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Author Topic: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) - COMPLETED  (Read 31126 times)

Offline RenshuChan

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Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) - COMPLETED
« on: January 10, 2016, 12:28:15 PM »
I made a fic. So, I just want to share. I post it from my phone. It's no edit version. I'll edit it later :lol:
Hope you enjoy... :)


"My father is the owner of this university, I can ask him to drop you out from here! You poor boy!"

The yell of a young man could be heard in the entire parking lot when another boy made some scratches on his sport car because that poor boy's bike accidentally bumped it, it was just some thin scatches but... Oh well.

The poor boy clenched his fist, he couldn't say anything or stand up against that guy. Obviously. He just looked at his feet holding his own anger and shame because now many students gathered around them. He apologized many times but that guy kept on blaming him.

"You know how much money I will spend for this? You'll never imagine because you're poor!" He yelled as he pushed the poor boy hard until he fell to the ground.

Someone really needed to save the poor boy. And at the right time, another guy came to their direction.

"Hey, what's happenning here?" Asked the short guy, he helped the poor boy to stand up again.

"Look what he has done to my car, Mayu! This brat should pay!" Said the angry guy while grabbing the poor guy's colar.

The Mayu boy separated his hands off of his colar, "It's just a little scratch, Jun. I can help you to repair it, just let him go, it was just an accident, right?" That angry guy was about to protest but his friend signaled him to just follow his word.

"Ugh... Fine," Jun said. "You're lucky, poor boy. Now get lost and never appear in front of my face, forever," he said slow and firm.

The poor boy ran away from the scene and yelled lots of thanks to Mayu. Mayu just nodded and smile.

"You should've let me made him pay for my car, Mayu!" Jun insisted.

"You know I won't." Smiled the short guy as he walked away.

At the same time...

Two beautiful girl were walking through the university corridor. Just by the look you can notice how glamour the first girl and how simple yet classy the other girl.

Suddenly, a girl bumped into the glamour girl and made the juice she brought spilled on the floor and there was "one drop" dirt her shoes.

"Oh my god! My Jimmy Choo! You dirt it! Watch where you walk! You made my precious Jimmy Choo dirty!" Yelled the glamour girl.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me," the girl asked for her mercy.

The girl quickly pulled out her tissues and about to clean the girl's shoes, but that girl stepped back.

"No! You would never touch my Jimmy Choo, not with that cheap tissue and your dirty hands, just get out of my face!" Said the glamour girl.

The girl mumbling her apology again and the other girl then said to her that it was okay and told her that she could go.

"Ugh... My baby Jimmy Choo... Yuki, let's go shopping. I need to buy a new high heels, it's already dirty though. I don't want it anymore," she said.

"No, not now, we have class, Rena," the Yuki girl said.

"But my high heels-"

"No is a no, Rena. You have lots of them already, now we really have to go, the class is almost starting," the girl kept on her decision.

The glamour girl blew her own bangs as she rolled her eyes, "You're really hard to deal with, Yuki. You're not fun!" She protested.

"Hai hai..."

As they were walking and talking, they finally reached in front of their class. But suddenly, they bumped into another person, or specifically it was the glamour girl bumped into a tall young man. The both of them groaned and yelled.

"Watch your step, stupid!" Both of them yelled at the same time.

"Cocky boy!"

"Arrogant girl!"

Again, they yelled at the same time...

"You made my Prada dirty!" Said the girl.

"You made my eyes hurt looking at your stupid clothes!" The boy said.

Both of them were staring at each other with full of hatred.

"Cocky boy,"

"Arrogant girl,"


With a swift motion, their friends were separating them and then heading to their respective chair. That was the meeting of the Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl, for the hundredth or maybe thousandth times already, but nothing changed. They didn't respect each other, or mostly like hating each other for some reasons. And it already happenned for a really long time.

*TBC... Tomorrow... XD*

I'll finish it in a short time, I promise XD

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2016, 12:38:54 PM »
First comment~  :on gay: :on gay:

Hmmm.. nice start.
so basically both of them is "bad" hahahaha

now i wonder who is the baddass  :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:
 i guess side pairing is Mayuki?

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2016, 01:20:10 PM »
Yeaay you're back with new fic
I'm happy :)
And u promise will finish it in ashort time
I really happy lol
I'm waiting next chap

Offline kumabear

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2016, 01:40:00 PM »
new fic with interesting story
I cant waiit ...

Offline junchan48

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2016, 05:40:32 PM »
Just keep going, author-san~
I'll wait for it>o<
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline rindg

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2016, 07:54:11 PM »
This is interesting  :ding:

A short tempered Jun and Rena, certainly IS amusing.  :hehehe:

I'm waiting for the next chapter~~   :byebye:
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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.1 January 10
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2016, 10:50:07 AM »

@Buciq : thanks for reading. I have tried written some good-bad pairing, but bad-bad pairing is kinda amusing to write as well... And for the side pairing... Well, just wait, okay? XD

@Purnamazaki: Yatta! New Fic before my super busy semester. Of course, maybe it will finish in two weeks or less. Happy waiting! Thanks for reading XD

@Kumabear: Hope you won't get bored, happy reading XD

@Junchan48: Thanks for waiting, happy reading XD

@Rindg: Of course, they look hot *in my mind* when they are acting like that XD. Thanks for reading XD

So, here is the second chapter, Enjoy!


"Why do you hate her so much?" Mayu asked his friend when they were eating at the cafetaria. Asking about the certain glamour girl he bumped into this morning.

"I guess I've told you that I don't want to talk about her and the reason, Mayu. She's just simply... annoying," Jun answered as he sipped his drink.

"She's beautiful and rich, and also smart, she's perfect, right?" Mayu told his friend.

"But she's just an arrogant girl who spends her parents' money for shopping!" Jun said.

With that answer, Mayu laughed at him. He looked at Jun in a funny way. Jun was a bit puzzled by Mayu's look.

"Said the cocky boy who spends his father's money for nothing," Mayu teased him.

"Shut up!" Jun's face was red. Maybe he was embarassing because of his own words and Mayu's statement.

After that they went home since their class was over that day. Jun remembered what Mayu said to him. Somehow it was bothering him.

"Aaah this is cute, umm... This is cute, too. Oh my god, Yuki, I can't decide which one I should buy..." Rena squealled at the cute clothes she was about to buy in a shop. She looked how the clothes making their magic for her in front of the mirror.

"I'm gonna-"

"Uh-oh, don't ever thinking to buy all of them, Rena. Just one, pick the only one which take your interest the most,"

Rena blew her bangs, she protested how strict Yuki acted toward her. Yuki was Rena's only friend, sometimes an advisor, sometimes like her mother.

"Okay, mom~" Rena teased her.

Rena back again, thinking about which clothes she would pick. Suddenly Yuki called her and ended up asking one outrageous question to Rena.

"Why do you hate Matsui Jun that much?"

Rena stopped from what she was doing and looking at Yuki with a disbelieved look, "Out of many question you can ask, you talked about that cocky boy? Why so sudden?" Rena asked her back.

"Don't answer me with another question, Rena. We know despite his bad attitude, his looks makes almost every girl in our university head over heels for him. Don't you like him?"

Rena shot a glare at Yuki, "No! Why would I? That rich, cocky boy doesn't deserve me."

"Because the two of you really look alike. Your family name, your parents' richness, even your attitude are the same. It might be a double combo, right?" Yuki said.

"No way! You know how much I hate him," she rolled her eyes.

"People said, the different between love and hate is extremely thin, as thin as a piece of paper," Yuki said.

Rena laughed mockingly. Shaking her head as her response to Yuki's word. But Yuki get that Rena never liked him even one bit. The only feeling she had for him was to crush him and made him disappear from her life. That was how it looked like everytime Yuki saw the both of them met each other.

But... Was there something behind their hatred toward each other?


Well, kinda short, but I promised to update it everyday, so please wait tomorrow :lol:

Offline genkingblack

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.2 January 11
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2016, 05:24:20 PM »
Hm... still no clue why

waiting for next~

I wish I had your brain ,i cant update fast if its me hahaha

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.2 January 11
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2016, 10:04:17 PM » two gonna loves each other-,-
Yukirin being wise~~~ XD

E-Everyday??? Really? For sure???
I'll wait for the next then~~~
Keep going, author-san!^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.2 January 11
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2016, 04:05:02 AM »

Offline rindg

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.2 January 11
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2016, 04:08:21 AM »
Of course there's something behind their hatred.

There should be, no, there HAS to be!

Lol, I just thought it was funny how they hate each other so much, because Jurina can never separate herself from Rena.

Gonna wait for the next chapter! Thanks!!!
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Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.2 January 11
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2016, 09:43:21 AM »

@Buciq: Still no clue? Hmm, this may be the next clue, :lol:I update it everyday because it's still popping in my mind.

@Junchan48: Is that so? Let's wait and see. Yup everyday... I promise, unless there's something urgent XD

@Junrena: Yeaaaah!!! XD

@Rindg: There IS something, y'know! XD I wonder if they were really inseparable :lol:

Everyone, thanks for reading even the story is boring, my bad writing skill and my bad English. So here's the next chapter. Enjoy!


"Please behave, Rena," an old man said.

"Yes, Father,"

That was Matsui Hiro, Rena's father. One of Japan's most success businessman. That night they were invited to another businessman, who was Matsui Hiro's collegue and his old friend, to their charity night. Who knows what charity they were holding.

When all the businessmen and their wives involved in the charity night, some people felt their feet were itch and felt like going out of the ballroom. One of those people was Matsui Rena.

"Wanna go out for a while?" A gentle voice was asking from her back, she turned around and found the guy let out a bored look, just like her.

"Late! I've been waiting since forever," Rena scolded him.

"I asked you kindly and that's what I got? You should've kissed me instead," he stuck his tongue to the girl and headed outside.

"In your dream!" Rena stomped her feet as she following the guy's direction.

They walked out of the ballroom and the guy brought her to another side of the building where there was a small garden. The guy heard Rena let out a long sigh.

"Hey, arrogant girl, what's wrong?" He looked at the girl's face.

"It's none of your business," Rena averted her eyes from Jun's look. That look was really annoying somehow.

He laughed, "Your parents don't give you enough money? Your shoes? Clothes? Or just hating the atmosphere?" He asked.

"You know the answer, no need to ask me," Rena answered with a bored look.

"It's not like I want to ask you, but I can see your father's man is looking at our direction, watching at our moves. You better smile or kiss me so he would go," the cocky boy said in a low tone.

"It's the second time! How confident you are! Like hell I would kiss you, stupid, cocky boy!" She glared at Jun and scolded him in a low tone.

Jun raised his eyebrow, a sign for Rena to just obey him if she didn't want anything to happen. Then Rena smiled at Jun, that one strange smile so that guy would go and report that Rena was happy being with Jun. Or else, both of them would be in danger.

Jun patted her head and smiled charmingly at Rena, "That's a good act, Rena-chan," Jun then narrowed his eyes and could notice that man already left the scene and quickly stopped his motion.

"You messed my hair. You don't know how many hour I've spent for it," the girl whinned as she blew her bangs and tidy her hair while it wasn't that messy.

Rena realized something, she glared at Jun, "Oi, you better call me arrogant girl, don't call me Rena-chan. It sounds stupid," she shook her head.

"Rena-chan," he said.

"I told you not to call me that!" Rena yelled.

"Okay, Rena-chan," he smiled. "I like it better, Rena-chan sounds stupid, and that's how you are, stupid Rena-chan," he teased her.

"*sigh* whatever!" As Rena looked annoyed, Jun laughed loudly. He just couldn't help but tease the girl. He just loved to tease the girl to see her funny reaction, since they were a kid.


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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2016, 10:28:32 AM »
They've known each other when they were child??? That's great haha
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2016, 01:27:11 PM »
Childhood friendship?! Kya, kawaii! >w<

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2016, 01:50:43 PM »
ah I see...

going that route ?  :cathappy: :cathappy:

otsukaree :on gay:
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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2016, 05:04:35 PM »
S-since kids?OwO
Childhood friends setting?
Ya' got me, author-san. I gonna love this fanfic sooooooooo much!
So make sure you keep your promise about posting it everyday. Kay?

Thanks for this chapter anyway~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2016, 05:07:57 PM »
Awww childhood friends
More drama haha
Thanks for update :)

Offline rindg

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2016, 01:51:35 AM »
What? Childhood friends? Yeah~~~  :on lol:

Jun so much teasing  :kekeke:

It's funny though, makes the story interesting~~  :hehehe:

Thanks for the update!  :byebye:
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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.3 January 12
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2016, 01:38:15 PM »

@Vickystar @Ruka Kikuchi @Buciq @Junchan48 @Purnamazaki @rindg : Yeah guys, unfortunately they're childhood friends. You can imagine how annoying to have that kind of relationship with a gorgeous girl or boy! XD :lol:

Thanks for reading! And here's the next chapter ^_^


"My father is the richest!"

"No! My father is the richest!"

"My father!"

"My father!"

The two little kids fought about the richest tittle for their father. It maybe looked funny, but the two kids were serious about it. They didn't want to lose at one another. It had been planted on their mind since then.

Their fathers were close friends so they met each other often. They were starting to fight about whatever their parents' had everytime they meet. House, cars, even the simple things like tv, garden, pets and even their mom. They always fought about whose mom was the most beautiful.

Their parents always put them in the same school, and in the same class. Of course it was Jun's father who arranged it. And there was no day without Jun teasing her because Rena always studying at his father's school.

But one day...

"Thanks for coming, Hiro," Matsui Naito said.

"I'm really sorry for your lost, Naito. Maybe Kami-sama loves your wife a lot so He takes her," Hiro kindly comfort his best friend.

"Thank you,"

While the different things happen to the teenagers.

"Now you can see how beautiful my mother is, right? Look at her skin and face, so beautiful," Jun said as he watched his mother's dead body. Just laid there like sleeping with her face smiling.

"She's not going anywhere, she's just sleeping," Jun said.

Rena who was with him couldn't cry as well, she'd love to cry, but she didn't have the courage to show her sadness in front of Jun that day. She didn't want to look weak in front of Jun or he would tease her in her entire life. If they were just a kid, maybe Rena would laugh that Jun didn't have a mother anymore, but Rena knew it was impossible for her to say that. Even if those hate-to-lose attitude always existed between both of them, Rena would never talk about it and proudly said that she still had a mother while Jun didn't.

"I'm lose, your mother is more beautiful than my mother. You win this time, Jun," she said as her fist clenched on Jun's shoulder.

"Thanks for the invitation, Naito. It was a good night, and Rena is having fun as well, right?" Hiro looked at Rena, signaling her to gave response to Matsui Naito.

"Yes, thank you for the invitation, uncle. And thank you for helping me earlier, Jun," Rena bowed.

"Of course, Rena-chan. I can help you anytime because I'm the most kind-hearted friend of yours," Jun said as he bent down a little and wiggling his eyebrow to Rena.

"Oh? Yeah, helping me throwing up on your lame jokes, Jun. And I didn't laugh even just a bit," Rena said.

"Rena," her dad scolded her. Rena just say sorry to Jun's father because of her action while Jun was laughing and mocking at her annoyed face and next Hiro also scolded him.

"Naito, about what we talk earlier, I invite you and Jun to have a private talk in our house, next Friday night. My family will be waiting," Hiro said to Jun's father.

Rena and Jun were confused about what they were talking about. It sounds a bit... suspicious. But maybe just about their business matter. But then again... they usually didn't involved family in business matter. Or maybe just a plain dinner invitation?

"Sure, we'll come," he said calmly.


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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.4 January 13
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2016, 02:06:11 PM »
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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