle words she always employed when she spoke about her - but now Rena knew it was also mutual. The deep concern she had witnessed into Churi’s eyes spoke louder than words. 

“I hate what you’re doing to me,” Rena whispered, despair entering her glistening eyes as she looked up from the pendant to gaze at her sleeping protégée.

Her eyes traveled down to Jurina’s closed lips, observing the small cut on the lower one, until she looked away and shut her eyes in frustration. Two years ago, after Airi’s death, she made herself a promise. One she was well intent on keeping, no matter how much it was making her heart ache.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 12:10:04 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 24 [WMatsui] (26/11/15)
« Reply #165 on: November 26, 2015, 10:32:33 AM »
Greaaaaat! Jurina is right.
I'm glad a lot that look like Rena are realizing her feelings for Jurina.


Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 24 [WMatsui] (26/11/15)
« Reply #166 on: November 26, 2015, 03:59:02 PM »
ohh rena is jealous!!! it's a good sign!!! :D
thanks author-san!!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 24 [WMatsui] (26/11/15)
« Reply #167 on: November 27, 2015, 02:48:36 PM »
Now I'm wondering what that promise exactly is.
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #168 on: December 12, 2015, 10:39:43 PM »

“Good morning, Airi.”

Rena knelt in front of the small grave, her fingers slowly brushing the kanji engraved in the stone. Today was the first day of Fall, and also the anniversary of Airi’s death. For this occasion Rena had decided to pay a visit to her friend who had left this world but definitely not her heart two years ago.

So much had happened since the last time she faced the familiar grave, and there were so many things she wanted to share with her lost kunoichi friend. Nevertheless, no words left Rena’s lips. Instead, she gazed silently at the last proof of Airi’s passage on this earth. Memories of the moments they shared together invaded her mind, and the most joyful ones didn’t fail to put a smile upon her face. However, her expression darkened when their very last interaction came to the forefront of her mind and her brain shut down, refusing to relive what followed.

“I miss you,” Rena whispered.

The first times she found herself gazing at Airi’s tomb, a part of her refused to believe her friend had truly left her side. Although she had witnessed with her very own eyes Airi’s lifeless body, she continued to see her everywhere she went. Airi was still present around her, even in the air she breathed, and she didn’t know how she would have survived her absence without the unexpected help of her kenjutsu instructor.

Her mentor had passed away of natural death a couple of months after Airi, but not before he could teach Rena a few meditation techniques. At first, Rena was more than doubtful that it would be of any help, but still she listened to the wise man’s recommendations attentively. And, indeed, they managed to ease her sorrow gradually over time. But never erase it completely.

Rena suddenly perceived footsteps and she jolted out of her thoughts, tilting her head to her right in curiosity. The familiar long, dark-haired master kunoichi was approaching from afar, and Rena distinguished a flicker of hesitation in her eyes when they looked at each other. Her steps even slowed down, until she halted altogether a few meters from her.

“May I join you?” Rie questioned tentatively.

Rena studied the 24-year-old girl who was keeping her distance cautiously, knowing perfectly well why she was acting this way towards her. When Airi was still alive, she got along with the kunoichi master of the clan, but they had barely shared a word since that fateful moment two years ago. Unfortunately, Rena’s irrational actions had provoked a profound uneasiness that had not dissipated one iota since that day. “Of course, Kitahara-san.”

Despite the polite invitation, Rie didn’t move forward when she heard Rena calling her with such formality. When they spent time the three of them with Airi, she always addressed her by her first name but, evidently, nothing was the same anymore since their common friend was gone. They had barely interacted together since that day and when they rarely did, there was always a third party present. In fact, it was the first time in two years she found herself completely alone with the kenjutsu instructor.

When Rie noticed that her interlocutor wasn’t paying attention to her anymore she finally joined her, looking down momentarily at the small grave, before kneeling by Rena’s side. It was not the first time Rie visited the cemetery to pay her respects to her most trusted and devoted spy, but the usual silence of the place had never been so heavy. Discreetly, she tilted her head to her left, observing the quiet woman who had her eyes set in front of her.

“I know you will never forget,” Rie spoke up at last. She was doing her best to keep her voice steady, but apprehension was building up inside her at the unknown turn this conversation was going to take. “But I hope one day you’ll be able to forgive me for sending Airi on this mission.”

Rena’s baffled expression would have made Rie laugh if she wasn’t dreading her reply so much. It was a conversation she had repeated in her head many times in the past, waiting for the right moment to broach the subject with her. It was not that she didn’t have a few opportunities to do so, but she had never gathered enough courage to make the first step.

“I have no reason to forgive you. You did nothing wrong,” Rena replied seriously. “If anything, it’s me who should apologize for the way I behaved.”

Rie found herself momentarily taken aback by her words. She could from now on witness her own apprehension reflected in her interlocutor’s eyes, and she shook her head softly. “You were devastated. Death can sometimes make us act in the most unreasonable way.”

As her last words left her lips in a feeble whisper, memories of all the people she had seen dying submerged Rie’s head. Some died by her own hands, and others by her trusted network of spies. She had witnessed so many forms of deaths: slow and painful, quick and painless. A part of her was convinced she had seen every case scenario possible. Moreover, the sight of people grieving their loved ones had never really managed to hit a nerve. Rie strongly believed it was her impassivity that made her more efficient on the job.

When Airi drew her last breath in her arms, she realized she wasn’t as indifferent to the vision of death as she had always thought. For the very first time, tears gathered in her eyes and fell in abundance over the form of the motionless girl. Not only had she lost one of her most faithful apprentices; she had also been separated from a dear friend.

Yes, Rena’s unusual reaction had startled her and even frightened her at the time. But who was she to hold it against her anyway? Airi’s death had also prompted her to do something she wasn’t especially proud of. A crime she had committed and carefully kept to herself.

“Do you know what Airi’s last words were?” Rie asked, even though it was a rhetorical question. Never had she shared the content of her last conversation with Airi with anyone. “She asked me to look over you. And I have for these past two years, albeit from afar, as I knew you didn’t desire my presence by your side.”

“She did?” Rena exclaimed in surprise, avoiding her eyes in mild embarrassment. “It’s not that I didn’t want to speak with you, but each time I looked at you… I was reminded of her. And of what I did on that day.”

“I know,” Rie murmured and she placed her hand over that of the kenjutsu instructor carefully, in an attempt to bring her some small comfort. “I also wish you could forgive yourself. You have to know I never blamed you for the way you reacted.”

“You’re too kind,” Rena protested, shaking her head in disapproval.

Despite that, Rie was glad when her comforting gesture didn’t meet any opposition and she saw a faint smile on Rena’s lips a while later. Rie quickly reciprocated it, well aware that it would take some time until their relationship would go back to normal. However, it was undeniable a big step had been made today.

A recent event suddenly invaded Rie’s mind, promptly replacing the image of her lost apprentice. It was a mystery she had not solved, and a source of great frustration. “If only I knew who poisoned you a few months ago,” Rie declared thoughtfully.

Albeit the fact she sent her best spies to investigate, she still had not a single clue who the two attackers were. Without a doubt, they were two experienced men considering they had carefully covered their tracks, but Rie took pride in thinking she was leading the best network of spies of the country. She should definitely have been able to discover which clan had sent them. The thought that she had failed was disturbing her to no end. Thankfully, the issue of the ambush had not been as tragic as it could have been. “I’m relieved your protégée was able to bring you back safely to the clan.”

Rie watched Rena attentively and waited expectantly for a reaction. The mention of the young Watanabe sister did indeed stir her as she noticed Rena’s smile fading instantly and a slight discomfort crossing her features, but the latter chose not to say anything. Instead, her gaze fell anew on the grave in front of her.

“She looks like a good person,” Rie declared. She knew she needed to tread carefully with the subject she was about to bring up, and choose her words wisely. There was a risk the kenjutsu instructor would not want to pursue this conversation, but her latest openness to a very sensitive subject such as Airi gave her the motivation to continue. “I can also tell she enjoys spending time with you.”

This time, Rena gave her a suspicious look. “Why do I get the impression you’re trying to tell me something?”

Her words brought a smile to Rie’s lips. It is true to say not much escaped her - she wasn’t the master kunoichi for nothing - and her interlocutor was more than aware of her attention to details. Still, could she admit the complete truth without risking to offend her? Rie didn’t hesitate long and decided to go for it, somewhat curious by the reaction she would get. “I witnessed a certain kiss between you in the maple forest."

The kenjutsu instructor didn’t answer straight away, but her shock certainly didn’t go unnoticed. "You weren’t supposed to see that,” Rena uttered after a little while, clearly bothered by the revelation that this moment had been spied upon.

“I figured,” Rie replied on a light tone, unable to keep the amusement out of her voice any longer.

It was by complete chance that she happened to cross their path that day, and observe that short scene from afar. If truth be told, the young Watanabe sister’s initiative had not really startled her. Somehow, she guessed something positive would come out of this imposed partnership. It was definitely a matter of time until one of them would make the first step; the young Watanabe sister more likely. Rie didn’t believe she met anyone more straightforward than her.

“I explicitly told her it would never happen again,” Rena affirmed.

“Why not?” Rie exclaimed, surprised by her decided tone. “I can tell you care a lot about her. I saw the way you interact together.”

“You really shouldn’t be spying upon people,” Rena countered with a frown, until noticing Rie’s smile broadening, and she understood the irony of her own words. Quickly, she added. "At least, not upon the members of the clan."

"Forgive me, it was never truly my intention,” Rie offered, shaking her head lightly. “I guess it’s the perks of the job. I see everything, even moments I wish I didn’t.”

Rena’s reaction after the kiss submerged Rie’s memory, and she frowned at her swift departure. Although she was too far to hear anything they were saying, it was obvious the kenjutsu instructor did not appreciate her protégée’s action. But why?

“I don’t know what your reasons for pushing her away are,” Rie murmured thoughtfully, albeit she did not expect her interlocutor to give her an explanation. Today, Rena had already shared more than she would ever have hoped for, but still she wanted to give her a piece of advice. A piece of advice she regretted not to follow when her dear apprentice Airi was still by her side and alive. “Life is short. I believe we should make the most of it while we are on this earth.”


“I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Matsui-dono said you were not to resume training until you were fully healed.”

Jurina grumbled, not in the least surprised by the short-haired man’s declaration. After all, he was one of Rena’s most devoted students, and she somewhat guessed he would not easily accept her demand. Still, she was not about to back away, and tried as best as she could to keep the frustration out of her voice when she replied. “Do I look unwell to you, Tanaka-san?”

The 22-year-old samurai eyed her carefully. The young girl facing him did indeed seem pretty fit, but he was reluctant to go against the kenjutsu instructor’s orders. Those she had again made more than clear a few hours ago when her protégée had tentatively tried to join the morning lesson, to no avail. “But Matsui-dono…”

Matsui-dono is not here, is she?” Jurina cut him off. She could feel her patience progressively slipping, and had to muster all her willpower not to raise her tone in annoyance. “I’m not going to tell her. Are you?”

“Obviously not,” Tanaka retorted, before sweeping the maple forest surrounding them in apprehension. There was not a soul in sight, but the fear to stumble upon the kenjutsu instructor was still not leaving him. He certainly did not want to be subjected to her remonstrance if she ever happened to discover they had been training in secret.

“Perfect,” Jurina exclaimed, pulling her katana out in determination. “Shall we begin, then?”


“Are you alright, Watanabe-san?” Tanaka questioned hesitantly the girl who was slightly bent over and trying to catch her breath, and whose katana who now laying on the grass after her defeat.

Their fight had been intense, to say the least, not that he expected anything less from his fierce opponent. However, he certainly did not foresee the surprising turn their fight took. His defeat against the young Watanabe sister during the last tournament was still engraved in his memory, which is why he absolutely did not expect to win this time. He could tell the young girl had something on her mind during their duel, as her focus wasn’t as sharp as it usually was.

It is true to say the young girl wasn’t - at first - the best when it came to keeping her emotions to herself, but she had improved greatly on that matter over time. Tanaka was more than startled that all the progress she had made came to nothing during their last fight. The young girl had asked to train with him and insisted, despite his reluctance; but she had made one mistake after another. Her behavior didn’t make sense.

“Thank you for accepting to train with me,” Jurina declared. Her breathing was more steady now and she straightened up to gaze at her interlocutor. “It was a good fight.”

“Likewise,” Tanaka nodded politely, albeit he thought the complete opposite. Their fight had been mostly disappointing to him, especially as he expected much better from someone who had mastered sword fighting so well these last months. However, it seemed his opponent was definitely not in a good day. “I’ll head back to the clan, Watanabe-san.”

Jurina watched his retreating form, until laying down on the grass when he was finally out of sight. She wiped her sweating forehead with the back of her hand, before staring absently at the cloudy sky. Gone was the perfect blue sky of Summer, as well as its scorching heat. Jurina certainly didn’t mind the drop in temperature, even letting out a small sigh of pleasure when the wind blew her hair softly and cooled her skin.

Her gaze fell next onto the katana by her side, the memory of the fight invading her mind at once. A frown fell upon her face. When she asked for Tanaka’s cooperation it was in the hope that the distraction would ease her mind from troubled thoughts, but it had failed miserably. Instead, she had made basic mistakes and had been completely unable to turn the tide.

Jurina knew perfectly well the reason behind it: her protector’s distant behavior was at the origin of everything. Her refusal to let her join the kenjutsu lessons until she deemed her fit had been the icing on the cake. It had already been four days since she had woken up for the first time after the attack, and Jurina was convinced to have recovered fully. However, it appeared her protector believed otherwise, as she was stubbornly keeping her away from any physical activity.

Albeit the fact they still had not talked about the kiss, Jurina thought to have made some good progress during their latest meeting in her bedroom. She couldn’t have been more wrong. After that, her protector was still not inclined on sharing with her more than a few words, and was cutting the conversation short each time she tried to broach a certain sensitive subject.

“Rena-san, you truly are a stubborn woman,” Jurina groaned, shutting her eyes tight in frustration and pondering over her next move.

Until now, she always avoided any true confrontation with the older girl and did not insist when the latter turned the other way. Truly, she didn’t wish to resort to such ways, but she was now convinced she had no other choice. It was obvious her protector was keeping something from her, and a gentle approach was leading her nowhere. If she wanted answers, she would need to find a situation where her protector was completely alone and unable of escaping her questioning. Only one moment fit the description.


It was still dark when Rena’s eyes fluttered open. She didn’t usually have so much trouble sleeping but when she fell asleep that day, she knew her night would be filled with visions of Airi. After all, yesterday was the anniversary of her death, and her visit to the cemetery had brought back so many memories. Not to mention her impromptu conversation with Rie.

If truth be told, Rena was more than surprised when the master kunoichi made such a move. In two years they had only exchanged a few words, and she truly believed their relationship had changed forever after Airi’s passing. At first, she even hardly managed to conceal her discomfort at the situation she found herself forced into but progressively, she felt her body relaxing next to the other girl.

Rena knew Airi was close to the master kunoichi. Even though she never really considered herself friends with Rie, she didn’t mind her presence and found their occasional conversations interesting. Rie was wise, eloquent and professional. She trusted her judgment when it came to missions. The apprehension she felt each time Airi left for one of them had nothing to do with Rie’s expertise. It was solely motivated by her protectiveness towards her dear friend. Rena couldn’t pinpoint exactly when that side of her emerged for the first time but much as she fought against it, she soon discovered it was pretty useless. She simply couldn’t help but worry about the people she loved.

Rena was about to finally leave her thoughts aside and go back to well needed sleep when she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. At first, she believed it to be the fruit of her imagination. After all, how could someone possibly be in her bedroom in the middle of the night? It was only when her eyes got progressively used to the dark that she managed to discern a form seated against the wall. No, she was definitely not alone.

“You’re awake.”

Rena froze when she recognized the familiar voice. Her concern vanished when she realized she was not in the presence of an enemy, but her frown did not disappear yet. She sat up on her futon, watching her interlocutor approaching and lightening up the candle on the small table.

“Jurina-san?” Rena murmured sleepily when their eyes met through the dim light of the flame. “What are you doing here?”

“We need to talk,” Jurina replied simply, taking a seat by her side.

“Excuse me?” Rena exclaimed in confusion, now very much awake. “It’s the middle of the night.”

Rena left aside the fact that her protégée had dared to come uninvited in her room. It was something that unsettled her, not to mention very improper. Despite her discomfort, Rena chose to keep the thought to herself.

“How else am I supposed to have a talk with you?” Jurina retorted almost immediately. “You keep avoiding me during the day.”

The reproach was clear and the tone almost icy; shivers run down Rena’s spine. She didn’t like the direction their conversation was heading, and she could tell by her protégée’s steady gaze that she was not going to let it go easily. Still, she could not let her have it her way. It was simply out of the question.

“You need to leave,” Rena affirmed, her decided tone leaving no room for discussion.

“I’m not going anywhere until you give me an explanation,” Jurina replied on the same tone. It was now obvious her presence was unwelcomed, but she didn’t move an inch from her position.

Rena frowned in displeasure at her lack of cooperation. It had been a while since she found herself in such a disconcerting situation with her protégée, and she didn’t keep the best memory of their first tense confrontations. It is true to say the young girl had tried to engage a conversation a few times lately, but she had cautiously avoided each one of them. It appeared the matter would not be solved easily this time. If her protégée didn’t want to comply to her demand, then maybe using a more diplomatic approach would work. In that intent, Rena softened her tone when she spoke up. “An explanation for what?”

“You know very well what,” Jurina groaned, unable of keeping the frustration out of her voice any longer. “Your distant behavior. You haven’t been the same since we kissed.”

Rena flinched at the mention of the infamous moment. She had been trying really hard to not think about it since it happened, the exercise proving to be more difficult than she hoped. Was she too naive to believe the young girl would simply do as asked and not bring the subject up again? Probably. After all, her protégée was definitely a stubborn person and always went to great lengths to obtain what she wanted. She should have guessed she wouldn’t simply give up on her demand.

Rena tilted her head to the other side and thought carefully about what to reply. Obviously, she couldn’t brush it off this time. But what were there really to talk about? Nothing could happen between them. Their relationship had to remain on a professional level. It was imperative for her own sake. So why couldn’t her stubborn protégée take no for an answer?

From her peripheral vision Rena noticed her interlocutor drawing closer, and she looked back at her in bewilderment. The lips that were rapidly approaching hers were a clear indication of what the younger girl had in mind, and Rena promptly placed her hands against her shoulders to prevent her from reaching her goal.

“Stop it,” Rena reprimanded her immediately. She couldn’t believe what her protégée was trying to do - for the second time - but was thankful when she halted. “I thought I made myself very clear on the subject.”

“Why are you doing this?” Jurina exclaimed, in a mix of frustration and annoyance. Although she stopped her advance, she didn’t back away an inch. They were so close now she could hear the older girl’s breathing, and she tried to find an answer into her eyes. “Is it because I’m your protégée? Or because I’m younger?”

Rena loosened slightly her hold on her shoulders, but chose cautiously to not remove her hands altogether. Somehow, she didn’t trust her protégée to not make a second attempt if she gave her another opportunity to do so. The distance between them had been considerably reduced, and she wished she could move back. Unfortunately, her back was already pressed against the wall behind her.

“It has nothing to do with that,” Rena denied softly. Of course, the wiser thing would have been to use one of those reasons to explain her distant behavior, but she couldn’t bring herself to lie. How could she justify her foursquare refusal to accept her advances? Evidently, it was out of the question to mention her past. That’s something she had carefully kept to herself for two years, even from her friend Yuki. Unfortunately, she was facing a complete dilemma.

"I’m sorry," Rena murmured. She knew her interlocutor wanted an explanation more than anything - she could read the slight despair lurking in her eyes - but she was currently incapable of giving her one. She was at an impasse.

"I don’t want an apology.” Jurina frowned. “Your behavior makes no sense to me. I know you like me too.”

The statement was quite bold, but Rena barely blinked. Yes, it felt a bit strange to hear such words uttered out loud, but her protégée was absolutely right. When did she start having feelings for the young girl? It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment, but she became aware of them once and for all when she made a move on her and kissed her.

Albeit the fact she had never felt this way with anyone else before, it was futile denying the obvious. The young Watanabe sister stopped being a mere student a long time ago, and her affection for her kept growing gradually as she happened to spend more time with her. Rena knew the mistake was entirely hers: she should have maintained a professional distance from the start and never let her protégée get closer to her.

The harm was done. There was no flashback possible. Her heart was beating differently in the presence of her protégée, and she couldn’t ignore it. However, it didn’t mean she had to act upon her feelings. Yes, pushing away the object of her affection was utterly painful, but it was essential if she didn’t wish to see the past repeat itself.

Rena jolted out of her thoughts when she noticed a pleased smile on Jurina’s lips. Manifestly, her silence just gave away the truth. Rena was in an impossible situation, and completely clueless on what to do next. Her protégée just got the confirmation she needed, and her intent was clear when she saw her moving forward in determination.

This time, her resistance proved much in vain. Her fingers clutched her kimono in order to push her, but it failed miserably. Despite her obvious disapproval her protégée didn’t give in, and Rena was left to tilt her head the other side to avoid the imminent contact with her lips. To her surprise, the young girl didn’t try to steal a kiss. In fact, she stopped moving altogether and as the seconds went painfully by, Rena ended up believing she would finally leave it alone and back away.

The last thing she expected was the soft touch of Jurina’s lips on her cheek. Its gentleness was such a contrast with her previous forceful behavior that Rena was caught completely off guard. The lips that had briefly touched her skin soon pulled away, and Rena knew she had to seize the occasion to stop what was happening. Somehow, she knew the young girl would not be satisfied with such a simple kiss.

Indeed, she didn’t have to wait long to feel another lingering kiss on her cheek, slowly descending down her jawline. Rena heard her heart hammering inside her chest, and she knew she had to put an end to this until it would be too late. Her hold on Jurina’s shoulders had already considerably diminished, and she could feel her resolve slipping progressively under her protégée’s careful ministrations.

“Don’t do this,” Rena protested. It was a desperate last attempt to push her away, but she knew she had miserably failed at the sound of her own voice. Indeed, the words were uttered in a feeble murmur and lacked any conviction. Where did her previous decided tone go? Right now, she would have given anything to get it back, as she could feel herself losing the battle gradually.

“Stop resisting,” Jurina whispered between kisses. “It’s hurting us both.”

Rena distinguished the pain in her voice, and it hit a nerve. All this time, her main goal had been to preserve her fragile heart. She was so decided not to suffer again, that she had completely disregarded her protégée’s feelings. When did she become such a cold and cruel person?

Rena felt soon a lonely tear slid down her cheek, but she didn’t bother to wipe it off. The feelings she was so desperately trying to keep locked inside were bursting free, and she turned around slowly to face her protégée. Their eyes met silently, and a faint smile grazed Rena’s lips when the young girl wiped her tear off gently. Was this a mistake? Maybe. No one could predict the future. But she wanted to see where this relationship would lead them.

When Rena leaned forward and their lips touched for their first mutual kiss, she had already surrendered. For better or for worse, she was giving her protégée the key to her heart.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 12:11:58 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #169 on: December 12, 2015, 11:06:39 PM »


Offline daichi matsui

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #170 on: December 13, 2015, 03:46:02 AM »
Oh goshhh Kami-samaaaa  :on bleed:
Thanks for update sopcharo-san
Its really good as always :twothumbs
I like your ff very much, yeah its kinda deep story and you are very good to describe the situation of the story
Finally rena more open for her feeling :wub:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #171 on: December 13, 2015, 05:57:25 AM »
How much i love this fic:") it's light up my day. Love it
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #172 on: December 13, 2015, 10:13:24 AM »
kyaaaaaaa..........  XD
Jurina.... ask Rena to make babies, now!!!
I love you author-san.... (。>﹏<。)
update soon!!!

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #173 on: December 13, 2015, 02:01:14 PM »
whooaaaa thanks for update author-san  :on gay: :on gay:

aaahh i love how straightforward jurina in this story
and finally rena giving up huh ? ii nee  :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

i really love your writing, its as if i can fully imagine the whole environment.  :shifty: :shifty:

otsukaresmadeshitaaa  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:
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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #174 on: December 13, 2015, 05:30:53 PM »
:on woohoo: finally!!!! :ding:
me, happy :on lol: :nya: :luvluv2: :stoned:
update soon pleaseeee!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #175 on: December 29, 2015, 10:19:16 PM »
yattaaaaaaaaaa.....i have managed to catch up~~

and woowwww....woooooow...just woooowww

 :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #176 on: March 09, 2016, 01:22:21 PM »
Lately, I've been receiving messages about Warriors, from readers wondering if I had dropped this fanfic.

The answer is NO.

If that was the case, I would have notified it here, as I don't like keeping readers in the dark about that kind of thing. I'm definitely not the type of writer to start a fanfic and give up half through it. Even less to do so without informing readers about it :smhid

I'm currently caught up in a big/important narrative arc with Partners, so I won't be able to switch back to Warriors until that arc is over. Unfortunately, I can't tell when that will happen. It may take another few months... I may even decide to finish Partners first. Who knows...

I really appreciate you guys telling me how much you love Warriors, but you have nothing to fear  :thumbsup I'm not dropping anything. You'll just have to be a bit more patient   :)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 09:41:32 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #177 on: March 09, 2016, 05:13:12 PM »
Warriors was in JPH!P too?!! Why didin't I find it before?!! I've been reading Warriors on your blog (or was it tumblr?)
Glad to know you're not dropping this story. I've been waiting for the update too. And I'm waiting for Pertners' update too :on drink:

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #178 on: March 09, 2016, 06:04:39 PM »
Warriors was in JPH!P too?!! Why didin't I find it before?!! I've been reading Warriors on your blog (or was it tumblr?)

I'm posting all my fanfics here and on my tumblr :) The only difference is that I post mature content only on my tumblr, as it's not allowed here.

But it's true it's sometimes hard to find in general fanfics here when they are not on the first page anymore. I've been having the same problem myself when I'm looking for something  :nervous
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 06:23:03 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 25 [WMatsui] (12/12/15)
« Reply #179 on: June 17, 2016, 06:21:36 PM »
Hi Sophcaro-san,

It’s the first time for me to comment on this board. I read Warriors since last month and I really enjoyed it that I almost read all 25 chapters  :cool1: You have to know that you’re very good in narrating the story and describing the situation. I did read comments here and I believe some readers have ever told you that.

WMatsui is my favourite pairing and it’s satisfying to see Rena’s character as composed kenjutsu instructor paired with Jurina the rebel protégé. I can see the gradual change in Jurina’s attitude; she’s calmer and has more ability to contain herself.  :glasses:

I was about to give some comments for chapter 22 but then I got carried away that I read until chapter 24 instead  :shy2: In chapter 22 you were detailed in describing the fight. To be honest I thought Rena would show up somewhere to save Jurina haha! She did save Jurina before when Jurina was almost drowning, and long before that, when she endangered herself to rescue Jurina from other samurai. So I would not be surprised if she would eventually show up (again), but she didn’t  :gyaaah: In chapter 23, the character that outshines the other was Churi. She was a hero and I was mad at the doctor and the guard that didn’t want to help her because of what she is.  :scolding:

I think I like Churi more and more (even more than Annin)  In chapter 24, I’m happy that Rena seems more open(?) to her feelings. My favourite quote is when Rena asked Yuki, “Do you think it’s wise to harbor such feelings?” because it means Rena starts to realise how she actually feels to Jurina. I guess?

I still have one more chapter to read. I thought to read it tonight, but no, I’ll read it later.  :on speedy:

Nice fics, Author-san! Hats off!

Ps. I follow all your fics including Heartbeat/Partners/Destiny trilogy, and I super like it! Looking forward to your updated fic!
Pps. Have I told you that you’re my favourite fanfic author?  :on crazygran:
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 06:51:24 PM by Bukiyou Taiyou »

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