@AAAice: I think Aki-P prefers story-lines where he can fill the cast with only his 48family girls
I'm trying to finish the whole thing today, since I have to go back to work tomorrow

no more vacation...sigh
RAPPAPA: Supreme - 2Sado ran up the stairs to their hideout, all the way up to the top, she knocked on the door calling for someone to open the door. “Yuko-san! Maeda! open the door.”
The door open but not who she expected, in front of her is the short inspector, that they see quite often nowadays. “Takahashi-san, why are you here?”
“I was informed you girls went to gather the last of the evidence.” The captain said while she used her finger to pushed her glasses up slightly back into place.
“Sado, where are the others?” asked Yuko who was standing a few meter away, worry written all over her face.
“We got ambushed by a mob, they stayed behind while I came here as fast as I can” Sado said still a little winded from the run. She quickly handed the memory stick to Takamina, who quickly booted the info into her laptop.
“With the info from before and this, we have all the evidence we need to put those guys behind bars for good. Those good for nothing trash, selling drugs and abducting kids and...” she started blabbing to no one in particular when she suddenly stopped. “Huhhhhh!”
“What?” Yuko and Sado asked at the same time.
“Seems there is a file for undercovers in the police force too, that guy must be stupid to keep a file of them.” she just shook her head as she smiled. “now we can take those out too.”
“Yuko! Takahashi-san!” Atsuko came running out from the room and straight to the T.V, she quickly flipped it on to the news. “Look”
“Earlier tonight, the police busted a gang hideout and seized 50 kilos of Cocaine along with large amount of crystal meth and Ketamine. They also found a few kids locked in the basement with signs of drug influence. Four suspect has been arrested on scene, members of the injured gang members have been shipped out to surrounding hospitals due to injuries from what appears to be a gang fight....” as the reporter continue to report the case, Atsuko turned to face the other members in the room.
“What should we do? We have to get them out of there!” Atsuko said with a stern look of serious in her eyes.
“I have a plan, but I will need your help. I need you to buy me time, so I can talk to the chief superintendent, we need to pick out all those traitors in the pack.” Takamina said as she signal for the three girls to get closer.
The four heavenly queens of Majisuka Gakuen each sat in one of those dark interrogating rooms, alone listening to the officer as question after question but made no efforts to answer, with the exception of occasional giggles from Gekikara. After few hours of interrogating and not a word from the girls they end up putting them into the same room with four chairs. Mainly due to the lack of available rooms to interrogate the rest of the gang members, slowly arriving from the hospitals after treatment.
Captain Nogami, frowned as he watch the interrogating session behind the glass, they haven’t done a single thing other then sit there. He begin to wonder if they can talk, but he clearly remember the one in pink speaking.
“Captain Nogami, we found the information on these girls.” Said one of the officers as he pass the folders over.
After carefully reading the information he enter the interrogating room.
“Itano Tomomi” Nogami said as he looked at the girl in pink jacket aka Shibuya, she just looked up slightly towards his direction.
“Kashiwagi Yuki” he turn to the girl in black and white jacket. Black looked up at him while her hand went towards her cross but said nothing.
“Matsui Rena” Gekikara’s hand just went to her neck as she stretch her head to the side and let out a quiet laugh. “hahahha”
“Kojima Haruna” his eyes landed on the girl with the red jacket half dropping off her shoulders. She just turned her head to look at him and smiled before she turned away again.
“You four went to Majisuka Gakuen, and are known as the four heavenly queen of Rappapa. No records of graduation, poor attendance, long standing fighting records. Matsui Rena, send to reform school for violent assault and a few near killing situations. I will definitely give it to you four to be able to take down all those men. Now tell me why are you there? What were you doing in that office room in the basement? Why did the gang go after you?”
Nogami continue to question the four girls over and over. Results from forensic haven’t found any trace of them from the drugs they confiscated, there were also no trace of them near the storage room where the kids were discovered. They only found trace of them down the hallways leading to the basement office where a broken computer lies along with a few other smashed decorations.
Next morning, bright and early Yuko and Sado are seen heading towards the local police station to release their friends, both sporting a smirk as they gracefully walk through the doors. Yuko was wearing a simple white t-shirt that has the words “Maji no imi wo oshiete yaru yo!” imprinted in the front, a black jacket with a eighth note design made with crystal beads on the back and black shorts with boots. Sado wore her usual fur jacket with black t-shirt and skirt with her favorite heels.
It is a wonder how they are able to walk into the station and straight to where captain Takahashi told them to find the girls. Is it really that easy to walk around a police station without getting questioned? They look ahead to the doors that lead them to their destination.
“Oh-Haa! Oh-Haa!” Yuko announced herself as she walked into the room while waving to the tired officers there. Sado trailed behind her with a smirk but didn’t do anything to stop their energetic leader.
Everyone present suddenly became alert of the two intruder.
“Who are you, why are you here?” one of the closer officer asked.
“I am here for my queen’s!” Yuko said as she glared at the officers in sight, causing some of them to stumble back a step. One of them pulled out his gun to point it at the two of them and like a chain reaction they became the target to every gun present in the room.
“I won’t do that if I were you.” Sado said calmly, she took out a small device from her pocket and held it up for everyone to see. “If you dare make a move, I will denote the bomb we planted around the station.”
“Drop your gun’s and slide them to the middle.” one by one all the guns end up in front of the girls, Yuko took them and drop them in one of the trash bins in the far corner of the room away from everyone. Once all firearm has been accounted for, Yuko stepped up again.
“Release my girls!” She demanded.
A door to one of the room opened and one by one they walked out. First was Shibuya with her hands in her pocket as she walked towards Yuko, you can see the corner of her mouth slowly coming up to a smile. Black followed with her arms crossed, she looked towards Yuko and Sado and gave a nod in their direction. Gekikara walked out with her hand on her neck, she started to giggle at first then it became laughs that got louder until the officers all shudder to the sound. Last was Torigoya, she had her jacket hanging loosely on her while she happily swing her arms to the side when she saw Yuko. “Yuko-san! I’m home.” Torigoya waved and ran to Yuko’s side.
The four queens, stood in their position beside Yuko, while Sado stood towering behind Yuko. They stood there watching Yuko stare intently at the officers before a smile creeped up on her face. They know that look, it means trouble but at least it isn’t directed at them. Sado sighed at the back, they have to buy time for Maeda and Takahashi-san but she hope Yuko don’t overdo it.
“Let's have some fun,” Yuko smiled before grabbing one of the officer that she recognize from the pictures in the files, she pushed him into a kneeling position then grabbed a black permanent marker from the desk and started doodling on his face.
After a few minute Yuko finally took a step back to admire her artwork.
“Ahh Tori, Tori” Torigoya pointed at the chicken Yuko drew on the cheeks, she pass the marker to Shibuya before stepping back to give her room to place her markings. After they were done with him, he had the word “baka” across his forehead, a cross on one side, moustache and a line that extends from the top of his forehead down to his chin and curves back up until it ended in his nose, with the marker sticking out from there?
Yuko lifted her leg to kick the guy on the chest causing him to skid back a few feet before falling face first on the ground. Suddenly a squad of armed officers rushed into the room with captain Takahashi following in the rear with another girl with glasses beside her.
“Captain Takahashi, be careful they have bombs planted around the station,” captain Nogami warned.
“Arrest them.” Takamina signed her team into action and immediately the officers rush by the girls and went to the traitors they were shown from the files.
“Hey, what’s going on? Let me go, you got the wrong person.” the injured officer struggled to break free.
“Takahashi! What is this?” Nogami shouted as he watched two of his men being restrained by the squad officers.
“They are spies from Kudo gang, we successfully infiltrated their system and obtained all necessary data”
“….” Nogami just stood there speechless, he was working with spies all along.
“Hey, are you girls ready to go? We have one more place to go.” Takamina smiled at the girls that are leaning against the desk.
“Let's GO!” Yuko said as she threw her fist into the air.
“Let’s go Maeda-san,” Takamina turned to the girl beside her and nodded, “Captain Nogami, bring the rest of your men” she said before heading out the door with the girls and her squad in tow.
“Where are we going?” Nogami asked as he signal the rest of his men to follow after they retrieved their guns from the trash.
“To finish what they started.”